True Musalman by Sant Kirpal Singh

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Saccha Musalman - True Muslim

There is a journal called 'Payambar' being braught out by the

Baha'is in Delhi, whose editor is a scholarly Muslim broth-
er. Its March 1941 issue contains a this ayat from the 'Sura-
e-Bakr' of the Holy Quran, along with its translation. It con-
tains the praise of the true Musalman (Muslim) or 'Momin':
o vYyt+huk ;kSeuwu fce vk mut+y vySdk o esvk
mut+y euSd cyd o fcyvk[+kjr ge ;kSduwuA
A Momin and Mutaqqi (God-fearer) is one, who believes that,
which has descended upon the Rasool (prophet), and all that
descended before him and upon the Rasool to follow. It is clear
from this that it states that Kalaam (Word) has descended be-
fore the Rasool and later on, upon others as well. However, in
common parlance, Musalman or Momin is considered to be one,
who has full faith upon Prophet Mohammad, knowing him to be
the last Nabi (chosen prophet) (i.e., believe that no other prophet
is to come after Hzrat Mohammad), believe Quran Sharif to be
God's word, know fully the glory of Hajj, Roza (fasting) and
Zakat (charity) and read the Namaz (prayer, in accordance with
Shari'at) regularly.
Gurbani is the same for all the four Varnas (classes), and
its teaching is for all, worldwide, which includes the Mus-
lims as well. Hence, it speaks of what true Shari'at and being
Muslim is.

Who is a True Muslim?

The true Muslim is:

- One, who remains in the Bhana (Will) of the Lord, and
destroys his ego, and removing the delusion of living and
dying, remains firm in the consequence and faith.
- One, who knows Allah, who is neither male or female,
is omnipresent in all bodies, whose radiance exists in the
heart (Third Eye).
2 lPpk eqlyeku

- One, who constantly examines his heart (mind) and

takes the outer world to be ephemeral and remain in the con-
stant remembrance of the Lord.
- One, whose heart is soft as wax and the mind unsul-
lied so that the poisonous wind of the world does not reach
Gurbani also states that the true Shari'at is that by which
one is redeemed. It decides as below:
- One, whose masjid is grace, musalla (prayer-mat) is
truthfulness, and lawful right is the Quran, sunnat (prescibed
way of life) is honour and roza (fasting) is humility and sat-
isfaction. Which are the five Namazes? those, whose descrip-
tion is provided in the Gurbani:
iap lcn /kqfudkj /kqfu rg cktS lcnq uhlk.kqAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (eykj dh okj eΠ1, i`Π1291)
The Panch Shabd, the Five Primal Sounds, resonate and resound with-
in; the insignia of the Shabd is revealed there, vibrating gloriously.
- The Muslim Walis (saints) such as Khwaja Hafiz,
Hazrat Shams Tabrez etc.) have also openly described these
sounds in their kalaams (writings). One should meditate upon
these. Or, as has been described elsewhere, do the five Namaz-
es as below: 1. Truth 2. Halal (legitimacy), 3. Khair-Khudaai
(virtuous deity), 4. Neeyat-Raas (agreement of intention) and
5. Sifat-Salaah (proper praise).
- To tread upon such Shari'at is very difficult indeed.
What good is the Shari'at, if it does not lead to abandon-
ing untruth and finding Truth and Essential Knowledge?
Abandonment of the ego is also stated to be essential. Un-
til all these qualities are inhered, one cannot go to Bahisht
- To not get unduly entangled in outer tastes. Take oth-
er's right to be pig-like and do not touch flesh.
- Allah is One. He is within a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh,
Christian, Jew and all ther rest, and is common to all. He is
'Rabb-ul-Aalameen' (Lord of the Creation), not just 'Rabb-ul-
Musalmeen'. Hence, one should possess love for all beings.
lPpk eqlyeku 3

One should not imagine Him. This heart itself is the Ka'aba,
the House of Khuda. The finger-chanting of Shabd and the tas-
bih (rosary) of Bhana (Lord's Will) is pleasing to the Lord.
- The body is the masjid, in which the mind is the maula-
na. Our true Khuda is Nirankar (the Unsullied One). the end-
less Ocean, of which, we are but a drop. If the heart does not
possess Truth and contentment, instead, there is deceit and
violence, then all rozas and Hajj-Ka'abas are worthless.
- Search for the Lord, not on the outside, but within
yourself. The union with the Lord and happiness is with the
inner Namaz, and not with outer ups and downs. The Khuda
is not present just in the Ka'aba, but is omnipresent.The hu-
man heart itself is the true Ka'aba, where there is the efful-
gence of Khuda. Maulvi Rumi says,
dkvck cqÙk[+kuk [+kyhys vkt+jvlrA
fny xqt+j xkgs [+kyhys vdcj vlrAA
Ka'aba is but the idol-temple of Khaleel (Hazrat Ibrahim) and the
heart is the place for the presence of the Supreme Khaleel.

What are the True Musalman and the True Shari'at?

fegj elhfr flndq eqlyk gdq gykyq dqjk.kqAA

lje lqaufr lhyq j¨tk g¨gq eqlyek.kqAA dkck lpq ih# dyek dje fuoktAA
rlch lk frlq Hkkolh ukud j[kS yktAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (ek> dh okj eΠ1, i`Π140)
Let mercy be your mosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living
your Quran. Make modesty your circumcision, and good conduct
your fast. In this way, you shall be a true Muslim. Let good con-
duct be your Ka’aba, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of
good deeds your prayer and chant. Let your rosary be that which
is pleasing to His Will. O Nanak, God shall preserve your honour.
iaft fuoktk o[kr iaft iatk iats ukmAA
ifgyk lpq gyky nqb rhtk [kSj [kqnkbAA
pmFkh uhvfr jkfl euq iatoh flQfr lukbAA
4 lPpk eqlyeku dyek vkf[k dS rk eqlyek.kq lnkbAA

ukud tsrs dwfM+vkj dwM+S dwM+h ikbAA
eqlyek.kq dgko.kq eqldyq tk g¨b rk eqlyek.kq dgkoSAA
vofy vmfy nhuq dfj feBk eldy ekuk ekyq eqlkoSAA
g¨b eqlfyeq nhu eqgk.kS ej.k tho.k dk Hkjeq pqdkoSAA
jc dh jtkb eaus flj mifj djrk eaus vkiq xokoSAA
rm ukud ljc thvk fegjefr g¨b r eqlyek.kq dgkoSAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (ek> dh okj eΠ1, i`Π141)
There are five prayers and five times of day for prayer; the five
have five names. Let the first be truthfulness, the second honest
living, and the third charity in the Name of God. Let the fourth
be good will to all, and the fifth the praise of the Lord. Repeat the
prayer of good deeds, and then, you may call yourself a Muslim.
O Nanak, the false obtain falsehood, and only falsehood. It is
difficult to be called a Muslim; if one is truly a Muslim, then he
may be called one. First, let him savour the religion of the Proph-
et as sweet; then, let his pride of his possessions be scraped away.
Becoming a true Muslim, a disciple of the faith of Mohammad,
let him put aside the delusion of death and life. As he submits to
God's Will, and surrenders to the Creator, he is rid of selfishness
and conceit. And when, O Nanak, he is merciful to all beings,
only then shall he be called a Muslim.
eqlyekuk flQfr ljhvfr ifM+ ifM+ djfg chpk#AA
cans ls ft iofg fofp canh os[k.k dm nhnk#AA
&& vkfn xzUFk (vklk dh okj eΠ1, i`Π465)
The Muslims praise the Islamic law; they read and reflect upon
it. The Lord's bound servants are those who bind themselves to
see the Lord's Vision.
eqlyek.kq e¨e fnfy g¨oSAA varj dh eyq fny rs /k¨oSAA
nquhvk jax u vkoS usM+S ftm dqle ikVq f?km ikdq gjkAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (ek: eΠ5, i`Π1084)
To be Muslim is to be kind-hearted, and wash away pollution
from within the heart. He does not even approach worldly
pleasures; he is pure, like flowers, silk, ghee and the deer-skin.

lPpk eqlyeku 5

nsgh egftfn euq emykuk lgt fuokt xqtkjSAA

chch dmyk lm dkbuq rsjk fujadkj vkdkjSAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (HkSjm Hkxr ukenso, i`Π1167)
The human body is the mosque, and the mind is the priest, who
peacefully leads the prayer. You are married to Maya, O Form-
less Lord, and so You have taken form.
j¨tk /kjS fuokt xqtkjS dyek fHklfr u g¨ÃAA
lrfj dkck ?kV gh Hkhrfj ts dfj tkuS d¨ÃAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (vklk Hkxr dchj, i`Π480)
Keeping your fasts, reciting your prayers, and reading the
Kalma, the Islamic creed, shall not take you to paradise. The
Temple of Mecca is hidden within your mind, if you only knew it.
vyg vxe [kqnkà cansAA N¨fM f[kvky nquhvk ds /ka/ksAA
g¨b iS [kkd Qdhj eqlkQ# bgq njoslq dcwyq njkAA
lpq fuokt ;dhu eqlyk AA eulk ekfj fuokfjgq vklkAA
nsg elhfr euq emyk.kk dye [kqnkà ikdq [kjkAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (ek: eΠ5, i`Π1083)
O slave of the inaccessible Lord God Allah, forsake thoughts of
worldly entanglements. Become the dust of the feet of the humble
faquirs, and consider yourself a traveler on this journey. O saint-
ly dervish, you shall be approved in the Court of the Lord. Let
Truth be your prayer, and faith your prayer-mat. Subdue your
desires, and overcome your hopes. Let your body be the mosque,
and your mind the priest. Let true purity be God's Word for you.

Allah resides within the heart; search for Him there

n[ku nsfl gjh dk cklk ifNfe vyg eqdkekAA

fny efg [k¨ft fnyS fnfy [k¨tgq ,gh Bmj eqdkekAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (çHkkrh Hkxr dchj, i`Œ 1349)
The God of the Hindus lives in the southern lands, and the God
of the Muslims lives in the west. So search in your heart ‒ look
deep into your heart of hearts; this is the home and the place
where God lives.

6 lPpk eqlyeku

dchj eqyka equkjs fdvk p<fg lkaà u cgjk g¨bAA

tk dkjfu rwa ckax nsfg fny gh Hkhrfj t¨bAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (lyksd Hkxr dchj, i`Π1374)
Says Kabir, O Mullah, why do you climb to the top of the
minaret? The Lord is not hard of hearing. Look within your own
heart for the One, for whose sake you shout your prayers.
dchj vyg dh dfj canxh ftg flejr nq[kq tkbAA
fny efg lkaà ijxVS cq>S cyarh ukabAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (lyksd Hkxr dchj, i`Π1374)
Kabir, worship the Lord Allah; meditating in remembrance on
Him, troubles and pains depart. The Lord shall be revealed with-
in your own heart, and the burning fire within shall be extin-
guished by His Name.
cans [k¨tq fny gj j¨t uk fQ# ijslkuh ekfgAA
bg tq nquhvk flg# esyk nlrxhjh ukfgAA
vleku fE;kus ygax njhvk xqly djnu cwnAA
dfj Qd# nkbe ykb ples tg rgk emtwnqAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (fryax Hkxr dchj, i`Π727)
O human being, search your own heart every day, and do not
wander around in confusion. This world is just a magic-show;
no one will be holding your hand. Through the Tenth Gate, the
stream of nectar flows; take your bath in this. Serve the Lord for-
ever; use your eyes, and see Him ever-present everywhere.

Going for Hajj and reading Namaz is worthless, if there

no contentment in the heart; instead, it is filled with Deceit

ls[k lcwjh ckgjk fdvk gt dkcs tkbAA

dchj tk dh fny lkcfr ugh rk dm dgka [kqnkbAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (lyksd Hkxr dchj, i`Π1374)
Why does the Sheikh bother to go on pilgrimage to Mecca, if he is
not content with himself? Kabir, one whose heart is not healthy
and whole ‒ how can he attain his Lord?
dgk mMhls etuq dhvk fdvk elhfr fl# uka,aAA
fny efg diVq fuokt xqtkjS fdvk gt dkcS tka,aAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (çHkkrh Hkxr dchj, i`Œ 1349)
lPpk eqlyeku 7

What is the use of bathing at Orissa? Why do the Muslims bow

their heads in the mosque? If someone has deception in his heart,
what good is it for him to utter prayers? And what good is it for
him to go on pilgrimage to Mecca?
j¨tk /kjS eukoS vygq lqvknfr thv la?kkjSAA
vkik nsf[k voj ugh ns[kS dkgs dm >[k ekjSAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (vklk Hkxr dchj, i`Π483)
You keep your fasts to please Allah, while you murder other
beings for pleasure. You look after your own interests, and so not
see the interests of others. What good is your word?

The Head that does notbow before the Lord, is worthy of

being cut or burnt

mBq Qjhnk mtw lkft lqcg fuokt xqtkfjAA

t¨ fl# lkaà uk fuoS l¨ fl# dfi mrkfjAA
t¨ fl# lkà uk fuoS l¨ fl# dhtS dkabAA
dqaus gsfB tykÃ,s cky.k lanS FkkbAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (lyksd ls[k Qjhn, i`Π1381)
Rise up, Farid, and cleanse yourself; chant your morning prayer.
The head which does not bow to the Lord ‒ chop off and remove
that head. That head which does not bow to the Lord ‒ what
is to be done with that head? Put it in the fireplace, instead of

How might one reach Bahisht (Vaikunth)?

[kleq iNkfu rjl dfj thv efg ekfj dfj QhdhAA
vkiq tukb voj dm tkuS rc g¨b fHklr ljhdhAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (vklk Hkxr dchj, i`Π480)
Recognize Your Lord and Master, and fear Him within your
heart; conquer your egotism, and make it worthless. As you see
yourself, see others as well; only then will you become a partner
in heaven.
8 lPpk eqlyeku

xyh fHklfr u tkÃ,s NqVS lpq dekbAA

ekj.k ikfg gjke efg g¨b gykyq u tkbAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (ek> dh okj eΠ1, i`Π141)
By mere talk, people do not earn passage to Heaven. Salvation
comes only from the practice of Truth. By adding spices to for-
bidden foods, they are not made acceptable.

The same Lord Allah is within both the Hindu and Muslim

lkpq drsc c[kkuS vygq ukfj iqj[kq ugh d¨ÃAA

i<s xqus ukgh dNq cmjs tm fny efg [kcfj u g¨ÃAA
vygq xScq lxy ?kV Hkhrfj fgjnS ysgq fcpkjhAA
fganw rqjd nqgwa efg ,dS dgS dchj iqdkjhAA
&& vkfn xzUFk (vklk Hkxr dchj, i`Π483)
Your holy scriptures say that Allah is True, and that he is neither
male nor female. But you gain nothing by reading and studying,
O mad-man, if you do not gain the understanding in your heart.
Allah is hidden in every heart; reflect upon this in your mind.
The One Lord is within both Hindu and Muslim; Kabir pro-
claims this out loud.

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