Voidheart Symphony - Covenant Cards

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The Fool

At their best, the Fool is At their worst, the Fool is

inquisitive, courageous and reckless and proudly ignorant,
honest, showing people new risking things important to them
ways and unseen alternatives. when they should know better.

Nurture this covenant when… you do something spontaneous
together, at your prompting or theirs.
Betray this covenant when… they ask you to do something
foolhardy and you refuse, or you abandon them when they need you.

ribe a
Fool, the Architect will desc
When you hang out with the get to the truth

es nea rby. If you

strange coincidence that strik r something that refreshes a
of what happened, you’ll ims.
on the Vassal or their Vict
clock or gives information

n you go
k out, against all odds. Whe
Sometimes things just wor a 4+, it
your life, roll a single dice. On
City Move

the top to fix a prob lem in

over . On a 1-3
eho w wor ks - clear out the appropriate trouble track
out the track instead.
things go very wrong - max

n you search for a way out of
You live a charmed life. Whe
what, you’ll be removed from
Castle Move

roll +Fo ol. No matter

danger, n you
say what state you’re in whe
the situation; on a 10+ you you in
on a 7-9 the Arch itec t will. On a 6- we’ll next see
the Vass al’s com pan y.

The Fool
The Magician
At their best, the Magician At their worst, they’re
is inspiring, resourceful, and manipulative, egotistical and
driven. power-hungry.

Nurture this covenant when… you collaborate with the Magician to
create something better than either of you could make on your own.
Betray this covenant when… you use the Magician’s work without
crediting them, or you sabotage their efforts.

they teach
an with a project of theirs,
When you help the Magici (loc kpicking,

did n’t kno w bef ore

you a mundane skill you . The nex t tim e you use it, roll
painting, mixing music,
with advantage.
extra effort
to go beyond. When you put
The Magician inspires you a hit pick one:
City Move

k agai nst Stab ility. On

into finishing a project, chec
• It’s impressive - refresh coworker.
It’s appr ecia ted - raise the Rank of a covenant with a
• who sees it wan ts to meet.
• It’s enticing - someone you
extr a effo rt hurt s - chec k Health or Stability.
On a weak hit, the
l with bits of the castle, pick
When you improvise a ritua t a supernatural ability, it’ll
Castle Move

ect from harm , it’ll gran

it’ll prot
perks, one flaw).
create a potent weapon (two this delve.
n roll +Ma gici an. On a hit, it works! It’ll last for
The it a
the Arch itec t will twis t your magic a little - give
On a 7-9
kne ss, a quir k, or unin tended side effects.

The Magician
The High Priestess
At their best, the high priestess At their worst, the high
is empathetic, insightful priestess is withdrawn, secretive
and intuitive, helping you and indecisive, disregarding facts
understand your motivations. and trusting in gossip.

Nurture this covenant when… you reveal something significant to
them about your dreams, hopes or ambitions.
Betray this covenant when.. you value the material over the spiritual,
or are too busy with your mundane obligations to heed their advice.

place in the city,

stess show you a hidden
When you let the High Prie ul, and how

e wh at ma kes it beautif
their player will describ gni fy its bea uty or protect it from
it’s in danger. When you
e clock.
danger, refresh a Troubl

a dream about
can declare that you had
Once per investigation, you stio n in the form
City Move

Ask the Arc hite ct a que

your current situation. _’ - they’ll relate an element
of your
will hap pen if I ___ your
of ‘What If you go ahe ad wit h
r question.
dream that answers you
h advantage.
proposed action, roll wit

Priestess. On a
h manifest, roll +High
When your make your fait cast le from coming
Castle Move

ts creatur es of the
hit, radiant light preven On a 7-9 pick 2, on a 10+ pick 1:
few me tres of you .
within a ld.
hout breaking the shie
• You cannot move wit t breaking the shield.
not atta ck wit hou
• You can
• It only shields you.

The High Priestess

The Empress
At their best, the Empress gives At their worst, the Empress
others a supporting, nurturing constructs stifling relationships,
environment that lets them quashing potential so that it
grow into their true potential. doesn’t threaten their authority.

Nurture this covenant when… you grow into greater beauty or
strength with their support, or cultivate a person (or creature) to a
significant milestone following the Empress’ example.
Betray this covenant when… you ruin your own chances out of
spite, or try to control another’s growth.
they give you something
When you visit the Empress, y, a pot plant, etc. Making

nt; a boo k, an acce ssor

but importa obligation (see Duck Out
r life beco mes ano ther
part of you esh a
understand it better you refr
but when you tend to it or
k of you r cho ice.
trouble cloc
sh clocks of
tending to someone, they refre
When you spend a few hours a cost - pick one:
City Move

ress rank . The re’s

your choice equal to your Emp - tick Stability.
’ll be hard to repl ace
• You use up something that ing this - tick Contamination.
a little for need
• You resent them
- the next time they mark a
• You grow protective of them until you tend to them.
ng Disa dvan tage
wound, get lasti
When you
gauzy and insubstantial.
The Empress haunts you, n
press. On a hit, ask a questio
Castle Move

spiri t for advi ce, roll +Em

ask the
Arch itec t will answ er. On a 7-9 pick one:
and the n.
their life for your situatio
• They confuses parts of ifica nt detail.
eive som e sign
• They cannot perc ers.
something before it answ
• They ask you to promise

The Empress
The Emperor
At their best, the Emperor At their worst, the Emperor
brings structure, stability, and is inflexible in their opinions
wisdom into other’s lives. and seeks to control the actions
of others.

Nurture this covenant when… you teach the Emperor something
new, or thank them for the success their advice has brought you.
Betray this covenant when… you respect someone else’s advice over
the Emperor’s, or suffer by doing something they told you not to.

r you a job
the Emperor, they can offe is, you
When you spend time with what it

on. The y get to dec ide

to help their organisati both refresh
e it. If you carry it out, you
decide if you want to tak of any other outcomes.
Standing or Stability on

structure and certainty from
You draw a strong sense of ly reject
eror. When you comprehensive
City Move

relationship with the Emp have

d on you in favour of one you
a group identity society has place l to your
hes in Contamination equa
found for yourself, remove notc
Emperor rank.
+Emperor. On
ing on an Adversary, roll
When you have an open t. So long as you
Castle Move

g and gain 3-In sigh

a hit, remove the openin hur t you. Spend
ersary’s attacks cannot
have Insight, that Adv
a point of Insight to: .
ry’s attack towards you
• Redirect the Adversa give an ally fleeting advantage
wea kne ss and
• Reveal their

The Emperor
The Hierophant
At their best, the Hierophant At their worst, the Hierophant
passes down wisdom and is a gatekeeper, only passing
initiates their wards into a down wisdom to those who
higher station. meet their biases or standards.

Nurture this covenant when… you let the Hierophant teachings
guide you in making a significant decision.
Betray this covenant when… you spurn tradition, or burn bridges
with an institution you’re a member of.

with a
ant asking for their advice
When you go to the Hieroph at to do. While you are following

problem, they can tell you antage.
h adv
this advice, you roll wit

ve group. When
n you access to a exclusi
The Hierophant has give s, gain advantage on
City Move

of this group to open door

you use your membership che ck, the Arc hite ct will say
you miss the
any Standing check. If
the group.
how this ends up hurting

influence you can better
With the Hierophant’s castle. When you use Dri
nk Deep to
Castle Move

are phy sics of the

the nightm
1 Trace.
warp the castle, also gain

The Hierophant
The Lovers
At their best, the Lover is a At their worst, the Lover may
reliable partner and paramour, be needy or distant, but always
helping their companion be the frames the problems in their life
best they can be. around their partner.

Nurture this covenant when… you take time to bond with The
Lover, making them feel valued.
Betray this covenant when… you let the Lover down on a promise,
or make them feel like a resource instead of a partner.

at do you most
the Lover, ask them: wh
When you spend time with on of you they see,

you act in line with the visi

love about me? When .
roll with fleeting advant

erstanding of
e, you gain a better und
With The Lover held clos you watch someone
City Move

s. For ever y five min utes

what others hold preciou stio ns: Are you in love? Are you
of these que
socialise, you can ask one prec ious to you ? Wh o here do you
at is most
satisfied with your life? Wh
most rely on?
Their player will answer
en you mark
resolve to endure. Wh
The Lover gives you the a hit, you draw strength from
Castle Move

roll +Lo ver . On

off a wound, or get fleeting
se a less severe wound
your relationship; era e the Lover something
you’ll do
. On a 7-9 , pro mis betray
advantage e. If you bre ak it, you
out of her
for them when you get
the covenant.

The Lovers
The Chariot
At their best, the Chariot is At their worst, the Chariot is
independent and self-contained, either pig-headed and stubborn,
fully determined to achieve or all too willing to move on
their goals. when things get tough.

Nurture this covenant when… you go somewhere new together,
somewhere neither of you have gone before.
Betray this covenant when… you realise you don’t know what you
want, or give up on achieving a goal because it’s too hard.

e you to do
the Chariot, they can dar
When you hang out with h the dare, raise

. If you go throug h wit

something dangerous d you r gro und and refuse,
you stan
the covenant’s rank; if
next dare will be riskier.
they’ll respect it but the

can speed you

ewhere fast, the Chariot
When you need to get som equ al to your Chariot
City Move

r sprint, gain Ho ld
along. As you begin you und an obs tacl e in your path,
ge aro
rank. Spend 1 hold to dod hol d of a mea ns of transportation.
evade a pursuer, or gain

toppable force.
foe, you become an uns
Against an unbeatable a hit, you crash
Castle Move

my, roll +Ch ario t. On

When you charge an ene y from wh ere the y were. If
m far awa
into them and push the pick one :
aust it to
you had an opening, exh as per Strike.
ething, dealing damage
• Smash them into som r gro up bre ath ing room.
y, giving you
• Hurl them far awa

The Chariot
At their best, Strength knows At their worst, they have lost
which challengers they can confidence in their ability to
overcame and brings endless make changes to their world,
determination to bear against and sink into a depressive funk.

Nurture this covenant when… you overcome a great obstacle
through stamina and persistence.
Betray this covenant when… you use your strength without
intention, lashing out and causing suffering.

g up an intense
Strength, you can brin
When you hang out with e you miss

ing wit h. The nex t tim

emotion you’re struggl t em otio n, you can collect
in tha
a move while indulging lt to a wea k hit/ 7-9 .
the resu
yourself and upgrade

r allies. So long as
use the solidarity of you
Strength teaches you how an extra option on
City Move

side with allie s, you pick

you are standing side by thre e on a stro ng hit.
a weak hit,
Make a Stand - two on

friends need
to be there when your
You have the strength is hit by a blow that wou
ld take off
Castle Move

en ano ther rebe l

you most. Wh
e the blo w inst ead . You have
you can tak
their last point of harm, you r ran ks in Stre ngth.
w equal to
Armour against this blo

The Hermit
At their best, the Hermit has At their worst, the Hermit
used their isolation to gain disdains broader society, viewing
perspective and self-discovery, themselves as superior and
sharing their insights with a ignoring the broader social
select group of friends. fabric they rely on.

Nurture this covenant when… you give them something that helps
them follow their interests, or help them cope when a social situation
becomes too much.
Betray this covenant when… you invade their privacy, or share with
others something they meant for you alone.
or online they’ll
the Hermit, in-person
When you hang out with rece ntly - about a

rest ing the y spo tted

tell you something inte a new soc ial tren d. Get fleeting
y, or
location, a local celebrit
ke use of the lead.
advantage when you ma

hs. When you

how to spot hidden trut
The Hermit’s shown you , or hiding place, spend a
rank of this
City Move

a hidd en entr ywa y, exit

search for
find it.
covenant to immediately

attention, roll
ion to escape an opponent’s
When you use a distract a safe distance betwee
n you
Castle Move

a hit you can put

+Hermit. On foes until
On a 10+ pick one : you’re hidden from all
and them. ppe ara nce con fuse s the foe
or your disa
you next take action,
ing room.
giving your allies breath

The Hermit
Wheel of Fortune
At their best, the Wheel of At their worst, the Wheel of
Fortune is frugal in times of Fortune is passive and unwilling
plenty and giving in times of to act, trusting in destiny to fix
trial. their problems for them.

Nurture this covenant when… you find a way to turn a tragedy into
victory, or find dreadful failure despite your best efforts.
Betray this covenant when… you hold onto a plan when it time
and again results in failure, or refuse to help a friend who has fallen
on hard times.
a coin. On
the Wheel of Fortune, flip
When you hang out with n’t considered.

an opp ort uni ty you had

heads, they show you the cou rse you ’re on might lead
On tails, they show you ir insights.
advantage acting on the
to disaster. Gain fleeting

d to declare that
need, hold 1. Spend 1 hol
When you help someone in arad erie, giving you
City Move

xpected cha rity or cam

someone offers you une or Let ting You r Hair Down.
ring Up
fleeting advantage on Gea

e ranks] of a lower
within [Wheel of Fortun
When your roll result is resu lt and hold 1.
Castle Move

y downgrade you r
success category, you ma
e ran ks] of a higher
within [Wheel of Fortun
When your roll result is nd 1 hol d to upgrade your result
ma y spe
success category, you
categor y.

Wheel of Fortune
At their best, Justice gathers At their worst, Justice trusts
power so that they can help in and supports the structures
others and bring low those that of society without recognising
use society’s structures to cause the institutional harm they
pain and misery. propagate.

Nurture this covenant when… you get them evidence or a lead that
helps them fight injustice.
Betray this covenant when… you avoid responsibility for the suffering
you have caused.

m talk
Justice, you can help the
When you spend time with current case or sit in on a meeting

h the det ails of their

throug about: the
ers. Pick one to learn
with community memb potential new covenant, a threat to
es, a
vassal’s current activiti
another rebel’s role.
inequality, but
are unjust and perpetuate
The systems of this city m to work towards
City Move

a momen t – force the

with Justice you can – for hav e bure auc rati c leverage
ls. When you
their putative lofty goa ke a Stand checking aga
lic serv ant, you can Ma
over a pub my.
inat ion instead of Infa

each other
es together to suppor t
Where a community com is there with them. Wh
en you use
Castle Move

the scal es, Justice point of

and correct s to acti on, spe nd a
spur your allie
an adversary’s crimes to Wit h Me wit hou t rolling.
on Stand
Justice rank to get a 10+

The Hanged Man
At their best, the Hanged Man At their worst, the Hanged
is calm, collected and observant. Man is passive and apathetic,
They never rush into things, but unwilling to risk the disruption
their perspective is often valuable. action might bring.

Nurture this covenant when… you find peace or insight by
surrendering to the whims of fate.
Betray this covenant when… you demand they change when they
don’t want to, or suffer burnout from pushing yourself too hard.

tell them
the Hanged Man, you can
When you hang out with oug h the Hanged

facing. Wh eth er thr

about a dilemma you’re the Arc hite ct wil l tell you what the
Man’s advice or otherw be.
ces of each choice would
immediate consequen

ch and wait.
you the patience to wat
The Hanged Man gives can spend Rebel Eyes hol
d to
City Move

stak e out a targ et, you

When you to interact with the target.
ns wit hou t hav ing
ask questio

n. When you take

hes you serenity in pai
The Hanged Man teac a weakness in
d 1. Spend 1 to reveal
Castle Move

an adv ersa ry, hol

harm from r Reb el adv ant age against
give anothe
their fighting style and ening.
nd 3 to crea te an Op
them. Spe

The Hanged Man

At their best, Death shows At their worst, Death is brutal
you which parts of your life are and callous, pressuring you into
causing pain or holding you back, changes so that you can be who
and helps you let go of them. they want you to be.

Nurture this covenant when… you show willingness to make
significant changes to your life.
Betray this covenant when… you cling to your status quo even as it
causes you pain or misery.

one of these:
Death, they can ask you
When you spend time with wasn’t in your

ret, wh o do you wish

what’s your biggest reg re. You don’t
t worry about the futu
life, what’s your bigges bot h of you will know if you lie.
y, but
have to answer honestl
of life is hurting
with evidence that their way
When you confront someone Death rank:
City Move

you r
them, pick options up to
nge things.
• They’re driven to cha
• They don’t resent you
to a better life.
• There’s a clear route change.
t they need to make the
• They have the suppor

. When you
die for the whole to live
Sometimes par t must may concentrate the cast
Castle Move

ery on som eon e, you

perform surg el’s body and then am
in one par t of a reb
corruption a point of
a Major Wound and lose
it. If you do, they take ated par t returns in the city
- but
tion . The am put
the scar ling ers.

At their best, Temperance is a At their worst, Temperance
moderating force in other’s lives, ignores the root causes of
bringing them balance, patience other’s joy and sorrow, instead
and stability. pushing them to stop harshing
Temperance’s mood.

Nurture this covenant when… you reconcile a conflict between
friends, or your patience and vision bears fruit.
Betray this covenant when… an excess of emotion leads you into
disaster, or you alienate a friend by holding firm to your beliefs.

you balance out

Temperance, they help
When you hang out with stress gauge with

. Mo ve a tick from the

the worries in your life t; wo rk out wit h the Architect
h leas
most ticks to the one wit e you to effe ct this change.
e gav
what advice Temperanc

en you Let Your

… well, temperance. Wh
Temperance teaches you e on a weak hit.
City Move

ct doesn’t pick a dow nsid

Hair Down, the Archite Con tam inat ion check if you
antage on the
When you Vent, get adv dow score allo wed for.
n your Sha
picked fewer options tha

nds, you
ng force between your frie
When you act as a mediati Add up the static or the
Castle Move

a stra nge alch em y. perance

can work s to you, subtract your Tem
eve ryo ne wh o talk
between k to the m.
equally bac
rank, and distribute it

The Devil
At their best, the Devil’s At their worst, the Devil seeks
temptations show you a part of to break down your self-image
yourself you were in denial over so that they can be the one who
- rejecting society’s conditioning defines who you are.
to embrace who your truly are.

Nurture this covenant when… you realise something life-changing
about yourself - and follow through on it.
Betray this covenant when… you place the needs of others or
society as a whole above your own self-actualisation.

r boundaries.
the Devil, they test you
When you hang out with l or hur tful;

picks if the y’re hel pfu

The Architect secretly rece ptiv e or dism issive. If
you secretly decide if ful, refr esh Con tam ination
’re help
you’re receptive and they ptiv e and they ’re hur tful,
’re rece
and raise Shadow. If you you r ran ks in this covenant.
and lose
mark Contamination
normal hang.
Otherwise, it’s a pretty
influences and
recognise and reject the
The Devil teaches you to Duck Out, you get to
City Move

you dow n. Wh en you

attachments weighing Architect. If a miss
ences are instead of the
pick what your consequ d in a cov ena nt, you can choose to
of Bon
costs you the last point nt.
ngthen your Devil covena
erase the covenant to stre dow , no matter what
embrace you r Sha
The Devil wants you to rk ext ra points
Castle Move

k static, you can ma

others say. When you mar
r Dev il ran k.
equal to you

The Devil
The Tower
At their best, the Tower is a At their worst, the Tower is a
resolute and steadfast friend constant drain on their friends,
when things are going bad - always having a new sob story to
they’ve seen it all. explain why their life is off track.

Nurture this covenant when… you meet the Tower on their own
terms, without judgement or condescension.
Betray this covenant when… you do something to try and fix their
life without their consent, or abandon them in a moment of need.

at they’re looking
the Tower, they say wh
When you hang out with e what they’re

stan ce. If you pro vid

for: escapism or assi especially if
you let them down - and
looking for, rank up. If n’t pick - they may not push it
the y did
you push for the one need them.
re for you next time you
but they won’t be the
re to let you
est point, the Tower is the
When you’re at your low whe n you max out a
City Move

Once per inve stiga tion

know you’re not alone. ear and help wit h you r problems -
will app
trouble gauge, the Tower ge equ al to you r Tow er Rank.
refresh ticks in the affected

ction, even when it’s ind
There’s power in destru r goals, you can mark
Castle Move

order to ach ieve you

When you accept pain in atic ally suc cee d at a move as
to autom
your Deadly Wound box
if you’d rolled a 10+.

The Tower
The Star
At their best, the Star is a creative At their worst, the Star is naive
genius, their raw potential shining and amateurish, and unwilling
through their unsophisticated to accept other’s advice or
art and bringing hope and life to instruction.
those around them.

Nurture this covenant when… you bring a change of perspective to
someone’s life and help them find a new way to be happy.
Betray this covenant when… you see someone in crisis and hoard
resources you could have used to help them out of it.

y’re creating. It
Star, they’ll say what the
When you hang out with the iliar one. At some

or the nex t stag e of a fam

might be a new project, wha t you thin k; answer honestly,
ask you
point in the scene they’ll ano the r of you r Cov enants, to gain a
e to
and connect your respons und erst and the bon d better.
as you
point in that Covenant
think you’re
xpected paths when you
The Star lets you find une where to go or can’t see a way out, spend
City Move

lost. If you find yourself unsu nt. The Architect will give you a
a point of Bond in this ting advantage
way out, and you get flee
possible way forward or
acting on it.

delve when you spen d

er potential. Once per
The Star awakens inn a Castle
who you want to be, pick
Castle Move

ents med itat ing on that

some mom else is using. You can use
a playbo ok no- one k, and
Move from you r cur ren t Sta r ran
es equal to
move a number of tim
then you lose it.

The Star
The Moon
At their best, the Moon brings At their worst, the Moon
subconscious insights to the offers only illusions and doubts,
fore and puts you in touch with trapping you in your own
something larger than yourself - anxieties.
primal, vast and mysterious.

Nurture this covenant when… you trust in your instincts in the face
of danger and your common sense.
Betray this covenant when… you wallow in the Moon’s illusions
and weirdness to the point it harms your mental health.

happen. It might
the Moon, anything can
When you hang out with nders becoming

on, or the wo rld’s wo

be a hallucination, a visi h the Mo on and you ’ll see things
k wit
visible. Either way, stic
you never saw before.

. On heads,
ms for guidance, toss a coin
When you consult your drea ms, and will show you som
City Move

is present in you r drea . On tails,

the Moon acting on thei r mes sage
important. Gain fleeting dvantage the
Pick one: gain fleeting disa
the dreams are nightmares. omf orta ble abo ut yourself.
ething unc
next game, or realise som
cribe how it twists
y beyond humanity, des
When you push your bod and spend it to:
Castle Move

hol d equ al to Mo on,

and changes. Gain
inst a single hit.
• Gain 1 Armour aga to go normally.
som ewh ere it’d be impossible for you
• Go s (teth er, flexi ble, close).
• Turn your limbs into

The Moon
The Sun
At their best, the Sun brings At their worst, the Sun is
clarity and optimism to your life idealistic and uncompromising,
and clears out your doubts and showing an almost childlike
uncertainties. stubbornness to deviate from
their ideals.

Nurture this covenant when… you join the Sun in enthusiastically
celebrating their ideals through art, protest, celebration or labour.
Betray this covenant when… you compromise your ideals in service
to the ‘greater good’.

the conversation
The Sun, at any point in
When you spend time with really behind

se que stio ns: Wh o’s

of the
you can ask them one betw een ___ _ and ___ __ ?, or Who’s
____ ?, What’s the conn wil l do the ir bes t to answer,
? The Sun
keeping ____ a mystery
more right than wrong.
and their answer will be
power over you,
honestly to someone with
When you speak truly and
City Move

the Make a Stan d list.

pick an extra option from

a hit, you fill the

t within, roll +Sun. On
When you bring out the ligh 7-9 pick one, on a 10+ pick two:
Castle Move

t. On a
area with warm ligh
sions and shadows.
• You burn away illu .
something useful to you
• The light illuminates y see you .
y onl
• Hostile creatures ma stun, grazing).
t as a weapon (ranged,
• You can wield the ligh

The Sun
At their best, Judgement calls At their worst, Judgement is
on you to move beyond the disdainful of the day-to-day lives
mundane and seek a higher of regular people, only seeing
power. them as raw materials to be
refined by their fire.

Nurture this covenant when… you cast aside a large part of your life
to become something greater.
Betray this covenant when… you put off making a choice until it’s too
late, or return to a situation or relationship that was harmful to you.

l space only
ement, it’ll be in a limina
When you meet with Judg ask them to, they

nda ne wo rld. If you

lightly touching the mu one of you r Castle Moves (or
can perform a ritual to
the r.
Shadow Moves) for ano

souls. The
r into the disposition of
Judgement lets you pee n someone you’re talking
to has
City Move

will let you kno w whe

Architect you may spe nd a poi nt of
castle, and
been empowered by the castle’s influence.
ate your target from the
Judgement Bond to isol

view and see the

s you to take the long
Judgement encourage nally betray a covenant in
order to
Castle Move

d. Wh en you inte ntio

greater goo age on the roll to Ris k the
gain advant
teach them a hard lesson,

The World
The World is what surrounds you. It’s the city, but not its bricks and
mortar and tarmac. It’s what those buildings and streets mean to the
people who live in them. This covenant represents your growing
connection to those people – your understanding of their desires and
hopes, and their increasingly active participation in your revolution.

Nurture this covenant when... you take significant steps to improve
the lives of people in a neighbourhood of the city, giving them self-
determination and salving their hurts.
Betray this covenant when... you treat the people who have come to
depend on you as expendable resources, or build your own systems of
control around them.
l, you can call
your back is against the wal
When you’re desperate and
Rank 1

for hel p. If you do, pick one:

on the world for it.
ps you suffers greatly
• The person who hel you flee through.
tain ts the are a
• The castle
valuable behind.
• You leave something you lead the
s through the city. When
You know hidden path any pur suer, and the
Rank 2

s, you can sha ke

group down these secret way s and hos tels tha t would astound
ps, club
backstreets will hold sho s.
the city’s everyday inhabit
asion of the
s reality to reject the inv
You can use the World’ you can forcibly bring
Rank 3

you ’re in the Cas tle,

void. Wh ile
ion s and adv ersa ries will be
lity. Min
around you back to rea de ver y mo rtal , but so will
and ma
stripped of their powers in the city, the
Vassal’s avatar is killed
your fellow rebels. If a s or adv ersa ries escape and
If minion
Vassal dies with them. a point of Bond in this
m in the Cit y, lose
cause har

The World
The void
The Void covets our world. It is entropy and hunger. It is spite and
rage. It is endless, anhedonic consumption that cannot ever be
satiated. It is your enemy, and also the source of your powers.

Nurture this covenant when... you accept the castle’s power after
ousting a vassal (see Rivers in the Desert), or sacrifice the well-being
of someone you care for while you intentionally call out to the void.
Betray this covenant when... you give up power and authority
willingly and freely.
tracts. When
ral codes and social con
The darkness erodes mo nt of Shadow, and
Rank 1

ose not to lose a poi

you Vent, you can cho
you may select this opt obligation or
s worrying about guilt,
• Someone here stop at the y wan t and nothing else.
do wh
propriety. They’ll
re the greatest
ies of consumption whe
The void builds hierarch this . When someone accepts
Rank 2

can par ticip ate in

eat their lessers. You of theirs; you
, pick a move or resource
that you are their superior you r own . If they ever disobey or
if it wer e
can freely use that as lose the move or
ish them severely or else
betray you, you must pun r gain any more from them.
ity to eve
resource and the abil
ther rebel in arm’s
r final harm box with ano
When you would mark you ead . Also, add these
Rank 3

the y suff er it inst

reach, you can declare
options to Vent: r free
s or restrictions on you
• All shackles, restrain
movement fall awa y. shadows to
hunger emerge from the
• Creatures of void and
do your bidding.
The Void

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