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Save Vs Poultry-Morph

A few feet from the glittering, ruby egg and its pedestal, Renzo halted, cocking his head. His
pointed, goblin ears twitched as he looked about, suddenly concerned. From a half dozen yards
back, Sir George, the human knight, cupped his hands around his mouth and called out. “HEY!
What’s the hold up??”

“Did you hear something just now?” Renzo asked, looking about suspiciously. “Like… Voices?”

“Yeah, that was us, genius!” Thane, an elvish wizard, rolled his eyes. “Goblins, I swear by the

“No, I mean…” Renzo frowned as somewhere above, a voice rang out hollowly, as though it was
sifting through the very stone of the dungeon’s ceiling..

“Okay Ricky, roll to detect traps.”

Renzo shook his head. “Traps?” He looked at the egg. “I don’t see any traps…”

Then another voice spoke, its tone a little annoyed, but not overly upset.

“One? Ah shit… Well, I guess I just pick up the egg anyway like a total idiot.”

Renzo furrowed his brow, trying to figure out where the voices could be coming from, and if they
might be trying to send him some sort of message from beyond. However to his shock, he
realized he had stepped forward and, reached forward to grab the egg without thinking! As soon
as his fingertips touched the surface of the ruby egg, there was a flash of brilliant red light, and
Renzo was thrown backwards, treasure firmly in hand!

“Roll for a save vs spell.”

Renzo heard the first voice again, amused and accompanied by the sounds of laughter. He tried
to call out to them, but felt his body shudder and shake as the magic ran through him.

“Is thirteen enough?”

The second voice asked, as Renzo felt his already small goblin frame begin to shrink and

“Partial success. The spell only has a partial effect, which is good since the effect is that...”

The rest of the first speaker's words were drowned out as the rest of the goblins' companions
rushed to his side, all shouting and clambering to one another at once. Renzo tried again to
speak, and this time managed to get out the word, “Help!” But something about it felt off. His
voice, normally low and raspy, sounded far too high pitched and breathy, an issue exacerbated
by the way his leather jerkin seemed to be crushing his chest. With an effort he managed to
squeak out, “Can’t.. Breathe!”

“Don’t touch him!” Thornson, the companions dwarven cleric barked as the human and elf
reached down to render aid. “The magic might affect us too! Just use your knife to remove his

The second voice spoke then, clearly amused.

“Oh ya, you're totally not just trying to see some goblin titties. I’m sure...”

Renzo felt confused, unsure what the voices were talking about, but a second later the warrior’s
knife slit his jerkin open and he felt himself suddenly able to breathe again. He gasped for air
and as his chest raised and lowered, he felt something else move along with his breaths. Tilting
his head up, the goblin’s jaw dropped at the sight of two large breasts hanging from his now far
slighter and curvier body!

“Just stay calm.” Thane soothed, raising his hands. “I know this is a lot to take in, but don’t

“Don’t panic!?” Renzo screamed. “Easy for you to say, YOU DON’T HAVE TITS!”

Sir George scratched his chin. “Funny, if it was me I’d really be more worried about my legs, but
I guess that might just be a human thing.”

“What about my-” Renzo began, pushing himself up further and trying to ignore the way his
breasts bounced and jiggled as he did so. Then he saw what was sticking out the ends of his
trousers and screamed, “LEGS!?”

Where once a pair of well toned, masculine goblin legs had been, Renzo now saw not even
smooth, feminine legs, but clawed, three-toed yellow-scaled bird talons! What was worse, the
longer he looked, the more his legs seemed to shrink and become coated with the same scales,
spreading further and further up!

“Oh don’t do that!” Thornson groaned as the goblin scrambled to remove his pants, throwing
them aside to watch the changes. “No one wants to see your junk!”

“Hey I kind of want to see what junk he’s...she’s..? got now,” Thane remarked, the elf blushing a
little as he peered intently at the goblins underwear which had seemed to begin puffing up. “You
think she’s going to be goblin or bird down there?”

“I’m guessing bird.” Sir. George remarked as Renzo tried and failed to push back the scales as
they reached his knees and began to sport white feathers. “Yeah, definitely bird.”
“Would that make it a furry thing then?” Thane asked. “Like if it's a bird from the waist down and
goblin from the waist up?”

Renzo squealed as his underwear burst in an explosion of snow white feathers, his new rear
end fanning out as longer tail feathers grew in. He pushed his hands down to cover as much of
himself as he could, but without clothes and with a now fully chicken-like lower body, that was
proving all but impossible.

“Well…” Sir George shrugged. “I guess if mermaids aren't like fish furries, then I guess not. Still,
it would be a little weird to have sex with Renzo either way.”

“Guys, what the fuck!?” Renzo squawked, green face turning bright red. “Stop talking about
having sex with me and find me some clothes! AND A CURE!”

All four adventurers stopped as the voices returned, now audible to all present.

“So how long does this effect last?” The second voice asked, its tone sounding less amused
than before. “Because as funny as it is, I seriously am not trading out my racial feats for ‘Egg
Laying’ as a once per day and advantage on ‘Nest Building’.”

“Egg laying?” Renzo’s bright red face turned pale as he felt something shift inside of him. He felt
around under his feathers and felt his heart sink as he felt no trace of his manhood, but a very
definitively feminine opening in its place. “Oh no…”

The first voice returned, cocky and a little teasing. “Well it's a permanent effect, but if you can
save up ten thousand gold you can have the curse removed.”

“Ten thousand!? For a level one rogue?” The first voice shouted, sounding almost offended.
“Fuck that! Give me that eraser, if you're going to screw me like that then I’m just doing this…”

Renzo gulped as the three other adventures turned to look at her. “H-Hey, so about finding that

Suddenly a voice, one oddly familiar, called out from behind the group and all four turned to see
a goblin striding towards them. He was dressed just as Renzo had been moments before and
looked identical to her in every way, save that he was still fully a male goblin and that he had a
very fancy mustache. “Hello there! My name is Lorenzo, goblin rogue and freelance adventurer!
A pleasure to meet you all!”

“Lorenzo?” Renzo squaked. “What are you doing here!?”

“Why if it isn’t my long lost twin brother!” The new arrival beamed. “Well, former twin now, I
guess. I’d say it's good to see you, but under the circumstances I think your friends here are
more glad to see me then I am to see them!”

“Oh hell yes!” Sir George laughed. “We just had an opening come up in our party for a rogue.
Want to join?”

“What?” Renzo gasped, feeling the strange weight in her belly shift and a pressure beginning to
build inside of her. “Wait you can’t just-”

“Well if we can’t do her, then yeah, I say we swap out rogues.” Thane shrugged. “You’ve got my

“Hey what about curing me!?” Renzo demanded, involuntarily squatting as the pressure became
too much to bear. “Y-You can’t just leave me like this!”

Thornson waved a hand dismissively. “Ten thousand gold is a joke at this stage, I think it's clear
this wasn’t meant to be. Besides, dungeons are no place for a new mother.”

“New-” Renzo began, but was cut off as she grunted, feeling something large beginning to push
at her new opening. She screwed her eyes tight and balled her hands into fists, squeezing with
all of her might. Eventually, after much straining and huffing, she felt the mass escape her and
heard a wet plop followed by a few muffled gasps and laughs from her friends and twin.

“Very nice, sister.” Lorenzo scoffed as he bent down and pulled out from under his twin a
massive, perfectly shaped chicken egg. “You know, if you can make one of these every day, I
think I know just the place for you!” He covered a snicker and added, “While we work on lifting
that curse of yours.”

“Oh Gods…” Renzo’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean… Not the family business!?”

Some Years Later

Master Thief Lorenzo, Lord Commander Gregory, Arch Wizard Thane and High Cleric
Thornson road down the country road towards the humble village, talking animatedly with one
another about their various adventures. For the company, their first quest together searching for
the Ruby Egg of Zazgorag had been but the first in many thrilling and dangerous quests.
Together they had dared many hardships, slain powerful monsters and become renowned
heroes of the land. Yet in all that time, they had rarely, if ever, brought up or spared much
thought to the strange events which had brought one of their number into their ranks.
That was until now…

“The Goblin’s Coop?” Lord Gregory read aloud as the group approached a rather cozy looking
inn. “Oh, isn’t this your family's Bed and Breakfast?”

“Indeed.” Lorenzo frowned. “Though they seemed to have changed the name since I last
visited…” His frown vanished as he laughed. “Oh, OH! Oh right! Oh Gods, I completely forgot!”

“Forgot what?” Thane asked, before glancing in through the window and marvaling. “Holy crap,
check out the size of those eggs! What sort of chicken do they…” he trailed off and then began
to laugh uproariously, joined a second later by the dwarf.

“What’s so funny?” Lord Gregory demanded as Lorenzo dismounted and went to open the door.
As he stepped through, he felt a moment of shock, then a massive smile spread across his face
as his eyes met those of the pretty goblin barmaid who glared daggers at him from across the
main room. “Ohhhh!”

“Oh?” The barmaid gritted her teeth, pushing herself up higher and revealing that aside from her
revealing corset she wore nothing else. Not that she needed to, as her lower body transitioned
quickly into a white feathery mass just above her waist. “After all these years, ‘OH’ is all you can
think to say to me!?”

“Hey hot stuff!” Thane called, still chortling. “How’s life been treating you?”

“How do you think it's been?” Renzo snarled. “You left me as a half chicken and sent me to work
at a place that serves egg breakfasts!”

“Speaking of which, what’s with the place's new name?” Lorenzo asked, twirling his mustache.
“Mom and Dad pick it out or was that you?”

Renzo began to answer, but then stopped, screwed up her face and visibly strained for several
seconds before a wet plop was heard and she sighed. “Table six’s eggs benedict is ready to
cook,” she called and another, younger goblin woman rushed in to collect the massive egg she
had just laid and ran off back to the kitchen. Shaking her head, Renzo began again, “Mom and
Dad chose the name. Said we should advertise our best features.” She blushed and looked
down at her expansive cleavage pushed up by the tight corset. “They also got me a closet full of
these and then retired on all the money we made leaving me to run this place as a ‘reward’.”

“Funny that.” Thornson chuckled. “Seems we have all been moving up in the world! We four
have become legendary adventurers and unlocked within ourselves powers and abilities
undreamed of by most men!”
“That’s nice.” Renzo huffed. “I’ve been ‘leveling up’ as well. Now instead of laying one massive
egg a day…” She grunted and puffed out her cheeks. A few seconds later another wet plop and
a call of, “Table three’s hard boiled, ready for the water!”

“Well it seems you’ve really made something of yourself!” Lorenzo commented. “Keeping a
whole B&B fed, that’s nothing to shake a tail feather at! I guess we didn’t need to worry about a
cure after all.”

“Wait, a cure?” Renzo perked up, leaning over slightly to give Thane a better look at her chest
while she gave Lorenzo her most winning smile. “So you actually came back to undo this

“What, and leave Mom and Dad out in the cold? And my sister without a job? I wouldn’t dream
of it!” Lorenzo laughed. “No we just came to say hi and maybe try some of your famous fried

“Why, you two timing little-!” Renzo screamed, but was cut off once again as a sudden massive
gurgle echoed from her belly. Her eyes went wide and she gripped the bar tightly as she
shuttered, her whole body straining as she pushed harder then she ever had before. The party
members crowded around to watch as beads of sweat formed upon the goblin maid’s brow and
then, finally, with a gasp four loud wet plops came one after the other.

As the goblin cook hurried in to collect the four massive eggs Renzo slowly raised her head and
fixed her brother with a weary gaze. “Will that be sunny side up or down, sir?”

The End

Story By Duhad
Editing and Proofreading by UnsavoryRepute

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