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By: Aprillia Rahmadian, A.Md, SST.Par, M.Par

Several things which are supposed to do when
answering telephone

Stop your previous conversation before picking up the


Pick up the phone promptly, courteously, and carefully.

Give a friendly greeting

Speak clearly and appropriately

Several things which aren’t supposed to do when
answering telephone

Do not interrupt the conversation

Do not rush

Do not hit the table

Do not chew gum

Do not use simply answer “yes”, or “no”

Do not forget to thank the guest for calling

Do not bang the receiver down


/ei/ A, H, J, K
/i:/ B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V
/e/ F, L, M, N, S, X, Z
/ai/ I, Y
/ou/ O
/u:/ Q, U, W
/a:/ R
American Spelling System
A Alpha N November
B Bravo O Oscar
C Charlie P Papa
D Delta Q Quebec
E Echo R Romeo
F Foxtrot S Sierra
G Golf T Tango
H Hotel U Uniform
I India V Victor
J Juliette W Whisky
K Kilo X X-ray
L Lima Y Yankee
M Mike Z Zulu
 Greet the guest in polite way
 Good morning, good afternoon, etc.
 British Airways, Good Morning.
 This is _______ speaking. How can I help you?

 Ask the type of flight plan

 Doyou prefer economy, business or first class?
 What type of plan do you want, Mr. Jacob?

 Ask how many person will be travelling

 How many of you will be travelling?
 How many person will be travelling, Mam?
 Ask the departure date
 When do you depart?
 What time will you depart?

 What time will you be departing?

 Mention the rate and whether tax and service are

included or not
 The rate which will be payed is including tax and
 It is including 20 kgs baggage
 Ask the name of the person who makes the
 Areyou making the reservation for your self, sir?
 What is your name?

 Ask the guest’s name

 May I have your name, please?
 Could you mention your name?

 Could you spell your name, sir?

 Ask the guest’s details (address, telephone number, fax
 Could you help me to fill your details?
 Could you tell me where do you live?

 Ask whether the guest has a special request or not

 Do you have a special request, sir?
 Is there any special request?

 Ask how payment will be settled

 How will you settle the bill?
 Are you going to pay by cash, credit card, or cheque, sir?
 Repeat the reservation completely
I will repeat your reservation
 May I repeat your reservation detail, sir?

 Give the last greeting

 Thank you for calling
 Thank you for making the reservation

 Have a nice stay with us

For next week
You have to make a conversation about handling
reservation by phone in pairs (2 person). Then, you
have to demonstrate/present the conversation you
have made by zoom meeting with your partner.

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