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Alona Ramos 3BEED EDTECH: Advocacy

 Create an essay about your advocacy in the New Normal Education, video it and post to
any of the online learning communities.

The new normal education in the Philippines adapted the Blended Learning approach.
This is where students will learn in their respective homes with the capability to choose
whether it will be offline with the help of modules, worksheets, and any other written or
printed materials, or online with the help of their gadgets and other ICT devices.

Professionals comed up with this set up, because they know that Information and
Communication Technology in our country is still not well developed, for us to implement the
total online approach. Not all students have the privilege to buy materials that they can use to
be in an online class. So the best decision for this new normal teaching and learning is to give
the students the FREEDOM the FREEDOM to choose whether they will go online or offline.
Afterall, they are the ones who really knows what's the most effective and convenient way for
them to learn despite of the set up.

Walls are made to enclose two different areas. Letting this to exist in our education will
bring discrimination. From learners to fellow learners, and educators to their students. That will
lead to the least thing we want to happen, a failure education.

In this trying times, don't make the situation far more worst. Let's help each other to
bridge and aid every gaps. Learners and educators should work this out together harmoniously,
and be more connected than ever. Understand the situation. And be each others light. Inspire.
Motivate. And Encourage. Together. Let's all break the walls.

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