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Module 6

GEC06: Purposive Communication

From tacky to techy:


After studying the
TECHNOLOGY module, you are
expected to:
“I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances
communication has profound effects in terms of 1. Identify the different
how people can learn from each other, and how methods and tools of
they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they’re technology used in
interested in.” communication;
-Bill Gates 2. Determine how
technology influences
In many circumstances in our lives and mostly, 3. Ascertain
academic circumstances, we have been tracing our lives and appropriate instances
our history, on where and how we started. Thanks to on when to and not to
multitude of studies conducted by scholars, we have figured use technology; and
out that we once lived a very simple life, free from any form 4. Apply the principles
of advancements that we have today. You may ask, if people discussed in creating
survived in the yesteryears without technology then why do your own Powerpoint
we have to innovate and continuously embrace it? presentation.

In fact, the needs of the current generation is much more advanced than what we
had years and years ago. There used to be a time when the acquisition and use of
technology was a luxury, a status symbol in which only those who are well-off can
afford. However, today almost everyone has a gadget brought by technology. Almost
every household has an appliance powered by technology, people of almost all ages
have mobile phones. Can you still imagine life without technology.

The perks and setbacks brought by technology is a never-ending debate in all

domains of the society. Where lies the advantages? Where lies the disadvantages. If
you will think of it this way, a coin has two sides; it has two faces. The same applies to
technology as its advantages always has its shadow of disadvantages. In the words of
Joseph Priestly, a Theologian and a Philosopher, ‘the more elaborate our means of
communication, the less we communicate’.

In the field of communication, technology paves the way for a greater connection
and ease of transfer of message. Such information is probably something that you
already know and experience. The purpose of this module is to increase the ideas that
you already have towards technology. Likewise, this will also attempt to help you use
technology not only personally but also professionally as you will soon be part of the
working sector of the society. Acquiring such knowledge and skill is like having
something extra in your pocket that can serve as your edge in this thoroughly
competitive world.

GEC06 1

The use of technology has altered the traditional mode of communication from
being traditional to a more accessible means. There is always a constant need for
people to generate and share information which leads to their constant search of the
easiest way to connect to people. The following are some of the methods and
influences of communicating via technology based on the article of Alhadlaq (2016).


Currently, the internet cell phones and emails are at the summit of the most
preferred methods of communication. Following the widespread use of technology in
communication, the society and businesses have embraced the methods of passing
information, which has emerged in line with technology.

Cellphone. The introduction of portable cellular phones in the realm of

communication has enabled people to remain connected with each other from any
location. Besides receiving voice calls and placing of the same, cell phones allow users
a chance to send and receive text messages from the communicating parties. Further,
people can access their emails through smartphones that have provisions for internet
applications. The same smartphones support access to social networking sites where
people exchange instant messages. Technological advancement has resulted in the
improvement of cellphones that support video calls. Possibly, cell phones are the
most widespread way of communication owing to the ease of accessibility and
availability of phones to many people. Almost everyone in the world owns a phone,
which is basically used for communication.

Blogs. Blogs have gained

popularity as effective methods of Nowadays, we are dominated by left and
communication, especially in the right vlogs and the vloggers behind them. In
business context. Business your opinion, how can these vlogs and
organizations utilize blogs for their vloggers affect communication and the flow
advertising purposes, and great of thinking of the people who follows them?
success has been realized in this ________________________________
area. On the same note, individuals ________________________________
have also embraced blogging to
share their ideas with other people. ________________________________
For instance, people use blogs to ________________________________
offer instructional information,
share family adventures
communicate anything that they need to pass to others.

Email. Handwritten correspondence in personal and business interactions are

gradually paving the way for email messages. In the business sphere, email messages
are utilized to communicate ideas with clients and employees. Email messages are
also used by learning institutions to communicate to parents and students on issues
of interest to the parties. Email messages have captured the interests of many users,
especially due to the ability to get prompt and immediate feedback among
communicating parties.

GEC06 2
Social Networking. The recent past has witnessed the emergence of social
networking sites that are internet-based. The social networking sites as facebook and
twitter allow individuals to communicate with total strangers, family, colleagues and
friends in a forum that is online. Orth (n.d) observed that Networking sites overcome
geographical barriers that would otherwise bar people from communicating; thus
allowing people to exchange photos and messages with lots of ease. Further, social
networking sites grant people a chance to reconnect with their lost friends and
relatives, and lots of businesses currently exploit social networks to drum up their
business. This method of communication via technology is extremely popular,
especially among young people with access to the internet.

Online Chat. Today, people can use online chats to communicate with their
peers in real time. Online chats are normally granted by email providers as a bonus
capability similar to networking sites. The same chats allow people to contribute to a
topic of interest to strangers; thus providing a learning opportunity and exchange of
ideas. People can also exchange other personal details with people they meet and chat
with in the online chats.

Video Calls. According to Orth (n.d), it is now possible to make video calls
using the internet through providers as yahoo messenger and skype. Video calls have
revolutionized communication; as individuals can see each other in actual time while
communicating in a computer screen. When people place video calls, they enjoy
seeing the facial expression of the person they are talking to, and this overcomes the
geographical barriers of distance between the communicating parties.


Communication and technological development have

gone hand-in-hand in the entire history, and the emergence of mobile and internet
services have propelled communication to exceptionally high levels (Harankhedkar,
2011). In this respect, technology influences communication in the following

Speed and Cost. The introduction of internet and the option of chatting and
sending emails are probably the most noteworthy influence of technology on
communication. The internet and computers have simplified the process of designing,
editing and producing documents with minimum shortcomings. The created
documents can then be sent to their respective destinations almost instantaneously,
irrespective of the distance between the sender and the recipient. In a nutshell,
technology has greatly improved the speed of communication, as well as contributing
to the drastic reduction of the communicating cost.

Quality. Communication quality has significantly improved due to availability

and accessibility of helpful knowledge in various websites. Storm (n.d) pointed out
most of the knowledge can effortlessly be accessed by a simple search on the internet
using computers. Further, technology has enhanced storage and recovery of
communication when the need arises, chiefly verbal communication whose storage
posed real challenges in pretechnology times (Harankhedkar, 2011). It has now
become quite easy to clear doubts or misconceptions by contacting all parties who are
involved in a communication misunderstanding, and this improves the quality of

GEC06 3
Accessibility. Technology has considerably diminished communication cost
and this has translated to increased accessibility. Media related initiatives as news
that have been captured live and online forums have introduced global participation,
and access to information and news for lots of people (Harankhedkar, 2011).
Furthermore, access to privilege information in the business realm have been
evidenced by giving business firms a competitive advantage; thus holistic
organizational success. Therefore, technology has played a central role in promoting
widespread access to knowledge and information.

Nature of Communication. Technology has contributed to the alteration of

topics into different communications; as people seek to pass on breaking news within
the shortest time possible. Advancement in technology has simplified communication
allowing voluminous messages to be sent at minimum cost. In this respect, people
can change the nature of communication to adopt the form that will be easy to

Change in Style. The invention of cell phones simplified communication and

allowed more and more people to communicate from any location. Storm (n.d)
argued that communication cost was drastically diminished by the new gadgets, and
this has contributed to the alteration of communication nature. Notably, exceptional
quality communication obtained from cell phones from any location on the globe,
which is accompanied by minimum cost have promoted written and verbal
communication at the expense of face-to-face communication (Burg, 2013).
Furthermore, communication has embraced short and concise texts as words are
shortened due to typing difficulties in cases of mobile phones. The typing hardships
have resulted to widespread use shortcuts and symbols that defile the rules of



The use of technology in communication should be

encouraged as long as the positive outcomes are
desirable. Many times, the utilization of technology for communication purposes is
beneficial, especially in saving cost and time for bulk messages. In situations where
communicating is made difficult by barriers, technology come in handy to minimize
or eliminate the challenges by making communication. In this cases when faced with
barriers, one should seek solace in technology. Secondly, one should run for
technology when retaining old contacts and keep in touch with them.
Without technology, it would be difficult to keep in touch with old friends or relatives,
but technology offers range ways that can be utilized communicate with people
interest, and this strengthens relationships. Technology should also be utilized
when there is a need to store information or record verbal
communication for future reference. Unlike written communication, verbal
communication can easily be lost. Therefore, conversations should be recorded when
there is a need to retrieve the spoken words in future (Burg, 2013). Technology is
credited with the development and invention of recording gadgets, which can store
lots of information. Such gadgets are also fitted in planes, trains, and ships to record
data on everything that happens in the named means of transport. Finally,
sending of urgent messages that require urgent response leaves
technology the vital role of ensuring that happens successfully. In such a
circumstance, one should not hesitate using the provisions of technology to

GEC06 4

With all its benefits, the use of technology has taken almost
the entire aspects of human communication. At some point, people
should strive to avoid using technology in their communication; as
it has replaced vital features of communication that should be
ignored. Essentially, it is not advisable for people who want to boost their
interpersonal skills to use technology for their entire communication needs.
Face-to-face communication is dearly important in helping individuals develop vital
communication and interpersonal skills, which are come to play in resolving conflicts
(Mekawi, 2013). For this reason, people should minimize communicating with each
other using chats and text and seek face-to-to-face communication whenever possible.
Further, technological communication might not be best for non-verbal
communication situations. The ability of individuals to grasp non-verbal signs of
communication have been diminished by technology and minimum face-to-face
interactions. Finally, one should refrain from using technology while
communicating to people who do not understand how the technology
works. For instance, there are people who cannot operate a phone or a computer,
leave alone using the internet for communication. For effective communication to be
achieved, the recipient of the sent message should understand the contents of the text
and give a viable response in return (Mekawi, 2013). Any sense that using technology
might break the process of communication should call for the immediate dropping of
the latter and focus on anything else that can work. Further, there are cases of
disabled individuals who cannot perceive advanced communication
gadgets, but simple visual signs.



In the academe, the knowledge of multimodal texts are highly

encouraged among students as they will be emerged in mediated world and they have
to be critical about it. However, it is important to note that students must acquire
knowledge both in the reception and creation of multimodal texts.

Their creation of such can be of any medium such as the following.

1. Paper- such as books, comics and posters

2. Digital- from slide presentations, e-books, blogs, social media to animation,
films and video games
3. Live- like a performance or an event
4. Transmedia- where the story is narrated using “multiple delivery channels”
by means of a combination of media platforms. It is about the logical relations
between these media extensions which seek to add something to the story as it moves
from one medium to another, not just adaptation or retelling. For instance, the novel
of J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter series, is considered as an example of transmedia as
it is originally in the form of print. However, it was also adapted in movies and even
game applications.

In the creation of the multimodal text, you have to be aware of the following.
Negligence of these actions may lead you to a dire consequence.

GEC06 5
 PATCHWORKING is when you exploit certain threads in the materials you
have gathered from various sources and stitch these together to create your own
“patchwork” and your own particular understanding of the materials (Godhe,
2014). Hence, there is a need for a RECONTEXTUALIZATION.
 PLAGIARISM is the act of stealing and passing off as your own ideas, words or
any other intellectual property produced by another person.

Explain how instances of plagiarism and patchworking be avoided?



Making your presentation more interesting through the use of

multimedia help to improve the audience’s focus. With this, one can
utilize the use of images, audio and video that leads to a more
interactive discussion. Moreover, using powerpoint presentations
can add to being more collaborative as multiple people can contribute insights.
Likewise, its use is very flexible as it can be easily customized (Bell, n.d.).

Additionally, the Northern Illinois University also stated the perks and setbacks
on the use of powerpoints.

Positive Features of PowerPoint

1. PowerPoint saves time and energy once the presentation has been created, is
easy to update and can be modified for other courses.
2. PowerPoint is portable and can be easily shared with students and colleagues.
3. PowerPoint supports multimedia such as video, audio, images and animation.

Drawbacks of PowerPoint
1. PowerPoint can reduce the opportunity for classroom interaction (by being
the primary method of information dissemination).
2. PowerPoint can lead to information overload, especially with long sentences
and paragraphs.
3. PowerPoint can drive the instruction and minimize the opportunity for
spontaneity and creative teaching.

3 Things to do before starting the Powerpoint Presentation (Kangas, 2012)

1. Determine your goal.

2. Convert your goal into one “big idea”.
3. Consolidate your idea into just three concepts.

GEC06 6
5 Design Principles that can help in the structure of the Presentation

1. Outline first to control the number of the slides to provide balance.

2. Have only one message per slide to allow the audience to understand it more.
3. Pay attention to size.
4. Apply the principle of contrast.
5. Limit the number of objects/items per slide.

Tips for the Presentation (NanoNerds, 2012)

1. Come prepared.
2. Get the set-up right.
3. Know your audience and adjust the content accordingly.
4. Go easy on fonts.
5. Go easy on logos.
6. Go easy on colors.
7. Make eye contact.
8. Be kind to questioners.
9. Be kind to folks in the back.
10. Design slides for distance.
11. Cellphone off.
12. Do not go crazy with the lazer pointer.
13. Do not cram too much in each slide.
14. Do not read from your notes and slides.
15. Do not spew jargon.
16. Do not demean audience members.
17. Do not turn your back.

GEC06 7
Let’s take the Tests !

Test 1. Identify the terms referred to in the following statements. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.

____________1. These are usually used to correspond to employees and clients.

____________2. Skype is one of the applications where you can do this kind of
____________3. It significantly improved due to availability and accessibility of
helpful knowledge in various websites.
____________4. It is a medium of multimodal texts with examples such as
e-books, blogs and social media.
____________5. It is a portable device that allows people to remain connected
with each other from any location.
____________6. A ballet performance is an example of this multimodal text.
____________7. It is when you exploit certain threads in the materials you have
gathered from various sources and stitch these together to
create your own material.
____________8. It is a material that is very flexible as it can be easily customized
____________9. People can use this to communicate with their peers in real time.
____________10. It is the act of stealing and passing off as your own ideas, words
or any other intellectual property produced by another
____________11. It pertains to the influence that is related on the most
noteworthy influence of technology on communication.
____________12. It is usually used for advertising purposes.

Test II. Indicate whether the statement is true by writing CORRECT and
INCORRECT if the statement is false. A space is provided before the number where
you can write your answer.

________1. You can use technology when retaining old contacts and keep in touch
with them.
______2. It is suggested not to refer to technology even if positive outcomes are
______3. PowerPoint does not support multimedia such as video, audio, images and
______4. Technological communication might not be best for non-verbal
communication situations.
______5. PowerPoint can reduce the opportunity for classroom interaction (by
being the primary method of information dissemination).
______6. In the principles of making powerpoint presentations, there is no need to
fuss on the size.
______7. Applying contrast is advised when doing a powerpoint presentation.
______8. The use of technology is advised for people who want to boost their
interpersonal skills to use technology for their entire communication
______9. PowerPoint is portable and can be easily shared with students and
______10. Technology should also be utilized when there is a need to store
information or record verbal communication for future reference.

GEC06 8
Activity 1.

A. Applying the concepts in the art making a powerpoint, in a group of 5 members,

create a Powerpoint presentation composed of 20 slides about a portion of the article
The Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle (2012).

Performance Task

A. Present the Powerpoint presentation in front of the class for 10mins. Each
member should be able to speak, hence their strategy to finish the presentation
within the time limit will be applied. Extension of the time will not be granted that is
why the presentation will be cut after 10mis.

(Note: If groupings will not be possible, teachers may modify the instruction based on the most suitable mode for
their students. Modification also applies to the mode of submission as it is dependent on the teacher and students
accessibility of the platforms utilized.)

Criteria for Evaluation


Criteria Score Rating Remarks

1. The material is pleasing to the eyes as it applies 20

the principle of contrast when it comes to the color.
2. The powerpoint paid attention to size in the 20
3. The amount of content per slide is comprehensive. 20
4. The message per slide is comprehensive. 20
5. The number of slides followed the given prompt. 20


Criteria Score Rating Remarks

1. The content of the material is based on the prompt

and is presented comprehensively. 40
2. The delivery of the presentation is fluent and the
powerpoint presentation did not overpower the 40
3. The group exhibits cooperation and followed the 20
conventions. Moreover, they exemplify
professionalism in their presentation.

Individual Evaluation

Criteria Knowledge on Delivery Stage Presence Total

the Topic (10) (50)
Members (20) (20)

(Note: The criteria for the evaluation is based on the original instruction. If modifications will be made, the criteria
may also be tweaked to fit the modified instruction.)

GEC06 9

Alhadlaq, I. (2016). How Technology Influences Communication 7(1). International

Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
Bell, K. W. (n.d.). What are the benefits of Powerpoint? Retrieved April 10, 2020
Burg, N. (2013). How Technology has Changed Workplace Communication,
Drago, E. (2015). The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication 6(1).
Elon University: The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in
Harankhedkar, H. (2011). Impact of Technology on Communication,
Jones, A.M. (2003). The use and abuse of Powerpoint in Teaching and Learning in
the Life Sciences: A personal overview. University of Dundee: Life Sciences
Teaching Unit.
Northern Illinois University. (n.d.). Teaching with Powerpoint. Faculty Development
and Instructional Design Center.
Orth, M. (n.d.). Technology and how We Communicate.,
Storm, L. (n.d.). Positive Effects of Technology on Communication,
Turkle, S. (2012). The Flight from Conversation. The New York Times.


GEC06 10

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