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Assessment Instructions

BSBMGT502 – Manage people performance

How to work through your assessment
The tasks in this assessment will assess competency for the unit BSBMGT502 Manage people
performance, Release 1.
• This document provides instructions only; do not upload this document to Moodle.

Features Explanation

Assessment • The assessment process requires you to complete all assessment tasks.
Process • You must complete all your assessments unassisted by the assessor or
anyone else.
• ILSC uses third party software to detect plagiarism.
• To gain a ‘Competent’ outcome in BSBMGT502 - Manage people
performance you will be required to gain a 100% result in all Online Quizzes
and a ‘Satisfactory’ result in the other assessment tasks.
• If you fail to meet the required criterion, you will receive the result ‘NYC’ =
Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed.
- For Task 1 a student can continue to resubmit an online quiz until they
achieve a result of 100%.
- For all other assessment tasks, the student has three (3) submission
• Listed below are the assessment tasks that you need to complete. You will
record your answers in Moodle.
• Complete the Assessment Templates provided for Tasks 2 and 3.

Assessment You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to manage the
information performance of staff who report to you directly. Development of key result areas
and scope and key performance indicators and standards, coupled with regular and timely
coaching and feedback, provide the basis for performance management.
The unit applies to individuals who manage people. It covers work allocation and
the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback
where there is a need for improvement.
The key outcomes are:
• Allocate work
• Assess performance
• Provide feedback
• Manage follow up

Assessment You must successfully complete all the following assessment tasks to demonstrate
Tasks competency in this unit.
 Task 1 - Online Quizzes

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Answer all of the online quiz questions.
 Task 2 - Knowledge Questions
Answer all of the short answer questions.
Record your answers in the Assessment Templates document.
 Task 3 - Project: Managing people performance at BizOps Enterprises
Demonstrate the required skills and knowledge by completing a scenario-
based project.
Use the templates in the Assessment Templates document.
 Task 4 – Observation: Coaching presentation
Your assessor will observe and assess your performance during a coaching
presentation in a simulated situation that reflects the workplace.

Assessment The Assessment Templates document located under the Assessment tab in
Templates Moodle, contains the templates you will use to record your answers to relevant
assessment tasks.

Task 1 – Online Quizzes

Complete in Moodle
• Topic 1: Online Quiz - 6 Questions
• Topic 2: Online Quiz - 4 Questions
• Topic 3: Online Quiz - 5 Questions
• Topic 4: Online Quiz - 6 Questions

Task 2 – Knowledge Questions

Purpose To assess you on your knowledge of the unit requirements

Instructions This task consists of 31 short answer questions.

• Read the questions carefully
• Answer all questions
• You must complete the questions unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Templates and You will need the following resources to complete Task 2:
resources required • Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template in the BSBMGT502 Assessment
Templates document
• Learning resources and relevant documents

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1. Explain why consultation is needed when allocating work.
2. Outline the framework of the industrial awards and certified agreements applicable to the
workplace relations system in Australia.
3. Explain the concepts of performance objectives, performance measures and performance
4. Managers can choose to set quantitative measurements of efficiency and effectiveness from a
cost perspective. What are some of the baselines?
5. How can a manager ensure an effective allocation of work?
6. What is a code of conduct?
7. What are the three potential areas of risk in workplace relations and performance
8. Outline some of the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements when managing staff
9. Discuss various options for controlling risks associated with human resources.
10. Explain performance management systems utilised within the organisation.
11. What are the reasons for conducting performance appraisals?
12. Why is it necessary to train staff in the performance management and review process?
13. List some of the methods in conducting performance management.
14. List the steps of the continuous improvement cycle for performance management.
15. Outline the steps for providing quality feedback.
16. Explain the difference between positive and constructive feedback.
17. What are some informal feedback methods managers can use?
18. Who should you inform about identified poor performance?
19. Explain on-the-job coaching and its value for performance management maintaining
20. What records would be typically required to be kept under the performance management
21. Briefly explain two situations when a manager should conduct a formal structured feedback
session. Give examples.
22. Describe staff development options that are relevant to the performance improvement
23. Explain when a manager should seek HR specialist assistance.
24. What could happen if a manager dealt with human resource issues outside their area of
25. Briefly describe two strategies for recognition and rewarding excellence. Give examples.
26. Explain the importance of monitoring and coaching individuals with poor performance.

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27. What types of managerial support services could be provided as part of the performance
management process?
28. When should an employee be counselled?
29. Outline the features of the disciplinary process.
30. Explain the meaning of unlawful termination.
31. Explain due process in the context of termination of employment.
Please note: Greystone College uses third party software to detect plagiarism

Task 3 - Managing People Performance at BizOps Enterprises

Purpose You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required by completing a
scenario-based project.

Assessment context You have received an email from Sarah Voss, Customer Service Manager.
and overview Subject: Staff performance appraisals
I have received some information from the Human Resources Department that
requires urgent attention. Human Resources has indicated that formal
performance reviews are now due for any new employees who have completed
three months of employment and for all other staff as part of the normal
scheduled 6-month review process.
In addition, Senior Management is also requesting that managers identify staff
whose performance has been dropping and to focus on this in the review
I realise that you have only been recently appointed to Team Leader of the
Customer Support Department and have had little chance to get to know your
team. To assist you in performing the reviews, I have provided you with some
information. I have provided a profile of the staff in your department below,
and some handover notes that your predecessor recorded.
Work through the series of steps that follow to complete the tasks in relation
to your team’s performance appraisals.
Sarah Voss
Customer Service Manager

Handover Notes Angela Adams

Results have become increasingly unsatisfactory, lower than at her last review,
with an overall poor performance on the job. Her poor performance includes:
• providing poor-quality customer service
• providing incomplete and sometimes inaccurate product information

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• poor verbal communication manner
• decreased level of professionalism
• a number of complaints from clients.
Sharon Jenkins
Generally happy with Sharon’s work performance; she consistently excelled in
providing administrative support to the team.
There have been some comments from the executive assistant that indicate
that Sharon could integrate more with the executive administrative support
team. When she is relieving at the reception desk, she is usually not up to date
with the latest instructions for visitors and clients. Comments indicate that
Sharon feels that this relief work conflicts with her other duties and she is
resentful that it often takes a priority over her other duties. The Executive
Assistant has also commented that she feels Sharon’s dress standard on some
occasions is not suitable for duties at the main reception desk; however,
Sharon appears to be meeting the company dress code.
Jasmin Houlman
Excellent performance and enthusiastic worker. Tends to do more than she is
assigned and occasionally takes over accounts assigned to other people.
Nick Coutos
Meets all expectations of the job. As the longest serving team member, his
expertise is often sought after by others. Despite this, he is reluctant to deal
with change.
Louie Smith
Our best account administrator. He has excellent rapport with clients. A good
person to use when problems need to be solved.
Bill Johns
Transferred from a warehouse position after injuring is back. Doing
exceptionally well in the customer service position. Deals with the most
challenging customers without raising his voice.

Profile of Customer Team leader – Customer support:

Support • Yourself (permanent – recently appointed)
Department Accounts administrators:
• Jasmin Houlman (permanent – 6 years of service)
• Nick Coutos (permanent – 15 years of service)
• Louie Smith (permanent – 9 years of service)
Customer support officers:
• Angela Adams (permanent – 5 years of service)
• Bill Johns (permanent – 3 years of service)
Administrative assistant:
• Sharon Jenkins (probation – 2 months of service)
Tasks include basic office administration and support, answering/making

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calls, generic customer service (for example, answering initial inquiries
and providing information as instructed).

Instructions • Read the project overview and context carefully

• Complete all the steps in the ‘Project Activities and Directions’ section
that follows
• You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Templates and The following resources are required for Task 3. You will find these in Moodle
Resources required assessment tab for this unit.
• Task 3 – Project: Managing people performance at BizOps Enterprises
Template in the Assessment Templates document
• BizOps business documents:
o Position description administrative support.pdf
o Profile customer support
o Risk management procedures.pdf
o Company business plan.pdf
o Code of conduct policy.pdf
o Information management procedures.pdf

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Project activities and directions
Read the assessment context and overview above before commencing your project. You must
complete all project activities and templates as directed using the assessment templates document in
the assessment tab on Moodle.

Complete steps 1 - 10 in relation to conducting a formal performance review at the end of Sharon’s
Jenkins probation period of three months.

1. Prepare a set of at least (8) eight questions on issues relating to Sharon Jenkins’s position, where
you will need guidance or clarification from the Human Resources Department. Use the
template in the Assessment Templates document to record your questions.
Questions for Sharon may cover:
• role and responsibilities
• technical requirements of the role
• codes of practice
• work allocation
• or other relevant topics

2. Access the Performance and Development Plan Template in the Assessment Templates
document and prepare a performance review and development plan for Sharon Jenkins. Refer
to her Administrative support position description in the required resources folder and the
comments on her performance in the handover notes. At this stage, you are only required to
complete the template up to and including the section titled ‘Performance issue/s being

3. Access the Work Plan Template in the Assessment Templates document and prepare a work
plan for Sharon. Identify the things you want Sharon to accomplish. Review these goals against
Sharon’s position description and prepare the work plan so that it continues to align with the
position description requirements.
Here is a list of the typical duties she performs:
• Check the stationery stock levels and order any necessary office supplies.
• Prepare the agenda for the upcoming customer support department meeting on 18 July and
email the eight people who are to attend. Book the meeting room via the calendar using the
email software.
• Cover for Denise in the main reception on Monday 25 July between 2 pm and 5 pm so she
can attend training. This involves recording customer feedback and directing calls to the
appropriate people.
• Book flights and arrange accommodation for Nick, who is attending a sales conference in
Cairns Wednesday 27 July until Friday 29 July.
• Create a list of all lapsed clients in Cairns and their contact details so Nick can contact them
during his trip.

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• Prepare a draft survey to give to new clients. Nick will also need this for his trip.
• Attend the Board meeting on Thursday 28 July at 3 pm and take the meeting minutes. The
draft minutes’ need to be emailed to all attendees by COB the following day.
• Prepare a draft letter of invitation to 12 competition winners. This involves designing and
formatting the invitation. The letters need to be sent by Friday 29 July.
• Sarah Voss, the Customer Service Manager, requires a minute-taker for a senior
management meeting being held on Tuesday 26 July at 1.30 pm.

Work in a team: For steps 4, 5 and 6, you will be working as part of a team (3 to 4 members). Your
trainer will provide you with clear instructions for joining a group. During your teamwork you will
have an opportunity to collaborate with others to achieve outcomes and provide leadership support
to other members. You must document your collaboration - create a group email to seek advice and
give feedback to other team members. Save in the ‘email conversation thread’ section of the
Assessment Templates document.

4. Access BizOps Risk Management Procedures. With your team members, conduct a risk
assessment according to the scenario below. Develop a Risk Management Plan to reduce risk
and consider the risks factors from a legal, personal, and human resources perspective. Email
your team members with your assessment of the risks for discussion. Complete the Risk
Management Plan template in the Assessment Templates document.
Scenario: There have been some concerns raised by senior management about Sharon taking
minutes at board and senior management meetings. There is a considerable amount of
commercial-in-confidence, financial and personal information discussed in these meetings. Any
information leaks could have serious consequences for the organisation. Additionally, it’s
essential that staff filing, and the minute-taking role is not subject to any unnecessary allegations
of impropriety.

5. Collaborate with team members to develop a simple Performance Management and Review
process to be used in your department. Create a flow chart to show the process as a continuous
cycle of improvement using the template in the Assessment Templates document. Access the
company business plan for the background information on the organisation. Email your group
members with your design ideas.
Your design should consider factors such as:
a. Key characteristics of the organisation and its culture
b. How performance management is currently working
c. Key stakeholders’ input into the design process
d. Support system and training

6. Prepare a slide presentation for the coaching of your staff in the performance management
system you designed in Step 5, including a summary of the process. Insert screen shots of your
slides in the ‘Slide Presentation’ section in the Assessment Templates document. You will deliver
your presentation in a simulated staff meeting for Task 4 - Observation. Refer to instructions in
the observation section that follows.

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7. Sharon Jenkins has shown improvement in her work performance according to the KPIs in her
position description and the performance management plan you developed in step 2. However,
some further improvement is needed when working with the executive team and providing
information to customers. Evaluate, rate and document Sharon’s performance results using her
position description, performance standards and measurements, and the KPIs you developed for
her earlier. Document the performance results in the ‘Qualitative Performance Measures’
template in the Assessment Templates document.

8. Prepare a summary of the informal feedback you will provide Sharon using the template in the
assessment templates document. This should include the positive and constructive feedback
elements; goals for future performance and suggested methods of rewarding her excellent
results, to ensure she keeps up the good work.

9. Using the Performance and Development Plan for Sharon in Step 2, complete the rest of the
plan. The ‘Performance expectations and assessment’ section is the action plan for coaching
Sharon on the job to improve performance in the lower performance areas. Include the
methods you would use to continually monitor and evaluate her performance. You may need to
access the BizOps Code of Conduct Policy to assist you in completing this action plan. Complete
the ‘Performance improvement review report’ section based on the Qualitative Performance
Measures in step 7.

10. Access BizOps’ Information Management Procedures. Using the template in the Assessment
Templates document, outline the procedures for the storage and security of the records and
documents referenced in steps 7–9 and kept as part of the performance management process.

Complete the following steps in relation to conducting a formal performance review for Angela and
Jasmin, Nick, Louie, and Bill.

11. Formal performance reviews must be conducted for the other five existing staff. Schedule the
reviews using the Formal reviews and feedback session’ table in templates document. Access
the handover notes to outline the current performance of each. Based on Angela Adam’s KPIs as
a customer support officer, her poor results are concerning. Using the structured formal
feedback – Angela Adams template, outline the formal structured feedback session you would
conduct with Angela to include:
a. whether KPIs have been met
b. where improvement needs to be made
c. confirming short and long term goals
d. support services available

12. Using the Performance and Development Plan template in the Assessment Templates
document, prepare a performance development plan for Angela, including clear SMART
objectives to reinforce excellence in performance, a coaching schedule, and the method for
ongoing performance monitoring.

13. Three months from the implementation of the performance development plan, Angela’s results
show no improvement. She seems to show no commitment to change and improvement.
Prepare an email using the template in the Assessment Templates document to the Human

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Resources Manager asking for guidance in dealing with this situation and further action that
could be taken.

14. Write a formal warning letter to Angela explaining the disciplinary process and the counselling
options available using the template in the Assessment Templates document. Ensure you
address best practice guidelines when writing to Angela according to Fair work Australia.

15. Refer to guidelines on termination provided by the Fair Work Ombudsman at:
entitlements/ending-employment. Using these guidelines, write a termination letter for Angela
that explains the documented reasons for dismissal and the steps of the due process. Fair Work
Australia also provide a letter template which you may use as a guide.

Task 4 – Observation: Staff Coaching presentation

Purpose To assess your performance of the required skills and knowledge while being
observed by your assessor.

Observation You are delivering a staff coaching session to class members who represent the
context and staff in your department in a simulated work environment using the presentation
overview slides you developed in step 6 of the project.

Observation You will deliver a coaching session as part of the BizOps leadership team or
instructions individually as team leader of your department.
If you deliver your session as part of a team, your assessor must observe you
performing all the assessment criteria, therefore you must take an active role.
Your audience (class members) represent the staff in your department who are
scheduled for a performance review.
Your coaching session is to inform your staff of the performance management
system used to manage the review process at BizOps and to give encouragement
and feedback about the team’s performance.
You must not give feedback on the performance of an individual staff member
during the session, but to the whole team focusing on your expectations of their
role and responsibilities.
Your assessor will assess your required skills and knowledge while observing your
performance during the coaching session according to the observation checklist
Your assessor will:
• schedule your observation assessment at a suitable time as part of a team
or as an individual student assessment.
• expect you have prepared for the assessment
• provide you with clear instructions before commencing your assessment.

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Materials and The following materials and resources are required to complete this observation:
Resources • Computer equipment
required • Presentation slides
• Microsoft Office software or other
• Display monitor
• Access to the internet
• other team members

Assessment The assessment will be conducted in a safe, simulated workplace environment,

conditions where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical
activities experienced in relation to BSBMGT502
If this assessment is conducted in a group environment, the assessor will provide
specific feedback on the performance of each individual student participating in the
observation task

Observation Checklist
Your trainer will assess you according the following criteria:
Your trainer will grade your Observation directly in Moodle.

Observation criteria

01 Coaching staff in the performance management and review process

02 Taking an active leadership role

03 Showing confidence in coaching others

04 Giving feedback on work performance and standards

05 Explaining work performance expectations that is clear and easy to understand

O6 Using words and terms suitable to the work environment

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