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FY20 Leader Performance Evaluation for Sherri H White

Self-Evaluations are for Nursing staff members only. The year-end conversation is a focused time to discuss important topics
that impact day-to-day work of your individual team members. The revised format now allows you to identify and discuss the
biggest challenges preventing your employee from doing their best work, find ways to improve team dynamics and plan for fiscal
year 2021. It is also an opportunity to review progress on goal outcomes for fiscal year 2020 as goals are weighted 25 percent of
the overall annual evaluation score. Leaders ensure your feedback is based on observations made throughout the year and the
outcomes of continuous coaching and feedback with your team members. For further guidance, you can access resources on
Performance Central. While all sections are considered as part of the evaluation process, only the sections with a percentage
value are used to populate the overall rating.

Elements of Performance (25%)

Comment on and rate each element below. This represents 25 percent of your annual evaluation.

Elements of Performance
Consistently demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and ability to perform all functions of the position, with an emphasis on
customer focus, productivity, safety, and quality.

Exceeds Expectations unrated

Leader's Comments
Sherri has exceeded these elements of CSL performance this year as she has successfully been navigating the role of interim
manager for 10T3. The highlights are her presence for the clinical team members that she is supporting. The departure of a
beloved leader left the team feeling somewhat abandoned and lost. Sherri has the clinical depth, high standards and ability to drive
performance in collaboration with the experts that surround her & her team. She is actively utilizing a shift huddle to keep the focus
on the quality and operational elements that are critical to this patient population. Her relationship with the medical director and
her colleague Janet have improved the cohesive programmatic view that all are having of this leadership team. Sherri takes risks,
holds staff accountable and reflects on her actions constructively. She is wiling to receive feedback and strives tirelessly to
improve. Sherri is close to finishing her graduate degree and is demonstrating a pursuit towards excellence in her own
development and that of others. One of the nurses giving feedback said "Sherri focuses on positive, inclusive messages
which inspire teamwork and respect for one another. She leads by example and encourages her team to participate in
certifications, preceptorship, VPNPP. Sherri addresses the unit falls and central line infections by engaging CSL's to
work with her to sign off all staff nurses on dressing changes, . . . . . falls bundles, and daily K Card tracking."

Leader Credo Performance (50%)

As a leader at VUMC, you are required to demonstrate Leader Credo behaviors. This section is for appraising and commenting
on demonstrated Credo behaviors. This represents 50 percent of your annual evaluation.

Rate performance for the above behaviors based on role expectations.

Leader Credo
I make those I serve my highest priority.

FY20 Leader Performance Evaluation for Sherri H White Page 1 of 5

I respect privacy and confidentiality.
I communicate effectively.
I conduct myself professionally.
I have a sense of ownership.
I am committed to my colleagues.

Exceeds Expectations unrated

Leader's Comments
This interim manager role as provided numerous challenges in the realm of communication and leadership. In the midst of
incredible upheaval, staffing challenges and unrest, Sherri has held a steady presence with regular communication updates and
building a unified team among the CSLs. She stays close the front line and is keenly aware of what they are facing. She strives to
keep the lines of communication open with 11N and appears to appreciate how unresolved conflict of the past has negatively
impacted staff and ultimately clinical care. She is influential in her messaging and appears to be keeping the team steady and
moving forward. This is a credit to her impeccable integrity and focus on patient care first.

Sherri has demonstrated a willingness to support her numerous manager colleagues by regularly participating in the assessment
of hallway bed patients in the ED. She & Janet step up often to contribute to this very challenging organizational initiative
attempting to meet the ongoing throughput challenges to achieve patient safety.

There is tremendous respect for Sherri's interpersonal communication style with the CSLs and staff nurses. She is described as
honest, genuine and focused on everyone's positive contribution to patient care.

Compliance information is displayed in the Compliance Portal, which may be accessed by clicking the Compliance Portal link
under the Quick Link section on the HR website homepage (

Completion of all the Learning Exchange required annual compliance courses viewable in the compliance portal are required for
your annual performance evaluations, any associated pay increases, and are due on June 15, 2020.

Has met compliance requirements for fiscal year 2020, as

confirmed in the Compliance Portal
( or the appropriate Yes
system, such as Learning Exchange, Credentials Application
Tracking System, or the Conflict Disclosure System.

Section Comments:
Leader's Comments

Goals (25%)
Successfully supports institutional goals, as well as those defined by the department. Use Comments to reflect highest priority
goal and summarize and indicate measurement of achievement.

1.1 Department Specific Goal At Risk

Achieve goal of retention for FY20 threshold 84%, target 85%, reach 86%.

Partially or Inconsistently Meets unrated

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Leader's Comments
Turnover with 10T3 has been an issue since the former manager's departure and FY20 Retention landed at 75.5%.

Goal Details
Attendance a 6 or more staff meetings
Institutional Goal Department Specific Goal Details/Tactics and 6 or more unit board meetings
during the year (including call-ins)
Achieve goal of retention for FY20
Measure Weight 6.25%
threshold 84%, target 85%, reach 86%.
Start Date 07/01/2019 Due Date 06/30/2020
% Complete 100.0% Status At Risk

Other Details

1.2 Department Specific Goal On Track

Achieve goal of staff engagement as measured by engagement survey Threshold: 4.04; Target 4.08; Reach 4/13 on Spring
2020 engagement survey

Partially or Inconsistently Meets unrated

Leader's Comments
10T3 staff engagement fell short and fell below the organizational performance and the prior year.

Goal Details
Identify one personal or professional
goal that the leadership of 10T3 or
Institutional Goal Department Specific Goal Details/Tactics
Vanderbilt as an organization can
support you in achieving.
Achieve goal of staff engagement as
measured by engagement survey
Measure Threshold: 4.04; Target 4.08; Reach Weight 6.25%
4/13 on Spring 2020 engagement
Start Date 07/01/2019 Due Date 06/30/2020
% Complete 100.0% Status On Track

Other Details

3.1 Department Specific Goal At Risk

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Achieve goal of decreased CLABSI as assigned by Quality Department Threshold 8, Target 6, Reach 5 for FY20.

Partially or Inconsistently Meets unrated

Leader's Comments
10T3 target for FY20 was 6 with an actual # of at least 11. Sherri leadership led her team to an improved downward trend but not
sufficient to meet goal.

Goal Details
Reduce unit number of Central Line
Institutional Goal Department Specific Goal Details/Tactics Associated Blood Stream Infections
Achieve goal of decreased CLABSI as
assigned by Quality Department
Measure Weight 6.25%
Threshold 8, Target 6, Reach 5 for
Start Date 07/01/2019 Due Date 06/30/2020
% Complete 100.0% Status At Risk

Other Details

3.2 Department Specific Goal At Risk

Achieve goal of reduced patient falls with harm as measured by audit results with goal of 90% compliance and the Quality
and Patient Harm Index as assigned by Quality Department of Threshold 3, Target 3, Reach 3 during FY20.

Partially or Inconsistently Meets unrated

Leader's Comments
Falls with harm landed at 8 with a target of 3. This is an ongoing focus for Sherri & Team and she participates in weekly quality

Goal Details
Reduce unit occurrence of patient falls
with harm by identifying patients at risk
by following the 5 or more score
Institutional Goal Department Specific Goal Details/Tactics update daily per shift, ensuring patients
identified as a falls risk are identified by
yellow door sign, yellow socks and
yellow arm band.
Achieve goal of reduced patient falls
with harm as measured by audit results
with goal of 90% compliance and the
Measure Quality and Patient Harm Index as Weight 6.25%

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assigned by Quality Department of
Threshold 3, Target 3, Reach 3 during
Start Date 07/01/2019 Due Date 06/30/2020
% Complete 100.0% Status At Risk

Other Details


Overall Summary

For this year’s annual discussion we are recommending the following conversation starters. While this section is optional our
goal is to have a meaningful conversation during the annual evaluation.

1. What turned out to be your biggest challenge in fiscal year 2020? What did you learn?

2. What do you foresee as your most important challenge/goal in fiscal year 2021? What do you hope to learn through that

3. What observations do you have about how we have worked together as a team, and how we might do it better in the
coming year?

Overall Form Rating:

Fully Meets Expectations
Section Comments:
Leader's Comments
Sherri's leadership skills and wisdom is fully being tested as she has step in as the interim manager for 10T3. Her passion for the work,
incredible work ethic, commitment to the team gives her credibility among those that she leads. Her partnership with Janet Lucas in the last
year has progressed the comradery and collaboration across these 2 departments positively. The staffing challenges and ongoing
quality/safety risks has made this year one of intense learning through persistence and improved confidence. Sherri is coming into her own
leadership style and 10T3 is very fortunate to have had her willingness to step up and take on this complex set of circumstances. The
current stable state with open lines of communication between staff and leadership are to Sherri's persistence, determination and hard work!


Once the review is completed you will be able to electronically sign the form. Your electronic signature will be stored in this
section of the form.

Employee: Sherri H White 09/08/2020

Leader: Marie C Glaser 09/11/2020

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