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Exploring Paint – K&E/Art10 Unit

Title of Unit Exploring the properties of Grade Level Blended K&E

paint Art/Design 10 &
Art 10 Class
Teacher Ms. Kathleen Pilatzke Number of Lessons 8 classes
and Classes
Overview of Unit & Rationale
500 words Give a clear and concise description of the Unit. State the learning objectives – what you
intend students to learn/experience. Provide a rationale that connects your unit with your developing
art education philosophy. What is the value of this learning experience for students? How does it
support and challenge their knowledge, skills and attitudes? How does it support your developing
philosophy of art education?

In this unit students will explore and build a skill set in different painting techniques. Students will
then observe how acrylic paint interacts with different surfaces, noting the differences and
similarities between surfaces when painting them and how it affects the final result. Students will also
observe and create a variety of marks using different painting tools, such as a variety of brush
techniques, palette knives, stencils, and stamps. Students will then combine these repertoires that
they have built in application and surfaces to create a final work that combines both elements.
Throughout this unit, students will also be working on their understanding of figure ground, drawing
on the concept of background, midground, and foreground, we will work on students understanding
that with mediums like acrylic paint that can be opaque, starting with the background first, and then
painting the subjects on top create a more realistic figure ground.
Students will build their art history knowledge by being introduced to a new artist with each brush
technique that they are taught. Art Literacy will be practiced by having students discuss their painting
techniques that they are using in their work. Students will practice Art Criticism by evaluating theirs
and their table mates works as to if they meet the set criteria of variety of marks and surfaces. Art
Production is worked into all the projects and lessons in this unit.
Statement of Inquiry/Unit Question
A question that students take up throughout the unit, through the various activities. At the end of the
unit students have explored and considered this inquiry, and can respond to this question.

What are the material qualities of paint?

How can you paint?
What can you paint on?
Alberta Program of Study
For this unit assignment you are expected to draw on all three GLE’s (Drawing, Composition &
Encounters) over the unit. What SLE’s are you selecting to work with? Don’t over do it, choose
carefully. You might fill out this section after you do your Unit Mapping.

GLE Drawing:
SLE: Scope and Sequence
RECORD: B: The expressive content of drawings is affected by the drawing media selected.

GLE: Composition:
SLE: Scope and Sequence
ORGANIZATIONS 1: A: Various materials alter representational formats and processes used in achieving
certain intended effects.

GLE: Encounters:
SLE: Scope and Sequence
IMPACT OF IMAGES: B: The function of an artwork can be emphasized by its decoration.

2-D Media techniques:

DRAWING: recognize the basic uses of various types of lines to communicate forms, textures and
USING COLOUR: demonstrate the ability to use various coloured media and tools effectively
Summary of Lessons
Approximately 75-100 words each summary. Clear and Concise; a synopsis of the lesson, connection
with POS, the lesson's purpose in and of itself, and the lessons purpose within the unit. Make clear
the scaffolding - meaning how each lesson supports the next...Indicate what DBAE areas are being
covered in the lessons in one or two brief sentences.

Lesson 1: Lesson 1 asks, ‘how can we paint?’. Students will work to learn a number of mark making
techniques with paint. They will then use these to create a finished painting. While creating their
painting, students will also work on their understanding of figure ground that was developed in the
prior unit.

Lesson 2: Lesson 2 asks ‘what can we paint on?’. Students will explore 6 different materials that they
can paint on, while also practicing their mark making skills from lesson 1 on these materials. Students
will gain from this unit the idea that there are more materials than just traditional paper or canvas
that can be painted on.

Lesson 3: Lesson 3 will combine lesson 1 and 2, having the students choose the surface materials that
they will be using to paint on. This project will have students display what they have learned
throughout the unit, and have them exercise decision making skills to find and create the textured
surface that they will be working on. Re-using the painting technique knowledge will help them retain
the information in the long term.

Unit Mapping
You are welcome to design your own Unit mapping template as long as all content is in there:
See exemplar of how this look when completed.
Lesson 1 POS Lesson 2 POS Lesson 3 POS
Method (3 Connection Surface (2 Connection Application (3 Connection
classes) classes) classes)
Drawing Drawing Compositio
In what ways can RECORD: B: How does paint RECORD: B: How does ns
paint be applied The interact with The surface quality ORGANIZA
to a surface to expressive different expressive and mark TIONS 1: A:
achieve a variety content of surfaces? content of making Various
of marks? drawings is drawings is interact to materials
affected by affected by create a alter
In this unit the drawing In this lesson, the drawing complete representat
students will build media students will media work? ional
a repertoire of selected. develop a sense of selected. formats
different ways to the variety of In this lesson and
create marks with Compositio materials that can Compositions students will processes
paint. ns: be used as ORGANIZATI create a used in
ORGANIZATI painting surfaces. ONS 1: A: artwork that achieving
ONS 2: B: They will be able Various incorporates certain
Mood is to observe how multiple intended
1. This unit will materials
created by paint reacts when painting effects.
start off with alter
tools like applied to a techniques
an representatio
atmospheric variety of learned in Encounters
nal formats
to a variety of surfaces. and lesson 1, and IMPACT OF
marks used in processes incorporates IMAGES: B:
art: Dry 2-D Media used in multiple The
brush, washe techniques: 1. Students will achieving surfaces, as function of
s, stippling, DRAWING: create a certain explored in an artwork
Dabbing/spo recognize painting on a intended lesson 2. can be
nging, using a the basic grid of effects. emphasize
palette knife, uses of different d by its
splattering(?) various materials. 1. Discuss decoration.
, scraping, types of While they with
stamps, & lines to are painting, students 2-D Media
stencils. communicat they will also things to techniques
These will be e forms, be observing consider in :
introduced by textures how the paint the order DRAWING:
the teacher and value interacts with that they recognize
showing the the different do each the basic
students USING materials. step: uses of
examples of COLOUR: 2. After creating -Think various
the work demonstrat the painting, about types of
being used in e the ability the table what lines to
paintings, to use groups will materials communica
and then a various have a short you want te forms,
quick demo coloured discussion to add textures
that the media and with each first: do and value
students will tools other about you want
follow along effectively how the paint them to be
with. By the acted on the part of the
end of the different backgroun
demo, the materials d or sit on
students top of the
should have a How can we backgroun
sheet of create a textured d (connect
paper with a surface to work this to the
variety of on? (1 class) collage
marks that project
they can that was
reference for
future DBAE Artists products DBAE done last
assignments Connections vs. improvised Connections unit)
in this unit. Art History materials Art Production -Remind
14 Acrylic Art This lesson will Art History them
Painting Production introduce the about
Techniques Art Literacy students to artist figure
Used by the materials that ground:
Masters painters use to the
(invaluable.c create texture in backgroun
om) their paintings, as d should
2. Students will well as DIY be done
then create a versions. It will first, then
painting that also present the the
uses at least 4
pro’s and con’s of subject
painting each. painted on
techniques in top of
it. To help that.
students keep 1. Introduce to a 2. Have
track, they will variety of students
be provided a gather
artworks that
checklist sheet materials from
that they can
use texture
2. Show around the art
record their
examples of room to attach
techniques artist to their
boards, assist DBAE
used on (with mediums: Connections
spots for them gel , and DIY with figuring
out the best Art
to fill in other alternatives:
techniques as ways to attach Production
Drywall mud, Art Criticism
well.) the materials.
This project 3. Students will
will also help
a. Pros
and fill out a
students with
cons worksheet
the concept of
figure ground, of listing the
they will be each materials they
reminded of : added, and the
foreground, cost, marks that
midground, long they used on
and their work,
background before handing
from the last ,
struc in their
unit, and how
tural projects.
because we
can layer paint, 3. On small
starting with panels, have
the students
background apply DIY
and then texture
painting the
overtop will encourage
make it look exploring
like it is sitting different
on top of the textures (how
background. can you apply
it? Pallet
knife, brush,
textures to
it). Allow to
dry and have
apply paint in
drying time of
their final

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