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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

I. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill MET P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Use the ✔ As a transfer student coming from Penn State

expressive arts as University, I was unable to take courses in the
a mode of inquiry expressive arts realm. Though there are many courses
or expression I would have liked to take, such as photography, my
course schedule did not allow for it.

Demonstrate ✔ In my Exercise Science Senior Synthesis class, we had

leadership, the opportunity to be assigned a client to train for the
negotiation, semester. In this, I was able to practice my leadership
relational, and skills, as well as converse with my client to provide
consensus skills them with a program in which fit their needs and
pushed them to reach their physical goals.

Use technological ✔ In many of my courses we were required to use

skills to access technology, especially with the pandemic and many
information, things being done virtually. Additionally, with many of
organize my courses I was able to use my skills learned with
knowledge, and Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and also Apple iMovie
communicate for many assignments and presentations.

Propose new ✔ An assignment I was able to complete for Senior

solutions to Integrative Seminar where I was able to write a letter
current issues to the Vice President where I proposed a new rule for
the NCAA regarding gender inequality.

Express ✔ In many of my Exercise Science courses, I was able to

arguments or do research on medical topics, create PowerPoint
main points presentations, and express my arguments and main
clearly, in written points clearly in oral communication. Additionally, I
and oral created written projects that I turned in for these
communication assignments.

Transfer ✔ Again, in my Ex. Sci. Senior Synthesis class when

knowledge and working with my client, I was able to take in knowledge
values into sound and data based on my client’s performance, and make
decision making decisions going forward as to how I will alter the
exercise program.
II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Communicate in ✔ Through my Spanish I and Spanish II classes I was able to

a second learn enough Spanish to be able to communicate and
language at the understand a second language if I were required to do so
introductory in a real life situation.
college level

Analyze the ✔ I was able to acquire this skill from a number of my courses
impact of history, in which I took at Seton Hill. Courses such as Faith Religion
geography, and and Society, Western Cultures I & II, and Sports and
socio-cultural America taught me to analyze the impact of history,
dynamics on geography, and socio-cultural dynamics on global
global interactions. Those classes taught me knowledge about
interactions from history from many different time periods and how to go
a variety of about life to not make the same mistakes twice.

Analyze current ✔ In my Jesus class, we did a lot of examinations on the bible

and historical and the stories and parables within. With this class, I was
events through able to look at current situations in my life and compare
the lens of them with the lessons and stories of the bible.
spirituality and

Assess privilege ✔ Through many assignments that I was able to complete in

and oppression my Sports in America class, I examined several situations
from the where culture, race, class, and gender effected individuals
perspective of lives in the world of sports. I was able to learn,
culture, race, sympathize, and propose my own ideas based on the
class, and gender situations that have taken place in the past.
III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill M p N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Generate and ✔ In my Physics class and also lab, we were required

analyze numerical multiple times to generate and analyze numerical and
and scientific data scientific data. Additionally, we created a final project
presentation for the data.

Locate and ✔ There were times in my Sports in America class where

analyze we would have to find either current, or past events
expressive media that were familiar to what we were currently discussing
to gain in class and relate those events to the material we were
information or covering.
comprehend the
significance of an
issue or an event

Organize and ✔ Many times, when creating presentations and projects I

manage would be required to organize and manage my
resources in a resources used to find information in a creative way so
creative way to that I could share information with the class effectively.
achieve impact

Find, evaluate, ✔ An assignment I completed in my Prevention and

and apply Treatment of Sports Injuries class allowed me to do
information medical research on an injury that I was passionate
about and wanted to learn more about and create a
presentation for the class.

Interpret ✔ I would again say that my Physics class and lab did a
quantitative and great job of helping me learn and master this skill.
qualitative When doing experiments in lab, we must interpret data
information to in which we were given, as well as create our own
present a logical qualitative data, and then logically argue and present
argument based our points to the class following the lab.
on supporting

IV. Self-Reflection and Assessment

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Demonstrate ✔ In my Senior Synthesis class, we had to demonstrate

ethical decision- ethical decision making every time we met with our client.
making Additionally, we had to be sure to go over an informed
grounded in consent form with our client at the beginning of the
philosophical semester to go over all legal scenarios and be sure that the
inquiry client was comfortable participating in the program.

Apply Catholic ✔ In Senior Integrative Seminar, there were multiple

social teaching assignments and writings in which we had to define the
to the analysis of Catholic social teaching strands and apply them to current
contemporary social justice/injustice issues, and address what we would
social issues do to help change whatever may be going on at the time.

Recognize the ✔ This skill was especially learned my Faith, Religion, and
value of diverse Society course, where we were able to learn about a
spiritual and multitude of different religions – everything from their
religious origination, how the religion grew, and main influencers of
perspectives the religion historically.

Integrate the ✔ Thankfully Seton Hill created opportunities for me to learn

practice of skills outside of the classroom, and Labor of Love was an
charity with the opportunity for me to learn this particular skill. In my two
skill of justice years at SHU, I was able to participate in 2 different
activities and help out at 2 different locations in
volunteering to participate in charity work in the

Exercise ✔ Before I was able to begin working with my client for the
responsible SHU Personal Training Program, I received my adult and
freedom and infant CPR/AED certification through the American Red
civic Cross.  During the completion of this training, I learned
engagement how to respond to various emergency situations.  When
based on an working in any branch of the medical field, I believe it is
informed value vital to obtain this certification. My Senior Synthesis class
system again provided me with the opportunity to learn this skill.

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