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Gender: Male / Female

Department: Finance / Human Resources / Information Technology / Marketing / Operations

Which is your job status? Full-Time / Part-Time
How long have you worked for this organization?

 Less than one year.

 One year to less than two years.
 Two years to less than five years.
 Five years to less than ten years.
 Ten years or more.

Strongl Disagre Strongly

Agree Neutral
y Agree e Disagree
1. Your work is valued by the organization.
2. The tasks assigned to you help you grow professionally.
3. The training and resources required for your job is adequately
4. Do you find your workload reasonable?
5. The rewards (rise in salary, promotion, recognition, Bonus etc)
given by the organization motivates you to work more efficiently
and effectively.
6. Your team takes accountability and ownership for results.
7. Your team inspire you to do your best work.
8. You and your co-workers openly talk what need to be done in
more effective way.
9. Your supervisor is approachable and easy to talk to.
10.The supervisor creates a motivating and energizing workplace.
11.Your opinions are sought on issues that affect you or your job.
12.Performance appraisal of your organization is satisfactory.
13.You feel more motivated after performance appraisal.
14.Performance Reviews provide you with the opportunity to set
personal as well as professional goals.
15.You have clear idea on what basis our performance is evaluated.
16.The results and feedback are biasfree and fair.
17.You can discuss about your performance appraisal with your
18.The goals and vision of the organization are important to you
19.Organizational environment is important for employee's
20.Does your organization's environment provide you enough
opportunities to interchange ideas within departments?

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