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International Journal of Cardiology 219 (2016) 367–372

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Cardiovascular side effects of psychopharmacologic therapy

Ines Potočnjak a,⁎, Vesna Degoricija b,a, Dina Vukičević Baudoin a, Josip Čulig c,d, Miro Jakovljević b,e
University Hospital Center Sisters of Charity, Vinogradska cesta 29, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Šalata 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Pharmacoepidemiology, Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Mirogojska 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Osijek, J. Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Kišpatićeva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: WHO defined in 1976 psychopharmaca as drugs affecting psychological functions, behaviour and self-perception.
Received 18 April 2016 Psychopharmacology is the study of pharmacological agents that affect mental and emotional functions. Creative
Accepted 18 June 2016 approach to psychopharmacotherapy reflects a transdisciplinary, integrative and person-centered psychiatry.
Available online 20 June 2016
Psychiatric disorders often occur in cardiac patients and can affect the clinical presentation and morbidity.
Cardiovascular (CV) side effects (SE) caused by psychopharmaceutic agents require comprehensive attention.
Therapeutic approach can increase placebo and decrease nocebo reactions. The main purpose of this review is
Psychotropic drugs to comprehend CV SE of psychotropic drugs (PD).
Pharmacotherapy Critical overview of CV SE of PD will be presented in this review. Search was directed but not limited to CV effects
Cardiovascular system of psychopharmacological substances, namely antipsychotics, anxiolytics, hypnotics, sedatives, antidepressants
Side effects and stimulants. Literature review was performed and data identified by searches of Medline and PubMed for
period from 2004 to 2015. Only full articles and abstracts published in English were included.
SE of PD are organized according to the following types of CV effects: cardiac and circulatory effects, abnormalities of
cardiac repolarisation and arrhythmias and heart muscle disease. There is wide spectrum and various CV effects of
PD. Results of this review are based on literature research. The reviewed data came largely from prevalence studies,
case reports, and cross-sectional studies.
Psychopharmacotherapy of psychiatric disorders is complex and when concomitantly present with CV disease,
presentation of drug SEs can significantly contribute to illness course. Further development of creative
psychopharmacotherapy is required to deal with CV effects of PD.
© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction chemical compounds in defined dose affect psychological behaviour.

Psychopharmaceutic or PD are medications for treatment of psycho-
This paper discusses cardiovascular side effects of psycho- logical disorders. According to The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
pharmacotherapy. In the first part of this article overview of classifica- (ATC) Classification System, nervous system drugs are sorted into
tion, commonly used psychotropic drugs, cardiovascular side effects and several groups as shown in Table 1 [1,2]. Medical group N includes
general data of cardiovascular effects are given. The second part deals anaesthetics, analgesics, hypnotics, anxiolytics, antidepressants,
with the cardiovascular side effects of psychopharmacs divided in groups drugs against drug addiction and other drugs to treat diseases of nervous
as follows cardiac and circulatory effects, abnormalities of cardiac system [3]. PD have various cardiovascular (CV) side effects (SE). Further-
repolarisation and arrhythmias and heart muscle disease are described. more, polypharmacy is the practice of administering or using multiple
This paper underlines the importance of cardiovascular effects of psycho- medications in the treatment of a single disease or several coexisting
pharmacologic therapy in order to prevent them. conditions. During the therapy it is important to contain pts' active partic-
Prescribing psychotropic drugs (PD) is frequent requirement in ipation. Thorough pt instruction has to be provided and they should be
clinical practice. According to the definition of The World Health familiar with SE, their prevention, early detection and treatment.
Organization (WHO) from 1976, psychopharmaca are drugs that
affect psychological functions, behaviour and self-perception. This 1.1. Commonly used psychotropic drugs

Psychopharmacotherapy is considered as the primary treatment for

⁎ Corresponding author. all serious mental disorders including schizophrenias, bipolar disorders,
E-mail address: (I. Potočnjak). depressions, anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorders, etc. [4].
0167-5273/© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
368 I. Potočnjak et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 219 (2016) 367–372

The number of the effective medications significantly increased [5]. Pos- 1.2. Cardiovascular side effects
itive therapeutic context may significantly increase placebo and
decrease nocebo responses [4]. It is known that creative approach to The WHO has defined an ADR as a response to a drug that is noxious
psychopharmacotherapy reflects a synergism in the frame of transdisci- and unintended and occurs at average dose in pts for the prophylaxis,
plinary holistic, integrative and person-centered psychiatry [4]. Common- diagnosis or therapy of disease, or for modification of physiological
ly used PD are antipsychotics and antidepressants, comprising of tricyclic function. Drug-related SE and ADR result from the intended use of phar-
anti-depressants (TCAs), selective serotonin and other neurotransmitter maceuticals. SE may vary individually, by age, weight, gender, ethnicity,
re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI and SNRI), mood stabilizers, anxiolytic agents diseases and general health. Further, SE can happen during initiation,
and medications for opioid addiction treatment [6]. Psychiatric medica- decreasing or increasing dosages, or ending a medication treatment.
tions are associated with a variety of possible adverse effects (AE) [7]. When severe SE occur, medication may be discontinued, the dosage
The mechanisms of AE in psychotropic medications might not always adjusted or a second medication prescribed. Drugs may cause various
be known [7]. Awareness of the mechanisms for adverse drug reactions CV SE, from abnormal heart rate (HR) to heart attack or sudden death.
(ADR) can help to direct prescription choice [7]. ADR can be augmented CV disease (CVD) is an extensive class of disorders that involve the
and bizarre. Augmented ADR are predictable, depending on dose and heart and the blood vessels [10]. CVDs include following conditions
pharmacological characteristics of the drug. In this paper augmented such as angina, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease, coronary artery
ADR will be presented. It is important to note that the incidence of disease, heart attack, myocarditis, peripheral vascular disease and
mortality is higher among psychiatric pts than in general population [8]. stroke [10]. CV SEs of antipsychotics and antidepressants are prolonged
Sudden death (SD) associated with PD is an issue which is currently baseline QTc, myo(peri)carditis, cardiomyopathy, coronary disease and
debated worldwide [9]. hypertension. The known CV complications of PD and the significant
consequences of depression treatment in pts with previous cardiac his-
tory was already discussed in literature [10]. In cardiac pts PDs should
be restricted because of SE they have on the CV system. They include
orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, reduction in HR variability and
Table 1 slowing of intraventricular conduction [10]. Psychopharmaca which
Classification of psychopharmaceutic agents registered in Republic of Croatia according to have various CV effects may also harmfully affect clinical outcome of
ATK system.
cardiac pts. The published data indicates that pts with severe mental
N03 Antiepileptics illness should be considered as a ‘high risk’ population with concern
N03AA Barbiturates and derivatives Methylphenobarbital, phenobarbital, to CV morbidity and mortality [11]. In addition, psychiatric pts are
primidone predisposed to abnormalities in cardiac rate, and SD. There is evidence
N03AB Hydantoin derivatives Phenytoin
N03AC Oxazolidine derivatives Paramethadione
that mortality rate is high in psychiatric pts versus general population
N03AD Succinimide derivatives Ethosuximide [12]. There is an emergent evidence that people affected by psychiatric
N03AE Benzodiazepine derivatives Clonazepam disorders are more likely to suffer from CV disease [11,13] [14,15,16].
N03AF Carboxamide derivatives Carbamazepine Among modifiable factors that attribute to CV RFs are psychosocial factors
N03AG Fatty acids derivatives Valproic acid, valpromide
[11]. The relative contributions to cardiac risk of specific antipsychotic
N03AX Other antiepileptics Lamotrigine, topiramate, gabapentin
N05 Psycholeptics agents rests to be clarified [14]. Pts must be closely monitored for the
N05A Antipsychotics CV risks related to psychopharmaceutic agents. A comprehensive risk
N05AA Phenothiazines with aliphatic Levomepromazine, promazine assessment needs to be applied before initiation of PD treatment to
side-chain reduce the risk of serious CV SE. The evaluation must include a medical
N05AB Phenothiazines with Fluphenazine, perazin
piperazine structure
history of HD, present and previous CV symptoms, used medications,
N05AC Phenothiazines with Tioridazine assessment of potential drug interactions, and an electrocardiogram
piperadine structure (ECG) for assessment of HD signs, conduction disorders, or prolonged
N05AD Butyrophenone derivatives Haloperidol QT interval. ECG monitoring includes measure QTc in all pts prescribed
N05AE Indole derivatives Ziprasidone
antipsychotics. It should be repeated as clinically indicated. Integrated
N05AH Diazepines, oksazepines, Clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine
thiazepines and oxepines care approach can optimize health outcomes [17]. Special precaution is
N05AL Benzamides Sulpiride needed with drugs that may have effects, SEs or interactions [18]. Further-
N05AN Lithium Lithium more, drug consumption is high and many are used chronically [19]. Due
N05AX Other antipsychotics Risperidone to the risk of AE and drug–drug interactions, the prescribing and dosage of
N05B Anxiolytics
N05BA Benzodiazepine derivatives Alprazolam, bromazepam, diazepam,
should be carefully re-evaluated [19]. Critical judgement and careful drug
lorazepam, medazepam, oxazepam prescription is compulsory. Regular follow-up and re-evaluation should
N05BC Carbamates Meprobamate be performed according to the recommendations. Collaboration with
N05C Hypnotics and sedatives patients may significantly improve treatment outcome [4]. Similarly, a
N05CD Benzodiazepine derivatives Flurazepam, midazolam, nitrazepam
significant increase in dose of these drugs requires re-evaluating
N05CF Benzodiazepine related drugs Zolpidem
N05CM Other hypnotics and sedatives Valeriane radix symptoms and a new ECG. Drug discontinuation should be performed
N06 Psychoanaleptics if necessary. If the psychiatric disease is life threatening, a higher CV
N06A Antidepressants risk may be accepted, but it demands close follow-up.
N06AA Non-selective monoamine Amitriptyline, clomipramine,
reuptake inhibitors maprotiline
N06AB Selective serotonin reuptake Fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, sertraline,
1.3. Data for Croatia
inhibitors paroxetine, escitalopram
N06AG Monoamine oxidase A Moclobemide According to the drug consumption in Croatia from 2007 to 2012,
inhibitors drugs that affect the nervous system, N group, are the second highest
N06AX Other antidepressants Tianeptine, reboxetine, venlafaxine
in total consumption, amounting to 815.6 million kunas in 2012 [3].
N06B Psychostimulants, agents used
for ADHD and nootropics The same, second place in consumption and in financial terms, these
N06BX Other psychostimulants and Piracetam drugs hold through the entire period from 2007 to 2012 [3]. Total
nootropics consumption of drugs that act on the nervous system is 794,628,399
N06D Anti-dementia drugs Donepezil [20]. According to the report on the SE of drugs in 2014, by the Agency
N06DX Other anti-dementia drugs Ginkgo folium
for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED) on monitoring
I. Potočnjak et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 219 (2016) 367–372 369

adverse reactions occurring in the Republic of Croatia during the 2014 are psychiatric medications primarily used to manage psychosis. Avail-
received a total of 3112 reports of suspected adverse reactions in the able data shows, antipsychotic drug use may increase the prevalence of
Republic of Croatia [21]. Those include augmented and bizarre ADR. mortality and morbidity [23]. First-generation antipsychotic are associ-
The number of reports SE of drugs was 2658 (85%) [21]. The total num- ated with arterial stiffness, possibly due to elevated BP [24]. The antipsy-
ber of drugs for which in 2014 reported suspected adverse reaction is chotics are known to induce hypertension and arrhythmias [25]. It is
3807, and according to the ATC classification N group number of drugs known that coronary disease can be caused be phenothiazine. Second-
is 451 [21]. The SE are listed [21]. According to the Medical Dictionary generation antipsychotics have benefits over first-generation antipsy-
for regulatory Activities (MedDRA) classification of organ systems in chotics. It is determined they have better action on cognitive function
2014 there was 139 (1.7%) cardiac disorders and 191 (2.3%) circulatory and the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and lower frequency of
disorders [21]. extrapyramidal SE; however, they are associated with metabolic and
CV disturbances [25,26].
2. Aim Anxiolytics or anxiolytic medications are used for the management
of anxiety and related psychological and physical symptoms. Stress
This review sought to present insights in CV SE of psychopharmaco- and anxiety may influence pts with CHD, so it is a reasonable to assess
logic treatment. One of the main goals for this paper is promoting creative the anxiety-relieving drugs in prevention [27]. The combination of lor-
psychopharmacotherapy comprehensive, integrative and transdisciplin- azepam with bendrofluazide was the only treatment which produced
ary approach in understanding and treatment of mental disorders and mean reductions in both the systolic and diastolic BP to below normal
CVD. There is evident association between PD and CV AE. However, it is values [27]. Current data shows that effects of benzodiazepine receptor
major area of interest due to lack of comprehensive investigation to deter- partial inverse agonist on cardiac reactivity are mediated via an activa-
mine multiple CV effects. Wide spectrum and various effects of PD have to tion of central muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms [28].
be considered. In this text critical overview of CV SE of PD will be Hypnotics or soporific drugs are a class of psychoactive drugs with
presented. function to induce sleep. Sedatives are drugs that help to calm or relieve
anxiety. AEs associated with the frequently use of analgesics, sedatives,
3. Methods and antipsychotics can affect all organ systems and result in substantial
morbidity and mortality [29]. Etomidate is an intravenous (IV) hypnotic
3.1. Literature search and has good clinical profile in haemodynamic high-risk scenarios [30].
Psycho-analeptics are antidepressants, psychostimulants, agents
This paper is based on a systematic evidence review evaluating pub- used for ADHD and nootropics and anti-dementia drugs. Antidepres-
lished literature. The literature search was made to identify relevant sants are used for the treatment of major depressive disorder and con-
systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis and ditions, such as anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder,
other from 2004 through 2015. Data for this review were identified by chronic and neuropathic pain. They can be used as single or in combina-
searches of Medline, PubMed, and references from relevant articles. tion with other medications. Consumption of antidepressants is show-
The search was limited to only studies in the English language. Totally ing a trend in the economically developed countries [31]. Currently
approximately 200 scientific texts were reviewed. Only to full articles available data shows that antidepressants are safe and efficacious
or abstract published in English language were included. The ATC classi- agents against depression, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease
fication system classification is used [1,2]. (CHD) [32]. As defined antidepressant pharmacotherapy with SSRIs in
the first line should only be offered to pts with at least moderate severe
4. Results depressive episodes [33]. Psychotherapy and SSRIs, particularly sertra-
line, have been proven to be safe [33]. Sibutramine is a combined nor-
In this review CV effects of psychopharmacological substances epinephrine and SRI [34]. Data suggests that several CV adverse events
namely antipsychotics, anxiolytics, hypnotics, sedatives, antidepres- as hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmias, and myocardial infarction
sants and stimulants will be presented [2]. SE of psychopharmaceutic (MI) were reported in sibutramine-treated pts [34]. Results of previous-
drugs are organized into groups according to the following types of CV ly performed study advise that sertraline is a safe and effective treat-
effects: cardiac and circulatory effects, abnormalities of cardiac ment for recurrent depression in pts with recent MI or unstable
repolarisation and arrhythmias and heart muscle disease. angina and without other life-threatening medical condition [35].
Citalopram is a SSRI with a favourable cardiac-safety profile [36]. SSRIs
5. Cardiac and circulatory effects interfere with the serotonin metabolism of blood platelets, so their use
can lead to an increased bleeding risk [37]. The serotonin syndrome
Researchers found a link between PD usage and sudden cardiac (SS) represents a life-threatening ADR, caused by serotonin overload in
death (SCD). Epidemiological studies provide evidence that antipsy- the central and peripheral nervous system, producing autonomic instabil-
chotics increase the risk of SCD. Published reports, show that when tak- ity, and CV abnormalities [38,39]. The combination of phenethylamine,
ing PD SCD is more likely to occur [12]. Additionally, PD have been isocarboxazid, and lithium has been implicated in SS [38]. Cardiologists
shown to cause less severe cardiac problems, such as irregular heartbeat often use combination therapies including serotoninergic agents, and
and high blood pressure (BP) that occur in pts with no cardiac risk prior should therefore consider the risk of serotoninergic AE caused by inappro-
to consumption of the drug [10]. Importantly, PD may cause hyperten- priate drug interactions [39]. In resistant cases combinations of drugs can
sion as well as orthostatic hypotension and syncope, which occur due be applied, and the choice depends on the leading symptoms [40]. If
to effect of drugs on vascular system causing BP decrease. pharmacological antidepressant therapy is indicated in a CHD pt, SSRIs
Anti-epileptics, antiepileptic drugs, anti-seizure drugs or anticonvul- are recommended [37]. Tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants (TCA) should
sants are a diverse group of medications used in the treatment of epilep- not be used for pharmacological therapy of CHD pts. They could only be
tic seizures. A number of investigations have detected interactions given after a careful risk/benefit analysis [37]. Data suggests there is in-
between anticonvulsant drugs and the CV system. Older anticonvul- creased risk of death with the TCAs [41]. Phenelzine is an irreversible
sants (i.e. carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone) were monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) [42]. Transient hypertensive crisis
associated with metabolic deviations [22]. It is known that older- after ingestion of certain drugs such as pseudoephedrine or tyramine-
generation anticonvulsants may increase CV risk [22]. rich foods is a well-recognized complication of MAOI therapy [42].
Psycholeptics are antipsychotics, anxiolytics, hypnotics and seda- Complications resulting in an acute cardiac event could be anticipated
tives. Antipsychotics, also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers, [42]. There is evidence that suggests that MI should be considered in the
370 I. Potočnjak et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 219 (2016) 367–372

spectrum of potential complications when a pt on MAOI ingests pro-arrhythmic SE then TCAs [53]. Fluoxetine treatment has been
tyramine-containing foods [42]. associated with tachycardia and syncope [53]. Pts receiving a drug
Psychostimulants are used for ADHD and nootropics are psychoac- that prolongs the QTc interval should be measured by ECG at least
tive drugs that induce temporary improvements in mental or physical once daily during therapy [54]. In addition, concomitant therapy
functions. Treatment of children with central nervous stimulants is with other QT interval-prolonging drugs, particularly non-CV QT
not significantly associated with an increase in the short term risk of interval-prolonging drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics) should
severe cardiac events [43]. Though, long term effects of slight increases be avoided or performed cautiously [54]. In pts with cardiac arrhyth-
in HR or BP are unknown [43]. Symptoms of ADHD can require lifelong mias the correspondent warning notices and contraindications, in
therapy [44]. Furthermore regarding psychoactive drugs, cocaine is particular those for TCAs, the SSRIs citalopram and escitalopram, as
associated with a number of CVDs, including MI, heart failure (HF), well as the antipsychotic haloperidol, should be considered [37]. PD
cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, aortic dissection, and endocarditis known to elongate the QT interval should be avoided [37]. Available
[45]. Data suggests that cocaine increases myocardial oxygen demand data shows that special caution has to be taken when combining antide-
by increasing both HR and BP [45]. pressants with antipsychotics from the phenothiazine group since this
Anti-dementia drugs are used in dementia treatment. Drugs that are combination can lead to significantly elongated QT intervals and has
used to treat Alzheimer's disease include the acetyl cholinesterase been associated with SCD [37].
inhibitors (ACHIs) donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine and the A recent American Heart Association statement recommended ECGs
NMDA receptor antagonist memantine [46]. Adverse CV events with routinely for children before they start medications to treat ADHD [55].
these drugs are very uncommon, but ACHI therapy is associated with Attention has been given to screening for causes of SD in ADHD [55].
increased risk of syncope and bradycardia [46]. ADHD medication in children with potentially dangerous cardiac
arrhythmias should be used carefully [56]. Comprehensive medical
6. Abnormalities of cardiac repolarisation and arrhythmias history review and clinical examination must be performed. Current
data shows that in children with known cardiac disease, arrhythmia or
Many psychotropic medications are linked with ECG deviations. RFs for cardiac disease, ADHD management must be consulted with a
QT prolongation can cause Torsades de Pointes (TdP), ventricular paediatric cardiologist [56].
fibrillation (VF) and SD. Arrhythmias in pts with conduction and At the same time some addiction drugs, namely cocaine decreases
abnormalities of heart structures or coronary disease might be inten- oxygen supply via coronary vasoconstriction [45]. It causes systolic
sified by use of psychotropic or antidepressant drugs. The most com- and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias (prolongs the PR, QRS, and QT
mon cardiac SE are a mild bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, QRS intervals), and atherosclerosis [45].
lengthening or prolonged QT interval [10]. Serious conduction alter- There are also a few reports that drugs used to treat Alzheimer's
ations are revealed in ECG as prolonged PR, QRS and QT intervals and disease include the ACHIs donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine
T-wave flattening or inversion [10]. Prolongation of the QT interval and the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine may occasionally be as-
can potentate a lethal ventricular arrhythmia. Tachycardia seems to sociated with QT prolongation, TdP and ventricular tachycardia (VT)
occur primarily as result of the anticholinergic properties of [46].
Psychotropic medications can cause serious cardiac SEs. It is well 7. Heart muscle disease
known that prolongation of the QT interval is associated with a greater
risk of arrhythmia and SCD [47]. PD, especially antipsychotics, are Psychopharmaca use may also be associated with myocarditis,
known to have electrophysiological properties of prolonging ventricular pericarditis and cardiomyopathy. Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy,
repolarisation [48]. One of the most severe cardiologic AE represents a are potentially reversible complications. However, pts with pre-existing
lengthening of the QT-interval, potentially leading to a ventricular CVD should be carefully evaluated before they begin any antipsychotic
arrhythmia called TdP [48]. TdP is a ventricular arrhythmia frequently treatment [10]. Presentation of myo(peri)carditis can range from non-
connected to drug administration [49]. Drugs blamed most often are specific symptoms to severe left ventricular impairment, pulmonary
thioridazine, ziprasidone, IV haloperidol, quetiapine, amisupliride, oedema, cardiogenic shock and death. They usually occur within weeks
most TCAs, SSRIs – citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetin, and venlafaxine. of introduction of drug. Cardiomyopathy can be caused by clozapine,
Evidently, antipsychotic medications are associated with prolongation risperidone, chlorpromazine and haloperidol. Cardiomyopathy is less
of QTc interval [50]. QT prolonging can be prevented by not exceeding frequent, but may have long-term consequences, commonly dilated
the recommended dose, avoiding use in pts with RFs, performing ECG type of left ventricular impairment, usually months from introduction of
routinely before and after initiation or increase of dosage. ECG abnor- drug.
malities associated with antipsychotics and antidepressants are tachy- Atypical antipsychotics induce weight gain, diabetes, and
cardia, bradycardia, heart blocks, repolarisation changes (ST-segment, dyslipidaemia [57]. The pts with schizophrenia might be at increased
T wave changes), QTc prolongation, and TdP/VF. Tachycardia can risk for metabolic and CVD [57]. By available data, clozapine is an
be caused by clozapine, TCAs, MAOIs, and anti-parkinsonian drugs. atypical antipsychotic medication which remains the gold standard
Bradycardia can be caused by SSRIs, lithium and cholinesterase inhibi- in treatment of resistant psychosis [58]. However, clozapine has
tors. Heart blocks can be caused by TCAs. Repolarisation changes (ST- multiple SE, among which are myocarditis and cardiomyopathy
segment, T wave changes) can be caused by thioridazine and chlor- [58]. There is known prolonged release of noradrenaline due to the
promazine. TdP/VF can be caused by haloperidol, thioridazine, alpha 2-antagonistic effect of clozapine. [59] Further, reports of
mesoridazine and chlorpromazine. When treating pts with cardiac valvulopathy led to the withdrawal and anti-parkinsonian drug
arrhythmias by psychopharmacological therapy, drug interactions pergolide from the market [60]. Regarding PD, recreational use of
must be carefully considered [37]. The main secondary SE are in meta- 4-fluoroamphetamine (4-FA) may present with life threatening toxicity
bolic, endocrine, neurologic, CV systems, haematological and liver func- including cardiomyopathy, cardiogenic shock, and pulmonary oedema
tions [51]. [61].
TCAs are known to induce cardiac arrhythmias at therapeutic or
supra-therapeutic doses. According to available report the TCA, amitrip- 8. Discussion
tyline, is reported to induce ST-segment elevation in the right precordial
ECG leads [52]. The problem for psychiatry is that the TCA drugs are also Resulting from population growth, the aging populations, and epide-
class I antiarrhythmic [41]. SSRI are generally believed to cause fewer miologic changes global deaths from CVD are increasing [62]. Health
I. Potočnjak et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 219 (2016) 367–372 371

care system is developing to the reduction of CVD. However it is impor- Conflict of interest
tant to note that an evidence suggests a possible increase in CV events in
pts treated with PD. From a worldwide perspective CHD and depression The enclosed manuscript has been read and approved by all the
are two of the most important diseases [37]. Anxiety and depressive authors. The manuscript, or part of it, has neither been published nor
disorders are common in the general population and are particularly is currently under consideration for publication by any other journal.
prevalent in pts with CVD [63]. Importantly, depression has been The authors declare that they have no financial or any other conflict of
found to predict early onset CHD. Depression could be an independent interest. The authors declare no external financial support for making
RF for CVD and it is common among pts treated with PCI [64,65]. this article. The copyright shall be transferred to the journal after
Numerous psychosocial factors have been linked to CHD [66]. Mental accepting this article for publication.
stress may directly influence CHD and also a number of RFs [27].
Increased cardio-metabolic morbidity and increased overall mortality Acknowledgments
has been observed in pts with severe mental disorders [67]. Clinicians
manage pts with CVD, possible receiving CV medication, and also None.
requiring psychopharmacological interventions [68]. Over the last
decade, studies of psychosocial RFs for CHD have increased [66]. It is
reasonable that psychosocial RFs, certain personality traits may nega- References
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