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SPE 58976

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Effect of Drag-Reducing Agents in Multiphase, Oil/Gas Horizontal Flow
C. Kang and W. P. Jepson, SPE/Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology, Ohio University

Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

increase of production, change of flow pattern, reduction of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE International Petroleum Conference corrosion rate, and so on.
and Exhibition in Mexico held in Villahermosa, Mexico, 1–3 February 2000.
The performance of DRA still remains unclear in spite of
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of the investigation of many researchers since effectiveness of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to DRA depends on many parameters such as oil viscosity, pipe
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at diameter, liquid and gas velocities, composition of oil, pipe
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
roughness, water cut, pipeline inclination, DRA concentration,
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is types of DRA, shear degradation of DRA (Kang1).
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Temperature and pH may be other factors as well.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Mansour2 has performed experiments to study the effect of
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
pipe diameter on DRA performance using GEM in a
recirculation system. The system consists of centrifugal pump
Abstract and four carbon steel pipelines (2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 cm). He
An experimental study has been carried out in a 36-m long, noted that drag reduction of less than 10% was obtained in 2.5
10-cm diameter in horizontal multiphase system. Oil with a and 5 cm diameter pipelines. However, drag reduction of 35%
viscosity of 2.5 cP was used as the liquid phase and carbon and 50% was achieved in 7.5 and 10 cm diameter pipelines.
dioxide was the gas phase. The effect of drag reducing agents He concluded that drag reduction increases with an increase in
(DRA) on average pressure drop, maximum pressure drop and pipe diameter. However, Lester3 has mentioned that the
slug characteristics for superficial liquid and gas velocities of effectiveness of DRA decreases with increasing pipeline
0.5 to 1.5 m/s and 2 to 12 m/s, respectively, was studied at diameter.
DRA concentrations of 0, 20 and 50 ppm. Temperature was A comparison of DRA effectiveness in smooth and
kept at 25 oC and pressure was maintained at 0.13 MPa. roughened pipes has been performed by Derrule4 and
The DRA was effective in reducing the average pressure Bewersdorff5. Derrule mentioned that drag reduction in
drop significantly for all superficial liquid and gas velocities in roughened pipes was higher than that in smooth pipes with the
both slug and annular flow. The average pressure drop addition of polyethelyne oxide. However, Bewersdorff
reduction of up to 82% for slug flow and 47% for annular flow showed that drag reduction for both smooth and roughened
was achieved. For slug flow, the effectiveness generally pipes with polyacrylamide had the same magnitudes.
decreased with increase in superficial liquid velocity. The It has been noted by Kang6 that the effectiveness of DRA
maximum pressure drop across the slug also reduced with suddenly decreased after DRA was injected into the
addition of DRA. The effectiveness for maximum pressure recirculation system when centrifugal and gear pumps were
drop was over 28% at a superficial liquid velocity of 1.5 m/s used. Hence, it may be very difficult to obtain reliable
for all gas velocities. laboratory data using high shear pumps in a recirculation
At superficial liquid and gas velocities of 0.5 and 2 m/s, system. It has been recommended that DRA should be injected
the flow pattern changed from slug flow to stratified flow by downstream of each pump station in the field.
decreasing the slug frequency to 0 slug/min. when 50 ppm A degradation study for 200-wppm polyacrylamide has
DRA was added. At higher liquid and gas velocities, the slug been performed at several temperatures (7.2 oC, 25 oC and
frequency also decreased significantly. The effective height of 87.8 oC) in 0.78-cm I. D. single-phase pipelines by Choi and
the liquid film decreased with addition of DRA. Kasza7. They found that the polymer degradation strongly
depends on temperature. Dilute polymer solutions degraded
Introduction rapidly at 87.8 oC. However, no degradation was found at 7.2
DRA is well known to reduce pressure drop substantially in o
C, and more than 50% reduction was achieved for the one-
turbulent flow when small amount of DRA is injected in the month duration of circulation.
pipeline. The use of Drag Reducing Agents (DRA) in The definition of drag reduction (or effectiveness) is to
multiphase pipeline is of great interest in petroleum industry increase in pumpability of a fluid by adding certain polymers
due to many benefits such as reduction of operation costs,

in turbulent flow (Savins8). The effectiveness of DRA can be pressure drop refers to the pressure drop including liquid film
calculated as follows: and slug units.
∆Pwithout DRA − ∆Pwith DRA Figure 2 presents a plot of the average pressure drop
Effectiveness of DRA (%) = × 100 versus superficial gas velocity with DRA concentrations at a
∆Pwithout DRA
superficial liquid velocity of 0.5 m/s. The corresponding
effectiveness is shown in Figure 3. At superficial gas

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A general overview of DRA has been conducted by Hoyt9, velocities of less than 10 m/s, slug and pseudo-slug flows were
Virk10, Sellins11 and Kulicke12. noticed. At superficial gas velocities of 2 and 6 m/s, the
Initially, most of oil wells contain only oil and gas. The average pressure drop decreased from 1015 to 354 Pa and
multiphase mixture is transported through a single multiphase from 1648 to 1279 Pa respectively when 20 ppm DRA was
pipeline to a separation facility. The reduction of pressure added. It can be seen from Figure 3 that these correspond to
drop and slug frequency in these pipelines is of great main an effectiveness of 65% and 22% respectively.
interest to the petroleum industry. However, in spite of At superficial gas velocities of greater than 10 m/s, annular
industrial demand and its importance, the study of drag flow was observed. At superficial gas velocities of 10 and 12
reduction in oil/gas pipelines has not been carried out. m/s and the same DRA concentration, the average pressure
This paper shows the effect of DRA on pressure drop and drop for annular flow decreased from 1206 to 908 Pa and from
slug frequency in oil/gas flow in large diameter horizontal 1384 to 1122 Pa respectively. The effectiveness at these
pipes. velocities was 25% and 19% respectively.
It can be seen that the DRA concentration of 50 ppm was
Experimental Layout and Conditions more effective than 20 ppm for all cases. At superficial gas
The experiments have been carried out in 10 cm ID, 18 m long velocities of 2 and 6 m/s, the average pressure drop for slug
flow loop as shown in Figure 1. Volume of oil is stored in a flow decreased from 1015 to 249 Pa and from 1648 to 1112 Pa
1.2 m3 stainless steel storage tank. The tank is equipped with a respectively. The effectiveness at these velocities was 75%
heater and cooling coils to maintain the defined temperature in and 33% respectively. At superficial gas velocities of 10 and
the system. A low-shear progressing cavity pump where the 12 m/s, the average pressure drop for annular flow decreased
liquid flow rate is controlled by varying the speed of pump is from 1206 to 634 Pa and from 1384 to 815 Pa. In this regime,
used to avoid shear degradation of polymer. the effectiveness of DRA was over 40%.
Carbon dioxide gas is stored in a 20,000 kg storage tank and The average pressure drop decreases because the liquid
fed to the system at an inlet pressure of 2 MPa. The carbon film is spread around the pipe wall with addition of DRA,
dioxide gas is then regulated and the gas flow rate is metered which leads to decrease in the height of the liquid film and the
using a variable area flow meter. slug frequency. The decrease in the maximum pressure drop
The oil/gas is mixed at a tee junction and then flows into of slug with DRA also leads to decrease in the average
an 18 m long Plexiglass pipeline where pressure drop, flow pressure drop.
pattern and slug characteristics are monitored. The pressure Figures 4 and 5 show equivalent plots for a superficial
drop is measured along a 4.7 m length of the pipeline using liquid velocity of 1.0 m/s. It can be seen from Figures 2 and 4
pressure transducer. A high-speed camera connected to a that an increase in superficial liquid velocity was accompanied
digital VCR and high resolution monitor is used to record flow by an increase in the average pressure drop at each superficial
images for the determination of slug flow characteristics. The gas velocity. This is due to the fact that the height of the liquid
oil/gas mixture then returns to the storage tank and gas is film increased with increasing superficial liquid velocity.
vented through oil/gas separator to the atmosphere. Also, this led to higher slug frequency.
The experiments were conducted in horizontal pipes at a The slug flow regime was noticed at superficial gas
system pressure of 0.13 MPa and at temperature of 25 oC. Oil velocities up to and including 10 m/s. It can be also seen that
with a viscosity of 2.5 cP was used as the liquid phase whereas DRA was effective at all superficial gas velocities with
carbon dioxide was the gas phase. Superficial liquid velocities addition of 20 ppm DRA. At superficial gas velocities of
from 0.5 to 1.5 m/s and superficial gas velocities from 2 to 12 greater than 6 m/s, the effectiveness of the DRA was less than
m/s were studied. This range of superficial liquid and gas 20%. Further increasing DRA concentration to 50 ppm was
velocities includes three flow patterns such as slug flow, accompanied with more reduction in the average pressure drop
pseudo-slug flow and annular flow. The DRA effectiveness under the all conditions. At superficial gas velocities of 2 and
was tested for 0 ppm, 20 ppm and 50 ppm concentrations. 4 m/s, the corresponding values of DRA effectiveness were
82% and 51% respectively. At higher superficial gas
Results and Discussions velocities, the effectiveness for both slug and annular flow
Figures 2~9 show the result of pressure drop reduction for was around 28%. It can be seen from Figures 3 and 5 that for
slug flow and annular flow with the presence of DRA. For slug flow, the average pressure drop reduction generally
slug flow, maximum and average pressure drops are decreased with increasing superficial gas velocity.
introduced in the paper. The maximum pressure drop is The DRA was effective in reducing the maximum pressure
defined as the pressure drop across the slug. The average drop at all conditions studied as shown in Figures 6~9. For a
superficial liquid velocity of 0.5 m/s, the maximum pressure

drop with DRA concentrations is shown in Figure 6 and the Figure 12 presents the effect of DRA on effective height of
corresponding effectiveness is given in Figure 7. It can be seen the film at a superficial liquid velocity of 1.0 m/s. It can be
from Figure 6 that with no DRA, the maximum pressure drop seen that the effective height of the film decreased from 3.8 to
increased from 6,800 Pa at a superficial gas velocity of 2 m/s 3.2 cm with increase in superficial gas velocity from 2 to 6
to 11,900 Pa at 6 m/s and then decreased to 7,500 Pa at a m/s. The effective height of the film decreased slightly when
superficial gas velocity of 8 m/s. This is due to the change in 20 ppm DRA was added. It can be seen that the effective

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flow pattern from slug to pseudo-slug. height of the film decreased more with addition of 50 ppm
At superficial gas velocities of 4 and 8 m/s, the maximum DRA, which led to a decrease in the average pressure drop and
pressure drop decrease from 9,900 to 6,700 Pa and from 7,500 slug frequency. This is because the liquid film spreads around
to 5,400 Pa with addition of 20 ppm DRA. These correspond the pipe wall with addition of DRA. For example, at a
to an effectiveness of 32% and 28%. The maximum pressure superficial gas velocity of 6 m/s, the effective height of the
drop reduction increased with further addition of DRA. For a film decreased from 3.2 to 2.8 cm when 20 and 50 ppm DRA
concentration of 50 ppm DRA, the effectiveness was 100% were added.
and 44% at superficial gas velocities of 2 and 8 m/s. At a
superficial gas velocity of 2 m/s, the slugs disappeared with 50 Conclusions
ppm DRA. Experiments have been carried out to examine the
Figures 8 and 9 show equivalent plots for superficial liquid effectiveness of DRA in a large diameter pipelines. For slug
velocity of 1.5 m/s. Similar results were observed. At a flow, maximum and average pressure drops are introduced in
superficial gas velocity of 8 m/s, pseudo-slug was observed. the paper. The DRA concentration of 50 ppm was more
The maximum pressure drop reduced with addition of DRA effective than 20 ppm DRA for all conditions studied.
concentrations. The results for a concentration of 50 ppm The average pressure drop decreased significantly with
DRA for the same velocities were better than those with 20 addition of DRA. The average pressure drop reduction of up to
ppm DRA. At superficial gas velocities of 2 and 4 m/s, the 82% for slug flow and 47% for annular flow was achieved.
maximum pressure drop reduction was 44% and 36% For slug flow, the average pressure drop reduction generally
respectively. At higher superficial gas velocities, the decreased with increase in superficial gas velocity. The
effectiveness was around 30%. average pressure drop decreases with a decrease in the height
DRA with high molecular weight polymers is known for of the liquid film, slug frequency and maximum pressure drop.
many years to reduce only frictional pressure loss in turbulent The DRA was effective in reducing the maximum pressure
flow. However, DRA can reduce accelerational pressure loss drop at all liquid and gas velocities. At a superficial liquid
since for slug flow, accelerational component dominates in velocity of 1.5 m/s and all gas velocities, the reduction in
total pressure drop. maximum pressure drop was over 28%. For slug flow, DRA
Figure 10 shows the effect of DRA on slug frequency at a can reduce accelerational pressure loss.
superficial liquid velocity of 0.5 m/s. It can be seen that the The slug frequency decreased significantly with addition
slug frequency decreased with both 20 and 50 ppm DRA of DRA. At superficial liquid and gas velocities of 0.5 and 2
concentrations. It should be noted that at superficial gas m/s, the flow pattern changed from slug flow to wavy
velocity of 2 m/s, the flow pattern changed from slug flow to stratified flow regime. At low superficial gas velocity, DRA
wavy stratified flow regime by decreasing the slug frequency has a better effect in decreasing the slug frequency.
from 8 to 0 slugs/minute when 50 ppm DRA was added. This The effective height of the film decreased with DRA
is due to the fact that the liquid is easily spread around the concentrations, which led to a decrease in the average pressure
pipe wall with addition of DRA. It has been found from drop and slug frequency. This is because the liquid film
previous research at the Institute that adding DRA shifts the spreads around the pipe wall with addition of DRA.
transition from stratified flow to the slug flow regime to
higher superficial liquid velocities. It is seen that the slug Nomenclature
frequency at 50 ppm DRA decreased more than that at 20 ppm
DRA. For example, at superficial gas velocity of 4 m/s, the ∆P = pressure drop, Pa
ID = inside diameter, m
slug frequency decreased from 8 to 6 slugs/minute and from 8
DRA = Drag reducing agents
to 4 slugs/minute as 20 and 50 ppm DRA were added.
ppm = parts per million
Similar results were noticed at a superficial liquid velocity
of 1.0 m/s as shown in Figure 11. It can be seen that the slug
frequency decreased significantly with DRA concentrations. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to acknowledge the flow improvement
Decreasing the slug frequency leads to a decrease in the
center at Ohio University and the companies involved with it
average pressure gradient leading to an increase of DRA
for giving permission to present this work.
effectiveness. It is seen from Figures 10 and 11 that increasing
DRA concentration from 20 ppm to 50 ppm leads to increased
reduction in slug frequency. It can be also seen that at low References
superficial gas velocity, DRA has better effect in decreasing 1. Kang, C. and Jepson, W. P., “Multiphase Flow Conditioning
Using Drag-Reducing Agents”, SPE Annular Technical
the slug frequency.

Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, Paper No. 56569, 7. Choi, U. S. and Kasza, K. E.,“Long-Term Degradation of Dilute
1999. Polyacrylamide Solutions in Turbulent Pipe Flow”, Drag
2. Mansour, A. R. and Aswad, Z. A. R., “A Method to Minimize Reduction in Fluid Flows, Ellis Horwood Limited, 163-169,
Costs or maximize Flow Rate of Pumping Crude Oil Inside 1989.
Pipelines using a new Drag Reducing Additive”, J. of Pipelines, 8. Savins, J. G., “Drag Reduction Characteristics of Solution of
7, 301-305, 1989. Macromolecules in Turbulent Pipe Flow”, Soc. Petrol. Eng. J.,

Downloaded from by MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Co BV, samana ishaq on 05 April 2021
3. Lester, C. B., “The Basics of Drag Reduction”, Oil and gas J., 4, 203, 1964.
51-56, Feb. 1985. 9. Hoyt, J. W., “The Effect of Additives on Fluid Friction”, J. of
4. Derrule, P. M. and Sabersky, R. H., “Heat Transfer and Friction basic engineering, 258-285, June 1972.
Cofficients in Smooth and Rough Tubes with Dilute Polymer 10. Virk, P. S., “Drag Reduction Fundamentals”, AIChE J., 21, pp.
Solutions”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 17, 529-540, 1974. 625-656, July, 1975.
5. Bewersdorff, H. and Berman, N. S., “Effect of Roughness on 11. Sellins, R. H. J., “The Effect of Drag-Reducing Additives on
Drag Reduction for Commercially Smooth Pipes”, J. of Non- Fluids and Their Industrial Applications”, J. of Hydraulic
Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 24, 365-370, 1987. Research, 20 (1), 29-68, 1982
6. Kang, C., “Effect of Viscosity on DRA performance”, Advisory 12. Kulicke, W. M. and Kotter, M., “Drag Reduction Phenomena
Board Meeting, Center for Flow Improvement, Institute for with Special Emphasis on Homogeneous polymer Solutions”,
Corrosion and Multiphase Technology, Ohio University, Dec. Advance in Polymer Science, 89, 1~67, 1989.

A. Storage Tank
B. Pump
C. Mixing Tee
D. Gas Tank E
E. Pressure Tappings 18 m Inclined Section
F. Flexible Hose


Flow meter Outlet Gas


Figure 1. Experimental Layout of the Flow Loop


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2000 100
0 ppm DRA 90 20 ppm DRA
20 ppm DRA 80 50 ppm DRA
50 ppm DRA 70
Slug Annular
1200 60
Flow Flow
Effectiveness of DRA, %
1000 50
Average Pressure Drop, Pa
800 40

600 30

400 20
Slug Annular
200 Flow 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Superficial Gas Velocity, Superficial Gas Velocity,

m/s Figure 3. Effectiveness of DRA on Average
Figure 2. Average Pressure Drop vs. Superficial
Pressure Drop
Vsl = 0.5 m/s, 100% Oil-Carbon
Gas Velocity
Vsl = 0.5 m/s, 100% Oil-Carbon Dioxide

Effectiveness of
Average Pressure DRA, %
Drop, Pa
3400 100
3200 0 ppm DRA 20 ppm DRA
2800 20 ppm DRA 80 50 ppm DRA
50 ppm DRA 70
60 Slug Annula
Flow r
1800 50
1400 40
800 Slug Annular 20
600 Flow Flow
400 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Superficial Gas Velocity, Superficial Gas Velocity,

m/s m/s
Figure 4. Average Pressure Drop vs. Superficial Figure 5. Effectiveness of DRA on Average
Gas Velocity Pressure Drop
Vsl = 1.0 m/s, 100% Oil-Carbon
Vsl = 1.0 m/s, 100% Oil-Carbon

Downloaded from by MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Co BV, samana ishaq on 05 April 2021
Effectiveness of DRA, %
Maximum Pressure Drop, Pa
14 100

13 0 ppm DRA 90 20 ppm DRA

20 ppm DRA 80 50 ppm DRA
10 50 ppm DRA 70
7 50

6 40
3 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Superficial Gas Velocity, Superficial Gas Velocity,

m/s m/s
Figure 7. Effectiveness of DRA on Maximum
Figure 6. Maximum Pressure Drop Reduction For
Pressure Drop
Vsl = 0.5 m/s, 100% Oil, Horizontal
Slug Flow Vsl = 0.5 m/s, 100% Oil, Horizontal
Pipes Pipes

Effectiveness of DRA, %
Maximum Pressure Drop, Pa
19 20 ppm DRA
0 ppm DRA
18 50
17 20 ppm DRA 50 ppm DRA
50 ppm DRA 40
11 30
7 20
4 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Superficial Gas Velocity, Superficial Gas Velocity,
m/s m/s
Figure 8. Maximum Pressure Drop Reduction For Figure 9. Effectiveness of DRA on Maximum Pressure Drop
Slug Flow Vsl = 1.5 m/s, 100% Oil, Horizontal
Vsl = 1.5 m/s, 100% Oil, Horizontal Pipes

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Slug Frequency, slugs/min. Slug Frequency, slugs/min.
20 40
0 ppm DRA 0 ppm DRA
20 ppm DRA 20 ppm DRA

15 30
50 ppm DRA 50 ppm DRA


10 20


5 10

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Superficial Gas Velocity, Superficial Gas Velocity,
Figure 10. Slugm/s
Frequency vs. Superficial
Gas Figure 11. m/s
Slug Frequency vs. Superficial
Velocity Vsl = 0.5 m/s, 100% Oil- Carbon Velocity
Vsl = 1.0 m/s, 100% Oil- Carbon
Dioxide Dioxide

Effective Height of the Film, cm


0 ppm DRA
20 ppm DRA

4.00 50 ppm DRA




0 2 4 6 8
Superficial Gas Velocity,
Figure 12. Effect of DRA on the Effective Height of
the Film Vsl = 1.0 m/s, 100% Oil-Carbon

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