Philippine Society and Culture

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Ed 210.


2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021


Failing to plan is planning to fail is a very realistic adage attributed to people such as Benjamin
Franklin. Thus, an education without a vision is one that plans to fail, one that has no direction, one that
just survives to wander around. It also follows that a person without a plan is one who has no direction
and just live to survive.

But a plan would be like a wandering Jew if it is not directed to the fulfillment of a vision. A
vision is a picture of tomorrow, a picture of a better education, of an outcome which we need to fulfill. It
guides like a lantern in the darkest of nights or a lighthouse in a storm.

Thus, an educator should start first with his/her vision for education – whether of himself/
herself or of the school or of the whole education sector itself. This vision will guide the educator on
what he /she will do to make it come true whether personally, in his own organization or even for


At the end of the module, the students shall have:

1. Established his/her own educational vision in life;

2. Strategized to meet their own school’s vision for education;
3. Developed desirable attitude of educators.


Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if false.

1. A vision limits one’s action for the better.

2. Educational vision defines what education is today.
3. KSU envisions to be a technology hub in the Philippines.
4. A win-win attitude makes sure that there will be a loser so that there will be a winner.
5. Waiting only for what the school head tells a teacher to do is a proactive move.


A. Establishing your own Vision

Exercise 1

As an educator, how do you see yourself 5 years from now? 10 years from now? 15 to 20 years
from now? How do you aim to fulfill it?
How do I see myself 5 years How do I see myself 10 years How do I see myself 15-20 years
from now? from now? from now?

How will I fulfill these dreams?

What will I have to change?
What will I have to do?

Having your own dream for what education will do for you will guide you in your education. One
who aims to be a Master Teacher will not major in Administration and Supervision but one who aims to
be a school head will.

Learning is not a one time event. It happens everyday, every hour, every minute, every second
but this is greatly dependent on the attitude of the person.

Your vision will help you, it will guide you to choose the path that will reach it. It will help you to
strategize, endure and persevere as you know that whatever you do now will lead you nearer your
vision. Challenges you meet along the way, even those that will make you seem a failure, will make you
a better you, a better individual, a better educator, if you learn from everything that happens to you,
good or bad.

Everything works together for good (to them that love the Lord), the Holy Bible emphasizes in
Romans 8:28. Therefore, if we have that trust that things, good or bad, will make us better, molding us
and preparing us for what we have envisioned in our lives, then it will be. Failures are never failures
unless we allow them to be but if we reflect on those failures, it will give us the lessons we need to learn
to be better prepared.

Vision becomes our definite purpose for ourselves, our family, our schools and even our
community. This calls for a definiteness of purpose which ensures that whatever happens, it has to be
done. Definiteness of purpose brings out attitudes of perseverance in us that setbacks cannot erase.

If we have visions for ourselves, do we also have visions for our family? Our organizations? Our
schools? These visions will help us direct our efforts, funds, actions to the attainment of such a vision.

KSU also has its vision, mission and core values just like your organization. Its vision is what it
wants to be – a guide, while the mission is its purpose for being there as an organization in the first
place. The core values are expected to be practiced by everyone in the organization to be able to
execute its mission and reach its vision.
Exercise 2

How do I see my family years How do I see my workplace How do I see Kalinga State
from now? years from now? University years from now?

How will I (help) fulfill these

dreams? What values should I
What do I have to change to be
able to contribute?
What do I have to do to help
make it happen?
 For those who are unemployed, please work on community in the second column. Though everybody can
also ask both question on themselves. But for the sake of this exercise, please focus on one.

Visions guide us, whether this is personal, family, school or community. It directs our actions,
funds, minds and all to that dream we have for our school. Our mission is the totality of our reasons for
doing what we are doing which will lead to the vision.

Our actions will have to be consistent with our vision. We cannot be dreaming of quality and not
give our best. We cannot be talking of effectiveness when we don’t care if our strategy is working or not.
We cannot be aiming for efficiency, integrity and economize when we don’t prioritize or even when we
think of what we can get and put in our pocket for every transactions that we do for our government.

We cannot be so demanding of others and even of the government as if they owed you
something and that it is their fault that you are who you are right now, if we have our own vision and
work for it and on it. The words of John F. Kennedy, “ask not what the government can do for you rather
ask what you can do for the government” is still a key that we have in our hands and in the government,
of the government and for the government of today.

Fill in the blanks to spell out your own vision, your vision for your school/community and your
vision for KSU.

I dream that _______ years from now, I am ___________________________________________

I also envision my school/ community to _____________________________________________
And, Kalinga State University is _____________________________________________________
Exercise 4. What then should I do to reach my visions for myself, my family/ school/ community? Write
them down below.

Action 1.

Action 2.

Action 3.


Action 4.


Action 5


B. Attitude of Educators

In this world we are in, educators face so many challenges whether personal, familial, school
or community- related. Yet, what matters is not the challenges but how we face and overcome the
challenges. Francisco Balagtas in his epic Florante at Laura left a very important lesson with his
words, “Ang laki sa layaw karaniwa’y hubad sa bait at muni’y sa hatol ay salot; masaklap na bunga
ng maling paglingap, habag ng magulang sa irog ng anak.” In this, Balagtas points out that our
excessive love to our children will make them weak and dependent. The way that we were raised
greatly affects our values and the way that we learn.

The poem written by an Unknown Author on change is a great lesson for reflection. In the
end, when it was already too late, he realized that nobody can change another person but it is the
will of one person to change his/her own self that will surely work. Thus, this tells us that change is
something that happens from within but which starts from one’s mind – the power of his/her own
thought, the decision and will power to do the change and the guidance of God to bring him/her to
a better tomorrow.

In our life, may we learn from this very simple poem so we will not wait that we come to the
same realization only when we are already on our deathbeds. It is time to learn vicariously and
develop attitudes that will determine our altitude. After painting our vision and determining
strategies that will reach it, we need to develop the right attitudes that will bring us to our vision of
our own self, our family, our school and our community.
Watch the two videos that summarized the book of Stephen Covey on The Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People and learn from them then answer the exercise that follows.

Exercise 5. After watching the summary of the book by Stephen Covey on Highly Effective People, reflect
on it as you fill-up the following chart.

Habits Most Important Points Application in my life

(Enumerate the habits) (What are the important points (What do you need to change to be
that Stephen Covey pointed on able to apply this in your life? How
this?) could you apply it in your life?)
Habit 1.

Habit 2

Habit 3.

Habit 4.
Habit 5.

Habit 6.

Habit 7.

Culture is something dynamic. It is something that we acquire once we are born and start
sucking from our mothers. If an organization has its own culture developed through the years. This
culture is acquired by whoever enters the organization. This is also true with culture in the society. We
start to acquire it as soon as we get in. Yet, culture is developed through influence of others as well as
being influenced within or outside of the society. Whatever we show as individuals however, if practiced
by most in the society, becomes our identity. In the end, what we want our society to project, we must
project ourselves. What we want our society to become (vision), we must start projecting through our
mission and values. While our vision guides us, our mission should lead to our vision and our values
must be practiced for us to reach our vision.

EVALUATION. Reflect on the question below. Incorporate your answers to the following questions on
the reflection you are going to write entitled, “Our Vision and I.”

1. Of all other possible graduate study courses, why did you enroll MAED-SS? What do you plan to
be 10 years from now?
2. How can you continuously develop yourself for you to reach your vision?
3. How can you continuously improve yourself to contribute in the development of your
school/community and for KSU?
4. Why do you need to continuously develop?
5. What is your purpose for living?
6. How do values help in reaching one’s dream?


1. Covey, Stephen. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: A Video Summary
2. Unknown. Change
3. KSU Vision and Mission



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