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本測驗分三部份,全為四選一之選擇題,每部份各 15 題,共 45 題。本測驗總

分 100 分,平均每題 2.2 分,作答時間約 30 分鐘。

第一部份: 看圖辨義
本部份共 15 題,試題冊上有數幅圖畫,每一圖畫有 1~3 個描述該圖
之題目,每題請聽錄音機播出題目以及 A、B、C、D 四個英語敘述之後,

(聽)What is this?
A. This is a desk.
B. This is a chair.
C. This is a box.
D. This is a bed.

正確答案為 A,請在答案紙上塗黑作答。
A. Questions 1-2

B. Question 3 C. Question 4
D. Question 5

E. Question 6 F. Question 7
G. Questions 8-9

Question 10 I. Questions 11-12

J. Questions 13-14
K. Question 15
第二部份: 問答
本部份共 15 題,每題請聽錄音機播出一英語問句或直述句之後,從
試題冊上 A、B、C、D 四個回答或回應中,找出一個最適合的作答。每

例: (聽) Where is your brother now?

(看) A. He's 20 years old.

B. He's a doctor.
C. He's thirsty.
D. He's in New York.

正確答案為 D,請在答案紙上塗黑作答。
16. A. Today is Sunday, the 11th. C. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.
B. He has a very bad temper. D. Yeah, I’ve asked him to speak
C. Yes, it’s only temporary. louder.
D. About 20℃, I guess.
21. A. Will size 11 do?
17. A. Maybe you’re right. I really need B. Are these shoes too small?
some sleep. C. What’s wrong with the soup?
B. Because I have a cold. D. How are they different?
C. No. You can keep the rest.
D. Don’t worry. I won’t take it down. 22. A. No. May is on another line.
B. Sure, I’ll be in my office until 5.
18. A. He is absent today. C. All right. It’s on now.
B. How about this wallet? D. Yes, hold on, please.
C. When did he get lost?
D. John is our class representative. 23. A. We went to Ed’s party last night.
B. No, I wasn’t hurt.
19. A. About a 5-minute walk. C. Joy couldn’t go yesterday.
B. 40 miles an hour. D. Yeah, I had a great time.
C. 12 months.
D. Every 15 minutes.

20. A. That’s a good choice.

B. But I like the other one better.
24. A. I’ll move to the front seat.
B. Really? Maybe I should jog more 28. A. Yes, I'll give him a tour of the
often. school.
C. I’m sorry. I’ll turn it in tomorrow. B. No, I want to be a history major.
D. I’ll get some more on my way C. No, I went to college in the U.S.
home. D. Yes, most of my friends went to
25. A. Hello.
B. I’ll say. 29. A. Because he overthrew the Ch’ing
C. Tomorrow. Dynasty.
D. I will. B. He is our national father.
C. It is in Taipei City.
26. A. Yes, you may be excused. D. It is November 12.
B. Yes, there’s one on Park Road.
C. Yes, they are my neighbors. 30. A. Oh? I didn’t know Italy has so
D. Yes, they are doing the laundry. many islands.
B. So, you’re an international
27. A. At 12:30. company.
B. From platform 2. C. She's wearing a blue dress.
C. It's already left. D. I’ll have French, please.
D. The next train is to Taichung.
第三部份: 簡短對話
本部份共 15 題,每題請聽錄音機播出一段對話及一個相關的問題後,
從試題冊上 A、B、C、D 四個備選答案中找出一個最適合的回答。每段對

例: (聽) (Man) How do you go to school every day?

(Woman) Usually on foot. Sometimes by bus.

(Question) How does the woman go to school?

(看) A. She always walks to school.

B. She usually takes a bus.
C. She either walks or takes a bus.
D. She usually goes on foot, never by bus.

正確答案為 C,請在答案紙上塗黑作答。

31. A. In a hotel.
B. In a restaurant. 35. A. They're making bread and drinks.
C. In a travel agency. B. They're celebrating the completion
D. In a furniture store. of a project.
C. They're visiting a friend in the
32. A. A policeman. hospital.
B. A hair stylist. D. They're trying to quiet down a
C. A teacher. crazy cheerleader.
D. A ticket agent.
36. A. She loves playing video games.
33. A. Sightseeing. B. She's not sure if she has enough
B. Climbing a mountain. money.
C. Looking at photographs. C. They have to be careful not to be
D. Talking about painting a house. caught.
D. She doesn’t like video games.
34. A. A place to go shopping.
B. A job opportunity. 37. A. It’s terrible.
C. A change in their schedule. B. It’s perfect.
D. A person they are looking for. C. It’s so-so.
D. It’s none of his business. C. Tomatoes.
D. Milk.
38. A. He went to a concert.
B. He went bowling. 40. A. The man has problems getting up
C. He didn’t answer the telephone. early.
D. He didn’t clean his room. B. The man is mean to her.
C. She hopes nobody can overhear
39. A. Toilet paper. them.
B. Toothpaste. D. She wishes more people could go.
41. A. A dessert. 44. A. Go to the convenience store.
B. An illness. B. Wait for the garbage truck.
C. Blood. C. Remove the bottles from the bag.
D. Sugar. D. Go bicycling on Saturday.

42. A. Spend too much time at the beach. 45. A. She’ll have to bring her own
B. Write a lot of papers. furniture.
C. Stay in the library on weekends. B. She won’t have to pay for water or
D. Go swimming in her free time. electricity.
C. The view is beautiful.
43. A. Because Joe doesn’t live there. D. The rent is not too high.
B. Because Joe doesn’t want to be
C. Because he said the wrong name.
D. Because Joe is out.

-The End-

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