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Giving Advice adalah memberikan nasehat kepada seseorang.

1. Menggunakan “should” dan “ought to” ( Modal )

- You should do more exercise

- You should do your exercise
- You should leave her
- You ought to do more exercise
- You ought not to drink so much beer
- You ought to stay here with me
- You ought to leave now, it’s already late

2. Menggunakan pertanyaan untuk membuat orang yang kita nasehati mempertimbangkan saran yang

kita berikan kepada mereka.

- Why don’t you drink your medicine?

- Why don’t you go to school today?
- How about going to the cinema this weekend?
- How about leaving him some money?

3. Tempatkan diri kalian pada posisi orang tersebut

Jika seseorang meminta saranmu, taka da salahnya untuk membayangkan diri kalian berada dalam

posisi orang tersebut.

- If I were you, I wouldn’t eat that

- I would be careful if I were you
- I would go to the doctor if I were you
- I wouldn’t go there if I were you
- If I were you, I would study more
4. Membuat saran

Menggunakan kata “suggest” atau “recommend”

- I would suggest doing more exercise

- I would recommend doing more exercise

5. Memberitahu advice tersebut dengan tegas.

Terkadang, perlu memberi saran lebih tegas agar pendengar tahu bahwa itu sangat penting.

Kita menggunakan ungkapan “You had better, ……..”

- You had better be here before we start dinner

- You had better not forget. Tom’s birthday gift.
- You had better not be late
- You had better unplug the toaster before you try to clean it.
- You had better not drink so much beer or you will get fat.

Contoh Dialog Giving Advice :

Tara : Hello Gina, what are you doing in this library?

Gina : Oh, Hello Tara. I’m searching for a book that might be useful for my mathematics
learning . I am really awful with it.
Tara : Well, If I were you, I would study more.
Gina : Yeah, I know. But could you give me a suggest? Because mathematics seems so boring
to me.
Tara : I suggest you to try this book. It is a fantastic book for beginners.
Gina : I don’t know I can’t learn mathematics alone, how if I have something that I don’t
Tara : Hmmm, let me think first. How about going to the mathematics tutor? They are expert
on their field.
Gina : It’s a nice idea. I think I will search for mathematics tutor. Thank you for your advice
Tara : My pleasure. The important thing is we shouldn’t be lazy to learn mathematics.

Tasx : Please, translate the Dialog into Indonesian language!

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