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NĂM HỌC 2020-2021
ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (Chuyên 2)
(Đề thi gồm 09 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm bài thi Số phách

Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2
(Do chủ tịch HĐ
(Kí, ghi rõ họ tên) (Kí, ghi rõ họ tên)
Bằng số Bằng chữ chấm thi ghi)

I. LISTENING (20 pts)

Part 1. You will hear someone talking on the phone about a Home Insurance Quotation Form. For
each question, write the missing word(s). You are allowed to listen TWICE. (10 pts)
Home Insurance Quotation Form
Address: 49 1. ________________court
Email: 2. ________________@
Telephone number: (020) 4251-9443
Best time to contact: 3. __________________ p.m
Property Information
Property size: 4. ________________________ m2
Material(s): 5. __________________________
Security measures (if any): 6. __________system. Shared by: Guardian Angles of Otto
Coverage Channel
Items to cover: - Building
- Contents
- 7. ____________________
Quotation: 8. $ ________________________
Coverage start date: 9. __________________
Reference number: 10. __________________
Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

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Part 2. You will hear a radio interview with a research scientist. Decide if each statement is true (T) or
false (F). Write T or F on the numbered boxes. (5.0 pts)
11. The ‘smart pill’ is a new drug.
12. It’s easy for some people to take the wrong medicine.
13. People don't mind about making mistakes.
14. Most people are impressed with the new system for reading labels.
15. People can hear personal information with the new system.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Your answers:
Part 3. Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer A, B or C. You are allowed to listen TWICE.
(5.0 pts)
16. How did Tricia once feel about the countryside?
A. She preferred it to the city.
B. She paid no attention to it.
C. She wanted to experience it.
17. Why did Tricia take part in a wildlife survey?
A. She was required to do it.
B. She preferred it to being in school.
C. She was asked to do it by her neighbors.
18. Why does Tricia say about the results of the survey?
A. They were unsatisfactory.
B. They were confusing.
C. They were unexpected.
19. What does Tricia say about the problems created by trees?
A. People exaggerate them.
B. People ignore them.
C. People accept them.
20. According to Tricia, what is wrong with the trees the council is planting?
A. They are expensive to replace.
B. They fail to attract wildlife.
C. They are too small for the area.
Your answers:
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Part 1. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences. (10 pts)
1. Happy people are those __________enjoy their daily work.
A. what B. who C. which D. where
2. They suggested __________ a double railway tunnel.
A. to build B. built C. building D. that building
3. It’s time you __________ care of yourself.
A. took B. take C. to take D. taken
4. He rarely goes out with his father, __________?
A. doesn’t he B. does he C. did he D. didn’t he
5. Everyone is aware__________air pollution.
A. with B. for C. at D. of
6. __________in 1607, Jamestown in Virginia was the first settlement in the New World.
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A. Founded B. have founded C. Founding D. To be found
7. It is necessary that he __________English because it is useful for his work.
A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. has learned
8. They wanted to know __________the next weekend.
A. what I will do B. what will I do C. what I would do D. what would I do
9. My brother has refused that job, __________ the attractive salary.
A. although B. thanks to C. in spite of D. because of
10. John was in Hanoi and wanted to send a parcel to his parents. He asked a local passer-by the way to the
John: “Can you show me the way to the nearest post office, please?”
Passer-by: “__________”
A. Not way, sorry. B. Just round the corner over there.
C. Look it up in a dictionary! D. There’s no traffic near here.
11. You will have to__________off your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. take B. call C. back D. go
12. It gets__________when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold B. coldest and coldest
C. colder and colder D. more and more cold
13. My daughter is learning to play__________violin at her school.
A. a B. an C. no article D. the
14. Most of us would maintain that physical__________does not play a major part in how we react to
the people we meet.
A. attract B. attractive C. attractiveness D. attractively
15. The books borrowed from the library__________on my desk.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
16. She feels lonely because she doesn’t know many people there. She wishes she__________more people.
A. will know B. knew C. knows D. has known
17. I still remember the __________ afternoons that we spent at the beach when I was a child.
A. long fantastic summer B. fantastic summer long
C. fantastic long summer D. summer fantastic long
18. Tom and John are talking after the race.
Tom: “I won the gold medal in the race.” John: “__________”.
A. All the best. B. That’s all right.
C. Well done! D. Good luck!
19. The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach__________our disappointment.
A. put up with B. made up for C. got through to D. came up with
20. Your flat is a mess! __________it up at once.
A. Make B. Do C. Tidy D. Arrange
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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Part 2. The passage below contains 5 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and correct them in the space
provided. (5.0 pts)
Line 0 My first job were a sales assistant at a large department store. I wanted working part-time,
Line 1 because I was still studying at university and I was only able to work a few nights a week. I
Line 2 came across the advertisement in the local newspaper. I remember the interview as though it
Line 3 were yesterday. The personnel manager sat behind a large desk. He asked me many question
Line 4 which surprised me because all I wanted was to work in sales. An hour later, I was told that I
Line 5 had got the job and was given a contract to go over. I was to be trained for ten days before I
Line 6 took my post. Also, as a member of staff, I was entitled to some benefits, including discounts.
Line 7 When I eventually started, I was responsible with the toy section. I really enjoyed it there and
Line 8 I loved demonstrating the different toys. I was surprising at how friendly my colleagues were,
Line 9 too. They made working there fun even when we had to deal with customers whom got on our
Line 10 nerves. On the whole, working there was a great experience which I will never forget.
Your answers:
Line Mistakes Correction
0. 0 Were was
Part 3. Use the words given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap
in the same line. (5.0 pts)
1. Parents are often keen to teach their children the ___________ of being on time. IMPORTANT
2. They may find living in a big city __________. STRESS
3. Others will get ___________if they are late for appointments. PATIENT
4. There is a growing amount of scientific_________to explain the effects of global warming. KNOW
5. When you begin your training programme, it is important to start__________. GENTLE
6. Although it is important to work sufficiently hard to make an__________ on your physical condition, the
activities shouldn't be painful. IMPRESS
7. They see the plan as one possible __________to their current problem. SOLVE
8. It seems that when we laugh, there can be a reduction in the amount of__________in our muscles. TENSE
9. People sometimes have to put up with unpleasant weather conditions and__________insects. ANNOY
10. England was one of the first countries to ____________. INDUSTRIAL
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 4. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle. (5.0 pts)
1. The man was blamed __________ hitting a policeman.
2. Most people prefer the new system __________ the old.
3. We have to translate the article __________ English.
4. Polly was annoyed __________ the mix-up over her ticket.
5. The new law has had some effect __________ people’s behavior.
6. You can borrow an umbrella __________ someone.
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7. Alan is fond __________ playing football.
8. He insisted __________ playing her tape.
9. We are talking __________ the weather.
10. The price depends __________ when you travel.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 5. Give the correct form of the verbs given to complete the following sentences. (5.0 pts)
1. I __________ out with my friends for a month. NOT/GO
2. When I entered his room, he__________ in a chair. SLEEP
3. Your room needs _________. CLEAN
4. He has reminded me__________ excercise everyday. DO Shared by: Guardian Angles of Otto
5. Tom had his room by his friends. PAINT Channel
6. By 2025, I__________in the company for 10 years. WORK
7. He __________ his report before 10 p.m yesterday. FINISH
8. The broken table __________ by my brother yesterday. REPAIR
9. If he had trained hard, he __________the match. WIN
10. Are his ideas worth ________to? LISTEN
Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
III. READING (20 pts)
Part 1. Read the passage and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D. (5.0 pts)
Trees for life
Trees are among the biggest and longest-living things on Earth, some back longer than the oldest buildings.
But as well as being nice to look at, trees also 1. _______an important role in improving the quality of our
lives. On a world-wide scale, forests help to slow 2._________the effects of global warming by using up the
gas 3. _______as carbon dioxide and giving 4. _______the oxygen we need to breathe. At local neighborhood
level, trees also 5. _________important environmental benefits. They offer shade and shelter, which in turn
reduces the 6. _______ of energy needed to heat and cool nearby buildings; at the same time, they also remove
other impurities from the air we breathe. Urban trees are especially important because for many people they
provide the only daily contact with the natural world. What's 7._______, urban trees also provide a home for
birds, small animals and butterflies. 8. _______ the trees, we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures
in our cities. 9. _________, trees in cities are now coming under threat. There is a limit to the level of
10._________ they can put up with and, down at street level, their roots are being seriously disturbed by the
digging needed to make way for modern telephone, television and other cables.
1. A. play B. show C. act D. serve
2. A. down B. on C. at D. in
3. A. called B. known C. titled D. talked

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4. A. in B. away C. up D. out
5. A. bring B. make C. take D. find
6. A. number B. amount C. several D. variety
7. A. more B. else C. most D. other
8. A. Throughout B. Beyond C. Without D. Outside
9. A. Therefore B. Whilst C. However D. Despite
10. A. polluted B. pollution C. pollutant D. pollute
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question. (5.0 pts)
Interest is the sum charged for borrowing money for a fixed period of time. Principal is the term used for the
money that is borrowed, and the rate of interest is the percent per year of the principal charged for its use. Most
of the profits for a bank are derived from the interest that they charge for the use of their own or their depositor’s
money. All problems in interest may be solved by using one general equation that may be stated as follows:
Interest = Principal X Rate X Time
Any one of the four quantities – that is, interest, principal, rate, or time – may be found when the other three
are known. The time is expressed in years. The rate is expressed as a decimal fraction. Thus, 6 percent interest
means six cents charged for the use of $1 of principal borrowed for one year. Although the time may be less
than, equal to, or greater than one year, most applications for loans are for periods of less than one year. For
purpose of computing interest for short periods, the commercial year or 360 days is commonly used, but when
large sums of money are involved, exact interest is computed on the basis of 365 days.
Question 1: With what topic is this passage primarily concerned?
A. Profits B. Rate C. Interest D. Principal
Question 2: The word “fixed” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. Definite B. short C. repeated D. trial
Question 3: At 4 percent interest for the use of $1 principal, how much would one pay?
A. Six cents per year B. Twenty-five cents per year
C. Four cents per year D. One cent per year
Question 4: Most applications for loans are for________
A. one year B. less than one year C. more than one year D. 360 days
Question 5: The word “periods” in paragraph 2 refers to
A. time B. loans C. applications D. interest
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 3. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question. (5.0 pts)
Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own.
Immigration to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various
contributions to it. However, before the arrival of these immigrants, the island of Puerto Rico was already known
as Borikén and was inhabited by the Taíno people. Taíno cuisine included such foods as rodents with sweet chili

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peppers, fresh shellfish, yams, and fish fried in corn oil. Many aspects of Taíno cuisine continue today in Puerto
Rican cooking, but it has been heavily influenced by the Spanish, who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508, and Africans,
who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves. Taíno cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought
by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes. Africans also added to the island’s food culture by introducing
powerful, contrasting tastes in dishes like piñon–plantains layered in ground beef. In fact, much of the food Puerto
Rico is now famous for—plantains, coffee, sugarcane, coconuts, and oranges—was actually imported by
foreigners to the island. A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy.
It’s true that chili peppers are popular; ajícaballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy.
However, milder tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. The 25 base of many Puerto Rican dishes, sofrito is a sauce
made from chopped onions, garlic, green bell peppers, sweet chili peppers, oregano, cilantro, and a handful of
other spices. It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.
(Adapted from: Reaing Explorer 2, by Paul MacIntyre, 2009, Heinle, Cengage Learning)
Question 1: The word "cuisine" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _________
A. kind of cake B. kind of food C. style of cooking D. way of living
Question 2: Who lived in Puerto Rico first?
A. the Taíno people B. the Africans C. the Spanish D. the Americans
Question 3: The word “it” in paragraph refers to __________
A. immigration B. Puerto Rican cuisine
C. Caribbean history D. the island’s natural beauty
Question 4: Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Many people think Puerto Rican food is spicy. C. Sofrito is an extremely spicy type of food.
B. Puerto Rican cuisine uses a lot of chili peppers. D. Ají caballero is a type of chili pepper.
Question 5: How is sofrito used?
A. It is eaten before meals. B. It is added to other dishes.
C. It is used when foods are too spicy. D. It is eaten as a main dish.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 4. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in
each space. (5 pts)
Music is universal- it is produced 1. __________all cultures. Some scientists believe that 2. _______
came before speech and arose as a development of mating calls. In fact, there is one theory that the earliest
languages were chanted or sung 3. __________than spoken. Indeed, in some cultures, music is a form of
recording history. The Aboriginal Australians, for example, use music as a means to pass on stories of the land
and spirits to the next 4. __________. New evidence suggests that music 5. __________only just satisfies the
feel-good factor but it is also good 6. __________the brain. A study of intellectually disabled children showed
that they could recall more information after it was given to them in a song than after it was read to them as a
story. Researchers also report that people score better on a standard intelligence test after 7. __________to
Mozart. The so-called “Mozart effect”, has also been supported by findings that rats brought up on Mozart run
faster through a complex network of paths or passages, 8. __________as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most
instances people 9. __________suffer from any form of mental 10. __________benefit from listening to music.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
IV. WRITING (20 pts)
Part 1. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean the same as those printed before
them. (5.0 pts)
1. “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked me.
He suggested that____________________________________________________________________
2. I could realize how important my family is only after I left home.
Not until___________________________________________________________________________
3. Lan can’t cook as well as her brother.
Lan’s brother _______________________________________________________________________
4. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet”? asked Peter.
Peter asked _________________________________________________________________________
5. People believed that he stole the red car.
He was_____________________________________________________________________________
Part 2. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words. (5.0 pts)
1. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there. SUCH
It is _______________________________________________________________________________
2. “You should take more exercise, Mr. Robert,” the doctor said. ADVISED
The doctor _________________________________________________________________________
3. I’ll introduce you to the man. His support is necessary for your project. WHOSE
I’ll _______________________________________________________________________________
4. If we don't start at once, we will be late. UNLESS
Unless ____________________________________________________________________________
5. The manager had the respect of everyone in the office. LOOKED
Everyone in the office ______________________________________________________________
Part 3. Write a paragraph of about 140 words on the benefits of taking part in extracurricular activities in
schools (10 pts)









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