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New Products

Rudolf launched our new encapsulated current

transforrner. Portraying a revolutionary unique

CURreENT design encase using ABS/PC material, we provide

enhance quality with a touch of style
The various d ifferentleiting factors govern the
TRI=INSFcfRMER manufacturing of Rudolf current transformer lie in both
the choice of world-class raw material and a 100%
testing to complete the supply. We are committed to
I Enhanced Ouality with a Touch of Style provide our customer with undiscounted quality and
complete assurance of compliance to lnternational

Basic Features
Correct selection of current transformer is important
as the fundamental usage of CT is:
1) to obtain proportional current in accordance 'to
specify accuracy and objectives;
2) to insulate control & measuring / protection'from
power circuit.

Measuiring current transformer is intended to supply
to indicative devices, integrated meter and similar
Company lntroduction apparatus.
Bridex Singapore Pte Ltd is founded in 19/B as a They are characterized by their accu racy and for
manufacturer of instruments transformer for the Asian saturating at moderate overcurrent, This effect protects
market. We are the first local electrical switchgear the measuring instruments from possible overcurrent.
components manufacturer that launches our own Asian
Protective current transformer is intended to supply to
- RuooLF
protective relays whereby accuracy of CT need to be
Today we aim to become a knowledge-based, kept especially during overload conditions.
technology driven engineering organization, with
emphasis on providing solution for electrical distribution Construction
and control, in area of instruments, distribution & The high-grade silicon steel core is annealed, varnished
protection and power quality solution in area of power then insulated with polycarbonate core caps, The
quality audit & power quality system and motor secondary winding is toroidally wound by high precision
controller. With our present headquarter in Singapore semi-automatic machinery. For the tape wound ring
and subsidiaries that are located in Aust ralia, Malaysia, type current transformer, the PEW coated windings
Philippines and Vietnam, we are well equipped to are then covered with elephantite papq varnished and
service both local market and countries in the Asia double-tapped with PVC tapes. For the encapsulated
Pacific, type current transformer, the windings are enclosed in
a compact and heat resistant split cap.

Product lntroduction Selection criteria

Rudolf, creating a world class standard in the supply
1) Application - protection or measurement
of current transformer, offers a comprehension range
for both the measuring and protection applications. 2) lnformation on associated relay or instrument
- nominal current
Ranges available are: - accuracy
o Encapsulated type; - burden
. Tape wound ring type;
. 3) loss contribute from power loss in power line
Split core encapsulated type; - distance between transformer & instruments
. Class X tape wound ring type; - diameter of cable use for connection
Designed to meet the highest standards in accordance 4) environmental features
to IEC 60044-1 , Rudolf current transformer provides - indoor/ outdoor
you with a world-class product manufactured with our - operating temperature
assurance to comply with international standard, - etc...
lmportant of Burden
Burden is tne irnpedance cf the secondary circuit in chnrs and ptv;er factor.
For ihe rteasuremgnt instrumeni or pr"otecticn relay cperating vio. a ii'ansii)iiici', r:r cr'..jer t,).):)eraie tireir,
the prri-:iary curreni has tc induce ihe power' required in the seccndai'.'' :urrc;'ri cf ihc instrrrrnent or relay.
This inCuced power rnust L:e eqr:al or higher ihan the lcsses rn the pcwer line + consrnrntion o{ the measurement
instrurnent cr protecttcn relali,
The i:urCen imposed cn a current transfcrnrer consist nainly of:
- The impe.iance rf pilot wii'e !:etween current transiormer and instrumentslrelay
- The ii'npeCance of the rnstrL;ment / relay
- The sr-im of the airave constiiuie the erternai burCen required

Table illustrating some typical instruments and its typical consumPtion

iv4';"'ing irci :r ;sirumeiis U.J :JVI\

i Mcving coii insirurnents

Table guide for pilot lead burden

25 1.0


tO tU
UJ ul
a u_o
z 0.5 z
o o
zul 4.4 zuJ
o o
0.3 E
)dl l

5 10 15 20


lmportant of accuracy & phase angle
Curreni error is an error that arises when the current value of the actual transformation ratio is not equal to rated
transformation ratio.

Current error (%) = {(Kn x ls * lp) x 1CO}/lp

Kn = rated transfornraiion ratio

lp = actual primary current
ls = actual secondary curreni


ln ease of a 2000/5,4 class 1 SVA current transforrner

Kn = 2000/5 = 400 turn

lp = 20C0A
ls = 4.9A

Current eytot = {(aOO x 4.9 - 2000)x100}/2000 = -2Vo

For protection class current transformer, the accuracy class is designed by the highest permissible percentage
composiie error at the accuracy limit primary current prescribed for the accuracy class concerned.
Accuracy class includes: 5P, 10P
Standard accuracy limit factor are: 5, i0, 15, 20, 30

By phase angle
Phase error is the difference in phase between primary & secondary current vectors, the direction of the vectors
to be zero for a perfect transformer,

You will experience a positive phase displacement when secondary current vector lead primary current vecior.
Unit of scale expressed in minutes / centiradians.

Circular measure = (unit in radian) is the ratio of the distance measured along the arc to the radrus.

Angular measure = (unit in degree) is obtained by dividing the angle subtended at the center of a circle
into 360 deg equal division known as "degrees".

Table - limits of cuffent error and phase displacement for measuring current transformer
{Classes O.l To I )
Table - limits of current error and phase displacement for measuring current transformer
For special application

Table - limits of current error for measuring current transformers {classes 3 and 5}

Table - limits of error for protection current transformer

Standard 1EC60044-1 2003-02
Rated operational voltage (Un) 72AV
Rated {requency cJ/cuill
Ambient temperature -5140 deg C
Operating humiCity up to 95% relative hurnidity
Rated short time thermal current (ith)
Rated dynamic current (ldyn) 2"55 x lth
lnsulation between primary iseccnCary conductor >500m0
between tcriod core/secondarv conductor >200mf)
Dielectric strength 2kV 1 minutes
Thermal class cf insulation B
Casing non-flammable, polycarbonaie seli extinguishing ABSIPC
lndex oi proiection - casing tP20
lndex of protection - cover sealable lP20
Accuracy class Vleasuring C.5, 1, 3
Proteclion 5R 10P
Burden rangingfrom3-30VA
Rated primary current ranging from up to 60004
Rated seccndary curreni ...15Aor.../1A
Class X Current Transformer
Class X current transformer is use in conjunction with high impedance circulating current differential protection
relay, eg restricted earlh fault relay. As illustrated in 1EC60044-'1, the class X current transformer is needed.

The following illustrates the method to size a class X current transformer.

Step l: calculating knee point voltage Vkp

Vkp = {2 x lft (Rct+Rw)}/ k

Vkp = rgqlr;5ed CT knee point voltage

lfl = max transformer through fault in ampere
Rct = OT secondary winding resistance in ohms
Rw = loop irnpedance of pilot wire between CT and the
K = CT transformation ratio

Step 2: calculate Transformer through fault lft

lft = (KVAx 1000)i(1 .732xVx lmpedance)

KVA = transformer rating in kVA

V = transformer secondary voltage
lmpedance = transformer impedance

Step 3: How to obtain Rct

To measure when CT is produce

Step 4: How to obtain Rw

This is ihe resistance of the pilot wire used to connect the Sth class X CT at the transformer star point to the relay
in the LV switchboard. Please obtain this data from the Flectrical contractor or consultant. We provide a table to
serve as a general guide on cable resistance.

Transformer Capacity 2s00kvA
Transformer impedance 6"/o
Voltage system 22kV / 415V 3phase 4 wire

Current transformer ratio 4000/5A

Current transformer type Class X PRl O
Current transformer Vkp 1 BsV

Current transformer Rct 1.A2Q (measured)

Pilot wire resistance Rw 25 meters using

6.0mm sq cable
= 0..16C)

lft = (kVAx 1000) / (1.732xVxinnpedance)

= (2500 x 1000) / (1 .732 x 415 x 0.06)
= 57,968 round up 58,0004

Vkp ={2x|ft(Rct+Rw)}/k
= {2 x 58000 (1 ,02+0,16) } i 800
= 171.1V
Rudolf Class X CT with knee point voltage of 1B5V is suitable to be use in thls application.
Encapsulated Curent Transformer
Selection Guide

60/54 3

ui 1 00/54 3 5 3 b

120/54 3 5 3 5

r 00/54 3 5 3 5
1 50/54 3 5 7.5 3 5

20a/54 3 5 10 15 2A 5 7.5 !l

25A/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 3 5 7.5 10 J 5

300/54 3 5 7.5 '10 15 2A 30 3 5 7.5 -10

15 20 3 5 7.5 10 15
20a/54 3 5 7.5 3 5 3

254/54 3 5 7.5 t0 15 5 7.5 t0 3 5

s) 300/54 3 5 7.5 t0 l5 20 5 7.5 t0 15 J 5 7.5

400/5A 3 5 7.5 t0 15 20 30 5 7.5 10 15 20 J 5 7.5 10

500/54 3 5 7.5 t0 t5 20 30 3 5 7.5 t0 15 20 30 3 5 10 '15 2A

60015A 5 7,5 t0 15 20 30 5 7.5 t0 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30
400/5A 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 7.5 r0 '10
3 5 5 15 3 5 7.5
500/5A 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 7.5 '15
3 5 10

600/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 i 2A

800/5A 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30 3 5 10 t5 2A 30
tr 1 000/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
1200/5A 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
1 600/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 2C) 3 5 7.5 IU t5 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
800/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30 5 7.5 10 15 2a 30
1 000/sA 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 l0 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
1 200/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 b 10 t5 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30
1 600/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 .t 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 2A 30
2000/5A 3 b 7.5 io 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 '15
2A 30
t0 '15
1200/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 2A 30 3 5 7,5 10 t5 2A 30

N\.. 1 600/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 5 10 t5 2A 30 J 5 7.5 10 '15

2A 30
2000/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 l0 t5 2A 30 5 7,5 10 t5 2A

2500/54 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 '10 l5 2A 3 7,5 10 l5 2A 30

r 600/54 3 5 7.5 l0 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 l0 '15
2A 30 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
2AOO/54 3 5 7.5 t0 15 20 30 3 5 10 t5 2A 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
s 2500/54 3 5 7.5 t0 15 20 30 3 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30 3 5 7.5 '10
t5 2A 30
* 3000/5A J 5 7.5 l0 5 20 30 3 5 7.5 l0 15 2A 30 5 7.5 10 t5 2A 30
3200/5A 5 7.5 l0 15 20 30 3 5 (.5 '10
15 2A 30 5 7.5 10 '15 2A 30

Subjected ta change without priar natice

Dimension Drara4ing
Ordering lnformation
B = cw bracket
NRE - 3ZO-3ZO-0060-tB 1=/1A l

81 = cw bracket &/1A

far tape wound for encapsulated
1 = SR/PR] A = SR/PRI O 0 = RE01
2 = SR/PR2 C = SR/PR1 1 l=Htli
3 = SF/PF3 D = SR/PRI 2 c _ DEOr
# 4=SR./PRz E = SR/PR] 3 5 = RE51
5 = SR/PR5 F = SR/PRI 4 6 = RE61
6 = SR/PR6 G = SR/PR15 / =nfr/ I

7 = SR/PR7 H = SR/PR1 6 B = REB1

8 = SR/PR8
9 = SRiPR9

Primary ratio
0060 = 60/54

guraen/ns for class X secondary resistance

320 = 3VA
5ZO - sVA
725 = 7 .sVA
010 = 1OvA
0'15 = 15VA
020 = 20vA

AccutacyfKpv for class X knee point Volt

metering protection
320=class3 S05=5P5
120 = class 1 S10=5P10
025 = class 0.5 T05 = I0P5
022 = class O.2 T10 = 10P10
T20 = 10?20

NRE = metering encapsulated
NRM = metering tape wound
NRP = protection tape wound
NRX = class X

BRIDEX AUSTRALIA Pw LTD Box 260 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

Sydney Unil1220NarabangWayBetrose NSW2085 ph 0299g6 1711 Fax 02 9986 1766 ?

Brisbane 162 South Pine Road Brendale eLD 4500 ph 07 3g81 6450 Fax 07 3881 6467
Melbourne Unit 12 1 Bell Street Preston VIC 3072 ph 0394847227 Fax 03 9484 4899

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