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Quotes based on themes in Gattaca

Utopia and dystopia

1. “Anton was by far the stronger swimmer and had no excuse to fail” shows how Anton is
genetically superior when compared to Vincent.
2. “My real resume is in my cells” shows how genetics is everything in the society within
3. “They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness, they
don’t say that anymore”
4. “No matter how hard I trained or studied, the best test score wasn’t gonna matter unless I
had the blood test to go with it” shows how the elite within Gattaca claim that their society
favours the most capable.
5. “For the genetically superior success is easier to attain, but is by no means guaranteed”. This
shows that having genetically superior genes does not mean success or perfection. This
quote is used to criticise eugenics.
6. “utero, faith birth, invalid” along with “valid, vitro and a made man” shows that in this world
there are a lot of labels.
7. “It’s got a cloud so thick, no one can tell what it is underneath” This is a metaphor and it si a
concept that all people see is their social status, invalid and valid.
8. “Eugene suffered under a different burden- the burden of perfection”. This quote illustrates
the dystopian nature of the society in Gattaca. Even those who are guaranteed success
inevitably suffer. The juxtaposition between the idealistic connotations of “perfection” and
the repetition of burden illustrates that no one really benefits where self-worth is measured
by one’s genes. This highlights Jerome’s unhappiness. Perfection is a blessing and a curse;
something that everyone aspires to and that once achieved kills the desire that feeds
9. “They’ve got you looking so hard for any flaw that after a while that’s all you see”. Vincent
urges Irene to see the big picture and does not want her to be defined by her genes. This
quote highlights how the society within Gattaca is full of imperfections.
10. “Mine is already 10000 beats overdue” emphasizes his heart problem and his potential to go
beyond his expectations. This is ironic to Irene’s “What heart problem did you ever have?”
11. “There is no gene for human spirit” (film’s tagline). This illustrates that success is not defined
by your genes but the willpower. It also encapsulates the man message of the film is that
human drive and passion is the most essential element of humanity.
12. “It is next to godliness” links back to the quote at the beginning of the film about God.
Travelling to the moon links back to the god Titan and the god theme of the movie.
13. “It’s alright, you’re excused”. The writer reveals that Irene has a vulnerability as she has a
heart condition. It also emphasizes how this society does not challenge Irene and this implies
that your genes can have an effect of limiting you.
14. “you have to be realistic with a heart condition like yours” (Vincent’s mum) highlights that
his parents keep telling him he cannot achieve anything and tells him that he cannot live
beyond his potential.
15. “Myopia is one of the most obvious signs of a disadvantaged birth” (Jermain) highlights
Vincent is short sighted and is seen as an invalid. Myopia is short sightedness. Vincent is
short sighted. This is ironic as Vincent sees his end goal. Vincent has myopia, this is ironic
given Vincent is nothing but short sighted with his dream as all his actions are deliberate and
calculated to achieve his dream of space.
16. “I see a lot of dry eyes” shows highlights how the people within the society of Gattaca are
unemotional and distant people.


1. “my real resume is in my cells” shows how genetics is everything within the society of
2. “We now have a discrimination down to a science”. The staircase and Vincent’s relative
position at the bottom of the staircase implies his “underclass” social status.
3. “No matter how hard I trained or studied, the best test score wasn’t gonna matter unless I
had the blood test to go with it” shows how the elite within Gattaca claim that their society
favours the most capable.
4. “For the genetically superior success is easier to attain, but is by no means guaranteed”.
This shows that having genetically superior genes does not mean success or perfection. This
quote is used to criticise eugenics.
5. “utero, faith birth, invalid” along with “valid, vitro and a made man” shows that in this world
there are a lot of labels.
6. “It’s got a cloud so thick, no one can tell what it is underneath” This is a metaphor and it is a
concept that all people see is their social status, invalid and valid.
7. “They’ve got you looking so hard for any flaw that after a while that’s all you see”. Vincent
urges Irene to see the big picture and does not want her to be defined by her genes. This
quote highlights how the society within Gattaca is full of imperfections.
8. “I’m sorry the wind caught it” signals Vincent’s deliberate refusal to participate in genetic
9. “Just some invalid” is an implication that it is not worth knowing the name of some invalid.
10. “Blood has no nationality”
11. “I think only that we will tamper with Mother Nature, I think that Mother wants us to”
alludes to the criticism of eugenics. Overall, the introduction introduces debate surrounding
the use of eugenics.
12. “It’s alright, you’re excused”. The writer reveals that Irene has a vulnerability as she has a
heart condition. It also emphasizes how this society does not challenge Irene and this implies
that your genes can have an effect of limiting you.
13. “Myopia is one of the most obvious signs of a disadvantaged birth” (Jermain) highlights
Vincent is short sighted and is seen as an invalid. Myopia is short sightedness. Vincent is
short sighted. This is ironic as Vincent sees his end goal. Vincent has myopia, this is ironic
given Vincent is nothing but short sighted with his dream as all his actions are deliberate and
calculated to achieve his dream of space.

Determination and the human spirit

1. “For as long as I remember I dreamt of going into space” shows Vincent’s passion and desire
to go into space.
2. “’Until finally the impossible happened” made Vincent believe anything was possible.
3. “It was the one moment in our lives that my brother was not as strong as he believed and I
was not as weak” shows how Vincent’s mindset has changed.
4. “It was the one moment that made everything possible” links back to the murky ethics of
eugenics. The murky water, tough waves represents the tough and long journey that Vincent
still has ahead of him.
5. “I was never certain of how far away I was from my goal then when I was standing right
beside it”
6. “For all my brave talk, I knew it was just that” highlights Vincent’s hopelessness.
7. “For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess, I have a hard time
leaving it, of course they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star”. This shows
how his optimism outweigh his fear. Vincent has achieved his goal and all the obstacles
which he has overtaken. This highlights the director’s approval and that our body was part of
nature. It is seen as something beautiful. It also shows Vincent’s security.
8. “This is how I did it, Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back”. This statement
explains how Vincent was able to beat Anton. It is a testament to human power, willpower,
determination and human spirit. It is at this moment when Vincent becomes aware of his
untapped potential and decides to follow his dream. This is used to celebrate humanity’s
ability to strive for greatness.
9. “For whatever it’s worth, I’m here to tell you that it is possible” highlights Vincent’s belief in
wanting Irene to see the big picture and wanting her to live beyond her potential. This is also
used to emphasize irony as genes don’t define who we are.
10 “Don’t you understand, I can’t do that!”- Shh you just did” (first part Irene, second part
Vincent) emphasizes that Irene is capable of doing something beyond her reach and that
anything is possible.
15. “There is no gene for human spirit” (film’s tagline). This illustrates that success is not defined
by your genes but the willpower. It also encapsulates the man message of the film is that
human drive and passion is the most essential element of humanity.
16. “you have to be realistic with a heart condition like yours” (Vincent’s mum) highlights that
his parents keep telling him he cannot achieve anything and tells him that he cannot live
beyond his potential.

Human flaws

1. “The exact time of my death was already known”

2. “99% probability of heart disorder”
3. “Early fatal potential life expectancy: 30.2 years”
4. “It’s got a cloud so thick, no one can tell what it is underneath” This is a metaphor and it is a
concept that all people see is their social status, invalid and valid.
5. “They’ve got you looking so hard for any flaw that after a while that’s all you see”. Vincent
urges Irene to see the big picture and does not want her to be defined by her genes. This
quote highlights how the society within Gattaca is full of imperfections.
6. “I was still second best” creates irony as Jerome was guaranteed success as he had the
7. “I think only that we will tamper with Mother Nature, I think that Mother wants us to”
alludes to the criticism of eugenics. Overall, the introduction introduces debate surrounding
the use of eugenics.
8. “For whatever it’s worth, I’m here to tell you that it is possible” highlights Vincent’s belief in
wanting Irene to see the big picture and wanting her to live beyond her potential. This is also
used to emphasize irony as genes don’t define who we are.
9. “Mine is already 10000 beats overdue” emphasizes his heart problem and his potential to go
beyond his expectations. This is ironic to Irene’s “What heart problem did you ever have?”
10. “It’s alright, you’re excused”. The writer reveals that Irene has a vulnerability as she has a
heart condition. It also emphasizes how this society does not challenge Irene and this implies
that your genes can have an effect of limiting you.
11. “you have to be realistic with a heart condition like yours” (Vincent’s mum) highlights that
his parents keep telling him he cannot achieve anything and tells him that he cannot live
beyond his potential.
12. “If he did, it would simply mean we did not accurately gauge his potential in the first place”
is ironic as Vincent is living beyond his potential and this is reinforced by the camera flipping
to Vincent during Anton and Vincent’s conversation.
13. “Myopia is one of the most obvious signs of a disadvantaged birth” (Jermain) highlights
Vincent is short sighted and is seen as an invalid. Myopia is short sightedness. Vincent is
short sighted. This is ironic as Vincent sees his end goal. Vincent has myopia, this is ironic
given Vincent is nothing but short sighted with his dream as all his actions are deliberate and
calculated to achieve his dream of space.


1. “I am not Jerome Morrow” reveals that Vincent has a dual identity.

2. “From an early age, I came to think of myself as others thought of me; chronically ill”
3. “A son my father considered worthy of his name” shows how Anton is seen as more superior
than Vincent. Vincent rubs his name off as he does not want to feel inferior to his brother
4. “I would need an awful more than a drop to get anywhere” is a foreshadow.
5. “The most unremarkable of events, Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1 st Class is about to embark
on a one year manned mission to Titan, the fourteenth moon of Saturn”
6. “I’m not Jerome Morrow, I’m a murder suspect” reveals Vincent’s identity crisis.
7. “Twelve fingers or one is how you play”
8. “You work so hard, you do everything you can to get away from a place and when you finally
get your chance to leave, you find a reason to stay” emphasizes Vincent’s belonging in the
society of Gattaca with Irene.
9. “Mine is already 10000 beats overdue” emphasizes his heart problem and his potential to go
beyond his expectations. This is ironic to Irene’s “What heart problem did you ever have?”
10. “It’s alright, you’re excused”. The writer reveals that Irene has a vulnerability as she has a
heart condition. It also emphasizes how this society does not challenge Irene and this implies
that your genes can have an effect of limiting you.

Science and religion

1. “I’ll never understand what possess my mother to put her faith in God’s hands, rather than
her local geneticist”. This is used to show that the cross stands as a reminder of the
individual’s genetic inferiority and weakness. The religious sign is used to depict invalids’ low
social status. This illustrates the lack of humanity in the futuristic world. It is ironic to put
faith in science rather than God, echoing the focus of science and genetic superiority in
2. “It is next to godliness” links back to the quote at the beginning of the film about God.
Travelling to the moon links back to the god Titan and the god theme of the movie.

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