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Jay Recto Rellama

3rd Year, BS Accountancy

Science, Technology & Society with HIV Education

Shiela Anzano
Thursday, 8:00 AM – 11:00AM

General Concepts & Historical Events in Science, Technology &

Assignment 1

Guide Questions:

1. What are the contribution of Copernicus, Darwin and Freud in

the Philosophy of Science?

- Of all intellectuals who contributed to the idea of

scientific revolution, there were several scientists
that marked in the history of science for their
revolutionary ideas that until today are used for
further scientific studies. They were Nicolaus
Copernicus, Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud.

For Copernicus, he introduced the Theory of Heliocentric

in the field of astronomy, proposing that Earth and other
planets revolve around the sun rather than the Earth
being the center of the universe. It led him in
estimating the order of the planets, that earth rotates
on its axis causing the change of seasons and other major
astronomical discoveries.

For Darwin, he established the theory of evolution based

on natural selection. Some of us may be familiar of this
theory because of the phrase "Survival of the Fittest",
declaring that species who succeeded to adapt to the
changing requirements of nature survived and those who
failed, died.

For Freud, his scientific works and contributions were

mainly related to psychology. He developed the five
stages of psychosexual development, emphasizing that
most human suffering starts at the early age and
accumulates as they pass these stages.
2. Do you think that church should intervene in scientific

- I do think that church should not intervene in

scientific activities as science discovers, study and
prove matters by gathering and evaluating facts and
evidences unlike church that most subjects are based on
faith, biblical stories and testimonies. The Church,
instead, should guide scientists in making sure that
their scientific works will benefit and do good to

3. How do social & human issues influence science?

- Science works because of people, its works is for

people and their work comes from people. Our social and
human issues encourage scientist to work for these
issues to be eradicated so we develop, we become better
and be prepared for what the future will bring us.

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