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Care Plan

Sydney Telischak Date
of Care______________Medical
of Care: October 3, 2019 Diagnosis:____________________________________________________________

Nursing Diagnosis:_________________________________r/t__________________________________as
Hopelessness r/t feeling of lack of self-worth
, long-term

Published Definition______________________________________________________________________
Subjective state in which an aindividual sees limited or no alternatives or personal choices available
and is unable to mobilize energy on own behalf

General/Long Term Outcome: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Express concern regarding ones feelings

Short Term Outcome Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Intls. Pg#
(measurable) Nurse Will: (for each intervention) (progress toward
Patient Will: outcomes)
Verbalize feelings AAT Assess for and monitor as well as document Hopelessness is an important risk factor Nursing Pt verbalize her current
Use positive affirmations any potential signs of suicide and thus must be identified immediately Diagnosismood for the day such
by using statements like Determine appropriate approaches based on Understanding the source such as negative Handbook as what activities she
"I can" or "I will try" prior the underlying condition or situation life events will indicate the approaches pg 466- would like to complete,
to end of care that may be most beneficial 470 goal was met
Set goals for themselves Assist the patient to expect positive Research shows that these actions
such as maintain proper outcomes and recognize pathways to achieve facilitate the development of hope as a Demonstrate what
ADLs and health the positive outcomes strength positive affirmations are
management AAT Encourage the patient to discuss hope Entering into discussion of hope may be however did not observe
helpful in increasing hope pt using any while
Assist the patient to set goals for their recovery Realistic goals reflect sense of hope versus providing care, goal was
false hope partially met
Spend one-on-one time with the client and use The therapeutic relationship is an essential Pt has set goals to perform
empathy to try to understand what the patient component of interventions to address activities for the day such
is saying and communicate understanding hopelessness as what tasks needed to
Teach alternative coping strategies such as Patients with severe mental illness showed be done, goal was met
physical activity decreased hopelessness after participation
in an adjunct exercise program

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