BIO 112 Lab 4

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Mating System
Lab 4 (Module 4)
David Gurrola
BIO 112
November 11, 2020

This lab was by-far the funniest one we have done yet, as the gaming show

reminded me of something from the 80’s. The music choice for this lab also didn’t help

any, I had to turn the sound off after the first species round. However, this lab did a great

job at determining what factors play a critical part for different animals when finding a

mate. We observed three different rounds of questions for five different species, to find

the desirable qualities they are searching for in a mate. First species was Darren the Great

Crested Grebe, scientifically known as Podiceps Cristatus. The lifespan of Great Crested

Grebe’s is relativity on the higher side of 15+ years, and typically weigh a little less than

two pounds. The second species was Stefan, a Burying Beetle, who has a life expectancy

of 12-months and is known as a Nicrophorus in the scientific terms. We then got to see

our first female, Elizabeth ad Sage-Grouse. Known as a Centrocercus Urophasianus to

the science community and weighs a little over four pounds. Next we saw Clarice, a

Gray-Tree frog. More on the lighter side when it comes to weight (under a pound) and

known as a Hyla Versicolor. Lastly, we saw Carol a Satin Bowerbird that lives on

average nine long years. Scientific name is Ptilonorhynchus Violaceus and weighs less

than a pound.

In order for me to complete this lab experiment I had to do and use the following

materials and methods. In order to complete this lab successfully you will need a laptop,

safari/windows, flash installed, join PBS Mating Game Application, pen and paper

(notepad), data chart. In order to start the process, you will need to start the game and pay

attention to the questions asked for each date and each species. Write down all the useful

and helpful information and pull what you need in order to complete a data chart.

Darren is looking for someone special he can build a nest and family with. He is

also looking for a strong connection with that person and being able to dance good is a

requirement. Stefan is strictly looking for someone to reproduce with and take care of his

children. Elizabeth has very high standards with it comes to picking a male or mate. She

wants the strongest male for reproducing, as this will give her children more success

when they enter the environment. Clarice is going off of sound rather than looks, as she

wants a beautiful courtship song. Carol would like to find herself a man to build a nest

with and will not just settle for anything. She wants to find the best of the best when it

comes to her species.

Date 1: Date 2: Date 3: Winner:

Darren - Crested Stephanie, Great Emily, black devil Chris, purple tube Date 1: Great
Grebe Crested Grebe anglerfish sponge Crested Grebe

Stefan - Burying Brook, common fruit Katie, African Sharon, burying Date 3: Burying
Beetle fly Elephant beetle Beetle
Elizabeth - Sage- David, hammer-head Ben, Sage-Grouse Ted, Uganda kob Date 2: Sage-
Grouse fruit bat Grouse

Clarice - Gray Tree Pat, Cope’s gray Kevin, green Jeff, Gray tree frog Date 3: Gray Tree
Frog treefrog treefrog Frog

Carol - Satin Mel, satin bowerbird Archie, satin Bluey, Bower Date 2: Satin
Bowerbird bowerbird Bowerbird

Darren paired perfectly with Stephanie, as they both valued dancing and were

both Great Crested Grebe’s. The other two dates, black devil anglerfish and a purple tube

sponge couldn’t reproduce with Darren. Stefan picked date three, Sharon as she too was a

burying beetle. The other two dates, fruit fly and elephant were just not possible to

reproduce with. Elizabeth picked date 2 another sage-grouse (Ben). As he had the best

puff and squawk of any of the dates. The other two dates, a hammer head fruit and a

Uganda Kob. Clarice found herself a perfect match of another tree frog in Jeff. This one

tough, as all three dates were frogs, but she was able to find the courtship song.

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