English Workshop Name: Madelaine Benítez Course: 9th Date: March 3

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Touristic attractions
Name: Madelaine Benítez Course: 9th Date: March 3rd/21

I. Read the descriptions and write the words described.

a) Mean where you can travel by air e Cruise

b) Place where you stay to rest c_ Guide
c) Person in charged of giving you information about the place you are visiting a Plane
d) Protect your eyes from the sun d Sunglasses
e) Mean where you can travel by water b Hotel

II. Write the names of the following touristic places from Colombia

Catedral de sal / India Catalina / El peñol / Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino

India Catalina Quinta de San Pedro Catedral de sal

El peñol

III. Read the dialogue and answer the questions

Rick: Front desk, how can I help you?

Carol: Hi, this is Carol from room 43. I need a bottle of water.
Rick: Ok, I’ll send I to you in a second
Carol: Ok, thank you
Rick: Do you need something else?
Carol: Oh, yes! I want to go to a museum; can you recommend me one?
Rick: The Golden Museum is a good one.
Carol: How much is the ticket?
Rick: It is free
Carol: Ok, I would like to go there. Can you call me a taxi, please?
Rick: Sure!

a) Who works in the hotel?

R/: Rick works at the hotel

b) Who need a bottle of water?

R/: Carol needs a bottle of water

c) What museum did Rick recommend?

R/: Rick I recommend The Gold Museum

d) How much is the Golden Museum ticket?

R/: It is free

e) Is Carol going to go to the museum by train?

R/: No, he is going by taxi

IV. Read and organize the actions a person does during a travel.

Travel - Go to the room – Return home - Unpack - Choose the destiny – Return to the hotel –– Do the luggage –
Go to the airport ––– Check in ––– Visit touristic places –– Booking - check out - Go to the hotel - Buy the
tickets – Take pictures
1° Choose the 2° Booking 3° Do the luggage 4° Go to the airport 5° Travel
6° Go to the hotel 7° Check in 8° Go to the room 9° Unpack 10° Buy the tickets
11° Visit touristic 12° Take pictures 13° Return to the 14° check out 15° Return home
places hotel

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