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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION POI/EA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/PA¥ 1361647-1 Totel Deleted Page(s) = 59 Page 9 ~ Duplicate; Page 10 Duplicates Page 17 ~ Duplicate. Page 18 ~ Duplicate. Page 18 ~ Duplicate; Page 20 ~ Duplicate; Page 21 ~ Duplicate; Page 22 ~ Duplicate; Page 26 ~ Duplicate; Page 32 ~ Duplicate; Page 33 ~ Duplicate; Page 34 ~ Duplicate: Page 36 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 37 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 28 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 5€ ~ Referral/Direct; Page 59 = Referral/Direct; Page 60 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 61 ~ Referral/Direct; Page 63 ~ b6; BIC; Page 64 ~ Duplicate: Page 74 ~ Duplicate, Page 75 ~ Duplicates Page 76 ~ Duplicates Page 80 ~ bé; b7C; Page 82 ~ Duplicates Page 83 ~ Duplicate; Page 84 ~ Duplicate; Page 85 ~ Duplicate; Page 86 ~ be; DIC; Page 90 ~ be; DIC; Page 91 ~ bé; BIC; Page 92 ~ bé; b7C; Page 93 ~ Duplicates Page 94 ~ Duplicate; Page 95 ~ Duplicate; Page 96 ~ Duplicate; Page 98 ~ Duplicate; Page 99 » Duplicate; Page 100 ~ b6; bic; Page 105 ~ Duplicate; Page 106 ~ Duplicate; Page 107 ~ Duplicate; Page 109 ~ Duplicate; Page 111 ~ b3; Page 112 ~ Duplicate; Page 113 ~ Duplicate; Page 117 ~ Duplicate; Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page us 127 133 135 1a, aa 1a 143, aaa ae Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; XK KAN HKHRERAKRKHRERAKK, X Deleted Pageis) Xx X No Duplication Fee x x For this Page x XXX NAHM KANKHKHAKRNIR ay FEB 1 ‘94 1egg5 b US. Departmen Justice PAGE. at Federal Bureaw of Investigation FAX COVER SHEET In Reply, Please Refor to File No, DATE: Q-4-4 TO: LUOMEO babi cep YEU Bowissé a bs - nes BIC FROM: f FBI, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA RA 407/461-6142 L. 407/461-6241 (PAX NUMBER) (MeMMAUTOBATIC) “o i TOYAL NUMBER OF PAGES BEING FAXED | INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS! i POR msmectionsS OF WIKED Teepe TO Sinec TM 13-94 é BlG-we- 16971) “1 FRDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Decotiemerptons _1/3/94 office I of Enforcement, U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE, 100 South Dixie Highway, t Palm Beach, Florida, 33401, ¢: ie number a was cont is office. (eotentets ated he is currently the West Palm Beach CUSTOMS office, and previously been in the Fort Lauderdale office and »7¢ prio: where fron| the child Pornography Unit. Prior to being with CUSTOMS, advised he had worked for the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVI: had been with the CUSTOMS SERVICE since originally, advised, he was asked by CUSTOMS during 1985 te do a threat assessment on child pornography and : after doing so, CUSTOMS made a decision to form the Child Pornography Uni bé Ic bIE bux ing Fhe unit, he recalied that Special Agent (SA) was assigned to the unit; however, after approximately he was then transferred to the U.S. CUSTOMS office In Reston, Virginia. During early 1987,[______ advised he and nis unit I became aware of “THE FINDERS GROUP" through information they xeceived from the Reston office concerning searches that had been ' conducted, He recalled at th asked by as to wha’ unit had 1 and whether anything was in hard copy. When told him that nothing had been written as yet q re eon in fold hin tovkeep fe that way, we wag he understanding that the Reston office where was assigned was conducting whatever investigation was N6GSSSa¥y and passing the information directly on to who in turn would then 7 pass it on directly to CUSTOMS Geom quarters in Washington, n.¢. During this period of time and subsequent to it, stated the initial stages o Le bre nventigation on 1/26/94 « West Pali Beach, FL File# 31C-WF-1s5934 » _sal | mans ian. Dudas 4/28/04 casement 4 sontheloae of as FOL ii he papony of the FBR aed He ltnes 2 yout aSeneys “Tie dora oe wat b ene Ts ~ FEB ot FOOD aay. 1-15-49) 31¢-WP-1¢9911 \Cosigunion 0 FD-302 of yOu 2/26/94 eye 2 he had verbal contact with| whom he described as Pe wey did not tell him at 1a tine of THE FINDERS a ‘urther advised him that he himself was told to report what information he learned concerning THE FINDERS directly to his Special Agent in Charge (SAC) in Reston, Virginia. “However, he has reported everyening to GEORGE J; WEISE; Commissioner of CUSTOMS. be b7e contact with| he advised, bé bre Since 1992 ladvised he has been in regular contact with both the last contact being gee i" D3 ev, 11.1549) 31¢-WF-199911 ‘Continuation of FD-302 of On 3/26/94 rae nosaiely Friday or Mo} also in contact wit jof South Florida, ed placin in contact with SA n that inquired as €o other Agents who had worker fe Child Pornography Unit. This contact was accomplished wherein on page four it intimated may have destroyed files, he immediately asked for mvestigation by U.S. CUSTOMS which was conducted by Internal Affairs for CUSTOMS in the area, telephone number| CO recard niet any knowledge of any organized child abuse in 1 aart, Florida area, or any indication of TH FINDERS GROUP being linked to the Jchild abuse case. He advised in his conversations wien aa tha’ believes there is a link between the two and as recently as last weak, nas advised him that he thinks there may_be a link between the two, but he has no proof of it. sed ‘Q recently learned txom both [that supposedly in the ad_beeh contacted personally in Stuart, Florida |THE FINDERS, possibly with the name ccording tol this individual told ne did not appreciate) inquires into THE “FINDERS GROUP. TATA OPEV Sa re 3 b6 Ic ‘providing be that when he saw the July 21, etter PTC be Ic 1 D-802 (Rev. 8-10-82) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Metxopolitan Field Office (WMFO) of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBT) , After being advised as to the idel the interviewing Agent, and the purpose of the interview, information: stated thal stale. ([Jreiated that in the 1987 time tHame he was employed as_a Detect: Division. Detective| execution of a search warrant on a case that dealt with possible child abuse. adv: case that developed Florida. rel: warrants, based upon Police Department of Slephone, 1-800-841-1003, extension he retired from the Washington METROPOITTAN BOLT ate Date of transcription _ 2/20/94 as interviewed at the Washington 1900 Half Street, SW, Washington, D.c. provided the following after ive in MPD, assigned to the'lintelligence ised that in February, 198%) he assisted also of MPh's Intelligences Division in the t b3 ised that Detective[—Jwes working a be as a resu, e arrests in Tallahassee, pre ated that! obtained two search sta’ executed the search ted that he was part of the froup that warrant in the market area of northeast, Washington, D.c described the building bearched as being a warehouse. | were numerous comput: and telephone odums. docunents were also present. | B6 f Investigation on 2/9/94 st Washington, D. c. rie |. 91¢-we-2e9912 -@9 by SA ‘This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. Tt isthe property ofthe FBI and is foaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be istsibuted outlde your agency. Indicated that contained in| this warehouse ers to include lap tops, pei#onal computers, -[-_—_Jadvised that a lathe number of Ic Date dictated! 2/10/94 FD. W2a (Rev. -WF-189911 son of FD-302 of On ndicated that to the best of fis recollection most of the computers, and several of the documé;ts were seized by his group. He related that the computers wets seized as nobody on the search team knew how to access infHrmation contained within then. jadvised that at the conclusion of the search the items selzed were transported to the MPD Intelligence Division Office, Room 5063, 300 Indliana avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. for detailed review,| stated that the 2/9/94 page items were kept in this office for several days {hile being reviewed. ndicated that he assisted in the keview of these items. advised that during his review of| both material 1 [-__haavisea that the docunents he dpserved were non sensical, and appeared to be conversations betwepn menbers of a group transmitted by computer modum. (“related that to the best of hig|iknowledge, all items seized during these searches was returned: 6 their owners. He related further that he recalled someone repf} isenting the group meeting with an MPD official shortly afte#|'the search to arrange for return of the property. | indicated that as far as he knéi, this case ended for HPD, and was closed when no evidence of any wrongdoing or criminal activity came to light. Co atvises that it was standard MPP Intelligence Division procedure to do detailed inventories ani take photographs during the execution of all search whrrants. He advised that to the best of his recollection, this was done during the execution of these warrants. i stated that he did not recall shy allegations of ‘ing any aspect involvement 5; of this case. vised that hi anyone from any Group, to include th FBI, Department, to interfere or influence the outcome of this investigation. ba bs bic bé 7c be bic be bre BIE wxonnnn © e ef Far PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: 2 bnmediate Tor SECRET O Priority © secrer © Routine O CONFIDENTIAL Of UNCLAS EF TO OO UNCLAS Date_2/18/94 0, : BAC, WHFO (31¢-WF-199911) 2 SAC, SAN DIEGO (31¢-WF-189911) (RUC) SUBJECT : "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT~ SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE-PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00: MFO Reference the January 6, 1994, airtel fron san Diego to WHFO in the captioned’ case. As specified in the rete: etired United states Customs Service agent| was 6 recontacted on January 11, 1994, Februay 94, and BIC February 17, 1994, to determine whether> ———Jeotaa locate any personal notes concerning his involvement with the search warrants executed in 1987 in the "FINDERS GROUP" matter. No personal notes could be located. In that all requested investigation has been completed, San Diego considers this matter RUC/d. : 1* 2-San Diego (1=31C-WE-189911) Hennes OPP ICU [2997 7- : FEB 24 1994 Approved: Transmitted Per Wuntbery (Fimey 1. SUR27-1994 16843 FROM PBT UCHOS 10 . Pet ED -448 (Rev. 8-25-90) e mee pore ci 8 awe FBI FACSIMILE COVERSHEET CLASSIFICATION PRECEDENCE OC Top Secret Time Transmitted: 338 _ O immediate O Secret Sender's initials: 22d _ O Priority (Confidential Number of Pages: . & {._ & Routine 2 Sensitive EX Unolassified te: EBD 0/M €e cate: 1 f2e/ty (Name of Cilios) Facsimile number: “oo Attn: ad ‘Tolephone No.) From: “BLHQ. VYiolat “Ceme At Subject: “Caders” Group, Ale Slave Tiafhre Al SEOC; __ bre COMIMEO __ Special Handling Instructions ands carne ‘Griginator’s Name: . Telephone: 20afboy 4297 Originators Facsinle Number 202/324 ~ ee err 3le- WE “4 ut Approved: Wie ass FOG fe. Bans) FRE oce g Goan ve a oe Se cn © amren . C) Rontns cee CONBDENTIAL UMLSSEFTO ‘UNCLAS: Dete__2/27/94 i FM PBI MIAME (24ceHF-289911) (BPRA) 42) . i ‘TO FRI DIRBOTOR/PRIORIUY/ . FRI WMFO/PREORITY/ - Br oncnas ; CITE: //346021228// : PASS: ATTN! ssa vou-ctp. bre : SUBJECT: “FINDERS GROUP; WHITZ SLAVE TRAFFic ACT ~ SEXUAL SXPLOLTATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE + PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00: NFO. RE WHFO TELETYPE TO DIRECTOR AND OTHER OFFICES, DATED JANUARY 3, 1994. | ON gatuaRY 26, i894, U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE (USCS), WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, WAS CONTACTED PER REFERENCED REQUEST. ADVISED uses cHILD 1 = Sio-w-189911 MMe a POX DATE & TIME oF accerrance: * — iT JAHE?-1994 16:44 FROM FBI UOMDS 0 - P.03 conoucr: a WAS ASSIGNED TO THE UNIT FOR APPROXIMATELY] aNd ‘THEN REASSICHED TO THR USCS, RESTON, VIRGINTA OFFICR. LT ° Sit RARE ze7,[__anvresn ‘BE DECANS AWARS OF THE “SERNDERS" GROUP WHEN THE RESTON OFFECE aNo[_____lancate INVOLVED IN TEE SEARCHES. HE CLAIMS NO? 70 RNOW ALL THE DETAILS OF THIS SEARCH OR INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED BY USCS AND FURTHER, uz starep[___|zonp rw aE PURPOSELY HAS KBCE OUL OF THE MATTER, BUT HH, Has TOLD USCS CORMISSIONER GEORGE J. WEISE EVERYTHING. DURING THE PRRIOD OF THE i967 SEARCHES, RECALLED JASKED HIN IF HIS UNIT HAD RECEI ANY PAPERMORK CONCERNING THE "FINDERS" AND WHEN HE REPLIED IN THE NEGATIVE, Ka WAS TOLD BY TO KEEP IT ‘THAT WAY, IP WAS UNDERSTANDING THAT INFORMATION 3 6 pic Bs bre b6 BIC “PAGE 3 BM, S1C-WE~ig9921, UNCIAS ~ DEVELOPED: BY ABD THEN TO AND THE RESTON OFFICE WAS PASSED Of TO THE USCS FRONT OFFICE, BECAME ACQUAINTED HITH| 1 SUBSEQUENTLY, HE ADVISED He MET wrTs|_ [AND srarE ASTORNEY'S oFNIcE Invesricator[ jew OCTOBER 9, 1992, ‘3ND A AG THAT TIME, THEY INQUIRED AS TO INFORUATION AVAILABLE FROM USCS CONCERNING THE MONTESSORI segooLs. SINCE * ‘THAT TIME, NE MAS BEEN IN CONSTANT CONTACT [nue as TIME BEING POSSTBLY HOMDAY OF THES WEEK. JALSO I8 IN CONTACT KITH Uscs| Co] aN assaf RECALLED vortine| EN conmacr wiry IN THAT WISHED TO SPEAK WITH OTHER AGENTS WKO HAD BEEN IN THE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY UNIT. AT THAT ‘TIME, HE RECALLED[ APPEARED TO HAVE CONSIDERABLE RNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIT. [J oeten any xxownece of now 6 Bye be Ic | | | P85 TeN-27-1994 16:44 FROM FBI UOMOS 0 a - e e aoe be pre | | “PAGE 4 MM, 33C-WF-1899121, UNCLAS b3 be JANY CONNECTION BETWEEN THE ~ Rm “FINDERS” AND RECENTLY, | HE AbVISED HAVE ADVISED HIM THAT | CLAIMS TO HAVE RECKIVED A vist? sro SSC~=*d | SEENDERS", WHO TOLD [HEY DID NoT APPRECTATE Hrs INQUIRIES CONCERNING THEM. MIAME WELL FAX FD-302 oF inverview to ssa[~ | Vev=crp. ¥ 6 6 “ FD-36 (Rev. 11-17-88) t . rar ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype 1 immediate CT TOP SECRET Facsimile Gl Priority 7 secrer W_AIRTEL Gi Routine O CONMDENTIAL UNCLASE FTO O uncLas Date__1/31/94 To DIRECTOR, FBI (APTN: VcU-CID, SSA FROM -:_ SAC, MIAMI (31¢-WF-189911) (FPRA) (RUC) SUBJECT : FINDERS GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT - SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY INQUIRY 00: WFO Re Miami airtel to WMFO dated 11/19/93, WNFO teletype to the Director dated 1/3/94, and Miami teletype to WHFO and the Director 1/27/93. Enclosed for WMFO a; doi one _(1) copy of FD- 302 concerning interview of As referenced teletype 1/27/94 indicates, Resident Agent in Charge, U.S. CUSTOMS OFFICE, West Palm Beach, Florida was interviewed on 1/26/94 and results of interview set forth in enclosed 302. of note for WMFO and FBIHQ, during interview of he advise ad_learned Shrougi dena ecent li had supposedly been contacted by ‘HE FINDERS who \dicated his displeasure with hquiries into 7 s WNFO and FBIHQ are aware, through interview of ~ Bureau ~ WMFO (C~4) (Enc.2) 1 - Miami bé BIC bs bie ae CU 16991] 9 Approved: ‘Transmitted paey i Fe Wambey ee . € 31¢-WF-189911 advised that any information he received in the future concerni: d_be brought to the attention of either Si or other law enfor: officials. At that tine, lalso advised sal who conducted the interview, that he would be providing on that day or the following day, 11/16/93, the address of THE FINDERS in Washington, D.c. As of 1/28/94, has not contacted the FBT concerning THE FINDERS location in Washington, D.C. nor reported this most recent supposed contact. In view of the fact that no investigation remains outstanding, Miami is considering this matter on an RUC status. ae Be BIC ‘it and its contents ere not to be distibuted outside your agency. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIO: Duest tension 2/20/94 Deputy Chief lof the Washington| METROPOLITAN POLICE DEP rty Division, advised Special Agent (SA) FBI, Washington Metropolitan Field Office (WFO) that His office was unable to locate any records xelating to evidence obtained by MPD concerning the investigation of the "FINDERS" Group. Hl Javestigation on 2/10/94 at Washington, D.C. File # 3 9911 “7b by _ SA. Date dieteted! 2/10/94 ‘This document contains neither recommendations nor eonchsions of the PBI. I isthe property ofthe FBI end is loaned to your agency: bé bre be Ic eo“ “ft e 6 Mensou FEE ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: (CLASSIFICATION: Teletype C2 Gomediate Cr ror secret i Facsimile 1D Priority O secrer CO aiRreL [Routine 2 ConrIpeNTIAL F UNCLAs £ FTO Date_3/7/94 FM FBI WNFO (31C-WF-189911) 4B} (C-4) TO DIRECTOR FBI/ROUTINE/ Br UNCLAS CITE: //3920// PASS: vcu-cip For ssa[___————id bs 7c SUBJECT: "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT-SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE-PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00:WMFO. RE WMFO FACSIMILES T0 FBIHQ ON 1/31/94 AND 2/14/94, CAPTIONED AS ABOVE. FOR INFORMATION OF FBIHQ, WMFO HAS COMPLETED ALL INVESTIGATION OF CAPTIONED MATTER EXCEPT FOR REVIEW OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) AND UNITED STATES DEPAREMENT OF STATE (USDS) RECORDS. Time Reesived: Taprep filename: (TIC OCOBSO. Ol ole MRI/JULIAN DATE: WY T6 7. ASN: Z. : FOX DATE & TIME OF accePraNce: OWS MM | “PAGE 2 WMFO 31¢-WF-189911 UNCLAS WMFO WILL REVIEW THESE RECORDS UPON NOTIFICATION FROM FBIHQ. Br es ALE EBT INFOSMATICN CONTAINEC SEREIN 18 UNCLASSIFIED e@ DATE c2-i8-20%4 BY NST: D6 (Rew 8.29.85) ad FBI TRANSMIT VIA: CLASSIFICATION: ‘Teletype O TOP SECRET C Facsimile ty O secret © AIRTEL &) Routine (CONFIDENTIAL a Renae EFTO Date 3/29/94 FM FBI WMFO (31C-WF-189911) Bp (c-4) p TO DIRECTOR FBI/ROUTINE/ , Br , UNCLAS { CITE: //3920// { SUBJECT: “FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT-SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE-PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00:WMFO. ON 3/24/94, WMFO REVIEWED CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CTA) RECORDS CONCERNING CAPTIONED SUBJECT IN THE CIA OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, CIA HEADQUARTERS, LANGLEY, VIRGINIA. BS CIA RECORDS PROVIDED FOR WMFO/S REVIEW BY PARALEGAL SPECIALIST, CIA OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, INCLUDED THE RESULTS OF CIA RECORD TRACES AS REQUESTED BY FBIHQ ON 12/22/93, AND THE CIA PERSONNEL FOLDER OF ISABELLE M. ZtC— W- 18990 7-7 afi Approved: fbi} a at MnDe boa. OEE 44 Time Received: ‘Telprep tename: {YY DCOORSA: OKK MRI/JULIAN DATE: PETTIE. ‘FOX DATE & TIME OF ACCEPTANCE: “PAGE 2 WMFO 31C-WF-189911 UNCLAS OF INTEREST WERE REFERENCES TO CIA OFFICE OF LOGISTICS CONTRACTS FOR TRAINING CLASSES ON PC SKILLS AND MICROSOFT WORD PROCESSING TRAINING, WITH A FIRM NAMED FUTURE ENTERPRISES, INC. THESE CONTRACTS APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN MADE BETWEEN APRIL, 1986 AND OCTOBER, 1993, NO ADDRESS OR OTHER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION CONCERNING FUTURE ENTERPRISES WAS CONTAINED ON THE PRINTOUT. OF ADDITIONAL INTEREST WAS A SECRET CIA MEMO FOR RECORD, . SPECIAL ACTIVITIES DIVISION, DOCUMENTING HIS 2/18/87 TELEPHONE pe per rex VARIANCE WITH THE MPD 2/19/87 PD 854 DOCUMENTING THE SANE CONVERSATION. WMFO REQUESTED THE CIA OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL PROVIDE SPECIFICS CONCERNING THEIR CONTRACTS WITH FUTURE ENTERPRISES, INC., TO INCLUDE THE BUSINESS ADDRESS OF THE FIRM. WMFO WAS ADVISED THAT THIS INFORMATTON WOULD BE REQUESTED AND PROVIDED bs FOR WMFO'S REVI af LASER DATE. ADDITIONALLY, WMFO ain PONY REQUESTED’A PHOTOCOPY OF THE CLASSIFIED apise7[____ wEwo, a -PROVEDED~2O-THE-FBE,—AND. IF POSSIBLE IN A DECLASSIFIED FORM. *PAGE 3 WMFO 31C-WF-189911 UNCLAS CIA OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL INDICATED THAT THEY WOULD REQUEST SUCH, AND ADVISE WMFO ACCORDINGLY. WMFO'S FD-302 REFLECTING SPECIFICS OF THE CIA RECORDS REVIEW TO FOLLOW UNDER SEPARATE COVER. Br LL TNFORMATICR COMPATHEE Prcrein 13 uncuas: ATE ¢2-19-2034 FBI FACSIMILE COVERSHEET CLASSIFICATION PRECEDENCE =) top Secret Time Tranemiticor aa. 5 taeciate Sancier's LE Prony = Routine one YLLL' 7% a8 7/ cA | Spud Cy oe Bes ame CR nny eed E Tasha From: Diente Ser" C ot 2yz- 327~ 42S EXBOTED FROM AIMOMATTE “SEGRET™ DECLASSZEIZATION Aut INFCRMATION CONTAIIED EIEN, on e @ SOPMees.. Sooo sa llStearson once cmon show ones Sigua fae atin pare 1o-1e-z909 se] 4/29/94 Phe “FINDERS GROUP"; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT-SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE -PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00: | WMFO The following is a synopsis of investigation conducted te date: ¢ By memorandum dated 10/26/93, from Acting Assistant Attorney General John C. Keeney, Criminal Division, Department of Justice (Dos), to Assistant Director Larry A. Potts, the Dos requested that the inary inguiry into allegations made concerning child be sexual abuse by a group known as the "Finders," and what role, if ?°. any, was played by the United States Intelligence Community. + [( alleged that the Finders are involved in a well organized child abuse scheme, and that the CTA, in conjunction with the State Department, and the FBI'S Foreign counterintelligence Division, conspired to cover up those abuses. + jallegations appear to be based on memos prepared by U. 5. Customs Service (USCS) Special Agent (SA) eee a'uscs meno dated 2/7/87, per teonsbed \ S$ participation with the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (NPD) in the execution of ‘rants on two 3 6 bre + By USCS memo dated 4/13/87, Si Jalleged that on 4/2/87, an individual (not identified) at the MPD told him that "...the investigation of the Finders had become a CIA v6 internal matter. ‘The MPD report has been classified secret and be was not available for review...that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation...that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. + Puepanen by SS 3c flonvso wp ssal___|xfv/oy, dy e e Investigation to date has not found corroboration of llegations. Interviews conducted | fate, an f@ review of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) files, the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) files, the WMFO FBI files, and FBIHQ files found no documentation indicating that any agency interfered with or covered up the Finders investigation. 4 No specific information of misconduct by any FBI employee has been developed to date during the ongoing preliminary inquiry in captioned matter. + Liaison has been established with the MPD in an effort to determine the description and disposition of evidence seized during the searches of two Finders properties by the MPD on 2/5-6/87, and a communication has been prepared from FBIHQ to the CIA and the Department of State requesting that they identity references in their files concerning "Finders" for subsequent review. . + The review of CIA records is not yet complete, and is awaiting further documents from the CIA. + Based on the results of Department of state (DOS) indices checks, a review of passport records was conducted with negative results at the DOS Passport Office. + An FBIHQ indices search determined that FBI Jacksonville and FBI WMFO had conducted investigation resulting from an arrest of two individuals associated with the "Finders" Florida in 1987 were arrested by the ahassee Police Departmen BY on misdemeanor child abuse charges resulting from a complaint that six children playing in a park were unkept and neglected. — the two subjects with the children, could not Inltlally provide sufficient information as to their legal custody of the children and were uncooperative regarding their identity and the children's identity. As a result of information developed during these arrests, the TPD contacted the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Washington, D.C., and provided information concerning] and their association with a group known as "Finders," based In Washington, D.c. on 2/5/87 and 2/6/87, the MPD executed search warrants, prepared by the United states attorney's Office, District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., on two, by the "Finders" in Washington, D.C. FBI sal WMFO case Agent, and uses SA participated in these searches. 4 During 1987, investigation conducted by the MPD ana WMFO, lead to the identification and interview of the mothers of the six children, two of the fathers, and several other key members of the "Finders" group. On 2/18/87, WHFO presented the results of their investigation to Assistant United states bé Bre Ic ee "BEGRET ns e © Attorney United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., who declined prosection for violation of Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1201 (cidnaping) and 2251 (sexual exploitation of children). b6 per FBI bIc ¢ Imi of Florida dropped all charges against Jaue to lack of evidence. ¢ A review of FBIHQ file (63-HQ-0-81116) revealed a memorandum from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dated 2/27/87 to the Director, FBI, which indicated that Detective f the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) ad_contacted their Office of Security on 2/18/87 as a matter of routine follow-up concerning the MPD Finders investigation. be per Fer c The CIA memo indicated that "...on 2/18/87, Detective Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C., ntelligence Division, contacted the Office of Security as a matter of routine follow-up in the ublicized ‘Finder's Organization' investigation. Detectiv vised that| frequently traveled overseas and had Several passports. AS a courtesy Detective wished to determine any association with the Agency by or the Finder's Organization. Apparently numerous businesses have surfaced and materials relevant to these businesses are_in the police departments! possession. One company Det i mentioned is Future Enterprises, Inc. Detective nvitea a representative of the Agency to review these materials, but the Agency declined considering this more in your Bureau's purview. bé per FBI "Detective[ _]also advised that a a_b7c "Search of Agency indices revealed the following: was never an employee of this Agency, in Finder's associated with the Agency. b6 per FBI Isabelle was an Agency employee from 1952-bic 961 and voluntarily resigned. According to Detective[ | Isabelle Pettie is deceased. 4) pa bs 3) bi ba INTERVIEWS: a, on 30/28/93 aren aeTinal the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Arlington, Virginia, advised that during 1987 he had been a Detective with the MPD, and that he had participated in the 1987 execution of search warrants on a warehouse which belonged to the FINDERS. During the execution of the search warrants, he had been assigned a technical job to secure the FINDERS computers. The searches had taken place during the daytime, and he was at the warehouse approximately two hours. a ae evidence of criminal activity, anc 1 not conduct any analysis of the items that were seized by the NPD. le does not know if any evidence of criminal activity was discovered during }7, the searches of the PINDERS property. advised that once the MPD searches had been finished, irther involvement in the FINDERS investigation. advised that b3 per FRI WMFO sa\ was interviewed on 11/5/93, concerning her knowledge of the "FINDERS investigation. She stated that she had been the case Agent on a kidnapping matter in February 1987 that involved investigation of a group named »3 per FBI “PINDERS." 6 BIC SA advised that she was present during the execution of an MPD search warrant at the warehouse owned by the FINDERS. 4 @ e during the conduct of this investigation, she was not aware oF any involvenent by the CIA, or any other intelligence organization or entity. SA stated that at no time did any individual or agency intervene or attempt to influence the outcome of her investigation. A review of the WFO case file revealed a memo fr dated 3/9/87 which documented that "...on 2/19/87, ational Center for Missing and Exploited Children...provided the writer with the attached memorandum. related she had received the memorandum fror GAStOHs, Washington, D.C..." SAL haa revie' CT 3. On 11/5/93, MPD Detectivel_______] was. interviewed concerning his knowledge of the “PINDER investigation. Detective[ _]advised that in February 1987 he was assigned to the MPD's Intelligence Division, and in that position, he investigated a group that was later identified as the "FINDERS." Detective jadvised that based on information that he had received from the TPD and from an informant, the MPD obtained and executed search warrants on two “PINDERS" addresses in Washington, D.C. He had been present at actual execution af hoth search warrants. advised bs BIC b3. b6 Ie bo be BIC Ib6 per FRI be7e [——Jaavisea that he believed that, "...the FINDERS e CIA... that the FINDERS could petective| advised that MPD Sergeant John Stitcher (deceased) had contacted the CIA concerning the a1 FINDERS and had obtained this information.[___] advised that 13 the CIA had nothing to do with, dren of his investigation n6 per rer into the alleged child abuse. stated that he was never 570 instructed by anyone from the CIA, the FBI, the state Department, or any other organization to end the FINDERS investigation, and that his investigation ran its normal course without interference. egg ot th/ 9 99 ee National Cantar for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Quantico, Virginia, wea interviewed. advised that in February 1987, he was ompicyed as an MPD De ve with the MPD's Homicide Squad, and in that capacity, he had worked on the 1987 investigation of the FINDERS Group. He had been brought into the investigation as a homicide investigator after MPD received reports that child abuse and possible murder had oc the Washington, D.C. property belonging to the FINDERS. advised "..,that the FINDERS case was blown way out of proportion at d_press coverage. He 3 per FBI dicated that in the 1987 time frame, the MPD Intelligence Division had a working relationship with the CIA where they could make direct telephonic inquiries concerning = 1 ongoing investigations. He advised that during the course of theb3 FINDERS investigation, someone in the MPD Intelligence Division b§ per FBr contacted the CIA inquiring as to the FINDERS group. bre 2 ERS group members 31] this information did not influence the outcome m at ali..." indicated that * of the investiga’ 5. On 11/12/93, WMFO interviewed uscs sa| who provided information concerning the USCS 1993 response to| ‘on USCS's chi citation investigations. He had interviewed uscs gal ES cn pia/ae ana s/le/es dicing vile eine[ Thea ps por ser ‘Ic BIE | Jadvised that he had reviewed USCS files and b3 per PBI interviewed USCS _Agents and Supervisors concerning the FINDERS bs investigation. elated that the Customs file on the b7c one report, that of SA “that he could find no evidence of any Customs violation of any kind located within the file. related that his " of USCS files located no references to the CIA, or any other intelligence organization having been involved or making inquiries concerning the FINDERS investigation..." He advised that his review of the MPD files on the FINDERS did reveal two references to the CIA, one in a report written by a fexasat pitcher, and the other in a report written by Detective| on 11/15/93, b3 bé Ie 7. On 11/16/93, SAs from the Jacksonville Division interviewed TPD Chief of Police Melvin Tucker at Tallahassee, Florida, and obtained a copy of the complete TPD case file concerning the FINDERS. Chief Tucker advised that "...there was never any outside agency either in or outside the United states intelligence community who contacted anyone in his department with an attempt to influence in any way their investigation of the FINDERS GROUP. All the evidence in the case that was obtained was either returned to its owners or otherwise destroyed..." Chief Tucker advised that he has been recently contacted by a number of individuals concerning the FINDERS case. He had been contacted both telephonically and in writing by Congressman Charlie Rose ai CBS News/48 Hours. Both Rose ai requested that Chief Tucker provide them ",.,,all reports in your possession concerning the organization known as the Find: wi er advised that he had also been contacted no Washington Times concerning the FINDERS case. bs be Wot contain pre y evidence or indication that the TPD investigation had been impeded or influenced in any way by any agency. 8. On 12/22/93, MPD Detective [ag the wearin interviewed. He stated that he was present during the search of 8 ‘SECRET 9. On 1/3/94, USCS SA (retired) ees interviewed at El Centro, California. tated faring 1987, he had participated in the MPD searches of two Finders properties in Washington, D.c. uscs sAL_____]had asked him to participate in the searches as an observer because of his expertise in computers. stated that he did not remember stated that the searches were executed professionally personnel which included photographers, note takers, and evidence collectors. stated that he did not get the impression that MPD officers were concealing anything. 10. On 12/28/93, USCS Attache U.S. Embassy, the Hague, was interviewed. sta he vaguely remembered the case involving the "Finders Group," but given the time lapse, he was unclear on any specific details. He stated that he did not recall any allegations of CIA or PBI imvelvengnt in any coverup (USCS SA Inad indicated that| during the Finders investigation had been] 22, on United states customs Service (USCS) Special agent (SA) advised that in 1987 he had participated in the execution of a Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) search warrant at two "Finders" properties (a house and a warehouse) located in Washington, D.c., and during After the search was concluded, SA attempted several times to meet with the MPD to review documents and evidence which had been seized, and he was never granted access to review the evidence. After being denied access to review the MPD evidence on a number of occasions, sal confronted MPD Sergeant Sgt.) Jol itcher (deceased) who told him that the 3 26 Ic bs bre ba Bé BIC bs bre @ e sal stated that he did not believe that anyone mestion. He believes that 12. On 1/26/94, office of Enforcement, USCS, West Palm Beach, Florida, that| soe Gams Fara Washinatan This un: 1987, he became aware of the “FINDERS GROUP" through Information received fron the Reston office concerning searches that had been conducted by the MPD. He recalled at the time being asked by his lunit had FINDERS and whether anything was in hard copy. im that nothing had been written as yet on old him to keep it that way. It was funderstanding that the Reston office where| was assigned was conducting whatever investigation was necessary and passing the information directly to who in turn would pass it on directly to USCS Headquarters, 1 D.C. During this period of time and i stated that he had verbal contact with| 10 6 prc BIE bs Ie bs Bre 13. on 1/27/94, [ _ uscs attache's office, U.S, Embassy, the Hague, was Interviewed concerning his recollection of the Finders Group. He stated that he had that at that time, many of his agents were working pornography cases which had a weak smuggling predicate, the latter which was needed to qualify as falling within USCS jurisdiction. recalled that on one occasion| ad bs be be P Go onto Wore recalls no dissatisfaction at the ending of this matter by and has not heard of the matter since. 14. on 2/9/94,(_______]retired mpp officer, was interviewed and advised that in February 1987, while he was assigned to the MPD Intelligence Division, he had assisted Detect ive] was working @ case that developed as a result of some arrests in Tallahassee, Florida. a Toptained two search warrants, and he had been in the group that executed the search warrant on a warehouse in the market area of northeast Washington, D.C. Numerous computers and number of documents were contained in this warehouse, and recalls that most of the computers and several of the documents were seized. At the conclusion of the search, the seized items were transported to the MPD intelligence Office, Room 5063, 300 Indiana Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. for detailed review. ‘The items were kept in this office for several days while being reviewed. (oe ieatea that his review of the items (including documents and material from the an bs pre e e. related that to the best of his knowledge, all seized items were returned to their owners. He related that he recalled someone representing the group meeting with an MPD official shortly after the search to arrange for the return of the property. [finaicaten that the case ended for MPD and was Closed when no evidence of any wrongdoing or criminal activity came to light. b6 per FBI Ic ebepy tate that he did not recall any allegations of involvem e CIA during any aspect of this case. He knew of no attempts by anyone from any group, to include the CIA, FBI or State Department, to interfere or influence the outcome of this investigation. 15. On 2/10/94, Deputy Chief] MPD Property Division, advised that his office was unable to locate any records relating to evidence obtained by MPD concerning the investigation of the Finders group. REVIEW OF CIA FILES on 4/29/94, paralegal, Office of General counsel, CIA, Washingtoi 7 advised that she was in the bo presses of obtaiping additional doctiments requested by WHFO SA 6 per ver : bic By letter dated 12/22/93, FBIHQ requested that the CIA search all records of that agency concerning a number of individuals and/or entities allegedly asscciated with the Finders. 0n 3/24/94, available GIA documents were reviewed at the Office of General Counsel, CIA, Washington, D.c. A file jacket containing the results of CIA name traces conducted as a result of a request_from FBIHQ contained a CIA internal memo dated 12/23/93 from Office of General Counsel to DcI regarding recent media articles alleging CIA involvement/interference in the 1987 Finders Group investigation. ,, Attached to this memo were copies of news articles on the Finders }3 j to include a 12/27/93 U.S. News and World Report, and Washington ¥6 por rer times articles dated 12/18/93 and 12/27/93. Also attached was a pyc photocopy of MPD Sergeant Stitcher's repaxt dated 12/19/87, and = e | Fequesting association with the Finders Group. az e ® yo BL No other information concerning the company ($53 was listed, The CIA Office of General Counsel and the Director of Central Intelligence records checks were negative. The CIA Director of Operations response confirmed that Isabelle Pettie was a former employee. The CIA's Office of Security had conducted a records check and reported those results to CIA Headquarters as follows: (1) Isabelle M, Pettie had been employed by the CIA as a clerk stenographer from 1952 until 1961 at which time she had resigned. (2) The CIA had located a file containin< b6 per FBI (isabelle peti |] 8) on 3/24/94, the CIA was requested to obtain all specific oncerning the CIA on 4/29/94, CIA Fepresentatives provided WMFO with some of the additional vTE information requested and stated that they are continuing to obtain the rest of the information requested. REVIEW OF SEARCH WARRANT RETURNS: To date, the MPD has not been able to locate any documentation which describes the evidence which was seized 13 SEGRET. e e during the two searches executed in 1987. On 12/14/93, WHFO obtained photocopies of two U.S. District Court search warrants: 1. Search warrant cpscmuaher a7<0070H-02 was executed on 2/5/87 and 2/6/87 at| (warehouse), NE, Washington, 4g D.C. The return po jarrant was dated 2/6/87 and bre tive in the presence of Detective ‘The following notations were contained on the yeturn portion of the warrant "inventory of person or property taken pursuant to the warrant": “IBM compt. computer (Omnicron X Turbo Rom) ; monitor Xtron; MacIntosh + computer; Compaq computer 280; assorted software and manuals; Assorted personal papers; Data fax data transfer machine" There was a notation beside these items "vault" “assorted papers and photos" there was a notation besides these items "kitchen closet "assorted papers, photos and documents" there was a notation beside these items "throughout the warehouse." 2. = = on 2/5/87 at The return portion of this warrant was dated 2/6/87 and signed by Detective There was no entry noted in the portion of the return labelled "inventory made in the presence of." The following notations were contained on the return portion of the warrant "inventory of person or property taken pursuant to the warrant": be bre + metrocall data call #928-8071; 3. Cannon electronic calculator, and assorted papers and checks; 4. Maintosh plus computer-printer and Disc; 5. xtron Computer printer and disc; 6. assorted papers; 7. Telephone answering machine and tapes; 8. Assorted papers and note books; 9. photographs T. Documents; 2. Notes; 3. documents and paper; 4. Documents porfolio; a4 e e 5. metal can gray cont. papers." REVIEW OF MPD PILE: 4 0n 11/19/93, WMFO obtained a copy of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) investigative file concerning FINDERS. A synopsis of that file had been previously provided yw t Attorney General John Keeney (DOT Attorneys| and were provided a copy of this synopsis on 12/10/93, and they advised that they had already received a copy from DOJ). bS per FAI Phe MPD case file did not contain a listing of items »7¢ which had been seized during the MPD executi on 2/56/87 on the two FINDERS properties. Tn addition, there was no Indlcation of the present status of any items seized at these searches, nor a listing of personnel who had been present during the execution of these search warrants. The MPD Detective that had been assigned to this case was Detective E_CIA Cot 4 The MPD file contains three references to the CIA located in reports dated 9/15/86, 2/19/87 and 4/13/87. There was no documentation in the file of any direction or interference of the MPD's Finders investigation by the CIA. 4 An MPD report prepared by Detective[ _] and BL dated 9/15/86, documents a meeting with an MPD source who 6 per FBI jo7c ip! in General Scientific Corporation, Rockville, Maryland was introduced to t! ization| in Washington, D.c. by! 4 An MPD report prepared by Sergeant J. H. stitcher (deceased), dated 2/19/87, and captioned "Finders involvement with the Central Intelligence agency," indicated that on 2/18/87, Detective] ‘spoke with S/A (believed to be an abbreviation for Special Agent) CIA, concerning any Eat that menbers oj had with the CIA. confirmed tha’ Isabelle (deceased at the; time of the report), employee from 1950 until 1971. 3, nad asked S/A "...4f om i igation was bé per FSI treading on anyone's toes out there..." had replied bre "sort of...He acknowledged that they have had Someone working on i it fi i also stated a 15 . ba 3 | Pais ren, ed that the CIA “apparently has a poe PP vested inte¥ast, in and/or the group. They have not contact the Investigating agencies while they have been there will be no justification for the way the children have been treated, and the matter will be addressed in Family Division, Superior court." The report was marked "CONFIDENTIAL" and "DO NOT DISSEMINATE," and was signed by MPD Sergeant (Sgt.) J.H. It is noted that throughout 11 ert, the name ad been lined out, and the name had been bi ‘ener Te in above the lined out name. b3 6 per FBI _____+_An "overview report" prepared by D i Ie BIE ‘U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE DOCUMENTS CONTAINED IN THE MPD FILE ¢ The MPD file contained three documents which appear to be reports prepared by an unidentified U.S. Customs Service (Uscs) Special Agent (SA). These documents include a memo dated 2/7/87, @ meno dated 4/13/87, and an undated document captioned “¥inders/Chronology." The names of the USCS SA and the MPD Detective are not contained in these documents as they were deleted prior to review by the FBI. ¢ The memo dated 2/7/87 and captioned "Customs cooperation/interest in Tallahassee/Washington MPD child abuse ! investigation is addressed to the Resident Agent in Charge and is from an unidentified USCS SA. ‘The memo indicates that the USCS 16 ! “Shere e : e duty Agent received a call on 2/5/87 from USCS, Tallahassee, Florida, who had been contacted by the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) concerning a child abuse investigation. ‘The "PD had contacted USCS to obtain assistance in identifying six chil; The USCS Subsequently, the Uscs SK was contacted by an MPD Detective who advised that he was interested in the information concerning the TPD investigation and that he would be conducting "search warrants in the area later in the day..." The Detective advised the USCS SA that the USCS was invited to participate due to the continuing possibility of violations of law enforced by the Customs Service. The uscs, search warrants at| The memo notes that e USCS, a The memo notes that on SA had met an MPD Detective at the warehouse on| He was granted unlimited access to the premises an was able to observe numerous documents which described explicit sexual conduct between the members of the cammmity Imown as Find. The meno reports that the UScS SA saw *,..Further exanination of the premises disclosed numerous files relating to activities of the organization in different parts of the world..." The meme concluded by noting that it would take three to five days for all the information to be sorted, reviewed and logged by the MPD, and that the USCS SA would maintain contact with the MPD Detective. + The MPD file contained a memo dated 4/13/87, captioned "Finders." The memo, marked "Confidential," was addressed to the Resident Agent in Charge, Washington, D.C. and was fron an unidentified USCS SA. This memo reports that on 3/31/87, the USCS SA had contacted an MPD Detective and arranged a meeting to review the documents seized pursuant to two search warrants executed in “January 1987." On 4/2/87, the USCS SA went to meet the MPD Detective who was not available, and the USCS SA a7 “SBCRET. bre ba bE BIC ba bs bre ‘SEGRET e e The memo eeports that the USCS SA TsPOESE Nibcen turned over to the State Departnen’ For Sher investigation. ‘The State Department in turn advised MPD that all travel and use of the passports by the holders of the passports bé per FBI was within the law and no action would be taken. This included b7c¢ The individual further advised me of circunstances which indicated that the investigation into the activity of the FINDERS had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD report has been classified Secret and was not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the PBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. No further information will be available. No further action will be taken." + ‘he MPD file contained an undated document captioned "Finders/Chronology (see previous material for dates) ." This document listed an undated chronology of events, and the first entry is as follows: "Contact of U.S. Customs by Tallahassee PD regarding discovery of unidentified children and adult male "guardians in city park." Subsequent entries report the MPD obtaining search warrants, the execution of those search warrants by the MPD and two USCS SAs, and the seizure of numerous Gocunents to include passports, telexes, computer/electronic media, and correspondence. The chronology included the following entries: b3 per FBI Ie was turned over to State Department Security for, investigation, but investigators were advised that travel was ‘legitimate’ and to terminate further investigation." » eded, CIA made one contact and BIE SECRET RTE “Children discovered in Tallahassee were eventually turned over to individuals claiming to be parents or guardians. No further MPD, FBI or Customs involvement." "as far as is known, no details of CIA or FCIA involvement ever became public." * The MPD file did not contain documentation corroborating the chronology of events listed in the document: captioned "Finders/Chronology (see previous material for dates)." + It is noted that a review of the MPD file, the WMFo FBI file, and FBIHQ file on the "Finders" determined that these files were not classified as alleged by USCS SA bs bie NOT APPROPRIATE FOR DISSEMINATION TO THE PUBLIC. DRW:drw a9 0 P.oL ves creator comme HEREIN 18 ONCLASS: DATE 02-26-2014 Bi be Ic FROM FBI ucKOS. FBI FACSIMILE COVERSHEET CLASSIFICATION PRECEDENCE O Top Secret Time Transmitted: Ximmediate O Secret Sender's intiats: . > "I Priority £1 Coniidentiat Numiver of Pages: 2 3 Routine ©). Sencitive AX Unclassitieg To: SArG wed fn PO tok Dato: SLiofF 4 be 202 -~8C2? L?£LE re Telephone Noy 5) are Foon . From: Dect FOOT ype ut c& enh, Verne (Were ef Gtice) Subject: Eee — | fe Seen trons. Pleat, Hail Cp ety Tr S54 — vuctions. , -— = 262 P24. 9299 Otiginator's Namel SS Telephones. Originator's Facsimile Number, © ~ 3 ase 8 PP a ee toprovea LBC /GA) 5IC - Ul 18997/ ve | Pitan maT Adifeatted phat SF Be Ved, Plarte Hove SA Pah ye Perey 1 E wes ped Hee Ee CO7t FRY O1167 00 FROUREO FETMe ) DEY RUCNEE #0069 1522 89 ¢NR OULU B tat9a2 may 94 (- YM DIRECTOR FEL TO PRL WME IMMED IOV EY ny FRE NIAMT/IMMEDIATE/ BI UNELAS cre: 47060777 FASS: SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT (Sea) seunn c-4, WASHINGTON METROPOLTSAN FIELO OFFICE ¢bMIN); SENTUR SUPERVEGURY Bee RESIDENT AGENT (SERA) WEST PALM BAGH RESTDENY ARENCY. MIAME DIVISION, SUBJECT: “FINDERS” GROUP: SHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC @GT — SEXUAL - EXPLOLTATION OF CHILDREN: OBSTRUCKION QE GUSTING ~ PRELIMINARY INQUIRY: Cor uMrD. Rk PBIKG 68a TELCALLS MOTH MKrO BEA ON Ses9A bs AND WITH MiaMY ssrA «dN S/ 10/94. Plt FREE THO DL RUGNES G09 UNELAG GN 579/98, REPRESENTATIVES OF THE VIGLENY CRIMES AND MAJOR 3 SECTION. CRIMINAL INVESTIOATIVE DIVISTON. FBTHO. HET WIN DEGREGORY . WITH DCPLITY ASS1S1ANT ATTORNEY BENERAL (OAAE) KE CRIMINAL OXVTSTON. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (009), WASHTNETON. 70 DSCUSS CAMTIONRD MATTER, 4.80 PRESENT @1 THIS MEE TINE: WERE SURTASSER. a pQa arroRNEyS im ADVISED THAT BOK HE AND HAD RECENTLY BE bs bIc (HPD) OF PIERS ON 2/8/87 AND 9/6/87. THAG DEGREGORY REMUCSTED YHAT THE FEI INTERVIGH TO ORTAIN DETATLS OND ALL DOCUMENTS CONCERMING THIS Al LESATION. BOT IVE an UTILIZED DAAD DEGREGORY NOTED THAT MPD of UNE AFEIGNT FOR THE THO STARCH WARRANT AEE TAVET! Tt THE MPD SHORCHES OF TWO FINOGRE PROSERTETS CONDURTED UN 2/5/87 RY FEGUESTED THAT TEL FBT LOCATE AND ANN B/S-4/87, DARE DRBREEC | . e e | PAGE THREE DE RUCNTR 0059 UNCLAS INTERWIEM TH CONTLOENT TOL STUNG OF INE ORMATTON LTTLGZkD RY ot ECV IVE JN THESE ARSTOAVITS AND DETERMINE HIS/HER be Per SBT PNCILEDGE CONCERMING WAT TNFDRMATIONVEVIDONCE WAS INGEDE THE Thy | |! | FINDERS PROPER | DAA DEGKEGORY NOTED THay DURING WMPEU'S REVIEW OF LIA | DOCUMENTS CUNCERMING fHIS MATTER. fHE CIA’S OFF TOE OF SECURITY Yan INDICATCD THOT TN THESE RECORDS CHECKS THEY HAD LacaTER "8 TELE CONTAINING DAAG DLOREGORY RESWLETED THE FEC LOTERMTIME FROM THE Gif, (1) WHAT INFORMATION WAS IN THE PILE WHICH CONTAINED Po PeF rer AND (2) TF THERE TS MQ TNROIRNATION IN TRIS FALE. mip THe Cts PURGE THE FILE OF INCHRMArTON coNeRRANING IP SC, WHY WAG THAT FILE SURGED? . WMEO FD-302 DATED 3/74/94 CONCERNING WMFO'S REVIEW OF CTA RECORDS IN THIS MATTER NOYED THAT & CTA OFFICE OF SECURITY HAD SEPORTER THAT @ Cia svat PLOVER. ASSIGNED Th THE OFFICE SECURITY DURING 1927, NAS THE POINT OF COMPACT FOR ba AUTHORITIES DURING THE 198¥ THYLSTICATTON OF THE FINDET GROWS Dee mee SONVERSATTON WITH MPD OTRO IVE ON P/1S/E7 BAS “AT | | “HIS REPNGT NOTED THAP DOCUMENTATION 9F| ACCOUNT OF ® | | | | | | | LEADS IN THIS MATTE SHOULD RE HANDLED EXPENTTIOUGLY AND AMGLILTE REPORTED BY THMEDTA Tye! TO BOTH WMEO. AND T VIULENT CRIMLG/FUSTTT E UNIT. FRIPO RUOM soan. LEADS: Tana DIVESTON AT START. FLORTDA WILL LOCATE AND INTERVIEW Ce b6 70 QRIAIN DETAILS AND ALL bic DOCUMENTS CONCERNING HIS ALLEGATION THAT HE HAD IN HIS POSBERSTON 8 DICUMENT (ORTETN UNKNGHND RITCH SLLEGED THAT UNNANED INDIVIDUALS WENT INTO THE THO FENDERS PROPERTIES AND "CLEARND OUT EVIDENCE PRIGR TO THE SEARCHITS CONDUCTED LY WASHINGTON HD OFFY SON 2/S/RY BND 2/6. viNE AT WASHINGTON. De L, MILL LODATE AND INTERVIEW THE CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE C1 EC IIVE IN YHE NO MED SEARCH WARRANT ACFIDAYIIS DATED 2/8/87 AND DETERMINE HISi/HER KNOWLROGE. INFORMATION UCIT By CONCERNING WHAT {NFORMATION/EVIDENCE WAS {NSTDE fH YWO FINDERS PAGE FIVE DE RUGKT E0049 UNG at | PROPERTIES 2. YMLE DDIERMINE FROM THE Cia: (2) BHAT INFORMA: TON 18 1M THE FILE WHICH CONTAINED] AND (2) 0F THERE (2 NC TNFORMATION (MN THIS PLLE. BID THE CLA PLR THE PILE OF INFORMATION CONDERNTN| iF so. bs WAY WAS THAT FILE PURE 6 per FET bre S. WILL LOCATE AND INTERVIEW CTA STAFF EMPLO (6) DETERMINE TN DETATL HVS KNOML ADEE OF THE FINDERS ert 4ND HIS DUTIES AS THE POINT OF CONTACT Fort AUTHORITIES DURING Thi (ORT TRVESTIGATION OF THE TIMBCRS Roun, «eo! MINK NES KNOHLYODE AS TO Mt Tie FINDESe BROUM OR ANY NEMRCR UI THE FINDERS GROUT WAS EHELOYED OF AOSOCTATED TH Jota MEMO DATED 2riBsa7, SPICTFICALL Y DETERMINE THE CTRCUPSTANGES O€: TO HIS DUNYEREAY TOO (2) UTELIZIN bs zerivel ON 2/18/87 AND WHY HE ASKSD be per FBI bre CO OD) UTIL TZING MPD SERGEANT gd. H. ST ETC WIre HPD DE ERS FN! USAT IVE Fa, REPORT DA’ 2/19/87, DETERMINE THE YERADITY OF fHE po e e PAGE STX OF RUGKTE 0049 UNCLAS SPATEMENT “HEN ASKED {2 UR ONY ESTIGATION WAS "TREADING ON ANYONE'S TORE OUT THERE REPLTPD "SORT OF..." AND ",..HE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY HAVE HAD SOMEONE WORKING OM THE CARE SINCE IT FIRST BROKE TN THE NEWS MEDIA. HE ALSO STeTEN THAT Ct RINE THE PE co) te laT DURING THE PERTOD be per Far bie (8) DETERMINY THE SPECTFICG CONCERNING THE C1A’S REPORT ULCM NOTED THAT DOCUMENTATION OF ACCOUNT GF THE SONVER ON..." WITH MPD OR MEIT IVE ON 2/18/87 was OQ) YARTONGE WITH THAT UF THC MYTROPOL TYAN POLICk DEPARTMENT." ar HOOLT NNN Lansam = CO @ Sn 0030-16 ~ FBI a @ TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: ) Teletype Immediate €) TOP SECRET OF Facsimile CO Priority ( secrer O amret © Routine Hi CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS EF T 0 1X] UNCLAS EM FRI WMO (31¢-WP-189911) (3 oh {0 DIRECTOR FBI/IMMEDIATE/ { Br uncLas cre: //3920// PASS: SUPERVISORY SPECIAL acENT (ssa) [[__] ci, pe bre vou, ROOM 5042 Je. ——~ SUBJECT: "FINDERS" GROUP; wma Se TRAFFIC ACT - SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00: WMEO. REFERENCE FBIHQ IMMEDIATE TELETYPE TO WHFO DATED MAY 12, 1994, CAPTIONED AS ABOVE, AND TELCAL BETWEEN wuFo saC_____] AND PBIHQ SSA ON MAY 13, 1994. be pic REFERENCED TELETYPE SET FORTH LEADS FOR WMFO TO LOCATE AND INTERVIEW THE CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE OF INFORMATION UTILIZED BY METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT (MPD) DETECTIveL__] 2 WG ide iy Yo Meee BGM L-F ss onal be (ys O_., \ p _ Approved: 4 Mle 4 Origin: Fame: Time Received: 4 ‘Telprep filename: C 350.1 DMRI/ ULIAN Da SW A130 51 00 13 is FOX DATE & TIME OF ACCEPTANCE: _$~|(-4' {0 ~., ©@ e *PAGE 2 WMFO 31C-WF-189911 UNCLAS [--**) » uts wo vepruary 5, 1987 AFFIDAVITS UTILIZED TO OBTAIN SEARCH WARRANTS FOR THE FINDERS PROPERTIES. ADDITIONALLY, REFERENCED TELETYPE SET FORTH A LEAD FOR WMFO TO ee FILE CONTAINED ONLY| AND TO b6 per FBI bre REVIEW A CYA REPORT CONCERNING THE FEBRUARY, 1987 CONVERSATION sarwmey[ ON MAY 13, 1994, WMFO CONTACTD MPD DETECTIVE b6 per FEI pre ON MAY 13, 1994, WMFO REQUESTED THE CEA, THROUGH PARALEGAL SPECIALIST, CIA OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, To: Add (1) FACILITATE AN INTERVIEW OF CIA STAFF EMPLOYTE| ba 6 per FBI bie (2) REVIEW CIA OFFICE OF SECURITY FILES AND ASCERTAIN WHY A FILE CONTAINED ONLY AND ., ©@ e APAGE 3 WMFO 31C-WF-189912 UNCLAS PROVIDE THE FBI WITH A COPY OF THE CIA REPORT THAT NOTED A convansnston Brncemr cra sare astovee[ Yao MPD DID TAKE PLACE, anpl______—sACcounr OF THE CONVERSATIONS WAS AT VARIANCE WITH MPD'S. 3 |ADVISED WMFO THAT cIa svarr gupLovez[ | HAD RETIRED, AND THAT SHE WOULD ADVISE HER SUPERVISOR| JCONCERNING WHFO'S ABOVE REQUESTS. ‘THE ABOVE INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED FBIHQ IN REFERENCED TELCAL. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES AT WMFO. FACSIMILE COVERSHEET PRECEDENCE | CLASSIFICATION C. Top Secret Time Transmitted: i Secret Sender's initials: ——cje__' D Confidential Number of Pages: __5 CO Sensitive (Greiuding this page! & Unclassified Facsimile number: Attn: ere eam “Temphaoe Ney From: MIAMI Division o Palm Beach County RA ‘ame oF Ome) File Number: _310-WF-189911. Subject: _TEINDERS" GRO; WHITE SLAVE TRAFIC ACT = SEXUAL Fe Toon carne © * OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE = PRELIMINARY icv sik Special Handling Instructions: Originator's Name: Telephone: PRECEDENCE: Wl Teletype ©) immediate # TOP SECRET Facsinaile WH Priority SECRET AIRTEL Co Routine Gc Q UNCLASE FTO @ Uncias Date__$/17/94 FM PBI MIAMI (31C-WF-189911) (FPRA) (RUC) TO DIRECTOR FBI (31C-WF-189911) /PRIORITY/ FBI WMFO/PRIORITY/ Br UNCLAS CUTE: //3460:1225// PASS: FBIHQ, SSA VIOLENT CRIMES UNIT. SUBJECT: "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT = SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY -<'' bb INQUIRY; 00: WMFO. bre RE BUREAU TELETYPE TO MIAMI AND WMFO, DATED 5/12/94. on s/s6/94, [was cowzacrep OF THE FORT PIERCE RESIDENT AGENCY. Ae 32C+wF-169911 JTM/ jah “PAGE 2 MM 31C-WF-189911 UNCLAS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: CO IREGARDING ALLECATIONY + CHILD ABUSE, OCCURRING AT TRAT INSTITUTION DURING THE 18H01S;—HE-NOTED THE BECAME | AWARE OF INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE "FINDERS" GROUP. HE STATED THAT DURING FEBRUARY, 1987, SEARCH WARRANTS WERE EXECUTED BY THE WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE AT THE WASHINGTON OFFICES OF THE “FINDERS” GROUP. “PAGE 4 HM 31CeWF-189911 UNCLAS TO THE BUREAU'S INQUIRIES INTO THE MATTER, IN PARPICULAR WITH REGARD TO THE ATTITUDE OF| lof THE BUREAU'S: BEHAVIORAL SCZENCE UNIT. IN VIEW OF CONTENTION THAT HE IS FURNISHING INFORMATION DIRECTLY TO DOZ ATTORNEY RE CAPTIONED MATTER, MIAMI IS CONSIDERING THIS MATTER RUC'D. aT oo @-« @ -FD302 (Rev. 3-10.82) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Daw of transeiguion 5/18/94 special Agent (SA), UNITED STATES CUSTOMS s. SCS), Fort Pierce, Florida was contacted by SA jand he thereafter furnished the following Informatio advised he recalled that some tine ago, the Uscs was furnished with a large volume of telenh zr relating to inquiries concerning the at Stuart, Florida. The records were Furnished to USCS by] formerly with the STATE ATTORNEY/S OFFICE and now with the : recailed that on one occasion ffice in Fort Pierce, aske err ad any records relating to stated he to at they did at one time, and then recalle CE that records had been furnished to nig office for review. . wwesiones 5/17/94 | Fort Pierce, FL nur grcsupese902 ff SR by _ SA, ITM /jah Dap dicwed 5/18/94 inthe propesy ofthe FBI api lone to your agony ‘This document continsncitherrecosameadalion® Yor eouelucons oP Ie FBI ‘Land its coments are not to be dsbeied ovale Jour spony. be Ic we bre D902 Rev. 3-108) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 5/18/94 Dae of ranseripion was contacted at his place of business,] was acquainted SAY and wa of Sh] of the WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN with the identity of Special Agent advised of the official identity advised he was being contacted concerning a specific allegation, that being his possession of a document or documents which alleged that unnamed individuals went into the "FINDERS" properties and "cleared out evidence" prior to searches being conducted in Washington, D.C. by Police Officers POLICE OEPARTMENT in February, 1987. thereafter furnished the following information: stated Invesigationon _ 5/16/94 a Stuart, Florida Fes 31C-WP-189911-972~ sal wy _sal TM / jah. Dawdicwed 5/18/94 ‘This document sotaias acto reomamendstionoreoactisions of te FAL, Ite the propery’ of the FB] xd is loaned o your ageneys Ic and it ontets are no 10 be dative d aside your agony. b6 Ie ba be bre b6 bre 2 2 ¥D26 ev. 1-178) rer ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: CI Teletype 2 tmediate Top secrer Facsimile B Priority O secrer )_ATRTEL TG Routine O CoNFIDENTIAL CO UNCLAS EF TO U wevas Date_ 5/18/94 0 + DIRECTOR, FBI FROM ©: SAC, MIAMI (31C-WF-189911) (FPRA) (RUC) SUBJECT : "FINDERS GROUP"; FORWARDED BY FBINO WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT ~ SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY INQUIRY 00: WHFO Re Bureau te: and WMFO, dated 8/12/94; te: FEIHQ, Violent Crimes Unit, to SA 5/18/94. Enclosed for WMFO is the or: ) copy of ep-302's reflecting interviews | Enclosed for the Bureau are two (2) copies of the sane FD-302/s. For information of the Bureau and WMFO, the enclosed FD-302 with reflects the specific results of investigation requested by the Bureau _in referenced Bureau teletype. The enclosed FD-302 with reflects an inquiry made with U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE, Fort Pierce, Florida their possession of toll records furnished by to that agency. In view of the fact no investigation remains outstanding within the Miami Division regarding this matter, it is being considered RUC'a. Bureau (Bnc.4) GENERAL INDICES: mated Search WE: [JPos []Neg AX: [] Pos [] Neg 0] Manual nae Approved: 6 bie a , st @ e 0% (Rev. 6-29-85) ? FBI Chne ¥ 4 : TRANSMIT V1 PRECEDENCE: cussircaron: It © Teletype C) tnmediate C] TOP SECRET © Facsimile &] Priority {] SECRET D AIRTEL OC Routine CONFIDENTIAL g UNCLAS EF TO w UNCLAS os vete_s/aé/o4 FH FBI WFO (31¢-WF-189911) 4B} (c~4) * 4 TO DIRECTOR FBI/PRIORITY/ \ |X 1 " i) UNCLAS CITE: //3920// Pass: SUPERVISORY sPzcran acewn (ssa) [7] er, be veU, RooK 5042 sunsecy: / "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT - SEXUAL \ —~ BxPLoBifxPION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE ~ PRELIMINARY ingugey;|po: wniro. REFERENCE FBIHQ TELETYPE TO WHFO DATED MAY 12, 1994, AND, WMFO TELETYPE TO FBIHQ DATED MAY 16, 1994, BOTH CAPTIONED ABOVE. REFERENCED TELETYPE SET FORTH LEADS FOR WMFO TO LOCATE AND INTERVIEW THE CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE OF INFORMATION UTILIZED bs bre BY METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT (MPD) DETECTIVE 9-WN2d Slo UDA / AE rer uly WE eeeoaree uf ie Qrigin oy Telprep fitename:_CHDOO 7 SO. /¥S~__ Isn: O72 8, Approved: Time Received: ous ‘TANCE: MRI/JULIAN DATE: FOX DATE & TIME OF AC OBTAIN SEARCH WARRANTS YOR THE FINDERS PROPERTIES. ADDITIONALLY, REFERENCED TELETYPE SRT ForTE a Yap FOR WMFO TO INTERVIEW CIA EMPLOYER| ro Dat FILE CONTAINED ONLY A CTA REPORT CONCERNING THe FEBRUARY, BETWEEN CIA EMPLOYEE ON MAY 24, 1994, WMFO WAS ADVISED BY MPD DETECTIVEL___] bé per FRI prc b7D bs yo 7 7 @ e APAGE 3 WMFO 31¢-W?-1899d1 clas : (1) FACILITATE ERVIEW OF CIA STAFF EMPLOYEE[__] (2) Review cid or#ick oF SECURITY FILES AND ASCERTAIN 3 B6 per FBr WHY A FILE CONTAINED ONLY AND BIE PROVIDE THE FBI WITH A COPY OF THE CIA REPORT THAT NOTED A CONVERSATION BETWEEN| AND MPD DID TAKE PLACE, AND| ACCOUNT OF THE CONVERSATION WAS AT am ! — oN MAY 994, WMEO CONTACTED [HE CIA OFFICE OF GENERAL counsen anpMas[normap tuar|_ «WAS NO_ LONGER ASSIGNED TO THEIR SECTION AXD THAT HER SUPERVISOR| be per Fer Co we ON MAY 17, 1994, WMFO WAS CONTACTED BY era OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL. WMFO REITERATED 4 oF MAY 13, 1994. ON MAY 23, 1994, WMFO WAS CONTACTED BY era HA OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, WHO ADVISED) THAT WMFO'S REQUEST BEEN RECEIVED AND WOULD BE ACTED upon inpicarep TyAT #8 HE WOULD RECONTACT WMFO AS SOON aS QUESTS HAD BEEN COMPLETED. APAGE 4 WMFO 31¢-WF-189911 UNCLAS Br INVESTIGATION CONTINUING AT WMFO. a "P02 ev, 3-10-82) ve FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of tanseiption 5/27/94 The following investigation was conducted by Special Agent (SA) FBI, Washington Metropolitan Field Office, regarding the "Finders Group" on the dates as reflected below: on May 13, 1994, Detective of the Be Washington MBTROPOLTTAN POLICE DRPAR WEE Gontacted bah regarding the Conf. aSrS Croup advised that] Woe on Mav 16, 1994, Detective advised that he had b6 iat e bic 7D lnveniguion on 5/13, 5/16, 5/24/94 Washington, D.c. Pies _31C-WF-189911-$6 b6 y _sal Date ited BTC ‘This document contin either recosmendaitlons nor enelisons ofthe FBI. 2 the propery of he FRE anf is owned to your agenays it an ts contents ete not tobe dstibuted Satie your ageaey. oe * gpa02 Rev. 3-10-82) EDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ‘Date of transeristion 5/31/94 Jwas interviewed within the office of General Counsel,/CENIRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA), Langley, Virginia. Aftep“being advised as to the ide: the 3 interviewing agent, andthe purpose of the interview, provided the following information: jadvised that he retired-from the CIA on[___] He indicated that in vebeudey 1987, he was the special Activities Division, Office of Security. BB - stated that his is a white male. related thgt the special Activities section within the OFFice of Securit¥ was responsible for Counterintelligence work, to include internal investigations of 3 CIA employees, media leak investigations, and investigations Me dealing with the impersonation of CIA employees. indicated that his office had a regular interface with the Oy ead FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE, and THE DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. was shown photocopies of his 18 February, 1987 memorandum and @ 19 February, 1987 Washington METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT (MPD) report of investication, both documents 83 concerning the "Finders Grosp dias then asked to relate his recollection of the Circumstances regarding his memo and the "Finders Group". related that his first involvement with the "Finders Group" Host probably began in 1987 as a result of the bs media’s coverage of the Finders investigation.[—____] advisedbé per rar that the media at the tine i ting that the Finders had 7c some connection to the CIA. related further that he had locked into the matter, and recalled that there were oj connections between the CIA and the “Find stated that the first connection was that Javetgationcn _ 5/27/94 # Langley, Virginia File # a1c-wr-199911 OF by _sal S/3i/oa Date dicted be per For ——_—__——_; ‘This document sotains alter recomendations nor conclsions ofthe FEI. 135 the propery of the FEL andi oened to your xges8Y: iv and t contets ace not tobe distited ates Your ogenoy. EXEMPTED PROM AUTOMATIC DECLASSTSTCATION AUTHORITY CERTVED TROW FBI AUTOMATIC DECLASSIPICATION GyIDE EXEMPTION COOE, DANE 10-16-2019 25xiLy By| Co OVALE TNECRUATION CONTRINED HEREIN 15 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT W3ERE SHCHOY OTHERWISE tir! b6 per FBI [9yeaazas-] *7 23 MAA 1994 aT, SUBJECT: eq wan! © Name Trace Request - Finders Investigation (U} >on 3, ~ ca e suaafh i Request - Finders Investigation (Uv) bi 3 ALL TNEQRMATION CONTAINED HEREIN 13 UNCLASS: TATE 19-16-2019 BY @ e oy MEMORANDUM FOR WE RECORD 1 April. 1965 2. Based upon tlie NSO report dated 27 March 1965, which is self explanatory, I interviewed Subject on 29 March 1965. 31 is employed by the Office of Logistics, PSD, at a . Subject told me that he moved to & ie located. se enon "virna oo fae te jon that day and obtalnar Fess of this rooming house from a local newspaper ad. Subject eaid after and who is. about and ;o resides in the house. Subject said that jtold that he (Subject) was employed by CLA. Subject sald that he had advised upon renting the room that he was employed by the Agency due to the fact thet he 1s an open employee. 4, Subject said it ws apparent during the conversation with end during the conversation| due to the fact he sold the Subject that he was 5. Subject sadd to me that he is re and thet prior to leaving his room on ole had arranged bis shirts in a certain way and clos [OOF to his & certain way and upon returning determined that his ri had been searched. Subject felt that, searched his room after he left, 6. Subject sada his suspicions were aroused and on 27 March 1965 he made @ search of certain other rooms in the house and found behind a couch the information that he bas furnished to the RSO. Tais information contained an article written byL______]and certain other mterial which eroused Subject's suspicions. bé per FBI IC 3, . b6 per FBI bre 6 per FBI prc b6 per FET Ie J. Subject said he has met] Jon one occasion su tro see sie 7 ae aa a sa Asferatnes thst he deseribed, as about re rt Si", iigut brow bair and dark eyes with Uhtek black glasses, . Subject further stated that on the night of 24 March 1965 lane to the house and stayed all wight. 3 a.m. on Friday morning, with ker and left at meteiy March 1965, a1 icked her up in his automobile. 19. Another bit of infor: seid. t said to him wae that he bad an Subject felt that hee not write the cle ce] 3 RIS name if he had| 8 Li. Subject told me that no questions were asked 2f him about, his background or employment; however, he felt that thx informtion that he had found should be brought to the attention o- the Ay 12. Subject also = sted that] name unimown, who 4s abo: t| [whom he presumes is unemployed because he ha: met iw Ia the house showing the rooms to other interested rent: ‘5. 13. On 30 Marck i5| Fecetved ® call in my absence from Subject who advised THAT HC coWld be reached at| fants. 3pm. I felt it necessery to call the Subject ani have him come to see me et 10 a.m, on 31 larcn 1965 as I had the strong impression that Subject was playing ietective in this case and could possibly bring attention to himse° and to the Agency. 1k. On 32 March 19 5 Subject came to see me and I strongly pointed out to him that‘ > should not do anything to cause any unfavorable suspicions t ward himself or the Agency, I pointed out to him that he bas n- assignnent from us in this case. Subject admitted to me that he i.. suspicious of the people in the house and did not intend to act as an amteur detective. I strongly b6 Ic Be 7c be prc suggested to him that due to his suspicions of the people of the house and his being identified with the Agency that he should consider moving before any unfevorable inciéents occurred. I told Subject that if he wes observed snooping around the house or acting in a clandestine mnner be would bring attention to fapartuant on 30 Narch 1965 when he talked to to progress “which was a slow process. He sald that he is now serving jana then vould have tO serve tH) The; Subject, said jat times seens depress: enpeTonar 18. “My general dmpression of the Subject is that he considers himself en amateur detective and wants people to believe he is in clandestine work. He appeared +o be unsettled and \ situation is disturbing hime greet deal. 19. I egein pointed out to the Subject in the course of the Jnterview that he should not consider himself acting on behalf of this Agency end I told kim I did not went him to, by his actions, do anything to bring undue attention to himself. Ke appeared to understand our conversation. a be Bie EXEMPTED FROM AUTOMATIC DECLASSTSICATION LL THFORMAT ION COMTATRER AUTHORITY CERTVED FROM @ @ eee os vevesirm exer FEL AUTOMATIC DECLASSIPECATION GULDE WHERE SHOMMT OTHERWISE. EXEMPTION COR: 25X11) DATE 10-1s-2019 BY bé per FBI pre Chief, Personnel Security Diviston Chief, A.preisai Section PHTTIE, Isabelle Mason 1, Avpreieal action at thie time pertains to a sumary of Subject's security fle. 2. Subject vas security aperoved for Agcney omploynent on 30 July 1J52. She vae polygraphed with favorable resists on 1 August 1952 and entered on duty on the same day, as 4 Clerk-Stenographer, GS-08. She vas first espigned to the District Ficld Office and Later to the Admin-bt istration and Training Stati /seeurity. In Deceuber 1956 she vas given >3 a PCS assiprment. to| “81 be Per FBI In August 1958 Subject notified security oftlotuls in etal thet T 8 i. In October 1958 an infoment of known relisbility advised that BE per PBt served oa active duty vith the| BIC retiring as al Prob? “Te WET T tary 5 Sora wast He was pranted a Tor secret clearance 1] é In June 1959 Subject returned to the United States for hone leave end then returned to[—«diPor a new tour. ba 7. In May 1956, 26 per FBI BIC rovided the folloving Information to the FET concerning| a. Sine BE per FBT Bic be sete g ec. Jexjeased wuch interest in local military | installations has toured Andrews Air Force Base, Bolling Ady Porce Base, Fort Myer, Virginia end « Nike Misetle Site in Fairfax Comty, Virginia; I a. jalways seemed to cai about $1. 000 _cash : Then visiting Im the Btates. Aleo he pe stout th $2000 cash 6 pex FBI i bic e boasted that he He rerorted: had stated that if, 8. jvho fornighs¢ the FBI with the b6 per Far | above informtfon. onined the sosetbilit pe [hone Leave in July 1959. perviewed by She descatvea|_—— Jas an ae bi BS, lect, bS per FBI bre 30. ras interviewed by representatives of Off in 1959. He gupplied satiatn were in resyonge to thelr juestiona 0: b6 per FET BIC LL, In Sextember 1460 Subject advised that! 12. In Foluntarily came to Headquarters and talked te Wis Purpose in coming vas to relate that b6 per FBI 7c behavior as very amy strange. He said teat he acts as if he de ina : interviewed on two oceasions by security offictate| He stated ency was pl : about hin. observea thad : je more unusual types had met. ‘trance. 4 13. In January 1961 Subject returned from for : convenience of the Governuent). In February 1961. Subject resigned? from the Agenay. 26 per FBI i, Subject andl e Btate Police, In checking Ticense nmbere oF, Fy ldctemmined that two of the care vere registered to] i srt employee of the Ageney Tron] i Way : interviewed by the Director of Security regarding his personal ANDEArine por FEI Uke Eppearanee of Ifa honac and the conduct of| admit ttc by ed nde youuston: md ndvised thr (Be ag rred to the $ [eons idered| ease, and as“! @ result he was given em oral rerrimand and certain other restrictions. He resigned from the Agency of dd 15. ite contained in ass on of resigned on[ ba BS per FBI SIGNED bre [ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED a = ae SERS setociesone af) @ bs orn e . Share the Farm Plan Now Offered By M, D. Pattie ‘Ragged Mountain Farm Sperryrille, V3. At our Ragged Mountoin Farm, Sperryville, Va,, we have decided to experiment NEW IDEA. SHARE THE FARM PLAN As a Participant, you would agree to pay One Dollar per week only, ‘Nothing more. And you would receive the following Privileges 1, Immeciately One Bushel of High Quali. ty Apples. You pay shipping charges only; or pick them up at the farre. 2. Free Bed, with Full Hours. Keeping facilities in one of our hostels’ at any’ time, for One Nightor stay all year if you like. Your relatives or friends, as Guests, pay fifty cents (0c) per night if beds are available, 3. Free Camping for friends and relatives. 4. You further receive a hun- dredth share of all organie fruit produced on our Property in 19h4. (In 1963 it was 4,000 bu. ‘of Peaches and 509 bu. of Ap: ples.) YOU pay cnly the charges of picking and shipping. It you prefer, we will (a) SELL your thare at Going Prices when har- wested, and Mails YOU the mon- ey, or (&) we will have YOUR share conned at cost at the local Canning Company, and shipped to wherever you want it, or ic) you can be here at Harvest Time to do as YOU please with tt , You share and enjoy with us Wholesale Buying Privileges, ‘We buy many things at whole. séle: Food, Books, Vitamins, A mals, Mabie Hornes, Walks: ‘wagons, ete,, ete 6.1 you don't come hére, you will recelve a report from ime to time on your Investment sFrult Conditions) etc 7. You receive a Garden if you want to stay, and 8. Free Real Estate advice if you ‘care to pnrchase land of your own in this area ‘8. YCU RECEIVE a Liberal Reward if you find 2 Better Bar- gain than this Any Where in the World! 19. YOU RECEIVE a Chance to Buy the Farm if yon allow ME to come back under these same Arrangements. ‘We expect more Applicants than we can accommodate This Year $9 write soon, snd tell us about Yourself, so we can make our selection. ‘Septensber 30, 1963 VISTA TRAVEL. SCHOOL gmc HetweRs $180 « 1394 STREET, ML Ww ALL TNFORMRTION CONTATNED SEREIN 13 CLASSEETEE oe i | e b6 pes FRI r 7c L802 ev. 2-10 ¥ w1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 6/3/94 Date of tcrpton The following investigation was conducted on May 27, 1994 by Special Agent (SA) FBI, Washington ps Metropolitan Field Office (WHFO) at the Office of General 6 per FBT Counsel, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA), Langley, Virginia. »7c PEOVIde EHS following photocopies of CIA documents as xéquested by the FBI: + CIA memorandum for| dated 23 March 1994, which indicates in paragraph five (5) that an Office of ba Secutity file contained Den and indicates in paragraph eight (8) that there is a variance between CIA and MPD accounts of a February 1987 conversation concerning the Finders. ladvised that the reference to a Office of Security File containing| o n paragraph 5 of the above memo) was not accurate indicated p3 that this reference w; ce of b6 per FBI Security file for one| provided a pre Sa ted 1 April 1965 which indicates that Jat CIA lived in the same house as also provided a photocopy of a summary memorandum date ember 1969 concerning ISABELLE PETTIE 3 jadvised that she Provided 5 BG per FBT SE of this as 1€ contained comments concerning] pre Ioverigaton on _ 5/27/94 « Langley, Virginia Bet axe-wy-100911 eet BE per FBI ty al Dae dstted mC ‘his docomest consis aetherresommenéations noe conshsins ofthe FB. i ibe property of the FBI ad is foaned to your aBe92¥5 ‘tan its content ze not to be debuted ousde your anoney. FOSS Rov. 17H) PBI ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Cy Teletype (2) Immediate (i Tor stcrer Facsimile 12 Priority (i SECRET AIRTEL © Routine (3 CONFIDENTIAL. UNCLAS EF TO CO wncras Date__ 6/10/94 TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (310-1 APTN: CID, VCU, SSA ADIC, Washington Field Office (31C-WF-189911) (Cc) FROM SUBJECT : “FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; lbs 00: WHFO Ibe Reference FBIHQ teletype to WMFO dated 5/12/94, WFO teletypes to FBIHQ dated 5/16/94 and 5/25/94, and WMFO facsimile to FBIHQ on 6/9/94, all captioned as above. s Enclosed for FBIHQ are the following: 1. One 1-302 detailing the results of the interview o: 2. One c 1-302 detailing the results of a reinterview of 3. One copy each of three documents obtained from the CIA along with one copy of an FD-302 documenting their origin. The enclosed material was requested by FBIHQ in referenced teletype and represents the last outstanding investigation required of WMO. as such, WMPO is closing this case. Bureau (Enc. 6) WDC inde WC ur ig 997/ Go — TT 7 mt on hd Oe sieges) © € ea ‘TRANSMIT VIA:_AIRTEL CLASSIFICATION:_uncias DATE: _ 12/20/94 FROM} Director, FBI ° --- (Violent Crimes/Fugitive Unit, Violent Crimes and Major TO: “Offenders Section) SAC, Washington, Field office (31¢-WF-189911) (Attention: 55a Squad c=4) be pre "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT - SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE ~ PRELIMINARY INQUIRY: 00: NFO . Enclosed for Washington Metropolitan Field office (WFO) is a copy of a Washington Metropolitan Police Department (WUPD) P.D, 854 investigutive file report, date 2/19/87 stamped "confidential" and "Do Not Disseminate," and an undated ppansundcten note from Department of Justice (Dos) Attorney[(_] bs prc on 9/22/24, Denuty assistant, Director (OAD) Jin Freier, Acting section Chiet Violent Crimes/Fugitive Unit {¥o/FU) Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) ‘and WMFO SSA met at the Dos 08, Main Justice Building, witn Dej Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) Kevin DeGregory, criminal Davi 88 captioned matter. Also in attend: were Section chief, and Attorney| both = Rplcitation and opscenity section, Criminal pivision, Dos. During this meeting, the reaults of this investigation to date vere discussed hy the FBI, and upon completion of this review, DAAG DeGregory stated that it did not appear that there was any additional investigation remaining to be conducted by the FBI. Howe gory noted that he had recently been contacted by Congressman who had = >6 Yequested a meeting with DAAC DeGregory, and that he would not. bre meet with the Congressman until after he had further reviewed this matter. Enclosure DREFC}g (8) UIPLT7GS Tee ae Fae TeUe CHUS- TTT ques Airtel to SAC, Washington Metropolitan Field Office from Director, FBI Rei "yinders Group: Waite Sluve Traffic Act - Sexual Exploitation of children; Obstruction of Justice ~ Preliminary Inquiry; 90: WFO On 12/13/94, DOT Attorney advised that DAAG DeGregory had completed his review of captioned matter, ani had requested that additional investigatian be conducted. eS noted that Yenort., ated 3 Gated that ane 6: pthe Finders ee ee bs advised that DAAG bre Cremeagary_Faquestad RE Ere FET ee Fequas aE EES SteEnINe the following: ip jG Bid the ep rovide, aE to FBI, WMFO a i) Bos attorney which requested that additional investigation on pets attached communication was received from previously no S conducted in this matter. FEI, WMFO will conduct appropriate investigation, and advise FBIHQ, VC/FU of results by Letterhead Memorandum suitable for dissemination to Dos. incendie een RII eae 01/27/05 17:57 $202 324 1504 youos-1T0 oor INTERSTATE THEFT/GOVERMMENT (CRIMES UNIT PRECEDENCE s Sec amar e-shii - Top § ret Time Transmitted: 22< Immediate Sender's Initials: 7“ _ Priority ~ Berteeie Number of Pages: Cover+_ 7 Routine “Unclassified To: Kote, WME Date: [22/98 Facsimile number: "202 i -&f 63 - / 7k é atin: SS Bre Roan Tetephone Wo.) From: __SSAl is Subject: _F IN dere.”? Eup. Qoiw Me Special Handling instrustions: (722-2 Originators Name: _ ssa L ‘laphone: 202-324-1607 be Originator’s Facsimite. Number: On gapek 508 Wa WTl¥E. Approve: WO EJP A—~ Sy JUL IG CPrAAL Pleo pee LPP me FTA yor OR Bray a Zo % ‘ep! peel) ET. OW gv I ATE f PERM pHi eG Ge ee is aoe FDO (Rev. 3.10.8) ne ‘FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Daw oftassipton _ 1/31/95 employ ene iverdale, Naryland, business 6 telephon: After being advised as to the bre identity i erviewing Agent, and to the purpose of the interview, provided the following information: was asked to clarify an incident that involved his be Bre 70 Indicated that to the best of his recollection, Ris Source Tater advised him be bic yD Invesignionos 1/30/95, sich dade 195 Fo. « Riverdale, Maryland _Fie# ty _sal at distted ‘This document contains ache resonmmendetons nor constsions of he FBX, Ds ke propery ofthe FB and is loaned to your agency ‘tard ta sone ave notin be distibutd ouside your agency. v6 Ie cee e FBI FacsimiL® COVERSHEET ‘WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN FIELD OFFICE SQUAD C-4 (202) 252-7844 PRECEDENCE CLASSIFICATION O Immediate O Top Secret Time Transmitted: 0 O Priority O Secret Sender's Initiais: O Routine Confidential Number of Pages: s O Sensitive {eluding Cover Page) Unclassified / to: FBT Hd Date: _/ /37 7/7. ‘amo of Gia) ve Facsimile Number: (202) 32¢- 2069 bre atin: ZEA Yeu, bd e (Name Room Telephono) From: ADI (Se-uk- 16950) rom (Name of Citioo) “e- Subject _'“FEgees* Geof Special Handling Instructions: AS SA LibUST Arte ane bs Cede Bayh ea oe a ets Originator’s Name: SA| Telephone: K Gof g Originator’s Facsimile Number: (222) 7- [766 Approved: BED) Ii) ~ Memorandum To > SAC, WMFO (31C-WF-189911) (C) Dae 5/9/95 em sa coy Swbject! "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT ~ SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00: WHFO Captioned matter was reopened at the request of FBIHQ, CID, VCU SSA on 1/27/95. All investigation requested by FBIHQ with the exception of one reinterview had already been completed by WFO prior to 6/10/94. This one reinterview was conducted by with the respective FD-302 forwarded to FBIHQ, SSA via facsimile on 1/31/95. On 5/9/95, writer contacted to ascertain the status of this investigation. ssal indicated that the matter remains open at FBI wading a decision from the Department of Justice. soa advised that there were no ‘Or WH new, or outstanding leads Based upon the above, WFO is closing this case. bs bre 7e \ Memorandum el jah cw Tie Enclosed are NOTE: DO NOT wt I-III ~ 4 ™ Dy 7/47 D wwe Subject des Bi AX Fite Deseusion Progra © items. These items are forwarded to your office since file mects criteria for destruction. Enclosures are described as follows: O original Notes. J original Fo-302's. OG Laboratory and/or Technical Reports. (g Miscertaneous Documents. BLOCK STAMP ORIGINAL ENCLOSURES. 31C-WF-189911 RMS/jmn 4 on January 21, 1994, the following investigation was conducted at El Centro, California, by Special agent (SA) Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI): L California, telephone number retired United States |. customs Service Special Agent, advised that he had checked a portion of his records for any personal notes concerning the prc WFINDER'S GROUP" and/or the search warrants executed in Washington, D.c. during 1987, with negative results. stated that he would continue to look for any notes. Pag a 1c Wl Ik4qu-S & FBI FACSIMILE COVERSHEET PRECEDENCE CLASSIFICATION OC immediate © Top Secret Time Transmitted: {°50e¢ O Priority D Secret Sender's Initials: ® Routine 1 Confidential Number of Pages: i} O Sensitive Ancucing Gover Page) Unclassified to:___ RIE fa Date: /-29-9- ‘Name of Offes} Facsimile Number. _J&¢— 42/6 be atin: SSA bre From: ae ‘ame of Ofee) Subject: "Fur ” : bokt ao Pipe EAH Rel ies of Chet ; . Zz em fokinvecrr, Ongurr, ; Co: a Z c Special Handling Instructions: Bak Canty & SH v6 bre Originators Name: | . Telephone:(2¢2)a°a- bane Originator’s Facsimile Number: (20x) £62 -/7F6 BIC - We 1879 B am eee Approved: Memorandum ° To : SAC, WMFO (31C-WF-189911) (Cc) Date 5/9/95 (oay bre Subject: "FINDERS" GROUP; WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ACT - SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; 00: WMFO| Cay was reopened at the request of FBIHQ, CID, veu ssa on 1/27/95. All investigation requested by FBIHQ with the exception of one reinterview had already been completed by WMFO prior to 6/10/94. This one reinterview was conducted by WMFO with the respective FD-302 forwarded to FBIHQ, SSA via facsimile on 1/31/95. AO On 5/9/95, writer contacted SSA to ascertain the status of this investigation. $51 dicated that the matter remains open at FBI ng a decision from the 6 Department of Justice. SSa| advised that there were no bre new, or outstanding leads for WNFO. Based upon the above, WFO is closing this case. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION POI/EA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/PA¥ 1361647-1 Total Deleted Page(s) = 39 Page 25 ~ b6; BTC; Page 30 ~ b6; v7C; Page 31 ~ be; BIC; Page 32 ~ Duplicate; Page 33 ~ b6; b?Cy Page 24 ~ Duplicate; Page 35 ~ b6; BIC; Page 36 ~ b6; BIC; Page 37 ~ b6; b7C; Page 38 ~ b6; BTC; Page 39 ~ Duplicate; Page 40 ~ bo; DIC; Page 41 ~ bo; DIC; Page 42 ~ b6; b7C; Page 43 ~ b6; b7C; Page 44 ~ b6; b?C; Page a5 ~ b6; Page 46 ~ b6; Page 47 ~ b6? Page 48 ~ b6; Page 49 ~ bo; Page 50 ~ bo; Page 51 ~ b6; Page 52 ~ b6; b7C; Page 53 ~ Duplicates Page 34 ~ b6; b7Cs Page 36 ~ b6; b7Cr Page 57 ~ bé; bTCr Page S& ~ Duplicate; Page 59 ~ be; DIC; Page 60 ~ Duplicate, Page 61 ~ b6; b7C; Page 62 ~ b6; b7C; Page 63 ~ Duplicates Page 67 = b6; b7C; Page 69 ~ b6; b7cr Page 71 ~ Duplicate; Page 72 ~ bé; b?Cz Page 75 » Duplicate; YON REAM ERNEE ERE, X Deleted Page(s) x X Mo Duplication Fee x X For this Page x HXAXXHRAARARKANKARAR HK e a 4 Unitedates Department of State April 26, 1994 ALL FAT TNEORMANION cOmPAINED to: HEREIN IS UNCLASSTEIED : EAME o2-1e-2014 BY Nerce| FROM: a Office of Freedom of Information Litigation and Appeais Branch SUBJECT: The "Finders Investigation” b6 - BIC Enclosed for your review are a total of 21 documents (70 pages) which were retrieved by the Department of State in connection with the "Finders Investigation." As I mentioned today by telephone, the Department of State has not yet reviewed the documents for releasability. We will notify your office once that review has been completed. In the interim, however, we ask that all documents be held in a proper security container and that they be shared only with individuals possessing proper security clearances and e need to know. Te sp have any questions, you may contact me on CONEIDENTIAL ({NCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM ATTACHMENTS) aie oF all a3 | APPACATION FOR PASSPORT BY MARL WALK 2E3x0 VAOK= 2035 CF Tpinhrvng mronwaniow ve id 4 pres DANE, ELIZARE AAA 1 weet SHERWOOD bairdice a! WA Unc BOOMERS Ha Coe rar or, tpn. 2 eae 3718 W STN, "ANE ggg Leawkengler DE 2007] 5 | Sheer x uence) RAR Saisaeng SS Atk Oe porlassei nA wader rns | "THIN past Tras do AS” Fin, mines Sattees & Ew? DER LZ BY SCOOT AoORESS sH9M, Cay. eZ Coon) PROPOSED TRAVEL PLANS AND EMERGENCY ADDRESS (Wot Medio) on = LENGTH OF STAY ‘COUNTRIES TO RE VISITED : PERSON TO NOTIT - 1K CARE OF EMERGENCY (Nor Trevetina With Yeu ANE IN FULL, ADDRESS {em Cin uae, 219 Code) Prowemummen 4 4 [yy |} RELATIONS (Aree Coan OATH AND SIGNATURE Ww any ot rant, toe orton ah ener aes oth i exis fg arate a Are ease : oh adage asta SASS aided Rainy os Ee OSes Se ON ae NN A Sas Ose Thea plcwaeey bat omy nomiaay od bala. Na tne ached phot x Ais 2, Peteeees) FONSASSPONT SERVICES GRE OMT x Faowere 1D treme ot name Cnn Dove USZ1ESET Se {SEE WVSTRUCTIONS OW REVERSE? -OaE se gy cL [ AFR cation ronarassonr onromTeATOn ” ABA) Se mm oe meee tat ely yop trance Been ecm Bums orebond perm Un aitzne ee cee oe So odegera PROT OM POPE ENTRI, TO aE COMPLETED BY ALL APLCANTS animal (Wade nent thee nel nave Fhicagstn MPurey Liar antennae ea ore Fre 7 Uae, ea conn a a pacar Had JS 5 amas OAV atenavi p owano 47 neorr AG YG, KO Be BIC mcmtmatdy arenoven POR LOCATION post action Pakeromt astD 12/20/74 eners Neer ea ELS RRisc umneih No. E24279BG Go Concent Rewwrnag ngton Ci ten 8 Rennes MY LAST REGISTRATION AS a cHIPEN OF THE UNITED ETATES WAS APPROVED, ERARENY RESIDENEE npr noma Cy, Bam, UA FIP Coo) ard seabom, [TacpCanaT Ramer SMe [Bow ot Ral inna SOA. a) Vad [eotad, nie FETT RUENT OF ACCIDENT Om EAT HETITT tne manny Ue nora vad oS BTW SU REST Tov RDS TETT Sse Troe: cave vou EVER SEEN RETORLO A PASSTORT te answer “Ve ExPLatn Wren ARO WHY Was cast wannito on 7/7676 WAS NEVER MAARIED. HAVE Vou ERain OnE ELUOTO IN ECT INCLUDED INAUE PABIFORTS (¥en QOMSULATE WILL STAPLE ROTO OF INCLUSIONS wines BONO} MMPRESS BEAL ON PHOTOGRAPHS, T haga ne end na otis person vclua i ts app hpn ha, ecw Sauna Unwed Bi ETE ‘Kotopraoha) atachea tr To are a ee Te By Patan ret HONG KONG etncitea enaamoin 10 atinmedl Bete me thi [OR REGISTRATION AB A CITIEEW OF THE UNITED STATER? Cl Vor “Elio UNAALE TO wut SEES PRS eae ern tanentirainy meee pane yam Sn MARRIAGE TERMINATED BY. 1 BOF Tit arriscation att Tate oar (EONEULAR OFFICE UBE ONLY) JFESMUSRAND'S EVIDENCE bg bTc Seomicns Herenaty Conan @ Rerorneo| or Satara, eartormed pw of ha ms nwo ween T Yor ets thor we statement crater th tthe Soe ooo FAT TREORWATTON COATATNED TU 13 UNCLASSIFIEC, 2-18-2011 AY ab! een Consulate Coneral of the) at Hong Koos of the joa ar Bong Kong, duly comissioned fpslttted personalty appeared Diens Elizabeth Stamsooo ‘Who, being duly sworn, depores end says ao tellower S hase ee ting frechen tm Brsne © Kerueed, fn gel Pepe Maree (973 ard lrsuty Ly A Changtd 2g desroree luna rm Change AFD) stant Eatin Subseribed and oworn to before me thie 15th day of ene 2979. ALL esis i “tsetice het copy wo you. © ntormasion b wokawa, erie “Uniorowm.” Ov net Sows both uous Une rabtlenl ewe share ame Provited tenet edges PRINT OR TYPE EATOOOR. els Some exon] sintRPAGE Te, ae SP arog I F [Chicape, re. | 9 | 36 RaKar Wa "Black S MY CANT REGMTRATION Ag A cITIZEN OF THM UNITES STATE Wat ABPROVED: 4 g 57 Ly a a ie Aieabedm “VER,” EXPLAIN DE OND wT 7S roto MOA MENTS Pom ‘Atone 70 bt mci uoene Pires ment be O00. of pore we menrent (oer was pomeet owt sae eow enone See met cone mow en et oe manne Sean, cOMBATI wa Sra oro oe mci uses —_— CL FEL ISOeMATION CONTAINED JSREIN TS UNCLASSIFIER. TATE 02-18-2014 BY acc| + Consulate General of the) bs United States of America) saz 7c et Hong Kong > Before me, Consul of the on Vaited States of America at Hong Kong, éuly comtesioned qualified personally appeared Eetbara Faye Sylvester who, being duly sworn, depoees and says aa follows: ® yous e FD-$02 (Rev. 3-10-82), <1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription __ 4/28/94 The following inyestiqation w lucted on April 26, 1994 by Special Agent (SA) FBI, Washington Metropolitan Field office ag the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE (USDS), Office of Eyéédom of Information, 22nd and ¢ streets, NW, Washington/“D.c. Information, Eitigetion anda rovided photocopies of material requested by FBIHO concerning the "Finders Investigation". [——feteices that the attached documents represented all that was Yétrieved from USDS records concerning this matter. ‘requested that this material be treated as confidential im nature, and that it not be disseminated outside of the FBI, until USDS completed a review of the documents. ee that this should take approximately two weeks ‘complete. bs prc we Investigation on 4/26/94 a Siashington, D.C. File # _31C-WF=189922 $c M v5 . Date dictated be y SA Aiznie8 BIC 4 ‘This document cont it end its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 1s neither recommendations nor conclusions ofthe FBI. It isthe property of the FBI and is loaned (0 your agency; FD~36 (Rev. 11-17-88) eo ... 6 FRI ‘TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: o 2 Immediate (2 Tor secrer 5 OD Pri O secrer ]_ATRTEL OO Routine (2 CONFIDENTIAL (] UNCLASEF TO ( UNCLAS: Date__4/28/9¢ TO + DIRECTOR, FBI (31¢-WF-189911) ADIN: CID, VcU, Ssa/ FROM «SAC, WMFO (31¢-WP-189911) SUBJECT : "FINDERS" GROUP; obtained WSTA - SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PI; 00: WiaFO Enclosed for FBIHQ are photocopies of 21 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE (USDS) "Finders" Group documents, and one copy of an FD-302 documenting their origin. For information of FBIHQ, these documents were by WMFO at USDS on 4/26/94, and according to the USDS are all that is contained in their records regarding captioned natter. SFBIHQ (Enc. 2) BIW 1899 Sub, = Vhs 7 TT mE Approved: ‘Transmitted Per Qn be 7c (umber) (ime) RZ. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION POI/EA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/PA¥ 1361647-1 Total Deleted Page(s) = 4 Page 4 ~ Duplicate; Page 8 ~ Duplicate; Page 9 ~ Duplicate; Page 10 ~ Duplicate; XXX RKKNXMRMERNAXHRMERNR X Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee x X For this Page x XXX KAN HKHRERAKRKHRERAHR ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN TS UNCLASSIFIED BATE o2-22-2024 BY NSICG| Memorandum. b6 Te: ADIC, WM¥O (31C-WF-189911) 42r Dee 4/28/94 pre a a Subject) "BINDERS" GROUP; WSTA ~ SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN; OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - PI? 00: WMFO attached to this memo is a Form FD-302 that is classified teeerct". It is requested that a Sub S file be opened from this memo in order to serve as a repository for classified material. pe SER 2-WFO MDC:mdc APR 28 199% Fi ALL FAT IRFORMATTOW CONTAINED 3 | taunt uF ewes tare o126-2000 3 = @ . e ‘FD-302 (Rev. 3-10-82) - -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transeciption __ 3/31/94 The following investigation was conducted on March 24, 1994 by Special Agent (SA) FBI, Washington Metropolitan Field office at the Office of General Counsel, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA), Langley, Virginia. paralegal specialist, CIA office bs of General Counsel, provided the following records for review: 1. CIA Personnel folder for ISABELLE M. PETTIE, Dob: 11/19/20, stamped terminated 1961. Review of this file revealed that ISAPELLE M. peTrig{——_____] and was PS per Fer employed by the CIA from 1952 to 1961 as a clerk stenographer, b7¢ and secretary stenographer. The file reflected that she resigned in 1961 with a forwarding address of 2510 N. Mckinley Street, : Arlington, Virginia. The file reflected that she was : reempioyable. 2. Pile jacket containing the results of CIA name traces : conducted as a result of a FBIHQ 12/23/93 request letter signed by AD POTTS. This folder consisted of the following: A, CIA internal memo dated 12/23/93 from Office of General Counsel to DCL regarding recent media articles alleging CIA involvement/ interference in the 1987 Finders Group investigation, Attached to this memo were copies of the following articles on the Finders, the 12/27/93 U.S. News and bi World Report article, and the 12/18/93, and 12/27/93 Washington bs Qimes articles. Also attached was a photocopy of Metropolitan Police Department Sergeant STITCHER’s report dated 2/19/87, and a CIA Secret memo to FBIHQ dated yequesting the FBI advise CIA should this group have any known association with the Finders Group. B. FBIHQ letter signed by AD POTTS, dated 12/22/93 to Director, CIA requesting Finders records checks. Invesigetion on 3/24/94 « Langley, Virginia Pile # _31C-MP-189911 ‘This dooument contains neither recommendations nor ¢ it and its contents arenot to be distributed outside ‘ithe property of the PBI and is loaned to your agency; Be vod e FD-3028 (Ree, 11-15-83) 340-WF-189911 Contineation of FD-a02 of _ 3/24/94 Review of CIA files yon 3/24/94 page 2 c. CIA internal letter dated 1/10/94 signed | etting forth leads within the CIA to conduct records checks as requested by the FBI in B. BI E. CIA Office of General c ed 2/6/94 advising the records checks ret with! F, CIA Director of Operations response dated 2/15/94 confirming that ISABELLE PEPYTE was a former employee. ba G. CIA Director of Central Intelligence Hesponse dated 2s/se advising that the records checks met with Attached to, but not a part of this file was a facsimile classified secret, and stamped DRAFT, from the CIA Office of Security. The results of their records checks were listed as follows: Maryland was employed from 1952 to 1961 by CIA as a clerk stenographer. 2 A file containing Ic 3,| a CIA staff employee, assigned to the Office of security during 1987, was the point of contact for authorities during the — Treated 8) further that) account of the conversation was at variance with that of the METROPOLITA! -ARTMENT . bi record documenting the conversation. is memo. flected that on be per FSI 2/18/87, spoke to Detective MED bre Intelligence Division concerning a MPD Inquiry on any CIA | | 1. ISABELLE M. PETTTE, DOB: 11/19/20, POB: Big Pool, | oe e D-302a (Rev. 11-15-83) 31¢-WF-189911, Ccontinsation of FD-302 of _ 3/24/94 Review of CIA files von__3/24/94 page 3 bi affiliation o; lo i e meno ba : reflects that| jadvised| had b6 per FBr | done a great deal of overseas travel, and tha’ JISABELLE b7c employee in the 1960’s roid that a a a addresses of the Finders, and advised that several Washington, D.C. businesses were involved with the Finders, including FUTURE ENTERPRISES, This memo was signed Acting Chief, Special Activities Division. Fequested to release a copy o bt FBI. A further request was ma fy this memo so as to b3 make its dissemination easier, [—deavised that she would : follow up on these requests and advise the FBI accordingly.

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