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Linking verb (kata kerja penghubung) digunakan sebagai pengganti to be dan selalu
diikuti kata sifat. Dalam percakapan sehari-hari linking verb sering digunakan.

Beberapa kata kerja penghubung dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain:

- Seems = Nampaknya
- Look = kelihatannya
- Fall = Jatuh
- Smell = Baunya
- Become = Menjadi
- Turn = Berubah menjadi
- Appear = Nampaknya
- Feel = Merasa
- Taste = Rasanya
- Get = Memperoleh
- Remain = Tinggal, tetap
- Grow = Bertumbuh menjadi

For example: - Your mother seems young for her age

- Why do you look so pale?
- We all feel happy to hear about your success
- She remains faithful to him
- My father fell sick after his returning from abroad
- After the heavy rain, the roads became so muddy
The Use of Wish

Wish digunakan apabila kita menginginkan/ mengharapkan suatu perbuatan/ kejadian

akan terjadi di masa sekarang maupun di masa lampau namun kenyataannya berlawanan
dengan apa yang kita harapkan.

Structure: Present Time Subject + Past Tense

Past Time Subject + Past Perfect Tense

For example: - I wish John were here now
-John wishes he would be a doctor
-We wish the train would arrive at seven
-They wished the weather had been fine yesterday
-I wished I had gone to the movie with her last night.

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