What Kind of Writing Is It? Who Is The Text Aimed At? Why Has The Text Been Written? E.G.

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Genre, Audience, Purpose.

Name: Date: Once you’ve been given a text, don’t forget to GAP IT!
When you are asked to read a new piece of writing,
make sure you can answer these 3 questions – once you’ve got them sorted, you’ll know that text a lot better!


What kind of writing is Who is the text aimed at? Why has the text been
it? e.g.: written? e.g.:
 Narrative Adults  To argue
 Evaluation Children  To explain
 Explanation Teenagers  To evaluate
 Review Pensioners  To persuade
 Diary Men  To instruct
 Letter Women  To entertain
 Description People with a specific interest (e.g. film  To inform
 Poem fans)  To describe
 Essay  Parents  To analyse
 Speech  Peers  To recount
 Advice  Professionals
 Article What is the writer trying to do?
 Advertisement
 Argument
 Instruction
 Leaflet / information
 Poster
Fill in the table below.

GENRE Audience Purpose

Letter to a friend about a
party you are having. Teenager/Friend To persuade them to go to the party.

Letter of complaint to

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