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SIAPO Date: MARCH 6, 2021

Section: BSE English I

Gulayan sa Bakuran
Tree Planting

II. Documentation
DAY 36

On the 29th day of this project, I checked the plants for damages and pulled
some weeds at the same time.
DAY 37

I checked the plants for damages and inspects the soil if it needed watering
DAY 38

I watered the plants today making sure that each of them receives the proper
amount of water.
DAY 39

Today, I checked the conditions of my plants for damages and pulled some
weeds again.
DAY 40

Again, I inspected my plants today to check whether they are growing well
or not.
DAY 41

I pulled out some weeds today.

DAY 42

Today I pulled some weeds once more and checked the plant beds if they
needed more watering.

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