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Census of India 2011













Advaita Ashram, Mayawati

Swami (Hindu religious teacher) Swaroopanand and other disciples of Swami

Vivekananda established the Advaita (non-duality, the monistic school of Vedanta) Ashram
(hermitage or religious retreat) of Mayawati on 19th March 1899. There is no temple and no
puja (rites performed in Hindu idol-worship) is performed here. 22 km from Champawat and
9 km from Lohaghat, this Ashram is situated at an altitude of 1940 metres. The Ashram
attracts spiritualists from India and abroad. It is an ideal place for spiritual awakening in the
Himalayas. It is said that Swami Vivekananda had special fascination for Himalayas. His
ultimate ambition was to retire here and lose himself in meditation. Inspired by religious
feelings, Swami wanted to establish a monastery and this Ashram is dedicated to Advaita and
Advaita alone. At Mayawati, one can clearly visualize how nature supplies spiritual
sustenance to a man’s soul. The magnificent snow ranges of the Himalayas are the most
elevating sight at Mayawati. The silvery dazzle on a moonlit night reminds one of Lord Shiva
sitting in a meditating posture. On request the Ashram provides board and lodging to visitors.
There is also a library and a small museum at Mayawati.

Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgement xv

Analytical Note
(i) History and Scope of the District Census Handbook xvii
(ii) Brief History of the District xviii
(iv) Physical Features 3
Location and Size 3
Physiography 3
Drainage 3
Climate 4
Natural Economic Resources 4
(v) Census Concepts 8
(vi) Non-Census Concepts 16
(vii) 2001 Census findings-Population, its distribution etc. 28
(viii) Brief Analysis of PCA Data 1 to 35 tables 34
(ix) Brief Analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory Data 59
(x) Major Social and Cultural Events, Natural and Administrative Developments and 66
Significant Activities during the Decade
(xi) Brief Description of Places of Religious, Historical or Archaeological Importance in 66
Villages and Places of Tourist Interest in the Towns of the District
(xii) Major Characteristics and Contribution of the District 67
(xiii) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory 67
(xiv) List of villages fully merged in Town and Outgrowth at 2011 census 76

Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section I and II)

Section I - Village Directory
C.D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data
Map of C.D. Block Champawat (Facing Page) 79
Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Champawat 81
Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Champawat 88
Map of C.D. Block Pati (Facing Page) 149
Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Pati 151
Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Pati 156
Map of C.D. Block Barakot (Facing Page) 197
Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block 199
Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Barakot 204

Map of C.D. Block Lohaghat (Facing Page) 235

Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block Lohaghat 237
Village Directory Data of C.D. Block Lohaghat 242

Forest Villages
Alphabetical list of villages 283
Village Directory Data of Forest Villages 286

Appendices to Village Directory

APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in Villages 298
C.D. Block level
APPENDIX IA Villages by Number of Primary Schools 302
APPENDIX IB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 302
APPENDIX IC Villages with different Sources of Drinking Water facilities Available 302
APPENDIX II Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one 303
or more Amenities available
APPENDIX IIA Census Towns which do not have one or more Amenities.251
APPENDIX III Land Utilization Data in respect of Census Towns/Non-municipal Towns 303
APPENDIX IV C.D. Blockwise list of Inhabited Villages where no amenity other than 303
Drinking Water Facility is available
APPENDIX V Summary Showing Number of Villages not having Scheduled 304
Castes population
APPENDIX VI Summary Showing Number of Villages not having Scheduled 304
Tribes population
APPENDIX VIIA List of Villages according to the Proportion of the Scheduled 305
Castes to the Total Population by Ranges
APPENDIX VIIB List of Villages according to the Proportion of the Scheduled 313
Tribes to the Total Population by Ranges

APPENDIX VIII Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. Block wise) 321

Section II - Town Directory

Note Explaining the Abbreviations Used in the Town Directory 345

Town Directory Statements (I to VII)

STATEMENT I Status and Growth History 351
STATEMENT II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 352
STATEMENT III Municipal Finance 353
STATEMENT IV Civic and Other Amenities 354
STATEMENT V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 355
STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 356
STATEMENT VII Civic and Other Amenities in Slums 357
Appendix to Town Directory 357

1. The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the Census
Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural
areas for each District. The Census data provide information on demographic and socio-
economic characteristics of population at the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each Village
and Town and ward of the District. The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this
publication contains Census data including data on household amenities collected during
1st.phase of the Census i.e. House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data
presented in the DCHB is in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain
information on various infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz;
education, medical, drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph,
electricity, banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were
closed by the Government of India on 15th. July, 2013. The data of DCHB are of considerable
importance in the context of planning and development at the grass-root level.
2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District, administrative
statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including Primary Census Abstract.
This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts:
Part-A related to Village and Town Directory, Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C
comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, District Census tables and certain
analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census
DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B
the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels.
New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were
added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any
amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the
nearest place having such an amenity, was given.
3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census
except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main
workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981
Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the
first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all
children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One
of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block
(CD Block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional
Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation.
4. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by
including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers
& magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a Village in addition to
prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was
modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified
5. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by
including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly added
amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College, Management
Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School for Disabled,
Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic, Medical Practitioner
with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree, Traditional Practitioner and faith
Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware
Outlet in the Village, Community Bio- gas, Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call
Office, Mobile Phone Coverage, Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier
Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts
driven by Animals, Village connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District
Road, and Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village,
ATM, Self-Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market,
Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS), Anganwadi
Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public Library, Public
Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration Office. In the Town
Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each Town have been
presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of Towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of
Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational
& Cultural Facilities, (vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums
respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented
in DCHB of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census.
6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village
and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract.
Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.
7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and
computerized under the supervision of S.S A. Jafari, Joint Director of Census Operations
Uttarakhand. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was
carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS) under the guidance &
supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri
A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) provided the technical guidance in the
preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the
overall supervision of Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in
preparation of record structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town
Directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town
Directory including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA).
The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social Studies
Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to bring out this
publication in time.
New Delhi. (C.Chandramouli)
Dated:- 16-06-2014 Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India

The District Census Handbooks (DCHBs) are brought-out in two parts giving village and
town wise data for each district. The first part contains non-census data for each village and town and
is called Village and Town Directories Part A. the Part B provides Census date for rural area up to the
village level and for urban areas up to ward level for each town or city in the shape of Primary Census
Abstract (PCAs). The information contained in Primary Census Abstract and Village and Town
Directory (VDs/TDs) has already been released for data users in soft copy. Data available in District
Census Handbooks are very useful for policy planners, Administrators, Reasearchers and other socio-
economic research centres. Till 1991Census, all the inset tables included in District Census
Handbooks were produced manually. But this time the software designed by the Data Processing
Division of the Office of the Registrar General of India helped in the fast generations of tables.

I am deeply grateful to Shri D. K. Sikri, Ex-Registrar General and Census Commissioner of

India for his guidance and support. I would like to thank Dr. C. Chandramouli, Registrar General and
Census Commissioner of India for his sustained support and spontaneous, unfailing guidance through
our endeavours. At the outset I thank to Dr R. C. Sethi, Ex-Additional Registar General, India who
drove us to complete the District Census Handbooks within a specific timeframe and make it ready
for printing.

I thank to Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Asstt. Registrar General (SS), Shri A. K. Samal, Additional
Director, Dr. Aji Pal Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map), Office of the Registrar General India
for their guidance at each steps in the preparation of District Census Handbook. Special thanks are
due to Shri M.S.Thapa, Additional Director (EDP), Anil Kumar Arora, Joint Director (EDP) , Shri
A.K.Srivastava, Joint Director (EDP) without their efforts and support we could not have completed
the District Census Handbook within this time.

The Ex-Director of Census Operations Uttarakhand ,Sneh Lata Agarwal under whose
guidance , the entire operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success. I am also thankful
to Shri R.K.Ram, the then Joint Director, Shri Mohd. Ahmad, the then Deputy Director, Shri
S.V.Ukey, the then Deputy Director and Shri Dashrath Singh, the then Deputy Director for their
valuable guidance and support to complete this project within the specific time frame. The task of
data collection in respect of both Census non-census items was a gigantic on which officials in the
State Government had to perform along with their normal duties. For their deep sense of devotion to
duty and hard work in this regard, I am thankful to all of them.

I am also thankful to Shri Shailendra Singh Negi, Asstt.Director, Shri Lakshman Singh Rawat,
Asstt.Director, Shri Man Mohan Balodi, Asstt.Director (Retd.), Dr. Pradeep Kumar, S.I. Gr I, Smt.
Upasana Giri ,Statistical Investigator Gr.-I, Raju Kumar Banwari, Statistical Investigator Gr.-
I , Shri Y.P.Nautiyal S.I. Gr II (Retd.), Shri H.S.Rawat, S.I. Gr II (Retd.), and Shri R.B.Yadav, Ex-
S.I. Gr II (Retd.) who assisted in the work for timely completion of the project. S.I.Gr. II , Sr.
Complilers, Compilers and Data Entry Operators who assisted in the work also did a tremendous job.
The members of the staff in the Map Section did a commendable job under the guidance of Shri J.P.
Purohit Research Officer (Map) and Shri Shailendra Yadav , Sr. Geographer in bringing out various
This publication is brought out with a hope that it will be a very valuable to Research
Scholars, Planners, Administrators and the Readers will find this publications interesting in
addition to being useful.

Dehradun S.S.A.JAFRI
June, 2014 Joint Director (Controlling Officer)
Directorate of Census Operations,Uttarakhand


1. Smt.Sneh Lata Agarwal, IAS Ex-Director

2. Shri R.K. Ram Joint Director
3. Shri S.S.A. Jafri Joint Director


1. Shri S.V. Ukey Deputy Director

2. Shri Mohamd Ahmad Deputy Director
3. Shri Dashrath Singh Deputy Director
4. Shri Shailedra Singh Negi Asstt.Director
5. Shri Lakshman Singh Rawat Asstt.Director
D.C.H.B. Section (Collection/Compilation of Statistics & Write up of Analytical Note)

1. Shri Man Mohan Balodi Asstt.Director (Retd.)

2. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Statistical Investigator Gr.-I
3. Smt. Upasana Giri Statistical Investigator Gr.-I
4. Raju Kumar Banwari Statistical Investigator Gr.-I
5. Shri H.S.Rawat Statistical Investigator Gr.-II (Retd.)
6. Shri R.B.Yadav Statistical Investigator Gr.-II (Retd.)
7. Shri Y.P.Nautiyal Statistical Investigator Gr.-II (Retd.)
8. Shri Sandeep Kumar Senior Compiler
9. Shri Prashant Satpute Data Entry Operator
10.Smt. Savita Compiler
11. Smt.Deepa Junior Consultant
Census and Tabulation Section (PCA Unit)
1.Shri Vipin Kumar Senior Compiler
2.Shri Shailesh Singh Senior Compiler
Map Unit
1.Shri J.P.Purohit Research Officer (Map)
2.Shri Shailendra Yadav Sr. Geographer
3.Shri H.C.Tewari Sr.Draughtsman (Retd.)
Data Centre
1. Shri Surendra Singh Dariyal Data Entry Operator
2. Shri Vijay Kumar Ahirwar Data Entry Operator
3. Shri R.K. Bhatnagar Data Entry Operator (Retd.)
ORGI-Data Processing Division
1. Shri Jaspal singh Lamba DD (EDP)
2. Ms Usha AD (EDP)
3. Shri Anurag Gupta DPA Grade “Á’
4. Shri Mukesh Kumar Mahawar DPA Grade “Á’
5. Ms Shagufta Nasreen Bhat DPA Grade “Á’
6. Ms Shashi Seth Sr. Supervisor
7. Shri Khem Verma Jadon Sr. Consultant
8. Shri Yashwant Singh Jr. Consultant

(i) History and Scope of the District Census Handbook
The district census handbooks were first published after 1951 census. Since then after
every decadal census the publication has remained a constant feature with some
improvements. This publication has been traditionally brought out by the Census
Organization on behalf of each State Government/ Union Territory. This publication provides
data on demographic characteristics as well as information on the availability of basic
amenities in each village and town of respective districts. The scope of the publication has
been changing with the changing needs of the data users. The 1951 census series of the
publication contained Primary Census Abstract, Village and Town Directories, administrative
statistics and an account of the district. In 1961 the publication was in a single volume
containing three parts covering Census tables, official statistics and Village Directories. The
1971 Census DCHBs were published in two parts. The Part A contained Village and Town
Directories and Part B contained Village and Town PCA. The Part C could not be published
in many States/UTs which contained administrative statistics and district census tables. The
1981 DCHBs were published on the restructured formats of Village and Town Directories.
The DCHBs of 1981 Census were published in two parts for each district. The Village and
Town Directories comprised Part ‘A’ and PCAs of Villages and Towns (ward-wise)
including Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA up to Tahsil/Town level were
provided in Part ‘B’. If any amenity except electricity was not available in the referent
village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenities was given.
Information on some new items were also provided keeping in view of the needs of the
Revised Minimum Needs Program. The 1991 DCHBs were almost same in scope as was at
1981. The new features included in 1991 DCHBs were the ninefold industrial classification
of main workers and the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age group. Yet other information at
the 1991 census was the CD Block level presentation of data. The VD data was also made
available through the magnetic tapes/ floppies. Unfortunately in UP no DCHBs relating to
1991 Census were out of press till completion of 2001 Census defeating the very purpose of
these publications apart from causing inconveniences to the data users.
The 2001 DCHBs contain more information such as details on greater number of
facilities available to the Villages/Towns. The analysis of data with aid of inset tables and
statements is more informative. The 2001 DCHBs are fully geared to meet the requirements
of Gram Panchayats. At the 2001 Census the DCHBs are entirely available on electronic
format and on CD-ROM, hence the word “Handbook” seems now to be a misnomer.

(ii) Brief History of the District
The region is traditionally associated with gods and demons and as the place of penance for
rishis (Hindu ascetics). The area covered by the district lies in the part of Central Himalayas, which is
designated as the Manas-Khand in the Manas-Khanda (section) of the Skand Purana as one of the
five divisions of the Himalayan region. The region has also been known in different times by the
names of Kiratamandala, Khasadesha, Kalinda-vishaya, Kurmachala and Kurmavana. Many legends
are associated with different places, mountains, rivers, forests and other sites in the district. In order to
save the earth, Vishnu in his second incarnation assumed the form of the Kurma (Tortoise) and
remained standing for three years at a particular spot in the district. The specific rock on which the
God stood came to be known as Kurmashila, the entire hill as the Kurmachala and the surrounding
forest as Kurmavana. It is from these terms that the name Kumaon is supposed to have been derived.
For a long time the name, in the form of Kali Kumaon, that is Kumaon on the river Kali remained
confined to the small tract round about the hill, now roughly covered by the Champawat tahsil, but
during the medieval period, when the power of the Chand raja of Champawat expanded rapidly the
name Kumaon gradually came to denote the entire region extending from the snow ranges in the north
to the tarai in the south. After the Mahabharata war the district seems to have remained for some time
under the sway of kings of Hastinapur, the actual rulers were the local chiefs of whom the Kulindas
were probably strong. Subsequently the Nagas appeared to have held dominion of the district It
appears that for centuries a number of local petty chiefs mostly Khasas or Kulindas continued to rule
over the different parts of the district. During the 4th to 5th century B.C. the area was ruled by Nanda
kings of Magadh. The earliest coins discovered in the district bear the name of rulers – Kunindas.
During the last quarter of the 1st century A.D. the Kushan empire extended over the western and
central Himalayas but about 2nd quarter of the 3rd century the empire of the Kushans crumbled down.
Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang visited the present area of the district during the summer of 636 A.D.
After the decline of Katyuris, Chand Rajputs were destined to reunite the whole of Kumaon under one
rule. At this juncture a Chandravanshi Rajput prince named Som Chand constructed his fort naming
Rajbunga and later named as Champawat. The year 953 A.D. has been suggested as the most
probable date for the beginning of his reign in the district and he is said to have ruled for about twenty
years i.e. till 974 A.D. Later on entire territory was divided into a number of small pattis (fiefs) and
each of them being under a semi-independent ruler. The most important of the new dynasties which
saw their rise during the period of the decline of the Katyuris and at their expense was that of Chand
Rajputs who were destined later to reunite the whole of Kumaon under one rule. According to
tradition, Brahmdeva, the Katyuri raja (Hindu ruler) of Kali Kumaon, was a weak ruler. He was
troubled by the insubordination of the Rawat of Domkot and also found himself unable to suppress
the formidable factions among his own people. He was succeeded by Som Chand, a Chandravanshi
Rajput, who married the daughter of the raja. Som Chand built his fort here on 15 acres of land. This
fort was named Rajbunga and later Champawat. Som Chand was succeeded by his son, Atma Chand
who continued the work of consolidating the power and influence of the small kingdom and, it is said
the rulers of all the neighbouring petty states paid court to him at Champawat. His son Puran Chand
spent much of his time in hunting, and the latter’s son and successor Indra Chand is credited with
importing silk worms into Kali Kumaon, probably from Nepal and thus introducing the manufacture
of silk in these parts. They followed Sansar Chand, Sudha Chand, Hammira or Hari Chand and Bina
Chand one after the others up to the years 1725 and Debi Chand was the last raja. In 1726 he was
assassinated by an agent of his own wily minister in his pleasure house. Thereafter, the two Gaira
Bists assumed full control of administration and were free to enjoy the power they had so criminally
acquired. The entire Kumaun region was ceded to British on December 2, 1815. About the beginning
of 20th Century the inhabitants of the district began to become gradually conscious of their civic
rights and they took part in the annual sessions of the Indian National Congress and on August 15,
1947, the area was declared independent of British domination along with rest of the country.

(i) Physical features
Location and size
Champawat district is situated in the lesser Himalaya and is one of the districts of in the State
bordering with Nepal. It is bounded on the north by district Almora and Pithoragarh. The
latter being separated from it by the river Sarju. On the east lies Nepal which is separated
from it by the river Kali. Towards the south and west the boundary is formed by districts
Udhamsingh Nagar and Nainital. The district lies in the eastern part of the Kumaon division
and spread over from 74048’ to 80019’ east longitude and 28058’ to 29058’ north latitude.
The district has an area of 1,765.78 sq km. Among the districts, Champawat ranks 13th in
terms of area. The minimum height of the district is 700 metres at Tanakpur and maximum of
7,550 metres at Deoguru.
The district is situated in the northern mountain region of the country. The district comes
under Kumaon Himalaya – east division and lies in eastern part of Uttaranchal consist of a
series of ridges and valleys. The snow peaks and glaciers lie in the extreme north of Almora
and ranges diverging from Nanda Devi group of mountains extend to southern and south
eastern part of district. The average height of the district from the mean sea level varies from
1000-2500 meters. On the basis of geology, topography, climate and natural vegetation the
district has been divided into following sub regions.
Lesser Himalaya – The region extends in the northern part of the district, above Siwalik. It is
bounded by Sarju-Ramganga Basin in the north and Kali Basin in the east. Topography is
rugged with crest of the ridges, valleys and falls. Abbott (2,100 metres) and Devidhura
(1,700 metres) mountains are situated in the north of the region. The region is drained by
Lohawati and Ladhiya rivers and its tributaries. The region is composed of crystalline and
metamorphic rocks of ancient age. High base status soils (Udalfs) are spread over the region.
High altitude zones are covered by dense mixed jungle mainly of pine. Slope areas have
terraced fields for agriculture where mainly the rice, wheat and fruits are cultivated.
Settlement pattern is scattered and situated mainly on river sides or in low lying slope-areas.
Champawat and Lohaghat are two important towns of the region which are connected by
metallic roads with Pithoragarh, Nainital and Tanakpur.
Siwalik – This region is the smallest and is situated in the south-west of the district. It is
bounded by Lesser Himalaya in the north, Nainital and Udhamsingh Nagar districts in the
south-west and Kali Basin in the east. Its height above the mean sea level generally varies
between 500 and 1,000 meters. Kalaunia river originates from the region and flows towards
south-east in narrow and deep gorgeous shape. The zone is covered with dense mixed forests
mainly of sal (shorea robusta) and bamboo (tropical giant grass). The region is composed of
sedimentary deposits. High base status soils (Udalfs) are spread over the region. Only one
metallic road from Champawat to Tanakpur crosses the region for few kilometers. Most of
the areas are remote places.
The general flow of rivers originating from glaciers is from north east to south west. The
main river of the district are Kali (Sharda), Sarju, Panar, Ladhia and Lohawali. Water is
available throughout the year in these rivers. Kali river rises in the Kala Pani springs in
district Pithoragarh, touches the Champawat district at its confluence with Sarju to the north-
east of the Kalimat hill and runs southwards separating this district from Nepal. Lohawali, a
considerable affluent of the Kali rises in Patti Gangol of Champawat and runs south eastward

in a sinuous course past Lohaghat up to Chala after which it assumes the form of a
considerable stream and takes a north easterly direction to join the Kali near Seran. Ladhia
river enters the district from district Nainital near Borabagar in Patti Talli Rau of Champawat
and runs south-eastward. Its tributaries are the Ratla and Kwairala. Sarju a considerable
affluent of the Kali rises on the southern slope of a ridge in Patti Danpur Malla.Panar, also a
considerable affluent of the Sarju rises near Mirtoli in Patti Regaruban of Champawat.
The district has a highly rugged terrain, marked with steep and high ridges and deep and
narrow valleys. The deviation is high ranging from 2,000 ft to 12,000 ft above the sea level.
The climate therefore depends largely on elevation and exposure to the sun and winds. The
chief climate feature of the district, is its severe winter which lasts from December to March
and during which considerable precipitation occurs often as snow fall in association with
western disturbances passing eastward across north India. The district situated as it is on the
southern slopes of Himalayas, gets most of its rainfall from the monsoon current which
penetrates through the valleys from June to September. About 75 percent of the annual
rainfall, occurs during the monsoon months, June to September. With the onset of summer
monsoon, rainfall increases sharply in June. July is the rainiest month which, with August,
account for about 50 percent of the annual precipitation. In September, depressions from the
Bay of Bengal occasionally reach Uttaranchal and affect the weather in the district when
heavy rain may occur. With the withdrawal of the monsoon in September rainfall rapidly
decreases and November is practically rainless. The rainfall is fairly variable. During the year
2009 the district experienced annual rain of 1,296.6 mm. The maximum temperature of the
district was 30.30C and the minimum 1.70C in the year 1999-2000. Temperature variations
from place to place are considerable and depend upon factors like elevation, location and
exposure to the sun. January is the coldest month with the mean maximum temperature of
100C, while at altitude of 2 km. the mean minimum temperature being around 20 C. Cold
waves in the wake of western disturbances often make the conditions worse (colder), when
temperature below freezing point is oftenly recorded. The relative humidity increases rapidly
with the onset of monsoon and is generally above 80 per cent during July to September. The
driest part of the year is the pre-monsoon period when the humidity may become as low as 35
per cent during the afternoons. During winter, humidity increases towards the afternoon at
places situated at high levels. Sky remains heavily clouded generally during the monsoon
months and rains for short spells when the region is affected by western disturbances.
Otherwise it is generally clear. Usually clouding tends to increase towards the afternoons.
Natural Economic Resources:
The total forest area in the district is 132,337 hectares as per the district statistics of 2008-
2009 which is 56.7 per cent of the total area. There are different types of forests in the
district which are important. Sal, chir, banj, deodar, tun, buras, kafal, udais and pangar are
main trees. The sal logs are chiefly used in buildings. The chir forests are by far the most
important as also the most expensive ones. Chir is main source of fuel and also used for
extraction of lisa which is also very important and useful product of forest. In hilly areas banj
trees play an important role in water conservation. Apart from this, banj is useful in making
agricultural equipments and also as a fodder for animals. Different types of useful herbs are
also found in the forests, in which tejpatta, kutki, pashanmed, ban, haldi, gulbanasthya,
dhania, salammithi, pangar, gandrain, jamboo, sapeeya, salam panja and reetha are chief
ones. These are exported as well from the district in quantum. The wildlife of the district has
suffered greatly from reckless shooting, uncontrolled felling of trees, increase in the

cultivated area and development of transport facilities through the forests during the past
several decades. Still, there is to be found in the district large varieties of animals, birds,
reptiles and fish.
Minerals and mining
No minerals are found in the district. The rocks in the district are mostly crystalline and
metamorphic ones of Triassic.
The district is interspersed with high mountains and numerous shallow streams and has
no extensive level areas for cultivation as it is situated in the Himalayas forming a part of the
Kumaon region. Finer soils are found in the river valleys where they widen out. The major
natural divisions of the district are the mountains and hilly areas roughly in the north, the
plateau in the Champawat tahsil and the valleys of the Ramganga, Sarju and Kali rivers. The
types of soil are the same as usually found in the hilly areas, viz., the gravel sand, sandy
loam, clayey loam, heavy clay and calcareous soils. They differ in colour and texture
according to locality, altitude and composition of sub-soil rocks. The colour of the soil is
brown or dark brown, depending upon the quantity of organic matter in it.
Land and land-use pattern
Land in the district is classified as talaon (irrigated), first class upraon (dry), second class
uproan and ijrah (interior terraced land, cultivated intermittently) also known as katil, khil or
kalabanjar. The district statistics of the year 2008-2009 shows that total area available
remained 233,225 hectares. Out of this 132,337 hectares were under forests, usar and unfit
for agriculture 6,173 hectares, for other than agriculture 4589 hectares, banjar land 13,516
hectares, for fodder 17,395 hectares, current fallow 2690 and other fallow 9301 hectares,
trees, bushes and orchards 23,997 hectares and actual cultivated land 23,227. The total
holdings were accounted to 27,419.44 hectares. As much as 40 per cent of total land holding
were below 1 hectare, 32 per cent up to 2 hectares, 20 per cent between 2 and 4 hectares, 7
per cent from 4 to 10 hectares and 1 per cent up to 10 hectares or more.
After the enforcement of the Kumaon and Uttarakhand Zamindari Abolition and Land
Reforms Act, 1960, the old land tenures were abolished. This Act replaced the multiplicity of
tenures existing in the region by three types: the bhumidhar, sirdar and asami. The
intermediaries became bhumidhars in respect of groves held by them. Those who were
hissedars (shareholders) and khaikars became bhumidhars in respect of lands in their actual
possession. A sirdar has a permanent and heritable interest in his land holdings but can use
his land only for agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry, although he can acquire
bhumidhari rights under the provisions of the Act. An asami’s right is heritable but not
transferable or permanent and he can be ejected from his holdings.
Generally wherever natural conditions such as soil, sunlight and water supply are favourable,
cultivation is carried out successfully but it is not continuous as being done in patches and
scattered blocks divided by ridges and ravines. The uncultivated areas are covered by either
bush jungle, forests or steep bare ridges. The method of agriculture practiced in the irrigated
lands resembles more or less to that which are prevailing in the plains. These lands are
always under cultivation and never allowed to lie fallow.The agricultural year begins in
March or April when the rabi (spring) crop is reaped and the fields are ploughed for the

kharif (autumn) crop which in these lands is mostly paddy. The rabi crop consists of wheat,
barley, lentil, mustard and flax. They are sown in October and November and ripe for
harvesting in April – May. Transplanted paddy begins to ripen towards the middle of
September when lentil is scattered in the fields. When paddy has been harvested the fields
instead of being ploughed are spread over with compost manure. Often the flax crop is
similarly obtained. Mandua is the staple kharif crop. The other kharif crops are paddy sawa,
sugarcane, potato and Soya bean. It is a bit hard plant as comparison to the rice or wheat and
can adopt itself to poorer soils, colder climates and scantier rainfall. In addition to mandua, a
mixed crop of millets like jhangora, kanghi, bhat, gohat, rans and chuwa or maize are also
produced. Other crops grown in the district are ugal (buck-what), usually taken by the
Hindus on fast days, turmeric, ginger, potato, yam, brinjal, pumpkin, asparagus, rhubarb mint
and water-cress. The climate and soil of the district are eminently suitable for the cultivation
of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. The hilly regions are most suited for the cultivation of
apples, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, guavas, bananas, mangoes, litchis and papayas. The
net area sown to the total area as per district statistics 2008-09 was 9.95 per cent i.e. 23,227
hectares out of which 13,596 hectares pertained to rabi. The topographical factors and lack
of irrigation facilities are the main bottlenecks for scanty area under crops. Out of the total
area sown, 30.61 per cent was under paddy, 30.55 per cent wheat and 2.04 per cent under
maize. Pulses accounted 4.03 per cent of the sown area. The area under masoor covered
64.62 per cent of the total area under pulses.
Irrigation network in the district is not encouraging. Rainfall is one of the most important
sources of water supply for the agriculturists. The area being hilly, rainwater flows away
very quickly and, therefore, farmers have to depend largely on other means of water supply
for irrigating their fields. Other sources include canal, gul and hauz. As per district Statistics
2008-09 total net irrigated area in the district is 2,012 hectare and gross irrigated area is 3720
hectares. Out of this 28.18 per cent of the irrigated area is served through canals including
guls and hauz and remaining 71.82 percent through tubewels in the district. The district
statistics 2008-2009 also show that district had 231 km long canal, 1,517 hauzes, 979.51 km
long guls, 58 high drums and 18 Govt tubewells.
Animal husbandry
According to district statistics 2003 the district had a total of 187,607 animals. Out of
these 99,637 were bovine, 37,621 were buffaloes, 48,550 sheep and goats, 982 horses and
ponies, 605 pigs and 212 other animals. There are also 56,658 poultry birds. To make
animal husbandry more fruitful in the district there are adequate provisions for medical
facilities and nutritious diet. There are 13 dispensaries, 19 animal husbandry centers and 13
artificial insemination centers. One fertilization centre has also been established in the
Fish of many varieties are found in the rivers, streams, rivulets and nullahs of the district.
Fishery is not economically viable occupation in the district. Fisheries department is trying to
promote fishery in the district.

After agriculture, industry is considered the most important factor in the economic
development. Apart from production of different items it also helps in creating employment.
Specially in hill areas where agriculture is not so fruitful, industries have greater importance.
As per district statistics 2008-09 show that there were 804 small industrial units and 2,316
people were employed with them. The district Champawat is industrially a backward district.
No heavy or medium scale industrial units have been established in the district. Since the
long time the growing, carding and spinning of wool have been among the important
avocations of the residents of the district. Long staple wool was earlier obtained mostly by
barter from Tibetan traders. Short staple wool was earlier obtained from sheep reared locally
and was used mainly for weaving wraps, called pankhis, and rough heavy blankets called
thulmas. Carpets with traditional designs generally in land colours were woven almost
exclusively by the Bhotiyas who carried small weaving and spinning frames with them even
when they moved from place to place. The wool as mentioned above was being imported
from Tibet. The production of mats and baskets is also an old industry. The pilgrims are the
largest buyers of these products.
Trade and commerce
The undivided district of Pithoragarh had trade relations with Tibet from early times. The
Bhotias carried out this trade which was main source of their livelihood. The trade with Tibet
however, ceased after 1962. Traders from Nepal also visit Champawat and trade with the
local people. The articles exported were food grains, onions, potatoes, clothes, jaggery,
tobacco, spices and dried fruits. The imports were salt, wool and wooden goods, drugs and
Chinese shoes. Trade between villages is usually conducted on the basis of barter.
The district statistics 2008-09 shows that total network of pucca roads was 464 km and
out of this 372 km were developed by Public Works Department. The length of pucca road
per lac of population was 262.74 km and 370.38 km per thousand sq km of area. The distant
villages of the district have benefited by the development of 109 km road by the side of Kali
river and distance between Tanakpur and Pithoragarh has become shorter and comfortable.
Chief means of transport available in the district are buses which are being run by UKTC and
Kumaon Motor Owners Association Limited. Taxis are other modes of transport in the
district. There is only one railway Station in Tanakpur. Due to adverse geographical
condition, scattered pockets of population and remoteness most of the villages are deprived of
transport facilities. In the remote villages, horses, ponies etc. are main modes of transport.
Electricity and power
Electricity is very important for the development of any area. District statistics 2008-09
shows that as many as 636 villages were electrified and the percentage of electrified villages
being 96.95. Distribution of electricity in different uses was like this - 69.82 per cent for
domestic purposes, and 16.00 per cent in commercial use. As much as 6.08 percent was used
for industrial activities, 3.09 per cent for agriculture purposes and 4.21 per cent for other use
while the least (0.80 per cent) was used for public light. The consumption of electricity
indicates that this district is lagging behind in electricity network.
Gram Panchayat and Village Development
Gram Panchayat plays vital role in the development of economy of the village. A total of 24
Nyay Panchayat and 290 Gram Panchayat exist in the district. Development activities are
carried out according to master plan prepared by Gram Panchayat. The jurisdiction of Gram
Panchayat is mainly concentrated within the village whereas Nyay Panchayats cover more
than one Gram Sabha. Elections are held periodically to elect members and Pradhans of

Gram Panchayat and Nyay Panchayats. As many as 29 departments including MNREGA
have been attached to Gram Panchayat in order to ensure that the benefits of government
programmes reaches to common people. Gram Panchayat in the district controls and manages
all the activities concerned with the welfare of village community. They also prepare priority
development programmes for overall growth of the village dwellers. Members of the Gram
Panchayat are responsible for day to day administration. The main duties of the Gram
Panchayat relate to construction, repair, cleaning and lighting of fairs, establishment and
management of common land and grazing grounds, maintenance of school etc. and promotion
of social and communal harmony and goodwill amongst the villagers.

(ii) Census Concepts

Building :
A ‘Building’ is generally a single structure on the ground. Sometimes it is made up of
more than component unit which are used or likely to be used as dwellings (residences) or
establishments such as shops, business houses, offices, factories, workshops, worksheds,
Schools, places of entertainment, places of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible
that building which have component units may be used for a combination of purposes such as
shop-cum-residence,workshop-cum-residence,office-cum-Residence, etc.
Usually a structure will have four walls and a roof. But in some areas the very nature of
construction of houses is such that there may not be any wall. Such is the case of conical
structures where entrance is also provided but they may not have any walls. Therefore, such
of the conical structures are also treated as separate buildings.
Permanent houses
Houses, the walls and roof of which are made of permanent materials. The material of
walls can be any one from the following, namely, galvanized iron sheets or other metal
sheets, asbestos sheets, burnt bricks, stones or concrete. Roof may be made of from any one
of the following materials, namely, tiles, slate, galvanized iron sheets, metal sheets, asbestos
sheets, bricks, stones or concrete.
Semi-permanent houses
Houses in which either the wall or the roof is made of permanent material and the other
is made of temporary material.
Temporary houses
Houses in which both walls and roof are made of materials, which have to be replaced
frequently. Walls may be made from any one of the following temporary materials, namely,
grass, thatch, bamboo, plastic, polythene, mud, unburnt bricks or wood. Roof may be made
from any one of the following temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, wood,
mud, plastic or polythene.
A room should have four walls with a doorway with a roof over head and should be wide
and long enough for a person to sleep in, i.e., it should have a length of not less than 2 metres
and a breadth of at least 1.5 metres and 2 metres in height. A room, however, which is used in
common for sleeping, sitting, dining, storing and cooking, etc., should be regarded as a room.
An unenclosed verandah, kitchen, store, garage, cattle-shed and latrine and rooms in which a
household industry such as a handloom is located, which are not normally used for living or
sleeping are excluded from the definition of a living room for the purpose of this question.
One is likely to come across conical shaped hut or tent in which human beings reside. In such
improvised accommodation, there will be no four walls to a room and therefore, the above

definition would not strictly apply to such types of accommodation. In such cases, the tent or
conical hut etc., have been construed to be a room. In certain parts of the country, particularly
in rural areas, the pattern of housing may present some problems. For example, a household
may be in occupation of several huts put to different uses such as main residence, sitting
room, store and even for sleeping at night. By strict application of the definition each one will
be reckoned as a census house, but this does not reflect the real situation. While huts used as
store or cattle shed pose no problems, those used as sleeping rooms beyond the main
residence, should be counted as rooms rather than separate census houses.If a garage is used
by a servant and he lives in it as a separate household, it should be reckoned as a room
available to the servant’s household. If the servant is considered as a member of the
household then the garage room should be reckoned as an additional room of the household.
Dwelling Room
A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has walls with a doorway and a roof and should
be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in, i.e. it should have a length of not less than 2
meters and a breadth of at least 1.5 meters and a height of 2 meters. A dwelling room would
include living room, bedroom, dining room, drawing room, study room, servant’s room and
other habitable rooms. Kitchen, bathroom, latrine, store room, passageway and verandah
which are not normally usable for living are not considered as dwelling rooms. A room, used
for multipurpose such as sleeping, sitting, dining, storing, cooking, etc., is regarded as a
dwelling room. In a situation where a census houses is used as a shop or office., etc., and the
household also stays in it then the room is not considered as a dwelling room. But if a garage
or servant quarter is used by a servant and if she/ he also lives in it as a separate household
then this has been considered as a dwelling room available to the servant’s household. Tent or
conical shaped hut if used for living by any household is also considered as dwelling room.A
dwelling room, which is shared by more than one household, has not been counted for any of
them. If two households have a dwelling room each but in addition also share a common
dwelling room, then the common room has not been counted for either of the households.
Census house
A ‘census house’ is a building or part of a building used or recognised as a separate unit
because of having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or staircase,
etc. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or non- residential purpose or
In certain peculiar situations, the manner in which buildings and census houses were
identified for numbering in the field by the enumerators is described hereunder:
Sometimes a series of different buildings are found along a street which are joined with
one another by common walls on either side looking like a continuous structure. These
different units are practically independent of one another and are likely to have been built at
different times and owned by different persons. In such cases, though the whole structure
with all the adjoining units apparently appears to be one building, each portion was treated as
a separate building and its constituent units as separate census houses.
On the other hand, one may come across cases, particularly in large cities of multi-
storeyed ownership flats. In these cases while the structure looks like one building, different
persons own the flats. In case of such multi-storeyed structures, having a number of flats
owned by different persons, the entire structure was treated as one building and each flat as a
separate census house.
If within a large enclosed area, there are separate buildings owned by different persons
then each such building is treated as a separate building. There can be a situation where
within an enclosed compound there are separate buildings owned by an undertaking or

company or even government that are actually in occupation of different persons. For
example, Indian Oil Corporation colony where the buildings are owned by the Corporation
but these are in occupation of their employees. Each such building was treated as a separate
building. But if in any one of these buildings there were flats in occupation of different
households, each such flat was reckoned as a separate census house.
Sometimes it becomes difficult to apply the definition of census house strictly in certain
cases. For example, in an urban area, if a flat has five rooms, each room having direct
entrance from the common staircase or courtyard. By definition, this has to be treated as five
census houses. If all these five rooms are occupied by a single household it was not realistic
to treat them as five census houses. In such a case, ‘singleness’ of use of these rooms along
with the main house should be considered and the entire flat was treated as one census
house.On the other hand, if two independent households occupy these five rooms, the first
household living in 3 rooms and the second household occupying 2 rooms, then considering
the use, the first three rooms together were treated as one census house and the remaining
rooms as another census house. But if each room was occupied by an independent household,
then each such room was treated as a separate census house.
In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door of each room in which an inmate lives opens
to a common verandah, staircase, courtyard or a common room, as it happens almost
invariably, the entire hostel/ Hotel building was treated as one census house. but if such
hostels/hotels have out-houses or other structures used for different purposes or the same
purpose, then each such structure attached to the main hostel / hotel was treated as a separate
census house.
In some parts of the country, in rural areas, the pattern of habitation is such that a group
of huts, located in a compound, whether enclosed or unenclosed, is occupied by one
household. While the main residence may be located in one hut, other hutsmay be used for
sleeping, as a kitchen, bath room, baithak, etc. Though each of the huts was a separates
structure, they form a single housing unit and therefore, have to be treated collectively as one
building and one census house. If some of the huts are used by one household and the others
by a second household as residence, then the two groups of huts were treated as separate
census houses. However, if there were also other huts in the compound used for other
purposes and not as part of the household’s residence such as, cattle shed, workshed, etc.,
these were treated as separate census houses.
On the other hand, in urban areas, where more than one structure within an enclosed or
open compound (premises) belonging to the same person, e.g., the main house, the servant’s
quarter, the garage, etc., only one building number was given for this group and each of the
constituent a separate census house number.
Only cases where a structure with roof and pillars has come up was treated as a building.
The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue village, which has definite surveyed
boundaries. The revenue village may comprise of one or more hamlets but the entire village
is treated as one unit for presentation of data. In unsurveyed areas, like villages within forest
areas, each habitation area with locally recognized boundaries is treated as one village.
Rural-Urban area
Thedata in tables on Houses, Household Amenities and Assets are presented separately for
rural and urban areas. The unit of classification in this regard is ‘town’ for urban areas and
‘village’ for rural areas. In the Census of India 2001, the definition of urban area adopted is
as follows:

a) All places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area
committee, etc.
b) A place satisfying the following three criteria simultaneously:
i) a minimum population of 5,000;
ii) at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural
pursuits; and
iii) a density of population of at least 400 per sq. km.(1,000 per sq.mile)
For identification of places which would qualify to be classified as ‘urban’ all villages,
which, as per the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above, a population density of
400 persons per sq. km. and having at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged
in non-agricultural activity were considered. To work out the proportion of male working
population referred to above against b) (ii), the data relating to main workers were taken into
Apart from these, the outgrowths (OGs) of cities and towns have also been treated as
urban under ‘Urban Agglomerations’. Examples of out-growths are railway colonies,
university campuses, port areas, military camps, etc., that may have come up near a statutory
town or city but within the revenue limits of a village or villages contiguous to the town or
city. Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the demographic criteria laid down at
(b) above to qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit but may deserve to be
clubbed with the towns as a continuous urban spread. Thus, the town level data, wherever
presented, also includes the data for outgrowths of such towns.
Towns with population of 1,00,000 and above are called cities.
Urban Agglomeration
An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its
adjoining urban outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically contiguous towns together and
any adjoining urban outgrowths of such towns. In some cases railway colonies, university
campuses, port areas, etc., may come up near a city or statutory town outside its statutory
limits but within the revenue limits of a village or villages contiguous to the town or city.
Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limit to qualify it
to be treated as an independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the town as a
continuous urban spread.
For the purpose of delineation of Urban Agglomerations during Census of India 2001,
following criteria are taken as pre-requisites:
(a) The core town or at least one of the constituent towns of an urban agglomeration should
necessarily be a statutory town; and
(b) The total population of all the constituents (i.e., towns and outgrowths) of an Urban
Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000 (as per the 1991 Census).
With these two basic criteria having been met, the following are the possible different
situations in which Urban Agglomerations would be constituted:
i) a city or town with one or more contiguous outgrowths;
ii) two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths; and
iii) A city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which form a
continuous spread.

A ‘household’ is usually a group of persons who normally live together and take their meals
from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevent any of them from doing so.
Persons in a household may be related or unrelated or a mix of both. However, if a group of
unrelated persons live in a census house but do not take their meals from the common
kitchen, then they are not constituent of a common household. Each such person was to be
treated as a separate household. The important link in finding out whether it was a household
or not was a common kitchen. There may be one member households, two member
households or multi-member households.
Institutional household
A group of unrelated persons who live in an institution and take their meals from a
common kitchen is called an Institutional Household. Examples of Institutional Households
are boarding houses, messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, orphanages, etc.
To make the definition more clearly perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 2001, it was
specifically mentioned that this category or households would cover only those households
where a group of unrelated persons live in an institution and share a common kitchen.
Houseless household
Households who do not live in buildings or census houses but live in the open on
roadside, pavements, in hume pipes, under fly-overs and staircases, or in the open in places of
worship, mandaps, railway platforms, etc., are treated as Houseless Households.
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
Article 341 of the Constitution provides that the President may, with respect to any State
or Union territory, specify the castes, races or tribes or parts of or groups within castes, races
or tribes which shall for the purposes of the Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes
in relation to that State or Union territory. Article 342 similarly provides for specification of
tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within tribes or tribal communities which
are to be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the
various States and Union territories. In pursuance of these provisions, the list of Scheduled
Castes and / or Scheduled Tribes are notified for each State and Union territory and are valid
only within the jurisdiction of that State or Union territory and not outside.
It is important to mention here that under the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order,
1950, no person who professed a religion different from Hinduism was deemed to be a
member of a Scheduled Caste in addition to every member of the Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi,
Majhabi or Sikligar caste resident in Punjab or Patiala and East Punjab States Union were in
relation to that State whether they professed the Hindu or the Sikh religion. Subsequently, in
September 1956, by an amendment, the Presidential Order of 1950 and in all subsequent
Presidential Orders relating to Scheduled Castes, the Hindu and the Sikh religions were
placed on the same footing with regard to the specification of Scheduled Castes. Later on, as
per the amendment made in the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the Hindu, the
Sikh and the Buddhist were placed on the same footing with regard to the recognition of the
Scheduled Castes.
The list containing the names of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes applicable
for the Census of India 2001 in the State are given below:

Scheduled Castes:
1 Agariya 37 Dhangar
2 Badhik 38 Dhanuk
3 Badi 39 Dharkar
4 Baheliya 40 Dhobi
5 Baiga 41 Dom
6 Baiswar 42 Domar
7 Bajaniya 43 Dusadh
8 Bajgi 44 Gharami
9 Balahar 45 Ghasiya
10 Balai 46 Gond
11 Balmiki 47 Gual
12 Bangali 48 Habura
13 Banmanus 49 Hari
14 Bansphor 50 Hela
15 Barwar 51 Kalabaz
16 Basor 52 Kanjar
17 Bawariya 53 Kapariya
18 Beldar 54 Karwal
19 Beriya 55 Khairaha
20 Bhantu 56 Kharwar
21 Bhuiya (excluding Banbasi)
22 Bhuyiar 57 Khatik
23 Boria 58 Khorot
24 Chamar, Dhusia, 59 Kol
Jhusia, Jatawa 60 Kori
25 Chero 61 Korwa
26 Dabgar 62 Lalbegi
27 Majhwar 63 Sanaurhiya
28 Mazhabi 64 Sansiya
29 Musahar 65 Shilpkar
30 Nat 66 Turaiha
31 Pankha Scheduled Tribes
32 Parahiya 1 BhotiaMMM
33 Pasi, Tarmali 2 Buksa
34 Patari 3 Jaunsari
35 Rawat 4 Raji
36 Saharya 5 Tharu

Language and Mother tongue:

As per the census concept, each language is a group of mother tongues. The census
questionnaire collects information on the mother tongue of each person and mother tongue is
defined as the language spoken in childhood by the person’s mother to the person. If the
mother died in infancy, the language mainly spoken in the person’s home in childhood will
be the mother tongue. In the case of infants and deaf mutes, the language usually spoken by
the mother is considered as mother tongue. It is not necessary that the language spoken as
mother tongue should have a script. The mother tongues returned by the respondents in
census are classified and grouped under appropriate languages according to their linguistic

A person age 7 years and above who can both read and write with understanding in any
language is taken as literate. A person who can only read but cannot write is not literate. It is
not necessary that to be considered as literate, a person should have received any formal
education or passed any minimum educational standard. Literacy could also have been
achieved through adult literacy classes or through any non-formal educational system. People
who are blind and can read in Braille are treated as literates.
Literacy rate
Literacy rate of the population is defined as the percentage of literates in the age group
seven years and above. For different age groups the percentage of literates in that age group
gives the literacy rate.
Educational level
The highest level of education a person has completed
Work is defined as participation in any eco-nomically productive activity with or without
compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may be physical and/or mental in nature.
Work involves not only actual work but also includes effective supervision and direction of
work. It even includes part time help or unpaid work on farm, family enterprise or in any
other economic activity. All persons engaged in ‘work’ as defined above are workers.
Persons who are engaged in cultivation or milk production even solely for domestic
consumption are also treated as workers.
Reference period for determining a person as worker and non-worker is one year
preceding the date of enumeration.
Main worker
A person who has worked for major part of the reference period ( i.e. six months or more
during the last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in any economically productive
activity is termed as ‘Main worker’.
Marginal worker
A person who worked for less than six months of the reference period ( i.e. in the last one
year preceding the date of enumeration ) in any economic activity is termed as ‘Marginal
Non worker
A person who has not worked at all in any economically productive activity during the
reference period (i.e. last one year preceding the date of enumeration) is termed as ‘Non
For purposes of the Census a person is classified as cultivator if he or she is engaged in
cultivation on land owned or held from government or held from private persons or
institutions for payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation includes effective supervision or
direction in cultivation.
A person, who has given out her/his land to another person or persons or institution(s) for
cultivation for money, kind or share of crop and who does not even supervise or direct
cultivation in exchange of land, is not treated as cultivator. Similarly, a person working on
another person’s land for wages in cash or kind or a combination of both (agricultural
labourer) is not treated as cultivator.

Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing, harvesting and production of cereals and millet
crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc. and other crops such as sugarcane,
tobacco, groundnuts, tapioca, etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindred fiber crop, cotton,
cinchona and other medicinal plants, fruit growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards or
groves, etc. Cultivation does not include the following plantation crops – tea, coffee, rubber,
coconut and betel nuts (areca).
Agricultural labourer
A person who works on another person’s land for wages in money or kind or share is
regarded as an agricultural labourer. She/he has no risk in the cultivation, but merely works
on another person’s land for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of lease or contract
on land on which she/he works.
Household industry worker
Household industry is defined as an industry conducted by the head of the household
herself/himself and or by the members of the household at home or within the village in rural
areas and only within the precincts of the house where the household lives in urban areas.
The larger proportion of workers in household industry should consist of members of the
household including the head. The industry should not be run on the scale of a registered
factory which would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act and should
be engaged in manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs of goods.
It does not include professions such as a pleader, Doctor, Musician, Dancer, Waterman,
Astrologer, Dhobi, Barber, etc. or merely trade or business, even if such professions, trade or
services are run at home by members of the household.
Other worker
A person who has been engaged in some economic activity during the reference period but
not as a cultivator or agricultural labourer or in Household Industry is termed as a ‘Other
Worker (OW)’. The type of workers that come under this category of ‘OW’ include all
government servants, municipal employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation workers,
those engaged in trade, commerce, business, transport, banking, mining, construction,
political or social work, priests, entertainment artists, etc. In effect, all those workers other
than cultivators or agricultural labourers or household industry workers, are ‘Other Workers’.
Work participation rate
Percentage of workers (main + marginal) to total population.
Population density
Population density is the number of persons inhabited per square kilometer of the area.
Age is measured in terms of the completed number of years.
Number of females per 1,000 males in a population.

(iii) Non Census Concepts:
Civic status of urban units
Civic Status of a town/city is determined on the basis of Civic Administrative authority of
the town e.g. Municipal Corporation/Corporation, Municipal Committee/Municipal Council,
Municipality etc.
Size class of UA / town
Size-class of UA/Town is based on the population size of the UA/City/Town UAs./Towns
with 1,00,000 and above population are classified as Class I UAs. / Towns. These Class I
UAs. / towns are now further sub classified in to seven sub classes namely M1 to M7
depending on the population size of UA/City/Town. These are M7 (5,000,000 and above);
M6 (2,000,000 to 4,999,999); M5 (1,000,000-1,999,999) M4 (500,000-999,999); M3
(300,000-499,999), M2 (200,000-299,999) & M1 (100,000-199,999). Towns with, 50,000 to
99,999 population are classified as Class II towns, 20,000 to 49,999 population are Class III
towns, population with 10,000-19,999 are Class IV towns, population with 5,000 and 9,999
are Class V towns and towns with less than 5,000 population are Class VI towns.
Slum area
The Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act, 1956 which was enacted by the
Central Govt. defined slums as (a) Areas where buildings are in any respect unfit for human
habitation; or (b) are by reasons of dilapidation, overcrowding, fault arrangement and design
of such buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of streets, lack of ventilation, light or
sanitation facilities, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or
Mega city
The concept of ‘Mega city’ is a recent phenomenon in the Urban Sociology and is defined
in term of metropolitan city in the form of large size, problem of management of civic
amenities and capacity to absorb the relatively high growth of population. Indian Census in
1991 treated the population size of 5 million and above as the cut off point to identify a place
as the mega city. Whereas, for the purpose of inclusion in Centrally Sponsored Scheme for
Infrastructure Development in Mega cities the Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment,
Department of Urban Development adopted the criteria of 4 million and above population as
per 1991 Census for Mega Cities. In 2001 Census, cities with 10 millions and above
population have been treated as Mega cities.

Concepts used in VD and TD of DCHB :
1. Educational Amenities :- The type of different educational facilities available in the
village is given in numbers. Both government and private educational facilities/ institutions
are considered for this-purpose. If there are composite schools like Middle schools with
Primary classes, or Secondary schools with middle classes, these are included in the number
of Primary and Middle schools respectively. For example, if in a village there are two
Primary schools and one Middle schools with primary classes, the number of Primary schools
in the village are given as three and that of Middle school as one even though there may be
only there educational institutions. So also in case of Secondry schools. for better
understanding, the distinctiveness of different types of schools is depicted hereunder :
1.1 Pre-primary (PP): Now-a-days, the children are sent to school at a very early stage. Lot
of pre-primary schools,private schools in particular, have come up in village and towns. these
may or may not be recognized by the competent authorities. Even many Secondary schools
have classes starting from preprimarry level, Pre-primary classes including Nursery, K.G.,
Pre-basic, Play school, etc.
1.2 Primary school (P): Schools providing education from Standard 1 and upward up to and
inclusive of Standard V are classified as primary Schools.
1.3 Middle School (M): Schools providing education from Standard VI and upward up to
and inclusive of Standard VIII are classified as Middle Schools. A Schools with Class 1 to
VIII is treated as two units, i.e., one Primary Schools and one Middle Schools.
1.4 Secondary School (S): Schools providing education from Standard IX and upwards up to
and inclusive of Standard X are classified as Secondary Schools. A composite school with 1
to X standard is treated as three separate units and counted separately under the categories of
Primary Schools, Middle School and Secondary Schools.
1.5 Senior Secondary School (SS): Schools and colleges that provide education for
Standards XI and XII and first and second year of the Pre-University Course fall under this
category. There are Senior Secondary Schools with Standard I and Upward Up to Standard
1.6 Degree College:(i) Arts/Science/Commerce : These are all educational institutions that
provide post-PUC level education leading to University degree/diploma in any subject or
combination of subjects and also post-gradute levels of education. The college offering
course in Arts, Science or Commerce either separately or in combination are covered under
this category.
(ii) Engineering College (E): It is a graduate/post-graduate degree college providing
Bachelor of Engineering (BE) or Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) or post-graduate
engineering degrees like M.Tech.
(iii) Medical Colleges: These are graduate/post-graduate degree colleges providing MBBS or
equivalent degree in alternative medicine like Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy etc. or post-
gradute medical degree like M.D. or equivalent in the above branches of medicine.
1.7 Management College/Institute (MI): It offers courses like Diploma in Management.
Post-Graduate Diploma in Management. Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and
specializations in different disciplines of Management like Marketing Human Resources
Development (HRD) etc.

1.8 Polytechnic (Pt) : An Institution providing certificate/diploma (not equivalent to degree)
in any technical subject like engineering, vocational courses like embroidery, fashion
designing etc. It may be both Government and Private.
1.9 Vocational School/ ITI : It is a vocational training institute imparting trainings in
specific fields acquiring necessary skill, which will make the trainees employable or create
them opportunities of self employment . Trainings offered by Industrial Training Institutes
(ITI) fall under this category.
1.10 Non-formal Education/Training Centre (NFTC) : Non-vocational education centres ,
established by the Central and State Governments provide educational facilities to the
interested persons irrespective of educational qualification, and age. These education centres
are open to all.
1.11 Special School for Disabled : There are Government and Government recognized
institutions / organizations engaged for providing education to different groups of disabled
2. Medical Facilities:-
2.1 Hospital – Allopathic and Hospital – Alternative medicine* : A hospital is an
institution, where sicker injured are given medical or surgical care. Bed strength differs from
hospital to hospital ranging from 31 to 500 depending upon wheather these are sub–district,
sub-divisional or district hospitals. If there is hospitals providing facilities under different
systems of medicines such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy.
(a) Allopathy : The system of medical practice, which treats disease by the use of remedies
which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment.
(b) Aurveda: Aurveda means ‘Science of life’. The philosophy of Aurveda is based on the
theory of Pancha Mahabhootas (Five elements) of which all the objects and living bodies are
composed of. The combination of thse five elements are represented in the form of Tridosha:
Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three ‘doshas’ are physiological entities of living beings.
Ayurveda developed into eight distinct specialities, i.e. Internal Medicine, Pediatrics,
Psychiastry, Eye & ENT, Surgery, Toxicology, Geriatrics and Science of virility. Two types
of treatments, Preventive and Curative, are given in Ayurveda.
(c) Unani : Treatment of Unani consists of three components, namely, preventive, promotive
and curative. Unani system of medicine has been found to be efficacious in conditions like
Rheumatic Artharitis, Jaundice, Filarisis, Eczema, Sinusities and Bronchial Asthama. For the
prevention of the disease and promotion of health, the Unani System emphasizes six
essentials: pure air, food and water, physical movement and rest, psychic movement and rest,

sleep and wakefulness and retention of useful materials and evacuation of waste materials
from the body.

(d) Homeopathy : Treatment in Homeopathy, which is holistic in nature, focuses on an

individual’s response to a specific environment. Homeopathic medicines are prepared mainly
from natural substances such as plant products, minerals and animal sources. Homeopathic
medicines do not have any toxic, poisonous or side effects. Homeopathic treatment is
economical as well and has a very broad public acceptance.

2.2 Community Health Centre (CHC) : Community Health Centres are designed to
provide referral health care for cases from PHC and those in need of specialist health care
approaching the CHC directly. 4 PHCs are included under each CHC thus catering
approximately 80,000 populations in tribal/hilly areas and 1,20,000 populations or plain
areas . CHC is a 30-beded hospital providing specialist care in Medicine , Obstetrics and
Gynacecology, Surgery and Paediatrics.

2.3 Primary Health Centre (PHC) : A Primary Health Centre is the first contact point
between a village community and the Government medical officer. A PHC covers a
population of 20,000 in hilly, tribal or different areas and 30,000 population in plain areas
with 4-6 indoor/observation beds. It acts as a referral unit for 6 sub-centres. It has a medical
officer and para medical staff.

2.4 Primary Health Sub-Centre (PHS) : A Primary Health Sub-centre is the first contact
point between the primary health care system and the community. As per the population in
plain areas and 3,000 population in hilly/ tribal/deseart areas. Each PHS has a sanctiooned
strngth of one male and female health worker.

2.5 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre (MCW) : It provides pre-natal and post-natal
services for both mother and child. The services include regular check-up of pregnant
women, giving folic tablets, counseling, delivery, immunization of children with check-up

2.6 TB Clinic (TBC) : The diagnosis and treatment of TB are functions of the gereral health
services and hence it is a part and parcel of Primary health Care. Specialized units such as the
District Tuberculosis Centre (DTC) act as referral centres. TB clinics are established by the
Government of India under the National Tuberculosis Control Programme and implemented
through a network of DTC. The DTC is the nodal point for TB control activities in the district
and it also functions as a specialized referral centre. The functions of sub-district level

Tuberculosis Unit (TU) are implementation, monitoring and supervision of TB control
activities in designated geographical areas.

2.7 Health Centre : Clinic where medicine and medical supplies are dispensed. It has no in-
patient facility. A clinic ( or an outpatient clinic) is a small private or public health facility
that devoted to the care of outpatients, often in community, in contrast to larger hospitals,
which also treat inpatients.

2.8 Dispensary : Place where patients are treared and medicines povided but with no in-
patient facility. Immunization, MCH Services and sometimes pathological tests are carried
out here. It may be of allopathic or any alternative medicine.

2.9 Veterinary Hospital : Mostly run by the State Government or local body for treatment
and preventive measures against diseases of domestic animals like cows, buffaloes etc. in
rural areas.

2.10 Mobile Health Clinic : These are Mobile vans well equipped with a range of health
services to villages located far away from the CHCs, PHCs or any public health sources. The
vans visit villages on designated days to deliver the health care services. The services
generally offered are OPD, ante-natal and post-natal, B.P. examination, X-ray, ECG,
Immunization, First Aid etc.

2.11 Family welfare Centre : Check-up and counseling is provided to the pregnant and
married women regarding small family norm and devices for having a small family
.Temporary and permanent contraceptive devices are provided here.

2.12 Nursing Home : A nursing home is a long -term care facility licensed by the state that
offers 24-hour room and board and health care services including basic and skilled nursing
care, rehabilitation and a full range of other therapies, treatments and programes to old and
sick people. The difference between a hospital and a nursing home is thatconvalescence from
a desease while a hospital and a nursing home is that a nursing home gives importance from
a disease while a hospital gives medical treatment for the disease.

2.13 Medicine Shop : A shop which sells drugs and medicines of any system of medicine
viz. allopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic or unani medicines, is considered as a medicine shop.
sometimes some shops and Paan shops also keep ordinarymedicines, like Crocin, Burnol etc.
These shops are not taken as medicine shops.

3. Drinking water : The following are the main source of drinking water facility (ies)
available in the village.
3.1 Tap Water-treated : This source of drinking water refers to a source of drinking water
which is provided to the villages through pipes within their premises or to the villagers
through comman taps ( public taps / community water points ) by the Government
departments, local bodies, panchayats, public or privatestate agencies, etc. after treatment.
Such a source is treated as ‘Tap water from treated source’.

3.2 Tap Water-un-treated : If the villagers are drawing drinking water through pipes either
directly from a well or bore well or after pumping the well or tube well water, or the water is
supplied through pipes to the households of the village or through public taps without
treatment. Such a sources is treated as ‘Tap water from un-treated sources’.

3.3 Covered Well (CW) : A well that is (1) covered on sides from run-off water (i.e., excess
water from rain, snowmelt or other sources flows over the land) through a well lining or
casting that is raised above ground level on a platefrom that diverts spilled water away from
the well and (2) covered so that bird droppings and animals cannot fall down thehole. It is
considered as covered well.

3.4 Un-Covered Well (UW) : A well which is (1) un-covered on sides from runoff water ,
(2) un-covered from bird droppings and animals; or (3) both.

3.5 Hand Pump (HP) : Hand pump means where ground water is taken out manually by
operating a hand pump.

3.6 Tube Well (TW) / Borehole (B) : Tube well denotes the ground water source
fromwhere ground water is taken out through electrical or diesel pump. Spring , River/Canal,
Tank / Pond / Lake are self explanatory.

4. Community Toilet complex : Community Toilet may be constructed and maintained by

Gram Panchayats or Private NGOs like sulabh sauchalaya or likes.

5. Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet (RSM) : It is an outlet dealing

with the materials, hardware and design required for the construction of not only sanitary
latrines but other sanitary facilites such as compost pit , washing plateform and other
sanitation and hygiene accessoris requried for individuals, households and the environment in
the rural areas.

6. Community bio-gas or recycle of waste for productive use : Many of the solid waste
having economic values but put for disposal can be recycled for reuse. For example, food,
cow dung, leaves, vegetable, paper, wood, plastics, old cloth etc. However, some of the
wastes are not recyclable. These are carbon paper, thermo coal etc. When recyclable solid
waste is subjected to decomposition, bio-gas could be produced under favorable conditions.
These systems of recycling may be there at the village level organized by gram Panchayats
with technical support from Governments or non-government organizations.

7. Communication and transport Facilities:

7.1 Post Office (PO) : Self -explanatory.

7.2 Sub- post Office (SPO) : Sub post office includes extra Departmental Post Offices and
those providing franchise postal services and also part time services in lieu of some
honorarium. The limited postal services include sale of stamps, receipt of letters and money
orders and also distribution of letters.

7.3 Post & Telegraph Office (PTO) : Telegraph office is set up by the Government to
enable people to send or receive telegram. if the phonogram facility is available (through the
Telegraph office may not be equipped with Morse Code Transmitters ), the village is
considered to be having telegraph facility.

7.4 Telephones (landlines) : If the village is having the Public Call Office (PCO) either
run by the post office or by individuals or by a private shop, then the village is considered to
be having telephone facility.
7.5 Public Call Office (PCO)/ Mobile PCO: Self explanatory.
7.6 Mobile Phone Coverage: Mobile phones are now very common particularly in urban
areas. Some villages by virtue of being in close proximity to the urban areas also enjoy the
benefits of the mobile phone services. Even if a few villagers avail the services of mobile
phones, then the villages is considered to be having access to mobile phone.
7.7 Internet Cafes/Common Service Centers (CSC):If the village is having the facility of
Cyber Cafes or shops owned by private individuals providing the facility of surfing of the
internet, then the village is considered to be having access to internet/cyber café facility.
Government of India formulated the scheme of CSC with the vision of providing all
government services in an integrated manner at the door step of the citizen at an affordable
cost even in the remotest corners of the country through a combination of it based as well as
non-IT based services.

7.8 National Highways (NH):These are main highways running through the length and
breadth of the country. Each NH is numbered like NH-1, NH-2 for easy identification.
7.9 State Highway (SH):These are roads of a state linking district headquarters and
important cities within a State and connecting them with NHs or Highways of the
neighboring States.
7.10 Major District Roads (MDR):These are important roads within a district, serving areas
of production and markets and connecting these with each other or with the main Highways.
7.11 Other District Roads (ODR):These are roads serving rural areas of production and
providing them with outlet to market centres, taluka headquarters, block development head
quarters or other main roads.
7.12 Village Road:The approach to village refers to the state of road etc, leading to the
village. This is to see whether the village is approachable both in fair and foul weather, and
whether it is inaccessible only for some time in the year.
7.13 Black-Topped (Pucca) Road (BTR):A road provided with a bituminous surfacing.
7.14 Gravel (Kuchha) Road (GR):A road constructed using well compacted crushed rock or
gravel material (coarse sand, small stones), which is fairly resilient and does not become
slippery when wet.
7.15 Water Bound Macadam (WBM):This is the road layer made of crushed or broken
mixtures of sand and rock fragments mechanically interlocked by rolling and voids filled
with screening and binding material with the assistance of water.
7.16 Foot Path (FP):A trodden path for the use by pedestrians and in some cases bicycles.
The Foot Paths are not suitable for vehicular traffic except bicycles in some cases. Most of
the interior/forest villages are connected by Foot Paths.
8. Banks and Credit Societies: - Banking facility means a place where a person can operate
a bank account.
8.1 Commercial Bank (CB):These may be banks wholly owned by the Government of India
or by Indian or Foreign Companies.
8.2 Cooperative Banks (Coop.B):A co-operative bank is a financial entity which belongs to
its members, who are at the same time the owners and the customers of their bank.
Cooperative banks are often created by persons belonging to the some local or professional
community or sharing a common interest. These banks are registered under the Cooperative
Societies Act. The cooperative banks are regulated by RBI and are covered by the Banking
Regulations Act, 1949.
8.3 Agricultural Credit Society (ACS): Major objectives of the ACS are to supply
agricultural credit to meet the requirements of funds for agricultural production, the
distribution of essential consumer commodities, the provision of storage and marketing
facilities and for light agricultural implements and machinery.

8.4 Non-Agricultural Credit Society (NCS):These societies include consumer cooperative
societies and also credit cooperative societies of certain categories of persons like teachers,
health workers, etc.
9.Miscellaneous Facilities:
9.1 Self-help Group (SHG):Self-help Groups of between 10-25 women created by either
NGOs or under the SGSY (Swarnjayanti Gram SwarozgarYojana) for the purposes of
meeting local credit needs. They are sometimes calledMahilaMandals in villages.
9.2 Public Distribution System (PDS) shop:The shop through which some essential
commodities are sold by the government at subsidized rates. They may also be known as
ration shops and control shops.
9.3 Mandis Regular Market:These are those clusters of shops with or without fixed
premises which are open on at least six days a week and opens at least from morning hours to
9.4 Weekly Haat: These are those clusters of shops with or without fixed premises which are
open once a week.
9.5 Agricultural Marketing Society: It is a common platform to analyse the issues among
all the individuals and institutions in the field of agricultural marketing.
9.6 Nutrition Centre: Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS):The Integrated
Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme set up by the Government of India with the
objective of providing following package of services to the children under 6 years and
pregnant and lactating mothers in villages such as, Immunization, Health Check-up, Referral
Services, Pre-school Non-formal Education and Nutrition & Health Education.
9.7 Anganwadi Centre:Each centre under the ICDS scheme is run by an Anganwadi
Worker. One Anganwadi worker is appointed for specified population of the village. They
are basically local women. They are assisted by Anganwadi helper. They provide pre-school
non-formal education at the Centre and provide food to the children.
9.8 Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA):ASHA is a health activist in the community
who will create awareness on health and its social determinants and mobilize the community
towards local health planning and increased utilization and accountability of the existing
health services. She would be a promoter of good health practices. She will also provide a
minimum package of curative care as appropriate and feasible for that level and make timely
referrals. She will act as a motivator of different types of health related activities. Unlike
ANM, she will not be involved in any clinical activities like immunization.
9.9 Sports Club/Recreation Centre:Indoor and out-door games are arranged by the club and
activities like wrestling, judo Karate etc. are also done there.
9.10 Cinema/Video Hall (CV):If regular cinema houses licensed by Government is
available, then the town/village is considered to be having the facility of Cinema Hall. Video
hall owners screen films in their own or hired premises.

9.11 Public Library:Books are kept there which can be accessed by the public on loan basis.
These may be sponsored by Government or Local Body or Panchayat or influential person.
Free service or nominal charges are made for using the facility.
9.12 Public Reading Room:Here the public may read newspapers and magazines. These
may be sponsored by Government or Local Body or Panchayat or any influential person.
9.13 Newspaper Supply:The availability of the Newspaper(s), both in English or vernacular,
in the village is considered to having the said facility.
10. Availability of Electricity/Power:If power is actually available, whatever may be the
form of its use, it is indicated affirmative. If the village is having electricity for domestic
purposes and the residents are using the same for domestic use, then it is considered that
domestic power supply is available. If the electricity authority has not given domestic supply
to the households on their request and people are using unauthorized electricity either by
stealthily or misuse the supply meant for agriculture or industrial purposes, then it is not
considered as availability of electricity for domestic purpose. However, if the village goes out
of power due to temporary technical problems such as, transformer failures, theft of electrical
equipment, etc, it is considered that electricity is available. Supply of electricity is considered
available even when there is a temporary ban on new domestic connections. Connections to
residential houses, bungalows, clubs, hostels and hospitals run on non-commercial basis,
charitable, educational and religious institutions are included in the domestic category.
10.1 Power Supply for domestic use:This category includes electricity used only for
domestic consumption.
10.2 Power Supply for agricultural use:This category includes all electricity connections
given to the farmers for conducting various agricultural activities including irrigation.
10.3 Power supply for commercial use: This category includes electricity connections given
for workshops, industries etc. or for any commercial purpose.
10.4 Power supply for all uses: This category includes electricity connection is available for
domestic use, agricultural use, and for any commercial purposes.
11. Land Use Pattern: The land use area of the villages is given in hectares. The land use
pattern in the Village Directory conform to the pattern of classification of land use as
recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The Ministry has
recommended the maintenance of records of land use pattern under the 9 categories as
indicated in the Village Directory.
12. System of drainage:Generally, by drainage system, we mean the network of mains and
branches of underground conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point of disposal.
Sewers that carry only household and industrial wastage are called separate sewers, those that
carry storm water from roofs, streets and other surface are known as storm water drains,
while those carrying both sewage and storm water are called combined sewers. However, in
towns, which are not provided with such underground sewerage system, it is mentioned
whether it has open drainage system. There may be possibility of the town having both closed
as well as open drainage systems.

13.Type of latrines: The data on various type of latrines both public and private together are
collected. The three type of latrines considered here are, Pit Latrines, Flush/Pour Flush
Latrine and Service Latrine. (i) Pit System: The latrines are attached to the pit that is dug into
the ground for the reception of night soil, are reckoned as pit latrine. (ii) Flush/pour flush: A
flush latrine uses a cistern or holding tank for flushing water and has a water seal, which is a
U-shaped pipe, below the seat or squatting pan that prevents the passage of flies and odours.
A pour flush latrine uses a water seal, but unlike a flush latrine, a pour flush latrine uses water
poured by hand for flushing (no cistern is used). (iii) Service: Type of latrine from where
night soil is removed manually by scavengers, All other type of latrines are covered under
“Others” category.
14. Protected Water Supply- Source and capacity of Storage system: There are various
sources of water supply and its storage system in the town.
14.1 Service Reservoir: A service reservoir is a water storage container that holds clean
water after it has been treated in a water plant, and before it is piped to the end users. These
containers are covered, and are designed to keep the water safe from contamination. Their
main purpose is to provide a buffer within the water supply system so that water supplies can
be maintained across periods of varying demand.
14.2 River Infiltration Gallery: Infiltration Galleries are capable of supplying large
quantities of water, and are used where wells are unable to supply water needs, i.e. where an
impermeable rock barrier affects well efficiency, or where surface water sources are too
shallow for intake screens. Infiltration galleries are one or more horizontal screens placed
adjacent to (on-shore), or directly underneath (bed-mounted), a surface water source.
14.3 Bore Well Pumping System: A bore well is a well of 6”to 12”in diameter drilled into
the earth for retrieving water, The depth of a bore well can vary from 50 feet to 3000 feet.
Water is pumped out to surface through electricity/generator.
14.4 Pressure Tank: Tank that is used to ensure consistent water pressure and for storage of
water. Usually located in basement of house but sometimes (in older setting) located in well
15.Road lighting (Points):Road lighting means the number of street lights that are
maintained in the town.
16. Home Orphanage: Orphanage is the name to describe a residential institution devoted to
the care of orphans – children whose parents are deceased or otherwise unable to care for
them, Parents, and sometimes grandparents, are legally responsible for supporting children,
but in the absence of these or other relatives willing to care for the children, they become a
ward of the state, and orphanages are a way of providing for their care and housing.
17. Working Women’s hostel: These may be recognised or non-recognised by any public
authority. The data on number of working women’s hostel available in the town are collected
with number of seats.
18. Old Age Home:There are two types of Old Age Homes in India. One is the “Free”type
which cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for them. They are
given shelter, food, clothing and medical care. The second type is the “Paid”home where care

is provided for a fee. Now a days, such “Retirement” homes have become very popular in
India and they are well worth considering.
19. Stadium: A stadium is a place, or venue, for (mostly) outdoor sports, concerts or other
events, consisting of a field or stage partly or completely surrounded by a structure designed
to allow spectators to stand or sit and view the event.
20. Auditorium/Community Hall: These are the places where meetings, social functions
etc. are organised.

(iv) 2011 Census Findings:
(a) Population Distribution
According 2011 Census, the total population of the district is 2,59,648 in which 2,21,305
live in rural areas and rest 38,343 in urban parts. There are four tahsil, in the district namely
Champawat, Pati, Lohaghat, Poornagiri. The urban population in the district is about 14.8 per
cent. There are 717 revenue villages in the district out of which 662 are inhabited at the 2011
Census and remaining 55 are un-inhabited. The total rural population of 2,21,305 is spread
over 4 CD Blocks and Panchayat14 inhabited forest villages. The most populous CD Block is
Champawat with a population of 1,04,657. Although the population density in the rural
district is about 147 about highest proportion (24.8%) of villages are with a population
density range of 101-200 per square kilometre. Such villages contain as much as about 22.3
per cent of total rural population.
Size - Class and Status of Towns :
Out of total urban population of 38,343 as much as 17,626 live in Tanakpur town. The
next big town is Banbasa with a population of 7,990. The above two are class IV and V towns
having the civic status of Municipal Board (MB) and Census Town (CT). Rest of 2 towns are
Nagar Panchayat (NP) out of which Lohaghat is Class V town while Champawat is Class VI
town. The former two towns are located in POoornagiri tahsil while later two towns fall each
in Lohaghat tahsil and Champawat tahsil.
Population growth :
The population of Champawat district has increased from 224542 in 2001 to 2,59,648
ub 2011. In absolute terms it has been an addition of 35,106 during decade 2001 -11. In
percentage terms, the population has increased by 15.63 percent during this period. The
decadal growth at 15.6 per cent in the district has been at lower level than in the state at 18.8
per cent. In the neighbouring district of Almora and Pithoragarh, the decadal growth rate has
been much lower than in the district.
Population Density :
Champawat district covers an area of 1,765.78 square kilometer and has a population of
2,59,648. Thus the population density in the district is worked out 147 persons per sq. km.
Sex - Ratio :
The sex-ratio in the district at 980 to 963 at the state level. Indeed, the sex-ratio at the
district has been all along higher in the district as against to the state since 1901. As against to
urban areas of the district, the sex-ratio is higher in rural areas. Among CD Blocks, the sex-
ratio is highest in Lohaghat at 1,064 and lowest in Champawat at 960. Out of 662 inhabited
villages in the district there are about 5.4 per cent villages (with 1.3 percent of rural
population) which are having a sex-ratio below 700. In the urban parts of the district the sex-
ratio is 890 and highest of 907 in Tanakpur and lowest of 860 in Lohaghat. The sex-ratio of
population in the age-group 0-6 is 873 in the district which is lower than the state being at
890. As against a sex-ratio of 881 in the age-group 0-6 of rural population of the district, it is
highest at 934 in Pati CD Block and lowest at 853 in Champawat CD Block. It may be noted
that out of 662 inhabited villages in the district in over 29.9 percent of villages with about
15.5 percent of rural population the sex-ratio in the age-group 0-6 is less than 700. As against
the 0-6 age group sex-ratio of 881 in the rural area of the district it is only 825 in urban areas.
Among towns this sex-ratio is highest at 888 in Tanakpur and lowest at 693 in Lohaghat.

Work Participation Rate:
In the total population of the district of 2,59,648 as much as 38.3 per cent are workers and
rest of 61.7 percent are non-workers. Among workers 24.1 per cent are main workers and rest
of 14.2 percent are marginal workers. In absolute terms, males outnumber females as main
worker but females outmatch males greatly as marginal workers. The extent of workers in
rural areas and non-workers in urban parts is higher. In the district among workers about 60.3
percent are cultivators, 4.0 percent agricultural labourers, 1.6 percent household industry
workers and 34.1 percent other workers. Over 90 per cent of female workers are engaged as

In the district about 79.8 per cent population is literate. The literacy is about 82.6
percent in urban areas and about 79.3 percent in rural areas. The male literacy is as high as
91.6 percent as against about 68.0 percent female literacy and, therefore, the gap in
male/female literacy rate is 23.6 percent. In rural areas among 4 CD Blocks, the highest
literacy is at 80.7 percent in Champawat and lowest at about 76.1 percent in Pati. The literacy
among male in rural areas is about 92.2 percent in comparison to about 66.7 percent among
female. The lowest female literacy of about 61.3 percent is in Barakot CD Block. Also the
gap in male/female literacy rate is highest in this CD Block which is about 30.4 percent. In
about 40 percent of villages covering about 42 percent of rural population, the literacy range
is 71-80. Among urbanites in the district, as much as about 88.3 per cent males are literate as
against about 76.4 per cent females. The highest urban literacy is in Lohaghat at 81.6 percent
and lowest in Banbasa at 67.8 percent. The maximum male literacy is also found in Lohaghat
at 84.0 percent and lowest at about 73.3 per cent in Tanakpur. The highest female literacy is
also in Lohaghat at 79.1 per cent and lowest at about 60.1 per cent in Banbasa. The maximum
gap in male-female literacy rate at 14.5 per cent is found in Banbasa.

This table presents the distribution of basic cultural characteristic of the population
“Religion” at state, district and tahsil level. Six major religious have been dealt with
separately. These are Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Muslims and Sikh. Rest of the
religious have been presented in the column titled’ other religious’.

Brief account of main religions in the State/ Distt/ Tahsil as per 2011 Census
Religion (Percent to total population)
State/ Othe
Total Religion
Distt/ Tah Buddhi Christi r
population Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh not
st an Relig
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Uttarakha 1,00,86,292 14,926 37,781 83,68,636 9,183 14,06,825 236,340 993 11,608
State (100.0) (0.1) (0.4) (83.0) (0.1) (13.9) (2.3) (0.0) (0.1)
Champaw 259648 24 870 249563 28 8693 336 6 128
at District (100.0) (0.0) (0.3) (96.1) (0.0) (3.3) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0)
Champaw 54524 7 132 53988 0 348 19 0 30
at Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.2) (99.0) (0.0) (0.6) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1)
Pati 45504 0 5 45428 1 30 19 4 17
Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (99.8) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
Lohaghat 86477 5 58 85574 2 782 21 0 35
Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.1) (99.0) (0.0) (0.9) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
Poornagir 73143 12 675 64573 25 7533 277 2 46
Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.9) (88.3) (0.0) (10.3) (0.4) (0.0) (0.1)
Note : - Percentages are given in brackets.

Brief account of main religions in the State/ Distt/ Tahsil as per 2001 Census
Religion (Percent to total population)
Total Other Religio
Distt/ Tah Christi
population Buddhist Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Religi n not
ons Stated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Uttarakh 8,489,349 12,434 27,116 7,212,260 9,249 1,012,141 212,025 770 3,354
State (100.0) (0.1) (0.3) (85.0) (0.1) (11.9) (2.5) (0.0) (0.0)
Champa 224,542 71 626 216,646 22 6,642 473 1 61
District (100.0) (0.0) (0.3) (96.5) (0.0) (3.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0)
Champa 224,542 71 626 216,646 22 6,642 473 1 61
Tahsil (100.0) (0.0) (0.3) (96.5) (0.0) (3.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0)
Note : - Percentages are given in brackets.

A brief account of the main religions as stated in the above table for 2011 reveals that 83.0 percent
population is Hindu in the state followed by 13.9 percent population of Muslims while the followers of
other religions are negligible. At district level, the pattern is almost same, but the followers of Muslim are
Slightly low i.e. only 3.3 per cent in comparison to state, while under remaining four religions, the
population is almost negligible.

Availability of University Education in the Districts
Total population Educational level
Technical degree or
diploma equal to degree or
Age- Graduate and above Post graduate degree post graduate degree
group other than technical Engineering and
degree technology
Female Female Person Female Person
Persons Males s Persons Males s s Males s s Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
6957284 3485332 3471952 910288 512068 398220 318054 165313 152741 70881 52549 18332
(100) (100) (100) (13.1) (14.7) (11.5) (4.6) (4.7) (4.4) (1.0) (1.5) (0.5)
1124110 588483 535627 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(100) (100) (100) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
970068 484614 485454 194627 91453 103174 44788 15743 29045 24294 16859 7435
(100) (100) (100) (20.1) (18.9) (21.3) (4.6) (3.2) (6.0) (2.5) (3.5) (1.5)
810184 397363 412821 186822 91236 95586 67529 27902 39627 16492 11176 5316
(100) (100) (100) (23.1) (23.0) (23.2) (8.3) (7.0) (9.6) (2.0) (2.8) (1.3)
698300 345427 352873 143852 77903 65949 56741 28329 28412 9196 6680 2516
(100) (100) (100) (20.6) (22.6) (18.7) (8.1) (8.2) (8.1) (1.3) (1.9) (0.7)
2437205 1218236 1218969 331010 211331 119679 130300 79855 50445 16918 14152 2766
(100) (100) (100) (13.6) (17.3) (9.8) (5.3) (6.6) (4.1) (0.7) (1.2) (0.2)
900809 441897 458912 52238 39165 13073 18142 13168 4974 3825 3568 257
(100) (100) (100) (5.8) (8.9) (2.8) (2.0) (3.0) (1.1) (0.4) (0.8) (0.1)
16608 9312 7296 1739 980 759 554 316 238 156 114 42
(100) (100) (100) (10.5) (10.5) (10.4) (3.3) (3.4) (3.3) (0.9) (1.2) (0.6)
172901 85681 87220 15663 9729 5934 5662 3405 2257 723 524 199
(100) (100) (100) (9.1) (11.4) (6.8) (3.3) (4.0) (2.6) (0.4) (0.6) (0.2)
27603 14383 13220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(100) (100) (100) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
22473 11235 11238 4173 2198 1975 882 364 518 247 155 92
(100) (100) (100) (18.6) (19.6) (17.6) (3.9) (3.2) (4.6) (1.1) (1.4) (0.8)
20093 9676 10417 3640 2022 1618 1424 726 698 173 114 59
(100) (100) (100) (18.1) (20.9) (15.5) (7.1) (7.5) (6.7) (0.9) (1.2) (0.6)
17166 8496 8670 2523 1558 965 1136 685 451 112 86 26
(100) (100) (100) (14.7) (18.3) (11.1) (6.6) (8.1) (5.2) (0.7) (1.0) (0.3)
62005 30462 31543 4896 3583 1313 2051 1487 564 173 153 20
(100) (100) (100) (7.9) (11.8) (4.2) (3.3) (4.9) (1.8) (0.3) (0.5) (0.1)
23464 11373 12091 424 363 61 167 142 25 16 15 1
(100) (100) (100) (1.8) (3.2) (0.5) (0.7) (1.2) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0)
97 56 41 7 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
(100) (100) (100) (7.2) (8.9) (4.9) (2.1) (1.8) (2.4) (2.1) (1.8) (2.4)

The above table presents the distribution of graduate and above level education for population
in the age group of 15 and above. Out of total population of Uttarakhand state, 13.1 per cent are
graduate and above level, 4.6 per cent are post graduate other than technical degree and 1.0 per cent
are technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post graduate degree Engineering and technology.
Almost similar trend is seen in male and female population. The highest percentage (23.1) is
observed in graduate and above level in the age group of 25-29, 8.3 per cent in post graduate other
than technical degree in the age group of 25-29 and 2.5 per cent in engineering and technology level
education in the age group of 20-24. Similar trend is observed in male and female population of the
state. The lowest percentage in this level education is observed in the age group of 60+ in both male
and female population.
Almost similar trend can be observed in the district also. In graduate and above level
education, the highest percentage (18.6) is found for total population, 17.6 per cent for female

population in the age group of 20-24 while 20.9 per cent are for male population in the age group of
25-29. In post graduate degree other than technical degree, the highest percentage (7.1) is seen for
total population and 6.7 per cent for female population in the age group of 25-29 while 8.1 per cent
are for male population in the age group of 30-34. In technical degree or diploma equal to degree or
post graduate degree Engineering and technology, the highest percentage (1.1) is found for total
population, 1.4 per cent for male population and 0.8 per cent for female in the age group of 20-24,
Similarly the lowest percentage of this level education is seen in the age group of 60+. In other
educational level, the percentage share is negligible in both state and district level.

(b) Mother Tongue

Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 2001 Census

Hindi Garhwali Kumauni Urdu Punjabi Bengali Jaunsari Nepali Bhojpuri

8,489,349 3,183,092 2,106,142 1,948,142 497,068 240,578 123,172 113,268 91,032 67,898
(100.0) (37.5) (24.8) (22.9) (5.9) (2.8) (1.5) (1.3) (1.1) (0.8)
Pahari Tibetan Bhotia Sindhi Dogri Gujari Oriya Malayalam Haryanvi
7,897 6,460 5,887 5,081 4,415 3,950 2,926 2,805 2,732 2,625
(0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)

Bundeli/Bu Khari
Marathi Rajasthani Tamil Awadhi Gujarati Telugu Maithili Bangni
ndelkhandi Boli

2,405 2,402 1,936 1,799 1,724 1,681 1,563 1,504 1,093 892
(0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
Chhattisgar Khortha/
Multani Balti English Marwari Kangri Gujrao/Gujrau Assamese Santali
hi Khotta
840 759 745 669 581 516 438 434 365 325
(0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
Arabic/ Sadan/
Mewari Sanskrit Kannada Reang Punchhi Kinnauri Mundari Kurukh/Oraon
Arbi Sadri
303 303 300 266 259 254 240 221 181 143
(0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)
Total Of
128 48,910
(0.0) (0.6)

Populati Kumauni Hindi Urdu Nepali Punjabi Bengali Garhwali Bhojpuri Haryanvi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
224,542 192,603 24,978 2,375 1,352 568 524 517 456 105
(100.0) (85.8) (11.1) (1.1) (0.6) (0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.0)
Total Of
Rajasth Other
Pahari Marwari Khari Boli English Awadhi
ani Mother
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
104 104 103 81 56 39 577
(0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.3)

A brief account of the main religions as stated in the table for 2001 reveals that 85.0 per cent
population is Hindu in the state followed by 11.9 per cent population of Muslims while the followers
of other religions are negligible. At district level, the pattern is almost same, but the followers of
Muslim religion are slightly low i.e. only 3.0 per cent in comparison to state, while under remaining
fourreligions,the population is almost negligible.

Out of the total population 259,648 of the district, 47,383 or 18.25 per cent belong to the
scheduled castes which are below the state average of 18.76 per cent as per 2011 Census. The
proportion of scheduled castes population constitutes 18.85 per cent in rural population and 14.76 per
cent in urban population of the district. At tahsil level, this proportion ranges between 14.28 per cent
in Champawat and 20.57 per cent in Lohaghat. On the other hand, the highest percentage share of SC
population among the four C. D. blocks of the district, has been recorded in Barakot (23.77) and is
followed by Lohaghat (21.38) which have shown more SC population to the district average of 18.25
per cent. The lowest proportion of SC population is Found in Pati (16.72 per cent). The town-wise
percentage distribution of SC population varies between 12.59 in Tanakpur (NPP) and 18.04 in
Banbasa (CT). In absolute term, the SC population of the district has increased from 15,17,186 in
2001 Census to 18,92,516 in 2011 Census. Thus the decadal growth of the SC population at 24.37 per
cent in the district has been at slight lower than in the state at 24.74 per cent during 2001-2011. The
growth rates for rural and urban areas are 24.30 and 24.93 per cent respectively. The overall sex ratio
among SC population has decreased from 975 in 2001 Census to 959 in 2011 Census. The rural sex
ratio (962) of SC population as per 2011 Census is more than the urban sex ratio of SC population 934
females per 1000 males. The literacy rate among scheduled castes in rural areas works out to 75.44
per cent and 79.89 per cent in town as per 2011 Census. The literacy among male in rural areas is in
88.12 per cent in comparison to 62.42 per cent among females. The gap in male and female literacy
rates is 25.70 percentage points which is more against the gap is urban literacy rate of 15.14
percentage points. The literacy among male and female in urban areas of the district has been
recorded 87.28 per cent and 72.14 per cent respectively as revealed by 2011 Census.
According to 2011 Census, the Scheduled Tribes population has been counted 1339 or 0.52
per cent among the total population of Champawat district which is far below the state average of 2.89
per cent. The share of ST population constitutes 0.49 per cent in rural population and 0.67 per cent in
urban population of the district. This percentage share of ST population among the tahsil level is the
highest in Poornagiri (1.29) followed by Champawat (0.48) and Lohaghat (0.15) while the lowest
proportion is found in Pati (0.01 per cent) In the district, The ST population is mainly concentrated in
Champawat C.D. block and forest villages. In the remaining C.D. blocks, the ST population is
negligible. In urban areas of the district, the highest percentage share of ST population (1.03) is
recorded in Banbasa (CT) and it is lowest by (0.35) in Tanakpur (NPP). In absolute term the
maximum number of ST population is counted 82 in Banbasa (CT) and maximum (45) in Champawat
(NP). The decadal growth rate among ST population of the district comes to 80.95 per cent during
2001-2011. The growth rate among ST population for rural and urban areas are 89.18 and 52.69 per
cent respectively. In this district, the sex ratio among ST population has also decreased sharply from
922 in 2001 to 723 females per 1000 males in 2011.This ratio among ST population for rural and
urban areas are 694 and 861 females per 1000 males respectably as per 2011 Census and it has shown
decreasing trend in comparison to 2001 being 936 and 876. The literacy rate among ST Population
(76.32 per cent) is highest than the corresponding rate (75.44 per cent) in case of Scheduled Castes.
The gap in male and female literacy rates at about 22.87 percentage points less than the Scheduled
Castes (25.70 per cent). The literacy rate of ST population residing in urban areas (81.33) is more than
in case or rural areas i. e. (76.32 per cent). The gap in urban male and female literacy rates among ST
population is also less than (17.50 per cent) than gap in rural male and female (22.87 percentage

(v) Brief Analysis of Primary Census Abstract Data:
Primary Census Abstract presents data up to CD Block/UA/City/Town level for the country and state.
It contains information relating to Area (in sq km), number of occupied residential houses, number of
households, total population, population in age-group 0-6, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe
population with male-female break up along main and marginal workers separately by sex. Both main
and marginal workers have been further classified into four broad industrial categories viz.,
Cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and other workers and presented along
with non-workers by sex. For the first time during 2001 census the Primary Census Abstract will give
number of illiterates, total workers and classification of marginal workers also into four broad
industrial categories. This corresponds to Union/State PCA presented separately till 1991 except
inclusion of some extra features as mentioned above. However, only four fold classification of main
and marginal workers will now be presented instead of nine fold categories.

Table 1: Decadal change in population of Tahsils by residence, 2001-2011

Population Percentage
Percentage decadal
Sl. urban
Tahsil variation 2001-2011
No. 2001 2011 population
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2001 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Champawat 45487 41528 3959 54524 49723 4801 19.9 19.7 21.3 8.7 8.81

2 Pati* 39902 39902 0 45504 45504 0 14 14 0 0

3 Lohaghat* 77616 71787 5829 86477 78551 7926 11.4 9.4 36 7.5 9.17

4 Poornagiri* 61537 37547 23990 73143 47527 25616 18.9 26.6 6.8 39 35.02

District Total: 224542 190764 33778 259648 221305 38343 15.6 16.0 13.5 15.0 14.8

The table-1 presents the population growth rates for total, rural and urban areas and
percentage of urban population to total population in respect of each tahsil of the district. The decadal
growth rate of the district comes to 14.8 per cent during 2001-2011. The growth rates for rural and
urban areas of the district are 16.0 and 13.5 per cent, respectively. In this district, 85.2 per cent of the
total population live in rural areas while 14.8 per cent population reside in urban areas. The decadal
growth rate at tahsil level varies between 19.9 per cent as highest in Champawat tahsil and 11.4 per
cent as lowest in Lohaghat tahsil. In rural areas, the highest growth rate is recorded by Poornagiri
tahsil (26.6 per cent) and the lowest by Lohaghat tahsil (9.4 per cent). on the other side, the maximum
urban growth rate is found in Lohaghat tahsil (36.0 per cent) and minimum in Poornagiri tahsil (6.8
per cent). Pati tahsil is entirely by rural. The percentage of urban population to total population at
tahsil level ranges between 35.02 in Poornagiri and 8.81 in Champawat.

Table 2: Number and percentage of inhabited villages in specified population size ranges
with the related population, 2011 (Rural)
number Number and Population less than
District/ Total rural population
Sl.No. of Percentage of 200
inhabited village
villages Persons Males Females Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Champawat 244 96667 49169 47498 121 (50 %) 6011 5963
2 Pati 156 51971 26118 25853 73 (47 %) 4012 3986
3 Barakot 100 26676 13146 13530 56 (56 %) 2885 2875
4 Lohaghat 144 45333 21964 23369 77 (53 %) 3719 3836
Forest CD
5 Block 18 658 445 213 17 (94 %) 237 32
662 221305 110842 110463 344 (52 %) 16864 16692
(Rural) Total:

Number Population 200 - Number Population 500 - Number Population 1000 -

District/ and 499 and 999 and 1999
C.D.block Percentage Percentage Percentage
of village of village of village
Males Females Males Females Males Females
2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Champawat 63(26 %) 9851 9958 42(17 %) 13557 13191 9(4 %) 5762 5720
Pati 49(31 %) 8220 8228 27(17 %) 9448 9269 7(4 %) 4438 4370
Barakot 27(27 %) 4375 4581 15(15 %) 4739 4842 2(2 %) 1147 1232
Lohaghat 40(28 %) 5975 6595 22(15 %) 7622 8168 4(3 %) 2860 2919
Forest CD
Block 1(6 %) 208 181 0(0 %) 0 0 0(0 %) 0 0
Champawat 180 106 22
28629 29543 35366 35470 14207 14241
(Rural)Total: (27 %) (16%) (3 %)

Number Number Number

Population 2000 - Population 5000 Population 10000
District/ and and and
4999 - 9999 and above
C.D.block Percentage Percentage Percentage
of village of village of village
Males Females Males Females Males Females
2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Champawat 9( 4 %) 13988 12666 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0
Pati 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0
Barakot 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0
Lohaghat 1( 1 %) 1788 1851 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0
Forest CD
Block 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0 0( 0 %) 0 0
Champawat 10 0 0
15776 14517 0 0 0 0
(Rural)Total: ( 2 %) (0 %) ( 0 %)

Table-2 gives C.D. block-wise population, number and percentage of villages falling
in each range of population size of villages and number of males and females in each
population range at C.D. block level in the district. Out of the 662 inhabited villages, 344
(52.0 per cent) are small sized villages with population below 200 persons. In the size of 200
to 499 persons there are 180 villages having27.0 per cent villages of the district while size
class of 500-999 population claims 106 villages with 16.0 per cent of the total villages in the
district. 22villages (3.0 per cent) are in the size class of 1,000-1,999 and 10 villages (2.0 per
cent) are in the size class of 2,000-4,999. None of village in the district fall in the range of
5,000 and above population.



(a) New
(i) Statutory town – NIL
(ii) Census town - NIL
(b) Denotified - NIL
(i) Statutory towns of 2001 census denotified and also did not satisfy the criteria to be treated as
census towns - NIL
(ii) Statutory towns of 2001 census denotified but identified as census towns based on demographic and
economic criteria - NIL
(iii) Census towns of 2001 census are notified as statutory town in 2011 census - NIL
(c) Declassified - NIL
(d) Wholly merged with other town(s) - NIL
Declassified means the census towns of 2001 census which failed to satisfy the demographic and economic
Table 4: Sex ratio of the state and district, 1901-2011
State District
Census Year
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1901 918 943 968 944 944 -
1911 907 944 585 939 939 -
1921 916 963 547 960 960 -
1931 913 948 604 959 959 -
1941 907 953 579 973 973 -
1951 940 998 647 955 955 -
1961 947 995 695 937 937 -
1971 940 990 721 955 975 648
1981 936 984 764 947 969 745
1991 937 978 810 945 969 805
2001 962 1007 845 1021 1055 849
2011 963 1000 884 980 997 890
Note :- Sex ratio has been defined here as the number of females per 1000males

The above table shows the sex ratio in the state lie between the range of 918 to 963
during the census years 1901 to 2011. Highest sex ratio of 963 is observed in the year 2011.
The rural areas of the state accounted sex ratio of 948 in 1931 to 1007 in 2001. The sex ratio
in the state did not follow a definite trend. District sex ratio has been observed more than
1,000 since 1941onwards except 2001. This trend was maintained in rural area of the district,
but urban area of the district highest sex ratio was 890 in 2011. The urban sex ratio lies in the
range between788 to 890.
Table 5: Sex ratio by Tahsils, 2011
Serial Sex ratio
Name of Tahsil
number Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5
1 Champawat 964 971 888
2 Pati* 975 975 0
3 Lohaghat* 1035 1054 860
4 Poornagiri* 934 953 900
Champawat 980 997 890

Table 5 presents sex-ratios for total, rural and urban areas at district/tahsil level as per 2011
Census. There are 980 females for every thousand males in Champawat district. It is very clear from
the table 5 that sex-ratio in rural areas is higher than that of urban areas. The sex-ratio among rural
and urban population is 997 and 890 females respectively. This trend can be seen at tahsil level also.

Table 6: Sex ratio by CD Blocks, 2011

S. No. Name of CD block Sex ratio
1 2 3
1 Champawat 966
2 Pati 990
3 Barakot 1029
4 Lohaghat 1064
5 Forest CD Block Champawat 479
Champawat(Rural) Total:997

The table-6 gives C.D. block-wise sex-ratio for rural population in the district. The sex-ratio in
rural areas of the district comes 997 females per 1,000 males, as a whole. Among the C.D. blocks the
highest sex-ratio of 1,064 females is found in Lohaghat C.D. block and is followed by Barakot (1,029)
while the lowest of 966 is recorded in Champawat C.D. block. The sex-ratios of Barakot and
Lohaghat C.D. blocks are higher than the district rural sex-ratio of 997 females and in remaining
blocks, this value is below the district level.

Table 7: Sex ratio of rural population by ranges, 2011
Percentage of
Number of Population distribution
Range of sex ratio for villages villages in each
inhabited villages 2011 of
1 2 3 4 5
Less than 700 37 5.59 2878 1.30
700 - 749 7 1.06 574 0.26
750 - 799 21 3.17 6355 2.87
800 - 849 40 6.04 9226 4.17
850 - 899 61 9.21 20169 9.11
900 - 949 80 12.08 35855 16.20
950 - 999 90 13.60 38648 17.46
1000 - 1099 165 24.92 66269 29.94
1100+ 161 24.32 41331 18.68
05065-Champawat Total 662 100 221305 100
Sex ratio(Rural)for Distt.: 996

Table 7 presents the distribution of villages and population in sex-ratio ranges based
on 2011 Census. The maximum number of villages (165),accounting for 24.92 per cent of
the total villages having largest population (29.94 per cent) of the rural population in the
district fall in the sex-ratio range of 1000-1099 females per 1,000 males. It is followed by the
sex-ratio range of more than 1100 which claims 161 villages (24.32 per cent) and 18.68 per
cent population. In remaining sex-ratio ranges of 950-999, 900-949, 850-899,800-849, 750-
799, 700-749 and less than 700, the number of villages are 90 (13.60 per cent), 80 (12.08 per
cent), 61 (9.21 per cent), 40 (6.04 per cent), 21 (3.17 per cent), 7(1.06per cent)and
37(5.59per cent)respectively. In these ranges, the percentages of population are
comparatively low.

Table 8: Sex ratio of Towns, 2011

Serial number Name of Town Urban status of town Sex ratio

1 2 3 4
1 Champawat (NP) (NP) 888
2 Lohaghat (NP) (NP) 860
3 Tanakpur (NPP) (NPP) 907
4 Banbasa (CT) (CT) 887
Sex ratio (Urban) for the District:05065-Champawat 890

Table 8 shows the sex-ratio of towns. The sex-ratio in urban areas of the district
comes to 890 females per 1,000 males as a whole. Among the four towns of the district the
sex-ratio varies between860 to 907. Tanakpur (NPP) has the highest sex-ratio (907), while
Champawat NP has the lowest sex-ratio of 860 females.

Table 9: Sex ratio of population in the age group 0-6 for Tahsils, 2011

Total population in 0-6 age

Total/ Rural/ Sex ratio for
Sl.No. Name of Tahsil group
Urban 0-6 age group
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total 8133 4387 3746 854
1 Champawat Rural 7579 4070 3509 862
Urban 554 317 237 748
Total 7022 3607 3415 947
2 Pati* Rural 7022 3607 3415 947
Urban 0 0 0 0
Total 12361 6639 5722 862
3 Lohaghat* Rural 11440 6095 5345 877
Urban 921 544 377 693
Total 9512 5133 4379 853
4 Poornagiri* Rural 6301 3426 2875 839
Urban 3211 1707 1504 881
Total 37028 19766 17262 873
Champawat Rural 32342 17198 15144 881
Urban 4686 2568 2118 825

The table 9presents population of age-group 0-6 years and sex-ratio for total, rural and
urban areas in respect of each tahsil of the district.Total population in age-group 0-6 is 37,028
persons comprising 19,766 males and 17,262 females. Total sex-ratio in this age-group works
out to 873 females for every thousand males in the district. The proportion of females in rural
areas is higher than that of in urban areas. The sex-ratio in rural and urban areas comes to 881
and 825 females in this age-group respectively. This trend can be seen almost at tahsil level.
Table 10: Sex ratio of population in the age group 0-6 for C.D.Blocks, 2011

Sl. Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-

Name of C.D.Block
No. Persons Males Females 6 age group
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Champawat 13838 7472 6366 852
2 Pati 7880 4075 3805 934
3 Barakot 3834 2049 1785 871
4 Lohaghat 6745 3576 3169 886
5 Forest CD Block Champawat 45 26 19 731
Champawat 32342 17198 15144 881

Table 10 gives C.D. block-wise sex-ratio of rural child population in the age-group 0-
6 years in the district.The sex-ratio is 881 for the district (rural). The sex-ratio of C.D. block
varies between 852 to 934. It is highest in PatiC.D. block i.e. 934 followed by 886 in
Lohaghat C.D. block and lowest of 852 is found in Champawat C.D. block. The sex-ratio of
Pati and Lohaghat C.D. blocks are higher than the district rural sex ratio (881) while in
remaining C. D. blocks, it is below the district sex-ratio.

Table 11: Sex ratio of rural population in the age group 0-6 by Ranges, 2011
Number of Percentage Percentage
Range of sex ratio for villages inhabited distribution of distribution of
villages villages population
1 2 3 4 5
Less than 700 221 33.38 4901 15.15
700 - 749 26 3.93 1583 4.89
750 - 799 52 7.85 4069 12.58
800 - 849 42 6.34 2623 8.11
850 - 899 43 6.50 3749 11.59
900 - 949 36 5.44 3211 9.93
950 - 999 24 3.63 2395 7.41
1000 - 1099 94 14.20 4790 14.81
1100+ 124 18.73 5021 15.52
Champawat Total 662 100 32342 100
Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 881

Table 11 shows the distribution of villages in 9 sex-ratio ranges of the age-group 0-6
years as well as percentage of villages, total population and percentage of population of this
age-group falling in each range of sex-ratio in the district. Maximum number of villages
(221) accounting for 33.38 percent of the total villages having population (15.15 percent) in
this segment fall in the sex ratio range of less than 700 females per 1,000 males. The sex ratio
range of more than 1100 claims 124 villages (18.73 percent) having largest population in the
district. Minimum number of villages (24) showing 3.63 per cent of the total villages with
7.41 per cent population fall in 950-999 range.
Table 12: Sex ratio of population in the age group 0-6 of Towns, 2011

Total population in 0-6 age Sex ratio

Urban status
Sl. No. Name of Town group for 0-6 age
of town
Persons Males Females group
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Champawat (NP) (NP) 554 317 237 748
2 Lohaghat (NP) (NP) 921 544 377 693
3 Tanakpur (NPP) (NPP) 2235 1184 1051 888
4 Banbasa (CT) (CT) 976 523 453 866
Sex ratio (Urban) for the District: Champawat 4686 2568 2118 825

Table 12 shows Townwise population and sex ratio of the urban child population in
the age group 0-6 years in the district. The child sex ratio of the towns varies between 693 to
888. Lohaghat (NP) has the lowest 693 females per 1000 males while Tanakpur (NPP.) has
the highest of 888. Two towns Lohaghat (NP) and Champawat (NP) have sex ratio lower to
the district sex-ratio (825), while Tanakpur (NPP) and Banbnasa(CT) have sex ratio more
than the district (825).

Table 13: Number and percentage of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
population in Tahsils, 2011

Percentage Percentage
Total Total of Scheduled of Scheduled
Sl. Name of Total Scheduled Scheduled Castes Tribes
No. Tahsils population Castes Tribes population population
population population to total to total
population population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total 54524 7786 264 14.28 0.48
1 Champawat Rural 49723 6893 219 13.86 0.44
Urban 4801 893 45 18.60 0.94
Total 45504 8058 5 17.71 0.01
2 Pati* Rural 45504 8058 5 17.71 0.01
Urban 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Total 86477 17786 127 20.57 0.15
3 Lohaghat* Rural 78551 16681 61 21.24 0.08
Urban 7926 1105 66 13.94 0.83
Total 73143 13753 943 18.80 1.29
4 Poornagiri* Rural 47527 10093 799 21.24 1.68
Urban 25616 3660 144 14.29 0.56
Total 259648 47383 1339 18.25 0.52
Rural 221305 41725 1084 18.85 0.49
Urban 38343 5658 255 14.76 0.67

Table 13 depicts the distribution of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

population as well as their percentage to total population at tahsil level in rural and urban
areas of the district. Out of 259,648 total population of the district, 18.25 per cent of the total
population belongs to the Scheduled Castes and 0.52 per cent to Scheduled Tribes. The
percentage of Scheduled Castes population constitutes 18.85 per cent in rural population and
14.76 per cent in urban population of the district. More or less the similar trend can be
observed at tahsil level also.

Table 14: Number and percentage of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes(Rural)population in C.D.Blocks, 2011

Percentage Percentage
Total Total of of
S. Total Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled
Name of C.D.Block
NO Population Castes Tribes Castes Tribes
Population Population Population Population
to total to total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Champawat 96667 16931 992 17.51 1.03
2 Pati 51971 8687 18 16.72 0.03
3 Barakot 26676 6342 19 23.77 0.07
4 Lohaghat 45333 9692 29 21.38 0.06
Forest CD Block
5 658 73 26 11.09 3.95
District (Rural) Total:
221305 41725 1084 18.85 0.49

Table 14 reflectsthe distribution of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in

each C.D. block of the district. It is seen that average of 18.85 per cent of rural population
of the district belongs to Scheduled Castes and 0.49 per cent to Scheduled Tribes.At C.D.
block level, the proportion of Scheduled Castes population varies between 16.72per cent in
Pati and 23.77 per cent in Barakot C.D. block. C D Block Barakot and Lohaghat, having
more SC population to the district average of 18.85 percent.The Scheduled Tribes
population in the district is mainly concentrated in Champawat CD block and forest
villages. Both these Areas claim a handsome proportion of scheduled tribes’ population.In
other CD Blocks the scheduled casts population is negligible.

Table 15: Proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population in villages, 2011

Percentage range of Scheduled

Number of
Scheduled Castes population Percentage Castes Percentage
to total population population
1 2 3 4 5
NIL 256 38.67 0 0.00
Less than 5 48 7.25 430 1.03
5 - 10 64 9.67 2689 6.44
11 - 20 106 16.01 9138 21.90
21 - 30 65 9.82 8536 20.46
31 - 40 54 8.16 8235 19.74
41 - 50 13 1.96 2475 5.93
51 - 75 27 4.08 5879 14.09
76 and above 29 4.38 4343 10.41
Champawat (District) Total 662 100.00 41725 100.00

Table 15 shows the number of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes
population to their total population in different ranges of percentage at district level. 256 villages
accounting for 38.67 per cent of total 662 inhabited villages in the district do not have any Scheduled
castes population. The proportion of Scheduled Castes population is less than 5 per cent in 48 villages
(7.25 per cent). In 64 villages, it varies between 5-10 per cent while the next range of 11-20 per cent
accounts for 106 villages constituting 16.01 per cent of the total villages. The range of 21-30 and 31-
40 per cent contains 9.82 and 8.16 per cent villages respectively. Both these ranges together account
for 17.98 per cent villages of the district. 13 villages fall in the range of 41-50 and 27 villages in 51-
75.Iin 29 villages of the districts where the proportion of Scheduled Castes is more than 76 per cent.
Thus from above table it is very clear that 38.67 percent villages have no scheduled castes population
while 4.38 percent villages have SC population more than 76 percent.

Table 16: Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in villages,


Percentage range of Scheduled

Number of Scheduled Tribes
Tribes population to total Percentage Percentage
villages population
1 2 3 4 5
NIL 615 92.9 0 0.00
Less than 5 40 6.04 393 36.25
5 - 10 2 0.30 252 23.25
11 - 20 1 0.15 112 10.33
21 - 30 1 0.15 306 28.23
31 - 40 2 0.30 12 1.11
41 - 50 1 0.15 9 0.83
51 - 75 0 0.00 0 0.00
76 and above 0 0.00 0 0.00
Champawat (District) Total 662 100 1084 100

Table 16 presents the distribution of villages by percentage ranges of Scheduled Tribes

population to total population in the villages. 0.49 per cent of rural population of the district belong to
Scheduled Tribes population. There are 615 (92.9 per cent) villages where population of Scheduled
Tribes have been recorded zero in the district. 40 (6.04 per cent) villages have proportion of
Scheduled Tribes population up to 36.25 per cent. 2 vilages have 5 to 10 percent ST population and 1
village each has 11-20, 21-30 and 41-50 per cent while2 vilages have ST population in range 31-40

Table 17: Number and percentage of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in
Towns, 2011
Percentage Percentage
of of
Total Total
Scheduled Scheduled
Sl. Total Scheduled Scheduled
Name of Town Castes Tribes
No. population Castes Tribes
population population
population population
to total to total
population population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Champawat (NP) 4801 893 45 18.6 0.94
2 Lohaghat (NP) 7926 1105 66 13.94 0.83
3 Tanakpur (NPP) 17626 2219 62 12.59 0.35
4 Banbasa (CT) 7990 1441 82 8.04 1.03
Champawat District
38343 5658 255 14.76 0.67
(Urban) Total:

Table 17 shows absolute number of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and
their percentages to total population in towns. The highest number of SC population is
(2,219) in Tanakpur (NPP), while highest proportion of SC population is in Banabasa (CT)
(18.04) and it is lowest at 12.59 percent in Tanakpur (NPP).Similarly, the highest proportion
of the ST population (1.03) percent is in Banbasa (C.T) and lowest is in Tanakpur(NPP) i.e,
0.35 percent. In absolute term the highest number of ST population is 82 in Banbasa (CT) and
lowest 45 is in Champawat (NP).

Table 18: Sex ratio among Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Rural) in C.D.Blocks, 2011

Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes sex

Sl. No. Name of C.D.Block
sex ratio ratio
1 2 3 4
1 Champawat 963 687
2 Pati 908 2000
3 Barakot 963 1111
4 Lohaghat 1015 1071
5 Forest CD Block Champawat 780 130
Champawat 962 694

Table 18 reflects sex ratio of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in each CD
block. CD block Lohaghat has highest SC sex ratio and CD block Pati has lowest SC sex
ratio. While CD block Champawat has lowest ST sex ratio and C.D Block Pati has highest ST
Sex Ratio.Forest villages are also having both SC/ST low sex ratios.

Table 19: Sex ratio among Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Towns, 2011
Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes sex
Sl. No. Name of Town
sex ratio ratio
1 2 3 4
1 Champawat (NP) 900 875
2 Lohaghat (NP) 980 833
3 Tanakpur (NPP) 960 722
4 Banbasa (CT) 881 1000
Sex ratio (Urban) for the
934 861

Table 19 reflects sex ratio among Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes in towns. In
urban area of the district, sex ratio of SC and ST are 934 and 861 respectively. Banbasa (CT)
has lowest sex ratio (881) for SC but it has the highest sex ratio (1,000) for ST. The highest
sex ratio for SC is (980) in Lohaghat (NP) and the lowest ST sex-ratio is (722) in Tanakpur
(NPP) which is lower to the district ST sex ratio (861).

Table 20: Number of literates and illiterates, literacy rate by sex in sub-districts, 2011

Number of literates and illiterates Gap in

Name of Total/ Literacy rate male-
Sr.N Number of literates Number of illiterates
Sub- Rural/ female
district Urban Female Femal literacy
Persons Males Females Persons Males Persons Males rate
s es
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Total 36571 21517 15054 17953 6250 11703 78.83 92.03 65.4 26.61
1 Rural 32677 19382 13295 17046 5842 11204 77.54 91.62 63.3 28.28
Urban 3894 2135 1759 907 408 499 91.69 95.91 87 8.87
Total 31092 18254 12838 14412 4784 9628 80.8 93.94 67.4 26.55
2 00335-Pati Rural 31092 18254 12838 14412 4784 9628 80.8 93.94 67.4 26.55
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 58706 33259 25447 27771 9242 18529 79.21 92.74 66.5 26.22
3 Rural 52240 29692 22548 26311 8548 17763 77.84 92.37 64.5 27.88
Urban 6466 3567 2899 1460 694 766 92.31 95.96 88.2 7.79
Total 51357 28985 22372 21786 8834 12952 80.71 88.68 72.3 16.38
4 Rural 33901 19051 14850 13626 5289 8337 82.23 91.09 73.1 17.98
Urban 17456 9934 7522 8160 3545 4615 77.91 84.39 70.7 13.65
Total 177726 102015 75711 81922 29110 52812 79.83 91.61 68.1 23.56
District: Rural 149910 86379 63531 71395 24463 46932 79.33 92.24 66.7 25.59
Urban 27816 15636 12180 10527 4647 5880 82.65 88.26 76.4 11.86

Table 20gives District and tahsilwise literacy rates besides the number of literates and
illiterates for total areas. The literacy rates are worked out by excluding population of 0-6 years. As
per 2011 Census, the proportion of literates to total population excluding 0-6 years comes to 79.83 per
cent in the district. This proportion in rural area is 79.33 per cent against 82.65 per cent in urban areas.
In the district the literacy rates of males (91.61 per cent) is much higher than that of females (68.05
per cent). It is observed that in urban areas of district the literacy rates is higher than the rural areas.
However, male literacy rate is higher in rural areas than that of in urban areas of the district.

The gap between male and female literacy is high which comes to 23.56 per cent in the
district. However, this gap points urban literacy only 11.86 percent against the rural areas, where the
gap between male and female literacy is 25.59 percent only. The situation at tahsil level is almost the
same in the district.

Table 21: Number and percentage of literates and illiterates by sex in C.D.Blocks,

Number of literates and illiterates Gap

Percentage of in
literates male
Number of literates Number of illiterates
Sl. -
Name of
No fema
C.D. Block
. le
Person Fem Pers Male Fem Perso Male Fem litera
s ales ons s ales ns s ales cy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Champawat 66208 38177 28031 30459 10992 19467 79.93 91.56 68.15 23.41

2 Pati 35590 20693 14897 16381 5425 10956 80.72 93.88 67.57 26.31

3 Barakot 17377 10173 7204 9299 2973 6326 76.07 91.67 61.34 30.33

4 Lohaghat 30294 17032 13262 15039 4932 10107 78.51 92.63 65.65 26.98
Forest CD
5 Block 441 304 137 217 141 76 71.94 72.55 70.62 1.93
Champawat (Rural) 149910 86379 63531 71395 24463 46932 79.33 92.24 66.65 25.59

Table 21 reveals number of literates, illiterates and the literacy rates in rural areas at C.D.
block level in the district. 79.33 per cent of the total rural population excluding the age-group of 0-6
years are literates in the district. The corresponding proportion of male and female literates comes to
92.24 and 66.65 per cent respectively, which shows wide gap of 25.59 per cent in male and female
literacy. At C.D. block lev./el, Pati C.D. block has the highest literacy rate of 80.72 per cent while
93.88 per cent males and 67.57 per cent females are literates in this block. The lowest literacy rate is
in Barakot C.D. block (76.07 per cent). There are wide variations in male and female literacy in all the
C.D. blocks of the district. The maximum difference of 30.33per cent is found in Barakot C.D. block.

Table 22: Distribution of villages by literacy rate range, 2011

Number of Percentage Percentage

Range of literacy
inhabited distribution of Population distribution of
rate for villages
villages villages population
1 2 3 4 5
0 1 0.15 1 0.00
1 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00
11 - 20 0 0.00 0 0.00
21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00
31 - 40 0 0.00 0 0.00
41 - 50 5 0.76 413 0.19
51 - 60 21 3.17 4982 2.25
61 - 70 88 13.29 20491 9.26
71 - 80 268 40.48 92897 41.98
81 - 90 222 33.53 86462 39.07
91 - 99 37 5.59 15851 7.16
100 20 3.02 208 0.09
Champawat Total 662 100 221305 100
Literacy rate for

Table 22 presents the distribution of villages by literacy rate ranges in the district. There is no
literate in 1 village (0.15 per cent) of the district and population of this villages is only 1
persons. 20 villages (3.02 per cent) have all the literate population. 88 villages accounting for
13.29 per cent of the total villages are in the literacy range of 61-70 per cent and 268 villages
(40.48 per cent) fall in the literacy range of 71-80 per cent. The lower literacy rate of 1 to 60
per cent has been observed in 26 villages (3.93 per cent) of the district. The higher literacy
ranges of 81 to 100 per cent covers 279 villages (42.14 per cent). The range of 61-80 have the
maximum number of 356 villages forming 53.77 per cent of the total inhabited villages.

Table 23: Number and percentage of literates and illiterates by sex in Towns, 2011
Number of literates and illiterates
Percentage of literates Gap in
Number of literates Number of illiterates
Sl. male-
Name of
No. female
Female Female Person Female literac
Persons Males Persons Males Males y rate
s s s s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 3894 2135 1759 907 408 499 91.69 95.91 87.04 8.87
2 6466 3567 2899 1460 694 766 92.31 95.96 88.17 7.79
3 12042 6776 5266 5584 2469 3115 78.24 84.06 71.84 12.22
4 5414 3158 2256 2576 1076 1500 77.19 85.1 68.3 16.8
District (Urban) 27816 15636 12180 10527 4647 5880 82.65 88.3 76.4 11.86

Table 23 gives number and percentage of literates and illiterates by sex during 2011 in
the urban areas of the district. Regarding absolute figures of literates Tanakpur (NPP) is way
ahead of other towns. The table reveals that literacy rate is pretty high in the urban areas of
the district. The literacy rate is quite high (above 95 per cent ) in two towns Lohaghat (NP)
and Champawat (NP) among males. Female literacy rate is not far behind in two towns
(above 87.04 per cent). However, literacy rate among females, is lowest (68.3 per cent) in
Banbasa (CT). The gap in male and female literacy rate is highest in Banbasa (CT) i.e. 16.8
per cent.

Table 24: Number and percentage of Scheduled Castes literates and illiterates by sex in
C.D.Blocks, 2011
Number of literates and illiterates Gap in
Sl. male-
Name of C.D. Percentage of literates
No Number of literates Number of illiterates female
Block literacy
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Champawat 11028 6346 4682 5903 2281 3622 77.70 88.63 66.57 22.06
2 Pati 5506 3380 2126 3181 1172 2009 76.86 89.77 62.55 27.22
3 Barakot 3745 2271 1474 2597 960 1637 71.10 84.90 56.87 28.03
4 Lohaghat 5846 3463 2383 3846 1348 2498 73.08 87.92 58.68 29.24
Forest CD Block
5 47 30 17 26 11 15 70.15 76.92 60.71 16.21
Champawat (Rural) 26172 15490 10682 15553 5772 9781 75.44 88.12 62.42 25.70

Table 24 shows number and percentage of literates and illiterates by sex during 2011
in the rural areas of the district. Regarding absolute figures of literates, C.D. block
Champawat has the highest number of literate males and females. While C.D. block Barakot
has lowest number of literate males and females. C.D. block Champawat has also highest
proportion of female literates while C.D. block Pati recorded the highest male literates among
C.D. blocks of the district. Barakot C.D. block has the lowest male and female literacy rates
i.e. 84.90 and 56.87 per cent.
Table 25: Distribution of villages by literacy rate range for Scheduled Castes population
(Rural), 2011
Number of Percentage Scheduled Percentage
Range of literacy rate for
inhabited distribution Castes distribution of
villages of villages Population population
1 2 3 4 5
0 2 0.49 2 0.00
1 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00
11 - 20 0 0.00 0 0.00
21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00
31 - 40 0 0.00 0 0.00
41 - 50 21 5.17 588 1.41
51 - 60 30 7.39 2061 4.94
61 - 70 86 21.18 8718 20.89
71 - 80 129 31.77 15531 37.22
81 - 90 94 23.15 13550 32.47
91 - 99 22 5.42 1163 2.79
100 22 5.42 112 0.27

Champawat Total 406 100 41725 100

Literacy rate for


The table 25 presents the distribution of villages by literacy rate range for Scheduled
Castes population at the 2011 Census. In the district there are 2 villages which have literacy
rate zero. There are 137 villages with SC population having literacy rate below 70 per cent.
22 villages having 5.42 per cent of total SC population have achieved 100 per cent literacy
rate. 245 (60.34 per cent) villages with 75.27 per cent SC population having literacy rate in
range 71-99 per cent.

Table 26: Number and percentage of Scheduled Castes literates and illiterates by sex in Towns, 2011

Number of literates and illiterates Gap

Percentage of literates in
Number of literates Number of illiterates
Name femal
of Town Perso Mal Femal Perso Mal Femal Perso Male Femal e
ns es es ns es es ns s es litera
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 653 365 288 240 105 135 85.14 91.94 77.84 14.1
wat (NP)
2 871 460 411 234 98 136 90.07 95.04 85.09 9.95
t (NP)
3 1535 855 680 684 277 407 78.72 86.63 70.61 16.02
r (NPP)
4 878 522 356 563 244 319 70.58 79.69 60.44 19.25
3937 2202 1735 1721 724 997 79.89 87.28 72.14 15.14

Table 26 brings out the number and percentage of Scheduled Castes literates and
illiterates by sex in towns at the 2011 Census. The number of illiterates is less than literates in
the district (urban). The percentage of literates is least in Banbasa (CT) among 4 towns but
the gap in male/female literatcy rate is highest in Banbasa (CT). The males in all the 4 towns
enjoy higher literacy rate than females. The gap in male/female literacy rate is least in
Lohaghat (NP) while the female literacy rate is highest in the block.

Table 27: Number and percentage of Scheduled Tribes literates and illiterates by sex in
C.D.Blocks, 2011
Number of literates and illiterates Gap
Percentage of literates in
Sl. Name of Number of literates Number of illiterates male-
No. C.D. Block female
Perso Male Femal Perso Male Fema Perso Femal literac
Males y rate
ns s es ns s les ns es
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Champawat 668 456 212 324 132 192 76.26 86.36 60.92 25.44
2 Pati 14 5 9 4 1 3 87.50 100.00 81.82 18.18
3 Barakot 17 8 9 2 1 1 94.44 100.00 90.00 10.00
4 Lohaghat 23 12 11 6 2 4 85.19 85.71 84.62 1.09
Forest CD
5 Block 13 13 0 13 10 3 50.00 56.52 0.00 56.52
735 494 241 349 146 203 76.32 85.47 62.60 22.87

The table 27gives the number and percentage of Scheduled Tribes literates and illiterates by
sex in C.D.blocks at the 2011 Census. The number of literates is higher than illiterates in the district.
The literacy rate of the Scheduled Tribes population (76.32 per cent) is higher than the corresponding
rate (75.44 per cent) in case of scheduled castes community. The gap in male and female literacy rates
at about 22.87 per cent is also lesser than what it is in case of the scheduled castes community (about
25.70 per cent). The literacy rate is highest in Barakot C.D.block and lowest in Champawat
C.D.block. But this interpretation is misleading, because Barakot C.D. block has only two ST male,
female who are literate.So its literacy rate is shown 100 per cent while in Champawat C.D. block out
of 992 ST populations668 are literates and literacy rate is shown 76.26 per cent.
Table 28: Distribution of villages by literacy rate range for Scheduled Tribes population
(Rural), 2011
Percentage Scheduled Percentage
Range of literacy rate for of
distribution Castes distribution of
villages inhabited
of villages Population population
1 2 3 4 5
0 3 6.38 4 0.37
1 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00
11 - 20 1 2.13 9 0.83
21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00
31 - 40 0 0.00 0 0.00
41 - 50 0 0.00 0 0.00
51 - 60 2 4.26 10 0.92
61 - 70 7 14.89 620 57.20
71 - 80 5 10.64 64 5.90
81 - 90 6 12.77 98 9.04
91 - 99 1 2.13 153 14.11
100 22 46.81 126 11.62
Champawat Total 47 100 1084 100
Literacy rate for District: 76.32

The table 28 shows the distribution of villages by literacy rate range for the
Scheduled Tribes population at the 2011 Census. In the district the scheduled tribes
population is found in 47 villages out of which in 22 villages or 46.81 percent villages
the literacy range is 100 per cent. However, the maximum (46.81 per cent) of the
Scheduled Tribes population (954) is found in only 22 villages falling among the
literacy ranges from 51 to 99 percentages. There are no literates in 3 villages (6.38 per
cent) of the district and ST population of this village is 4 persons.

Table 29: Number and percentage of Scheduled Tribes literates and illiterates by sex in
Towns, 2011
Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap
Sl. Number of Number of
Name of male-
No literates illiterates
Town femal
Pers Mal Fem Perso Mal Fem Perso Femal litera
ons es ales ns es ales ns es cy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 39 20 19 6 4 2 100 100 100 0
2 60 35 25 6 1 5 96.77 100 92.59 7.41
3 47 28 19 15 8 7 87.04 90.32 82.61 7.71
4 37 26 11 45 15 30 52.86 72.22 32.35 39.87
District (Urban) 183 109 74 72 28 44 81.33 89.34 71.84 17.5

The table 29 presents number and percentage of Scheduled Tribes literates and
illiterates by sex in towns population at the 2011 Census. There is small Scheduled
Tribes population in all towns of the district. The absolute number of literates among
ST in towns of the district are more than that of illiterates except Banbasa (CT).
Champawat (NP) has recorded 100 per cent ST literacy. This town has also 100
percent ST male and female literacy. Banbasa (CT) has the lowest ST literacy rate
(72.22 percent). The Banbasa census town also has the lowest male as well as female
literacy rates among all the towns.

Table 30: Number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers, and non-workers by
sex in Tahsils, 2011

Total workers
Sl Marginal (Main and
Persons/ Total Main workers Non workers
. Name of workers marginal
Males/ populat
N Tahsil workers)
Females ion
o. Perc
Numb Num Percent Num Percent Numbe Percen
er ber age ber age r tage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Persons 54524 14895 27.32 7005 12.85 21900 40.17 32624 59.83
1 Champawat Males 27767 9645 34.74 3090 11.13 12735 45.86 15032 54.14
Females 26757 5250 19.62 3915 14.63 9165 34.25 17592 65.75
Persons 45504 11078 24.35 7257 15.95 18335 40.29 27169 59.71
2 Pati* Males 23038 6925 30.06 3518 15.27 10443 45.33 12595 54.67
Females 22466 4153 18.49 3739 16.64 7892 35.13 14574 64.87
Persons 86477 17492 20.23 17426 20.15 34918 40.38 51559 59.62
3 Lohaghat* Males 42501 11239 26.44 7553 17.77 18792 44.22 23709 55.78
Females 43976 6253 14.22 9873 22.45 16126 36.67 27850 63.33
Persons 73143 19233 26.30 5180 7.08 24413 33.38 48730 66.62
4 Poornagiri* Males 37819 15443 40.83 3014 7.97 18457 48.80 19362 51.20
Females 35324 3790 10.73 2166 6.13 5956 16.86 29368 83.14

Persons 259648 62698 24.15 36868 14.20 99566 38.35 160082 61.65

Champawat Males 131125 43252 32.99 17175 13.10 60427 46.08 70698 53.92

Females 128523 19446 15.13 19693 15.32 39139 30.45 89384 69.55

Table 30 gives the number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers and
non-workers by sex at tahsil level in the district as per 2011 Census. The proportion of the
total workers, main workers and marginal are 38.35 per cent 24.15 per cent and 14.20 per
cent respectively and the remaining61.65 per cent are non-workers of the total population.
Among the main workers, males participation rate in the district is 32.99 per cent and that of
females is 15.13 percent. Male and female marginal workers account for 13.10 and 15.32 per
cent respectively. The percentage of females marginal workers is higher than males.

The above table elaborates the sex ratio in the state lie between the range of 918 to
963 during the census years 1901 to 2011. Highest sex ratio of 963 is observed in the year
2011. The rural areas of the state accounted sex ratio of 902 in 1921 to 1000 in 2011. The sex
ratio in the state did not follow a definite trend. District sex ratio has been observed more
than 1,000 since 2001. This trend was maintained in rural area of the district, but urban area
of the district highest sex ratio was 890 in 2011. The urban sex ratio lies in the range between
788 to 890.

Table 31: Number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers by
sex in C.D.Blocks, 2011

Total workers
Persons/ Total Main workers Marginal workers (Main and Non workers
Sl. Name of
Males/ populati marginal workers)
No. C.D. Block
Females on Percenta Percentag Percentag Percentag
Number Number Number Number
ge e e e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Persons 96667 25460 26.34 11197 11.58 36657 37.92 60010 62.08
1 Males 49169 17581 35.76 5316 10.81 22897 46.57 26272 53.43
Females 47498 7879 16.59 5881 12.38 13760 28.97 33738 71.03
Persons 51971 12377 23.82 8196 15.77 20573 39.59 31398 60.41
2 Males 26118 7717 29.55 3911 14.97 11628 44.52 14490 55.48
Females 25853 4660 18.02 4285 16.57 8945 34.60 16908 65.40
Persons 26676 4829 18.10 6346 23.79 11175 41.89 15501 58.11
3 0073-Barakot Males 13146 3063 23.30 2942 22.38 6005 45.68 7141 54.32
Females 13530 1766 13.05 3404 25.16 5170 38.21 8360 61.79
Persons 45333 9481 20.91 9900 21.84 19381 42.75 25952 57.25
4 Males 21964 5772 26.28 4017 18.29 9789 44.57 12175 55.43
Females 23369 3709 15.87 5883 25.17 9592 41.05 13777 58.95
0105-Forest Persons 658 128 19.45 178 27.05 306 46.50 352 53.50
5 CD Block Males 445 121 27.19 161 36.18 282 63.37 163 36.63
Champawat Females 213 7 3.29 17 7.98 24 11.27 189 88.73
05065- Persons 221305 52275 23.62 35817 16.18 88092 39.81 133213 60.19
Champawat Males 110842 34254 30.90 16347 14.75 50601 45.65 60241 54.35
District (Rural)
Total: Females 110463 18021 16.31 19470 17.63 37491 33.94 72972 66.06

Table 31 gives the number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers
by sex at tahsil level in the district as per 2001 Census. The proportion of the total workers, main
workers and marginal are 40.2 per cent, 25.0 per cent and 15.2 per cent respectively and the remaning
59.8 per cent are non-workers of the total population.

Among the main workers, males participation rate in the district is 32.6 per cent and that of
females is 17.5 percent. Male and female marginal workers account for 10.8 and 19.4 per cent
respectively. The percentage of females marginal workers is higher than males.

Table 32: Number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers, and non-
workers by sex in Towns, 2011

Total workers
Marginal (Main and
Persons/ Total Main workers Non workers
Sl. workers marginal
Name of Town Males/ populat
No. workers)
Females ion
Numbe Percen Numb Percent Numbe Percenta Numbe Percent
r tage er age r ge r age
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Persons 4801 1292 26.91 64 1.33 1356 28.24 3445 71.76
1 Champawat (NP) Males 2543 1058 41.60 45 1.77 1103 43.37 1440 56.63
Females 2258 234 10.36 19 0.84 253 11.20 2005 88.80
Persons 7926 1856 23.42 235 2.96 2091 26.38 5835 73.62
2 Lohaghat (NP) Males 4261 1586 37.22 198 4.65 1784 41.87 2477 58.13
Females 3665 270 7.37 37 1.01 307 8.38 3358 91.62
Persons 17626 4634 26.29 609 3.46 5243 29.75 12383 70.25
3 Tanakpur (NPP) Males 9245 4223 45.68 482 5.21 4705 50.89 4540 49.11
Females 8381 411 4.90 127 1.52 538 6.42 7843 93.58
Persons 7990 2641 33.05 143 1.79 2784 34.84 5206 65.16
4 Banbasa (CT) Males 4234 2131 50.33 103 2.43 2234 52.76 2000 47.24
Females 3756 510 13.58 40 1.06 550 14.64 3206 85.36
Persons 38343 10423 27.18 1051 2.74 11474 29.92 26869 70.08
Males 20283 8998 44.36 828 4.08 9826 48.44 10457 51.56
District (Urban) Total:
Females 18060 1425 7.89 223 1.23 1648 9.13 16412 90.87

Table 32 shows C.D. block-wise number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers and
non-workers for rural population of the district. Of the 190,764 total rural population of the district,
24.9 per cent has been categorised as main workers and the marginal workers constitute 17.2 per cent
and the remaining 57.9 per cent fall in the category of non-workers. The sex-wise break up at the
district level shows that 30.7 per cent males and 19.3 per cent females are in the category of main
workers. Male and female marginal workers account for 12.0 and 22.1 per cent respectively. The
percentage of female marginal workers is higher than male marginal workers at district level. Similar
trend is visible at C.D. block level, except in forest villages.

The percentage of total rural workers of the district comes to 42.1 percent. At the C.D. block
level, Barkot CD block has highest proportion of total workers forming 47.2 per cent of the total
population. It is closely followed by Pati CD block (44 per cent). The lowest percentage of 39.6
percent is recorded in Champawat C.D. block.

Table 33: Distribution of workers by Sex in four categories of Economic activity in
Tahsils, 2011
Total Category of workers
Sl. Total (Main
Name of / Males/ Agricultu Househol
No populat and
Tahsil Female Cultivat ral d Other
. ion margina
s ors Labourer Industry workers
s workers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
13669 1053 192 6986
Persons 54524 21900
( 62.42) ( 4.81) ( 0.88) ( 31.9)
6642 517 144 5432
1 Champawat Males 27767 12735
( 52.16) ( 4.06) ( 1.13) ( 42.65)
7027 536 48 1554
Females 26757 9165
( 76.67) ( 5.85) ( 0.52) ( 16.96)
14468 461 228 3178
Persons 45504 18335
( 78.91) ( 2.51) ( 1.24) ( 17.33)
7575 288 144 2436
2 Pati* Males 23038 10443
( 72.54) ( 2.76) ( 1.38) ( 23.33)
6893 173 84 742
Females 22466 7892
( 87.34) ( 2.19) ( 1.06) ( 9.4)
25453 934 605 7926
Persons 86477 34918
( 72.89) ( 2.67) ( 1.73) ( 22.7)
11536 553 400 6303
3 Lohaghat* Males 42501 18792
( 61.39) ( 2.94) ( 2.13) ( 33.54)
13917 381 205 1623
Females 43976 16126
( 86.3) ( 2.36) ( 1.27) ( 10.06)
6403 1584 545 15881
Persons 73143 24413
( 26.23) ( 6.49) ( 2.23) ( 65.05)
3674 1117 374 13292
4 Poornagiri* Males 37819 18457
( 19.91) ( 6.05) ( 2.03) ( 72.02)
2729 467 171 2589
Females 35324 5956
( 45.82) ( 7.84) ( 2.87) ( 43.47)
59993 4032 1570 33971
Persons 259648 99566
( 60.25) ( 4.05) ( 1.58) ( 34.12)
05065- 29427 2475 1062 27463
Males 131125 60427
Champawat ( 48.7) ( 4.1) ( 1.76) ( 45.45)
30566 1557 508 6508
Females 128523 39139
( 78.1) ( 3.98) ( 1.3) ( 16.63)
Note: Percentage of workers to Total workers are given in brackets.

Table 33 shows town wise number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers, and non-
workers in the district. Percentage of the main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in the
urban area of the district are 25.8, 3.6 and 70.5 respectively. The percentage of main workers in
Champawat (NP) is 33.6 which is higher than the district average(25.8). Percentage of marginal
workers in Champawat(NP) and Tanakpur (NPP) is 4.3, which is higher than the district average 3.6.
Percentage of total workers in urban area of the district is 29.5 percent, which is lower than that of the
rural areas of the district (42.1 percent). The percentage of non-workers in urban area is 70.5 while in
rural area it is only 57.9 percent. Thus proportion of non-workers in urban area is higher than that of
rural areas.

Table 34: Distribution of workers by sex in four categories of economic activity in C.D.Blocks,
Total Category of workers
Persons/ workers
Sl. Name of C.D. Total
Males/ (Main and Agricultur Household
No. Block population Other
Females marginal Cultivators al Industry
workers) workers
Labourers workers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
19357 2362 547 14391
Persons 96667 36657
( 52.81) ( 6.44) ( 1.49) ( 39.26)
9927 1413 360 11197
1 Champawat Males 49169 22897
( 43.36) ( 6.17) ( 1.57) ( 48.9)
9430 949 187 3194
Females 47498 13760
( 68.53) ( 6.9) ( 1.36) ( 23.21)
15966 564 254 3789
Persons 51971 20573
( 77.61) ( 2.74) ( 1.23) ( 18.42)
8223 327 163 2915
2 Pati Males 26118 11628
( 70.72) ( 2.81) ( 1.4) ( 25.07)
7743 237 91 874
Females 25853 8945
( 86.56) ( 2.65) ( 1.02) ( 9.77)
8691 299 91 2094
Persons 26676 11175
( 77.77) ( 2.68) ( 0.81) ( 18.74)
4034 192 59 1720
3 Barakot Males 13146 6005
( 67.18) ( 3.2) ( 0.98) ( 28.64)
4657 107 32 374
Females 13530 5170
( 90.08) ( 2.07) ( 0.62) ( 7.23)
15243 519 354 3265
Persons 45333 19381
( 78.65) ( 2.68) ( 1.83) ( 16.85)
6842 310 190 2447
4 Lohaghat Males 21964 9789
( 69.89) ( 3.17) ( 1.94) ( 25)
8401 209 164 818
Females 23369 9592
( 87.58) ( 2.18) ( 1.71) ( 8.53)
37 8 32 229
Persons 658 306
( 12.09) ( 2.61) ( 10.46) ( 74.84)
Forest CD Block 28 6 27 221
5 Males 445 282
Champawat ( 9.93) ( 2.13) ( 9.57) ( 78.37)
9 2 5 8
Females 213 24
( 37.5) ( 8.33) ( 20.83) ( 33.33)
59294 3752 1278 23768
Persons 221305 88092
( 67.31) ( 4.26) ( 1.45) ( 26.98)
29054 2248 799 18500
District Males 110842 50601
( 57.42) ( 4.44) ( 1.58) ( 36.56)
(Rural) Total:
30240 1504 479 5268
Females 110463 37491
( 80.66) ( 4.01) ( 1.28) ( 14.05)
Note: Percentage of workers to Total workers are given in brackets.

It can be seen from the table 34, the economy of the district is primarily agricultural as supported
by the fact that cultivators constitute 69.7 per cent of the total workers ( main + marginal) and
remaining 2.0 per cent of total workers are engaged as agricultural labourers, Household industry
workers (1.7 per cent) and other workers (26.6 per cent) in this district.
The percentage of females cultivators is 90.1 per cent which is very high as compared to 51.9 per
cent of male cultivators in the district. The percentage of agricultural labourers and household
industry workers is very low in the district as stated above. The workers in other activities occupy the
second position next to agriculture in the district as well as in tahsil.

Table 35: Distribution of workers by sex in four categories of economic activity in
Towns, 2011
Total Category of workers
Persons/ Total workers
Name of Town Males/ populati (Main and Cultivat Agricultura Household Other
Females on marginal ors l Labourers Industry workers workers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
91 19 43 1203
Persons 4801 1356
( 6.71) ( 1.4) ( 3.17) ( 88.72)
57 14 38 994
1 Champawat (NP) Males 2543 1103
( 5.17) ( 1.27) ( 3.45) ( 90.12)
34 5 5 209
Females 2258 253
( 13.44) ( 1.98) ( 1.98) ( 82.61)
21 13 134 1923
Persons 7926 2091
( 1) ( 0.62) ( 6.41) ( 91.97)
12 12 132 1628
2 Lohaghat (NP) Males 4261 1784
( 0.67) ( 0.67) ( 7.4) ( 91.26)
9 1 2 295
Females 3665 307
( 2.93) ( 0.33) ( 0.65) ( 96.09)
15 58 78 5092
Persons 17626 5243
( 0.29) ( 1.11) ( 1.49) ( 97.12)
13 50 69 4573
3 Tanakpur (NPP) Males 9245 4705
( 0.28) ( 1.06) ( 1.47) ( 97.19)
2 8 9 519
Females 8381 538
( 0.37) ( 1.49) ( 1.67) ( 96.47)
572 190 37 1985
Persons 7990 2784
( 20.55) ( 6.82) ( 1.33) ( 71.3)
291 151 24 1768
4 Banbasa (CT) Males 4234 2234
( 13.03) ( 6.76) ( 1.07) ( 79.14)
281 39 13 217
Females 3756 550
( 51.09) ( 7.09) ( 2.36) ( 39.45)
699 280 292 10203
Persons 38343 11474
( 6.09) ( 2.44) ( 2.54) ( 88.92)
373 227 263 8963
District (Urban) Males 20283 9826
( 3.8) ( 2.31) ( 2.68) ( 91.22)
326 53 29 1240
Females 18060 1648
( 19.78) ( 3.22) ( 1.76) ( 75.24)
Note: Percentage of workers to Total workers are given in brackets.

Table 35 presents C.D. block-wise distribution of workers by sex in four categories of

economic activity. In the rural areas of the district total workers (main+marginal) are 42.1
percent of total population. Among these workers, cultivators constitute 77.5 per cent, 2.1per
cent agricultural labourers, 1.7 per cent household industry workers and 18.7 per cent are
other workers. The agricultural sector plays a major role in providing employment to the
working force of rural population despite the fact that it is not commercially viable.
Household industries also could not make much progress in rural areas as reflected in the data
and these household industries employ only 1.7 per cent workers of the total working force.
Therefore surplus-working force has to depend on primary activities. Among cultivators, the
percentage of females (91.9 per cent) is higher than males (62.7 per cent) in the rural areas of
the district. The females play a main role in rural economy of the district. The proportion of
cultivators and other workers differ considerably from one C.D. block to other. The
proportion of cultivators varies between 68.6 per cent in Champawat C.D. block to 85.4 per
cent in Barkot C.D. block. Similarly for other workers, the lowest proportion is 12.7 per cent
in Pati C.D. block while 25.3 per cent is the highest in Champawat C.D. block. The
percentage of agricultural labourers and household industry workers together is quite low i.e.
only 3.8 per cent in the district. The percentage of agricultural labourers is highest in
Champawat block (4.0 per cent) and is followed by Pati (1.4 percent). In other C.D. blocks,
this proportion is quite insignificant. Similarly, household industry workers varies in C.D.
blocks between 2.2 per cent in Champawat and 1.1 per cent in Pati.

(ix) Brief Analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory Data:
One of the major part of the District Census Handbook is Village and Town Directories.
These are non-census data incorporated showing educational, medical, drinking water, banking
facilities, communication facilities and other such developmental indicators in the towns and villages.
From this non-census data certain inset tables have been generated and reproduced below showing
major trends in the availability of above amenities.
Table 36: Distribution of villages according to availability of different amenities, 2011
Type of amenity available
er of
Sr. Name of CD inhabi Transpo Agricu
No. Block ted Educatio Medical Drinkin Post Telepho rt ltural
Banks ch by Power
village # commu @ credit
n* ^ g water office ne ** pucca supply
s nication societie
s$ s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
0071- 156 244 242 27 218 17 6 5 56 223
1 244
Champawat ( 63.93) ( 100) (99.18) ( 11.07) ( 89.34) ( 6.97) ( 2.46) ( 2.05) ( 22.95) ( 91.39)
0072- 104 156 153 19 154 16 3 5 20 149
2 156
Pati ( 66.67) ( 100) ( 98.08) ( 12.18) ( 98.72) ( 10.26) ( 1.92) ( 3.21) ( 12.82) ( 95.51)
0073- 69 100 100 15 100 18 4 3 35 100
3 100
Barakot ( 69) ( 100) ( 100) ( 15) ( 100) ( 18) ( 4) ( 3) ( 35) ( 100)
0074- 92 144 144 23 144 37 3 4 54 143
4 144
Lohaghat ( 63.89) ( 100) ( 100) (15.97) ( 100) ( 25.69) ( 2.08) ( 2.78) ( 37.5) ( 99.31)
0 0 18 3 11 2 0 1 4 13
5 CD Block 18
( 0) ( 0) ( 100) ( 16.67) ( 61.11) ( 11.11) ( 0) ( 5.56) ( 22.22) ( 72.22)
421 644 657 87 627 90 16 18 169 628
Total 662
( 63.6) (97.28) ( 99.24) (13.14) ( 94.71) ( 13.6) ( 2.42) ( 2.72) ( 25.53) ( 94.86)
* Education includes all education facalities.
^ Medical includes all medical facalities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.

Table 36 deals with the C.D. block-wise distribution of villages according to the availability
of different amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post office, telephone, transport,
communications, agricultural credit societies, approach by pucca road and power supply within the
village. Out of 662 inhabited villages in the district 421 villages or 63.6 per cent have been provided
with the education facilities of one type or the other. Similarly 644 villages in the district constituting
97.28 per cent have medical facilities of one type or the other. Drinking water facility is available in
657 or 99.24 per cent villages. As regards, post office facility, 87 villages constituting 13.14 per cent
of villages have been provided with post office facility within the village. 627 or 94.71 per cent
villages have been provided with the telephone facility, 90 or 13.6 percent with transport facility, 16
or 2.42 per cent villages with bank facility and 18 or 2.72 percent with agricultural credit societies.
Similarly there are 169 or 25.53 per cent villages which have been linked with the pucca road. Total
628 or 94.8 per cent of villages have been provided with the electricity supply. Almost similar pattern
of distribution of villages by availability of amenities in the villages at C.D. block level has been
found with slight variation. Barakot C.D. block has the highest 69 per cent villages where educational
facility is available and lowest 63.93 per cent is found in Champawat CD Block. Cent per cent
medical facility is available in all C.D blocks drinking water and Telephone facilities are almost
available in the villages. Transport and communications is less developed in Champawat where only
13.6 per cent villages are covered by this facility. In the field of power supply 628 villages have been
covered in the district.

Table 37: Number and percentage of rural population served by different amenities,

Type of amenity available

Sr. tion of Transp Agricu
Name of Appro
No inhabit ort ltural
CD Block
. ed Educati Medica Drinkin Post Telepho commu Banks credit
ach by Power
# @
village on* l^ g water office ne **
nication societie
pucca supply
s road
s$ s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

81972 96667 96082 20930 92634 26609 9751 4641 50827 94720
1 Champawat 96667
( 84.8) ( 100) ( 99.39) ( 21.65) ( 95.83) ( 27.53) (10.09) ( 4.8) ( 52.58) ( 97.99)

43029 51971 51695 12928 51547 9026 3569 4370 10207 50809
2 Pati 51971
(82.79) ( 100) ( 99.47) ( 24.88) ( 99.18) ( 17.37) ( 6.87) ( 8.41) ( 19.64) ( 97.76)

24215 26676 26676 6968 26676 8609 2148 1826 14186 26676
3 Barakot 26676
(90.77) ( 100) ( 100) ( 26.12) ( 100) ( 32.27) ( 8.05) ( 6.85) ( 53.18) ( 100)

39648 45333 45333 9860 45333 18402 1368 1690 24997 45328
4 Lohaghat 45333
(87.46) ( 100) ( 100) ( 21.75) ( 100) ( 40.59) ( 3.02) ( 3.73) ( 55.14) ( 99.99)
Forest CD
0 0 658 10 235 116 0 3 124 652
5 Block 658
( 0) ( 0) ( 100) ( 1.52) ( 35.71) ( 17.63) ( 0) ( 0.46) ( 18.84) ( 99.09)
188864 220647 220444 50696 216425 62762 16836 12530 100341 218185
Total 221305
( 85.34) ( 99.7) ( 99.61) ( 22.91) ( 97.79) ( 28.36) ( 7.61) ( 5.66) ( 45.34) ( 98.59)
* Education includes all education facalities.
^ Medical includes all medical facalities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.

Table 37 depicts the number and proportion of rural population served by different kind of
amenities. Out of total rural population of 221,305 persons in the district, 188,864 or 85.34 per cent
have educational facility of one or the other type. Similarly, 220,647 or 99.7 per cent population has
medical facilities while 220,444 or 99.61 per cent have got Drinking water facility. Post office
facilities are available to 50,696 or 22.91 per cent population. Telephone facility is available to
216,425 or 97.79 per cent. Transport communications facility is available to 62,762 or 28.36 per cent.
Bank facility is available to 16,836 or 7.61 per cent. 12,530 or 5.66 per cent have been provided with
the facility of agricultural credit societies. 100,341 or 45.34 per cent have been provided with the
facility of approach by pucca road. Power supply is available to 218,185 or 98 per cent rural
population in the district. However, in all C.D blocks almost the similar position of these facilities is

Table 38: Distribution of villages not having certain amenities, arranged by distance ranges
from the places where
Village not having the
Distance range of place from the villages where the amenity is available
amenity of
Less than 5 10+
5-10 kilometres Total (Col. 2-4)
kilometres kilometres
2 3 4 5
1. Education:-
(a) Primary school 221 19 9 249
(b) Middle school 383 95 13 491
(c) Degree college 51 74 536 661
2. Medical:-
(a) Hospital 128 156 365 649
(b) PHC 102 163 390 655
3. Post office- 338 187 50 575
4. Telephone 6 5 24 35
5. Bus service 163 147 269 579
6. Bank:-
(a) Commercial Bank 111 133 407 651
(b) Cooprative bank 102 139 411 652
7. Agricultural credit societies 144 196 304 644
Degree college includes Art,Engineering and Medicine
Hospital includes Allopathic & Alternative Medicine
Post office includes post office, telegraph office and post & telegraph office
Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and mobiles
Bus includes private and public

Table 38 presents distribution of villages not having certain amenities within the village at district
level. They have to go out of their village to avail these facilities. Such villages have been presented
according to various distance ranges in this table. 249 villages do not have primary school in their
villages and out of these villages, children of 221 villages have to travel less than 5 kms. for
schooling. Out of 662 inhabited villages as many as 491 are deprived of middle school and 661 of
degree college. Of these 383 avail the facility of middle school at a distance of less than 5 kms., 95 at
a distance between 5-10 kms. and the remaining 13 at a distance of 10+ kms. In respect of degree
college 51 avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms.74 between 5 to 10 kms. and rest 536
villages at a distance of 10+ kms.
Similarly, there are 649 villages in the district, which have been deprived of Hospital facility and
655villages, which are deprived of PHC facilities. Of these 128 villages have the facility of Hospital
available within 5 kms. while in respect of 156 villages the inhabitants have to cover a distance of 5-
10 kms. in order to avail this facility. Similarly overwhelming number i.e. 365 villages have this
facility at a distance of 10+ kms. As regards PHC, the inhabitants of 102 villages avail this facility at
a distance of less than 5 kms. 163 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and the remaining 390 have to travel a
distance of more than 10 kms. to avail this facility.
Regarding Post Office, 575 villages do not have this facility in the village itself. Of these
majority i.e. 338 have this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., another 187 villages avail it at a
distance of 5-10 kms. In the remaining 50 villages habitants have to travel a distance of 10+ kms.
As regards Telephone, there are only 35 villages in the district which are without telephone
facilitiy. Of these 6 avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms. 5 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and
remaining 24 have to travel a distance of 10+ kms.

For Bus service out of 579 villages which do not have facility, 163 villages avail this facility at a
distance of less than 5 kms., 147 at a distance between 5-10 kms. and 269 at a distance of 10+ kms.

In the entire district 651 villages are deprived of Commercial Bank & 652 of Co-operative Bank.
Of these 651 villages which are deprived of Commercial Banks 111 villages avail this facility at a
distance of less than 5 kms. 133 between 5-10 kms. & the remaining 407 at a distance of 10+ kms.
Regarding Co-operative Banks out of 652 villages 102 villages avail this facility at a distance of less
than 5 kms. 139 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and remaining 411 at a distance of 10+ kms. 644 villages
do not have agricultural credit societies. This facility to 144 villages is available at a distance of less
than 5 kms., 196 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and the remaining 304 at a distance of 10+ kms.

Table 39: Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest statutory town
and availability of different
Number Type of amenity available
Range from Agricult
Number\ Inhabit Transpo Approa
the nearest ural
Percenta ed Educat Medic Post Telepho rt Banks ch by
Statutory Credit
ge Villages ion* al^ Office# ne ** Commun @ Pucca
Town (In Societie
in Each ications $ Road
Kilometres) s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Less than 5 Number 56 33 54 5 52 14 0 0 30
Percentage 58.93 96.43 8.93 92.86 25 0 0 53.57
5 - 15 Number 135 81 131 26 132 30 7 4 51
Percentage 60 97.04 19.26 97.78 22.22 5.19 2.96 37.78
16- 50 Number 388 243 376 46 369 41 7 13 76
Percentage 62.63 96.91 11.86 95.1 10.57 1.8 3.35 19.59
51+ Number 82 63 82 9 73 4 1 0 11
Percentage 76.83 100 10.98 89.02 4.88 1.22 0 13.41
Unspecified Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Percentage 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number 421 644 87 627 90 16 18 169
Total 662
63.6 97.28 13.14 94.71 13.6 2.42 2.72 25.53
* Education includes all education facalities.
^ Medical includes all medical facalities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, railway facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.

Table 39 deals with the distribution of villages according to distance from the nearest statutory
town and availability of different amenities within the village. Out of total 662 inhabited villages in
the district, there are 56 villages which have nearest towns upto a distance of 5 kms. Of these only 33
villages forming 58.93 per cent of these total villages, are having the educational facilities of one type
or the other and 54 villages constituting 96.43 per cent, have the medical facilities within the village,
5 villages forming 8.93 per cent have the facility of post office within the village and 52 or 92.86 per
cent have the facility of telephone. 14 villages constituting 25 per cent have been linked by transport
service. None village has been provided bank as well as, agricultural credit society facilities. 30
villages comprising 31.4 per cent are approachable by pucca road.
There are 135 inhabited villages in the district, which fall in the distance range of 5-15 kms. Of
these 81 villages constituting 60 per cent have been provided with the educational facilities. 131
villages comprising 97.04 per cent have been provided with medical facilities. 26 villages
constituting 19.26 per cent enjoy the post office facility. 132 villages comprising 97.78 per cent have

been provided the telephone facility. 30 villages constituting 22.22 per cent have been linked with
transport communications. 7 villages comprising 5.19 per cent have bank facility. 4 villages
constituting 2.96 per cent are having agricultural credit societies, while 51 villages or 37.78 per cent
are approachable by pucca road.
Out of 388 villages falling in the distance range of 16-50 kms, 62.63 percent villages have
educational facility, 96.91 per cent have medical, 11.86 per cent have post office, 95.1 percent have
telephone and transport & communications facility is available to 10.57 per cent villages. Banks and
agricultural credit societies facilities are available to 1.8 and 3.35 percent of villages.
There are 82 villages in the district which are situated beyond 50 kms from the nearest town and
out of these 63 or 76.83 per cent enjoy the education facility in the village itself whereas 82 villages
comprising cent per cent have been provided with medical facility of one type or the other. 9 such
villages comprising 10.98 per cent have the post office facility. 73 villages comprising 89.02 per cent
have been provided with telephone facility. 4 villages constituting 4.88 per cent have been linked by
bus service whereas one villages comprising 1.22 per cent have been provided with the bank facilities.
None village is having agricultural credit societies while 11 villages comprising 13.41 per cent have
been linked by pucca roads. There is one village whose distance ranges from the nearest statutory
town has not been given. Such village has been grouped under the unspecified category. This village
is having 100.0 per cent facilities of educational, medical, post offices telephone, transport, banking
and agriculture credit society.
Table 40: Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available, 2011
Number Type of amenity available
of Trans Agricul Appro
Populati inhabited Drinki port tural ach Power
Percentag Educat Medical Post Teleph Banks
on range villages ng comm credit by suppl
e # @
in each ion* ^
office one **
unicat societie pucca y
range ions $ s road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1-499 Number 524 293 506 520 52 490 55 8 10 102 490
Percentage 55.92 96.56 99.24 9.92 93.51 10.5 1.53 1.91 19.47 93.51
500-999 Number 106 99 106 105 24 105 19 2 4 41 106
Percentage 93.4 100 99.06 22.64 99.06 17.92 1.89 3.77 38.68 100
1000 - Number 19 22 22 7 22 8 4 3 16 22
Percentage 86.36 100 100 31.82 100 36.36 18.18 13.64 72.73 100
2000 - Number 10 10 10 4 10 8 2 1 10 10
Percentage 100 100 100 40 100 80 20 10 100 100
5000 - Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Percentage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10000 + Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Percentage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
District Number 421 644 657 87 627 90 16 18 169 628
Percentage 63.6 97.28 99.24 13.14 94.71 13.6 2.42 2.72 25.53 94.86
* Education includes all education facalities.
^ Medical includes all medical facalities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, railway facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.

Table 40 shows the distribution of villages by population ranges and amenities available therein.
In Champawat district out of a total 662 inhabited villages, overwhelming 524 have a population of
less than 500 persons. Of these, 293 villages (55.92 per cent) have education facility, 506 (96.56 per
cent) have medical facility, 520 (99.24 per cent) have drinking water facility, 52 villages (9.92 per
cent) have post office facility, 490 (93.51 per cent) have telephone facility, 55 (10.5 per cent) have
been linked by bus service, 8 (1.53 per cent) have Bank facility. 10 villages (1.91 per cent) have been
provided with the agricultural credit societies and 102 villages (19.47 per cent) have been linked with
pucca road. 490 villages (93.5 per cent) have been provided with electricity.
Out of 106 villages, which fall in the population range of 500-999 persons, 99 villages (93.4 per
cent) have been provided with the educational facility, 106 (cent per cent) with medical facility, 105
(99.06 percent) villages have improved drinking water facility. 24 villages (22.64 per cent) have been
provided with post office facilities, 105 villages (99.06 per cent) with telephone facility, 19 villages
(17.92 per cent) with transport facilities, 2 villages (1.89 per cent) with bank facility, 4 villages (3.77
per cent) with agricultural credit societies & 41 villages (38.68 per cent) have approach by pucca
road. 106 (cent per cent) villages in this range have electricity.
22 villages fall in population range of 1,000-1,999 persons. Of these villages, 19 have education
and 22 villages each are having medical, drinking water, power supply and telephone facilities. 7
villages (31.82 per cent) have post office facility, 8 villages (36.36 per cent) have transport
communications facilities, 4 villages (18.18 per cent) have bank facilities, 3 villages (13.64 per cent)
have agricultural credit societies and 16 villages (72.73 per cent) have approach by pucca road.
There are 10 villages in the district, which are covered under 2,000-4,999 population range. In
this range, all the villages enjoy the facility of education, drinking water, telephone and power supply.
4 villages (40 per cent) have post office facility, 1 village (10 per cent) is having agricultural credit
societies. There is not a single village in the district having a population of 5,000 persons or above.
Table 41: Distribution of villages according to land use, 2011
Percentage Percentage
of of irrigated
Sr. of Total area
Name of CD Block cultivable area to total
No. inhabited (in Hectares)
area to total cultivable
area area
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0071-Champawat 244 43469.59 26.62 13.02
2 0072-Pati 156 24733.90 35.29 5.11
3 0073-Barakot 100 12798.30 25.79 3.63
4 0074-Lohaghat 144 21006.13 25.45 2.67
5 0105-Forest CD Block Champawat 18 14090.45 0.00 0.00
Total 662 116098.37 24.93 7.65
Note:- Culativable area= irrigated area + unirrigated area

Table 41 presents C.D block wise distribution of villages according to land use. It also gives
details of total area and cultivable area in hectare available of inhabited villages in the district.
Cultivated area includes irrigated as well as unirrigated area. It further elaborates that what is the
extent of cultivable area under irrigation. There are total 662 inhabited villages in the district having a
total area of 116098.37 hectares. Of this, 24.93 per cent is cultivable and 7.65 per cent of total
cultivable area has got the irrigation facility. The area figures have been collected from the revenue
record maintained for each village by the State Government.
A look at the land use pattern at C.D. block level shows that all the 244 villages of Champawat
C.D block have a total area of 43469.59 hectares. Of this, cultivable area is 26.62 per cent and of this
cultivable area, 13.02 per cent is irrigated. Pati block with 156 villages have a total area of 24733.90
hectares, of this 35.29 per cent of land is cultivable and of the aforesaid area 5.11 per cent is irrigated.
In Barakot block, all the 100 villages have a total land area of 12798.30 hectares, of this 25.79 per
cent of land is cultivable and of the aforesaid area 3.63 per cent is irrigated. In Lohaghat block, all the
144 villages have a total area of 21006.13 hectares; of this cultivable area is 25.45 per cent and out of
this cultivable area 2.67 per cent is irrigated.

Table 42: Schools/ colleges per 10,000 population in towns, 2011
Type of educational institution (Approx. numbers)
Name of the town Secondary / Senior
No. Primary Middle College*
matriculation secondary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 800328-Champawat (NP) 17 6 4 4 2
2 800329-Lohaghat (NP) 4 3 3 3 1
3 800330-Tanakpur (MB) 6 3 2 2 1
4 054471-Banbasa (CT) 5 3 4 4 0
Total 32 15 13 13 4
Note- * College includes
Arts/ Science/ Commerce College (Degree Level and above)
Table 42 gives the number of schools/ colleges per 10,000 population in towns of the district. In
urban areas of Champawat district the average number of primary school per 10,000 population
comes to 32 primary, 15 middle, 13 secondary/matriculation, 13 senior secondary schools and the
ratio of colleges is only 4 college per 10,000 population. Champawat (NP) has highest proportion of
the educational institutions in the district.
Table 43: Number of beds in medical institutions in towns, 2011
Number of beds in medical
Sr. No. Name of the town institutions per 10,000 population
(Approx. numbers)
1 2 3
1 800328-Champawat (NP) 112
2 800329-Lohaghat (NP) 67
3 800330-Tanakpur (MB) 20
4 054471-Banbasa (CT) 13
Total 212
Table 43 shows the number of beds available in medical institutions per 10,000 population in each
town of Champawat district. On an average there are 53 beds per 10,000 population in urban areas of
the district. Whereas it is the highest (112) in Champawat(N.P ) while Banbasa (CT) has only 13 beds.

Table 44: Proportion of slum population in towns, 2011

Name of the town Total Slum Percentage of slum population to
having slum population population total population
1 2 3 4 5
1 800330-Tanakpur (MB) 17626 1475 8.37
Total 17626 1475 8.37
Table 44 depicts the proportion slum population in towns of the district. Among the four towns,
tanakpur (NPP) has recorded slum population about 1475 (8.37 per cent) to total population (17,626)
of the town.
Table 45: Most important commodity manufactured in towns, 2011
Name of three most important commodities
Sr. No. Name of the town
1 2 3
1 800328-Champawat (NP) N.a, N.a, N.a
2 800329-Lohaghat (NP) Iron Goods, Bamboo Baskets, Leather Shoes
3 800330-Tanakpur (MB) Ayurvedic Medicines, Timber, Stone
4 054471-Banbasa (CT) N.a, N.a, N.a

Table 45 deals with most important commodity manufactured in towns of the district. Iron
goods, bamboo baskets, Ayurvedic medicines and stones are the major items which are manufacture
in the towns of the district.

(vii) Major Social and Cultural Events, Natural and Administrative Developments and Significant
Activities during the Decade
The district was carved out of the districts of Pithoragarh and Nainital in the year 1997. The creation
of Uttaranchal state in the year 2000 is the most important anministrative devlopment of the last
decade. Area wise, Champawat is the smallest district of the state.

(viii) Brief Description of Places of Religious, Historical or Archaeological Importance in Villages

and Places of Tourist Interest in the Towns of the District
Champawat is situtated about 80 km. south-east of Almora. Motorable roads link this place to Almora
on the north-west, Pithoragarh on the north-east and Tanakpur on the south. There is ruins of fort and
palace of Chand rajas. Below the Gazar and about 70 meters from the fort there are three to four
temples of considerable antiquity on a level area of about 30 sq m made out of the solid rock. The
temples are polygonal at the base, each about six and a half meters in diameter and surmounted by an
arched dome all made of stones. Close to the fort is the temple of Ghatku Devta. In their honour a fair
is held here annually. The mound on which the temple is built is said to be the Kurmanchal on which
Vishnu stood in his Kurma (tortoise) incarnation.
Devidhura lies on lofty ridge at an elevation of 2,021 metre above sea level in Patti Chalsi. It is
about 46 km from Almora and 35 km from Champawat by road. Here lies the celebrated temple of
Varuhi Devi where a fair is held at Rakshabandhan when goats and buffaloes are sacrificed at the
Lohaghat is situated in Patti Ragruban and is connected by roads with Champawat in south and
Almora in north-west and is about 80 km from the latter. It is called Lohaghat, a name reminiscent of
the bloody battle said to have been fought here between Banasura and Vishnu. About 6 km west of
the town is the fort of Kotalgarh also known as Fort Hastings. It derives its name from Kottavi the
mother of Banasura.
Purnagiri, a small hill lies in Patti Palbadon Talla in the extreme south-east of Champawat. On
the hill stands a famous shrine of great sanctity dedicated to Devi. Bus service is available up to
Sukhi Dhar about 23 km from Champawat and the remaining journey of about 6 km up to the temple
has to be made on foot. The hill gives a magnificent view of the Kali valley and the surrounding tract.
A large fair is held here in Chaitra and the commodities brought to the fair for sale are metal utensils,
wooden toys, blankets, rubber goods and articles of general merchandise.
Shyamala Tal
It is 30 km away from Tanakpur along the route to Champawat and then 4 km on foot from
Sukhidhang or by jeep. The place bears significance as it contains ruins dating back to the days of
early Chand rulers and others which are associated with the Pandavas as per tradition. In 1915
Vivekananda Ashram was established here. The place is famous for its beautiful lake which is spread
over an area of 1.5 sq km.
Other places of tourist interest are Shamli Tal, Mayawati, Awat mountain, Ekhathia Naula. Old
and historical Baleshwar temple, Tarkeshwar, Maneshwar, Gorakhnath, Nagnath, Dipeshwar
Mahadev, Ma Hingla Devi, Sapteshwar, Kankar Pandershwar, Geral Deota, Hareshwar Mahadev,
Chamu Deota, Jhuma Deota temples are very famous to attract tourists.

(ix) Major Characteristics of the district, Contribution of the district in the form of
historical figure associated with the district:
Undoubtedly the district of Champawat is rich in the natural beauty. Mountain peaks and
historical temples, as well as deep valleys attract foreign tourists and pilgrims every year. Shyamla
Tal, Mayawati, Kewat mounts and Ekhathia Naula are the worth seeing places. Shyamla Tal (lake)
specially attracts tourists. Rail services are available from a distance of 75 km. The only way to
approach the
lake is by road. District has also produced many men of letters and social workers. Majority of the
employed persons are in defence services. Rate of migration is very high. The economy of the district
depends also on tourism.

(x) Scope of Village Directory & Town Directory:

Village Directory:

The village directory as the title connotes presents information pertaining to rural areas of the
district at C.D block/ village level. For each C.D. block a list of villages serialized by English
alphabetical order along with their location code numbers of 2011 and 2001 census has been
presented. The rational of giving 2011 location code along with 2001 location code is to facilitate the
identification of villages for matching information collected at each Census. The villages which have
been wholly merged in Municipal Corporation, Municipal Board and Nagar Panchayat are not
included in the list. In case of partly merged villages, the remaining rural part of the villages has been
treated as independent revenue village and the data have been presented for such villages in the
village directory.
However, the villages treated as outgrowth of an Urban Agglomeration or Nagar Panchayat is
listed in the village directory but no data are presented against the name of such villages. All these
villages are listed in the Primary Census Abstract (rural) without presenting their data for providing
cross references. Uninhabited or depopulated villages are listed but only area of the village and land
use pattern is given. A note against such a village indicates the state of its being depopulated or
The village directory brings out some basic information about a village. These data can broadly
be classified into the following categories:
1. Population and households Cols.5 & 6
2. Education facilities Cols.7 to 20
3. Medical facilities Cols.21 to 38
4. Water & Sanitation Cols. 39 to 50
5. Communication and transport facilities Cols. 51 to 76
6. Banks, Credit Societies & Miscellaneous facilities Cols. 77 to 96
7. Availability of Electricity Cols. 97 to 100
8. Total area of village and land use pattern Cols. 4 & 101-118
9. Commodities manufacture Cols. 119-121

Town Directory:
The Town Directory covers all the towns in a district. The towns are arranged by English
alphabetical order. The data are presented in seven statements serially numbered (I) to (VII).
The following mode of listing of towns has been followed:-
(i) All the towns having statutory status which are not part of an Urban Agglomeration are listed once
in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns.
(ii) All the towns which are part of an Urban Agglomeration and enjoy independent status of a
statutory town are listed twice in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns as well as under the main
town of an Urban Agglomeration. However, the data are presented separately only once under the
main UA. In alphabetical arrangement a note is given against such towns that they are part of such
and such Urban Agglomeration.
(iii) The outgrowth(s) of a town which do not qualify themselves for being treated as independent
town are not listed in the main body of the Directory. Against name/names of the town having
outgrowth(s) an asterisk (*) has been placed to indicate that the town has outgrowth(s).
(iv) Census towns are also listed in the body of Directory. These are the towns which do not enjoy
statutory status but are declared towns for the purpose of population Census.
Town Directories of the districts give an account of status and growth history of towns, physical
aspects and location of the towns 2009, civic and other amenities up to 2009 (as well in notified
slums), medical facilities, educational, recreational and cultural facilities by year 2009 and industry
and banking activities in year 2009, civic and other amenities in slums 2009. In this way population
and growth rates of towns from 2001 to 2011, density in 2011 Census, sex-ratio during 1991, 2001
and 2011 censuses, rainfall and temperature of the towns, Location of the towns 2009, road length,
system of drainage, number of latrines, protected water supply position and fire fighting services,
number of electric connections, number of hospitals, educational facilities schools, colleges etc. and
number of social recreational and cultural facilities available in the town, industry and banking 2009,
civic and other amenities in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns.

Section-I: Village Directory
Village Directory 2011 Census
The Village Directory is being compiled for both inhabited and uninhabited village. In the village
directory both private and government facilities/institutions have been given. In case of un-
inhabited/depopulated villages,the locations code number ,name and area of the village is being given
universally in Village Directory and Village PCA. The columns relating to the amenities and land use
pattern, etc. Being left blank and it will be noted against the name of the village that it is un-
inhabited/depopulated. The Appendices to village Directory and Inset Tables based on village
Directory data are also prepared for inhabited villages.
In the village Directory format for 2011 census there are 121 columns and the details thereon are as
Columns 1:Serial Number:- Self explanatory. All the villages within the CD Block are presented
serially in the ascending order of their location code number.
Columns 2: Name of village :- Self explanatory . The name of the village are shown against this
column . This also includes the forest and uninhabited villages.
Columns 3: Location Code Number of Village :-The location code number of the villages are
shown against this column.
Columns 4: Area of the Village :- The area of the village has been given in the hectares.
Columns 5: Total Population :- The total population of the village as per 2011 Census has been
given against this Column.
Columns 6: Number of Households :- The number of households as per 2011 Census have been
given in this column.
Amenities:- The availability of different infrastructural amenities such as education, medical,
drinking water ,Post ,telegraph, banks, credit societies, recreation and cultural facilities,
communication, power, etc. in each village have been given in the Village Directory. Wherever the
amenities are not available in the village, the distance range code viz; ‘a’ for <5 Kms, ‘b’ for 5-10
Kms and ‘c’ for 10+ Kms of the nearest where facility is available is given. Column wise details are
given below:
Columns No. 7-20 Educational Facilities:- All the different educational facilities available in the
village have been given under these columns. Nursery/LKG/UKG classes are included in Pre-Primary
Schools, Classes up to class V included in Primary School; Classes from VI to VIII are included in the
Middle school. Classes from IX and X included in Secondary School. Classes from XI and XII are
included in Senior Secondary School. In case of composite schools like middle school with Primary
school or secondary school with middle school , these are also included in the number of primary and
middle schools, respectively. The information on the entire educational institutes is given under these
Columns No.21 to 38 – Medical Facilities:- All the different medical facilities available in the
village have been given under these columns.
Columns No.39 to46 – Drinking Water :- The information on availability of various types of the
drinking water facility within the village has been given under these columns.
Columns No. 47 to 50 – Availability of Toilet and others :- The information on availability of toilet
and Bio-Gas etc. available in the village has been given under these columns.

Columns No.51 to 67 Communication (Post & Telegraph and transport) :- The information on
communication and Post Office, Sub-Post Office, & Telegraph Office, Village PIN Code number,
Phone-Landlines, Mobile Phone, Private Courier Facility, Internet Café, etc; available in the village
has been given under these columns. The information on all various transport facilities whether
public/private transport like Bus, Railway Station, or Navigable waterways, Taxi, Van, Tractors etc.
available in the village has also been given under these columns.

Columns No. 68 to 79 – Village connected to High ways, Villages Roads, Banks and Credit
Societies :- The information on all roads connected to village has been given under these columns.
These include National Highways, State Highway, District Road and other district roads connected to
the village , Pucca roads, Kutchcha Road, water Bounded Macadam Roads, Navigable Water ways
and Foot Paths has been given under these columns. Further, the information on availability of banks,
ATM and Agricultural Credit societies in the village has been given under these columns.
Columns No. 80 to 96 Miscellaneous Facilities:- The information on various miscellaneous facilities
available in the village has been given under these columns. These includes Self – Help Group, Public
Distribution Shop (PDS), Mandi/Regular Market, Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society,
Nutrition Centre (ICDS), Anganwadi Centre, ASHA, Community Centre, Sports Fields, Sports
Club/Recreation Centre, Cinema/Video Halls, Public Library, Public Reading Room, News paper
Supply, Assembly polling Station, Birth and Death Registration Office.
Columns No. 97 to 100 – Electricity :- Availability of Power Supply in the village, whatever may be
the form of its use has been given in these columns. These include Electricity for Domestic Use,
Electricity for Agriculture Use Electricity for Commercial Use, and Electricity for all purpose
Domestic Uses.
Column No. 101 and 102- Nearest Town :- The name of the nearest town along with the distance
range code has been in these columns.
Land use and Irrigation :- The land use pattern in th Village Directory conform to the pattern of
classification of land use as recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The
Ministry has recommended the maintenance of record of land use pattern under the following 9
(i)- Column No. 103- Forests:- This includes all lands classed as forest under any legal enactment
dealing with forests or administered as forests, whether state-owned or private, and whether wooded
or maintained as potential forest land .The area of crops raised in the forest and grazing lands or areas
open for grazing within the forest remain included under the forest area.
(ii)- Column No. 104- Area under non-agricultural use :- This includes all lands occupied by
buildings, roads and railways or under water ,e.g. rivers and canals and other lands put to user other
than agriculture.
(iii)-Column No. 105- Barren and un-culturable land :- This includes all Barren and unculturable
and like mountains, deserts, etc. lands which cannot be brought under cultivation except at an
exorbitant cost should be classed as unculturable whether such land is in isolated blocks or within
cultivated holdings.
(iv)-Column No. 106- Premanent Pastures and other Grazing Lands :- This includes all grazing
lands whether they are permanent pastures and meadows or not. Village common grazing land is
including under this head.
(v)-Column No. 107- Land under Miscellaneous Tree Crops,etc. :- This includes all cultivable
land which is not included in ‘Net area sown’ but is put to some agricultural uses. Lands under

Causing trees. Thatching grasses, bamboo bushes and other groves for fuel, etc. which are not
included under ‘Orchards’are classed under this category.
(vi)-Column No. 108- Culturable Waste Land :- This includes lands available for cultivation,
whether not taken up for cultivation or taken up for cultivation once but not cultivated during the
current year and the last five years or more in succession for one reason or other . Such lands may be
either fallow or covered with shrubs and jungles which are not put to any use. They may be assessed
or unassessed and may lie in isolated blocks or within cultivated holdings. Land once cultivated but
not cultivated for five years in succession is also included in this category at the end of the five years.
(vii)-column No. 109- Fallows :- This includes all lands which were taken up for cultivation but are
temporarily out of cultivation for a period of not less than one year and not more than five year.
(viii)-Column No. 110- Fallows:- This represents cropped area, which is kept fallow during the
current year. For example, if any seeding area is not cropped against the same year it may be treated
as current fallow.
(ix)-Column No. 111- Net Area Sown:- This represent the total area sown with cropa and orchards.
Area sown more than once; in the same year is counted only once.
Column No. 112- Total Irrigated Land Area:- It includes all land which is cultivable and irrigated
by any source of irrigation. The total irrigated area of the village has been given under this column.
Column No. 113- Total Un-Irrigated Land Area :- Un-Irrigated area includes all land which is
cultivable but not irrigated by any source of irrigation. The total Un-Irrigated land area of the village
has been given under this column.
Column No. 114 to 118 Area Irrigated by Source :- The area irrigated by various source of
irrigation in the village have been given under these columns. The different source of irrigation
facilities available in the village are as follows:
(i)-Canals(C)-Govt. or Pvt., (ii)- Wells/Tube-wells (W/TW), (iii)-Tanks/Lake(T/L), (iv)-
Waterfall,(WF) and (v)- Others(O).
Columns No. 119 to 121- Three most important commodities manufactured:- The name of three
most important commodities manufactured in the village are indicated in this column.
C.D.Block level total of the Village Directory :-
At the end of entries for the Village Directory of each C.D. Block, the totals of different columns are
being given wherever possible. However, in case of some of the columns, it may not be possible to
work out the C.D Block level totals, in such cases the particular of relevant columns are being left
blank against C.D.Block level.
Appendices to Villages Directory :- The Village Directory also includes the following appendices:
Appendix –I : Summary showing total number of villages having Educational, Medical and other
Amenities in Villages – C.D. Block level.

Appendix I A : Villages by number of Primary Schools.

Appendix I B : Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools.

Appendix I C : Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available.

Appendix II : Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities

Appendix III : Land utilization data in respect of Census towns.

Appendix IV : C.D. Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water
Facility is available.

Appendix V : Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Caste population.

Appendix VI : Summary showing number of Village not having Scheduled Tribe population.

Appendix VII A : List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total
Population by ranges.

Appendix VII B : List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total
Population by ranges.

Appendix VIII : Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. block wise).

Name of the
Serial No. Village Location Code Number Merged in Town and Outgrowth
1 2 3 4


CD Block wise presentation of
Village Directory Data
Alphabetical list of Villages
Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-0071
1 Aam Karia 053796 01413000
2 Aam Khola 053921 01425900
3 Aamni 053935 01427300
4 Akeri 053944 01428400
5 Amaun 053881 01421700
6 Amgounth 053905 01424300
7 Amiya/ Kalauniya 054437 01433700
8 Amora 053821 01415600
9 Amora 053946 01428600
10 Anandpur 054455 01435700
11 Ari Gurauli 053775 01410800
12 Bachkot 053928 01426600
13 Badauli 053877 01421200
14 Bagdora Hansi 054447 01434700
15 Bagdora Khas 054450 01435100
16 Bageri 053896 01423300
17 Baira 053872 01420700
18 Bajaun 053882 01421900
19 Bajrikot 053817 01415200
20 Bakora 053943 01428300
21 Bakoria 054395 01429000
22 Bakunda 053839 01417400
23 Baman Jaol 054413 01430800
24 Bamanpuri 054457 01435900
25 Baramdev 054429 01432800
26 Bardoli 053830 01416500
27 Barkum 053938 01427700
28 Barpass 053779 01411200
29 Basaan 053774 01410700
30 Basauti Mafi 053834 01416900
31 Bastiya 053860 01419500
32 Bastiya 054428 01432700
33 Bastiya Goonth 053864 01419900
34 Bayala 054415 01431000
35 Bhaesa Jhala 054461 01436300
36 Bhageena Bhandari 053770 01410200
37 Bhagina Khet 053799 01413300
38 Bhajanpur 054454 01435600
39 Bhanauli 053891 01422800
40 Bhandar 053940 01428000
41 Bhandar Bora 053838 01417300
42 Bhariyas 054402 01429700
43 Bhula Gaon 053913 01425100

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
44 Bibrik 053800 01413400
45 Bilhairi 053827 01416200
46 Bilota Sain 053762 01409400
47 Birgola 053947 01428800
48 Birgul 053787 01412000
49 Boyal 053903 01424100
50 Bugga Chowkni 053858 01419300
51 Bunga Durga Pipal 054393 01382300
52 Bunga Khayali 053776 01410900
53 Buram 054417 01431200
54 Chamiai 053803 01413800
55 Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 053778 01411100
56 Chandani 054453 01435500
57 Chaudhary Jula 053764 01409600
58 Chaura Dumkhuri 053846 01418100
59 Chaura Khayali 053786 01411900
60 Chaura Kot 054414 01430900
61 Chaura Sethi 053810 01414500
62 Chela Goth 054448 01434800
63 Chhatkot 053893 01423000
64 Chheni Goth 054440 01434000
65 Chheni Malli 054439 01433900
66 Chheni Talli 054444 01434400
67 Chhira Pani 053818 01415300
68 Chowki 053842 01417700
69 Chowkni Bora 053855 01419000
70 Chowkni Pandey 053854 01418900
71 Chuka 054408 01430300
72 Chura Khark Khet 053807 01414200
73 Danda 054391 01382000
74 Danda Bisht 053813 01414800
75 Danda Lohar Julla 054392 01382100
76 Danthi 053802 01413600
77 Dayoli (Dhauli) 053886 01422300
78 Devipur 054458 01436000
79 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 054449 01435000
80 Dhakna Badola 053805 01414000
81 Dhaun 053869 01420400
82 Dhura 054419 01431500
83 Dhyan Bhandar 053865 01420000
84 Digdai 053759 01409100
85 Diyuri 053895 01423200
86 Dola 053894 01423100
87 Dooni 053908 01424600
88 Dubar Jainal 053917 01425500
89 Dubchora 053777 01411000

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
90 Dudh Pokhara 053856 01419100
91 Dudhori 053892 01422900
92 Dugra 053824 01415900
93 Dungra Saithi 053812 01414700
94 Duniya 053789 01412300
95 Fungar 053844 01417900
96 Gainda Khali No1 054431 01433100
97 Gainda Khali No3 054432 01433200
98 Gainda Khali No4 054434 01433400
99 Gangseer 054412 01430700
100 Garhkot 053780 01411300
101 Gawani 053922 01426000
102 Gayal 053931 01426900
103 Gayan Khera 054442 01434200
104 Ghurchum 053875 01421000
105 Giri Punaithi 053859 01419400
106 Goli 053788 01412200
107 Gor Kholi 053902 01424000
108 Gudami 054459 01436100
109 Gunth Garsari 053772 01410400
110 Gurna Goonth 053918 01425600
111 Haram 053914 01425200
112 Hartola 053942 01428200
113 Hiula 053884 01422100
114 Hiyali 053939 01427800
115 Jaigaon Jatoli 053820 01415500
116 Jamrari 053873 01420800
117 Jaul 054420 01431600
118 Jayar 053831 01416600
119 Jhala Kudi 054397 01429200
120 Jup Patua 053815 01415000
121 Kaari 053930 01426800
122 Kaflang 053852 01418700
123 Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/ Poorangiri Mafi 054410 01430500
124 Kakanai 054390 01381800
125 Kallu Khan 053773 01410500
126 Kalsuniya 054411 01430600
127 Kamaila 053833 01416800
128 Kamayun 054407 01430200
129 Kanalgaon 053850 01418500
130 Kanda 053832 01416700
131 Kanda 053897 01423400
132 Kanda 054422 01431900
133 Kanyura 053899 01423700
134 Kathar Mafi 053843 01417800
135 Kathnauli 053840 01417500

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
136 Kaulikulari 054426 01432400
137 Kawarsing 053876 01421100
138 Khaar 053911 01424900
139 Khal Kariya 053760 01409200
140 Khar Giri 053923 01426100
141 Kharayat 054406 01430100
142 Khark 053761 01409300
143 Khark Bagar 053756 01408800
144 Khark Karki 053811 01414600
145 Kharra Gunth 054409 01430400
146 Khatoli Malli 053890 01422700
147 Khatoli Talli 053889 01422600
148 Khet Khera 054435 01433500
149 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 053767 01409900
150 Khetar Ukhera 053768 01410000
151 Khunari 053765 01409700
152 Khurklaizer 054400 01429500
153 kot Amori 053883 01422000
154 Kot Kendri 054404 01429900
155 Koyati 053795 01412900
156 Kukrauni 053920 01425800
157 Kulathi 053814 01414900
158 Kutuwa Patti 054456 01435800
159 Ladhon Tukra 053766 01409800
160 Lafra 053861 01419600
161 Lamkaniya 053857 01419200
162 Lara Bora 053871 01420600
163 Latoli 053829 01416400
164 Lawarki 053915 01425300
165 Lista 053849 01418400
166 Lodda 054403 01429800
167 Maadli Malli 053866 01420100
168 Madli Talli 053825 01416000
169 Mairoli 053785 01411800
170 Majgaon 053828 01416300
171 Majhera 053870 01420500
172 Malla Kafalta 053909 01424700
173 Manch 053916 01425400
174 Manihar Goth 054446 01434600
175 Mankanda 053925 01426300
176 Mataila 053794 01412800
177 Mathiya Baj 054418 01431400
178 Maun Pokhari 053835 01417000
179 Mirtola 053797 01413100
180 Mochai/ Vichai 054445 01434500
181 Mohanpur 054443 01434300

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
182 Moradi 053823 01415800
183 Mosta 053945 01428500
184 Mudiyani 053819 01415400
185 Naad Bora 053806 01414100
186 Naag 053927 01426500
187 Nadhan 053809 01414400
188 Nadola 053798 01413200
189 Nagar Gaon 053848 01418300
190 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 054438 01433800
191 Nand Kuli 053822 01415700
192 Narsingh Danda 053755 01408700
193 Naula Pani 054396 01429100
194 Nayadi 053862 01419700
195 Nayal 053771 01410300
196 Nayal 053880 01421600
197 Neerh 053900 01423800
198 Nigali 054424 01432100
199 Ninori 053934 01427200
200 Okhal Dugga 053790 01412400
201 Pachnai 053887 01422400
202 Pachpakariya 054460 01436200
203 Padunga 053863 01419800
204 Paiti Mafi 053841 01417600
205 Pali 053874 01420900
206 Pali 053906 01424400
207 Palsau 053816 01415100
208 Patal 053784 01411700
209 Pather Maun 053868 01420300
210 Pawet 053808 01414300
211 Phagpur 054452 01435400
212 Pinana 053754 01381300
213 Polap 053929 01426700
214 Poth 054405 01430000
215 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 054401 01429600
216 Punabe 053782 01411500
217 Punaithi 053804 01413900
218 Quarala 053879 01421500
219 Raisang 053910 01424800
220 Rakri Phulara 053853 01418800
221 Ramaila 053901 01423900
222 Ratan Kaniya 053769 01410100
223 Raw Kunwar 053837 01417200
224 Rayal 053932 01427000
225 Reetha 053885 01422200
226 Riyansi Bamangoan 053937 01427600
227 Ruiya 053919 01425700

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
228 Saidula Bora 053801 01413500
229 Sailanigoth 054451 01435200
230 Saindark 053791 01412500
231 Salkanda 053793 01412700
232 Salli 053907 01424500
233 Sanmura Gunth 054425 01432300
234 Sanya Neel Kariya 053758 01409000
235 Sanya Phaliya Lagga Khunari 053757 01408900
236 Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal kariya 053763 01409500
237 Satkura 053898 01423500
238 Sauj Bisht 053836 01417100
239 Sawala 053878 01421400
240 Sayala 054423 01432000
241 Sayali 053867 01420200
242 Shaktipur 053851 01418600
243 Shukhi Dhang 054421 01431700
244 Silaar 054398 01429300
245 Silang Tak 053847 01418200
246 Simalta Mafi 053845 01418000
247 Simar 053792 01412600
248 Simiyauri 053933 01427100
249 Sipty 053783 01411600
250 Sorai 053941 01428100
251 Sukni 054394 01428900
252 Sutola 053924 01426200
253 Suwa Goth 054433 01433300
254 Suyal Khark 053781 01411400
255 Taal Gunth 054427 01432600
256 Taliya Baj 054416 01431100
257 Talla Kafalta 053904 01424200
258 Tamli 053926 01426400
259 Tanakpur 054441 01434100
260 Tarkuli 053936 01427400
261 Thawal Khera 054436 01433600
262 Thula Kot 053912 01425000
263 Tyarkuda 053826 01416100
264 Uchouli Goth 054430 01433000
265 Udali 054399 01429400
266 Vaila 053888 01422500

Village Directory Data of CD Block
Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-0071
1 Pinana 053754 175.1 321 68 b 1 b b b c
2 Narsingh Danda 053755 175.1 833 162 a 1 1 a a c
3 Khark Bagar 053756 30.5 28 6 a a a a a c
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
4 Khunari 053757 55.6 11 3 a a a a a c
5 Sanya Neel Kariya 053758 64 62 16 a 1 a a a c
6 Digdai 053759 231.6 191 35 a a a a a c
7 Khal Kariya 053760 41.9 102 26 a 1 a a a c
8 Khark 053761 40.5 168 34 a a a a a c
9 Bilota Sain 053762 122 98 17 a a a a a c
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
10 kariya 053763 65.4 0 0
11 Chaudhary Jula 053764 2 0 0
12 Khunari 053765 129.9 157 27 a a a a a c
13 Ladhon Tukra 053766 26.3 11 3 a a a a a c

14 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 053767 207.3 119 28 a 1 a a a c

15 Khetar Ukhera 053768 53.6 98 20 a a a a a c
16 Ratan Kaniya 053769 36.7 0 0
17 Bhageena Bhandari 053770 629.1 496 112 a a a a a c
18 Nayal 053771 32.7 0 0
19 Gunth Garsari 053772 185.7 169 39 a a a a a c
20 Kallu Khan 053773 271.1 157 35 a 1 1 1 b c
21 Basaan 053774 218.8 74 16 a 1 a a a c
22 Ari Gurauli 053775 115 275 61 a 1 a a c c
23 Bunga Khayali 053776 190.9 362 72 a 1 a a c c
24 Dubchora 053777 74.3 242 52 a 1 a a c c

25 Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 053778 10.2 0 0

26 Barpass 053779 130.5 197 36 a 1 a a a c
27 Garhkot 053780 299.9 416 99 b 1 b b b c
28 Suyal Khark 053781 32.6 193 48 b 1 b b b b
29 Punabe 053782 123.6 156 39 a a a a a c
30 Sipty 053783 325.9 528 108 a 2 1 1 1 c
31 Patal 053784 26.6 39 8 a a a a a c
32 Mairoli 053785 169.3 158 34 a a a b b c
33 Chaura Khayali 053786 520.6 537 112 a 1 a a c c
34 Birgul 053787 426.5 883 183 b 1 1 1 b c
35 Goli 053788 297.2 694 137 b 2 1 b c c
36 Duniya 053789 23.3 73 13 a a a b b c
37 Okhal Dugga 053790 38.5 89 16 a a a b b c
38 Saindark 053791 8.9 15 3 a a b b a c
39 Simar 053792 190.7 83 18 a 1 b b b c
40 Salkanda 053793 128.6 0 0
41 Mataila 053794 174.6 100 22 a a b b b c
42 Koyati 053795 33.8 218 41 a a a a a c
43 Aam Karia 053796 61.8 126 21 a 1 a b b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

c c c c c c c c Pinana 1
c c c c c c c c Narsingh Danda 2
c c c c c c c c Khark Bagar 3
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
c c c c c c c c Khunari 4
c c c c c c c c Sanya Neel Kariya 5
c c c c c c c c Digdai 6
c c c c c c c c Khal Kariya 7
c c c c c c c c Khark 8
c c c c c c c c Bilota Sain 9
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
kariya 10
Chaudhary Jula 11
c c c c c c c c Khunari 12
c c c c c c c c Ladhon Tukra 13

c c c c c c c c Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 14

c c c c c c c c Khetar Ukhera 15
Ratan Kaniya 16
c c c c c c c c Bhageena Bhandari 17
Nayal 18
c c c c c c c c Gunth Garsari 19
c c c c c c c c Kallu Khan 20
c c c c c c c c Basaan 21
c c c c c c c c Ari Gurauli 22
c c c c c c c c Bunga Khayali 23
c c c c c c c c Dubchora 24

Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 25

c c c c c c c c Barpass 26
c c c c c c c c Garhkot 27
c c c c b b c c Suyal Khark 28
c c c c b b c c Punabe 29
c c c c c c c c Sipty 30
c c c c c c c c Patal 31
c c c c c c c c Mairoli 32
c c c c c c c c Chaura Khayali 33
c c c c c c c c Birgul 34
c c c c c c c c Goli 35
c c c c c c c c Duniya 36
c c c c c c c c Okhal Dugga 37
c c c c c c c c Saindark 38
c c c c c c c c Simar 39
Salkanda 40
c c c c c c c c Mataila 41
c c c c c c c c Koyati 42
c c c c c c c c Aam Karia 43

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-0071
1 Pinana 053754 c c b b c b c c b c c
2 Narsingh Danda 053755 c c 1 1 c c c b c c c
3 Khark Bagar 053756 c c a a c c c c a c c
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
4 Khunari 053757 c c a a c c c c a c c
5 Sanya Neel Kariya 053758 c c b b c c c c a c c
6 Digdai 053759 c c a a c c c c a c c
7 Khal Kariya 053760 c c a a c c c c a c c
8 Khark 053761 c c a a c c c c a c c
9 Bilota Sain 053762 c c a c c c c c a c c
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
10 kariya 053763
11 Chaudhary Jula 053764
12 Khunari 053765 c c a c c c c c a c c
13 Ladhon Tukra 053766 c c c a c c b b a c c

14 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 053767 c c a c c c c c a c c

15 Khetar Ukhera 053768 c c a c c c c c a c c
16 Ratan Kaniya 053769
17 Bhageena Bhandari 053770 c c a c c c c c a c c
18 Nayal 053771
19 Gunth Garsari 053772 c c c b c a a a a c c
20 Kallu Khan 053773 c c c b c c c c b c c
21 Basaan 053774 c c c b c c c c b b c
22 Ari Gurauli 053775 c c c c c c c b a c c
23 Bunga Khayali 053776 c c c a c c c b b b c
24 Dubchora 053777 c c c a c c c b b c c

25 Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 053778

26 Barpass 053779 c c c b c a a a a c c
27 Garhkot 053780 c c b b c c b b b c c
28 Suyal Khark 053781 b b b b b b b b b b b
29 Punabe 053782 b b b a b a b b b c a
30 Sipty 053783 c c 1 1 c 1 c c 1 c c
31 Patal 053784 c c a c c c a a a c c
32 Mairoli 053785 c c c b c b b c b c c
33 Chaura Khayali 053786 c c c c a c a a b c b
34 Birgul 053787 c c c b c c b 1 b c c
35 Goli 053788 c c c b c c b b c c c
36 Duniya 053789 c c c b c b c c a a c
37 Okhal Dugga 053790 c c c b c b b b c c c
38 Saindark 053791 c c c a c c a c c a c
39 Simar 053792 c c c b c b c c b b c
40 Salkanda 053793
41 Mataila 053794 c c c b c b c c a c c
42 Koyati 053795 c c c a c a c c a c c
43 Aam Karia 053796 c c c b c b c c b c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Pinana 1
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Narsingh Danda 2
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khark Bagar 3
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khunari 4
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Sanya Neel Kariya 5
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Digdai 6
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khal Kariya 7
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khark 8
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bilota Sain 9
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
kariya 10
Chaudhary Jula 11
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khunari 12
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ladhon Tukra 13

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 14

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khetar Ukhera 15
Ratan Kaniya 16
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bhageena Bhandari 17
Nayal 18
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gunth Garsari 19
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kallu Khan 20
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Basaan 21
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Ari Gurauli 22
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bunga Khayali 23
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dubchora 24

Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 25

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Barpass 26
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Garhkot 27
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Suyal Khark 28
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Punabe 29
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sipty 30
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Patal 31
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Mairoli 32
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chaura Khayali 33
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Birgul 34
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Goli 35
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Duniya 36
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Okhal Dugga 37
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Saindark 38
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Simar 39
Salkanda 40
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Mataila 41
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Koyati 42
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Aam Karia 43

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-0071
1 Pinana 053754 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
2 Narsingh Danda 053755 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
3 Khark Bagar 053756 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
4 Khunari 053757 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
5 Sanya Neel Kariya 053758 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
6 Digdai 053759 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
7 Khal Kariya 053760 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
8 Khark 053761 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
9 Bilota Sain 053762 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
10 kariya 053763
11 Chaudhary Jula 053764
12 Khunari 053765 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
13 Ladhon Tukra 053766 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

14 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 053767 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No

15 Khetar Ukhera 053768 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
16 Ratan Kaniya 053769
17 Bhageena Bhandari 053770 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No
18 Nayal 053771
19 Gunth Garsari 053772 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
20 Kallu Khan 053773 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
21 Basaan 053774 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
22 Ari Gurauli 053775 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
23 Bunga Khayali 053776 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
24 Dubchora 053777 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No

25 Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 053778

26 Barpass 053779 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
27 Garhkot 053780 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
28 Suyal Khark 053781 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
29 Punabe 053782 No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No
30 Sipty 053783 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
31 Patal 053784 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
32 Mairoli 053785 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
33 Chaura Khayali 053786 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
34 Birgul 053787 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
35 Goli 053788 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
36 Duniya 053789 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
37 Okhal Dugga 053790 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
38 Saindark 053791 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
39 Simar 053792 Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
40 Salkanda 053793
41 Mataila 053794 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
42 Koyati 053795 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
43 Aam Karia 053796 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1

c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Pinana 1

c a c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Narsingh Danda 2
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Khark Bagar 3
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Khunari 4
c b c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Sanya Neel Kariya 5
c a c 262523 a c Yes Yes c c c c a c c c c Digdai 6
c a c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Khal Kariya 7
c a c 262523 Yes c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Khark 8
c a c 262582 a c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Bilota Sain 9
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
kariya 10
Chaudhary Jula 11
c a c 226252 a c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Khunari 12
c a c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Ladhon Tukra 13

c a c 262523 a c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 14

c a c 262523 a c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Khetar Ukhera 15
Ratan Kaniya 16
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Bhageena Bhandari 17
Nayal 18
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Gunth Garsari 19
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Kallu Khan 20
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Basaan 21
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Ari Gurauli 22
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Bunga Khayali 23
a b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Dubchora 24

Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 25

c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Barpass 26
c b c 262523 a c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Garhkot 27
b b b 262523 Yes b Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Suyal Khark 28
b b b 262523 Yes b Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Punabe 29
c a c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Sipty 30
c b c 262523 a c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Patal 31
c a c 262523 c b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Mairoli 32
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Chaura Khayali 33
c Yes c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Birgul 34
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Goli 35
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Duniya 36
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Okhal Dugga 37
c Yes c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Saindark 38
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Simar 39
Salkanda 40
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Mataila 41
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Koyati 42
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Aam Karia 43

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-0071
1 Pinana 053754 c c c a a Yes Yes c Yes b c b
2 Narsingh Danda 053755 c c c Yes Yes b b c Yes c c c
3 Khark Bagar 053756 c c c a a a a c Yes c c c
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
4 Khunari 053757 c c c a a Yes a c Yes c c c
5 Sanya Neel Kariya 053758 c c c Yes a a a c Yes c c c
6 Digdai 053759 c c c a a a a c Yes c c b
7 Khal Kariya 053760 c c c Yes a a a c Yes c c b
8 Khark 053761 c c c Yes a a a c Yes c c b
9 Bilota Sain 053762 c c c a a a a c Yes c c b
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
10 kariya 053763
11 Chaudhary Jula 053764
12 Khunari 053765 c a c a a a a c Yes c c b
13 Ladhon Tukra 053766 c c c a a a a c Yes c c c

14 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 053767 c c c Yes a a a c Yes c c a

15 Khetar Ukhera 053768 c c c a a a a c Yes c c b
16 Ratan Kaniya 053769
17 Bhageena Bhandari 053770 c c c b b b b c Yes c c b
18 Nayal 053771
19 Gunth Garsari 053772 c c c a a Yes Yes c Yes c c c
20 Kallu Khan 053773 c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes c c c
21 Basaan 053774 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
22 Ari Gurauli 053775 c c c Yes Yes b b c Yes c c c
23 Bunga Khayali 053776 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
24 Dubchora 053777 c c c Yes Yes b b c Yes c c c

25 Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 053778

26 Barpass 053779 c c c a a a a c Yes c c c
27 Garhkot 053780 c c c a a a a c Yes c c c
28 Suyal Khark 053781 b b b Yes b b b c Yes b b a
29 Punabe 053782 b b b Yes b b b c Yes b b b
30 Sipty 053783 c c c Yes a a a c Yes c c c
31 Patal 053784 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
32 Mairoli 053785 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
33 Chaura Khayali 053786 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
34 Birgul 053787 c a a c c c c c Yes c c c
35 Goli 053788 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
36 Duniya 053789 c c c a b b b c Yes c c b
37 Okhal Dugga 053790 c c c b a a a c Yes c c b
38 Saindark 053791 c c c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c b
39 Simar 053792 c c c b b b b c Yes c c b
40 Salkanda 053793
41 Mataila 053794 c c c Yes b b b c Yes c c b
42 Koyati 053795 c c c a a a a c Yes c c b
43 Aam Karia 053796 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1

b Yes c c b b b c Yes c c c c c b b Yes Yes Pinana 1

b Yes c c b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Narsingh Danda 2
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c c a c Khark Bagar 3
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
a a c c a c c c c c c c c c c a a c Khunari 4
c b c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c a c Sanya Neel Kariya 5
b a c c b b a c a c c c c c c c a c Digdai 6
b Yes c c b b a c a c c c c a a c a c Khal Kariya 7
b a c c b b a c a c c c c c c c a c Khark 8
b a c c b b a c a c c c c c c c a c Bilota Sain 9
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
kariya 10
Chaudhary Jula 11
b a c c b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Khunari 12
c a c c c c a c a c c c b c c c a c Ladhon Tukra 13
Khetar Narial P Kaler
a Yes c c a a a c a c c c c c c c a c Khan 14
b a b b b b a c a c c c c c c c a c Khetar Ukhera 15
Ratan Kaniya 16
b a c c b b a c b c c c c c c c a b Bhageena Bhandari 17
Nayal 18
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Gunth Garsari 19
c Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c c c Kallu Khan 20
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Basaan 21
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Ari Gurauli 22
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Bunga Khayali 23
c a c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c Yes c Dubchora 24

Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 25

c a c c c c Yes c Yes a c c c c c c a c Barpass 26
c c c c c c a c b c c c b c c c a c Garhkot 27
a Yes b b a b Yes b Yes b b b c c b b b b Suyal Khark 28
b a b b b b Yes b a b b b b c c b a b Punabe 29
c Yes c b c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c c c Sipty 30
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Patal 31
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Mairoli 32
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Chaura Khayali 33
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Birgul 34
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Goli 35
b a c c c c Yes c a c c c c c a a a c Duniya 36
b a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes c Okhal Dugga 37
b Yes c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes c Saindark 38
b b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b b Simar 39
Salkanda 40
b a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Mataila 41
b a c c c c b c a c c c c c c c a c Koyati 42
c Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a c Aam Karia 43

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-0071
1 Pinana 053754 Yes No No No Champawat c 76 0 9.1 30 0
2 Narsingh Danda 053755 Yes No No No Champawat c 32.2 30 4.1 2.3 0
3 Khark Bagar 053756 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 6.6 0 6.2 0
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
4 Khunari 053757 No No No No Champawat c 0 1.7 0 37.6 0
5 Sanya Neel Kariya 053758 Yes No No No Champawat c 38.8 2.1 6.4 0 0
6 Digdai 053759 Yes No No No Champawat c 165.2 4 0 8 0
7 Khal Kariya 053760 Yes No No No Champawat c 3.2 4.2 5.6 0 0
8 Khark 053761 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 9.5 0 5.9 0
9 Bilota Sain 053762 Yes No No No Champawat c 46.9 18.4 0 0 0
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
10 kariya 053763 Champawat c 10.7 1.4 0 37.7 0
11 Chaudhary Jula 053764 Champawat c 0 0.2 0 0 0
12 Khunari 053765 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 6.5 0 20.3 0
13 Ladhon Tukra 053766 Yes No No No Champawat c 16.2 2.1 0.8 0 0

14 Khetar Narial P Kaler Khan 053767 Yes No No No Champawat c 133.1 12.2 0.8 9.3 0
15 Khetar Ukhera 053768 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 2.2 0 35.5 0
16 Ratan Kaniya 053769 Champawat c 28 0.9 0 0 0
17 Bhageena Bhandari 053770 Yes No No No Champawat c 227.9 21.2 11.1 33.2 0
18 Nayal 053771 Champawat c 0 1.3 0 0 0
19 Gunth Garsari 053772 No No No No Champawat c 63.4 0.8 3.1 63.6 0
20 Kallu Khan 053773 Yes No No No Champawat c 154 2.6 6 78.2 0
21 Basaan 053774 Yes No No No Champawat c 23.6 0.2 4.2 128.1 0
22 Ari Gurauli 053775 Yes No No No Champawat c 24.1 1.7 2.4 37.7 0
23 Bunga Khayali 053776 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7 5.1 5.9 99.9 0
24 Dubchora 053777 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7 0.9 0.6 56.9 0

25 Chanchalpur Urf Chanchri 053778 Champawat c 1.9 4.2 0 0.6 0

26 Barpass 053779 Yes No No No Champawat c 21 0.1 4 78.8 0
27 Garhkot 053780 Yes No No No Champawat c 53.8 43 3.3 104.2 0
28 Suyal Khark 053781 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 3.1 0 0 0
29 Punabe 053782 Yes No No No Champawat b 15.3 38.5 1 47 0
30 Sipty 053783 Yes No No No Champawat c 9.8 125.6 0 0 0
31 Patal 053784 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 0.6 0 3.4 0
32 Mairoli 053785 Yes No No No Champawat c 17 0.9 0.6 90.5 0
33 Chaura Khayali 053786 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 27.3 9 22.4 341.3 0
34 Birgul 053787 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.3 150.7 0.7 180.3 0
35 Goli 053788 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 77.2 16.2 6.4 70.2 0
36 Duniya 053789 Yes No No No Champawat c 1.3 10.3 0.2 1 8.4
37 Okhal Dugga 053790 Yes No No No Champawat c 14 6.2 0.1 4 0
38 Saindark 053791 Yes No No No Champawat c 1.6 0 0.8 0 0
39 Simar 053792 Yes No No No Champawat c 15.4 51.8 0.5 39.6 0
40 Salkanda 053793 Champawat b 0 2.5 0 0 0
41 Mataila 053794 Yes No No No Champawat c 57.1 30.5 1.6 67.3 0
42 Koyati 053795 Yes No No No Champawat c 2.9 9.9 0 10.8 0
43 Aam Karia 053796 Yes No No No Champawat c 20.1 0 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

0 0 0 60 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 Pinana 1
16 0 5.3 85.2 0 85.2 0 0 0 0 0 Narsingh Danda 2
8 1.7 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 Khark Bagar 3
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
5.7 0 10.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Khunari 4
6.6 2.6 0 7.6 0 7.6 0 0 0 0 0 Sanya Neel Kariya 5
32.5 3.8 1 17.2 0 17.2 0 0 0 0 0 Digdai 6
8.8 4.6 0 15.6 0 15.6 0 0 0 0 0 Khal Kariya 7
8.2 3 1.3 12.6 12.6 0 12.6 0 0 0 0 Khark 8
43.8 2.7 0 10.2 0 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bilota Sain 9
Sanya Phalya Lagga Khal
4.2 0 11.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kariya 10
0.2 0 0 1.6 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chaudhary Jula 11
66.4 0 20.4 16.4 0 16.4 0 0 0 0 0 Khunari 12
0 0 1.8 5.4 0 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 Ladhon Tukra 13
Khetar Narial P Kaler
30.4 4.9 0 16.6 0 16.6 0 0 0 0 0 Khan 14
2.9 1.5 0 11.6 0 11.6 0 0 0 0 0 Khetar Ukhera 15
3.3 0 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ratan Kaniya 16
16.5 100 19.2 200 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 Bhageena Bhandari 17
2.2 0 29.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nayal 18
13.2 0 3.3 38.4 0 54.9 0 0 0 0 0 Gunth Garsari 19
5.4 0 6.6 18.1 0 18.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kallu Khan 20
14.1 3.4 1.4 44 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 Basaan 21
9.2 0 3.1 36.8 0 36.8 0 0 0 0 0 Ari Gurauli 22
13.7 2.3 2.3 54.8 0 54.8 0 0 0 0 0 Bunga Khayali 23
0.9 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 Dubchora 24
Chanchalpur Urf
1.7 0 0 1.8 0 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 Chanchri 25
7.1 0 3.6 16 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 Barpass 26
36.1 8.6 0 51.1 0 51.1 0 0 0 0 0 Garhkot 27
9.2 0 0 20.3 0 2028 0 0 0 0 0 Suyal Khark 28
15.8 0.9 0 5.1 0 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 Punabe 29
179 0 1.6 9.8 0 9.8 0 0 0 0 0 Sipty 30
1.7 0 15.7 5.3 0 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 Patal 31
13.8 2.9 2 41.5 0 41.5 0 0 0 0 0 Mairoli 32
38.3 40.1 0 42.1 0 42.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Khayali 33
15.7 0 15.2 45.7 0 45.7 0 0 0 0 0 Birgul 34
9.5 27.5 26.5 63.6 0 63.6 0 0 0 0 0 Goli 35
0 0 0 2.2 0 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 Duniya 36
5.1 0 0.6 8.4 0 8.4 0 0 0 0 0 Okhal Dugga 37
0.6 0 0 5.9 0 5.9 0 0 0 0 0 Saindark 38
69.8 0 1.2 12.3 0 12.3 0 0 0 0 0 Simar 39
126.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salkanda 40
13.4 0 1.2 3.4 0 3.4 0 0 0 0 0 Mataila 41
4.3 0 0.8 5.1 0 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 Koyati 42
0 0 1 40.7 8.3 32.4 8.3 0 0 0 0 Aam Karia 43

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
44 Mirtola 053797 52.3 79 14 b 1 1 b b c
45 Nadola 053798 244.4 430 75 b 1 a a b c
46 Bhagina Khet 053799 28.5 22 5 a a a a c c
47 Bibrik 053800 123.3 62 13 a a b b b c
48 Saidula Bora 053801 159.2 193 35 a 1 a a a a
49 Danthi 053802 23.8 6 1 a a a a a b
50 Chamiai 053803 57.8 68 13 a a a a a a
51 Punaithi 053804 253 1150 274 a a a a a a
52 Dhakna Badola 053805 235.7 551 108 1 a a a a a
53 Naad Bora 053806 83.9 157 33 a a a a a a
54 Chura Khark Khet 053807 135.7 73 18 a a a b b b
55 Pawet 053808 36.6 72 11 a a a a a a
56 Nadhan 053809 223 618 131 1 1 a b b b
57 Chaura Sethi 053810 45.4 289 62 a a a a a a
58 Khark Karki 053811 158.5 2147 919 1 1 1 a a a
59 Dungra Saithi 053812 168.2 517 111 1 1 1 1 a a
60 Danda Bisht 053813 23.8 383 88 a a a a a a
61 Kulathi 053814 25.2 202 41 a 1 a a a a
62 Jup Patua 053815 21.2 511 124 a a a a a a
63 Palsau 053816 396.9 630 114 b 1 1 b b b
64 Bajrikot 053817 330.9 671 125 a 1 a a a a
65 Chhira Pani 053818 402.4 80 20 a a a a a b
66 Mudiyani 053819 712 1083 221 a 1 1 1 1 b
67 Jaigaon Jatoli 053820 185.3 343 67 c 1 1 c c c
68 Amora 053821 6.9 0 0
69 Nand Kuli 053822 235.2 116 22 a a b c c c
70 Moradi 053823 203.8 443 83 c 1 1 c c b
71 Dugra 053824 28.3 30 6 a a a b b c
72 Madli Talli 053825 16.7 547 126 1 1 1 1 a a
73 Tyarkuda 053826 9.2 222 49 a a a a a b
74 Bilhairi 053827 92.3 88 17 c 1 b c c c
75 Majgaon 053828 7 363 79 1 1 a a a b
76 Latoli 053829 42.4 568 70 a 1 1 1 a a
77 Bardoli 053830 50.1 196 43 a a a b b b
78 Jayar 053831 51.6 81 17 a a a b b b
79 Kanda 053832 103.2 261 60 a a a b a b
80 Kamaila 053833 30.5 98 18 a a a b b b
81 Basauti Mafi 053834 56.7 75 13 a a a a a c
82 Maun Pokhari 053835 102.8 129 27 c 1 1 c c c
83 Sauj Bisht 053836 6.9 0 0
84 Raw Kunwar 053837 110 172 34 c 1 1 c c c
85 Bhandar Bora 053838 49.9 172 27 c 1 a c c c
86 Bakunda 053839 40.4 39 6 c a a c c c
87 Kathnauli 053840 220.2 295 48 c a a c c c
88 Paiti Mafi 053841 35.6 22 6 a a a b b b
89 Chowki 053842 130.7 707 145 a 1 a a a a
90 Kathar Mafi 053843 55.2 172 31 c 1 c c c c
91 Fungar 053844 166.6 551 115 a 1 1 a a a
92 Simalta Mafi 053845 279.4 221 45 c 1 a c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Mirtola 44
c c c c c c c c Nadola 45
c c c c c c c c Bhagina Khet 46
c c c c c c c c Bibrik 47
c c c c a a c c Saidula Bora 48
c c c a a a c c Danthi 49
c c c c a a c c Chamiai 50
c c c c a a c c Punaithi 51
c c c c a a c c Dhakna Badola 52
c c c c a a c c Naad Bora 53
c c c c b a c c Chura Khark Khet 54
c c c c a a c c Pawet 55
c c c c b b c c Nadhan 56
c c c c a a c c Chaura Sethi 57
c c c c a a c c Khark Karki 58
c c c c a a c c Dungra Saithi 59
c c c c a a c c Danda Bisht 60
c c c c a a c c Kulathi 61
c c c c a a c c Jup Patua 62
c c c c b b c c Palsau 63
c c c c a a c c Bajrikot 64
c c c c b b c c Chhira Pani 65
c c c c b b c c Mudiyani 66
c c c c c c c c Jaigaon Jatoli 67
Amora 68
c c c c c c c c Nand Kuli 69
c c c c c c c c Moradi 70
c c c c c c c c Dugra 71
c c c c a a c c Madli Talli 72
c c c c a a c c Tyarkuda 73
c c c c c c c c Bilhairi 74
c c c c a a c c Majgaon 75
c c c c a a c c Latoli 76
c c c c b b c c Bardoli 77
c c c c b b c c Jayar 78
c c c c b b c c Kanda 79
c c c c b b c c Kamaila 80
c c c c c c c c Basauti Mafi 81
c c c c c c c c Maun Pokhari 82
Sauj Bisht 83
c c c c c c c c Raw Kunwar 84
c c c c c c c c Bhandar Bora 85
c c c c c c c c Bakunda 86
c c c c c c c c Kathnauli 87
c c c c b b c c Paiti Mafi 88
c c c c a a c c Chowki 89
c c c c c c c c Kathar Mafi 90
c c c c a a c c Fungar 91
c c c c c c c c Simalta Mafi 92

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
44 Mirtola 053797 c c c b c b c c b c c
45 Nadola 053798 c c c b c b c c b c c
46 Bhagina Khet 053799 c c c b c c c c c c c
47 Bibrik 053800 c c c b c c c c b b c
48 Saidula Bora 053801 a a a a a a a a a a a
49 Danthi 053802 a a a a a a a a a a a
50 Chamiai 053803 a a a a a a a a a a a
51 Punaithi 053804 c a 1 a a a a a a a a
52 Dhakna Badola 053805 a a a a a a a a a a a
53 Naad Bora 053806 a a a a a a a a a a a
54 Chura Khark Khet 053807 b b b b a b b b b b b
55 Pawet 053808 a a a a a a a a a a a
56 Nadhan 053809 b b b b b b b b b b b
57 Chaura Sethi 053810 a a a a a a a a a a a
58 Khark Karki 053811 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
59 Dungra Saithi 053812 a a a a a a a a a a a
60 Danda Bisht 053813 a a a a a a a a a a a
61 Kulathi 053814 a a a a a a a a a a a
62 Jup Patua 053815 a a a a a a a a a a a
63 Palsau 053816 b b b 1 b b b b b b b
64 Bajrikot 053817 a a a a a a a a a a a
65 Chhira Pani 053818 b b b b b b b b b b b
66 Mudiyani 053819 b b 1 b b b b b b b b
67 Jaigaon Jatoli 053820 c c c b b b c c c c c
68 Amora 053821
69 Nand Kuli 053822 c c c c c c c c c c c
70 Moradi 053823 c c c c c c c c a c c
71 Dugra 053824 c c c c c c c c b b c
72 Madli Talli 053825 a a a a a a a a a a a
73 Tyarkuda 053826 a a a a a a a a a a a
74 Bilhairi 053827 c c c c c c c c c c b
75 Majgaon 053828 a a a a a a a a a a a
76 Latoli 053829 a a a a a a a a a a a
77 Bardoli 053830 b b b b b b b b b b b
78 Jayar 053831 b b b b b b b b b b b
79 Kanda 053832 b b b b b b b b b b b
80 Kamaila 053833 b b b b b b b b b b b
81 Basauti Mafi 053834 c c c c c c c c c c a
82 Maun Pokhari 053835 c c c c c c c c c c 1
83 Sauj Bisht 053836
84 Raw Kunwar 053837 c c c c c c c c c c c
85 Bhandar Bora 053838 c c c c c c c c c c c
86 Bakunda 053839 c c c c c c c c c c a
87 Kathnauli 053840 c c c c c c c c c c a
88 Paiti Mafi 053841 b b b b b b b b b b b
89 Chowki 053842 a a a a a a a a a a a
90 Kathar Mafi 053843 c c c c c c c c c c c
91 Fungar 053844 a a a a a b a a a a a
92 Simalta Mafi 053845 c c c c c c c c c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Mirtola 44
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Nadola 45
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhagina Khet 46
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bibrik 47
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Saidula Bora 48
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Danthi 49
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chamiai 50
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Punaithi 51
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Dhakna Badola 52
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Naad Bora 53
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chura Khark Khet 54
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pawet 55
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Nadhan 56
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Chaura Sethi 57
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Khark Karki 58
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Dungra Saithi 59
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Danda Bisht 60
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kulathi 61
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Jup Patua 62
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Palsau 63
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bajrikot 64
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chhira Pani 65
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Mudiyani 66
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Jaigaon Jatoli 67
Amora 68
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nand Kuli 69
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Moradi 70
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dugra 71
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Madli Talli 72
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Tyarkuda 73
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bilhairi 74
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Majgaon 75
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Latoli 76
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Bardoli 77
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jayar 78
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kanda 79
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kamaila 80
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Basauti Mafi 81
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Maun Pokhari 82
Sauj Bisht 83
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Raw Kunwar 84
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Bhandar Bora 85
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bakunda 86
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kathnauli 87
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Paiti Mafi 88
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chowki 89
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kathar Mafi 90
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Fungar 91
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Simalta Mafi 92

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
44 Mirtola 053797 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
45 Nadola 053798 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
46 Bhagina Khet 053799 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
47 Bibrik 053800 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
48 Saidula Bora 053801 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
49 Danthi 053802 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
50 Chamiai 053803 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
51 Punaithi 053804 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
52 Dhakna Badola 053805 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No
53 Naad Bora 053806 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
54 Chura Khark Khet 053807 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
55 Pawet 053808 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
56 Nadhan 053809 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
57 Chaura Sethi 053810 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
58 Khark Karki 053811 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
59 Dungra Saithi 053812 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
60 Danda Bisht 053813 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
61 Kulathi 053814 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
62 Jup Patua 053815 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
63 Palsau 053816 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
64 Bajrikot 053817 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
65 Chhira Pani 053818 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
66 Mudiyani 053819 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
67 Jaigaon Jatoli 053820 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
68 Amora 053821
69 Nand Kuli 053822 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
70 Moradi 053823 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
71 Dugra 053824 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
72 Madli Talli 053825 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
73 Tyarkuda 053826 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
74 Bilhairi 053827 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
75 Majgaon 053828 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
76 Latoli 053829 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
77 Bardoli 053830 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
78 Jayar 053831 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
79 Kanda 053832 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
80 Kamaila 053833 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
81 Basauti Mafi 053834 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
82 Maun Pokhari 053835 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
83 Sauj Bisht 053836
84 Raw Kunwar 053837 Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No
85 Bhandar Bora 053838 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
86 Bakunda 053839 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
87 Kathnauli 053840 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
88 Paiti Mafi 053841 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
89 Chowki 053842 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
90 Kathar Mafi 053843 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
91 Fungar 053844 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
92 Simalta Mafi 053845 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Mirtola 44
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Nadola 45
c b c 262523 c c c Yes c c c c b c c c c Bhagina Khet 46
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Bibrik 47
a b a 262523 a a Yes a a a b c a b b b b Saidula Bora 48
b b b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c a c c c c Danthi 49
a a a 262523 a a a a a a c c a c c c c Chamiai 50
a a a 262523 Yes Yes Yes a a a c c Yes c c c c Punaithi 51
a a a 262523 Yes a a a a a c c a c c c c Dhakna Badola 52
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c a a c c c c Naad Bora 53
b b b 262523 a b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Chura Khark Khet 54
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Pawet 55
b b b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c a c c c c Nadhan 56
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Chaura Sethi 57
a a a 262523 a Yes Yes a a a c c a c c c c Khark Karki 58
a a a 262523 Yes a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Dungra Saithi 59
a a a 262523 Yes a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Danda Bisht 60
a a a 262523 Yes a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Kulathi 61
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Jup Patua 62
b b b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Palsau 63
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Bajrikot 64
b a b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c a c c c c Chhira Pani 65
b a b 262523 a b Yes b b a c c a c c c c Mudiyani 66
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Jaigaon Jatoli 67
Amora 68
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Nand Kuli 69
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Moradi 70
c a c 262523 b c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Dugra 71
a a a 262523 Yes Yes Yes a a a c c Yes c c c c Madli Talli 72
a a a 262523 Yes a Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Tyarkuda 73
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Bilhairi 74
a a a 262523 Yes Yes Yes a a a c c a c c c c Majgaon 75
a a a 262523 Yes a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Latoli 76
b a b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Bardoli 77
b a b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Jayar 78
b b b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Kanda 79
b b b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Kamaila 80
Yes b c 262523 a c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Basauti Mafi 81
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Maun Pokhari 82
Sauj Bisht 83
c c c 262523 Yes c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Raw Kunwar 84
c b c 262523 Yes c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Bhandar Bora 85
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Bakunda 86
c b c 262523 Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes c c c c Kathnauli 87
b a b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Paiti Mafi 88
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Chowki 89
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Kathar Mafi 90
b Yes b 262523 b b b b b b c c b c c c c Fungar 91
c a c 262523 Yes c Yes a c c c c a c c c c Simalta Mafi 92

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
44 Mirtola 053797 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
45 Nadola 053798 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
46 Bhagina Khet 053799 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
47 Bibrik 053800 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
48 Saidula Bora 053801 a a c a a a a b Yes a a a
49 Danthi 053802 b b b b b b b c Yes b b b
50 Chamiai 053803 a a a a a Yes Yes c Yes a a a
51 Punaithi 053804 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
52 Dhakna Badola 053805 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
53 Naad Bora 053806 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
54 Chura Khark Khet 053807 b b b a a b b c Yes b b b
55 Pawet 053808 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
56 Nadhan 053809 b a b Yes b b b c Yes b b b
57 Chaura Sethi 053810 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
58 Khark Karki 053811 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
59 Dungra Saithi 053812 a Yes b Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
60 Danda Bisht 053813 a a b Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
61 Kulathi 053814 a Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
62 Jup Patua 053815 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
63 Palsau 053816 b a b Yes b b b c Yes b b b
64 Bajrikot 053817 a a a Yes a a a c Yes a a a
65 Chhira Pani 053818 a a a a a a a c Yes b b b
66 Mudiyani 053819 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b
67 Jaigaon Jatoli 053820 c a a a c a a c Yes c c c
68 Amora 053821
69 Nand Kuli 053822 c c b b c b b c Yes c c c
70 Moradi 053823 a a a a a a a c Yes c c c
71 Dugra 053824 b b b a a a a c Yes c c c
72 Madli Talli 053825 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes a a a
73 Tyarkuda 053826 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes a a a
74 Bilhairi 053827 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
75 Majgaon 053828 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes a a a
76 Latoli 053829 a Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
77 Bardoli 053830 b b Yes Yes b b b c Yes b b b
78 Jayar 053831 b b Yes a b b b c Yes b b b
79 Kanda 053832 Yes b b b b b b c Yes b b b
80 Kamaila 053833 b b Yes Yes b b b c Yes b b b
81 Basauti Mafi 053834 c Yes Yes b b b b c Yes c c c
82 Maun Pokhari 053835 c Yes b Yes b b b c Yes c c c
83 Sauj Bisht 053836
84 Raw Kunwar 053837 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
85 Bhandar Bora 053838 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
86 Bakunda 053839 c Yes c c c c c c Yes c c c
87 Kathnauli 053840 c Yes c Yes c c c c Yes c c c
88 Paiti Mafi 053841 b b Yes Yes a a a c Yes b b b
89 Chowki 053842 a a Yes a a a a c Yes a a a
90 Kathar Mafi 053843 c Yes c Yes c c c c Yes c c c
91 Fungar 053844 a a a Yes a a a c Yes a a a
92 Simalta Mafi 053845 c Yes c Yes c c c c Yes c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
c a c c c c a c b c c c c c c c Yes c Mirtola 44
c Yes c c c c a c b c c c c c c c a c Nadola 45
c a c c c c b c a c c c c c c c a c Bhagina Khet 46
c a c c c c c c a c c c c c c c b c Bibrik 47
a a a a a a a a a b b c a c c c a a Saidula Bora 48
b b b b b b b b b b b b c c b b a b Danthi 49
a a a a a b a a b a a a c c a a a a Chamiai 50
a a a a a a Yes a a a c c c c c c a a Punaithi 51
a a a a a a b a b b b b b b b b b b Dhakna Badola 52
a c c c c c a a a a a c c c c a a Yes Naad Bora 53
a a b b b b a b a b b c c c b b a b Chura Khark Khet 54
a Yes a a a a a a a b a c c c a a a a Pawet 55
b Yes a a a a Yes b Yes b b c c c b b a b Nadhan 56
a a a a a a Yes a b b a c c c a a Yes a Chaura Sethi 57
a a a a a a Yes a Yes b a a c a a a a a Khark Karki 58
a a a a a a a a a c a c c c c a a a Dungra Saithi 59
a a a a a a b a a c a c c c c a a a Danda Bisht 60
a a a a a a a a a a a c c c c a Yes a Kulathi 61
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes b a c c c c a a a Jup Patua 62
b Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b c c c b b a b Palsau 63
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes b a c c c c a a a Bajrikot 64
a a b b b b a b a b b b c c c b b b Chhira Pani 65
Yes Yes b c c c Yes b Yes c b b c c c b Yes b Mudiyani 66
c Yes a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Jaigaon Jatoli 67
Amora 68
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Nand Kuli 69
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes c Moradi 70
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a c Dugra 71
a a a a c c Yes a b b a a c c c Yes a a Madli Talli 72
Yes Yes Yes c c c b a c c a a c c c a a a Tyarkuda 73
Yes b c c c c Yes c Yes b c c c c c c a c Bilhairi 74
a a a b b b b a a c a a c c c Yes a a Majgaon 75
Yes a a c a a Yes a a a a a c c c a Yes a Latoli 76
b a b c b b a b a b b b c c c b a b Bardoli 77
b b b b b b a b Yes b b b c c c b b b Jayar 78
b a b b b b Yes b Yes b b b c c c b b b Kanda 79
b a b b b b a b a b b b c c c b a b Kamaila 80
Yes a c c b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Basauti Mafi 81
Yes b c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Maun Pokhari 82
Sauj Bisht 83
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Raw Kunwar 84
Yes a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Bhandar Bora 85
c a c b b b b c c c c c c c c c a c Bakunda 86
Yes a c b b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Kathnauli 87
b a b b b b b b a b b b c c c c a b Paiti Mafi 88
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a c c c a Yes a Chowki 89
c a a a b b a c a c c c c c c c a a Kathar Mafi 90
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a a a a a c c c c Yes a Fungar 91
b Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a a Simalta Mafi 92

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
44 Mirtola 053797 Yes No No No Champawat c 6.7 8.7 0.5 19.3 0
45 Nadola 053798 Yes No No No Champawat c 28.9 54 2.7 59.6 0
46 Bhagina Khet 053799 Yes No No No Champawat c 1.6 0.7 1.3 1.1 0
47 Bibrik 053800 Yes No No No Champawat c 12.8 13.2 0 47.9 0
48 Saidula Bora 053801 Yes No No No Champawat a 107.9 0 5 5 0
49 Danthi 053802 Yes No No No Champawat a 5.3 0 0.7 10.9 3.3
50 Chamiai 053803 Yes No No No Champawat a 30.6 1.7 0 7.8 0
51 Punaithi 053804 Yes Yes No No Champawat a 122.1 9 0 0 0
52 Dhakna Badola 053805 Yes No No No Champawat a 104.4 0 5.9 40.4 0
53 Naad Bora 053806 Yes No No No Champawat a 21.5 7.3 0 11.1 0
54 Chura Khark Khet 053807 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 11.2 0 0 0
55 Pawet 053808 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 3.2 5.1 0.4 9.1
56 Nadhan 053809 Yes No No No Champawat b 105.5 5.7 2.4 0 0
57 Chaura Sethi 053810 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 3.3 0 0 0
58 Khark Karki 053811 Yes Yes No No Champawat a 20.2 6.4 0 0 0
59 Dungra Saithi 053812 Yes No No No Champawat a 51.9 0 8.4 40.4 0
60 Danda Bisht 053813 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0 0.9 0 0
61 Kulathi 053814 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 1.5 0 3.7 0
62 Jup Patua 053815 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 2.2 0 0 0
63 Palsau 053816 Yes No No No Champawat b 115.4 0 13 0 0
64 Bajrikot 053817 Yes No No No Champawat a 130.3 7.4 0 10.4 0
65 Chhira Pani 053818 Yes No No No Champawat b 205.2 15.2 0 0 0
66 Mudiyani 053819 Yes Yes No No Champawat b 443.4 20.1 0 25.1 0
67 Jaigaon Jatoli 053820 Yes No No No Champawat c 76.2 6.3 0 10.1 0
68 Amora 053821 Champawat b 0 0 0 0 0
69 Nand Kuli 053822 Yes No No No Champawat c 30 3.8 0 0 0
70 Moradi 053823 Yes No No No Champawat c 45.3 5.9 0 15 0
71 Dugra 053824 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 0.7 0 6 0
72 Madli Talli 053825 Yes No Yes No Champawat a 0 1.2 2.4 0 0
73 Tyarkuda 053826 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0 0.5 1.8 0
74 Bilhairi 053827 No No No No Champawat c 16.1 6.6 0.3 13 0
75 Majgaon 053828 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0 0.7 0 0
76 Latoli 053829 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0.5 0 0 0
77 Bardoli 053830 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 7.9 0 0 0
78 Jayar 053831 Yes No No No Champawat b 6.1 4.6 0 0 0
79 Kanda 053832 Yes No No No Champawat b 5.7 20.9 0 0 0
80 Kamaila 053833 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 1.8 0 0 0
81 Basauti Mafi 053834 Yes No No No Champawat c 25.8 2.6 0 3.4 0
82 Maun Pokhari 053835 Yes No No No Champawat c 22.7 3.8 13.3 2.6 0
83 Sauj Bisht 053836 Champawat c 1 0.6 1.6 0 0
84 Raw Kunwar 053837 Yes No No No Champawat c 7.9 14.3 0 38.3 0
85 Bhandar Bora 053838 Yes No No No Champawat c 18.8 7.2 0 0 0
86 Bakunda 053839 No No No No Champawat c 7.3 2 0 4 0
87 Kathnauli 053840 Yes No No No Champawat c 18.4 4.2 0 0 0
88 Paiti Mafi 053841 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 1.7 0 6.2 0
89 Chowki 053842 Yes No No No Champawat a 16.7 12.4 0 0 0
90 Kathar Mafi 053843 Yes No No No Champawat c 19 2.5 1 5.1 0
91 Fungar 053844 Yes No No No Champawat a 5.8 0 15.4 0 0
92 Simalta Mafi 053845 Yes No No No Champawat c 211.9 6.3 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
9.4 0 0 7.7 0 7.7 0 0 0 0 0 Mirtola 44
50.5 0 0.9 47.8 7 40.8 7 0 0 0 0 Nadola 45
7.9 0 0 15.9 15.9 0 15.9 0 0 0 0 Bhagina Khet 46
14.6 0 0.5 34.3 0 34.3 0 0 0 0 0 Bibrik 47
0.1 27.7 2.7 10.7 0 10.7 0 0 0 0 0 Saidula Bora 48
0.9 2 0 0.7 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 Danthi 49
5.2 7.5 1.9 3.1 0 3.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chamiai 50
42.8 55.1 0 24.1 0 24.1 0 0 0 0 0 Punaithi 51
8.5 20 2.2 54.3 0 54.3 0 0 0 0 0 Dhakna Badola 52
2.5 23.1 0 18.4 0 18.4 0 0 0 0 0 Naad Bora 53
117 0 0 7.6 0 7.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chura Khark Khet 54
0 10.4 0 8.4 0 8.4 0 0 0 0 0 Pawet 55
75.2 0 0 34.2 6.1 28.1 6.1 0 0 0 0 Nadhan 56
10.6 0 10.2 21.2 0 21.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Sethi 57
38.5 0 18.2 75.2 0 75.2 0 0 0 0 0 Khark Karki 58
10 5 1 51.5 0 51.5 0 0 0 0 0 Dungra Saithi 59
1.7 3.1 0.9 17.3 0 17.3 0 0 0 0 0 Danda Bisht 60
0 0.5 6 13.5 0 13.5 0 0 0 0 0 Kulathi 61
4.2 0 4.4 10.3 0 10.3 0 0 0 0 0 Jup Patua 62
175.2 0 5.2 88.1 0 88.1 0 0 0 0 0 Palsau 63
12.6 0 105 65.4 0 65.4 0 0 0 0 0 Bajrikot 64
130.2 0 36.3 15.4 0 15.4 0 0 0 0 0 Chhira Pani 65
100.2 0 7.4 115.9 0 115.9 0 0 0 0 0 Mudiyani 66
53.2 0 0 39.5 0 39.5 0 0 0 0 0 Jaigaon Jatoli 67
2.5 0 0 4.5 0 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 Amora 68
100.3 0 59.1 42 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 Nand Kuli 69
20 75.8 0 41.7 0 41.7 0 0 0 0 0 Moradi 70
4 0 12.1 5.4 0 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 Dugra 71
0.3 1.8 1.7 9.2 0 9.2 0 0 0 0 0 Madli Talli 72
0 0.6 4 2.3 0 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 Tyarkuda 73
25.1 0 0 31.2 0 31.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bilhairi 74
0.3 0 0.9 5.1 0 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 Majgaon 75
3 0 0 38.9 0 38.9 0 0 0 0 0 Latoli 76
2.6 0 0 39.6 0 39.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bardoli 77
1.3 0 0 39.6 0 39.6 0 0 0 0 0 Jayar 78
20.8 0 0 55.9 0 55.9 0 0 0 0 0 Kanda 79
8.1 0 0 20.7 0 20.7 0 0 0 0 0 Kamaila 80
1.2 0 2 21.8 0 21.8 0 0 0 0 0 Basauti Mafi 81
13.7 0 0 46.6 0 46.6 0 0 0 0 0 Maun Pokhari 82
0 0 0 3.7 0 3.7 0 0 0 0 0 Sauj Bisht 83
7.5 0 0 42 36 6 30 0 2 0 4 Raw Kunwar 84
1.2 0 0 22.7 15.7 7 5 0 8.7 0 2 Bhandar Bora 85
10.9 0 0.5 15.7 0 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bakunda 86
138.6 18 0 41 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 Kathnauli 87
9.9 0 0 17.8 0 17.8 0 0 0 0 0 Paiti Mafi 88
87.1 0 0 14.5 0 14.5 0 0 0 0 0 Chowki 89
6.3 0 0 21.4 0 21.4 0 0 0 0 0 Kathar Mafi 90
39.6 0 0 105.8 0 105.8 0 0 0 0 0 Fungar 91
15.1 6 0 40.1 0 40.1 0 0 0 0 0 Simalta Mafi 92

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
93 Chaura Dumkhuri 053846 218.6 677 141 1 1 1 b b b
94 Silang Tak 053847 87 342 68 a a b b b a
95 Nagar Gaon 053848 21.6 143 30 a a a a a a
96 Lista 053849 13.2 47 11 b 1 b b a a
97 Kanalgaon 053850 52.1 746 184 1 1 a a a b
98 Shaktipur 053851 106 650 212 a a a a a a
99 Kaflang 053852 63.8 250 55 1 a a a a a
100 Rakri Phulara 053853 41.3 208 49 1 a a a a a
101 Chowkni Pandey 053854 20 60 13 a a b b b b
102 Chowkni Bora 053855 268.7 493 111 a 1 a a b b
103 Dudh Pokhara 053856 29 193 46 a a b b b b
104 Lamkaniya 053857 21 100 19 a a a b b b
105 Bugga Chowkni 053858 46.4 60 9 a a b c c c
106 Giri Punaithi 053859 103 0 0
107 Bastiya 053860 16.3 65 14 a a a a c c
108 Lafra 053861 264.7 290 64 b 1 b b b c
109 Nayadi 053862 42.1 24 4 a a a a b c
110 Padunga 053863 190.1 135 21 a 1 a c c c
111 Bastiya Goonth 053864 343.4 320 55 a 1 a a a c
112 Dhyan Bhandar 053865 87.8 0 0
113 Maadli Malli 053866 8.5 419 95 1 1 a a a b
114 Sayali 053867 314.9 305 51 b 2 b b b c
115 Pather Maun 053868 142.7 61 11 a a a a a c
116 Dhaun 053869 190.2 364 70 a 1 1 1 1 c
117 Majhera 053870 117.1 61 12 a 2 a a a c
118 Lara Bora 053871 316.6 296 54 b 1 1 1 b c
119 Baira 053872 25.8 57 11 c c a b c c
120 Jamrari 053873 53.9 103 23 a 1 a a c c
121 Pali 053874 63.9 93 23 c 1 1 1 c c
122 Ghurchum 053875 67.5 131 27 a 1 1 a c c
123 Kawarsing 053876 78.8 96 20 a 1 a a a c
124 Badauli 053877 274.6 562 92 1 2 2 b c c
125 Sawala 053878 248.4 554 86 a 2 2 1 a c
126 Quarala 053879 28 0 0
127 Nayal 053880 146.8 358 61 a 2 a a a c
128 Amaun 053881 212.1 147 25 b 1 b c c c
129 Bajaun 053882 569.5 512 95 c 1 1 c c c
130 kot Amori 053883 943.2 760 139 b 3 2 2 1 c
131 Hiula 053884 102 197 35 a a a a a c
132 Reetha 053885 49.4 113 17 a 1 1 a c c
133 Dayoli (Dhauli) 053886 73.9 73 14 a 1 a a c c
134 Pachnai 053887 397.9 649 105 b 2 1 b b c
135 Vaila 053888 392.7 422 71 b 2 1 b b c
136 Khatoli Talli 053889 660.7 891 150 a 2 a a a c
137 Khatoli Malli 053890 647.9 388 72 a 2 1 1 1 c
138 Bhanauli 053891 116.1 264 51 a 1 a b b c
139 Dudhori 053892 259.4 360 66 b 2 1 b b c
140 Chhatkot 053893 519.9 653 120 a 1 a a a c
141 Dola 053894 156.2 151 28 a 1 a a a c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c b b c c Chaura Dumkhuri 93
c c c c b b c c Silang Tak 94
c c c c a a c c Nagar Gaon 95
c c c c b b c c Lista 96
c c c c a a c c Kanalgaon 97
c c c c a a c c Shaktipur 98
c c c c a a c c Kaflang 99
c c c c a a c c Rakri Phulara 100
c c c c b b c c Chowkni Pandey 101
c c c c b b c c Chowkni Bora 102
c c c c b b c c Dudh Pokhara 103
c c c c b b c c Lamkaniya 104
c c c c c c c c Bugga Chowkni 105
Giri Punaithi 106
c c c c c c c c Bastiya 107
c c c c c c c c Lafra 108
c c c c c c c c Nayadi 109
c c c c c c c c Padunga 110
c c c c c c c c Bastiya Goonth 111
Dhyan Bhandar 112
c c c c a a c c Maadli Malli 113
c c c c c c c c Sayali 114
c c c c c c c c Pather Maun 115
c c c c c c c c Dhaun 116
c c c c c c c c Majhera 117
c c c c c c c c Lara Bora 118
c c c c c c c c Baira 119
c c c c c c c c Jamrari 120
c c c c c c c c Pali 121
c c c c c c c c Ghurchum 122
c c c c c c c c Kawarsing 123
c c c c c c c c Badauli 124
c c c c c c c c Sawala 125
Quarala 126
c c c c c c c c Nayal 127
c c c c c c c c Amaun 128
c c c c c c c c Bajaun 129
c c c c c c c c kot Amori 130
c c c c c c c c Hiula 131
c c c c c c c c Reetha 132
c c c c c c c c Dayoli (Dhauli) 133
c c c c c c c c Pachnai 134
c c c c c c c c Vaila 135
c c c c c c c c Khatoli Talli 136
c c c c c c c c Khatoli Malli 137
c c c c c c c c Bhanauli 138
c c c c c c c c Dudhori 139
c c c c c c c c Chhatkot 140
c c c c c c c c Dola 141

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
93 Chaura Dumkhuri 053846 b b b b a b b b b a b
94 Silang Tak 053847 b b b b b b b b c c c
95 Nagar Gaon 053848 a a a a a a a a a a a
96 Lista 053849 b b b b b b b b a b b
97 Kanalgaon 053850 a a a a a a a a a a a
98 Shaktipur 053851 a a a a a a a a a a a
99 Kaflang 053852 a a a a a a a a a a a
100 Rakri Phulara 053853 a a a a a a a a a a a
101 Chowkni Pandey 053854 b b b b b b a a b a b
102 Chowkni Bora 053855 b b b b b b b b b b b
103 Dudh Pokhara 053856 b b b b b b b b b b b
104 Lamkaniya 053857 a a a a a a a a a a a
105 Bugga Chowkni 053858 c c c c c c c c c c b
106 Giri Punaithi 053859
107 Bastiya 053860 c c c a c c c c c c c
108 Lafra 053861 c c c b c b c c b b c
109 Nayadi 053862 c c c b c c c c c c c
110 Padunga 053863 c c c c c c c c c c c
111 Bastiya Goonth 053864 c c a c c a c c c c c
112 Dhyan Bhandar 053865
113 Maadli Malli 053866 a a a a a a a a a a a
114 Sayali 053867 c c b c c b c c c c c
115 Pather Maun 053868 c c a c c a c c c c c
116 Dhaun 053869 c c 1 c c 1 c c c c c
117 Majhera 053870 c c a c c a c c c c c
118 Lara Bora 053871 c c a c c c c c c c b
119 Baira 053872 c c c a c c c c c c c
120 Jamrari 053873 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
121 Pali 053874 c c c a c c c c c c c
122 Ghurchum 053875 c c c a c c c c c c c
123 Kawarsing 053876 c c 1 c c c c c c c a
124 Badauli 053877 c c c c c c c c c c b
125 Sawala 053878 c c 1 c c 1 c c c c 1
126 Quarala 053879
127 Nayal 053880 c c a c c a c c c c c
128 Amaun 053881 c c c c c c c c c c c
129 Bajaun 053882 c c c c c c c c c c c
130 kot Amori 053883 c c b c c c c c c c c
131 Hiula 053884 c c c a c c a a b b c
132 Reetha 053885 c c c c c c c c b c c
133 Dayoli (Dhauli) 053886 c c c b c c c c c c c
134 Pachnai 053887 c c c c c c c c c c c
135 Vaila 053888 c c c b b c c c c c c
136 Khatoli Talli 053889 c c c 1 c c c c c c c
137 Khatoli Malli 053890 c c 1 a c b c c b c c
138 Bhanauli 053891 c c c b c b c c b c c
139 Dudhori 053892 c c c b c b c c b c c
140 Chhatkot 053893 c c a c c a c c c c c
141 Dola 053894 c c c c c c a c c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chaura Dumkhuri 93
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Silang Tak 94
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nagar Gaon 95
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lista 96
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Kanalgaon 97
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Shaktipur 98
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kaflang 99
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Rakri Phulara 100
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chowkni Pandey 101
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chowkni Bora 102
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Dudh Pokhara 103
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lamkaniya 104
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bugga Chowkni 105
Giri Punaithi 106
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bastiya 107
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Lafra 108
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nayadi 109
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Padunga 110
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bastiya Goonth 111
Dhyan Bhandar 112
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Maadli Malli 113
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Sayali 114
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pather Maun 115
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dhaun 116
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Majhera 117
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Lara Bora 118
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Baira 119
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jamrari 120
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pali 121
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ghurchum 122
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kawarsing 123
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Badauli 124
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sawala 125
Quarala 126
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Nayal 127
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Amaun 128
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bajaun 129
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 kot Amori 130
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Hiula 131
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Reetha 132
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dayoli (Dhauli) 133
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Pachnai 134
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Vaila 135
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Khatoli Talli 136
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Khatoli Malli 137
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Bhanauli 138
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Dudhori 139
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chhatkot 140
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dola 141

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
93 Chaura Dumkhuri 053846 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
94 Silang Tak 053847 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
95 Nagar Gaon 053848 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
96 Lista 053849 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
97 Kanalgaon 053850 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
98 Shaktipur 053851 Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No
99 Kaflang 053852 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
100 Rakri Phulara 053853 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
101 Chowkni Pandey 053854 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
102 Chowkni Bora 053855 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
103 Dudh Pokhara 053856 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
104 Lamkaniya 053857 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
105 Bugga Chowkni 053858 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
106 Giri Punaithi 053859
107 Bastiya 053860 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
108 Lafra 053861 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
109 Nayadi 053862 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
110 Padunga 053863 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
111 Bastiya Goonth 053864 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
112 Dhyan Bhandar 053865
113 Maadli Malli 053866 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
114 Sayali 053867 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
115 Pather Maun 053868 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
116 Dhaun 053869 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
117 Majhera 053870 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
118 Lara Bora 053871 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
119 Baira 053872 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
120 Jamrari 053873 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
121 Pali 053874 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
122 Ghurchum 053875 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
123 Kawarsing 053876 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
124 Badauli 053877 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
125 Sawala 053878 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
126 Quarala 053879
127 Nayal 053880 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
128 Amaun 053881 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
129 Bajaun 053882 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
130 kot Amori 053883 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
131 Hiula 053884 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
132 Reetha 053885 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
133 Dayoli (Dhauli) 053886 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
134 Pachnai 053887 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
135 Vaila 053888 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
136 Khatoli Talli 053889 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
137 Khatoli Malli 053890 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
138 Bhanauli 053891 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
139 Dudhori 053892 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
140 Chhatkot 053893 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
141 Dola 053894 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
b b b 262523 b Yes Yes b b a c c a c c c c Chaura Dumkhuri 93
b a b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Silang Tak 94
a a a 262523 Yes a a a a a c c a c c c c Nagar Gaon 95
a a a 262523 a a a a a a c c a c c c c Lista 96
a a a 262523 Yes a Yes a a a c c Yes c c c c Kanalgaon 97
a a a 262523 Yes Yes Yes a a a c c a c c c c Shaktipur 98
a Yes a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Kaflang 99
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Rakri Phulara 100
b a b 262523 a b Yes b a a c c a c c c c Chowkni Pandey 101
b a b 262523 a b Yes b b a c c a c c c c Chowkni Bora 102
b Yes b 262523 b b Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Dudh Pokhara 103
a a a 262523 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Lamkaniya 104
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Bugga Chowkni 105
Giri Punaithi 106
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Bastiya 107
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Lafra 108
c a c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Nayadi 109
c b c 262523 c c Yes c b b c c b c c c c Padunga 110
c a c 262523 a c Yes c c Yes c c a c c c c Bastiya Goonth 111
Dhyan Bhandar 112
a a a 262523 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes c Yes Yes c c c c Maadli Malli 113
c b c 262523 b c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Sayali 114
c a c 262523 c Yes Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pather Maun 115
c Yes c 262523 Yes c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Dhaun 116
c a c 262523 a c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Majhera 117
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Lara Bora 118
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Baira 119
c Yes c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Jamrari 120
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Pali 121
c a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Ghurchum 122
c a a 262523 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Kawarsing 123
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Badauli 124
c Yes c 262523 Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c c c c c Sawala 125
Quarala 126
c a c 262523 c a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Nayal 127
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Amaun 128
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bajaun 129
c Yes c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c kot Amori 130
c a c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c c c c c c Hiula 131
b b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Reetha 132
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Dayoli (Dhauli) 133
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Pachnai 134
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Vaila 135
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Khatoli Talli 136
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Khatoli Malli 137
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bhanauli 138
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Dudhori 139
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chhatkot 140
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Dola 141

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
93 Chaura Dumkhuri 053846 a a a b a a a c Yes b b b
94 Silang Tak 053847 Yes a a a a a a c Yes b b b
95 Nagar Gaon 053848 Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
96 Lista 053849 b Yes Yes Yes a a a c Yes a a a
97 Kanalgaon 053850 a a a Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
98 Shaktipur 053851 Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
99 Kaflang 053852 a a Yes a Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
100 Rakri Phulara 053853 Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a c Yes a a a
101 Chowkni Pandey 053854 a a a a a a a c Yes b b b
102 Chowkni Bora 053855 a a a a a a a c Yes b b b
103 Dudh Pokhara 053856 b b b Yes b b b c Yes b b b
104 Lamkaniya 053857 a a a a a Yes Yes c Yes a a a
105 Bugga Chowkni 053858 c Yes c c c c c c Yes c c c
106 Giri Punaithi 053859
107 Bastiya 053860 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
108 Lafra 053861 c c c b c Yes Yes c Yes c c c
109 Nayadi 053862 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
110 Padunga 053863 b b b b b b b c Yes c c c
111 Bastiya Goonth 053864 a a a a a a a c Yes b b b
112 Dhyan Bhandar 053865
113 Maadli Malli 053866 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
114 Sayali 053867 b b b b b b b c Yes c c b
115 Pather Maun 053868 a b b a a Yes Yes c Yes c c c
116 Dhaun 053869 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c
117 Majhera 053870 a b b a a a a c Yes c c c
118 Lara Bora 053871 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes b c b
119 Baira 053872 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
120 Jamrari 053873 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
121 Pali 053874 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
122 Ghurchum 053875 c c c a c c c c Yes c c c
123 Kawarsing 053876 a a a a a a a c Yes c c a
124 Badauli 053877 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes c c c
125 Sawala 053878 Yes b Yes c c c c c Yes b c b
126 Quarala 053879
127 Nayal 053880 a a a a a a a c Yes c c c
128 Amaun 053881 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
129 Bajaun 053882 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
130 kot Amori 053883 Yes a Yes c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes
131 Hiula 053884 a a a a a Yes Yes c Yes a c a
132 Reetha 053885 b b b b b b b c Yes c c c
133 Dayoli (Dhauli) 053886 c c c c b b b c Yes c c c
134 Pachnai 053887 c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes c c c
135 Vaila 053888 c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes c c c
136 Khatoli Talli 053889 c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes c c c
137 Khatoli Malli 053890 c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes c c c
138 Bhanauli 053891 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes b c b
139 Dudhori 053892 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes b c b
140 Chhatkot 053893 a a a a a Yes Yes c Yes a c a
141 Dola 053894 Yes a a a a a a c Yes a c a

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
b Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b b Yes Yes Chaura Dumkhuri 93
b Yes b b c c a b a b b b c c c c b b Silang Tak 94
a Yes b a c c a a a a a a c c c a a a Nagar Gaon 95
a Yes a a b b a a a a a a c c c a a b Lista 96
a a a a c c b a a a a a c c c a a a Kanalgaon 97
Yes a a a a a a a a a a a c c c Yes a a Shaktipur 98
a a a a b b Yes a a a a a c c c a a a Kaflang 99
a Yes a a b b a a a a a b c c c a a a Rakri Phulara 100
a Yes b b b b a b a b b b c c c a a b Chowkni Pandey 101
b Yes b b a a Yes b Yes b b b c c c b Yes b Chowkni Bora 102
a Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b b c c c b a b Dudh Pokhara 103
a a a a a a b a b a a a c a a a a a Lamkaniya 104
c b c c b b Yes c Yes c c b c c c c b c Bugga Chowkni 105
Giri Punaithi 106
c a c c b b a c a c c c c c c c a c Bastiya 107
c Yes c c b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c b c Lafra 108
c a c c c c c c b b b b c c c c b c Nayadi 109
c Yes a c c c a c a c c c c c c b Yes Yes Padunga 110
b Yes a b b b Yes b Yes c c c c c a c a c Bastiya Goonth 111
Dhyan Bhandar 112
a a a a b b a b a a a c c c c a a a Maadli Malli 113
a b b b b b b c b c c c c c c c b c Sayali 114
c Yes a a b b a c a c c c c c c c a c Pather Maun 115
c Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Yes c Dhaun 116
c Yes a a a a Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Majhera 117
b b b b b b Yes c Yes c c c c c b b a c Lara Bora 118
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Baira 119
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Jamrari 120
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Pali 121
c Yes a c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a c Ghurchum 122
a a a a b b a c a c c c c c a a Yes c Kawarsing 123
c b a a b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Badauli 124
b Yes b b b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes c Sawala 125
Quarala 126
c a a a a a a c a c c c c c c c a c Nayal 127
c b c c c c c c c c c c c c c c b c Amaun 128
c b c c c c b c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Bajaun 129
c a Yes c Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes c kot Amori 130
a a a c c b Yes c Yes c c c c c a a a c Hiula 131
c Yes c c c b a c a c c c c c b b a c Reetha 132
c a c c c b a c b b c c c c c c b c Dayoli (Dhauli) 133
c Yes c c c b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Pachnai 134
c Yes c c c c b c b c c c c c b b b b Vaila 135
c Yes c c c b Yes c c c c c c c c c Yes Yes Khatoli Talli 136
c Yes c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c a Yes Khatoli Malli 137
b b b c c c b c a c c c c c b b a a Bhanauli 138
b b b c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c b b Yes Yes Dudhori 139
a Yes a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c a a Yes c Chhatkot 140
a a a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Dola 141

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
93 Chaura Dumkhuri 053846 Yes No No No Champawat b 34.2 2.9 2.4 20.2 0
94 Silang Tak 053847 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 2 0 0 0
95 Nagar Gaon 053848 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 3.4 0 0 0
96 Lista 053849 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 0.5 0 0 0
97 Kanalgaon 053850 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0 2 0 0
98 Shaktipur 053851 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 28.2 0 0 0
99 Kaflang 053852 Yes No No No Champawat a 8.8 8 0 0 0
100 Rakri Phulara 053853 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 3.4 0 0 0
101 Chowkni Pandey 053854 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 1 0 0 0
102 Chowkni Bora 053855 Yes No No No Champawat b 89.3 12.2 0 0 0
103 Dudh Pokhara 053856 Yes No No No Champawat b 0 3.2 0 0 0
104 Lamkaniya 053857 Yes No No No Champawat b 2.3 0.1 0.4 2.2 0
105 Bugga Chowkni 053858 No No No No Champawat c 3.3 2.6 22.3 0 0
106 Giri Punaithi 053859 Champawat c 20.6 4.5 39.9 0 0
107 Bastiya 053860 Yes No No No Champawat c 5.9 0 2.1 0 0
108 Lafra 053861 Yes No No No Champawat c 31.6 61.6 2 63.2 0
109 Nayadi 053862 Yes No No No Champawat c 5.1 12.9 8.7 3.4 0
110 Padunga 053863 Yes No No No Champawat c 17.8 9 0 0 0
111 Bastiya Goonth 053864 Yes No No No Champawat c 127.5 12.9 1.6 40.6 0
112 Dhyan Bhandar 053865 Champawat c 34.1 2.2 32.9 0 0
113 Maadli Malli 053866 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0 0.8 0 0
114 Sayali 053867 Yes No No No Champawat c 86 14.1 0 0 0
115 Pather Maun 053868 Yes No No No Champawat c 101.7 2 0 17.7 0
116 Dhaun 053869 Yes No No No Champawat c 60.2 8.6 61.7 8 0
117 Majhera 053870 Yes No No No Champawat c 12.7 7 62 0 0
118 Lara Bora 053871 Yes No No No Champawat c 130.9 32.8 0 45.5 0
119 Baira 053872 Yes No No No Champawat c 9.8 0.2 0.3 5.1 0
120 Jamrari 053873 Yes No No No Champawat c 7.6 0.2 0.2 10.8 0
121 Pali 053874 Yes No No No Champawat c 37 7.2 1.1 0 0
122 Ghurchum 053875 Yes No No No Champawat c 9.7 14.1 0 11.2 0
123 Kawarsing 053876 Yes No No No Champawat c 35.2 7 0 20 0
124 Badauli 053877 Yes No No No Champawat c 49.8 11.6 0 91 0
125 Sawala 053878 Yes No No No Champawat c 78.5 81.6 0 29.3 0
126 Quarala 053879 Champawat c 15.5 6.3 0 0 0
127 Nayal 053880 Yes No No No Champawat c 65 5.3 0 0 0
128 Amaun 053881 No No No No Champawat c 122.9 5.7 11.4 49.2 0
129 Bajaun 053882 Yes No No No Champawat c 97.4 12.6 11.1 181.7 0
130 kot Amori 053883 Yes No No No Champawat c 470.6 105.2 0 243.2 0
131 Hiula 053884 Yes No No No Champawat c 32.8 1.5 0 0 0
132 Reetha 053885 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 0.3 0 4.3 0
133 Dayoli (Dhauli) 053886 Yes No No No Champawat c 14.3 1.1 0 24 0
134 Pachnai 053887 Yes No No No Champawat c 25.4 73 0 155.4 0
135 Vaila 053888 Yes No No No Champawat c 19 48.2 0 110.4 0
136 Khatoli Talli 053889 Yes No No No Champawat c 38.3 66.6 0 305.4 0
137 Khatoli Malli 053890 Yes No No No Champawat c 4.5 9.8 0 379.1 0
138 Bhanauli 053891 Yes No No No Champawat c 49 0 6 15.1 0
139 Dudhori 053892 Yes No No No Champawat c 126.3 0 11.4 0 0
140 Chhatkot 053893 Yes No No No Champawat c 258.2 129.1 0 15 0
141 Dola 053894 Yes No No No Champawat c 12.6 46.5 0 41.3 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
66.6 0 41.7 50.6 0 50.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Dumkhuri 93
55.2 0 0 29.8 0 29.8 0 0 0 0 0 Silang Tak 94
0.5 0 0 17.8 0 17.8 0 0 0 0 0 Nagar Gaon 95
1.3 0 0 11.4 0 11.4 0 0 0 0 0 Lista 96
2.6 20.9 14.1 12.5 0 12.5 0 0 0 0 0 Kanalgaon 97
27.2 0 0 50.6 0 50.6 0 0 0 0 0 Shaktipur 98
0.7 0 0 46.2 0 46.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kaflang 99
8.4 0 4.2 25.3 25.3 0 25.3 0 0 0 0 Rakri Phulara 100
3.2 0 3.4 12.3 0 12.3 0 0 0 0 0 Chowkni Pandey 101
88.1 0 19 60.1 0 60.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chowkni Bora 102
18 0 0 7.7 0 7.7 0 0 0 0 0 Dudh Pokhara 103
2.8 0 5.9 7.3 0 7.3 0 0 0 0 0 Lamkaniya 104
0.6 5 0 12.6 4.4 8.1 2 0 0 0 2.4 Bugga Chowkni 105
10.9 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Giri Punaithi 106
0 0 0 8.4 0 8.4 0 0 0 0 0 Bastiya 107
54.2 0 0 52.1 12.1 40 12.1 0 0 0 0 Lafra 108
1.3 0 0 10.8 0 10.8 0 0 0 0 0 Nayadi 109
100.3 4.3 0 58.6 0 58.6 0 0 0 0 0 Padunga 110
127.5 3.8 0 29.6 0 29.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bastiya Goonth 111
18.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dhyan Bhandar 112
0.9 0.1 0.3 6.4 0 6.4 0 0 0 0 0 Maadli Malli 113
152.9 5.6 0 56.2 3.8 52.4 0 0 0 0 3.8 Sayali 114
7.2 3.6 0 10.4 0 10.4 0 0 0 0 0 Pather Maun 115
2.3 4.3 2.6 42.6 0 42.6 0 0 0 0 0 Dhaun 116
8.8 2.4 1.3 22.8 2.7 20.1 0 0 0 0 2.7 Majhera 117
54.8 0 0 52.6 0.7 51.9 0.7 0 0 0 0 Lara Bora 118
2.6 0 0 7.7 0 7.7 0 0 0 0 0 Baira 119
13.9 0 0 21.3 0 21.3 0 0 0 0 0 Jamrari 120
7.2 0 2.3 9.1 3.7 7.5 3.7 0 0 0 0 Pali 121
8.1 0 1.2 23.2 0 23.2 0 0 0 0 0 Ghurchum 122
1.1 0 0 15.5 5.1 10.4 1 0 4.1 0 0 Kawarsing 123
50.4 7.2 0 64.7 7.1 57.6 7.1 0 0 0 0 Badauli 124
43.7 0 0 15.3 0 15.3 0 0 0 0 0 Sawala 125
0 0 0 6.2 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0 Quarala 126
55.4 1.5 0 19.6 0 19.6 0 0 0 0 0 Nayal 127
4.4 2.3 0 16.2 2.3 13.9 2.3 0 0 0 0 Amaun 128
130 5.4 1.7 129.7 0 129.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bajaun 129
28.8 0 0 95.5 0 95.5 0 0 0 0 0 kot Amori 130
39.6 0 0 28.1 0 28.1 0 0 0 0 0 Hiula 131
25.3 1 7.2 11.2 0 11.2 0 0 0 0 0 Reetha 132
6.2 0 3.1 25.2 0 25.2 0 0 0 0 0 Dayoli (Dhauli) 133
16 23 0 105 2.8 102.2 2.8 0 0 0 0 Pachnai 134
106.3 0 0 108.7 0 108.7 0 0 0 0 0 Vaila 135
9.7 69.2 0 171.6 1.5 170.1 1.5 0 0 0 0 Khatoli Talli 136
134.3 7.3 0 112.9 2.2 110.8 2.2 0 0 0 0 Khatoli Malli 137
1.9 0 0 44.1 0 44.1 0 0 0 0 0 Bhanauli 138
40.1 8 0 73.6 0.4 73.2 0.4 0 0 0 0 Dudhori 139
24.3 0 0 93.4 0.2 93.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 Chhatkot 140
15.2 0 0 40.6 0.1 40.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 Dola 141

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
142 Diyuri 053895 1826.1 1445 346 1 2 2 2 a c
143 Bageri 053896 1516.3 448 94 a 1 1 a b c
144 Kanda 053897 71 299 71 a a a a a c
145 Satkura 053898 42.6 119 26 c 1 1 c c c
146 Kanyura 053899 53.8 118 21 c 1 1 b c c
147 Neerh 053900 553.3 686 143 c 2 1 c c c
148 Ramaila 053901 486.6 547 128 c 2 1 c c c
149 Gor Kholi 053902 99.1 228 46 c 1 1 b c c
150 Boyal 053903 171.9 102 19 c 1 b c c c
151 Talla Kafalta 053904 143.9 128 26 a a a b c c
152 Amgounth 053905 50.7 59 11 a a a b c c
153 Pali 053906 167.2 33 8 a a b c c c
154 Salli 053907 593.4 759 146 b 1 1 b b c
155 Dooni 053908 12.3 0 0
156 Malla Kafalta 053909 293.7 200 33 a 1 a b c c
157 Raisang 053910 92.7 98 22 c a a b c c
158 Khaar 053911 171.2 31 7 a a a b c c
159 Thula Kot 053912 165.2 65 13 c a a c c c
160 Bhula Gaon 053913 117.6 5 1 c a a a c c
161 Haram 053914 140.9 158 31 a 2 b c c c
162 Lawarki 053915 203.6 112 22 b 1 b b c c
163 Manch 053916 262.3 194 47 1 2 2 1 c c
164 Dubar Jainal 053917 564.1 435 81 1 1 1 a c c
165 Gurna Goonth 053918 10 41 12 a a a b c c
166 Ruiya 053919 140.4 117 20 a 1 a a b c
167 Kukrauni 053920 512 116 28 b 2 b c c c
168 Aam Khola 053921 49.4 0 0
169 Gawani 053922 109.6 49 9 b b b b c c
170 Khar Giri 053923 191.9 67 11 a a b b c c
171 Sutola 053924 69.5 39 9 a 1 b b c c
172 Mankanda 053925 383.2 174 32 a 1 a b c c
173 Tamli 053926 430.8 718 175 c 1 1 1 1 c
174 Naag 053927 54.9 64 15 c 1 a a a c
175 Bachkot 053928 265.5 319 77 a 1 a a a c

176 Polap 053929 307.3 289 69 1 1 a a a c

177 Kaari 053930 447.3 339 83 c 1 a a a c
178 Gayal 053931 36.2 14 5 1 c a a c c
179 Rayal 053932 245.4 157 32 c 1 a a a c
180 Simiyauri 053933 236.4 293 76 c 1 1 b b c
181 Ninori 053934 416.8 63 12 c a a b b c
182 Aamni 053935 328.5 327 74 c 1 1 b c c
183 Tarkuli 053936 261 231 68 a 1 a b c c
184 Riyansi Bamangoan 053937 458.6 436 96 a 1 1 a c c
185 Barkum 053938 201.9 231 44 a 1 a c c c
186 Hiyali 053939 84.1 4 1 a a a c c c
187 Bhandar 053940 178.1 100 21 a 1 a c c c
188 Sorai 053941 271.3 191 34 b 1 1 b c c
189 Hartola 053942 111.6 137 24 a a a b c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Diyuri 142
c c c c c c c c Bageri 143
c c c c c c c c Kanda 144
c c c c c c c c Satkura 145
c c c c c c c c Kanyura 146
c c c c c c c c Neerh 147
c c c c c c c c Ramaila 148
c c c c c c c c Gor Kholi 149
c c c c c c c c Boyal 150
c c c c c c c c Talla Kafalta 151
c c c c c c c c Amgounth 152
c c c c c c c c Pali 153
c c c c c c c c Salli 154
Dooni 155
c c c c c c c c Malla Kafalta 156
c c c c c c c c Raisang 157
c c c c c c c c Khaar 158
c c c c c c c c Thula Kot 159
c c c c c c c c Bhula Gaon 160
c c c c c c c c Haram 161
c c c c c c c c Lawarki 162
c c c c c c c c Manch 163
c c c c c c c c Dubar Jainal 164
c c c c c c c c Gurna Goonth 165
c c c c c c c c Ruiya 166
c c c c c c c c Kukrauni 167
Aam Khola 168
c c c c c c c c Gawani 169
c c c c c c c c Khar Giri 170
c c c c c c c c Sutola 171
c c c c c c c c Mankanda 172
c c c c c c c c Tamli 173
c c c c c c c c Naag 174
c c c c c c c c Bachkot 175

c c c c c c c c Polap 176
c c c c c c c c Kaari 177
c c c c c c c c Gayal 178
c c c c c c c c Rayal 179
c c c c c c c c Simiyauri 180
c c c c c c c c Ninori 181
c c c c c c c c Aamni 182
c c c c c c c c Tarkuli 183
c c c c c c c c Riyansi Bamangoan 184
c c c c c c c c Barkum 185
c c c c c c c c Hiyali 186
c c c c c c c c Bhandar 187
c c c c c c c c Sorai 188
c c c c c c c c Hartola 189

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
142 Diyuri 053895 c c 1 c c 1 c c 1 c c
143 Bageri 053896 c c c a c c c c c c c
144 Kanda 053897 c c c a c c c c c a a
145 Satkura 053898 c c c c c c c c c c a
146 Kanyura 053899 c b c c c c c c c c c
147 Neerh 053900 c c c c c c c c c c c
148 Ramaila 053901 c c c c c c c c c c c
149 Gor Kholi 053902 c b b c c c c c c c c
150 Boyal 053903 c b b c c c c c c c c
151 Talla Kafalta 053904 c b c c c c c c c c c
152 Amgounth 053905 c b c c c c c c c c c
153 Pali 053906 c b c c c c c c c c c
154 Salli 053907 c b b c c c c c c c c
155 Dooni 053908
156 Malla Kafalta 053909 c b c c c c c c c c c
157 Raisang 053910 c b b c c c c c c c c
158 Khaar 053911 c b b c c c c c c c c
159 Thula Kot 053912 c b b c c c c c c c c
160 Bhula Gaon 053913 c c c c c c c c c c a
161 Haram 053914 c b b c c c c c c c c
162 Lawarki 053915 c b b c c c c c c c c
163 Manch 053916 c 1 1 c c c c c c c c
164 Dubar Jainal 053917 c a a c c c c c c c c
165 Gurna Goonth 053918 c b c c c c c c c c c
166 Ruiya 053919 c b c c c c c c c c c
167 Kukrauni 053920 c c c c c c c c c c c
168 Aam Khola 053921
169 Gawani 053922 c b b c c c c c c c c
170 Khar Giri 053923 c b b c c c c c c c c
171 Sutola 053924 c b b c c c c c c c c
172 Mankanda 053925 c b c c c c c c c c c
173 Tamli 053926 c c 1 c c c c c c 1 1
174 Naag 053927 c c c c c c c c c c c
175 Bachkot 053928 c c c c c c c c c c a

176 Polap 053929 c c c c c c c c c c a

177 Kaari 053930 c c c c c c c c c c c
178 Gayal 053931 c c c c c c c c b c b
179 Rayal 053932 c c c c c c c c c c a
180 Simiyauri 053933 c c c c c c c c b c b
181 Ninori 053934 c c b c c c c c c c b
182 Aamni 053935 c c c c c c c c c c c
183 Tarkuli 053936 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
184 Riyansi Bamangoan 053937 c c c c c c c c c c c
185 Barkum 053938 c c c c c c c c c c c
186 Hiyali 053939 c c c c c c c c c c c
187 Bhandar 053940 c c c c c c c c c c c
188 Sorai 053941 c b b c c c c c c c c
189 Hartola 053942 c b b c c c c c c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 1 1 1 3 2 0 Diyuri 142
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bageri 143
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kanda 144
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Satkura 145
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kanyura 146
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Neerh 147
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Ramaila 148
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Gor Kholi 149
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Boyal 150
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Talla Kafalta 151
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Amgounth 152
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pali 153
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Salli 154
Dooni 155
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Malla Kafalta 156
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Raisang 157
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khaar 158
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Thula Kot 159
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhula Gaon 160
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Haram 161
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lawarki 162
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Manch 163
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Dubar Jainal 164
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gurna Goonth 165
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ruiya 166
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kukrauni 167
Aam Khola 168
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gawani 169
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khar Giri 170
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Sutola 171
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Mankanda 172
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Tamli 173
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Naag 174
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bachkot 175

0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Polap 176
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Kaari 177
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gayal 178
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Rayal 179
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Simiyauri 180
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ninori 181
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Aamni 182
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Tarkuli 183
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Riyansi Bamangoan 184
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Barkum 185
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Hiyali 186
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhandar 187
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Sorai 188
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Hartola 189

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
142 Diyuri 053895 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
143 Bageri 053896 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
144 Kanda 053897 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
145 Satkura 053898 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
146 Kanyura 053899 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
147 Neerh 053900 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
148 Ramaila 053901 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
149 Gor Kholi 053902 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
150 Boyal 053903 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
151 Talla Kafalta 053904 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
152 Amgounth 053905 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
153 Pali 053906 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
154 Salli 053907 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
155 Dooni 053908
156 Malla Kafalta 053909 No Yes No No No No No No No No No No
157 Raisang 053910 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
158 Khaar 053911 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
159 Thula Kot 053912 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
160 Bhula Gaon 053913 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
161 Haram 053914 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
162 Lawarki 053915 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
163 Manch 053916 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
164 Dubar Jainal 053917 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
165 Gurna Goonth 053918 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
166 Ruiya 053919 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
167 Kukrauni 053920 No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
168 Aam Khola 053921
169 Gawani 053922 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
170 Khar Giri 053923 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
171 Sutola 053924 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
172 Mankanda 053925 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
173 Tamli 053926 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
174 Naag 053927 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
175 Bachkot 053928 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No

176 Polap 053929 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No

177 Kaari 053930 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
178 Gayal 053931 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
179 Rayal 053932 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
180 Simiyauri 053933 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
181 Ninori 053934 Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No
182 Aamni 053935 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
183 Tarkuli 053936 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
184 Riyansi Bamangoan 053937 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
185 Barkum 053938 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
186 Hiyali 053939 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
187 Bhandar 053940 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
188 Sorai 053941 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
189 Hartola 053942 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c Yes c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c b c c c c Diyuri 142
c a c 262523 c b Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bageri 143
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Kanda 144
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Satkura 145
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kanyura 146
c Yes c 262523 Yes c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Neerh 147
c Yes c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c b c c c c Ramaila 148
c b c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c b c c c c Gor Kholi 149
c b c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c b c c c c Boyal 150
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Talla Kafalta 151
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Amgounth 152
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Pali 153
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Salli 154
Dooni 155
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Malla Kafalta 156
c b c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c a c c c c Raisang 157
c b c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c a c c c c Khaar 158
c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c a c c c c Thula Kot 159
c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c a c c c c Bhula Gaon 160
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c a c c c c Haram 161
c b c 262582 c c c c c c c c a c c c c Lawarki 162
c Yes c 262523 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Manch 163
c a c 262523 c c c c c c c c a c c c c Dubar Jainal 164
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Gurna Goonth 165
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Ruiya 166
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c b c c c c c c c Kukrauni 167
Aam Khola 168
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Gawani 169
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Khar Giri 170
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Sutola 171
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Mankanda 172
c Yes c 262523 Yes c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Tamli 173
c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Naag 174
c Yes c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Bachkot 175

c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c Yes Polap 176

c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Kaari 177
c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c a c c c c Gayal 178
c Yes c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c a c c c c Rayal 179
c Yes c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Simiyauri 180
c a c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Ninori 181
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Aamni 182
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Tarkuli 183
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c c c c c c Riyansi Bamangoan 184
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c c c c c c Barkum 185
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c c c c c c Hiyali 186
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c c c c c c Bhandar 187
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Sorai 188
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Hartola 189

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
142 Diyuri 053895 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes Yes c Yes b c b
143 Bageri 053896 c c c c c Yes Yes c Yes b c b
144 Kanda 053897 Yes a a a a a a c Yes Yes c Yes
145 Satkura 053898 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
146 Kanyura 053899 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
147 Neerh 053900 c Yes c Yes b b b c Yes c c c
148 Ramaila 053901 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
149 Gor Kholi 053902 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
150 Boyal 053903 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
151 Talla Kafalta 053904 c b c b b b b c Yes b c c
152 Amgounth 053905 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
153 Pali 053906 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
154 Salli 053907 b c b b b b b c Yes c c c
155 Dooni 053908
156 Malla Kafalta 053909 c b c b b b b c Yes b c c
157 Raisang 053910 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
158 Khaar 053911 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
159 Thula Kot 053912 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
160 Bhula Gaon 053913 c c c c Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
161 Haram 053914 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
162 Lawarki 053915 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
163 Manch 053916 c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes
164 Dubar Jainal 053917 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
165 Gurna Goonth 053918 c b c b b b b c Yes b c c
166 Ruiya 053919 c b c b b b b c Yes b c c
167 Kukrauni 053920 b b b c c c c c Yes c c c
168 Aam Khola 053921
169 Gawani 053922 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
170 Khar Giri 053923 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
171 Sutola 053924 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
172 Mankanda 053925 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
173 Tamli 053926 c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c b
174 Naag 053927 c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
175 Bachkot 053928 c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c b

176 Polap 053929 c Yes c a Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c b

177 Kaari 053930 c Yes c a Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c a
178 Gayal 053931 c a c a a a a c Yes c c a
179 Rayal 053932 c a c c c c c c Yes c c b
180 Simiyauri 053933 c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
181 Ninori 053934 c c c c Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
182 Aamni 053935 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
183 Tarkuli 053936 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
184 Riyansi Bamangoan 053937 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
185 Barkum 053938 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
186 Hiyali 053939 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
187 Bhandar 053940 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
188 Sorai 053941 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
189 Hartola 053942 c b c b b b b c Yes c c b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
b Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Diyuri 142
b Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Bageri 143
c a a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes a c Kanda 144
c b c c c c a c b c c c c c c c a c Satkura 145
c a c c c c b c a c c c c c c c a c Kanyura 146
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Neerh 147
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Ramaila 148
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c b b Gor Kholi 149
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c b c c c a a Boyal 150
c Yes c c c c a c b c c c b c c c a a Talla Kafalta 151
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Amgounth 152
c a b c c c a c a c c c c c c c a b Pali 153
c Yes c c c c Yes c c c c c c c c c Yes c Salli 154
Dooni 155
c a c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c Yes c Malla Kafalta 156
Yes a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a a Raisang 157
c b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b b Khaar 158
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a a Thula Kot 159
Yes Yes c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Bhula Gaon 160
Yes Yes c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Haram 161
Yes a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c b b Lawarki 162
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a c Manch 163
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Dubar Jainal 164
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Gurna Goonth 165
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Ruiya 166
c b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Kukrauni 167
Aam Khola 168
Yes b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Gawani 169
Yes b c b c c b c b c c c c c c c a c Khar Giri 170
Yes b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Sutola 171
Yes b c b c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Mankanda 172
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Tamli 173
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a a Naag 174
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a Yes Bachkot 175

Yes Yes c c c b Yes c a c c c c c c c a Yes Polap 176

Yes Yes c c c b Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Kaari 177
a a c c c b a c a c c c c c c c a a Gayal 178
Yes a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Rayal 179
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Simiyauri 180
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a a Ninori 181
Yes Yes c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes c Aamni 182
Yes a c c c b a c a c c c c c c c a c Tarkuli 183
c c c c c b c c c c c c c c c c Yes c Riyansi Bamangoan 184
c a c c c b c c c c c c c c c c a c Barkum 185
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Hiyali 186
Yes a c c c c a c a c c c b c c c a c Bhandar 187
Yes a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes c Sorai 188
Yes Yes c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Hartola 189

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
142 Diyuri 053895 Yes Yes No No Champawat c 936.3 333.4 10.5 190.8 0
143 Bageri 053896 Yes No No No Champawat c 1121.3 108.6 0 129.2 0
144 Kanda 053897 Yes No No No Champawat c 20.8 1.4 0 26 0
145 Satkura 053898 No No No No Champawat c 22.6 3.5 0 0 0
146 Kanyura 053899 No No No No Champawat c 8.7 3 0 23.4 0
147 Neerh 053900 Yes No No No Champawat c 36.6 15.9 0 91.1 0
148 Ramaila 053901 Yes No No No Champawat c 19.9 18.1 6.4 65.2 0
149 Gor Kholi 053902 Yes No No No Champawat c 30.3 5.4 19.6 1.4 0
150 Boyal 053903 Yes No No No Champawat c 39.3 5.1 0.6 58.7 0
151 Talla Kafalta 053904 Yes No No No Champawat c 16 0.6 5.8 85.4 0
152 Amgounth 053905 No No No No Champawat c 11.7 4.8 0 14.6 0
153 Pali 053906 No No No No Champawat c 97.5 0.5 1.8 35.1 0
154 Salli 053907 Yes No No No Champawat c 99.5 14.2 0 350.2 0
155 Dooni 053908 Champawat c 8.3 0.2 0 0.1 0
156 Malla Kafalta 053909 Yes No No No Champawat c 46.9 31.8 1.7 168.6 0
157 Raisang 053910 Yes No No No Champawat c 26.9 2.6 0 0 0
158 Khaar 053911 Yes No No No Champawat c 35.5 6.1 56.3 35.2 0
159 Thula Kot 053912 Yes No No No Champawat c 35.3 2.2 4.8 49.1 0
160 Bhula Gaon 053913 Yes No No No Champawat c 16.2 2 36.7 6.3 0
161 Haram 053914 Yes No No No Champawat c 60.8 0 1.2 47.8 0
162 Lawarki 053915 No No No No Champawat c 107.8 0 6.6 13.3 0
163 Manch 053916 Yes No No No Champawat c 50.2 0 5.5 29.8 0
164 Dubar Jainal 053917 Yes No No No Champawat c 30.6 19 162.1 273 0
165 Gurna Goonth 053918 Yes No No No Champawat c 3.1 0.6 0.1 0.8 0
166 Ruiya 053919 No No No No Champawat c 22.8 0.4 2.7 77.3 0
167 Kukrauni 053920 No No No No Champawat c 367.7 11 11.6 46.9 0
168 Aam Khola 053921 Champawat c 22.6 1.4 0 17.5 0
169 Gawani 053922 No No No No Champawat c 49.9 0 1.6 27.6 0
170 Khar Giri 053923 No No No No Champawat c 49.4 0 5.5 97.5 0
171 Sutola 053924 Yes No No No Champawat c 37.7 0 0.3 3.1 0
172 Mankanda 053925 Yes No No No Champawat c 104.7 0 1 113.2 0
173 Tamli 053926 Yes No No No Champawat c 38.3 7.6 8.4 170.8 0
174 Naag 053927 Yes No No No Champawat c 23.2 0.9 0.7 0.9 0
175 Bachkot 053928 Yes No No No Champawat c 12.4 5.8 0 0 0

176 Polap 053929 Yes No No No Champawat c 28.5 13.8 20.8 100.6 0

177 Kaari 053930 Yes No No No Champawat c 149.4 11.7 52.2 67.9 0
178 Gayal 053931 Yes No No No Champawat c 5.7 0.1 5 5.8 0
179 Rayal 053932 Yes No No No Champawat c 23 10.2 0 0 0
180 Simiyauri 053933 Yes No No No Champawat c 13.2 0.7 151.9 0 0
181 Ninori 053934 Yes No No No Champawat c 13.6 6.3 0 233.5 0
182 Aamni 053935 Yes No No No Champawat c 109.5 0 1.9 119 0
183 Tarkuli 053936 Yes No No No Champawat c 70.6 0 14.7 10.1 0
184 Riyansi Bamangoan 053937 Yes No No No Champawat c 141.5 0 35.2 144.8 0
185 Barkum 053938 Yes No No No Champawat c 59.8 0 9.4 54.3 0
186 Hiyali 053939 No No No No Champawat c 45.9 0 0.8 0 0
187 Bhandar 053940 No No No No Champawat c 92.5 0 3.8 9.8 0
188 Sorai 053941 No No No No Champawat c 12.6 0 8.5 197.7 0
189 Hartola 053942 No No No No Champawat c 11.7 0 0.5 64.6 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
47.8 19 0 288.3 1.3 287 1.3 0 0 0 0 Diyuri 142
42.5 0 7 107.6 0.7 107 0.7 0 0 0 0 Bageri 143
9 0 0 13.8 0.1 13.7 0.1 0 0 0 0 Kanda 144
0 0 10.2 6.3 0 6.3 0 0 0 0 0 Satkura 145
0 0 0 18.7 0 18.7 0 0 0 0 0 Kanyura 146
90.5 0 4 315.2 0 315.2 0 0 0 0 0 Neerh 147
293.8 3.1 0 80.2 0 80.2 0 0 0 0 0 Ramaila 148
0 2 0 40.4 0 40.4 0 0 0 0 0 Gor Kholi 149
28.4 3.1 0 36.7 0 36.7 0 0 0 0 0 Boyal 150
0 0 0 36.2 0 36.2 0 0 0 0 0 Talla Kafalta 151
0 0 0 19.6 0 19.6 0 0 0 0 0 Amgounth 152
0 0 0 32.3 0 32.3 0 0 0 0 0 Pali 153
0 0 0 129.6 15.4 114.2 15.4 0 0 0 0 Salli 154
0 3.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dooni 155
0 0 0 44.8 0 44.8 0 0 0 0 0 Malla Kafalta 156
35.7 2 0 25.5 0 25.5 0 0 0 0 0 Raisang 157
3 2.2 0 32.8 0 32.8 0 0 0 0 0 Khaar 158
8.3 1.5 0 64 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 Thula Kot 159
30.2 0 0 26.2 0 26.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bhula Gaon 160
0.6 0 15.3 15.8 0 15.8 0 0 0 0 0 Haram 161
26.7 0 25.7 23.5 0 23.5 0 0 0 0 0 Lawarki 162
99.2 0 50.7 26.8 0 26.8 0 0 0 0 0 Manch 163
14.2 5.1 0 60.2 0 60.2 0 0 0 0 0 Dubar Jainal 164
0 0 0 5.4 0 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 Gurna Goonth 165
0 0 0 37.1 0 37.1 0 0 0 0 0 Ruiya 166
0 34 10.2 30.5 8.2 22.3 8.2 0 0 0 0 Kukrauni 167
0 7.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aam Khola 168
0.1 0 16.5 13.9 0 13.9 0 0 0 0 0 Gawani 169
12.8 0 10.6 16.2 0 16.2 0 0 0 0 0 Khar Giri 170
3.8 0 16 8.7 0 8.7 0 0 0 0 0 Sutola 171
93.4 0 20.9 49.9 0 49.9 0 0 0 0 0 Mankanda 172
56.6 0 0 149.1 0 149.1 0 0 0 0 0 Tamli 173
6 0 0 23.1 0 23.1 0 0 0 0 0 Naag 174
135.5 0 0 111.7 0 111.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bachkot 175

59 0 0 84.7 0 84.7 0 0 0 0 0 Polap 176

64.8 0 0 101.4 0 101.4 0 0 0 0 0 Kaari 177
0 0 0 19.6 0 19.6 0 0 0 0 0 Gayal 178
152.3 0 0 59.9 0 59.9 0 0 0 0 0 Rayal 179
5.2 0 0 65.4 0 65.4 0 0 0 0 0 Simiyauri 180
38.8 55.6 0 69 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 Ninori 181
0.5 0 21 76.6 0 76.6 0 0 0 0 0 Aamni 182
98.8 0 16.6 50.2 0 16.6 0 0 0 0 0 Tarkuli 183
1.7 0 67.2 68.2 0 67.2 0 0 0 0 0 Riyansi Bamangoan 184
0.9 0 18.3 59.3 0 59.3 0 0 0 0 0 Barkum 185
11.9 0 15.9 9.5 0 9.5 0 0 0 0 0 Hiyali 186
47.2 0 10.2 14.6 0 14.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bhandar 187
0.4 0 12.6 39.4 0 39.4 0 0 0 0 0 Sorai 188
0 0 14.4 20.4 0 20.4 0 0 0 0 0 Hartola 189

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
190 Bakora 053943 292.3 243 46 b 1 1 b c c
191 Akeri 053944 44 13 3 a a a b c c
192 Mosta 053945 301.6 198 37 a a a c c c
193 Amora 053946 101.9 161 33 a 1 1 b c c
194 Birgola 053947 78.3 84 23 1 a a a a c
195 Kakanai 054390 306.2 742 104 b 1 1 1 c c
196 Danda 054391 287.1 251 45 a 1 a a c c
197 Danda Lohar Julla 054392 11 228 35 a 1 a a c c
198 Bunga Durga Pipal 054393 21.3 88 15 b 1 b b c c
199 Sukni 054394 265.7 192 29 b b b c c c
200 Bakoria 054395 145.1 134 24 a a a c c c
201 Naula Pani 054396 442.7 345 60 c 1 1 c c c
202 Jhala Kudi 054397 152.8 593 98 a 1 a c c c
203 Silaar 054398 155.2 283 62 b 1 b b b c
204 Udali 054399 290.5 181 36 b 1 b c c c
205 Khurklaizer 054400 50.6 51 11 a a b b b c
206 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 054401 16.4 44 8 a a c c c c
207 Bhariyas 054402 62.5 85 13 a a a c c c
208 Lodda 054403 48 0 0
209 Kot Kendri 054404 161.3 53 10 c 1 1 c c c
210 Poth 054405 351.2 571 95 c 2 2 c c c
211 Kharayat 054406 21.5 49 7 a a a a c c
212 Kamayun 054407 32.7 0 0
213 Chuka 054408 37.1 115 21 b 1 b c c c
214 Kharra Gunth 054409 122.4 0 0

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

215 Poorangiri Mafi 054410 8.8 92 15 b 1 b c c c
216 Kalsuniya 054411 33.7 0 0
217 Gangseer 054412 28.6 47 10 b 1 b b b c
218 Baman Jaol 054413 22.3 147 25 a a a a a c
219 Chaura Kot 054414 313 221 39 a 2 a b b c
220 Bayala 054415 340.3 119 18 a 1 a c c c
221 Taliya Baj 054416 268.7 231 43 c 1 1 c c c
222 Buram 054417 130.4 351 60 c 1 1 c c c
223 Mathiya Baj 054418 742.2 517 91 b 1 b b c c
224 Dhura 054419 462 534 104 b 1 1 b b c
225 Jaul 054420 178.2 545 109 a 1 1 1 1 c
226 Shukhi Dhang 054421 1.2 21 4 a a a a c c
227 Kanda 054422 44.6 163 28 a 1 a a a c
228 Sayala 054423 183.2 352 75 a 1 a a a c
229 Nigali 054424 45.7 63 16 b 1 b b b c
230 Sanmura Gunth 054425 6 0 0
231 Kaulikulari 054426 20.2 325 61 b 1 b c c c
232 Taal Gunth 054427 26.6 0 0
233 Bastiya 054428 64.8 710 118 b 1 1 b b b
234 Baramdev 054429 77.1 534 83 b 1 1 1 b b
235 Uchouli Goth 054430 76.7 825 164 b 1 a a b b
236 Gainda Khali No1 054431 24.3 228 46 b a a a b b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Bakora 190
c c c c c c c c Akeri 191
c c c c c c c c Mosta 192
c c c c c c c c Amora 193
c c c c c c c c Birgola 194
c c c c c c c c Kakanai 195
c c c c c c c c Danda 196
c c c c c c c c Danda Lohar Julla 197
c c c c c c c c Bunga Durga Pipal 198
c c c c c c c c Sukni 199
c c c c c c c c Bakoria 200
c c c c c c c c Naula Pani 201
c c c c c c c c Jhala Kudi 202
c c c c c c c c Silaar 203
c c c c c c c c Udali 204
c c c c c c c c Khurklaizer 205
c c c c c c c c Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 206
c c c c c c c c Bhariyas 207
Lodda 208
c c c c c c c c Kot Kendri 209
c c c c c c c c Poth 210
c c c c c c c c Kharayat 211
Kamayun 212
c c c c c c c c Chuka 213
Kharra Gunth 214

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

c c c c c c c c Poorangiri Mafi 215
Kalsuniya 216
c c c c c c c c Gangseer 217
c c c c c c c c Baman Jaol 218
c c c c c c c c Chaura Kot 219
c c c c c c c c Bayala 220
c c c c c c c c Taliya Baj 221
c c c c c c c c Buram 222
c c c c c c c c Mathiya Baj 223
c c c c c c c c Dhura 224
c c c c c c c c Jaul 225
c c c c c c c c Shukhi Dhang 226
c c c c c c c c Kanda 227
c c c c c c c c Sayala 228
c c c c c c c c Nigali 229
Sanmura Gunth 230
c c c c c c c c Kaulikulari 231
Taal Gunth 232
c c c c b b b c Bastiya 233
c c c c b b b c Baramdev 234
c c c c b b b c Uchouli Goth 235
c c c c b b b c Gainda Khali No1 236

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
190 Bakora 053943 c b b c c c c c c c c
191 Akeri 053944 c b b c c c c c c c c
192 Mosta 053945 c c c c c c c c c c c
193 Amora 053946 c c c c c c c c c c c
194 Birgola 053947 c c c c c c c c c c c
195 Kakanai 054390 c c b b c c c c c c c
196 Danda 054391 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
197 Danda Lohar Julla 054392 c c c a c c c c c c c
198 Bunga Durga Pipal 054393 c c b b c c c c c c c
199 Sukni 054394 c c b b c c c c c c c
200 Bakoria 054395 c c a c c c c c c a a
201 Naula Pani 054396 c b b b b b b b b a c
202 Jhala Kudi 054397 c a a c c c c c a a c
203 Silaar 054398 c b b c c c c c b a b
204 Udali 054399 c b c c c c c c b b c
205 Khurklaizer 054400 c c c c c c c c c c c
206 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 054401 c c c c c c c c c c c
207 Bhariyas 054402 c c c c c c c c c c c
208 Lodda 054403
209 Kot Kendri 054404 c c c c c c c c c c c
210 Poth 054405 c c c c c c c c c c c
211 Kharayat 054406 c c a a c c c c c c c
212 Kamayun 054407
213 Chuka 054408 c c c c c c c c c c c
214 Kharra Gunth 054409

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

215 Poorangiri Mafi 054410 c c c c c c c c c c c
216 Kalsuniya 054411
217 Gangseer 054412 c c c c c c c c c c c
218 Baman Jaol 054413 c c b c c c c c b b b
219 Chaura Kot 054414 c c c c c c c c a a b
220 Bayala 054415 c c a c c c c c b b a
221 Taliya Baj 054416 c c a c c c c c b b a
222 Buram 054417 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
223 Mathiya Baj 054418 c c b c c c c c c c c
224 Dhura 054419 c c a c c c c c b b b
225 Jaul 054420 c c a c c c c c a a a
226 Shukhi Dhang 054421 c c c c c c c c c c c
227 Kanda 054422 c c a c c c c c a a a
228 Sayala 054423 c c b c c c c c b b b
229 Nigali 054424 c c c c c c c c c c b
230 Sanmura Gunth 054425
231 Kaulikulari 054426 c c c c c c c c c c c
232 Taal Gunth 054427
233 Bastiya 054428 b b b b b b b b b b b
234 Baramdev 054429 b b b b b b b b b b b
235 Uchouli Goth 054430 b b b b b b b b b b b
236 Gainda Khali No1 054431 b b b b b b b b b b b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Bakora 190
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Akeri 191
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Mosta 192
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Amora 193
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Birgola 194
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kakanai 195
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Danda 196
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Danda Lohar Julla 197
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bunga Durga Pipal 198
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sukni 199
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bakoria 200
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Naula Pani 201
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Jhala Kudi 202
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Silaar 203
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Udali 204
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khurklaizer 205
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 206
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhariyas 207
Lodda 208
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kot Kendri 209
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Poth 210
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kharayat 211
Kamayun 212
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chuka 213
Kharra Gunth 214

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Poorangiri Mafi 215
Kalsuniya 216
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gangseer 217
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Baman Jaol 218
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chaura Kot 219
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bayala 220
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Taliya Baj 221
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Buram 222
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Mathiya Baj 223
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dhura 224
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Jaul 225
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Shukhi Dhang 226
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kanda 227
1 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sayala 228
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nigali 229
Sanmura Gunth 230
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kaulikulari 231
Taal Gunth 232
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bastiya 233
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Baramdev 234
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Uchouli Goth 235
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gainda Khali No1 236

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
190 Bakora 053943 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
191 Akeri 053944 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
192 Mosta 053945 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
193 Amora 053946 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
194 Birgola 053947 Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
195 Kakanai 054390 Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No
196 Danda 054391 Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No
197 Danda Lohar Julla 054392 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
198 Bunga Durga Pipal 054393 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
199 Sukni 054394 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
200 Bakoria 054395 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
201 Naula Pani 054396 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
202 Jhala Kudi 054397 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
203 Silaar 054398 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
204 Udali 054399 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
205 Khurklaizer 054400 No No No No No No No No No No No No
206 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 054401 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
207 Bhariyas 054402 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
208 Lodda 054403
209 Kot Kendri 054404 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
210 Poth 054405 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
211 Kharayat 054406 No No No No No No Yes No No No No No
212 Kamayun 054407
213 Chuka 054408 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
214 Kharra Gunth 054409

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

215 Poorangiri Mafi 054410 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
216 Kalsuniya 054411
217 Gangseer 054412 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
218 Baman Jaol 054413 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
219 Chaura Kot 054414 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
220 Bayala 054415 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
221 Taliya Baj 054416 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
222 Buram 054417 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
223 Mathiya Baj 054418 No No No No No No Yes No No No No No
224 Dhura 054419 No No No No No No No No No No No No
225 Jaul 054420 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
226 Shukhi Dhang 054421 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
227 Kanda 054422 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
228 Sayala 054423 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
229 Nigali 054424 No No No No No No No Yes No No No No
230 Sanmura Gunth 054425
231 Kaulikulari 054426 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
232 Taal Gunth 054427
233 Bastiya 054428 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
234 Baramdev 054429 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
235 Uchouli Goth 054430 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
236 Gainda Khali No1 054431 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c b c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c b c c c c Bakora 190
c b c 262523 c c c c c c c c b c c c c Akeri 191
c c c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c Mosta 192
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c c c c c c Amora 193
c a c 262523 c c c c c c c c a c c c c Birgola 194
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kakanai 195
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Danda 196
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Danda Lohar Julla 197
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bunga Durga Pipal 198
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Sukni 199
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bakoria 200
c b c 262523 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Naula Pani 201
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Jhala Kudi 202
c b c 262523 b Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Silaar 203
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c b c c c c c c c Udali 204
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Khurklaizer 205
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 206
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bhariyas 207
Lodda 208
c Yes c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kot Kendri 209
a a c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Poth 210
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kharayat 211
Kamayun 212
c b c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Chuka 213
Kharra Gunth 214

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

c b c 262523 c Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c Poorangiri Mafi 215
Kalsuniya 216
c b c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Gangseer 217
c a c 262523 b b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Baman Jaol 218
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chaura Kot 219
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Bayala 220
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c b c c c c c c c Taliya Baj 221
c c c 262523 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Buram 222
c c c 262523 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Mathiya Baj 223
c b c 262523 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Dhura 224
c a c 262523 Yes a Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Jaul 225
c Yes c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Shukhi Dhang 226
c Yes c 262523 Yes c Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Kanda 227
c Yes c 262523 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Sayala 228
c b c 262523 c b Yes c c c c c c c c c c Nigali 229
Sanmura Gunth 230
c b c 262523 Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes c c c c Kaulikulari 231
Taal Gunth 232
b b b 262309 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b b Yes Yes b Bastiya 233
b b b 262309 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b b Yes Yes b Baramdev 234
b b b 262523 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b b Yes Yes b Uchouli Goth 235
b b b 262523 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b b Yes Yes b Gainda Khali No1 236

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
190 Bakora 053943 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
191 Akeri 053944 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
192 Mosta 053945 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
193 Amora 053946 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
194 Birgola 053947 c c c c c c c c Yes c c b
195 Kakanai 054390 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
196 Danda 054391 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
197 Danda Lohar Julla 054392 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
198 Bunga Durga Pipal 054393 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
199 Sukni 054394 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
200 Bakoria 054395 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
201 Naula Pani 054396 a a a a a Yes Yes c Yes c c c
202 Jhala Kudi 054397 a a a a a Yes Yes c Yes c c c
203 Silaar 054398 Yes a Yes a a Yes Yes c Yes c c b
204 Udali 054399 b b b b b Yes b c Yes c c c
205 Khurklaizer 054400 b b b b b b b c Yes c c c
206 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 054401 c c c c c c c c Yes a a a
207 Bhariyas 054402 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
208 Lodda 054403
209 Kot Kendri 054404 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
210 Poth 054405 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
211 Kharayat 054406 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
212 Kamayun 054407
213 Chuka 054408 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
214 Kharra Gunth 054409

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

215 Poorangiri Mafi 054410 c a c c c c c c Yes c c c
216 Kalsuniya 054411
217 Gangseer 054412 b b b b b b b c Yes c c c
218 Baman Jaol 054413 b Yes b b b Yes a c Yes c c b
219 Chaura Kot 054414 a a a Yes a Yes a c Yes c c a
220 Bayala 054415 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes c c b
221 Taliya Baj 054416 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes c c b
222 Buram 054417 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
223 Mathiya Baj 054418 b b b b b b b c Yes c c b
224 Dhura 054419 b b b b b Yes Yes c Yes c c b
225 Jaul 054420 Yes Yes b b Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c a
226 Shukhi Dhang 054421 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes c c Yes
227 Kanda 054422 a Yes a a a a a c Yes c c a
228 Sayala 054423 b Yes b b a Yes Yes c Yes b c b
229 Nigali 054424 b b b b b b b c Yes c c b
230 Sanmura Gunth 054425
231 Kaulikulari 054426 c c c Yes Yes b Yes c Yes c c c
232 Taal Gunth 054427
233 Bastiya 054428 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b b
234 Baramdev 054429 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes b b b
235 Uchouli Goth 054430 b b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes b b b
236 Gainda Khali No1 054431 b b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
Yes Yes c b c c a c a c c c b c c c Yes c Bakora 190
Yes Yes c c c c a c a c c c b c c c a a Akeri 191
Yes Yes c c c c a c a c c c b c c c a c Mosta 192
Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c a c Amora 193
Yes a c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a a Birgola 194
c c c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c a c Kakanai 195
c Yes c c c c Yes c c c c c c c c c Yes c Danda 196
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a c Danda Lohar Julla 197
c b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Bunga Durga Pipal 198
c b b c c c a c b c c c c c c c a c Sukni 199
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Bakoria 200
Yes a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Naula Pani 201
Yes a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes c Jhala Kudi 202
Yes b c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c Yes b b Silaar 203
Yes b c c c c c c b c c c c c c b Yes c Udali 204
c b c c c c c c c c c c c c c c a b Khurklaizer 205
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 206
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Bhariyas 207
Lodda 208
c c c c c c b c b b b b b b b b Yes c Kot Kendri 209
c b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b c Poth 210
c Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a c Kharayat 211
Kamayun 212
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c b c Chuka 213
Kharra Gunth 214

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

c a c c c c a c c c c c c c c c Yes c Poorangiri Mafi 215
Kalsuniya 216
c b c c c c Yes c c c c c c c c c Yes a Gangseer 217
Yes b c c c c a c b c c c c c c Yes b b Baman Jaol 218
Yes a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes b Chaura Kot 219
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c b a b Bayala 220
Yes a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a b Taliya Baj 221
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Buram 222
c b b c c c Yes c a c c c c c c b Yes b Mathiya Baj 223
Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes c c c c c c b b b Dhura 224
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c Yes a a Jaul 225
Yes a c c c c a c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes a Shukhi Dhang 226
a a c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c a a a Kanda 227
a Yes c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c Yes Yes b Sayala 228
b b c c c c a c c c c c c c c c a b Nigali 229
Sanmura Gunth 230
c Yes c c c c b Yes a c c c c c c c a c Kaulikulari 231
Taal Gunth 232
Yes b b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes b Bastiya 233
Yes b b b b b Yes b Yes b Yes b b b b Yes Yes b Baramdev 234
Yes b b b b b Yes b Yes b Yes b b b b Yes b b Uchouli Goth 235
Yes b b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes b Gainda Khali No1 236

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
190 Bakora 053943 Yes No No No Champawat c 121.1 0 5.4 29.5 0
191 Akeri 053944 No No No No Champawat c 35.9 0 0.5 1.7 0
192 Mosta 053945 No No No No Champawat c 99.2 0 15.8 0.7 0
193 Amora 053946 Yes No No No Champawat c 4.6 0 6.6 28.2 0
194 Birgola 053947 Yes No No No Champawat c 14.5 1.7 19.6 22.5 0
195 Kakanai 054390 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 85.3 9.3 7.8 102.8 0
196 Danda 054391 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0.6 5.3 81 0
197 Danda Lohar Julla 054392 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 1.6 0.3 2.3 0
198 Bunga Durga Pipal 054393 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0.2 1.6 2.3 0
199 Sukni 054394 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 1.7 25.2 207.7 0
200 Bakoria 054395 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 5.3 8.7 92.2 0
201 Naula Pani 054396 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 236.5 2 44.2 60.6 0
202 Jhala Kudi 054397 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 64.4 1.5 3.3 0 0
203 Silaar 054398 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 93.9 5.4 12.7 0 0
204 Udali 054399 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 158.6 4.5 5.6 0 0
205 Khurklaizer 054400 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 14.7 0.4 27.4 0.9 0
206 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 054401 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 7.5 0 3.6 0 0
207 Bhariyas 054402 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 17.6 7.8 17.4 0.4 0
208 Lodda 054403 Tanakpur c 26.6 0.3 13.4 4.8 0
209 Kot Kendri 054404 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 28.4 40.8 49.9 2.8 0
210 Poth 054405 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 41.8 205.3 49.4 7.7 0
211 Kharayat 054406 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0.2 3.3 3.8 0
212 Kamayun 054407 Tanakpur c 10.4 5.1 0.7 4.2 0
213 Chuka 054408 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 19.5 4.6 2.5 4.8 0
214 Kharra Gunth 054409 Tanakpur c 70.6 0 0.7 8.7 0

Kailigunth Shri Poornagiri/

215 Poorangiri Mafi 054410 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 3.8 1.1 0 0.9 0
216 Kalsuniya 054411 Tanakpur c 12.2 2.1 12.6 0 0
217 Gangseer 054412 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 20.2 0.6 0 0 0
218 Baman Jaol 054413 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 6.6 0.7 1.5 1.6 0
219 Chaura Kot 054414 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 26.7 2.1 5.6 86.9 0
220 Bayala 054415 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 232.5 1.6 9.4 43.6 0
221 Taliya Baj 054416 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 22.6 1.9 4.4 53.1 0
222 Buram 054417 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 11.4 3.6 2.8 58.6 0
223 Mathiya Baj 054418 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 21.9 38.2 588.9 0
224 Dhura 054419 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 103.5 100 0 0 0
225 Jaul 054420 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 20.9 2.7 1.7 73.4 0
226 Shukhi Dhang 054421 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0.2 0.8 0 0 0
227 Kanda 054422 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 19.6 4.1 3.4 2.1 0
228 Sayala 054423 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 81.4 5.4 9.6 0 0
229 Nigali 054424 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 24.3 0.9 10.5 0 0
230 Sanmura Gunth 054425 Tanakpur c 3.6 0.1 0 0 0
231 Kaulikulari 054426 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 9.1 0.1 0 0.2 0
232 Taal Gunth 054427 Tanakpur c 10.6 0 0.1 0 0
233 Bastiya 054428 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 5.8 6.6 1.6 0 25.5
234 Baramdev 054429 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 1.9 3.7 9.7 0 0
235 Uchouli Goth 054430 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0.6 30.4 2.5 0 0
236 Gainda Khali No1 054431 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 5.1 0.6 1.8 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
59.3 0 10.9 66 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 Bakora 190
0 0 3.3 2.6 0 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 Akeri 191
84.1 0 30.6 71.2 0 71.2 0 0 0 0 0 Mosta 192
9 0 15.7 37.7 0 37.7 0 0 0 0 0 Amora 193
0.8 0 0 19.1 0 19.1 0 0 0 0 0 Birgola 194
0.9 0 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 Kakanai 195
59.8 24.9 0 115.6 0 115.6 0 0 0 0 0 Danda 196
0 0 0 6.8 0 6.8 0 0 0 0 0 Danda Lohar Julla 197
0.3 0 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 Bunga Durga Pipal 198
1.1 0 0 29.9 0 29.9 0 0 0 0 0 Sukni 199
1 0 0 38 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 Bakoria 200
15.2 0 0 84.2 0 84.2 0 0 0 0 0 Naula Pani 201
18.1 0 18.1 47.4 25.9 21.4 25.9 0 0 0 0 Jhala Kudi 202
4.4 0 23 15.7 0 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 Silaar 203
0 43.3 50.1 28.4 0 28.4 0 0 0 0 0 Udali 204
0 0 0 7.2 0 7.2 0 0 0 0 0 Khurklaizer 205
0 2.1 0 3.2 0 3.2 0 0 0 0 0 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang 206
0 1 0 18.3 0 18.3 0 0 0 0 0 Bhariyas 207
0 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lodda 208
0 25.1 2.1 12.2 0 12.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kot Kendri 209
0 12.1 4 30.9 10.8 20.1 10.8 0 0 0 0 Poth 210
0 0 0 14.1 0 14.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kharayat 211
0 12.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kamayun 212
0 0 0 5.7 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 5.7 Chuka 213
3 39.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kharra Gunth 214
Kailigunth Shri
Poornagiri/ Poorangiri
0 1.8 0 1.2 1.2 0 1.2 0 0 0 0 Mafi 215
0 6.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kalsuniya 216
0 0 2.4 5.4 0 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 Gangseer 217
0 0 0 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 Baman Jaol 218
8.6 140.1 16.3 26.7 0 26.7 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Kot 219
24.5 0 0 28.8 0 28.8 0 0 0 0 0 Bayala 220
11.5 99.4 61.4 14.5 0 14.5 0 0 0 0 0 Taliya Baj 221
12.6 0 0 41.3 2.7 38.5 2.7 0 0 0 0 Buram 222
2 0 0 91.2 0 91.2 0 0 0 0 0 Mathiya Baj 223
203.5 0 0 55 5 50 5 0 0 0 0 Dhura 224
0 0 9.1 70.4 0 70.4 0 0 0 0 0 Jaul 225
0 0 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Shukhi Dhang 226
0.5 0 0 14.9 0 14.9 0 0 0 0 0 Kanda 227
2.6 0 0 84.1 0 84.1 0 0 0 0 0 Sayala 228
0 2.7 0 7.2 0 7.2 0 0 0 0 0 Nigali 229
0 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanmura Gunth 230
0 8.8 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Kaulikulari 231
0 15.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taal Gunth 232
0 0 0 25.5 25.5 0 12.2 13.2 0 0 0 Bastiya 233
32.6 0 0 29.2 29.2 0 20.2 9 0 0 0 Baramdev 234
3.8 0 0 39.3 39.3 0 28.1 11.2 0 0 0 Uchouli Goth 235
0.7 0 0 16.1 16.1 0 13.6 2.5 0 0 0 Gainda Khali No1 236

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
237 Gainda Khali No3 054432 93.7 675 139 b 1 1 1 b b
238 Suwa Goth 054433 83.4 28 7 a a a a a a
239 Gainda Khali No4 054434 50.4 359 61 a a a a a a
240 Khet Khera 054435 15 200 32 a a a a a a
241 Thawal Khera 054436 58.4 626 138 1 1 a a a a
242 Amiya/ Kalauniya 054437 7.9 0 0

243 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 054438 147.4 3338 687 1 2 2 2 2 a

244 Chheni Malli 054439 12.7 332 71 1 a a a a a
245 Chheni Goth 054440 21.6 339 67 1 1 a a a a

246 Tanakpur 054441 334.6 3367 684 1 4 4 4 4 1

247 Gayan Khera 054442 53.4 1276 267 a a a a a a
248 Mohanpur 054443 40.3 2569 567 1 1 1 1 a a
249 Chheni Talli 054444 25.6 1041 196 1 a a a a a
250 Mochai/ Vichai 054445 155.5 1375 285 1 2 2 1 1 a
251 Manihar Goth 054446 108.4 3067 591 1 2 2 2 2 a
252 Bagdora Hansi 054447 25 316 74 b a a a a b
253 Chela Goth 054448 73.9 0 0
254 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 054449 20.1 111 25 b a a a a a
255 Bagdora Khas 054450 13.1 194 29 b a a a a b
256 Sailanigoth 054451 30.3 628 118 b a a a a b
257 Phagpur 054452 113.2 3568 955 1 2 2 2 2 b
258 Chandani 054453 165.5 2629 821 a 1 1 a a b

259 Bhajanpur 054454 110.9 3748 760 1 3 2 2 2 b

260 Anandpur 054455 26.1 269 54 a a a a a b
261 Kutuwa Patti 054456 48.1 0 0
262 Bamanpuri 054457 69.4 1308 244 a 3 a a a b
263 Devipur 054458 80.5 1533 288 a 1 a a a c
264 Gudami 054459 156.2 1271 263 a 1 1 1 a c
265 Pachpakariya 054460 112.6 2221 469 a 3 3 1 b b
266 Bhaesa Jhala 054461 14.6 538 127 a a a a b c
Block T O T A L : 44438.5 96667 20522 29 184 85 38 20 1

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c b b b c Gainda Khali No3 237
c c c c a a a c Suwa Goth 238
c c c c a a a c Gainda Khali No4 239
c c c c a a a c Khet Khera 240
c c c c a a a c Thawal Khera 241
Amiya/ Kalauniya 242

c c c c c c c c Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 243

c c c c a a a c Chheni Malli 244
c c c c a a a c Chheni Goth 245

1 c c c b b 1 c Tanakpur 246
c c c c a a a c Gayan Khera 247
c c c c c c c c Mohanpur 248
c c c c a a a c Chheni Talli 249
c c c c a a a c Mochai/ Vichai 250
c c c c a a a c Manihar Goth 251
c c c c b b b c Bagdora Hansi 252
Chela Goth 253
c c c c a a a c Devrampur Urf Sitapur 254
c c c c b b b c Bagdora Khas 255
c c c c b b b c Sailanigoth 256
c c c c b b b c Phagpur 257
c c c c b b b c Chandani 258

c c c c b b b c Bhajanpur 259
c c c c b b b c Anandpur 260
Kutuwa Patti 261
c c c c b b b c Bamanpuri 262
c c c c c c c c Devipur 263
c c c c c c c c Gudami 264
c c c c b b b c Pachpakariya 265
c c c c c c c c Bhaesa Jhala 266
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Block T O T A L :

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
237 Gainda Khali No3 054432 b b b b b b b b b b b
238 Suwa Goth 054433 a a a a a a a a a a a
239 Gainda Khali No4 054434 a a a a a a a a a a a
240 Khet Khera 054435 a a a a a a a a a a a
241 Thawal Khera 054436 a a a a a a a a a a a
242 Amiya/ Kalauniya 054437

243 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 054438 c c 1 c c c c c c c c

244 Chheni Malli 054439 a a a a a a a a a a a
245 Chheni Goth 054440 a a a a a a a a a a a

246 Tanakpur 054441 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 1

247 Gayan Khera 054442 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
248 Mohanpur 054443 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
249 Chheni Talli 054444 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
250 Mochai/ Vichai 054445 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
251 Manihar Goth 054446 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
252 Bagdora Hansi 054447 b b b b b b b b b b b
253 Chela Goth 054448
254 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 054449 a a a a a a a a a a a
255 Bagdora Khas 054450 b b b b b b b b b b b
256 Sailanigoth 054451 b b b b b b b b b b b
257 Phagpur 054452 b a 1 b b b b b b b b
258 Chandani 054453 b a 1 a a b a b a a a

259 Bhajanpur 054454 b b 1 b b b b b 1 a b

260 Anandpur 054455 b b a a b b a b a a a
261 Kutuwa Patti 054456
262 Bamanpuri 054457 c c 1 1 c c c c a a b
263 Devipur 054458 c c 1 a c c a c a a c
264 Gudami 054459 c c 1 b c c b c b b c
265 Pachpakariya 054460 b b 1 a b b a b a a b
266 Bhaesa Jhala 054461 c c b b c c b c b b c
Block T O T A L : 1 2 30 6 1 5 1 2 4 1 4

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Gainda Khali No3 237
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Suwa Goth 238
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Gainda Khali No4 239
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khet Khera 240
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Thawal Khera 241
Amiya/ Kalauniya 242

0 1 1 1 3 3 0 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 243

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chheni Malli 244
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chheni Goth 245

0 1 1 1 3 3 0 Tanakpur 246
0 1 1 1 2 1 0 Gayan Khera 247
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Mohanpur 248
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Chheni Talli 249
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Mochai/ Vichai 250
0 1 1 1 2 3 0 Manihar Goth 251
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bagdora Hansi 252
Chela Goth 253
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 254
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bagdora Khas 255
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sailanigoth 256
0 1 1 1 3 3 0 Phagpur 257
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Chandani 258

0 1 1 1 3 3 0 Bhajanpur 259
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Anandpur 260
Kutuwa Patti 261
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Bamanpuri 262
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Devipur 263
0 1 1 1 2 1 0 Gudami 264
0 1 1 1 2 1 0 Pachpakariya 265
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bhaesa Jhala 266
1 18 18 18 430 321 22

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
237 Gainda Khali No3 054432 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
238 Suwa Goth 054433 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
239 Gainda Khali No4 054434 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
240 Khet Khera 054435 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
241 Thawal Khera 054436 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
242 Amiya/ Kalauniya 054437

243 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 054438 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No

244 Chheni Malli 054439 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
245 Chheni Goth 054440 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No

246 Tanakpur 054441 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No

247 Gayan Khera 054442 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
248 Mohanpur 054443 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
249 Chheni Talli 054444 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
250 Mochai/ Vichai 054445 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
251 Manihar Goth 054446 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
252 Bagdora Hansi 054447 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
253 Chela Goth 054448
254 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 054449 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
255 Bagdora Khas 054450 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
256 Sailanigoth 054451 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
257 Phagpur 054452 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No
258 Chandani 054453 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No

259 Bhajanpur 054454 Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No

260 Anandpur 054455 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
261 Kutuwa Patti 054456
262 Bamanpuri 054457 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
263 Devipur 054458 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
264 Gudami 054459 No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No
265 Pachpakariya 054460 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
266 Bhaesa Jhala 054461 No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
226 13 80 30 1 28 36 165 0 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
b b b 262309 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b b Yes Yes b Gainda Khali No3 237
a a a 262309 a Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Suwa Goth 238
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Gainda Khali No4 239
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Khet Khera 240
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Thawal Khera 241
Amiya/ Kalauniya 242

c c c 262309 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes c Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 243
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Chheni Malli 244
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Chheni Goth 245

Yes Yes Yes 262309 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Tanakpur 246
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Gayan Khera 247
c c c 262309 Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Mohanpur 248
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a a Yes Yes a Chheni Talli 249
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes a a a Yes Yes a a Mochai/ Vichai 250
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes a a a Yes Yes a a Manihar Goth 251
b b b 262309 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b Yes b b b Bagdora Hansi 252
Chela Goth 253
a a a 262309 Yes Yes Yes a a a a a a Yes a a a Devrampur Urf Sitapur 254
b b b 262309 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b Yes b b b Bagdora Khas 255
b b b 262309 Yes Yes Yes b b b b b b b b b b Sailanigoth 256
a a b 262310 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes a a a Yes a a a Phagpur 257
b Yes b 262310 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes a a a Yes a a a Chandani 258

b Yes b 262310 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes b b Yes Yes Yes a b Bhajanpur 259
b Yes b 262310 Yes a Yes b b a a c b Yes Yes Yes a Anandpur 260
Kutuwa Patti 261
a a b 262310 Yes Yes Yes b c Yes a c Yes b Yes a a Bamanpuri 262
b b c 262310 Yes a Yes c c c a c c Yes Yes Yes a Devipur 263
b b c 262310 Yes Yes Yes c c b b b b Yes Yes a b Gudami 264
b Yes b 262310 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes a c b Yes c b a Pachpakariya 265
c b c 262310 b b Yes c c b b c b Yes Yes a b Bhaesa Jhala 266
2 26 1 244 81 46 197 4 1 15 1 4 50 16 24 18 1

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
237 Gainda Khali No3 054432 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes b b b
238 Suwa Goth 054433 b b b b b Yes Yes a Yes a a a
239 Gainda Khali No4 054434 a Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes a Yes a a a
240 Khet Khera 054435 a b b b b Yes Yes a Yes a a a
241 Thawal Khera 054436 a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a
242 Amiya/ Kalauniya 054437

243 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 054438 c c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
244 Chheni Malli 054439 a a a Yes a Yes Yes a Yes a a a
245 Chheni Goth 054440 a a a a a Yes a a Yes a a a

246 Tanakpur 054441 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes
247 Gayan Khera 054442 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a
248 Mohanpur 054443 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
249 Chheni Talli 054444 a a a a c Yes a a Yes a a a
250 Mochai/ Vichai 054445 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a
251 Manihar Goth 054446 Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a
252 Bagdora Hansi 054447 a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes b b b
253 Chela Goth 054448
254 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 054449 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a
255 Bagdora Khas 054450 a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes a a a
256 Sailanigoth 054451 a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes b a b
257 Phagpur 054452 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a
258 Chandani 054453 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a

259 Bhajanpur 054454 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes b b
260 Anandpur 054455 a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes b b
261 Kutuwa Patti 054456
262 Bamanpuri 054457 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes b b
263 Devipur 054458 a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a c c
264 Gudami 054459 a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes b b c
265 Pachpakariya 054460 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes b b b
266 Bhaesa Jhala 054461 a a a a a Yes Yes b Yes b b c
34 52 50 68 56 80 74 2 244 6 1 5

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
Yes Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes b Gainda Khali No3 237
Yes b b b b b Yes Yes Yes a Yes b b b b Yes b a Suwa Goth 238
a a a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes Yes a Gainda Khali No4 239
Yes a a a a a Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a a a Yes a a Khet Khera 240
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes a a Thawal Khera 241
Amiya/ Kalauniya 242

Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes a Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 243
Yes a a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes Yes a Chheni Malli 244
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes b a Chheni Goth 245

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a Yes a Yes Yes Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur 246
Yes Yes c a c c Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes b Yes Gayan Khera 247
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes b b Mohanpur 248
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes b a Chheni Talli 249
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes Yes Yes Mochai/ Vichai 250
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes Yes Yes Manihar Goth 251
b Yes b b b a Yes b b b b b b b b Yes Yes Yes Bagdora Hansi 252
Chela Goth 253
a Yes a a a a Yes a a a a a a a a Yes Yes Yes Devrampur Urf Sitapur 254
Yes Yes b b b b Yes a Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes a Bagdora Khas 255
Yes Yes b b b b Yes a a b b b b b b Yes Yes Yes Sailanigoth 256
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes Yes b b b b b Yes Yes Yes Phagpur 257
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes Yes Yes a a a a Yes Yes Yes Chandani 258

b Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b a b b b b Yes Yes b Bhajanpur 259

b a b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes b b Anandpur 260
Kutuwa Patti 261
b a b b b b Yes b Yes b a b b b b Yes Yes b Bamanpuri 262
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c a c c c c Yes a c Devipur 263
b Yes c c c b Yes b Yes c a b c c c Yes Yes c Gudami 264
b Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b a b b b b Yes Yes b Pachpakariya 265
c a c c c c Yes b Yes c a c c c c Yes a c Bhaesa Jhala 266
71 100 4 1 2 1 130 3 98 2 6 1 1 0 0 44 79 26

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
237 Gainda Khali No3 054432 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 3.5 27.9 5.1 0 0
238 Suwa Goth 054433 Yes No No No Tanakpur a 20.9 56.1 2.3 0 1.9
239 Gainda Khali No4 054434 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0.8 2 5 0 20
240 Khet Khera 054435 Yes No No No Tanakpur b 0 2.6 0.8 0 9.3
241 Thawal Khera 054436 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0 18.9 4.3 0 0
242 Amiya/ Kalauniya 054437 Tanakpur c 0 0 5.2 0 0

243 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 054438 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur c 0 35.1 14.5 0 88.1
244 Chheni Malli 054439 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0.6 0 2.8 0 0
245 Chheni Goth 054440 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0 1.5 2.6 0 8.8

246 Tanakpur 054441 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur 16.3 10.3 0 0 91.6
247 Gayan Khera 054442 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0 0.4 10 0 0
248 Mohanpur 054443 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur c 0 0.2 11.1 0 0
249 Chheni Talli 054444 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0 0.1 0.1 0 0
250 Mochai/ Vichai 054445 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 2.7 0 7.4 0 127
251 Manihar Goth 054446 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur a 0.1 0 16.7 0 0
252 Bagdora Hansi 054447 Yes No Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 0 4.1 0 0
253 Chela Goth 054448 Tanakpur b 71.4 0 2.4 0 0
254 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 054449 Yes No No No Tanakpur b 0 0 3.7 0 0
255 Bagdora Khas 054450 Yes No No No Tanakpur b 0 0 2.4 0 0
256 Sailanigoth 054451 Yes No Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 0 2.8 0 0
257 Phagpur 054452 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 3.2 0 12.1 0 0
258 Chandani 054453 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 0 17.7 0 0

259 Bhajanpur 054454 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 19.2 0 0 0

260 Anandpur 054455 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 1.1 0 0 0
261 Kutuwa Patti 054456 Tanakpur b 0 0 4.6 0 0
262 Bamanpuri 054457 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 7.8 0 0 0
263 Devipur 054458 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur c 13.9 0 0 0 0.9
264 Gudami 054459 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur c 11.6 10.8 0 1.8 10.6
265 Pachpakariya 054460 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur b 0 17 0 0 0
266 Bhaesa Jhala 054461 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tanakpur c 14.6 0 0 0 0
223 29 28 27 0 0 12132.7 3144.9 1703.3 8849 404.5

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
3.3 0 0 54 54 0 21.2 32.7 0 0 0 Gainda Khali No3 237
0.2 0 0 1.9 1.9 0 1.9 0 0 0 0 Suwa Goth 238
2.6 0 0 20 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 Gainda Khali No4 239
0.9 0 0 1.3 1.3 0 1.3 0 0 0 0 Khet Khera 240
2.6 0 0 32.5 32.5 0 19.7 12.8 0 0 0 Thawal Khera 241
2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amiya/ Kalauniya 242

9.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera 243

0 0 0 9.2 9.2 0 0 9.2 0 0 0 Chheni Malli 244
0 0 0 8.8 8.8 0 5.4 3.4 0 0 0 Chheni Goth 245

34.6 0 0 181.9 181.9 0 181.9 0 0 0 0 Tanakpur 246

0.3 0 0 42.7 42.7 0 10 32.7 0 0 0 Gayan Khera 247
0 0 0 29.1 29.1 0 19.1 10 0 0 0 Mohanpur 248
0 11.7 0 13.6 13.6 0 0 13.6 0 0 0 Chheni Talli 249
18.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Candle Mochai/ Vichai 250
6.9 0 0 84.7 84.7 0 0 84.7 0 0 0 Manihar Goth 251
5.6 0 0 15.3 15.3 0 0 15.3 0 0 0 Bagdora Hansi 252
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chela Goth 253
4.9 0 0 11.4 11.4 0 0 11.4 0 0 0 Devrampur Urf Sitapur 254
3.9 0 0 6.8 6.8 0 0 6.8 0 0 0 Bagdora Khas 255
6.8 0 0 20.8 20.8 0 0 20.8 0 0 0 Sailanigoth 256
12.6 0 0 85.3 85.3 0 0 85.3 0 0 0 Phagpur 257
6.2 0 0 141.6 141.6 0 0 141.6 0 0 0 Chandani 258

15.4 0 0 76.3 76.3 0 0 76.3 0 0 0 Utencils Bhajanpur 259
1.1 0 0 23.9 23.9 0 0 23.9 0 0 0 Anandpur 260
43.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kutuwa Patti 261
3.5 0 4.3 53.8 53.8 0 53.8 0 0 0 0 Bamanpuri 262
22.4 0 0.2 43.1 43.1 0 0 43.1 0 0 0 Devipur 263
25 0 1.9 94.5 94.5 0 0 94.5 0 0 0 Gudami 264
5 0 0 90.6 90.6 0 0 90.6 0 0 0 Pachpakariya 265
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhaesa Jhala 266
6147 1260.6 1198 9598.8 1506.2 10084 626 844.6 14.8 0

Alphabetical list of Villages
Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Pati Location CodeNo:-0072
1 Amauli 053984 01367400
2 Anarpa 053989 01367900
3 Bagjiwala 054114 01373200
4 Bairakh 054003 01369400
5 Bajbhandari 054120 01374600
6 Balatari 054070 01378700
7 Baligaon 054024 01371600
8 Baman Chapar 053990 01368000
9 Banauli 053976 01366600
10 Banoli Lagga Dungra 053981 01367100
11 Barait 054055 01377200
12 Barmtora 054028 01373800
13 Basanjoga 054006 01369700
14 Basaut 054032 01374200
15 Baswari 053993 01368400
16 Batula Banj 054123 01375300
17 Batuliya 054004 01369500
18 Bayal Bunga 054126 01375600
19 Bhaisarkh 054002 01369300
20 Bham Lagga Mulakot 054017 01370900
21 Bharoli 054109 01372500
22 Bhingrara 054088 01380700
23 Bhonkara 054084 01380300
24 Bhumwari 054056 01377300
25 Bigrakot 054048 01376500
26 Binwal Gaon 054075 01379400
27 Biroli 053980 01367000
28 Bora Chapar 053972 01366200
29 Budarkarya 054121 01374700
30 Bunga Birora 054038 01375100
31 Burush Khola 054063 01378000
32 Chalthiya 054089 01380800
33 Chamtola 053974 01366400
34 Chaura Guth 053960 01365000
35 Chaura Maheta 054091 01381000
36 Chaura Pita 054086 01380500
37 Chaura Sown 054014 01370500
38 Chaurakot 054019 01371100
39 Chhoragaon 054060 01377700
40 Chilniya 054012 01370300
41 Dabri 054082 01380100
42 Dantola 053968 01365800
43 Dashiya 054020 01371200

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
44 Dechmar 053995 01368600
45 Dharson 054083 01380200
46 Dhaunkim Sawar 053964 01365400
47 Dhraug 053999 01369000
48 Dubar Kamlaikh 054062 01377900
49 Dungra Kot 053986 01367600
50 Ejatta Dungra 054025 01371700
51 Fularakot 053969 01365900
52 Gadura 054087 01380600
53 Gagar 053963 01365300
54 Gagrarh 053967 01365700
55 Gambhir Gaon 054124 01375400
56 Garsari 054040 01375700
57 Gawai 053975 01366500
58 Geeju Baswan 053985 01367500
59 Ghahtora 054031 01374100
60 Ghanail 054111 01372700
61 Gharki 054115 01373300
62 Ghigharukot 054001 01369200
63 Ghumali 054112 01373000
64 Golana Seri 054023 01371500
65 Goldanda 054073 01379200
66 Goom 054047 01376400
67 Goshani 054118 01373600
68 Haldua Khark 054027 01372900
69 Harori 054108 01372400
70 Holi Piplati 054037 01375000
71 Jadia Kamad 054068 01378500
72 Jakh 054105 01372100
73 Jakhola 053982 01367200
74 Jamantak 054000 01369100
75 Jankande 054117 01373500
76 Jarauli 054041 01375800
77 Jawlari 054042 01375900
78 Jhalpura 054059 01377600
79 Jhar Sirtoli 054036 01374900
80 Jhudaili 054046 01376300
81 Kajeena 054013 01370400
82 Kamlakh 054035 01374500
83 Kanakot 054110 01372600
84 Kandey 054016 01370800
85 Kanikot 053987 01367700
86 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 053959 01364900
87 Kanwar 053997 01368800
88 Kaphalti 053988 01367800
89 Karauli 054058 01377500

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
90 Karki Chhana 053965 01365500
91 Karwalgaon 054033 01374300
92 Kharhi 054071 01378900
93 Kharni Guth 053978 01366800
94 Khuteli 054104 01372000
95 Kimar 053961 01365100
96 Kimwari 054045 01376200
97 Koond 054049 01376600
98 Kota 054054 01377100
99 Kotna 053983 01367300
100 Kulyal Gaon 054092 01381100
101 Kumaiya Kuda 053992 01368200
102 Kwarala 054078 01379700
103 Lara 054051 01376800
104 Lari 054116 01373400
105 Machhiyar 054093 01381400
106 Madyoli 054090 01380900
107 Mailta 054029 01373900
108 Mairoli 054067 01378400
109 Manar Malla 054122 01374800
110 Manar Talla 054125 01375500
111 Mangal Lekh 054079 01379800
112 Mantande 053966 01365600
113 Maragaon 054034 01374400
114 Mathaila Chhana 053971 01366100
115 Maulanajakh 053973 01366300
116 Maun 054066 01378300
117 Maun Kanda 054021 01371300
118 Mulakot 054015 01370600
119 Naini 054050 01376700
120 Nauliya Gaon 054072 01379000
121 Nayalkot 054008 01369900
122 Niloti 054061 01377800
123 Pakhauti 053998 01368900
124 Pamtola 054044 01376100
125 Pardhayani 054107 01372300
126 Parewa 054085 01380400
127 Parsh 054007 01369800
128 Patangaon 054018 01371000
129 Patharkot 054030 01374000
130 Pati 054043 01376000
131 Patli 054103 01371800
132 Pipal Dhing 053970 01366000
133 Pokhari 054076 01379500
134 Punoli 054009 01370000
135 Ramak 054077 01379600

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
136 Raulgaon 053977 01366700
137 Reetha 054057 01377400
138 Rikholi 054005 01369600
139 Rolmail 054053 01377000
140 Roodauli 054052 01376900
141 Sakdena 054064 01378100
142 Sal 054094 01381500
143 Sango 053994 01368500
144 Sibyoli 054010 01370100
145 Silyori 053958 01364800
146 Simalkhet 054011 01370200
147 Sirkot 054065 01378200
148 Sirmoli 054106 01372200
149 Sirna 054081 01380000
150 Sirtoli 054113 01373100
151 Sundungra 054022 01371400
152 Takbalwari 054069 01378600
153 Takna Gurau 053979 01366900
154 Tanda Malla 054096 01381700
155 Tanda Talla 054095 01381600
156 Tapnipal 054039 01375200
157 Thapla Gunth 053957 01364700
158 Thuwa Mauni 054026 01371900
159 Timla Guth 053991 01368100
160 Tolarankuri 054074 01379300
161 Toli Katheri 053962 01365200
162 Tyarshun 054119 01373700
163 Valik 053996 01368700
164 Varshi 054080 01379900

Village Directory Data of CD Block Pati
Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Pati Location CodeNo:-0072

1 Thapla Gunth 053957 143.3 207 43 a a b c c c

2 Silyori 053958 275.6 742 116 a 1 a b b c

3 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 053959 37.9 154 28 a a a a a c

4 Chaura Guth 053960 151.5 625 103 a 1 1 a a c
5 Kimar 053961 112.2 450 82 a 1 a a c c
6 Toli Katheri 053962 44.9 142 24 a a a a a c
7 Gagar 053963 511.9 955 181 b b a a a c
8 Dhaunkim Sawar 053964 66.8 122 22 a a a c c c
9 Karki Chhana 053965 19.9 49 9 a 1 a c c c
10 Mantande 053966 153.8 325 60 a 1 a a c c
11 Gagrarh 053967 35.3 191 35 a a b b b c
12 Dantola 053968 14.8 32 5 a a a a c c
13 Fularakot 053969 42.9 129 28 c 1 b c c c
14 Pipal Dhing 053970 50.4 160 31 c 1 c c c c
15 Mathaila Chhana 053971 45 16 3 c 1 a a c c
16 Bora Chapar 053972 60.1 225 40 1 1 1 1 1 c
17 Maulanajakh 053973 156 322 63 a 1 a b b c
18 Chamtola 053974 45.5 121 25 a 1 1 a b c
19 Gawai 053975 90.8 348 70 a 1 a a c c
20 Banauli 053976 112.9 559 95 a 1 a c c c
21 Raulgaon 053977 17.6 119 19 c a b b c c
22 Kharni Guth 053978 25.2 177 31 a a a b b c
23 Takna Gurau 053979 14.4 165 34 c 1 b b c c
24 Biroli 053980 28.7 161 31 a 1 1 a b c
25 Banoli Lagga Dungra 053981 19.7 26 6 a a a c c c
26 Jakhola 053982 73.8 267 51 a 1 a a b c
27 Kotna 053983 62.7 277 55 a 1 a a a c
28 Amauli 053984 178.8 608 100 a 1 a a a c
29 Geeju Baswan 053985 108.2 196 28 b 1 b b b c
30 Dungra Kot 053986 118.4 405 71 a 1 a a a c
31 Kanikot 053987 347.6 1058 192 a 1 1 1 a c
32 Kaphalti 053988 44.8 72 14 a a a a a c
33 Anarpa 053989 173.1 295 62 a 1 a b b c
34 Baman Chapar 053990 71.2 88 18 a a b b b c
35 Timla Guth 053991 47.4 218 42 b 1 b b b c
36 Kumaiya Kuda 053992 93.4 66 11 b 1 1 b b c
37 Baswari 053993 117.5 699 115 b 1 1 b b c
38 Sango 053994 91.2 265 46 a 1 a a b c
39 Dechmar 053995 103.3 802 171 1 2 1 1 1 c
40 Valik 053996 211.6 531 97 b 2 b b b c
41 Kanwar 053997 157.7 369 66 a 1 a a a c
42 Pakhauti 053998 60.6 307 49 a a a a a c
43 Dhraug 053999 192.6 445 89 b 2 1 b b c
44 Jamantak 054000 21.8 81 16 a a b b b c
45 Ghigharukot 054001 112.1 94 24 b a a a b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

c c c c c c c c Thapla Gunth 1
c c c c c c c c Silyori 2

c c c c c c c c Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 3

c c c c c c c c Chaura Guth 4
c c c c c c c c Kimar 5
c c c c c c c c Toli Katheri 6
c c c c c c c c Gagar 7
c c c c c c c c Dhaunkim Sawar 8
c c c c c c c c Karki Chhana 9
c c c c c c c c Mantande 10
c c c c c c c c Gagrarh 11
c c c c c c c c Dantola 12
c c c c c c c c Fularakot 13
c c c c c c c c Pipal Dhing 14
c c c c c c c c Mathaila Chhana 15
c c c c c c c c Bora Chapar 16
c c c c c c c c Maulanajakh 17
c c c c c c c c Chamtola 18
c c c c c c c c Gawai 19
c c c c c c c c Banauli 20
c c c c c c c c Raulgaon 21
c c c c c c c c Kharni Guth 22
c c c c c c c c Takna Gurau 23
c c c c c c c c Biroli 24
c c c c c c c c Banoli Lagga Dungra 25
c c c c c c c c Jakhola 26
c c c c c c c c Kotna 27
c c c c c c c c Amauli 28
c c c c c c c c Geeju Baswan 29
c c c c c c c c Dungra Kot 30
c c c c c c c c Kanikot 31
c c c c c c c c Kaphalti 32
c c c c c c c c Anarpa 33
c c c c c c c c Baman Chapar 34
c c c c c c c c Timla Guth 35
c c c c c c c c Kumaiya Kuda 36
c c c c c c c c Baswari 37
c c c c c c c c Sango 38
c c c c c c c c Dechmar 39
c c c c c c c c Valik 40
c c c c c c c c Kanwar 41
c c c c c c c c Pakhauti 42
c c c c c c c c Dhraug 43
c c c c c c c c Jamantak 44
c c c c c c c c Ghigharukot 45

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Pati Location CodeNo:-0072

1 Thapla Gunth 053957 c c c c c c c c c c c

2 Silyori 053958 c c c c c c c c c c a

3 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 053959 c c c c c c c c c c c

4 Chaura Guth 053960 c c c c c c c c c c c
5 Kimar 053961 c c c a c c c c b b b
6 Toli Katheri 053962 c c c c c c c c c c c
7 Gagar 053963 c c c c c c c c c c c
8 Dhaunkim Sawar 053964 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
9 Karki Chhana 053965 c c c c c c c c c c c
10 Mantande 053966 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
11 Gagrarh 053967 c c c c c c c c c c c
12 Dantola 053968 c c c c c c c c c c c
13 Fularakot 053969 c c c c c c c c c c a
14 Pipal Dhing 053970 c c c c c c c c c c 1
15 Mathaila Chhana 053971 c c c c c c c c c c a
16 Bora Chapar 053972 c c c c c c c c b b b
17 Maulanajakh 053973 c b b b c c b b b b b
18 Chamtola 053974 c b b b c b b b b b b
19 Gawai 053975 c c b b c c c b b b b
20 Banauli 053976 c c c c c c c c b b c
21 Raulgaon 053977 c c c c c c c c c c a
22 Kharni Guth 053978 c c b b c b b b b b b
23 Takna Gurau 053979 c c c c c c c c c c c
24 Biroli 053980 c b b b b c c c c c c
25 Banoli Lagga Dungra 053981 c c c c c c c c b b c
26 Jakhola 053982 c c a a c c c c c c c
27 Kotna 053983 c c a a c c c c c c c
28 Amauli 053984 c c b b c c c c c c a
29 Geeju Baswan 053985 c b b b b b c b b b b
30 Dungra Kot 053986 c c a a c c c c c c c
31 Kanikot 053987 c c 1 a c c c c c c c
32 Kaphalti 053988 c c a a c c c c c c c
33 Anarpa 053989 c b b b c c b b b b b
34 Baman Chapar 053990 b b b b c c b b b b b
35 Timla Guth 053991 c c b b c b b b b b b
36 Kumaiya Kuda 053992 c c b b c b b b b b b
37 Baswari 053993 c b b b c c b b b b b
38 Sango 053994 c c a a c c c c c c c
39 Dechmar 053995 c 1 1 c c 1 c c c c 1
40 Valik 053996 b b b c c c c b b b b
41 Kanwar 053997 c c c c c a c c c c a
42 Pakhauti 053998 c c c c c a c c c c a
43 Dhraug 053999 c b b c c b b b b b b
44 Jamantak 054000 c b b b c b b b b b b
45 Ghigharukot 054001 c c a a c c a a c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Thapla Gunth 1
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Silyori 2

0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 3

0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chaura Guth 4
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Kimar 5
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Toli Katheri 6
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Gagar 7
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dhaunkim Sawar 8
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Karki Chhana 9
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Mantande 10
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Gagrarh 11
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dantola 12
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Fularakot 13
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Pipal Dhing 14
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Mathaila Chhana 15
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Bora Chapar 16
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Maulanajakh 17
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chamtola 18
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Gawai 19
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Banauli 20
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Raulgaon 21
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kharni Guth 22
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Takna Gurau 23
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Biroli 24
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Banoli Lagga Dungra 25
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Jakhola 26
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kotna 27
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Amauli 28
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Geeju Baswan 29
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Dungra Kot 30
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Kanikot 31
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kaphalti 32
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Anarpa 33
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Baman Chapar 34
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Timla Guth 35
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Kumaiya Kuda 36
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Baswari 37
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Sango 38
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Dechmar 39
0 0 0 0 2 1 2 Valik 40
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Kanwar 41
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Pakhauti 42
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Dhraug 43
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jamantak 44
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ghigharukot 45

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Pati Location CodeNo:-0072

1 Thapla Gunth 053957 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

2 Silyori 053958 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

3 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 053959 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

4 Chaura Guth 053960 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
5 Kimar 053961 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
6 Toli Katheri 053962 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
7 Gagar 053963 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
8 Dhaunkim Sawar 053964 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
9 Karki Chhana 053965 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
10 Mantande 053966 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
11 Gagrarh 053967 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
12 Dantola 053968 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
13 Fularakot 053969 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
14 Pipal Dhing 053970 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
15 Mathaila Chhana 053971 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
16 Bora Chapar 053972 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
17 Maulanajakh 053973 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
18 Chamtola 053974 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
19 Gawai 053975 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
20 Banauli 053976 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
21 Raulgaon 053977 Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
22 Kharni Guth 053978 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
23 Takna Gurau 053979 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
24 Biroli 053980 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
25 Banoli Lagga Dungra 053981 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
26 Jakhola 053982 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
27 Kotna 053983 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
28 Amauli 053984 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
29 Geeju Baswan 053985 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
30 Dungra Kot 053986 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
31 Kanikot 053987 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
32 Kaphalti 053988 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
33 Anarpa 053989 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
34 Baman Chapar 053990 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
35 Timla Guth 053991 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
36 Kumaiya Kuda 053992 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
37 Baswari 053993 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
38 Sango 053994 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
39 Dechmar 053995 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
40 Valik 053996 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
41 Kanwar 053997 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
42 Pakhauti 053998 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
43 Dhraug 053999 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
44 Jamantak 054000 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
45 Ghigharukot 054001 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1

c b c 262580 c c Yes c c a c c b c c c c Thapla Gunth 1

c a c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Silyori 2

c a c 262580 c a Yes c c a c c c c c c c Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 3

c a c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Chaura Guth 4
c a c 262580 c c Yes c c b c c a c c c c Kimar 5
c a c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Toli Katheri 6
c Yes c 262580 Yes c Yes c c a c c c c c c c Gagar 7
c a c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Dhaunkim Sawar 8
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Karki Chhana 9
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Mantande 10
c a c 262580 a c Yes c c a c c c c c c c Gagrarh 11
c a c 262580 a c Yes c c a c c b c c c c Dantola 12
c b c 262580 b c a c c c c c c c c c c Fularakot 13
c b c 262580 b c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Pipal Dhing 14
c b c 262580 a a Yes c c a c c c c c c c Mathaila Chhana 15
c Yes c 262580 Yes b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Bora Chapar 16
b a b 262580 a a Yes b b b c c a c c c c Maulanajakh 17
b a b 262580 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Chamtola 18
b a b 262580 a b Yes b b c c c b c c c c Gawai 19
c a c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Banauli 20
c b c 262580 a c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Raulgaon 21
b a b 262580 a b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Kharni Guth 22
c b c 262580 a c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Takna Gurau 23
b a a 262580 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Biroli 24
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c b c c c c Banoli Lagga Dungra 25
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Jakhola 26
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kotna 27
c a a 262580 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Amauli 28
c b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Geeju Baswan 29
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Dungra Kot 30
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kanikot 31
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kaphalti 32
c b c 262580 b b b c c b c c c c c c c Anarpa 33
a a a 262580 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Baman Chapar 34
b Yes b 262580 a c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Timla Guth 35
c a b 262580 a b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Kumaiya Kuda 36
b a b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Baswari 37
b Yes b 262580 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Sango 38
c Yes c 262580 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Dechmar 39
b a b 262580 a b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Valik 40
c a c 262582 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Kanwar 41
c a c 262582 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pakhauti 42
b b b 262582 Yes b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Dhraug 43
c a c 262580 a b Yes c c a c c b c c c c Jamantak 44
c a c 262580 a c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Ghigharukot 45

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Pati Location CodeNo:-0072

1 Thapla Gunth 053957 c a a b a a a c Yes c c c

2 Silyori 053958 c c a c c c c c Yes c c c

3 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 053959 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c

4 Chaura Guth 053960 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
5 Kimar 053961 c c b b Yes b b c Yes c c b
6 Toli Katheri 053962 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
7 Gagar 053963 c c c c c c Yes c Yes c c c
8 Dhaunkim Sawar 053964 c c c c Yes c Yes c Yes c c c
9 Karki Chhana 053965 c c c c c Yes c c Yes c c c
10 Mantande 053966 c c c c c Yes c c Yes c c c
11 Gagrarh 053967 c c c c a a a c Yes c c c
12 Dantola 053968 c c c c c b b c Yes c c c
13 Fularakot 053969 a a a a a a a c Yes c c c
14 Pipal Dhing 053970 a a a a a a a c Yes c c c
15 Mathaila Chhana 053971 c c c c c a c c Yes c c c
16 Bora Chapar 053972 c c c b b b b c Yes b c b
17 Maulanajakh 053973 b c b b b Yes b c Yes c c b
18 Chamtola 053974 b c b b b b b c Yes b c b
19 Gawai 053975 c c c c c a c c Yes b c b
20 Banauli 053976 c c c c c b b c Yes c c c
21 Raulgaon 053977 c c c c c Yes c c Yes c c c
22 Kharni Guth 053978 b b b b b a b c Yes b c b
23 Takna Gurau 053979 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
24 Biroli 053980 b c b b b b b c Yes b c b
25 Banoli Lagga Dungra 053981 c c b b c b b c Yes b c b
26 Jakhola 053982 c b b a a a a c Yes c c c
27 Kotna 053983 c b a a a a a c Yes c c c
28 Amauli 053984 c b a a b b b c Yes c c c
29 Geeju Baswan 053985 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b
30 Dungra Kot 053986 c b a a a a b c Yes c c c
31 Kanikot 053987 c b a a a a b c Yes c c c
32 Kaphalti 053988 c b a a a a b c Yes c c c
33 Anarpa 053989 c c c b b Yes b c Yes c c c
34 Baman Chapar 053990 c b b Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
35 Timla Guth 053991 c a a a a Yes a c Yes b a b
36 Kumaiya Kuda 053992 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b
37 Baswari 053993 c b a a a a a c Yes b b c
38 Sango 053994 c a Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes b b b
39 Dechmar 053995 c Yes b b Yes b b c Yes a c a
40 Valik 053996 c Yes Yes b Yes b b c Yes b c b
41 Kanwar 053997 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
42 Pakhauti 053998 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
43 Dhraug 053999 c Yes b b Yes b b c Yes b c a
44 Jamantak 054000 c a a a a a a c Yes b b c
45 Ghigharukot 054001 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1

Yes b Yes Yes Yes c b Yes Yes c Yes Yes Yes c c a a c Thapla Gunth 1
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Silyori 2

c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 3

c Yes c c c c Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c c Yes c Chaura Guth 4
b a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a Yes Kimar 5
c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes c Toli Katheri 6
c Yes c c c c b Yes b Yes c c c c c c Yes a Gagar 7
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Dhaunkim Sawar 8
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Karki Chhana 9
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Mantande 10
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a b Gagrarh 11
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes a Dantola 12
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Fularakot 13
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a a Pipal Dhing 14
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Mathaila Chhana 15
b Yes c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes a Bora Chapar 16
b a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Maulanajakh 17
b a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a Yes Chamtola 18
b a c c b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes Yes Gawai 19
c a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a Yes Banauli 20
c b c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Raulgaon 21
b a c c b c a c a c c c c c c a a a Kharni Guth 22
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Takna Gurau 23
b a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Biroli 24
b a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Banoli Lagga Dungra 25
a a c c c c c c c c c c c c c c a a Jakhola 26
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Kotna 27
c a a c c c Yes c Yes c a c c c c a a Yes Amauli 28
b b c c c b Yes b Yes a b c c c c b a a Geeju Baswan 29
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Dungra Kot 30
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a c Kanikot 31
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Kaphalti 32
c a c c b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c b a a Anarpa 33
b a c c b c a c a c b c c c c b a a Baman Chapar 34
b a c a b c a c a c b c c c c b a a Timla Guth 35
b a c c b c a c a c b b c c c a a a Kumaiya Kuda 36
b a c b b b a b a c b b c c c b a a Baswari 37
a a c b b c a c a c c c c c c c a a Sango 38
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Dechmar 39
a a c c b c a c a c b b c c c b a a Valik 40
Yes a a c a c a c a c a c c c c a a a Kanwar 41
a a a c a c a c a c a a c c c a a a Pakhauti 42
Yes a b c b b a b a c c c c c c a Yes b Dhraug 43
b b b b b b a b a c c c c c c a a a Jamantak 44
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Ghigharukot 45

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Pati Location CodeNo:-0072

1 Thapla Gunth 053957 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.1 50.1 8.4 16 0

2 Silyori 053958 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.9 101.8 18.3 21.7 0

3 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth 053959 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.9 15.7 2.3 4.5 4.1
4 Chaura Guth 053960 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.6 90.2 17.7 14.6 0
5 Kimar 053961 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.7 4.6 0 18 0
6 Toli Katheri 053962 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 9.3 4.4 0 0
7 Gagar 053963 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 75.4 146.9 20.5 100.9 0
8 Dhaunkim Sawar 053964 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 15.8 6.9 0 21.8 0
9 Karki Chhana 053965 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.8 0.6 0 2.3 0
10 Mantande 053966 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.3 4 6.6 8.7 0
11 Gagrarh 053967 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 21.8 1.1 2.3 0
12 Dantola 053968 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0 0 3.5 0
13 Fularakot 053969 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.4 2.3 0 9.5 9.1
14 Pipal Dhing 053970 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.8 1 0 9.5 10.6
15 Mathaila Chhana 053971 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.6 3.3 0 15 6.7
16 Bora Chapar 053972 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.7 2.4 0 3.2 0
17 Maulanajakh 053973 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.9 0.5 1.2 9.6 0
18 Chamtola 053974 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.3 5.6 0 0 0
19 Gawai 053975 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.8 5.8 0 4.4 21.5
20 Banauli 053976 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12 10.4 0.2 14.7 0
21 Raulgaon 053977 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.1 1.7 0.3 0 4.6
22 Kharni Guth 053978 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 8.2 2.2 0.4 3.6 3
23 Takna Gurau 053979 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.3 0.8 0 0 0
24 Biroli 053980 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2 2.7 0 0 0
25 Banoli Lagga Dungra 053981 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.4 0.2 0 0.9 0
26 Jakhola 053982 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.9 3 8 4.4 0
27 Kotna 053983 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 11.3 2.1 4.4 2.9 0
28 Amauli 053984 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.6 0 28.9 41.3 0
29 Geeju Baswan 053985 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.5 0 2.8 18.8 0
30 Dungra Kot 053986 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.6 2.4 2.4 8.9 0
31 Kanikot 053987 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 7 11.1 0 0.5 0
32 Kaphalti 053988 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9 1.1 0 6.5 0
33 Anarpa 053989 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9.8 10.8 3 0 61.4
34 Baman Chapar 053990 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 14.3 2.6 1.2 5.4 7
35 Timla Guth 053991 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 17.2 3.1 0 6.5 6.4
36 Kumaiya Kuda 053992 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.2 3.6 0 6.7 26.7
37 Baswari 053993 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10.2 11.5 0.1 39.7 0
38 Sango 053994 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 23.6 2.5 0 11.3 0
39 Dechmar 053995 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 41.8 8.6 0.2 0 18.8
40 Valik 053996 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 65 0 3.1 21.1 0.4
41 Kanwar 053997 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 27.6 3.6 0 59.4 28.7
42 Pakhauti 053998 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 29 2.4 0 0 9.7
43 Dhraug 053999 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 51.2 11.4 0.1 27 22.4
44 Jamantak 054000 No No No No Lohaghat c 7.2 0.8 0 0.4 0
45 Ghigharukot 054001 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 30.5 4.6 0 1.3 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

20.6 2.5 1.7 39.9 0 39.9 0 0 0 0 0 Thapla Gunth 1

29 3.1 3 96.4 0 96.4 0 0 0 0 0 Silyori 2
Kanikot Lagga Chora
3.9 0 0 4.6 0 4.6 0 0 0 0 0 Guth 3
10.9 0 0 11.6 0 11.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Guth 4
10.6 17.6 7.3 41.4 0 41.4 0 0 0 0 0 Kimar 5
2.8 2.2 1.7 24.5 0 24.5 0 0 0 0 0 Toli Katheri 6
49.2 0 0 119 0 119 0 0 0 0 0 Gagar 7
8.9 4.2 0 9.1 0 9.1 0 0 0 0 0 Dhaunkim Sawar 8
2.2 1.1 0 7.9 0 7.9 0 0 0 0 0 Karki Chhana 9
51.5 0 22.1 57.6 0 57.6 0 0 0 0 0 Mantande 10
6.1 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Gagrarh 11
3.8 1.8 0 5.6 0 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 Dantola 12
0 3.1 4.4 10.2 0 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 Fularakot 13
0 3.2 6.8 17.5 0 17.5 0 0 0 0 0 Pipal Dhing 14
0 1.5 2 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 Mathaila Chhana 15
14.2 9.4 2.1 21.1 0 21.1 0 0 0 0 0 Bora Chapar 16
66.7 11.4 0 47.7 0 47.7 0 0 0 0 0 Maulanajakh 17
11.8 4.7 2.1 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 Chamtola 18
0 12.3 10.6 32.3 0 32.3 0 0 0 0 0 Gawai 19
26.9 4.5 0 44.4 0 44.4 0 0 0 0 0 Banauli 20
0 1.5 1.1 6.2 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0 Raulgaon 21
0 1.5 0.7 5.6 0 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 Kharni Guth 22
0 3.3 2 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 Takna Gurau 23
4.6 4.5 0.9 14 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 Biroli 24
2.4 2 0 9.7 0 9.7 0 0 0 0 0 Banoli Lagga Dungra 25
7.6 0 0 48.9 0 48.9 0 0 0 0 0 Jakhola 26
9.2 0 0 32.9 0 32.9 0 0 0 0 0 Kotna 27
19 47.1 4.5 34.3 3.7 30.5 0 0 0 0 3.7 Amauli 28
42.2 12.8 3.6 23.6 2.3 21.4 0 0 0 0 2.3 Geeju Baswan 29
23 0 0 63.2 0 63.2 0 0 0 0 0 Dungra Kot 30
129.6 0 0 199.4 16.7 182.7 0 0 0 0 17 Kanikot 31
12.6 0 0 15.6 0 15.6 0 0 0 0 0 Kaphalti 32
0 7.9 20 60.2 0 60.2 0 0 0 0 0 Anarpa 33
0 19.6 6 15.2 0 15.2 0 0 0 0 0 Baman Chapar 34
0 2 2.1 10.1 0 10.1 0 0 0 0 0 Timla Guth 35
0 4.5 6.5 40.2 0 40.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kumaiya Kuda 36
8.9 0 0 47.2 0 47.2 0 0 0 0 0 Baswari 37
12 0 0 41.7 0 41.7 0 0 0 0 0 Sango 38
0 0 15.4 18.5 0 18.5 0 0 0 0 0 Dechmar 39
21 14.8 20 66.2 0 66.2 0 0 0 0 0 Valik 40
0 0 9.3 29.1 0 29.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kanwar 41
0 0 2.6 16.8 0 16.8 0 0 0 0 0 Pakhauti 42
0 20.1 15.2 45.2 0 45.2 0 0 0 0 0 Dhraug 43
6.2 0 0 7.1 0 7.1 0 0 0 0 0 Jamantak 44
14.4 0 0 61.3 7.1 54.2 0 0 0 0 7.1 Ghigharukot 45

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
46 Bhaisarkh 054002 123.6 342 54 a 1 a a a c
47 Bairakh 054003 220.8 197 32 a 1 a a a c
48 Batuliya 054004 63.5 155 23 a 1 a b b c
49 Rikholi 054005 149.4 209 36 a 1 a a a c
50 Basanjoga 054006 200.7 156 32 a a a b b c
51 Parsh 054007 76.6 134 25 b 1 1 b b c
52 Nayalkot 054008 108.9 63 12 a a a b b c
53 Punoli 054009 134.3 418 67 b 1 1 b b c
54 Sibyoli 054010 256.1 424 91 a 1 a a c c
55 Simalkhet 054011 14.1 31 7 b 1 1 b c c
56 Chilniya 054012 313 592 103 a a a b b c
57 Kajeena 054013 272.3 538 105 b 1 1 b b c
58 Chaura Sown 054014 196.2 414 79 a 1 a a a c
59 Mulakot 054015 387.4 1060 195 b 1 1 1 1 c
60 Kandey 054016 158.5 226 34 a 1 a a a c
61 Bham Lagga Mulakot 054017 18.2 66 13 a a a a a c
62 Patangaon 054018 256.6 864 154 b 2 1 b b c
63 Chaurakot 054019 353.1 812 157 1 1 1 1 c c
64 Dashiya 054020 109 236 45 a 1 a a c c
65 Maun Kanda 054021 536 1083 155 a 2 a a c c
66 Sundungra 054022 305.2 828 132 b 2 1 b b c
67 Golana Seri 054023 164.6 77 19 b a b b b c
68 Baligaon 054024 58.8 108 19 b 1 b b b c
69 Ejatta Dungra 054025 166.2 306 71 b 1 1 b b c
70 Thuwa Mauni 054026 134.9 401 64 a 1 a a b c
71 Haldua Khark 054027 19.4 7 1 b b b b b c
72 Barmtora 054028 19.2 97 18 b 1 b b b c
73 Mailta 054029 21.9 44 9 a a a a c c
74 Patharkot 054030 30.1 24 6 a a a a c c
75 Ghahtora 054031 34.5 131 27 b 1 b b b c
76 Basaut 054032 19.2 81 14 a a a a c c
77 Karwalgaon 054033 68.9 125 24 a a a a a c
78 Maragaon 054034 27.8 184 36 b a a b b c
79 Kamlakh 054035 182.8 1120 223 a a a a b c
80 Jhar Sirtoli 054036 28.7 65 14 b 1 b b b c
81 Holi Piplati 054037 390.4 344 75 a 1 a a c c
82 Bunga Birora 054038 78.8 261 41 b a b b c c
83 Tapnipal 054039 350.2 435 87 a 1 1 c a c
84 Garsari 054040 227.4 501 108 b 2 a a a c
85 Jarauli 054041 48.6 154 30 a a a a a c
86 Jawlari 054042 220.5 772 160 a 1 a a a c
87 Pati 054043 251.6 1559 352 1 3 1 a a c
88 Pamtola 054044 17.6 41 10 a a a a a c
89 Kimwari 054045 86.2 178 45 a a a a a c
90 Jhudaili 054046 195.2 262 62 a 1 1 a a c
91 Goom 054047 344.4 496 86 b 1 b b b c
92 Bigrakot 054048 325.6 393 70 b 2 1 1 1 c
93 Koond 054049 308.3 484 88 b 2 1 b b c
94 Naini 054050 16.6 27 6 a a a a a c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Bhaisarkh 46
c c c c c c c c Bairakh 47
c c c c c c c c Batuliya 48
c c c c c c c c Rikholi 49
c c c c c c c c Basanjoga 50
c c c c c c c c Parsh 51
c c c c c c c c Nayalkot 52
c c c c c c c c Punoli 53
c c c c c c c c Sibyoli 54
c c c c c c c c Simalkhet 55
c c c c c c c c Chilniya 56
c c c c c c c c Kajeena 57
c c c c c c c c Chaura Sown 58
c c c c c c c c Mulakot 59
c c c c c c c c Kandey 60
c c c c c c c c Bham Lagga Mulakot 61
c c c c c c c c Patangaon 62
c c c c c c c c Chaurakot 63
c c c c c c c c Dashiya 64
c c c c c c c c Maun Kanda 65
c c c c c c c c Sundungra 66
c c c c c c c c Golana Seri 67
c c c c c c c c Baligaon 68
c c c c c c c c Ejatta Dungra 69
c c c c c c c c Thuwa Mauni 70
c c c c c c c c Haldua Khark 71
c c c c c c c c Barmtora 72
c c c c c c c c Mailta 73
c c c c c c c c Patharkot 74
c c c c b c c c Ghahtora 75
c c c c c c c c Basaut 76
c c c c a c c c Karwalgaon 77
c c c c b c c c Maragaon 78
c c c c b c c c Kamlakh 79
c c c c c c c c Jhar Sirtoli 80
c c c c c c c c Holi Piplati 81
c c c c c c c c Bunga Birora 82
c c c c a c c c Tapnipal 83
c c c c c c c c Garsari 84
c c c c c c c c Jarauli 85
c c c c c c c c Jawlari 86
c c c c c c c c Pati 87
c c c c c c c c Pamtola 88
c c c c c c c c Kimwari 89
c c c c c c c c Jhudaili 90
c c c c c c c c Goom 91
c c c c c c c c Bigrakot 92
c c c c c c c c Koond 93
c c c c c c c c Naini 94

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
46 Bhaisarkh 054002 c c c c c a a a c c a
47 Bairakh 054003 c c c c c a a a c c a
48 Batuliya 054004 c c c c c c c c c c c
49 Rikholi 054005 c c c c c c c c c c c
50 Basanjoga 054006 c c c c c c c c c c c
51 Parsh 054007 c c c c c c c c c c c
52 Nayalkot 054008 c c b b c c b b c c c
53 Punoli 054009 c c a a c c a a c c a
54 Sibyoli 054010 c c c c c c c c c c c
55 Simalkhet 054011 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
56 Chilniya 054012 a a b c c c c b c b b
57 Kajeena 054013 c c 1 a c c a a c c c
58 Chaura Sown 054014 c c a a c c c a c c c
59 Mulakot 054015 c c 1 a c c a a c c c
60 Kandey 054016 c c a a c c a a c c c
61 Bham Lagga Mulakot 054017 c c a a c c a a c c c
62 Patangaon 054018 c b b b b b c b b b b
63 Chaurakot 054019 c c 1 c c a a a c c a
64 Dashiya 054020 c c c c c c c c c c c
65 Maun Kanda 054021 c c 1 c c c a a c c c
66 Sundungra 054022 c b b b b b b b b b b
67 Golana Seri 054023 c b b b b b c b b b b
68 Baligaon 054024 c b b b b b c b b b b
69 Ejatta Dungra 054025 c c c c c b c c c c b
70 Thuwa Mauni 054026 c c b c c c b b b b b
71 Haldua Khark 054027 c c c c c c c c c c c
72 Barmtora 054028 c c b b c c b b b b b
73 Mailta 054029 c c c a c c c c c c c
74 Patharkot 054030 c c c a c c c c c c c
75 Ghahtora 054031 c b b b c c b b b b b
76 Basaut 054032 c c c a c c c a c c c
77 Karwalgaon 054033 c a a a c c a a a a a
78 Maragaon 054034 c b b b c c b b b b b
79 Kamlakh 054035 c b b a c c b b b b b
80 Jhar Sirtoli 054036 c b b b c c b b b b b
81 Holi Piplati 054037 c c c a c c c c c c c
82 Bunga Birora 054038 c c c b c c c c c c c
83 Tapnipal 054039 c a a a c c c c a c a
84 Garsari 054040 c b b b b b c b b b b
85 Jarauli 054041 a a a c c c a a a a a
86 Jawlari 054042 a a a a a a a a a a a
87 Pati 054043 c 1 1 a a a c a a a a
88 Pamtola 054044 c a c c c c c c a a a
89 Kimwari 054045 c c c c c c c c c b c
90 Jhudaili 054046 a c c c c c a a a b a
91 Goom 054047 c b b b b b c b b b b
92 Bigrakot 054048 c c c c c c c b c b a
93 Koond 054049 c b b b b b b b b b b
94 Naini 054050 a c c a b c b b a a b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bhaisarkh 46
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Bairakh 47
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Batuliya 48
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Rikholi 49
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Basanjoga 50
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Parsh 51
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nayalkot 52
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Punoli 53
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Sibyoli 54
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Simalkhet 55
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chilniya 56
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Kajeena 57
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Chaura Sown 58
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Mulakot 59
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Kandey 60
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bham Lagga Mulakot 61
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Patangaon 62
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Chaurakot 63
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dashiya 64
0 1 1 1 3 1 0 Maun Kanda 65
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sundungra 66
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Golana Seri 67
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Baligaon 68
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Ejatta Dungra 69
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Thuwa Mauni 70
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Haldua Khark 71
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Barmtora 72
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Mailta 73
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Patharkot 74
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ghahtora 75
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Basaut 76
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Karwalgaon 77
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Maragaon 78
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kamlakh 79
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jhar Sirtoli 80
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Holi Piplati 81
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bunga Birora 82
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Tapnipal 83
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Garsari 84
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Jarauli 85
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Jawlari 86
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Pati 87
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pamtola 88
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kimwari 89
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Jhudaili 90
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Goom 91
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Bigrakot 92
0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Koond 93
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Naini 94

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
46 Bhaisarkh 054002 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
47 Bairakh 054003 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
48 Batuliya 054004 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
49 Rikholi 054005 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
50 Basanjoga 054006 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
51 Parsh 054007 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
52 Nayalkot 054008 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
53 Punoli 054009 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
54 Sibyoli 054010 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
55 Simalkhet 054011 Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No
56 Chilniya 054012 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
57 Kajeena 054013 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
58 Chaura Sown 054014 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
59 Mulakot 054015 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
60 Kandey 054016 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
61 Bham Lagga Mulakot 054017 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
62 Patangaon 054018 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
63 Chaurakot 054019 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
64 Dashiya 054020 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
65 Maun Kanda 054021 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
66 Sundungra 054022 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
67 Golana Seri 054023 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
68 Baligaon 054024 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
69 Ejatta Dungra 054025 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
70 Thuwa Mauni 054026 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
71 Haldua Khark 054027 No Yes No No No No No No No No No No
72 Barmtora 054028 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
73 Mailta 054029 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
74 Patharkot 054030 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
75 Ghahtora 054031 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
76 Basaut 054032 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
77 Karwalgaon 054033 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
78 Maragaon 054034 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
79 Kamlakh 054035 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
80 Jhar Sirtoli 054036 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
81 Holi Piplati 054037 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
82 Bunga Birora 054038 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
83 Tapnipal 054039 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
84 Garsari 054040 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
85 Jarauli 054041 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
86 Jawlari 054042 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
87 Pati 054043 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
88 Pamtola 054044 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
89 Kimwari 054045 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
90 Jhudaili 054046 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
91 Goom 054047 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
92 Bigrakot 054048 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
93 Koond 054049 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
94 Naini 054050 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Bhaisarkh 46
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Bairakh 47
c c c 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Batuliya 48
c c c 262580 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Rikholi 49
c c c 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Basanjoga 50
c c c 262580 a c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Parsh 51
c b c 262580 a b Yes c c b c c a c c c c Nayalkot 52
c b c 262580 a c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Punoli 53
c a c 263687 a b Yes c c a c c c c c c c Sibyoli 54
Yes c a 262580 a Yes Yes c c Yes c c c c c c c Simalkhet 55
a a a 262580 a c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chilniya 56
c b c 262580 a c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Kajeena 57
c a c 262580 a c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Chaura Sown 58
c Yes c 262580 a c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Mulakot 59
c a c 262580 a c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Kandey 60
c a c 262580 a c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bham Lagga Mulakot 61
c b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Patangaon 62
Yes a a 262580 a b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Chaurakot 63
b c b 262580 a a Yes c c Yes c c c c c c c Dashiya 64
a a a 262580 a b Yes c c a c c c c c c c Maun Kanda 65
c b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Sundungra 66
c b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Golana Seri 67
c b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Baligaon 68
c b c 262580 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c b c c c c Ejatta Dungra 69
a a a 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Thuwa Mauni 70
c c b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Haldua Khark 71
c b b 262580 a a Yes a c c c c c c c c c Barmtora 72
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Mailta 73
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Patharkot 74
c b b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Ghahtora 75
c c a 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Basaut 76
c a a 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Karwalgaon 77
c b b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Maragaon 78
c b a 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Kamlakh 79
c b b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Jhar Sirtoli 80
c c a 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Holi Piplati 81
c c b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bunga Birora 82
c a a 262580 a c Yes Yes b Yes c c c c c c c Tapnipal 83
c b c 262580 b b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Garsari 84
a a a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Jarauli 85
a c a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Jawlari 86
c Yes c 262580 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Pati 87
a a a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Pamtola 88
a c c 262580 b b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Kimwari 89
Yes c a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Jhudaili 90
c b c 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Goom 91
c b c 262580 b b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Bigrakot 92
Yes c c 262528 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Koond 93
a c c 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Naini 94

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
46 Bhaisarkh 054002 c Yes a a Yes a a c Yes a c Yes
47 Bairakh 054003 c a a a a Yes a c Yes a c a
48 Batuliya 054004 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
49 Rikholi 054005 c a a Yes a a a c Yes c c c
50 Basanjoga 054006 c b b Yes b b b c Yes c c c
51 Parsh 054007 c a a Yes a a a c Yes c c c
52 Nayalkot 054008 b b b a a a a c Yes b c c
53 Punoli 054009 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
54 Sibyoli 054010 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
55 Simalkhet 054011 c Yes Yes a Yes Yes a c Yes c c c
56 Chilniya 054012 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
57 Kajeena 054013 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
58 Chaura Sown 054014 c b a a a a a c Yes c c c
59 Mulakot 054015 c b Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes c c c
60 Kandey 054016 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
61 Bham Lagga Mulakot 054017 c b a a a a a c Yes c c c
62 Patangaon 054018 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b
63 Chaurakot 054019 c Yes Yes a a a a c Yes c c c
64 Dashiya 054020 c Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes c c c
65 Maun Kanda 054021 c Yes b b b b b c Yes c c c
66 Sundungra 054022 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b
67 Golana Seri 054023 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b
68 Baligaon 054024 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b
69 Ejatta Dungra 054025 c b b Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
70 Thuwa Mauni 054026 c Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes b b b
71 Haldua Khark 054027 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
72 Barmtora 054028 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
73 Mailta 054029 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
74 Patharkot 054030 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
75 Ghahtora 054031 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
76 Basaut 054032 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
77 Karwalgaon 054033 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
78 Maragaon 054034 c a a a a a a c Yes b c b
79 Kamlakh 054035 c a a a a a a c Yes b c b
80 Jhar Sirtoli 054036 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
81 Holi Piplati 054037 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
82 Bunga Birora 054038 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
83 Tapnipal 054039 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
84 Garsari 054040 c Yes Yes Yes a Yes a c Yes b c b
85 Jarauli 054041 a a a a Yes a a c Yes a a a
86 Jawlari 054042 a a Yes a a a a c Yes a a a
87 Pati 054043 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes Yes c Yes
88 Pamtola 054044 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
89 Kimwari 054045 c c a a a a a c Yes a a a
90 Jhudaili 054046 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
91 Goom 054047 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
92 Bigrakot 054048 c a a a a a a c Yes b c b
93 Koond 054049 c b c b b b b c Yes b b c
94 Naini 054050 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
c Yes a c a c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a a Bhaisarkh 46
a a a c a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Bairakh 47
c c b c c c a c a c c c c c c a a c Batuliya 48
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a c Rikholi 49
c b b c c c a c a c c c c c c a a c Basanjoga 50
Yes a a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes c Parsh 51
b b b c b c a c a c c c c c c a a a Nayalkot 52
a a c c a c a c a c b b c c c a a b Punoli 53
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Sibyoli 54
c a c c b c a c a c c b c c c b a a Simalkhet 55
c a c c b c a c a c c c c c c a a a Chilniya 56
b a c c b c a c a c c c c c c b a a Kajeena 57
c a c c a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Chaura Sown 58
c a c c c c c c c c c c c c c a a a Mulakot 59
c a c c a c a c a c a c c c c a a a Kandey 60
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Bham Lagga Mulakot 61
b a c c c b a b a c b c c c c b a a Patangaon 62
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Chaurakot 63
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Dashiya 64
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Maun Kanda 65
b c c c c b a b a c b c c c c b a a Sundungra 66
b a c c c b a b a a b c c c c b a a Golana Seri 67
b a c c c b a b a a b c c c c b a a Baligaon 68
b b b c c c a c a c c c c c c b a b Ejatta Dungra 69
b b c c c b a b a c b b b c c b a a Thuwa Mauni 70
b b a b b b a b a c b b b c c b a a Haldua Khark 71
b b b b b b a b a c b b b c c b a a Barmtora 72
c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Mailta 73
c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Patharkot 74
b b b c c b a b a c b b b c c b a a Ghahtora 75
c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Basaut 76
a a a c a c a c a c c c c c c c a a Karwalgaon 77
b b b c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Maragaon 78
b b b c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Kamlakh 79
b b b c c b a b a c b b b c c b a a Jhar Sirtoli 80
c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Holi Piplati 81
c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Bunga Birora 82
b b c c c c a c a c b c c c c a a a Tapnipal 83
b b c c c b a b a b b c c c c b a a Garsari 84
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Jarauli 85
a a c c a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Jawlari 86
Yes a c c c a Yes a Yes Yes Yes c c c c c a a Pati 87
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Pamtola 88
a a a a a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Kimwari 89
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Jhudaili 90
Yes b c c c b a b a b b c c c c b a a Goom 91
Yes a c c c b a b a b b c c c c a a a Bigrakot 92
a a b b a b a b a b b b b b b b a a Koond 93
c a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Naini 94

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
46 Bhaisarkh 054002 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 60 5.6 2.6 8 3.7
47 Bairakh 054003 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 92.8 6.3 0.3 33.4 30.9
48 Batuliya 054004 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 26.7 2.9 0.4 1.9 7.1
49 Rikholi 054005 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 78.1 3.4 0 1.9 23.5
50 Basanjoga 054006 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 74 4.4 0 61.5 13.8
51 Parsh 054007 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.4 3.4 1.1 10.1 6.1
52 Nayalkot 054008 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 21.9 3.8 14.1 0 0
53 Punoli 054009 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 76.8 3.2 0 1 0
54 Sibyoli 054010 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 31.3 8.6 9.1 53 0
55 Simalkhet 054011 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.2 0 0.2 2.8 0
56 Chilniya 054012 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 130.5 0.8 0 82 0
57 Kajeena 054013 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 85.8 6.8 13.7 52.8 0
58 Chaura Sown 054014 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 80.5 2.3 0 22.3 0
59 Mulakot 054015 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 34 14.9 0 0 0
60 Kandey 054016 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 78.6 4.5 0.2 11 0
61 Bham Lagga Mulakot 054017 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1 0.9 0 0 0
62 Patangaon 054018 Yes No Yes No Lohaghat c 9.3 0 12.3 69.4 0
63 Chaurakot 054019 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 50.2 20.2 10.1 40.1 0
64 Dashiya 054020 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 24.1 2.1 10.8 20.4 0
65 Maun Kanda 054021 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 150.5 1.3 0 150.2 0
66 Sundungra 054022 Yes No Yes No Lohaghat c 11.9 0 9.3 30.1 0
67 Golana Seri 054023 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.4 0.1 8.8 2.6 0
68 Baligaon 054024 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0 3.5 13.2 0
69 Ejatta Dungra 054025 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 30.8 7.3 0.2 0 31.1
70 Thuwa Mauni 054026 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 30.1 10.2 0.9 14.7 0.1
71 Haldua Khark 054027 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 6 0 4.6 0
72 Barmtora 054028 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2 3 3 1 0
73 Mailta 054029 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2 2 3 3 0
74 Patharkot 054030 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4 6 4 5 0
75 Ghahtora 054031 No No No No Lohaghat c 5.3 5 0 5 0
76 Basaut 054032 No No No No Lohaghat c 3.4 4 1 4 0
77 Karwalgaon 054033 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.5 5 5 5 0
78 Maragaon 054034 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0.4 1 0 1 1
79 Kamlakh 054035 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.7 10 10 10 10
80 Jhar Sirtoli 054036 No No No No Lohaghat c 3.5 5 0 5 0
81 Holi Piplati 054037 No No No No Lohaghat c 53.2 25.1 0.2 145.3 0
82 Bunga Birora 054038 No No No No Lohaghat c 1.8 10 0 10 10
83 Tapnipal 054039 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9.9 50 0 50 50
84 Garsari 054040 Yes No Yes No Lohaghat c 0 0 10.8 5.7 0
85 Jarauli 054041 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10.1 1.2 1.3 6.7 0
86 Jawlari 054042 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 8 14.6 7.6 9.2 2.4
87 Pati 054043 Yes Yes Yes Yes Lohaghat c 22.1 0 22.4 17.9 0
88 Pamtola 054044 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3 1.3 0.6 0 0
89 Kimwari 054045 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.8 3.6 56.5 0
90 Jhudaili 054046 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 76.2 4.2 1.2 35.7 0
91 Goom 054047 Yes No Yes No Lohaghat c 0 0 8.2 5.7 0
92 Bigrakot 054048 Yes No Yes No Lohaghat c 155.5 0 3.9 34.7 0
93 Koond 054049 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 26 10 0 20 0
94 Naini 054050 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.4 0 0.7 6.2 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
0 2 10.8 30.7 0 30.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bhaisarkh 46
0 12.9 10 34.2 0 34.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bairakh 47
0 3.7 5.1 15.7 0 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 Batuliya 48
0 10.1 8 24.3 0 24.3 0 0 0 0 0 Rikholi 49
0 10.1 16 20.9 0 20.9 0 0 0 0 0 Basanjoga 50
0 0 17.4 20.1 0 20.1 0 0 0 0 0 Parsh 51
26.8 0 0 42.3 0 42.3 0 0 0 0 0 Nayalkot 52
0 0 0 53.3 0 53.3 0 0 0 0 0 Punoli 53
60.3 0 0 93.8 0 93.8 0 0 0 0 0 Sibyoli 54
0 0 0.3 8.5 4.2 4.3 0 0 0 0 4.2 Simalkhet 55
25 0 20.5 54.2 0 54.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chilniya 56
55.2 0 0 58 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 Kajeena 57
32.6 0 0 58.5 0 58.5 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Sown 58
145 0 0 193.6 0 193.6 0 0 0 0 0 Mulakot 59
11.1 0 0 53.1 0 53.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kandey 60
6.7 0 0 9.6 0 9.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bham Lagga Mulakot 61
31.6 55.1 4.3 74.7 4.3 70.4 0 0 0 0 4.3 Patangaon 62
40.6 0 31.4 160.3 0 160.3 0 0 0 0 0 Chaurakot 63
12.8 0 5.5 33.3 0 33.3 0 0 0 0 0 Dashiya 64
38.8 0 15.1 180.1 0 180.1 0 0 0 0 0 Maun Kanda 65
138.3 42.4 6.4 66.7 5.2 61.5 0 0 0 0 5.2 Sundungra 66
60.3 37.7 17.9 34.8 2.3 32.6 0 0 0 0 2.3 Golana Seri 67
10.8 11 5.1 15.2 1.6 13.6 0 0 0 0 1.6 Baligaon 68
0 31.8 26.4 38.5 0 38.5 0 0 0 0 0 Ejatta Dungra 69
10.3 0 20.1 48.4 0 48.4 0 0 0 0 0 Thuwa Mauni 70
4 0 0 4.8 2.3 2.5 0 0 0 0 2.3 Haldua Khark 71
1 0 2 7.2 2 5.2 0 0 0 0 2 Barmtora 72
0.7 0 1.2 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 Mailta 73
6 1.1 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Patharkot 74
5 0 2.2 12 2 10 0 0 0 0 2 Ghahtora 75
1 1.8 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 Basaut 76
5 3.5 0 40 10 30 0 0 0 0 10 Karwalgaon 77
1 3.5 0 20 5 15 5 0 0 0 0 Maragaon 78
10 7.2 0 120 40 80 40 0 0 0 0 Kamlakh 79
5 1.2 0 9 3 6 0 0 0 0 3 Jhar Sirtoli 80
28.6 68.2 15.4 54.4 0 54.4 0 0 0 0 0 Holi Piplati 81
10 7 0 30 10 20 10 0 0 0 0 Bunga Birora 82
50 40.3 0 100 30 70 30 0 0 0 0 Tapnipal 83
130.2 36.1 4.5 40.2 4.2 36 0 0 0 0 4.2 Garsari 84
3.5 0 6.2 19.6 0 19.6 0 0 0 0 0 Jarauli 85
11 3 15.2 149.3 20.3 129 0 0 0 0 20 Jawlari 86
32.7 61.1 10.6 84.8 6.5 78.3 0 0 0 0 6.5 Pati 87
0.4 0 2.1 10.2 1.2 9 0 0 0 0 1.2 Pamtola 88
4.6 3.5 2 15.2 5 10.2 0 0 0 0 5 Kimwari 89
33.8 2.4 4.7 37 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 Jhudaili 90
217 46.9 10.1 56.5 4.2 52.3 0 0 0 0 4.2 Goom 91
47.3 12.9 8.5 62.7 8.6 54.1 0 0 0 0 8.6 Bigrakot 92
30 0 0 222.4 22.4 200 0 0 0 0 22 Koond 93
0 0.2 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Naini 94

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
95 Lara 054051 162.3 114 22 b a a a a c
96 Roodauli 054052 44.9 0 0
97 Rolmail 054053 74.9 359 72 a 1 a a a c
98 Kota 054054 42.8 49 6 a a a a b c
99 Barait 054055 43.8 163 26 a a a a b c
100 Bhumwari 054056 180.6 394 65 b 1 1 b b c
101 Reetha 054057 22.6 81 14 a 1 a a a c
102 Karauli 054058 231.8 349 62 a 1 a a c c
103 Jhalpura 054059 56.8 100 13 a a a c c c
104 Chhoragaon 054060 70.5 163 28 b 1 b b c c
105 Niloti 054061 231.1 220 45 c 1 1 c c c
106 Dubar Kamlaikh 054062 48.6 200 37 a a a a c c
107 Burush Khola 054063 76.4 91 18 a 1 a a c c
108 Sakdena 054064 199.4 525 92 a a a a c c
109 Sirkot 054065 94.1 0 0
110 Maun 054066 56.5 0 0
111 Mairoli 054067 82 84 16 b 1 1 1 b c
112 Jadia Kamad 054068 28.3 0 0
113 Takbalwari 054069 192.6 260 63 a 1 a a c c
114 Balatari 054070 415.9 574 114 a 2 1 1 b c
115 Kharhi 054071 358.8 1186 221 c 3 2 c b c
116 Nauliya Gaon 054072 124.7 230 36 c 1 c c c c
117 Goldanda 054073 223.9 249 39 a 1 a a b c
118 Tolarankuri 054074 82.5 184 30 b 1 b b b c
119 Binwal Gaon 054075 482.5 458 82 b 1 1 1 b c
120 Pokhari 054076 130 94 18 a 1 a a a c
121 Ramak 054077 1015.2 677 122 b 1 b b b c
122 Kwarala 054078 41 55 13 a a a b a c
123 Mangal Lekh 054079 491.9 596 94 a 1 1 a b c
124 Varshi 054080 128 118 22 a 1 a a b c
125 Sirna 054081 41.9 46 12 a 1 a b b c
126 Dabri 054082 29.6 34 5 a a b b c c
127 Dharson 054083 139.2 379 64 1 1 b b b c
128 Bhonkara 054084 81.1 90 17 b 1 b b b c
129 Parewa 054085 709.6 770 120 b 2 1 b b c
130 Chaura Pita 054086 472.1 991 206 1 3 1 1 1 c
131 Gadura 054087 271.3 549 110 a 2 a b a c
132 Bhingrara 054088 98.6 479 125 1 1 1 1 1 c
133 Chalthiya 054089 267.7 420 74 a a a b a c
134 Madyoli 054090 90.5 199 44 a a a a a c
135 Chaura Maheta 054091 154.5 268 58 a 1 a a a c
136 Kulyal Gaon 054092 472.1 630 125 a 1 1 b b c
137 Machhiyar 054093 342.7 870 153 b 1 1 b b c
138 Sal 054094 248.1 548 85 b 1 1 a c c
139 Tanda Talla 054095 72.1 102 14 a a a a c c
140 Tanda Malla 054096 145.2 300 45 a 1 1 1 c c
141 Patli 054103 34.6 0 0
142 Khuteli 054104 83.3 189 44 c 1 a b b c
143 Jakh 054105 174.4 186 41 c 1 a b b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Lara 95
Roodauli 96
c c c c c c c c Rolmail 97
c c c c c c c c Kota 98
c c c c c c c c Barait 99
c c c c c c c c Bhumwari 100
c c c c c c c c Reetha 101
c c c c c c c c Karauli 102
c c c c c c c c Jhalpura 103
c c c c c c c c Chhoragaon 104
c c c c c c c c Niloti 105
c c c c c c c c Dubar Kamlaikh 106
c c c c c c c c Burush Khola 107
c c c c c c c c Sakdena 108
Sirkot 109
Maun 110
c c c c c c c c Mairoli 111
Jadia Kamad 112
c c c c c c c c Takbalwari 113
c c c c c c c c Balatari 114
c c c c c c c c Kharhi 115
c c c c c c c c Nauliya Gaon 116
c c c c c c c c Goldanda 117
c c c c c c c c Tolarankuri 118
c c c c c c c c Binwal Gaon 119
c c c c c c c c Pokhari 120
c c c c c c c c Ramak 121
c c c c c c c c Kwarala 122
c c c c c c c c Mangal Lekh 123
c c c c c c c c Varshi 124
c c c c c c c c Sirna 125
c c c c c c c c Dabri 126
c c c c c c c c Dharson 127
c c c c c c c c Bhonkara 128
c c c c c c c c Parewa 129
c c c c c c c c Chaura Pita 130
c c c c c c c c Gadura 131
c c c c c c c c Bhingrara 132
c c c c c c c c Chalthiya 133
c c c c c c c c Madyoli 134
c c c c c c c c Chaura Maheta 135
c c c c c c c c Kulyal Gaon 136
c c c c c c c c Machhiyar 137
c c c c c c c c Sal 138
c c c c c c c c Tanda Talla 139
c c c c c c c c Tanda Malla 140
Patli 141
c c c c b c c c Khuteli 142
c c c c c c c c Jakh 143

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
95 Lara 054051 c c a a c c b b a a a
96 Roodauli 054052
97 Rolmail 054053 c c a a c c b b a b b
98 Kota 054054 b b b c c b b b b b b
99 Barait 054055 b b b c b b b b b b b
100 Bhumwari 054056 c c c c c c c c c c c
101 Reetha 054057 c c c c c c c c c c c
102 Karauli 054058 c c c c c c c c c c c
103 Jhalpura 054059 c c c c c c c c c c c
104 Chhoragaon 054060 c c c c c c c c c c c
105 Niloti 054061 c c c c c c c c c c c
106 Dubar Kamlaikh 054062 c c c c c c c c c c c
107 Burush Khola 054063 c c c a c c c c c c c
108 Sakdena 054064 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
109 Sirkot 054065
110 Maun 054066
111 Mairoli 054067 b b b c c c b b b c b
112 Jadia Kamad 054068
113 Takbalwari 054069 c c c c c c c c c c c
114 Balatari 054070 c c c b c c c c c c b
115 Kharhi 054071 c c 1 b c c b b c c c
116 Nauliya Gaon 054072 c c c c c c c c c b c
117 Goldanda 054073 b c c c c c c c b b c
118 Tolarankuri 054074 b c c c c c c c b c c
119 Binwal Gaon 054075 c c b 1 c c c c b b b
120 Pokhari 054076 c c c c c c c c b b c
121 Ramak 054077 c c c c c c c c b c c
122 Kwarala 054078 c c a a c c c c c c a
123 Mangal Lekh 054079 c c c c c c 1 c c c c
124 Varshi 054080 b c a c c c c c c c c
125 Sirna 054081 c c b a c c c c c b c
126 Dabri 054082 b c c c c c c c b b c
127 Dharson 054083 b c c c c c c c b b c
128 Bhonkara 054084 c c b c c c c c b b c
129 Parewa 054085 c c b c c c c c b c c
130 Chaura Pita 054086 c 1 b 1 c c c c c c 1
131 Gadura 054087 c c a a c c c c c c a
132 Bhingrara 054088 c c 1 1 c c c c c c 1
133 Chalthiya 054089 c c 1 c c 1 c c c c c
134 Madyoli 054090 c c c c c c c c c c c
135 Chaura Maheta 054091 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
136 Kulyal Gaon 054092 c c a c c c c c c c c
137 Machhiyar 054093 c c c c c c c c c c c
138 Sal 054094 c c c c c c c c c c c
139 Tanda Talla 054095 c c c c c c c c c c c
140 Tanda Malla 054096 c c 1 c c c c c c c c
141 Patli 054103
142 Khuteli 054104 c b b c c b b b b b b
143 Jakh 054105 c c c c c c c c c b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Lara 95
Roodauli 96
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Rolmail 97
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kota 98
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Barait 99
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhumwari 100
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Reetha 101
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Karauli 102
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jhalpura 103
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chhoragaon 104
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Niloti 105
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dubar Kamlaikh 106
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Burush Khola 107
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sakdena 108
Sirkot 109
Maun 110
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Mairoli 111
Jadia Kamad 112
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Takbalwari 113
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Balatari 114
0 1 1 1 2 1 0 Kharhi 115
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Nauliya Gaon 116
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Goldanda 117
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Tolarankuri 118
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Binwal Gaon 119
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Pokhari 120
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Ramak 121
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kwarala 122
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Mangal Lekh 123
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Varshi 124
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Sirna 125
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dabri 126
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dharson 127
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Bhonkara 128
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Parewa 129
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chaura Pita 130
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Gadura 131
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhingrara 132
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chalthiya 133
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Madyoli 134
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chaura Maheta 135
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kulyal Gaon 136
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Machhiyar 137
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sal 138
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Tanda Talla 139
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Tanda Malla 140
Patli 141
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khuteli 142
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Jakh 143

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
95 Lara 054051 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
96 Roodauli 054052
97 Rolmail 054053 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
98 Kota 054054 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
99 Barait 054055 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
100 Bhumwari 054056 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
101 Reetha 054057 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
102 Karauli 054058 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
103 Jhalpura 054059 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
104 Chhoragaon 054060 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
105 Niloti 054061 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
106 Dubar Kamlaikh 054062 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
107 Burush Khola 054063 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
108 Sakdena 054064 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
109 Sirkot 054065
110 Maun 054066
111 Mairoli 054067 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
112 Jadia Kamad 054068
113 Takbalwari 054069 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
114 Balatari 054070 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
115 Kharhi 054071 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
116 Nauliya Gaon 054072 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
117 Goldanda 054073 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
118 Tolarankuri 054074 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
119 Binwal Gaon 054075 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
120 Pokhari 054076 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
121 Ramak 054077 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
122 Kwarala 054078 No No No No No No No No No No No No
123 Mangal Lekh 054079 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
124 Varshi 054080 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
125 Sirna 054081 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
126 Dabri 054082 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
127 Dharson 054083 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
128 Bhonkara 054084 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
129 Parewa 054085 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
130 Chaura Pita 054086 Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No
131 Gadura 054087 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
132 Bhingrara 054088 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
133 Chalthiya 054089 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
134 Madyoli 054090 No No No No No No No No No No No No
135 Chaura Maheta 054091 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
136 Kulyal Gaon 054092 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
137 Machhiyar 054093 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
138 Sal 054094 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
139 Tanda Talla 054095 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
140 Tanda Malla 054096 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
141 Patli 054103
142 Khuteli 054104 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
143 Jakh 054105 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c c a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Lara 95
Roodauli 96
c c a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Rolmail 97
a c c 262580 a b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Kota 98
a a a 262580 a a Yes a a a c c b c c c c Barait 99
Yes c c 262528 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Bhumwari 100
a c c 262528 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Reetha 101
c c c 262523 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Karauli 102
a c c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Jhalpura 103
a a a 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Chhoragaon 104
Yes c c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Niloti 105
c c c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Dubar Kamlaikh 106
c b c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Burush Khola 107
b c b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Sakdena 108
Sirkot 109
Maun 110
c c c 262580 a a Yes b b b c c b c c c c Mairoli 111
Jadia Kamad 112
c c c 262580 a a Yes c c Yes c c c c c c c Takbalwari 113
c b c 262580 a a Yes c c b c c c c c c c Balatari 114
c b c 262528 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Kharhi 115
c c c 262528 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Nauliya Gaon 116
b b b 262580 b b Yes b b b c c c c c c c Goldanda 117
c b c 262580 b b Yes c c c c c c c c c c Tolarankuri 118
b b b 262580 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Binwal Gaon 119
c b c 262580 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Pokhari 120
c b b 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Ramak 121
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Kwarala 122
c b c 262580 a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c Mangal Lekh 123
b b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c c c c c c Varshi 124
b b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Sirna 125
b b b 262580 b b Yes c c b c c c c c c c Dabri 126
b a b 262580 b c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Dharson 127
c b c 262580 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Bhonkara 128
c a c 262580 b b Yes c c b c c c c c c c Parewa 129
c Yes c 262580 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Chaura Pita 130
c a c 262580 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Gadura 131
c Yes c 262580 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Bhingrara 132
c a c 262523 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chalthiya 133
c b c 262580 a a Yes c c a c c c c c c c Madyoli 134
a a b 252680 a a Yes b b a c c b c c c c Chaura Maheta 135
b a b 262580 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c b c c c c Kulyal Gaon 136
b Yes b 262580 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Machhiyar 137
c b c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Sal 138
b a b 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Tanda Talla 139
b a b 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Tanda Malla 140
Patli 141
c a c 262524 a a Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Khuteli 142
c b c 262524 b b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Jakh 143

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
95 Lara 054051 c a a a a a a c Yes a a a
96 Roodauli 054052
97 Rolmail 054053 c a a a a a a c Yes a a a
98 Kota 054054 a b b b b b b c Yes b b b
99 Barait 054055 b a a a a a a c Yes b b b
100 Bhumwari 054056 c c c c c c c c Yes c c b
101 Reetha 054057 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
102 Karauli 054058 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
103 Jhalpura 054059 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
104 Chhoragaon 054060 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
105 Niloti 054061 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
106 Dubar Kamlaikh 054062 c a a a a a a c Yes c c a
107 Burush Khola 054063 c a a a a a a c Yes c c a
108 Sakdena 054064 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
109 Sirkot 054065
110 Maun 054066
111 Mairoli 054067 c Yes b b Yes b b c Yes b b b
112 Jadia Kamad 054068
113 Takbalwari 054069 c a a a a c c c Yes c c c
114 Balatari 054070 c b b b b b b c Yes c c b
115 Kharhi 054071 c b b b b Yes b c Yes c c c
116 Nauliya Gaon 054072 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
117 Goldanda 054073 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
118 Tolarankuri 054074 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
119 Binwal Gaon 054075 b b b b b b b c Yes b c c
120 Pokhari 054076 c c b b b b b c Yes c c b
121 Ramak 054077 c c c c c c c c Yes c c b
122 Kwarala 054078 c a c c a a a c Yes c c a
123 Mangal Lekh 054079 c b b b b b b c Yes c c b
124 Varshi 054080 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
125 Sirna 054081 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
126 Dabri 054082 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
127 Dharson 054083 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
128 Bhonkara 054084 c b b b b b b c Yes c c b
129 Parewa 054085 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
130 Chaura Pita 054086 c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
131 Gadura 054087 c a c c a a a c Yes c c a
132 Bhingrara 054088 c Yes c c Yes a a c Yes c c Yes
133 Chalthiya 054089 c c c a a a a c Yes c c a
134 Madyoli 054090 c c a b b b b c Yes c c c
135 Chaura Maheta 054091 c c a a a a a c Yes Yes c c
136 Kulyal Gaon 054092 c c c a a a a c Yes b c c
137 Machhiyar 054093 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
138 Sal 054094 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
139 Tanda Talla 054095 c c b a a a a c Yes c c c
140 Tanda Malla 054096 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
141 Patli 054103
142 Khuteli 054104 c b b Yes b Yes a c Yes b c b
143 Jakh 054105 c b b Yes b a a c Yes c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b a Lara 95
Roodauli 96
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Rolmail 97
a a b b b b a b a b b b b b b b a a Kota 98
a a b b b b a b a b b b b b b b a a Barait 99
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Bhumwari 100
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Reetha 101
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Karauli 102
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Jhalpura 103
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Chhoragaon 104
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c c a a Niloti 105
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Dubar Kamlaikh 106
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Burush Khola 107
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Sakdena 108
Sirkot 109
Maun 110
a a b b b b a b a b b b b b b b a a Mairoli 111
Jadia Kamad 112
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c c a a Takbalwari 113
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Balatari 114
a a c c b c a c a c c c c c c c a a Kharhi 115
a c c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b b Nauliya Gaon 116
a c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c b b Goldanda 117
a c c c c c b c b c c c c c c a b a Tolarankuri 118
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Binwal Gaon 119
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Pokhari 120
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Ramak 121
c a c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c a a a Kwarala 122
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Mangal Lekh 123
a b c c b c a c a c b b c c c b a a Varshi 124
a b b b a c a c a c b b c c c b a a Sirna 125
a b c c b c a c a c b c c c c b a a Dabri 126
a b c c b c a c a c b b c c c b a b Dharson 127
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Bhonkara 128
a a c c a c a c a c a a c c c a a a Parewa 129
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Chaura Pita 130
c Yes c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Gadura 131
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Bhingrara 132
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Chalthiya 133
a a c c a c a c a c c c c c c a a a Madyoli 134
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a b a Chaura Maheta 135
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Kulyal Gaon 136
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Machhiyar 137
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Sal 138
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Tanda Talla 139
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a a Tanda Malla 140
Patli 141
b a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c b a c Khuteli 142
b c c c c c a c a c c c c c c c Yes c Jakh 143

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
95 Lara 054051 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 34.4 3 1.5 73.7 0
96 Roodauli 054052 Lohaghat c 41.4 0 0.3 1.5 0
97 Rolmail 054053 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.5 0 1.6 22.4 0.1
98 Kota 054054 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.4 1.6 1.8 21 0
99 Barait 054055 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.6 3.2 2.8 13.8 0
100 Bhumwari 054056 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 21 10 0 35 0
101 Reetha 054057 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.2 2 0 5 3
102 Karauli 054058 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 30.5 10 0 15 16
103 Jhalpura 054059 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.8 0 0 5 0
104 Chhoragaon 054060 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10.2 0 0 10 0
105 Niloti 054061 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.8 5 0 25 0
106 Dubar Kamlaikh 054062 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.2 1.2 2 1.7 0
107 Burush Khola 054063 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 19.7 0.7 0 11.5 0
108 Sakdena 054064 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 32.1 25 0 25 0
109 Sirkot 054065 Lohaghat c 24.1 10 0 25 0
110 Maun 054066 Lohaghat c 26.5 0 0 20 0
111 Mairoli 054067 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 30.6 2.9 4.2 18.5 0
112 Jadia Kamad 054068 Lohaghat c 17.2 0.7 0.4 0 0
113 Takbalwari 054069 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 15.2 4.5 70 0 0
114 Balatari 054070 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 11.9 20.6 0 0 0
115 Kharhi 054071 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 25.9 16.4 5.1 0 0
116 Nauliya Gaon 054072 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 13.1 1.2 1 8.7 9.1
117 Goldanda 054073 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 98.8 5 0 15.1 0
118 Tolarankuri 054074 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 17.8 3.9 0 0 0
119 Binwal Gaon 054075 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 22.9 33.8 40.6 22.5 0
120 Pokhari 054076 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0 1.3 2.1 0
121 Ramak 054077 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 536.3 5.2 16.3 0 0
122 Kwarala 054078 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.8 0 8.3 0
123 Mangal Lekh 054079 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 17 8.4 13.6 97.4 0
124 Varshi 054080 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 19.2 6.3 3 11.8 0.2
125 Sirna 054081 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.8 1.7 0.2 1.2 0
126 Dabri 054082 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 2.4 0 2.8 0
127 Dharson 054083 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 54.8 14.3 0 5.7 0
128 Bhonkara 054084 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 30.1 2 0.5 0 0
129 Parewa 054085 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 134.4 40.1 0 74.2 0
130 Chaura Pita 054086 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 26.6 15.1 199.6 0
131 Gadura 054087 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.7 9.8 0 55.5 0
132 Bhingrara 054088 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 0 4.4 0 17.4 0
133 Chalthiya 054089 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 17.2 10.2 1.9 96.7 0
134 Madyoli 054090 No No No No Lohaghat c 2.8 5.8 0.4 0 0
135 Chaura Maheta 054091 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 22.4 31.7 0 14.3 0
136 Kulyal Gaon 054092 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 90.2 0 55 0
137 Machhiyar 054093 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10 60 100 15.2 0
138 Sal 054094 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 27 25.3 0 25.3 0
139 Tanda Talla 054095 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2 12.1 0 3.3 0
140 Tanda Malla 054096 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.6 0 0 5 0
141 Patli 054103 Lohaghat c 0 0.6 3 8.8 0
142 Khuteli 054104 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9.5 2.4 11 23.8 0
143 Jakh 054105 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 3.6 31.6 60.8 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
5.4 3.2 0 41.2 10 31.1 0 0 0 0 10 Lara 95
1 0 0 0.7 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 Roodauli 96
1.7 3.5 2.2 30.8 3.4 27.4 0 0 0 0 3.4 Rolmail 97
3.5 0 3.2 10.3 0 10.3 0 0 0 0 0 Kota 98
2.6 0 1.5 13.3 3.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 3.2 Barait 99
5 0 0 109.7 9.7 100 0 0 0 0 9.7 Bhumwari 100
0 0 0 8.3 0 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 Reetha 101
0 0 11 149.3 7.3 142 0 0 0 0 7.3 Karauli 102
5 0 0 39 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 Jhalpura 103
5 0 5 40.3 5.5 34.8 0 0 0 0 5.5 Chhoragaon 104
20 0 0 173.2 23.2 150 0 0 0 0 23 Niloti 105
11 0 13.2 17.4 2 15.3 0 0 0 0 2 Dubar Kamlaikh 106
1.6 0 36.1 6.7 0 6.7 0 0 0 0 0 Burush Khola 107
10 0 0 107.3 7.3 100 0 0 0 0 7.3 Sakdena 108
30 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sirkot 109
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maun 110
0 0 5.6 20.2 0 20.2 0 0 0 0 0 Mairoli 111
2.4 0 7.6 0 0 7.6 0 0 0 0 0 Jadia Kamad 112
31.6 0 34.8 36.5 1 35.5 0 0 0 0 1 Takbalwari 113
243.9 41.2 9.8 88.3 14.6 73.8 0 0 0 0 15 Balatari 114
141 0 83.5 86.9 6.3 80.6 0 0 0 0 6.3 Kharhi 115
12.1 0 40.3 39.1 0 39.1 0 0 0 0 0 Nauliya Gaon 116
39.7 0 9.6 55.7 2 53.7 0 0 0 0 2 Goldanda 117
28.9 0 8.7 23.2 0 23.2 0 0 0 0 0 Tolarankuri 118
262.1 16.1 30.1 54.4 0.2 54.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 Binwal Gaon 119
45.3 1.3 0 80 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 Pokhari 120
188.5 0 0 269 2 267 0 0 0 0 2 Ramak 121
13.2 0 3.2 14.4 0 14.4 0 0 0 0 0 Kwarala 122
82.2 0 0 273.3 1 272.3 0 0 0 0 1 Mangal Lekh 123
33.3 0 3.1 51 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 Varshi 124
7.3 0 11.4 7.1 0 7.1 0 0 0 0 0 Sirna 125
11.3 0 4.6 8.5 0 8.5 0 0 0 0 0 Dabri 126
7.1 0 17.2 40.2 0 40.2 0 0 0 0 0 Dharson 127
8.6 0 0 40 5 36 0 0 0 0 5 Bhonkara 128
273.7 6.4 32.5 148.2 8 140.2 0 0 0 0 8 Parewa 129
42.9 0 5.3 182.5 20 162.5 20 0 0 0 0 Chaura Pita 130
81.8 0 6 110.6 0 110.6 0 0 0 0 0 Gadura 131
26.7 0 3.2 47 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 Bhingrara 132
41 2.5 6.1 92.1 0 92.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chalthiya 133
35.5 0 4.1 41.9 0 41.9 0 0 0 0 0 Madyoli 134
13 0 0 73 40.1 32.9 0 0 0 0 40 Chaura Maheta 135
45 0 0 281.9 4 277.9 0 0 0 0 4 Kulyal Gaon 136
22 0 0 135.6 7.1 128.5 0 0 0 0 7.1 Machhiyar 137
0 0 0 170.5 3.4 167.1 0 0 0 0 3.4 Sal 138
31.6 0 0 23.1 15 8 0 0 0 0 15 Tanda Talla 139
3 0 0 118.6 12 106.6 0 0 0 0 12 Tanda Malla 140
5.7 16.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Patli 141
11.8 0 1.4 23.3 0 23.3 0 0 0 0 0 Khuteli 142
23 0 2.2 53.1 0 53.1 0 0 0 0 0 Jakh 143

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
144 Sirmoli 054106 236.3 458 94 c 1 1 b b c
145 Pardhayani 054107 97.2 116 22 c a a a a c
146 Harori 054108 73.6 102 24 c a a a a c
147 Bharoli 054109 62.2 91 18 c a a a a c
148 Kanakot 054110 533.2 857 197 c 1 1 a a c
149 Ghanail 054111 23.1 0 0
150 Ghumali 054112 25.7 0 0
151 Sirtoli 054113 46.6 182 51 c 1 1 1 1 c
152 Bagjiwala 054114 75 0 0
153 Gharki 054115 75.9 55 12 c a a a c c
154 Lari 054116 128.3 317 68 c 2 a a a c
155 Jankande 054117 238.9 702 143 c 2 a a a c
156 Goshani 054118 462.5 1742 397 c 2 1 1 1 c
157 Tyarshun 054119 191.7 484 100 c 1 a a a c
158 Bajbhandari 054120 50.3 198 41 c a a a a c
159 Budarkarya 054121 12 22 5 c a a a a c
160 Manar Malla 054122 40 149 28 c b a a a c
161 Batula Banj 054123 71.6 154 32 c 1 a a a c
162 Gambhir Gaon 054124 114.8 115 21 c b a a a c
163 Manar Talla 054125 37.9 248 44 c 1 a a a c
164 Bayal Bunga 054126 399.8 166 29 c b a a a c
Block T O T A L : 25116.4 51971 9855 7 125 42 14 8 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c b c c c Sirmoli 144
c c c c a c c c Pardhayani 145
c c c c b c c c Harori 146
c c c c b c c c Bharoli 147
c c c c b c c c Kanakot 148
Ghanail 149
Ghumali 150
c c c c c c c c Sirtoli 151
Bagjiwala 152
c c c c b c c c Gharki 153
c c c c b c c c Lari 154
c c c c b c c c Jankande 155
c c c c b c c c Goshani 156
c c c c a c c c Tyarshun 157
c c c c c c c c Bajbhandari 158
c c c c a c c c Budarkarya 159
c c c c a c c c Manar Malla 160
c c c c a c c c Batula Banj 161
c c c c c c c c Gambhir Gaon 162
c c c c a c c c Manar Talla 163
c c c c a c c c Bayal Bunga 164
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Block T O T A L :

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
144 Sirmoli 054106 c b b c c c c c b b c
145 Pardhayani 054107 c a a a c c c c a a c
146 Harori 054108 c b c c c c c c b a c
147 Bharoli 054109 c c c b c c c c b a c
148 Kanakot 054110 c c 1 1 c c c c c 1 c
149 Ghanail 054111
150 Ghumali 054112
151 Sirtoli 054113 c c c a c c b b b b c
152 Bagjiwala 054114
153 Gharki 054115 c c c c c c b b b b a
154 Lari 054116 c c c a c c b b b a c
155 Jankande 054117 c c c 1 c c b b b 1 c
156 Goshani 054118 c a 1 a c c b 1 1 1 c
157 Tyarshun 054119 c a a a c c c a a a c
158 Bajbhandari 054120 c a a a c c c a a a c
159 Budarkarya 054121 c b b c c c c a a a a
160 Manar Malla 054122 c a a a c c c a a a c
161 Batula Banj 054123 c a a a c c c a a a c
162 Gambhir Gaon 054124 c a a a c c c a a a c
163 Manar Talla 054125 c c b 1 c 1 c a a a c
164 Bayal Bunga 054126 c a a a c c c a a a c
Block T O T A L : 0 3 18 6 0 3 1 1 1 3 4

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sirmoli 144
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Pardhayani 145
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Harori 146
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bharoli 147
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kanakot 148
Ghanail 149
Ghumali 150
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sirtoli 151
Bagjiwala 152
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gharki 153
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Lari 154
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Jankande 155
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Goshani 156
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Tyarshun 157
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bajbhandari 158
0 0 0 0 3 1 0 Budarkarya 159
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Manar Malla 160
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Batula Banj 161
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Gambhir Gaon 162
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Manar Talla 163
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bayal Bunga 164
0 6 6 6 288 197 27

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
144 Sirmoli 054106 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
145 Pardhayani 054107 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
146 Harori 054108 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
147 Bharoli 054109 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
148 Kanakot 054110 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
149 Ghanail 054111
150 Ghumali 054112
151 Sirtoli 054113 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
152 Bagjiwala 054114
153 Gharki 054115 Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No
154 Lari 054116 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
155 Jankande 054117 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
156 Goshani 054118 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
157 Tyarshun 054119 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
158 Bajbhandari 054120 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
159 Budarkarya 054121 No No No No No No No No No No No No
160 Manar Malla 054122 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
161 Batula Banj 054123 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
162 Gambhir Gaon 054124 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
163 Manar Talla 054125 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
164 Bayal Bunga 054126 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
152 1 21 0 0 11 3 34 0 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
b b c 262524 b b Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Sirmoli 144
c a c 252628 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Pardhayani 145
b a c 262524 b b Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Harori 146
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Bharoli 147
c Yes c 262524 Yes b Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Kanakot 148
Ghanail 149
Ghumali 150
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Sirtoli 151
Bagjiwala 152
c a c 262524 Yes b Yes c c b c c a c c c c Gharki 153
c a c 262524 Yes b Yes c c b c c a c c c c Lari 154
c Yes b 262524 Yes b Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Jankande 155
c Yes c 252628 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Goshani 156
c a c 262528 Yes Yes Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Tyarshun 157
c a c 252628 Yes Yes Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Bajbhandari 158
c a c 262528 Yes b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Budarkarya 159
c a c 252628 Yes a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Manar Malla 160
c a c 252628 Yes a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Batula Banj 161
c a a 262528 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Gambhir Gaon 162
c a c 252628 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Manar Talla 163
c a a 262528 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Bayal Bunga 164
6 13 0 156 26 11 154 1 0 16 0 0 27 0 0 0 0

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
144 Sirmoli 054106 c b b Yes b b Yes c Yes c c c
145 Pardhayani 054107 c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes a c a
146 Harori 054108 c b b Yes b b Yes c Yes b c b
147 Bharoli 054109 c b b a b a b c Yes b c b
148 Kanakot 054110 c b b Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
149 Ghanail 054111
150 Ghumali 054112
151 Sirtoli 054113 c b b Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
152 Bagjiwala 054114
153 Gharki 054115 c b b a b a b c Yes b c b
154 Lari 054116 c b b a b a b c Yes b c b
155 Jankande 054117 c b b Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
156 Goshani 054118 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes Yes c Yes
157 Tyarshun 054119 c a Yes a a Yes Yes c Yes a c a
158 Bajbhandari 054120 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
159 Budarkarya 054121 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
160 Manar Malla 054122 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a c a
161 Batula Banj 054123 a a a a a a a c Yes a c a
162 Gambhir Gaon 054124 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
163 Manar Talla 054125 c Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a c Yes
164 Bayal Bunga 054126 a a a a a a a c Yes a c a
1 18 15 22 20 26 6 0 156 3 0 5

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c b a c Sirmoli 144
a a a a c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a a Pardhayani 145
b a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a c Harori 146
b a c c b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a c Bharoli 147
b Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Kanakot 148
Ghanail 149
Ghumali 150
b Yes b b c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes a Yes Sirtoli 151
Bagjiwala 152
b a b b c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Gharki 153
b a b c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a a Lari 154
b Yes b c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Jankande 155
Yes Yes b c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes c Goshani 156
a a a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes a Tyarshun 157
a Yes a c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a Yes Bajbhandari 158
a a a a c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a Yes Budarkarya 159
a a a a c c Yes c Yes c c c c c a a a a Manar Malla 160
a a a b c c a c Yes c c c c c c a a a Batula Banj 161
a a a b c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a a Gambhir Gaon 162
Yes Yes a b c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a Yes Yes Manar Talla 163
a a a a c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a Yes Bayal Bunga 164
11 15 1 1 1 0 34 3 35 2 2 1 1 0 0 5 18 16

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
144 Sirmoli 054106 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 7.6 33.4 112.8 0
145 Pardhayani 054107 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 22 3.8 0 0.8 0
146 Harori 054108 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9.2 2.5 12 11.9 0
147 Bharoli 054109 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.2 1.7 6 4.3 8.5
148 Kanakot 054110 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.6 12.6 53.3 78.7 20.9
149 Ghanail 054111 Lohaghat c 0 0 2.1 8 3.3
150 Ghumali 054112 Lohaghat c 0 1.2 6.8 7.2 0
151 Sirtoli 054113 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.9 0.1 24.3 0
152 Bagjiwala 054114 Lohaghat c 18.6 3.6 4.1 29 5.6
153 Gharki 054115 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.5 32.5 8.1 3
154 Lari 054116 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 13.4 3.5 0.2 37.1 30.1
155 Jankande 054117 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.8 3.4 24 85.4 7.8
156 Goshani 054118 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 198.3 17.7 1.2 29.2 0
157 Tyarshun 054119 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 50.5 8.9 9.8 17 0
158 Bajbhandari 054120 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.6 0 1.8 0
159 Budarkarya 054121 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.6 0 0 0
160 Manar Malla 054122 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.6 0.8 21.4 0
161 Batula Banj 054123 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 22.9 1.8 0.2 0 0
162 Gambhir Gaon 054124 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 43.5 2.6 1.5 24.1 0
163 Manar Talla 054125 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1 1.2 0 0
164 Bayal Bunga 054126 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 108.4 4.2 0.2 0 0
149 7 6 10 0 4176.4 1459.1 838.3 3337.1 538.4

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
19.1 0 2.8 60.7 0.5 60.2 0.5 0 0 0 0 Sirmoli 144
47.8 0 1.2 21.7 0 21.7 0 0 0 0 0 Pardhayani 145
14.5 0 3.3 20.2 0.6 19.6 0.6 0 0 0 0 Harori 146
0 5.1 2.5 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 Bharoli 147
9.2 28.1 33.5 278.1 0 278.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kanakot 148
0 1.1 2.2 6.2 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0 Ghanail 149
0 2.1 2.1 6.2 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0 Ghumali 150
0 2.1 4.2 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 Sirtoli 151
0 2.1 3.4 8.6 0 8.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bagjiwala 152
0 2.1 1.3 28.3 0 28.3 0 0 0 0 0 Gharki 153
0 8.6 3.1 32.1 0 32.1 0 0 0 0 0 Lari 154
1.5 8.1 3.2 97.7 0 97.7 0 0 0 0 0 Jankande 155
35 0 9 172.1 0 172.1 0 0 0 0 0 Goshani 156
19.3 6.1 0 80.1 0 80.1 0 0 0 0 0 Tyarshun 157
2.1 0 5.6 39.2 0 39.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bajbhandari 158
0.4 0 4 6.9 0 6.9 0 0 0 0 0 Budarkarya 159
3.4 0 1.4 12.4 0 12.4 0 0 0 0 0 Manar Malla 160
19 0 2.5 25.3 0 25.3 0 0 0 0 0 Batula Banj 161
16 0 2.3 24.8 0 24.8 0 0 0 0 0 Gambhir Gaon 162
3.9 0 5.4 26.4 0 26.4 0 0 0 0 0 Manar Talla 163
35.8 0 10.2 241.1 0 241.1 0 0 0 0 0 Bayal Bunga 164
4130 902.2 984.4 8748.9 445.5 8312 106.1 0 0 0

Alphabetical list of Villages
Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Barakot Location CodeNo:-0073
1 Aagar 054207 01390400
2 Adkhandi 054152 01384900
3 Bagola 054169 01386600
4 Baila 054137 01383400
5 Baira Badwal 054138 01383500
6 Bairaorn 054136 01383300
7 Bakarya Julla 054127 01382400
8 Balso 054218 01391500
9 Bamaira 054135 01383200
10 Ban Kandiya 054147 01384400
11 Banj 054168 01386500
12 Bans 054190 01388700
13 Bantoli 054203 01390000
14 Bapru Talla 054201 01389800
15 Barakot 054179 01387600
16 Basaudi 054141 01383800
17 Batauri 054158 01385500
18 Bayoli 054199 01389600
19 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 054200 01389700
20 Betta 054189 01388600
21 Bhandar 054165 01386200
22 Bhartoli Goonth 054172 01386900
23 Bisrari 054164 01386100
24 Bruyuri 054211 01390800
25 Buraula 054128 01382500
26 Chachari 054219 01391600
27 Chami May Goonth 054224 01392100
28 Chamoli 054223 01392000
29 Chamroli 054220 01391700
30 Chaura Shah 054202 01389900
31 Chhanda 054192 01388900
32 Chhera 054187 01388400
33 Chhulapia 054148 01384500
34 Choolgaon 054130 01382700
35 Churani 054171 01386800
36 Devli Maphi 054145 01384200
37 Dhali Gaon 054142 01383900
38 Doba 054149 01384600
39 Dunga Joshi 054173 01387000
40 Dunga Malla 054174 01387100
41 Dungraorn 054150 01384700
42 Dyartoli 054193 01389000
43 Ezra 054146 01384300

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
44 Fartola 054177 01387400
45 Gaika Jyula 054213 01391000
46 Gairi 054197 01389400
47 Galla Gaon 054206 01390300
48 Gangali Pulai 054212 01390900
49 Gothkura 054166 01386300
50 Gumaud 054198 01389500
51 Gurna (Nayaabad) 054185 01388200
52 Gurna (Santola) 054186 01388300
53 Gwenara 054196 01389300
54 Hichaura 054188 01388500
55 Jakh Lagga Sutera 054217 01391400
56 Jamar 054216 01391300
57 Jhir Kuni 054181 01387800
58 Kailari 054180 01387700
59 Kakarh 054176 01387300
60 Kakari 054227 01392400
61 Kalakot 054205 01390200
62 Kamajula 054132 01382900
63 Khakora 054194 01389100
64 Kheti 054226 01392300
65 Khola Sunar 054184 01388100
66 Kothera 054157 01385400
67 Lidu 054225 01392200
68 Litee 054191 01388800
69 Luwakot 054131 01382800
70 Lwarki 054139 01383600
71 Malla Bapru 054195 01389200
72 Mau 054228 01392500
73 Maulani 054222 01391900
74 Mayua 054162 01385900
75 Mirtoli 054159 01385600
76 Nadera 054167 01386400
77 Naini Mahar 054208 01390500
78 Naumana 054154 01385100
79 Netra 054210 01390700
80 Nigali Garh 054183 01388000
81 Okhlanj 054161 01385800
82 Padasaon 054151 01384800
83 Pamda 054178 01387500
84 Patan Gaon 054140 01383700
85 Pathalati 054156 01385300
86 Patyuda 054163 01386000
87 Punai 054170 01386700
88 Puniyal 054229 01392600
89 Raighaon 054144 01384100

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
90 Raighari 054134 01383100
91 Ravalgaon 054133 01383000
92 Salan 054209 01390600
93 Sheel 054214 01391100
94 Sigda 054160 01385700
95 Simela 054221 01391800
96 Sugar Khal 054129 01382600
97 Suri 054182 01387900
98 Surkot 054143 01384000
99 Sutera 054215 01391200
100 Tak 054155 01385200
101 Talli Jindi 054175 01387200
102 Tarag 054204 01390100
103 Tari Gaon 054153 01385000

Village Directory Data of CD Block
Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Barakot Location CodeNo:-0073
1 Bakarya Julla 054127 43.7 313 58 c 1 a a c c
2 Buraula 054128 47.2 142 30 a a a a b c
3 Sugar Khal 054129 187 555 94 b 1 b b b c
4 Choolgaon 054130 349.4 279 57 c 1 1 b b c
5 Luwakot 054131 95.3 140 30 1 1 1 1 c c
6 Kamajula 054132 23.6 300 59 c 1 1 1 c c
7 Ravalgaon 054133 64.4 181 43 c 1 a a a c
8 Raighari 054134 139.1 405 72 a 1 a b b c
9 Bamaira 054135 16.1 107 17 c a a a a c
10 Bairaorn 054136 110.4 372 60 c 1 a a a c
11 Baila 054137 15.9 18 3 c a a a a c
12 Baira Badwal 054138 393.8 777 165 a 1 a a a c
13 Lwarki 054139 33.2 61 10 c a a a a c
14 Patan Gaon 054140 11.2 0 0
15 Basaudi 054141 34 122 22 c 1 a a a c
16 Dhali Gaon 054142 166.2 525 92 c 1 a a c c
17 Surkot 054143 57.8 115 20 c a a a a c
18 Raighaon 054144 851.2 1257 254 c 1 1 a c c
19 Devli Maphi 054145 132.2 31 7 c a a a a c
20 Ezra 054146 126.8 188 36 c 1 1 a 1 c
21 Ban Kandiya 054147 7.5 5 1 b 1 1 a a c
22 Chhulapia 054148 306 341 86 b a a a a c
23 Doba 054149 64 91 17 c 1 1 1 c c
24 Dungraorn 054150 18.1 78 15 c 1 a a c c
25 Padasaon 054151 201.3 610 109 b 1 1 1 b c
26 Adkhandi 054152 14.3 80 18 c a a a a c
27 Tari Gaon 054153 82.9 358 64 b 1 a a a b
28 Naumana 054154 104.4 259 54 b 1 1 a b b
29 Tak 054155 60.6 28 7 c a a a c c
30 Pathalati 054156 54.4 63 16 b a a a a c
31 Kothera 054157 398.4 371 85 c 1 1 1 b c
32 Batauri 054158 94.3 587 120 c 1 b b c c
33 Mirtoli 054159 46.7 303 63 b 1 1 b b c
34 Sigda 054160 182.4 772 157 c 1 1 1 c c
35 Okhlanj 054161 100.3 122 27 b 1 a b b c
36 Mayua 054162 144.4 154 33 b a a b b c
37 Patyuda 054163 244.6 125 23 c 1 a b b c
38 Bisrari 054164 138.2 527 84 b 1 1 b b c
39 Bhandar 054165 99.5 100 21 b a a b b c
40 Gothkura 054166 17.9 1 1 b a a b b b
41 Nadera 054167 133.7 449 96 a 1 1 1 1 c
42 Banj 054168 72.9 35 8 c a a a a c
43 Bagola 054169 47.5 14 3 c a a a b b
44 Punai 054170 68.4 104 22 a 1 a a a c
45 Churani 054171 60.1 231 53 b 1 1 1 b c
46 Bhartoli Goonth 054172 126.6 40 8 b a a b b c
47 Dunga Joshi 054173 79.2 85 15 c a a a a c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

c c c c c c c c Bakarya Julla 1
c c c c c c c c Buraula 2
c c c c c c c c Sugar Khal 3
c c c c c c c c Choolgaon 4
c c c c c c c c Luwakot 5
c c c c c c c c Kamajula 6
c c c c c c c c Ravalgaon 7
c c c c c c c c Raighari 8
c c c c c c c c Bamaira 9
c c c c c c c c Bairaorn 10
c c c c c c c c Baila 11
c c c c c c c c Baira Badwal 12
c c c c c c c c Lwarki 13
Patan Gaon 14
c c c c c c c c Basaudi 15
c c c c c c c c Dhali Gaon 16
c c c c c c c c Surkot 17
c c c c c c c c Raighaon 18
c c c c c c c c Devli Maphi 19
c c c c c c c c Ezra 20
c c c c c c c c Ban Kandiya 21
c c c c c c c c Chhulapia 22
c c c c c c c c Doba 23
c c c c c c c c Dungraorn 24
c c c c c c c c Padasaon 25
c c c c c c c c Adkhandi 26
c c c b c b c b Tari Gaon 27
c c c b c b c b Naumana 28
c c c c c c c c Tak 29
c c c c c c c c Pathalati 30
c c c c c c c c Kothera 31
c c c c c c c c Batauri 32
c c c c c c c c Mirtoli 33
c c c c c c c c Sigda 34
c c c c c c c c Okhlanj 35
c c c c c c c c Mayua 36
c c c c c c c c Patyuda 37
c c c c c c c c Bisrari 38
c c c c c c c c Bhandar 39
c c c b c b c b Gothkura 40
c c c c c c c c Nadera 41
c c c c c c c c Banj 42
c c c c c c c c Bagola 43
c c c c c c c c Punai 44
c c c c c c c c Churani 45
c c c c c c c c Bhartoli Goonth 46
c c c c c c c c Dunga Joshi 47

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Barakot Location CodeNo:-0073
1 Bakarya Julla 054127 c c c c c a c c c c b
2 Buraula 054128 c c c a c b c c c c a
3 Sugar Khal 054129 c c c c c c c c c c b
4 Choolgaon 054130 c c c c c b c c c c a
5 Luwakot 054131 c c c c c a c c c c a
6 Kamajula 054132 c c c c c a c c c c b
7 Ravalgaon 054133 c c a c c a c c a 1 a
8 Raighari 054134 c c 1 1 b b c c b c 1
9 Bamaira 054135 c c c c c a c c a a a
10 Bairaorn 054136 c c c c c a c c a c a
11 Baila 054137 c c c c c a c c a c c
12 Baira Badwal 054138 c c c c c a c c c c c
13 Lwarki 054139 c c c c c a c c a c a
14 Patan Gaon 054140
15 Basaudi 054141 c c c c c a a c a c a
16 Dhali Gaon 054142 c c a c c a a a a a a
17 Surkot 054143 c c a c c a a c a a 1
18 Raighaon 054144 c c 1 1 c a 1 c c c c
19 Devli Maphi 054145 c c a c c a a c a a a
20 Ezra 054146 c c c c c 1 c c c c a
21 Ban Kandiya 054147 c b c c c a c c b c a
22 Chhulapia 054148 c b c c c a c c b c a
23 Doba 054149 c c c c c a a c a c a
24 Dungraorn 054150 c c c c c a a c a c a
25 Padasaon 054151 c c c c c c c c c c b
26 Adkhandi 054152 c c c c c a a c c c a
27 Tari Gaon 054153 b b b b b b b b b b b
28 Naumana 054154 b b b b b a a b b b 1
29 Tak 054155 c a a a c c c c a a a
30 Pathalati 054156 c b a a c c c c a b b
31 Kothera 054157 c b a a c c c c b b b
32 Batauri 054158 c c b b c c c c b b b
33 Mirtoli 054159 c b 1 1 c c c c b b 1
34 Sigda 054160 c c a a c c c c c c c
35 Okhlanj 054161 c b a a c c c c b b a
36 Mayua 054162 c b b b c c c c b b b
37 Patyuda 054163 c c b b c c c c c c c
38 Bisrari 054164 c b b b c c c c b c c
39 Bhandar 054165 c b b b c c c c b b b
40 Gothkura 054166 b b b b b b b b b b b
41 Nadera 054167 c b c c c a c c 1 c b
42 Banj 054168 c b b b c c c c b b b
43 Bagola 054169 c b b b c c c c b b b
44 Punai 054170 c a a a c c c c a a a
45 Churani 054171 c b c c c b c c b b b
46 Bhartoli Goonth 054172 c b c c c c c c b c b
47 Dunga Joshi 054173 c a a a c c c c a a a

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bakarya Julla 1
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Buraula 2
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sugar Khal 3
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Choolgaon 4
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Luwakot 5
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kamajula 6
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Ravalgaon 7
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Raighari 8
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Bamaira 9
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bairaorn 10
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Baila 11
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Baira Badwal 12
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lwarki 13
Patan Gaon 14
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Basaudi 15
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dhali Gaon 16
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Surkot 17
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Raighaon 18
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Devli Maphi 19
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Ezra 20
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ban Kandiya 21
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chhulapia 22
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Doba 23
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dungraorn 24
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Padasaon 25
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Adkhandi 26
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Tari Gaon 27
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Naumana 28
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Tak 29
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pathalati 30
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kothera 31
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Batauri 32
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Mirtoli 33
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sigda 34
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Okhlanj 35
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Mayua 36
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Patyuda 37
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bisrari 38
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Bhandar 39
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Gothkura 40
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Nadera 41
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Banj 42
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Bagola 43
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Punai 44
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Churani 45
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Bhartoli Goonth 46
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Dunga Joshi 47

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Barakot Location CodeNo:-0073
1 Bakarya Julla 054127 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
2 Buraula 054128 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
3 Sugar Khal 054129 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
4 Choolgaon 054130 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
5 Luwakot 054131 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
6 Kamajula 054132 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
7 Ravalgaon 054133 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
8 Raighari 054134 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
9 Bamaira 054135 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
10 Bairaorn 054136 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
11 Baila 054137 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
12 Baira Badwal 054138 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
13 Lwarki 054139 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
14 Patan Gaon 054140
15 Basaudi 054141 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
16 Dhali Gaon 054142 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
17 Surkot 054143 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
18 Raighaon 054144 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
19 Devli Maphi 054145 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
20 Ezra 054146 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
21 Ban Kandiya 054147 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
22 Chhulapia 054148 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
23 Doba 054149 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
24 Dungraorn 054150 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
25 Padasaon 054151 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
26 Adkhandi 054152 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
27 Tari Gaon 054153 No No No No No No No Yes No No No No
28 Naumana 054154 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
29 Tak 054155 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
30 Pathalati 054156 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
31 Kothera 054157 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
32 Batauri 054158 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
33 Mirtoli 054159 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
34 Sigda 054160 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
35 Okhlanj 054161 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
36 Mayua 054162 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
37 Patyuda 054163 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
38 Bisrari 054164 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
39 Bhandar 054165 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
40 Gothkura 054166 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
41 Nadera 054167 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No
42 Banj 054168 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
43 Bagola 054169 No No No No No No No Yes No No No No
44 Punai 054170 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
45 Churani 054171 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
46 Bhartoli Goonth 054172 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
47 Dunga Joshi 054173 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1

b a b 262528 Yes a Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Bakarya Julla 1

c b c 262528 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Buraula 2
c Yes c 262528 a a Yes c c a c c b c c c c Sugar Khal 3
b b c 262524 c c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Choolgaon 4
c b c 262524 Yes b Yes c c b c c a c c c c Luwakot 5
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Kamajula 6
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Ravalgaon 7
b a b 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c b c c c c Raighari 8
a a a 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Bamaira 9
a a a 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Bairaorn 10
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Baila 11
b b c 262527 Yes b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Baira Badwal 12
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c Lwarki 13
Patan Gaon 14
c a a 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Basaudi 15
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Dhali Gaon 16
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Surkot 17
c Yes c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Raighaon 18
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Devli Maphi 19
c Yes c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Ezra 20
a a a 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Ban Kandiya 21
c Yes c 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chhulapia 22
c b c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Doba 23
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Dungraorn 24
b b c 262527 b b Yes c c c c c a c c c c Padasaon 25
c b c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c Adkhandi 26
b a b 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b a c c Yes c c c c Tari Gaon 27
b a b 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Naumana 28
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c Tak 29
c b c 262527 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pathalati 30
c Yes c 262527 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Kothera 31
c c c 262527 Yes c Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Batauri 32
c b c 262527 b b Yes c c a c c b c c c c Mirtoli 33
c a c 262527 Yes c Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Sigda 34
c b c 262527 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Okhlanj 35
c b c 262527 b b Yes c c c c c b c c c c Mayua 36
c b c 262527 c c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Patyuda 37
c b c 262527 Yes b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Bisrari 38
c b c 262527 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Bhandar 39
b a b 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b a c c b c c c c Gothkura 40
Yes b b 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Nadera 41
c b c 262527 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Banj 42
c b c 262527 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Bagola 43
c a c 262527 a a Yes c c a c c c c c c c Punai 44
b b b 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Churani 45
b b c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Bhartoli Goonth 46
c a b 262527 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Dunga Joshi 47

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Barakot Location CodeNo:-0073
1 Bakarya Julla 054127 c a a a a Yes a c Yes c c c
2 Buraula 054128 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
3 Sugar Khal 054129 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
4 Choolgaon 054130 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
5 Luwakot 054131 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
6 Kamajula 054132 c Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes c c c
7 Ravalgaon 054133 c c c Yes c Yes Yes c Yes c c a
8 Raighari 054134 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
9 Bamaira 054135 c c c c c c Yes c Yes c c a
10 Bairaorn 054136 c b b Yes b Yes Yes c Yes c c a
11 Baila 054137 c c c b b Yes Yes c Yes c c a
12 Baira Badwal 054138 c Yes Yes c Yes c c c Yes c c c
13 Lwarki 054139 c c c c c c Yes c Yes c c a
14 Patan Gaon 054140
15 Basaudi 054141 c c b Yes c Yes Yes c Yes c c a
16 Dhali Gaon 054142 c b c Yes c Yes Yes c Yes c c a
17 Surkot 054143 c c c Yes c Yes Yes c Yes c c a
18 Raighaon 054144 c Yes Yes c Yes c c c Yes c c c
19 Devli Maphi 054145 c c b Yes c Yes Yes c Yes c c a
20 Ezra 054146 c b b Yes c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes
21 Ban Kandiya 054147 c a a a a a a c Yes c c b
22 Chhulapia 054148 c a a a a a a c Yes c c b
23 Doba 054149 c c Yes Yes c b Yes c Yes c c c
24 Dungraorn 054150 c b b b c Yes Yes c Yes c c a
25 Padasaon 054151 c c c c c Yes c c Yes c c c
26 Adkhandi 054152 c b b b c b a c Yes c c c
27 Tari Gaon 054153 b a a Yes b Yes Yes c Yes b b a
28 Naumana 054154 b a a Yes b b Yes c Yes b b b
29 Tak 054155 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
30 Pathalati 054156 b a a Yes Yes a a c Yes b c b
31 Kothera 054157 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
32 Batauri 054158 b Yes b b Yes b b c Yes c c c
33 Mirtoli 054159 a b a a Yes a a c Yes b c b
34 Sigda 054160 a a a a Yes a a c Yes c c c
35 Okhlanj 054161 a b b b Yes b b c Yes b c b
36 Mayua 054162 b b b b b b b c Yes b c b
37 Patyuda 054163 c b b b Yes b b c Yes c c c
38 Bisrari 054164 c c b Yes Yes b b c Yes b c b
39 Bhandar 054165 b b b b b b b c Yes b c b
40 Gothkura 054166 b b a a b Yes Yes c Yes b b b
41 Nadera 054167 c Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes Yes c b
42 Banj 054168 c b b b Yes b b c Yes b c b
43 Bagola 054169 c b b b b b b c Yes b c b
44 Punai 054170 a a a a a a a c Yes a c a
45 Churani 054171 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes b c b
46 Bhartoli Goonth 054172 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes b c b
47 Dunga Joshi 054173 b a a a a a a c Yes a c a

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1

c Yes c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c a a Bakarya Julla 1

c c c c c c a c a a c c c c c c a a Buraula 2
c b b c c c a c c c c c c c c c b a Sugar Khal 3
c a a c c c a c a a c c c c c c a a Choolgaon 4
c c c c c c a c a a c c c c c b Yes a Luwakot 5
c Yes c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c Yes Yes Kamajula 6
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Ravalgaon 7
b Yes b b b b Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b Yes Yes Raighari 8
c a c c c c a c a a c c c c c Yes a Yes Bamaira 9
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Bairaorn 10
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c a a a Baila 11
c Yes c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c b Yes Yes Baira Badwal 12
c b c c c c a c b b c c c c c Yes a a Lwarki 13
Patan Gaon 14
c a c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c Yes a a Basaudi 15
Yes Yes c c b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Dhali Gaon 16
c a c c c c a c c c c c c c c c c Yes Surkot 17
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Raighaon 18
a a c c c c a c Yes b c c c c c Yes a a Devli Maphi 19
Yes b c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Ezra 20
b Yes b c b b a c a a c c c c c a a a Ban Kandiya 21
b Yes b b b c Yes c a a c c c c c b Yes a Chhulapia 22
b Yes c c c c a c b b c c c c c Yes a a Doba 23
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c Yes a a Dungraorn 24
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Padasaon 25
c b c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes a a Adkhandi 26
b a b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes Yes Tari Gaon 27
Yes a b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes a Yes Naumana 28
c a c c c c a c a b c c c c c c a a Tak 29
b b b b b b a c a a c c c c c a a Yes Pathalati 30
a b b b b b Yes c Yes c c c c c c b Yes Yes Kothera 31
c Yes b b b c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b a Yes Batauri 32
b b b b b b Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b Yes Yes Mirtoli 33
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b Yes Yes Sigda 34
b b b c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b a b Okhlanj 35
b a a c c c a c a a c c c c c b a Yes Mayua 36
c a c c c c a c a a c c c c c c a Yes Patyuda 37
b Yes b c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b Yes Yes Bisrari 38
b a b c c c a c a a c c c c c b a Yes Bhandar 39
b b b b b b a b a Yes c c c b b a a a Gothkura 40
b Yes b c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b Yes Yes Nadera 41
b a b c c c a c a a c c c c c b a Yes Banj 42
b b b b b c a c a a c c c c c b a Yes Bagola 43
a a a a a c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c a a Yes Punai 44
Yes Yes b b b c Yes c b b c c c c c c Yes Yes Churani 45
Yes Yes b b b c Yes c b b c c c c c c a a Bhartoli Goonth 46
a a a a a c a c a a c c c c c a a Yes Dunga Joshi 47

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Barakot Location CodeNo:-0073
1 Bakarya Julla 054127 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.2 1.2 10.9 0 0
2 Buraula 054128 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.4 1.4 6.2 21.1 0
3 Sugar Khal 054129 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.8 0.8 25 20.4 33.4
4 Choolgaon 054130 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 246.3 9.4 20.7 0 0
5 Luwakot 054131 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.1 17.3 22.8 0.2 9
6 Kamajula 054132 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.2 0.8 4.5 0 0
7 Ravalgaon 054133 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 26.6 1.2 0 3.8 0
8 Raighari 054134 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 16.2 4.2 34.8 35.3 0
9 Bamaira 054135 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0 0.6 0 0
10 Bairaorn 054136 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 31.9 15.1 5.4 3.3 0
11 Baila 054137 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.6 6 0.5 0 0
12 Baira Badwal 054138 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 157.1 18.9 46.6 47.8 0
13 Lwarki 054139 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10 4.3 2.8 5.7 0
14 Patan Gaon 054140 Lohaghat c 1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0
15 Basaudi 054141 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 8.5 6 1 4.4 0
16 Dhali Gaon 054142 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 8 8 12 7.7 0
17 Surkot 054143 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.9 8.7 3.2 8.2 0
18 Raighaon 054144 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 136.3 32.8 184.3 153.6 10.1
19 Devli Maphi 054145 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 17.3 24.8 4.5 38 0
20 Ezra 054146 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 52.8 15.2 4.3 17.9 0
21 Ban Kandiya 054147 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.2 1.7 0 0
22 Chhulapia 054148 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 91.5 19.1 14.3 48.1 0
23 Doba 054149 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 24.9 6.3 2.7 0 0
24 Dungraorn 054150 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 5 1.3 0 0
25 Padasaon 054151 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.8 17.3 4.8 32.6 0
26 Adkhandi 054152 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 5.6 0.4 0 0
27 Tari Gaon 054153 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 25.4 2.9 0.8 3.1 0
28 Naumana 054154 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 3.6 23.3 17.2 2.7 0.3
29 Tak 054155 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 25 1.1 1.2 5.9 0
30 Pathalati 054156 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 12.8 4.3 6.5 0 0
31 Kothera 054157 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 173 5.1 13.2 19.6 0
32 Batauri 054158 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6 2.2 28.1 6.8 0
33 Mirtoli 054159 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.3 6 2.4 0
34 Sigda 054160 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 24.6 10.7 34.1 39.4 0
35 Okhlanj 054161 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 19.6 2.2 14.4 13 0
36 Mayua 054162 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 91.7 16.9 1.2 3.8 0
37 Patyuda 054163 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 122.4 3.1 14.8 50.4 0
38 Bisrari 054164 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3 4.2 5.8 26.3 0
39 Bhandar 054165 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 43.9 3.8 2.2 11 0
40 Gothkura 054166 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 3.8 6.8 0.8 0 0
41 Nadera 054167 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 33.3 4.9 12.4 23.6 0
42 Banj 054168 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.6 3.1 10.8 3 0
43 Bagola 054169 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 20.1 0.2 5.3 18.1 0
44 Punai 054170 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.3 1.5 3.1 5.9 0
45 Churani 054171 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.4 15.7 17.4 0 0.2
46 Bhartoli Goonth 054172 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 26.2 13.5 58.7 0.1
47 Dunga Joshi 054173 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 20 4.2 4 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

2.3 4.6 2.1 19.5 0 19.5 0 0 0 0 0 Bakarya Julla 1

1.2 0 0.2 13.8 0 13.8 0 0 0 0 0 Buraula 2
50.8 6.1 4 42.7 0 42.7 0 0 0 0 0 Sugar Khal 3
12.7 11 5.5 43.7 15.3 28.4 0 0 0 0 15 Choolgaon 4
3 2 0 22.9 0 22.9 0 0 0 0 0 Luwakot 5
1.3 3.4 1 10.5 0 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 Kamajula 6
11.6 8.2 1.5 11.4 0 11.4 0 0 0 0 0 Ravalgaon 7
1.6 4 2.4 40.6 0 40.6 0 0 0 0 0 Raighari 8
7.8 1.6 0.4 5.6 0 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bamaira 9
16.1 7.1 5.4 26 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 Bairaorn 10
0 0.6 0.4 3.8 0 3.8 0 0 0 0 0 Baila 11
27.2 21 5 70.2 0 70.2 0 0 0 0 0 Baira Badwal 12
0.4 2.1 0 7.8 0 7.8 0 0 0 0 0 Lwarki 13
1.7 1.8 0.4 5.4 0 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 Patan Gaon 14
6.2 1.1 1.1 5.6 0 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 Basaudi 15
49.6 13.2 7.8 60 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 Dhali Gaon 16
6 3.3 2.8 18.8 0 18.8 0 0 0 0 0 Surkot 17
11 11 156 156 0 156 0 0 0 0 0 Raighaon 18
4.1 13.2 10.2 20.1 0 20.1 0 0 0 0 0 Devli Maphi 19
3.2 7.1 3.1 23.3 0 23.3 0 0 0 0 0 Ezra 20
1.3 0.7 0.4 3.3 0 3.3 0 0 0 0 0 Ban Kandiya 21
75.2 8.6 5 44.3 0 44.3 0 0 0 0 0 Chhulapia 22
13.8 3 2 11.3 0 11.3 0 0 0 0 0 Doba 23
2.3 1.1 1 7.4 0 7.4 0 0 0 0 0 Dungraorn 24
29.5 42.7 14 53.6 9 44.6 0 0 0 0 9 Padasaon 25
0.7 0.8 0.2 6.6 0 6.6 0 0 0 0 0 Adkhandi 26
17 7.2 3 23.5 0 23.5 0 0 0 0 0 Tari Gaon 27
15 9 4.7 28.7 0 28.7 0 0 0 0 0 Naumana 28
12.5 3.3 2.8 8.7 0 8.7 0 0 0 0 0 Tak 29
4.5 0 1.2 25.1 0 25.1 0 0 0 0 0 Pathalati 30
48 0 12.5 127.1 0 127.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kothera 31
6.8 0 3.2 41.3 0 41.3 0 0 0 0 0 Batauri 32
4.8 0 4 28.2 0 28.2 0 0 0 0 0 Mirtoli 33
5.1 0 8.5 60 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 Sigda 34
10 0 5.1 36.1 0 36.1 0 0 0 0 0 Okhlanj 35
0 0 2.1 28.6 0 28.6 0 0 0 0 0 Mayua 36
13.2 0 3.1 37.7 0 37.7 0 0 0 0 0 Patyuda 37
23 0 8.3 67.6 0 67.6 0 0 0 0 0 Bisrari 38
14.6 0 1.5 22.5 0 22.5 0 0 0 0 0 Bhandar 39
0.1 0.6 0.4 5.3 0 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 Gothkura 40
19 3.2 2 35.4 0 35.4 0 0 0 0 0 Nadera 41
17.8 0 3.1 28.4 1 27.4 0 0 0 0 1 Banj 42
0 0 0 3.7 0 3.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bagola 43
2.8 0 5.4 44.4 0 44.4 0 0 0 0 0 Punai 44
0.4 2.1 1.4 10.5 0 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 Churani 45
2.4 4.5 3.1 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 Bhartoli Goonth 46
23.5 0 3.4 24.1 0 24.1 0 0 0 0 0 Dunga Joshi 47

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
48 Dunga Malla 054174 17.2 6 1 c a a a a c
49 Talli Jindi 054175 12.2 56 11 c a a a a c
50 Kakarh 054176 234.2 969 201 c 1 1 1 1 c
51 Fartola 054177 62.2 412 110 c 1 a a a c
52 Pamda 054178 190.7 454 105 c 2 a a a c
53 Barakot 054179 519.7 1122 268 1 3 2 1 1 c
54 Kailari 054180 45.4 0 0
55 Jhir Kuni 054181 103.3 103 31 b 1 a a a b
56 Suri 054182 65.3 89 26 b 1 a a a c
57 Nigali Garh 054183 37.8 41 11 b a a a c c
58 Khola Sunar 054184 72.5 311 70 c 1 a a a c
59 Gurna (Nayaabad) 054185 32 119 26 a a a a a c
60 Gurna (Santola) 054186 115.1 145 31 a 2 a a a c

61 Chhera 054187 105.8 184 38 c 1 1 a a c

62 Hichaura 054188 89.7 20 6 c a a a a c
63 Betta 054189 35.5 133 31 c 1 b b b c

64 Bans 054190 17.6 141 27 c 2 a a c c

65 Litee 054191 50.8 18 4 c a a a a c

66 Chhanda 054192 175.1 428 95 c 1 1 b b c

67 Dyartoli 054193 330.5 632 127 b 1 a a c c

68 Khakora 054194 310 532 111 c 2 b b b c

69 Malla Bapru 054195 182.7 645 137 1 b b b b c
70 Gwenara 054196 75.2 282 65 a 1 1 a a c

71 Gairi 054197 31.7 142 27 a 1 a a a c

72 Gumaud 054198 148.9 234 52 a 1 a a a c

73 Bayoli 054199 24.2 19 4 a a a b b c

74 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 054200 39.4 66 13 c a a a a c

75 Bapru Talla 054201 333.9 641 136 a 1 a a a c

76 Chaura Shah 054202 13.3 83 15 a a a a a c

77 Bantoli 054203 139.5 313 68 a 1 1 1 1 c

78 Tarag 054204 419.6 413 80 b 1 a a a a

79 Kalakot 054205 109.2 185 40 b 1 1 b b b
80 Galla Gaon 054206 83.5 381 70 b 1 a b b b
81 Aagar 054207 139 516 118 c 1 1 1 1 c

82 Naini Mahar 054208 31.9 109 24 c a a a a c

83 Salan 054209 67.6 165 30 c a a b c c
84 Netra 054210 50.9 174 32 c 1 1 b c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Dunga Malla 48
c c c c c c c c Talli Jindi 49
c c c c c c c c Kakarh 50
c c c c c c c c Fartola 51
c c c c c c c c Pamda 52
c c c c c c c c Barakot 53
Kailari 54
c c c b c b c b Jhir Kuni 55
c c c c c c c c Suri 56
c c c c c c c c Nigali Garh 57
c c c c c c c c Khola Sunar 58
c c c a c c c c Gurna (Nayaabad) 59
c c c c c c c c Gurna (Santola) 60

c c c c c c c c Chhera 61
c c c c a c c c Hichaura 62
c c c c c c c c Betta 63

c c c c c c c c Bans 64
c c c c c c c c Litee 65

c c c c c c c c Chhanda 66

c c c c c c c c Dyartoli 67

c c c c c c c c Khakora 68
c c c c c c c c Malla Bapru 69
c c c c c c c c Gwenara 70

c c c c c c c c Gairi 71

c c c c c c c c Gumaud 72
c c c c c c c c Bayoli 73

c c c c c c c c Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 74

c c c c c c c c Bapru Talla 75
c c c c c c c c Chaura Shah 76

c c c c c c c c Bantoli 77

c c c b c b c b Tarag 78
c c c b c b c b Kalakot 79
c c c b c b c b Galla Gaon 80
c c c c c c c c Aagar 81

c c c c c c c c Naini Mahar 82
c c c c c c c c Salan 83
c c c c c c c c Netra 84

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
48 Dunga Malla 054174 c a a a c c c c a a a
49 Talli Jindi 054175 c a a a c c c c a a a
50 Kakarh 054176 c a a a c c c c a a a
51 Fartola 054177 c a a a c c c c a a a
52 Pamda 054178 c a a a c c c c a a a
53 Barakot 054179 c 1 1 1 c c c c 1 1 1
54 Kailari 054180
55 Jhir Kuni 054181 b a a b b b b b a a a
56 Suri 054182 c b c c c a c c b c a
57 Nigali Garh 054183 c b c c c a c c b c a
58 Khola Sunar 054184 c a a a c c c c a a a
59 Gurna (Nayaabad) 054185 c a a a c c c c a a a
60 Gurna (Santola) 054186 c a a a c c c a c a a

61 Chhera 054187 c c b b c c c c c b c
62 Hichaura 054188 c c b b c c c c c b c
63 Betta 054189 c c a b c c c c c b c

64 Bans 054190 c c a a c c c c c b c
65 Litee 054191 c c a a c c c c c a c

66 Chhanda 054192 c c a a c c c c c b c

67 Dyartoli 054193 c c a a c c c c c b c

68 Khakora 054194 c c b b c c c c c b c
69 Malla Bapru 054195 c b b c c c c c b b a
70 Gwenara 054196 c b c c c c c c b c a

71 Gairi 054197 c b c c c c c c b c a

72 Gumaud 054198 c b c c c c c c b c a
73 Bayoli 054199 c b b c c c c c c b a

74 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 054200 c b c c c c c c b c c

75 Bapru Talla 054201 c b c c c c c c b c a

76 Chaura Shah 054202 c c a b c b c c b b b

77 Bantoli 054203 b b b b b b b b b b a

78 Tarag 054204 a a b b b b a b a b a
79 Kalakot 054205 b b b b b b b b b b b
80 Galla Gaon 054206 b b b a c b b b b b b
81 Aagar 054207 c c 1 1 c c c c c 1 c

82 Naini Mahar 054208 c c a a c c c c c c c

83 Salan 054209 c c b b c c c c c b c
84 Netra 054210 c c b b b c c c c b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Dunga Malla 48
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Talli Jindi 49
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kakarh 50
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Fartola 51
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Pamda 52
0 1 1 1 1 2 0 Barakot 53
Kailari 54
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jhir Kuni 55
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Suri 56
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nigali Garh 57
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Khola Sunar 58
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gurna (Nayaabad) 59
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gurna (Santola) 60

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chhera 61
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Hichaura 62
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Betta 63

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bans 64
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Litee 65

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chhanda 66

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dyartoli 67

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Khakora 68
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Malla Bapru 69
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gwenara 70

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gairi 71

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gumaud 72
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bayoli 73

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 74

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bapru Talla 75
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chaura Shah 76

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bantoli 77

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Tarag 78
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kalakot 79
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Galla Gaon 80
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Aagar 81

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Naini Mahar 82
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Salan 83
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Netra 84

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
48 Dunga Malla 054174 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
49 Talli Jindi 054175 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
50 Kakarh 054176 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
51 Fartola 054177 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
52 Pamda 054178 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
53 Barakot 054179 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
54 Kailari 054180
55 Jhir Kuni 054181 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
56 Suri 054182 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
57 Nigali Garh 054183 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
58 Khola Sunar 054184 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
59 Gurna (Nayaabad) 054185 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
60 Gurna (Santola) 054186 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

61 Chhera 054187 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

62 Hichaura 054188 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
63 Betta 054189 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No

64 Bans 054190 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

65 Litee 054191 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

66 Chhanda 054192 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

67 Dyartoli 054193 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

68 Khakora 054194 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

69 Malla Bapru 054195 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
70 Gwenara 054196 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

71 Gairi 054197 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

72 Gumaud 054198 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

73 Bayoli 054199 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

74 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 054200 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

75 Bapru Talla 054201 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

76 Chaura Shah 054202 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

77 Bantoli 054203 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No

78 Tarag 054204 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

79 Kalakot 054205 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
80 Galla Gaon 054206 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
81 Aagar 054207 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

82 Naini Mahar 054208 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

83 Salan 054209 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
84 Netra 054210 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c a c 262527 Yes a Yes c c c c c a c c c c Dunga Malla 48
c a c 262527 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Talli Jindi 49
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Kakarh 50
a a c 262527 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Fartola 51
c a c 262527 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pamda 52
c Yes c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Barakot 53
Kailari 54
b a a 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b a c c b c c c c Jhir Kuni 55
a a c 262527 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Suri 56
c a b 262527 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Nigali Garh 57
c a c 262527 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c a c c c c Khola Sunar 58
c a c 262527 Yes c Yes a a b c c c c c c c Gurna (Nayaabad) 59
c a c 262527 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Gurna (Santola) 60

c Yes c 262527 c c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Chhera 61

c b c 262527 a a Yes b b b c c a c c c c Hichaura 62
c a c 262527 a a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Betta 63

c a c 262527 a a Yes c c b c c b c c c c Bans 64

c a c 262527 Yes a Yes c c b c c a c c c c Litee 65

c a c 262527 a Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Chhanda 66

c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Dyartoli 67

c c c 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Khakora 68

b Yes c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Malla Bapru 69
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c a c c c c Gwenara 70

c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c a c c c c Gairi 71

c c c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gumaud 72
b a b 262527 a Yes Yes c c c c c a c c c c Bayoli 73

Yes a a 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 74

c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c a c c c c Bapru Talla 75

c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Chaura Shah 76

b Yes b 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Bantoli 77

b a b 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Tarag 78

b Yes Yes 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Kalakot 79
b Yes b 262527 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Galla Gaon 80
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Aagar 81

c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes a a c c c Yes c c c c Naini Mahar 82

c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c Salan 83
c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c b c c b c c c c Netra 84

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
48 Dunga Malla 054174 b a a b b b b c Yes a c a
49 Talli Jindi 054175 b a a a Yes a a c Yes a c a
50 Kakarh 054176 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes a c a
51 Fartola 054177 a Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes Yes c a
52 Pamda 054178 a a a a Yes a a c Yes a c a
53 Barakot 054179 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes Yes c Yes
54 Kailari 054180
55 Jhir Kuni 054181 b b Yes Yes a a Yes c Yes a b a
56 Suri 054182 c a a a a a a c Yes a c b
57 Nigali Garh 054183 c a a a a a a c Yes b c b
58 Khola Sunar 054184 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a Yes Yes a c a
59 Gurna (Nayaabad) 054185 a a a a a a a c Yes a c a
60 Gurna (Santola) 054186 Yes Yes a c a a a c Yes a c a

61 Chhera 054187 b Yes a Yes a a Yes c Yes c c c

62 Hichaura 054188 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c b
63 Betta 054189 b Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes c Yes c c c

64 Bans 054190 b Yes a Yes a a Yes c Yes c c c

65 Litee 054191 b Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes c Yes c c c

66 Chhanda 054192 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c

67 Dyartoli 054193 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c

68 Khakora 054194 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c
69 Malla Bapru 054195 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes b c b
70 Gwenara 054196 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b c b

71 Gairi 054197 a a a a a a a c Yes b c b

72 Gumaud 054198 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a Yes Yes b c b

73 Bayoli 054199 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b c b

74 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 054200 a a a a a Yes a Yes Yes b c b

75 Bapru Talla 054201 a a a a a Yes a c Yes c c c

76 Chaura Shah 054202 b Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes c Yes c c c

77 Bantoli 054203 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes b b b

78 Tarag 054204 b Yes Yes Yes b Yes b c Yes a b a

79 Kalakot 054205 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes c Yes b b b
80 Galla Gaon 054206 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes c Yes b b b
81 Aagar 054207 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes

82 Naini Mahar 054208 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c a
83 Salan 054209 b b b b b b b c Yes Yes c c
84 Netra 054210 b c b b b b b c Yes c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
a a a a a c a c a a c c c c c a a c Dunga Malla 48
a a a c c c a c a c c c c c c a a Yes Talli Jindi 49
a Yes a c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c a Yes Yes Kakarh 50
a Yes a c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c a a Yes Fartola 51
a a a c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c a a a Pamda 52
Yes Yes a c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c Yes Yes Yes Barakot 53
Kailari 54
a a b b b b Yes b a a b b b b b Yes a Yes Jhir Kuni 55
b a b b b c a c a a c c c c c a a a Suri 56
b a c c c c a c a a c c c c c a a a Nigali Garh 57
a Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c a a Yes Khola Sunar 58
a a c c c c a c a a c c c c c a a Yes Gurna (Nayaabad) 59
a a a c c c Yes c a Yes c c c c c a a a Gurna (Santola) 60

a b a Yes a b c c b c c c Yes c c a b c Chhera 61

Yes a a c c c a c a c c b c c c c Yes Yes Hichaura 62
b b a b b c b c b b c c a c c c b c Betta 63

a a b c c b a c a a c c Yes c c c a a Bans 64
a a b c c c b c a b c c c c c a a c Litee 65

Yes Yes b a b c a Yes a Yes c c Yes c b a Yes Yes Chhanda 66

Yes c b c c c b Yes b b c b Yes c c a a Yes Dyartoli 67

Yes Yes a a a c a c a b c c Yes c b c a a Khakora 68

Yes Yes a a b c a Yes Yes b b c b b b c a Yes Malla Bapru 69
Yes a b c b c Yes c b c c c c c c c b Yes Gwenara 70

a a c c c c a c b b c c Yes c c c a a Gairi 71

Yes Yes b b b c Yes c b b c b Yes c c c a Yes Gumaud 72

Yes a a c a a a c a c c b c c c c a a Bayoli 73

Yes a a b a a a c b c b a c c c c c a Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 74

Yes a b b a a Yes c c b c b Yes c c c Yes Yes Bapru Talla 75

b a b b b b a c a c c b c c c c a a Chaura Shah 76

Yes Yes b b b b Yes b b b b b Yes b c b Yes Yes Bantoli 77

a b b b b b Yes b Yes c b b Yes c c Yes Yes Yes Tarag 78

b a b b b b a b b c b b b b b Yes Yes Yes Kalakot 79
b Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes Yes Galla Gaon 80
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c b a Yes Yes Aagar 81

Yes c b c c a a c a c c c Yes c c c a a Naini Mahar 82

Yes b c c c c a c a a c c c c c b a b Salan 83
Yes b c c c c a c a c c c c c c b a b Netra 84

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
48 Dunga Malla 054174 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.4 0.5 0.9 0 0
49 Talli Jindi 054175 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.4 0 0 0
50 Kakarh 054176 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 72.9 3.7 28.7 15.3 0
51 Fartola 054177 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 3.1 3.6 3.9 0
52 Pamda 054178 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 84.9 4.2 22 7.3 12.6
53 Barakot 054179 Yes Yes Yes Yes Lohaghat c 105 7.1 53.3 125.2 0
54 Kailari 054180 Lohaghat c 25.2 0.5 8.2 0 0
55 Jhir Kuni 054181 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 37.4 2.3 2.2 15.2 0
56 Suri 054182 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10.4 4 18.4 8.1 0
57 Nigali Garh 054183 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.8 4.8 3.8 8.3 6
58 Khola Sunar 054184 Yes No No No Champawat c 0 2.2 19.7 3.8 0
59 Gurna (Nayaabad) 054185 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.4 9.6 3.7 0
60 Gurna (Santola) 054186 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 25.6 11.2 31.2 0.8 0

61 Chhera 054187 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 23 7.5 5.5 24.4 5.6

62 Hichaura 054188 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 49.2 7.3 5.5 4.8 2.9
63 Betta 054189 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.5 2.1 2.1 3.1 2.4

64 Bans 054190 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0.3 0.1 2.1 2.2 0.8

65 Litee 054191 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 5.1 7.9 3.7 5.2

66 Chhanda 054192 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.6 15.4 17.4 12.1 4.6

67 Dyartoli 054193 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.7 16.2 38.7 98.9 37.7

68 Khakora 054194 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 83 22.9 98.5 26.4 62.4

69 Malla Bapru 054195 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 56 23.6 1 32 0.2
70 Gwenara 054196 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 14.6 0 0 0.2

71 Gairi 054197 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 6.2 1.9 0 0.2

72 Gumaud 054198 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 31.1 24.2 31.4 2.1 0.1

73 Bayoli 054199 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.8 3.2 0 0.2

74 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 054200 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.1 6.4 4.1 0 0.1

75 Bapru Talla 054201 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 93.9 36.1 32.6 24 0

76 Chaura Shah 054202 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.9

77 Bantoli 054203 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 13.8 8.6 21.3 0.2 12.7

78 Tarag 054204 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 152.3 56.3 33.1 92.3 4.4

79 Kalakot 054205 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 33.7 31.2 1.4 0 0
80 Galla Gaon 054206 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 11.6 13.8 12.1 11.6 0
81 Aagar 054207 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 14.2 9.1 15.5 6.9 7.5

82 Naini Mahar 054208 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.4 1.2 1.4 2.5 3.2
83 Salan 054209 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.1 21.3 16.6 8.5
84 Netra 054210 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.9 0.5 19.9 0 0.2

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
3.4 0 1.2 6.8 0 6.8 0 0 0 0 0 Dunga Malla 48
1.2 0 0.5 10.2 0 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 Talli Jindi 49
14.4 0 6.1 93.1 0 93.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kakarh 50
16.9 0 5.1 29.6 0 29.6 0 0 0 0 0 Fartola 51
0 0 4.7 54.9 0 54.9 0 0 0 0 0 Pamda 52
39.8 0 12.1 177.2 1 176.2 0 0 0 0 1 Barakot 53
4.2 0 0 7.2 0 7.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kailari 54
18.9 7.2 2.5 17.6 0 17.6 0 0 0 0 0 Jhir Kuni 55
10 2.1 2 10.3 0 10.3 0 0 0 0 0 Suri 56
2.2 0.1 0 10.7 0 10.7 0 0 0 0 0 Nigali Garh 57
4.5 0 4.1 38.3 0 38.3 0 0 0 0 0 Khola Sunar 58
1.2 2.3 0 13.7 0 13.7 0 0 0 0 0 Gurna (Nayaabad) 59
3.1 0 5.1 38.1 38.1 0 38.1 0 0 0 0 Gurna (Santola) 60

7 4.1 3.5 25.2 0 25.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chhera 61

3.5 0.5 0.8 15.1 0 15.1 0 0 0 0 0 Hichaura 62
4.1 2.8 1.4 14 5.9 8.1 5.9 0 0 0 0 Betta 63

1 0.9 0.4 9.9 0 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 Bans 64

0.6 0.5 2 25.8 0 25.8 0 0 0 0 0 Litee 65

11.4 2.2 2.8 102.6 0 102.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chhanda 66

22.1 29.1 12.4 71.8 0 71.8 0 0 0 0 0 Dyartoli 67

6.9 5.6 4.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Khakora 68

6 3.4 2.4 58.1 0 58.1 0 0 0 0 0 Malla Bapru 69
28.4 4 2.4 25.5 0 25.5 0 0 0 0 0 Gwenara 70

6.8 2.3 1.5 12.8 0 12.8 0 0 0 0 0 Gairi 71

11.3 5.1 3.1 40.4 0 40.4 0 0 0 0 0 Gumaud 72

3.9 2.2 1.8 12.1 0 12.1 0 0 0 0 0 Bayoli 73

2.7 3.2 2.2 16.7 0 16.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bayoli Lagga Talla Bapru 74

17.3 8.2 5.5 116.4 0 116.4 0 0 0 0 0 Bapru Talla 75

0.2 1.3 0.6 8.2 0 8.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Shah 76

5.1 4.2 36.8 36.8 36.8 36.8 0 0 0 0 37 Bantoli 77

6.3 20.4 14 40.4 0 40.4 0 0 0 0 0 Tarag 78

15.6 3.7 4.5 19.1 0 19.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kalakot 79
2.8 7 4 20.7 0 20.7 0 0 0 0 0 Galla Gaon 80
7.6 4.1 4.2 69.9 0 69.9 0 0 0 0 0 Aagar 81

2.3 7 1.3 8.7 0 8.7 0 0 0 0 0 Naini Mahar 82

1.4 3.6 1.5 13.6 8.3 5.3 8.3 0 0 0 0 Salan 83
2.7 1.3 10.9 7.5 0 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 Netra 84

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
85 Bruyuri 054211 151 194 47 c 1 a b c c
86 Gangali Pulai 054212 226.7 188 34 c 1 b b c c
87 Gaika Jyula 054213 72.4 164 29 c 1 1 c c c
88 Sheel 054214 264.7 227 41 c 1 a b c c
89 Sutera 054215 84.6 281 66 c 1 a a a c
90 Jamar 054216 13.4 146 24 c 1 a a a c
91 Jakh Lagga Sutera 054217 67.5 0 0
92 Balso 054218 320.3 654 143 c 2 a a a c
93 Chachari 054219 129 272 60 c 1 1 a a c
94 Chamroli 054220 142.2 237 48 c 1 a a a c
95 Simela 054221 18.2 135 28 c a a a a c
96 Maulani 054222 53.5 156 38 c 1 a a a c
97 Chamoli 054223 94.5 12 2 c b b b b c
98 Chami May Goonth 054224 208.6 457 96 c 1 a a a c
99 Lidu 054225 45.6 197 43 c a a a a c
100 Kheti 054226 41.2 162 29 c 2 a a b c
101 Kakari 054227 107 178 41 c 2 b b b c
102 Mau 054228 227.7 639 136 c 1 1 1 b c
103 Puniyal 054229 274.2 273 66 c 1 a a c c
Block T O T A L : 12922.5 26676 5547 3 77 28 13 6 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Bruyuri 85
c c c c c c c c Gangali Pulai 86
c c c c c c c c Gaika Jyula 87
c c c c c c c c Sheel 88
c c c c c c c c Sutera 89
c c c c c c c c Jamar 90
Jakh Lagga Sutera 91
c c c c c c c c Balso 92
c c c c c c c c Chachari 93
c c c c c c c c Chamroli 94
c c c c c c c c Simela 95
c c c c c c c c Maulani 96
c c c c c c c c Chamoli 97
c c c c c c c c Chami May Goonth 98
c c c c c c c c Lidu 99
c c c c c c c c Kheti 100
c c c c c c c c Kakari 101
c c c c c c c c Mau 102
c c c c c c c c Puniyal 103
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Block T O T A L :

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
85 Bruyuri 054211 c c c c c c c c c b c
86 Gangali Pulai 054212 c c b b b c b c c b c
87 Gaika Jyula 054213 c c c c c c c c c c c
88 Sheel 054214 c c c b b c c c c b c
89 Sutera 054215 c c a a a a a c c a a
90 Jamar 054216 c a a a b a c c c a c
91 Jakh Lagga Sutera 054217
92 Balso 054218 c c 1 a c a a c c a c
93 Chachari 054219 c c c a c a a c c a c
94 Chamroli 054220 c c a a c b c c c a a
95 Simela 054221 c c a a c a a c c a c
96 Maulani 054222 c c a a a a a c c a c
97 Chamoli 054223 c b b b c b b c c b c
98 Chami May Goonth 054224 c a a a c a c c c a c
99 Lidu 054225 c c a a c a a c c a c
100 Kheti 054226 c c b b c b c c c b c
101 Kakari 054227 c c b b c b c c c b c
102 Mau 054228 c c 1 b c b c c c b c
103 Puniyal 054229 c c a a c b c c c a c
Block T O T A L : 0 1 7 5 0 1 1 0 2 3 5

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bruyuri 85
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gangali Pulai 86
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gaika Jyula 87
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sheel 88
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sutera 89
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Jamar 90
Jakh Lagga Sutera 91
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Balso 92
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chachari 93
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chamroli 94
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Simela 95
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Maulani 96
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chamoli 97
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chami May Goonth 98
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Lidu 99
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kheti 100
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kakari 101
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Mau 102
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Puniyal 103
0 2 2 2 172 129 44

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
85 Bruyuri 054211 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
86 Gangali Pulai 054212 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
87 Gaika Jyula 054213 No No No No No No No Yes No No No No
88 Sheel 054214 Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
89 Sutera 054215 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
90 Jamar 054216 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No
91 Jakh Lagga Sutera 054217
92 Balso 054218 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
93 Chachari 054219 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
94 Chamroli 054220 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
95 Simela 054221 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No
96 Maulani 054222 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
97 Chamoli 054223 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
98 Chami May Goonth 054224 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
99 Lidu 054225 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
100 Kheti 054226 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
101 Kakari 054227 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
102 Mau 054228 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
103 Puniyal 054229 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
97 1 17 0 0 2 4 97 0 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c c c c b c c c c Bruyuri 85
c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c b c c b c c c c Gangali Pulai 86
c c c 262527 c Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c Gaika Jyula 87
c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c b c c c c c c c Sheel 88
a c c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c a c c c c Sutera 89
c a c 262527 a Yes Yes c c b c c a c c c c Jamar 90
Jakh Lagga Sutera 91
a b c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Balso 92
c Yes c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Chachari 93
c a c 262527 Yes b Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Chamroli 94
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Simela 95
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Maulani 96
c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c b c c b c c c c Chamoli 97
c c c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Chami May Goonth 98
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Lidu 99
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Kheti 100
c b c 262527 b Yes Yes c c b c c Yes Yes c c c Kakari 101
c Yes c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Mau 102
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes c c a c c a c c c c Puniyal 103
2 13 1 100 67 62 100 0 0 14 2 2 48 3 2 2 2

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
85 Bruyuri 054211 c c c b b b b c Yes c c c
86 Gangali Pulai 054212 c c c c b b b c Yes c c c
87 Gaika Jyula 054213 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
88 Sheel 054214 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c
89 Sutera 054215 c a a a a a a c Yes a c b
90 Jamar 054216 c a a a a a a c Yes a c b
91 Jakh Lagga Sutera 054217
92 Balso 054218 c Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
93 Chachari 054219 c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes a Yes b
94 Chamroli 054220 c Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c Yes a c b
95 Simela 054221 c c a a a Yes a c Yes a c b
96 Maulani 054222 c Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a c c
97 Chamoli 054223 c b b b b b b c Yes b c c
98 Chami May Goonth 054224 c Yes Yes Yes c Yes Yes c Yes a c b
99 Lidu 054225 c a a Yes Yes Yes a c Yes a c c
100 Kheti 054226 c b c Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
101 Kakari 054227 c b b Yes b Yes b c Yes b c b
102 Mau 054228 c Yes Yes Yes a Yes a c Yes b c b
103 Puniyal 054229 c c a a a a a c Yes b c b
7 35 32 41 35 34 32 5 100 4 1 3

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
Yes c c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c c Yes b Bruyuri 85
Yes b c c c c Yes c b b b b c c c b b b Gangali Pulai 86
Yes c c c c c Yes c b c c c c c c c b c Gaika Jyula 87
Yes c c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c c a c Sheel 88
Yes a a b b c Yes c Yes Yes a a c c c a Yes a Sutera 89
Yes a a a a c a c a a a a c c c a a a Jamar 90
Jakh Lagga Sutera 91
Yes a a c c c Yes c a a a a a c c a Yes Yes Balso 92
Yes Yes a a c c Yes Yes Yes c a a c c c a a a Chachari 93
Yes Yes b c c c Yes c Yes Yes a a c c c a a a Chamroli 94
Yes a a a a c Yes c Yes Yes a a c c c a a a Simela 95
Yes a a a c c a c Yes Yes a a c c c a a a Maulani 96
b b b b b c b c a b b b c c b b b b Chamoli 97
Yes a a c c c a c Yes a a a c c c Yes Yes a Chami May Goonth 98
Yes a a c c c a c a a a a c c c a a a Lidu 99
Yes Yes b c c c a c a c b b c c c b b b Kheti 100
Yes a b b b c Yes c Yes c b b c c c b b b Kakari 101
Yes Yes b b b c Yes c Yes c b b c c c Yes Yes Yes Mau 102
Yes a b b b c Yes c a b a a c c c b a a Puniyal 103
39 33 0 1 0 0 51 4 36 22 0 0 11 0 0 20 33 49

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
85 Bruyuri 054211 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 48.4 7.6 0 68.4 0
86 Gangali Pulai 054212 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 9.1 0 90.9 71.6
87 Gaika Jyula 054213 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 11.4 2.9 34.4 1.1 0
88 Sheel 054214 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1 6.9 7.9 176.3 0
89 Sutera 054215 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.3 18.6 26.4 0
90 Jamar 054216 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.5 2.4 0 0
91 Jakh Lagga Sutera 054217 Lohaghat c 0 0.2 11 27.6 0
92 Balso 054218 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 15.2 11 30.5 26.7 12.4
93 Chachari 054219 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.2 2.6 34.6 14.6 12.9
94 Chamroli 054220 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 39.2 3.5 41.9 17.1 0
95 Simela 054221 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.4 0.7 0 0
96 Maulani 054222 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.8 4.2 19.7 0
97 Chamoli 054223 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 13.6 2 9 12.8 0
98 Chami May Goonth 054224 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 40.4 9.2 0.6 24.7 19.3
99 Lidu 054225 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 1.6 9.8 0 9.6
100 Kheti 054226 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 0.9 5.1 15.4 0
101 Kakari 054227 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 3.6 1.3 59.3 0
102 Mau 054228 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 6 54.4 51.7 0
103 Puniyal 054229 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 11.5 28.1 194.5 0
100 2 1 10 0 2662.2 813.7 1503.2 2125.1 357.5

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
1.8 5.4 3 16.4 0 16.4 0 0 0 0 0 Bruyuri 85
2.2 12.5 5.2 35.2 0 35.2 0 0 0 0 0 Gangali Pulai 86
5.1 5 1.4 11.1 4.3 6.8 0 0 0 0 4.3 Gaika Jyula 87
14.6 13.6 4.4 40 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 Sheel 88
1.6 6.2 4.3 26.3 0 26.3 0 0 0 0 0 Sutera 89
0 2 1 7.5 0 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 Jamar 90
7.3 5.3 1.9 14.1 0 14.1 0 0 0 0 0 Jakh Lagga Sutera 91
76.2 29.1 15 104.1 0 104.1 0 0 0 0 0 Balso 92
4.5 13.4 4.5 38.6 0 38.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chachari 93
4.4 8.4 3.6 24.1 0 24.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chamroli 94
2.7 2.7 1.5 9.2 0 9.2 0 0 0 0 0 Simela 95
10.7 3.9 1.1 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 Maulani 96
28.2 5.1 3.2 20.5 0 20.5 0 0 0 0 0 Chamoli 97
18.8 20.2 11.1 64.2 0 64.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chami May Goonth 98
0 5.2 2.8 16.5 0 16.5 0 0 0 0 0 Lidu 99
5.7 3.9 2.1 8.1 0 8.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kheti 100
5.7 8.4 3.6 25.2 0 25.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kakari 101
5 30.4 6.4 73.7 0 73.7 0 0 0 0 0 Mau 102
4.2 7.7 3.3 24.9 0 24.9 0 0 0 0 0 Puniyal 103
1077 536 557.8 3289.8 119.7 3206.9 52.3 0 0 0

Alphabetical list of Villages
Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Lohaghat Location CodeNo:-0074
1 Abot Mount 054232 01393000
2 Aslad 054371 01407300
3 Badole 054274 01397300
4 Bagauti 054341 01404300
5 Balai 054294 01399600
6 Balana 054316 01401800
7 Baman Kuda 054267 01396600
8 Bandela Dhek 054245 01394300
9 Bangaon 054261 01396000
10 Banku 054364 01406600
11 Bantari 054230 01392700
12 Baram 054350 01405200
13 Basairi 054323 01402500
14 Basan 054303 01400500
15 Baskuni 054330 01403200
16 Bastnauli 054265 01396400
17 Batoli 054271 01397000
18 Bhumlai 054289 01399000
19 Bilde 054311 01401300
20 Binda Tiwari 054359 01406100
21 Bood Chaura 054253 01395200
22 Bugga Bora 054314 01401600
23 Bunga Mara 054239 01393700
24 Bunga Phartiyal 054256 01395500
25 Chama 054340 01404200
26 Chamola 054331 01403300
27 Chaudla 054362 01406400
28 Chaura Dhek 054246 01394400
29 Chauri 054382 01408500
30 Chauri Bhat 054288 01398900
31 Chelkot 054299 01400100
32 Chhatoli 054262 01396100
33 Chiria Dunga 054260 01395900
34 Daisali 054284 01398300
35 Dangaon 054374 01407700
36 Dhaun 054347 01404900
37 Dheeng 054276 01397500
38 Dhingra 054319 01402100
39 Doraga 054308 01401000
40 Dugri Phartiyal 054255 01395400
41 Dumdai 054339 01404100
42 Dunga Bora 054381 01408400
43 Dungra Bora 054383 01408600

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
44 Dungraleti 054355 01405700
45 Dungri 054307 01400900
46 Fafar 054324 01402600
47 Forti 054251 01395000
48 Funda Patni 054285 01398500
49 Gajina 054335 01403700
50 Gangnaula 054291 01399300
51 Gauri 054302 01400400
52 Ghor Chaura 054298 01400000
53 Gurele 054345 01404700
54 Gureli 054278 01397700
55 Gurhmagal 054358 01406000
56 Irakot 054292 01399400
57 Jakh Jindi 054334 01403600
58 Jamarsawn 054343 01404500
59 Jhalandev 054257 01395600
60 Jindi Sorari 054333 01403500
61 Kaflekh 054297 01399900
62 Kakri 054352 01405400
63 Kal Chaura 054247 01394500
64 Kaligaon 054249 01394800
65 Kamleri 054373 01407600
66 Kanedi 054281 01398000
67 Kaphli 054283 01398200
68 Kayal 054377 01408000
69 Khai Kot Malla 054327 01402900
70 Khai Kot Talla 054325 01402700
71 Khais Kande 054236 01393400
72 Khat Khutam 054258 01395700
73 Khatera Malla 054280 01397900
74 Khatera Talla 054277 01397600
75 Khawagarh 054237 01393500
76 Kheti 054300 01400200
77 Kheti Gar 054296 01399800
78 Khetsari 054310 01401200
79 Khilpati 054320 01402200
80 Khul Kabar 054315 01401700
81 Khuna Bora 054293 01399500
82 Khuna Malak 054287 01398700
83 Kimtoli 054279 01397800
84 Koli Dhek 054250 01394900
85 Kot 054304 01400600
86 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 054301 01400300
87 Kotla 054272 01397100
88 Kotsari 054360 01406200
89 Koyati Gunth 054290 01399100

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
90 Koyati Khalsa 054286 01398600
91 Kulouli 054366 01406800
92 Kunari 054368 01407000
93 Kundi Mara 054240 01393800
94 Lara 054365 01406700
95 Lojini 054375 01407800
96 Lyundhar 054263 01396200
97 Madlak 054354 01405600
98 Maduwa 054378 01408100
99 Majhera 054295 01399700
100 Majpeepal 054353 01405500
101 Malla Dhek 054244 01394200
102 Man Dunga 054317 01401900
103 Mangoli 054273 01397200
104 Mathbalana 054318 01402000
105 Matiyani 054380 01408300
106 Maura 054336 01403800
107 Mayawati 054259 01395800
108 Mud Chamar 054305 01400700
109 Mutyuraj 054242 01394000
110 Nakot 054270 01396900
111 Nakot Kholiya 054348 01405000
112 Nas Khola 054282 01398100
113 Nauliya 054268 01396700
114 Nidil 054326 01402800
115 Padari 054241 01393900
116 Pardhiani Khet 054254 01395300
117 Pasam 054370 01407200
118 Patan Patani 054235 01393300
119 Pathlana 054313 01401500
120 Patoli 054349 01405100
121 Pau 054231 01392800
122 Pedsera 054322 01402400
123 Peed Lagga Bajgel 054351 01405300
124 Pharn Hill 054248 01394600
125 Pilkhi 054363 01406500
126 Pokhari Bora 054321 01402300
127 Pokhari Saun 054337 01403900
128 Potri Dhek 054238 01393600
129 Pulla 054338 01404000
130 Pundil 054367 01406900
131 Raikot Kunwar 054233 01393100
132 Raikot Mahar 054234 01393200
133 Raul 054346 01404800
134 Rausal 054372 01407500
135 Rauteli Mara 054243 01394100

Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
136 Rudmali 054306 01400800
137 Sagar 054344 01404600
138 Sankafal 054332 01403400
139 Sayur 054309 01401100
140 Sela Salpar 054357 01405900
141 Shiling 054328 01403000
142 Simlack 054342 01404400
143 Sirauli 054361 01406300
144 Sirtoli 054264 01396300
145 Sudarka 054275 01397400
146 Sukha Baran 054356 01405800
147 Sulla 054369 01407100
148 Talla Nayabad 054379 01408200
149 Tamatkande 054269 01396800
150 Thanta 054266 01396500
151 Thuwamara 054252 01395100
152 Tunda Visht 054376 01407900
153 Tunkande 054312 01401400
154 Vivil 054329 01403100

Village Directory Data of CD Block
Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Lohaghat Location CodeNo:-0074
1 Bantari 054230 173.8 0 0
2 Pau 054231 394.6 1573 485 a 1 1 1 a b
3 Abot Mount 054232 235.9 107 27 a a a a a b
4 Raikot Kunwar 054233 180.2 871 174 a 1 a a a a
5 Raikot Mahar 054234 298.3 364 78 a 1 1 a c a
6 Patan Patani 054235 346.4 3639 843 1 2 2 2 2 a
7 Khais Kande 054236 126.2 294 71 b 1 a a b b
8 Khawagarh 054237 58.1 87 25 b a a a b b
9 Potri Dhek 054238 34.3 98 27 a 1 a a a b
10 Bunga Mara 054239 6.1 0 0
11 Kundi Mara 054240 158.3 124 22 b 1 a a a c
12 Padari 054241 49.4 3 1 b a a a a b

13 Mutyuraj 054242 44.8 569 144 b 2 1 a a b

14 Rauteli Mara 054243 43.4 285 59 b 2 1 1 b b

15 Malla Dhek 054244 7.9 60 14 b 1 1 a b b
16 Bandela Dhek 054245 36.2 351 70 a b a a a b
17 Chaura Dhek 054246 34 123 27 a a a a a b
18 Kal Chaura 054247 194.2 500 101 b 1 a a a c
19 Pharn Hill 054248 182.3 250 59 a 1 b b b a
20 Kaligaon 054249 124.4 1307 305 a 1 a a 1 a
21 Koli Dhek 054250 182 1240 253 a 1 a a a b
22 Forti 054251 308.3 828 175 b 1 1 b b b
23 Thuwamara 054252 198.9 375 80 b 1 a a a c
24 Bood Chaura 054253 21.8 174 39 b a a a a b
25 Pardhiani Khet 054254 11.8 5 1 c a b b b c
26 Dugri Phartiyal 054255 312.7 362 77 a a a a a c

27 Bunga Phartiyal 054256 97 190 37 b a a a a c

28 Jhalandev 054257 347.3 266 54 b a a a a b

29 Khat Khutam 054258 84.4 0 0
30 Mayawati 054259 197.4 9 2 b a a b b b
31 Chiria Dunga 054260 23.7 127 26 a a a a a b
32 Bangaon 054261 124.7 175 44 a 1 a a a b

33 Chhatoli 054262 120 404 103 c 2 1 1 1 c

34 Lyundhar 054263 37 105 21 c 2 b b b c
35 Sirtoli 054264 31.5 165 34 c a a a a c
36 Bastnauli 054265 19.8 0 0
37 Thanta 054266 146.1 444 80 c 1 1 b b c
38 Baman Kuda 054267 25.4 36 7 a 1 a a a c
39 Nauliya 054268 19.5 36 8 a 1 a a a c
40 Tamatkande 054269 92.7 296 60 1 1 a a a c
41 Nakot 054270 152 520 122 c 1 a a a c
42 Batoli 054271 68.5 73 16 c 1 b b b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

Bantari 1
c c c b c b c b Pau 2
c c c b c a c a Abot Mount 3
c c c a c a c a Raikot Kunwar 4
c c c a c a c a Raikot Mahar 5
c c c a c a c a Patan Patani 6
c c c a c c c c Khais Kande 7
c c c b c b c b Khawagarh 8
c c c b b b c b Potri Dhek 9
Bunga Mara 10
c c c c b c c c Kundi Mara 11
c c c c b b c b Padari 12

c c c b b b c b Mutyuraj 13

c c c b b b c b Rauteli Mara 14
c c c b b b c b Malla Dhek 15
c c c b b b c b Bandela Dhek 16
c c c b b b c b Chaura Dhek 17
c c c b b c c c Kal Chaura 18
c c c a c a c a Pharn Hill 19
c c c b c a c a Kaligaon 20
c c c b b b c b Koli Dhek 21
c c c c c b c b Forti 22
c c c c b c c c Thuwamara 23
c c c b b b c b Bood Chaura 24
c c c c a c c c Pardhiani Khet 25
c c c c b c c c Dugri Phartiyal 26

c c c c b c c c Bunga Phartiyal 27

c c c b b b c b Jhalandev 28
Khat Khutam 29
c c c c c b c b Mayawati 30
c c c b c b c b Chiria Dunga 31
c c c b c b c b Bangaon 32

c c c c c c c c Chhatoli 33
c c c c c c c c Lyundhar 34
c c c c c c c c Sirtoli 35
Bastnauli 36
c c c c c c c c Thanta 37
c c c c c c c c Baman Kuda 38
c c c c c c c c Nauliya 39
c c c c c c c c Tamatkande 40
c c c c c c c c Nakot 41
c c c c c c c c Batoli 42

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Lohaghat Location CodeNo:-0074
1 Bantari 054230
2 Pau 054231 a a 1 a a a a a a a c
3 Abot Mount 054232 a a a a a a a a a a a
4 Raikot Kunwar 054233 a a a a a a a a a a a
5 Raikot Mahar 054234 a a a a a a a a a a a
6 Patan Patani 054235 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
7 Khais Kande 054236 b b b b b b b b b b b
8 Khawagarh 054237 b b b b b b b b b b b
9 Potri Dhek 054238 a a a a a a a a a a a
10 Bunga Mara 054239
11 Kundi Mara 054240 b b b b b b b b b b b
12 Padari 054241 b b b b b b b b b b b

13 Mutyuraj 054242 b b b b b b b b b b b

14 Rauteli Mara 054243 b b b b b b b c b b b

15 Malla Dhek 054244 b b b b b b b b b b b
16 Bandela Dhek 054245 a a a a a a a a a a a
17 Chaura Dhek 054246 a a a a a a a a a a a
18 Kal Chaura 054247 b a a b c b a a a a b
19 Pharn Hill 054248 a a a a a a a a a a a
20 Kaligaon 054249 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
21 Koli Dhek 054250 a a 1 a a a a a a a a
22 Forti 054251 b b b b b b b b b b b
23 Thuwamara 054252 b a b b c c b b a b b
24 Bood Chaura 054253 b a b b c b b b a b b
25 Pardhiani Khet 054254 c b b c c c b b a b c
26 Dugri Phartiyal 054255 b a a b c c b c a b b

27 Bunga Phartiyal 054256 b a b b c b b b a b a

28 Jhalandev 054257 b b b b b b b b b b b
29 Khat Khutam 054258
30 Mayawati 054259 b b b b b b a b b a b
31 Chiria Dunga 054260 a a a a a a a a a a a
32 Bangaon 054261 a a a a a a a a a a a

33 Chhatoli 054262 c c b b c b b b c a b
34 Lyundhar 054263 c c b b c b b a a a b
35 Sirtoli 054264 c b b b c b c a c a b
36 Bastnauli 054265
37 Thanta 054266 c b b b c b c b c b b
38 Baman Kuda 054267 c a b c c b c c c a a
39 Nauliya 054268 c b c c c c c c c c a
40 Tamatkande 054269 c a c a c c c c c c c
41 Nakot 054270 c b a a c c c c c b a
42 Batoli 054271 c b c c c c c c c a b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

Bantari 1
0 1 1 1 2 1 0 Pau 2
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Abot Mount 3
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Raikot Kunwar 4
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Raikot Mahar 5
0 1 1 1 3 3 0 Patan Patani 6
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khais Kande 7
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khawagarh 8
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Potri Dhek 9
Bunga Mara 10
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kundi Mara 11
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Padari 12

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Mutyuraj 13

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Rauteli Mara 14
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Malla Dhek 15
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bandela Dhek 16
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chaura Dhek 17
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kal Chaura 18
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Pharn Hill 19
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Kaligaon 20
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Koli Dhek 21
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Forti 22
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Thuwamara 23
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bood Chaura 24
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pardhiani Khet 25
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dugri Phartiyal 26

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bunga Phartiyal 27

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Jhalandev 28
Khat Khutam 29
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Mayawati 30
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chiria Dunga 31
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bangaon 32

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Chhatoli 33
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lyundhar 34
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sirtoli 35
Bastnauli 36
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Thanta 37
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Baman Kuda 38
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nauliya 39
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Tamatkande 40
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Nakot 41
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Batoli 42

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Lohaghat Location CodeNo:-0074
1 Bantari 054230
2 Pau 054231 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
3 Abot Mount 054232 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
4 Raikot Kunwar 054233 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
5 Raikot Mahar 054234 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
6 Patan Patani 054235 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
7 Khais Kande 054236 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
8 Khawagarh 054237 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
9 Potri Dhek 054238 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
10 Bunga Mara 054239
11 Kundi Mara 054240 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
12 Padari 054241 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

13 Mutyuraj 054242 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

14 Rauteli Mara 054243 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

15 Malla Dhek 054244 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
16 Bandela Dhek 054245 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
17 Chaura Dhek 054246 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
18 Kal Chaura 054247 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
19 Pharn Hill 054248 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
20 Kaligaon 054249 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
21 Koli Dhek 054250 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
22 Forti 054251 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
23 Thuwamara 054252 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
24 Bood Chaura 054253 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
25 Pardhiani Khet 054254 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
26 Dugri Phartiyal 054255 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

27 Bunga Phartiyal 054256 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

28 Jhalandev 054257 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

29 Khat Khutam 054258
30 Mayawati 054259 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No
31 Chiria Dunga 054260 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
32 Bangaon 054261 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

33 Chhatoli 054262 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

34 Lyundhar 054263 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
35 Sirtoli 054264 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
36 Bastnauli 054265
37 Thanta 054266 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
38 Baman Kuda 054267 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
39 Nauliya 054268 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
40 Tamatkande 054269 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
41 Nakot 054270 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
42 Batoli 054271 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1

Bantari 1
c a c 262527 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Pau 2
Yes a a 262527 Yes a Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Abot Mount 3
a a a 262527 a c Yes a a b c c c c c c c Raikot Kunwar 4
a c a 262527 Yes a Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Raikot Mahar 5
a a a 262527 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Patan Patani 6
a b b 262527 a b Yes b b a c c Yes c c c c Khais Kande 7
a b b 262527 a a Yes b b a c c b c c c c Khawagarh 8
c a a 262527 Yes a Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Potri Dhek 9
Bunga Mara 10
b a b 262527 Yes b Yes b b a c c a c c c c Kundi Mara 11
b a b 262524 b a Yes b b a c c a c c c c Padari 12

b Yes b 262524 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Mutyuraj 13

b a b 262524 Yes a Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Rauteli Mara 14

b a b 262524 Yes a Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Malla Dhek 15
a a a 262524 Yes a Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Bandela Dhek 16
a a a 262524 a Yes Yes a Yes Yes c c a c c c c Chaura Dhek 17
b a b 262524 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Kal Chaura 18
a a a 262524 Yes Yes Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Pharn Hill 19
a a a 262524 a a Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Kaligaon 20
a a a 262524 Yes c Yes a a Yes c c Yes c c c c Koli Dhek 21
b a b 262524 Yes b Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Forti 22
b a b 262524 a a Yes b b a c c Yes c c c c Thuwamara 23
a a a 262524 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Bood Chaura 24
c b c 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pardhiani Khet 25
a a a 262524 b Yes Yes b Yes a c c a c c c c Dugri Phartiyal 26

b a b 262524 Yes a Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bunga Phartiyal 27

b a b 262524 Yes a Yes b b b c c a c c c c Jhalandev 28

Khat Khutam 29
Yes b b 262524 a a Yes b b b c c Yes c c c c Mayawati 30
a a a 262524 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Chiria Dunga 31
a a a 262524 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Bangaon 32

c Yes c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Chhatoli 33

c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Lyundhar 34
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c c c Yes c Sirtoli 35
Bastnauli 36
c Yes c 262524 Yes b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Thanta 37
c a c 262524 a a Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Baman Kuda 38
c a c 262524 Yes c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Nauliya 39
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Tamatkande 40
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Nakot 41
c a c 262524 Yes b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Batoli 42

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Lohaghat Location CodeNo:-0074
1 Bantari 054230
2 Pau 054231 a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes c Yes a a a
3 Abot Mount 054232 Yes Yes a a Yes Yes a c Yes a a a
4 Raikot Kunwar 054233 b Yes b Yes b Yes b c Yes a a a
5 Raikot Mahar 054234 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
6 Patan Patani 054235 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
7 Khais Kande 054236 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b
8 Khawagarh 054237 b a a a a a a c Yes b b b
9 Potri Dhek 054238 a Yes Yes Yes a Yes a c Yes a a a
10 Bunga Mara 054239
11 Kundi Mara 054240 b a a a a a a c Yes b b b
12 Padari 054241 b a a a a a a c Yes b b b

13 Mutyuraj 054242 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b

14 Rauteli Mara 054243 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b

15 Malla Dhek 054244 b Yes Yes Yes a Yes b c Yes b b b
16 Bandela Dhek 054245 a Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
17 Chaura Dhek 054246 a Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
18 Kal Chaura 054247 b b Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b
19 Pharn Hill 054248 a Yes Yes Yes a a a c Yes a a b
20 Kaligaon 054249 a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes a a a
21 Koli Dhek 054250 a Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a a a
22 Forti 054251 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b
23 Thuwamara 054252 b b b Yes a a Yes c Yes b b b
24 Bood Chaura 054253 b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes b b b
25 Pardhiani Khet 054254 c c Yes a a c a c Yes c c c
26 Dugri Phartiyal 054255 b b Yes Yes Yes b b c Yes a a a

27 Bunga Phartiyal 054256 b b a a a b b a Yes b b b

28 Jhalandev 054257 b b b b b Yes b c Yes b b b

29 Khat Khutam 054258
30 Mayawati 054259 b Yes Yes Yes a b b c Yes b b b
31 Chiria Dunga 054260 a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes a c a
32 Bangaon 054261 a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes a a a

33 Chhatoli 054262 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c c Yes Yes c c

34 Lyundhar 054263 c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes a c c
35 Sirtoli 054264 c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes a Yes c
36 Bastnauli 054265
37 Thanta 054266 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
38 Baman Kuda 054267 c c Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes a c c
39 Nauliya 054268 c c Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes c c c
40 Tamatkande 054269 c a a a a Yes a c Yes a c a
41 Nakot 054270 c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes c c c
42 Batoli 054271 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1

Bantari 1
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a Yes Yes a Pau 2
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a Yes a a a Yes a a Abot Mount 3
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a a Yes c Raikot Kunwar 4
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a b a a a a a Raikot Mahar 5
Yes Yes a a a a Yes a Yes Yes a a a a a Yes Yes Yes Patan Patani 6
Yes Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes b Khais Kande 7
Yes a b b b b a b a a b b b b b a a b Khawagarh 8
Yes a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Potri Dhek 9
Bunga Mara 10
Yes a b b b b a b a a b b b b b b a b Kundi Mara 11
a a b b b b b b a a a a b b b a a b Padari 12

Yes Yes Yes b c b b b b a Yes a Yes b b Yes a b Mutyuraj 13

Yes Yes b b b b b Yes Yes b b a Yes b c Yes Yes b Rauteli Mara 14

a a b b b b a b a a b b b b b b a b Malla Dhek 15
Yes Yes a a a a a a Yes a a a a a a a a a Bandela Dhek 16
a a a a Yes a a a a a a a a a a a a a Chaura Dhek 17
b Yes b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b Yes Yes b Kal Chaura 18
a Yes b b b c Yes a Yes b c c b a a a a c Pharn Hill 19
a Yes b b b a Yes a Yes a a Yes b a a a b a Kaligaon 20
Yes Yes a a a a a a Yes b a a a b b a a a Koli Dhek 21
Yes b b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b b a b Forti 22
b a b b b b Yes b Yes b b b b b b a a b Thuwamara 23
b a b b b b c b a c b b b b b b a b Bood Chaura 24
c a a a a c a c a a c c c c c a a c Pardhiani Khet 25
b a b b b b b Yes Yes b b c b b c a a b Dugri Phartiyal 26

b Yes b Yes a a a b a a b b a b b a a b Bunga Phartiyal 27

Yes a b b a b a b Yes b b b Yes b c a a b Jhalandev 28

Khat Khutam 29
Yes b b b b b a b a a b b b b b b a b Mayawati 30
Yes a a a a c Yes c Yes a a a a a a a b a Chiria Dunga 31
a Yes a a a a Yes a Yes a a a a a a a a a Bangaon 32

Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c c Yes Yes Yes Chhatoli 33
a a a c c c a c a b c c c c c a c a Lyundhar 34
Yes a a a c c a Yes a a a a c c c b a a Sirtoli 35
Bastnauli 36
a a c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c b Yes b Thanta 37
a a a a c c Yes c a c c c c c c c a a Baman Kuda 38
b a b b c a a c a a c c c c c c a a Nauliya 39
Yes Yes c c c c c c a c c c c c c a a c Tamatkande 40
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c Yes a Yes Nakot 41
Yes Yes c c c c a c a a c c c c c c a a Batoli 42

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Lohaghat Location CodeNo:-0074
1 Bantari 054230 Lohaghat b 25.7 4.4 13.7 88.1 0
2 Pau 054231 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat a 17.9 18.2 54.4 38.4 0
3 Abot Mount 054232 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 0 0 14.2 0 0
4 Raikot Kunwar 054233 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 39.3 0 6.1 46.9 0
5 Raikot Mahar 054234 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 42 7.2 0.9 187.3 0
6 Patan Patani 054235 Yes Yes Yes Yes Lohaghat a 101.7 9.3 0.2 21.6 0
7 Khais Kande 054236 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 0 1.8 3.4 55.3 0
8 Khawagarh 054237 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 19.3 9.2 1 0 0
9 Potri Dhek 054238 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 7.9 0.1 0.1 0 0
10 Bunga Mara 054239 Lohaghat b 4.4 0.2 0 0 0
11 Kundi Mara 054240 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 35.6 5.9 15 9 0
12 Padari 054241 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 8 1.5 2.8 2.6 0

13 Mutyuraj 054242 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 0.5 2.5 0 0 0

14 Rauteli Mara 054243 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 8 1.6 2.8 2.6 0

15 Malla Dhek 054244 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 4.4 0.3 0.1 0 0
16 Bandela Dhek 054245 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 3.5 0.4 0 0.3 0
17 Chaura Dhek 054246 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 3 1.2 0.3 4.4 0
18 Kal Chaura 054247 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 53.9 6.6 24.5 9 0
19 Pharn Hill 054248 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 169.5 3.1 3.2 0 0
20 Kaligaon 054249 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat a 48.1 0 3 0 0
21 Koli Dhek 054250 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat a 30 7.4 0 35.2 0
22 Forti 054251 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 74.3 9.3 73.7 9.1 0
23 Thuwamara 054252 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 16.3 6 4.9 110.9 0
24 Bood Chaura 054253 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 0 1.4 0.2 0 0
25 Pardhiani Khet 054254 No No No No Lohaghat a 2.4 0.3 0 0 0
26 Dugri Phartiyal 054255 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 151 4.5 0 68 0

27 Bunga Phartiyal 054256 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 35.4 2.2 12.4 0 0

28 Jhalandev 054257 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 229.9 9.2 0 0 0

29 Khat Khutam 054258 Lohaghat b 11 1.9 0 0 0
30 Mayawati 054259 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 153.1 0 5.8 0 0
31 Chiria Dunga 054260 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 0 1.9 0 0 0
32 Bangaon 054261 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 36.5 4.4 0.6 16.9 0

33 Chhatoli 054262 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6 8 0 0 0

34 Lyundhar 054263 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4 1.1 0 0 0
35 Sirtoli 054264 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.5 1 1.8 0 0
36 Bastnauli 054265 Lohaghat c 6.4 0.4 0 0 0
37 Thanta 054266 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.3 4.4 0 43.1 0
38 Baman Kuda 054267 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.4 0.6 0.7 1.2 0
39 Nauliya 054268 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.7 0.6 0.9 4.2 0
40 Tamatkande 054269 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 19 1.4 0 20.4 0
41 Nakot 054270 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.1 7 0 58 0
42 Batoli 054271 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10 3.1 0 3.5 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

5.4 0 36.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bantari 1

124.8 0 0 140.8 0 140.8 0 0 0 0 0 Pau 2
219 0 0 2.8 0 2.8 0 0 0 0 0 Abot Mount 3
30.4 0 0 57.4 0 57.4 0 0 0 0 0 Raikot Kunwar 4
15.9 0 0 44.9 0 44.9 0 0 0 0 0 Raikot Mahar 5
73.1 0 0 140.4 0 140.4 0 0 0 0 0 Patan Patani 6
12 0 0 53.7 0 53.7 0 0 0 0 0 Khais Kande 7
1.5 0 0 27 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 Khawagarh 8
0.6 0 9.8 15.8 0 15.8 0 0 0 0 0 Potri Dhek 9
0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bunga Mara 10
42.8 8.8 10.1 31.2 0 31.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kundi Mara 11
3.5 0 9.9 21 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 Padari 12

2.7 0 7.2 31.8 0 31.8 0 0 0 0 0 Mutyuraj 13

3.5 0 14.2 10.7 0 10.7 0 0 0 0 0 Rauteli Mara 14

0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Malla Dhek 15
2.8 0 5.3 23.9 0 23.9 0 0 0 0 0 Bandela Dhek 16
6.7 0 7.4 11.1 0 11.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chaura Dhek 17
28.6 0 8.3 63.3 0 63.3 0 0 0 0 0 Kal Chaura 18
0 0 0 6.5 0 6.5 0 0 0 0 0 Pharn Hill 19
19 0 0 54.2 0 54.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kaligaon 20
23.9 12.4 13.8 59.4 0 59.4 0 0 0 0 0 Koli Dhek 21
33.3 0 0 108.5 0 108.5 0 0 0 0 0 Forti 22
6.2 0 6.4 48.1 0 48.1 0 0 0 0 0 Thuwamara 23
0.1 0 0 20.1 0.2 19.9 0.2 0 0 0 0 Bood Chaura 24
1.4 4.7 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Pardhiani Khet 25
29.8 0 9.2 50.2 0 50.2 0 0 0 0 0 Dugri Phartiyal 26

0.8 0 6.2 40.1 0 40.1 0 0 0 0 0 Bunga Phartiyal 27

33.7 13.1 15.2 46.1 0 46.1 0 0 0 0 0 Jhalandev 28

59 0 12.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Khat Khutam 29
13.1 0 0 25.3 0 25.3 0 0 0 0 0 Mayawati 30
7.9 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 Chiria Dunga 31
35.1 0 0 31.4 0 31.4 0 0 0 0 0 Bangaon 32

46.6 7.1 10.1 42.2 0 42.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chhatoli 33

6.1 0 10.4 15.4 0 15.4 0 0 0 0 0 Lyundhar 34
4 0 7.5 13.7 0 13.7 0 0 0 0 0 Sirtoli 35
4.5 6.8 0.9 0.9 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 Bastnauli 36
18.1 0 21.9 53.3 0 53.3 0 0 0 0 0 Thanta 37
6 0 3.2 9.3 0 9.3 0 0 0 0 0 Baman Kuda 38
2.5 0.8 0 5.9 0 5.9 0 0 0 0 0 Nauliya 39
10.2 10 7 24.6 0 42.6 0 0 0 0 0 Tamatkande 40
10 8 2 61.8 0 61.8 0 0 0 0 0 Nakot 41
20.8 0 4.7 26.4 0 26.4 0 0 0 0 0 Batoli 42

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
43 Kotla 054272 60 171 38 b a a b b c
44 Mangoli 054273 375.1 599 122 b 1 1 b b a
45 Badole 054274 109.5 162 31 c 1 a a a c
46 Sudarka 054275 40.1 272 54 c b a a a c
47 Dheeng 054276 69.1 155 34 c a a a a c
48 Khatera Talla 054277 67.2 117 27 b a a a a c
49 Gureli 054278 96.9 92 19 1 1 1 1 1 c
50 Kimtoli 054279 201.4 595 124 1 1 1 1 1 b
51 Khatera Malla 054280 210.4 549 121 c 1 1 a a c
52 Kanedi 054281 42.8 70 14 b 1 a a a b
53 Nas Khola 054282 30.8 97 24 a b a a a c
54 Kaphli 054283 83.6 90 20 a a a a a c
55 Daisali 054284 237.5 487 99 a 1 a a b a
56 Funda Patni 054285 17.6 4 1 a a a a a a
57 Koyati Khalsa 054286 230.9 327 70 b 1 a a b b
58 Khuna Malak 054287 63.3 89 19 1 1 b b b b
59 Chauri Bhat 054288 47.4 760 162 1 1 a a a a
60 Bhumlai 054289 80.9 67 23 a 1 1 a a a
61 Koyati Gunth 054290 32.4 107 23 a a a a b b
62 Gangnaula 054291 265.2 356 78 c 1 a a a c
63 Irakot 054292 84.6 61 16 a a a b a a
64 Khuna Bora 054293 356.4 795 157 1 1 1 1 b b
65 Balai 054294 377.1 430 88 1 2 a a b b
66 Majhera 054295 65.9 79 14 a 1 a a b b
67 Kheti Gar 054296 91.8 44 10 a a b b c c
68 Kaflekh 054297 69.8 36 8 a a a a b b
69 Ghor Chaura 054298 29.2 6 1 a a a a b b
70 Chelkot 054299 60 30 7 c a a b b a
71 Kheti 054300 82.7 35 7 c a a b b c

72 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 054301 20.6 99 20 c a a a a c

73 Gauri 054302 67.7 88 17 c 1 b b b c
74 Basan 054303 151.9 162 31 c 1 a b b c
75 Kot 054304 170.3 267 61 c 1 1 a a c
76 Mud Chamar 054305 127.2 231 42 c 1 a b c c
77 Rudmali 054306 54.7 148 32 c a b b a c
78 Dungri 054307 90.9 212 44 b 1 b a a c
79 Doraga 054308 267.4 444 91 a 2 b a a c
80 Sayur 054309 40.7 0 0
81 Khetsari 054310 127.3 194 37 1 1 a a a c
82 Bilde 054311 31.9 87 18 a a a a a c
83 Tunkande 054312 62.7 219 55 a 1 a a a c
84 Pathlana 054313 72.4 246 45 a a a a a c
85 Bugga Bora 054314 39.4 190 35 a a a a c c
86 Khul Kabar 054315 31.9 23 5 a a b b b c
87 Balana 054316 82.9 179 36 a 1 a a a c
88 Man Dunga 054317 67.9 262 62 c 1 a a a c
89 Mathbalana 054318 8.4 0 0
90 Dhingra 054319 88.9 55 10 a a b b b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Kotla 43
c c c c c c c c Mangoli 44
c c c c c c c c Badole 45
c c c c c c c c Sudarka 46
c c c c c c c c Dheeng 47
c c c c c c c c Khatera Talla 48
c c c c c c c c Gureli 49
c c c c c b c b Kimtoli 50
c c c c c c c c Khatera Malla 51
c c c b c b c b Kanedi 52
c c c c c c c c Nas Khola 53
c c c c c c c c Kaphli 54
c c c b c a c a Daisali 55
c c c b c a c a Funda Patni 56
c c c c c b c b Koyati Khalsa 57
c c c b b b c b Khuna Malak 58
c c c b c b c b Chauri Bhat 59
c c c b c a c a Bhumlai 60
c c c b c b c b Koyati Gunth 61
c c c b c b c b Gangnaula 62
c c c b c a c a Irakot 63
c c c b b b c b Khuna Bora 64
c c c b b b c b Balai 65
c c c c b b c b Majhera 66
c c c c c c c c Kheti Gar 67
c c c c c b c b Kaflekh 68
c c c c b b c b Ghor Chaura 69
c c c c c c c c Chelkot 70
c c c c c c c c Kheti 71

c c c c c c c c Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 72

c c c c b c c c Gauri 73
c c c c c c c c Basan 74
c c c c c c c c Kot 75
c c c c c c c c Mud Chamar 76
c c c c c c c c Rudmali 77
c c c c c c c c Dungri 78
c c c c c c c c Doraga 79
Sayur 80
c c c c c c c c Khetsari 81
c c c c c c c c Bilde 82
c c c c c c c c Tunkande 83
c c c c c b c b Pathlana 84
c c c c c c c c Bugga Bora 85
c c c c c c c c Khul Kabar 86
c c c c c c c c Balana 87
c c c a c c c c Man Dunga 88
Mathbalana 89
c c c c c c c c Dhingra 90

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
43 Kotla 054272 c c c c c c c c c b b
44 Mangoli 054273 b b 1 a c b b c b a a
45 Badole 054274 c b a a c b b c c a a
46 Sudarka 054275 c b a a c b c c c a a
47 Dheeng 054276 c c a c c c c c c a c
48 Khatera Talla 054277 b b b b b b b b b a a
49 Gureli 054278 c a c a c c c c c a c
50 Kimtoli 054279 b a 1 b b b b b b a c
51 Khatera Malla 054280 c c c c c c c c c a a
52 Kanedi 054281 b b b b c b b b b a a
53 Nas Khola 054282 c c c c c c c c c a c
54 Kaphli 054283 c b c c c c c c c b a
55 Daisali 054284 a b a a c a a a a b a
56 Funda Patni 054285 a b a a c a a a a a a
57 Koyati Khalsa 054286 b b a b c b b b b b b
58 Khuna Malak 054287 b b b b b b b b b a b
59 Chauri Bhat 054288 a b a 1 c a a a a a a
60 Bhumlai 054289 a b a a c a a a a a a
61 Koyati Gunth 054290 b b a b c b b b b b b
62 Gangnaula 054291 c b a c c c c c c c c
63 Irakot 054292 b b 1 1 c b b b b b b
64 Khuna Bora 054293 c b b b b b b b b b b
65 Balai 054294 b b b b b b b b b b b
66 Majhera 054295 b b b b b b b b b a b
67 Kheti Gar 054296 c c c c c c c c c b c
68 Kaflekh 054297 b b b b b b b b b a b
69 Ghor Chaura 054298 b b b b b b b b b a b
70 Chelkot 054299 c c c a c c c c c c c
71 Kheti 054300 c c c a c c c c c a c

72 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 054301 c c c b c c c c c b c

73 Gauri 054302 c c c b b c c c c b c
74 Basan 054303 c c c b c c c c c b c
75 Kot 054304 c c b c c c c c c b c
76 Mud Chamar 054305 c c c a c c c c c b c
77 Rudmali 054306 c c c b c c c c c b c
78 Dungri 054307 c c b b c c c c c b c
79 Doraga 054308 c a c a c c c c c a c
80 Sayur 054309
81 Khetsari 054310 c a c c c c c c c a c
82 Bilde 054311 c a c a c c c c c a c
83 Tunkande 054312 c a c a c c c c c a c
84 Pathlana 054313 c c a a c c c c c a c
85 Bugga Bora 054314 c c a a c c c c c a c
86 Khul Kabar 054315 c b b b c c c c c b c
87 Balana 054316 c c a a c c c c c c c
88 Man Dunga 054317 c c c a c c a c c a c
89 Mathbalana 054318
90 Dhingra 054319 c c b b c c c c c b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kotla 43
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Mangoli 44
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Badole 45
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sudarka 46
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dheeng 47
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khatera Talla 48
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gureli 49
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Kimtoli 50
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Khatera Malla 51
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kanedi 52
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Nas Khola 53
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kaphli 54
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Daisali 55
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Funda Patni 56
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Koyati Khalsa 57
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khuna Malak 58
0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Chauri Bhat 59
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bhumlai 60
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Koyati Gunth 61
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Gangnaula 62
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Irakot 63
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Khuna Bora 64
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Balai 65
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Majhera 66
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kheti Gar 67
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kaflekh 68
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Ghor Chaura 69
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chelkot 70
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kheti 71

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 72

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gauri 73
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Basan 74
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kot 75
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Mud Chamar 76
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Rudmali 77
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dungri 78
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Doraga 79
Sayur 80
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khetsari 81
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bilde 82
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Tunkande 83
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Pathlana 84
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Bugga Bora 85
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khul Kabar 86
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Balana 87
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Man Dunga 88
Mathbalana 89
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dhingra 90

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
43 Kotla 054272 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
44 Mangoli 054273 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
45 Badole 054274 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
46 Sudarka 054275 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
47 Dheeng 054276 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
48 Khatera Talla 054277 Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
49 Gureli 054278 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
50 Kimtoli 054279 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
51 Khatera Malla 054280 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
52 Kanedi 054281 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
53 Nas Khola 054282 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
54 Kaphli 054283 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
55 Daisali 054284 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
56 Funda Patni 054285 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
57 Koyati Khalsa 054286 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
58 Khuna Malak 054287 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No
59 Chauri Bhat 054288 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
60 Bhumlai 054289 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
61 Koyati Gunth 054290 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
62 Gangnaula 054291 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
63 Irakot 054292 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
64 Khuna Bora 054293 Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
65 Balai 054294 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
66 Majhera 054295 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
67 Kheti Gar 054296 No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
68 Kaflekh 054297 No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
69 Ghor Chaura 054298 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
70 Chelkot 054299 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
71 Kheti 054300 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

72 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 054301 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

73 Gauri 054302 Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
74 Basan 054303 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
75 Kot 054304 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
76 Mud Chamar 054305 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
77 Rudmali 054306 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
78 Dungri 054307 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
79 Doraga 054308 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
80 Sayur 054309
81 Khetsari 054310 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
82 Bilde 054311 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
83 Tunkande 054312 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
84 Pathlana 054313 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
85 Bugga Bora 054314 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
86 Khul Kabar 054315 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
87 Balana 054316 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
88 Man Dunga 054317 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
89 Mathbalana 054318
90 Dhingra 054319 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c a c 262524 b b Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Kotla 43
b a b 262524 Yes a Yes b b a c c a c c c c Mangoli 44
c c c 262527 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Badole 45
c a c 262524 Yes b Yes c c a c c b c c c c Sudarka 46
c a c 262552 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Dheeng 47
a a b 265224 a a Yes b b b c c a c c c c Khatera Talla 48
Yes Yes Yes 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Gureli 49
b a b 262524 Yes b Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Kimtoli 50
c Yes c 262524 Yes c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Khatera Malla 51
b a b 262524 b Yes Yes b b b c c b c c c c Kanedi 52
c a c 262524 a c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Nas Khola 53
c a c 262524 Yes c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Kaphli 54
a a a 262524 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Daisali 55
a a a 262524 a a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Funda Patni 56
b Yes b 262524 b b Yes b b a c c a c c c c Koyati Khalsa 57
b a b 262524 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c Yes b c c c c Khuna Malak 58
a a a 262524 Yes a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Chauri Bhat 59
a Yes a 262524 Yes a Yes a a a c c a c c c c Bhumlai 60
b a a 262524 Yes b Yes b b b b b a b b b b Koyati Gunth 61
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Gangnaula 62
b Yes Yes 262524 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Irakot 63
b Yes b 262524 Yes Yes Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Khuna Bora 64
b a b 262524 b b Yes b b Yes c c Yes c c c c Balai 65
b a b 262524 b a Yes b b a c c a c c c c Majhera 66
c b c 262524 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Kheti Gar 67
b a b 262524 a a Yes b b a c c a c c c c Kaflekh 68
b a b 262524 a a Yes b b a c c a c c c c Ghor Chaura 69
c Yes c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chelkot 70
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Kheti 71

c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a a a a a a a a Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 72

c a c 262524 c c Yes c c b c c c c c c c Gauri 73
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Basan 74
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Kot 75
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Mud Chamar 76
c b c 262524 c c Yes c c b c c b c c c c Rudmali 77
c b c 262524 b b Yes b c b c c b c c c c Dungri 78
c Yes Yes 262524 Yes a Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c Doraga 79
Sayur 80
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c a c c c c c c c Khetsari 81
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Bilde 82
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes a Yes Yes c c Yes c c c c Tunkande 83
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Pathlana 84
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes a c a c c a c c c c Bugga Bora 85
c b c 262524 Yes b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Khul Kabar 86
c a c 262524 Yes a Yes c c a c a a c c c c Balana 87
c a c 262524 a a Yes c c Yes a Yes a a a a a Man Dunga 88
Mathbalana 89
c b c 262524 Yes b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Dhingra 90

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
43 Kotla 054272 c c Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes c c c
44 Mangoli 054273 b a a a Yes a a c Yes b b b
45 Badole 054274 c Yes a c a a a c Yes c c c
46 Sudarka 054275 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
47 Dheeng 054276 c Yes a a Yes a a c Yes a c a
48 Khatera Talla 054277 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b b b
49 Gureli 054278 c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c Yes a c a
50 Kimtoli 054279 b b Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes b b a
51 Khatera Malla 054280 c c a a a Yes a c Yes c c a
52 Kanedi 054281 b b a a a Yes b c Yes b b b
53 Nas Khola 054282 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
54 Kaphli 054283 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
55 Daisali 054284 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
56 Funda Patni 054285 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
57 Koyati Khalsa 054286 b b b b b a a c Yes b b b
58 Khuna Malak 054287 Yes Yes Yes a Yes a a c Yes b b b
59 Chauri Bhat 054288 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
60 Bhumlai 054289 a a a a a a a c Yes a a a
61 Koyati Gunth 054290 b b a a a a a b Yes b b b
62 Gangnaula 054291 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
63 Irakot 054292 b b b b b b b c Yes b b b
64 Khuna Bora 054293 Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a c Yes b b b
65 Balai 054294 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b b b
66 Majhera 054295 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b b b
67 Kheti Gar 054296 b b b b b Yes b c Yes c c c
68 Kaflekh 054297 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b b b
69 Ghor Chaura 054298 a a a a a Yes a c Yes b b b
70 Chelkot 054299 c a c a a a a c Yes c c a
71 Kheti 054300 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c

72 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 054301 c a c a a a a a Yes c c c

73 Gauri 054302 c b c b b b b c Yes c c a
74 Basan 054303 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
75 Kot 054304 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
76 Mud Chamar 054305 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
77 Rudmali 054306 c b c b b b b c Yes c c c
78 Dungri 054307 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
79 Doraga 054308 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
80 Sayur 054309
81 Khetsari 054310 c b a a a Yes a c Yes c c a
82 Bilde 054311 c b a Yes a Yes a c Yes a c a
83 Tunkande 054312 c b a Yes Yes Yes a c Yes a c a
84 Pathlana 054313 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
85 Bugga Bora 054314 c b a a a a a c Yes c c a
86 Khul Kabar 054315 c b a a a a a c Yes c c b
87 Balana 054316 c b a a a a a c Yes c c Yes
88 Man Dunga 054317 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a Yes c c Yes
89 Mathbalana 054318
90 Dhingra 054319 c a a a a a a c Yes c c a

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
c Yes b c c c a c Yes Yes c c c c c c a Yes Kotla 43
a a b b b b Yes b Yes a b b b b b b Yes Yes Mangoli 44
Yes Yes c c c c a c a a b b c c c b a a Badole 45
a a c c c c a c a a c c c c b b a c Sudarka 46
a a c c c c a c a a c c c c a a a a Dheeng 47
b a b b b b a b a a b b b b b b Yes a Khatera Talla 48
c a c c c c a c a a c c c c c c a a Gureli 49
Yes b b b b b Yes b Yes Yes Yes b b b b b Yes Yes Kimtoli 50
Yes Yes a c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Khatera Malla 51
b a a b b b Yes b Yes Yes b b b b b b c a Kanedi 52
c a a c c c a c a Yes c c c c c c a Yes Nas Khola 53
c a a c c c a c a a c c c c c c a Yes Kaphli 54
a Yes a a a a Yes a a a a a a a a a a Yes Daisali 55
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Funda Patni 56
b Yes b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b Yes Koyati Khalsa 57
b b b b b b b b b b b a b b b b b b Khuna Malak 58
a Yes a a Yes a Yes a Yes Yes Yes a a a a a b Yes Chauri Bhat 59
Yes a a a a a a a a b a a a a c a a Yes Bhumlai 60
Yes b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a Yes Koyati Gunth 61
Yes a b c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Gangnaula 62
Yes b b b b b a b a a a a b b b b a Yes Irakot 63
a b b b b b b b Yes Yes b b b b b b c Yes Khuna Bora 64
a Yes b b b b a b Yes b b b b b b b a Yes Balai 65
Yes Yes b b b b b b Yes b b b b b b b a a Majhera 66
Yes b c c c c b c a a c c c c c c b a Kheti Gar 67
Yes a b b b b b b b a b b b b b b a a Kaflekh 68
a a b b b b a b a a b b b b b b a a Ghor Chaura 69
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c c Yes Chelkot 70
c c c c c c a c a a c c c c c a a c Kheti 71

c a a a c c a c a a c c c c c b b c Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 72

c a c c c c a c a a b b c c c b a c Gauri 73
c a c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b b c Basan 74
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b b c Kot 75
c a a a a c Yes c a a c c c c c b b c Mud Chamar 76
c b c c c c b c b b c c c c c c a c Rudmali 77
Yes a c a a c a c a a c c c c c b a Yes Dungri 78
a a c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c a Yes Yes Doraga 79
Sayur 80
Yes a c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c a b Yes Khetsari 81
a Yes c c c c a c Yes Yes c c c c c a a a Bilde 82
a a c c c c c c a a c c c c a a a Yes Tunkande 83
Yes a c c c c a c Yes Yes c c c c a a b a Pathlana 84
Yes a c c c c c c Yes Yes c c c c a a a Yes Bugga Bora 85
b b c c c c a c a a c c c c a a a a Khul Kabar 86
Yes a c c c c Yes c a a c c c c a a Yes Yes Balana 87
c a c c c c c c a c c c c c a a a c Man Dunga 88
Mathbalana 89
a a c c c c a c a a c c c c a a a a Dhingra 90

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
43 Kotla 054272 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 16.8 0.9 3.2 6.4 0
44 Mangoli 054273 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 129.5 11.9 1.2 72.3 0
45 Badole 054274 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 10.6 5.4 0 28 0
46 Sudarka 054275 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 2.4 0 0 0
47 Dheeng 054276 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.2 14.4 1.5 3.4 0
48 Khatera Talla 054277 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 5.6 1.8 0 12 0
49 Gureli 054278 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 20.8 4.4 24.5 1.1 0
50 Kimtoli 054279 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 14.4 7.5 0 12.9 0
51 Khatera Malla 054280 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 4.3 45.6 23.6 0
52 Kanedi 054281 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 12 2.3 3.2 4.4 0
53 Nas Khola 054282 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9.6 1.1 0 1.2 0
54 Kaphli 054283 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.9 1.1 1.5 0 0
55 Daisali 054284 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 36.6 9 0 41.6 0
56 Funda Patni 054285 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 6.2 0.4 0 0.2 0
57 Koyati Khalsa 054286 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 69.7 6.9 22.1 43.7 0
58 Khuna Malak 054287 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 11.3 2 1.6 5.1 0
59 Chauri Bhat 054288 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 4.4 2.7 0 2.7 0
60 Bhumlai 054289 Yes No No No Lohaghat a 46 3 1.1 0.2 0
61 Koyati Gunth 054290 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 6.2 1.6 0 2.8 0
62 Gangnaula 054291 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 60.4 5.6 0 0 0
63 Irakot 054292 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 22.3 1.9 1.1 2.2 0
64 Khuna Bora 054293 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 124 8 9.3 21.4 0
65 Balai 054294 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 276 1 4 6.8 0
66 Majhera 054295 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 23.6 2.5 1 3.2 0
67 Kheti Gar 054296 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 25.5 2.2 2.2 11.6 0
68 Kaflekh 054297 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 5.3 2.8 1.8 13.1 0
69 Ghor Chaura 054298 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 5.1 0.3 0.5 3.6 0
70 Chelkot 054299 Yes No No No Champawat c 7.1 1.1 0.7 13.4 0
71 Kheti 054300 Yes No No No Champawat c 6.9 0.8 2.9 37.6 0

72 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 054301 Yes No No No Champawat c 4.4 3 0 1.4 0

73 Gauri 054302 Yes No No No Champawat c 24.9 6.1 2.7 3 0
74 Basan 054303 Yes No No No Champawat c 12.2 57.4 3.4 2.5 0
75 Kot 054304 Yes No No No Champawat c 32.2 32.9 2.5 12.6 0
76 Mud Chamar 054305 Yes No No No Champawat c 5.8 1.2 1.8 7 0
77 Rudmali 054306 Yes No No No Champawat c 11.4 0.9 0 8.4 0
78 Dungri 054307 Yes No No No Champawat c 0.4 3.8 38.8 0 0
79 Doraga 054308 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.3 8.8 72.4 13.7 0
80 Sayur 054309 Lohaghat c 5.2 0.6 0 16.1 0
81 Khetsari 054310 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 56 4 8.4 22.1 0
82 Bilde 054311 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 15.9 1.2 0 0 0
83 Tunkande 054312 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 33.8 1.8 0 8.2 0
84 Pathlana 054313 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 11.4 2.9 34.4 1.1 0
85 Bugga Bora 054314 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.1 0.8 0 15.5 0
86 Khul Kabar 054315 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.5 1.9 0 8.9 0
87 Balana 054316 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 7.8 2.4 0 29.4 0
88 Man Dunga 054317 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5 2.8 0 0.1 0
89 Mathbalana 054318 Lohaghat c 0.8 0.1 0 0 0
90 Dhingra 054319 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 24.3 1.8 4.5 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
9.4 0 5 18.2 0 18.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kotla 43
30.3 7 30.1 92.9 0 92.9 0 0 0 0 0 Mangoli 44
10 7 6.1 42.4 0 42.4 0 0 0 0 0 Badole 45
16.3 5.8 0.5 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 Sudarka 46
13.1 6 4.4 22.1 0 22.1 0 0 0 0 0 Dheeng 47
23.7 4.1 2.3 17.7 0 17.7 0 0 0 0 0 Khatera Talla 48
0.5 7.3 3 35.3 0 35.4 0 0 0 0 0 Gureli 49
65.8 29.8 20.2 50.8 0 50.8 0 0 0 0 0 Kimtoli 50
5 29.3 0 102.6 0 102.6 0 0 0 0 0 Khatera Malla 51
3.6 5.2 2.1 9.8 7.7 2.1 7.7 0 0 0 0 Kanedi 52
0.6 3.5 2.3 12.4 0 12.4 0 0 0 0 0 Nas Khola 53
39 3 0 36.2 0 36.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kaphli 54
72.1 16.9 6.1 55.1 0 55.1 0 0 0 0 0 Daisali 55
2.1 0.4 0.9 7.5 0 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 Funda Patni 56
20.7 21 10 36.7 0 36.7 0 0 0 0 0 Koyati Khalsa 57
18.2 0 10.2 14.9 0 14.9 0 0 0 0 0 Khuna Malak 58
2.6 6 1.5 27.5 5 22.5 5 0 0 0 0 Chauri Bhat 59
0.6 1.9 1.3 26.8 0 26.8 0 0 0 0 0 Bhumlai 60
3.4 2.6 1.5 14.4 0 14.4 0 0 0 0 0 Koyati Gunth 61
63.2 3.7 1.8 130.5 0 130.5 0 0 0 0 0 Gangnaula 62
22.6 2.8 2 29.7 0 29.7 0 0 0 0 0 Irakot 63
58.6 0 54.2 80.8 0 80.8 0 0 0 0 0 Axe Khuna Bora 64
30.6 0 20.3 38.6 0 38.6 0 0 0 0 0 Balai 65
11.2 0 8.1 16.4 0 16.4 0 0 0 0 0 Majhera 66
18.8 0 10.7 20.8 1 19.8 1 0 0 0 0 Kheti Gar 67
22.9 0 8.2 15.7 0 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 Kaflekh 68
5.1 0 6.3 8.3 0 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 Ghor Chaura 69
18.1 3.6 2.7 13.3 0 13.3 0 0 0 0 0 Chelkot 70
0.9 3 4.8 25.8 0 25.8 0 0 0 0 0 Kheti 71

0.5 0.7 1 9.5 0 9.5 0 0 0 0 0 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 72

11.4 0 3.2 16.3 0.1 16.2 1.3 0 0 0 0 Gauri 73
15.4 0 20.5 40.4 0 40.4 0 0 0 0 0 Basan 74
42.1 0 18 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 Kot 75
50.1 0 16.1 45.2 0 45.2 0 0 0 0 0 Mud Chamar 76
2.7 5 5.8 20.7 0 20.7 0 0 0 0 0 Rudmali 77
3.3 20 8.3 16.2 6.3 9.9 0 0 0 0 6.3 Dungri 78
39.9 30 9.8 80.5 0 80.5 0 0 0 0 0 Doraga 79
9 0 1.7 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 Sayur 80
2.9 0 5.4 28.4 0 28.4 0 0 0 0 0 Khetsari 81
0.4 0 1.8 12.7 0 12.7 0 0 0 0 0 Bilde 82
2.1 0 0.8 15.9 0 15.9 0 0 0 0 0 Tunkande 83
5.1 5 1.4 11.1 6.8 4.3 0 0 0 0 6.8 Pathlana 84
0.4 5 6.2 9.3 0 9.3 0 0 0 0 0 Bugga Bora 85
0 6 4.6 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 Khul Kabar 86
0 10 11 22.4 0 22.4 0 0 0 0 0 Balana 87
10.4 5 4.3 40.2 0 40.2 0 0 0 0 0 Man Dunga 88
0.2 3 2.2 2.1 0 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 Mathbalana 89
32.2 10 10 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 Dhingra 90

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
91 Khilpati 054320 93.9 89 17 c a a a a c
92 Pokhari Bora 054321 149.5 140 31 a 1 a a a c
93 Pedsera 054322 95.3 151 26 c 1 a b b c
94 Basairi 054323 69.2 76 16 c a a a a c
95 Fafar 054324 16.6 265 48 a a a a c c
96 Khai Kot Talla 054325 133.1 239 56 c a a b c c
97 Nidil 054326 1371.3 373 86 b 2 2 b c c
98 Khai Kot Malla 054327 348.6 378 72 b 2 2 b c c
99 Shiling 054328 595.1 1659 362 a 4 2 a b c
100 Vivil 054329 509 926 204 c 4 2 1 c c
101 Baskuni 054330 214.4 842 172 1 3 2 2 b c
102 Chamola 054331 68.4 0 0
103 Sankafal 054332 15.5 65 14 c a a b b c
104 Jindi Sorari 054333 208.5 84 18 b c b b b c
105 Jakh Jindi 054334 236 953 191 a 2 a a b c
106 Gajina 054335 38.8 25 6 a a a a a c
107 Maura 054336 90.4 288 63 a 1 a b a c
108 Pokhari Saun 054337 64.7 156 28 b b a b b c
109 Pulla 054338 209 519 104 1 2 1 1 1 c
110 Dumdai 054339 168.7 316 73 a 2 a a a c
111 Chama 054340 137.9 146 29 a 3 a a a c
112 Bagauti 054341 306 446 94 a 1 1 a a c
113 Simlack 054342 39.6 0 0
114 Jamarsawn 054343 107.4 189 43 b 1 a b b c
115 Sagar 054344 81.2 158 28 a a a a a c
116 Gurele 054345 298.8 236 45 a 1 a a a c
117 Raul 054346 40.9 140 28 b a b b b c
118 Dhaun 054347 79 17 3 b a a b b c
119 Nakot Kholiya 054348 75 158 30 c 1 b b b c
120 Patoli 054349 49 13 2 c a a a a c
121 Baram 054350 22.3 75 14 a a a a a c
122 Peed Lagga Bajgel 054351 16.9 52 11 b a a b b c
123 Kakri 054352 73.4 203 47 1 1 a a a c
124 Majpeepal 054353 316.5 445 78 a 1 a a a c
125 Madlak 054354 64.4 294 70 a 1 1 1 1 c
126 Dungraleti 054355 539.8 866 174 b 1 1 b b c
127 Sukha Baran 054356 22.9 12 3 a a a a a c
128 Sela Salpar 054357 373.6 845 163 a 2 a a c c
129 Gurhmagal 054358 79.2 145 33 b 1 b b b c
130 Binda Tiwari 054359 195.2 730 161 c 2 1 1 1 c

131 Kotsari 054360 177.4 289 57 c 1 a b c c

132 Sirauli 054361 139.9 59 11 c 1 b b b c
133 Chaudla 054362 139.9 261 49 c 1 b b b c
134 Pilkhi 054363 38.5 135 20 c 1 a a a c

135 Banku 054364 192.5 340 73 c 1 a a a c

136 Lara 054365 13.1 1 1 c a a b b c
137 Kulouli 054366 7.5 93 14 c 1 1 b c c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
c c c c c c c c Khilpati 91
c c c c c c c c Pokhari Bora 92
c c c c c c c c Pedsera 93
c c c c c c c c Basairi 94
c c c c c c c c Fafar 95
c c c c c c c c Khai Kot Talla 96
c c c c c c c c Nidil 97
c c c c c c c c Khai Kot Malla 98
c c c c c c c c Shiling 99
c c c c c c c c Vivil 100
c c c c c c c c Baskuni 101
Chamola 102
c c c c c c c c Sankafal 103
c c c c c c c c Jindi Sorari 104
c c c c c c c c Jakh Jindi 105
c c c c c c c c Gajina 106
c c c c c c c c Maura 107
c c c c c c c c Pokhari Saun 108
c c c c c c c c Pulla 109
c c c c c c c c Dumdai 110
c c c c c c c c Chama 111
c c c c c c c c Bagauti 112
Simlack 113
c c c c c c c c Jamarsawn 114
c c c c c c c c Sagar 115
c c c c c c c c Gurele 116
c c c c c c c c Raul 117
c c c c c c c c Dhaun 118
c c c c c c c c Nakot Kholiya 119
c c c c c c c c Patoli 120
c c c c c c c c Baram 121
c c c c c c c c Peed Lagga Bajgel 122
c c c c c c c c Kakri 123
c c c c c c c c Majpeepal 124
c c c c c c c c Madlak 125
c c c c c c c c Dungraleti 126
c c c c c c c c Sukha Baran 127
c c c c c c c c Sela Salpar 128
c c c c c c c c Gurhmagal 129
c c c c c c c c Binda Tiwari 130

c c c c c c c c Kotsari 131
c c c c c c c c Sirauli 132
c c c c c c c c Chaudla 133
c c c c c c c c Pilkhi 134

c c c c c c c c Banku 135
c c c c c c c c Lara 136
c c c c c c c c Kulouli 137

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
91 Khilpati 054320 c c c a c c c c c c c
92 Pokhari Bora 054321 c c c a c c c c c a c
93 Pedsera 054322 c c c c c c c c c c c
94 Basairi 054323 c c c a c c c c c a c
95 Fafar 054324 c c a a c c c c c a c
96 Khai Kot Talla 054325 c c c a c c c c c c a
97 Nidil 054326 c c c b c c c c c b b
98 Khai Kot Malla 054327 c c c a c c c c c a a
99 Shiling 054328 c c 1 a c c b c c a a
100 Vivil 054329 c c c b c c c c c 1 1
101 Baskuni 054330 c c c b c c b c c 1 1
102 Chamola 054331
103 Sankafal 054332 c b c c c c c c b b b
104 Jindi Sorari 054333 c c c b c c b c c b b
105 Jakh Jindi 054334 c c c a c c b c c a a
106 Gajina 054335 c b c c c c c c b a b
107 Maura 054336 c a c c c c c c a a a
108 Pokhari Saun 054337 c b b c c c c c c b b
109 Pulla 054338 c 1 1 b c c c c a b c
110 Dumdai 054339 c a b c c c c c a a a
111 Chama 054340 c b c c c c c c b a b
112 Bagauti 054341 c c c c c c c c c a c
113 Simlack 054342
114 Jamarsawn 054343 c c c c c c c c c b c
115 Sagar 054344 c c c c c c c c c a c
116 Gurele 054345 c c c c c c c c c a c
117 Raul 054346 c b b c c c c c b b b
118 Dhaun 054347 c b b c c c c c b b b
119 Nakot Kholiya 054348 c c b b c c b c c b c
120 Patoli 054349 c b b b c c b c c b c
121 Baram 054350 c c c a c c c c c a c
122 Peed Lagga Bajgel 054351 c c b b c c c c c b c
123 Kakri 054352 c b b c c c c c b a b
124 Majpeepal 054353 c c b c c c c c c a c
125 Madlak 054354 c c 1 c c c c c c 1 c
126 Dungraleti 054355 c c c c c c c c c c c
127 Sukha Baran 054356 c c c c c c c c c a c
128 Sela Salpar 054357 c c c c c c c c c a c
129 Gurhmagal 054358 c b b c b c c c b b b
130 Binda Tiwari 054359 c c c c c c c c c b c

131 Kotsari 054360 c c b b c c b c c b c

132 Sirauli 054361 c c c b c c b c c b c
133 Chaudla 054362 c c c c c c b c c b c
134 Pilkhi 054363 c c b b c c b c c b c

135 Banku 054364 c c c b c c b c c b c

136 Lara 054365 c c c b b c c c c b c
137 Kulouli 054366 c c b b c c c c c b c

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Khilpati 91
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pokhari Bora 92
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pedsera 93
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Basairi 94
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Fafar 95
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Khai Kot Talla 96
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Nidil 97
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Khai Kot Malla 98
0 1 1 1 2 2 0 Shiling 99
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Vivil 100
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Baskuni 101
Chamola 102
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Sankafal 103
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Jindi Sorari 104
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Jakh Jindi 105
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gajina 106
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Maura 107
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Pokhari Saun 108
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Pulla 109
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dumdai 110
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chama 111
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Bagauti 112
Simlack 113
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Jamarsawn 114
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Sagar 115
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Gurele 116
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Raul 117
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dhaun 118
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Nakot Kholiya 119
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Patoli 120
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Baram 121
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Peed Lagga Bajgel 122
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kakri 123
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Majpeepal 124
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Madlak 125
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dungraleti 126
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Sukha Baran 127
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Sela Salpar 128
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Gurhmagal 129
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Binda Tiwari 130

0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kotsari 131
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Sirauli 132
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Chaudla 133
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pilkhi 134

0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Banku 135
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lara 136
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kulouli 137

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
91 Khilpati 054320 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
92 Pokhari Bora 054321 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
93 Pedsera 054322 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
94 Basairi 054323 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
95 Fafar 054324 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
96 Khai Kot Talla 054325 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
97 Nidil 054326 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
98 Khai Kot Malla 054327 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
99 Shiling 054328 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
100 Vivil 054329 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
101 Baskuni 054330 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
102 Chamola 054331
103 Sankafal 054332 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
104 Jindi Sorari 054333 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
105 Jakh Jindi 054334 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
106 Gajina 054335 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
107 Maura 054336 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
108 Pokhari Saun 054337 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
109 Pulla 054338 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
110 Dumdai 054339 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
111 Chama 054340 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
112 Bagauti 054341 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
113 Simlack 054342
114 Jamarsawn 054343 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
115 Sagar 054344 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
116 Gurele 054345 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
117 Raul 054346 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
118 Dhaun 054347 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
119 Nakot Kholiya 054348 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
120 Patoli 054349 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
121 Baram 054350 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
122 Peed Lagga Bajgel 054351 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
123 Kakri 054352 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
124 Majpeepal 054353 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
125 Madlak 054354 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
126 Dungraleti 054355 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
127 Sukha Baran 054356 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
128 Sela Salpar 054357 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
129 Gurhmagal 054358 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
130 Binda Tiwari 054359 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

131 Kotsari 054360 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

132 Sirauli 054361 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
133 Chaudla 054362 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
134 Pilkhi 054363 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

135 Banku 054364 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

136 Lara 054365 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
137 Kulouli 054366 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1
c a c 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Khilpati 91
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pokhari Bora 92
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Pedsera 93
b a b 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Basairi 94
c a c 262574 Yes Yes Yes Yes c a c c a c c c c Fafar 95
c a c 262574 b c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Khai Kot Talla 96
c Yes c 262524 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Nidil 97
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c Yes c c b c c c c Khai Kot Malla 98
c Yes c 262524 Yes a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Shiling 99
c Yes c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Vivil 100
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c Yes c c c c Baskuni 101
Chamola 102
c b c 262524 b c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Sankafal 103
c a c 262524 b b Yes c c c c c a c c c c Jindi Sorari 104
c a c 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Jakh Jindi 105
c a c 262524 a a Yes c c b c c a c c c c Gajina 106
c a a 262524 a a Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Maura 107
c b a 262524 b c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Pokhari Saun 108
c Yes c 262524 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c c c c c c Pulla 109
c a c 265254 Yes a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Dumdai 110
c a c 262524 b Yes Yes c c a c c a c c c c Chama 111
c a c 262524 c a Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Bagauti 112
Simlack 113
c b c 265252 c c Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Jamarsawn 114
c a c 265252 c c Yes c c a c c a c c c c Sagar 115
c a c 262524 c Yes Yes c c a c c a c c c c Gurele 116
c b c 262524 b b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Raul 117
c b c 262524 b b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Dhaun 118
c b c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c b c c b c c c c Nakot Kholiya 119
c b c 262524 a a Yes c c a c c a c c c c Patoli 120
Yes a c 262524 c c Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Baram 121
c b c 262524 Yes b Yes a a a c b b c c c c Peed Lagga Bajgel 122
c a c 262524 Yes Yes Yes c c Yes c Yes b c c c c Kakri 123
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Majpeepal 124
c Yes c 262524 c c Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Madlak 125
c Yes c 262524 b b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Dungraleti 126
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Sukha Baran 127
c a c 262521 c c Yes c c a c c Yes c c c c Sela Salpar 128
c b c 262524 b b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Gurhmagal 129
a Yes c 262524 a Yes Yes c c Yes a Yes Yes a a a a Binda Tiwari 130

c b c 262524 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Kotsari 131

c a c 262524 b b Yes c c b c c b c c c c Sirauli 132
c a c 262524 b Yes Yes c c b c b b c c c c Chaudla 133
c a a 262524 a a Yes c c a a c a a a a a Pilkhi 134

c Yes c 262524 b b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Banku 135

c b c 262524 b b Yes b c c c c Yes c c c c Lara 136
c b c 262524 b b Yes b c c c c Yes c c c c Kulouli 137

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
91 Khilpati 054320 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
92 Pokhari Bora 054321 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
93 Pedsera 054322 c a c a a a a c Yes c c c
94 Basairi 054323 c a a a a a a c Yes a c a
95 Fafar 054324 c b a a a a a c Yes c c a
96 Khai Kot Talla 054325 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes c c c
97 Nidil 054326 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes c c c
98 Khai Kot Malla 054327 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes c c c
99 Shiling 054328 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes b c b
100 Vivil 054329 c Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes c c c
101 Baskuni 054330 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes b b b
102 Chamola 054331
103 Sankafal 054332 c c a a a a a c Yes b c b
104 Jindi Sorari 054333 c c b b b a b c Yes b c c
105 Jakh Jindi 054334 c a a a a Yes a c Yes b c b
106 Gajina 054335 c a a a a a a c Yes b c b
107 Maura 054336 c c Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes a c a
108 Pokhari Saun 054337 c c Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c c
109 Pulla 054338 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c c Yes Yes c Yes
110 Dumdai 054339 c Yes Yes Yes Yes a c c Yes a c c
111 Chama 054340 c b a a b a b c Yes b c b
112 Bagauti 054341 c c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c
113 Simlack 054342
114 Jamarsawn 054343 c c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c
115 Sagar 054344 c c a a c a c c Yes c c c
116 Gurele 054345 c b a a b a b c Yes c c c
117 Raul 054346 c a Yes Yes a Yes a c Yes b c c
118 Dhaun 054347 c a a a Yes Yes a c Yes b c b
119 Nakot Kholiya 054348 c c b b b b b c Yes c c b
120 Patoli 054349 c a b b b b a c Yes a c a
121 Baram 054350 c c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c
122 Peed Lagga Bajgel 054351 c b b a b a a c Yes b c b
123 Kakri 054352 c b b Yes a Yes Yes c Yes b c b
124 Majpeepal 054353 c c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes Yes c c
125 Madlak 054354 c b Yes Yes b Yes b c Yes c c c
126 Dungraleti 054355 c Yes Yes b b b b c Yes b c c
127 Sukha Baran 054356 c c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c
128 Sela Salpar 054357 c c Yes Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c
129 Gurhmagal 054358 c a a a a a a c Yes b c b
130 Binda Tiwari 054359 c a a a Yes a a a Yes a c Yes

131 Kotsari 054360 c b b b b Yes b c Yes b c b

132 Sirauli 054361 c b b Yes Yes Yes b c Yes b c b
133 Chaudla 054362 c b b Yes Yes b b c Yes c c c
134 Pilkhi 054363 c c c c c Yes a a Yes a c a

135 Banku 054364 c a a a a Yes a c Yes b c b

136 Lara 054365 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c b
137 Kulouli 054366 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c b

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1
c a c c c c a c a a c c c c a a a c Khilpati 91
c a c c c c a c a a c c c c a a a c Pokhari Bora 92
c a c c c c c c Yes Yes c c c c c c b c Pedsera 93
a a a c c c c c a b c c c c a a a c Basairi 94
a a c c c c a c a a c c c c a a a a Fafar 95
c a c c c c c c a a c c c c c c a a Khai Kot Talla 96
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Nidil 97
c Yes c c c c Yes c a a c c c c c c a Yes Khai Kot Malla 98
Yes Yes b c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c b Yes Shiling 99
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Vivil 100
Yes Yes b b c c Yes b Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Baskuni 101
Chamola 102
b a c b b c a c a a c c c c c c b a Sankafal 103
a a c b c c a c a a c c c c c c a a Jindi Sorari 104
Yes Yes b c Yes c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Jakh Jindi 105
b a b b b c Yes c a a c c c c c c a a Gajina 106
Yes a a a a c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c a Yes Maura 107
Yes Yes c c c c b c b c c c c a c c a b Pokhari Saun 108
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Pulla 109
Yes Yes c c c c Yes Yes Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Dumdai 110
a a b b c c Yes c a a c c c c c c a a Chama 111
a Yes c c c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Bagauti 112
Simlack 113
c c c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a a Jamarsawn 114
a a c c c c a c Yes c c c c c c c a a Sagar 115
c a c c c c Yes c a c c c c c c c Yes Yes Gurele 116
Yes Yes b b b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a a Raul 117
Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c a a Dhaun 118
b b b b b c a c Yes c c c c c c b b c Nakot Kholiya 119
a a a a a c c c a c c c c c c a c c Patoli 120
c a c c c c a c a c c c c c c c a a Baram 121
a a c b b c a c a c c c c c c b a a Peed Lagga Bajgel 122
b b b b b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c a a Kakri 123
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Majpeepal 124
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Madlak 125
c Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Dungraleti 126
a a a a a c a c a c c c c c c c a a Sukha Baran 127
Yes Yes c c c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Sela Salpar 128
Yes a b b b c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c b Yes Gurhmagal 129
a a a a a c a c Yes c c c c c c a a c Binda Tiwari 130

b b b b b c b c b b c c Yes c c b b c Kotsari 131

b b a b b c a c b c c c c c c b b c Sirauli 132
c c a c c c b c b b c c c c c b b c Chaudla 133
a a a a c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c a a c Pilkhi 134

b a a b c c b c b c c c Yes c c a b c Banku 135

b b b b c c b c b c c c c c c c a a Lara 136
b Yes b b c c b c b c c c c c c c Yes Yes Kulouli 137

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
91 Khilpati 054320 Yes No No No Champawat c 5.2 2.2 0.5 7 0
92 Pokhari Bora 054321 Yes No No No Champawat c 6.2 1.5 2.3 10.1 0
93 Pedsera 054322 Yes No No No Champawat c 18.5 7.1 0 36.9 0.1
94 Basairi 054323 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 23.4 2.1 11.4 3.2 0
95 Fafar 054324 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.2 0.4 0 1.4 0
96 Khai Kot Talla 054325 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 66.3 4.5 18.6 0 0
97 Nidil 054326 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 816.3 38.1 91.9 37.1 0
98 Khai Kot Malla 054327 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 221.6 17.4 22.2 0 0
99 Shiling 054328 Yes Yes No No Lohaghat c 101.6 12.3 189.3 2.1 0
100 Vivil 054329 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 109.5 27.4 0 109.7 0
101 Baskuni 054330 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 8.2 32.5 36.2 0
102 Chamola 054331 Lohaghat c 15.3 1.6 11.8 25.7 0
103 Sankafal 054332 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.4 1 0.8 0.3 0
104 Jindi Sorari 054333 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 31.1 9 39.3 60.7 0
105 Jakh Jindi 054334 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 97.4 0.6 39 5.7 0
106 Gajina 054335 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.5 0.6 8.1 2.4 0.9
107 Maura 054336 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5.4 6.3 2.8 0.4 0
108 Pokhari Saun 054337 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 12.1 3 0 4.2 0
109 Pulla 054338 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 24.4 48.8 7.6 11.2 10.4
110 Dumdai 054339 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 38 1 16 23.7 0.7
111 Chama 054340 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 24.1 1.9 0 21.1 3.5
112 Bagauti 054341 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 22.7 24.5 140 17.6 12.2
113 Simlack 054342 Lohaghat c 3.7 1.7 7 8.9 0.7
114 Jamarsawn 054343 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 11.8 11.8 3.8 0 6.3
115 Sagar 054344 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 14.5 3.2 11.2 10.7 2.2
116 Gurele 054345 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 59.4 10.4 50 109 0
117 Raul 054346 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 5 1.4 3.8 2.4 0
118 Dhaun 054347 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.8 2.6 3.1 11.8 12.8
119 Nakot Kholiya 054348 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 3.9 2.2 28.4 0
120 Patoli 054349 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.1 2.9 7.8 0 0
121 Baram 054350 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.3 4.4 2.7 2 0.2
122 Peed Lagga Bajgel 054351 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.8 6.3 0 0 0
123 Kakri 054352 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4.8 2.8 0.5 29.2 2
124 Majpeepal 054353 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 49.7 13.3 44.2 88.4 0
125 Madlak 054354 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4 2.5 2.6 7.3 0.6
126 Dungraleti 054355 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 57.3 51.5 11.2 289.2 0
127 Sukha Baran 054356 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 4 1.1 3.9 2.4 0.4
128 Sela Salpar 054357 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 54.4 69.5 4.8 0 2
129 Gurhmagal 054358 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.9 0.4 1 32.3 1.1
130 Binda Tiwari 054359 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 15.2 6.5 13.2 17 0

131 Kotsari 054360 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 11.2 6.3 2.4 25.9 0

132 Sirauli 054361 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 43.1 6.3 19.6 16.9 0
133 Chaudla 054362 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 43.1 6.3 19.6 16.9 0
134 Pilkhi 054363 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 3.3 2.2 0 0 0

135 Banku 054364 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 18.9 7.5 0 3 0

136 Lara 054365 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.5 0.1 0 0 0
137 Kulouli 054366 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.4 0.2 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1
30.1 0 30.2 18.6 0 18.6 0 0 0 0 0 Khilpati 91
70.2 0 28.6 30.5 0 30.5 0 0 0 0 0 Pokhari Bora 92
0.4 5.5 4.5 22.2 2.2 20 0 0 0 0 2.2 Pedsera 93
3 6 5 15.2 0 15.2 0 0 0 0 0 Basairi 94
0.8 0 1.1 10.8 0 10.8 0 0 0 0 0 Fafar 95
0 4.1 2.1 37.5 3 34.4 0 0 0 0 3 Khai Kot Talla 96
0.8 33.2 300 53.8 3.7 50.2 0 0 0 0 3.7 Nidil 97
2.3 0 39.9 45.2 6.6 38.6 0 0 0 0 6.6 Khai Kot Malla 98
28.8 80.2 20.4 160.3 0 160.3 0 0 0 0 0 Shiling 99
113.3 60.1 7.3 81.7 20 61.7 0 0 0 0 20 Vivil 100
35.8 45.1 4.9 51.7 0 51.7 0 0 0 0 0 Baskuni 101
0.7 1.5 1 10.9 0 10.9 0 0 0 0 0 Chamola 102
1.4 0 3.2 7.3 0 7.3 0 0 0 0 0 Sankafal 103
2.6 20 5 40.8 2 38.8 0 0 0 0 2 Jindi Sorari 104
24.5 23.1 3.4 42.2 2.1 40.1 0 0 0 0 2.1 Jakh Jindi 105
3 0 6.5 10.8 0 10.8 0 0 0 0 0 Gajina 106
20.6 0 18.3 36.6 0 36.6 0 0 0 0 0 Maura 107
3.2 6.8 2.7 32.9 0 32.9 0 0 0 0 0 Pokhari Saun 108
39.6 19.2 25.2 22.7 0 22.7 0 0 0 0 0 Pulla 109
8.7 15.7 20.3 44.6 0 44.6 0 0 0 0 0 Dumdai 110
33.4 20.8 28 5.1 0 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 Chama 111
1.7 0 18 69.2 0 69.2 0 0 0 0 0 Bagauti 112
9 0 2.6 6.2 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0 Simlack 113
31.9 0 12.5 29.2 0 29.2 0 0 0 0 0 Jamarsawn 114
0 0 9.2 30.2 0 30.2 0 0 0 0 0 Sagar 115
0.9 15.1 16.1 37.9 0 37.9 0 0 0 0 0 Gurele 116
0.7 0 4.3 23.3 0 23.3 0 0 0 0 0 Raul 117
9.6 16.4 4.6 11.4 0 11.4 0 0 0 0 0 Dhaun 118
1.2 4.9 4 30.3 0 30.3 0 0 0 0 0 Nakot Kholiya 119
1.4 7 3.1 20.7 0 20.7 0 0 0 0 0 Patoli 120
1 0 0.6 9.1 0 9.1 0 0 0 0 0 Baram 121
3 0 0.9 2.9 0 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 Peed Lagga Bajgel 122
3.5 12.2 3.3 15.2 0 15.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kakri 123
19.6 2.5 39.1 59.7 0 59.7 0 0 0 0 0 Majpeepal 124
8.3 4.3 1 33.9 0 33.9 0 0 0 0 0 Madlak 125
7.8 0 8.3 114.5 0 114.5 0 0 0 0 0 Dungraleti 126
1.4 1.7 0.7 7.2 0 7.2 0 0 0 0 0 Sukha Baran 127
92.7 0 14.6 135.7 3 132.7 0 0 0 0 3 Sela Salpar 128
10.8 0 0.4 29.2 0 29.2 0 0 0 0 0 Gurhmagal 129
34.1 18.2 10.8 80.2 0 80.2 0 0 0 0 0 Binda Tiwari 130

52.5 10 8.9 60.2 0 60.2 0 0 0 0 0 Kotsari 131

2 8.2 3.7 40.2 0 40.2 0 0 0 0 0 Sirauli 132
2 8.2 3.7 40.2 0 40.2 0 0 0 0 0 Chaudla 133
7.8 5 5.1 15.2 0 15.2 0 0 0 0 0 Pilkhi 134

102.9 5.1 4.9 50.2 0 50.2 0 0 0 0 0 Banku 135

4.1 0 0.2 7.1 0 7.1 0 0 0 0 0 Lara 136
0 0 0.2 5.6 0 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 Kulouli 137

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

138 Pundil 054367 81.4 141 26 c 1 b b b c

139 Kunari 054368 225.6 176 30 c 1 b b c c
140 Sulla 054369 197.5 513 84 c 1 1 a c c
141 Pasam 054370 239.6 546 108 c 2 1 c c c
142 Aslad 054371 233.2 223 45 c 1 b b c c
143 Rausal 054372 101.4 180 37 c 2 1 1 b b
144 Kamleri 054373 89.4 286 49 c 1 a a b c
145 Dangaon 054374 60.7 126 28 c 1 b b c c
146 Lojini 054375 46.2 143 24 a 1 1 b c c
147 Tunda Visht 054376 112.2 14 3 c c c a c c
148 Kayal 054377 8.7 244 48 c 1 c c c c
149 Maduwa 054378 148.3 791 135 c 1 1 c c c
150 Talla Nayabad 054379 41.5 0 0
151 Matiyani 054380 326.9 895 168 c 2 1 c c c
152 Dunga Bora 054381 40.1 162 31 c a b b b c
153 Chauri 054382 14.1 0 0
154 Dungra Bora 054383 676.9 778 132 c 2 1 c c c
Block T O T A L : 21503.5 45333 9639 12 120 40 15 9 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

c c c c c c c c Pundil 138
c c c c c c c c Kunari 139
c c c c c c c c Sulla 140
c c c c c c c c Pasam 141
c c c c c c c c Aslad 142
c c c c c c c c Rausal 143
c c c c c c c c Kamleri 144
c c c c c c c c Dangaon 145
c c c c c c c c Lojini 146
c c c c c c c c Tunda Visht 147
c c c c c c c c Kayal 148
c c c c c c c c Maduwa 149
Talla Nayabad 150
c c c c c c c c Matiyani 151
c c c c c c c c Dunga Bora 152
Chauri 153
c c c c c c c c Dungra Bora 154
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Block T O T A L :

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

138 Pundil 054367 c c c c c c c c c b c

139 Kunari 054368 c c b b c c c c c b c
140 Sulla 054369 c c a a c c c c c c c
141 Pasam 054370 c c b b c c c c c b c
142 Aslad 054371 c c b b c c c c c b c
143 Rausal 054372 c c a c c c 1 c c c c
144 Kamleri 054373 c c a a c c c c c c c
145 Dangaon 054374 c c b b c c b c c c c
146 Lojini 054375 c c b b c c b c c c c
147 Tunda Visht 054376 c c c c c c c c c c c
148 Kayal 054377 c c c c c c c c c c c
149 Maduwa 054378 c c c c c c 1 c c c c
150 Talla Nayabad 054379
151 Matiyani 054380 c c c c c c c c c c c
152 Dunga Bora 054381 c c c b c c b c c b c
153 Chauri 054382
154 Dungra Bora 054383 c c c c c c c c c c c
Block T O T A L : 0 1 10 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 2

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Pundil 138
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kunari 139
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Sulla 140
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Pasam 141
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Aslad 142
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Rausal 143
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kamleri 144
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Dangaon 145
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lojini 146
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Tunda Visht 147
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Kayal 148
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Maduwa 149
Talla Nayabad 150
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Matiyani 151
0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Dunga Bora 152
Chauri 153
0 0 0 0 2 2 1 Dungra Bora 154
0 5 5 5 220 177 31

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

138 Pundil 054367 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No

139 Kunari 054368 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
140 Sulla 054369 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
141 Pasam 054370 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
142 Aslad 054371 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
143 Rausal 054372 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
144 Kamleri 054373 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
145 Dangaon 054374 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
146 Lojini 054375 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
147 Tunda Visht 054376 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
148 Kayal 054377 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
149 Maduwa 054378 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
150 Talla Nayabad 054379
151 Matiyani 054380 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
152 Dunga Bora 054381 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
153 Chauri 054382
154 Dungra Bora 054383 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No
142 1 42 0 0 6 4 135 0 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1

c b c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Pundil 138

c b c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Kunari 139
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Sulla 140
c b c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Pasam 141
c b c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Aslad 142
c Yes c 262524 b b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Rausal 143
c a c 262524 b b Yes b c c c c Yes c c c c Kamleri 144
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Dangaon 145
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c b c c a c c c c Lojini 146
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c b c c a c c c c Tunda Visht 147
c b c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c b c c c c Kayal 148
c b c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Maduwa 149
Talla Nayabad 150
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c Yes c c c c Matiyani 151
c a c 262524 b b Yes c c a c c a c c c c Dunga Bora 152
Chauri 153
c a c 262524 c c Yes c c c c c a c c c c Dungra Bora 154
4 20 3 144 55 22 144 2 3 37 1 5 57 1 1 2 1

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

138 Pundil 054367 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c Yes c c c
139 Kunari 054368 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c c
140 Sulla 054369 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c Yes c c c
141 Pasam 054370 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c c
142 Aslad 054371 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c c
143 Rausal 054372 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes c c b
144 Kamleri 054373 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
145 Dangaon 054374 c a b b a a a c Yes c c c
146 Lojini 054375 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
147 Tunda Visht 054376 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
148 Kayal 054377 c b b b b b b c Yes c c c
149 Maduwa 054378 c b a a a Yes b c Yes c c c
150 Talla Nayabad 054379
151 Matiyani 054380 c c a a Yes a a c Yes c c c
152 Dunga Bora 054381 c a a a a a a c Yes c c c
153 Chauri 054382
154 Dungra Bora 054383 c c c a a a a c Yes c c c
5 47 60 64 54 57 7 0 144 3 1 4

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1

a b b b c a Yes c Yes b c c Yes c c c b b Pundil 138

c b b a c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c b a Kunari 139
c Yes c b c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes Yes Sulla 140
c Yes b b c c Yes c Yes c c c c c c c Yes Yes Pasam 141
c b b b c c Yes c a b c c c c c c a a Aslad 142
b Yes b b c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c Yes Yes a Rausal 143
c a a a c c Yes c a a c c c c c c a Yes Kamleri 144
c a a a c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c b a c Dangaon 145
c a a a c c Yes c a a c c c c c b a c Lojini 146
c a a a c c c c b b c c c c c c b a Tunda Visht 147
c Yes b b c c Yes c b b c c c c c c a c Kayal 148
c Yes b b c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c b c Maduwa 149
Talla Nayabad 150
c c b b c c Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c c c Matiyani 151
c a a a c c Yes c a c c c c c c a b Yes Dunga Bora 152
Chauri 153
c Yes a a a b Yes c Yes Yes c c c c c c Yes c Dungra Bora 154
50 51 1 1 3 0 66 4 68 33 4 3 7 0 0 10 32 46

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108

138 Pundil 054367 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 31.8 3.2 3.5 0 0

139 Kunari 054368 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 79.4 5.7 21.7 0 0
140 Sulla 054369 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 55 5.9 0.1 0 0
141 Pasam 054370 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 25 12.6 65 55.2 0
142 Aslad 054371 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 65 9.8 0 41.2 0
143 Rausal 054372 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 38.8 2.1 14.6 10.6 0
144 Kamleri 054373 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 15.2 3.1 26.8 6.6 0
145 Dangaon 054374 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 16.3 5.6 7.7 0.5 0
146 Lojini 054375 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 6.4 3.9 1 2 0
147 Tunda Visht 054376 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 9.2 6.5 0.5 42.2 0
148 Kayal 054377 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 2.6 0.3 0 0 0
149 Maduwa 054378 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0 6.3 17.4 13.2 0
150 Talla Nayabad 054379 Lohaghat c 31.5 2.9 0 0 0
151 Matiyani 054380 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 67.9 27.6 143.8 0 0
152 Dunga Bora 054381 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 8 1.9 0.2 0 0
153 Chauri 054382 Lohaghat c 9.8 0.4 0.2 0 0
154 Dungra Bora 054383 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 369 19.4 95.8 23.6 0
143 5 1 10 0 5541.7 955.1 1791.6 2674 56.1

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

20.9 0 0 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 Pundil 138

86.5 0 2.6 29.6 0 29.6 0 0 0 0 0 Kunari 139
69.1 0 1.1 66.2 0 66.2 0 0 0 0 0 Sulla 140
6.4 0 0 75.4 73 2.4 73 0 0 0 0 Pasam 141
93.8 0 0 23.4 0 23.4 0 0 0 0 0 Aslad 142
3.6 0 1.7 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 Rausal 143
2.8 0 1.7 33.1 0 33.1 0 0 0 0 0 Kamleri 144
2.8 0 0.2 27.7 0 27.7 0 0 0 0 0 Dangaon 145
0.4 0.2 0.2 32.2 0 32.2 0 0 0 0 0 Lojini 146
17.9 0 1.6 34.3 0 34.3 0 0 0 0 0 Tunda Visht 147
0 0.2 0 5.5 0 5.5 0 0 0 0 0 Kayal 148
3.8 0 0.6 107 0 107 0 0 0 0 0 Maduwa 149
0 0 0.1 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Talla Nayabad 150
0.1 0 0.8 86.6 0 86.6 0 0 0 0 0 Matiyani 151
7.4 4 4.3 14.3 0 14.3 0 0 0 0 0 Dunga Bora 152
0 0 0.1 3.6 0 3.6 0 0 0 0 0 Chauri 153
24.4 1 0.6 143 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 Dungra Bora 154
2956 806.8 1355 5366.3 142.7 5241.7 88.2 0 0 0

Alphabetical list of Villages
Serial. Name of Villages 2011 Census 2001 Census
Number location code location code
number number
1 2 3 4
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Forest CD Block Champawat Location CodeNo:-0105
1 Banbasa Canal Range 054470 01435300
2 Bhingrad Range 054097 01368300
3 Bhingrad Range 054098 01370700
4 Bhingrad Range 054099 01372800
5 Boom Range 054466 01432200
6 Boom Range 054467 01432500
7 Boom Range 054468 01432900
8 Danda Range 054462 01381900
9 Devidhura Range 053949 01412100
10 Devidhura Range 054100 01378800
11 Devidhura Range 054101 01379100
12 Devidhura Range 054102 01381200
13 Dogadi Range 054463 01382200
14 Dogadi Range 054464 01431300
15 Khatima Range 054469 01434900
16 Lohaghat Range 053948 01410600
17 Lohaghat Range 053950 01413700
18 Lohaghat Range 053951 01421300
19 Lohaghat Range 053952 01421800
20 Lohaghat Range 053953 01423600
21 Lohaghat Range 053954 01427500
22 Lohaghat Range 053955 01427900
23 Lohaghat Range 053956 01428700
24 Lohaghat Range 054384 01392900
25 Lohaghat Range 054385 01394700
26 Lohaghat Range 054386 01398400
27 Lohaghat Range 054387 01398800
28 Lohaghat Range 054388 01399200
29 Lohaghat Range 054389 01407400
30 Sharda Range 054465 01431800


Village Directory Data of CD Block
Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded

Number of educational amenities available. (If not available wit
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

up to one decimal place)

Pre-Primary school (PP)

Secondary School (S)

Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Forest CD Block Location CodeNo:-0105
1 Lohaghat Range 053948 500 1 1 c c c c c c
2 Devidhura Range 053949 800 0 0
3 Lohaghat Range 053950 0 6 3 a a a a a a
4 Lohaghat Range 053951 0 0 0
5 Lohaghat Range 053952 0 0 0
6 Lohaghat Range 053953 0 1 1 c c c c c c
7 Lohaghat Range 053954 0.1 1 1 c c c c c c
8 Lohaghat Range 053955 0.2 3 3 c c c c c c
9 Lohaghat Range 053956 0 0 0
10 Bhingrad Range 054097 0.5 35 9 a a a a a c
11 Bhingrad Range 054098 1.1 0 0
12 Bhingrad Range 054099 1.1 12 7 a a a a a c
13 Devidhura Range 054100 0.6 0 0
14 Devidhura Range 054101 0.4 0 0
15 Devidhura Range 054102 200 19 7 b b b b b c
16 Lohaghat Range 054384 1289.9 1 1 c a a b b c
17 Lohaghat Range 054385 844.9 0 0
18 Lohaghat Range 054386 448.2 0 0
19 Lohaghat Range 054387 115.4 6 3 b b b b b b
20 Lohaghat Range 054388 18.2 0 0
21 Lohaghat Range 054389 2483.1 2 2 b b b b b b
22 Danda Range 054462 0 10 8 a a a a a c
23 Dogadi Range 054463 0 13 8 c c c c c c
24 Dogadi Range 054464 0 3 3 b b c c c c
25 Sharda Range 054465 9500 389 92 a a a a a a
26 Boom Range 054466 0 22 10 b b c c c c
27 Boom Range 054467 0 115 12 a a a b b c
28 Boom Range 054468 0 19 7 b b b b b c
29 Khatima Range 054469 662.9 0 0
30 Banbasa Canal Range 054470 688 0 0
Block T O T A L : 17554.6 658 178 0 0 0 0 0 0
District T O T A L : 121535.5 221305 45741 51 506 195 80 43 1

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

enities available. (If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Vocational training school /ITI
Management institute (MI)

Non-formal training centre

Engineering college(EC)

Medical college (MC)

Polytechnic (Pt)

Others (specify)

Name village

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

c c c c b c c c Lohaghat Range 1
Devidhura Range 2
c c c c a a c c Lohaghat Range 3
Lohaghat Range 4
Lohaghat Range 5
c c c c c c c c Lohaghat Range 6
c c c c c c c c Lohaghat Range 7
c c c c c c c c Lohaghat Range 8
Lohaghat Range 9
c c c c c c c c Bhingrad Range 10
Bhingrad Range 11
c c c c c c c c Bhingrad Range 12
Devidhura Range 13
Devidhura Range 14
c c c c c c c c Devidhura Range 15
c c c c c c c c Lohaghat Range 16
Lohaghat Range 17
Lohaghat Range 18
c c c b c b c b Lohaghat Range 19
Lohaghat Range 20
c c c b c b c b Lohaghat Range 21
c c c c c c c c Danda Range 22
c c c c c c c c Dogadi Range 23
c c c c c c c c Dogadi Range 24
c c c c a a a c Sharda Range 25
c c c c c c c c Boom Range 26
c c c c c c c c Boom Range 27
c c c c c c c c Boom Range 28
Khatima Range 29
Banbasa Canal Range 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Block T O T A L :
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 District T O T A L :

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Maternity and child welfare

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
Location code no.

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Dispensary (D)
centre (MCW)
Name village

1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Forest CD Block Location CodeNo:-0105
1 Lohaghat Range 053948 b b b b b b b b b b c
2 Devidhura Range 053949
3 Lohaghat Range 053950 a a a a a a a a a a a
4 Lohaghat Range 053951
5 Lohaghat Range 053952
6 Lohaghat Range 053953 c c c c c c c c c c c
7 Lohaghat Range 053954 c c c c c c c c c c c
8 Lohaghat Range 053955 c c c c c c c c c c c
9 Lohaghat Range 053956
10 Bhingrad Range 054097 c c a a c c c a c c a
11 Bhingrad Range 054098
12 Bhingrad Range 054099 a a a a a a c a a a b
13 Devidhura Range 054100
14 Devidhura Range 054101
15 Devidhura Range 054102 c c c c c c c a c c c
16 Lohaghat Range 054384 c b b b c c c c b b c
17 Lohaghat Range 054385
18 Lohaghat Range 054386
19 Lohaghat Range 054387 b b b b c b b b b b b
20 Lohaghat Range 054388
21 Lohaghat Range 054389 b b b b c b b b b b b
22 Danda Range 054462 c c c c c c c c c c c
23 Dogadi Range 054463 c c c c c c c c c c c
24 Dogadi Range 054464 c c c c c c c c c c c
25 Sharda Range 054465 a a a a c a a a a a a
26 Boom Range 054466 c c c c c c c c c c c
27 Boom Range 054467 c c c c c c c c a a a
28 Boom Range 054468 c c c c c c c c c c c
29 Khatima Range 054469
30 Banbasa Canal Range 054470
Block T O T A L : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
District T O T A L : 1 7 65 19 1 9 5 3 7 10 15

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities available.

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with no
hospital/Nursing home.
Charitable non Govt.

Medicine Shop

Name village
faith healer .



32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 1
Devidhura Range 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 3
Lohaghat Range 4
Lohaghat Range 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 8
Lohaghat Range 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhingrad Range 10
Bhingrad Range 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhingrad Range 12
Devidhura Range 13
Devidhura Range 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Devidhura Range 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 16
Lohaghat Range 17
Lohaghat Range 18
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 19
Lohaghat Range 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 21
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Danda Range 22
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dogadi Range 23
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dogadi Range 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sharda Range 25
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boom Range 26
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boom Range 27
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boom Range 28
Khatima Range 29
Banbasa Canal Range 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 31 31 31 1110 824 124

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of drinking water - Yes / Availability of toilet & others

No Yes / No

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary
Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hardware outlet available near

Community toilet excluding
Community toilet including

waste for productive use.

Well water (Covered /

Tube wells / Bore well

Tank / Pond / Lake

Location code no.

Uncovered well)

River / Canal
Name village

Hand Pump

the village.


1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Forest CD Block Location CodeNo:-0105
1 Lohaghat Range 053948 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
2 Devidhura Range 053949
3 Lohaghat Range 053950 Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No
4 Lohaghat Range 053951
5 Lohaghat Range 053952
6 Lohaghat Range 053953 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
7 Lohaghat Range 053954 Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No
8 Lohaghat Range 053955 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
9 Lohaghat Range 053956
10 Bhingrad Range 054097 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
11 Bhingrad Range 054098
12 Bhingrad Range 054099 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
13 Devidhura Range 054100
14 Devidhura Range 054101
15 Devidhura Range 054102 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
16 Lohaghat Range 054384 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
17 Lohaghat Range 054385
18 Lohaghat Range 054386
19 Lohaghat Range 054387 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
20 Lohaghat Range 054388
21 Lohaghat Range 054389 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
22 Danda Range 054462 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
23 Dogadi Range 054463 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
24 Dogadi Range 054464 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No
25 Sharda Range 054465 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
26 Boom Range 054466 Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No
27 Boom Range 054467 Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No
28 Boom Range 054468 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No
29 Khatima Range 054469
30 Banbasa Canal Range 054470
18 0 6 0 1 5 3 4 0 0 0 0
635 16 166 30 2 52 50 435 0 0 0 0

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code ,If not available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Internet cafes/ Common service

Bus service (Public & Private)

(Land lines)

Carts driven by animals

Post & Telegraph office

Public call office (PCO)

Sea /River ferry service

Mobile phone coverage

Private courier facility

Sub post office (SPO)

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Village Pin Code

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Post office(PO)

Name village
centre (CSC)


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 1

b b b 262523 b b b b b b c c b c c c c Lohaghat Range 1

Devidhura Range 2
a Yes a 262523 a a a a a a c c a c c c c Lohaghat Range 3
Lohaghat Range 4
Lohaghat Range 5
c c c 262523 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Lohaghat Range 6
c Yes c 262523 Yes c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Lohaghat Range 7
c Yes c 262523 c c c c c c c c Yes c c c c Lohaghat Range 8
Lohaghat Range 9
c b c 262580 b b Yes c c b c c c c c c c Bhingrad Range 10
Bhingrad Range 11
b a b 262580 b b Yes b b b c c b c c c c Bhingrad Range 12
Devidhura Range 13
Devidhura Range 14
c a c 262580 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Devidhura Range 15
c a c 262524 a b Yes c c Yes c c Yes c c c c Lohaghat Range 16
Lohaghat Range 17
Lohaghat Range 18
b b b 262524 b b Yes b b b c Yes b c c c c Lohaghat Range 19
Lohaghat Range 20
b b b 262524 b b Yes b b b c Yes b c c c c Lohaghat Range 21
b b c 262310 b b b c c c c c c c c c c Danda Range 22
b b b 262310 b b b b b b b b b c c c b Dogadi Range 23
c c c 262310 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Dogadi Range 24
a a a 262310 a a a a a a a a a a c c a Sharda Range 25
c b c 262310 b b Yes c c c c c c c c c c Boom Range 26
b a c 262310 c c Yes b b b b b b Yes a a b Boom Range 27
c c c 262310 c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c Boom Range 28
Khatima Range 29
Banbasa Canal Range 30
0 3 0 18 1 0 10 0 0 1 0 2 4 1 0 0 0
14 75 5 662 230 141 605 7 4 83 4 13 186 21 27 22 4

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village ,
the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Connected to others district road

Connected to major district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway
Location code no.

Kutchcha roads
Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)
Name village

Pucca roads

1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Forest CD Block Location CodeNo:-0105
1 Lohaghat Range 053948 c b Yes b b Yes Yes b Yes b c b
2 Devidhura Range 053949
3 Lohaghat Range 053950 a Yes a a a a a c Yes a a a
4 Lohaghat Range 053951
5 Lohaghat Range 053952
6 Lohaghat Range 053953 c Yes c c c c c c Yes c c c
7 Lohaghat Range 053954 c Yes c c c c c c Yes c c c
8 Lohaghat Range 053955 c Yes c c c c c c Yes c c Yes
9 Lohaghat Range 053956
10 Bhingrad Range 054097 c c a a a a a c Yes c c c
11 Bhingrad Range 054098
12 Bhingrad Range 054099 c c b b b b b c Yes c c c
13 Devidhura Range 054100
14 Devidhura Range 054101
15 Devidhura Range 054102 c c c c a a a c Yes c c c
16 Lohaghat Range 054384 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a c Yes c c c
17 Lohaghat Range 054385
18 Lohaghat Range 054386
19 Lohaghat Range 054387 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes b b b
20 Lohaghat Range 054388
21 Lohaghat Range 054389 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b c Yes b b b
22 Danda Range 054462 c c c b c b b c Yes c c c
23 Dogadi Range 054463 c c c c c c Yes b Yes c c c
24 Dogadi Range 054464 c c c Yes c Yes c c Yes c c c
25 Sharda Range 054465 c a a a a Yes Yes a Yes a a a
26 Boom Range 054466 c b c c c Yes c c Yes c c c
27 Boom Range 054467 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c c
28 Boom Range 054468 c Yes Yes Yes b Yes c c Yes c c c
29 Khatima Range 054469
30 Banbasa Canal Range 054470
2 9 6 6 4 8 4 1 18 0 0 1
49 161 163 201 169 205 123 8 662 16 3 18

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )

Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and
c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).
Public distribution system (PDS)

ASHA (Accredited Social Health

Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Community centre with/without
Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional
Agricultural marketing society
Integrated Child Development
Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Birth & Death Registration

Mandis / Regular market

Assembly Polling station

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply
Public Library

Name village
Weekly Haat

Sports Field,



80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 1

b b b c c c b c c b c c c c c b b b Lohaghat Range 1
Devidhura Range 2
a c c c a c a a a a a c c c b b Yes b Lohaghat Range 3
Lohaghat Range 4
Lohaghat Range 5
c Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Yes c Lohaghat Range 6
Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c a c Lohaghat Range 7
Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c a a Lohaghat Range 8
Lohaghat Range 9
a a c c c c a c a c c c c c c Yes c c Bhingrad Range 10
Bhingrad Range 11
c c c c c c b c b c c c c c c c c c Bhingrad Range 12
Devidhura Range 13
Devidhura Range 14
b b b b c c a c a c c c c c c Yes a a Devidhura Range 15
c a a a c c a c a a c c c c c b a c Lohaghat Range 16
Lohaghat Range 17
Lohaghat Range 18
b a b b b b b b a a a b b b b b a b Lohaghat Range 19
Lohaghat Range 20
b a b b b b b b a a a b b b b b a b Lohaghat Range 21
Yes Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c b b b Danda Range 22
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c b b Dogadi Range 23
c b c c c c b c b c c c c c c c b b Dogadi Range 24
a a a a a a a a a c a a a a a a a a Sharda Range 25
c b c c c c b c b b c c c c c b b b Boom Range 26
c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c c a a Boom Range 27
c b c c c c b c c c c c c c c c b c Boom Range 28
Khatima Range 29
Banbasa Canal Range 30
3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0
174 203 6 4 6 1 281 14 237 59 12 5 20 0 0 82 164 137

Census of India 2011
Amenities and Land

Availability of
Nearest Town Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounde
electricity (Yes/No)

Power Supply for Domestic Use (ED)

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+

Power Supply for Agricultural Use

Power Supply for Commercial Use

Distance range code i.e. a for < 5

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)

Permanent Pastures and Other

Barren and Un-cultivable land
Location code no.

Grazing Lands
Name village

Crops etc.


1 2 3 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Name of District:-Champawat Location CodeNo:-065
Name of CD Block:-Forest CD Block Location CodeNo:-0105
1 Lohaghat Range 053948 No No No No Champawat c 495 5 0 0 0
2 Devidhura Range 053949 Champawat c 795 5 0 0 0
3 Lohaghat Range 053950 Yes No No No Champawat a 0 0 0 0 0
4 Lohaghat Range 053951 Champawat b 0 0 0 0 0
5 Lohaghat Range 053952 Champawat b 0 0 0 0 0
6 Lohaghat Range 053953 No No No No Champawat c 0 0 0 0 0
7 Lohaghat Range 053954 No No No No Champawat c 0.1 0 0 0 0
8 Lohaghat Range 053955 Yes No No No Champawat c 0.2 0 0 0 0
9 Lohaghat Range 053956 Champawat c 0 0 0 0 0
10 Bhingrad Range 054097 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 0.5 0 0 0 0
11 Bhingrad Range 054098 Lohaghat c 1.1 0 0 0 0
12 Bhingrad Range 054099 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 1.1 0 0 0 0
13 Devidhura Range 054100 Lohaghat c 0.6 0 0 0 0
14 Devidhura Range 054101 Lohaghat c 0.4 0 0 0 0
15 Devidhura Range 054102 Yes No No No Lohaghat c 200 0 0 0 0
16 Lohaghat Range 054384 No No No No Lohaghat c 1289.9 0 0 0 0
17 Lohaghat Range 054385 Lohaghat c 844.9 0 0 0 0
18 Lohaghat Range 054386 Lohaghat c 448.2 0 0 0 0
19 Lohaghat Range 054387 Yes No No No Lohaghat b 115.4 0 0 0 0
20 Lohaghat Range 054388 Lohaghat b 18.2 0 0 0 0
21 Lohaghat Range 054389 No No No No Lohaghat b 2483.1 0 0 0 0
22 Danda Range 054462 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0 0 0 0
23 Dogadi Range 054463 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0 0 0 0
24 Dogadi Range 054464 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0 0 0 0
25 Sharda Range 054465 Yes No No No Tanakpur a 9500 0 0 0 0
26 Boom Range 054466 Yes No No No Tanakpur c 0 0 0 0 0
27 Boom Range 054467 Yes No No Yes Tanakpur c 0 0 0 0 0
28 Boom Range 054468 Yes No No Yes Tanakpur c 0 0 0 0 0
29 Khatima Range 054469 Tanakpur c 662.9 0 0 0 0
30 Banbasa Canal Range 054470 Tanakpur c 688 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 20 0 17544.6 10 0 0 0
628 43 36 32 0 0 42057.6 6382.8 5836.4 16985 1356.5

- Village Directory
use ( As in 2009 )
Land Use Name of three most
ypes of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal Area irrigated by source important commodities
place) (in hectare). manufactured
Fallow lands other than current

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land


Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)

Serial Number
Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Canals ( C )



109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Devidhura Range 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhingrad Range 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhingrad Range 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhingrad Range 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Devidhura Range 13
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Devidhura Range 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Devidhura Range 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 16
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 17
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 18
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 19
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lohaghat Range 21
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Danda Range 22
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dogadi Range 23
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dogadi Range 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sharda Range 25
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boom Range 26
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boom Range 27
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boom Range 28
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Khatima Range 29
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Banbasa Canal Range 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14309 3505.6 4095 27003.8 2214.1 26845 872.6 844.6 14.8 0

Appendices to Village Directory I-VIII
Appendix I - village directory
Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities - CD Block level
District: Champawat (065)
Villages having educational institutions
Total number
Total Degree
Sr.No of inhabited Pre- Senior
Name of CD block population of Primary Middle Secondary college of
. villages in the primary secondary
C.D. block school school school arts sceince
C. D. block school school (SS)
& commerce
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0071-Champawat 244 96667 29 149 69 29 13 1
2 0072-Pati 156 51971 7 104 41 14 8 0
3 0073-Barakot 100 26676 3 68 27 13 6 0
4 0074-Lohaghat 144 45333 12 92 34 13 8 0
0105-Forest CD Block
5 18 658 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 662 221305 51 413 171 69 35 1

Villages having Medical institutions

Sr.No Primary
Name of CD block ty and Hospital-
. Community Primary health health T.B. Hospital-
child alternative Dispensary
health centre centre sub clinic allopathic
welfare medicine

1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 0071-Champawat 1 2 30 6 1 5 1 2
2 0072-Pati 0 3 18 6 0 3 1 1
3 0073-Barakot 0 1 7 5 0 1 1 0
4 0074-Lohaghat 0 1 10 2 0 0 2 0
0105-Forest CD Block
Champawat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 7 65 19 1 9 5 3

Appendix I - village directory
Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities - CD Block level

Villages having educational institutions (contd.)

Degree Vocational Non-formal Special No

Medical Management Others Sr. No.
college of Polytechnic training training school for educational
college institute (specify)
engineering school /ITI centre disabled facility

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 88 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 5
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 241

Villages having Medical institutions (contd.) …

Medical Medical
Mobile No Sr.No.
Veterinary Family practioner practioner Medicine
health Others medical
hospital welfare centre (with MBBS (with other shop
clinic facility
Degree) degree)

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1
4 1 4 18 18 244 21 0 1
1 3 4 6 6 156 23 0 2
2 3 5 2 2 100 44 0 3
0 3 2 5 5 144 31 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
7 10 15 31 31 644 119 18

Appendix I - village directory
Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities - CD Block level
District: Champawat (065)
Villages having drinking water
Well water No
Sr.No Tap water
Name of CD block (coverd/ Hand Tubewell/ River/ Tank/ drinking
. (treated/unt Spring Others
uncovered pump borewell canal pond/ lake water
well) facility
1 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
1 0071-Champawat 226 13 80 30 1 28 36 165 0
2 0072-Pati 152 1 21 0 0 11 3 34 0
3 0073-Barakot 97 1 17 0 0 2 4 97 0
4 0074-Lohaghat 142 1 42 0 0 6 4 135 0
0105-Forest CD Block
5 18 0 6 0 1 5 3 4 0
Total 635 16 166 30 2 52 50 435 0

Villages having transport Banks

Sr.No water ways
Name of CD block Village Bus service Auto/ Commerc-
. Railway Taxi & Tracto- (river/
roads-pucca (public/ modified ial & co- ATM
station vans rs canal/ sea
road private) autos operative
1 2 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
1 0071-Champawat 56 15 1 4 50 16 2 6 1
2 0072-Pati 20 16 0 0 27 0 0 3 0
3 0073-Barakot 35 14 2 2 48 3 5 4 1
4 0074-Lohaghat 54 37 1 5 57 1 0 3 1
0105-Forest CD Block
5 4 1 0 2 4 1 1 0 0
Total 169 83 4 13 186 21 8 16 3

Appendix I - village directory
Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities - CD Block level

Villages having Post & Telegraph

Post & Phone Mobile cafes/
Sub post Public call Sr. No.
Post office telegrap (land phone Common
office office
h office lines) coverage service
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1
2 26 1 81 46 197 4 1
6 13 0 26 11 154 1 2
2 13 1 67 62 100 0 3
4 20 3 55 22 144 2 4
0 3 0 1 0 10 0 5
14 75 5 230 141 605 7

Credit Villages having

Villages having recreation facility Miscellaneous
societies power supply

Public Birth &

Agricultural Public Availability Asembly Sr.No.
Cinema / Public distribution Weekly death Availa- Not
credit reading of news polling
video halls library system haat registrati- ble available
societies rooms paper station
(PDS) shop on office

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1
5 1 0 0 44 100 1 79 26 223 21 1
5 1 0 0 5 15 1 18 16 149 7 2
3 11 0 0 20 33 1 33 49 100 0 3
4 7 0 0 10 51 1 32 46 143 1 4
1 0 0 0 3 4 0 2 0 13 5 5
18 20 0 0 82 203 4 164 137 628 34

Appendix IA - village directory
Villages by number of primary schools
District: Champawat (065)
Sr.No. Name of C.D.Block Total number Number of primary schools
of inhabited None One Two Three Four +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 0071-Champawat 244 95 120 24 4 1
2 0072-Pati 156 52 86 15 3 0
3 0073-Barakot 100 32 60 7 1 0
4 0074-Lohaghat 144 52 70 18 2 2
0105-Forest CD Block
5 Champawat 18 18 0 0 0 0
Total 662 249 336 64 10 3
Appendix IB - village directory
Villages by primary, middle and secondary schools
District: Champawat (065)
Sr.No. Name of CD Block Total number Type of educational institutions available
of inhabited No school At least one At least one At least one
villages primary primary middle
school and school and school and
no middle one middle one
school school secondary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0071-Champawat 244 95 80 69 29
2 0072-Pati 156 52 63 41 14
3 0073-Barakot 100 32 41 27 13
4 0074-Lohaghat 144 52 58 34 13
0105-Forest CD Block
5 Champawat 18 18 0 0 0
Total 662 249 242 171 69
Appendix IC - Village Directory
Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available
District: Champawat (065)
Sr.No. Name of C.D.Block Number of villages with different sources of drinking water
Only tap facilitiesOnly
Only well available Only More than
(treated/ (covered / tubewell handpump one source
untreated) uncovered) /borewell only from
tap, well,
nd pump

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0071-Champawat 148 2 0 0 88
2 0072-Pati 131 1 0 0 21
3 0073-Barakot 80 0 0 0 17
4 0074-Lohaghat 100 0 0 0 42
5 0105-Forest CD Block Champawat 12 0 0 0 6
Total 471 3 0 0 174

Appendix II- Village Directory
Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities
District: CHAMPAWAT available.
Sr. Name Name Loc Popula Amenities not available (indicate N.A. where amenity not
No. of CD of atio tion Senior College Primaryavailable)Tap Bus Approac Banks
Block villag n second health sub drink facility h by
e cod ary centre ing pucca
e school water road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
APPENDIX III - Village Directory
Land utilisation data in respect of Census Towns
Sl. Name Total For Area Barren Permane Land Under Cultu Fallow Current Net Total Total Un-
No. of Area est under and nt Miscellaneo rable Lands Fallows Area Irrigated irrigated
Census Non- Uncult Pastures us Tree Wast other than Sown Land Area Land Area
Towns agricult ivable and Crops etc. e Current
and C.D ural land Other Land Fallows
Block Uses Grazing
within Lands

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


C.D.Appedix IV-list
block wise Village Directory
of inhabited villages whose no
amenity other than drinking water facility is
Name of
Name of
C.D. Block:
ge Village Name

Appendix V- Village Directory
Summary showing number of villages not having scheduled castes population
District: Champawat(065)
Sr.No. Name of C.D. Block Total Uninhabite Inhabited Number of inhabited
villages d villages villages villages having no
scheduled castes

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 0071-Champawat 266 22 244 92

2 0072-Pati 164 8 156 65
3 0073-Barakot 103 3 100 39
4 0074-Lohaghat 154 10 144 53
5 0105-Forest CD Block Champawat 30 12 18 7
Total 717 55 662 256
Appendix VI - Village Directory
Summary showing number of villages not having scheduled tribes population
District: Champawat(065)
Sr.No. Name of C.D. Block Total Uninhabite Inhabited Number of inhabited
villages d villages villages villages having no
scheduled tribes

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 0071-Champawat 266 22 244 216

2 0072-Pati 164 8 156 151
3 0073-Barakot 103 3 100 96
4 0074-Lohaghat 154 10 144 138
5 0105-Forest CD Block Champawat 30 12 18 14
Total 717 55 662 615

Appendix VII - Village Directory
List of villages according to the proportion of the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes to the total population by
A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
District: Champawat(065) Nil 053840 Kathnauli
CD Block: Champawat(0071) Nil 053841 Paiti Mafi
Nil 053754 Pinana Nil 053843 Kathar Mafi
Nil 053756 Khark Bagar Nil 053845 Simalta Mafi
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
Nil 053757 Khunari Nil 053849 Lista
Nil 053758 Sanya Neel Kariya Nil 053850 Kanalgaon
Nil 053759 Digdai Nil 053854 Chowkni Pandey
Nil 053760 Khal Kariya Nil 053864 Bastiya Goonth
Nil 053761 Khark Nil 053868 Pather Maun
Nil 053762 Bilota Sain Nil 053873 Jamrari
Nil 053766 Ladhon Tukra Nil 053875 Ghurchum
Khetar Narial P Kaler
Nil 053767 Khan Nil 053877 Badauli
Nil 053768 Khetar Ukhera Nil 053885 Reetha
Nil 053772 Gunth Garsari Nil 053886 Dayoli (Dhauli)
Nil 053773 Kallu Khan Nil 053891 Bhanauli
Nil 053774 Basaan Nil 053894 Dola
Nil 053775 Ari Gurauli Nil 053898 Satkura
Nil 053781 Suyal Khark Nil 053903 Boyal
Nil 053782 Punabe Nil 053905 Amgounth
Nil 053784 Patal Nil 053906 Pali
Nil 053785 Mairoli Nil 053910 Raisang
Nil 053790 Okhal Dugga Nil 053911 Khaar
Nil 053791 Saindark Nil 053913 Bhula Gaon
Nil 053799 Bhagina Khet Nil 053915 Lawarki
Nil 053800 Bibrik Nil 053916 Manch
Nil 053802 Danthi Nil 053918 Gurna Goonth
Nil 053806 Naad Bora Nil 053919 Ruiya
Nil 053807 Chura Khark Khet Nil 053922 Gawani
Nil 053808 Pawet Nil 053923 Khar Giri
Nil 053818 Chhira Pani Nil 053924 Sutola
Nil 053820 Jaigaon Jatoli Nil 053931 Gayal
Nil 053822 Nand Kuli Nil 053939 Hiyali
Nil 053823 Moradi Nil 053942 Hartola
Nil 053824 Dugra Nil 053943 Bakora
Nil 053826 Tyarkuda Nil 053944 Akeri
Nil 053830 Bardoli Nil 053947 Birgola
Nil 053831 Jayar Nil 054393 Bunga Durga Pipal
Nil 053832 Kanda Nil 054394 Sukni
Nil 053833 Kamaila Nil 054399 Udali
Nil 053834 Basauti Mafi Nil 054400 Khurklaizer

Nil 053837 Raw Kunwar Nil 054401 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang

Nil 053839 Bakunda Nil 054402 Bhariyas
Nil 054406 Kharayat
Nil 054410 Poornagiri/ Poorangiri

A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 054412 Gangseer 5 - 10 054390 Kakanai
Nil 054413 Baman Jaol 5 - 10 054416 Taliya Baj
Nil 054415 Bayala 5 - 10 054418 Mathiya Baj
Nil 054424 Nigali 5 - 10 054420 Jaul
Nil 054426 Kaulikulari 5 - 10 054434 Gainda Khali No4
Nil 054430 Uchouli Goth 5 - 10 054442 Gayan Khera
Nil 054433 Suwa Goth 5 - 10 054443 Mohanpur

Nil 054447 Bagdora Hansi 5 - 10 054449 Devrampur Urf Sitapur

Less than 5 053776 Bunga Khayali 5 - 10 054454 Bhajanpur
Less than 5 053780 Garhkot 5 - 10 054455 Anandpur
Less than 5 053783 Sipty 5 - 10 054457 Bamanpuri
Less than 5 053786 Chaura Khayali 11 - 20 053765 Khunari
Less than 5 053813 Danda Bisht 11 - 20 053770 Bhageena Bhandari
Less than 5 053815 Jup Patua 11 - 20 053777 Dubchora
Less than 5 053828 Majgaon 11 - 20 053792 Simar
Less than 5 053829 Latoli 11 - 20 053795 Koyati
Less than 5 053853 Rakri Phulara 11 - 20 053797 Mirtola
Less than 5 053878 Sawala 11 - 20 053798 Nadola
Less than 5 053883 kot Amori 11 - 20 053801 Saidula Bora
Less than 5 053890 Khatoli Malli 11 - 20 053811 Khark Karki
Less than 5 053899 Kanyura 11 - 20 053812 Dungra Saithi
Less than 5 053914 Haram 11 - 20 053819 Mudiyani
Less than 5 053941 Sorai 11 - 20 053825 Madli Talli
Less than 5 054436 Thawal Khera 11 - 20 053827 Bilhairi
Less than 5 054440 Chheni Goth 11 - 20 053835 Maun Pokhari
5 - 10 053787 Birgul 11 - 20 053842 Chowki
5 - 10 053788 Goli 11 - 20 053847 Silang Tak
5 - 10 053794 Mataila 11 - 20 053852 Kaflang
5 - 10 053805 Dhakna Badola 11 - 20 053870 Majhera
5 - 10 053809 Nadhan 11 - 20 053876 Kawarsing
5 - 10 053810 Chaura Sethi 11 - 20 053880 Nayal
5 - 10 053814 Kulathi 11 - 20 053887 Pachnai
5 - 10 053838 Bhandar Bora 11 - 20 053889 Khatoli Talli
5 - 10 053855 Chowkni Bora 11 - 20 053892 Dudhori
5 - 10 053860 Bastiya 11 - 20 053895 Diyuri
5 - 10 053863 Padunga 11 - 20 053900 Neerh
5 - 10 053866 Maadli Malli 11 - 20 053907 Salli
5 - 10 053867 Sayali 11 - 20 053912 Thula Kot
5 - 10 053874 Pali 11 - 20 053917 Dubar Jainal
5 - 10 053881 Amaun 11 - 20 053920 Kukrauni
5 - 10 053882 Bajaun 11 - 20 053936 Tarkuli
5 - 10 053893 Chhatkot 11 - 20 053937 Riyansi Bamangoan
5 - 10 053896 Bageri 11 - 20 053946 Amora
5 - 10 053897 Kanda 11 - 20 054396 Naula Pani
5 - 10 053929 Polap 11 - 20 054397 Jhala Kudi
5 - 10 053940 Bhandar 11 - 20 054408 Chuka
5 - 10 053945 Mosta 11 - 20 054419 Dhura

A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
11 - 20 054429 Baramdev 31 - 40 054423 Sayala
Naik Goonth/ Naik
11 - 20 054435 Khet Khera 31 - 40 054438 Khera
11 - 20 054441 Tanakpur 31 - 40 054444 Chheni Talli
11 - 20 054445 Mochai/ Vichai 31 - 40 054459 Gudami
11 - 20 054446 Manihar Goth 41 - 50 053932 Rayal
11 - 20 054450 Bagdora Khas 41 - 50 053934 Ninori
11 - 20 054451 Sailanigoth 41 - 50 054428 Bastiya
11 - 20 054453 Chandani 51 - 75 053789 Duniya
21 - 30 053803 Chamiai 51 - 75 053928 Bachkot
21 - 30 053804 Punaithi 51 - 75 053938 Barkum
21 - 30 053816 Palsau 51 - 75 054395 Bakoria
21 - 30 053817 Bajrikot 51 - 75 054398 Silaar
21 - 30 053844 Fungar 51 - 75 054404 Kot Kendri
21 - 30 053846 Chaura Dumkhuri 51 - 75 054422 Kanda
21 - 30 053851 Shaktipur 51 - 75 054452 Phagpur
21 - 30 053856 Dudh Pokhara 76 and above 053755 Narsingh Danda
21 - 30 053861 Lafra 76 and above 053884 Hiula
21 - 30 053869 Dhaun 76 and above 054421 Shukhi Dhang
21 - 30 053872 Baira 76 and above 054431 Gainda Khali No1
21 - 30 053888 Vaila District: Champawat(065)
21 - 30 053901 Ramaila CD Block: Pati(0072)
21 - 30 053902 Gor Kholi Nil 053957 Thapla Gunth
Kanikot Lagga Chora
21 - 30 053904 Talla Kafalta Nil 053959 Guth
21 - 30 053909 Malla Kafalta Nil 053964 Dhaunkim Sawar
21 - 30 053925 Mankanda Nil 053965 Karki Chhana
21 - 30 053926 Tamli Nil 053967 Gagrarh
21 - 30 053930 Kaari Nil 053968 Dantola
21 - 30 053935 Aamni Nil 053969 Fularakot
21 - 30 054432 Gainda Khali No3 Nil 053971 Mathaila Chhana
21 - 30 054439 Chheni Malli Nil 053972 Bora Chapar
21 - 30 054458 Devipur Nil 053975 Gawai
21 - 30 054460 Pachpakariya Nil 053977 Raulgaon
21 - 30 054461 Bhaesa Jhala Nil 053978 Kharni Guth
31 - 40 053779 Barpass Nil 053979 Takna Gurau
31 - 40 053796 Aam Karia Nil 053981 Banoli Lagga Dungra
31 - 40 053848 Nagar Gaon Nil 053982 Jakhola
31 - 40 053857 Lamkaniya Nil 053988 Kaphalti
31 - 40 053858 Bugga Chowkni Nil 053990 Baman Chapar
31 - 40 053862 Nayadi Nil 053992 Kumaiya Kuda
31 - 40 053871 Lara Bora Nil 053994 Sango
31 - 40 053927 Naag Nil 054000 Jamantak
31 - 40 053933 Simiyauri Nil 054007 Parsh
31 - 40 054391 Danda Nil 054008 Nayalkot
31 - 40 054392 Danda Lohar Julla Nil 054016 Kandey
31 - 40 054405 Poth Nil 054023 Golana Seri
31 - 40 054414 Chaura Kot Nil 054024 Baligaon
31 - 40 054417 Buram Nil 054027 Haldua Khark

A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 054029 Mailta Less than 5 054076 Pokhari
Nil 054030 Patharkot Less than 5 054077 Ramak
Nil 054031 Ghahtora Less than 5 054088 Bhingrara
Nil 054032 Basaut Less than 5 054091 Chaura Maheta
Nil 054033 Karwalgaon Less than 5 054094 Sal
Nil 054034 Maragaon Less than 5 054107 Pardhayani
Nil 054036 Jhar Sirtoli Less than 5 054122 Manar Malla
Nil 054044 Pamtola 5 - 10 053983 Kotna
Nil 054045 Kimwari 5 - 10 053986 Dungra Kot
Nil 054050 Naini 5 - 10 053993 Baswari
Nil 054055 Barait 5 - 10 053997 Kanwar
Nil 054057 Reetha 5 - 10 053999 Dhraug
Nil 054059 Jhalpura 5 - 10 054003 Bairakh
Nil 054060 Chhoragaon 5 - 10 054009 Punoli
Nil 054061 Niloti 5 - 10 054062 Dubar Kamlaikh
Nil 054063 Burush Khola 5 - 10 054069 Takbalwari
Nil 054067 Mairoli 5 - 10 054070 Balatari
Nil 054072 Nauliya Gaon 5 - 10 054073 Goldanda
Nil 054074 Tolarankuri 5 - 10 054089 Chalthiya
Nil 054075 Binwal Gaon 5 - 10 054090 Madyoli
Nil 054078 Kwarala 5 - 10 054118 Goshani
Nil 054080 Varshi 11 - 20 053976 Banauli
Nil 054081 Sirna 11 - 20 053980 Biroli
Nil 054082 Dabri 11 - 20 053987 Kanikot
Nil 054095 Tanda Talla 11 - 20 053998 Pakhauti
Nil 054096 Tanda Malla 11 - 20 054005 Rikholi
Nil 054104 Khuteli 11 - 20 054006 Basanjoga
Nil 054105 Jakh 11 - 20 054015 Mulakot
Nil 054108 Harori 11 - 20 054018 Patangaon
Nil 054109 Bharoli 11 - 20 054025 Ejatta Dungra
Nil 054113 Sirtoli 11 - 20 054040 Garsari
Nil 054115 Gharki 11 - 20 054041 Jarauli
Nil 054116 Lari 11 - 20 054042 Jawlari
Nil 054120 Bajbhandari 11 - 20 054049 Koond
Nil 054121 Budarkarya 11 - 20 054071 Kharhi
Nil 054123 Batula Banj 11 - 20 054085 Parewa
Nil 054124 Gambhir Gaon 11 - 20 054086 Chaura Pita
Nil 054125 Manar Talla 11 - 20 054092 Kulyal Gaon
Nil 054126 Bayal Bunga 11 - 20 054093 Machhiyar
Less than 5 053984 Amauli 11 - 20 054106 Sirmoli
Less than 5 053996 Valik 11 - 20 054117 Jankande
Less than 5 054002 Bhaisarkh 11 - 20 054119 Tyarshun
Less than 5 054004 Batuliya 21 - 30 053958 Silyori
Less than 5 054012 Chilniya 21 - 30 053960 Chaura Guth
Less than 5 054037 Holi Piplati 21 - 30 053961 Kimar
Less than 5 054038 Bunga Birora 21 - 30 053973 Maulanajakh
Less than 5 054039 Tapnipal 21 - 30 053991 Timla Guth
Less than 5 054053 Rolmail 21 - 30 054001 Ghigharukot

A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
21 - 30 054011 Simalkhet Nil 054165 Bhandar
21 - 30 054013 Kajeena Nil 054166 Gothkura
21 - 30 054019 Chaurakot Nil 054172 Bhartoli Goonth
21 - 30 054020 Dashiya Nil 054173 Dunga Joshi
21 - 30 054043 Pati Nil 054174 Dunga Malla
21 - 30 054046 Jhudaili Nil 054175 Talli Jindi
21 - 30 054047 Goom Nil 054181 Jhir Kuni
21 - 30 054048 Bigrakot Nil 054182 Suri
21 - 30 054051 Lara Nil 054183 Nigali Garh
21 - 30 054056 Bhumwari Nil 054184 Khola Sunar
21 - 30 054064 Sakdena Nil 054186 Gurna (Santola)
21 - 30 054079 Mangal Lekh Nil 054192 Chhanda
21 - 30 054083 Dharson Nil 054196 Gwenara
21 - 30 054087 Gadura Nil 054199 Bayoli
Bayoli Lagga Talla
21 - 30 054110 Kanakot Nil 054200 Bapru
31 - 40 053962 Toli Katheri Nil 054206 Galla Gaon
31 - 40 053963 Gagar Nil 054209 Salan
31 - 40 053974 Chamtola Nil 054210 Netra
31 - 40 053985 Geeju Baswan Nil 054212 Gangali Pulai
31 - 40 053989 Anarpa Nil 054213 Gaika Jyula
31 - 40 053995 Dechmar Nil 054214 Sheel
31 - 40 054022 Sundungra Nil 054216 Jamar
31 - 40 054035 Kamlakh Nil 054220 Chamroli
31 - 40 054054 Kota Nil 054221 Simela
41 - 50 054010 Sibyoli Nil 054222 Maulani
41 - 50 054014 Chaura Sown Nil 054223 Chamoli
51 - 75 053966 Mantande Nil 054225 Lidu
51 - 75 054021 Maun Kanda Nil 054227 Kakari
51 - 75 054026 Thuwa Mauni Less than 5 054131 Luwakot
51 - 75 054058 Karauli Less than 5 054159 Mirtoli
76 and above 053970 Pipal Dhing Less than 5 054167 Nadera
76 and above 054017 Bham Lagga Mulakot Less than 5 054198 Gumaud
76 and above 054028 Barmtora Less than 5 054203 Bantoli
76 and above 054084 Bhonkara Less than 5 054229 Puniyal
District: Champawat(065) 5 - 10 054151 Padasaon
CD Block: Barakot(0073) 5 - 10 054160 Sigda
Nil 054129 Sugar Khal 5 - 10 054163 Patyuda
Nil 054133 Ravalgaon 5 - 10 054207 Aagar
Nil 054134 Raighari 5 - 10 054215 Sutera
Nil 054139 Lwarki 5 - 10 054218 Balso
Nil 054146 Ezra 11 - 20 054130 Choolgaon
Nil 054147 Ban Kandiya 11 - 20 054138 Baira Badwal
Nil 054148 Chhulapia 11 - 20 054158 Batauri
Nil 054152 Adkhandi 11 - 20 054170 Punai
Nil 054154 Naumana 11 - 20 054177 Fartola
Nil 054155 Tak 11 - 20 054194 Khakora
Nil 054156 Pathalati 11 - 20 054195 Malla Bapru

A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
11 - 20 054197 Gairi Nil 054254 Pardhiani Khet
11 - 20 054204 Tarag Nil 054257 Jhalandev
11 - 20 054208 Naini Mahar Nil 054259 Mayawati
11 - 20 054211 Bruyuri Nil 054263 Lyundhar
11 - 20 054226 Kheti Nil 054264 Sirtoli
21 - 30 054144 Raighaon Nil 054267 Baman Kuda
21 - 30 054157 Kothera Nil 054271 Batoli
21 - 30 054168 Banj Nil 054272 Kotla
21 - 30 054219 Chachari Nil 054274 Badole
31 - 40 054127 Bakarya Julla Nil 054275 Sudarka
31 - 40 054128 Buraula Nil 054276 Dheeng
31 - 40 054142 Dhali Gaon Nil 054278 Gureli
31 - 40 054149 Doba Nil 054285 Funda Patni
31 - 40 054164 Bisrari Nil 054287 Khuna Malak
31 - 40 054171 Churani Nil 054290 Koyati Gunth
31 - 40 054178 Pamda Nil 054292 Irakot
31 - 40 054179 Barakot Nil 054294 Balai
31 - 40 054193 Dyartoli Nil 054295 Majhera
31 - 40 054201 Bapru Talla Nil 054296 Kheti Gar
31 - 40 054224 Chami May Goonth Nil 054297 Kaflekh
31 - 40 054228 Mau Nil 054299 Chelkot
41 - 50 054143 Surkot Nil 054300 Kheti
41 - 50 054176 Kakarh Nil 054302 Gauri
41 - 50 054187 Chhera Nil 054303 Basan
51 - 75 054141 Basaudi Nil 054308 Doraga
51 - 75 054161 Okhlanj Nil 054310 Khetsari
51 - 75 054188 Hichaura Nil 054311 Bilde
51 - 75 054189 Betta Nil 054312 Tunkande
51 - 75 054202 Chaura Shah Nil 054314 Bugga Bora
76 and above 054132 Kamajula Nil 054315 Khul Kabar
76 and above 054135 Bamaira Nil 054319 Dhingra
76 and above 054136 Bairaorn Nil 054320 Khilpati
76 and above 054137 Baila Nil 054322 Pedsera
76 and above 054145 Devli Maphi Nil 054323 Basairi
76 and above 054150 Dungraorn Nil 054324 Fafar
76 and above 054153 Tari Gaon Nil 054332 Sankafal
76 and above 054162 Mayua Nil 054335 Gajina
76 and above 054169 Bagola Nil 054345 Gurele
76 and above 054185 Gurna (Nayaabad) Nil 054347 Dhaun
76 and above 054190 Bans Nil 054349 Patoli
76 and above 054191 Litee Nil 054350 Baram
76 and above 054205 Kalakot Nil 054351 Peed Lagga Bajgel
District: Champawat(065) Nil 054358 Gurhmagal
CD Block: Lohaghat(0074) Nil 054365 Lara
Nil 054236 Khais Kande Nil 054366 Kulouli
Nil 054237 Khawagarh Nil 054367 Pundil
Nil 054240 Kundi Mara Nil 054368 Kunari
Nil 054241 Padari Nil 054375 Lojini

A - Scheduled Castes A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number scheduled castes number
population population
(Percentages) (Percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 054376 Tunda Visht 21 - 30 054280 Khatera Malla
Less than 5 054242 Mutyuraj 21 - 30 054286 Koyati Khalsa
Less than 5 054245 Bandela Dhek 21 - 30 054289 Bhumlai
Less than 5 054253 Bood Chaura 21 - 30 054293 Khuna Bora
Less than 5 054288 Chauri Bhat 21 - 30 054316 Balana
Less than 5 054313 Pathlana 21 - 30 054330 Baskuni
Less than 5 054317 Man Dunga 21 - 30 054341 Bagauti
Less than 5 054372 Rausal 21 - 30 054373 Kamleri
5 - 10 054247 Kal Chaura 21 - 30 054383 Dungra Bora
5 - 10 054248 Pharn Hill 31 - 40 054270 Nakot
5 - 10 054261 Bangaon 31 - 40 054281 Kanedi
5 - 10 054326 Nidil 31 - 40 054282 Nas Khola
5 - 10 054337 Pokhari Saun 31 - 40 054284 Daisali
5 - 10 054338 Pulla 31 - 40 054291 Gangnaula
5 - 10 054343 Jamarsawn 31 - 40 054307 Dungri
5 - 10 054353 Majpeepal 31 - 40 054333 Jindi Sorari
5 - 10 054354 Madlak 31 - 40 054336 Maura
5 - 10 054355 Dungraleti 31 - 40 054340 Chama
11 - 20 054231 Pau 31 - 40 054346 Raul
11 - 20 054232 Abot Mount 31 - 40 054352 Kakri
11 - 20 054243 Rauteli Mara 31 - 40 054360 Kotsari
11 - 20 054246 Chaura Dhek 31 - 40 054380 Matiyani
11 - 20 054249 Kaligaon 41 - 50 054273 Mangoli
11 - 20 054250 Koli Dhek 41 - 50 054321 Pokhari Bora
11 - 20 054251 Forti 41 - 50 054334 Jakh Jindi
11 - 20 054255 Dugri Phartiyal 41 - 50 054362 Chaudla
11 - 20 054262 Chhatoli 41 - 50 054369 Sulla
11 - 20 054266 Thanta 51 - 75 054244 Malla Dhek
11 - 20 054279 Kimtoli 51 - 75 054256 Bunga Phartiyal
11 - 20 054283 Kaphli 51 - 75 054269 Tamatkande
11 - 20 054301 Kot Ka Lagga Chauchri 51 - 75 054277 Khatera Talla
11 - 20 054304 Kot 51 - 75 054344 Sagar
11 - 20 054325 Khai Kot Talla 51 - 75 054359 Binda Tiwari
11 - 20 054327 Khai Kot Malla 51 - 75 054371 Aslad
11 - 20 054328 Shiling 51 - 75 054374 Dangaon
11 - 20 054329 Vivil 51 - 75 054378 Maduwa
11 - 20 054339 Dumdai 76 and above 054234 Raikot Mahar
11 - 20 054348 Nakot Kholiya 76 and above 054268 Nauliya
11 - 20 054357 Sela Salpar 76 and above 054298 Ghor Chaura
11 - 20 054364 Banku 76 and above 054305 Mud Chamar
11 - 20 054370 Pasam 76 and above 054306 Rudmali
11 - 20 054377 Kayal 76 and above 054356 Sukha Baran
11 - 20 054381 Dunga Bora 76 and above 054361 Sirauli
21 - 30 054233 Raikot Kunwar 76 and above 054363 Pilkhi
21 - 30 054235 Patan Patani
21 - 30 054238 Potri Dhek
21 - 30 054252 Thuwamara
21 - 30 054260 Chiria Dunga

A - Scheduled Castes
Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled castes number

1 2 3
District: Champawat(065)
CD Block: Forest CD Block Champawat(0105)
Nil 053948 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053950 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053953 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053954 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054384 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054387 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054389 Lohaghat Range
Less than 5 054466 Boom Range
Less than 5 054467 Boom Range
5 - 10 054462 Danda Range
11 - 20 054097 Bhingrad Range
11 - 20 054099 Bhingrad Range
11 - 20 054465 Sharda Range
11 - 20 054468 Boom Range
21 - 30 054463 Dogadi Range
31 - 40 053955 Lohaghat Range
31 - 40 054464 Dogadi Range
51 - 75 054102 Devidhura Range

Appendix VII - Village Directory
List of villages according to the proportion of the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes to the total population by
B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)
1 2 3 1 2 3
District: Champawat(065) Nil 053805 Dhakna Badola
CD Block: Champawat(0071) Nil 053806 Naad Bora
Nil 053754 Pinana Nil 053807 Chura Khark Khet
Nil 053755 Narsingh Danda Nil 053808 Pawet
Nil 053756 Khark Bagar Nil 053809 Nadhan
Sanya Phaliya Lagga
Nil 053757 Khunari Nil 053813 Danda Bisht
Nil 053758 Sanya Neel Kariya Nil 053814 Kulathi
Nil 053759 Digdai Nil 053816 Palsau
Nil 053760 Khal Kariya Nil 053817 Bajrikot
Nil 053761 Khark Nil 053818 Chhira Pani
Nil 053762 Bilota Sain Nil 053819 Mudiyani
Nil 053765 Khunari Nil 053820 Jaigaon Jatoli
Nil 053766 Ladhon Tukra Nil 053822 Nand Kuli
Khetar Narial P Kaler
Nil 053767 Khan Nil 053823 Moradi
Nil 053768 Khetar Ukhera Nil 053824 Dugra
Nil 053770 Bhageena Bhandari Nil 053826 Tyarkuda
Nil 053772 Gunth Garsari Nil 053827 Bilhairi
Nil 053773 Kallu Khan Nil 053828 Majgaon
Nil 053774 Basaan Nil 053830 Bardoli
Nil 053775 Ari Gurauli Nil 053831 Jayar
Nil 053776 Bunga Khayali Nil 053832 Kanda
Nil 053777 Dubchora Nil 053833 Kamaila
Nil 053780 Garhkot Nil 053834 Basauti Mafi
Nil 053781 Suyal Khark Nil 053835 Maun Pokhari
Nil 053782 Punabe Nil 053837 Raw Kunwar
Nil 053783 Sipty Nil 053838 Bhandar Bora
Nil 053784 Patal Nil 053839 Bakunda
Nil 053785 Mairoli Nil 053840 Kathnauli
Nil 053786 Chaura Khayali Nil 053841 Paiti Mafi
Nil 053788 Goli Nil 053842 Chowki
Nil 053789 Duniya Nil 053843 Kathar Mafi
Nil 053790 Okhal Dugga Nil 053844 Fungar
Nil 053791 Saindark Nil 053845 Simalta Mafi
Nil 053792 Simar Nil 053846 Chaura Dumkhuri
Nil 053794 Mataila Nil 053847 Silang Tak
Nil 053795 Koyati Nil 053848 Nagar Gaon
Nil 053796 Aam Karia Nil 053849 Lista
Nil 053797 Mirtola Nil 053852 Kaflang
Nil 053798 Nadola Nil 053853 Rakri Phulara
Nil 053799 Bhagina Khet Nil 053854 Chowkni Pandey
Nil 053800 Bibrik Nil 053855 Chowkni Bora
Nil 053801 Saidula Bora Nil 053856 Dudh Pokhara
Nil 053802 Danthi Nil 053857 Lamkaniya
Nil 053803 Chamiai Nil 053858 Bugga Chowkni

B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 053860 Bastiya Nil 053912 Thula Kot
Nil 053861 Lafra Nil 053913 Bhula Gaon
Nil 053862 Nayadi Nil 053914 Haram
Nil 053863 Padunga Nil 053915 Lawarki
Nil 053864 Bastiya Goonth Nil 053916 Manch
Nil 053866 Maadli Malli Nil 053917 Dubar Jainal
Nil 053867 Sayali Nil 053918 Gurna Goonth
Nil 053868 Pather Maun Nil 053919 Ruiya
Nil 053869 Dhaun Nil 053920 Kukrauni
Nil 053870 Majhera Nil 053922 Gawani
Nil 053871 Lara Bora Nil 053923 Khar Giri
Nil 053872 Baira Nil 053924 Sutola
Nil 053873 Jamrari Nil 053925 Mankanda
Nil 053874 Pali Nil 053926 Tamli
Nil 053875 Ghurchum Nil 053927 Naag
Nil 053876 Kawarsing Nil 053928 Bachkot
Nil 053877 Badauli Nil 053929 Polap
Nil 053878 Sawala Nil 053930 Kaari
Nil 053880 Nayal Nil 053931 Gayal
Nil 053881 Amaun Nil 053932 Rayal
Nil 053883 kot Amori Nil 053933 Simiyauri
Nil 053884 Hiula Nil 053934 Ninori
Nil 053885 Reetha Nil 053935 Aamni
Nil 053886 Dayoli (Dhauli) Nil 053936 Tarkuli
Nil 053887 Pachnai Nil 053937 Riyansi Bamangoan
Nil 053888 Vaila Nil 053938 Barkum
Nil 053889 Khatoli Talli Nil 053939 Hiyali
Nil 053890 Khatoli Malli Nil 053940 Bhandar
Nil 053891 Bhanauli Nil 053941 Sorai
Nil 053892 Dudhori Nil 053942 Hartola
Nil 053893 Chhatkot Nil 053943 Bakora
Nil 053894 Dola Nil 053944 Akeri
Nil 053895 Diyuri Nil 053945 Mosta
Nil 053896 Bageri Nil 053946 Amora
Nil 053897 Kanda Nil 054390 Kakanai
Nil 053898 Satkura Nil 054392 Danda Lohar Julla
Nil 053899 Kanyura Nil 054393 Bunga Durga Pipal
Nil 053900 Neerh Nil 054394 Sukni
Nil 053901 Ramaila Nil 054395 Bakoria
Nil 053902 Gor Kholi Nil 054396 Naula Pani
Nil 053903 Boyal Nil 054397 Jhala Kudi
Nil 053904 Talla Kafalta Nil 054398 Silaar
Nil 053905 Amgounth Nil 054399 Udali
Nil 053906 Pali Nil 054400 Khurklaizer
Nil 053907 Salli Nil 054401 Pothi Ka Lagga Dang
Nil 053909 Malla Kafalta Nil 054404 Kot Kendri
Nil 053910 Raisang Nil 054406 Kharayat
Nil 053911 Khaar Nil 054408 Chuka

B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Kailigunth Shri
Poornagiri/ Poorangiri
Nil 054410 Mafi Less than 5 053947 Birgola
Nil 054412 Gangseer Less than 5 054391 Danda
Nil 054413 Baman Jaol Less than 5 054402 Bhariyas
Nil 054414 Chaura Kot Less than 5 054436 Thawal Khera
Nil 054415 Bayala Less than 5 054438 Naik Goonth/ Naik Khera
Nil 054416 Taliya Baj Less than 5 054441 Tanakpur
Nil 054417 Buram Less than 5 054442 Gayan Khera
Nil 054418 Mathiya Baj Less than 5 054443 Mohanpur
Nil 054419 Dhura Less than 5 054444 Chheni Talli
Nil 054420 Jaul Less than 5 054453 Chandani
Nil 054421 Shukhi Dhang Less than 5 054454 Bhajanpur
Nil 054422 Kanda Less than 5 054458 Devipur
Nil 054423 Sayala Less than 5 054460 Pachpakariya
Nil 054424 Nigali 5 - 10 053811 Khark Karki
Nil 054426 Kaulikulari 5 - 10 054459 Gudami
Nil 054428 Bastiya 11 - 20 054405 Poth
Nil 054429 Baramdev 21 - 30 054457 Bamanpuri
Nil 054430 Uchouli Goth District: Champawat(065)
Nil 054431 Gainda Khali No1 CD Block: Pati(0072)
Nil 054432 Gainda Khali No3 Nil 053957 Thapla Gunth
Nil 054433 Suwa Goth Nil 053958 Silyori
Nil 054434 Gainda Khali No4 Nil 053959 Kanikot Lagga Chora Guth
Nil 054435 Khet Khera Nil 053960 Chaura Guth
Nil 054439 Chheni Malli Nil 053961 Kimar
Nil 054440 Chheni Goth Nil 053962 Toli Katheri
Nil 054445 Mochai/ Vichai Nil 053963 Gagar
Nil 054446 Manihar Goth Nil 053964 Dhaunkim Sawar
Nil 054447 Bagdora Hansi Nil 053965 Karki Chhana
Devrampur Urf
Nil 054449 Sitapur Nil 053966 Mantande
Nil 054450 Bagdora Khas Nil 053967 Gagrarh
Nil 054451 Sailanigoth Nil 053968 Dantola
Nil 054452 Phagpur Nil 053969 Fularakot
Nil 054455 Anandpur Nil 053970 Pipal Dhing
Nil 054461 Bhaesa Jhala Nil 053971 Mathaila Chhana
Less than 5 053779 Barpass Nil 053972 Bora Chapar
Less than 5 053787 Birgul Nil 053973 Maulanajakh
Less than 5 053804 Punaithi Nil 053974 Chamtola
Less than 5 053810 Chaura Sethi Nil 053975 Gawai
Less than 5 053812 Dungra Saithi Nil 053976 Banauli
Less than 5 053815 Jup Patua Nil 053977 Raulgaon
Less than 5 053825 Madli Talli Nil 053978 Kharni Guth
Less than 5 053829 Latoli Nil 053979 Takna Gurau
Less than 5 053850 Kanalgaon Nil 053980 Biroli
Less than 5 053851 Shaktipur Nil 053981 Banoli Lagga Dungra
Less than 5 053882 Bajaun Nil 053982 Jakhola

B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 053983 Kotna Nil 054031 Ghahtora
Nil 053984 Amauli Nil 054032 Basaut
Nil 053985 Geeju Baswan Nil 054033 Karwalgaon
Nil 053986 Dungra Kot Nil 054034 Maragaon
Nil 053987 Kanikot Nil 054035 Kamlakh
Nil 053988 Kaphalti Nil 054036 Jhar Sirtoli
Nil 053989 Anarpa Nil 054037 Holi Piplati
Nil 053990 Baman Chapar Nil 054038 Bunga Birora
Nil 053991 Timla Guth Nil 054039 Tapnipal
Nil 053992 Kumaiya Kuda Nil 054040 Garsari
Nil 053993 Baswari Nil 054041 Jarauli
Nil 053994 Sango Nil 054042 Jawlari
Nil 053995 Dechmar Nil 054044 Pamtola
Nil 053997 Kanwar Nil 054045 Kimwari
Nil 053998 Pakhauti Nil 054046 Jhudaili
Nil 053999 Dhraug Nil 054047 Goom
Nil 054000 Jamantak Nil 054048 Bigrakot
Nil 054001 Ghigharukot Nil 054049 Koond
Nil 054002 Bhaisarkh Nil 054050 Naini
Nil 054003 Bairakh Nil 054051 Lara
Nil 054004 Batuliya Nil 054053 Rolmail
Nil 054005 Rikholi Nil 054054 Kota
Nil 054006 Basanjoga Nil 054055 Barait
Nil 054007 Parsh Nil 054056 Bhumwari
Nil 054008 Nayalkot Nil 054057 Reetha
Nil 054009 Punoli Nil 054058 Karauli
Nil 054010 Sibyoli Nil 054059 Jhalpura
Nil 054011 Simalkhet Nil 054060 Chhoragaon
Nil 054012 Chilniya Nil 054061 Niloti
Nil 054013 Kajeena Nil 054062 Dubar Kamlaikh
Nil 054014 Chaura Sown Nil 054063 Burush Khola
Nil 054015 Mulakot Nil 054064 Sakdena
Nil 054016 Kandey Nil 054067 Mairoli

Nil 054017 Bham Lagga Mulakot Nil 054069 Takbalwari

Nil 054018 Patangaon Nil 054070 Balatari
Nil 054019 Chaurakot Nil 054071 Kharhi
Nil 054020 Dashiya Nil 054072 Nauliya Gaon
Nil 054021 Maun Kanda Nil 054073 Goldanda
Nil 054022 Sundungra Nil 054074 Tolarankuri
Nil 054023 Golana Seri Nil 054075 Binwal Gaon
Nil 054024 Baligaon Nil 054076 Pokhari
Nil 054025 Ejatta Dungra Nil 054077 Ramak
Nil 054026 Thuwa Mauni Nil 054078 Kwarala
Nil 054027 Haldua Khark Nil 054079 Mangal Lekh
Nil 054028 Barmtora Nil 054080 Varshi
Nil 054029 Mailta Nil 054081 Sirna
Nil 054030 Patharkot Nil 054082 Dabri

B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 054083 Dharson Nil 054137 Baila
Nil 054084 Bhonkara Nil 054138 Baira Badwal
Nil 054085 Parewa Nil 054139 Lwarki
Nil 054086 Chaura Pita Nil 054141 Basaudi
Nil 054087 Gadura Nil 054142 Dhali Gaon
Nil 054089 Chalthiya Nil 054143 Surkot
Nil 054090 Madyoli Nil 054144 Raighaon
Nil 054091 Chaura Maheta Nil 054145 Devli Maphi
Nil 054092 Kulyal Gaon Nil 054146 Ezra
Nil 054093 Machhiyar Nil 054147 Ban Kandiya
Nil 054094 Sal Nil 054148 Chhulapia
Nil 054095 Tanda Talla Nil 054149 Doba
Nil 054096 Tanda Malla Nil 054150 Dungraorn
Nil 054104 Khuteli Nil 054151 Padasaon
Nil 054105 Jakh Nil 054152 Adkhandi
Nil 054106 Sirmoli Nil 054153 Tari Gaon
Nil 054107 Pardhayani Nil 054154 Naumana
Nil 054108 Harori Nil 054155 Tak
Nil 054109 Bharoli Nil 054156 Pathalati
Nil 054113 Sirtoli Nil 054157 Kothera
Nil 054115 Gharki Nil 054158 Batauri
Nil 054116 Lari Nil 054159 Mirtoli
Nil 054117 Jankande Nil 054160 Sigda
Nil 054119 Tyarshun Nil 054161 Okhlanj
Nil 054120 Bajbhandari Nil 054162 Mayua
Nil 054121 Budarkarya Nil 054163 Patyuda
Nil 054122 Manar Malla Nil 054164 Bisrari
Nil 054123 Batula Banj Nil 054165 Bhandar
Nil 054124 Gambhir Gaon Nil 054166 Gothkura
Nil 054125 Manar Talla Nil 054167 Nadera
Nil 054126 Bayal Bunga Nil 054168 Banj
Less than 5 053996 Valik Nil 054169 Bagola
Less than 5 054043 Pati Nil 054170 Punai
Less than 5 054088 Bhingrara Nil 054171 Churani
Less than 5 054110 Kanakot Nil 054172 Bhartoli Goonth
Less than 5 054118 Goshani Nil 054173 Dunga Joshi
District: Champawat(065) Nil 054174 Dunga Malla
CD Block: Barakot(0073) Nil 054175 Talli Jindi
Nil 054127 Bakarya Julla Nil 054178 Pamda
Nil 054128 Buraula Nil 054181 Jhir Kuni
Nil 054129 Sugar Khal Nil 054182 Suri
Nil 054130 Choolgaon Nil 054183 Nigali Garh
Nil 054131 Luwakot Nil 054184 Khola Sunar
Nil 054132 Kamajula Nil 054185 Gurna (Nayaabad)
Nil 054133 Ravalgaon Nil 054186 Gurna (Santola)
Nil 054134 Raighari Nil 054187 Chhera
Nil 054135 Bamaira Nil 054188 Hichaura
Nil 054136 Bairaorn Nil 054189 Betta

B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 054190 Bans Nil 054237 Khawagarh
Nil 054191 Litee Nil 054238 Potri Dhek
Nil 054192 Chhanda Nil 054240 Kundi Mara
Nil 054193 Dyartoli Nil 054241 Padari
Nil 054194 Khakora Nil 054242 Mutyuraj
Nil 054195 Malla Bapru Nil 054243 Rauteli Mara
Nil 054196 Gwenara Nil 054244 Malla Dhek
Nil 054197 Gairi Nil 054245 Bandela Dhek
Nil 054198 Gumaud Nil 054246 Chaura Dhek
Nil 054199 Bayoli Nil 054247 Kal Chaura
Bayoli Lagga Talla
Nil 054200 Bapru Nil 054248 Pharn Hill
Nil 054201 Bapru Talla Nil 054249 Kaligaon
Nil 054202 Chaura Shah Nil 054251 Forti
Nil 054203 Bantoli Nil 054252 Thuwamara
Nil 054204 Tarag Nil 054253 Bood Chaura
Nil 054205 Kalakot Nil 054254 Pardhiani Khet
Nil 054206 Galla Gaon Nil 054255 Dugri Phartiyal
Nil 054207 Aagar Nil 054256 Bunga Phartiyal
Nil 054208 Naini Mahar Nil 054257 Jhalandev
Nil 054209 Salan Nil 054259 Mayawati
Nil 054210 Netra Nil 054260 Chiria Dunga
Nil 054211 Bruyuri Nil 054261 Bangaon
Nil 054212 Gangali Pulai Nil 054262 Chhatoli
Nil 054213 Gaika Jyula Nil 054263 Lyundhar
Nil 054214 Sheel Nil 054264 Sirtoli
Nil 054215 Sutera Nil 054266 Thanta
Nil 054216 Jamar Nil 054267 Baman Kuda
Nil 054218 Balso Nil 054268 Nauliya
Nil 054219 Chachari Nil 054269 Tamatkande
Nil 054220 Chamroli Nil 054270 Nakot
Nil 054221 Simela Nil 054271 Batoli
Nil 054222 Maulani Nil 054272 Kotla
Nil 054223 Chamoli Nil 054273 Mangoli
Nil 054225 Lidu Nil 054274 Badole
Nil 054226 Kheti Nil 054275 Sudarka
Nil 054227 Kakari Nil 054276 Dheeng
Nil 054228 Mau Nil 054277 Khatera Talla
Nil 054229 Puniyal Nil 054278 Gureli
Less than 5 054176 Kakarh Nil 054279 Kimtoli
Less than 5 054177 Fartola Nil 054280 Khatera Malla
Less than 5 054179 Barakot Nil 054281 Kanedi
Less than 5 054224 Chami May Goonth Nil 054282 Nas Khola
District: Champawat(065) Nil 054283 Kaphli
CD Block: Lohaghat(0074) Nil 054284 Daisali
Nil 054232 Abot Mount Nil 054285 Funda Patni
Nil 054233 Raikot Kunwar Nil 054286 Koyati Khalsa
Nil 054236 Khais Kande Nil 054287 Khuna Malak

B - Scheduled Tribes B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location Name of village
scheduled tribes number scheduled tribes code number
population population
(percentages) (percentages)

1 2 3 1 2 3
Nil 054288 Chauri Bhat Nil 054338 Pulla
Nil 054289 Bhumlai Nil 054339 Dumdai
Nil 054290 Koyati Gunth Nil 054340 Chama
Nil 054291 Gangnaula Nil 054341 Bagauti
Nil 054292 Irakot Nil 054343 Jamarsawn
Nil 054293 Khuna Bora Nil 054344 Sagar
Nil 054294 Balai Nil 054345 Gurele
Nil 054295 Majhera Nil 054346 Raul
Nil 054296 Kheti Gar Nil 054347 Dhaun
Nil 054297 Kaflekh Nil 054348 Nakot Kholiya
Nil 054298 Ghor Chaura Nil 054349 Patoli
Nil 054299 Chelkot Nil 054350 Baram
Nil 054300 Kheti Nil 054351 Peed Lagga Bajgel
Kot Ka Lagga
Nil 054301 Chauchri Nil 054352 Kakri
Nil 054302 Gauri Nil 054353 Majpeepal
Nil 054303 Basan Nil 054354 Madlak
Nil 054304 Kot Nil 054355 Dungraleti
Nil 054305 Mud Chamar Nil 054356 Sukha Baran
Nil 054306 Rudmali Nil 054357 Sela Salpar
Nil 054307 Dungri Nil 054358 Gurhmagal
Nil 054308 Doraga Nil 054360 Kotsari
Nil 054310 Khetsari Nil 054361 Sirauli
Nil 054311 Bilde Nil 054362 Chaudla
Nil 054312 Tunkande Nil 054363 Pilkhi
Nil 054313 Pathlana Nil 054364 Banku
Nil 054314 Bugga Bora Nil 054365 Lara
Nil 054315 Khul Kabar Nil 054366 Kulouli
Nil 054316 Balana Nil 054367 Pundil
Nil 054317 Man Dunga Nil 054368 Kunari
Nil 054319 Dhingra Nil 054370 Pasam
Nil 054320 Khilpati Nil 054371 Aslad
Nil 054321 Pokhari Bora Nil 054372 Rausal
Nil 054322 Pedsera Nil 054373 Kamleri
Nil 054323 Basairi Nil 054374 Dangaon
Nil 054324 Fafar Nil 054375 Lojini
Nil 054325 Khai Kot Talla Nil 054376 Tunda Visht
Nil 054326 Nidil Nil 054377 Kayal
Nil 054327 Khai Kot Malla Nil 054378 Maduwa
Nil 054328 Shiling Nil 054380 Matiyani
Nil 054329 Vivil Nil 054381 Dunga Bora
Nil 054330 Baskuni Nil 054383 Dungra Bora
Nil 054332 Sankafal Less than 5 054231 Pau
Nil 054333 Jindi Sorari Less than 5 054234 Raikot Mahar
Nil 054334 Jakh Jindi Less than 5 054235 Patan Patani
Nil 054335 Gajina Less than 5 054250 Koli Dhek
Nil 054336 Maura Less than 5 054359 Binda Tiwari
Nil 054337 Pokhari Saun Less than 5 054369 Sulla

B - Scheduled Tribes
Range of Location code Name of village
scheduled tribes number

1 2 3
District: Champawat(065)
CD Block: Forest CD Block Champawat(0105)
Nil 053948 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053950 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053953 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053954 Lohaghat Range
Nil 053955 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054097 Bhingrad Range
Nil 054099 Bhingrad Range
Nil 054102 Devidhura Range
Nil 054384 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054387 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054389 Lohaghat Range
Nil 054462 Danda Range
Nil 054464 Dogadi Range
Nil 054467 Boom Range
Less than 5 054465 Sharda Range
31 - 40 054463 Dogadi Range
31 - 40 054468 Boom Range
41 - 50 054466 Boom Range

APPENDIX VIII -Village Directory
CD BLOCK :Champawat Number of villages under each Gram Panchyat (C.D. block wise)
Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village

1 AAM KARIA 244.4 1 053798 Nadola 75 430 49 0

2 AMANI 328.48 1 053935 Aamni 74 327 69 0

3 ARI GURAULI 114.96 1 053775 Ari Gurauli 61 275 0 0

4 ARM KARIA 61.8 1 053796 Aam Karia 21 126 44 0

5 BACHKOT 54.86 1 053927 Naag 15 64 22 0
6 BADAULI 190.07 3 053863 Padunga 21 135 11 0
7 BADAULI 274.64 053877 Badauli 92 562 0 0
8 BADAULI 49.42 053885 Reetha 17 113 0 0

9 BADPAAS 185.73 2 053772 Gunth Garsari 39 169 0 0

10 BADPASS 130.47 053779 Barpass 36 197 73 5
11 BAGERI 212.07 2 053881 Amaun 25 147 15 0
12 BAGERI 1516.31 053896 Bageri 94 448 47 0
13 BAJARI KOT 41.28 1 053853 Rakri Phulara 49 208 2 0
14 BAJAUN 569.52 1 053882 Bajaun 95 512 30 3
15 BAJTIKOT 330.91 1 053817 Bajrikot 125 671 182 0
16 BAKORA 301.59 2 053945 Mosta 37 198 10 0
17 BAKOTA 292.27 053943 Bakora 46 243 0 0
18 BALKORA 44.05 1 053944 Akeri 3 13 0 0
19 BAMAN JAOL 32.73 1 054407 Kamayun 0
20 BAMANPURI 69.41 2 054457 Bamanpuri 244 1308 81 306
21 BAMANPURI 80.52 054458 Devipur 288 1533 356 16
22 BASTIYA 64.84 1 054428 Bastiya 118 710 289 0
23 BHANDARI 36.72 4 053769 Ratan Kaniya 0
24 BHANDARI 629.1 053770 Bhandari 112 496 70 0
BHAGINA Khetar Narial P
25 BHANDARI 207.34 053767 Kaler Khan 28 119 0 0
26 BHANDRI 53.56 053768 Khetar Ukhera 20 98 0 0
27 BHAJANPUR 110.93 3 054454 Bhajanpur 760 3748 372 43
28 BHAJANPUR 26.1 054455 Anandpur 54 269 21 0
29 BHAJANPUR 48.14 054456 Kutuwa Patti 0
30 BORA 109.99 2 053837 Raw Kunwar 34 172 0 0
31 BORA 49.89 053838 Bhandar Bora 27 172 11 0
32 MAFFI 56.69 1 053834 Basauti Mafi 13 75 0 0
33 BIRGOLA 78.29 2 053947 Birgola 23 84 0 1
34 BIRGUL 426.5 053787 Birgul 183 883 66 1
35 BSCHKOT 265.48 1 053928 Bachkot 77 319 182 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village
36 KHAYALI 190.93 1 053776 Bunga Khayali 72 362 11 0
37 BURAM 265.68 3 054394 Sukni 29 192 0 0
38 BURAM 145.14 054395 Bakoria 24 134 79 0
39 BURAM 130.37 054417 Buram 60 351 137 0
40 CHAIK BORA 402.37 1 053818 Chhira Pani 20 80 0 0
CHANCHALPU Chanchalpur Urf
41 R 10.18 1 053778 Chanchri 0
42 CHANDANI 165.46 1 054453 Chandani 821 2629 368 64
43 CHAORA SERI 21.21 1 053815 Jup Patua 124 511 10 18
44 CHATKOT 519.9 1 053893 Chhatkot 120 653 45 0
45 KHAYALI 520.61 1 053786 Chaura Khayali 112 537 26 0
46 RAJPURA 218.65 1 053846 Chaura Dumkhuri 141 677 165 0
47 SETHI 45.36 1 053810 Chaura Sethi 62 289 23 4
48 CHHENI GOTH 12.67 3 054439 Chheni Malli 71 332 82 0
49 CHHENI GOTH 21.62 054440 Chheni Goth 67 339 6 0
50 CHHENI GOTH 25.61 054444 Chheni Talli 196 1041 354 8
51 RAJPURA 21.03 1 053857 Lamkaniya 19 100 33 0
52 CHOWKI 130.71 1 053842 Chowki 145 707 121 0
53 BORA 19.95 3 053854 Chowkni Pandey 13 60 0 0
54 BORA 268.69 053855 Chowkni Bora 111 493 49 0
55 BORA 29 053856 Dudh Pokhara 46 193 44 0
56 CHWOKI 6.87 1 053836 Sauj Bisht 0

57 DADA 10.97 1 054392 Danda Lohar Julla 35 228 70 0

58 DAKNA 23.75 1 053802 Danthi 1 6 0 0
59 DANDA 287.13 1 054391 Danda 45 251 87 1
60 BADOLA 57.83 053803 Chamiai 13 68 15 0
61 DHAKNA 235.7 1 053805 Dhakna Badola 108 551 52 0
62 BADOLA 159.18 1 053801 Saidula Bora 35 193 24 0
63 DHANDA 21.48 1 054406 Kharayat 7 49 0 0
64 DHAUN 314.89 3 053867 Sayali 51 305 21 0
65 DHAUN 142.7 053868 Pather Maun 11 61 0 0
66 DHAUN 190.21 053869 Dhaun 70 364 87 0
67 DHURA 312.98 3 054414 Chaura Kot 39 221 77 0
68 DHURA 340.26 054415 Bayala 18 119 0 0
69 DHURA 462 054419 Dhura 104 534 70 0
70 DHURMBUM 42.12 1 053862 Nayadi 4 24 9 0
71 DIGADAI 129.92 4 053765 Khunari 27 157 19 0
72 DIGADI 2.01 053764 Chaudhary Jula 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village
73 DIGDAI 231.65 053759 Digdai 35 191 0 0
74 DIGDAI 122.04 053762 Bilota Sain 17 98 0 0
75 DIYURI 156.18 3 053894 Dola 28 151 0 0
76 DIYURI 1826.09 053895 Diyuri 346 1445 282 0
77 DIYURI 71 053897 Kanda 71 299 26 0
78 JAINAL 109.61 5 053922 Gawani 9 49 0 0
79 JAINAL 69.51 053924 Sutola 9 39 0 0
80 JAINAL 383.15 053925 Mankanda 32 174 44 0

81 DUBARJAINAL 262.29 053916 Manch 47 194 0 0

82 DUBARJAINAL 564.12 053917 Dubar Jainal 81 435 54 0

83 DUBCHORA 74.3 1 053777 Dubchora 52 242 43 0
84 DUDHORI 101.99 2 053884 Hiula 35 197 150 0
85 DUDHORI 259.42 053892 Dudhori 66 360 42 0
86 SAITHI 168.17 1 053812 Dungra Saithi 111 517 69 3
87 FUNGAR 166.61 1 053844 Fungar 115 551 122 0
88 GARHKOT 299.94 1 053780 Garhkot 99 416 19 0
89 GHURCHUM 25.77 1 053872 Baira 11 57 17 0
90 GOLI 297.17 1 053788 Goli 137 694 64 0
91 GOR KHOLI 99.09 1 053902 Gor Kholi 46 228 52 0
92 GUDAMI 156.24 1 054459 Gudami 263 1271 398 99
93 GURCHUM 53.92 4 053873 Jamrari 23 103 0 0
94 GURCHUM 63.91 053874 Pali 23 93 6 0
95 GURCHUM 67.46 053875 Ghurchum 27 131 0 0
96 GURCHUM 73.91 053886 Dayoli (Dhauli) 14 73 0 0
97 GURKHOLI 171.87 4 053903 Boyal 19 102 0 0
98 GURUKHOLA 203.62 053915 Lawarki 22 112 0 0
99 GURUKHOLI 92.73 053910 Raisang 22 98 0 0
100 GURUKHOLI 171.15 053911 Khaar 7 31 0 0
101 JAITOLI 28.3 3 053824 Dugra 6 30 0 0
102 JATOLI 185.31 053820 Jaigaon Jatoli 67 343 0 0
103 JATOLI 235.19 053822 Nand Kuli 22 116 0 0
104 JAOL 22.29 3 054413 Baman Jaol 25 147 0 0
105 JAUL 178.24 054420 Jaul 109 545 51 0
106 JAUL 1.17 054421 Shukhi Dhang 4 21 21 0
107 JAYAR 50.11 1 053830 Bardoli 43 196 0 0
108 JHALA KUDI 152.85 1 054397 Jhala Kudi 98 593 117 0
109 KAARI 447.29 2 053930 Kaari 83 339 76 0
110 KAARI 36.16 053931 Gayal 5 14 0 0
111 KAKANAI 306.23 1 054390 Kakanai 104 742 59 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village
112 KALI GUTH 161.26 7 054404 Kot Kendri 10 53 32 0
113 KALI GUTH 37.14 054408 Chuka 21 115 22 0
114 KALI GUTH 122.36 054409 Kharra Gunth 0
Kailigunth Shri
115 KALI GUTH 8.78 054410 Poorangiri Mafi 15 92 0 0
116 KALI GUTH 6.01 054425 Sanmura Gunth 0
117 KALI GUTH 20.2 054426 Kaulikulari 61 325 0 0
118 KALI GUTH 26.55 054427 Taal Gunth 0

119 KANAL GAON 16.71 5 053825 Madli Talli 126 547 81 5

120 KANAL GAON 9.2 053826 Tyarkuda 49 222 0 0

121 KANAL GAON 6.98 053828 Majgaon 79 363 10 0

122 KANALGAON 52.08 053850 Kanalgaon 184 746 0 2
123 KANALGAON 8.49 053866 Maadli Malli 95 419 21 0
Bunga Durga
124 KANKAI 21.28 1 054393 Pipal 15 88 0 0
125 KATHNAULI 220.21 5 053840 Kathnauli 48 295 0 0
126 KATHNAULI 46.36 053858 Bugga Chowkni 9 60 23 0
127 KATHNUALI 102.76 053835 Maun Pokhari 27 129 25 0
128 KATHNUALI 40.37 053839 Bakunda 6 39 0 0
129 KATHNUALI 103.02 053859 Giri Punaithi 0

130 KHAL KADIYA 64.04 4 053758 Sanya Neel Kariya 16 62 0 0

131 KHAL KARIYA 41.93 053760 Khal Kariya 26 102 0 0

132 KHAL KARIYA 40.49 053761 Khark 34 168 0 0

Sanya Phalya
133 KHAL KARIYA 65.36 053763 Lagga Khal kariya 0
134 KARKI 36.62 3 053808 Pawet 11 72 0 0
135 KARKI 158.47 053811 Khark Karki 919 2147 376 153
136 KHARKI 83.88 053806 Naad Bora 33 157 0 0
137 TALLI 660.69 1 053889 Khatoli Talli 150 891 118 0
138 MALLI 647.88 1 053890 Khatoli Malli 72 388 2 0
139 BAGAR 30.47 1 053756 Khark Bagar 6 28 0 0
140 KOT AMORI 943.25 1 053883 kot Amori 139 760 7 0
141 KOYATI 190.69 2 053792 Simar 18 83 10 0
142 KOYATI 33.78 053795 Koyati 41 218 25 0
143 KTHANAULI 92.29 1 053827 Bilhairi 17 88 10 0
144 LAFARA 16.34 2 053860 Bastiya 14 65 5 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village
145 LAFARA 264.74 053861 Lafra 64 290 79 0
146 LAFDA 123.3 1 053800 Bibrik 13 62 0 0
147 LARA BORA 316.56 3 053871 Lara Bora 54 296 109 0
148 LARA BORA 78.81 053876 Kawarsing 20 96 12 0
149 LARA BORA 116.09 053891 Bhanauli 51 264 0 0
150 MAIROKI 26.28 3 053766 Ladhon Tukra 3 11 0 0
151 MAIROKI 271.08 053773 Kallu Khan 35 157 0 0
152 MAIROLI 218.82 053774 Basaan 16 74 0 0
153 MAJHERA 343.37 4 053864 Bastiya Goonth 55 320 0 0
154 MAJHERA 87.76 053865 Dhyan Bhandar 0
155 MAJHERA 117.14 053870 Majhera 12 61 8 0
156 MAJHERA 146.85 053880 Nayal 61 358 40 0
157 KAFALT 53.79 3 053899 Kanyura 21 118 5 0
158 KAFALTA 167.17 053906 Pali 8 33 0 0
159 KAFALTA 293.74 053909 Malla Kafalta 33 200 54 0
160 GOTH 155.53 2 054445 Mochai/ Vichai 285 1375 205 0
161 GOTH 108.4 054446 Manihar Goth 591 3067 373 0
162 MAROLI 169.29 1 053785 Mairoli 34 158 0 0
163 MATAILA 174.61 1 053794 Mataila 22 100 9 0
164 MATELA 23.3 4 053789 Duniya 13 73 41 0
165 MATELA 38.53 053790 Okhal Dugga 16 89 0 0
166 MATELA 8.9 053791 Saindark 3 15 0 0
167 MATELA 52.28 053797 Mirtola 14 79 16 0

168 MATHIYA BAJ 742.23 1 054418 Mathiya Baj 91 517 41 0

169 MIRKOLA 28.53 1 053799 Bhagina Khet 5 22 0 0
170 MOHANPUR 334.62 3 054441 Tanakpur 684 3367 524 20
171 MOHANPUR 53.38 054442 Gayan Khera 267 1276 113 12
172 MOHANPUR 40.34 054443 Mohanpur 567 2569 266 32
173 MORADI 203.76 1 053823 Moradi 83 443 0 0
174 MUSIYANI 712.04 1 053819 Mudiyani 221 1083 136 0
175 NADHAN 128.63 2 053793 Salkanda 0
176 NADHAN 223.03 053809 Nadhan 131 618 60 0
NAIK Naik Goonth/
177 GOONTH 147.4 1 054438 Naik Khera 687 3338 1305 3
178 DANDA 175.07 1 053755 Narsingh Danda 162 833 827 0
179 NAULA PANI 442.66 2 054396 Naula Pani 60 345 43 0
180 NAULA PANI 268.73 054416 Taliya Baj 43 231 24 0
181 NAYAL 32.67 1 053771 Nayal 0
182 NEERH 553.29 1 053900 Neerh 143 686 102 0
183 PACHNAI 397.88 1 053887 Pachnai 105 649 128 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village
184 YA 112.58 2 054460 Pachpakariya 469 2221 466 31
185 YA 14.63 054461 Bhaesa Jhala 127 538 130 0
186 PALSAU 396.93 2 053816 Palsau 114 630 132 0
187 PALSAU 6.94 053821 Amora 0
188 PATAL 26.62 1 053784 Patal 8 39 0 0
189 PHAGPUR 113.15 1 054452 Phagpur 955 3568 2091 0
190 PHUNGAR 51.61 3 053831 Jayar 17 81 0 0
191 PHUNGAR 30.48 053833 Kamaila 18 98 0 0
192 PHUNGAR 35.58 053841 Paiti Mafi 6 22 0 0
193 PINANA 175.13 1 053754 Pinana 68 321 0 0
194 POLAP 307.34 2 053929 Polap 69 289 18 0
195 POLAP 245.43 053932 Rayal 32 157 65 0
196 POTH 50.62 8 054400 Khurklaizer 11 51 0 0
Pothi Ka Lagga
197 POTH 16.4 054401 Dang 8 44 0 0
198 POTH 62.53 054402 Bhariyas 13 85 0 2
199 POTH 47.96 054403 Lodda 0
200 POTH 351.24 054405 Poth 95 571 191 112
201 POTH 33.69 054411 Kalsuniya 0
202 POTH 28.61 054412 Gangseer 10 47 0 0
203 POTH 45.73 054424 Nigali 16 63 0 0
204 PUNAITHI 253.05 3 053804 Punaithi 274 1150 288 9
205 PUNETHI 23.84 053813 Danda Bisht 88 383 16 0
206 PUNETHI 25.22 053814 Kulathi 41 202 16 0
207 PHULARA 63.75 1 053852 Kaflang 55 250 46 0
208 RAMAAILA 486.62 5 053901 Ramaila 128 547 140 0
209 RAMAILA 165.18 053912 Thula Kot 13 65 11 0
210 RAMAILA 117.61 053913 Bhula Gaon 1 5 0 0
211 RAMAILA 140.88 053914 Haram 31 158 5 0
212 RAMAILA 191.93 053923 Khar Giri 11 67 0 0
213 N 458.58 3 053937 Bamangoan 96 436 58 0

214 BAMANGOAN 201.92 053938 Barkum 44 231 118 0

215 BAMANGOAN 84.13 053939 Hiyali 1 4 0 0
216 RUIYA 143.93 5 053904 Talla Kafalta 26 128 32 0
217 RUIYA 50.74 053905 Amgounth 11 59 0 0
218 RUIYA 10.02 053918 Gurna Goonth 12 41 0 0
219 RUIYA 140.44 053919 Ruiya 20 117 0 0
220 RUIYA 49.38 053921 Aam Khola 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village

221 SAILANIGOTH 25.02 4 054447 Bagdora Hansi 74 316 0 0

Devrampur Urf
222 SAILANIGOTH 20.06 054449 Sitapur 25 111 6 0

223 SAILANIGOTH 13.14 054450 Bagdora Khas 29 194 23 0

224 SAILANIGOTH 30.34 054451 Sailanigoth 118 628 125 0

225 SALLI 42.55 4 053898 Satkura 26 119 0 0
226 SALLI 593.41 053907 Salli 146 759 83 0
227 SALLI 12.32 053908 Dooni 0
228 SALLI 512.05 053920 Kukrauni 28 116 20 0
PHALIYA Sanya Phaliya
229 LAGGA 55.59 1 053757 Lagga Khunari 3 11 0 0
230 SAWALA 248.42 2 053878 Sawala 86 554 2 0
231 SAWALA 27.96 053879 Quarala 0
232 SAYALA 44.57 2 054422 Kanda 28 163 118 0
233 SAYALA 183.19 054423 Sayala 75 352 117 0
234 SHAKTI PUR 42.35 4 053829 Latoli 70 568 28 10
235 SHAKTI PUR 87.04 053847 Silang Tak 68 342 41 0
236 SHAKTI PUR 21.63 053848 Nagar Gaon 30 143 47 0
237 SHAKTI PUR 13.23 053849 Lista 11 47 0 0
238 SHAKTIPUR 106.02 1 053851 Shaktipur 212 650 185 5
239 SILAAR 155.19 2 054398 Silaar 62 283 180 0
240 SILAR 290.48 054399 Udali 36 181 0 0
241 SIMALTA 55.22 2 053843 Kathar Mafi 31 172 0 0
242 SIMALTA 279.35 053845 Simalta Mafi 45 221 0 0
243 SIMIYAURI 236.41 2 053933 Simiyauri 76 293 107 0
244 SIMIYURI 416.83 053934 Ninori 12 63 26 0
245 SIMLATA 103.2 1 053832 Kanda 60 261 0 0
246 SIPTY 325.86 1 053783 Sipty 108 528 18 0
247 SORAI 178.1 3 053940 Bhandar 21 100 10 0
248 SORAI 271.28 053941 Sorai 34 191 1 0
249 SORAI 111.61 053942 Hartola 24 137 0 0
250 KHARK 32.56 2 053781 Suyal Khark 48 193 0 0
251 KHARK 135.73 053807 Chura Khark Khet 18 73 0 0

252 SUYALKHARK 123.62 1 053782 Punabe 39 156 0 0

253 TAMALI 430.78 1 053926 Tamli 175 718 155 0
254 TARKULI 101.93 2 053946 Amora 33 161 29 0
255 TATKULI 261.05 053936 Tarkuli 68 231 34 0
256 KHERA 14.95 6 054435 Khet Khera 32 200 23 0
257 KHERA 58.37 054436 Thawal Khera 138 626 7 24

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Population Schedule Scheduled
Sr. l Area (in villages olds of Village d Castes Tribes
No. Hectares) Populatio Population
n of of Village
258 KHERA 7.87 054437 Amiya/ Kalauniya 0
259 KHERA 93.67 054432 Gainda Khali No3 139 675 185 0
260 KHERA 83.44 054433 Suwa Goth 7 28 0 0
261 KHERA 50.35 054434 Gainda Khali No4 61 359 34 0
262 GOTH 77.09 4 054429 Baramdev 83 534 72 0
263 GOTH 76.69 054430 Uchouli Goth 164 825 0 0
264 GOTH 24.29 054431 Gainda Khali No1 46 228 228 0
265 GOTH 73.88 054448 Chela Goth 0
266 VAILA 392.7 1 053888 Vaila 71 422 119 0

APPENDIX VIII -Village Directory
CD BLOCK :Pati Number of villages under each Gram Panchyat (C.D. block wise)
Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedule Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of d Castes Tribes
Sr. No.
Hectares) Village Populatio Population
n of of Village
1 AMAULI 178.76 1 053984 Amauli 100 608 11 0
2 ANARPA 173.12 2 053989 Anarpa 62 295 96 0

3 ANARPA 71.24 053990 Baman Chapar 18 88 0 0

4 BAAS BASWARI 117.51 1 053993 Baswari 115 699 48 0

5 BALATARI 415.88 1 054070 Balatari 114 574 55 0
6 BANAULI 112.89 2 053976 Banauli 95 559 80 0

Banoli Lagga
7 BANOLI 19.68 053981 Dungra 6 26 0 0

8 BASVAADI 108.22 1 053985 Geeju Baswan 28 196 72 0

9 BAYAL BUGA 399.8 1 054126 Bayal Bunga 29 166 0 0

10 BHAISARKH 123.64 1 054002 Bhaisarkh 54 342 6 0

11 BHARAGAON 50.34 2 054120 Bajbhandari 41 198 0 0

12 BHARAGAON 11.95 054121 Budarkarya 5 22 0 0
13 BHESARK 220.77 1 054003 Bairakh 32 197 10 0
14 BHINGRARA 40.98 2 054078 Kwarala 13 55 0 0
15 BHINGRARA 98.63 054088 Bhingrara 125 479 4 1
16 BHUMVARI 56.78 2 054059 Jhalpura 13 100 0 0
17 BHUMWARI 180.62 054056 Bhumwari 65 394 90 0
18 BIGRAKOT 325.55 3 054048 Bigrakot 70 393 90 0
19 BIGRAKOT 22.55 054057 Reetha 14 81 0 0
20 BIGRAKOT 94.09 054065 Sirkot 0
21 BILWAL GAON 482.46 1 054075 Binwal Gaon 82 458 0 0
22 CHALTHIYA 267.73 2 054089 Chalthiya 74 420 33 0
23 CHALTHIYA 90.46 054090 Madyoli 44 199 13 0
24 CHAMTOLA 45.51 2 053974 Chamtola 25 121 37 0
25 CHAMTOLA 28.68 053980 Biroli 31 161 33 0

Kanikot Lagga
26 CHAURA GUTH 37.86 2 053959 Chora Guth 28 154 0 0
27 CHAURA GUTH 151.47 053960 Chaura Guth 103 625 184 0
28 CHAURA PITA 472.06 2 054086 Chaura Pita 206 991 144 0
29 CHAURA PITA 154.52 054091 Maheta 58 268 11 0

30 CHAURA SOWN 196.17 1 054014 Chaura Sown 79 414 188 0

31 CHAURAKOT 353.08 1 054019 Chaurakot 157 812 207 0
32 CHILNIYA 14.08 2 054011 Simalkhet 7 31 8 0
33 CHILNIYA 313.01 054012 Chilniya 103 592 10 0
34 CHODAGUD 143.28 2 053957 Thapla Gunth 43 207 0 0
35 CHOUDA GUTH 44.94 053962 Toli Katheri 24 142 47 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedule Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of d Castes Tribes
Sr. No.
Hectares) Village Populatio Population
n of of Village
36 DEVIDHURA 103.28 1 053995 Dechmar 171 802 250 0
37 DHARSON 139.24 1 054083 Dharson 64 379 91 0
38 DHRAUG 192.57 1 053999 Dhraug 89 445 31 0
39 DUNGRA KOT 118.41 1 053986 Dungra Kot 71 405 23 0
40 DUNGRA 166.17 1 054025 Ejatta Dungra 71 306 41 0
41 GADURA 271.31 1 054087 Gadura 110 549 138 0
42 GAGAR 511.93 3 053963 Gagar 181 955 320 0
43 GAGAR 35.31 053967 Gagrarh 35 191 0 0
44 GAGAR 14.76 053968 Dantola 5 32 0 0
45 GAHTODA 19.35 5 054027 Haldua Khark 1 7 0 0
46 GAHTORA 19.19 054028 Barmtora 18 97 97 0
47 GAHTORA 21.88 054029 Mailta 9 44 0 0
48 GAHTORA 30.14 054030 Patharkot 6 24 0 0
49 GAHTORA 28.66 054036 Jhar Sirtoli 14 65 0 0
50 GANWAIN 14.42 1 053979 Takna Gurau 34 165 0 0
51 GARSARI 227.42 1 054040 Garsari 108 501 97 0
52 GAWAI 90.75 1 053975 Gawai 70 348 0 0
53 GHAHTORA 34.5 1 054031 Ghahtora 27 131 0 0
54 GOLDADA 82.5 3 054074 Tolarankuri 30 184 0 0
55 GOLDANDA 223.93 054073 Goldanda 39 249 18 0
56 GOLE DANDA 124.67 054072 Nauliya Gaon 36 230 0 0
57 GOOM 344.42 1 054047 Goom 86 496 135 0
58 GOSHANI 97.23 2 054107 Pardhayani 22 116 2 0
59 GOSHANI 462.54 054118 Goshani 397 1742 116 12
60 HOLI PIPLARI 78.77 2 054038 Bunga Birora 41 261 8 0
61 HOLI PIPLATI 390.397 054037 Holi Piplati 75 344 1 0
62 JANKANDE 174.38 3 054105 Jakh 41 186 0 0
63 JANKANDE 25.7 054112 Ghumali 0
64 JANKANDE 238.93 054117 Jankande 143 702 112 0
65 JAWLARI 220.5 1 054042 Jawlari 160 772 129 0
66 JHUDAILI 195.21 6 054046 Jhudaili 62 262 59 0
67 JHUDAILI 16.57 054050 Naini 6 27 0 0
68 JHUDAILI 44.86 054052 Roodauli 0
69 JHUDELI 48.62 054041 Jarauli 30 154 31 0
70 JHUDELI 86.23 054045 Kimwari 45 178 0 0
71 JOLARI 17.62 054044 Pamtola 10 41 0 0
72 KAJEENA 272.28 1 054013 Kajeena 105 538 135 0
73 KAMLAKH 182.84 2 054035 Kamlakh 223 1120 448 0
74 KAMLEKH 19.17 054032 Basaut 14 81 0 0
75 KANAKOT 533.19 3 054110 Kanakot 197 857 225 1
76 KANAKOT 23.11 054111 Ghanail 0
77 KANIKOT 347.57 053987 Kanikot 192 1058 160 0
78 KANVAAD 60.56 1 053998 Pakhauti 49 307 45 0
79 KANWAR 157.73 1 053997 Kanwar 66 369 24 0
80 KARAULI 231.8 2 054058 Karauli 62 349 184 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedule Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of d Castes Tribes
Sr. No.
Hectares) Village Populatio Population
n of of Village
81 KAROLI 70.47 054060 Chhoragaon 28 163 0 0
82 KHARHI 358.79 1 054071 Kharhi 221 1186 177 0
83 KHUTELI 83.31 2 054104 Khuteli 44 189 0 0
84 KHUTELI 73.61 054108 Harori 24 102 0 0
85 KIMAAR 60.1 2 053972 Bora Chapar 40 225 0 0
86 KIMAR 112.21 053961 Kimar 82 450 119 0
87 KOOND 308.31 1 054049 Koond 88 484 67 0
88 KOTNA 73.78 2 053982 Jakhola 51 267 0 0
89 KOTNA 62.7 053983 Kotna 55 277 23 0
90 KULYAL GAON 472.09 1 054092 Kulyal Gaon 125 630 110 0
91 KUND 56.48 1 054066 Maun 0
92 LARI 75.89 2 054115 Gharki 12 55 0 0
93 LARI 128.26 054116 Lari 68 317 0 0
94 MACHHIYAR 342.74 1 054093 Machhiyar 153 870 105 0
95 MANAR TALLA 39.98 4 054122 Manar Malla 28 149 6 0
96 MANAR TALLA 71.56 054123 Batula Banj 32 154 0 0

97 MANAR TALLA 114.84 054124 Gambhir Gaon 21 115 0 0

98 MANAR TALLA 37.93 054125 Manar Talla 44 248 0 0
99 MANGAL LEKH 491.86 2 054079 Mangal Lekh 94 596 133 0
100 MANGALLEKH 81.12 054084 Bhonkara 17 90 78 0
101 MANTANDE 66.8 3 053964 Sawar 22 122 0 0
102 MANTANDE 19.86 053965 Karki Chhana 9 49 0 0
103 MANTANDE 153.756 053966 Mantande 60 325 190 0
104 MARAGAON 68.93 2 054033 Karwalgaon 24 125 0 0
105 MARAGAON 27.85 054034 Maragaon 36 184 0 0

106 MAULANAJAKH 155.97 1 053973 Maulanajakh 63 322 98 0

107 MAUN KANDA 109.04 2 054020 Dashiya 45 236 64 0
108 MAUN KANDA 536.04 054021 Maun Kanda 155 1083 581 0
109 MULAKOT 387.45 3 054015 Mulakot 195 1060 134 0
110 MULAKOT 158.51 054016 Kandey 34 226 0 0
Bham Lagga
111 MULAKOT 18.2 054017 Mulakot 13 66 58 0
112 NILOTI 231.1 3 054061 Niloti 45 220 0 0
113 NIROTI 48.61 054062 Kamlaikh 37 200 14 0

114 NIROTI 76.41 054063 Burush Khola 18 91 0 0

115 PAREWA 709.64 1 054085 Parewa 120 770 100 0
116 PATANGAON 256.64 1 054018 Patangaon 154 864 134 0
117 PATI 251.55 1 054043 Pati 352 1559 350 3
118 PATNAGAON 164.65 2 054023 Golana Seri 19 77 0 0
119 PATNAGAON 58.85 054024 Baligaon 19 108 0 0
120 PEKHA 29.61 1 054082 Dabri 5 34 0 0
121 PIPAL DHING 50.41 3 053970 Pipal Dhing 31 160 160 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedule Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of d Castes Tribes
Sr. No.
Hectares) Village Populatio Population
n of of Village
122 PIPAL DHING 45 053971 Chhana 3 16 0 0
123 PIPALDHING 42.93 053969 Fularakot 28 129 0 0
124 PUNOLI 108.92 2 054008 Nayalkot 12 63 0 0
125 PUNOLI 134.29 054009 Punoli 67 418 23 0
126 RAMAK 1015.25 1 054077 Ramak 122 677 23 0
127 RAULGAON 17.56 1 053977 Raulgaon 19 119 0 0
128 RIKHOLI 63.49 4 054004 Batuliya 23 155 6 0
129 RIKHOLI 149.43 054005 Rikholi 36 209 40 0
130 RIKHOLI 200.66 054006 Basanjoga 32 156 25 0
131 RIKHOLI 76.57 054007 Parsh 25 134 0 0
132 ROLEMAIL 162.28 6 054051 Lara 22 114 30 0
133 ROLMAIL 74.89 054053 Rolmail 72 359 10 0
134 ROLMAIL 42.77 054054 Kota 6 49 15 0
135 ROLMAIL 43.77 054055 Barait 26 163 0 0
136 ROLMAIL 82.02 054067 Mairoli 16 84 0 0
137 ROLMAIL 28.26 054068 Jadia Kamad 0
138 SAANGO 44.83 3 053988 Kaphalti 14 72 0 0
139 SAANGO 21.77 054000 Jamantak 16 81 0 0
140 SAANGO 112.1 054001 Ghigharukot 24 94 28 0
141 SAKDENA 199.44 2 054064 Sakdena 92 525 152 0
142 SAKDENA 192.61 054069 Takbalwari 63 260 15 0
143 SAL 248.12 1 054094 Sal 85 548 11 0
144 SANGO 91.15 1 053994 Sango 46 265 0 0
145 SIBYOLI 256.09 1 054010 Sibyoli 91 424 206 0
146 SILYORI 275.65 1 053958 Silyori 116 742 174 0
147 SIRMOLI 34.61 2 054103 Patli 0
148 SIRMOLI 236.3 054106 Sirmoli 94 458 89 0
149 SIRTOLI 62.23 3 054109 Bharoli 18 91 0 0
150 SIRTOLI 46.61 054113 Sirtoli 51 182 0 0
151 SIRTOLI 75.05 054114 Bagjiwala 0
152 SUNDUNGRA 305.18 1 054022 Sundungra 132 828 308 0
153 TANDA 72.09 2 054095 Tanda Talla 14 102 0 0
154 TANDA 145.21 054096 Tanda Malla 45 300 0 0
155 TAPNIPAL 350.16 1 054039 Tapnipal 87 435 7 0

156 THUWA MAUNI 134.88 1 054026 Thuwa Mauni 64 401 253 0

157 TIMLA GUTH 47.43 3 053991 Timla Guth 42 218 59 0
158 TIMLA GUTH 93.35 053992 Kuda 11 66 0 0
159 TIMLAGUD 25.18 053978 Kharni Guth 31 177 0 0
160 TYARSHUN 191.67 1 054119 Tyarshun 100 484 97 0
161 VALIK 211.58 1 053996 Valik 97 531 17 1
162 VARSHI 129.99 3 054076 Pokhari 18 94 1 0
163 VARSHI 127.97 054080 Varshi 22 118 0 0
164 VARSHI 41.89 054081 Sirna 12 46 0 0

APPENDIX VIII -Village Directory
CD BLOCK :Barakot Number of villages under each Gram Panchyat (C.D. block wise)
Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code House Populati Scheduled Scheduled
Sr. No. l Area (in villages holds on of Castes Tribes
Hectares) Village Population Population
of Village of Village

1 AAGAR 13.31 3 054202 Chaura Shah 15 83 58 0

2 AAGAR 138.97 054207 Aagar 118 516 46 0

3 AAGAR 31.94 054208 Naini Mahar 24 109 12 0

4 BADWAL 393.78 1 054138 Baira Badwal 165 777 136 0

5 BAIRAORN 16.08 4 054135 Bamaira 17 107 107 0

6 BAIRAORN 110.36 054136 Bairaorn 60 372 371 0

7 BAIRAORN 15.87 054137 Baila 3 18 18 0

8 BAIRAORN 18.1 054150 Dungraorn 15 78 78 0

9 BALSO 320.26 2 054218 Balso 143 654 58 0
10 BALSO 94.5 054223 Chamoli 2 12 0 0
11 BANTOLI 105.83 2 054187 Chhera 38 184 86 0
12 BANTOLI 139.47 054203 Bantoli 68 313 11 0
13 BAPRUTALLA 333.89 1 054201 Bapru Talla 136 641 228 0
14 BARAKOT 519.71 1 054179 Barakot 268 1122 411 2
15 BASKUNI 17.87 1 054166 Gothkura 1 1 0 0
16 BATAURI 94.29 1 054158 Batauri 120 587 106 0
17 BHANDAR 99.51 1 054165 Bhandar 21 100 0 0
18 BISRARI 244.59 4 054163 Patyuda 23 125 9 0
19 BISRARI 138.19 054164 Bisrari 84 527 207 0
20 BISRARI 79.19 054173 Dunga Joshi 15 85 0 0
21 BISRARI 17.17 054174 Dunga Malla 1 6 0 0
22 CHACHARI 128.96 1 054219 Chachari 60 272 67 0
Chami May
23 CHAMI 208.6 1 054224 Goonth 96 457 172 6
24 CHAMROLI 226.74 2 054212 Gangali Pulai 34 188 0 0
25 CHAMROLI 142.22 054220 Chamroli 48 237 0 0
26 CHHANDA 35.52 3 054189 Betta 31 133 95 0
27 CHHANDA 17.62 054190 Bans 27 141 129 0
28 CHHENDE 89.68 054188 Hichaura 6 20 12 0
29 CHHULAPIA 306.04 2 054148 Chhulapia 86 341 0 0
30 CHULAPE 7.51 054147 Ban Kandiya 1 5 0 0
31 CHURANI 60.08 2 054171 Churani 53 231 79 0

32 CHURANI 126.64 054172 Bhartoli Goonth 8 40 0 0

33 DHALI GAON 166.15 1 054142 Dhali Gaon 92 525 192 0
34 DIYARATOLE 50.77 2 054191 Litee 4 18 14 0
35 DIYARATOLI 330.53 054193 Dyartoli 127 632 253 0
36 DULAPE 60.57 1 054155 Tak 7 28 0 0
37 EZRA 33.17 3 054139 Lwarki 10 61 0 0
38 EZRA 33.99 054141 Basaudi 22 122 77 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code House Populati Scheduled Scheduled
Sr. No. l Area (in villages holds on of Castes Tribes
Hectares) Village Population Population
of Village of Village
39 EZRA 126.8 054146 Ezra 36 188 0 0
40 FARTOLA 62.25 3 054177 Fartola 110 412 72 10
41 FARTOLA 32.05 054185 (Nayaabad) 26 119 115 0

42 FARTOLA 115.08 054186 Gurna (Santola) 31 145 0 0

43 GALLAGAON 83.54 2 054206 Galla Gaon 70 381 0 0
44 GALLLAGAO 109.23 054205 Kalakot 40 185 180 0
45 GUMAUD 148.94 1 054198 Gumaud 52 234 7 0
46 GWENARA 75.16 3 054196 Gwenara 65 282 0 0
47 GWENARA 31.73 054197 Gairi 27 142 28 0
48 GWENARA 24.18 054199 Bayoli 4 19 0 0
49 JHIR KUNI 65.31 2 054182 Suri 26 89 0 0
50 JHIRKUNI 103.28 054181 Jhir Kuni 31 103 0 0
51 KAKAR 72.88 4 054168 Banj 8 35 8 0
52 KAKAR 47.48 054169 Bagola 3 14 14 0
53 KAKAR 12.2 054175 Talli Jindi 11 56 0 0
54 KAKARH 234.23 054176 Kakarh 201 969 475 1
55 KAKARI 107.03 2 054227 Kakari 41 178 0 0
56 KAKRI 41.19 054226 Kheti 29 162 21 0
57 KAMAJULA 43.69 3 054127 Bakarya Julla 58 313 103 0
58 KAMAJULA 23.63 054132 Kamajula 59 300 300 0
59 KHAKHORA 310.01 054194 Khakora 111 532 79 0
60 KHARIGAON 64.02 1 054149 Doba 17 91 35 0
61 KHOLA SUNAR 45.41 1 054180 Kailari 0
62 KHOLASUNAR 72.47 1 054184 Khola Sunar 70 311 0 0
63 KOTHERA 398.42 1 054157 Kothera 85 371 98 0
64 LIDU 18.18 3 054221 Simela 28 135 0 0
65 LIDU 53.54 054222 Maulani 38 156 0 0
66 LIDU 45.58 054225 Lidu 43 197 0 0
67 LOHAGHAT 175.08 1 054192 Chhanda 95 428 0 0
68 MALABAPRU 182.66 1 054195 Malla Bapru 137 645 128 0
69 MAU 227.71 1 054228 Mau 136 639 224 0
70 MIRTOLI 46.72 3 054159 Mirtoli 63 303 14 0
71 MIRTOLI 100.29 054161 Okhlanj 27 122 70 0
72 MIRTOLI 68.43 054170 Punai 22 104 13 0
73 NADERA 54.35 2 054156 Pathalati 16 63 0 0
74 NADERA 133.72 054167 Nadera 96 449 16 0
75 NAUMANA 14.34 2 054152 Adkhandi 18 80 0 0
76 NAUMANA 104.43 054154 Naumana 54 259 0 0
77 NETASALAN 50.91 3 054210 Netra 32 174 0 0
78 NETRASALAN 67.58 054209 Salan 30 165 0 0
79 NETRASALAN 72.35 054213 Gaika Jyula 29 164 0 0
80 PADASAON 201.28 1 054151 Padasaon 109 610 57 0
81 PAMDA 144.36 2 054162 Mayua 33 154 120 0
82 PAMDA 190.66 054178 Pamda 105 454 139 0
83 PUNIYAL 274.25 1 054229 Puniyal 66 273 11 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code House Populati Scheduled Scheduled
Sr. No. l Area (in villages holds on of Castes Tribes
Hectares) Village Population Population
of Village of Village
84 RAIGHAON 851.22 1 054144 Raighaon 254 1257 288 0
85 RAIGHARI 47.25 3 054128 Buraula 30 142 56 0
86 RAIGHARI 349.35 054130 Choolgaon 57 279 43 0
87 RAIGHARI 139.06 054134 Raighari 72 405 0 0
88 RAVALGAON 64.4 4 054133 Ravalgaon 43 181 0 0
89 RAWALGAON 11.21 054140 Patan Gaon 0
90 RAWALGAON 57.83 054143 Surkot 20 115 51 0
91 RAWALGAON 132.19 054145 Devli Maphi 7 31 24 0
92 SEALBRUYURI 150.96 2 054211 Bruyuri 47 194 37 0
93 SHEELVARUDE 264.7 054214 Sheel 41 227 0 0
94 SIGDA 182.45 1 054160 Sigda 157 772 40 0
95 SUGAR KHAL 187.01 2 054129 Sugar Khal 94 555 0 0
96 SUGAR KHAL 95.32 054131 Luwakot 30 140 6 0
97 SUTERA 84.63 2 054215 Sutera 66 281 27 0
Jakh Lagga
98 SUTHERA 67.49 054217 Sutera 0
Bayoli Lagga
99 TALLABAYEK 39.38 1 054200 Talla Bapru 13 66 0 0
100 TARAG 37.77 2 054183 Nigali Garh 11 41 0 0
101 TARAG 419.58 054204 Tarag 80 413 58 0
102 TARI GAON 82.93 1 054153 Tari Gaon 64 358 353 0
103 WALSO 13.38 1 054216 Jamar 24 146 0 0

APPENDIX VIII -Village Directory
CD BLOCK :Lohaghat Number of villages under each Gram Panchyat (C.D. block wise)
Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedul Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of ed Tribes
Sr. No. Hectares) Village Castes Population
Populati of Village
on of
1 BAGUAUTI 306.01 3 054341 Bagauti 94 446 97 0
2 BAGUTE 39.65 054342 Simlack 0

3 BAGUTE 107.37 054343 Jamarsawn 43 189 12 0

4 BALAI 377.13 1 054294 Balai 88 430 0 0

5 BANDELA DHEK 36.2 2 054245 Bandela Dhek 70 351 11 0

6 BANDELADAKE 7.87 054244 Malla Dhek 14 60 35 0

7 BANGAON 124.74 1 054261 Bangaon 44 175 9 0

8 BANKU 34.01 2 054246 Chaura Dhek 27 123 19 0

9 BANKU 192.46 054364 Banku 73 340 47 0
10 BANTARI 173.84 1 054230 Bantari 0
11 BASAN 59.98 4 054299 Chelkot 7 30 0 0
12 BASAN 82.69 054300 Kheti 7 35 0 0
13 BASAN 67.66 054302 Gauri 17 88 0 0
14 BASAN 151.92 054303 Basan 31 162 0 0
15 BASKUNE 208.51 3 054333 Jindi Sorari 18 84 31 0
16 BASKUNE 235.96 054334 Jakh Jindi 191 953 415 0
17 BASKUNI 214.36 054330 Baskuni 172 842 186 0
18 BATOLI 68.51 1 054271 Batoli 16 73 0 0
19 BHUMLAI 80.87 3 054289 Bhumlai 23 67 15 0
20 BHUMLAI 84.61 054292 Irakot 16 61 0 0
21 BHUMLAYE 32.39 054290 Koyati Gunth 23 107 0 0
22 BINDA TIWARE 195.22 1 054359 Binda Tiwari 161 730 392 1
23 BOGAVORA 16.6 4 054324 Fafar 48 265 0 0
24 BUGGA BORA 39.37 054314 Bugga Bora 35 190 0 0
25 BUGGA BORA 31.91 054315 Khul Kabar 5 23 0 0
26 BUGGA BORA 8.39 054318 Mathbalana 0
27 CHATOLE 31.49 3 054264 Sirtoli 34 165 0 0
28 CHATOLI 119.96 054262 Chhatoli 103 404 80 0
29 CHATOLI 37.05 054263 Lyundhar 21 105 0 0
30 CHAUDEK 177.38 1 054360 Kotsari 57 289 108 0
31 CHAUDLA 139.91 1 054362 Chaudla 49 261 111 0
32 CHAURI BHAT 47.39 1 054288 Chauri Bhat 162 760 7 0
33 CHIRADUNGA 23.73 2 054260 Chiria Dunga 26 127 36 0
34 CHUADLA 40.06 2 054381 Dunga Bora 31 162 22 0
35 DAISALI 237.47 3 054284 Daisali 99 487 161 0
36 DAISALI 17.6 054285 Funda Patni 1 4 0 0
37 DOGRA 267.37 2 054308 Doraga 91 444 0 0
38 PHARITYAL 312.66 2 054255 Dugri Phartiyal 77 362 45 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedul Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of ed Tribes
Sr. No. Hectares) Village Castes Population
Populati of Village
on of
39 PHARTIYAL 21.79 054253 Bood Chaura 39 174 4 0
40 DUMDAI 168.67 1 054339 Dumdai 73 316 62 0
41 DUNGRA 82.9 1 054316 Balana 36 179 38 0
42 DUNGRA BORA 676.9 1 054383 Dungra Bora 132 778 193 0
43 DUNGRALETI 539.84 1 054355 Dungraleti 174 866 89 0
Peed Lagga
44 DUNGREE 16.89 2 054351 Bajgel 11 52 0 0
45 DUNGRI 90.91 054307 Dungri 44 212 65 0
46 PHARTIYAL 11.8 2 054254 Pardhiani Khet 1 5 0 0
47 PHARTIYAL 97.05 054256 Phartiyal 37 190 108 0
48 FHORTE 197.35 2 054259 Mayawati 2 9 0 0
49 FORTE 308.3 054251 Forti 175 828 149 0
50 GANGNAWLA 265.21 1 054291 Gangnaula 78 356 133 0
51 GURAELE 137.86 3 054340 Chama 29 146 48 0
52 GURAELE 73.39 054352 Kakri 47 203 63 0
53 GURELE 298.79 054345 Gurele 45 236 0 0
54 GURHMAGAL 79.01 3 054347 Dhaun 3 17 0 0
55 GURHMAGAL 79.22 054358 Gurhmagal 33 145 0 0
56 GURUMAGAL 40.89 054346 Raul 28 140 53 0
57 JAKHJIN 38.79 1 054335 Gajina 6 25 0 0
58 JASKHOLA 42.78 1 054281 Kanedi 14 70 22 0
59 JHAKH 68.41 1 054331 Chamola 0
60 KAL CHAURA 194.23 1 054247 Kal Chaura 101 500 45 0
61 KALIGAON 124.36 1 054249 Kaligaon 305 1307 219 0
62 KAMKAEDE 89.37 3 054373 Kamleri 49 286 66 0
63 KAMLADE 101.42 054372 Rausal 37 180 1 0
64 KAMWAEDE 139.9 054361 Sirauli 11 59 59 0
65 KAYAL 60.69 5 054374 Dangaon 28 126 84 0
66 KAYAL 46.23 054375 Lojini 24 143 0 0
67 KAYAL 112.25 054376 Tunda Visht 3 14 0 0
68 KAYAL 8.68 054377 Kayal 48 244 43 0
69 KAYAL 14.11 054382 Chauri 0
70 MALLA 348.6 1 054327 Malla 72 378 64 0
71 TALLA 133.06 1 054325 Khai Kot Talla 56 239 35 0
72 KHAISKANDE 58.07 2 054237 Khawagarh 25 87 0 0
73 KHASIS KANDE 126.16 054236 Khais Kande 71 294 0 0
74 MALLA 210.39 1 054280 Khatera Malla 121 549 154 0
75 KHUNA BORA 356.36 1 054293 Khuna Bora 157 795 237 0
76 KHUNABORA 63.26 1 054287 Khuna Malak 19 89 0 0
77 KHUNADE 7.53 1 054366 Kulouli 14 93 0 0
78 KIMTOLI 92.67 3 054269 Tamatkande 60 296 159 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedul Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of ed Tribes
Sr. No. Hectares) Village Castes Population
Populati of Village
on of
79 KIMTOLI 96.92 054278 Gureli 19 92 0 0
80 KIMTOLI 201.39 054279 Kimtoli 124 595 109 0
81 KOLI DHEK 181.95 1 054250 Koli Dhek 253 1240 237 10
82 KOT 170.31 2 054304 Kot 61 267 54 0
83 KOT 95.27 054322 Pedsera 26 151 0 0
84 KOTLA 25.41 4 054267 Baman Kuda 7 36 0 0
85 KOTLA 19.5 054268 Nauliya 8 36 36 0
86 KOTLA 60.01 054272 Kotla 38 171 0 0
87 KOTLA 69.1 054276 Dheeng 34 155 0 0
88 KHALSA 230.88 1 054286 Koyati Khalsa 70 327 84 0
89 KUNARE 225.61 1 054368 Kunari 30 176 0 0
90 MAD CHAMAR 149.47 2 054321 Pokhari Bora 31 140 66 0
Kot Ka Lagga
91 MADECHAMAR 20.61 054301 Chauchri 20 99 14 0
92 MADLAK 64.44 1 054354 Madlak 70 294 15 0
93 MADLU 22.34 1 054350 Baram 14 75 0 0
94 MADWA 148.28 1 054378 Maduwa 135 791 407 0
95 MAJHERA 65.86 2 054295 Majhera 14 79 0 0
96 MAJHERA 91.81 054296 Kheti Gar 10 44 0 0
97 MAJJEPAL 81.2 2 054344 Sagar 28 158 102 0
98 MAJPEEPAL 316.46 054353 Majpeepal 78 445 43 0
99 MAKHEDA 69.79 1 054297 Kaflekh 8 36 0 0

100 MALLA DUNGA 69.18 1 054323 Basairi 16 76 0 0

101 KHATEDA 83.64 1 054283 Kaphli 20 90 12 0
102 MAN DUNGA 67.89 2 054317 Man Dunga 62 262 2 0
103 MAN DUNGA 88.88 054319 Dhingra 10 55 0 0
104 MANDWA 41.46 1 054379 Talla Nayabad 0
105 MANGLAM 22.87 1 054356 Sukha Baran 3 12 12 0
106 MANGOLI 19.78 2 054265 Bastnauli 0
107 MANGOLI 375.07 054273 Mangoli 122 599 246 0

108 MANNA DUNGA 93.87 1 054320 Khilpati 17 89 0 0

109 MATIYANI 326.94 1 054380 Matiyani 168 895 304 0
110 MATYURAJ 44.85 1 054242 Mutyuraj 144 569 23 0
111 MAURA 90.37 2 054336 Maura 63 288 116 0
112 MAURA 64.72 054337 Pokhari Saun 28 156 16 0
113 MOTPURAJ 43.35 4 054243 Rauteli Mara 59 285 45 0
114 MOTURAJ 6.13 054239 Bunga Mara 0
115 MOTURAJ 158.34 054240 Kundi Mara 22 124 0 0
116 MOTURAJ 49.35 054241 Padari 1 3 0 0
117 MUD CHAMAR 127.25 2 054305 Mud Chamar 42 231 231 0
118 MUD CHAMAR 54.73 054306 Rudmali 32 148 131 0
119 MUJHERA 29.25 1 054298 Ghor Chaura 1 6 6 0

Gram Panchayat Total Number Village Village Name Total Total Total Total
Name Geographica of Code Househ Populatio Schedul Scheduled
l Area (in villages olds n of ed Tribes
Sr. No. Hectares) Village Castes Population
Populati of Village
on of
120 NAKOT 152.01 1 054270 Nakot 122 520 203 0
121 KHOLIYA 48.95 2 054349 Patoli 2 13 0 0
122 KHOTIYA 74.97 054348 Nakot Kholiya 30 158 17 0
123 NAS KHOLA 30.85 2 054282 Nas Khola 24 97 31 0
124 NASKHOLA 67.22 054277 Khatera Talla 27 117 78 0
125 NIDIL 1371.34 1 054326 Nidil 86 373 27 0
126 PARANPASI 298.28 1 054234 Raikot Mahar 78 364 291 1
127 PASAM 239.62 2 054370 Pasam 108 546 94 0
128 PASAM 233.22 054371 Aslad 45 223 143 0

129 PATAN PATANE 182.33 2 054248 Pharn Hill 59 250 16 0

130 PATAN PATANI 346.41 054235 Patan Patani 843 3639 809 5
131 PAU 394.56 1 054231 Pau 485 1573 240 5
132 POTRIDHEK 34.34 1 054238 Potri Dhek 27 98 27 0
133 PULLA 208.98 1 054338 Pulla 104 519 50 0
134 PUNDEK 81.35 1 054367 Pundil 26 141 0 0
135 R 235.93 2 054232 Abot Mount 27 107 19 0
136 R 180.23 054233 Raikot Kunwar 174 871 193 0
137 RASAUL 13.09 1 054365 Lara 1 1 0 0
138 SANKAFAL 373.64 1 054357 Sela Salpar 163 845 91 0
139 SHILING 595.09 2 054328 Shiling 362 1659 305 0
140 SHILING 15.53 054332 Sankafal 14 65 0 0
141 SULLA 197.5 1 054369 Sulla 84 513 251 7
142 THANTA 146.08 3 054266 Thanta 80 444 89 0
143 THATA 109.5 054274 Badole 31 162 0 0
144 THATA 40.08 054275 Sudarka 54 272 0 0
145 THUWAMARA 198.86 3 054252 Thuwamara 80 375 92 0
146 THUWAMARA 347.31 054257 Jhalandev 54 266 0 0
147 THUWAMARA 84.35 054258 Khat Khutam 0
148 TUKANDE 127.26 5 054310 Khetsari 37 194 0 0
149 TUNKANDE 40.68 054309 Sayur 0
150 TUNKANDE 31.94 054311 Bilde 18 87 0 0
151 TUNKANDE 62.66 054312 Tunkande 55 219 0 0
152 TUNKANDE 72.36 054313 Pathlana 45 246 6 0
153 VIVIL 508.96 1 054329 Vivil 204 926 142 0
154 WOKU 38.53 1 054363 Pilkhi 20 135 135 0

Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 2011
Statement 1: Status and Growth History.

Column 1 – Serial Number :- Self explanatory.

Column 2:- Class, Name and civic status of town:- The class is presented according to population
of the towns in 2011 Census as follows :

Population Class Population Class

100,000 and above I 10,000-19,999 IV
50,000-99,999 II 5,000-9,999 V
20,000-49,999 III Below-5,000 VI

The following abbreviations are used to denote the Civil Status of the town
Civic Status Codes Civic Status Codes
i-Municipal Corporation M.corpn. xii-Notified Town Area NTA
ii-Municipal Committee MC xiii-Industrial Notified Area INA
iii-Municipal Council MCI xiv-Industrial Township ITS
iv-City Municipal Council CMC xv-Township TS
v- Town Municipal Council TMC xvi-Town Panchayat TP
vi- Municipal Board MB xvii-Nagar Panchayat NP
vii-Municipality M xviii-Town Committee/Town TC
Area Committee
viii-Contonment CB xiv-Small Town Committee ST
ix- Notified Area NA xx-Estate Office EO
x-Notified Town NT xxi-Gram Panchayat GP
xi-Notified Area NAC xxii- Census Town CT
Committee/Notified Area Council
Column 3-25 :- These columns are self explanatory.

Statement II:- Physical Aspects and Location of town, 2009

Column 1-2 Serial number and Name of town: Self explanatory

Columns 3 to 5 :- Physical Aspects:- In these columns the Rainfall and Maximum and
Minimum temperature of the town is recorded.

Columns 6 to 12 :- Name and road distance of the town (in kms.) from the State headquarters,
District headquarters, Sub divisional / Taluk / tahsil / Police Station/Development
Block/Island HQ., Nearest city with population of one lakh and more, Nearest city with
population of five lakh and more, Railway station and Bus route is recorded in these columns
respectively. If the names mentioned in these columns are the same as the referent town itself,
the distance is recorded as (0) zero.

Statement III-Civic and other Amenities 2009 :-

Column 1-2 Serial number and Name of town :- Self explanatory
Column 3- Road length (in Km):- The information about the road length ( in km) within the
limit of the town is recorded in this column.

Columns 4 to 7- System of drainage :- The system of drainage available in the town is
indicated in these columns by the following codes:-
System of drainage Codes
Open drains OD
Closed drains CD
Both drains BD

Columns 8 to 11- Number of latrines :- The number of various types of latrines available in
the town is indicated in these columns.

Columns No. 12 & 13- Protected water supply :- The information on source of water supply
and system of water storage with capacity available in the trown are given in these columns in
the following codes :

Column 12 (Source of water supply):-

(i)Tap water T
(ii)Tube-well water TW
(iii)Tank Water TK
(iv)Well water W

Column 13 (System of water storage):-

(i)Over Head Tank OHT
(ii)Service Reservoir SR
(iii)River Infiltration Gallery RIG
(iv)Bore Well Pumping System BWP
(v)Pressure Tank PT

The information on 2 major source of water supply is given in column 12 and the
system of water storage with capacity against each in kilo-metres (in bracket) is presented in
column 13).

Column 14 fire Fighting Service :- In case the fire fighting service is available in the referent
town, ‘yes’ is recorded. If the facility is not available within the town, the name of the
nearest place having this facility with its distance from the referent has been recorded.

Column 15 to 19- Electrificiation (Number of connections):- Different types of electric

connections have been shown in these columns, i.e., Domestic, Industrial, Commercial, Road
lighting(points) & others.

Statement IV: Medical Facilities, 2009 :-

Columns 1-2 Serial number and Name of Town :- Self explanatory

Columns 3 to 13 :- The number of various medical institutions such as Hospitals,

Dispensaries, Health Center, Family Welfare Centre, Maternity and Child Welfare Center,
Maternity Homes, T.B.Hospital/clinic, Nursing Homes, Charitable Hospital/Nursing Home,
Mobile Health Clinic and Others as available in the town , are indicated in these
columns(along with number of beds in brackets).

If a medical facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its
distance in kilometers from the town where the facility is available is mentioned.

Column 14- Veterinary Hospital :- The Number of Veterinary Hospitals available in the town
is given this column.

Column 15 :- Medicine Shop:- the number of Medicine shops available in the town is given in
this column.

Statement V : Educational , Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009 :-

Columns 1-2 Serial number and Name of town :- Self explanatory.

Columns 3 to 15 Educational Facilities:- The information on number of Primary school,

Middle school, Secondary school , Senior Secondary school, Arts/Science/Commerce
colleges (of degree level and above), Medical colleges, Engineering colleges, Management
Institute/Colleges, Polytechnics, Recognized Shorthand, Typewriting and vocational training
Institutions , Non-formal Education Center (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Center), Special School
for disabled and Others available in the town, are indicated in these columns.

If an educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place
and its distance in kilometers from the town where the facility is available is mentioned.

Columns 16 to 23- Number of Social, Recreational and Culture Facilities :-

The information on No. of Home Orphanage, Working women’s hostels (with No. of seats in
bracket), No. of Old Age Home, Stadium, Cinema Theatre, Auditorium/community halls,
Public libraries and Reading rooms available in the town are given under these column.

Statement VI : Industry and Banking 2009 :-

Columns 1-2 Serial number and Name of town :- Self explanatory

Column 3 to 5 :- Names of three most important commodities manufactured:- The names of

three most important commodities manufactured in the town are given under these columns.

Columns 6 to 8 – Number of banks :- The number of banks available in the referent town both
Commercial and Co-operative banks are recorded against these columns.

Column 9 to 10- Number of Agricultural and Non Agricultural Credit Societies :- The
number of Agricultural and Non Agricultural Credit Societies available in the referent town
are given in these columns.

Statement VII:- Civic and other Amenities in Slums, 2009

This statement VII provides information o n civic and other amenities in all slums
whether notified or not and for all towns having statutory bodies, like Municipality,
Municipal Corporation, Town area committee etc.


Status and Growth History
Sr. Class, Location Name of Taluk/ Name of Area Number of Scheduled Scheduled Tribes
No. name and Code Tahsil/ Police CD block (sq. households Castes Population (2011
civic status No. Station/Islands Km.) including Population Census)
of town etc. houseless (2011 Census)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 (NP), Champawat Champawat 5 1172 893 45
2 (NP), Lohaghat Lohaghat 4.5 1846 1105 66
3 (MB), Poornagiri Champawat 1.2 3529 2219 62
4 (CT), Poornagiri Champawat 2.34 1665 1441 82
Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses of
1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1702 (0)

0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2530 (0)

0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 6003 (0) 8818 (46.89)
0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Density Sex ratio
1991 2001 2011 (2011 1991 2001 2011
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
2525 (48.35) 4801 (21.27) 960 791 734 888
3891 (53.79) 7926 (35.98) 1761 728 792 860
13110 (48.67) 17626 (11.48) 14688 806 870 907
6572 (0) 7990 (-2.31) 3415 857 911 887

Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009
Physical aspects Name of and road distance (in kms.) from

Rainf Temperatu
all re
(in Maxi(inMin Sub-Division/ Nearest
Sr. Bus
Name of mm) mum imu Taluk/ Tahsil / Nearest city city with Railway
No rout
town State District Police station/ with population populatio station
. m e
HQ. HQ. Development of one lakh and n of five
Block/ Island more lakh and
HQ. more

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dehradun Champawat Bareilly Tanakpur Yes
1 Champawat 1191 30.3 -1.7 Champawat (0) Haldwani (170)
(458) (0) (198) (75) (0)

Dehradun Champawat Bareilly Tanakpur Yes

2 1191 42 0.8 Lohaghat (0) Haldwani (169)
(469) (14) (204) (89) (0)
Lohaghat (NP)

Dehradun Champawat Bareilly Tanakpur Yes

3 Tanakpur 1191 42 0.8 Poornagiri (0) Pili Bhit (63)
(383) (75) (123) (0) (0)

Dehradun Champawat Bareilly Haldwani Yes

4 1191 42 0.8 Tanakpur (10) Haldwani (126)
(350) (85) (133) (126) (0)
Banbasa (CT)

Civic and other Amenities, 2009
System of drainage Number of latrines
Road length Both -Open Flush/Pour
Sr.No. Name of Town Closed Pit
(in kms.) Open (OD) & Closed Nil Flush (Water Service
(CD) System
(BD) borne)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Champawat (NP) 20 BD 0 1111 0
2 Lohaghat (NP) 12 BD 2 1727 0
3 Tanakpur (NPP) 23 BD 167 2477 1
4 Banbasa (CT) 1 OD 19 838 1
Protected water supply Electrification (Number of connections)
System of Domestic Industrial Comm Road Others
storage with ercial lighting
Source of Fire fighting (points)
capacity in
Others supply (Codes) service*
kilo litres
(along with
Codes) @
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 OHT, TT(360) 1181 0 152 70 0
11 OHT, TT(650) Yes 1759 8 426 178 77
9 OHT, TT(500) 3118 44 794 277 59
4 OHT, HP(1700) Yes 1334 0 112 20 0

*In case this service is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town where facility is available has been given
@Two major source only


TT: Tap water from treated source

TU:Tap water from un-treated source
CW: Covered well
UW: Un-covered well
HP:Hand pump
TW/B:Tubewell /Borehole
OHT:Over head Tank
SR:Service Reservoir
RIG:River Infiltration Gallery
BWP:Bore Well Pumping system
PT:Pressure Tank
N\A,NA,N.A.: Not Avialable

Medical Facilities, 2009
No. of Medical facilities* (with number of beds in brackets)
Hosp Dispe Fami Mate Mat T.B.H Nursing Mobile Others
itals nsarie ly rnity ernit ospital Homes Health etc. Charitable Medic
(Allo s / Welf and y / Clinic Hospital/N ine
Sr. Name of pathi Healt are Child Ho Clinic Veterinar
ursing Shop
No. Town c& h Cent Welf mes y
Home (Num
Other Cente er are Hospital
(Numbers) bers)
s) r Cent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Champawat 10
1 (NP) 5(39) 1(0) Kms. 1(0) 1(0) 1(0) 1(15) 1(0) 2(0) 95 Kms. 0 5

Lohaghat 140
2 (NP) 2(30) 1(7) 1(0) 1(10) 1(3) 62 Kms. 1(2) 1(0) 1(1) Kms. 0 12

3 (NPP) 2(30) 1(0) 1(0) 1(0) 1(0) 1(0) 1(2) 1(0) 1(0) 1(4) 0 12

10 10 10 130
4 Banbasa (CT) 1(10) Kms. Kms. 1 Kms. Kms. 10 Kms. 10 Kms. 2 Kms. 10 Kms. Kms. 0 2

*If a medical facility is not available in the town,nearest place distance from the town where facility is available has been given
*N.A.:Not Available

Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009
Number of Educational Facilities*
Pri Middle Secon Senio Arts/ Medical Engineeri Manage Polytech Recognised Non-
mar school dry r Science/ colleges ng ment nics Shorthand, formal
y schoo Seco Commerce colleges Institute/ Typewriting Educatio
Sr. Name of sch l ndry colleges colleges and n Center
No. Town ool schoo (of degree vocational (Sarva
l level and training Shiksha
above) institutions Abhiyan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Champawat Haldwani( Pantnagar(2 Haldwani( Lohaghat(1 Lohaghat(1
1 (NP) 8 3 2 2 1 170) 05) 170) 3) 5 3)
Haldwani( Pantnagar(1 Haldwani( Champawat(14 Pithoragarh
2 Lohaghat (NP) 3 2 2 2 1 169) 89) 169) 1 ) (62)
Tanakpur Haldwani( Pantnagar(1 Haldwani( Lohaghat(8
3 (NPP) 11 5 3 3 1 123) 58) 123) 3) 1 5
Haldwani( Pantnagar(1 Haldwani( Lohaghat(9
4 Banbasa (CT) 4 2 3 3 Tanakpur(10) 126) 61) 126) 5) Tanakpur(10) 1
Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities
Special Oth No. of Worki No. Stadium Cinema Auditoriu Public Reading
School for ers Orpha ng of Theatre m/ libraries rooms
Disabled nage wome Old Communi
Home n's Age ty halls
hostle Hom
s e
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Barei Haldw
Haldwani(170 lly(19 Bareilly( Haldwa ani(17 Tanakpur(7 Lohaghat(1 Lohaghat(1
) 8) 198) ni(170) 0) Tanakpur(75) 5) 1 3) 3)

Barei Haldw
Haldwani(169 lly(21 Bareily(2 Haldwa ani(16 Tanakpur(8 Champawat(
) 2) 12) ni(169) 9) Tanakpur(89) 9) 14) 2 1

Barei Haldw
Haldwani(123 lly(12 Bareilly( Haldwa ani(12 Pillibhit(63
) 3) 123) ni(123) 3) 1 1 1 ) Pilibhit(63)
Bareilly( Haldwa ani(12 Tanakpur(1 Tanakpur(10 Lohaghat(9 Lohaghat(9
Bareilly(126) 1 133) ni(126) 6) Tanakpur(10) 0) ) 5) 5)

*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town where facility is available
has been given

Industry and Banking, 2009
Sr. Name of Names of three most Number of banks Number of
No. Town important commodities Number of non-
manufactured agricultural agricultural
Nationalise Private Co-oprative credit credit
1st 2nd 3rd d Bank Commercia Bank societies societies
l Bank
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 N.A N.A N.A 3 0 5 1 0

Bamboo Leather
2 Lohaghat (NP) Iron Goods 2 3 1 0 0
Baskets Shoes

Tanakpur Ayurvedic
3 Timber Stone 4 0 5 1 0
(NPP) Medicines

4 Banbasa (CT) N.A N.A N.A 1 0 0 0 0

Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009
System of drainage
No. of Population Paved
Is it
Sr.No Class and name of households of the Slum roads
Name of the slum noti Both
. town (approxima (approximat (in
fied Open Closed (Open &
te) e) kms.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0 0 0
VI,Champawat (NP) No Slums No

2 0 0 0
V,Lohaghat (NP) No Slums No
Purana Tehsil Area-Anshik
3 44 220 0.2 OD
IV,Tanakpur (NPP) Bhag No

4 19 95 0.2 OD
IV,Tanakpur (NPP) New Town-Anshik Bhag No
Ghasiyara Mandi-Anshik
5 27 135 0.3 OD
IV,Tanakpur (NPP) Bhag No

6 77 385 0.3 OD
IV,Tanakpur (NPP) Barma Line Ka Anshik Bhag No

7 128 640 0 OD
IV,Tanakpur (NPP) Railway Area-Anshik Bhag No
Number of latrines
No. of Electricity (Number of
tap connections)
Private public
Pit System Flush/ Pour Flush Ser Others hydrant
(Water borne) vice s
installe Road
Nil d for lighting Others
supply (points)
d water

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 2 2 20 2 0
0 18 0 0 1 1 18 3 0
0 27 0 0 0 4 27 3 0
25 12 0 0 1 2 44 2 0
12 18 0 0 0 3 45 5 0

Appendix To Town Directory Towns Showing Their OutGrowth with Population

n of Core Outgrowth with location Population of
Sl. No.Name of the towns with location Code town Code Outgrowth
1 2 3 4 5
As no Town having any outgrowth in the District was found, relevant information could not be compiled
and therefore may be treated as ‘NIL’.

English - (10-2011)

Directorate of Census Operations, Uttarakhand

L D Tower, 3 Saharanpur Road,
Near Mata Wala Bagh,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand


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