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I. Directions :

Write A if the 1st and 2nd statements are correct.

Write B if the 3rd and 4th statements are correct.
Write C if the 1st and 3rd statements are correct.
Write D if the 2nd and 4th statements are correct.
Write E if all of the statements are correct.
Write F if none of the statements are correct.

1. The Preamble has a value for purposes of construction.

1. The Preamble by and of itself does not confer any right nor imposes any duties nor creates any office.
2. It sets down the author and purposes of the Constitution.
3. Sovereignty resides in the preamble of the Constitution.
4. The Preamble is the epilogue of the Constitution.

2. The duty of the government is to defend the state thru an army.

1. Military and civil service is for the defense of the State.
2. It is compulsory and not optional.
3. One may choose between military and civil service.
4. It must be in accordance with the provisions of law to preclude abuse by the authorities.

3. Nation should not be confused with the state as they are not the same.
1. A nation is basically an ethnic and cultural concept.
2. A State has sovereignty not subject to external control.
3. A nation may consist of many states.
4. A State cannot exist without a nation.

4. A provided in Article 1 1987 Constitution the National Territory comprises the following :
1. The Philippine archipelago with all the islands and waters embraced therein.
2. The terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains including the territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the
insular shelves and other submarine areas thereof.
3. All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction.
4. The internal waters.

5. Amendments or Revisions to the Constitution may be proposed by :

1. By Congress as a constituent assembly upon the vote of 2/3 of all its members.
2. By a Constitutional Convention called for the purpose.
3. By the Supreme Court upon the majority vote of all its members.
4. By the people directly through the initiative upon petition of the required number of registered voters.

II. POLITICAL SCRABBLE : Below are words found in the Preamble .Arrange the letters to
come up with the proper word. Write your answers in your test booklet.

1. R G E O E N M T V N

2. R I T P Y A O M N

3. E D I D N E N C P N E E

4. A U Q E L Y I T

5. R E F D M O E


III. POLITICAL CATEGORIZATION : Categorize the following items based from these
conditions :

A. Identify the word which does not belong to the group 1 PT.
B. Give the reason(s) why it is different 2 PTS.
C. State the common characteristics of the remaining words in one or two sentences . 3 PTS.

1. Constitution of Government , Constitution of Liberty , Constitution of Sovereignty , 1987 Constitution

2. People, Congress, Constitutional Convention, Constitutional Commission

3. United States, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Germany, China, Malaysian

4. Congress , Senate , President , Supreme Court , Constitution

5. Police Power, Eminent Domain, Taxation , Bill of Rights

ACTIVITY IV : Choose the letter of the correct answer and explain it.

The Constitution declares that the Philippines is a republican state. Republicanism means:

a. the form of government must be presidential;

b. the representatives of the government are elected by the people;
c. sovereignty resides in the elected representatives of the government;
d. the form of government cannot be changed by the people.

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