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Producto Académico N° 1: Tarea


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) defines globalization as "the growing
economic interdependence in all the countries of the world, caused by the increase in
the volume and variety of cross-border transactions of goods and services, as well as
international capital flows, while at the same time as by the accelerated and
widespread spread of technology"

Globalization is an instrument of markets whose ultimate purpose is to maximize

profits. It also seeks free trade policies, as well as in favor of mergers between
companies, thus creating larger multinationals that can encompass more countries.
Thanks to globalization, the border between different countries gradually disappears,
and they also establish agreements that unify different parts of the world from an
economic point of view, with trade agreements.

Many believe that globalization brings with it poverty and inequality, while it is true
that, in the richest countries the inequality between the richest and poorest has
increased, today with globalization, free trade, and the free movement of capital,
investments in countries multiplied, which by taking advantage of their cost
advantages filled international markets with their products , so inequality between
countries declined, because globalization favours economic growth, it would be
unacceptable if it did not contribute to equity.

As we know, there is a relationship between globalization and international trade,

because globalization means that both goods and services are exchanged between
different regions of the world. There are some advantages of international trade in a
global world, one of which is that it allows greater competition between different
companies, thus reducing the costs necessary for the production of both goods and
services and because of this the user obtains lower prices. It also generates greater
direct and indirect employment and improves the distribution of wealth and access to

Globalization has accelerated with the deregulation of financial markets, the global
diversification of placement portfolios and communications technology, made it
possible to refine information. Thanks to these big market factors, they can place
their funds in any open market in the world, which provides a better return.


1. Rúbrica de evaluación:

A continuación, se presenta la escala de valoración, en base a la cual se evaluará

el trabajo individual, donde la escala máxima por categoría equivale a 5 puntos y la
mínima, 0.

Criterios Logrado En proceso No logrado

(5 puntos) (3 puntos) (0 puntos)
Capacidad de Plantea sus ideas y Plantea sus ideas y No plantea
elaboración y análisis justifica sus justifica sus adecuadamente
del tema planteado. argumentos en argumentos en sus ideas ni
relación integral con relación parcial argumentos, en
el tema planteado. con el tema relación con el
planteado. tema planteado.

Aplica los Aplica los No aplica los

Capacidad de conceptos conceptos conceptos
aplicación de los requeridos y los requeridos y los requeridos ni los
conceptos relaciona de relaciona de relaciona de
indicados en el manera óptima forma regular manera
desarrollo del con el tema con el tema adecuada con
tema. planteado. planteado. el tema

Aplicación de reglas Aplica las reglas Aplica las reglas No aplica

gramaticales del idioma gramaticales del gramaticales del correctamente las
inglés. idioma inglés idioma inglés con reglas gramaticales
correctamente. algunos errores del idioma inglés.

Uso y citado de fuentes Refiere y cita, Refiere y cita No refiere ninguna

de información, según el adecuadamente, dos solo una fuente fuente de
documento “Elaboración fuentes de de información, información, para
de citas y referencias información, para para sustentar sustentar sus ideas.
con APA del CENDOC”1. sustentar sus ideas, sus ideas.

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