Summative Test Q2research X

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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Negros Oriental
Jimalalud, Negros Oriental


Quarter 2 – Module 1.a & 1.b

Name: _________________________ Score: ____________________________

Signature of Parent: ________________ Total Number of Items: ____________
General Directions: This test consists of three sections: (1) a true or false test question section,
(2) a multiple-choice question section and (3) matching type section. Each question in
the first section is answerable by expressions stated in the directions before the test
item. The second part – the multiple-choice question has four answer choices. Read
each question and choose correctly the ONE best answer. The third and last parts are
writing interview questions and coding of data. Read and follow instructions

Test I.
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write an AYE on the line if the statement is true and
write NAY if the statement is false.
___________1. It is better to be late than to be early for an interview.
___________2. Direct eye contact is essential in an interview.
___________3. Body language is as important to observe during an interview.
___________4. If a researcher will conduct a series of focus group discussions, he or she has to obtain
the consent of all participants.
___________5. An interview is the most effective way of collecting data where the questions are either
complex or open-ended.
___________6. Questionnaires are generally used with qualitative research.
___________7. The informal nature of the unstructured interview means that you can always wear
casual clothes.
___________8. An informal interview can still be considered an interview even if the researcher has no
control over the conversation.
___________9. A structured interview has a set of pre-determined questions.
___________10. In analyzing your data, you go through coding and collecting.
___________11. Subjective data that are expressed in words.
___________12. Collected qualitative data through interviews, observations, content analysis are then
subjected statistical analysis.
___________13. In creating initial codes, you use highlighters, notes in the margins, sticky pads,
concept maps, or anything else that helps you to connect with your data.
___________14. Defining themes involves formulating exactly what we mean by each theme and figuring
out how it helps us understand the data.
___________15. A methodology section can be excluded for describing how data is collected is no longer
Test II.
Directions: Read each question carefully and then CIRCLE THE CHOICE that best answers the

16. Interviews are helpful when ___________________
A. you want to get insight into attitudes of participants.
B. you want a better understanding of participants' points of view.
C. the subject matter is too sensitive for people to discuss in a group setting
D. all of the choices
17. Which of the following is a disadvantage of interviews?
A. You can read the interviewee's body language
B. Opportunity to clarify questions
C. Obtain quantitative and qualitative data
D. Anonymity of interviewee is lost and may impact on responses

18. What is step one of interviewing?

A. compile a list of questions C. do your background research
B. figuring out what you want to find out D. picking out your outfit
19. Which of the following is an open-ended question?
A. How much did the renovations cost?
B. Who is in charge of the group?
C. Why were the renovations necessary?
D. When was the decision made?
20. Which of these is a closed question?
A. What were you doing last Wednesday? C. What is your name?
B. Where do you live? D. Can you tie your shoes?
21. Which of the following is NOT a type of interview?
A. structured interview C. semi-structured interview
B. unstructured interview D. non-structured interview
22. A semi-structured interview
A. may use a checklist and follow-up questions C. has a script of the exact questions
B. is the most flexible of the interview approaches
23. Why is it important for structured interviews to follow a standardized procedure?
A. To increase validity, as the interview can be adapted for each respondent
B. To increase reliability, because all respondents receive the same interview stimulus
C. To allow for an in-depth exploration of the topic
D. To make it easier for untrained interviewers to carry out complex surveys
24. Standardizing the interview schedule can reduce interviewer variation in terms of:
A. The way in which questions are phrased by the interviewer
B. The order in which questions are asked
C. The procedures used to code and analyze survey data
D. All of the above
25. One-on-one interview is also known as
A. one-on-two interview. C. one-on-four interview.
B. individual interview. D. face-to-phenomenon interview.
26. Which of the following points is NOT the way to establish rapport?
A. Treat interviewees with respect
B. Invade their space C. Dress and behave appropriately
27. Which of the following is NOT a type of interview?
A. Structured interview
B. Semi-structured interview
C. Unforeseen interview
28. What is a questionnaire?
A. A group of people assembled to participate in a discussion about a product before it is
B. A set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers.
C. A structured conversation where one person asks questions, and the other provides answers.
D. The action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone.
29. An interview is
A. a group of people assembled to participate in a discussion about a product before it is launched.
B. a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers.
C. a structured conversation where one person asks questions, and the other provides answers.
D. the action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone.
30. The results of data analysis are presented as
A. percentages. C. fractions.
B. written discussions. D. literary criticisms.
31. The research activity preceding collating is
A. coding. C. synthesizing.
B. summarizing. D. categorizing.
32. A graphical presentation of data-analysis results ensures
A. privacy of data. C. completeness of data.
B. genuineness of data. D. orderliness of data.
33. To show how variables are closely related with one another, you must use
A. data matrix. C. proximity matrix.
B. profile matrix. D. table matrix.
34. Symbolizing data is preserving its
A. origin. B. source. C. confidentiality. D. significance.
35. Unstructured interviews are a better choice than semi-structured interviews when
A. the interviewer believes that any guide will impact what the interviewees say.
B. there is a clear focus on a topic of interest.
C. more than one interviewer I used.
D. there are several interviewers.

Test III.
A. Directions: Part of the challenge of conducting an effective interview is writing the right
interview questions. Craft three (3) interview questions for a qualitative research study on
the topic mentioned below.


36-37. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
38-39. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
40-41. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

B. Directions: Coding is the process of labeling and organizing your qualitative data to identify
different themes and the relationships between them. Create CODES (you can use colored
markers to group words having the same codes) to the following interview excerpts and be
able to form a THEME.

Interview 1
The year is 2010. What is my life? That’s a pretty difficult question to answer. For starters, I am
the President of Universal Robini Corporation. I love my job because probably I face a new challenge
every day. I also like having power, and knowing that many people work below me. All kidding aside,
the best part of my job is my six-figure salary. Everything is just so expensive, and any extra money

42-43. Codes: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Interview 2
My husband, Michael, also has an excellent job. He works for an engineering company, where
he is very happy. With our salaries combined, we live comfortably, but not extravagantly. We both set
aside portions of our pay every week and put it in an account that will one day pay for our children’s
college education. I knew what it was like to have to work to pay my own way through college. I want
to make sure that my kids don’t have to worry about that.

44-45. Codes:

46-48. THEME: _____________________________________________________________________________________

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