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-Stephanie Garber
1 year later
It was a bright morning. The sun shone in Scarlett’s eyes as she tried to wake
herself from her slumber, but it was too late “wake up crimson, it is not wise for
the queen to sleep in on the first day of her 2nd year” said Julian as he busted in the
queen chamber. Scarlett dragged herself off the bed and gave Julian a warm hug as
he said “it’s been a year already huh? How are you feeling?” she replied “being
queen hasn’t been that hard, I feel good.”
“I am not talking about you being queen, what else has it been a year of?”
questioned Julian.
“oh my god! It has been a year since you proposed to me in true traditions by
sewing and gifting gloves”
“indeed, it has been a year since I proposed but we still aren’t married and its all
your fault. Crimson come on let’s decide on a date already”. The tone of his voice
was pure tragic and sad.
“Don’t fall for his sad voice and gloomy eyes scarlett he is used to making girls
fall for his stupid antics” muttered legend.
“what are you doing here brother, aren’t you supposed to be with tella on your trip
to the forbidden village?”
“too late future brother-in-law I have already fallen for his antics otherwise I
wouldn’t have agreed to marry him” said scarlett.
As Julian, scarlett and legend were engaged in a friendly banter, jovan the Caraval
employ walked in and informed scarlett that there is a gentleman and his newlywed
bride waiting for her in the foyer. Scarlett quickly asked Julian and legend to
excuse her and instructed jovan to wait with the couple as she gets dressed and
meets them in the foyer.
“Greetings my queen” said the young couple.
“congratulation on your wedding, what brings you to the palace?” asked scarlett.
“we heard that you are also engaged to Sir legend’s brother, Sir Julian. So, we
decided to bring you some offerings and information on a hidden alter of the
forever after” whispered the bride.
Scarlett quickly accepted the gifts and the information and bid the couple adieu.
She then rushed to Julian’s suite where she found Legend, Julian and her sister
Tella just as she had hoped. Frantically she shut the door and began to mutter
information she had found on the alter to get married at.
“wow the location sounds so magical and romantic scar, I am so happy for you and
Julian.” Said tella
“crimson we haven’t even decided on a date yet, don’t you think that’s our priority
right now”
“I know the perfect date, may 15th. It was our parents wedding date too and the
weather is perfect this time of the year on the Mount Krisal where your alleged
alter is “said legend
Scarlett panicked as there where only one week left till may the 15th she couldn’t
think of possibly being able to put together a wedding in a week.
“I know you are worried scar but legend and I are going to pull this wedding off,
you and Julian just have to show up at the alter I think you guys can manage that”
said tella
Julian and scarlett had the widest smile on their faces, it reflected the happiness of
two people who loved each other to the moon and never back.

May 15th
Scarlett looked gorgeous in a lavender dress with lace sleeves and a golden cape
hanging off her shoulders making her look like a goddess with a bouquet of roses
in her hand.
Julian waited for his bride on the other end of the aisle looking happy, scared,
nervous and in love. The view from the magic alter of the forever after overlooked
the perfect calm sea with a beautiful sun setting into it and a gorgeous arc of leaves
and flowers behind the aisle. Legend was Julian’s best man, the brothers where
closer now than ever.
Tella walked scarlett down the aisle and played the role of her maid of honor.
Everything was fine in the world as Julian and scarlett said their vows and became
one forever.

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