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TP : 2020/2021

I. Read the text carefully. Based on the text state whether each statement is true or false.

Dayang Sumbi was a beautiful and kind hearted princess, but sometimes she was very lazy. Her
hobby was weaving cloth. Oneday her weaving tool fell. Tumang, a cursed dog, came to bring back to
her. As she had promised, she married him. Tumang was actually a man who had been cursed by a male
to become a dog. But sometimes he could turn back to a normal man.
Dayang Sumbi and Tumang got one son. His name was Sangkuriang. He did not know that
Tumang was his father because he was a dog whenever he was with him. Tumang always accompanied
Sangkuriang whenever he went hunting in the woods.

True / False

1. Dayang Sumbi was a pretty princess ……. ………

2. Sangkuriang was Dayang Sumbi husband ……. ……..

3. Tumang was a real dog …… ………

4. Sangkuriang did not know that the dog was his father …… ………

5. Dayang Sumbi and Tumang got a daughter …….. ……..

II. Translate the following sentences into English and Indonesian correctly.

A. Saya sudah pernah berkunjung ke Bali

B. Linda sedang tidur ketika Ayahnya pulang

C. Sinta has not prepared for her Semester test yet

D. When the light went off. Mother was ironing the clothes
III. Read the following greeting Card and answer the questions.


Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and its with no doubt
that this gives us the courage to face the new day with Joy.

A. To whom is the card addressed to?

B. Who probably sends to the card?


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