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1. Introduction.

2. Composition of SAARC.

3. Role of Pakistan in SAARC.

4. Importance of SAARC.

5. Criticism on SAARC.

6. Conclusion.


The notion of development through integration got popular in the name of

‘regionalism’ particularly following the World War II. Regionalism in all its manifestations,

including political, economic and social, was considered the most plausible option for

development and progress. In regions like Europe and Southeast Asia, the process of integration

through regional grouping has been immensely successful, but in South Asia, this process could

achieve very little. The idea of a regional grouping for South Asia was agreed upon owing to

increased political consciousness and economic needs. The plan to establish an organization in

South Asia on the lines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was proposed
by a former President of Bangladesh, Mr Zia-ur-Rehman, who discussed it with the heads of

states of South Asian nations during 1977-79. Later on, he sent a formal letter to all South Asian

states proposing the formation of a South Asian regional organization in 1980.

The Charter of the Association was devised at the Delhi Conference of Foreign Ministers on 1

August 1983 and was adopted at the First Summit meeting in Dhaka on 7-8 December 1985.

This marked the official formation of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation


Composition of SAARC:

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an

organization of South Asian nations, founded in December 1985 by Zia ur Rehman and

dedicated to economic, technological, social, and cultural development emphasizing collective

self-reliance. Its seven founding members are

1. Bangladesh.

2. Bhutan.

3. India.

4. Maldives.

5. Nepal.

6. Pakistan.

7. Sri Lanka.

Role of Pakistan in SAARC:

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan maintains a large diplomatic network across

the world. Pakistan is the second largest Muslim majority country in terms of population

(after Indonesia and is the only Muslim majority nation to have possession of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan's economy is integrated into the world with strong trade ties to the EU and economic

alliances and agreements with many Asian nations.

In 2008 Pakistan has been nominated to head SAARC CCI after fourteen years.

Pakistan is an active member of SAARC which provide suitable frameworks to its member states

to collectively stimulate cooperation and progress and to promote peace and stability in South

Asia. Now the tenure of Pakistan to play the vital role to its best ability to promote economic

activities, peace and prosperity and the most senior trade politic leader Mr Ifithakar Ali Malik

has been elected the president of SAARC. Who is known as a popular trade leader in the trade

history of Pakistan. Since last 40 years He has been elected 6 time vice president of SAARC.

This tenure offered him to understand prime objective to do in among its countries. By his

personal efforts SAARC head office is going to be held in Pakistan. He is world famous man

having prestige his name in the world’s book “who is who” know by the super political heads

like America, Uk, Russia, Germany. All they expect better changes in the countries under

SAARC. The experience of Mr. Malik will bring a new era and radiant economic activities due

to his capability and competency. Government of Pakistan should must take care the industry by

given them privileges to make Pakistan as a Asian economic tiger by his exports in this regard

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan should must take a serious action to reduce sales tax on

garment industry which is 17% that is a big ratio of tax which become hurdle to promote

garments industry. Although Pakistan known by the garment produced country but this type of

tax imposition will turned turtle the industrial standard and quantity in Pakistan And to give
special reduced industrial package on electricity and gas for better economic growth rate.

Pakistan has advanced its belief that a secure and peaceful environment in South Asia is crucial

for the advancement of social welfare, economic development, and prosperity in the field of

collective interests. Pakistan believes that the resolution of core issues among the member states

would give a remarkable boost to the organization. Pakistan and India which are principle

participants of the SAARC remained involved in unending rivalry with each other. Confrontation

between the nuclear-armed India and Pakistan has caused apprehension and tension among the

SAARC member and south Asian region.

Pakistan does not agree to accept Indian supremacy and conversely, India is not

ready to negotiate on an equal basis with Pakistan. This hostile attitude of both countries led to

the cancellation of the SAARC summit that was planned to be held in Pakistan in November,

2016. SAARC summit was canceled after India and other member states refused to participate in

the conference. India has successfully used its influence to undermine SAARC Summit which

was scheduled to be held in Pakistan. Though such Indian efforts are aimed at hitting Pakistan

but damaging her interests as such acts are against its economic advancement and poverty

alleviation. However, Pakistan has to tackle the circumstances and should try to reach out

SAARC member countries to clarify its just and rightful stand on Kashmir issue, its legal stand

on water dispute, its sacrifices for the eradication of all forms of violence and terrorism as well

as to highlight the significance of unhindered cooperation which is essential for a balanced order

of South Asia. Pakistan’s strategic position in South Asia has remained focal to the strategic

dynamics of the world. Pakistan remained a close US ally in the era of cold war, a key

participant in dismantling the Soviet Union, a main facilitator of US-China reproached, a

frontline state against Taliban and presently playing crucial role in eradicating the evils of

terrorism and militancy and thus it continued to perform the role of fall guy.

Importance of SAARC:

The importance of Saarc as a regional organisation despite its rather

unsatisfactory record, is recognised by all leaders. The feeling that peace and prosperity are

indivisible and that the South Asia region has a common destiny and a shared struggle for a

better and brighter future has emerged dominant theme. Pakistan dominated the other South

Asian states in terms of strategic location due to its bridging location. Bangladesh’s political-

strategic location is also very important for China to approach the Bay of Bengal though Nepal

and Bhutan which are both rich in terms of energy resources and very important to India. India,

itself is dominating and has a central location within the region, and important in terms of a

stable economy and nuclear power. “The 21st century belongs to Asia and, in the next two

decades, South Asia and China can together reshape history with half the world’s population

residing here” (Alam, 2006). Big power interests have been very prominent towards the south

Asian region especially during the cold war, war on terror and to encounter China because it is

an emerging economic giant (Javaid, 2013). “Seven countries of South Asia and recently added

Afghanistan has before it the proposal to include the People Republic of China, sit at the

crossroads of the concentration of Northeast Asia’s industrial, technological and military power,

the Indian sub-continent, its population region, and the Middle East, Australia and Southeast

Pacific’s oil reserves. The strategic location of these countries, termed South Asia, sees a high

percentage of the commerce and oil shipments representing Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Australia
traverse the sea-lanes and straits of this region. In addition, this locale represents an important

strategic location for the United States in moving its forces to the Indian Ocean and Pakistan

Gulf form the Western Pacific.

Criticism on SAARC:

The critics hold that SAARC has failed to achieve desired progress due to an

environment of disputes and mistrust. It is necessary to settle regional disputes through dialogue

and compromise. Political Will of all the SAARC members is the utmost important requirement

in establishing peaceful co-existence and building interdependence mutually amongst them at the

times of need. India should give a lead in that direction SAARC faces the criticism of being a

‘non-functional’ or an ‘ineffective’ regional grouping; having minimal growth and weak

institutional mechanism. The Association’s performance, in academic discussions and writings,

has been assessed and evaluated from every possible aspect. Most of the studies have declared

Saarc either a ‘still-born’ organization or a ‘moribund entity.’ The comparison is always drawn

either between Saarc and the European Union (EU) or Saarc and the ASEAN. The EU and

ASEAN, notwithstanding, have their own limitations and had faced several challenges during the

course of their evolution and growth. The regional circumstances and experiences in both Europe

and Southeast Asia differ to a great extent from the sociopolitical scenario and economic

conditions in South Asia. Political Issues SAARC has intentionally laid more stress on “core

issues” mentioned above rather than more decisive political issues like the Kashmir dispute and

the Sri Lankan civil war. However, political dialogue is often conducted on the margins of

SAARC meetings. SAARC has also refrained itself from interfering in the internal matter states.
During the 12th and 13th SAARC summits, extreme emphasis was laid upon greater cooperation

between the SAARC members to fight terrorism.


In the end it can be concluded that while SAARC has had a lot of significance, a

variety of internal issues have led to an undermining of its effectiveness and performance. It is

vital for the region that the organisation is strengthened. Whatever the flaws of the SAARC so

far may be, it is the only platform where the local leaders meet and discuss issues of a region

containing 1.6 billion people. It is up to the SAARC leaders to work together for a developed,

peaceful and prosperous South Asia. After the founding of SAARC nearly 35 years ago,

members of the South Asian Region have been able to maximize the integration progression.

Finally, it can be stated that SAARC, although very important, was deterred from its

effectiveness and performance by several internal problems. It is important for the region to

strengthen the organization. Regardless of SAARC's weaknesses, this is the only platform where

South Asian leaders gather to talk over local problems with 1.6 billion residents. SAARC leaders

must work together in South Asia, which has developed peacefully and prosperously. However,

it is important to note that sometimes a country does not want to cooperate because of national

pride, lack of trust, political tension and unjustified distribution of costs and benefits. Regional

cooperation agreements can help to build trust among parties by facilitating collaboration and

frequent contact between political leaders. It is necessary to understand domestic institutional

structures, government capacity, domestic support, and preferences of political and societal

actors toward regional cooperation. Examining the record of achievements and failure of

SAARC in the past three decades, one can argue that SAARC’s rhetoric has generally
outdistanced its performance. SAARC has achieved few concrete results in the areas of trade,

security, and economic welfare.

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