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CHAPTER VI assumption or occurrence.

Data are facts

which form the basic material to be
processed to produce information. Data
are compiled to form reports, figures or
Learning Objectives documents etc. Data can be a form of
numerical or alphabetical characters or
o To acquire knowledge about data,
special symbols (viz=,+,% etc). Some
types of data and fundamentals
important data definitions are given
related to data processing.
o To understand the modes of data
o To expand knowledge and able to Digit: A simple numeric character 0, 1, 2
acquaint with the concepts related ...9.
to computer Character: A simple alphabetic, numeric
or special character that is used to
o To acquaint students about the
represent data. For example,0,1,2 ...9, A,
cybercrimes and safeguarding
B, C......Z, +,-,%, etc.
against it.

Data item (field): A set of characters
Electronic data processing (EDP)
which are used together to represent a
enables the firms to quickly process
specific data element, e.g., a name items
large volume of data accurately through
contains the alphabetic characters in
application of computer. It applies
a name, and an amount of items that
variety of logical and mathematical
contains the numeric in an amount.
decision making techniques to carry out
the functions of data processing with Record: It consists of a group of data
predetermined priorities of the data. items related to an object of data
EDP increased the output of the work processing e.g., a payroll, record of an
and efficiency by adopting proper employee which contains data fields as
mechanisms of storing, maintaining and name, age, qualification, sex, wage rate
retrieval of data when needed, based on etc. Data file is a compilation of related
the purpose which is meant for. data records maintained in some
prearranged order. Files are usually
created function-wise e.g., a payroll file
6.1. Meaning:
might consist of 1,000 individual
The word ‘data’ is the plural of employees data records and the records
‘datum’ though data is commonly used might be arranged in file by employee
as both in the singular and plural forms. number. The relationship of a character,
Data refers to any fact, observation,
data item, record and the file is shown in alternative values, such variables are
figure 1 below also described as discrete.

Examples are: Colour of eyes: blue,

green, brown etc

Exam result: pass or fail

Socio-economic status: low, middle or


Qualitative Data is broken down into

Two Sub-Types:

o Nominal if there is no natural order

between the categories (e.g. eye
Fig.6.1. Relationship of Character, colour), or
Data, Record and File o Ordinal if an ordering exists (e.g. exam
results, socio-economic status).
6.2. Types of Data:
6.3. Data Processing --- Meaning:
Data are broadly divided into two
Data processing means taking raw
types namely quantitative (or numeric)
data (facts and figures) and processing
and qualitative:
them manually or with the help of
1) Quantitative Data: Quantitative machines to produce, organized and
or numerical data refers to the useful information. It is restructuringor
observations that can be counted recording of data to increase their
or measured. The data are said to usefulness and value for some particular
be discrete if the measurements are purpose. Data processing can be
integers (e.g. number of members performed
in a family, number of students in
the classroom, number of chocolates a) Manually with the aid of simple tools
consumed per day) and continuous as paper, pencil and filing cabinets
if the measurements can take on any b) Electro-mechanically with the aid of
value, usually within some range (e.g. unit record machines
2) Qualitative Data: Qualitative data c) Electronically with the aid of a
is descriptive information (describes computer.
something). It arises when the
observations fall into separate Data processing is a series of
distinct categories. Since qualitative operations that use information to
data always have a limited number of
produce a result. Common data of text documents, images, audio clips,
processing operations include validation, software programs, or other types of
sorting, classification, calculation, data. Computer data may be processed
interpretation, organization and by the computer’s CPU and is stored in
transformation of data. files and folders on the computer’s hard
Electronic Data Processing:
Electronic data processing (EDP)
refers to the use of automated methods
to process commercial data. Typically,
this uses relatively simple, repetitive
activities to process large volumes
of similar information. For example:
stock updates applied to an inventory,
banking transactions applied to account
and customer master files, booking and
ticketing transactions to an airline’s
reservation system, billing for utility
The term electronic data processing
dates back to the 1960s when automation Hence, data processing is defined as
began to replace manual data processing series of actions or operations that
tasks. In modern times, the term tends to converts data into useful information.
be associated with large scale automation The data processing system is used to
of administrative tasks. Data processing include the resource such as people
is manipulation of data by a computer. It procedures, and devices that are used to
includes the conversion of raw data to accomplish the processing of data for
machinereadable form, flow of data producing desirable output. Data
through the Central Processing Unit processing is restructuring or recording
(CPU) and memory to output devices, of data to increase their usefulness and
and formatting or transformation of value for some particular
output. Any use of computers to perform purpose.
defined operations on data can be 6.4. Objectives of Data Processing:
included under data processing. The following are the objectives of data

Data Processing in a Computer: 1. To provide mass storage for relevant

Computer data is information
2. To make easy access to the data for the
processed or stored by a computer.
This information may be in the form
3. To provide prompt response to user b) Mechanical Data Processing:
requests for data. Data processing is done by use of
4. To eliminate redundant data. mechanical device or very simple
5. To allow multiple users to be active at electronic devices like calculator and
one time. typewriters. The advantage of this
6. To allow for growth in the data base method is more reliability and saving
system. of time as compared to manual data
7. To protect the data from harms like processing but still the output is
physical and unauthorized access. limited. Any device which facilitates
data processing can be considered
under this category.
Types of Data Processing Systems:
Types of data processing can be
understood on basis of methods and
technology adopted. Generally
mechanical and electronic data
processing is used and at times manual
data processing is used. According to
their working, Data processing systems
can be of different types:

Fig.6.3. Mechanical Data Processing

a) Manual : In manual data processing
c) Electronic Data Processing (EDP) :
system, whole processing is done
This is the fastest and best available
manually without use of machine
method with highest reliability and
or electronic device i.e. the clerical
accuracy. With the growth of the
staff that perform data processing
organization, it becomes inefficient to
in an organized way with the goal of
process large amount of data with high
producing meaningful information.
accuracy through manual or mechanical
This method is slow and less reliable,
method. EDP offers better method of
chances of error are high and this
data processing at a low cost as it relies
method is very old when technical
on the computer and principles of
innovations were few and rare. This
electronics for processing data.
also makes processing expensive and
requires large manpower depending
on the data required to be processed.
Data acquisition, filing, storage,
processing, calculation, output
production, all these tasks are done
Each transaction must succeed or fail as
a complete unit; it cannot remain in an
intermediate state.

Batch Processing: is execution of a series

of programs (‘‘jobs’’) on a computer
without human interaction. This is one
of the widely used types of data
o TYPEWRITER is the longest word
processing which is also known as
that you can write using the letters
only on one row of the keyboard of serial/sequential, tacked/queued of
your computer. offline processing. The fundamental of
o Typist finger travel at an average this type of processing is that different
rate of about 12.6 miles per day on jobs of different users are processed in
a regular working day the order received. Once the stacking of
jobs is complete they are provided/sent
6.5. Modes of Data Processing: for processing while maintaining the
same order. This processing of a large
Modes of processing data involve
volume of data helps in reducing the
the following:
processing cost thus making it data
Interactive Computing or Interactive processing economical.
Processing: refers to software which
Examples Include: Examination, payroll
accepts input from humans ----- for
and billing system.
example, data or commands. Interactive
software includes most popular
programs, such as word processors or 6.6. Components of EDP:
spread sheet applications. By The electronic data processing cycle
comparison, non- interactive programs consists of four stages, or components.
operate without human contact;
examples of these include compilers and
o Input: Input refers to all the activities
batch processing applications.
associated with recording data and
making it available for processing.
Transaction Processing: is information o Processing: After data is recorded and
processing that is divided into individual, converted into an appropriate form, it
indivisible operations, called must be processed.
Each of this stage performs specific Thus the control unit does not perform
function which is enumerated below: the actual processing operations of the
data. Rather, its function is to maintain
order and direct the flow of sequence of
operations and data within the computer.
(2) The Arithmetic / Logic Unit:
Arithmetic and logic unit performs
mathematical calculations, compares
numeric and nonnumeric values and
makes decisions. The data flows between
this unit and the storage unit during
Fig.6.5. Components of EDP processing.
Input: A computer must receive both
program statements and data to solve
problems. The entry of program Storage: Storage consists of primary and
statements and data into a computer secondary storage. Primary storage of the
occurs by means of an input device such computer consists of the devices used to
as keyboard, mouse and joystick. store the information which will be used
Regardless of the type of device used they during the computations. The storage
are all instruments of interpretation and section of the computer is also used to
communication between people and the hold both intermediate and final results
computer. as the computer proceeds through the
program. Common storage devices are
RAM. Since the primary storage capacity
Central Processing Unit (CPU): CPU is of computers is limited it is not always
the heart of the computer which makes possible to hold a large volume of data
comparisons, performs calculations, and instructions in the primary storage.
reads, interprets and controls the Hence it becomes necessary to have
execution of the instructions. it consists secondary or auxiliary storage for
of three separate sub-units. holding data and programs not currently
in use. The various secondary storage
(1)The Control Unit --- Control unit devices are CD, DVD, USB flash drive
supervises the operations of the entire (Pendrive), Hard disk etc.
computer. The control unit instructs
the input device when to start and stop Output Devices: Output devices are used
transferring data to storage unit and it to record the results obtained by the
instructs the storage unit when to start computer and present them to the
and stop transferring data to output outside world. They take information in
devices. machine coded form from storage unit
and convert them typically into a form 2) Application Software: Application
that can be used i.e. printed forms. The software refers to the computer
most commonly used output devices are programs mwritten for an individual
printers, visual display unit, monitor etc. application such as payroll processing or
personnel skill analysis.They generally
require system software in their
Hardware: Hardware is the physical execution. For example, the application
aspect of computers. Computer hardware program may specify reading data from a
is the collection of physical parts of a record stored on a disk; the operating
computer system. This includes the system provides the instructions to
computer case, monitor, keyboard, and manage the physical reading of the
mouse. It also includes all the parts record from disk storage.
inside the computer case, such as the
hard disk drive, motherboard, video
6.7. Role of Computers in Office:
card, and many others. These are called
The following are the major role of
hardware since these. Components can
computers in office.
be seen and touched by the
1) Data Storage: The data storage
and retrieval capacity of computers
Software: The sets of computer program
are greater and more advanced as
instructions that direct the operation of
technology improves. Files are easily
the hardware are called software. A
retrievable through search functions,
complete set of instructions to execute a
and hard drives can hold extraordinary
related set of tasks is a program.These are
volumes of files and data. For offices with
called software because the programmes
large databases this data storage and
cannot be seen or touched. Software
retrieval function provides unparalleled
instructions are termed as code. Software
advantages over traditional paper file
can be divided into two major categories:
storage, such as the ease and speed
of information retrieval, the ease of
1) System Software : System software changing data records and the ease of
means the operating system. It is the tracking changes made to customer
collection of programs that directs record.
a computer to perform functions 2) Communication: Internal and
associated with controlling and external communication is much easier
directing computer hardware and also with the use of e-mail and internal
determines how application software is messaging systems on computers. Office
run. staffs are able to pass information
throughout the office quickly and
effectively, as most office setups have an Computers also help companies in
alert system on individual computers administrative tasks, such as keeping
when a message or e-mail is received. up-to-date and accurate records.

3) Networking: File sharing is one of the

key benefits of networking computers 6.8. Computer Network --- LAN,WAN,
in an office environment. Office PAN, MAN:
networking, or the creation of an office
intranet means that a common database
C o m p u t e r network is a collection
of files is accessible to all users. This also
of computers and terminal devices
applies to software and management of
connected together by a communication
computers, which significantly reduces
system that facilitates communication
costs for offices, as they can purchase one
among users and allows users to share
networkable software product instead of
resources with other users.
having to purchase multiple copies for
individual computers. Networking also
provides communal access to printers, Local Area Network (LAN): A local area
fax machines and copiers. network is primarily a data transmission
4) Productivity: Computers in the office Do You Know?
environment significantly enhance Do you know?
productivity. Computers in the office
o All top computer companies like
increase productivity not only in
Apple, Microsoft, HP and Google
areas such as word processing, data
started in a garage.
management and information access, o Russians were the first who made
but also in information creation, a computer that can be used in
collation and ultimately storage. water.
5) Improving Efficiency: Computers can o Only about 10% of the world’s
currency is physical money, the
increase the speed and accuracy of
rest 90% exists only on .computers.
many work processes, which improves
o If there was a computer as
overall worker efficiency. Documents powerful as the human brain, it
can be written and edited much would be able to do 38 thousand
more quickly with the aid of a word trillion operations per second and
processing program, and procedures, hold more than 3580 tera bytes of
such as billing and accounting, can memory.
o An average person normally blinks
also occur more rapidly and with fewer
20 times a minute, but when using
errors. Computers can produce reports
a computer he/she blinks only 7
with great speed and allow for the easy times a minute.
insertion of enhancements, such as
charts, graphs and pictures if desired. system intended to link computers and
associated devices within a restricted by a wide area network (WAN).
geographical area (room, building or a
group of closely placed buildings). The
key characteristic of a local area network
is the fact that the whole of the network,
confined to one site, is completely under
the control of one organization.

The most relevant application of LAN is

o File transfer and access
o Word and text processing
o Electronic message handling
o Personal filing and information

Wide Area Networks (WAN): Wide area

networks include all the networks which
are involved in transporting information
from one geographical location to Fig.6.6. Computer Network
another. 6.9. Internet and Intranet and Basic
One of the most significant aspects of a Internet Terms:
wide area network is the involvement of
a public telecommunication authority.
Internet: The Internet is the global
Personal Area Network (PAN): A
computer network providing a variety of
personal area network (PAN) is a
information and communication
computer network used for data
facilities, consisting of interconnected
transmission amongst devices such as
networks using standardized
computers, telephones, tablets and
communication protocols. It is a network
personal digital assistants.
of networks that consists of private,
public, academic, business, and
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): government networks of local to global
A metropolitan area network (MAN) is scope, linked by a broad array of
a computer network that interconnects electronic, wireless, and optical
users with computer resources in a networking technologies. The Internet
geographic area or region larger than carries a vast range of information
that covered by even a large local area resources and services, such as the
network (LAN) but smaller than the area minter-linked hyper text documents and
covered applications of the World Wide Web
(WWW), electronic mail, telephone, and be a web page, image, video or other
file sharing. piece of content.Hyperlinks present in
resources enable users easily to navigate
their browsers to related resources.
Intranet: An intranet is a private
network that is contained within an
enterprise. It may consist of many E-mail - Electronic Mail (email or
interlinked local area networks and also e-mail) is a method of exchanging
use leased lines in the wide area network. messages between people using
The main purpose of an intranet is to electronic devices. E-mail (electronic
share company information and mail) is the exchange of computer-stored
computing resources among employees. messages by telecommunication.
An intranet can also be used to facilitate
Homepage - A home page or a start page
working in groups and for
is the initial or main web page of a
teleconferences.An intranet uses TCP/
website mor a browser.
IP, HTTP, and other Internet
protocols/and in general look like a
private version of the Internet. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)-
HTTP means Hypertext Transfer
Protocol. HTTP is the underlying
There’s One Major Distinction between
protocol used by the World Wide Web
an Intranet and the Internet:
and this protocol defines how messages
The Internet is an open, public space, are formatted and transmitted, and what
while an intranet is esigned to be a actions Web servers and browsers should
private space. An intranet may be take in response to various commands.
accessible from the Internet, but
as a rule it’s protected by a password and
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - The File
accessible only to a company’s employees
Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard
or other authorized users.
network protocol used for the transfer of
computer files between a client and
server on a computer network.
Basic Internet Terms:
Browser ---
Internet Protocol (IP) Address - An
A browser is a software
Internet Protocol address (IP address) is
application for retrieving, presenting
a numerical label assigned to each device
and traversing information resources on
connected to a computer network that
the World Wide Web. An information
uses the Internet Protocol for
resource is identified by a Uniform
Resource Identifier (URI/URL) that may
An IP address serves two principal
functions: host or network interface
identification and location addressing.

6.10. Connections:

A computer network, or data

network, is a digital telecommunications
network which allows nodes to share
resources. In computer networks,
networked computing devices exchange
data with each other using a data link.
The connections between nodes are
established using either cable media or Coaxial Cable: Coaxial cable is a type of
wireless media. electrical cable that has an inner
conductor surrounded by a tubular
insulating layer, surrounded by a tubular
6.10.1. Wired Technologies --- Twisted
conducting shield. Along with stable
Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, Optical transmission of data, coaxial cables also
Fibre: have antijamming capabilities and can
effectively protect signals from being
Wired technologies refer to the interfered.
transmission of data (communication)
over a wire-based technology. The Optical Fibre: An optical fibre cable
following are the types of wired consists of a centre glass core surrounded
technologies: by several layers of protective material.
Instead of transferring data over copper
Twisted Pair Cable: Atype of cable that wires, these cables contain optical fibres
consists of two independently insulated that transmit data via light. Each optical
wires twisted around one another. The fibre is individually coated with plastic
use of two wires twisted together helps layers and contained in a protective tube,
to reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic making it extremely resistant to external
induction. Twisted-pair cable is the least interference.Optical fibre deployment is
expensive type of local-area network more expensive than copper but offers
(LAN) cable. higher band width and can cover longer
range.The satellite communication
6.10.2. Wireless Technologies --- : consists of a space segment and a ground
Bluetooth, Infrared Radio segment. When the signal is sent to the
Link, Satellite Link: satellite through a device, the satellite
amplifies the signal and
sent it back to the receiver antenna which
Wireless technologyis the transfer of
is located on the earth’s surface. The
information between two or more points
ground segment consists of a transmitter,
that are not connected by an electrical
receiver and the space segment, which is
the satellite itself.

Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless

Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is a low-cost wireless
technology for exchanging data over
communication technology. A WiFi
short distances using short-wave length
setup consists of a wireless router which
UHF radio waves from fixed and mobile
serves a communication hub, linking
devices, and building personal area
portable device with an internet
networks (PANs).
connection.This network facilitates
connection of many devices depending
Infrared Radio Link: IR wireless is the on the router configuration.
use of wireless technology in devices or These networks are limited in range due
systems that convey data through to the low power transmission, allowing
infrared (IR) radiation. IR wireless is the user to connect only in the close
used for shortand medium-range proximity.
communications and control.

Satellite Link:Satellite is a wireless

technology having significant
importance across the globe. They have
found wide spread use in specialized
situations.The devices using satellite
technology to communicate directly
with the orbiting satellite through radio
signals. This allows users to stay
connected virtually from anywhere on
the earth. Portable satellite phones and Fig.6.8. Wireless Technologies
modems have powerful broadcast feature Do You Know?
and reception hardware than the cellular
devices due to the increased
o E-mail was in existence even 3. E mail Bombing: This kind of activity
before the origin of the web. refers to sending large numbers of
o More than 80% of the emails sent mail to the victim, which may be an
daily are spams.
individual or a company or even mail
o CAPTCHA --- Completely
servers thereby ultimately resulting into
Automated Public Turning test to
tell Computers and Humans Apart crashing.
o 40 --- 55% of Wikipedia vandalism 4. Data Diddling: This kind of an attack
is caught by a single computer involves altering raw data just before
program with 90% accuracy. a computer processes it and then
changing it back after the processing is
6.11. Cybercrimes: completed.
Any criminal activity that uses a 5. Virus/Worm Attacks: Viruses are
computer either as an instrumentality programs that attach themselves to a
target or a means to spread further computer or a file and then circulate
crimes that comes within the scope of themselves to other files and to other
cyber crime. A generalized definition of computers on a network. They usually
cybercrime may be ‘‘unlawful acts affect the data on a computer, either
wherein the computer is by altering or deleting it. E.g. love bug
either a tool or target of both’’. virus, which affected at least 5% of the
Types of Cybercrimes: computers of the globe. The losses were
1. Unauthorized Access to Computer accounted to be $10 million.
Systems or Networks / Hacking: Worms unlike viruses do not need
the host to attach themselves to. They
merely make functional copies of
Hacking is an attempt to exploit a themselves and do this repeatedly till
computer system or a private network they eat up all the available space on a
inside a computer. It is the unauthorised computer’s memory. The world’s most
access to or control over computer famous worm was the internet worm
network security systems for some let loose on the internet by Robert
illegal purpose. Morris in 1988 which almost brought
development of internet to a complete

2. Theft of Information Contained halt.

in Electronic Form: This includes 6. Trojan Attacks: It is an unauthorized

information stored in computer hard programme which passively gains

disks, removable storage media etc. control over another’s system by

Theft may be either by appropriating representing itself as an authorised

the data physically or by tampering programme. The most common form

them through the virtual medium. of installing a Trojan is through e-mail.

7. Internet Time Thefts: In these kinds
of thefts the internet surfing hours of the unauthorized access to or from a private
victim are used up by another person. network.
This is done by gaining access to the
login ID and the password.
o Store back up data in the secondary
8. Email Related Crimes: E-mails are
storage devices like hard disk etc. A
used to send viruses, Trojans etc
data backup is copying files and folders
through emails as an attachment or
for the purpose of being able to restore
by sending a link of website which on
them in case of data loss.
visiting downloads malicious code,
o Use secure password to access data in
sending threatening emails, defamatory
the computer.
emails etc.

9. IPR Violations: These include

software piracy, copyright infringement,
trademark violations, theft of computer
source code, patent violations etc.
10. Banking /Credit Card Related
Crimes: In the Corporate World,
internet hackers are continually looking
for opportunities to compromise
acompany’s security in order to gain
access to confidential banking and
financial information.

Securing the Electronic Transactions:

By becoming aware of the risks
of internet-based transactions, the
organization can acquire technology
solution to overcome those risks such as:
o Follow systematic working procedures
i.e., work norms and controlled access
to data.

o Install virus and spy ware protection

software in the computer.
o Install Firewalls that prevent

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