Olympiad Champs Science: India'S First Book Following National Curriculum Framework 2005

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Olympiad Champs
India's first book following
National Curriculum Framework 2005

v Use of Interactive and Self Indulging language.

v Quick Concept Review with Diagrams & Illustrations.

v Amazing Facts, Real-life Examples, Historical Preview, Concept-

Misconcept, Short-cut to Problem Solving.

v Exercises in MCQ format in 2 difficulty levels.

v Level 1 contains Beginner's level MCQs - Odd One Out, Analogy,


v Level 2 contains Advanced level MCQs - Matching, Chronological

order, Feature based, Integer based, Statement Correct-Incorrect,
Puzzle based, Grid based, Crossword, Venn diagrams, Table/ Chart
based MCQs.

v Comprising questions of various National and International


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We are pleased to launch the thoroughly revised third edition of Olympiad Champs Science
Class 3 which is the first of its kind book on Olympiad in many ways.
The Unique Selling Proposition of this new edition is the inclusion of past year questions of
different Olympiad exams held in schools.
The book is aimed at achieving not only success but deep rooted learning in children. It is
prepared on content based on National Curriculum Framework prescribed by NCERT. All the
text books, syllabi and teaching practices within the education programme in India must follow
NCF. Hence, Olympiad Champs become an ideal book not only for the Olympiad Exams but also
for strengthening the concepts for the relevant grade.
There is an exhaustive range of thought provoking questions in MCQ format to test the
student’s knowledge thoroughly. The questions are designed so as to test the knowledge,
comprehension, evaluation, analytical and application skills. Solutions and explanations are
provided for all questions. The questions are divided into two levels-Level 1 and Level 2. The
first level, Level 1, is the beginner’s level which comprises of questions like fillers, analogy
and odd one out. When the children covers Level 1, it means his basic knowledge about the
subject is clear and now he is ready for Level 2. The second level is the advanced level.
Level 2 comprises of techniques like matching, chronological sequencing, picture, passage and
feature based, statement correct/ incorrect, integer based, puzzle, grid based, crossword,
venn diagram, table/ chart based and much more.
The first concern which each parent faces is how to make their children read a book especially
when it is based on academics. Keeping this in mind interesting facts, real life examples,
historical preview, short cuts to problem solving, charts, diagrams, illustrations and poems are
With the vision to remove all the misconception a child may have pertaining to the subject, to
relate his knowledge to the real world and to develop a deeper understanding of the subject,
this book will cater all the requirements of the students who are going to appear in Olympiads.

While preparing this book, some errors might have crept in. We request our readers to identify
those errors and send it across on feedback_disha@aiets.co.in.
We wish you all the best for your Olympiads and happy reading…….

Team Disha

For feedback : feedback_disha@aiets.co.in.

1. Living and Non-living Things 1-18

2. Plants 19-38

3. Animal Life 39-60

4. Birds 61-80

5. Soil 81-94

6. Water 95-110

7. Weather 111-124

8. Shelter 125-142

9. Food 143-160

10. Our body 161-176

11. Travel and Communication 177-192

12. Work and Play 193-208

13. Safety and First Aid 209-228

14. Solar System 229-244

15. Matter and Material 245-262

16. Force and Motion 263-278

17. Our Changing Life 279-294

18. Resources and Pollution 295-312

Living and Non-living Things 1

DIRECTIONS: Carefully look at the picture given below. Find out any five living and five
non-living things in the picture.

Living Things Non living Things

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5
2 Olympiad Champs–Science

1 Living and
Non-living Things
This lesson will help you to :
v know about a great variety of living and non-living
things around us.
Amazing Facts v learn about the characteristics of living and
non-living things
v classify various objects around us as living or
v The oldest living organism was a
250 million year old bacterium.
v Scientists estimate that Look at the things around you. There is a table, book, your
around 5 million to 100 million mother, your friends, plants, toys, birds and buildings etc.
unique species of plants and They all are different from one another in shape, size,
animals are present on earth colour and looks. On the basis of their characteristics,
out of which only two million we can categorise them into 2 groups. These two categories
have been identified. are living and non-living things. In this lesson we will discuss
these two categories under which all the matter comes.

Characteristics of Living and Non-living Things

You all must have seen your childhood photographs. In
all those pictures you look smaller than you are now.
This shows that you have grown in size. This is the first
characteristic of living things.
1. Living things can grow but non-living things do not grow.
All those things which grow with time are called living things.
1. A seed grows into
a plant.

2. A baby chicken grows into

a hen/cock.

3. A baby grows into

an adult man/women.
Living and Non-living Things 3
There are many things which remain same in size even
after so many years. For example, you cannot wear the
same clothes of your childhood days now, as you have
grown up but your clothes haven’t.
Thus the things which don’t grow with time are called
non-living things. Try This
Examples: Your school, tap, door and pencil donot grow
and remain same in size. So they are non-living things.
Examples: v Take two pots filled with soil.
In one pot sow seeds of a plant,
and in the other sow pencil
and a pipe, water them both
daily. After some days you
will observe that the seed has
started to grow whereas the
pencil and the pipe remain the
same. This is because plants
School Tap Door Pencil are living and pencil and pipe
2. Living things can move from place to place but non- are non living.
living things can't move. Initial Phase
You can get up, walk, run and move from one place to Soil Soil

another on your own. Similarly, birds fly, fishes swim,

Seeds of
Pot Pencil Pot
a plant
animals walk and run. Plants also show movement. For
example sunflower moves in the direction of sun. All these After some days
are living things.

So, all living things can move from one place to another


1. Children run while playing.

2. When you try to catch a

butterfly it flies away.

3. Sunflower moves towards sun

But have you ever seen your mat, vest or chair moving
itself? The answer is NO, because they are non-living.
So, non-living things cannot move.
4 Olympiad Champs–Science

Mat vest Chair

3. Living things need food to live whereas non-living
things do not need food or water.
We all eat food whenever we are hungry, because all living
things need food to live and grow.
All animals move from place to place in search of food as
they are living. Without food, living beings cannot survive.
Along with that they need water too.
1. Cows eat fodder and grass.
2. We eat food and drink water.
Plants also eat food. They prepare their own food using
water, air and sunlight.
Non-living things do not eat food or drink water.
4. Living things need air to breathe but non-living
things do not need air for survival.
Can we hold our breath for a long time?
No, because all living things need air to
All living things, including human beings,
animals as well as plants need to breathe
in oxygen for their survival.
Whereas non-living things do not breathe.
If a living thing gets food and water but doesn’t get air to
breathe, it cannot survive. It will die.
5. Living things can give birth to their young ones but
non-living things can not.
All living things, reproduce and give birth to their young ones.
1. Birds and frogs lay eggs.

Living and Non-living Things 5
2. Human, cows and lions give birth to babies.

3. A plant produces seeds which gives rise to a new

Whereas non-living things do not reproduce. For example:

your table can never give birth to a new table.
Look in to your surroundings and make a list of living
and non-living things
Living things Non-living things






Like us, animals and plants can also feel cold, heat or pain.
They feel danger. They search for their food through
their sense organs. Have you seen a dog wagging its tail
to show happiness?
Plants too can feel. Plants look fresh when watered. They
do not have sense organs but they feel changes around
them. Sunflowers turn with the sun. The leaves of the
touch-me-not plant close immediately, when we touch the
Non-living things do not feel anything.
6 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions


1. Choose the living thing from the pictures shown below.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2. Choose the Non-living thing from the pictures shown below. [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. The two major categories in which all the things can be categorized are _________.
(a) living and non-living (b) table and chair
(c) tools and machines (d) apple and banana
4. Which one is a characteristic of a living thing?

(a) Living things do not grow.

(b) Living things cannot move from place to place.

(c) Living things need food to live.

(d) None of the above.

5. Find the odd one out  [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

6. All living things can ______ from one place to the other.

(a) water (b) non-living (c) air (d) move

7. A chair cannot move as it is a ________ thing.

(a) water (b) non-living (c) air (d) move

Living and Non-living Things 7
8. Living things need food, _________ and water to live.
(a) water (b) non-living (c) air (d) move

9. Plants are _________. [2013]

(a) living thing

(b) non-living thing

(c) living and non-living things.

(d) none of the above

10. What does a living thing breathe in? [Tricky]

(a) Food (b) Water (c) Air (d) Mat

11. Which of the following is a natural thing?

(a) Telephone (b) Television (c) Rock (d) Aeroplane

12. Identify the thing which does not have life in them. [Tricky]
(a) Man (b) Eagle (c) Tree (d) Scooter
13. Which of the following is true?
(a) A stone can walk on its own. (b) Plants are non-living things.
(c) Plants move from place to place. (d) All living things grow on their own.
14. Is car a living thing? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Yes, a car can move on its own.
(b) No, car cannot reproduce.
(c) Yes, car takes in petrol and gives out smoke.
(d) Some cars are living things and some are non-living things.
15. A sunflower always turns towards the sun. This shows that: [Critical Thinking]
(a) Plants show movement. (b) Plants are non-living things.
(c) Sunflower is a non-living thing. (d) Plants do not grow.
16. Which one is a characteristic of non-living thing
(a) Non-living things do not grow.
(b) Non-living things can move from place to place.
(c) Non-living things need food to live.
(d) None of the above
17. Pick the man made non-living thing.
(a) Mountains (b) Valleys (c) Toys (d) Rivers
8 Olympiad Champs–Science
18. Which statement is correct regarding non-living thing? [2014, Tricky]
(a) Non-living things eat food. (b) Non-living things never eat anything.
(c) Non-living things sometimes eat food. (d) None of the above
19. Plants are producers because they ___________.
(a) make their own food (b) can grow in soil
(c) need water to grow (d) take in nutrients
20. To survive all plants need ___________.

(a) roots, leaves, stems (b) light, water, nutrients

(c) food, water, lungs (d) eyes, nose, ear
21. Why is a table non-living thing? [Tricky]
(a) It can move on its own (b) It does not need food
(c) It has straight legs (d) It can breathe

22. Which of the following has/have life? [2015]

(a) (b) (c) (d) All of these

23. Choose the correct option [Tricky]
(a) (b)
Living things Non-living

Car Mug Plants Hen

(c) (d)
Living things Living things

Plants Hen Car Plants

Living and Non-living Things 9
24. Match the following and choose the correct option

List I List II
A. We all need food 1. cannot move on its own.
B. A table in your room 2. to prepare their food.
C. Plants need sunlight, 3. to grow.
air and water

(a) 3 1 2
(b) 2 3 1
(c) 1 2 3
(d) 2 1 3
25. Fill in the blank spaces in the passage from options given below: [2012, Tricky]
Living things are those which can move, eat and ___(1)___ like boy, bird and ___(2)___
etc. Although the plants cannot ___(3)___ even then they are ___(4)___ things
because they also need ___(5)___ . They prepare their food by using___(6)___, air
and ___(7)___ .
Find the appropriate options from the word given below
(cat, living, sunlight, breathe, move, food, water)
1. (a) breathe (b) move (c) food (d) living
2. (a) sunlight (b) water (c) cat (d) move
3. (a) water (b) move (c) cat (d) sunlight
4. (a) living (b) food (c) water (d) move
5. (a) cat (b) living (c) food (d) move
6. (a) food (b) cat (c) breathe (d) water
7. (a) move (b) sunlight (c) cat (d) living
26. A plant gets food and water daily, but if it is kept inside an air tight jar, can it
survive? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Yes (b) No
(c) Can’t be sure (d) None of these
27. Out of all these which one belongs to the same category as human?
(a) Scooter (b) Plants (c) Well (d) Ball
28. A student places soil in a plastic container to make a home for some worms. He cuts
holes at the top of the container because the worms need ___________.
 [Critical Thinking]
(a) space to move (b) air to breathe

(c) sunlight to grow (d) sound to communicate

10 Olympiad Champs–Science
29. Consider the following statements: [Critical Thinking]

Statement A : Aeroplane moves so it is a living thing.

Statement B: If we sow a pencil in the soil and water it daily it will grow into a plant.

Statement C: A cub will grow into a lion.
Which one of the following statement is correct?
(a) Both A and B (b) Both B and C (c) Only C (d) Only A
30. Mark the correct option for this statement “All living things need ___________ in
order to survive” [Critical Thinking]
(a) rocks, water and soil (b) air, water and food
(c) air, rocks and sunlight (d) food, soil and sunlight

31. Read these statements carefully and answer the question in true or false.[Tricky]

1. A living thing cannot eat.

2. A car is a non-living thing.

3. Plants can live without water.

4. Living things can grow.

(a) F, F, T, T (b) T, T, T, T (c) F, T, F, T (d) F, F, F, F

32. I am a non-living, but I have hands, [Critical Thinking]

I can’t walk, but I can run.

I come in different colours and different brands,

Some people hang me; some tie me in their hand.

Who am I?

(a) Television b) Clock/ Watch (c) Book (d) Bottle

33. Categorize the items into living and non-living -Toy, butterfly, boy, chair, bag,
sparrow, bulb, fish. How many living/non-living things are there? [2013, Tricky]
(a) Living things- 5, Non-living things-3 (b) Living things- 4, Non-living things-4
(c) Living things- 1, Non-living things-7 (d) Living things- 2, Non-living things-6

34. Which one of these refers only to living thing?

(a) Clouds, fire, rivers (b) Fire, rivers, trees

(c) Birds, trees, worms (d) Rivers, birds, trees

Living and Non-living Things 11
35. Which word is under the wrong heading in the following table?
Man-made things Natural things
Table Birds
Refrigerator Fish
Eggs Trees
(a) Eggs (b) Trees (c) Table (d) Birds
36. Look at the pictures given below. [2014, Tricky]

bus       flower     television

  air   chair   food water
Which of these things we need to stay alive.
(a) Chair, air and food (b) Flower, food and air
(c) Television, air and food (d) Air, water and food
37. Which of the following is not true about living beings?
(a) Living things feel (b) Living things need food
(c) Living things grow old and die (d) Living things do not reproduce
38. The following table gives some examples of living things and non-living things. Find
the misplaced example. [2015, Tricky]

Living Things Non-living Things

Animals Sun
Plants Moon
Birds Stars
Clouds Rocks

(a) Birds (b) Clouds (c) Rocks (d) Stars

12 Olympiad Champs–Science
39. Read the statements and choose the correct option
Statement A: Natural things can be living or non-living.
Statement B: Living things can be natural.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong.
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong.
(c) Both the Statements are correct.
(d) Both the Statements are wrong.
40. Living Things die if they do not have: [Critical Thinking]
1. Air 2. Food 3. Mother
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
41. Books, flowers, cars, trees, birds, fishes, goats, chairs.
From the above list, identify non-living things.
(a) Books, cars, vegetable (b) Flowers, cars, fish
(c) Cars, trees, birds (d) Books, cars, chairs
42. Feelings and movements are exhibited by __________. [Tricky]
(a) animals (b) trees
(c) birds (d) (a) and (c)
43. Look at the animals shown below. [2015, Tricky]

A dog hanging out   An elephant fanning    A beetle hiding
its tongue  its ears    underground
Which of the following characteristics of living things are the animals showing?
(a) Need food to stay alive (b) Can grow
(c) Can reproduce (d) Can respond to changes around them
44. Which one of these things does NOT belong to the group? [Tricky]

(a) rabbit (b) fish (c) cup (d) plant
Living and Non-living Things 13
45. Look at the chart below. [Critical Thinking]

Living things Non-living things

Animals Plants

Group A

Which one of the following things can be put in group A?

(a) ant (b) fern (c) mushroom (d) leather belt

46. [2016, Tricky]

  Plant    frog
A plant is different from a frog because a frog ______________. [Tricky]

(a) can grow (b) can breathe

(c) can reproduce (d) can move from place to place

47. Which one of the following statements about living things is true?

(a) They do not need food.

(b) They can respond to changes around them.

(c) They cannot grow.

(d) They cannot have young.

48. Why do animals move from place to place? [Tricky]

(A) To look for food (B) To look for water

(C) To look for shelter (D) To get away from danger

(a) D only (b) A and B only

(c) B, C and D only (d) A, B, C and D

14 Olympiad Champs–Science
49. Which one of the following things CANNOT move by itself?

(a) Bus (b) Bird (c) Snail (d) Fish

50. Which one of the following does NOT belong to the group?

(a) tree (b) ant (c) bird (d) butterfly
51. The things shown below are grouped together because ______________. [Tricky]

 aeroplane  bee bat eagle

(a) they can move by themselves (b) they cannot move by themselves

(c) they can respond to changes (d) they have wings

52. Ram got a beautiful car which he wanted to keep on his study table. But there was
no space on the table. Ram started crying and said why cant this table grow in size.
His elder brother came and explained him about living and non-living things. What
would you do to stop him crying? [Critical Thinking]

(a) Scold him and ask to keep quiet.

(b) Break his new toy car.

(c) Explain the concept of living and non-living things and help him understand.

(d) None of the above.

53. Living things produce young ones like themselves”. Which of the following diagrams
best represent the above statement?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Living and Non-living Things 15
54. The fish, dog and bird are alike in many ways. One way is that they all are

(a) Man made things (b) Non-living things

(c) Living things (d) Artificial things

55. The leaves of mimosa pudica plant _____________ when touched.

(a) open (b) close (c) dance (d) fly

56. When we try to catch the butterfly it fly away because
(a) It shows movement. (b) It feels danger.
(c) It shows that they are living. (d) All of the above.
57. If a living being gets food ,but no water and air,it will [Tricky]
(a) Remain alive. (b) Die
(c) Sleep (d) a,b,c and d are correct.
58. Which of the following is false for living things?

(a) All living things have sense organs

(b) All living things can reproduce
(c) All living things show movements
(d) Plants and animals are living things
59. What do you know from the given figure? [2017, Tricky]

(a) Living things move (b) Living things need food
(c) Living things grow (d) Living things respond to stimulus

60. The given picture shows leaves of ‘touch-me-not’ plant folding when being touched.
What does this show? [2012, Tricky]
16 Olympiad Champs–Science

(a) Living things need air to breathe

(b) Living things move on their own
(c) Living things need food to grow
(d) Living things feel changes around them
61. The given figure illustrates that the living things _____. [2013]
(a) Need air to breathe
(b) Need food to grow
(c) Produce young ones
(d) Feel changes around them

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

1. (d) Goat is a living thing. Table, balloon and car are non-living things.
2. (c) Fan is a non-living thing. Squirrel, human and butterfly are living things.
3. (a) The two major categories in which all the things can be categorized are living and
4. (c) Living things need food to live.
5. (b) Rabbit is a living thing. Table, aeroplane and fan are non-living things.
6. (d) All living things can move from one place to the other.
Living and Non-living Things 17
7. (b) A chair cannot move as it is a non-living thing.
8. (c) Living things need food, air and water to live.
9. (a) Plants are living things.
10. (c) Living things breathe in air.
11. (c) Rocks are naturally formed and telephone, television, aeroplane are man-made.
Rocks are not living things. It is to be remembered that rocks are natural but have
no life.
12. (d) Scooter is a non-living thing. Man, eagle and tree are living things.
13. (d) All living things grow on their own.
14. (b) A car moves due to burning of the petrol. It cannot move without petrol. It cannot
reproduce since it is not a living thing.
15. (a) The characteristic of sunflower to turn towards the sun shows its movement.
16. (a) Non-living things do not grow.
17. (c) Toys are man-made non-living thing. Mountains, valleys and rivers are also
non-living things but are natural and not created by man.
18. (b) Non-living things never eat anything.
19. (a) Plants are producers because they make their own food.
20. (b) To survive all plants need light, water and nutrients.
21. (b)
22. (d) Living things are those that can breathe, grow, need food and water and reproduce.
Tree cat and sparrow show all these characteristics, therefore, they have life.

23. (c) Plants and hen both are living thing.
24. (a) (i) We all need food to grow.
(ii) A table in your room cannot move on its own.
(iii) Plants need sunlight, air and water to prepare their food.
25. 1. (a) Breathe 2. (c) Cat 3. (b) Move 4. (a) Living
5. (c) Food 6. (d) Water 7. (b) Sunlight
26. (b) A plant gets food and water daily, but if it is kept inside an air tight jar, it cannot
survive because there is no air present in the jar.
27. (b) Plants are living things as human. Scooter, ball and well are non-living things.
28. (b) Worms need air to breathe.
29. (c) A cub will grow into a lion as it is a living thing. Aeroplane and pencil are non-living
18 Olympiad Champs–Science
30. (b) All living thing need air, water and food in order to survive.
31. (c) A car is a non-living thing and living things can grow. Living things need food and
water to live.
32. (b) It is a clock or watch.
33. (b) Living things are butterfly, boy, sparrow, fish. Non-living things are toy, chair, bag,
34. (c) Birds, trees and worms are living things.
35. (a) Eggs do not come under man made things.'
36. (d) Air, water and food.
37. (d) Living things reproduce and give birth to young ones.
38. (b) Clouds are non-living.
39. (c) Both the statements are correct - Living things are always made by nature.
40. (b) Living things die if they do not have air, water and food.
41. (d) Books, cars and chairs are non-living things. Flowers, trees, birds, fishes and goats
are living things.
42. (d) Feelings and movements are exhibited by animals and birds.
43. (d) All these figures show that animals respond to the changes around them.
44. (c) Cup is non-living while all others are living.
45. (a) Ant is an insect (animal) so it can be grouped in group A. Fern is a plant, mushroom
is a fungus while leather belt is non-living.
46. (d) Frog can move from place to place while plants cannot move.
47. (b) Living things need food, grow, produce their young ones and respond to changes
around them.
48. (d) Animals move from place to place in search of food, water, shelter and to protect
themselves from danger.
49. (a) A bus cannot move by itself because it is a non-living thing. Rest all are living.
50. (a) Tree is the odd one because it cannot move while all others can move.
51. (d) All of these have wings and can fly in air
52. (c) We should make him understand the reason behind it.
53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (d)
57. (b) 58. (a) 59. (c)
60. (d) ‘Touch me not’ plant closes itself when it is touched. This shows that living things
like plants respond to changes around them.
61. (d)
Plants 19

I. DIRECTIONS: Do you know the uses of flowers?
(a) Name the flowers which are used to make perfumes and scents.

(i) ____________________ (ii) ____________________

(b) Name the flowers which are used to make garlands and used in temples.

(i) ____________________ (ii) ____________________

II. DIRECTIONS: This is an imaginary tree in the form of a Flow Chart. You
have to write its parts with locations shown from (a) to (f).

(e) (e)

(d) (d)



20 Olympiad Champs–Science

Chapter Plants
This lesson will help you to : –
v understand different kinds of plants, their
Amazing Facts diversities, sizes, shapes etc.
v observe different types of leaf diversities- colour,
texture, shedding season etc.
v learn different types of things we get from plants
v Elephant grass in Africa is named and how we use them in our daily life.
after elephants as it is about 4.5 v know about different types of leaves which we can eat.
meter high and even elephants
can hide in this grass.
v The average size tree can provide
enough wood to make 170,000 What are Plants?
pencils. Plants are living things which can make their food in the
presence of sunlight known as photosynthesis. plants are
also known as producers. They occur in many different
shapes and sizes. Plants grow in soil or water. They make
their own food and store their food in roots, stems,
leaves, fruits or flowers. Plants produce flowers of
different colours, shapes and sizes.
Shoot system

Plants body is divided into two system, i.e Root system

Root system

and Shoot system.

Root system is the part of plant which is under the
ground Shoot system is the part of plant which is above
the ground, which consists of stem, branches, leaves,
Parts of a plant buds, flowers and fruits.
Plants 21
1. Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and
hold the plant firmly on the ground. Roots are of Real Life Examples
many types. For example: fibrous roots, tap roots,
aerial roots and storage roots. v Do you ever wonder what causes
2. Stems give support to the plant above the ground tears in eyes while cutting onions!
and carry water and minerals absorbed by the roots It is the sulphuric acid present
to different parts of the plant. in onion, which creates itching
3. Leaves make food for the plant. It also help the in the eyes & causes tears.But
plant to breathe. Leaves are also called the food if you chill the onions enough,
factory of the plant. effect of sulphuric acid goes
4. Flowers turn into fruits. Fruits may have seeds or down drastically.
may be seedless. Therefore they are very important
v Cricket bats are made of a tree
part of a plant. There is a wide variety of flowers.
called “Willow” & base-balls bats
5. Fruits have seeds or may be seedless. Seeds can are made out of wood of tree
give rise to a new plant of the same kind.
called “Hickory”.

Parts of a Plant
1. Trees are the large plants with a tall, strong and
woody stem.
(a) Some stems are thick, strong and woody. They are
covered with bark. For example: A stem of Neem.
(b) Some stems are thick but they are soft. For
example : A banana stem.

2. Climbers and Creepers grow along the ground or up

the sides of walls or trees. These have a weak stem.
These cannot grow erect without support. For example:
Money Plant, Watermelon.
22 Olympiad Champs–Science
3. Grass is of many kinds. It can be short or tall, brown,
yellow or green.
4. Shrubs are small plants. They have many separate
stems which grow from near the ground. The stems
are hard and do not bend easily.
5. Herbs are plants that are valued for flavour, scent,
medicinal or other qualities. Weeds are also herbs.
Weeds are unwanted plants that grow where we don't
want them to grow! They can grow almost everywhere

Rocket Parsley

Historical Preview Daphne


6. Aquatic plants grow in water or in wet soil under

v Olive Tree : The olive tree has
produced oils and food long before
the written language was invented.
The olive branch is a world
recognized symbol of peace.

Water Hyacinth Water Lettuce Fanwort

v Leaves are the food making factories of green plants.
v Leaves can be simple or compound.
v They vary among plants and can be of different
shapes, sizes and colours.
v Leaves are used for identification of plants.
Leaves are made to catch light and have openings to allow
water and air to come and go. The outer surface of the
leaf has a waxy coating called a cuticle which protects
the leaf. Veins carry water and nutrients within the leaf.
Leaf has a flat and broad part called leaf blade which has
tiny holes. These holes are called stomata. Plants breathe
air in and out through these stomata. Leaves contain a
substance called chlorophyll. It helps making food using
Plants 23
carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight.
The process by which plants make their food from air,
water and sunlight is called photosynthesis.


Plants can be seasonal or evergreen/perennial.
Evergreen/Perennial plants are those which grow
throughout the year and do not shed their leaves in a
particular season. For example : Garden asparagus and Misconcept/Concept
peepal. Seasonal plants are those which grow during a
particular season and shed their leaves in a particular v Misconcept: Leaves are always
season. For example: Sal and Oak. Some plants green.
grow fruits and vegetables only in winters whereas v Concept: Leaves can be of
some other plants grow fruits and vegetables only different colours. The colour
in summers. Some winter fruits and vegetables are we see actually comes from the
orange and peas. Some summer fruits and vegetables green colour of chlorophyll and
are cucumber and mango. During dry season of summer deep red or yellow colours from
or winter when there is a shortage of water, trees pigments of various chemicals.
shed their leaves to save water. In deserts, we find v Misconcept: Leaves take in water.
plants like cactus and babul whose leaves are in the
form of spines. In these plants stems store water v Concept: Water is taken in
instead of leaves. through the roots.

Sowing of Seeds: There are two methods of sowing seeds:

(A) Direct method and (B) Indirect method. In (A) direct
method, seeds of crop plants like wheat, maize, gram,
beans etc. are scattered and sown directly in the field.
In (B) indirect method, seeds of crops like rice are
grown first in small seedbeds. When the seedlings are
few inches high, they are taken out and planted in the
fields. This method is also called as transplanting.
24 Olympiad Champs–Science
1. Plants clean the air - Plants make the air clean by
converting atmospheric carbon-dioxide into useful
oxygen. Which we use for breathing.
2. Plants give us food - We eat fruits, vegetables,
Amazing Facts nuts, berries, grains, roots, stems, leaves and seeds
of some plants. For example leaves of spinach,
coriander, mint, lettuce and tea are used in our daily
v 85% of plants are found in lives.
v Number of plants are used
as dyes. Coriander
v One of the oldest dye
used was derived from a Spinach
plant known as woad. Mint Tea

v Apple, potatoes and onion 3. Plants decorate our surroundings. Plants make a
have some test, test them garden look beautiful. We use flowers and leaves
with your nose closed. from plants for decoration.
4. Plants provide homes - Some birds and animals make
their homes in plants. They also get their food from
5. Plants give us fibres - We use cotton fibres to make
thread and cloth. Jute fibre is used to make sacks,
bags, mats and ropes etc.
6. Trees give us wood - We use wood to make pencil,
ladder, box, chair, paper, boat, furniture etc.
7. Plants give us other useful items like rubber, oil,
perfume, medicines, manure etc. For example leaves
of neem, aloevera and tulsi are used as medicines.

Neem Aloe vera Tulsi

Plants 25

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Plants grow in soil or in _________. [Tricky]
(a) water (b) sky
(c) clouds (d) none of the above
2. Plants get carbon-dioxide from the
(a) soil (b) sand (c) leaves (d) air
3. Name the green colouring substances that is present in leaves? [2012]
(a) Salt (b) Carotene
(c) Chlorophyll (d) All of the above
4. Leaves are green due to the presence of a green pigment called chlorophyll. The
main function of chlorophyll is — [2013, Tricky]
(a) to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
(b) to absorb water and minerals from the soil.
(c) to give greenish colour to the leaves.
(d) to perform photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight, carbon-dioxide and water.
5. Rose : Shrubs :: Grape : ? [Tricky]
(a) Tree (b) Climber (c) Shrubs (d) None of these
6. Which of the following part of a plant prepares food?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

7. Veins : [2014]
(a) absorb water and minerals from the soil.
(b) absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
(c) transport water, food and minerals in a leaf.
(d) release oxygen and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
8. Jute plant is used to make _______
(a) ropes (b) medicines (c) perfumes (d) spices
9. Which plant needs external support to stand? [Tricky]
(a) Herbs (b) Climbers (c) Shrubs (d) Trees
10. Which part of the sugarcane plant produces juice?
(a) Root (b) Leaf (c) Stem (d) Fruit
11. What does fruit contains?
(a) Flower (b) Stem (c) Leaf (d) Seed
12. Potato is the modified form of _______
(a) stem (b) fruit (c) roof (d) leaf
26 Olympiad Champs–Science
13. Plants can be ________ as well as perennial/evergreen. [Tricky]
(a) permanent (b) temporary
(c) seasonal (d) None of these
14. Which plant can grow in very low or no water for long period of time?
(a) Mango (b) Neem (c) Tulsi (d) Cactus
15. In addition to sunlight what else is required for photosynthesis? [Tricky]
(a) Sugar and water (b) Water and oxygen
(c) Carbon-dioxide and water (d) Oxygen and carbon-dioxide
16. Which of the following parts of a plant remains under the ground?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

17. The plant shown in the figure is a _______ [2015]

(a) Thorny plant (b) Water plant (c) Land plant (d) Desert plant
18. Which of the following plants can mostly be found in deserts?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

19. The plant shown in the figure is a ___________

(a) Herb (b) Shrub (c) Climber (d) Tree
Plants 27
20. Which part of the cauliflower are you supposed to consume ? [2012]
(a) Roots (b) flower (c) fruit (d) stem
21. Which of the following plants will NOT be able to survive?

a b c d
(a) (a) and (b) (b) (b) and (c)
(c) (c) and (d) (d) (a), (b) and (c)
22. Green plants make their own food. They are called ________. [2017]
(a) Predators (b) Consumers (c) Decomposers (d) Producers

23. Read the poems given below and answer the following questions. [Critical Thinking]
Leaves in the autumn came tumbling down,
Scarlet and yellow, russet and brown,
Leaves in the garden were swept in a heap,
Trees were undressing ready for sleep.
Red leaves and yellow leaves
Orange leaves and brown,
Leaves are dancing everywhere
Happily dancing down.
(A) In the above narrated poem how many colours of leaves are mentioned
(a) Five (b) Seven (c) Four (d) Six
(B) Arrange the leaves in chronological order as how it change colour
1. Orange 2. Yellow 3. Brown 4. Green
(a) 4, 2, 1, 3 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1 (c) 4, 2, 3, 1 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1
24. Fill up the blanks with correct options
Leaves make ___(a)___ for the plant and help the plant to breathe. Leaves are also
called the food ___(b)___ of the plant. Leaf has a flat and broad part called leaf blade
which has tiny holes. These holes are called ___(c)___ . Plants breathe air in and out
through these stomata. Leaves contain a substance called ___(d)___. It helps making
food using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight. The process by which
plants make their food from air, water and sunlight is called ___(e)___.
a. (a)  food (b) sweets (c) water (d) fruits
b. (a)  shops (b) factories (c) laboratories (d) malls
c. (a)  petals (b) buds (c) stomata (d) holes
d. (a)  chlorophyll (b) homophyll (c) tryophyll (d) odonil
e. (a)  autosynthesis (b) photosynthesis (c)  monosynthesis (d) synthesis
28 Olympiad Champs–Science
25. Choose the correct option [Tricky]

(a) (b)
Climber Grapes Mango Grapes


(c) (d) Climber
Grass vine
Tree Grape

26. From the box below count and answer how many leaves are there which we use as
medicines? [Critical Thinking]
Banana leaf Tulsi Rose leaf Lettuce Mint Aloe Vera Corriander

Apple Leaves Tea Brahmi Spinach Curry leaves Onion leaves Neem

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

27. Which option will replace “X” in the table. [Critical Thinking]
Leaves Spinach Lettuce
Roots X Carrot
Stems Sugar Cane Asparagus

(a) Mint (b) Radish

(c) Ladyfinger (d) None of the above
28. Match the following and mark the correct option

List I List II
A. Roots 1. make food for the plant.
B. Stems 2. turn into fruits that contain seeds.
C. Leaves 3. absorb water and mineral from the soil.
D. Flowers 4. support the plant.
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 2 1 4 3
29. Wheat is a ____.
(a) tree (b) shrubs (c) grass (d) climber
Plants 29
30. Arrange the pictures in chronological order [2012, Tricky]

(a) BCDA (b) ABCD (c) DCBA (d) CDAB
31. At which of the following time may a plant be preparing food? [Tricky]
(a) 6 a.m. (b) 10 a.m. (c) 10 p.m. (d) Midnight
32. Which of these is NOT needed for photosynthesis?
(a) Chlorophyll (b) Sunlight (c) Oxygen (d) Water
33. If a plant is placed in a dark room it will soon [Tricky]
(a) Bear fruit (b) Bear flower
(c) Grow bigger (d) Grow weak and die
34. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
 [Critical Thinking]
Statement A: Plants clean the air - Plants make the air clean which we use for breathing
Statement B: Trees give us Plastic - We use plastic to make pencil, ladder, box, chair,
paper, boat etc.
(a) Statement A is true and B is false. (b) Statement B is true and A is false.
(c) Both the statements are true. (d) Both the statements are false.
35. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option.
Statement A: All plants are green.
Statement B: All green plants prepare there own food.  [Tricky]
(a) Statement A is true and B is false. (b) Statement B is true and A is false.
(c) Both the statements are false. (d) Both the statements are true.
36. Match the following and choose the correct option

List I List II
A. Flowers 1. Jam
B. Wood 2. Bags
C. Fruits 3. Decoration
D. Jute 4. Furniture

(a) 3 4 1 2
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 2 1 4 3

30 Olympiad Champs–Science
37. The main purpose of a plant’s flower is to :
(a) Provide support (b) Provide water (c) Produce food (d) Produce seeds
38. Amit saw some children plucking leaves from plants while playing in the garden.
What should Amit do?
(a) Join the children and play with them.
(b) Explain them the importance of plants and tell them not to pluck leaves.
(c) Walk pass them without interfearing.
(d) None of the above.
39. Choose the incorrect statement [Tricky]

(a) Mint leaves give smell when dried and crushed.

(b) Mango tree has thin and smooth trunk.

(c) Roots of carrot plant store food.

(d) Jasmine flowers are used to make perfumes.

40. Which gas do plants release into the air?

(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Nitrogen

41. Look at the drawings of the three plants below. [2014, Tricky]

Money plant Banyan tree Sweet potato plant
Which of the following statements about plants can be made from the drawings?
(A) Plants can make food for themselves. (B) Plants have different types of stems.
(C) Plants have different types of roots. (D) Plants can live on land and in water.
(a) A and D only (b) B and C only
(c) A, B and C only (d) A, B, C and D
42. Which type of plants are harmful to man?
(a) Water plants (b) Flowering plant
(c) Non-flowering plants (d) Poisonous plants
Plants 31
43. Which one of the following fruits is most likely to be inedible? [Tricky]

Fruit Fleshy Dry Poisonous

and juicy and hard
(a) W ü No
(b) X ü Yes
(c) Y ü No
(d) Z ü No

44. Look at the two trees below and pick out the correct statement. [2017, Tricky]

Papaya tree Coconut tree

(a) The leaves of both trees have the same shape.
(b) Both trees are water plants.
(c) Both trees have weak stems.
(d) Both trees produce flowers.
45. A tree is protected by an outer covering called __________.
(a) crown (b) bark
(c) branch (d) trunk
Directions (Qs. 46 & 47): Match Column I with Column II. [Tricky]
46. Column-I Column-II
A. Tall and strong plants are called 1 Climbers
B. Plants which grow with the help of support 2 Herbs
C. Short and bushy plants are called 3 Trees
D. Plants which are very short and have 4 Shrubs
soft stems are called
(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 2 1 4
47. Column-I (Functions) Column-II (Parts)
A. It keeps the plant upright and straight 1 Seed
B. It helps the plant stay fixed to the soil. 2 Flower
C. It changes into fruits 3 Root
32 Olympiad Champs–Science
D. It prepares food for the plant 4 Stem
E. It has a baby plant inside 5 Leaf
(a) 4 3 2 5 1 (b) 3 4 2 1 5
(c) 4 1 2 5 3 (d) 3 2 1 4 5
48. Match the following and mark the correct option [2015, Tricky]
List I List II
A. Tree 1. valued for flavour, scent, medicinal purposes.
B. Shrubs 2. have thick trunk.
C. Climbers & Creepers 3. are small plants.
D. Herbs 4. grow along the ground or up the sides of walls or trees.
(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 4 1 3 2
49. The ________ hold the seeds.
(a) Roots (b) Leaves (c) Stems (d) Fruits
50. Which statement is NOT true?
(a) A plant comes from a seed
(b) Leaves are attached to the stem
(c) Roots of a plant are usually above the soil
(d) A plant is a living thing that grows
51. A plant needs ________ to survive.
(a) Food, clothing, electricity (b) Water, silver, oil, and a place to grow
(c) Air, shelter, gold (c) Food, water, air, light and a place to grow
52. Several seeds are planted on a hill. Which of the following growths will you see first?
(a) A tree (b) A bush (c) A seedling (d) Roots
53. Refer the given picture showing process ‘R’ that is carried out in plants at night.
During ‘R’, plants intake gas ‘P’ and release gas ‘Q’. What are P, Q and R?
 [2013, Tricky]

Plants 33
(a) Carbon dioxide Oxygen Respiration
(b) Oxygen Carbon dioxide Respiration
(c) Oxygen Carbon dioxide Photosynthesis
(d) Carbon dioxide Oxygen Photosynthesis
54. A plant placed in a pot needs __________, _________ and _________ to grow.
(a) Water, wind, fertilizer (b) Snow, rain, sunlight
(c) Water, sunlight, air (d) Darkness, water, air
55. Which part of the potato plant absorbs water the most? [Tricky]

(a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S
56. The given picture shows a potted plant. Which of the following factors may be
responsible for such condition of the plant? [2015, Tricky]


1. No water 2. No light
3. No minerals 4. Attacked by diseases
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
57. Select the statements that show similarities between hibiscus and pea plant?
 [2015, Tricky]
1. They grow on land. 2. They have flowers.
3. They have weak stems. 4. They produce edible fruits.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 and 4 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
58. I am round and green. You eat me as a vegetable. [2016, Tricky]
I carry a baby plant inside me.
Starting from the first letter cross out every alternate letter in the following options
34 Olympiad Champs–Science
and select the one which gives my name.
59. _______ is an oil giving plant. [2016]

(a) (b) (c) (d) All of these

60. Study the given flow chart. Identify correct pair of examples of plants P, Q, R and S.
 [2015, Tricky]

Flowering plants

Has weak stem Has woody stem

Provides Provides Provides
oil fibre food

(a) P - Mustard, Q-Banana (b) R - Coconut, S - Carrot
(c) P - Rose, S - Mango (d) Q - Neem, R - Coconut
61. In the following list of plants, count the number of shrubs :
Mint, Jasmine, Henna, Pumpkin, Rose, Eucalyptus, Indigo, Money plant, Aloe vera,
Lavender, Lemon grass, Coriander, Grapes, Pea tree, Hibicus
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9
62. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct option from the codes
given below. [2017]
Column-I Column-II
A. Acacia 1. Spices
B. Teak 2. Chocolate
C. Cocoa 3. Furniture
D. Turmeric 4. Rubber
Plants 35
(a) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 (b) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
(c) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 (d) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
Directions (Qs. 63 to 64): Read the following passage and answer.
Beena placed a potted plant near the window in a dark room as shown in fig. 1
and noted the direction in which the plant was growing. After few days she
rotated the pot in the position as shown in fig. 2.   [2014]

63. What would be her observation after few days ?

(a) The plants began to grow towards left i.e., against the direction of sunlight.
(b) The plant again bent to the right i.e. towards sunlight.
(c) The plant died.
(d) None of these
64. What does the above experiment prove ?
(a) Plants grow away from sunlight
(b) Plants die in sunlight.
(c) Plants grow towards sunlight.
(d) Plants grow in the presence of air

response grid
1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d
36 Olympiad Champs–Science

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (a) Plants grow in soil as well as in water.
2. (d) Plants get carbon-dioxide from the air.
3. (c)
4. (d) Leaves are green due to the presence of a green pigment called chlorophyll. The
main function of chlorophyll is to perform photosynthesis in the presence of
sunlight carbon-dioxide and water.
5. (b) Rose is a shrub while grapes grow in vines which are a climber plant.
6. (b) Leaves are called food factories of the plants because it is the leaves that
manufacture the food.
7. (c) Veins transport water, food and minerals in a leaf.
8. (a) Jute fibre is used to make sacks, bags, mats and ropes.
9. (b) Climbers and Creepers grow along the ground or up the sides of walls or trees.
These have a weak stem that is why they need support.
10. (c) The stem of sugarcane plant produces juice.
11. (d) Seed. Fruits are formed from flowers and have seeds in them. Some fruits like
mango have one seed while pear, tomato, papaya have many seeds.
12. (a)
13. (c) Plants can be Seasonal as well as perennial/evergreen.
14. (d) Cactus can grow in very low or no water for long period of time. That is why they
are mostly found in deserts.
15. (c)

16. (d) Roots of the plant remain under the ground. Roots fix the plant in the soil and also
absorb water and minerals from it to be transported to other parts of the plant.
Other parts shown in the pictures i.e., leaves, stem and fruit remain above the

17. (b) The plant shown in the figure is lotus. It is a water plant.

18. (a) Cactus is adapted to live in the hot climate of deserts. Its leaves are reduced
into spines (so that less water is evaporated from them) and its fleshy green stem
stores water and prepares food for the plant.
Plants 37
19. (d) Big and strong plants are called trees. Coconut plant is a tree

20. (c)

21. (d) Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and then send them to all parts of
the plant. Leaves make food for the plant. Plants (a), (b), (c) will not be able to sur-
vive as plant (a) lacks roots, plants (b) and (c) lack leaves.

22. (d) Producers are the organisms that can make their own food and act as a source of
food for other organisms. Thus, green plants are called producers as they can make
their own food and provide it to other organisms.
23. (a) (d)  Six (Yellow, brown, red, scarlet, russet and orange)
(b) (a)  While changing colour leaves generally follow this pattern- green, yellow,
orange, scarlet, russet, and then brown.
24. 1. (a) Food 2. (b) Factories
3. (c) Stomata 4. (a) Chlorophyll
5. (b) Photosynthesis
25. (d) Grape grows in vines and is considered as a climber.
26. (b) Tulsi, Mint, Aloe Vera, Brahmi, Neem
27. (b) Radish. In some plants like carrot, radish, turnip and beetroot, roots store food in
28. (b)
29. (c) Wheat is a grass.
30. (a)
31. (b) Plants can get sufficient sunlight at 10.am and will be able to prepare food.
32. (c)
33. (d) If a plant is placed in a dark room it will soon grow weak and die.
34. (a)
35. (b) There are non-green plants like mushroom. All green plants prepare their food.
36. (a)
37. (d)
38. (b) Explain them the importance of plants and tell them not to pluck leaves.
39. (b) Mango trees have thick and rough trunk.
40. (a)
41. (b)
B and C only–not all plants can make food for themselves. Plants can live either on
land or in water.
42. (d) Poisonous plants
43. (b) Poisonous fruit is not fit for eating.
44. (d) Both trees produce flowers.
45. (b)
46. (b) A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2
38 Olympiad Champs–Science

47. (a) A-4 B-3 C-2 D-5 E-1

48. (a)
49. (a)
50. (c)
51. (d)
52. (b)
53. (b) During day, plants respire as well as photosynthesise but at night, plants respire
only. During respiration (R), plants take in oxygen (P) and give out carbon dioxide
54. (c) A plant needs water, sunlight and air to prepare its food. Food helps the plant to
55. (d) ‘P’ is stem, ‘Q’ is leaf, ‘R’ is potato (modified stem) and ‘S’ are roots. Roots absorb
water and minerals from the soil and send them to all parts of the plant through
56. (c) Plants need sunlight, air, water and mineral rich (fertile) soil to grow. It should also
be free from diseases. So, lack of water, light and attack by diseases can be the
factors responsible for the given conditon of the plant.
57. (a) Both hibiscus and pea plant are terrestrial flowering plants. Hibiscus is a shrub and
has a thin woody stem. Pea plant is a climber and has a weak stem. Pea plant pro-
duces edible fruits i.e., peas, whereas hibiscus do not produce any edible fruit.
58. (b) Option B gives PEA. We eat seeds of pea plant as vegetable. They are round and
green. When they are put in soil they give rise to new pea plants. Other options give
59. (d) Coconut, olive and groundnut all are oil yielding plants.
60. (d) Banana does not have woody stem neither it provide us oil. Carrot does not have
woody stem. Rose has woody stem.
61. (c)
62. (d) Acacia - Rubber
Teak - Furniture
Cocoa - Chocolate
Turmeric - Spices
63. (b)
64 (c)
Animal Life 39

I. DIRECTIONS : Read the clues and unscramble the letters to get the names
of these animals. Write the names in the blanks.
1. It sucks blood - USOMOTIQ

2. It has a long sticky tongue — OGRF

3. It sucks nectar from flowers — ELUTRBTYF

4. It sucks up water with its trunk — PTELHEAN

5. It swallows soil — AEWRTMORH

II. DIRECTIONS: Look at the pictures of the given nests and the birds which
made them. Write the name of the birds to whom the nest belongs.

(a) (b) (c)

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________

40 Olympiad Champs–Science

3 Animal Life
This lesson will help you to : –
 identify different animals with varying sizes.
 observe different features of animals.
 understand how different animals move.
Amazing Facts  know their habitat.
 learn about different types of insects.
 explore the world of birds-their living places, eating
v Human beings, cats, dogs, cows, habits, common features like feathers and sounds
elephants, tigers, lions, kangaroos produced by them.
etc. are mammals that live on land
and give birth to young ones. QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW
v Kangaroos and Koalas have special If we look around we will notice different types of animals
pouch on their stomach and back around us. Some of them are big, some are small, some
respectively. They use it to carry live on land, some live under water, some can fly, some
their young ones. only crawl and so on.


On the basis
of their

Terrestrial Aerial Arboreal Aquatic Amphibians

E.g. Cat,
Birds, Monkey, Fish, Frog,
Dog, Cow,
Insects Lizard Whales Toads

Terrestrial animals are those that live on the land,

either completely or mostly inside burrows below the
surface. “Terre" means earth and terrestrial means "of
the earth". Terrestrial animals have various features
Animal Life 41
that enable them to live on land. They have legs to walk.
They have well-developed sense organs. Their claws and
teeth are very sharp which enables them to catch and
eat their prey. For example: Rabbit, Cow, Kangaroo, Cat,
Dog, Camel.


An aerial animal is any creature that spends time in the
air, typically in flight. Their bones are light and hollow to
make their movement easy in the air. They fly with the
help of wings. For example, birds and insects.
Birds have feathers, a beak and no teeth. They eat fruits,
nuts, plants, seeds, nectar and various small animals. Do
you know that birds also talk to each other and also give
signals to their friends. You must have heard the voices
of Parrots, Crows and Cuckoos. Some parrots (Macaw) are
known to copy our voices.

You must have seen many flies, mosquitos, ants, wasps
and grasshoppers at various places in your surroundings.
These are all insects. Insects are the most diverse
groups of animals on earth. They are found in nearly
all environments. Some of these insects can crawl, for
example ants, some can fly for example bees and wasps.
Have you ever been stung by a wasp? The wasp sting is
very painful. You should immediately rush to the doctor
in such cases.


42 Olympiad Champs–Science
Arboreal animals live and dwell in trees. These animals
consider trees to be their home base, and find shelter,
food and protection from the branches. For example
Monkey, Lizards, etc.

Aquatic animals live in water. They have streamlined
body which helps them to swim easily in water. They have
gills as breathing organs. For example Fishes. Whales are
also aquatic but they have lungs for breathing.

Amphibians are a class of animals that spend part of
their life on land and part in water. They breathe through
their moist skin when in water and through lungs when on
land. For example Frogs.
Reptiles have scales on their bodies.
They are not as slimy as the amphibians.
Lizards, snakes, crocodiles, alligators,
tortoise and turtle belong to reptile
group. Snakes have no legs, they have
two teeth called fangs, but they don’t
chew food, rather swallow it. Reptiles
are cold blooded vertebrates.



Wild Domestic
or Farm

Pet Animals: Pets are the animals that people keep in, or
around, their homes. They include dogs, cats, rabbits and
various species of fishes and birds.     
Domestic or Farm Animals: Domestic animals are the
animals that people keep in their farms or factories for their
fur, feathers, milk or meat or perhaps for transportation.
They include farm animals, such as cattle, horses, sheep,
chickens, bullocks, elephants etc. Some insects, such as
bees and silk moths, are also domesticated.
Animal Life 43


Wild Animals: Wild animals are those who live in jungle.
These animals are, naturally ferocious, unpredictable and
dangerous. If they are captured and put in a zoo, they
become zoo animals. For example lion and tiger.


On the basis
of Food
habit Amazing Facts

Herbivorous Carnivorous Omnivorous Parasites

Herbivorous animals are those, that mostly feed on v Fishes breathe through gills; they
grasses, leaves and grains. They have flat, broad, front swim with the help of fins and tail.
teeth to cut the leaves and grasses and chew the food Some posses scale all over their
with the help of strong back teeth. Some examples are body.
cow, sheep and camel. v Animals like crab, starfish, prawn
and lobsters have hard shell all
around their body. They have more
than two legs instead of fins.
v Whale and dolphin are mammals
and give birth to babies.
v Penguins are flightless birds.
v There are tiny group of animals
Carnivorous animals are those animals that hunt and like bacteria, virus and protozoa
eat other animals for food. Carnivores have long sharp that live inside or on the bodies
pointed front teeth for tearing and ripping flesh. Some of other animals and obtain
examples are lion, tiger, leopard etc. their food from them known as

Omnivorous animals eat both plants and meat. Some

examples are human beings, crow, bear etc.
44 Olympiad Champs–Science

v Misconcept: Bats are birds
v Concept: Bats are not birds
they are mammals as they have
no feathers, talons, beaks, or Food Chain
any organ specifically related each and every living organism needs energy to live and
to birds. The bat’s wings are grow. A food chain describes how organism get energy
also not the same style as bird’s from eating other organisms. A food chain show a line of
wings. Bats seem to have the animals that eat each other.
same structure in their wings as
the human hand. And, they do
not lay eggs, they give birth to

Adaptations are special characteristics and mechanisms
that animals have developed over the years to help them
survive in a particular environment.
Few examples of the basic adaptations that help the
creatures survive are:
v shape of a bird's beak,
v the number of fingers,
v colour of the fur,
v the thickness or thinness of the fur,
v the shape of the nose or ears


v Jellyfishes use tentacles to move around.
v An elephant’s trunk is like a hand, it is used for bringing
food into the mouth, drinking water, getting foliage
from tall trees, etc. The trunk is an elongated nose.
v The porcupine’s sharp quills are hardened hair and
are used for protection against predators.
v Polar bear have thick layer of fat inside their skin
and fur to provide warmth to the body.
Animal Life 45

Multiple Choice Questions

level 1
1. Look at the animals shown below and select the one that does not belong to the
group. [2012]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2. The word “ Terrestrial” means

(a) Of the Earth (b) Of the Sky (c) Of the Water (d) none of these

3. Kangaroos and Koalas have special _________ on their stomach and back respectively.

(a) pouch (b) couch (c) box (d) stand

4. Find the odd one out [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5. Fish : gills :: Frog : ? [Tricky]

(a) Skin (b) Eyes (c) Legs (d) Ears

6. Which of the following is the largest group of animals?

(a) Birds (b) Insects (c) Reptiles (d) Mammals

7. Chameleon is a lizard that can change its _____ according to the surrounding
to protect themselves from enemies.  [Critical Thinking]

(a) skin (b) tail

(c) colour (d) teeth

8. Omnivorous animals are those which eat ________.
(a) only animals (b) only plants
(c) both plants and animals (d) neither plants nor animals
9. These animals are kept by people for their fur, feathers, milk or meat or perhaps
for transportation. They are ________
(a) domestic or farm animals (b) pet animals
(c) wild Animals (d) none of these
46 Olympiad Champs–Science
10. Which of the following animal is not kept in the zoo?
(a) Jackal (b) Wolf (c) Hyena (d) Dog
11. Which family of animals does a wolf belong to? [2013]
(a) Dog (b) Cat (c) Deer (d) Rat
12. Which of the following animal is useful to us?
(a) Rhinoceros (b) Giraffe (c) Panther (d) Camel
13. Which of the following animals has one horn?
(a) Rhinoceros (b) Bison (c) Antelope (d) Cow
14. Which animal has a pair of visible, big teeth which are not meant for eating?
(a) Elephant (b) Crocodile (c) Nilgai (d) Tiger
15. Earthworm live in soil and are generally seen crawling on the ground
(a) rain (b) drought (c) snowfall (d) none of these
16. What is a food chain?[2014]
(a) The relationship an animal has with everything around them
(b) A grocery store
(c) A group of bigger animals that eat smaller ones
(d) None of the above
17. Which of the following animals chews cud?
(a) Ducks (b) Monkeys (c) Cows (d) Snakes
18. Study the following chart : [Tricky]

Plants X Lion

The arrow means “is eaten by”. Which of the following animals can X be?
(a) Frog (b) Eagle (c) Goat (d) Snake
19. Which of the given pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) Milk-Cow (b) Silk-Silk worm

(c) Honey-Honey bee (d) Wool-Hen

20. The animal in the given figure belongs to which category? [2015]

(a) Herbivore (b) Carnivore
(c) Omnivore (d) Producer
Animal Life 47
21. Which of the following animals does not give us wool?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

22. Which of the following animals feed on both plants and animals? [2016]


(a) I and II (b) II and IV (c) III and IV (d) I, II and IV

23. Animals that have been trained to live with people are said to be ––––––.


(a) Wild (b) Tamed

(c) Carnivore (d) Omnivore

24. A fox grows thicker fur as season changes. This adaptation helps the fox to _____
(a) find food (b) keep warmer (c) grow stronger (d) None of these
25. Choose the correct option. [Tricky]

(a) (b) Arboreal

Arboreal animal

Koala Monkey

48 Olympiad Champs–Science

(c) (d) animal
Monkey Koala Monkey Koala

26. Which of the following best completes the given food chain?


(a) earthworm (b) rabbit (c) frog (d) snake
27. Consider the following statements: [Critical Thinking]
Statement A: Reptiles have scales on their bodies
Statement B: Reptiles are cold blooded vertebrates
Which one of the following statement is correct?
(a) Only A (b) Only B (c) Both A & B (d) None of these
28. Mark the correct option
1. Polar bear have thick layer of fat inside their skin and fur to provide coolness to the body.
2. Jellyfish use tentacles to move around. They flex their tentacles to push themselves
3. An elephant’s trunk is like a hand, it is used for bringing food into the mouth,
drinking water, getting foliage from tall trees, etc.
4. Macaws mostly thrive on flesh. The hooked beaks are perfect for tearing flesh
(a) True, false, true false (b) False. true, true, false
(c) False, true, false, true (d) True, true, false, false
29. Fill the blank with correct option [Critical Thinking]
On the basis
of Food

Herbivorous Carnivorous Omnivorous ?

(a) Parasite (b) Eyesight (c) Website (d) None of these

30. Some of them live inside or on the bodies of other animals and obtain their food
from them. Parasites cause great loss to the life of their_____. [2012, Tricky]
(a) ghost (b) most (c) host (d) dost
Animal Life 49
31. Which of the following is not an example of the basic adaptation that helps
creatures survive? [Critical Thinking]
(a) colour of a bird’s beak (b) colour of the fur
(c) the thickness or thinness of the fur (d) the shape of the nose or ears
Directions : Based on the poem below choose the best option.
32. We are the creatures [Tricky]

Who has got special feature
Our bones are light and hollow
Sky is the limit to follow.
Who am I?
(a) Terrestrial Animals (b) Aerial Animals
(c) Aquatic Animals (d) Amphibians
33. Animals like crab, starfish, prawn and lobsters have hard _____ all around their
body. They have more than two ______ instead of ____.
(a) fins, shells, legs (b) shells, legs, fins
(c) fins, shells, legs (d) legs, fins, shells
34. Read the passage given below and then choose the correct option [2013, Tricky]

These animals live and dwell in trees. These species consider trees to be their home
base, and find shelter, food and protection from the branches. Some important features
are opposable thumbs that allow them to grasp onto branches and forward facing eyes
to give them an in depth perception.
(A) Which animal we are talking about?

(a) Terrestrial animal (b) Aerial animal
(c) Arboreal animal (d) Aquatic animal
(B) Which one of the following animals live on trees.
(a) Elephant (b) Camel
(c) Whale (d) Monkey
35. Which of the following is the correct order of the figures to show the life cycle of
a frog? [Tricky]

1. 2. 3. 4.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 4,3, 1 (c) 2, 3,4, 1 (d) 4, 3, 2,1
50 Olympiad Champs–Science
36. Look at the table carefully
Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore
Cow Tiger Human Being
Buffalo Lion X
Which of the following animals can be placed in place of X?
(a) Crow (b) Camel (c) Deer (d) Cow
37. Choose the incorrect statement
(a) Herbivors are animals that mostly feed on grasses, leaves and grains.
(b) They have flat broad front teeth to cut the leaves and grasses.
(c) They chew the food with the help of strong back teeth.
(d) Some examples of herbivores are tiger, lion, leopard.
38. Match the following
List I List II
A. Camel 1. Parasite
B. Jackal 2. Omnivore
C. Crow 3. Herbivore
D. Bacteria 4. Carnivore
(a) 3 4 2 1
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 4 3 1 2
39. Consider the following statements: [Critical Thinking]
Statement 1. Some reptiles do not have legs to walk.
Statement 2. Some reptiles have legs to walk.
Which one of the following is correct about the above statement?
(a) Statement 1 is true and 2 is false (b) Statement 1 is false and 2 is true
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 are false (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are true
40. Lizard is an example of group X and frog is an example of group Y. What is the
common feature of the animals of groups X and Y ? [2014]
(a) All of them are herbivores
(b) All of them lay eggs
(c) None of them have four legs
(d) None of them can survive in water.
41. Which one of the birds shown below CANNOT fly? [Tricky]

(a) (b)

owl eagle
Animal Life 51
(c) (d)

penguin pigeon
42. Fill in the blanks to show what the different groups of animals eat.
 [Critical Thinking]
(A) (B)
Animals that eat Animals that eat
__________ only. __________ only.

grasshopper lion
cow eagle

Animals that eat



(a) plants, plants & animals animals
(b) animals, plants, plants & animals
(c) plants, animals, plants & animals both
(d) plants, plants, animals.
43. Four school friends went on a jungle safari. Next day, they narrated what they
saw in the jungle to their other friends. [2014]

There was a
I saw that a
big elephant
snake swallowed
who was eating
a frog
a tiger

Hari Shaurya

I saw many There was a
squirrels, who were small pond and a
sucking the nectar dog was lapping
of flowers water from it

Varsha Hiral
52 Olympiad Champs–Science
Which of the above four friends was/were lying ?
(a) Hari and Shaurya (b) Shaurya and Varsha
(c) Varsha and Hiral (d) Varsha only
44. From the following, the fastest mammal is
(a) eagle (b) cheetah (c) leopard (d) ostrich
45. Which one of the following animals is NOT an insect?
(a) Butterfly (b) Ant (c) Spider (d) Grasshopper
46. A bird is different from a rabbit because a bird __________.
(a) can grow (b) can move (c) has feathers (d) needs air
47. Identify the animals from the given pictures of their skin and select the correct
(a) 1–Zebra, 3–Giraffe
(b) 2–Bear, 3–Squirrel
(c) 2–Zebra, 4–Squirrel
(d) 1–Bear, 4–Giraffe
48. From the following list of animals, count the number of omnivores :
Squirrel, Chicken, Rabbit, Monkey, Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Crow, Cheetah, Deer, Tiger,
Pig, Donkey, Gorilla, Goat, Woodpecker, Leopard, Wolf, Buffalo, Giraffe, Bear, Kanga-
roo, Chimpanzee, Wild dog, Human
(a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 7
59. In the list of animal given in the above question, count the number of herbivores.
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10
50. What helps birds fly?
(a) Streamlined body (b) Light and hollow bones
(c) Feather & wings (d) All of the above
51. Butter, cheese, curd are ________.
(a) plant products (b) animal products
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above
52. Which animals given in the table have been classified INCORRECTLY?
 [2014, Tricky]

Animals Groups
Ant Insect
Dolphin Fish
Eel Fish
Donkey Mammal
Bat Bird

(a) Ant and Eel (b) Dolphin and Eel
(c) Donkey and Bat (d) Dolphin and Bat
Animal Life 53
53. Study the given food web and answer the following questions. [Tricky]

(a) How many animals eat both plants and animals?
(b) How many animals eat plants only?
(a) a-3, b-1 (b) a-1, b-2 (c) a-1, b-3 (d) a-2, b-1
54. The given figures show two groups (‘M’ and ‘N’) of animals. Select the correct option
regarding the categorization of the given group. [2013, Tricky]

(a) Wild animals Domestic animals
(b) Give us fibre Carry load
(c) Give us meat Give us leather
(d) Give us dung Give us milk
Directions (Qs. 55 to 56) : Refer to the given word grid and answer questions.
 [2014, Tricky]






54 Olympiad Champs–Science
55. How many names of herbivores and omnivores are respectively hidden in the given
word grid? (You may check from top to bottom, from left to right and crossways to
find words.)
(a) 5, 6 (b) 4, 3 (c) 6, 2 (d) 3, 5
56. Which of the following animals can you find in this word grid?
A. The tallest land animal B. The fastest running land animal
C. The largest land animal D. The largest animal on earth
(a) A and C (b) C only
(c) A and D (d) B, C and D
57. What do a bat and a hippopotamas have in common? [2015, Tricky]
(a) Both of them eat only meat (b) Both of them lay eggs
(c) Both of them give birth to young ones (d) Both of them live in water
58. Select the correct headings for X and Y given in the following Venn diagram. [2015]

Rabbit Monkey Wolf

(a) Herbivores Carnivores (b) Wild animals Domestic animals
(c) Producers Consumers (d) Land animals Water animals
59. Which animal is most closely related to the animals in the given figure?

 [2015, Tricky]
Related animals

Alligator Turtle Lizard

(a) (b) (c) (d)

60. Which characteristic would best help a bear to survive a winter in Alaska?
(a) Big legs (b) Black nose (c) Thick fur (d) Brown eyes
Animal Life 55
61. Study the diagram given below very carefully. [Tricky]


Group A Group B

Based on the above diagram, identify how the animals in group A similar to the ani-
mals in group B?
(a) They are small in size
(b) They have wings and can fly from one place to another place
(c) They live in the same habitat
(d) All are correct
62. The diagram below shows a fish and A, B, C and D are its body parts.
 [2016, Tricky]

D-tail fin

The following table relates the mentioned body parts to their functions. Which one
of the following is incorrect?
Body part Function
(a) A Use for respiration
(b) B Lays eggs for reproduction
(c) C Helps to swim
(d) D Helps it to propel forward
63. Study the given flow chart of two animals, X and Y. [Tricky]

56 Olympiad Champs–Science
Which of the following best represents X and Y respectively?
(a) Giraffe Eel
(b) Bear Shark
(c) Tiger Cat
(d) Dolphin Zebra
64. Read the clues and write the names of these animals _________.
I. It has a long stick tongue _________. II. It swallows soil _________.
III. It sucks blood _________. IV. It carries load for us _______.
Choose the correct options.
(a) Butterfly, rat, leech, camel (b) Snake, rabbit, mosquito, horse
(c) Frog, earthworm, mosquito, donkey (d) Butterfly, earthworm, leech, camel
65. Ravi kept spider with three flies (as a food for spider) and a dish of water in a
glass jar as shown below. However after 1 week, the spider died and flies were
also not there in the jar. [2017, Tricky]

The spider died due to lack of
I. Air II. Water III. Food
(a) Only I (b) I and II
(c) I and III (d) I, II and III
Animal Life 57
response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (c) Fish is an aquatic animal rest are terrestrial animals.
2. (a) Terrestrial means of the land.
3. (a) Kangaroos and Koalas have special pouches on their stomach and back respectively.
4. (d) frog is an amphibian, rest all are aquatic.
5. (a) Frogs breathe through their moist skin when in water and through lungs when on
6. (b) Insects are the largest group of animals.
7. (c) Chameleon is a lizard that can change their colour according to the surrounding to
protect themselves from enemies.
8. (c) Omnivorous animals eat both plants and animals.
9. (a) Domestic or farm animals are kept by people for their fur, feathers, milk or meat
or perhaps for transportation.
10. (d) Dog is a pet animal. It is not kept in the zoo.
11. (a) Dog
12. (d) Camel gives us milk and is used for transportation in desert.
13. (a) Rhinoceros
58 Olympiad Champs–Science
14. (a) Elephant have a pair of visible, big teeth which are not meant for eating. They are
called tusks.
15. (a) Earthworm live in soil and are generally seen crawling on the ground after rain.
16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c)
19. (d) We get wool from sheep. Hens give us eggs and meat.
20. (a) Herbivores are those animals that eat plants. Horse is herbivorous as it eats grass.
21. (c) Wool is a fibre obtained from the hair of some animals like sheep, goat and camel.
Snake does not give us wool
22. (b) Pig and rat are the animals which feed on plants and animals both. The animals
which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. Giraffe (I) is a herbi-
vore, while lion (III) is a carnivore (which eat only animals).
23. (b)

24. (b) A fox grows thicker fur as season changes, to keep itself warm.
25. (d) koala and monkey both are arboreal animals.
26. (d) snake
27. (c) Both the statements are correct.
28. (b) Polar bear have thick layer of fat inside their skin and fur to provide warmth to
the body. Macaws are herbivores.
29. (a) Parasite
30. (c) Some of them live inside or on the bodies of other animals and obtain their food
from them. Parasites cause great loss to the life of their host.
31. (a) It’s not colour of the beak, its shape of the beak.
32. (b) Their bones are light and hollow to make their movement easy in the air. They fly
with the help of wings. They are Aerial animals.
33. (b) Animals like crab, starfish, prawn and lobsters have hard shells all around their
body. They have more than two legs instead of fins.
34. (A) (c)  Arboreal animal (B) (d)
35. (b) Life cycle of frog-(egg-tadpole-metamorph-frog).
36. (a) Crow is an omnivorous bird.
37. (d) Tiger, lion, leopard are carnivorous animals.
38. (a)
39. (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.

40. (b)
41. (c) The penguin are the flightless birds.
Animal Life 59
42. (c) plants,  animals,  plants and animals both

43. (b)

44. (b)
45. (c) Spider are arechinds not insects.

46. (c) has feathers

47. (c)

48. (d)

49. (a)

50. (d) all of the above

51. (b)

52. (d) Dolphin and Bat are mammals.

53. (b) In the given food web, bear eats both plants and animals and thus is an omnivore.
Deer and fish eat plants only and thus are herbivores.

54. (b) The group ‘M’ animals are sheep and silkworm. They give us fibres. Sheep gives us
wool and silkworm produces silk. The group ‘N’ animals are bullock and donkey. They
carry load for us.

55. (a) There are five herbivores viz. ox, deer, elephant, goat and cow and there are six
omnivores viz. fox, bear, cat, rat, crow and ant in the given word grid :






56. (b) The largest land animal is elephant that can be found in the word grid. Cheetah
(fastest running land animal), giraffe (tallest land animal), and blue whale (larg-
est animal on Earth), cannot be found in this grid.
60 Olympiad Champs–Science
57. (c) Both bat and hippopotamus give birth to young ones.

58. (a) In the following Venn diagram, X is herbivore, e.g. rabbit, cow etc. While Y is carnivore,
e.g. wolf, lion etc. Monkey is an example of omnivore (herbivore as well as carnivore).

59. (a) Alligator, turtle, lizard and snake are reptiles.

60. (c) Thick fur of bear would help it to bear cold in Alaska during winter.

61. (b) All the animals in both groups have wings and can fly from one place to another
place. Their habitats are different.
62. (b) The function of scales in the fish is to protect the body from infection and outer
sources such as big fish, stones, hard surface etc.
63. (b) Option (b) is the correct answer. A bear lives on land and shark have fins and tail.
In option (a), giraffe live on land, but It don’t have fins.
In option (c), tiger and cat both live on land.
In option (d), dolphin lives in water and zebra do not have fins.
64. (c) I. Frog has a long stick tongue.
II. Earthworm swallows soil.
III. Mosquito sucks blood.
IV. Donkey carries load for us.
65. (a) The spider died due to the lack of air. Those three flies are eaten by spider. So,
spider has food and water but not air. The absence of air results in the death of
Birds 61

62 Olympiad Champs–Science

4 Birds
learning objectives
Real Life Examples
This lesson will help you to : –
v Many birds fly together in v study different types of birds.
flocks. Flocks are so prevalent v observe the feathers of different birds.
in some bird species that
v learn about various shapes and features of the beaks
these groups of birds have
and claws.
special names, such as a raft
of ducks, a charm of finches, v know about the nest of different birds.
a horde of ravens etc.
v Birds make a variety of calls, Quick Concept Review
songs and nonverbal sounds
with a language as complex Birds and their Habitats
as any spoken words.
 Birds live in different habitats.
 Forests, farmlands, lakes, rivers, coasts etc., all
have their own characteristic birds.
 The habitats of birds in our country (India) can be
divided into the following broad types:-
(a) In forest areas
(b) Near water bodies
Amazing Facts
(c) In farms

Birds and their movement: Migration

v Geese save energy by flying in a
V- formation.  Very few birds have a lifestyle without physical
v A woodpecker can peck 20 times activity.
a second.
 Birds move in search of food and good weather
v The Humming birds are the only
birds that can fly backwards. condition.
v Parrots are the longest-living  Birds migrate towards areas like nesting sites, food
birds. They can reach an age of source etc.
up to 100 years For example. Birds such as ducks and geese along
v An ostrich’s eye is bigger than with other birds come to wetlands in September-
its brain.
October and leave in March- April.

B i r d s a n d t h e i r h o m e - NESTS
 Birds make different types of nests with different styles.
Birds 63
 Not all birds make their nest. Some birds, instead
lay their eggs in other birds nest’s. For example
Cuckoos simply lay their eggs in the nest of the host
species and play no further role in rearing their Historical Preview
young ones.
 Birds make their nests using branches, twigs and
leaves etc. v The evolution of birds is thought
 The mother bird lays eggs in the nest and sits on to have begun in the Jurassic
them to keep them warm. After a few days, the eggs Period.
hatch and the baby bird comes out. The parents feed v The birds have had mythological
them for some days. Then the baby birds open their
significance to their names, Such
eyes, develop feathers and learn to fly and finally
that many constellations are
leave the nest.
named after them. Example- Pavo
Birds and their beautiful Feathers (a peacock), Columba (a dove),
Aquila (an eagle) etc.
 The body of a bird is covered with different types
of feathers.
(a) The small, light and fluffy feathers which cover
their body and keep them warm, are called down
(b) The long and stiff feathers present on their
wings and tails are called flight feathers. They
help the birds to fly.
Birds shed their feathers from time to time and new
feathers grow in their place.
 The feathers of birds serve a variety of functions.
 Feathers are essential for flying.
 They also help birds in maintaining their body
 The colors and patterns produced by the feathers
provide camouflage in some species and colorful
display in others.
 Feathers do many jobs for birds. Soft down feathers
keep them warm, wing feathers allow flight and tail
feathers are used for steering.

Birds and their Beaks

 All birds have different shaped beaks.
 The most important function of a bird beak is
feeding and it is thus shaped according to what a
bird eats.
 The beaks form one of the characteristics to
identify birds.
 Beaks are multi-functional. They are used to fight,
protect, assemble food and eat, and groom and build
nests for birds.
64 Olympiad Champs–Science

Misconcept/ Concept  The beaks are also engaged to guard, qualify and
consume their food and so the exterior is fitting to
v Misconcept: Birds have teeth in the food.
their beaks that they use to tear
the food. A cone shaped beak is found in
Concept: Birds do not have teeth. many birds such as finches and
v Misconcept: Bird’s legs have grosbeaks. It is a strong beak used
“knees” that bend the bottom of for cracking seeds.
their legs backwards (similar to Thin, slender, pointed beaks are
human’s knees). found mainly in insect eaters. They
Concept: Bird’s legs have “ankles” are used to pick insects off leaves,
that bend the bottom of their twigs, and bark. Warbler is a good
legs forward. example.
v Misconcept:Parent birds will
abandon a nest if it has been
Woodpeckers have strong beaks
touched by humans.
which taper to the tip, forming a
Concept: Birds may abandon
chisel for pecking holes in trees
a nest if humans approach a
for food or nests. Most feed on
nest too often because other
insects which live under the bark.
predators may be led to the nest
by the scent. Hummingbirds have long, tubular
beak that resemble straws, which
they use to sip nectar from

Mergansers, specialized for

eating fish, have sharp tooth-like
Misconcept/ Concept
structures on the edge of the
v Misconcept: Birds migrate because beak to hold fish tightly.
it’s cold (to avoid freezing).
Concept: Birds migrate toward
Hawks, owls, and other birds which
areas of increasing or higher
catch and kill live prey, have sharp,
resources like nesting sites,
“hooked” beaks. These are used to
food etc. Both environmental
bite the skull or neck and also to
(temperature, day light) and genetic
tear the body into pieces small
factors are involved in migration.
enough to swallow.
v Misconcept: Penguins are only
black and white. The edges of a Mallard’s beak are
Concept: Some penguin species are fringed to strain plants, seeds, and
black and white, but others have small animals from mud and water.
shades of black, white, greys, blues,
yellows, and oranges. Species may Beaks which are flat and wide at
have red eyes, brightly coloured the base are found in birds which
feathers, bright orange beaks, or catch insects in flight, such as
pink feet. flycatchers. These birds also often
have “whiskers,” which are actually
modified feathers, at the corners
of the mouth, which effectively
widens the mouth opening, allowing
more effective capture of prey.
Birds 65
Birds-Their feet and Claws
 Birds have feet of many different shapes and sizes
Real Life Examples
depending upon their habitat.
 Like the shape of their beaks, the anatomy of birds v Kingfisher, the name itself tells,
feet also tells about the ecology of different species that it eats fishes and dives deep
of birds. into the water to catch it with
 Claws help in catching, holding and eating the food. its long beak.
 These also help in walking, swimming, climbing and
v Woodpecker, as the name suggests,
it pecks the wood with its strong
 These help to protect the birds from their enemies.
Song Birds or Perching Birds
(warblers, thrushes, wrens, etc.)
have independent, flexible toes,
with one pointing backwards,
ideal for grasping perches. When
perching birds sit, a tendon on the
backside of the ankle automatically
flexes locking their toes around the
branch. With feet locked, sleeping
birds don’t fall. As the bird stands
up its feet releases.
Woodpeckers have two toes
pointing forwards and two Amazing facts
backwards; for climbing up, down,
and sideways on tree trunks.
Water Birds such as ducks have
webbing between their toes for v Kakapo is the world largest
swimming. GULLS also have feet parrot.
similar to these. this is the reason v Ostrich kick is enough to kill a
why they don’t sink while walking lion.
in the soft sand or mud near the
v Kiwis are the national bird of New
water’s edge.
Wading Birds. The long toes of
herons, which spreads the bird’s
weight over a large surface area,
facilitates walking on soft surfaces
near the water’s edge (where
wading birds like to eat).
Raptors such as hawks, eagles, and
owls use large claws (called talons)
to capture, kill, and carry prey with
their feet.
Pheasants and chickens use their
strong feet to scratch the dirt and
leaf litter to uncover seeds and
Strong-legged flightless birds, like
the cassowary, protect themselves
by kicking with their powerful feet
and sharp claws.
66 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

level 1
1. I am the smallest bird with a long beak. I love sucking nectar from flowers.
Identify me? [Tricky]
(a) Humming bird (b) Sparrow (c) Falcon (d) Ostrich
2. Birds migrate because of________________ and ________________ factors. [2012]
(a) water and climate (b) personal and professional
(c) food and shelter (d) environmental and genetic
3. Which of the following birds has claws as shown in the figure.
(a) Parrots
(b) Hawks
(c) Sparrows
(d) Hen
4. Why don't the birds fall when they sleep on the branch of a tree? [Tricky]
(a) Because of the shape of their claws that hold on to the branch very firmly.
(b) Birds do not sleep on the branches, they sleep in their nests.
(c) Because their feathers balance their weight.
(d) None of these
5. What’s the easiest way to tell the difference between wading birds and perching birds?
(a) Difference in wingspan (b) Difference in body size
(c) Difference in foot structure (d) Difference in eyes.
6. Which of the following birds has webbed feet?
(a) Duck (b) Eagle (c) Hen (d) Pigeon
7. Which of the following is not a flightless bird?  [2013]
(a) Puffins (b) Kiwi (c) Penguins (d) All of these
8. Which of the following senses is weakest in birds?
(a) Hearing (b) Sight (c) Smell (d) Touch
9. Which is the National Bird of India?
(a) Flamingo (b) Peacock (c) Parrot (d) Owl
10. Which bird’s eye are larger than its brain? [Tricky]
(a) Eagle (b) Ostrich (c) Owl (d) Pigeon
11. Birds make their nests using_________
(a) branches, leaves (b) wool (c) cement (d) cloth
Birds 67
12. Find the odd one out

(a) (b) (c) (d)

13. Which bird, though known for melodious singing, lays her eggs in a crow’s nest?
(a) Flamingo (b) Koel (c) Pigeon (d) Grey heron
14. ___________ and ___________ are the largest and smallest bird respectively.
(a) Penguin, crow (b) Eagle, woodpecker
(c) Flamingo, sparrow (d) Ostrich, humming Bird
15. Which of the following birds dive into water to catch fishes?
(a) Hornbill (b) Kingfisher (c) Owl (d) Gannet
16. Woodpecker : wood :: kingfisher : ? [Tricky]
(a) King (b) Fish (c) Egg (d) Wood
17. The nest shown here is made by __________. [Tricky]

(a) Tailor bird (b) Weaver bid (c) Humming bird (d) Owl
18. Which of the following types of feathers give streamlined shape to the bird’s body?
(a) Down feathers (b) Flight feathers
(c) Contour feathers (d) All of these

19. My beak is grey, [2015, Tricky]

Feathers bright and colourful,
In rainy season, I show my dance
A 'X' is how I'm known.

Identify which of these is ‘X’?

(a)   (b) (c) (d)

68 Olympiad Champs–Science
20. The given picture shows foot of a bird. Which of the birds given below can have
this type of foot? [2014]

(a) Crow (b) Rooster (c) Woodpecker (d) Duck

21. Talking bird is __________.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

22. Match the birds with their food: [Tricky]

(A) 1.

(B) 2.

(C) 3.
Birds 69

(D) 4.

(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 1 2 3 4

23. Unscramble the given letters and select the option that gives name of the bird that
nests in holes made in tree trunk.  [2015]
(a) EnpgInu (b) CODEWPOKRE

level 2
24. Which of the statement below is false? [Tricky]
(a) Birds have teeth within their beaks.
(b) Birds have ears covered with feathers.
(c) The eyes of a bird are located on either side of the head.
(d) Birds move their neck continuously.
25. Study the given diagram and select the correct option regarding it.  [2013, Tricky]
and Webbed
flat beak Y feet


(a) X is penguin (b) Z is crane
(c) Y is duck (d) Both (a) and (c)
26. Below are the shapes and function of their beaks. Match the following with the
corresponding shape and their function. [Tricky]
List I List II
A. chisel shaped, flat & pointed 1. catching and tearing prey
B. long and tubular 2. spearing fish
C. Spear shaped 3. drilling for insects
D. hooked 4. sucking nectar from flowers
70 Olympiad Champs–Science
(a) 3 4 2 1
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 4 2 1 3
27. Four children made the following statements about birds. Whose statements about
birds are true ?  [2013]
Ashok : All birds can fly.
Beena : All birds have a beak.
Shuchi : All birds have an outer covering
of feathers.
Enna : Most birds lay eggs, while some
give birth to their young ones.

(a) Ashok and Beena
(b) Beena and Shuchi
(c) Beena, Shuchi and Enna
(d) Beena, Shuchi and Ashok
28. Birds have different kinds of beaks depending on ___________.
(a) how it drinks. (b) how big it gets.
(c) where it lives. (d) the kind of food it eats.
29. Match the following. [2012]

List I List II
A 1. Woodpecker

B. 2. Flamingo

C. 3. Eagle

D. 4. Sparrow

(a) 4 1 2 3
(b) 3 4 1 2
Birds 71
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 2 3 4 1
30. Look at the picture and identify which bird can swim very well in water.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

31. Birds have different types of beaks that help them do special jobs in order to
survive. Choose the correct statement about bird’s beaks. [2013, Tricky]
(a) A short, thick beak helps a bird reach into tree bark and get insects.
(b) A long, thin beak helps a bird tear meat.
(c) A spoon-shaped beak helps a bird scoop up water.
(d) A hooked beak helps a bird break up seeds.
32. What three traits make scavenger birds different from other kinds of birds.
(a) Feathers, wings, bones (b) Air sacs, height, tail
(c) Hooked beak, keen vision, sharp talons (d) Preen gland, toungue, warm-blooded
33. Which of these is not a function of the claws?
(a) Climbing (b) Warming the body temperature.
(c) Protection from prey (d) Swimming
34. Consider the following Statements and choose the correct option.
 [Critical Thinking]
Statement A: Eagles attack and eat small animals.
Statement B: A woodpecker has two toes in front and two toes at the back.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong
(c) Both the Statements are correct
(d) Both the Statements are wrong.
35. Fill in the blank with an example.

Climbing Bird Preying Bird Wading Bird

Woodpecker Hawk ?
(a) Crane (b) Duck (c) Eagle (d) Parrot
36. Read the passage and choose the correct options. [Tricky]
Birds have no ___(1)___ but they all have beaks and ___(2)___ . Different kinds of
___(3)___ have different kinds of beaks and claws. Beaks and claws tell us a lot about
1. (a) teeth (b) legs (c) eyes (d) mouth
2. (a) knives (b) claws (c) shovels (d) peaks
3. (a) men (b) women (c) birds (d) insects
37. Which kind of birds walk and run on the ground?
(a) Wading birds (b) Swimming birds
(c) Perching birds (d) Scratching birds
72 Olympiad Champs–Science
38. Choose the correct option
A. The humming birds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
B. Parrots are the longest living birds.
C. An ostrich’s eye is not bigger than its brain.
D. A woodpecker can peck 50 times a second.

TFTF (b)
FTFT (c)
TTFF (d)
39. Vultures make their nests____________.
(a) on tall trees (b) on small trees
(c) in walls (d) under the ground
40. Which of the following is the main difference between a bat and an owl?
 [Critical Thinking]
(a) Owl fly in the day , bats in the night
(b) Bats feed on flowers, while owls eat insects
(c) Bats have ears, owls do not
(d) Owls have feathers beak, bats do not
41. Which of the following parts of a bird is most important to help the bird fly in the air?
(a) Down feathers (b) Flight feathers
(c) Beak and legs (d) Colour of the bird
42. Birds are the only animals that have ___________ [Critical Thinking]
1. Wings 2. Legs 3. Feathers
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 3 only
43. I am a big bird with a sharp hooked beak to tear meat. I have powerful claws. Who
am I? [2014, Tricky]
(a) sparrow (b) owl (c) woodpecker (d) crow
44. I am a bird. My name starts with a “C.” I am a smart bird having black feathers.
Who am I? [Tricky]
(a) Cardinal (b) Cock (c) Crow (d) Crane
45. Baby birds do not have _________.
(a) beaks (b) feathers (c) eyes (d) throat
46. While watching a programme on TV, Sohan saw a duck swimming in water. He got
curious to know how can a bird swim. His elder brother Shyam explained him about
the claws and feet of birds. what would you do if you were in same situation?
(a) Scold Sohan on asking such silly questions
(b) Switch off the TV.
(c) Ask Sohan to read the book and find out the answer himself.
(d) Explain the type of claws and feet duck has and help him understand clearly.
47. In olden days, which bird was used to send letter from one place to another?
(a) Crow (b) Sparrow
(c) Pigeons (d) Peacock
Birds 73
48. Match the feet and claws to the correct bird: [2015, Tricky]

1. (A) Duck

2. (B) Eagle

3. (C) Woodpecker

4. (D) Hen

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(a) A B C D (b) C B D A
(c) B C A D (d) D C A B
49. Which of the following statements are INCORRECT? [Tricky]
1. Swimming birds have webbed feet.
2. Perching birds have two toes in front and two at the back.
3. Climbing birds have three toes pointed upwards and one pointed downwards.
4. Wading birds have long legs with spread out toes.
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
50. An arrow is pointing at a part of the whale. Which part of a bird is most similar to
this part of the killer whale? [Tricky]

Killer whale

(a) (b) Wing


(c) (d)
74 Olympiad Champs–Science
51. Which bird does not make its nest. It lays its eggs in a crow’s nest?
(a) Flamingo (b) Koel (c) Pigeon (d) Grey heron
52. Four pupils made a statement each about the ostrich shown below.

Anu Ostriches are birds.

Anil Ostriches can fly.
Rohan Ostriches lay eggs.
Sonal Ostriches have feathers.
Which pupil did not make a correct statement?
(a) Anu (b) Anil (c) Rohan (d) Sonal
53. Birds build nests using grass, leaves, thread, twigs and cotton. They lay their
eggs in the nest. Different birds make different types of nests. [Tricky]
Choose the correct statement about bird’s nest.
(a) The penguin makes a nest on the ground with the help of pebbles and stones
(b) The weaver bird uses its beak like a needle to make nest
(c) A sparrow makes its nest in the form a shallow cup
(d) Vulture pecks at a tree to make a nest
54. Which of these birds uses its beak as a needle to sew leaves with materials like
thread, straw and dry twigs?
(a) Woodpecker (b) Weaver bird (c) Tailor bird (d) None of these
55. Study the given classification chart. Which of the following birds belong to group Y
and group Z, respectively?


Group Y Group Z

Eagle Kiwi

(a) Bat Penguin
(b) Goose Flamingo
(c) Ostrich Emu
(d) Goose Penguin
Birds 75
Directions (Qs. 56 to 57): Refer to the given flow chart and answer the following questions.
[2016, Tricky]

Yes Yes
Two legs? Can fly? d
No No
Has legs? Can swim? e
Yes No
g f

56. Select the correct option to fill the empty spaces d, e, f and g in the given flow chart.
d e f g
(a) Ostrich Penguin Lizard Pigeon
(b) Pigeon Ostrich Penguin Lizard
(c) Pigeon Penguin Ostrich Lizard
(d) Penguin Pigeon Lizard Ostrich
57. Select the correct option regarding the given flow chart.
(a) An omnivorous black bird that says caw-caw can be placed at 'd'
(b) A flightless bird found in desert can be placed at 'g'.
(c) A black and white coloured bird that lives at poles can be placed at 'f'.
(d) A bird that weaves a nest from grass can be placed at 'e'.
Direction (Q. 58): Refer to the given word grid and answer the following questions.  [2017]


58. Birds with which of the following foot type is NOT present in the given word grid?

(a)   (b)    (c)    (d) 

76 Olympiad Champs–Science
59. Refer to the given pictures of a heron and a kingfisher. Both have similar long,
sharp pointed beaks, but their feet are quite different. What does it suggest?
 [2014, Critical Thinking]

Heron Kingfisher
(a) They eat similar kind of food (b) They live in different habitats
(c) Their hunting methods are different (d) All of these
60. In reference to the bird’s adaptation, which of these is INCORRECTLY paired?
(a) Talons - For grasping prey
(b) Streamlined body - Reducing weight for flight
(c) Down feathers - Keeping warm
(d) Wings and tail - Flying and balancing
61. Which beak of bird is best for probing insects in the sand and mud?  [2012, Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

62. The beak of a Pigeon is strong, short and hard that helps it to crack open its
food. Which among these beaks serves the same function? [2013, Tricky]


(a) (b) (c) (d)

63. Match Column I with Column II and select the correct option. [2016, Tricky]
Column I Column II
A. Flight feathers 1. Give shape to the bird’s body
B. Down feathers 2. Help the bird to lift up from ground and provide balance
C. Body feathers 3. Keep the bird warm
(a) A - 1, B - 2, C - 3 (b) A - 2, B - 3, C - 1
(c) A - 3, B - 2, C - 1 (d) A - 3, B - 1, C - 2
Birds 77
64. Which of the following birds have the type of feet shown in the given picture?  [2015]

(a) Birds that eat fish (b) Birds that live mostly in water
(c) Birds that eat worms (d) Birds that perch on trees
65. The given picture shows the beak of a bird. Which of the following is most likely the
food of this bird? [2015, Tricky]

(a) Fish (b) Grains (c) Nectar (d) Nuts

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d   5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d   10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d   15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d   20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d   25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d   30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d   35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d   40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d   45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d   50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d   55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d   60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d   65. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (a) Humming birds is the smallest bird.
2. (d) Birds migrate because of environmental and genetic factors.
3. (b) raptors such as hawks have such claws to capture and kill their preys.
78 Olympiad Champs–Science
4. (a) When birds sit, a tendon on the backside of the ankle automatically flexes locking
their toes around the branch. With feet locked, sleeping birds don’t fall. As the
bird stands up its feet releases.
5. (c) the easiest way to tell the difference between wading birds and perching birds is
by the difference in their foot structure.
6. (a) Duck. Mostly water birds have webbed feet and out of all these birds, duck is a
water bird.
7. (a) Although puffins look a lot like penguins, the big difference is that puffins can fly.
8. (c) Most birds have poor senses of smell and taste.
9. (b) Peacock is the national bird of India.
10. (b) the eye of the ostrich is bigger than its brain.
11. (a) birds make their nests using branches and leaves and intertwine them.
12. (d) Dove. Rest of the birds cannot fly.
13. (b) koel bird does not make its own nest and lay its egg in crow’s nest
14. (d) Ostrich is the largest and humming bird is the smallest bird.
15. (b) Kingfisher dives in the water to catch fishes because of its long sharp beak.
16. (b) woodpecker pecks on wood while kingfisher eats fish.
17. (b)
18. (c) Contour feathers give streamlined shape to the bird’s body.
19. (a) Peacock is our National bird. It has long neck and crown on its head. It has colourful,
long feathers and it shows its dance in the rainy season.
20. (c) Climbing birds like woodpeckers and parakeets have two toes pointing in front and
two pointing back. These toes help them to climb trees and to cling on to them.
21. (b) Parrot
22. (a) 1. (B), 2. (D), 3. (A), 4. (C)
23. (b) Option (b) on unscrambling gives the name – Woodpecker. A woodpecker makes a
hole in a tree trunk with its sharp and pointed beak and use it as its nest.

level 2
24. (a) Birds do not have teeth.
25. (d)
26. (a) (A) chisel shaped, flat & pointed- (iii) drilling for insects; (B) long and tubular-(iv)
sucking nectar from flowers; (C) Spear shaped- (ii) Spearing fish; (D) Hooked-(i)
catching and tearing prey
27. (c)
28. (d) the main function of beak is feeding, it is thus shaped according to what a bird eats.
29. (d)
Birds 79
30. (a) Duck. Swimming birds like duck have special webs of skin between the toes. These
birds can push back water with the help of the webbed feet while swimming.
31. (c) spoon-shaped beak helps a bird scoop up water.
32. (c) hooked beak, keen vision, sharp talons
33. (b) claws do not help in warming the body temperature. This is the function of the
34. (c) Both the statements are correct
35. (b) Duck is a Wading Bird
36. 1. (a) teeth 2. (b) claws 3. (c) birds
37. (d) Scratching birds like hens and cocks have strong feet with three toes in front and
a short toe at the back. Each of these toes has sharp horny claws which make them
walk and run on the ground.
38. (c)
39. (a) Vultures make big nests on tall trees with sticks. Their nests look like a shallow cup.
40. (d) Bats are mammals that have wings and can fly. They are not birds because they
give birth to young ones and do not have beaks or feathers.
41. (b) Flight feathers. The feathers attached to the wings and tail-bone, help the bird
to fly. These feathers are called the flight feathers.
42. (d) Birds are the only animals that have feathers.
43. (b) Owl
44. (c) I am crow.
45. (b) feathers
46. (d) Explain the type of claws and feet duck has and help him understand clearly.
47. (c) Pigeons
48. (b) 1. (C), 2. (B), 3. (D), 4. (A)
49. (b) Perching birds have three toes in front and one at the back. This type of feet
help them to hold on to a branch.
Climbing birds have two toes pointing upwards and two toes pointing downwards.
These toes help them to climb trees and to cling on to them.
50. (b) An arrow is pointing towards dorsal fin of killer whale. Fin helps it in swimming and
wing helps the bird in flying.
51. (b) A cuckoo (koel) does not make its nest. It lays its eggs in a crow’s nest.
52. (b) Anil did not make a correct statement. Ostrich is a bird, which cannot fly. It lays
eggs and have feathers also.
80 Olympiad Champs–Science
53. (a) The correct statements are –
A tailor bird uses its beak-like a needle to make nest.
Eagle and vulture makes nest in the form of shallow cup and woodpecker pecks
at a tree to make a nest.
54. (c) The tailor bird uses its beak like a needle to sew leaves together and make nest.
Woodpecker lives in tree holes while weaver bird makes its nest by weaving grass,
twigs, etc. together.
55. (d) Goose and eagle are flying birds whereas penguin and kiwi are flightless birds.
56. (c) Penguin has two legs and can fly (d). Penguin has two legs, it cannot fly but can swim
(e). Ostrich has two legs, but it can neither fly nor swim (f). Lizard has legs but four
not two (g).
57. (a) The bird in option (a) is crow that has two legs and can fly. Thus, it can be placed at
'd' Option (b) is ostrich which can neither fly nor swim but has two legs so it can not
be placed at 'g'. Actually, no bird can be placed at 'g'. Option (c) is Penguin that can
not fly but can swim so it can not be placed at 'f'. Option (d) is weaver bird which
can fly but can not swim so it can not be placed at 'e'.
58. (a) The word grid has parrot with foot type (c), penguin with foot type (b), and heron
with foot type (d). But no bird with foot type, talon (a) is present in the word grid.
59. (d) Herons live near water and feed on variety of aquatic animals like fish, amphib-
ians, aquatic insects etc. The most common hunting technique for the heron is to
sit motionless on the edge of or standing in shallow water and wait until its food
comes within range. It uses its beak to spear the food. Herons may also walk slowly,
snatching food when it is observed. Kingfisher occupies a wide range of habitats but
they are mostly found in forests. They also feed on variety of animals especially fish
and other animals like amphibians. worms. insects etc. Kingfishers usually hunt from
an exposed perch, when a food is observed, it swoops down to snatch it and then
beat the food on a perch in order to kill it and then swallow it.
60. (b) Streamlined body of bird helps it to fly in the air.
61. (d) Duck is an aquatic animal. It uses its beak to probe insects in the sand and mud. It
has holes on its beak. It takes in muddy water containing insects etc. through beak,
water moves out through the holes and insects etc. are swallowed.
62. (a) The beak of sparrow helps it to crack open its food.
63. (b)
64. (b) The feet shown in the given figure is of webbed type. In such type of feet, a skin
web is present between three front toes. This type of feet helps in swimming as
they help to push water back while swimming and are present in water birds like
ducks, goose, etc.
65. (c) The beak shown in the given picture is long and pointed, which helps the birds like
hummingbird, sunbird to poke into flowers and suck nectar.
Soil 81

DIRECTIONS: Write the names of the soil layers and colour it.
82 Olympiad Champs–Science

5 Soil
Real Life Examples This lesson will help you to : –
v learn about the composition of soil.
v The leaves that fall down from the
trees get mixed up in the top layer v know about different kinds of soil.
of the soil and within few days v learn about the fertility of soil.
completely gets mixed with the soil. v study the microorganisms present in soil.
This forms the humus that makes
the soil more nutrient rich.
v The soil found in the desert is poor
soil because it lacks many essential What is soil?
nutrients and water. This is the
reason why there are no plants
Soil is a natural body comprised of solids (minerals and
except a few cacti in the deserts.
organic matter), liquids and gases that occur on the land
surface, occupies space, is made up of many layers and
have the ability to support rooted plants in a natural

What is soil made up of?

• Soil is a mixture of many things. It contains small
pieces of broken rock, fallen leaves, dead critters,
decomposed tree branches, decayed plants etc.
Amazing Facts
• And because of the different materials and
processes that affect its formation, soil comes in
different colors and textures.
v 1 Tablespoon of soil has more • Soil could have such lively colors as red, yellow and
organisms in it than there are white but most of the time, soil is black, brown or
people on earth.
v Soil scientists have identified
over 70,000 kinds of soil in the • Due to the sand, silt, clay and other mineral particles
United States. in it, soil could be smooth, creamy, rough, crumbly
v It takes 500 minimum years to
and sticky to touch.
form one inch of topsoil. • A typical healthy soil sample contains the following:
v Soil stores 10% of the world's  45% minerals  25% water
carbon dioxide emissions.  25% air  5% organic matter
• Soil also contains many organisms such as earthworms
and bacteria that help in maintaining the texture of
the soil.
Soil 83
• Soil formation is a slow process.
• Natural processes like weathering, erosions, rains, Historical Preview
floods, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, all
contribute to soil formation. Lichen and plant roots
also help in breakdown of rocks into little pieces to
become part of the new soil. v The Earth’s soil has been
developed over hundreds of
Soil and its layers
millions of years, as the forces
• The layers of the soil are also called horizons. of weather have ground the top
• There are 4 layers of soil. At the top of these layers rocky layer of the Earth into
is humus. smaller and finer grains, and as
• Humus: It is dark brown or black in color and is made plant and animal life has helped
up of rotten leaves and decayed bodies of plants and
to deposit nutrients.
• Top soil: This layer is just below the humus. It is the v In 1950 there was more than
most fertile layer and contains many microorganisms. half an acre of grain land for
It is rich in minerals. The plants grow in this layer. each person on earth.
• Subsoil: It is present below the top soil. This layer
is home to earthworms and centipedes. Misconcept/ Concept
• Rock fragments: This layer is below subsoil and v Misconcept: Soils with adequate
there is hardly any plant or animal life in this layer. amounts of clay will not leak.
• Hard Rock Layer: This layer is made of the big Concept: Not all clays are
rocks and hence is called bedrock. alike, and the arrangement of
clay particles in a soil greatly
influences permeability.
v Misconcept: Soil is the precursor
of rocks. It changes from soil to
Top soil clay to rock.
Concept: It is the action of both
Sub soil physical and chemical weathering
of the atmosphere wearing away
Small rocks
the solid rock of the earth that,
over long periods of time, create
the smaller and finer sediments
necessary for soil to develop.
Layers of Soil
v Misconcept: Plants get their food
TYPES OF SOIL from the soil.
Concept: Plants make their own food
There are 4 types of soil for e.g., Gravel, Sandy soil, Clay, by the process of photosynthesis.
Loam. v Misconcept: Soil of the rainforest
Gravel : (Only Rocks) Do not hold Water. is very fertile.
Sandy soil : Granular (Rocks + minerals) Concept: Only the top few inches
of rainforest, soil is very fertile.
v Mostly found in deserts and beaches. Minerals are found mainly in the
Clay: (Fine grain material) Rich in mineral but need forest plants, not the soil.
fertilizers for cultivation. Smooth and soft.
One of the most important use of clay soil is in pottery.
Loam : (Sand + Silt + Clay) Ideal for agriculture, rich in humus.
84 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains __________.
(a) air and water (b) water and plants
(c) minerals, organic matter, air and water (d) water, air and plants
2. Choose the correct option according to the size in order from smallest to largest.
(a) Sand, clay, silt (b) Clay, silt, sand
(c) Silt, sand, clay (d) Clay, sand, silt
3. Which three layers form the soil profile?
(a) Air, water and soil
(b) Minerals, organic matter and living organisms
(c) Clay, silt and sand
(d) The topsoil, subsoil and parent material
4. The water holding capacity is the highest in __________. [Tricky]
(a) sandy soil (b) clayey soil
(c) loamy soil (d) mixture of sand and loam
5. Sandy soil is mostly found in __________.
(a) deserts and beaches (b) forests
(c) grasslands (d) mountains
6. Which of the following creatures will you NOT find in the soil?
(a) Earthworm (b) Lemur (c) Mite (d) Centipede
7. Which of these does not contribute in the soil formation?
(a) Erosion (b) Weathering (c) Rains (d) Birds
8. From which layer of soil do plants get their nutrients? [2012, Tricky]
(a) Top soil (b) Sub soil
(c) Bedrock (d) Weathered fragments
9. Identify the layer B. B
(a) Top soil (b) Humus    
(c) Subsoil (d) Bedrock

10. Find the odd one out keeping in mind loamy soil? [Tricky]

(a) Sand (b) Silt (c) Gravel (d) Clay

Soil 85
11. Which of the following layer is loosely packed?

(a) Top soil (b) Sub soil (c) Bed rock (d) None

12. _____________________ soil is best for the cultivation of plants. [2013]

(a) Clay (b) Loamy soil (c) Sandy soil (d) Gravel

13. Fertilizers are added in the soil to replenish the lost _______________

 [Critical Thinking]

(a) air (b) water

(c) minerals (d) microorganisms

14. _____________________ is added to loamy soil for the better growth of plants


(a) Humus (b) Insecticides (c) Fertilizers (d) Pesticides

15. Humus, silt, clay and sand are all parts of:
(a) soil (b) plants (c) animals (d) rocks

16. Humus, which is formed by the decay of plant and animal matter, is important for
the formation of most ___________. [2014, Tricky]

(a) round sediments (b) soils.

(c) surface bedrock (d) minerals

17. Which of the following soil is used in pottery.

(a) Sand (b) Siel (c) Clay (d) Loam

18. Which soil horizon has the least nutrients? [2015]

(a) Humus (b) Top soil (c) Small Rocks (d) Hard Rocks

19. Which of these break up the rocks to make soil?

(a) Only sun (b) Only wind (c) Only rain (d) All of these

20. Soil contain

(a) stones (b) sand (c) humus (d) All of these

21. Humus, gravel, clay and sand are all parts of [Tricky]

(a) soil (b) plants (c) animals (d) rocks

22. The soil is home to

(a) insects (b) worms (c) microorganisms (d) All of these

86 Olympiad Champs–Science
23. The components of soil made up of rotten leaves and the decayed bodies of animals
and plants are called? [2016]
(a) Humus (b) Clay (c) Gravel (d) None of these
24. The layer of soil on which plants grow?
(a) Topsoil (b) Subsoil (c) Solid rock (d) none of these
25. Soil which can hold water is ___________.
(a) clay (b) sandy (c) loamy (d) none of these

26. The process of breaking of rocks is called ___________. [2017]

(a) Weathering (b) Soil erosion (c) Volcanoes (d) Deforestation
27. Soil is a ____________. [Tricky]
(a) natural resource (b) man made resource
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
28. Very fine soil particles are ____________.
(a) loamy (b) sand (c) clay (d) none of these
29. Largest soil particles are
(a) clay (b) sand (c) loamy (d) none of these

30. What is a soil horizon?
(a) A factor influencing how soil is formed (b) layers of soil
(c) An organism found within the soil (d) A technique used to map soils
31. Which of the statement below is false. [Tricky]
(a) A loam is a mixture containing a substantial proportion of each of the three grades
of mineral particle sizes.
(b) The soil consists of matter in all three states - solid, liquid, and gas.
(c) Earthworms eat all the nutrients and minerals in the soil and are thus not good for
(d) Loamy soil is best suited for plantation.
Directions (Qs.32 to 33) : Read the given experiment and answer the following questions.
mit took a handful of soil from his garden into an air tight container and then heated it
in the microwave for 2 minutes. After two minutes, he took the container out and opened
the lid. He observed that their were few water droplets on the inner side of the lid.
 [Critical Thinking]
Soil 87
32. From this Amit concluded that the soil sample from his garden contained ________.
(a) sand (b) gravel (c) moisture (d) air
33. Soil moisture is required for ________.
(a) growth of plants (b) the animals living on land
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above

34. Match the following. [Tricky]

List I List II
A. Top soil 1. Used for making toys

B. Gravel 2. Hold a lot of air

C. Clay 3. Suitable for cultivation

D. Loam 4. Nutrient rich

(a) 4 2 1 3
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 4 1 3
(d) 4 3 1 2
35. An average soil is 98% minerals, 1% water and 1% air. True or False. [2012]
(a) True (b) False
(c) Cant be determined (d) May be
36. Which of the following present in the soil is most helpful to the growth of plants?
(a) Humus (b) Sand
(c) Clay (d) Small porous rocks
37. Which of the following shows the correct arrangement of layers of the soil?
[Critical Thinking]
(a) Sub soil, top soil, bed rock (b) Bed rock, top soil, sub soil
(c) Sub soil, bed rock, top soil (d) Top soil, sub soil, bed rock
38. Identify the true statement from the following.
(a) Sandy soil is best for the growth of plants.
(b) All types of soils have same size of grains.
(c) Soils differ in size of grains and constituents.
(d) Plants grow mostly in the bed rock.
88 Olympiad Champs–Science
39. Which of the following is true about gravel? [2013, Tricky]
(a) Gravel has very small sized grains which hold water.
(b) Gravel contains rotten leaves and decayed bodies of plants and animals.
(c) Gravel has very large grains which do not hold any water.
(d) Gravel is a mixture of equal amounts of sand and clay.
40. Choose the correct option
A. Clayey soil is very sticky.
B. Clayey soil is powdery and dry.
C. Sandy soil has grains smaller than those of gravel.
D. Sandy soil does not hold water at all.

TFTF (b)
FTFT (c)
FFTT (d)
41. Match the following. [Tricky]

List I List II
A. Upper layer of the soil 1. Lesser amount of humus

B. Clayey soil 2. Dark in color

C. Middle layer of the soil 3. Tough layer

D. Horizon B 4. Small particles and packed tight

(a) 4 1 2 3
(b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 1 2 4 3
(d) 2 4 1 3
42. Study the venn diagram carefully choose the right option [Tricky]


Clay Loam Clay Loam

(a) Sandy (b)

Clay Loam Plants Animals

(c) Sandy (d) Soil

Soil 89
43. Choose the correct option
A. There are only 2 layers of soil.
B. It takes 5 years to form one inch of topsoil.
C. A typical healthy soil sample contains 25% water
D. Soil stores 10% of the world’s carbon dioxide emission.
TFTF (b)
FTFT (c)
TTFF (d)
44. Study the venn diagram carefully and choose the right option [Tricky]

(a) (b)
Soil Soil

mother father top down

rock rock soil soil

(c) (d)
Soil Soil

bed pillow Top sub

rock rock soil soil

45. From the list below how many are natural calamities.

Firing, floods, collapsing of flyover, hurricanes, building collapsed due to bad construction,
earthquake, bombarding, volcano, and tornado.
4 (b)
5 (c)
7 (d)
46. Rohan took three pots A, B and C. Pot A is filled with sand, Pot B with clay and
Pot C with loam. If he plants three saplings (one in each pot) in them, which will be
most likely to grow? [Critical Thinking]
(a) The sapling in Pot A (b) The sapling in Pot B
(c) The sapling in Pot C (d) None will grow
47. Read the passage and fill the blanks [2014, Tricky]

Soil is a mixture of many things. It contains small pieces of broken _1__, fallen leaves,
dead critters, decomposed __2___branches, decayed plants etc. Most of the soil are
black, __3__ or grey.
1. (a) glasses (b) rocks (c) plastics (d) brown
2. (a) glass (b) plastic (c) tree (d) rock
3. (a) glass (b) brown (c) tree (d) rock
48. Which of the following is the hardest layer of the soil?
(a) Top soil (b) Sub Soil (c) Bed Rock (d) Sand
90 Olympiad Champs–Science
49. Place in order from top to bottom
(a) Humus, Sub soil, Bedrock (b) Sub soil, bed rock, Humus
(c) Sub soil, humus, Bedrock (d) Bedrock, humus, subsoil
50. Which kind of soil is mostly found on the sea beaches?
(a) Loamy (b) Sandy (c) Clayey (d) All of these
51. Identify the soil which has the given properties. [Critical Thinking]
(i) Holds lot of water but little air
(ii) Used to make pots and toys
(a) Clayey (b) Loamy (c) Sandy (d) Gravel
(e) All of these
52. Hari brought an unknown type of soil. It has very large grains and it does not hold
any water between the grains. What type of soil could it be?
(a) Humus (b) Clay (c) Loam (d) Gravel
53. Water and wind can break rocks into small pieces. What happens to these small
pieces when they break away? [Tricky]
(a) Plants use them for energy (b) They become part of the soil
(c) They become food for animals (d) They turn into earthworms
54. Which of these is found in top layer of soil?
(a) Flatworm (b) Roundworm (c) Earthworm (d) Tapeworm
55. Which of the following is a soft and smooth soil?
(a) Sandy (b) Gravel (c) Clay (d) All of these
56. Why is air important in soil? [2015, Tricky]
(a) It holds water that plants can absorb
(b) It helps the soil particles to stick together
(c) It allows plant roots and soil animals to breathe
(d) None of these
57. Select the correct statement.
(a) The tiny grains that make up a rock are called minerals and there are always more
than one mineral in a rock.
(b) Sandstone is the hardest rock while granite is the softest rock.
(c) Rocks break under the effect of sun, wind, water etc. and form humus that makes
soil productive.
(d) Talc is the softest mineral while diamond is the hardest mineral
Soil 91
58. Rashmi took three troughs each containing equal amounts of soil taken from different
locations. Rashmi poured 500 mL of water gently onto the soil in each trough. Her
observation after 30 minutes is shown in the given figure. [2016, Tricky]

According to the observations, which trough contains soil that is the most likely to be
found at the base of a pond?
(a) Soil in trough E because it absorbed the most water.
(b) Soil in trough F because it absorbed the most water.
(c) Soil in trough G because it absorbed the least water.
(d) Soil in trough E because it absorbed the least water.

59. Read the given paragraph.

The tiny grains that make up rocks are called _______. Some rocks are made of
________ type of grains while others are made of several types of grains. Diamond is
the hardest _________ while _________is a soft rock. [2017]
Select the option which consists of words that will correctly complete the above para-
(a) Particles, one, mineral, talc (b) Minerals, few, rock, talc
(c) Minerals, one, mineral, chalk (d) Particles, few, rock, chalk
60. Ritika conduct it two experiments over two soil samples and tabulated the result as
shown here. Identify the soils from results and select the correct option.

Experiment Soil P Soil Q

Poured water over Many bubbles float Only two bubbles
the soil filled in a up. float up
glass jar.
Poured water over About 5 ml water No water run out
the soil filled in a run out of the of the tunnel
tunnel tunnel
P Q [2015, Tricky]
(a) Sandy soil Loamy soil
(b) Loamy soil Sandy soil
(c) Clayey soil Loamy soil
(d) Loamy soil Clayey soil
92 Olympiad Champs–Science
61. A teacher needs to show to her students that soil contains air. Which of the following
should she do ? [2016, Tricky]
(a) Pour some water into a beaker containing soil
(b) Heat some soil in a pan over stove
(c) Observe the soil under a microscope
(d) All of these

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (c) In addition to rock particles, soil also contains minerals, organic matter, air and
2. (b) Clay is the finest grain. Sand is the coarse grain and silt comes between clay and
3. (d) the top soil, the subsoil and the parent material forms the layers of the soil.
4. (b) The water holding capacity is the highest in clayey soil.
5. (a) Sandy soil does not retain water and is usually found in deserts and beaches.
6. (b) Lemur is an animal that usually stays on trees. All other options are found in the soil.
7. (d) Birds do not contribute in the formation of soil.
8. (a) Plants get their nutrients from the uppermost layer i.e. Top soil.
Soil 93
9. (c) Layer B is Subsoil. The layer is below the topsoil and above the bedrock.
10. (c) Gravel is the odd one out as all the other three are part of the loamy soil.
11. (a) Top soil
12. (b) Loamy soil is best suited for cultivation as it contains the desired nutrients and
water holding capacity.
13. (c) Fertilizers are added to the soil to replace the lost minerals such as nitrogen, iron
14. (a) Humus is added to the loamy soil to make it more rich in nutrients and minerals for
the better growth of plants.
15. (a) Humus, silt, clay and sand all are parts of soil
16. (d) Humus that is made up of dried rotten plant and animal matter is organic in nature
and is responsible for the formation of minerals.
17. (c) Clay
18. (d) Hard rock contains mainly bed rocks and is deficient in nutrients.
19. (d)
20. (d)
21. (a)
22. (d)
23. (a)
24. (a) Topsoil
25. (b) Sandy
26. (a) Weathering
27. (a) Natural resource
28. (c) Clay
29. (b) Sand
30. (b) Soil horizon and soil layers are the same thing. There are four horizons/layers of
31. (c) Earthworms are very important for the soil as they dig into the soil and convert
the decayed plants into organic matter.
32. (c) The soil sample had moisture which got evaporated when Amit heated it in a air
tight container. The vapors precipitated on the inner side of the lid.
33. (a)
34. (a) Top soil is nutrient rich, Gravel holds a lot of air, Clay is used for making toys and
loam is used for cultivation.
35. (b) Soil contains 45% minerals , 25% water, 25% air, 5% organic matter.
36. (a) Humus
94 Olympiad Champs–Science
37. (d) The correct arrangement is top soil, sub soil and bed rock.
38. (c) Soil differ in size of grains and constituents.
39. (c) Gravel has very large grains which do not hold any water.
40. (a) Clayey soil is smooth and sticky. Sandy soil holds little water and drains quickly.
41. (d) Upper layer of the soil Dark in color
Clayey soil Small particles and packed tight
Middle layer of the soil Lesser amount of humus
Horizon B Tough layer
42. (a) Clay, sandy, loam they all are types of soil.
43. (d) There are four layers of soil, top soil, sub soil, small rocks, bed rock. It takes over
500 years to form one inch of top soil.
44. (d)
45. (b) 5, Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquake, Volcano, tornado.
46. (c) The sapling in pot C is most likely to grow as it has loamy soil and loamy soil is ideal
for agriculture.
47. 1. (b) Rocks 2. (c) Tree 3. (b) Brown
48. (c) Bed rock
49. (a) Humus is the top most layer followed by sub soil and then bedrock.
50. (b) Sandy
51. (a) Clayey
52. (d) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (c)
56. (c) Soil contains air trapped between its particles. This air allows plant roots and soil
animals to breathe.
57. (d) Rocks can be made of one or several minerals. Sandstone is not the hardest rock
and granite is not the softest rock. Rocks after breaking form soil not humus.
58. (d) Clayey soil is found at the base of a pond. Trough E contains clayey soil that absorbs
least water.
59. (c) Minerals are tiny grains that make up rocks. Some rocks are made up of only one
type of grains, while others are made up of several types of grains. Diamond is the
hardest mineral, whereas chalk is a soft rock and breaks easily.
60. (d) Loamy soil is a mixture of sand and clay, therefore it can hold both air and water.
There is a lot of air present in the space between their particles. This is the rea-
son that many bubbles float up on pouring water. Hence, soil ‘P’ is a loamy soil. Soil
‘Q’ is a clayey soil. Clay particles are very fine as there are no air space is present
between the particles. Therefore, few bubbles will float up on pouring water. Clayey
soil has more water holding capacity.
61. (a) Air is trapped between the soil particles. When we pour water on a soil sample then
this water occupies these spaces between soil particles and replaces the air pres-
ent there. This air when escapes, can be seen in the form of bubbles.
Water 95

I. DIRECTIONS: Look at the picture given below and identify the process. Now,
fill in the blanks based on the numbers in the picture.

The _____1______ warms and _____2______ the water in oceans and rivers.
These vapours rise and condense, forming _____3______. These rain bearing
clouds move over land and their moisture falls down in the form of _____4______,
ice or snow. This water once again fills streams and rivers, flowing back into the
_____5______, where the evaporation starts again PROCESS: _____6______.

II. DIRECTIONS: Write the properties of water in the blanks given below:
96 Olympiad Champs–Science

6 Water

Real Life Examples

learning objectives
v When someone is sweating, the
sweat evaporates and cools down
This lesson will help you to : –
the person. v understand the properties of water.
v Mechanical cooling apparatus like v determine various sources of water.
refrigerators and air-conditioners v know about various uses of water.
use evaporating gas to extract heat
v learn the importance of water conservation.
from what we like to cool down
v learn and incorporate different ways of saving
v The phenomenon of conden-
sation can be seen when water
appears on your windshield after v understand the concept of water cycle.
you park your car outside on a
particularly humid night. Quick Concept Review
• Water is the most common substance found on
Earth. About ¾ of Earth is covered with water.
• The body content of plants, animals and humans
comprises mostly of water.

Amazing Facts States of Water

Water exists in three states- Solid (Ice), Liquid (Water)
and Gas (Vapour/Steam). Earth is the only planet that
v A rat is the only animal that can supports all these states.
stay the longest without water.
v It takes 1900 liter of water to
make 1 kg of rice.
v A person can survive without food
for more than 30 days but less
than a week without water.
v The longest river in the world is
the Nile River.It reaches 6650
kilometers in length. Heat Heat
v Set in the desert of Dubai, the
Tiger Woods Golf Course uses 4
million gallons of water every day After freezing After Cooling
to maintain its lush appearance.

Ice (s) Water (l) Steam (g)

Water 97
As seen in the picture, we can observe that when ice is
heated it gets converted to water and further heating
turns into vapour. When vapour is cooled it becomes water
again. And on freezing the water, we see the formation Amazing Facts

of ice. The boiling point of water is 100°C and freezing

point is 0°C.
v Letting the tap run when you
brush your teeth wastes up to 4
Properties of Water gallons of water every time.
v The kangaroo rat, a type of rat,
Water is never drinks water!
v Earthworms come out from
soil after rains because the
• Shapeless i.e. it takes the shape of the container in earthworms live underground and
which it is poured the rain fills up their homes.
v Pond skater is an insect that can
• Colourless–Water is colourless walk on water! The surface skin
• Tasteless-Water has no taste. It can be made sweet of the water dents a little around
their feet, but it does not give
or salty by adding sugar/salt to it. way.
• Odorless-Water has no smell.

Sources of Water
Rainwater, oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and springs
are natural sources of water. Dams, wells, tubewells, hand
pumps, canals etc., are man made sources of water.

Some of the rain water seeps through the soil and becomes
under ground water. Spring is stored underground water.
• India is surrounded on three sides by water. Arabian Arabian sea Bay of Bengal
Sea in the west, Bay of Bengal in the east and Indian
Ocean in the south.
• Some important rivers of India are The Ganga,
Indian ocean
The Brahmaputra, The Indus, The Krishna,
The Kaveri and The Godavari.
98 Olympiad Champs–Science
Uses of Water
Water is a Very Useful Resource
Historical Preview
• It is used for producing electricity.
• It is used for transportation.
• It is used for washing and cleaning.
v Early man was dependent • It is used for drinking and cooking.
on water for their survival.
They lived near the water Water and Human Beings
and did fishing until they
took the vegetarian root and • Our body fluids like blood, urine, tears and sweat are
started searching for food all are made up of water.
in the form of fruits and • It quenches our thirst.
vegetables in the jungles.

Water and Plants

Sun • Plants also require water for their survival and growth.
En ght


• They make their own food with the help of water,


sunlight, carbon-dioxide and green pigment called

Carbon chlorophyll present in their leaves. This process is
dioxide called photosynthesis.
Water Water and Animals
• Just like plants, animals also need water for their
• Plants and animals that live in water are called as the
aquatic plants and aquatic animals respectively.
• Animals that can live on both land and water
are called as amphibians. Ex. Frogs, toads and

Water Cycle
Sun • Nature recycles and reuses its resources. Water
also gets recycled through water cycle.
Condensation of water • Water cycle is the continuous movement of water
from the Earth’s surface into the air and back to the
Evaporation by sun’s rays
Earth again. During the whole process, water keeps
changing its form continuously.

• Two important processes of water cycle are

Evaporation and Condensation. Due to the sun’s heat,
water changes into vapour and rises up in the air
(evaporation). On cooling down, it changes into drops
of water and comes down as rain from the clouds
Water 99
• Precipitation-Rainwater is very important for every
Misconcept/ Concept
living being. Rainfall brings the most needed water to
the earth. v Misconcept: Condensation is when
air turns into a liquid.
Rain Concept: Condensation is water
vapour in the air that cools enough
Children love to play in rain but do you know the Peacock, to become a liquid.
also loves rain and enjoys dancing in rain. v Misconcept: Steam is hot air.
Rain water is used for various purposes. It refills the Concept: Steam is water vapour.
water bodies on earth like rivers, ponds, lakes etc. which v Misconcept: The water cycle
get dried up in the absence of rain. In many parts of involves freezing and melting of
India, we are still dependent on rains for our crops. If
Concept: The water cycle involves
the rains fail, the crops also fail. evaporation of liquid water,
The rainfall is not equally distributed throughout the condensation of water vapor, and
precipitation (rain, sleet, hail, or
earth. Some places receive more rainfall while other snow).
places get very little or no rainfall. Insufficient rain v Misconcept: Water only gets
causes water scarcity and drought. evaporated from the ocean or
It is better to save this rain water and use it when we
Concept: Water can evaporate
have water shortage. One such method is Rainwater
from plants, animals, puddles, and
Harvesting. the ground in addition to bodies
of water.
Water Conservation v Misconcept: Condensation on the
outside of a container is water
Every Drop is Precious! that seeped (or sweated) through
the walls of the container.
• Water is a very precious resource.
Concept: Condensation of water
• Water should not be wasted. It should be saved, vapour happens when the water
reused and conserved. vapour in air comes in contact with
• Water conservation means to reduce the use of water. a cool surface.

Ways to save water

• Stop the running water while bathing, washing,
brushing teeth, shaving etc.
• Use of bucket instead of shower while bathing.
• Collect water which is used for rinsing fruits and
vegetables and then use it for watering the plants.

Rainwater Harvesting
This is a method of conserving water. Rainwater is saved
because it is clean and a precious resource and can be
used for many useful purposes.
100 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

level 1
1. What are the three states of water on Earth?
(a) Groundwater, lakes and clouds
(b) Liquid water, frozen water, water vapour
(c) Gas, steam, vapour
(d) Groundwater, oceans and ice
2. The best way to save water at home is? [Tricky]
(a) Check your toilet valve for leaks and fix them.
(b) Don’t leave the tap running when you brush your teeth.
(c) Rinse vegetables in a pan of water rather than under the tap.
(d) All of the above.
3. When water boils in a pot, we can see _ as mist. [2012]
(a) steam
(b) oxygen
(c) water vapour
(d) water droplets
4. People obtain groundwater from _______ and _______
(a) taps and waterfalls (b) ponds and rivers
(c) wells and tubewells (d) lakes and ponds
5. Find the odd one out. [Tricky]
(a) Shark (b) Dog (c) Octopus (d) Sea Horse
6. Which of the following covers most of the Earth’s surface?
(a) Sand
(b) Water
(c) Cities
(d) Mountains

7. Which bird loves to dance in rain?

(a) Hen (b) Pigeon (c) Peacock (d) Parrot
8. Solid : Ice : : Gas : ? [Tricky]
(a) Steam/Vapour (b) Water (c) Ice (d) None of these
9. Which of these water body is not surrounding India?
(a) Arabian Sea (b) Arctic Ocean (c) Indian Ocean (d) Bay of Bengal
Water 101
10. Which of these is not a property of water? [Tricky]
(a) Odorless (b) Tasteless (c) Shapeless (d) Blue Colored
11. Water has :
(a) fixed shape (b) no fixed shape (c) no weight (d) strong well
12. Which form of water can we feel, see and crush ? [2013]
(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gaseous (d) none of these
13. What will happen if we leave a small piece of ice cube in the sun ? [2014, Tricky]
(a) It will become black (b) It will change into water
(c) Both A and B (d) It will become bigger in size
14. The natural source of pure water is __________.
(a) rain (b) sea (c) river (d) wall
15. Large source of water is __________.
(a) pond (B) ocean (c) river (d) spring
16. Big reservoir built on rivers for storing water is called __________.
(a) dam (b) aquarium (c) well (d) rivers
17. Animals that can live both on land and water are called _________.
(a) terrestrial animals (b) aquatic animals
(c) amphibians (d) none of these
18. The means of water transport is __________.
(a) Bus (b) Ship (c) Aeroplane (d) Train
19. What is condensation?
(a) Water vapor changing to liquid droplets in the air
(b) When it is raining
(c) The water in the lake
(d) None of these
20. Which is the best way to dispose waste water from our kitchen? [2012, Tricky]
(a) Using it as drinking water (b) Using it as bathing water
(c) Use it for watering plants (d) Letting it to flow on to the road
21. Which form of water is water vapour?
(a) Gas (b) Liquid (c) Solid (d) All of these
22. Wet clothes are left to dry in the sun. Which process help the clothes to dry?
(a) Freezing (b) Condensation
(c) Precipitation (d) Evaporation
23. Put some ice cubes or chilled water in a glass and place it on a table. After some
time, which is the most likely to happen? [Critical Thinking]
102 Olympiad Champs–Science


(a) No water in glass

(b) Stays as it is
(c) Water overflows
(d) Small droplets of water on the outer surface of glass
24. What causes precipitation?
(a) Evaporation (b) The weight of the clouds
(c) The hot sun (d) Plant transpiration

level 2
25. Elephant is a very huge animal. But its body is made of maximum quantity of water.
What is the quantity of water in the body of an elephant. [Critical Thinking]
(a) 68% (b) 72% (c) 75% (d) 70%

26. Study the table carefully. Which one of the following correctly shows how we can
‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ water? [2012, Tricky]

Reduce Reuse Recycle

1 Water the plants with Rainwater is collected to Take a shower instead of
water that was used to clean toilets. a bath.
rinse rice.
2 Rainwater is collected to Waste water is purified to Water the plants with
clean toilets. become drinking water. water that was used to
rinse rice.
3 Use bucket instead of Water the plants with Waste water is purified to
shower while bathing. water that was used to become drinking water.
rinse rice.
4 Waste water is purified to Take a shower instead of Rainwater is collected to
become drinking water. a bath. clean toilets.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
27. During the humid rainy season, the number of insects in the environment increases.
These insects cause several water-borne diseases. Rainwater is the main reason for
this as these insects lay their eggs into the stagnant rain water. [Critical Thinking]
Water 103
(A) Which of the following disease is not caused by the mosquitoes?
(a) Malaria (b) Cough and cold (c) Chikunguniya (d) Dengue
(B) Water borne diseases are spread through __________.
(a) dogs (b) cats (c) insects (d) mouse
28. Match the following. [2013, Tricky]

List I List II
A Indian port 1. Spring
B Property of water 2. Ice
C Source of water 3. Vishakhapatnam
D Solid state of water 4. Odorless
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 1 4 2 3
29. Nature recycles and reuses its resources. Water is one such resource which gets
recycled. It gets recycled by a continuous process consisting of evaporation and
condensation. In this process there is continuous movement of water from the
Earth’s surface into the air and back to the Earth again. What is this process
called? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Water cycle
(b) Water evaporation
(c) Water condensation
water recycling
30. There are two main processes involved in the Water Cycle. These processes are
(a) Evaporation and Condensation
(b) Evaporation and Precipitation
(c) Condensation and Precipitation
(d) Condensation and Sublimation
31. Which of these activities wastes the MOST water per day in the average home?
(a) Running the tap while washing dishes
(b) Using a garbage disposal
(c) A leaky toilet
(d) Long showers
32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Rainwater harvesting 1. VIBGYOR
B. Rainbow 2. Water conservation
104 Olympiad Champs–Science

C. Amphibian 3. Malaria
D. Monsoons 4. Frog

(a) 4 2 3 1
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 1 3 2 4
33. Which of the following statement is true? [Tricky]
(a) India is surrounded by water from all four sides.
(b) Water can exists in three states: gas ,liquid and solid.
(c) Plants do not need water.
(d) Boiled water contains germs.
34. A big block of ice is left to melt on a piece of metal sheet as shown below.
 [2015, Tricky]
Which of the following statements are true when the ice is melting?
A: The temperature of the ice decreases.
B: The metal sheet is losing heat to the ice.
C: The water is gaining heat from the surroundings.
(a) A only (b) A and B only
(c) B and C only (d) A, B and C Metal sheet

35. Read the statements carefully and choose the correct option. [2016]
A. Water is shapeless; it takes the shape of the container in which it is poured.
B. Rainwater, ocean, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and springs are natural sources of
C. Our body fluids like blood, urine, tears and sweat are all made up of solids.
D. Plants do not require water for their survival.

TTFF (b)
FFTT (c)
TFTF (d)
36. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option
 [Critical Thinking]

Statement A: Saving rain water and using it when there is water shortage is called
Rainwater Harvesting.

Statement B: When water changes into vapour and rises up in the air is called precipitation.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong
(c) Both the statements are A correct
(d) Both the statements are B wrong.
Water 105
37. Read the passage and fill the blanks with correct options. [2014, Tricky]

Just like plants, ___(1)___ also need water for their survival. Plants and animals that live
in ___(2)___ are called as the aquatic plants and aquatic animals respectively. Animals
that can live on both the land and water are called as the amphibians. Ex. ___(3)___ ,
toads and turtles.
1. (a)  plants (b) insects (c)  animals (d) none of the above
2. (a)  water (b) sky (c) underground (d) trees
3. (a) tiger (b) frogs (c) lion (d) pigeons
38. To obtain water from water vapour, we should ______ the water vapour.

(a) heat (b) evaporate (c) condense (d) do nothing

39. Which of the following is wrong?

heat cool
(a) Solid  → Liquid (b) Solid  → Gas
cool heat
(c) Liquid  → Solid (d) Liquid  → Gas

40. Look at the water cycle below and answer the following question. [Critical Thinking]


In the figure what process is depicted by (3)?

(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation

(c) Cloud formation (d) Precipitation
41. In the figure of the above question, which process is depicted by (4)?
(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation
(c) Cloud formation (d) Precipitation
42. _____________ of a plant absorbs water.

(a) Roots (b) Leaves (c) Stem (d) Flowers

43. The water content in which of these fruits is maximum [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

44. Sarita while brushing her teeth left the tap open. What would you do if you see this ?
(a) Close the tap tightly
106 Olympiad Champs–Science
(b) Explain Sarita about importance of water and its conservation
(c) both a and b
(d) None of these
45. Anuraag took a glass of cold water from the refrigerator and placed it on a table.
After few minutes he observed water drops on the outer surface of the glass.
What has happened ? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Glass produced water droplets
(b) The water in the glass moved through the glass
(c) Water vapour present in the air is condensed
(d) Water came out from the gaps present in the glass
46. Madhuri kept some water in a refrigerator and after some time the water changed
into ice. What is this process called?  [2015, Tricky]
(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation (c) Boiling (d) Freezing
47. Find the odd one out from the following:
(a) Blood (b) Urine (c) Sweat (d) Chlorophyll
48. Which of the following is the correct method of reusing used water? [Tricky]
(a) Using water that was used to clean vegetables for drinking
(b) Using stale water for washing clothes
(c) Using water from factories for cooking
(d) Using the water after bathing to water plants
49. What can be ground into a paste using a little water?
(a) A piece of newspaper (b) A piece of plastic
(c) A piece of silk cloth (d) A piece of a cycle tube
50. Which of the following is measured in litres?
(a) Flour (b) Water (c) Ice (d) Watervapour
51. Why does water vapour rise upwards? [Tricky]
(a) It is cooler than the surrounding air (b) It is heavier than the surrounding air
(c) It is lighter than the surrounding air (d) It is attracted by the clouds in the sky
52. Why should freshwater be conserved and used wisely? [2014, Tricky]
1. Its store is limited in nature.
2. We have plenty of freshwater.
3. Only river has freshwater.
4. We cannot use salty water for drinking, instead of freshwater.
5. We can use sea water, instead of freshwater.
(a) 1, 3 and 5 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1, 2 and 5 (d) 1 and 4
53. Match the column I with column II and select the correct option. [2014]
Column I Column II
A. A rock put out under sun 1. Changes into solid
B. Coconut oil put in freezer 2. Changes into liquid
Water 107
C. Water put on burning stove 3. Changes into gas
D. Ice cream kept on a table 4. No change
(a) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 (b) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
(c) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 (d) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
54. Boiling water in a container and clouds are [Tricky]

Boiling water Clouds

(a) Steam (b) Oxygen (c) Water vapour (d) Droplets of water
55. What are the three natural sources of water on the earth?
(a) Rivers, dams and wells (b) Rivers, lakes and springs
(c) Rainwater, tube wells and oceans (d) Spring canals and lakes
56. What will happen, if the water is boiled to 100°C? [2017, Tricky]

(a) Water will overflow  90

Level before
(b) Water will stay as it is

(c) Water will turn into ice

(d) Water will evaporate and will change into steam

57. Some containers are given below. In which of the following container, the water
will evaporate rapidly? [Tricky]

(a) (b)

58. The temperature at which a liquid changes into gaseous form is known as boiling
point and the temperature at which it changes into the solid form is known as
freezing point.
Water freezes at temperature ____(A)____ and boils at temperature ____
(a) A–10°C, B-100°C (b) A-0°C, B-100°C
(c) A-36.7°C, B-0°C (d) A-100°C, B-26°C
59. I am clourless and tasteless. I take the shape of the container. I am in no life on
earth is possible without me. What am I? [Tricky]
(a) Food (b) Water (c) Air (d) Milk
60. Arrange the following statements in order –
I. Water is carried to our homes by big pipes.
II. Water is pumped out of lakes and rivers or from under the ground.
108 Olympiad Champs–Science

III. Chlorine is added to kill the germs.

IV. Water is filtered.
(a) II, IV, III, I (b) I, II, III, IV
(c) IV, III, II, I (d) I, III, IV, I
61. Which of the following is the best example of precipitation?
(a) Clouds (b) Rain (c) Evaporation (d) Ice
62. Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from? [Tricky]
(a) Plants (b) Animals
(c) Electrical outlets (d) The sun
63. The given picture shows water cycle. Which processes are occurring in the direction
of arrows starting from process S ? [2012, Tricky]

(a) Condensation, Evaporation, Precipitation

(b) Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation

(c) Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensation

(d) Precipitation, Condensation, Evaporation

64. Read the given passage and select the correct option. [2013, Critical Thinking]

P and Q are very large bodies of water.

They contain salty water. P is a part of Q
that is partially surrounded by land.
Q is a body of salt water with no boundaries
and limitless volume.

(a) Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic are five Qs.
(b) Water of P and Q is not fit for drinking
(c) P is Sea and Q is Ocean
(d) All of these

response grid
1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d
Water 109

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (b) Liquid water (liquid state), frozen water(solid state), water vapor(gaseous state)
2. (d) All of the above
3. (d) when water boils, we see the water droplets as mist.
4. (c) People obtain groundwater from wells and tubewells.
5. (b) Dog is the odd one out as it is the only terrestrial animal among other aquatic animals.
6. (b) Water covers a major part of the Earth’s surface.
7. (c) Peacock loves to dance in rains.
8. (a) Steam/vapourw
9. (b) Arctic ocean does not surround India and its territories.
10. (d) Water is colorless.
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (a)
15. (b) 16. (a)
17. (c) Those animals that can live on both the land and water are called amphibians. Ex.
18. (b) Ship is a mode of water transport.
19. (a) Condensation is the process in which water vapor condense to form water droplets.
20. (c) 21. (a)
22. (d) Wet clothes are left to dry in the sun. The process is termed as the evaporation.
In this process, the liquid changes into the gaseous phase.
23. (d) These drops come from air. Air contains water vapour which gets cooled down
due to ice or chilled water and gets converted into drops of water.
24. (b)
level 2
25. (d) The body of an elephant is made up of 70% water.
26. (c) Reduce the water usage by using bucket instead of shower while bathing, reuse by
watering the plants with water that was used to rinse rice and recycle waste water
to get purified water.
27. (A) (b) Cough and cold (B) (c)
28. (b) A= 3, B=4, C=1 D=2
29. (a) Water cycle.
30. (a) Water cycle consists of two processes- evaporation and condensation. From the
Earth’s surface, water rises up due to sun’s heat(evaporation) and then on cooling
down, it changes into drops of water (condensation).
31. (c) A leaky toilet can waste about 200 gallons of water every day!
32. (c) A = 2,  B = 1,  C = 4,  D = 3
33. (b) Water can exist in three states- solid as ice, liquid as water and vapor/ steam as gas.
34. (c) When the ice is melting, the metal sheet is losing heat to the ice and also the
water is getting heat from the surrounding.
35. (a) Both A and B Statements are right while Statements C and D are wrong.
110 Olympiad Champs–Science
36. (a) Statement A is right and B is wrong, because when water changes into vapour and
rises up in the air is called evaporation and not precipitation.
37. 1. (c) Animals 2. (a) Water 3. (b) Frogs
38. (c) 39. (b)
40. (b) the process depicted is evaporation wherein water from the lake is evaporated to
form the clouds.
41. (d) the process depicted is precipitation wherein the droplets from the clouds are
coming back on earth in the form of rain.
42. (a) Roots of a plant absorb water from the ground.
43. (c) Watermelon has around 98% of water content.
44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (d)
47. (d) Chlorophyll is the odd one out since all other three represents the fluids containing
water in the human body.
48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (c)
52. (d) On Earth, freshwater is available in a limited quantity as compared to salty water.
Freshwater is available in rivers, ponds and lakes while salty water is available in
seas. We can only use freshwater for drinking and other purposes, salty water can-
not be used. Thus, we should consume freshwater and use it wisely.
53. (c) A rock put out under Sun - No change
Coconut oil put in freezer - Changes into solid
Water put on burning stove - Changes into gas
Ice cream kept on a table - Changes into liquid
54. (d) The steam that comes out from boiling water is actually droplets of water. In
the formation of clouds, water vapour rises, meets cold air and changes into
droplets of water, called clouds.
55. (b) Rainwater, oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and springs are natural sources
of water. Dams, wells, tube wells, handpumps, canals, etc. ae man-made sources
of water.
56. (d) Water boils at 100°C. At this temperature, the atmospheric temperature be-
comes equals to the boiling temperature. At this stage, water vapours are
formed, i.e. steam is formed.
57. (b) In this container, the water will evaporate most rapidly because it has more
surface area as compared to other container.
58. (b) Water freezes at temperatue 0°C and boils at temperature 100°C.
59. (b) Water is colourless and tasteless. It takes the shape of container. Without wa-
ter, there is no life on Earth.
60. (a) II. Water is pumped out of lakes and rivers or from under the ground.
IV. Water is filtered.
III. Chlorine is added to kill the germs.
I. Water is carried to our homes by big pipes.
61. (b) 62. (d) 63. (b) 64. (d)
Weather 111

DIRECTIONS: Some pictures of the seasons are shown in the column on left.
These are to be matched with the items that go with it which are given in middle
and right columns. Fill up the table given below accordingly.


(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 5 6 7 8

(C) 9 10 11 12

Weather Items that go with the weather



112 Olympiad Champs–Science

7 Weather
This lesson will help you to : –
Real Life Examples
v study about the reasons behind the changing weather.
v India is one of the highest v learn about different seasons in our country.
flood prone countries in the v study about wind and air currents.
world. Coastal areas and
the states close to the seas QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW
or rivers are more prone
to get flooded. In recent Temperature
past, Assam and Jammu and
Kashmir have faced severe  It is the measure of how hot or how cold the day is.
floods due to high level of  It is measured in Celsius.
rainfall.  The temperature of the environment varies from
place to place and depends on various factors.
 Maximum temperature is the hottest/highest
temperature noted in the day and minimum
temperature is the coldest/ lowest temperature
noted in the day.

Amazing Facts  The state of the atmosphere at a place and time
with regard to heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine,
wind, rain, etc.
v The highest temperature ever  Weather can be changed by sun, rain, clouds and
recorded in Antarctica is 14.6 °C, wind.
recorded on January 5, 1974.
v The Met Office uses a super-
computer — one of the fastest
in the world — to help make its
weather forecasts. Its newest
 Sun gives us solar energy
machine has as much computing that is a renewable source.
power as 20,000 normal PCs. It also gives us heat and
v The South Pole is the least sunny light.
place - only 182 days a year get
sunshine.  The heat of the sun keeps the Earth warm.
 The sun rises in the early morning and sets in the
evening. As the sun rises, the temperature starts to
Weather 113
rise and in the afternoon, maximum temperature of
the day can be recorded. As the sun sets, it disappears
and temperature decreases automatically.
Historical Preview
 The sun also plays a crucial role in the water cycle as
it helps in evaporation of water from the surface of
Earth, which eventually comes down as rain.
v Ritu means “season” in the
Hindu calendar, and there are
six ritus or Indian seasons. The
 Rain is very important for word is derived from the Vedic
cooling down the temperature Sanskrit word Ritu, a fixed or
of the Earth. appointed time. The 6 ritus in
 Rains are also very important for the farmers as the the Hindu calender are Vasanta
plants get water. (Spring), Grishma (Summer), Varsha
 Excess of rains causes a lot of damage and also (Monsoon), Sharad (Autumn),
causes floods. Hemant (Winter), Shishir (Fall).
 Cherrapunji in India receives the highest rainfall.

 Clouds are a visible mass
of condensed water vapour
floating in the atmosphere,
typically high above the
 There are 4 types of clouds viz. cirrus clouds,
cumulus clouds, stratus clouds and nimbus clouds.
 Some clouds carry water vapour which bursts to
rainfall. Misconcept/ Concept

Wind v Misconcept: We experience

seasons because of the Earth’s
 Moving air is called wind. changing distance from the Sun.
 The hot air that blows in summers in north India is Concept: Earth’s orbit around the
called loo. It is bad for health and one should avoid Sun in an elliptical path.
going out during summer afternoons. v Misconcept: That the Sun rises
 During the spring season, the wind is light flowy exactly in the east and sets
and breezy. The weather becomes pleasant and exactly in the west every day.
comfortable. Concept: The sun rises in
the southeast in winter and
Seasons northeast in summer, and sets
in the southwest in winter and
 When certain weather persists in a large area for a northwest in summer.
long period of time it is called season.
 There are 5 seasons. These are viz. spring, summer,
monsoons or rainy season, autumn and winter.
114 Olympiad Champs–Science

 It is a season when flowers bloom in abundance.
 The weather is pleasant with light breeze.

 The weather in this season is extremely hot.
 Days are longer than nights
in summers.
 People prefer to stay indoors
in air conditioners and drink
a lot of cold beverages.
 Mango, litchis, cherries, melons and watermelons are
some summer fruits that are cooling in nature.
 Usually light cotton clothes are worn in this season.
 In India, this season is at its peak in May-June.

Rainy Season or Monsoons

 This season comes after summers.
 In India, this season comes in July-August.
 Raincoats, Plastic footwear
and umbrellas come handy
in this season.
 During this season, the temperature comes down and
there is some relief from the hot scorching heat of
summers. This season is very humid.

 In this season weather starts to get cooler.
 In this season night and days become equal.
 Leaves start to change colour and fall off the trees.
 October–November marks this season in India.

 This is the cold season.
 In India, this season comes
in December- January.
 Chilly wind blows during this season.
 The nights are longer and the days are shorter in
 Hot beverages like tea, coffee are preferred during
winter. Woollen clothing like sweaters, jackets,
coats and mufflers are worn in winters.
Weather 115

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The sum total of weather conditions and variations over a large area for a long
period of time is called __________. [2012]
(a) weather (b) climate (c) cold weather (d) hot weather
2. In which season does clothes dry the fastest?
(a) Summer (b) Winters (c) Rainy Season (d) Autumn
3. During which season, there is almost zero visibility in the morning due to fog?
(a) Summer (b) Spring (c) Autumn (d) Winters
4. The _________ makes the water cycle run.
(a) sun (b) moon (c) clouds (d) teacher
5. Modern windmills that produce electricity are called __________.
(a) wind vanes (b) wind turbines (c) wind mill (d) pinwheels
6. Why do coastal areas experience less contrast in temperature conditions?
(a) Due to moderating effect of the seas (b) Due to land mass
(c) Due to heat conditions (d) Due to none of the above three
7. The state of atmosphere over an area at any point of time is known as __________.
(a) weather (b) climate (c) heat (d) cold
8. Cool breeze: Spring:: ___________:summer [Tricky]
(a) Air (b) Light Rain (c) Wind (d) Loo

9. Look at the picture and guess how the weather is?

(a) Sunny (b) Rainy
(c) Snowy (d) Windy

10. Look at the picture and guess how the weather is?  [2014]
(a) Sunny (b) Rainy
(c) Snowy (d) Windy

11. The amount of water vapour in the air is called______________. It is highest in

the _________ season.
(a) fog, winter (b) mist, winter
(c) fog, rainy (d) humidity, rainy
12. Which of the following natural events can cause damage to our surroundings?
(a) Cyclone (b) Mild rain (c) Sunlight (d) Moonlight
116 Olympiad Champs–Science

13. Temperature is measured in: [2015]

(a) Celsius (b) Kilograms (c) Seconds (d) Meters
14. The hottest part of the day is __________.
(a) morning (b) afternoon (c) evening (d) night
15. Wind which blows very softly is __________.
(a) Storm (b) Air current (c) Breeze (d) Snow
16. We sweat a lot in: [Tricky]
(a) summer (b) rainy season (c) winter (d) spring
17. Places with heavy rainfall should have __________ roofs. [Tricky]
(a) thatch (b) corrugated (c) slanting (d) horizontal
18. Which of the following is also called monsoon season?
(a) Summer (b) Rainy (c) Winter (d) Spring

19. Which of these will you wear in the month of June?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

20. People who study weather are called ____________. [2016]

(a) scientist (b) chemist (c) meteorologists (d) None of these

21. On cloudy days, clouds block the sunshine making the weather  [2017]
(a) hot (b) cold (c) pleasant (d) unpleasant

22. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Summer 1. Raincoats
B. Winters 2. Flowers blossom
C. Rainy season 3. Light cotton clothes
D. Spring season 4. Woolen

(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 1 2 4 3
(c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 4 3 2 1
Weather 117
23. The picture below shows the beautiful locales of Kashmir.
The picture depicts a time around September and October,
before the onset of winters. Which season is this?
 [Critical Thinking]
(a) Spring (b) Summer
(c) Autumn (d) Rainy

24. How many words related to weather could you find in the grid?  [Tricky]


4 (b)
5 (c)
3 (d)
25. Find the correct sequence of sentence based on the statements being true or false.
(A) Hail is a type of weather condition (B) Spring is a type of weather condition
(C) Rain is a type of weather condition (D) Snow is a type of weather condition
(a) TFTF (b) TFTT (c) FTFT (d) TTFF
26. Which is the correct sentence?
(A) Weather is the study of seasons (B) Seasons include weather conditions.
(a) A (b) B (c) Both (d) None
27. Mentioned below is a sample weather report. Choose from the options given below
the paragraph, the words which fit in the blanks. [Critical Thinking]
"For those of you planning outdoor activities tomorrow, you can expect ___(a) ___
skies for most of saturday with ___ (b) ___. However, things might change by
saturday evening with a storm front moving in. We can expect ___ (c) ___ and that
will result in ___ (d) ___.
(a) low temperature, shower, high temperature, clear
(b) clear, low temperature, shower, high temperature
(c) shower, low temperature, clear, high temperature
(d) clear, high temperature, shower, low temperature
118 Olympiad Champs–Science
28. From the list given below how many terms or things related to rainy season can you
find. [2012, Tricky]
[Mango, snow, shower, ice-cream, raincoat, woollen cap, lightening, leather jacket,
rainbow, cold drinks, sun glasses, outdoor activities, umbrella]

5 (b)
4 (c)
3 (d)
29. Which of the following changes weather?
(a) Sun (b) Animals (c) Man (d) Television
30. Krish is feeling hot on a summer day and sweating too much. Which clothes will keep
him comfortable?
(a) Woolen Clothes (b) Cotton Clothes (c) Nylon Clothes (d) Silk Clothes
31. Arrange the seasons in the correct chronological order as they occur in India.
Summer – Spring – Rainy season - Autumn
(a) Rainy season- Summer-Autumn- Spring
(b) Spring – Summer- Rainy season - Autumn
(c) Rainy season – Autumn- Spring – Summer
(d) Summer – Spring – Rainy season - Autumn
32. Consider the following Statements and choose the correct option. [Critical Thinking]
Statement A: When certain weather persists in a large area for a long time it is called
Statement B: Moving air is called rain.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong
(c) Both the statements are correct
(d) Both the statements are wrong.
Directions (Qs. 33 to 37) The data given in the table shows the weather forecast as
given by the Met department for the upcoming weak in Shimla. Using the data answer
the questions from 33 to 37. [Tricky]

Days Max. temp. (°C) Min. temp. (°C) Forecast

Sunday 21 9 Clear
Monday 23 11 Partly cloudy
Tuesday 24 10 Sunny
Wednesday 23 10 Sunny and hot
Thursday 23 12 Dry
Friday 24 10 Light showers
Saturday 22 10 Rain

33. Which is the hottest day of the week?

(a) Tuesday (b) Friday (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday
Weather 119
34. When is the temperature lowest?
(a) Saturday (b) Sunday (c) Monday (d) Tuesday
35. Which day is perfect to spend time outdoors amid greenery?
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday (c) Wednesday (d) Friday
36. According to the forecast, on which day we should leave our house with an umbrella
and raincoat?
(a) Thursday (b) Wednesday (c) Saturday (d) Sunday
37. On which day are you advised to stay indoors to protect from the harsh sun?
(a) Sunday (b) Monday (c) Wednesday (d) Saturday
38. Read the statements carefully and choose the correct option
A. The South Pole is the least sunny place- Only 182 days a year get sunshine.
B. Ritu means “season” in the Hindu calendar, and there are six ritus or Indian season.
C. The moon covers the sun
D. During spring season it is very windy and weather becomes unpleasant.

TFTF (b)
FTFT (c)
TTFF (d)
39. Which of the following causes damage to crops, houses and lives?
(a) Loo (b) Strong winds (c) Breeze (d) Floods
40. Amit was having cold and cough. His mother gave him a home remedy in which there
were many ingredients of medicinal value. Amit did not want to have it as it did not
taste good. What would you do in this situation? [2013, Tricky]
(a) Explain the importance of the home made medicine and request Amit to have it.
(b) Take Amit to the play ground.
(c) Ask Amit to remove all the woollen clothes.
(d) All of the above.
41. Cloudy nights are warmer than the clearer nights because: [Critical Thinking]
(a) sun’s rays reach through the clouds.
(b) clouds do not let the heat of the earth out.
(c) clouds give us heat and light.
(d) All of the above.
42. Consider the following statements: [Tricky]

Statement 1: Revolution of the earth is responsible for days and nights.

Statement 2: Rotation of the earth is responsible for days and nights.

Which one of the following is correct about the above statement?

(a) Statement 1 is true and 2 is false (b) Statement 1 is false and 2 is true
(c) Both statements are true (d) Both statements are false
43. In a season, there are flowers all over the trees. The trees have new green leaves
and the days and nights are equal. Identify the season. [Tricky]
120 Olympiad Champs–Science
(a) Summer season (b) Rainy season
(c) Spring season (d) Winter season

44. A: Loo is hot dry wind in summer.

B: Wind can generate electricity.
(a) Only statement A is true. (b) Only statement B is true.
(c) Both A and B are true. (d) Both statements are untrue.
45. Which of the following is a summer fruit?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

46. We like to wear woollen clothes in:

(a) summer season (b) rainy season (c) winter season (d) spring season

47. Match the following and choose the correct option

List I List II
A. December 1. Holi
B. March 2. Ice cream
C. June 3. Hot cocoa
D. October 4. Dusshera

(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 4 3 1 2

48. Read the passage and choose the correct options. [2014, Tricky]

Water droplets form from warm ___(1)___ . As the warm air rises up in the ___(2)___
it cools. Water vapor (invisible water in the air) always exists in our air. Warm air holds
quite a bit of water. For example, in the summer it is usually very humid. When enough of
these droplets collect together, we see them as ___(3)___ . If the clouds are big enough
and have enough water ___(4)___ , the droplets bang together and form even bigger
drops. When the drops get heavy, they fall because of gravity, and you see and feel rain.
1. (a) air (b) ice (c) milk (d) juice
2. (a) land (b) sky (c) water (d) underground
3. (a) boulders (b) snow (c) clouds (d) sky
4. (a) droplets (b) jugs (c) balloons (d) bottles
Weather 121
49. On a rainy day, while Ravi was going to school his mom asked him to carry the rain
coat. What should Ravi do? [2015, Tricky]
(a) Ignore his mom and go without the raincoat.
(b) Listen to his mom and keep the raincoat in his bag.
(c) Skip the school and enjoy at home.
(d) None of the above.
50. Clouds are formed of __________.
(a) gases (b) tiny water droplets
(c) dust (d) snow
51. Wet clothes dry faster on a _______. [2014, Tricky]
(a) Cool, dry day with a cloudy sky
(b) Hot, windy day with a cloudless sky
(c) Warm, windless day with a cloudless sky
(d) Cool, windy day with grey clouds in the sky
52. Which of the following affects the weather?
I. The Sun affects the weather.
II. The wind affects the weather.
III. The clouds and the rain affects the weather.
Choose the correct option.
(a) Only I (b) Only III (c) I and II (d) I, II and III

53. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). [Tricky]
I. Lack of rain over a long period of time results in droughts.
II. Storms do out cause any damage.
III. Weather does not change from place to place.
IV. Too much rain brings floods.
(a) F T T F (b) T F T F
(c) F T F T (d) T F F T
54. I am the coldest time of the year. Travel, sports and outings become difficult
in my period. Cold dry air blows in my time. Who am I? [2016, Tricky]
(a) Summer season (b) Autumn (c) Rainy season (d) Winter season
55. Which of the option is incorrect?
(a) Lack of rain - Droughts (b) Strong wind - Storms
(c) Chilly wind blows - Summer (d) Excess of rain - Floods
122 Olympiad Champs–Science
56. Match the following columns. [2017]
Column I
Column II
(a) Sunny days 1. Clouds in the sky making the weather pleasant
(b) Rainy days 2. Fast moving wind blows
(c) Cloudy days 3. Welcomed by farmers and children
(d) Windy days 4. Cloudless, warm and bright
(a) A → s,  B → p,  C → q,  D → r (b) A → q,  B → r,  C → s,  D → p
(c) A → s,  B → p,  C → r,  D → q (d) A → r,  B → s,  C → q,  D → p

response grid
1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (b) Climate is the sum total of all the weather changes and variations over a large area
for a long time.
2. (a) Clothes dry the fastest in summers when the temperature is the highest.
3. (d) During winters, there is zero visibility due to dense fog.
4. (a) The sun makes the water cycle run.
5. (b) Modern windmills that produce electricity are called wind turbines.
6. (a) The coastal areas are near sea, therefore they do experience much less contrast
in temperature conditions.
7. (a) The state of atmosphere over an area at any given point of time is called Weather.
8. (d) Like cool breeze flows in the spring, similarly loo is to summer.
9. (b) Rainy 10. (a) Sunny
11. (d) The amount of water vapour in the air is humidity and it is highest in the rainy season.
Weather 123
12. (a) Cyclones can cause damage to our surroundings
13. (a) Temperature is the measure of how hot or how cold a day is. It is measured in
degree Celsius (°C).
14. (b) The hottest part of the day is afternoon because the sun rays fall directly on us.
15. (c) Breeze is the wind which blows very softly.
16. (a) summer 17. (c) slanting 18. (b) Rainy
19. (a) June is a month of summer season and during summers we wear clothes made
from cotton. Cotton clothes keep us cool and comfortable in the heat of summer
and also absorb sweat.
20. (c) People who study weather are called meteorologists. These people take an idea
of weather. They warn whenever any natural calamity arrives.
21. (c) On cloudy days, clouds block the sunshine making the weather pleasant.
22. (c) List I List II
Summer Light cotton clothes
Winters Woolen
Rainy season Raincoats
Spring season Flowers blossom
23. (c) As seen in the picture, the leaves of the tree are fallen down and new leaves are
starting to come. This happens in autumn season.
24. (b) There are five words related to season forecast, rainbow, sunny, cloudy, hail
25. (b) Spring is a season and not type of weather. Rest of them hail, rain and snow are
weather conditions.
26. (b) (b) is correct because weather conditions are observed in seasons. Example–
During summer season loo is felt but it is not necessary that if loo is felt (which is
a weather condition) summer season will be there.
27. (d)
28. (a) Shower, raincoat, lightening, rainbow, umbrella.
29. (a) It is the Sun which helps in changing weather
124 Olympiad Champs–Science

30. (b) Cotton Clothes

31. (b) Spring – Summer- Rainy season – Autumn. In India, Spring comes in around Feb-
March followed by summers in May-June, Which is followed by rains in the July-
August and Then comes Autumn in September- October.
32. (a) Moving air is called wind.
33. (a) Tuesday is the hottest day of the week as the day is sunny.
34. (b) The temperature is lowest on Sunday with 9 degrees temperature.
35. (a) Since it is partly cloudy on Monday, it is perfect to spend time outside amid greens
and light breeze.
36. (c) According to the forecast, on Saturday we should leave our house with an umbrella
and raincoat.
37. (c) You are advised to stay indoors on Wednesday because the forecast tells that it
would be a hot and a sunny day. That means there will be loo which is harmful.
38. (c)
39. (d) Floods cause damage to crops, houses and lives.
40. (a) Explain the importance of the home made medicine and request Amit to have it.
41. (b) Cloudy nights are warmer than the clear nights because clouds do not allow the
heat of the earth to escape.
42. (b) Statement 1 is false and 2 is true
43. (c) Spring season
44. (c) Both the statements are true. Wind can be used to generate electricity using wind
mills and wind turbines. Loo is the hot dry air in the summers.
45. (c) 46. (c) winter season 47. (b)
48. 1. (a) air 2. (b) sky 3. (c) clouds 4. (a) droplets
49. (b) Listen to his mom and keep the raincoat in his bag.
50. (b) tiny water droplets
51. (b) Heat of the Sun (cloudless sky) and wind will help in carrying away water
droplets from wet clothes, thus drying them faster.
52. (d) The weather depends on the Sun, the wind, the clouds and the rain. So, all these
factors can affect the weather.
53. (d) I. Lack of rain over a long period of time results in droughts.
II. Storms cause damage to life, property.
III. Weather changes from place to place due to the rotation of earth around the Sun.
IV. Too much rain brings flood.
54. (d) Winter is the coldest time of the year. Foggy and stormy weather can cause ac-
cidents. Travel, sports and outings become difficult in such weather.
55. (c) Chilly wind blows in the winter season, not in the summer season. In summer, hot
air blows which is known as loo.
56. (c) In sunny days, there are no clouds and a warm and bright day is seen.
In rainy days, clouds in the sky makes the weather pleasant.
Cloudy day is a favourite day for farmers and children.
On windy days, the wind blows very fast.
Shelter 125

DIRECTIONS: Read the clues and unscramble the letters to get a meaningful
word. Write the words in the blank space given in the question.

1. All living things do not live in the same kind of ________________ ?


2. A small house made up of hay, bamboo and mud is called a ________________



3. Stilt houses are found in ________________.


________________ make a house look beautiful.


5. A Clean and well arranged house looks welcoming and ________________.


6. Mud houses are found in ________________.


7. A tent house is made of ________________.

126 Olympiad Champs–Science

8 Shelter


v Misconcept: There are two This lesson will help you to : –
kinds of houses-Pukka houses or
apartments and slums or kutcha • learn why do we need shelter/houses.
houses. • learn about different kinds of shelter/houses.
v Concept: Caves, huts, tents, • understand how people decorate their homes.
caravans, stilt houses, tree
• know proper ways to dispose garbage.
houses, igloos, house boats,
marquees, villas, bungalows, • develop a better sense of direction.
mansions and palaces are
different types of houses. QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW
v Misconcept: Throwing waste in
dustbin is disposing garbage. Why do we need a House
v Concept: Before disposing
garbage, it is important to People build houses to keep themselves safe and secure.
separate degradable waste to It protects us from rain, snow, heat, wind or dangerous
non-degradable. This is proper animals. Houses are built from whatever is available.
disposal of garbage. Sometimes people use wood, stone, claybricks, mud, straw
and even ice.


Shelter provides safety and protection from weather and
predators. Without shelter, one may freeze in the winter
or become dinner of an animal. Shelter may come in many
different forms, for example caves, trees or man-made
structures. Shelter provides us comfort and safety.


There are different types of houses. Based on the type
of roofs, houses are divided into sloped roof or flat roof.
Slope or slanting roof is used in places of heavy rainfall
or snowfall. Different types of materials are used for
slanting roof houses. This varies from dry leaves, palm
leaves or grasses.
In remote areas and mountainous regions, houses are
simply made of readily available materials like wood,
thatch, bamboo etc. Such houses are called kutcha houses.
Shelter 127
On the other hand, houses that are made of brick, cement
etc. are called pukka houses.
Some people keep moving from one place to another. Tents
and caravans are temporary houses and can be carried
from one place to another. Flats, bungalows, mansions and
pukka houses can’t be moved from one place to another,
so they are called permanent houses.
Caves, huts, tents, caravans, stilt houses, tree houses,
igloos, house boats, marquees, villas, bungalows, mansions
and palaces are different types of houses.


• In India houseboats are common on the Dal Lake near
srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir and on the backwaters
of Kerala.
• An Igloo is a type of shelter built of snow found in
Greenland, Canada’s central Arctic region.
• A tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or
other material draped over, attached to a frame of
poles or ropes traditionally used by nomadic people.
• Even in hilly areas like Himachal, houses are made of
stone or wood with slanting roof as it rains and snows
• But in cities like Delhi, Mumbai people mostly have
flat roofed houses.


In Kerala, women decorate houses with Kolam designs
using rice flour and red clay. In Maharashtra, every
household in the state installs Ganesha idols, made out of
mud and painted in water colours, at home. In Gujarat,
people decorate their houses with 'Rangoli' and eat food
prepared from sesame. In Kashmir, the house boats are
well-decorated with intricately designed traditional wood
carvings, and the rooms are decorated with walnut wood
furniture and finest kashmiri carpets.


We should contribute in household work. We should help
in mopping and cleaning and keeping our house clean.
Before disposing garbage, it is important to separate
Biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste.
128 Olympiad Champs–Science
Waste material should be disposed properly in a bag.
Biodegradable materials like paper products,
biodegradable plastic, fruit or vegetable waste such as
the seeds, food, and organic matter should be decomposed
in green bags.
Non-biodegradable things like glass, wood, metal or other
electronic items should be disposed in a blue bag and
should be disposed into a trash can or recyclable bin so
that it does not cause harm to the environment.


Joint Family is a big family in which the father, mother,
children, uncle, aunt and cousins all stay together. The
nuclear family is a family that consists of mother, father
and their children.
We keep pets like cat, dog or birds like parrot and hen
in our homes. These pets eat meat, chapatis, or even
specially made food for pets. Apart from pets, insects
like mosquitoes, crickets, ants, bees, flies, bugs, fleas,
bookworms and even termites live in our homes. These
animals live in mattresses, in the corner of almirahs,
behind curtains and under beds. Generally, insects eat
anything, like other insects, leaves, fruit, grass, dirt,
etc., whereas insects like mosquitoes survive by sucking
human blood.

The surrounding area near one’s house is known as
neighbourhood and the people or families living near the
house are called neighbours.
The best thing to develop a sense of direction or to
remember places in neighbourhood is to look for landmarks.
For instance, try and remember your house is in which
side from the landmark. What lies in the way from your
home to your school? Similarly, while visiting new places,
take a minute to familiarize yourself before you enter
any building and try to look for architectural details. So,
North next time when you visit that place it will become easier
to recall it.
Look at the following directions:
West East There are four cardinal directions: North ↑ South ↓
East → West ←. We can go to any place with the help of
these directions. We also use some symbols in the map to
South show which things are there in our neighbourhood. Some
important symbols are like.
Shelter 129

A. 1. House

B. 2. Tree

C. 3. Hospital

D. 4. Gate

E. 5. Temple
130 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

level 1
1. Which of these is a kind of houses? [2012]

(a) (b) (c) (d) All of these

2. Houses that are made of bricks and cement are called____________ houses.
(a) Kutcha (b) Slanting (c) Pukka (d) Caravan
3. Study the following pictures:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Which among these houses was used by the early man?
4. In places of heavy rainfall, what kinds of houses are built? [Tricky]
(a) Tents (b) Caravans (c) Marquees (d) Slanting roof
5. Circle the odd one out. [Tricky]
(a) Villa (b) Mansions (c) Bungalows (d) Tents
6. In remote areas, houses are made of ________.
(a) bricks and cement (b) bamboo and wood
(c) charcoal and mortar (d) cloth and ropes
7. Our home provides _______ . [2013, Tricky]
(a) safety (b) protection from predators
(c) comfort (d) All of these
8. In Gujarat, people decorate their houses with ________.
(a) kolam (b) Ganesha (c) carpets (d) rangoli
9. Kolam is prepared using ________.
(a) wooden carvings. (b) rice and clay.
(c) sesame seeds. (d) mud and water.
10. We should contribute in ________. [Tricky]
(a) making our rooms dirty. (b) teasing others.
(c) cleaning our house. (d) troubling our parents.
11. Houseboat : Water : : Igloo : ? [Tricky]
(a) ice (b) water (c) sand (d) straw
12. In which state people are immense believer of Lord Ganesha? [2014]
(a) Kashmir (b) Kerala (c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat
13. The insects that live in our homes are:
(a) ants (b) mosquitoes (c) flies (d) all of these
Shelter 131
14. How can we keep our house clean?
(a) By sweeping and mopping (b) By littering waste
(c) By ordering others to clean it (d) None of these
15. A family in which the father, mother, children, uncle, aunt and cousins all stay
together is called __________.
(a) joint family (b) nuclear family
(c) happy family (d) none of these
16. Dust bins should be kept covered to keep away [Tricky]
(a) butterflies (b) bees (c) grasshoppers (d) houseflies
17. Bricks are used to build houses because they are [2015, Tricky]
(a) hard and strong (b) made of wood
(c) made of plants (d) free from germs
18. ___________ should be present sufficiently in a healthy house.
(a) Clean and fresh air (b) Sunlight (c) Mosquitoes (d) Both (a) and (b)
19. A/An ___________ can be made using the materials shown here.


(a) Igloo (b) Houseboat (c) Caravan (d) Pucca house
20. Which house is most effective in a place that is very hot and dry?  [Tricky]
(a) A house made up of bricks and mortar
(b) A house made up of ice
(c) A house made up of clay and thatch or coconut branches
(d) All of these
21. Sunlight keeps the rooms dry and free from :
(a) Germs (b) Dogs (c) Cats (d) Rats
22. Straw, bamboo, leaves and mud are the main components to construct which type
of houses?
(a) Kutcha house (b) Tent house
(c) Bungalow (d) Skyscrapers
23. Concrete is a paste containing  [2016, Tricky]
(a) Cement, sand and crushed rock (b) Cement and crushed rock
(c) Cement, sand and water (d) Sand and crushed rock
24. We can keep our environment clean by __________. [2015]
(a) Throwing garbage in water bodies
(b) Burying non-recyclable material for decaying
(c) Planting trees
(d) Burning dried leaves to reduce garbage
132 Olympiad Champs–Science
25. At an age of 7-8 years, which of these works you could do in your family to help
your family members ? [2014]
(a) You can cook food for them.
(b) You can earn money and bring things from the market.
(c) You can set table for meals
(d) You can paint the doors
26. Select the correct match. [2013]

(a) Caravan – (b) Kutcha house –  

(c) House boat – (d) Tent –     

level 2
27. What should be done before disposing garbage? [Critical Thinking]
(a) We should separate degradable and non-degradable waste.
(b) We should fill everything in polythene bags.
(c) We should throw garbage out of window.
(d) None of these
28. These days, we see more __________ families.
(a) joint (b) nuclear (c) happy (d) sad
29. Which of the following are the steps to dispose garbage? [2012, Tricky]
(p) Mopping
(q) Shopping
(r) Separating biodegradable from non-biodegradable items
(a) p only (b) q only (c) p and q (d) p and r
30. Refer to the given conversation between two friends. [2016]

Mala  : My grandma lives at a place where it rains daily, whereas my aunt lives in a
hot and dry place.
Shivi  O
 h really! At my place the weather is cool almost the whole year and it snows
a lot in winters.

Which of the following can most likely be inferred from their conversation?
Shelter 133
(a) Mala’s grandma lives in a stilt house.
(b) Mala’s aunt lives in an igloo.
(c) Shivi lives in a house with flat roof.
(d) Shivi lives in a mud house.
Directions (Qs. 31 to 32): Refer to the given symbols and select the correct option

d e f g
31. Ahmed and his friends were walking down a street to reach their school. Suddenly
one of his friends felt thirsty. Which of the given symbols will help Ahmed to locate
water for his friend?
(a) g (b) f (c) d (d) e
32. Rahul is visiting his friend who is admitted in a hospital. On his way to hospital,
he gets confused to take which route. He then studies the map. Which of these
symbols on map will help him in locating the hospital?
(a) d (b) f (c) g (d) e
33. From the following list find out how many pets are there and how many insects are

Bookworm, parrot, housefly, cat, ants, dog, mosquito, fish, rabbit, moth.
(a) 5 pets and 5 insects (b) 6 pets and 4 insects
(c) 4 pets and 6 insects (d) 8 pets and 2 insects
34. Houses made of mud and straws are ____________.
(a) pukka house (b) kuchcha house (c) any of these (d) none of these
35. If you are visiting a new place, then you should ___________. [Tricky]
(a) straight away enter the building.
(b) take some time to notice the building.
(c) complete your work and hurry back home.
(d) None of these
36. How can one remember new places in neighbourhood?
(a) By looking for landmarks (b) By recalling
(c) By asking people (d) None of these
37. If you are facing east direction, and you turn to the left, then you’ll be in which
direction? [Tricky]
(a) North (b) East (c) West (d) South
38. If you are in a museum facing south direction and you want to go to temple in the
west direction, then you should turn ___ [2013]
(a) Backwards (b) Left (c) Right (d) Go straight
134 Olympiad Champs–Science
39. Temple as shown in the given locality is at __________. [2013]

(a) North to W 

(b) South to Z

(c) East to Y

(d) West to X
40. Match the following: [2014, Tricky]
List I List II
A. Glass bottle 1. Non-biodegradable
B. Wood 2. Bio-degradable
C. Spoilt food 3. Green bag
D. Rotten apple 4. Recycle bin
(a) 2 1 3 4
(b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 4 1 2 3
(d) 3 1 4 3
41. Fill in the blanks: [Critical Thinking]
Neha studies in class III. During her summer vacations, she will go on holiday with her
family. Neha lives with her parents and grandparents. She lives in a _________family.
(a) nuclear (b) joint (c) single (d) None of these
42. Mark the statement which is incorrect.
(a) Houses that are made of bricks and cement are called Pukka house.
(b) Slanting roof is used in places of heavy rainfall or snowfall.
(c) Early man used to live in multi-storey building.
(d) Nomads used tents and caravans to live.
43. Mark the correct option:
A. In Kerala, women decorate houses with kolam designs using rice flour & red clays.
B. House boats are installed with Ganesh Idols
C. In Gujarat people decorate their houses with Rangoli
D. In house boat rooms are decorated with walnut trees.
(a) T F T F (b) F F T T (c) T T F F (d) F T F T
44. Choose the appropriate words from the options given below in box. [2015]
My name is Amit. I live in Delhi in a ___(1)___ house with my parents, grand parents,
uncle, aunty. We have a ___(2)___ family, last summer we went to Kashmir. We saw
___(3)___ on the Dal lake. Its rooms were decorated with ___(4)___ wood furniture
and finest Kashmiri ___(5)___ .
joint, nuclear, kuchcha, pukka, houseboat, igloo, walnut, carpets
Shelter 135
45. Mark the correct option. [Tricky]

Bio - Recycle
(a) (b)
Glass Plastic
Vegetable Fruits

Non bio -
degradable food

(c) (d) Rotten Recycle

metal paper apple

46. Mark the correct option.

A. We can recycle paper to make paper.
B. We can recycle glass to make glass
C. We cann’t recycle plastic and make plastic
D. We can wrecycle rotten apple to make fresh apple.
(a) T T F F (b) F F T T (c) T F T F (d) F T F T
47. From the following list how many are permanent houses. [2016, Tricky]

Bungalow, Tent, Castle, Igloo, Flats, Huts, Mansion, Treehouse, Caravan, Multistory

3 (b)
5 (c)
8 (d)
48. Houses which can float on water are called ____________.
(a) igloo (b) tent (c) house boat (d) none of these
49. Caravans are ____________.
(a) movable houses (b) permanent houses
(c) multistoried houses (d) bungalows
50. Eskimos live in snow houses called ____________.
(a) tents (b) houseboats (c) igloos (d) bungalows
51. People who keep moving from one place to another are called ____________.
(a) eskimos (b) nomads (c) citizen (d) moving people
52. Multistorey buildings are found in ____________.
(a) metropolitans cities (b) villages
(c) small towns (d) none of these
53. Arun was helping his mom in cleaning his room on a sunday. Suddenly their was a
knock at the door. When he opened the door he saw his friends who had come to
take him to the play ground. What should Arun do ?  [Critical Thinking]
136 Olympiad Champs–Science
(a) Scold his friends for disturbing him.
(b) Tell them to go to the play ground and that he will come later after completing the work.
(c) None of the above.
(d) Immediately run out with them leaving his mom alone.
54. Mark (T) True and (F) False.
I. A stilt house stands on wooden poles.
II. A tent is made of wheels.
III. An igloo is made of ice and snow.
IV. To reach a stilt house, lift is used.
V. We use car to reach our flat in a multistoreyed building.
(a) T F T T T
(b) T F T F F
(c) F F T T F
(d) T T F F F
55. Match the following columns. [Tricky]
Column I Column II
A. Sunlight 1. To let the smoke go out.
B. Chimneys 2. To sit and enjoy the fresh air and warmth of sunlight.
C. Verandah 3. Keeps mosquitoes and flies away.
D. Wire netting 4. Keeps the rooms free from germs.
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 3 4 2 1
56. The following description is about the special type of house.
These houses are found in cold countries. They have round or dome-shaped roofs.
Usually Eskimos live in these types of house. This type of house is called   [Tricky]
(a) stilt (b) caravan (c) houseboat (d) igloo
57. Campers, soldiers and construction workers use this type of house.
(a) A caravan (b) A hut (c) A houseboat (d) A tent house
irections (Qs. 58 to 48) : Identify the figure. 
D [Tricky]
58. I am mostly found in Kashmir Dal Lake.
(a) House boat (b) Igloo
(c) Tent (d) Huts  

59. I am made of _____________.

ice (b) cloth

wood (d) bricks
Shelter 137
60. House made of canvas cloth is
(a) tent (b) Igloo (c) house boat (d) All of these
61. How does the sunlight help us at home?
(a) By preventing cats from entering rooms
(b) By keeping rooms free from dust
(c) By keeping rooms free from germs
(d) By preventing rats from entering rooms
62. The house shown in the given figure is favourable for which of the following areas?
[2015, Tricky]

(a) Areas having heavy snowfall and rain (b) Areas having hot and dry weather
(c) Areas having regular floods (d) Areas having regular draughts
63. Select the correct match of the place and the house commonly found there.

(a) - Assam (b) - Kashmir

(c) - Uttar Pradesh (d) All of these

64. Which of these can explain the reason for mud houses being common in desert areas
like Rajasthan? [2017, Tricky]
(a) Mud houses remain comparatively cooler in summers
(b) Rainfall is very scarce in Rajasthan
(c) The roofs are made of thorny bushes
(d) Both (a) and (b)
65. Which is a stronger house?
(a) Multi-storey building (b) Igloo
(c) Stilted house (d) House boat
138 Olympiad Champs–Science
66. An igloo is a temporary house made by :
(a) Eskimos (b) Red Indians (c) Africans (d) Arabs

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d
66. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (d) People make different kinds of houses depending on their climatic conditions, their
lifestyle and financial condition. While poor people make kutcha houses, rich people
can afford apartments or villas. Similarly, while nomads use tents and caravans to
live as they move from one place to another, people who stay at one place live in
permanent houses.
2. (c) Houses that are made of bricks and cement are called pukka houses. Kutcha houses
are made of wood and bamboo. Slope or slanting roof is used in places of heavy
rainfall or snowfall. Different types of materials are used for slanting roof houses
like dry leaves, palm leaves or grasses. Even caravan is a temporary house.
3. (b) Early man used to live in caves. During those times, when technology had not
developed, early man used to live in caves to protect himself from weather and
wild animals. With time, human beings developed more advanced sources of shelter
or houses like apartment, caravan or houseboats.
4. (d) Slope or slanting roof is used in places of heavy rainfall or snowfall. Such kinds of
houses are built so that snow or rain slants off from the roof. These kinds of houses
are built with the help of dry leaves, palm leaves or grasses, or clay tiles, etc.
Shelter 139
5. (d) While villa, mansion and bungalow are pukka houses, tent is a kutcha house. Pukka
houses are permanent houses. They cannot be carried anywhere. In contrast, tent
can be carried anywhere. It is generally used by people who move from one place
to another. Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.
6. (b) In remote areas and mountainous regions, houses are simply made of readily
available materials like wood, thatch, bamboo etc. In remote areas, materials
like wood and bamboo etc. are easily available in contrast to materials like brick
and cement. Such houses are called kutcha houses. Bricks and cement is used
for making pukka houses. Similarly, cloth and ropes is used for making tents.
Therefore, option b is the correct answer.
7. (d) Shelter provides safety and protection from weather and predators. Shelter also
provides us comfort. After tiring day, we come back to our homes and relax.
8. (d) In Gujarat, people decorate their houses with Rangoli. Rangoli is a design made
with different colours in the house or at the entrance. Kolam is prepared by
people of Kerala and carpets are used mainly by people of Kashmir. Ganesha idols
are prepared by people of Maharashtra.
9. (b) In Kerala, women decorate their houses with Kolam designs using rice flour and
red clay. People decorate their rooms with wooden carvings in Kashmir. Sesame
seeds are eaten by the people of Gujarat. Mud and water is used by people of
Maharashtra to prepare Ganesh idols.
10. (c) We should contribute in household work. We should help in mopping and cleaning
and keeping our house clean. We should also try to keep our room neat and tidy.
11. (a) Igloo is built of snow and found in region of Antartica.
12. (c) In Maharashtra, every household in the state installs Ganesha idols, made out of
mud and painted in water colours, at home. People of Maharashtra celebrate the
festival of Ganesh Chaturthi with great fervour and zeal.
13. (d) Ants, mosquitoes and flies are some of the insects that can be seen in our homes.
Animals live in mattresses, in the corner of almirahs, behind curtains and under
14. (a) We should help in mopping and cleaning and keeping our house clean. It is not a
good habit to litter waste in and outside home. Waste should be thrown in dustbin.
15. (a) In joint family, father, mother, children, uncle, aunt and cousins all stay together.
Therefore, it is a big family.
16. (d) 17. (a)

18. (d) Sunlight and fresh air keep us healthy, thus a house should be made in such a way
that it has abundance of both.
140 Olympiad Champs–Science
19. (d) The materials shown in the picture are bricks and cement. They are used to make
strong and permanent house called pucca house.

20. (c) A house made up of clay and thatch or coconut branches is most effective in a
place that is very hot and dry. Thick walls made of clay dissipate heat and keep
the indoor temperature low. Thatch efficiently drains rainwater, excludes wind
and acts as a very effective insulator against transfer of heat.

21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (a)

24. (c) Throwing of garbage in waterbodies will pollute the water. Non-recyclable materials
will not decay by burying and will deteriorate the soil. Burning of dried leaves will
pollute the air. We can keep our environment clean by planting trees.
25. (c) 26. (c)
27. (a) Before disposing garbage, it is important to separate degradable waste and non-
degradable. Biodegradable materials like paper products, fruit or vegetable waste
should be decomposed in green bags. In contrast, non-biodegradable things like
glass, wood, metal should be disposed off in a blue bag in recyclable bin.
28. (b) Today, we see more nuclear families around us. People need to move out of their
native homes and away from parents in search of job to big cities. Where they
have to manage without their parents and families, started become nuclear/small.
29. (d) Shopping means to buy things. It is not part of the cleaning processs. We should
clean our homes first by mopping and collecting waste. Secondly, before disposing
garbage we should separate biodegradable items, from non-biodegradable items
and then should dispose them separately.
30. (a) Stilt houses are commonly found at places where it rains heavily and almost daily
and floods are of common occurrence. As these houses are raised on poles above
the ground, flood water does not enter these houses.
31. (a) The symbol ‘g’ is of a well. As Ahmed’s friend is thirsty, he needs water to drink,
so symbol ‘g’ will help them to locate water.
32. (a) The symbol ‘d’ represents a hospital and it would help Rahul in locating the hospital.
33. (a) Insects : Bookworm, housefly, ants, mosquito, ants
Pets: Parrot, cat, dog, fish, rabbit
34. (b) Kuchcha houses are made of mud and straw.
35. (b) If you are visiting a new place, then you should take some time to notice the
building. Before you enter any building, try to look for architectural details. So,
next time when you visit that place it will become easier to recall it.
Shelter 141
36. (a) The best thing to develop a sense of direction or to remember places in
neighbourhood is to look for landmarks.
37. (a) E 38. (c) W 39. (a)

40. (b) Spoilt food and rotten apple both are biodegradable and can be disposed in a green
bag. Therefore, ‘spoilt food’ or ‘rotten apple’ can be either matched with ‘green
bag’ or ‘biodegradable’. Similarly, glass bottle and wood both are non-biodegradable
and should be disposed in recycle bin. Therefore, ‘wood’ and ‘glass bottle’ can be
matched with either of the two options ‘non-biodegradable or recycle bin.’

50. (b) Joint Family is a big family in which the father, mother, children, uncle, aunt and
cousins all stay together. Neha lives with her parents and grandparents, therefore,
she is living in a joint family. Therefore, option b is the correct answer.

42. (c) Multi storey building are modern world concept.

43. (a)

44. 1. Pukka 2. Joint 3. Houseboat 4. Walnut

5. Carpets

45. (b) Glass and plastic both can be recycled.

46. (a) Paper and glass both can be recycled. Plastic can also be recycled. Rotten apple
cannot be recycled.

47. (d) Bungalow, Flats, Mansion, Multi-storey Building.

48. (c) Houseboats are houses built on boats and can float in water.
49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (b) 52. (a)
53. (b) We should first finish our work and then go to play.
54. (b) I. A stilt houses stand on wooden poles.
II. A tent is made using polythene sheets.
III. An igloo is made of ice and snow.
IV. To reach a stilt house, no lift is used.
V. We use lift to reach our flat in a multi-storeyed building.
55. (c) Sunlight keeps the rooms free from germs.
Chimneys let the smoke go out.
Verandah is used to sit and enjoy the fresh air and warmth of sunlight.
Wire netting keeps the mosquitoes and flies away.
142 Olympiad Champs–Science
56. (d) Igloo is found in cold countries.
Stilt is a house made on long pieces of wood or metal.
A caravan is a house on wheels.
A wooden house made on a boat is called a houseboat.
57. (d) A tent house is made up of canvas. It can be folded, can carried along easily.
Campers, nomads, soldiers and construction workers use this type of house.
58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (a) 61. (c)
62. (a) The house shown in the figure has sloping roofs which are favourable for areas having
heavy snowfall and rain. Snowflakes and raindrops slip down from such roofs and do
not collect on the roofs.
63. (d) Assam is a flood and rain prone area, so houses here are made on stilts. In Kashmir,
snowfall occurs in winter, so houses with sloping roofs are made over there. Uttar
Pradesh has moderate climate, so houses with flat roofs are made over there.
64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (a)
Food 143

DIRECTIONS : Answer the following questions.
1. Name the types of food that :–

(a) Help us to grow – ________________

(b) Provide us with energy – _______________

(c) Protect us from diseases – ________________

2. Write the name of one important place in India where these fruits are found.

(a) PINEAPPLES – ________________

(b) ORANGES – ________________

(c) APPLES – ________________

(d) STRAWBERRIES – ________________

3. Write three ways of storing food.

144 Olympiad Champs–Science

9 Food
Real Life Examples learning Objectives
v Many food such as rice, idlis, This lesson will help you to :–
momos etc are cooked by the v appreciate the cultural diversity in food.
process of steaming. v study about food derived from plants and animals.
v According to the age, the v learn about various fuels and vessels used in cooking.
diet of a person also varies.
v learn about various techniques of preparing food.
For ex. A small child takes
only milk and liquid food but v study about food for animals.
adults and young persons v Study about types of food and its nutrient.
have the capacity to eat
and digest various foods. quick concept review
• Like water, food is also essential for the survival.
• Every living organism needs food.

Amazing Facts

v The first soup was made of

v There are more than 10,000
varieties of tomatoes. C u l t u r a l D i v e r s i t y i n F ood
v Watermelons are 97% water,
• Like everything, food also varies from culture to
lettuce 97%, tomatoes 95%,
carrots 90%, and bread 30%.
• Across the world, different foods are prepared
using different traditional vessels, cooking methods
and ingredients which are popular in their culture.
• The foods we eat help to understand and connect us
to different worlds and to different times.
Food 145
For example. The English are associated with
fish and chips; Americans with hamburgers and
chewing gum and Italians with pizza and parmesan
cheese. Historical Preview
• In India, different cultures persist and accordingly
there are various food items.
For example. Kashmiri food, Gujarati food, Punjabi v The early man derived its first
food, South–Indian food etc are all examples of how food from the water in the form
of sea animals. And later on only
different cultures live on the same land.
he discovered various fruits and
vegetables in the jungle.
F ood s a n d i t s n u t r i e n t s v Earlier food was cooked by
burning the wood, coal or cow-
According to its function in the body, food is classsified dung.
in following types:-
v In the middle Ages, sugar was
1. Energy yielding foods a treasured luxury costing 9
2. Body building foods times as much as milk.
3. Protective foods
Energy yielding foods are rich in carbohydrates and fats
Example:- Pulses cereals, roots, tubers, dried fruits, oil,
butter, ghee, etc
Body yielding foods are rich in protein
Example- Milk, Meat, eggs, fish, etc.
Protective yielding foods are rich in protein, minerals
Misconcept/ Concept
and vitamins.
Example- Green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk, etc. v Misconcept: Meat is the best
source of protein
F ood f r o m P l a n t s v Concept: Many vegetarian food also
contain high protein like chickpeas,
• Plants are the major source of food. lentils, paneer, nuts etc.
• Plants prepare their food by the process of photo- v Misconcept: Coffee beans are beans.
synthesis using water, sunlight and carbon-dioxide. v Concept: Coffee beans are not
• Plants give us fruits and vegetables. beans. They are seeds.
• Several spices and herbs are also obtained from v Misconcept: Frozen fruits and
plants. vege-tables are less nutritious
than fresh ones.
v Concept: It’s true only if you eat
them right out of the garden. All
nutrient levels drop somewhat during
shipping and storage. Most frozen
fruits and vegetables are picked ripe
and immediately frozen, so actually
retain most of their nutrients.
146 Olympiad Champs–Science

Shortcut To
Problem Solving
v Dry fruits are the fruits that are
dried. Ex. Raisins are dried grapes.
They are dried to remove the
moisture from them so that they
can be eaten for a long time. Dry
fruits contain all the nutrients of a
fresh fruit.
v Frozen fruits are those which are
immediately frozen after plucking
so as to keep them fresh and to
P a r t s of P l a n t s t h a t a r e E a t e n
retain their moisture content.
Ex. Frozen berries. • Almost every part of a plant is eaten. But there is
hardly any plant that is eaten whole.
• Different parts of a plant that are eaten are- roots
(carrot, radish, turnip etc), stems (celery, lotus-
stem etc), leaves (cabbage, spinach, coriander etc),
seeds(ex. peas), fruit(cherry, mango, apple, pear
etc), flower(ex. Rose, saffron etc).

F ood f r o m A n i m a l s
• The food from animals includes milk, meat, eggs, etc.
• The products from milk are called dairy products.
For example: curd, cream, cheese etc.

• Poultry products are those which we obtain from

poultry animals such as hen. For example: Eggs
and chicken.
• Sea-foods are those food items that we obtain from
sea-animals. For example: Fish, shrimps, prawns etc.
• Food from animals is called non-vegetarian food.

food t h a t c a n b e e a t e n r a w
• Some food items can be eaten raw without cooking.
For example: fruits like apple, banana, grapes,
watermelons, oranges etc.
Food 147
• Most of the food items need to be cooked before
they can be eaten. For example: vegetable, meat,
fish, chapatis etc.
• Cooking makes the food tasty, healthy and digestible.

F u e l s U s e d i n Coo k i n g
• Since many years, different fuels are being used to
cook food. For example: Coal, wood, cow-dung,
kerosene, LPG. LPG is used in modern households

D i ff e r e n t V e s s e l s a n d Co n t a i n e r s i n w h i c h
F ood a r e M a d e
• Vessels and containers of different shapes and sizes
are available for cooking.
• Vessels are made of different metals. Most commonly
used metals that are used for making vessels and
containers for cooking are iron, steel, aluminum, etc.
• Ceramics and glass are also used for making different
• Pans, bowls, flat-pans, pressure-cookers, kettles,
pots, boilers etc are all used in cooking.

W h a t do D o m e s t i c a n d W i l d A n i m a l s E a t ?
• Food eaten by domestic and wild animals differ
• Domestic animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, birds
etc eat food provided by their masters.
• Wild animals that live in jungles eat just about
anything from flesh of other animals to wild fruits
and vegetables.
• Nowadays, different food products are available in
the market especially for domestic animals.

V a r i o u s M e t h od s of Coo k i n g
• Various cooking methods include boiling, simmering,
steaming, baking, roasting and frying.

F ood H a b i t s A c c o r d i n g t o G e n d e r a n d A g e
• Small kids drink only milk and liquids.
• Males have more diet than females.
• Food habit depends on your culture, your family and
also your friends.
• Since early time, women have been associated with
• Our lifestyle determines our food habits.
148 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

level 1
1. Tanvi is making biryani for her family. From the following options, which of these
is not a plant product. [Tricky]
(a) Bay leaf (b) Saffron (c) Rice (d) lamb
2. Eggs, Chicken, meat are called as the ____________ food.
(a) poultry (b) animal derived (c) healthy (d) unhealthy
3. Which of the following utensil is not used for cooking? [2012]
(a) Glass (b) Pan (c) Pot (d) Kettle
4. Find the correct analogy. [Tricky]
Cake : Bake : : Idlis : ?
(a) Fry (b) Bake (c) Steam (d) Boil
5. For very small children, __________ is the best suited food. [Tricky]
(a) Noodles (b) Burgers (c) Milk (d) Pizza
6. Which of the following is not a dairy product?
(a) Cheese (b) Cream (c) Curd (d) Juice
7. Find the odd one out.
(a) Kerosene Oil (b) LPG (c) Coconut Oil (d) firewood
8. ____________________ is a fuel used for cooking.
(a) Water (b) Kerosene (c) Milk (d) Juice
9. Which of the following is not a method of cooking?
(a) Chopping (b) Steaming (c) Frying (d) Baking
10. Since time immemorial ___________ have taken the sole responsibility of cooking
in the households. [2013, Tricky]
(a) men (b) women
(c) both women and men (d) children
11. Males have more diet than _______?
(a) females (b) children
(c) animals (d) none of the above
12. The food which can be eaten raw is __________.
(a) rice (b) wheat (c) apple (d) meat
13. Select the best method to preserve green peas for a longer period, without much
affecting their taste. [2016]
(a) Drying (b) Pickling (c) Jellying (d) Freezing
14. Vegetables and fruits make us __________.
(a) healthy (b) weak (c) lazy (d) sleepy
15. People who do not eat fish, meat and chicken are called __________.
(a) non-vegetarian (b) vegetarian (c) carnivorous (d) omnivorous
Food 149
16. We get cereals, pulses, vegetables and nuts from __________.
(a) plants (b) animals
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
17. Which of these is an animal product? [2014]

(a) Egg (b) Corn (c) Pineapple (d) Mango
18. We eat different types of food. Food helps our body in many ways. Which of these
are called protective foods? [2012, Tricky]

(a)  (b)   

(c)    (d)

19. Which of these would give you energy?

Glucose (b)
(c) Butter Parantha (d) All of these
20. We will find protein in :
(a) Meat (b) Orange (c) Cucumber (d) Asparagus
21. A tomato belongs in which food group? [2017]
(a) Vegetable (b) Fruit (c) Cereal (d) Milk
22. The food which cannot be eaten raw is __________.
(a) banana (b) grapes (c) mango (d) fish
23. The easily digested food is __________. [Tricky]
(a) raw food (b) cut food (c) cooked food (d) none of these
24. Which of the following products do you get from the animal whose name is obtained
on unscrambling the given letters? [2016]
(a) (b) (c) (d)
150 Olympiad Champs–Science
25. Cereal plants are rich source of __________. [2015]
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins
(c) Fats (d) Vitamins and minerals

level 2
26. Across the world, there are so many different kinds of dishes that are native
to their place and people. Some dishes are just found in some places. The dish
becomes popular by its place. In India itself, there are various cuisines such as
Gujarati food, Rajasthani food, Punjabi food, kashmiri food etc. (Critical thinking)
(A) Why is there so much difference in the food across countries and even from
state to state?
(a) Because some ingredients are available only in some parts.
(b) Because of the cultural diversity.
(c) Because people do not want to try different dishes and only make those dishes
that are made in their native place.
(d) None of these
(B) Which of the following is the name of an Indian dish?
(a) Burger (b) Pizza (c) Noodle (d) Chapati
27. Select the INCORRECT statement. [2015]
(a) Preserved food has conditions suitable for the growth of germs.
(b) Reheating food again and again can destroy nutrients present in it.
(c) Old people need food that is soft and properly cooked.
(d) Growing children need more proteins to build strong muscles.
28. Roma is having guests over to her place tonight.
To serve them, she decides to make Russian
salad. Below is the picture of the Russian salad
that she made. Can you identify which animal
product did she
use in the salad. [Critical Thinking]

(a) Cucumber (b) Eggs (c) Tomato (d) Olives

29. Read the given passage. [2013]
Food contains substances which provide energy for survival and growth of our body.
These substances are called nutrients. Nutrients are grouped into carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, ‘L’ and ‘M’ Roughage and ‘N’ also form a part of our food.
‘L’, ‘M’ and ‘N’ are found in rich-amount in which of these ?
(a) Cereals and oats (b) Fruits and vegetables
(c) Milk and butter (c) Eggs and meat
30. Why is food regarded as essential? [2012, Tricky]
(a) Because it gives us energy and nutrition and help us grow.
Food 151
(b) Because we feel hungry.
(c) Because our body does not make food.
(d) All of these
31. Find the false statement.
(a) Food tastes same in all cultures.
(b) Steaming is a method of cooking.
(c) Kerosene oil is used as a fuel for cooking.
(d) Plants and animals both give us food.
32. Mark the Correct option [Tricky]

(a) Animal (b) Poultry


Milk Tea Egg Curd

(c) Leafy (d) Spices


Cabbage Carrot
Lettuce Clove

33. Fill in the following close test with the help of the given words [2013, Tricky]

Nutrition School Milk Fit

Breakfast Fruits Exercise Healthy

Children must eat ____(1)____ food for ____(2)____. It is important to have ____
(3)____ in the morning. It can improve their performance in the ____(4)____. Children
diet must include fresh ____(5)____, 2 glass of ____(6)____ every day. They also
need to do physical ____(7)____ to keep them ____(8)____ and healthy.
34. Which one is the healthy food?
(a) Pizza (b) Burger (c) Maggie (d) Fruits
35. Choose the correct option
A. Poultry products are those which we obtain from poultry animals such as hen e.g.
egg and chicken.
B. Sea foods are those food items that we obtain from sea animals e.g. fish, shrimps,
prawns etc.
C. Frozen fruits are those which are not immediately frozen after plucking.
152 Olympiad Champs–Science
D. Dry fruits are those which are fresh fruits.

TTFF (b)
FFTT (c)
TFTF (d)
36. Choose the correct option
A. Plants give us fruits and meat
B. Rice is cooked by the process of boiling
C. Almost every part of a plant is eaten.
D. The food from the animals includes vegetables.

TTFF (b)
FFTT (c)
FTTF (d)
37. Match the following and choose the correct option. [Tricky]

List I List II
A. Butter 1. Carbohydrate
B. Meat 2. Calcium
C. Milk 3. Protein
D. Wheat 4. Fat
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 3 1 4 3
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 4 3 2 1
38. Several spices and herbs are also obtained from _____. [2014]
(a) animals (b) insects
(c) plants (d) none of the above
39. Various cooking methods include boiling, simmering, steaming, baking and ______?
(a) boating (b) roasting (c) kidding (d) rowing
40. Consider the following Statements and choose the correct option.  [Critical Thinking]
Statement A: Domestic animals eat food that is clean and healthy.
Statement B: Wild animals that live in jungles eat just about anything from flesh of
other animals to wild fruits and vegetables.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong
(c) Both the statements are correct
(d) Both the statements are wrong.
41. There are few vegetables shown in the picture. Looking at them can you tell, which
vegetable of the following is actually a seed? [Tricky]
(a) Carrot
(b) Tomato
(c) Peas
(d) Potato
Food 153
42. Vessels are made of different metals. Most commonly used metal for making vessels
and containers for cooking are iron, ____, aluminum etc .
(a) steel (b) paper (c) water (d) none of these
43. Statement A. If a food is cooked on the outside it will also be cooked on the inside.
Statement B. You must wash poultry and chicken pieces before cooking them.
(a) Only A is true (b) Only B is true
(c) Both A and B are true (d) Both A and B are false.
44. Match the plant with its part that is eaten. [Tricky]
List I List II
A. Lettuce 1. Fruit
B. Carrot 2. Seed
C. Cherries 3. Leaves
D. Peas 4. Root

(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 1 2 3
45. Food should be eaten __________.
(a) quickly (b) slowly (c) very fast (d) none of these
46. Which one of the following consists of plants with edible underground stems?
 [Critical Thinking]
(a) Ginger, garlic, potato and onion
(b) Turnip, tapioca, radish and ginseng
(c) Carrot, sweet potato, watermelon and ginger
(d) Water chestnut, peanut, walnut and hazelnut
47. We get food from __________.
(a) animals only (b) plants only
(c) plants and animals (d) none of these
48. Ajay wants to make noodles for his friends. But he is making for the first time.
There are several steps/processes involved in the making of noodles. The steps are
as follows. Arrange these in the correct chronological order to help Ajay prepare
the yummiest noodles. [Critical Thinking]
A. Sautéing onions, capsicum, cabbage, mushrooms in a pan
B. Pan frying the vegetables and noodles together.
C. Boiling / Steaming the noodles in water with a pinch of salt and a little oil.
D. Thinly chop the onions, capsicums, cabbage and mushrooms.
(a) A B C D (b) C D A B
(c) D B A C (d) C A B D
49. Which of these statement is not true?
(a) Food from animals is non-vegetarian food.
(b) Dairy and poultry yield animal products.
154 Olympiad Champs–Science
(c) All animals are eatable.
(d) Cheese is an animal product.
50. Which of these is NOT true for animals.
(a) Dog is a domestic animal.
(b) Domestic and wild animals eat the same food.
(c) Wild animals live in forests and jungles.
(d) Wild animals eat all kind of food including flesh.
51. Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
A. Fruits P. Fats
B. Corn Q. Proteins
C. Animal fat R. Vitamins
D. Nuts S. Carbohydrates
(a) S R Q P (b) R S P Q
(c) R Q P S (d) Q S R P
52. Shreya is a food lover. Her plate is always filled with a variety of food. Refer to
the given figure, and identify the type of food that is missing in Shreya’s plate.
 [2014, Tricky]

(a) Energy-giving food (b) Body-building food
(c) Protective food (d) None of the above
53. Junk foods like fried chips, pakoras and burgers are not considered healthy because
(a) They contain lots of fat and carbohydrate and less of protein
(b) They contain lots of protein and carbohydrates and less of fat
(c) They contain lots of fat and protein and less of carbohydrate
(d) They contain less of fat, carbohydrate and protein
Food 155
54. Reeta classified some food items in three groups, as shown below. [2015, Tricky]

Energy-giving Protective Body-building

Sweet lime Spinach Fish
Bread Pomegranate Eggs
Rice Orange Sugar
Which of these food items has she placed INCORRECTLY?
(a) Sweet lime and Spinach (b) Orange and Fish
(c) Sweet lime and Sugar (d) Bread and Eggs
55. We can have vitamins and minerals if we eat ________.
(a) Vegetables (b) Fruits (c) Protective foods (d) All of these
56. Select the cooking method which is different from the other three. [Tricky]
(a) Roasting chapati (b) Boiling rice
(c) Steaming momos (d) Frying puri
57. Foods like chapatti, rice and potato wedges are rich in _________.
(a) Carbohydrate (b) Protein (c) Vitamin (d) Mineal
58. Read the given statements. [Tricky]
1. Cooking makes the food soft, tasty and easy to chew and digest.
2. Reheating food again and again restores nutrients in the food.
3. Eating junk food very often can lead to health problems.
4. Old people need food that is hard and raw.
Which of these statements is/are INCORRECT?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 3 and 4 only (c) 2 and 4 only (d) 3 only
59. Which of the following methods of cooking are healthy for an obese person?
1. Baking 2. Steaming 3. Boiling 4. Frying
5. Roasting
(a) 1, 2, 4 only (b) 2, 4, 5 only (c) 3, 4, 5 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 5 only
60. Ravi suffers with constipation. Rahul has low immunity and falls ill frequently.
Seema is shorter than other girls of her age. The given options have scrambled
letter groups which contain the name of the nutrient the person needs. Select the
correct match. [2017]
(a) Ravi - OUGARHGE (b) Rahul – AARHCBOYDRTE
(c) Seema – ATF (d) All of these
61. Read the given statement and find out the incorrect one : [Tricky]
(a) Vitamin A is found in darkly coloured red, orange or yellow vegetables and fruits
(b) Rice, wheat, ragi, bajra, maize, jowar, barley, rice flakes, wheat flour : all are sources
of carbohydrates
156 Olympiad Champs–Science
(c) Milk protein is of good quality, and this is why milk is considered good for children
(d) Flesh foods include only meat and fish
62. This food group is our body’s best source of energy :
(a) Meat group (b) Fats, oils and sweets
(c) Breads and cereals (d) Milk and cheese
63. Which of these is NOT considered a nutrient? [Tricky]
(a) Vitamins (b) Minerals (c) Fibre (d) Fats
Directions (Qs. 64 to 65) : Refer the given grid. [Tricky]


64. Which of the following food products is hidden in the given grid?
(a) A liquid that is considered complete food
(b) A carbohydrate rich food that is rich in roughage also
(c) A protein rich food that is obtained from some birds
(d) A fat rich food product obtained from the plant which also gives coir
65. The cooking method involved in making of one these items is hidden in the grid. Select
that food item.
(a) Pizza (b) Idli (c) Momos (d) Samosa

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
Food 157
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1

1. (d) Lamb is an animal meat.

2. (b) Eggs, Chicken, meat are called as the animal derived food.
3. (a) Glass is not used for cooking. It is used for serving.
4. (c) Cake is made by the process of baking, similarly idlis are made by steaming.
5. (c) For very small children, milk is the best suited food for complete nutrition.
6. (d) Juice is not a dairy product. Cheese, cream and curd are all made up from milk
which is derived from animals.
7. (c) Coconut oil is the only one among the options that is not used as a fuel for cooking.
8. (b) Kerosene is used as a fuel for cooking.
9. (a) Chopping is not a method of cooking food. Chopping is the cutting of vegetables
into small pieces.
10. (b) Since time immemorial women have taken the sole responsibility of cooking in the
11. (a) Males have more diet than females.
12. (c) apple
13. (d) Freezing is a food preservation method in which food items are stored under a low
temperature that inhibits microbial growth and preserves food for a longer period
without much affecting its taste.
14. (a) Healthy
15. (b) Vegetarian
16. (a) Plants
17. (a)
18. (d) Protective foods prevent us from falling sick. They are rich in vitamins and minerals,
e.g., fruits and vegetables.
158 Olympiad Champs–Science
19. (d)
20. (a)
21. (b)
22. (d) fish
23. (c) Cooked food
24. (a) We get Honeybee on unscrambling the letter group given in the question. We get
honey, beewax, etc. from honeybee.

25. (a) Wheat, barley and rice are some examples of cereal plant. Cereal plants are rich
source of carbohydrates.

level 2
26. (A) (b) Because of the cultural diversity, there is so much difference in the food
across countries and even from state to state.
(B) (d) Chapati

27. (a) Food is preserved to protect it from germs and store it for a longer time. Various
methods of food preservation includes boiling, freezing, canning, drying and addition
of preservatives. All these methods does not allow germs to grow. Thus, preserved,
food has conditions that are unsuitable for the growth of germs.

28. (b) Roma has used eggs that are an animal product. She has used boiled eggs for the
preparation of Russian salad.

29. (b)

30. (a) Food is regarded as essential because it gives us energy and nutrition and help us

31. (a) Different cultures have different methods of cooking and thus food from different
cultures tastes different.

32. (c) Cabbage and lettuce both are leafy vegetables.

33. 1. Healthy 2. Nutritions 3. Breakfast 4. School

5. Fruits 6. Milk 7. Exercise 8. Fit

34. (d) fruits are healthy food rest of them are unhealthy food.
35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (d)
38. (c) Several spices and herbs are obtained from plants.
39. (b) Roasting
40. (c)
Food 159
41. (c) In the plate, only peas are a vegetables that is actually a seed. Tomato and baby-
corn are fruits whereas carrots are roots.
42. (a) Steel
43. (b)
44. (b)

List I List II
Lettuce Leaves
Carrot Root
Cherries Fruit
Peas Seeds

45. (b) Slowly

46. (a) Ginger, garlic, potato and onion are all stems that grow underground.
47. (c) Plants and animals
48. (b) Boiling the noodles, then chopping the vegetables, sautéing the vegetables and then
pan frying the noodles and vegetables together is the correct chronological order.
49. (c) All animals are not eatable. Some animals are poisonous and hence cannot be eaten.
50. (b) Domestic and wild animals do not eat the same type of food.

51. (b) Fruits are rich in vitamins.

Corns are rich in carbohydrates.

Animal fat are rich in fats.

Nuts are rich in proteins.

52. (d) Food rich in carbohydrates like bread, potatoes etc., are called energy giving food.
Food rich in proteins like fish etc., are called body-building food. Food rich in vitamins
and minerals like vegetables and fruits are called protective food. Shreya’s plate is
filled with all these types of food.

53. (a) Junk food like fried chips, pakoras and burgers are not considered healthy be-
cause they contain lots of fats and carbohydrates and less of proteins. This is
because too much of carbohydrates and fats cause an increase in body weight
and lead to obesity. Obese persons are prone to various diseases.

54. (c) Sweet lime and sugar have been placed incorrectly by Reeta. Sweet lime is a protective
food as it is rich in vitamins and protects us from different kinds of diseases. Sugar
is a source of carbhydrate, an energy-giving food which is required to do activities
like walking, running, climbing etc.

55. (d) Protective foods e.g., vegetables and fruits are those foods that protect us from
various diseases. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals.
160 Olympiad Champs–Science
56. (d) In frying, oil is used while in all the other three cooking methods oil is not used.

57. (a) Energy giving foods like chapatti, rice, potato, etc. are rich in carbohydrates. Body
building foods are rich in proteins and protective foods are rich in vitamins and

58. (c) Reheating food again and again leads to loss of nutrients. Old people need food that
is soft and properly cooked as they do not have strong teeth to chew hard and raw
food. Their digestive system is also weak.

59. (d) Frying of food needs lot of oil which is not good for an obese person.

60. (a) As per the conditions given in question, Ravi needs roughage rich food. Rahul needs
vitamin and mineral rich food and Seema needs protein rich food. Only option (A)
contains correct match i.e., ROUGHAGE for Ravi.

61. (d)

62. (c)

63. (c)

64. (b) The food products in the options are respectively milk (A), porridge (B), egg (C) and
coconut oil (D). Out of these, porridge is hidden in the word grid.

65. (a) Pizza is made by baking, which we can find in the word grid. Momos and idli are made
by steaming while samosa is made by frying. Both steaming and frying are not given
in the word grid.
Our body 161

I. DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions.

(a) Identify the two organs of the human body shown below.

(i) ____________ (ii) ____________

II. DIRECTIONS : Read the statements given below and write the names of
sense organs related to each.

1. Rahul does not want to drink the bitter medicine. ___________________

2. Anjali pulls herself back as her sister tickles her. ___________________

3. Pankaj waits to cross the road as there is a car coming. __________________

4. Neetu switches off the gas as the food starts burning. __________________

5. Father picks up the phone when it rings. _________________________

6. We withdraw one fineless when we touch hot pot. ___________________

7. We turn towards the side where horn is blown. _____________________

162 Olympiad Champs–Science

10 Our Body
This lesson will help you to :–
Real Life Examples v learn about the different sense organs of our body
v understand the functions of various internal organs
v How does the heart beat? Before
of our body
each beat, your heart fills with
blood. Then its muscle contracts v study skeletal system, nervous system, muscular
to squirt the blood along. When system, respiratory system, digestive system and
the heart contracts, it squeezes — circulatory system.
try squeezing your hand into a fist. v study the function of heart.
That’s sort of like what your heart
does so it can squirt out the blood. QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW
Your heart does this all day and all
night, all the time. The heart is one Our body is an amazing machine. Each and every part
hard worker! works perfectly in coordination with each other. Our
body is made up of different parts called organs. Each
and every organ has its own role to play.
1. Sense organs: There are five sense organs namely
eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin which help us to
see, hear, smell, taste and feel respectively. They
take messages from outside and send them to our
brain through nerves. Our brain after receiving
these messages order different organs to work
Cranium Sense
Mandible Organs
Vertebrae Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Skin

Femur 2. Skeletal system: All the bones of our body together

form skeletal system and form the framework of
Tibia Fibula the body. It gives shape to the body and supports
body to stand, sit, and walk.
The adult human skeletal system consists of 206
bones. Human infants are born with 300 to 350 bones,
Skeletal System some of which fuse together as the body develops.
Our body 163
By the time most children reach the age of 9 they
have 206 bones. The skeletal system performs vital
functions — support, movement, protection, blood
cell production, calcium storage.
3. Nervous system: Nervous system consists of brain
and nerves. Made up of your brain, your spinal cord,
and an enormous network of nerves that spread
throughout your body, nervous system is the
control center for your entire body. Your brain uses
information it receives from your nerves to coordinate
all of your actions and reactions. It controls all your
actions of seeing, hearing, speaking, thinking etc.
4. Muscular system: Muscular system is made up of Nervous System
muscles. On average, probably 40% of your body
weight is in muscles. You have over 630 muscles that
move you. Without muscles you couldn’t open your
mouth, speak, shake hands, walk, talk, or move your
food through your digestive system. There would be
no smiling, blinking, breathing. Muscular System
5. Respiratory system: The work of your respiratory
system is very simple; it brings oxygen into your body,
and removes the carbon dioxide from your body. Your
body needs oxygen to survive. The main organs in your
respiratory system are your lungs. Your lungs are, in
Lungs Trachea
their simplest form, nothing more than sacs. As you
breathe in, you fill these sacs with fresh oxygen-rich
air. Your heart pumps blood into the walls of your lungs
where it absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
As you exhale, or breathe out, you release the carbon
dioxide-rich air into the space around you. With each
breath you take, you are taking oxygen in, and putting Diaphragm
carbon dioxide out. From your lungs, blood returns
Respiratory System
back into your heart where it is pumped out to the
rest of your body, carrying oxygen along with it.
6. Digestive system: The digestive system allows your
body to get nutrients and energy it needs from the
foods you eat. The food we eat is in the complex
form. The body cannot use it till it is broken down
into a simple form. The organs of the digestive
system break down food into a simple form. The
digestive juices in the stomach help to make it into
a soluble form. The food is now digested and easily
absorbed by the villy of small intestine into blood.


 An adult’s intestines are at least 25 feet. Be glad Digestive System
you’re not a full-grown horse ... their coiled-up
intestines are 89 feet long!
164 Olympiad Champs–Science
 Chewing food takes 5-30 seconds
 Swallowing takes about 10 seconds
Amazing Facts
 It takes 3 hours for food to move through the
 In your lifetime, your digestive system may handle
v You have over 30 facial muscles about 50 tons of food!!
which create looks like surprise,
happiness, sadness, and frowning. Digestive Diseases How To Prevent
v Eye muscles are the busiest Digestive Diseases
muscles in the body. Scientists Uneasiness and indigestion We should eat healthy
estimate they may move more causes due to overeating or food, i.e. lots of green
than 100,000 times a day! not chewing food properly. vegetables and fruits. Food
v The largest muscle in the body Diarrhoea and vomiting should not be eaten fast;
is the gluteus maximum muscle in occurs when germs or rather it should be chewed
the buttocks. bacteria enter the body properly. We should also
through infected food. drink plenty of water for
proper digestion of food

7. Excretory system: This system helps in removing

Misconcept/ Concept wastes from your body. The kidneys, lungs and skin
helps in removing wastes from your body in the form
v Misconcept: While sleeping you
of urine, carbon dioxide and sweat respectively.
can smell.
Concept: You have no sense of 8. The Heart and Circulatory system:
smell when you’re sleeping The heart and circulatory system
v Misconcept: Babies can see
make up the network that delivers
every-thing when they are blood to the body tissues. With each
born heartbeat, blood is sent throughout
our bodies, carrying oxygen and
Concept: All babies are colour
blind when they are born ,so they nutrients to all of our cells. The
only see black & white circulatory system is composed
of the heart and blood vessels,
v Misconcept: Bones are very hard
and solid
including arteries, veins and capillaries. Your heart
is really a muscle. It is located a little to the left of
Concept: The outside of a bone are the middle of your chest, and it’s about the size of
hard; but they are light and soft
your fist. Your heart is like a pump or two pumps in
inside. They are about 75% water.
one. The right side of your heart receives blood from
the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of
the heart does the exact opposite: It receives blood
from the lungs and pumps it out to the body.
9. Reproductive System : Living organism produces
young ones of its own kind to increase its number and
to maintain the balance in the nature. Reproductive
system performs the process of reproduction.
Reproductive system is very essential for new life.
Our body 165

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The organ in the diagram helps us in __________ .
(a) seeing (b) hearing
(c) smelling (d) eating
2. The organ illustrated in the following diagram is __________ . [2012]
(a) heart (b) lungs
(c) kidneys (d) stomach
3. How many bones are present in a human body?
(a) 200 (b) 150 (c) 206 (d) 350
4. The bone present inside the head is called __________ .
(a) skull (b) spine
(c) rib cage (d) vertebral column
5. Find the odd one out. [Tricky]
(a) Eyes (b) Nose (c) Ears (d) Heart
6. Digestive system : Digestion :: Muscular system : ?
(a) Respiration (b) Muscles (c) Excretion (d) Bones
7. __________ makes our bones and muscles strong.[2016]
(a) Swimming (b) Sleeping
(c) Listening to music (d) Playing games like ludo
8. Which one of the following systems is responsible for producing young ones of its own
(a) Excretory system (b) Circulatory system
(c) Muscular system (d) Reproductive system
9. Which one of the following organs can be compared with the pump?
(a) Heart (b) Lungs (c) Kidney (d) Brain
10. Select the option which on unscrambling gives the term used for the supporting frame-
work of our body. [2015]
11. Which of the following is required by our body?
(a) Oxygen (b) Urine (c) Sweat (d) Carbon-dioxide
166 Olympiad Champs–Science
12. What controls all our activities of seeing, hearing, learning, thinking and feeling?
(a) Skeletal system (b) Muscular system
(c) Nervous system (d) Circulatory system
13. Which of the following organs help us in the sense of sight?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Eyes Nose Leg Ear

14. Which of these are used mainly for the sense of smell?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Eyes Nose Leg Hand

15. Support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage- they all are
part of which system. [2014]
(a) Skeletal System (b) Nervous system
(c) Muscular system (d) Respiratory system
16. The system which forms the framework for the body is __________ .
(a) circulatory system (b) excretory system
(c) reproductive system (d) skeletal system
17. Select the correct match among the following. [2012, Critical Thinking]

(a) A spongy pump for gases - (b) A muscular bag for food -

(c) A muscular pump - (d) All of these

18. Which organs are parts of the digestive system? [2016]

I. Stomach II. Small intestine III. Lungs IV. Blood
(a) I and IV (b) II and IV (c) I and II (d) I, II and IV
19. Number of bones in human skeletal system is :
(a) 206 (b) 208 (c) 306 (d) 308
Our body 167
20. The number of muscles present in our body is :
(a) 700 (b) 600 (c) 106 (d) 206
21. Kidneys : Excretory system :: Intestine : ?
(a) Respiratory (b) Muscular (c) Digestive (d) Circulatory
22. Which organ of our body belongs to both the respiratory and the excretory system?
(a) Lungs (b) Skin (c) Kidneys (d) Intestine
23. Which of the following organs is NOT used during digestion?
(a) pancreas (b) stomach (c) lungs (d) liver

24. Each bone has a particular job. What is the job of the skull?
(a) Pumps blood to the brain (b) Tells the brain what to do
(c) Helps the body to make decisions (d) Protects the brain
25. What is the main function of the respiratory system?
(a) To break food down (b) Supply the blood with oxygen
(c) Circulate the blood (d) To digest the food
26. How does the respiratory system deliver oxygen to different parts of the body?
[2012, Tricky]
(a) By breathing (b) Through circulation
(c) By inhaling carbon-dioxide (d) By inhaling nitrogen
27. The flow diagram given below represents which one of the following system? [Tricky]
Mouth → Food pipe → Stomach → Small intestine → large intestine
(a) Digestive System (b) Respiratory System
(c) Sensory System (d) Nervous System
28. Pick the incorrect match
(a) A blocked nose → the breathing system
(b) An upset stomach → the digestive system
(c) A heart attack → the muscular system
(d) A fractured leg → the skeletal system
29. On average 40% of your body weight is in______. [Tricky]
(a) Bones (b) Nerves (c) Muscles (d) Blood
30. The heart pumps blood into tubes called ______ .
(a) blood vessels (b) cells (c) nerves (d) all of the above
31. Roshan wants to become healthier. Which of these would not help him ?
[Critical Thinking]
(a) Regular exercise (b) Eating healthy food
(c) Using car instead of walking (d) Drinking lots of water and juice.
32. Which sense organ will help you to :
A. find if sugar has been added to your cold coffee or not.
168 Olympiad Champs–Science
(a) Ear (b) Eyes (c) Tongue (d) Skin
B. find a candle in a dark room.
(a) Ear (b) Eyes (c) Tongue (d) Skin
33. Directions: Using the clues unscramble the letters and find the organ systems.
 [2013, Tricky]
A. Our body gets its shape from _________.
(a) nervous (b) circulatory (c) skeletal (d) reproductive
Young ones are produced by _________.
(a) circulatory (b) reproductive (c) nervous (d) skeleton
34. Try solving the following riddles and choose the best option? [Critical Thinking
A. I hold your body parts. I have pores so sweat can escape your body. I am filled
with nerves that help you to sense temperature and feel the things around you.
What am I ?
(a)  Large intestine (b) Skin
(c)  Lungs (d) Liver
B. I am always moving and I never get tired. I pump blood to all parts of your body.
What am I ?
(a) Liver (b) Heart (c) Kidneys (d) Stomach
C. We take oxygen that your body needs from the air and put it in your blood stream.
We also take carbon dioxide that is in your blood and send it out of your body.
What are we ?
(a) Stomach (b) Heart (c) Kidneys (d) Lungs
D. We give your body support and structure. We also protect your body’s softer organs.
We have a substance filled inside called ‘marrow’. What are we ?
(a)  Veins (b) Nerves
(c)  Bones (d) None of these
35. Blood is important to body because _________ .
(a) it picks up useful parts of food from the intestine.
(b) it helps to break down food into small pieces
(c) it picks up oxygen from the lungs
(d) both (a) and (c)
36. Our stomach is located :
(a) in the head. (b) in the left side of the body.
(c) in the right side of the body. (d) below the abdomen.
37. Heart beats faster when which of the following activity is performed? [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

running sitting eating reading

Our body 169
38. Consider the following statements as true or false and mark the correct option
A. Our skeleton helps to protect delicate organs in our body.
B. Different parts of the tongue are sensitive to different tastes.
C. Some of our sense organs do not have nerves in them.
D. Light enters the eye through the iris.
(a) FFTT (b) TFTF (c) TTFF (d) FTFT
39. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word. [Tricky]

There are ___(A)___ bones in a grown up skeleton. The largest bone in our skeleton
is called the ___(B)___ and it is located on the upper part of our leg. Our feet and
___(C)___ have almost half of all of the bones in our body. Joints are where the bones
meet, our ___(D)___ allow us to move and bend. We have bone marrow inside our bones.
The bone marrow is what makes our ___(E)___ . 
A. (a) 208 (b) 206 (c) 209 (d) 205
B. (a) femur (b) lemur (c) patella (d) tibia
C. (a) skull (b) face (c) hands (d) legs
D. (a) eyes (b) legs (c) waist (d) joints
E. (a) blood (b) sugar (c) salt (d) urine
40. Vijay got stomachache. Which of the following could be the reason ?
(a) He ate food at seven in the evening
(b) He drank water after eating food.
(c) He did not chew the food properly
(d) He did not wash his hands properly after eating food.

41. Our stomach expands when the food enters and contracts when it goes out.
Thus the stomach can expand and contract. This is possible because our stomach is
made of:
(a) bones (b) muscles (c) blood (d) iron
42. Riya is running fast to overtake his brother Ayush who is 100 metre ahead of her. Her
heart beat __________. [Critical Thinking]
(a) would be slower (b) would be faster
(c) would beat 72 times a minute (d) none of these
43. Organ Carbon [Tricky]

Above diagram represents an organ which takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide.
Name the organ.
(a) Small intestine (b) Kidneys (c) Lungs (d) Stomach
170 Olympiad Champs–Science
44. Match the following

List I List II
A. Kidneys 1. Sweat
B. Lungs 2. Urine
C. Skin 3. Carbon dioxide
(a) 1 2 3 (b) 2 3 1
(c) 3 1 2 (d) 3 2 1
45. Sohan went for a party with his family. Suddenly his younger sister started crying
and said that she is having stomachache. What should Sohan do to make her feel
comfortable?. [Critical Thinking]
(a) Take her to the doctor. (b) Take her to the police station
(c) Get some spicy food for her. (d) None of the above.
46. Sameer uses dumbbell to exercise daily. Which body systems are involved in bending
and straightening of his arm? [2014, Tricky]
(a) Muscular and Excretory systems
(b) Digestive and Nervous systems
(c) Muscular and Skeletal systems
(d) Skeletal and Reproductive systems

47. Rita could not have babies. There is a problem in her ________. [2015]
(a) Respiratory system (b) Circulatory system
(c) Reproductive system (d) Digestive system
48. Our sense organs take messages from outside and send them to our brain. Our
brain after receiving these messages order different organs to work accordingly.
Sense organs

Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Skin

Which one of the following organs sends message to the brain?

(a) Heart (b) Lungs (c) Skin (d) Nerves

49. Which one of the following organs does the skull protects?

(a) Ears (b) Nose z
(c) Eyes (d) Brain
Our body 171
50. Look at the picture of the human skeletal system below. [2015, Tricky]

Which one of the following represents the parts of the skeletal system correctly?
(a) Skull Backbone Hip bone Leg bone
(b) Skull Ribcage Backbone Thigh bone
(c) Skull Backbone Ribcage Leg bone
(d) Cheek bone Ribcage Backbone Thigh bone
51. Rohan was playing with his friends suddenly he fell down and broke his ribcage.
Which of his organs are now in danger?
I. Small intestine II. Large intestine III. Heart IV. Lungs
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) II and IV (d) III and IV
52. Select the one that does not belong to that organ system to which the other three
(a) Brain (b) Spinal cord (c) Nerves (d) Lungs
53. _________ is the only organ system that consists of different organs in a man and
a woman.
(a) Nervous system (b) Reproductive system
(c) Circulatory system (d) Respiratory system
54. To break a glass tile by hands, on needs to use one’s _________ system. [Tricky]
(a) Reproductive (b) Skeletal (c) Muscular (d) Both (b) and (c)
55. Naveen fainted in school playground while playing. The doctor said that his brain
did not get proper oxygen supply.
It means that his __________ system may have a problem.
(a) Reproductive (b) Circulatory (c) Skeletal (d) Excretory
56. Riddhi ran to open the door when her father rang the bell. She used her sense of
(a) Hearing (b) Seeing (c) Touching (d) Tasting
172 Olympiad Champs–Science
57. Match the columns and select the correct option.
Column I Column II
(A) Excretory system 1. Kidney
(B) Digestive System 2. Blood
(C) Nervous system 3. Liver
(D) Circulatory system 4. Brain
(E) Skeletal system 5. Heart
6. Bones
7. Lungs
(a) (A)-2, (B)-3, (C)-4, (D)-5, (E)-6 (b) (A)-1, (B)-3, (C)-6, (D)-2, (E)-5
(c) (A)-3, (B)-6, (C)-4, (D)-5, (E)-2 (d) (A)-1, (B)-3, (C)-4, (D)-2, (E)-6
58. Harmful substances are eliminated through the :
(a) Kidney (b) Lungs (c) Skin (d) All of the above
59. Sameer uses dumbbell to exercise daily. Which body systems are involved in bending
and straightening of his arm? [2016]

(a) Muscular and Excretory systems

(b) Digestive and Nervous systems
(c) Muscular and Skeletal systems
(d) Skeletal and Reproductive systems
60. Read the given conversation of ms. Zarrin’s pupils. [2015]
Garima : Priya, Your hair is so silky!
Priya : Garima! I like the fragrance of your perfume.
Beena : Why you both are making noise ?
Latika : Let them talk, we will watch this video.
Sense used by which pupil will also help her in differentiating hot coffee and cold drink.
(a) Beena (b) Garima (c) Latika (d) Priya

61. Look at the following picture carefully. Which of the following organs is/are
completely protected inside the following structure?

1. Heart 2. Stomach 3. Liver 4. Lungs

(a) 1 and 2 both (b) Only 4 (c) Only 2 (d) 3 and 4

Our body 173
62. Read the given sentences. [2015]
Air contains important gases like P and Q. We breathe in P and breathe out Q. Identify
the gases P and Q and select the correct option.
(a) P-Oxygen, Q-Carbon dioxide
(b) P-Nitrogen, Q-Carbon dioxide
(c) P-Oxygen, Q-Nitrogen
(d) P-Carbon dioxide, Q-Oxygen

63. How many kidneys do we have?

(a) Three (b) Two (c) Four (d) One

64. Read the given statement. [2014]

‘X’ is the only organ system which comprises of a different set of organs in male and
female individuals.
Which of the following is X ?
(a) Respiratory system (b) Circulatory system
(c) Reproductive system (d) Digestive system
65. Study the given flow chart. Which group does organ belong to ? [2013]

Organ System

d e f g

Digests and Works together Pumps Exchanges

absorbs food with the skeletal blood to gases for
for the use of system in order to every part the body
the body move the body of the body

(a) d (b) f (c) g (d) e

66. Read the given conversation and select the INCORRECT option regarding them.

Rohit : My nose is blocked.

Shiv : My eyes are itching because
some dirt particles entered in them.
Yogesh : I find it difficult to breathe
when the air is polluted.

(a) Rohit will not be able to distinguish fish curry and cardamom kheer by smelling them.
(b) Yogesh will not be able to distinguish silk cloth and jute sack.
(c) It is difficult for Shiv to distinguish black and blue colours.
(d) Both B and C
174 Olympiad Champs–Science
response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d
66. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (b) The organ shown is ear and it helps in hearing.
2. (a) The organ illustrated in the given diagram is heart.
3. (c) The human skeleton has a total of 206 bones. Number of bones are more in an infant
which fuses and becomes 206 as it grows older. Therefore, option (c) is correct.
4. (a) Skull is an immovable bone, spine lies below it. rib cage is the cage of bone in the
chest and vertebral column lies at the back. Therefore option (a) is correct.
5. (d) Except heart all the other three are sense organs.
6. (b) Digestive system : Digestion :: Muscular system : Muscles
7. (a) Activities like swimming, cycling, etc. and various exercises make our muscles strong.
8. (d) Reproductive system 9. (a) heart
10. (a) The supporting framework of our body is skeleton and it is formed by un-
scrambling option A. Option B, C and D on unscrambling give the terms MUS-
CLES, JOINTS and BONES respectively, which constitute the skeletal system.
11. (a) Oxygen 12. (c) Nervous system 13. (a) eyes
14. (b) nose
15. (a) Support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage-they all are
part of skeletal system.
Our body 175
16. (d) Skeletal system forms the framework for the body.
17. (c) Figure (c) is of heart, a muscular pump which pumps blood throughout the body.
Figure (a) is stomach which is a muscular bag for digestion of food and figure (b) is
of lungs which is a spongy organ for exchange of gases.
18. (c) Stomach and small intestine are parts of the digestive system. Lungs are the
part of respiratory system and blood is a part of circulatory system.
19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (c) Kidneys are associated with Excretory system and Intestine are with digestive

22. (a) Lungs 23. (c) Lungs

24. (d)
25. (b) 26. (b) Circulation
27. (a) The flow diagram given in the question represents Digestive System.
28. (c) The heart is the key organ in the circulatory system. In a heart attack the heart
muscle becomes damaged by lack of oxygen.
29. (c) On average 40% of your body weight is in muscles.
30. (a) 31. (c)
32. A. (c) B. (d) Skin can touch and feel.
33. A. (c) B. (b)
34. A. (b) B. (b) C. (d) D. (c)
35. (d)
36. (b) in the left side of the body.
37. (a) running
38. (c) All sense organs have nerves. Light enters the eye through cornea.
39. A. (b) B. (a) C. (c) D. (d)
E. (a)
40. (c) Uneasiness and indigestion causes due to overeating or not chewing food properly.
Food should not be eaten fast; rather it should be chewed properly. Vijay did not
chew the food properly.
41. (b) 42. (b) would be faster 43. (c)

44. (b) 45. (a) Take her to the doctor.

46. (c) Muscular and skeletal systems of our body are involved in different body move-
ments, e.g., bending and straightening of arms, etc.
47. (c) Reproductive system is responsible for producing babies. As Rita could not have
babies so, she must have a problem in her reproductive system.
176 Olympiad Champs–Science
48. (d) Sense organs take messages from outside and send them to our brain through
nerves. The nervous system controls all our actions like seeing, hearing, walking
and learning.
49. (d) Brain is protected by the skull. Skull is the hard cranium which does not affect
the brain whenever injury takes place.
50. (b) In the given picture of human skeletal system, A is the skull and it is a part of
the skeletal system that protects the brain and sense organs. B is the ribcage
that protects the lungs and heart. C is the backbone and D is the thigh bone.
Other options are wrong.
51. (d) Rohan got injured and broke his ribcage. The function of ribcage is to protect
the vital organs such as heart, lungs and liver. According to the options, heart
and lungs are in danger.
Small intestine and large intestine are generally unaffected as they are present
below the stomach.
52. (d) Lungs are part of the respiratory system while brain, spinal cord and nerves are all
parts of nervous system.
53. (b) Reproductive system helps in producing young ones. It consists of different organs
in man and woman.
54. (d) To break a glass tile, we need to move our hand forcefully. For this we need to use
our skeletal and muscular system.
55. (b) Circulatory system transports blood from heart to various parts of body including
brain. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to different parts of body and receives
carbon dioxide and wastes from them.
56. (a) Riddhi heard the sound of bell using her ears and then ran to open the door.
57. (d) 58. (a)
59. (c) Muscular and skeletal systems of our body are involved in different body movements,
e.g., bending and straightening of arms, etc.
60. (b) Rough and smooth objects can be differentiated by touching them. since, Garima
used her sense of touch to identify whether, Priya’s hair were silky or rough. She can
use the same (sense of touch) to differentiate between rough and smooth surface of
the objects.
61. (b)
62. (a) P-Oxygen, Q-Carbon dioxide. We breathe in oxygen. Oxygen helps in breaking down
of food, which gives us energy. Exhaled air (air we breathe out) has carbon dioxide.
63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (b)
Travel and Communication 177

I. DIRECTIONS: Match column I with column II.

1. Column-I Column-II

(A) Driver (i)

(B) Conductor  (ii)

(C) Captain (iii)

(D) Pilot (iv)

A- B- C- D-

II. DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct options.

1. We can send e-mails to friends and family through _____________
(a) Telephone (b) Computer
(c) Radio (d) Letter
2. Which among these is the oldest way of mass communication?
(a) Television (b) Newspaper
(c) Radio (d) Internet
3. Due to _____________ we can send or receive signals from space which are
essential for T.V. or Radio broadcasts.

(a) Connections (b) Satellites

(c) Internet (d) E-mail
178 Olympiad Champs–Science

Travel and
learning Objectives
This lesson will help you to :–
v understand the need of travel
v examine why and how people travel from one place to
v find out different modes of transportation.
v explore different kinds of communication.

quick concept review

We all go from place to place for our work, for studying;
to meet our relatives etc. Every morning you stand on
your bus stop waiting for your school bus. Your school
bus takes you to your school. Like this whenever we have
some work we go from place to place by using different
means of transport.
The 'means' taken from going place to place depend upon
the distance to be covered. The place which we intend to
go may be at a short distance or at a long distance.

Amazing Facts W H AT D O WE M EAN B Y TRAVEL ?

To travel generally means to go from one place to another.
We travel because of different motives. We travel
v The first railway track in india
was laid in 1853. alone, in groups, with our family or with our classmates
v The aeroplane was invented by depending upon the purpose of our travel.
the wright brothers
v First metro train ran on 10th may W H AT IS T H E NEE D O F TRAVEL ?
1963 in London.
v Moscow metro rail service is the We travel when we have to go to some place for our work.
busiest railway service where 55 There are various purposes like going to school, college
lakh passengers travel daily.
etc, we also go to different cities to meet our relatives,
v In India Kolkata was the first city
to avail the services of Metro in to spend holidays, on our school trips. We either go alone
1984. like when our parents go to their offices or we go with
our family like when we go meet our relatives, to attend
family functions etc.
Travel and Communication 179
We can travel short distance or long distance
• Either of short distance like within the locality or Historical Preview
within the city.
v Earlier in the past we did not have
• Or long distance such as out of city or out of country. the facilities of post offices or
phone. Then how did people used
WA Y S T O TRAVEL to communicate?
v In olden times when people did
The vehicle we use to travel is known as means of not have any other means of
transportation. The means of transport taken depends communication they used to
upon the distance to travel. With the increase in the use communicate their ideas and
views through symbols which had
of new technologies today we can travel to any place using
longevity of information. The
new means of transportation. In old times means of travel examples are cave paintings.
were very few like: v When the language was developed
Walking : In old times people used to cover long distances messengers were used to carry
on foot. Later they started using animals such as horse the written message. They used to
and oxen etc. carry the message either by foot
or on horseback.
Bullock Cart and Horse Carriages: They were used for v Carrier pigeons have also been
travelling in old times especially in India. Today they are used to transfer physical messages
used in smaller towns. from place to place.
People also use mules and horses to travel in hilly areas.
We use camels to travel in deserts.
Today we have plenty of options to travel. We can divide
them according to our travel on road, by air and through

Bicycle: You might have got a bicycle and had a ride on it.
We can use this while moving within our locality or over
short distances.

Car: We use a car to travel distant places or when we go 801435

with our family.


Scooter: This can be used to go to nearby places and

sometimes to distant places also.
Bus: We often use buses to go to our school. We also
take buses to go from one city to the other.
Trains: Trains are usually preferred to travel long
distances. But in some cities there are local trains too
which move within the city only.
We board the trains from railway stations. When you go
to a railway station you can see different tea stalls, book
shops etc. Trains run on the railway tracks which are
specially designed for them. There is a ticket collector
in train who checks the ticket of the passengers. He is
called the TTE (Travelling Ticket Examiner). The driver
of the train runs the train. There are coolies also who
180 Olympiad Champs–Science
carry our luggage for us. There is a lot of hustle bustle
on the platform. The venders keep coming in the train
and sells off eatables. Railway provides a cheap and fast
means of transport. It can carry lot of passengers and
heavy and bulky goods from one part of the country to
another. All the important cities and towns are connected
by railways. With the coming up of metro trains it is
easier to travel in day to day life.

For air transport we use aeroplanes. Aeroplanes are the
fastest means of transport. A pilot flies the aeroplane.
We board the plane from air port. However, air travel is
expensive. We can easily go to different countries, for
studying, working or just for travelling.

We can also travel in seas and oceans through ships.
They are also used to carry goods from one country to
another. They usually travel a long distance. Steamers
and boats sail along big rivers carrying passengers and
goods from one part to another. Water transport may be
slow as compared to other means but it is a cheap way to
transport bulky goods over long distances.
So we can say that we need to move from place to place
for different works and we use different modes of
transport to go as per our needs.
But what if we do not want to go to some place but we
need our message to be delivered?
In that case we take help of letters. We write a letter
Post e and put the address on which we want it to get delivered.
Offic Letter
Box We also put a stamp on it and post it in a letter box. The
postman collects it and takes it to the post office. There
sorting of the letter is done according to cities. After
being stamped again it is sent to the concerned city and a
post man delivers it to the address mentioned on it.
We also have the facilities of phones to deliver the
message. We can instantly deliver our message or can talk
to a person sitting anywhere.
Now a days we can give our message through computer
e- mail also. With the help of fax machine and computer
we can also send written documents to any place.
If we want to broadcast a message to a greater number
of people then we use media. For example radio is an
effective means to broadcast audio signals. Whereas
television can be used to broadcast both pictures and
Travel and Communication 181
Sign language Misconcept/ Concept
Usually we feel that people use sign language to communicate
with those who are deaf. However, there are many other • Misconcept: Cellular (mobile)
reasons also why such language is used. It can be due phones can work independently as
to language barrier i.e.; not understanding the other's they are wireless
language and also there are people who take a vow of silence. Concept: Mobile phones receive
This means they don't speak (even though they can). signals from the towers. When
• Sign language is any means of communication through someone makes a call the signals
are first received by the nearest
bodily movements, especially of the hands and arms,
tower and forwarded to the
used when spoken communication is not possible or respective mobile.
• Even the dance 'mudras' used by dancers is a form of
sign language.
182 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

level 1
1. To travel means __________.
(a) to take bath (b) to cook food
(c) to go from one place to the other (d) to study
2. Which of these animals were used for travelling in old times?
(a) Goat (b) Lion
(c) Dog (d) Horses and oxen
3. We post our letter in __________. [2012]
(a) hospital (b) school (c) letter box (d) aeroplane
4. On letters we have to __________.
(a) write the address to whom letter is posted
(b) paste our picture
(c) we don’t need to write anything
(d) none of these
Look at the pictures and tell what mode of transport it is showing.


(a) Air (b) Water (c) Land (d) None of these


(a) Water (b) Land (c) Air (d) None of these

Who am I? [Tricky]
7. I can fly in the sky __________.
(a) aeroplane (b) pencil (c) car (d) phone
8. I can only run on a special track __________.
(a) rickshaw (b) computer (c) train (d) all of these
9. You can travel through desert by sitting on me __________.
(a) computer (b) hen (c) camel (d) none of these
10. A pilot flies the aeroplane.
Tell whether the statement is:
(a) correct (b) incorrect (c) both (d) none of these
Travel and Communication 183
11. ________________ is the fastest way to send a message. [2013]

(a) Speed post (b) Telegram (c) Email (d) Postcard

12. Sound and pictures can be broadcast through __________. [Tricky]

(a) newspaper (b) radio (c) television (d) fax

13. A 'FAX' is used to:  [2014]

(a) make signals

(b) communication with dolphins

(c) send and receive copies of printed or written matter

(d) understand the communication between plants and animals.

14. In India, all major cities and towns are connected by __________.

(a) sea (b) road (c) river (d) none of these

15. The cheapest means of transport for long distance traveling is __________.

(a) train (b) aeroplane (c) car (d) none of these

16. The first railway track in India is laid in : [2015]
(a) 1753 (b) 1853 (c) 1953 (d) 1854
17. They are also called cellular phones :
(a) Hand phones (b) Mobile phones
(c) Telephones (d) Wireless phones
18. STD means :
(a) Subscriber Trial Dialer (b) Subscriber Trunk Dialer
(c) Subscriber Transmitted Dialer (d) Subscriber Trial Date
19. ISD means : [2016]
(a) International Subscriber Dialing (b) International Super Dialing
(c) Indian Subscriber Dialing (d) International Subscriber Dating
20. Which of the following is not a mode of mass communication?
(a) Newspaper (b) Television (c) Computer (d) Radio
21. The best method of communication with large cross-section of people is possible
(a) newspaper and radio (b) radio and telephone
(c) television and radio (d) telephone and television
22. Which one of the following is the most important in communication?
(a) Language (b) Sound (c) Telephone (d) None of these
184 Olympiad Champs–Science
23. Two means of transport (1 and 2) are given below. Identify them and select the
correct option regarding 1 and 2. [2014]

1 2
(a) 1 is a crane, which runs on land (b) 2 is a parachute, which flies in air
(c) 1 is a firetruck, which runs on land (d) 2 is a glider, which dives in water
24. The object shown here is related to ________.

(a) Post office (b) Railway station
(c) Bus stop (d) Telephone exchange
25. Select the odd one out, on the basis of mode of transport. [2013]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

26. ______ is used by solidiers to travel under water. [2012]

(a) Submarine (b) Sailboat (c) Cable car (d) Lorry

Level 2

27. Who checks the tickets of the passengers travelling in the train?
(a) Coolie (b) Rickshaw Driver
(c) Bus Conductor (d) Ticket Collector
Travel and Communication 185
28. Match the column: [Tricky]
Column A Column B
A. Camels can walk in 1. We can talk to a person without going to his place

B. Aeroplane 2. Through dance postures and paintings.

C. through phones 3. deserts

D. we can also communicate 4. flies in air

(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 3 4 2 1
29. What is the language used by blind to read? [2012, Tricky]
(a) Print letter (b) Cursive writing (c) Blocks (d) Braille
Fill in the blanks with suitable options given below:
Last week my mother received a letter which a ___(30)___ had delivered to our home. It
was from my grandfather. I asked my mother how it was delivered to our home only and not
anywhere else. My mother told me that our ___(31)___ was written on it. My grandfather
wanted me and my mother to go to his place and meet him. My grandfather lives in another
state. So to go there we had to board a ___(32)___. We went to ___(33)___ to board the
train. There was a lot of hustle bustle at the platform. We took a ___(34)___ to carry our
luggage. We boarded the train and reached our destination on time. We took ___(35)___
from station and reached at my grandfather’s place. [Critical Thinking]
30. (a) nurse (b) pilot (c) tailor (d) postman
31. (a) picture (b) full address (c) names only (d) none of these
32. (a) cycle (b) train (c) rickshaw (d) ship
33. (a) hospital (b) school (c) hotel (d) railway station
34. (a) teacher (b) cobbler (c) coolie (d) doctor
35. (a) cycle (b) aeroplane (c) medicine (d) rickshaw
36. Match the following and select the correct answer. [2013, Tricky]

(a) 1. Telegraph

(b) 2. Computer
186 Olympiad Champs–Science

(c) 3. Fax

(d) 4. Mobile phone

(a) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 (b) a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3

(c) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1 (d) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-3
37. Look at the various hand signs/mudras below. Choose the correct option as per what
you think they may represent. Put them in the correct sequence. [Tricky]
(a) Welcome, Victory, unity, all the best
(b) All the best, victory, welcome, unity
(c) Welcome, unity, All the best, victory
(d) Unity, welcome, all the best, victory
38. Which one of the following is not correct about bicycle? [2015, Tricky]
(a) It is eco-friendly and non-polluting transport vehicle
(b) It keeps rider fit and is a good means of exercise
(c) It requires no licence to drive
(d) It is a fast mode of transportation from one city to the other
39. Which of the following birds was used for communication purposes in ancient times?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Sparrow Pigeon Crow Parrot

40. Which of these activites are NOT done by the post man?
(a) Collect all posts from Letterbox
(b) Take posts to post office
(c) Take a letter from you and put it in the letterbox
(d) Deliver letters and other posts to respective addresses
41. Today's world depends mainly on:
(a) post (b) telephone (c) internet (d) all of these
Travel and Communication 187
42. Wright brothers (Orville and Wilber), who are credited for flying the world’s first
successful aeroplane, belonged to  [2016]
(a) Canada (b) USA (c) England (d) France
43. Which of the following is/are audio-visual mode of communication?[Critical Thinking]
(a) Television (b) Computer (c) Radio (d) Both A and B
44. E-mails are sent through:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Postal Covers Telephone Radio Computer

45. Rohan's younger brother was requesting his mom to take the car for shopping.
Rohan heard this conversation. He came in and explained his younger brother that
the means of transport depends upon the distance. What do you learn from Rohan?
[Critical Thinking]
(a) We should take bicycle for short distances.
(b) If possible we should walk down over short distances.
(c) Car should be taken only if we have to travel long distances.
(d) All of the above.
46. What should be the sequence if you have to answer in true or false?
A. A pilot delivers our letters.
B. The train runs on railway track.
C. Ships can cross the sea.
D. In olden times pigeons were used to send the messages.
(a) TTTT (b) TTTF (c) FTTT (d) FFFT
47. Which of the following is not a means of land transport?
(a) Helicopter (b) Car (c) Train (d) None of these
48. Match the columns and select the correct option. [2017, Tricky]
Column I Column II
a. Ship 1. Helipad
b. Helicopter 2. Airport
c. Aeroplane 3. Harbour
d. Steamer 4. Sea shore
5. Water transport
6. Air transport
(a) a - 3; b - 1; c - 2; d - 5; (b) a - 3; b - 2; c - 6; d - 5;
(c) a - 4; b - 1; c - 5; d - 3; (d) a - 4; b - 2; c - 6; d - 4;
188 Olympiad Champs–Science
49. Which of the following are means of mass communication?
(d) Internet (e) Radio (f) Newspaper
(g) Telephone (h) Postcard (i) Television
(a) (d), (e), (f) and (i) only (b) (d), (f), (g) and (h) only
(c) (g) and (h) only (d) (g), (f) and (i) only
50. Fastest means of transport

(a) (b) (c) (d)

51. Slowest means of transport is __________.

(a) Cycle (b) Bullock cart (c) Scooter (d) Auto rickshaw
52. Ships travel __________.
(a) long distance (b) short distance (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these
53. Who carry our luggage at railway stations? [Tricky]
(a) Vegetable Vendors (b) Coolies
(c) Pilots (d) Drivers
54. Look at the grid carefully. How many means of communication are hidden in the grid?
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
55. An urgent message is sent through a/an :
(a) Inland letter (b) Telegram (c) Postcard (d) Telephone
56. Select the INCORRECT statement about the means of communication related to the
picture shown here. [2015]

(a) We can send parcels any where in the world using it.
(b) We can buy stamps from here.
(c) We can send instant messages from here.
(d) We can also keep various kinds of deposits.
Travel and Communication 189
57. Match the statements of Column-I and Column-II and find the correct matching,
given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D. [Tricky]
Column-I Column-II
(a) For carrying people, logs and heavy trees (i) water streams
in forests
(b) For carrying goods and people in desert (ii) ponies and mules
(c) For transporting logs of wood in hilly areas (iii) camels
(d) For carrying people and field products in (iv) elephants
(e) For carrying goods and luggage in hilly areas (v) bullock carts
(a) (a)-iii, (b)-iv, (c)-i, (d)-v, (e)-ii (b) (a)-iii, (b)-iv, (c)-ii, (d)-v, (e)-i
(c) (a)-iv, (b)-iii, (c)-i, (d)-v, (e)-ii (d) (a)-iv, (b)-iii, (c)-ii, (d)-v, (e)-i
58. Renu’s grandmother got seriously ill in afternoon and needs to be taken to hospital
immediately. In such situation, which of the following modes she should most
preferably use in order to communicate to her father who was in his office?
E-mail (b) Letter
(c) Radio broadcast (d) Phone call
59. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) For long distance communication of events, television is used
(b) For instant written communication from distance, computer is used
(c) For communication between two distant persons, telephone or mobile is used
(d) For fast communication of news and events among masses, newspaper is used
60. Who am I? [Critical Thinking]
I am comfortable and safe.
I am fully air-conditioned.
I have automatic door opening and closing. I am fast tool.
Who am I?
(a) Aeroplane (b) Metro train (c) Car (d) Train
61. Read the discussion given below. Which option holds true regarding this discussion
?  [2014]
Sanjay : Railways involve high construction and maintenance cost.
Kunal : A few states of India lack a good railway network.
Amit : The construction of railways is very difficult and costly in flat land whereas
it can easily be done in mountainous region.
Rajeev : Areas with less industrial development cannot compensate the cost of
construction of railways, hence have less railway network.
190 Olympiad Champs–Science
(a) Only Sanjay and Amit are correct.
(b) Amit and Rajeev gave the reasons of Kunal’s statement.
(c) Sanjay and Rajeev gave the reasons of Kunal’s statement.
(d) Amit gave the explanation of Sanjay’s statement.
62. Sign language is any means of communication through Body movements especially of
the hands and arms, used when spoken communication is not possible.
In Indian dance forms, the dancers communicate through
(a) eyes (b) expressions (c) mudras (d) lip sync
63. What is INCORRECT regarding the given vehicle ? [2013]

(a) It is a special means of transport
(b) It carries special equipment and fire fighters
(c) It helps to put out fire
(d) None of these
64. Sometimes, a large number of people are to be communicated at the same time. It
can be done through the means of mass communication.
The most advanced means of mass communication is
(a) radio (b) telegram (c) telephone (d) internet
65. Which of the following holds true for water transport ?  [Tricky]
1. It provides door to door service.
2. Perishable goods like milk, fruits and vegetables are quickly carried by it.
3. It is very useful for transporting heavy and bulky goods.
4. It is a better mode of transportation for petroleum and its products as it in-
volves cross-continental transfers.
5. It is very useful at the time of natural or any other calamities for saving people
or supplying goods of their basic requirements immediately.
(a) 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 5 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 4 and 5

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
Travel and Communication 191
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (c) Travel means to go from one place to the other.
2. (d) Horses and oxen were used for travelling purposes in old times.
3. (c) Letters are posted in letter box
4. (a) We have to write the full address on a letter
5. (c) Cycle runs on roads (land).
6. (a) Ship moves in water.
7. (a) aeroplane can fly in the sky
8. (c) train can run only on its track called the railway track
9. (c) camel
10. (a) the person who flies the aeroplane is called a pilot.
11. (c) email 12. (c) Television
13. (c) send and receive copies of printed or written matter
14. (b) Road 15. (a) Train
16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (a)
20. (c) 21. (a) 22. (d)
23. (c) 1 is a fire truck, which runs on land while 2 is a glider which flies in air.
24. (a) The picture shows a postbox in which we put letters, postcards etc. It is related
to a post office.
25. (d) Bus is a means of land transport while the other three are means of air transport.
26. (a)
level 2
27. (d) Ticket Collector
28. (c) correct match is:
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 2
192 Olympiad Champs–Science
29. (d) the Braille system was created in 1821 by a Frenchman, Louis Braille. It is a method
widely use by blind people to read and write. Each letter or number in Braille is
made up of a cell that has up to six raised dots in two rows of three dots each,
which means 64 possible combinations. Blind people read Braille by moving their
fingers over these cells and feeling the letters and numbers.
30. (d) postman 31. (b) full address 32. (b) train
33. (d) train can be boarded from railway station only
34. (c) a coolie carries our luggage on railway station
35. (d) rickshaw
36. (b) a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3
37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (b) Pigeon 40. (c)
41. (c) Internet 42. (c) 43. (d) Both A and B
44. (d) Computer 45. (d) All of the above.
46. (c) correct sequence is FTTT
47. (a) Helicopter flies in the sky 48. (a)
49. (a) Internet, radio, newspaper and television are the means of mass communication.
Through these media, we can convey our message to large number of people (mass)
at one time.
50. (a) Aeroplane is the fastest. 51. (b) Bullock cart
52. (a) Ships are used to travel long distances.
53. (b) Coolies 54. (b) 55. (b)
56. (c) The given picture is of Post office which helps in the postal mode of communication.
We cannot send instant message from Post office. Instant messages can be send
buy internate, telephone, etc.
57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (d)
60. (b) Metro train is comfortable and safe. It is fully air-conditioned. It has automatic
door. It is very fast. It is new way of means of transportation.
61. (c)
62. (c) In Indian dance forms, the dancers communicate through mudras. These
mudras are very unique and understandable by other dance fellow.
63. (a)
64. (d) The most advanced means of mass communication is internet. It needs a second
to deliver a message.
65. (a) Water transport includes ships, ferries and submarines. Heavy and bulky goods
are transported by water transport and it also helps in transportation of
various items across continents, separated by large oceans and sea.
Work and Play 193

I. DIRECTIONS : Give one word answer for the following.

1. A person who designs buildings ____________________

2. A doctor qualified to practice surgery. ____________________

3. A person who practices law . ____________________

4. A person who sells food items in a shop . ____________________

5. A person who makes wooden objects

and structures. ____________________

II. DIRECTIONS : Fill the tables as required.

How many players are needed to play these games?

(a) Carrom

(b) Ludo

(c) Chess

(d) Kabbaddi

(e) Snake and Ladder


(f) Pithoo

(g) Cricket
194 Olympiad Champs–Science

Work and
v Many house helpers these days are
usually small kids from the backward This lesson will help you to :–
states/countries. These small children v learn about different occupations.
are sent by their parents to the v study about different type of work inside and outside
cities as they could earn more there
than in villages.
v For some people playing games is v learn to differentiate between working and leisure
their occupation. time.
For eg. Sachin Tendulkar, Virat v study about child labour and the need to go to school.
Kohli play cricket. Vishwanathan
Anand plays chess. v study about the tradition and games played today.
v Some games are played in groups v differentiate between indoor and outdoor games.
and some independently. Like cricket
v learn the importance of playing.
football, hockey, basketball played in
groups. (In basket ball 5 players play
at a time), where as chess, Tennis QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW
can be played independently.
• Occupation is a way of earning a living by doing some
• There are many different types of occupations
today. With specializations in every field, work
opportunities are expanding day by day.
Amazing Facts

v In neighborhoods without a park

or playground, the incidence
of childhood obesity increases
29%. Children with a park or
playground within half-a-mile are
almost five times more likely to • Some of the occupations are- actor, doctor,
be healthy than children without engineer, architect, teacher, cricketer, designer,
playgrounds or parks nearby. artist, farmer, scientist, lawyer etc.
• Work always does not earn you something. Work is
an activity involving mental or physical effort done
in order to achieve a purpose or result.
Work and Play 195
• Work is done both inside and outside home. Every
member of the family is involved in doing some work
irrespective of their age or gender.
• Women are usually involved in the household work
like cleaning, cooking, washing clothes etc. Nowadays
women are equally supporting their family financially.
• Men are usually involved in sturdy work like that of
electrician, plumber, mason etc.
• Children’s work includes studying, pursuing their
hobbies and playing. Playing is as important as work.
• There is a difference between working time and
leisure time. Leisure time is the free time for
enjoyment in which you could laze around, go to
shopping, movie or just pursue any hobby.
• However, there are some small children who are
forced to work. This is considered as child labour.
There are various reasons behind it but the main
reason is to earn and support their families. Children
who work in shops, as house helpers, on construction
sites etc are all working as child labour. The practice
of child labour should not be promoted. It is the right
of every child to get education and physical activity at
the tender age rather than doing work as a labourer.

Amazing Facts

• Playing games a very crucial part in the growth and

development of every individual. Playing teaches
to take challenges, develops sportsmen spirit and v Snakes & Ladders, one of the most
makes one more fit and alert. widely played board games, was
• Games that are played inside the house are called created by the 13th century poet
as indoor games. Ex. Cards, carrom, chess, board Saint Gyandev. Originally, it was
games, video games etc. known as ‘Mokshapat’. The ladders
in the game represented virtues
and vices were represented by
the snakes.
v Chess was invented in India.
196 Olympiad Champs–Science
• Games that are played outside the house in the open
are called outdoor games. Ex. football, basketball,
Historical Preview cricket, tennis, badminton etc.

v With time, work and play have also

changed tremendously. Earlier life
was much simpler because there
was not much technology. The
major occupations earlier were
that of doctor, engineer, farmer or
a teacher. But now with the advent
of technology and specialization,
the occupations are continuously
• Outdoor games make you physically fit.
changing. The games played today
are also different from what were • Games played today are different from what our
played in the past. grandparents or parents played. Nowadays with the
growing technology, children are more confined to
indoor games. Whereas our parents and grandparents
were more into outdoor games.

• Traditional games act as learning aids. They teach

us many things while playing like learning to win and
lose, develop sensory skills, count, add, improve
Misconcept/ Concept
motor skills, identify colour, improve hand-eye
v Misconcept: Only kids must play co-ordination and finally to have fun.
v Concept: Every person should play • Some of the traditional games are kabaddi, marbles,
some or the other game as it is
gilli or the indoor games like dhaayakattam etc.
stress relieving and keeps you
physically and mentally fit. • Many modern games played around the world have
their origin in these traditional games.
Work and Play 197

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Law: Lawyer::_______: Scientist [Tricky]
(a) Art (b) Science (c) Math (d) Psychology
2. According to the belief, ________ is supposed to work in kitchen and prepare food
for us.
(a) Father (b) Mother (c) Grand father (d) Younger child
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the proverb.
All _________ and no ______________, makes Jack a dull boy.
(a) Work, play (b) Work, sleep (c) Sleep, work (d) Play, work
4. Find the odd one out. [Tricky]
(a) Student (b) Electrician (c) Engineer (d) Doctor
5. In which of the following games, there are less than 11 active players in a team? [2012]
(a) Cricket (b) Hockey (c) Basketball (d) Football
6. Work is both inside and ________home.
(a) Underground (b) Outside (c) Backyard (d) Ground
7. What do we call a person who reports news on TV, radio or Newspaper?
(a) Journalist (b) Teacher
(c) Manager (d) Business Person
8. What do we call a person who defends people's rights in court?
(a) Policeman (b) Lawyer (c) Doctor (d) Engineer
9. Here we are talking about which sport? [2013]
Wickets, stumps, pitch, helmet, gloves
(a) Football (b) Tennis (c) Cricket (d) Badminton

10. When there is some fault in electricity we should call _________________.

(a) an astronomer (b) a carpenter

(c) an electrician (d) a plumber

11. The team members/any one playing a game are /is called a :–
(a) Player (b) Audience (c) Refree (d) Conductor
Directions (Qs. 12 & 13): Unscramble these jumbled words to get the correct word
12. The person who takes care of the patients in hospital - SUNRE [Tricky]
(a) RESUN (b)
SERUN (d) none of these
198 Olympiad Champs–Science
13. The person who manages everything in an organisation - ANMAEGR [Tricky]
(a) MEAGRE (b)
MANAGER (d) none of these
14. Chess: Indoors:: _______: Outdoors [Tricky]
(a) Video games (b) Cards (c) Soccer (d) Carom
15. For some people, playing is actually work. Below are some names of famous people,
Pick the name whose work is actually playing. [Critical Thinking]

(a) Dr. Manmohan Singh (b) Virat Kohli

(c) Amitabh Bachchan (d) Steve Jobs
16. Which of the following games was played by your grandfather but children usually
don’t play them today?

(a) Volley ball (b) Basket ball (c) Kabaddi (d) Cricket

17. Find which option should not be a part of a child aged 12 years? [2015]
(a) Studying (b) Playing
(c) Working to earn (d) Having fun.
18. How many players play in basket ball at a time?

4 (b)
5 (c)
2 (d)
19. The small children who are forced to work is considered as
(a) Player (b) Plumber (c) Child labour (d) Teacher
20. While playing a game
(a) leave when you lose (b) follow its rules
(c) wait for your turn (d) All of these
21. Namit was asked to pair one outdoor and one indoor activity. He made four pairs,
but he made one incorrect pair. Select the INCORRECT pair. [2015]
(a) Ludo and Carrom (b) Badminton and Table tennis
(c) Football and Chess (d) Both A and B
22. Refer to the given statement.
I self fresh vegetables and fruits. I am a __ R __ __ N G __ __ __ E R. Now,
select the option that contains the correct sequence of letters to be filled in the
above blanks.  [2015]
(a) F, U, I, R, O, C (b) G, E, E< R, O, C
(c) E, E, G, O, C, R (d) I, C, R, O, F, U
23. The given picture shows that Amaera’s grandmother is _______ sweater. [2013]

(a) Weaving (b) Knitting

(c) Tye and dying (d) Block printing
Work and Play 199
24. Select the INCORRECT match. [2013]
(a) Postman – Delivers letters (b) Cobbler – Mends shoes
(c) Teacher – Maintains law and order (d) Nurse – Treats people who are ill.
25. In the given pictures, who is a mason by profession?  [2012]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Directions (Qs. 26-28) : Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions
Radha is a very poor woman who works on one of the construction site to earn her living. She is
a young single woman with a son of age 11 years. The money she earns is not sufficient for both
of them, so she takes her son Raju along with her to the construction site to get him some
work. The construction manager gives him the work of transferring bricks from one site to
another. The construction manager is engaging in wrong and illegal practice. Instead of having
heavy bricks in his hands, he should be having books. [Critical Thinking]
26. The construction manager is engaging in which illegal activity?
(a) Child labor (b) Child abuse
(c) Unemployment (d) Child trafficking
27. Instead of going to the construction site, Raju should be going to __________.
(a) Chemical Industries as there is more scope of earning.
(b) Traffic signals as a beggar.
(c) Houses as a house help.
(d) School for studying
28. When some construction/ renovation work is going on, we usually
see a signboard depicted in the figure below. What does this
signboard mean? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Don’t play here. (b) Work in progress
(c) Unsafe area. (d) Help us.
200 Olympiad Champs–Science
29. Which of the following player is associated with
an indoor game? [2012, Tricky]
(a) Tiger Woods
(b) Sachin Tendulkar
(c) Vishwanathan Anand
(d) Roger Federer
30. Match the following games with the equipments used for that game.
List I List II
A. Cricket 1. Shuttlecock
B. Ice skating 2. Racquet
C. Badminton 3. Bat
D. Tennis 4. Skates
(a) 3 4 1 2
(b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 4 3 1 2
31. Which outdoor game is depicted in the following figure.
(a) Cricket
(b) Football
(c) Baseball
(d) Volleyball

32. Arrange these sequences in the order of which they are played. [Tricky]
(i) Chasing (ii) Toss.
(iii) Batting (iv) Result declaration
(a) ii iii i iv (b) iii ii iv i
(c) i ii iii iv (d) iii i iv i
33. Which of the following statements is true.
(a) Work is important, playing is not. (b) Work and play are equally important.
(c) Playing is only important, work is not. (d) Neither work nor play is important.
34. A: A housewife doesn’t do any work.
B: Children do not have any work to do until they complete their education.
(a) Both A and B are true. (b) Both A and B are false.
(c) A is true, B is false. (d) A is false, B is true.
Work and Play 201
Directions (Qs. 35-39) : Complete the following passage by using the appropriate option.

[2013, Tricky]

hile going to the school I saw a ___(35) ___ collecting letters from the letter box.
A ___ (36) ___ cleaning the road with a long broom and a big smile was talking to a
___ (37) ___ who was making a chair in his shop. On the other side of the road was standing
a ___ (38) ___ wearing a white apron and stethescope. His ___ (39) ___ appeared with the
car and they went for the hospital.

35. (a)  postman (b) police (c) plumber (d) driver

36. (a) postman (b) sweeper (c) mechanic (d) doctor

37. (a) sweeper (b) doctor (c) carpenter (d) plumber

38. (a)  doctor (b) plumber (c) driver (d) postman

39. (a)  mechanic (b) driver (c) postman (d) police

40. Match some occupations with their machines/instruments.

List I List II
A. Doctor 1. steering wheel
B. Mechanic 2. stethoscope
C. Teacher 3. Machines & ranges
D. Driver 4. Books

(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 4 1 2
41. There are small children who are forced to work. This is considered as __________.
[2014, Tricky]

(a) child labour (b) small worker (c) small child (d) labour worker

42. What does the following Venn Diagram symbolize? [Tricky]

It symbolizes balancing your life with your work and
activities you enjoy and find fun.

It symbolizes either of them is essential for happy
living Work Play
(c) Both of these

None of these
202 Olympiad Champs–Science
43. From the box below, count how many games are not indoor?

Chess Board games Basket ball Carom

Kho-kho Volley ball Cards Baseball
Lawn Tennis Table tennis Kabadi Cricket

7 (b)
6 (c)
5 (d)

44. Which of the following options are important for a happy lifestyle?

(i) Leisure time (ii) Work to earn living

(iii) Playing to stay physically and mentally fit. (iv) Smoking

(a) (i), (ii) and (iv) (b) (ii) only (c) All of these (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

45. What do you understand by the following figure. [2015, Tricky]

(a) You should take basket ball along with you to your
work, so that you can play in free time.

(b) Both Work and play should be a part of your life.

(c) We should do both work and play together.

(d) Playing is the most important work.

46. A: Occupation earns you living.

B: Occupation and work is similar.

(a) Both A and B are correct. (b) Both A and B are incorrect.

(c) Only A is correct. (d) Only B is correct.

47. Match the following [Tricky]
List I List II

A. Doctor 1.

B. Policeman 2.
Work and Play 203

C. Chef 3.

D. Postman 4.

(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 4 2 1
48. Which of the following is a correct match? [2016]

(a) - Pilot (b) - Cobbler

(c) - Lawyer (d) - Barber

49. Mark the statement which is incorrect?
(a) Many house helpers these days are usually small kids from the backward states.
(b) For some people playing games is their occupation.
(c) Vishwanathan Anand is a football player.
(d) Some games are played in groups and some independently.
50. Choose the correct option

Statement A: Snakes & ladders board game was created by 13th century poet saint

Statement B: Chess was invented in france.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong
(c) Both the statements are correct
(d) Both the statements are wrong.
51. You will find me selling medicines in a medicine shop. I am a __________  [2017, Tricky]
(a) Chemist (b) Doctor (c) Nurse (d) Surgeon
204 Olympiad Champs–Science
52. Which option will replace “X” in the table.
Indoor games Carrom X
Outdoor games Football Cricket

(a) Chess (b) Baseball (c) Hockey (d) Badminton

53. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option [Tricky]

Statement A: Games that are played inside the house are called outdoor games.

Statement B: Games that are played outside the house are called indoor games.
(a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong
(b) Statement B is correct and A is wrong
(c) Both the Statements are correct
(d) Both the Statements are wrong.
54. Choose the incorrect answer
(a) Playing is crucial part for one’s development.
(b) Some of the traditional games played were kabaddi, gilli danda etc.
(c) Our grandparents used to play video games.
(d) Traditional games act as learning aids.
55. Ashu’s pet was hit by a car on road and got badly injured. After 
filling in the missing letters, which of the following options will give
name of the professional, he should take his pet to? [2015]
(a) C_RP_N_ _ R (b) PO_IC_ _A_
(c) T_IL_R (d) V_TE_IN_ _ IA_

56. Aman was not well and the doctor advised him to take rest. He felt very
sad as all other friends were playing. What will you do to make Aman happy?
[Critical Thinking]
(a) Play some indoor games with him.
(b) Talk to him about some topics of his interest.
(c) Take him to the park.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
57. One of the most widely played board games created in 13th century by saint
gyandev were
(a) Carom (b) Table tennis (c) Snakes/ladder (d) Chess
58. Select the correct option regarding P, Q, R, S and T. [2014]
Work and Play 205
P takes care of patients.
Q sells flowers.
R fits taps, pipes, basins, etc.
S lays bricks an fixes them with cement.
T paints the doors and windows.

(a) P, R and T help in mainiaining law and order.
(b) P and Q treat the sick and ill people.
(c) We need the help of R, S and T to build a house.
(d) S and T keep our money and jewellery safe.

59. A: Outdoor games makes you physically unhealthy.

B: Playing plays a very crucial role in the growth and development of an individual.
(a) Both A and B are Correct (b) Both A and B are in correct
(c) Only B is correct (d) Only A is Correct
60. Observe the given map carefully. Which of the following is correct regarding this ?
(a) Temple is in north-west of playground.
(b) Entry to playground is northward.
(c) Ria’s house is eastward of school.
(d) Post office is north facing.


1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
206 Olympiad Champs–Science

Answers with Explanations

Level 1
1. (b) Study of law makes you a lawyer, similarly the study of science makes you a
2. (b) According to the belief, mother is supposed to cook food for us in the kitchen.
3. (a) All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. This is the correct proverb.
4. (a) Student is the odd one from the options because all the other work options earn
you living and hence are occupation.
5. (c) In a basketball team, 5 players play at a time.
6. (b) Work is both inside and outside home.
7. (a) We call a person Journalist who reports news on TV, radio or Newspaper.
8. (b) we call a person Lawyer who defends people's rights in court.
9. (c) We use wickets, stumps, pitch, helmet and gloves in Cricket.
10. (c) an electrician
11. (a) player
12. (b) NURSE
13. (c) MANAGER
14. (c) Like chess is an indoor game, similarly soccer is an outdoor game.
15. (b) Virat Kohli is a cricketer whose work is to play good cricket for team India.
16. (c) Children today don’t usually play kabaddi that their grandparents played.
17. (c) A child aged 12 should not be engaged in working to earn.
18. (b)
19. (c)

20. (d)

21. (d) Ludo, carrom, badminton, table tennis and chess are indoor games whereas football
is an outdoor game.

22. (b) GREENGROCER sells fresh vegetables and fruits.

23. (b)

24. (c)

25. (a)
Work and Play 207

26. (a) The construction manager is engaging in child labour.

27. (d) Instead of going to the construction site, Raju should be going to school for

28. (b) Such signboards refer to work in progress. These are generally placed near the
construction site or on roads so as to beware others to manage their cars.

29. (c) Vishwanathan Anand plays chess which is an indoor game.

30. (a)
List I List II
Cricket Bat
Ice skating Skates
Badminton Shuttlecock
Tennis Racquet

31. (b) The game depicted in the figure is football.

32. (a) In the game of cricket, The correct chronological order of playing is toss, then
batting followed by chasing and finally the declaration of results.

33. (b) Both work and play are equally important.

34. (b) Both the statements are false. Work is any activity requiring physical and mental
effort and both the housewife and children are engaged in physical and mental
work throughout the day.

35. (a) Postman

36. (b) Sweeper

37. (c) Carpenter

38. (a) Doctor

39. (b) Driver

40. (b)

41. (a) There are small children who are forced to work. This is considered as child labour.

42. (a) It symbolizes balancing your life with career and activities you enjoy and find fun.

43. (a) The number of outdoor games in the box are 7 viz. Cricket, Lawn Tennis, Kabbadi,
Basket ball, Volleyball, Kho-Kho and baseball.
208 Olympiad Champs–Science
44. (d) Smoking is not good for health and does not make your life happy.

45. (b) Both work and play should be a part of your life.

46. (c) Occupation earns you living, and work and occupation are not similar.

47. (a)

48. (c) Option ‘A’ is astronaut, option ‘B’ is potter and option ‘D’ is a judge.

49. (c) Vishwanathan Anand plays chess.

50. (a) Chess was invented in India.

51. (a) Chemist sells medicines in a chemist shop.

52. (a) Chess is an indoor game.

53. (d) Games that are played inside the house are called indoor games.

Games that are played outside the house are called outdoor games.

54. (c) Our grandparents used to play traditional games.

55. (d) VETERINARIAN is a professional who examines, treats and cures diseases of
animals, hence option D is correct answer to whom Ashu should take his injured

56. (d) both (a) and (b).

57. (c)

58. (c)

59. (c)

60. (c)
Safety and First Aid 209

I. DIRECTIONS: What precautions are safety parameters we should keep in
our minds to avoid strange situations or accidents.

1. When you go to amusement parks with lots of people, always

.............................. with your family.

2. If a stranger asks you personal questions, ..............................

3. When you go to school, ..............................

4. When you go swimming, ..............................

5. If you are eating something, ..............................

6. When you are making something, ..............................

7. If somebody wants to touch you, remember that ..............................

8. If you want to be prepared for anything, ..............................

II. DIRECTIONS: Circle things that go into a basic first aid kit:
210 Olympiad Champs–Science

Safety and
First Aid
This lesson will help you to : –
Amazing Facts v become aware of the dangers inside and outside your
v learn about the precautions one must take to avoid
v In 2010, a traffic jam on v know about first aid so that you can help yourself
National Highway 110, near and others too when in need.
Beijing, kept cars stuck in v learn about good and bad touch
traffic for 10 days.
v Of all the road accidents
occurring in the world, half of
the victims are pedestrians,
cyclists and motorcyclists.
What is the meaning of safety
Safety means to keep yourself protected from any harm
by being attentive.
Like the building of our home protects us from cold, heat
and rain etc. in the similar way we have to be carefull
while walking on the road, playing in the ground , at school
or at home. Let’s discuss them one by one.

While walking on the road we should always follow these
safety rules:
• Always walk on the footpath along the left side of
the road.
• While walking on the road hold your elder’s hand if
they are along with you.
• While crossing the road first see to your right then
left and again to your right and cross the road only
if some vehicle is not coming.
• Always cross the road on zebra crossing.
• If there are signal lights, cross when the pedestrian
lights are on.
• Never play on the road.
Safety and First Aid 211
• Do not run on the road.
• Always help the person to cross the road if he/she
needs help.
Historical Preview
• Do not step on nails and glass pieces.
• While waiting for a bus always stand in a queue.
• Never push others while getting in or stepping out of
a bus. v The world’s first car number
• Do not get in to or get out of a moving bus. plates were issued by the
• Never put your head or arm out of a moving bus. It French police in 1893.
can be very dangerous.
v The first traffic lights were
• Tell your parents not to drive with high speed as this
installed in Detroit, USA in
becomes the main reason of most of the accidents.

• Always play in the play ground.
• Never play inside the class.
• Never use geometrical instruments for playing as
they can cause serious injuries.
• Do not use classroom properties like duster, chalk
etc for playing.
• Always be careful while getting up and coming down
from the stair case Misconcept/ Concept
v Misconcept: Rubbing the skin will
AT HOME cause the blood to flow faster into
that area if the skin is damaged.
Concept: If there is some damage
to the skin, one must not rub it
as it causes further damage to

• Never play with electrical wires, switches and

• Never put water on the plugged in electric wires.
Don’t touch electric wires with wet hands.
• Do not put your fingers inside the electric sockets.
• Do not play with any electrical instrument.
• Be careful while using knives and scissors as they
can cause cuts.
• Do not play near the fire.
• Keep yourself away from burning gas stove.
• Do not touch hot pots bare handly, they can burn
your hands.
• A child cutting an apple by knife can hurt himself.
212 Olympiad Champs–Science
• Do not put anything small in your mouth like coin,
pebble or a screw, it may get stuck in your throat
and can prove to be fatal.
• While bursting the crackers you should always keep
yourself away from fire and should always take an
elder along with you.
• Do not go to the deep side of pool while swimming.

We can avoid accidents and injuries from them. If we
take care of above mentioned things. But sometimes if
an accident occurs or we hurt our self, we should know
some steps to be taken before medical help. This is called
First aid.
First Aid is the first help which an injured needs before
he can reach the doctor. We all should know some first
aids so that we can help ourselves and others too.

1. For a Road Accident

Your timely help to a person injured in a road accident can
save his life.
• First of all give signal to the other vehicles coming,
to stop.
• Do not move the injured person too much.
• Give them sufficient space so that they can breathe.
• If there are wounds check if something is inserted
in it, like glass etc.
• If nothing is there in the wound cover the wound
with a clean cloth.
• Protect the injured person from snow or rain if
there is any.
• Call the ambulance. Tell them what has happened
where and how many have got injured.
• Do not leave the person till the ambulance arrives.

2. First Aid for Bee Sting

• Try to remove the sting as early as possible by
pressing the surrounding area.
• After removing the sting gently wash the affected
area with cold water and soap.
• Put an ice pack or a wash cloth over it.
• You can apply the cold cream to sooth it.
• If the irritation does not get decreased you should
see the doctor.
Safety and First Aid 213
3. First Aid for Cuts and Burns
Minor cuts and burns can be treated at home with proper
first aid. For cuts first examine whether the cut is deep
or not. If it is deep go the doctor at once.
• If the cut is not so deep wash it with cold water to
remove any dirt and apply an antiseptic cream on it.
Stop the blood by pressing the cut by a clean cloth.
• If someone gets a burn immediately pour cold water
over it. Do not use ice as it may cause further damage
to the skin. Cover it with bandage.
• If a person gets burnt from electricity, immediately
take him to the doctor as it may have caused some
internal damages. Do not use water in this case.


• In case of fire immediately leave the building and do
not touch any electric plug or switch.
• Call the fire brigade.
• If there is leakage in LPG, open all the windows and
doors to let it go out. Do not touch any electric
switch as it may cause fire.
• By keeping some precautions in mind we can avoid
many miss happenings in our life and by using some
of the first aid techniques we can save many lives.


• Good touches are those which make you feel nice,
comfortable and are done with positive intention.
• Not so good touches are when we are touched on Poem on First AID
shoulders, chest, feet, palms, stomach and thighs. I take care of safety,
• When we are touched on these part, instead of making as the other day,
us feel good it makes us little uncomfortable. there was a cable on the floor,
• Bad touches are when we are touched on our private so I threw it out the way.
parts. Private parts are those parts which we hide If you find someone choking,
through swimming costumes while swimming. Don’t panic or don’t shout
• Remember, if anybody touches you at the not so stay calm and help them
good or bad touch areas, you should immediately in coughing it out.
inform your parents or close relatives. However, if a If there is burn or scar
doctor touches these parts for medical purpose (in act quickly and think
presence of parent) or parents touch these parts cool that area with cold water
while giving toilet assistance or bathing, then there so there is less damage to the skin
is no need to worry.
214 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do you understand by the given pictures?
(a) school ahead (b) zebra crossing
(c) road under repair (d) none of these

2. [Tricky]

(a) start running (b) hotel next
(c) pedestrians walk signal (d) go to school
3. Safety means _______________________.  [2012]
(a) to keep oneself attentive so that an accident does not happen
(b) it is a name of a product
(c) none of these
(d) both a and b
4. First aid is the __________ help which an injured person needs.
(a) last (b) second (c) least (d) first
5. Pick the odd statement out: [Tricky]
(a) We should never run on the road. (b) Never play with knife
(c) Do not play on the road (d) Keep the burnt area under water
6. What does the sign given below indicate?

(a) No parking (b) No entry (c) No horn (d) No stopping

7. Which one of the following symbols represents no horn zone?  [2013]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Safety and First Aid 215
8. If someone gets injured, which one of the following persons must be called?
(a) Policeman (b) Shopkeeper
(c) Traffic police man (d) Doctor
9. Who is at high risk of his life of the followings? [Tricky]
(a) A boy leaning out of the window of a moving car.
(b) A person crossing railways track when the gates are open.
(c) A family in park.
(d) Students waiting for bus in line.
10. What should be the first step of first aid in case of bee sting?
(a) Wash the area (b) Kill the bee
(c) Remove the sting (d) Pat dry the area
11. In which case we should break the source of electricity?
(a) In a quarrel (b) In a road accident
(c) In case of electric shock (d) Never
12. How do we come to know that LPG is leaking?
(a) We see fumes in the air (b) By its smell
(c) We cannot detect it (d) None of these
13. Whom do we call to carry the person injured in an accident.
(a) School bus (b) Cycle (c) Teacher (d) Ambulance
14. Which of these can prove to be fatal?  [2014]
(a) Playing in the ground (b) Playing with a ball
(c) Keeping coin in the mouth (d) All of these

15. While crossing the road:

(a) First check right then left and then again right

Need to check

(c) Go straight without checking whether the road is free of vehicles or not

(d) None of these

16. How can we stop the bleeding from a wound?  [2015]

(a) By applying cold cream (b) By applying antiseptic directly

(c) By applying pressure bandage (d) There is no first aid for this
216 Olympiad Champs–Science
17. When you see someone hurt, which of the following would be the most appropriate
gesture you should show?  [2012]
(a) Call your friends
(b) Call your elders
(c) Leave him/her as such
(d) Say some sympathetic words to him/her

18. A stranger touched Ravi on his private part. It is ________

(a) good touch (b) bad touch

(c) not so good touch (d) none of these

19. In traffic signals, ________ light is used to stop the vehicles.
(a) red (b) blue (c) green (d) yellow
20. Find a road safety measure. [2017]
(a) Ignore traffic signals after midnight
(b) Driver under the influence of alcohol
(c) Overtake without using your indicator lights
(d) Wear a safety helmet while riding a motocycle.
21. Electrical appliances and switches should only be tested with
(a) fingers (b) a screw driver (c) tester (d) wires
22. Select the object which does NOT belong to the first aid box.  [2016]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

23. What causes accidents?

(a) Carelessness (b) Safety rules
(c) Obeying elders (d) Being disciplined

24. Ashu’s pet was hit by a car on road and got injured. To whom should Ashu rush to
get first aid for his pet?  [2014]
(a) Carpenter (b) Astronaut (c) Physician (d) Veterinarian

25. On the road where should we walk?

(a) In the middle of the road (b) On zebra crossing

(c) On foot path (d) Only vehicles can come on the road
Safety and First Aid 217
26. Match the following: [Tricky]

List I List II

A. In case of fire 1. only on zebra crossing

B. On minor scratches we can apply 2. leave the building as soon as possible

C. We should cross the road 3. an antiseptic

(a) 1 2 3 (b) 2 3 1
(c) 3 2 1 (d) None of these

27. Fill in the blanks from the options given below:

I and my mother were going on the road. My mother told me about some of the
___(A)___ rules which can avoid ___(B)___ . She told me that while walking we
should always cross the road on ___(C)___ crossing. We should never run on the road.
Never catch a ___(D)___ bus. Never keep your head ___(E)___ of the window of a
moving vehicle. And we should always help if someone gets hurt in an accident by using
___(F)___techniques if we know. [Critical Thinking]

A. (a)  safety (b) beauty (c) mechanical (d) all of these

B. (a)  pressure (b) accidents (c) illness (d) none of these

C. (a) footpath (b) narrow (c) zebra (d) road

D. (a)  standing (b) ugly (c) moving (d) all of these
E. (a)  inside (b) out (c) downside (d) all of these
F. (a)  first aid (b) beauty (c) cooking (d) none of these
28. Why should we not go to the deep end of swimming pool? [2012, Tricky]

(a) The water is cold there

(b) The water is not clean there

(c) The water is deep and we can drown there

(d) There is no risk at all

29. Put in right sequence: in case of burns

A. Cover with clean dressing

B. Keep the burnt area under running cold water

218 Olympiad Champs–Science
C. Ensure that the cause of burn does not endanger your life.

abc (b)
cab (c)
cba (d)

30. Tell what will be the correct sequence if you have to answer in true or false.

A. Road accidents can be prevented if we take care of our safety.

B. We apply antiseptic on minor wounds

C. The ambulance is used for travelling.

(a) TTT (b) FFF (c) TFT (d) TTF

31. If while walking on the road Riya falls down and is hurt on the arm slightly, what
should you do as first aid at home? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Rub the ice
(b) Wash the area with hot water
(c) Wash the area with normal water and soap

(d) None of these

Directions: Read the passage given and answer the question given below (Qs. 32 to 35)
First aid is a very helpful thing. This is the immediate help which an injured person needs.
It can prove to be life saving in some of the cases. Sometimes by knowing simple first
aid techniques we can treat minor burns or cuts at home. Or at least timely first aid
can lesson the further damage. But for doing this we should know how to do it properly.
32. Which of these is very useful? [2014, Tricky]
(a) Laptop (b) First aid (c) Car (d) Dog
33. What does an injured person needs immediately?
(a) First aid (b) Vehicle (c) Clear road (d) None of these
34. By using simple first aid what can we treat at home?
(a) Wooden doors (b) Electronics
(c) Minor cuts and burns (d) None of these
35. Can we treat any injury without knowing first aid?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Both (d) None of these
36. From Safety point of view why should we not touch the hot pots bare handly?
(a) It will get dirty (b) Our hands can get burns
(c) Our hands will get dirty (d) All of these
37. Anjali’s aunty gave her a hug when she met her. It is ______
(a) a good touch (b) not so good touch
(c) a bad touch (d) both (a) and (b)
Look at the picture given below and choose the correct option.
Safety and First Aid 219


(a) good touch (b) bad touch

(c) not so good touch (d) both (b) and (c)

39.  [2013, Tricky]

(a) no parking (b) fire alarm

(c) U turn prohibited (d) crossroad ahead


(a) falling rocks (b) length limit

(c) strong currents (d) slippery road ahead
41. What is the first thing we should do when a person is injured and bleeding badly?
[2015, Tricky]
(a) We should call the police and elders
(b) We should inform to our principal
(c) We should tie a tight cloth around the wound
(d) We should call the doctor
42. You should be in hurry while climbing up or down a staircase to save your precious
time. It is a/an “
(a) Good habit (b) Good manner
(c) Safety measure (d) Insensible activity
43. Is the table in the given picture a correct place to keep bottle which is containing
chemical? [Critical Thinking]

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Can be kept if table is made up of iron
(d) Can be kept if table is made up of plastic
220 Olympiad Champs–Science
44. Which one of the following is not kept in the first aid box?
(a) Knife (b) Candle
(c) Safety pins (d) Button
45. Honey bee bit Sam on his face. Which one of the following first aid his mother
should do?
(a) Remove the bee sting with the help of sterilized needle.
(b) Remove the bee sting with the help of blade.
(c) Remove the bee sting with the help of needle.
(d) All of these
46. We should not fly kites ___________.
(a) in parks (b) on school ground
(c) on open grounds (d) on the terrace
47. What rules should we follow while riding a bicycle?  [2016]

I. We should always keep to the left.

II. We should always keep to the right.

III. We should give signal before turning.

IV. We should give bell before turning.

(a) Only I (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I and IV
48. Which of the following is a road safety measure?  [Tricky]
(a) Ignore traffic signals after midnight.
(b) Drive under the influence of alcohol
(c) Overtake without using your indicator lights
(d) Wear a safety helmet while riding a motorcycle
49. Which of the following is a safety measure to avoid accidents?
(a) Wearing nylon clothes while cooking
(b) Playing with fire crackers
Safety and First Aid 221
(c) Getting down from a moving bus
(d) Turn off the valve of gas cylinders after cooking is over
50. While riding a bicycle we should always keep to:
(a) the left of the road (b) the right of the road
(c) the north of the road (d) either (a) or (b)
51. If there is a leakage in the LPG what precautions should your mother take?

[2017, Tricky]
I. Open all the windows and door.
II. Do not touch any electric switch.
III. Turn off the cylinder immediately.
Choose the correct statement.
(a) I and III (b) II and III (c) I and II (d) I, II and III
52. The main aim of giving first aid is/are __________.
(a) to prevent further injury (b) to save life
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these

53. When should you take atmost care?

(a) When you use a sharpner instead of a blade (b) When you wear rubber sandals
(c) When you light match sticks/crackers (d) When you play with soft toys
54. Mohit and his friends were cycling down the street to attend birthday party of
Sanjay. suddenly one of his friends fell down and got badly hurt. He needs to
see a doctor immediately. [2016]
Which of the given symbols will help Mohit to find a doctor for his friend ?


(a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S

55. Rohit bounced from his car seat and knocked his head badly on the car roof. Which
of the following road safety signs has his father ignored while driving the car?

(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these

222 Olympiad Champs–Science
56. Gurpreet was trying to peel vegetables when he cut his finger.

What should you do as first aid at home?
(a) Rub the ice
(b) Wash the area with hot water
(c) Clean the cut with an antiseptic solution and then apply an antiseptic cream
(d) None of the above
57. When you swim  [2015]
1. Do not play rough games in the pool.
2. Always swim in the deep end.
3. Always take a rubber tube with you.
4. Avoid swimming near the grown-ups.
Which of the safety rules written on the board is/are INCORRECT ?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 4 only
58. If a person gets burnt from electricity, what first aid should be given to him?

(a) Wash the affected area with water
(b) Put an antiseptic lotion on the affected area
(c) Immediately take him to the doctor
(d) put a bank aid on the affected area
Safety and First Aid 223
Safety Rules

59. At home At school While crossing the road at zebra crossing While playing

d e f g

Study the above given flowchart and slect the correct option regarding it. [2014]
(a) e - Do not stand in the queue.
 o not touch stoves, heaters, toasters or electric fan when they are
switched ON.
(c) g - Do not fly kites in open fields.
(d) f - Do not cross the road when the traffic light is red for vehicles.
60. While crossing a road if there is no traffic light or a policeman then which one of
the following should you do?
(a) Don’t look left and right always go straight.
(b) Don’t look left and right and run to cross the road.
(c) Look to the right, then to the left and then cross the road.
(d) All of these
61. One day Bunty saw an injured person on the road. Without wasting time, he
rushed the injured person to the hospital for treatment. What value can you
learn from Bunty? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Helping nature (b) Friendly nature
(c) Selfish nature (d) Carelessness
62. Safety rules to be followed in the classroom/ school should be
I. Don’t climb on benches in the classroom.
II. Play with pointed objects like pens or pencils.
III. Don’t stand in front of the swings.
IV. Don’t stand in a queue to get in or out of a bus.
Choose the correct options.
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) III and IV (d) I and III
63. Read the following statements and choose the correct option.  [2013]

Statement A : Do not play with matchsticks or try to light firecrackers on your own.

Statement B : Never take medicines on your own.

(a) Statement A is correct and B is incorrect

(b) Statement B is correct and A is incorrect

224 Olympiad Champs–Science
(c) Both the statements are correct

(d) Both the statements are incorrect

64. Which of the following is a safety measure for children to avoid accidents at
(a) Leave your toys and books on the floor
(b) Never open the door to a stranger
(c) Playing with fire crackers
(d) Playing with knives, Scissors or sharp-edged things
65. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). [Tricky]
I. First aid is the immediate help given to an injured person after the doctor arrives.
II. It is safe to get into a moving bus.
III. One should never use a zebra crossing to cross the road.
IV. We should not push our friends on swings.
(a) T T F F (b) T F T F
(c) F F F T (d) F T F T
Safety and First Aid 225
response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (b) Zebra crossing

2. (c) Pedestrians walk signal

3. (a) Safety means to keep oneself attentive so that an accident does not happen.

4. (d) First aid is the first help which an injured person needs in case of accident.

5. (d) All others are safety rule while to keep the burnt area under water is a first aid
given for burns.

6. (b) No entry

7. (d)

8. (d) Doctor

9. (a) A boy leaning out of the window of a moving car.

10. (c) In case of bee sting first of all the sting should be removed.

11. (c) In case of electric shock we should first of all break the contact with source.

12. (b) We can detect any leakage in LPG by its smell.

226 Olympiad Champs–Science
13. (d) An ambulance is called to take the person injured in an accident, to hospital.

14. (c) Keeping coins in mouth can prove to be fatal as they can stuck in to throat and will
choke it.

15. (a) While crossing the road we should first check right then left and again right to
see whether the road is clear or not.

16. (c) By applying pressure bandage we can stop the bleeding.

17. (d)

18. (b)
19. (a)
20. (d)
21. (c)
22. (b) We do not keep knife in a first-aid box.
23. (a)
24. (d)

25. (c) We should walk on the footpath while walking on the road.
26. (b) a-2 , b-3 , c-1

27. A. (a) safety B. (b) accidents C. (c) zebra D. (c) moving

E. (b) out F. (a) first aid

28. (c) Water is deep and we can drown this is a safety measure.

29. (c) The correct sequence is c b a

30. (d) Correct sequence TTF.

31. (c) Minor wounds should be washed with water and soap.

32. (b) First aid is a very useful thing.

33. (a) An injured person needs first aid immediately.

34. (c) By using simple techniques we can treat minor cuts and burns at home.

35. (b) No, we should know the first aid to treat any injury.

36. (b) Our hands can get burnt by touching a hot pot.
Safety and First Aid 227
37. (a)

38. (a)

39. (c)

40. (d)

41. (c) We should tie a tight cloth around the wound

42. (d) Insensible activity

43. (b) No

44. (d) Button

45. (a) Remove the bee sting with the help of a sterilized needle.

46. (d) We should not fly kites on the terrace

47. (c) I. We should always keep to the left.
III. We should give signal before turning.
These two rules should be adopted while riding a bicycle.

48. (d) Wear a safety helmet while riding a motorcycle

49. (d) Turn off the valve of gas cylinders after cooking is over

50. (a) The left of the road

51. (d) If there is a leakage in LPG open all the windows and doors to let it go out. Do
not touch any electric switch as it may cause fire.

52. (c) Both (a) and (b)

53. (c)
54. (a) In the given symbols, P is the symbol of hospital.
55. (b) Rohit bounced from his car seat because his father must have been driving fast and
jumped over a speed breaker. His father might have ignored the road safety sign
(B) which indicates the presence of speed breaker ahead.
56. (c) In case of small cut, cleen the wound with an antiseptic solution and then apply
an antiseptic cream. For a small cut, use a band-aid.
57. (c) 
According to the safety rules of swimming pool one should always swim in the
presence of an adult and should not swim in the deep end of the pool.
58. (c) Immediately take him to the doctor as it may have caused some interval dam-
ages. Do not use water in this case. Don’t put band-aid.
59. (b)
228 Olympiad Champs–Science
60. (c) Look to the right, then to the left and then cross the road.
61. (a) 
Bunty has a helping nature. We should help the person in need and should provide
first aid to him.
62. (d) Safety rules to be followed are
I. Do not play with pointed objects like pens or pencils as you might get hurn.
III. Always stand in a queue and wait for your turn to get in or out of a bus.
63. (c) Both the statements are correct.
64. (b) Safety rules for children at home are Don’t leave books or toys on the floor.
 on’t play with matchstick or try to light fire crackers on your own and don’t play
around with shared edged things like scissors, knives and blades.
65. (c) I.  irst aid is the immediate help given to an Injured person before the doctor
II. It is not safe to get into a moving bus. This thing can be dangerous.
III. One should always use a zebra crossing to cross the road.
IV. We should not push our friends on swings.
Solar System 229

DIRECTIONS: Carefully look at the pictures given below regarding different
items of information regarding the sun and its uses. Write a meaningful sentence
for each picture.

“The sun is of great importance to us”



2. __________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________
230 Olympiad Champs–Science

Solar System


v If you have problems remembering This lesson will help you to : –
the names of planets in their correct v learn about the solar system
order, just remember this sentence
"My Very Educated Mother Just v know about planets and their unique features
Served Us Nuts," to summarise v learn about our planet Earth and Moon
planets in correct order--- Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
v The Solar System is made up of
the Sun, planets, asteroids, moons,
Solar System
comets. It can be remembered as • The Solar System is made up of the Sun, planets,
SPAMC or with a statement like “So, moons, comets, asteroids, meteoroids minor planets,
Please Answer My Call.” dust and gas.
• Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves
around the Sun. The Sun is so large, that its powerful
gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar
System towards it.
• The Sun is the largest object in the solar system.
Amazing Facts
v The Solar System was formed The sun is in the centre of the Solar System. It is huge
around 4.6 billion years ago. and made up of extremely hot gases. The sun is the main
v If you will shout in space, even source of heat and light for the solar system. The sun is
if someone is right next to you, the nearest star. It is about 150 million km away from
they wouldn't be able to hear you the earth.
as there is no air to carry your
message. PLANETS
v Galileo was the first scientist to look
• There are now officially only eight planets in our
at night sky through a telescope.
solar system. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Now, Pluto is no longer
planet of our solar system.
Solar System 231

• While Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun,

Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun. Historical Preview
• Amongst all planets, Jupiter is the heaviest planet
of the solar system.
• The smallest planet in the Solar System is Mercury. v Earlier it was assumed that
Mercury is only 38% the diameter of Earth. earth in is the center of
the solar system. However,
astronomers such as
Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo
• Earth is also known as watery planet, because 70% Galilei, Johannes Kepler and
of its surface is covered by water. The earth’s Isaac Newton helped develop
atmosphere scatters the light & creates a blue a new model that explained
effect, so it is also called Blue Planet. It is the only the movement of the planets
planet having life. with the Sun at the center
of the Solar System.
• Earth orbits the Sun once in about 365¼ Earth days.
This is also known as revolution. Due to revolution we
experience different seasons. Misconcept/ Concept
v Misconcept: The Solar System
• Earth also rotates on its own axis. This is called only includes the Sun, planets,
rotation. It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation and Moon.
and it creates day and night. Concept: The Solar System is
made up of the Sun, planets,
• Earth is the only planet that has an atmosphere moons, comets, asteroids,
containing 21% oxygen. On earth we have liquid meteorites, minor planets,
water on its surface. It is the only planet in the dust and gas.
solar system that has life. Earth has got one natural v Misconcept: On full moon day, we
satellite i.e. Moon. When viewed from space earth can see the moon completely.
seems blue because of the presence of water in it. Concept: The phases of the
Moon are caused by shadows
• Due to gravity, the layer of gases known as cast on its surface by Earth or
atmosphere remains attached to it and prevents by other objects in the Solar
too much heat or UV rays from Sun reaching earth. System. We only see one face
Earth reflects about 1/3rd of sunlight it receives. of the moon.
232 Olympiad Champs–Science

Did you Know ?

v Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It
v Moon’s gravity is 1/6th of looks bigger to us as it is very close to us.
Earth, so our weight on moon
v The moon has no atmosphere, so there is huge
would be 1/6th of our weight
on the earth. difference between day and night temperature. As
there is no atmosphere, there is no weather, no
v The Moon is the only celestial
body other than Earth on rain, no wind or clouds on moon.
which humans have set foot. v Moon also does not have its own light. It shines due
Neil Armstrong became the to Sun’s light.
first person to walk on the v There is no water on moon’s surface.
Moon as the commander of
the American mission Apollo
11 on 21 July 1969.

Stars arranged in group or patterns are known
as Constellation. The sky was divided up into
88 different constellation in 1922. The famous
constellations are:

It is one of the most visible constellation, which is
named after hunter.

It is visible in northern hemisphere, which means
“Larger Bear’’.

Big dipper is a part of this Constellation

It means “Smaller Bear”. It has a pattern of small
ladle Called “ Little dipper”.

It means dragon and is viewed in northern hemisphere

It is named after flying horse and can be
seen in northern sky.
Solar System 233

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What constitutes the solar system?
(a) Earth (b) Moon (c) Sun (d) All of these
2. The sun attracts all the other objects in the Solar System because: [Tricky]
(a) of its magnetic pull
(b) of the magnetic pull of other planets
(c) it is at the center of the solar system
(d) the Sun is so large, that its gravity attracts everything.
3. Which planet is no longer considered part of our solar system?
(a) Jupiter (b) Uranus (c) Pluto (d) Neptune
4. The nearest planet to the sun is ___________

(a) Jupiter (b) Earth (c) Mercury (d) None of these

5. The heaviest planet of solar system is __________. [2012]
(a) Saturn (b) Mars (c) Earth (d) Jupiter
6. Look at the following pictures and find out the correct order of planets nearest to
farthest from the Sun. [Tricky]

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Saturn Uranus Neptune Venus

(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii) (c) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i) (d) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
7. Even though sun casts its hot rays on earth, we do not feel very hot because
(a) earth is far away from sun
(b) of water on earth’s surface
(c) atmosphere on earth reflects back sun’s light
(d) moon protects us from sun’s heat
8. Who was the first person to walk on the moon? [2013]
(a) Kalpana Chawala (b) APJ Abdul Kalam
(c) Galileo (d) Neil Armstrong
9. Circle the odd one out. [Tricky]
1. (a) Asteroids (b) Planets (c) Moon (d) Gases
2. (a) Venus (b) Mars (c) Moon (d) Saturn
10. What is the sun ?
(a) a star (b) a planet (c) a galaxy (d) a comet
234 Olympiad Champs–Science
11. What is floating rock in outer space called? [2014]
(a) Comet (b) Asteroid (c) Meteor (d) Mars
12. Seventh planet from sun is :
(a) Jupiter (b) Venus (c) Uranus (d) Saturn
13. The biggest planet is
(a) Jupiter (b) Venus (c) Uranus (d) Saturn
14. Which of the following orbits around the sun in 365¼ days?  [2015]
A. Moon B. Earth
(a) A only (b) A and B (c) B only (d) Neither A nor B
15. The hottest planet is :
(a) Jupiter (b) Mars (c) Venus (d) Mercury
16. Different seasons on earth are due to:
(a) the rotation of the Earth around its own axis
(b) the rotation around its own axis and revolution of the Earth around the Sun
(c) the revolution of the Earth around the Sun on a tilted axis
(d) none of these
17. An astronomer is a scientist who studies __________.
(a) plants (b) medicine (c) atoms (d) space
18. What is an astronomer likely to use?
(a) Stethoscope (b) Microscope (c) Telescope (d) Scissors
19. What is in the center of the solar system?
(a) Moon (b) Earth (c) Sun (d) Neptune
20. One of the planets known to have rings is ________.
(a) Venus (b) Uranus (c) Mars (d) Pluto
21. Small bodies that orbit planets are called :  [2017]
(a) Comets (b) Planet Simals (c) Moons (d) Protoplanets
22. Select the option that correctly arranges the given planets in an ascending order of
(a) Saturn < Jupiter < Uranus < Neptune
(b) Venus < Neptune < Saturn < Jupiter
(c) Earth < Mars < Saturn < Jupiter
(d) Venus < Earth < Mars < Saturn
23. All planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except ‘X’. It is the only planet
that rotates clockwise. What is planet ‘X’?  [ 2013]
(a) Earth (b) Venus (c) Saturn (d) Jupiter
Solar System 235
24. Refer the given diagram of a part of the solar system. Neil Armstrong was the first
to step on _______  [2013]


(a) Q (b) S (c) R (d) P

25. Why is earth called the blue planet?
(a) The earth’s atmosphere scatters the light and creates a blue effect.
(b) The scientists have discovered that the colour of the earth is blue.
(c) 70% of earth’s surface is covered by water
(d) Both (a) and (c)
26. Why do astronauts wear oxygen mask on moon? [Critical Thinking]
(a) There is no atmosphere or oxygen on moon to breathe
(b) To avoid suffocation after a long flight in space craft
(c) To be used in case of emergency
(d) None of these
27. What do you call scientists who study stars and planets ?
(a) Astronaut (b) Astrologer (c) Solar scientist (d) Astronomer
28. How do you watch your cable TV or use web camera? [Critical Thinking]
(a) It is done with the help of solar energy.
(b) It is done with the help of artificial satellites.
(c) It is done with the help of atmosphere surrounding earth’s surface.
(d) It is done with connecting wires with sky.
29. Which of the following shine(s) due to sun’s light?
A. Sun B. Moon C. Earth
(a) A only (b) Both A and B (c) B only (d) A, B and C
30. If your weight is 60 kg, then on moon you would weigh __________. [2012, Tricky]
(a) 10 kg (b) 6 kg (c) 600 kg (d) 100 kg
236 Olympiad Champs–Science
31. Study the following pictures:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Which among these is the hottest?

32. Match the following: [Tricky]

List I List II

A. 1. Satellite

B. 2.

C. 3. Star


Carbon dioxide

D. Oxygen 4. Planet

(a) 3 1 4 2
(b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 4 3 2 1
Directions: Read the sentence and identify which option will fill the blanks properly.

33. There is water on our planet ___(1)___, but there is no water on ___(2)___ .

(a) (1) Moon (2) Earth

(b) (1) Moon (2) Moon

Solar System 237
(c) (1) Earth (2) Moon

(d) (1) Sun (2) Earth

34. With the help of given clues, try and solve the crossword puzzle:[Critical Thinking]

1. The first scientist to look at sky through telescope

(a) Newton (b) Galileo 1.
(c) Einstein (d) none of these 2.

2. Planet between Uranus and Jupiter
(a) Neptune (b) Saturn
(c) Earth (d) Mars
3. The farthest planet from the sun 3.

(a) Neptune (b) Jupiter 4.

(c) Saturn (d) Uranus
4. There is no water on its surface
(a) Earth (b) Moon (c) Ocean (d) none of these
35. Read the poems given below and tell which planet relates best to the poem.
Look through the telescope and try and find me. It will be very difficult, you have to try
hard to see. I am called a ‘dwarf planet’, do not forget but still I am important, I bet.
Who am I ?
(a) Earth (b) Mercury (c) Pluto (d) Neptune
Directions (Qs. 36 to 37) : Based on the information in the table, answer the following
questions: [2013, Tricky]

Name Number of Moons

Mercury 0
Venus 0
Earth 1
Mars 2
Jupiter 16
Saturn 23
Uranus 15
Neptune 8

Units are Earth mass and Earth diameter

36. The planet which has the maximum number of moons
(a) Jupiter (b) Saturn (c) Earth (d) Mercury
238 Olympiad Champs–Science
37. How many planets have zero moon
(a) 8 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d)
38. Based on the fact that the statements given below are true or false, find the
correct sequence.
A. Jupiter does not have rings
B. Uranus has 11 rings
C. Pluto is a large planet.
(a) T F T (b) F T F (c) F F T (d) T T F
39. The Earth completes one revolution in:
(a) one hour (b) one year (c) one day (d) one month
40. The imaginary line dividing the Earth into two halves is called:
(a) equator (b) half line (c) orbit (d) path
41. The only planet with life in the solar system is:
(a) Moon (b) Sun (c) Mars (d) Earth
42. The Earth completes one rotation in:
(a) one day (b) one year (c) one week (d) one hour
43. Which of these shapes does the Moon never take? [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

44. The Earth rotates from:

(a) East to West (b) North to South
(c) South to North (d) West to East
45. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In what direction is the Earth
rotating? [Tricky]
(a) East to West (b) West to East (c) North to South (d) South to North
46. How does the moon shines, even though it does not have its own light? [2014, Tricky]
(a) There is water on moon’s surface.
(b) It shines due to sun’s light.
(c) It shines due to thick layer of gases surrounding it.
(d) It shines due to stars surrounding it.
47. A globe is a model of:
(a) Sun (b) Moon (c) Earth (d) all of these
48. Which of the following is a source of heat and light to all living organisms?
(a) Wood (b) Coal (c) Sun (d) Moon
49. Ram and Mohan were arguing on the topic that Sun is a star or a planet. Rahul
heard this. He came in between and explained them thoroughly. What would you do
if you were in the same situation as Rahul?
Solar System 239
(a) Take Ram and Mohan to the police station.
(b) Scold Ram and Mohan for arguing.
(c) Explain the matter correctly and help them understand clearly.
(d) Don’t do anything.
50. Look at the following diagram and answer the following questions:
[2013, Critical Thinking]

Earth emitted

Why is solar energy reflected from the earth?
(a) Due to gravitational pull of the earth.
(b) Due to presence of atmosphere on earth.
(c) Due to presence of water on earth.
(d) Due to presence of animals on earth.
51. Why there is no life on the Moon? Choose the correct option.
(a) Because Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth
(b) Because there are huge holes on the moon called craters
(c) Because it does not have its own light
(d) Because there is no water or air on the Moon
52. Which one of the following is incorrectly matched?
(a) Imaginary line about which the earth spins - Axis
(b) A small model of the Earth - Globe
(c) An instrument helps us to see the stars, the Moon, etc. - Periscope
(d) Groups of star in a recognisable pattern in the sky - Constellations
53. Read the sentence and unscramble the given words.
The spinning movement of the Earth on its axis is called

(a) Revolution (b) Rotates (c) Atmosphere (d) Rotation
54. The fixed path on which Earth moves around the Sun is called
(a) axis (b) rotation (c) revolution (d) Earth’s orbit
55. Revolution of the Earth causes
(a) seasons (b) summer
(c) day and night (d) days and seasons
240 Olympiad Champs–Science
56. The group of stars that appear to form a pattern or shape in sky is called
_________. Both _________ and _________ consisting of 7 main stars each, are
two examples of this.  [2016, Tricky]
Select the option that fills the blanks in the above paragraph in correct order.
(a) Constellation, Great Bear, The Hunter
(b) Constellation, The Hunter, Orion
(c) Satellite, Great Bear, The Hunter
(d) Satellite, The Hunter, Orion
57. How long does it take for Earth to rotate on its axis seven times?
(a) One day (b) One week (c) One month (d) One year
58. Abdul is making a model of the Solar system. In his model, Mercury is 2 cm from
the Sun, Venus is 4 cm from the Sun and Earth is 5 cm from the Sun. At about
what distance from the Sun should he place Mars? [Critical Thinking]
(a) 1 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 7 cm
59. The different shapes of the Moon are shown in the given figures. Identify the shape
of the Moon when:  [2014, Tricky]
1. The Moon is between the Earth and Sun.
2. The side of the Moon facing the Earth is fully illuminated by the Sun.
1 2 1 2

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
60. Aruna observed the shape of the Moon every night. On 2nd September she noted
on the calendar : Day 1, Full Moon.   [Tricky]
When is she most likely to observe Half Moon and New Moon?
(a) 8th Sept. and 29th Sept. respectively
(b) 7th Sept. and 28th Sept. respectively
(c) 15th Sept. and 22nd Sept. respectively
(d) 9th Sept. and 17th Sept. respectively
61. Read the given statements carefully.  [2012]
1. The Sun changes its shape daily.
2. The Sun has its own light.
3. The Earth is round like a ball.
4. We can count all the Stars.
5. The Earth has more land than water.
Which of the above statements are INCORRECT?
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 5 (d) 1, 4 and 5
62. Which of the following is not a Jovian planet (gas giant)?
(a) Earth (b) Uranus (c) Neptune (d) Saturn
Solar System 241
63. The planet with the greatest temperature extreme is _______.
(a) Earth (b) Mars (c) Venus (d) Mercury
64. Why is the sun important to the Earth?
1. It rotates around the Earth to give us seasons.
2. It provides heat to enable living things to survive on Earth.
3. It provides green plants with light energy to make food.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
65. Fill in the blanks in the given paragraph with the words given in the box and select
the correct option. [2017, Tricky]
24 hours, One year,
Atmosphere, Axis,
Ozone layer, Two years,
Stratosphere, 48 hours
Earth rotates on its own _______. It takes _______ for one rotation. It also moves
around the Sun. It takes _______ to complete one revolution. The Earth is covered by
a layer of gases called the _______.
(a) Axis, 48 hours, Two years, Atmosphere
(b) Axis, 24 hours, Two years, Stratosphere
(c) Axis, 24 hours, One year, Atmosphere
(d) Axis, 48 hours, One year, Ozone layer
66. Refer to the given flow chart and select the correct option regarding it.  [2015]
X Y Z Object in space
(a) Moon Sun Earth
Gives out its own light No
(b) Star Earth Moon
Yes Revolves around
(c) Earth Star Moon Yes the Sun only No
(d) Sun Moon Earth


1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
242 Olympiad Champs–Science
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d
66. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (d) The Solar System is made up of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, minor
planets, and dust and gas. There are eight planets in our solar system. Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
2. (d) The Sun is so large, and has powerful gravity which attracts all other objects in
the solar system. It is at the center of the universe but its size and gravity is
responsible for attracting other objects, rather than its location. Sun does not
have any magnetic pull and neither do planets exert magnetic pull on sun.
3. (c) Pluto is no longer the part of our solar system. Earlier, nine planets were considered
part of the solar system but after recent scientific discoveries, Pluto has been
excluded from this group. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are still considered as
planets. Therefore, option c is the correct answer.
4. (c) Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun
and Earth is the third planet from the sun.
5. (d) Jupiter is the heaviest planet of the solar system. The mass of Jupiter is
1.8981 x 1027 kg.
6. (b) The right order of planets from the sun is venus, saturn, uranus, neptune.
7. (c) Atmosphere on earth reflects back sun’s light. Thus, earth does not absorb harmful
sun rays or UV rays emitted by sun. Therefore, temperature on earth remains
bearable, unlike other planets.
8. (d) Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. Kalpana Chawla was an
Indian astronaut but she was not the first person to walk on the surface of the
moon. APJ Abdul Kalam was the President of India and was responsible for the
launch of many missiles and spaceships but he was not the first person to go to
moon. Galileo made discoveries related to solar system.
9. 1. (a) Asteroids is the odd one out. While all other three-asteroids, planets and
comets are bodies in the solar system, gases are not.
2. (c) Moon is the odd one out. While Venus, Mars and Saturn are planets, Moon is not
a planet. It is a satellite.
10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a)
14. (b) Both earth and moon complete one revolution around the sun in 365 days. There
may be times when the moon, which is also orbiting the earth, will reach the exact
end of its orbit around the sun a little ahead of earth, and other times when it
might be behind. But both moon and earth take approximately 1 year to complete
1 orbit around the sun.
15. (c)
Solar System 243
16. (c) The revolution of the Earth around the Sun on a tilted axis
17. (d) An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial bodies such as moons, planets, stars,
nebulae, and galaxies.
18. (c) An astronomer needs a telescope to see distant objects like planets and galaxies
which are far off in the universe.
19. (c) Sun is the center of the solar system. Although, earlier it was believed that
Earth forms the center of the solar system. However, after studies conducted by
scientists it was proved that sun is at the center of the universe and all celestial
bodies revolve around the sun.
20. (b) 21.  (c)
22. (b) The correct sequence of planets in our Solar System in ascending order of their
size is Mercury < Mars < Venus < Earth < Neptune < Uranus < Saturn < Jupiter
23. (b) 24.  (d)
25. (d) 70% of its surface is covered by water, so earth is also known as watery planet.
Also the earth’s atmosphere scatter’s the light and creates the blue effect.
26. (a) There is no atmosphere or air on moon. Therefore, without oxygen mask it would
be impossible to breathe on moon.
27. (d)
28. (b) It is done with the help of Artificial Satellites. Artificial Satellites are objects
launched from earth to orbit earth or other planets. These Satellites are used
for communication, remote sensing, weather forecasting, and other purposes. Our
daily and live television is beamed to us through satellites. These satellites also
help to digitally spread radio waves and wireless internet. The reason we can see
friends on webcams from thousands of miles away, is mostly because of satellites
as they feed the webcam recording directly to wireless router or internet modem.
29. (c) Moon shines due to sun’s light. Moon doesnot have its own light but it shines due to
sun’s light. However, although sun’s rays fall on earth’s surface but earth doesnot
shine due to sun’s light.
30. (a) 10kg. Moon’s gravity is 1/6th of Earth, so our weight on moon would be 1/6th of our
weight on the earth. Therefore, 60/ 6= 10 kgs.
31. (a) Amongst these, sun is the hottest. It is a hot mass of gases. Sun is the source of
energy for other planets and moon.
32. (a) Sun is a star. It is not a planet or satellite. Similarly, moon is not a star. Moon is
a satellite whereas Jupiter is a planet of the eight planets of the solar system.
Atmosphere is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and reflects back sun’s
33. (c) There is water on our planet Earth. In fact, the presence of water makes life
possible on earth. However, there is no water on Moon.
34. 1. (b) GALILEO 2. (b)  SATURN
3. (a) NEPTUNE 4. (b)  MOON
The first scientist to look at sky through telescope was Galileo. My Very Educated
Mother Just Served Us Naan. Therefore, between Just and Us is Served.
Therefore, planet between Uranus and Jupiter is Saturn. Similarly, the farthest
planet from the sun is Neptune(Naan). There is no water on Moon’s surface
35. (c)
36. (b) Saturn
244 Olympiad Champs–Science
37. (b) 2
38. (b) Jupiter has 4 rings. So the first statement is false. Uranus has 11 rings surrounding
it. Hence, this statement is true. Pluto is not considered as a planet now as it is
very small. Therefore, statement C is false.
39. (b) one year
40. (a) equator
41. (d) Earth
42. (a) one day
43. (d) 44. (d)
45. (b) West to East
46. (b) Moon does not have its own light. It shines due to sun’s light.
47. (c) Earth
48. (c) Sun
49. (c) Explain the matter correctly and help them understand clearly.
50. (b) Due to gravity, the layer of gases known as atmosphere remains attached to earth’s
surface and prevents too much heat or UV rays from sun reaching earth. Earth
reflects about 1/3rd of sunlight it receives.
51. (d) There is no air or water on the Moon. So, there are no plants or animals or
52. (c) The correct statement is –
‘An instrument known as telescope helps us to see the stars, the Moon and the
planets clearly’.
53. (d) Rotation is the phenomenon. The spinning movement of the Earth on its axis is
called rotation.
54. (d) The fixed path on which Earth moves around the Sun is called Earth’s orbit.
55. (a) The Earth goes around the Sun in a fixed path called Earth’s orbit. The move-
ment of the Earth around the Sun in an orbit is called revolution and it takes
365 to complete one revolution. The revolution of the Earth causes seasons.
56. (a)
57. (b) It takes 24 hours (1 day) for Earth to rotate on its axis once. Hence, it will take
7 days (1 week) for Earth to rotate 7 times on its axis.
58. (d) In order of increasing distance from the Sun, the eight planets are Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
59. (a) When Moon is between the Earth and Sun, we cannot sea that side of the Moon
which is facing the Sun or illuminated by the Sun, so we will see no Moon in the sky
(New Moon). When the side of the Moon facing the Earth is fully illuminated by the
Sun, we will see full Moon.
60. (d) The Moon takes about 28 days to go around the Earth. If Full Moon on 2nd
September is counted as day 1, then after 7 days we can see Half Moon, i.e. ,
on 9th September and after 14 days, New Moon would be seen, i.e., 16th or 17th
61. (d) The Sun never changes its shape, we cannot count stars because they are infinite.
The Earth has far more water than land.
62. (a)
63. (d) 64. (b) 65. (c)
66. (b) ‘ X’ is a star. Stars are big balls of fire and have light of their own. ‘Y’ is Earth, as it
is a planet and planets revolve around the sun. ‘Z’ is moon, it does not have its own
light and does not revolve around the Sun. It revolves around the Earth.
Matter and Material 245

DIRECTIONS: Classify the pictures that are given below. Now write their names
in the related columns.





Solids Liquids Gases

246 Olympiad Champs–Science

Matter and
Misconcept/ Concept
v Misconcept: Matter is anything LEARNING OBJECTIVES
that is hard and can be
touched. This lesson will help you to : –
Concept: There are three states v learn about different states of matter
of matter-solid, liquid and gas. v understand how matter changes from one state to
While solids are hard and can another
be touched, liquids and gases v get a better understanding of materials around us
are also matter. Liquids flow,
and gases are invisible, yet Everything on Earth is made up of matter. There are
they are different states of three basic states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
A solid is anything that holds a particular size and shape.
An apple, a block of wood, and a coin are all solids. The
only way they can change their shape is by force (for
instance, if you bite the apple with your teeth or chop the
block of wood with an axe).
The particles in solid are tightly packed and don't make
a lot of movements. There is not much free space in
between the particles, so there is very little room for
the particles to move.

Historical Preview
Apple Coin Chair

v The discovery of three basic
states of matter started with A liquid is anything that has size or volume, but does not
early philosophers thousands have a shape. Liquids must be contained in a cup, bottle,
of years ago and pioneers or some container in order to have a shape. Milk, water,
in this field were Antonie and juice are liquids. When you pour milk into a glass, it
Lavoisier, Henry Cavendish takes the shape of the glass. If you spill the glass of milk
and Robert Boyle, amongst on the floor, it will spread quickly as it takes the shape
others. of the floor.
Matter and Material 247
Amazing Facts
v Hot water freezes quicker than
cold water.
v Liquids, solids and gases are the
most common 3 states of matter
on Earth, however, much of the
matter of universe is in the form
Milk ininaa glass
Milk glass juiceJuice
in ainpack
a pack Water
in aabucket
bucket of hot plasma.
Particles of liquid are not as close together as particles in
a solid, and move around much more freely. They have no
regular shape or arrangement and move freely. A Poem on Gas

Air is a gas,
GAS We can't see it that is true,
But often we feel it
Gases are hard to identify because they have no colour,
size or shape. When we take deep breath our lungs fill up In things that we do,
with air. Air is a combination of many gases. It keeps up a kite.
Air fills up a bubble,
The particles in a gas move freely at high speeds. There
Without it to breathe,
is a lot of free space in between the particles, and they
take the shape of any container. We would be in big trouble.

Shortcut to
Solid Liquid Gas
Problem Solving
Has fixed size Flows, has size or Has no colour, size
v The three basic properties of matter
and shape. volume but no or shape.
are volume, mass and shape.
fixed shape.
v All matter is made up of tiny
Particles closely Particles loosely Particles move particles called atoms.
packed. packed. freely. v Volume is the amount of space
that matter takes up.
v Gases do not have a definite
Matter Changes from One State to Another
shape, mass or volume.
• The process of changing solid into liquid is called v Liquids do not have a definite
melting. shape, but they do have a definite
• The process of changing liquid into gas is called volume.
evaporation. v Solids have a definite shape and
• The process of changing a gas into liquid (e.g., water
vapour to water) is called condensation. v Capacity is the maximum amount
that something can Contain.
• The process of changing a liquid into solid is called
freezing. Ice is frozen water.
248 Olympiad Champs–Science
We can classify everyday materials, e.g. different kinds
of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on the basis of their
properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and
magnetic behavior, and to relate these properties to
everyday uses of the materials. All materials can be
supposed as matter. It may be derived from plants,
animals and earth. These materials may be made up of
element, compound and mixture.
Element is made up of atoms, that cannot be separated
into simpler substances. Ex: gold, copper, silver,
aluminium, etc. These are some of the types of materials
most commonly used. Knowledge of materials allows for
Compound is the substance made up of two or more
elements, that are chemically joined. Ex: salt, water,
sugar, etc.
Mixture is a product of two or more elements that are
mixed but not chemically joined.Ex:fruit salad,etc.
Material Properties
Materials have different properties that make them
useful for different jobs. Here are some properties that
materials have.
Transparent or opaque do let light through (you can
see through them). Opaque materials do not let any light
through (you cannot see through them).
Waterproof materials do not let water through and do
not soak up water.
Absorbant materials soak up water and let water pass
through them.
Strong or weak are very difficult to break. Weak materials
break easily.
Flexible materials are easy to bend.
Rigid materials are difficult to bend.
Hard materials are difficult to scratch.
Magnetic materials are attracted to magnets.
Plastics are materials made from chemicals and are not
found in nature. They are strong and waterproof, and can
be made into any shape by applying heat. Plastics can also
be dyed different colours or made to be transparent. It
is not magnetic. It is a good electrical insulator as it does
not conduct heat or electricity. These are used to make
all sorts of things, such as bags, bottles and toys.
Glass is made by melting sand and other minerals together
at very high temperatures. It is normally transparent and
can be made into many different shapes. Thick glass can
be strong, but thin glass will break very easily. It is used
for objects that need to be transparent such as windows
and spectacles.
Matter and Material 249

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From the given options mark which one is a solid ? [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2. Find the odd one out.
(a) chair (b) oil (c) table (d) elephant
3. From the given options mark which one relates best with gaseous state?
(a) doll (b) juice (c) balloon (d) pencil
4. Steam : Gas : Milk : ? [Tricky]
(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas (d) none of these
5. Mark the odd one out.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

6. When water changes into steam, it is known as __________.
(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation (c) Melting (d) None of these
7. When steam changes into water, it is known as __________. [2012]
(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation (c) Melting (d) None of these
8. When a solid changes to a liquid, it is known as __________.
(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation (c) Melting (d) None of these
9. Match the following: [2013]

List I List II
A. The matter that can change its shape by force 1. Liquid

B. The matter that has lot of free space 2. Solid

C. The matter that has volume not shape 3. Gas

(a) 1 2 3
(b) 2 3 1
(c) 3 1 2
(d) 3 2 1
10. Circle the odd one out. [Tricky]
(a) Bottle (b) Glass (c) Pineapple (d) Cool Breeze
250 Olympiad Champs–Science
11. Which of the following is/are gases?
1. Oxygen 2. Carbon 3. Carbon-dioxide
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) 1 and 3
12. We can smell a perfume in the nearby room because ___________. [2014]
(a) perfumes are very loose and flow easily
(b) it has been sprayed in the nearby room
(c) your nose is too sensitive
(d) none of these

13. Which of these can be found in all 3 states of matter?

(a) Vaseline (b) Wax (c) Water (d) Kerosene
14. Which is not true about Solids? [Tricky]
a) Can flow (b) Can float
(c) Cannot take the shape of the container (d) Can exist in 3 states
15. What is evaporation?
(a) Changing of solid into liquid (b) Changing of liquid into gas
(c) Changing of gas into liquid (d) Both (a) & (b)
16. Ice cream is the __________ state of milk.
(a) Solid (b) Liquid
(c) Gas (d) All of these

17. The state of matter of rocks is __________. [2016]

(a) Liquid (b) Gaseous (c) Solid (d) Both (a) and (b)
18. Mass is ____________. [2017]
(a) The measure of how much material an object is made of
(b) Anything that takes up space
(c) The color or shape of an object
(d) Both (b) and (c)
19. Which of the given processes involves the change of state from a liquid to a gas ?  [2015]
(a) melting of an ice-cream.
(b) Formation of ice cubes in the freezer.
(c) Drying of wet clothes hung outside.
(d) Dissolving of sugar in lemonade.
Matter and Material 251
20. Which among these would be the best material to use, while making the handle of
a tea kettle ?    [2013]
(a) Aluminium (b) Wood
(c) Glass (d) Iron

21. The matter that has lot of free space in the particles is ___________.
(a) Solid (b) Liquid (c) Gas (d) None of these
22. Study the following pictures:
Which among these is the hardest?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

23. Look at the items and arrange the things or material with respect to their strength/
solidity in increasing order.  [2012, Tricky]
1. Bread 2. Balloon 3. Water 4. Laptop
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 3, 2, 1, 4 (c) 4, 3, 2, 1 (d) 2, 4, 3, 1
Mark the correct option [Tricky]

(a) Solid (b) Liquid

Pencil Milk

Eraser Chair

(c) Gas (d)

Oxygen Bed

Juice Chips

25. There are ____(1)____ states in which matter exists- solid, ____(2)____ and
gas. In a solid, particles are ____(3)____ packed, so solids have ____(4)____ and
volume. In liquid, particles are not closely packed, so they have ____(5)____ and
not shape. Gases have ____(6)____, size and shape. [2013, Tricky]
1. (a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 6
2. (a) liquid (b) solid
(c) gas (d) none of these
252 Olympiad Champs–Science
3. (a) loosely (b) farway
(c) closely (d) none of these
4. (a) shape (b) length
(c) gas (d) none of these
5. (a) shape (b) volume
(c) length (d) none of these
6. (a) definite (b) specific
(c) no (d) none of these
26. Look at each object and match it to the material it is made from:
A. Tyre 1. Metal
B. Knife 2. Tree
C. Mirror 3. Rubber
D. Door(show Wooden door) 4. Glass
(a) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 (b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(c) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 (d) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
27. Solve the crossword puzzle: Then mark the correct option 2.
1. It cannot be seen and is a part of air
2. It flows and when spilled takes the shape of the floor
3. The particles of this matter are tightly packed

(a) Liquid, Matter Solid

(b) Liquid, Solid, Gas 3.

(c) Gas, Liquid, Solid

(d) Solid, Liquid, Gas
28. Based on the following diagram, state which is true?  [2014, Tricky]
(a) A is heavier than B Balloon
(b) B is heavier than A A B
(c) Both are equal weight when when not
blown blown
(d) None of the above

29. Choose the correct option

1. The process of changing liquid into gas is called evaporation.
2. The process of changing gas into liquid is called evaporation.
3. The process of changing liquid into solid is called melting.
4. The process of changing a liquid into solid is called freezing.
(a) T T F F (b) F F T T (c) F T T F (d) T F F T
30. Choose the correct option.
Statement A : Solid do not take the shape of the container they are in
Statement B : Gases are hard to compress.
Matter and Material 253
(a) Only A is correct (b) Only B is correct
(c) Both A and B are correct (d) Both A and B are wrong.
31. Look at the following object carefully. This object is __________.[2015, Tricky]
1. Soft
2. Wood-based product
3. Not water proof
4. Non-flexible
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
32. From the following list find out how many liquids are there

Chair Table Milk Juice Butterfly

Pepsi Water Computer Balloon

4 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d)
33. From the following list find out how many gases are there

Chair Table Hydrogen Pepsi Oxygen

Carbon dioxide Juice Steam Vapour

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d)
34. Complete the table with appropriate word [Tricky]
Solid Liquid Gas
Book Milk Oxygen
Clock ? Carbon dioxide

(a) Juice (b) Tree (c) Balloon (d) Computer

35. Six objects are classified into two groups as shown in the table.
The objects are grouped according to ________. [2016, Tricky]
Group Y Group Z

(a) Their hardness

(b) The materials that they are made of

(c) Whether they are waterproof

(d) None of these
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
went to a fair last sunday. There I saw so many exciting things and tried to find out
different states of matter. I saw a person selling gas balloon. Children were buying
254 Olympiad Champs–Science
balloons from him so did I. I got a whole bunch of it. Another man was selling toys,
Cars, jeeps and a train that I bought from him. Then I felt thristy, so went to a shop
and drank pepsi. I had fun.
36. A When the boy felt thirsty what did he have? [Critical Thinking]
(a) balloons (b) toys (c) cold drinks (d) nothing
B Name one item which represents gaseous state.
(a) cars (b) jeeps (c) pepsi (d) balloons

37. State which is true about the picture below:

(a) A is heavier

(b) Both have same volume

(c) Both have same mass

2 kg 2 kg
cotton Stone
(d) None of the above

38. Study the below diagram and tell in which box would you place water

(a) A (b) B

(c) C (d) Both A and B (A) Solid (B) Liquid (C) Gas

39. Which pattern is being followed in the following series: [Tricky]

(a) Solid:: Liquid :: Gas (b) Gas :: Liquid :: Solid
(c) Liquid :: Solid :: Gas (d) There is no pattern
40. Hold a mug upside down on top of water in a bucket. Try to push it as is, into the
water. It takes a lot of effort to do that. Now tilt the mug a little, so that bubbles
come out, the mug goes down easily. This proves that mug had air in it and that:
[Critical Thinking]
(a) Air occupies space
(b) Bubbles help in sinking
(c) We cannot sink when we are upside down in an empty boat
(d) Nothing
41. Sarita made lemonade. For this she added sugar and lemon juice in water and
stirred. The lemonade is ___________. [Tricky]
(a) Solid (b) gas (c) liquid (d) all the above
42. Which of the following can be found in all 3 states of matter?
(a) Vaseline (b) Oil (c) Newspaper (d) Water
Matter and Material 255
43. Which of the following statements about water are correct? [2015]
1. It has mass
2. It has definite shape
3. It has no definite volume
4. It can change from one state to another
(a) 1 and 4 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1 and 2 only
44. While making chapatis your mom takes some dough and rolls it. Then she spreads
it out with a rolling pin. This will change the ______ of the dough. [Tricky]
(a) Volume (b) Man (c) Shape (d) State
45. Matter:
(a) can flow (b) can fly
(c) take the shape of the container (d) exists in 3 states
46. What is matter?
(a) Anything that has mass
(b) Anything that occupies space
(c) Anything that has mass and occupies space
(d) None of these
47. Amit has following four containers. Which of these has maximum capacity?
 [2012, Tricky]
(a) 200 mL cough syrup (b) 900 mL glass jar
(c) 25 mL measuring cylinder (d) 45 mL water bottle
48. Radhika's mom kept some ice-cream in the refrigerator. Suddenly their was power
cut and the ice-cream melted away. When Radhika came from school she opened
the refrigerator and noticed the melted ice-cream. She started crying. As an elder
brother how will you stop her from crying. [Critical Thinking]
(a) Scold Radhika
(b) Buy another ice-cream for her
(c) Tell her to wait, it will freeze again when the power supply is back
(d) None of these
49. When describing the colour, size, shape, or smell of an object, you are describing the :
(a) Properties of matter (b) States of matter
(c) Volume of matter (d) Mass of matter
50. Choose the correct statement :
1. In solids the molecules are packed the closest together.
2. In gases the molecules are spread out the most.
3. In liquids the molecules are packed close together, but not as tightly as solids.
(a) Statement 1 alone is right (b) Statement 2 alone is right
(c) Statement 3 alone is right (d) All of the above
256 Olympiad Champs–Science
51. A cup was placed under a dripping tap. After a while, a puddle of water was found
around the cup. [2013, Critical Thinking]
Which of the following statements is true for the above activity?
(1) Water has a definite shape
(2) Water occupies space.
(3) Water has a definite volume.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
52. Which of these is a characteristic property of gases?
(a) Gases are not rigid at all (b) Gases are not compressible
(c) Gases have particles in fixed positions (d) Gases have high density
53. A solid has ____________. [Tricky]
(a) Definite volume but no definite shape
(b) Definite mass but no definite volume
(c) Very high compressibility
(d) Have definite shape and definite volume
54. Ravi and Shashi were standing as shown here. Ravi waved to Shashi and she smiled
in reply. Sheet X can be made of [Tricky]

(a) Wood (b) Iron (c) Rubber (d) Glass

55. Which of the following objects is INCORRECTLY paired with the materials it is
made of/from?    [2015]
Objects Materials
(a) Spectacles Plastic and metal
(b) Hammer Metal and wood
(c) Drilling machine Plastic and metal
(d) Watch Wood and rubber
56. Select the product which is made of only one material.

(a) (b) (c) (d) Both (a) and (c)

Matter and Material 257
57. Esha wanted to find if material X would allow water to pass through. She put the
material over a container and poured some water onto it as shown in the given dia-
gram. She found that no water was collected in the container. What material could
X be? [Critical Thinking]

Material X

(a) Cloth (b) Paper (c) Glass (d) Cardboard
58. Which state of matter spreads itself thinner and thinner until it fills the entire vol-
ume of the container irrespective of its size? [Tricky]
(a) LiQuid (b) Gas (c) Solid (d) (a) and (b) both
59. Refer to the given diagram and select the correct option regarding it. [Tricky]

Y proof

(a) X – Rubber, Y – Plastic (b) Z – Wood, X – Cardboard

(c) Y – Sponge, X – Rubber (d) Z – Glass, X - Paper
60. Study the given flow chart carefully. Which one of the following options correctly
describes the properties R, S and T in the chart?


No Yes
R T Rubber
S Ceramic
(a) Allow light to Conducts electricity Fragile
pass through
(b) Fragile Allows light to pass Flexible
258 Olympiad Champs–Science
(c) Flexible Conducts electricity Had
(d) Conducts electricity Fragile Allows light to pass through
61. Study the flow chart given below. [2017, Tricky]

Has a fixed Yes Has a fixed Yes Floats Yes

Matter S
shape? volume? on Q?

No No
Can be No R


What could P, Q, R and S be?

(a) Air Oil Rubber Steel
(b) Alcohol Air Iron Paper
(c) Carbon dioxide Water Steel Ice
(d) Water Oxygen Ceramic Oil


What is Vinod trying to test about the plastic ruler?

(a) Its hardness (b) Its strength
(c) Its flexibility (d) Its ability to float or sink in water
63. Look at the objects shown below.

All the above objects are ___________
(i) Soft (ii) Wood-based products
(iii) Made from plant parts (iv) Non-flexible
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (iii) & (iv) (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Matter and Material 259
64. The flow chart below shows the characteristics of few substances. [2013]


No Is it visible ?

No Does it have Yes No Does it have a Yes

a smell ? definite shape ?


(a) Air Flour Perfume Paper cup
(b) Oxygen Perfume vapour Milk Metal button
(c) Water Carbon monoxide Jelly Air
(d) Carbon dioxide Nail polish Copper coin Vinegar
65. Kriti loves woodworking. She carved a statue, sanded it smooth and painted it.
Which of the following properties of wood did she change?
(a) Shape, texture and colour (b) Shape, colour and smell
(c) Texture, mass and flexibility (d) Colour, texture and flexibility

response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d 63. a b c d 64. a b c d 65. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (a) Book is solid. Milk and juice comes in liquid form and balloon contains air.
2. (b) Oil is liquid, others are solid.
260 Olympiad Champs–Science
3. (c) Balloon contain gas, which can be considered as gaseous state, Rest are either
solid or liquid.
4. (b) Liquid. Steam can be defined as gas and milk can be defined as liquid.
5. (d) Steam from a kettle and comes under gaseous form. Rest of the things have some
qualities of solid and liquid.
6. (b) When water changes into steam, it is known as evaporation. The original state
of water is in liquid state, however, when we increase the temperature of water
by boiling it, it changes from one form to another. The particles of water start
moving at high speed. This process is called evaporation.
7. (a) When steam changes into water, it is known as condensation. Steam is water in
gaseous state. In gaseous state, the particles of water vapours move at high
speed. When vapours cool down, their particles start losing energy and they start
coming closer to one another. Thus on cooling steam, water acquires its original
8. (c) When a solid changes to a liquid, it is known as melting. In solid state of matter,
particles are closely packed with each other. On applying force or energy, the
particles of matter begin to move part. This process is called melting.
9. (b) In solids, the particles of matter are closely packed. It requires immense effort
to break the bonding between particles to change the shape. Liquid has volume but
no shape. And gases have lot of free space.
10. (d) Bottle, glass and pineapple are all solids, whereas cool breeze is gas.
11. (d) Oxygen and carbon dioxide are gases. Carbon is not a gas. It is an element. Graphite
and diamond are solids and are made of carbon.
12. (a) We can smell a perfume in the nearby room because the molecules of perfume are
very loose and flow easily.
13. (c) Water is found in all three states - solid as ice, liquid as water and gas as steam.
14. (a) Solids cannot flow
15. (b) Changing of liquid into gas
16. (a) Solid
17. (c)
18. (a)
19. (c) During drying of wet clothes hung outside, water evaporates off the wet clothes.
Water present in the clothes (liquid form) changes into water vapours (gaseous
form) due to the heat from the Sun.
20. (b)

21. (c) The matter that has lot of free space in the particles is gas. The particles in gas
move freely at high speed. Gases have no colour, size or shape because particles in
gas move freely.
22. (b) All the given items are solids. However, when we keep butter outside fridge in
summers, then it begins to melt quickly. Similarly, flower and thread are also solids,
but they can be broken easily as their particles are not tightly packed. Therefore,
wood among these is the hardest.
23. (b) Water is not solid. It is liquid. Therefore, it comes 1 in the order. Balloon is filled
with air. Balloon is made of rubber and can be pricked easily. Moreover, the air
particles in the balloon are loosely packed. Therefore, it comes 2 in the order.
Matter and Material 261
Bread is solid, but it is less hard than laptop. Therefore, bread comes 3 and laptop
is 4 in the order.
24. (a) Pencil and eraser both are solid.
25. 1. (b)  three 2. (a)  liquid 3. (c)  closely
4. (a)  shape 5. (b)  volume 6. (c)  no
26. (a) A. Tyre 1. Metal
B. Knife 2. Tree
C. Mirror 3. Rubber
D. Door(show wooden door) 4. Glass

Tyre is made of rubber. Knife is made of metal. It is then sharpened and it acquires
the shape of knife. Mirror is made of glass and door is made of tree. Trees are cut
and the wood is used for various purposes. Similarly, one material is used to make
many objects. e.g., rubber is used to make tyres, balloons, rubber bands, erasers,
rubber bottles etc.
27. (c) Gas cannot be seen and is a part of air.
Liquid flows and when it is spilled it takes the
shape of the floor as liquid does not have its own
shape. The particles of solid are tightly packed
and everything on this earth is made of matter. A I

28. (a) The inflated (blown up) balloon is heavier. The deflated (not blown up) one has only
the weight of the balloon skin, but the inflated one has the weight of the balloon
skin and also the air inside it.
29. (d) Statement 1 and 4 are true
30. (a) Statement A is correct. Solid do not take the shape of the container they are in.
31. (c)
32. (a) (4)  There are 4 liquids items in the list. They are Milk, Juice, Pepsi and Water.
33. (c) (5) There are 5 gaseous items in the list. They are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon diox-
ide, Steam and Vapour.
34. (a) 
Juice. The appropriate word which will fit in the table is juice which comes under
35. (a) Eraser, paper envelope and newspaper are soft things. Paperclip, glass tube and
brick are hard things.
36. A (c) Cold drink. When the boy felt thirsty he went to a shop selling cold drinks
and had it.
B (d) Balloons represent gaseous state because they are filled with gas.
37. (c)
38. (b)
262 Olympiad Champs–Science
39. (c) The pattern is liquid: solid: gas.
40. (a) Air occupies space.
41. (c) Liquid
42. (d) Water
43. (a) Water is a liquid. It has definite volume but does not have a definite shape. It
takes the shape of the vessel in which it is poured. Water has mass and can exist
in three inter-convertible states - solid (ice), liquid and gas (steam).
44. (c) shape
45. (d) Solid exists in 3 states
46. (c) Anything which occupies space and has mass.
47. (b) 900 mL glass jar has the maximum capacity.
48. (c) 49. (a) 50. (d)
51. (b) We know that liquids do not have a definite shape, they acquire the shape of the
container in which they are placed. Liquids have definite volume and they occupy
space. The puddle of water around the cup shows that water occupies space and has
a definite volume.
52. (a)
53. (d)
54. (d) As both Ravi and Shashi can see each other, the sheet X should be transparent.
Among the given options only glass is a transparent material.
55. (b) Watch is made up of different metals but never wood.
56. (d) Both rubber band and newspaper are made of single material i.e. rubber and paper
57. (c) As water did not collect in the container it means that the material ‘X’ is glass which
does not allow water to pass through it. Cloth, paper and cardboard allow water to
pass through them.
58. (b)
59. (d) X is a material that is flexible but not waterproof. It can be paper. Z is a material
that is waterproof but not flexible. It can be glass.
60. (b) Glass is fragile (can be broken easily) and it allows light to pass through it while
rubber is not fragile, it is flexible and does not allow light to pass though it.
61. (c) Gases do not have a fixed shape and are compressible, liquids also do not have fixed
shape but cannot be compressed as they have a fixed volume. Solids have fixed shape,
fixed volume and can either float or sink in water depending upon their density.
62. (c) Vinod is trying to test plastic ruler that is flexible.
63. (b) Books, newspaper and box are wood based products as they are made from plants.
Books and box are hard and non-flexible, while newspapers are soft and flexible.
64. (b)
65. (a) Wood is not flexible. Thus, Kriti changed shape, texture and colour of the wood
while carving a statue.
Force and Motion 263

DIRECTIONS: Circle the objects that need people power to move. Color the
objects that burn fuel to move.

Add three more objects to each category below.

People Powered Objects Fuel Powered Objects

1. ______________________ 1. ______________________

2. ______________________ 2. ______________________

3. ______________________ 3. ______________________
264 Olympiad Champs–Science

Chapter Force and
This lesson will help you to :–
v When a baseball player runs around v learn about force and motion.
the bases, his or her position
changes, which shows that motion v learn about factors that causes a body to be in
is performed. motion.
v A bull is pulls the cart with force. v study different types of motion.
v learn about uniform motion, non-uniform motion and
circular motion.


The world is filled with movements. Some movements
(motion) just happen. The earth revolves around the sun,
Historical Preview
snowflakes fall to the grounds etc. Some motions we can
control, like we walk, pickup things, play etc.

v Sir Isaac Newton was the one who FORCE AND MOTION
first thought about the reason
• When we push or pull something, we are using force
why all objects fall down and
to try to move it or put it into motion.
found the actual reason behind it.
He said that gravitational force • For example pushing a table, Pulling a door, Walking
causes every object to come down.
He later found the relationship • There are following types of forces i.e Muscular
between force and motion and force, Magnetic force, Frictional force and
introduced the three laws of Gravitational force.
motion. • Muscular force is the force applied through human
Ex- weight lifting, horse riding etc.
• Magnetic force is the force applied by magnet on
metallic objects.
• Frictional force is the force that stops things from
moving or slows down.
Ex- A girl faces difficulty in pulling her study table
because of friction.
Force and Motion 265
• Gravitational force is the force that makes things
fall down to the ground.
Ex- through any object upward, it will fall down to
Amazing Facts
the earth.

v There is no gravity in space.
• Motion is a state of change. It is an act, process or
v A football player uses force to run,
instance of changing place. kick, pass, and tackle. When he
• It can be a movement caused by nature or a change kicks the football, the speed and
of location or energy created by manmade means. direction of the football changes
and the shape of the football
• For example when we move our legs to walk, we are changes temporarily, too.
putting them in motion.
• Whether the movement is of a planet revolving or
you playing a game, the motion happens because of

According to state there are three types of motion viz.
Uniform motion, non-uniform motion and circular motion.

Uniform Motion
• A body is said to be in uniform motion if it covers
equal distance in equal interval of time. v There are different types of
• For example: motion : Translation motion in which
all parts of an object move the same
1. Planets move around the sun in uniform motion. distance in given time
2. Suppose a bus travels at a constant speed of 73 Ex- Vehicles moving on road, etc.
miles per hour. Then this constant speed can be v Rotational motion is a motion of
called as uniform motion. object about an axis and different
parts of its move by different
Ex- Merry go round, etc.
v Periodic motion is a type of motion
that repeats itself after equal time
Ex- The hands of clock, etc.
v Non-periodic motion is a type of
motion that do not repeat itself at
regular intervals
Ex- Children playing in park, etc.
Non-Uniform Motion
• When a body covers unequal distance in equal interval
of times or vice- versa, then the body is said to have
non-uniform motion.
266 Olympiad Champs–Science

• For example a racing horse, swing.

Circular Motion
• Circular motion is a movement of an object along a circular path or a circular orbit.
• Motion along a circle with constant speed is called uniform circular motion.
• For example highway curves are parts of circles so a car taking a turn is undergoing
circular motion.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. There are _____ types of motion.
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
2. A body is said to be in motion, if it changes its position. What is “position”?
(a) A certain location (b) A force
(c) A motion (d) None of these
3. Movement of moon around the Earth is an example of _________. [2012]
(a) Uniform Motion

(b) Non-Uniform Motion

(c) Uniform circular motion Earth

(d) Non-uniform circular motion.

4. Movement in a circular path is an example of:
(a) Rotatory motion (b) Translatary force
(c) Rotational motion (d) None of these
5. When any car takes a turn on a highway, then the motion experienced is _________.
(a) Uniform Motion (b) Linear motion
(c) Circular Motion (d) Non-uniform motion
Force and Motion 267
6. A body is said to be in uniform motion if it covers ___________distance in
_________intervals of time.   [2013]

(a) equal, equal (b) unequal, unequal

(c) equal, unequal (d) unequal, equal

7. When _______ is applied, a body sets in motion.

(a) force (b) mass (c) matter (d) speed

8. The object falls down on the ground due to _________.

(a) magnets (b) it is supposed to come down

(c) free-fall (d) gravitational force

9. In science, push or pull is called a _________.

(a) force (b) acceleration (c) motion (d) inertia

10. When a body covers unequal distance in equal interval of times or vice- versa, then
the body is said to describe__________________.
(a) uniform motion (b) non-uniform motion
(c) gravitational force (d) circular motion
11. Who discovered the relationship between force and motion and gave the three laws
of motion?   [2014]
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Sir Graham Bell
(c) Sachin Tendulkar (d) Sir Isaac Newton
12. An object will not change its location, until and unless you apply ____________
(a) motion (b) force (c) gravity (d) all of these
13. A train going along the tracks at steady speed is an example of __________.
(a) force (b) uniform motion
(c) non-uniform motion (d) circular motion
14. A car moving on such a road, would be in __________. [Tricky]
(a) circular motion
(b) linear motion
(c) non-Linear motion
(d) non-uniform motion
15. From the following options choose which one is a pull action?
(a) Pushing a swing (b) Working with a lawn
(c) Taking out a carrot from ground (d) Pushing a pram
268 Olympiad Champs–Science
16. Sir Isaac Newton is a famous __________.

(a) scientist (b) traveler (c) cook (d) philosopher

17. Which of these is true for uniform motion?

(a) A body in uniform motion covers equal distance in equal interval of time.

(b) A force is required to set a body in uniform motion.

(c) All of these

(d) None of these

18. Find the odd one out. [Tricky]

(a) Swimming (b) Playing (c) Running (d) Sleeping

19. Motion of wheel of a bicycle is_______________ . [2016]

(a) circular motion (b) periodic Motion

(c) linear motion (d) non-linear motion

20. Find the odd one out. [Tricky]

(a) Throwing a softball

(b) A racing horse

(c) Swing

(d) A space craft drifting between two galaxies

21. When you pull a toy car, you need to apply : [2017]

(a) Work (b) Force (c) Light (d) Sound

level 2
22. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Uniform motion 1. Merry-go-round

B. Non-Uniform Motion 2. Push or pull

C. Circular Motion 3. Car moving on a bumpy road

D. Force 4. Car running with 50 km/hr.

Force and Motion 269
(a) 4 3 1 2
(b) 2 4 3 1
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 4 1 2 3
23. Lata is going on a road trip with her family. The destination is 40 km away. The
driver takes 1hour to cover 20 km and further 1 hour to cover another 20 km. In
which motion is the driver driving the car? [Tricky]
(a) Uniform (b) Non-Uniform (c) Circular (d) None of these
24. Which of these is not true for motion?
(a) It is a state of change.
(b) A force is required to set a body in motion.
(c) There are 3 types of motion
(d) None of these
25. Ajay went to a Diwali fair in his locality and took a ride on a merry-go-round. What
motion did Ajay experience while having a ride? [Tricky]
(a) Uniform motion (b) Non-uniform motion
(c) Circular motion (d) None of these
26. How can you tell if an object is in motion? [Critical Thinking]
(a) The object will look different.
(b) I’ll be able to see the forces.
(c) It will remain in the same position.
(d) It’s position will change in relation to other objects
27. Which of these shows circular motion? [Critical Thinking]

(a) Planets moving around sun (b) Car on a straight road

(c) Bullock cart moving on bumpy road. (d) Boy swimming.
28. Identify the wrong statement.
(a) Horse riding is an example of non-uniform motion.
(b) There are four types of motion.
(c) When force is applied, the object moves.
(d) Merry go round is an example of circular motion.
270 Olympiad Champs–Science
29. Match the following. [Tricky]

List I List II
A. Sir Isaac Newton 1. Motion
B. Types of Motion 2. Gravity
C. Change of position 3. Three
D. Object falling down 4. Scientist

(a) 4 3 1 2
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 4 3 1
(d) 4 3 2 1
Directions (Qs. 30 to 31) : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
Gravity causes the tides of the oceans– [Critical Thinking]
ecause it is made of matter, the moon also has a gravitational pull, but it is not strong enough
to move Earth. However, it is strong enough to move the oceans. Whenever the water on the
beach recedes and comes back with the ebb and flow of the tide, the ocean is reacting to the
pull of the moon’s gravity.
30. Moon has gravity because ____________.
(a) it borrows gravity from sun (b) moon is made up of matter
(c) it borrows gravity from earth (d) none of the above
31. Mark the statement based on true or false.
(i) Moon’s gravity is strong enough to pull earth.
(ii) Moon’s gravity is strong enough to move ocean.
(a) FT (b) T F (c) FF (d) T T
32. The movement shown by a rotating fan is _______. [2012, Tricky]
(a) linear motion (b) uniform motion
(c) circular motion (d) periodic motion
33. There is no _________ in space.
(a) force (b) gravity (c) playground (d) motion
34. A car is moving in uniform motion. It covers 50 kms in one hour. How much time
will it take to travel another 50 kms?
(a) 60 minutes (b) 50 minutes (c) 90 minutes (d) 2 hrs
Force and Motion 271
35. The figure shows which type of motion? [2013, Tricky]

(a) Uniform motion

(b) Non-uniform motion

(c) Circular motion

(d) None of these
36. A car is travelling with uniform motion. In the first hour it travels 50 km. How much
distance it will travel in next one hour?
(a) 30 km (b) 40 km (c) 50 km (d) 60 km
(e) None of these
37. A body moving in circular motion will travel in ________ path. [Tricky]
(a) straight (b) zigzag (c) circular (d) triangular
38. Taking a round on the many-go-round, Shruti felt drowsy. What would you do to
make her feel comfortable?
(a) Ask her to take one more ride.
(b) Take her to the school.
(c) Give her some water and ask her to take rest.
(d) Take her to the zoo.
39. A paint is marked on the blade of a ceiling fan. The ceiling fan is then switched ON.
[2014, Tricky]
Mark on Ceiling fan
blade of

What type of motion is described by the point marked on the blade?

(a) Linear motion (b) Periodic motion (c) Circular motion (d) None of these
40. A moving body slows down or stops on its own due to __________ force.
(a) gravitational (b) elastic
(c) mechanical (d) frictional
41. When muscles are used to move a thing, __________ force is used.
(a) muscular (b) frictional
(c) gravitational (d) none of these
42. __________ force pulls things towards the centre of the Earth. [Tricky]
(a) Frictional force (b) Gravitational force
(c) Muscular force (d) None of these
272 Olympiad Champs–Science
43. Select the activity which requires a force different from the other three activities.
(a) Spinning a coin (b) Turning the door knob

(c) Fitting a screw into the board (d) Pumping air into a football
Directions (Qs. 44 to 48) : Read the passage and fill up the blanks by choosing the
correct option given below. [Critical Thinking]
You must have seen a cricket match. The bowler uses —(44)— to bowl. The batsman uses
force to —(45)— the ball. The fielder uses force to —(46)— it. These are three ways in
which the cricketers use force.
Force can be used to —(47)— or —(48)— something.
44. (a) pressure (b) energy (c) force (d) none of these
45. (a) pick (b) hit (c) catch (d) none of these
46. (a) kick (b) hit (c) stop (d) none of these
47. (a) push (b) energise (c) accelerate (d) none of these

48. (a) pull (b) copy (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these

49. Which of the following statements are correct? [2015]

1. A force can change the direction of a moving object.

2. Echoes can be used to find the depth of the sea.

3. Sound travels faster than light.

4. Gravity is a force that pushes everything away from the Earth.

(a) 1 and 4 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 3 and 4 only
50. Choose the correct options.
How can you say that an object is in motion?
(a) If it does not change its position with respect to time
(b) If it changes its position with respect to time
(c) The object changes its shape
(d) Some force is exerted on the object

51. Which type of motion is possessed by the soldiers in a parade?

(a) Periodic motion (b) Linear motion (c) Circular motion (d) None of these
Force and Motion 273
52. Study the given flow chart and select the correct option regarding forces X, Y and Z.
[2016, Tricky]

Force acts at No Force opposes Yes

a distance motion


Force of No Force of Yes

attraction only repulsion as well



(a) Force ‘Y’ is caused by the pulling and pushing actions of magnets
(b) Force ‘Z’ causes objects to move slowly
(c) Force ‘X’ is lesser on smoother surface
(d) Both (a) and (c)
53. Rohan is going on a road trip with his family. The destination is 50 km from their
house. Rohan noticed that the driver took 1 h for the first 30 km and the next
20 km in another 1 h. In which motion is the driver driving the car?  [Tricky]
(a) Uniform (b) Non-uniform (c) Circular (d) None of these
54. A girl is sitting on a merry go round. What type of motion is she having?

(a) Linear motion (b) Periodic motion

(c) Circular motion (d) Uniform motion
55. Which of the following actions do NOT require a twisting force?   [2015, Tricky]
(a) Spinning a coin
(b) Pulling the rope in the tug of war
(c) Turning the water tap on
(d) Opening a water bottle
274 Olympiad Champs–Science
56. Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
A. Circular motion 1. March past of soldiers
B. Periodic motion 2. Movement of moon around the earth
C. Uniform motion 3. Car moving on a bumby road
D. Non-uniform motion 4. Pendulum clock
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 1 3 2 4 (c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 4 2 1 3
57. Ritika tied four rubber bands of different thickness on four identical boxes at iden-
tical positions. Which of these set ups will produce the loudest sound on striking
the rubber band with the finger? [Tricky]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

58. Sanya applies some oil on the hinges of a door. What force is she trying to
reduce by adding the oil on the hinges? [2017, Tricky]
(a) Friction (b) Gravity
(c) Magnetic force (d) Elastic force
59. The given grap shows Raju’s pulse rate. Which of the following is the most prob-
able condition during which pulse rate was recorded? [Tricky]
Pulse rate

(a) Raju ran for 10 minutes, rested for 10 minutes and ran again
(b) Raju did warm up exercise for 10 minutes, rested for 20 minutes and ran again
(c) Raju slept for 1 hour, walked for 1 hour and slept again
(d) Raju walked for 1 hour, rested for half an hour and walked again
Force and Motion 275
60. Roy wants to make a list of actions that show friction produces heat. Which of the
following could he include in his list? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Rubbing hands together
(b) Scratching a match stick against the box
(c) Sawing wood
(d) Drilling a hole into metal sheet
(e) Rubbing off some pencil marks with an eraser
(a) (a) and (e) only (b) (a), (b) and (e) only
(c) (a), (b), (c) and (e) only (d) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)
61. What can be the reason that a taxi driver has to be more careful when driving on
a rainy day than driving on a hot summer day?   [2014]
(a) Gravitational force between taxi and road is higher on a hot summer day.
(b) Frictional force between taxi and road is lower on a rainy day.
(c) Gravitational force between taxi and road is lower on a rainy day.
(d) Frictional force between taxi and road is lower on a hot summer day.


1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d
276 Olympiad Champs–Science

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (b) There are three types of motion viz. Uniform motion, non-uniform motion and
circular motion.
2. (a) Position is referred to as certain location.
3. (c) The movement of moon around Earth is an example of uniform circular motion.
4. (c)
5. (c) When any car takes a turn on a highway, it is experiencing a circular motion.
6. (a) A body is said to be in uniform motion if it covers equal distance in equal interval
of time.
7. (a) When force is applied, a body sets in motion.
8. (d) The object falls on the ground because of gravitational force or gravity.
9. (a) In science, the push or pull is called force.
10. (b) When a body covers unequal distance in equal interval of times or vice- versa, then
the body is said to describe non-uniform motion.
11. (d) Sir Isaac Newton gave the three laws of motion after studying the relationship
between force and motion.
12. (b) An object will not change its location, until and unless you apply force.
13. (b) A train going along the tracks at steady speed is an example of uniform motion.
14. (a) The road is curvy so the car moving on such a road would be in circular motion.
15. (c)
16. (a) Sir Isaac Newton is a famous scientist.
17. (c) Both the statements are true.
18. (d) When a body is sleeping it is not in motion.
19. (a) Motion of wheel of a bicycle is circular motion.
20. (d) All other options are examples of non-uniform motion.
21. (b)

level 2
22. (a)

List I List II
A. Uniform motion 4. Car running with 50 km/hr.
B. Non-uniform motion 3. Car moving on a bumpy road
C. Circular motion 1. Merry-go-round
D. Force 2. Push or pull
Force and Motion 277
23. (a) Since the driver is taking equal interval of time to cover equal distance i.e. 1 hour
each to cover 20 km, he is driving the car in a uniform motion.
24. (d) All the statements are true regarding motion.

25. (c) On a merry-go-round, Ajay experienced a circular motion.

26. (d) An object is said to be in motion if its position changes in relation to other objects.

27. (a) Planets moving around the sun is an example of uniform circular motion.

28. (b) There are three types of motion viz. uniform motion, non-uniform motion and
circular motion.

29. (a)

List I List II
Sir Isaac Newton Scientist

Types of Motion Three

Change of position Motion

Object falling down Gravity

30. (b) 31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b)

34. (a)
35. (a) Since equal distance is travelled in equal time it is a uniform motion.
36. (c)
37. (c)
38. (c) Give some water to Shruti and ask her to take rest.
39. (c) A ceiling fan remains at one place but its blade rotate round and round. If we
mark a point on one of the blades of the fan and switch on the fan, then the
point marked on the blade of rotating fan undergoes circular motion.

40. (d) Frictional force is responsible to stop on slow down a moving object.
41. (a) Muscular force is used to move a thing.
42. (b) Gravitational force pulls things towards the centre of the Earth.
43. (d) Pumping air into a football does not involve rotational movement of hand as involved
in other activities.

44. (c) The bowler uses force to bowl.

45. (b) The batsman hits the ball with force.
46. (c) The fielders job is to stop the ball with force.
47. (a) Force can be used to push something.
278 Olympiad Champs–Science
48. (a) Force can be used to pull something.
49. (c) Light travels faster than sound and gravity is the force by which the Earth pulls
objects towards itself.
50. (b) If it changes its position with respect to time then the object is in motion.
Other options are not correct.
When the object changes its shape, it is not called as motion. Change of shape is
not a motion. Similarly, when some force is exerted on the object, then it is not
a motion. In this action, it is not mentioned whether the object moves or not.
51. (b) The march past of soldiers in a parade is a linear motion. Linear motion takes
place in a fixed direction.
52. (d) Force X  Frictional force
Force Y  Magnetic force
Force Z  Force of gravity
Gravity causes objects to drop fast vertically but slows down upward move-
ments. It has no effect on horizontal movement.

53. (b) The driver covered unequal distances in equal interval of time, so its motion is
54. (c) A girl sitting on a merry go round exhibits circular motion.
55. (b) Pulling the rope in the tug of war requires a pulling force, not a twisting force.
56. (c)
A. Circular motion 2. Movement of moon around the earth
B. Periodic motion 4. Pendulum clock
C. Uniform motion 1. March past of soldiers
D. Non-uniform motion 3. Car moving on a bumby road
57. (b) Rubber band of minimum thickness will make loudest sound as it will strike more
compare to thicker bands.
58. (a) By applying oil on the hinges of a door, Sanya tries to reduce the frictional force.
Frictional force develops when two surfaces rub (move) against each other. This
force tends to stop or slow down the motion of object.
59. (b) From the given graph, it is clear that initially for sometime, Raju’s pulse rate was
constant but thereafter it increased for sometime and then decreased. Time
during which the pulse rate decreased is more than the time during which pulse
rate increased. Finally his pulse rate increased again. This can be explained as
In the beginning Raju was resting so his pulse rate was constant but when he
started warm up exercise his pulse rate increased. His pulse rate dropped when
he rested after warm up exercise and finally when he started running, his pulse
rate again increased.
60. (d) As all these actions involve two surfaces rubbing against each other, thus force of
friction comes into action which produces heat.
61. (b)
Our Changing Life 279

DIRECTIONS: Given below is a table which consists of different kinds of dresses
worn by men and women of India. Put a () mark against each dress being worn
either by men or by women.


(1) Saree

(2) Dhoti-Kurta

(3) Caps & turbans

(4) Ghaghra-choli

(5) Kurta-Pyjama

(6) Salwar-Kameej

(7) Odhni-Dupatta

(8) Jeans-T-shirt

(9) Skirt-top

(10) Shirt-trouser

(11) Kurta-lungi

(12) Jeans-top
280 Olympiad Champs–Science

Changing Life
This lesson will help you to :—
v understand how pottery was invented.
Amazing Facts
v understand how clay is used in making different
v understand why it is necessary to bake the clay
v The potter’s wheel was invented in pots.
Egypt around the year 3000 BC v observe the diversity in different types of clothing.
v High fired ceramics, like stoneware v study different colours and designs used in various
and porcelain, were first produced types of textiles.
by Chinese culture v know how fire was invented and how we use fire in
v Silk is obtained from the cocoons our daily life.
of silk worms, and is harvested by
dipping the cocoons in hot water POTTERY
and unwinding it. It is then spun.
Silk culture has been practiced The term “pottery” refers to any type of ceramic ware
for at least 5000 years in China. A that is made from clay and hardened by fire. Pottery
silkworm’s diet consists mainly of making is the process of turning raw clay into a bowl,
mulberry leaves. plate, cup, pot or other vessel.
The art of making pottery began as early as 6000 B.C. and
was used to keep important things of everyday life. In
the beginning pots were made of stone and clay. Earlier
people used to make pots of clay by kneading the clay and
shaping them with their hands.
Later discovery of potter’s wheel made it easier to make
pots. As time passed, the potter’s wheel became better
and better. Today electric wheel is used which has made
pottery making much faster.
People also discovered that they can make the clay pots
harder by baking them. A kiln is a kind of oven in which
pots are placed to bake. Pots are heated at very high
temperature and taken out only when they are cool.
Our Changing Life 281
• To store and cook food.
• To gather and transport grains, berries and nuts.
• To carry water.
• To have food in it.
• Later, pottery evolved as an art form, with pictures
being shown on the vessels to share stories.
• In modern times pottery pieces are used as
decorative accents, dinnerware, vases, and other
useful items.


1 2 3

4 5

1. Kneading clay
2. Making pots
3. Baking the pots in kiln
4. Decorating Pots
5. Selling different pottery items in the market


Earthenware is lightly fired, readily absorbs v Misconcept: All clothes are made
water if not glazed, and does not allow light of fibres obtained naturally from
to pass through it. living organisms.
Concept: Only Cotton, Silk, Wool
Porcelain ware was first made in China, hence
and jute fibres are obtained from
its common name is chinaware.
living organisms. Some fibres
Stoneware is extremely strong and will not absorb water. like nylon, polyester are made
It is fired at higher temperatures than earthenware artificially using chemicals.
so that the ingredients melt and fuse together. It will
not allow light to pass through it. Because stoneware is
nonporous, it does not require a glaze; when a glaze is
used, it serves a purely decorative function.
282 Olympiad Champs–Science

Different Types of Clothes CLOTHING

Have you ever wondered how are clothes made?


Silk • Clothes are made from lots of different materials.

Some materials, like leather, are made from animal
skins. Cotton and linen are made from plants. Other
materials, such as polyester, are called ‘man-made
materials’. This is because they are not made from
animal skins or plants.
Wollen • In different regions people wear different types of
clothes. In colder regions people need to wear warm
clothes while in warmer region people wear light
• To make cotton clothes the cotton is being stretched
out, spun and then carded into thin yarn. The threads
that run vertically across the loom are called warp
and weaving through horizontally running threads
called filling.


Sari is popularly believed to be the traditional dress
for Indian women, but there are other dresses also, like
in Punjab the traditional dress is Salwar Kameez with
colorful dupatta and in Rajasthan it is Ghagra Choli or
Colourful information
also known as Lehenga. In Kerala an older version of sari
called Mundum Neriyathum is the traditional dress.
v In Rajasthan block printing is very
popular on bedsheets, dupattas
v In Lucknow chikankari embroidery The traditional dress for Indian men essentially is Dhoti
is very famous. paired with Kurta. A traditional Indian man’s dress is
v Phulkaris and Baghs were worn incomplete without a head dress. A Nehru topi/cap or
by women all over Punjab during a petah/pagri/turban accompanies depending on the
marriage festivals and other culture and/or religion. In some parts men also wear
joyous occasions. Kurta-Pajama, Lungi-shirt which is popular in south India
v Pashmina refers to a type of fine especially Tamil Nadu. A Gujarati dress has a typical style
cashmere wool and the textiles of pants and a frock style Kurta.
made from it is famous in Kashmir.
The discovery of fire was one of the earliest discoveries
of human.
Our Changing Life 283
In the beginning thousands of years ago man did not know
how to produce fire.
During night they were surrounded by many dangers like
animals used to attack them, they could not find the way
in the forest, winter nights were very painful for them
and so on.
One fine day man produced fire by striking
two stones.
That was an amazing discovery by Real Life Examples
them as it paved the way for many
more discoveries.
Some of the ways in which they
used fire was In cooking
• As a source of heat and light,
• To cook food,
• To scare away dangerous Uses of
• To clear forests for planting, Steam engine
• To heat some stones for
making stone tools,
• To burn clay for ceramic
objects. Factories
In early times there were only
woods which people used to burn.
Later on when people discovered
coal and petroleum they developed
many sources of fire.
Today we have kerosene stoves, Festivals

matchsticks, wood, coal, petrol,

LPG, etc., to produce fire. We use
it as a means of energy.
Now a day’s fire is used in
many ways
• For cooking and heating I have heat, I have light,
• In thermal power stations People like me because I am bright.
• In factories, eg. melting I help in cooking, I produce heat,
materials Sitting in front of me in winters,
• For running steam engines gives you a treat.
• We also use fire in many People use me in factories; people
use me in train,
Where else can you use me, just
storm your brain.
284 Olympiad Champs–Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did man need vessels?

(a) For cooking and storing (b) For traveling

(c) For weapons (d) For wearing

2. With which object you can make pottery? [2012]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. People also discovered that they can make the clay pots harder by _____ them.

(a) breaking (b) steaming (c) baking (d) throwing

4. The potter’s wheel was invented in __________. [Tricky]

(a) India (b) South Africa (c) China (d) Egypt

5. One of the examples of pottery is __________.

(a) porcelain (b) porcupine (c) poultry (d) packet

6. Cotton and linen are made from __________.

(a) animals (b) silkworms

(c) plants (d) none of the above

7. Find the odd one out.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

8. Name the festival in which we worship fire. [2013]

(a) Lohri (b) Eid

(c) Ganesh Chaturthi (d) Rakhi

9. Which one of the following women generally use while cooking in cities ? [Tricky]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Our Changing Life 285
10. Cotton cloth is made from _________ of the cotton plant.
(a) leaves (b) stem (c) roots (d) fruits
11. Clothes do not protect us from __________.
(a) heat (b) cold (c) blood pressure (d) dust and germs
12. Woollen clothes are prepared from __________.
(a) wool worms (b) carbon compounds
(c) wool of sheep (d) cotton plants
13. Silk and woollen clothes are often damaged by __________.
(a) flies (b) insects (c) bacteria (d) animals
14. Man first started to produce fire by __________. [Tricky]
(a) striking stones (b) matchsticks
(c) burning petrol (d) using natural gas
15. The early man ate ___________.
(a) raw food (b) cooked food
(c) both (a) and (b)  (d)  none of these
16. Fire gives __________.
(a) heat energy (b) light energy
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) sound energy
17. The types of clothes we wear depends on the __________. [2014]
(a) season (b) climate of the place
(c) occassion (d) all of these
18. The woollen clothes keep our body warm by __________.
(a) heating our body (b) absorbing heat from sunlight
(c) not allowing body heat to escape (d) all of these
19. Porcelain ware was first made in __________
(a) Japan (b) China (c) Russia (d) India
20. Which of these catch fire quickly?
(a) Stone (b) Sand (c) Wood (d) Iron
21. Ananya’s mother told her to wear dark clothes in winter. Why? [Tricky]
(a) They look nice
(b) They look fashionable
(c) They absorb heat from the atmosphere
(d) They look cozy
22. What type of clothes are best suited for rainy season?
(a) Cotton (b) Polyester (c) Linen (d) Woolen
23. Which of these will take least time to get dry? [2013]
Silk saree (b)
(c) Cotton handkerchief (d) Woollen skirt
286 Olympiad Champs–Science
24. Manuj, who is going to Kashmir for his Vacations in December should preferably
Pack _______ in his bag. [2016, Tricky]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

25. Silk is obtained from a/an _________. [2016]

(a) Insect (b) Bird (c) Mammal (d) Fish
26. Which festival is celebrated about 20 days before Diwali? [2017]
(a) Dussehra (b) Holi
(c) Guruparva (d) Ganesh Chaturthi
27. Select the odd one out among the following. [2015]
(a) Jute (b) Cotton (c) Silk (d) Nylon

28. We use fire as a means to produce energy which can be used to __________.

(a) run steam engines (b) run big machines in factories

(c) produce electricity (d) All of these

29. Choose the correct option from the following [Tricky]

Cotton Silk

Shirt Plant Saree Sheep

(a) (b)

Wool Nylon

Sweater Plant Bag

(c) (d)
Our Changing Life 287
30. Which one of the following statements is not true regarding safety measures
against fire? [2012, Tricky]
(a) While lighting a matchstick, always keep it at a distance from your body
(b) Never play with fire
(c) Wear nylon clothes while cooking in the kitchen
(d) Never light a fire near objects which catch fire easily.
31. Match the following
A. Kashmir 1. Phulkari
B. Rajasthan 2. Chikankari
C. Lucknow 3. Pashmina
D. Punjab 4. Block print
(a) A1,B2,C3,D4 (b) A2,B3,C1,D4 (c) A3,B4,C2,D1 (d) A4,B2,C3,D1
32. In our country men from Punjab wear ______ on their head.
(a) turban (b) urban (c) dupatta (d) shawl
33. Arrange the following steps in order [2013, Tricky]

1 2 3 4
(a) 3, 1, 2, 4 (b) 4, 2, 1, 3 (c) 1, 2, 3, 4 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1
34. From the list given below, find out how many things are made from clay? [Tricky]

Earthen pot, clock, sofa, cup & saucer, steel spoons, earthen flower pots, plastic mugs,
blackboard, earthen pitcher, earthen wind chime, toothbrush, earthen flower vase.
(a) 6 (b) 11 (c) 7 (d) 5
35. Name a clothing material which is not made from animal skins or plants?
(a) Cotton (b) Polyester (c) Silk (d) Jute
36. Cotton and woollen clothes are rough when compared to silk because __________.
 [2014, Tricky]
(a) they have many uneven folds (b) they have many even folds
(c) the folds are small and even (d) the fibres are smooth
37. Regarding early man which statement is not correct [Critical Thinking]
Statement A : To cook food,
Statement B : To scare away dangerous animals
Statement C : To drive cars
(a) Only A (b) Only B (c) Only C (d) Both A & C
288 Olympiad Champs–Science
38. Match the following

List I List II

A. Cotton 1.

B. Wool 2.

C. Silk 3.

D. Nylon 4.

(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 4 1 2 3
39. Which of the following order correctly describes the various ways to produce fire
since the beginning of mankind? [Tricky]
(a) Matchstick → Stones → Lighter (b) Stones → Lighter → Matchstick
(c) Lighter → Stones → Matchstick (d) Stones → Matchstick → Lighter
40. Mark the incorrect statement
(a) In Punjab the traditional dress for women is Salwar Kameez
(b) In Rajasthan women wear Mundum Neriyathum
(c) In Kerala an older version of sari called Mundum Neriyathum is the traditional
dress of women.
(d) In Rajasthan women wear Ghagra choli
41. A silkworm‘s diet consists of mainly ________ [2015, Tricky]

(a) rose (b) mulberry leaves (c) grains (d) none of these
42. Clothes are made from lots of different materials. Some materials, like____, are
made from animal skins. _____ and linen are made from plants. Other materials,
such as _______, are called ‘man-made materials’.

Fill up the blanks with appropriate options

(a) leather, cotton, polyester (b) polyester, cotton, leather

(c) leather, polyester, cotton (d) cotton, polyester, leather

Our Changing Life 289
43. Look at the picture and fill the correct option for part B.

A - Cotton
B-? C - Woollen D - Nylon

(a) Saree (b) Silk (c) Ghagra (d) Polyester

44. Which of the following animals provides us with wool?

(a) Camel (b) Goat (c) Sheep (d) Kangaroo
45. What type of clothes are best suited for winter?
(a) Cotton (b) Linen (c) Woollen (d) Polyester
46. Why are light coloured clothes better than dark coloured clothes in summer?
(a) Light colours are poor absorbers of heat
(b) Light colours are good absorbers of heat
(c) Light colours are good emitters of heat
(d) Both (a) and (c)
47. The given cloth is suitable for making _______. [2014, Tricky]
container A piece of cloth


(a) T-shirt (b) Sweater (c) Socks (d) Raincoat
48. Attempt the statements as true or false
(A) A kiln is a kind of oven in which pots are placed to bake
(B) High fired ceramics, like stoneware and porcelain, were first produced by Japanese
(C) Silk is obtained from the cocoons of silk worms

(D) Today we have kerosene stoves, matchsticks, wood, coal, petrol, LPG, etc., to
produce water

(a) TTFF (b) TFTF (c) FTFT (d) FFTT

49. Different steps involved in the production of cotton fabric from cotton fruit are
given below. Arrange them in correct order [Tricky]


CBAD (b)
ABCD (c)
DCBS (d)
290 Olympiad Champs–Science
50. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(a) Fire protected early man from wild animals
(b) Fire protected early man from cold
(c) Fire helped the early man to eat roasted food
(d) Early man produced fire with the help of a match box
51. Select the correct statement about the festival shown in the given picture.  [2015]

(a) Gujhiyas are made and gulal is put on each other.
(b) Three effigies are burnt as a symbol of victory of good over evil.
(c) Meethi sevaiyan are made and gifts are given to relatives and younger ones.
(d) People burn firecrackers.

Choose the correct option [Tricky]

Pottery Porcelain

Porcelain Pottery

(a) Earthware (b) Earthware

(c) (d)

53. Which of these is/are necessary to cook food?

(a) Water (b) Fire (c) Air (d) All of these
54. Silk is obtained from the ________ of the silk worm.
(a) egg (b) larvae (c) cocoon (d) all of the above
Our Changing Life 291
55. Rahul was playing in the field with his friends on a hot summer day. After a while
he felt very tired and was sweating very badly. What should you do to make him
feel comfortable. [Critical Thinking]
(a) Offer him some water (b) Give him a chair to sit and relax
(c) Arrange a fan for him if possible (d) All of these
56. The given picture shows the house in which Ranjit lives. Which of the following
is most likely the source of the clothing material used by him ?   [2015]

(a) Cotton plant (b) Sheep and Yak

(c) Silkworm (d) Jute and coconut plants
57. Which one of the following is a man made fibre?
(a) Cotton (b) Silk (c) Nylon (d) Wool
58. X is a clothing worn in winters, while Y is a clothing worn in summers. Select the
correct option regarding it. [Tricky]
(a) X can be raincoat while Y can be a leather jacket.
(b) X can be made of cotton while Y can be made of wool
(c) X is always made from natural fibres while Y is always made from man-made fibres
(d) None of these
59. Which of the following fabrics does not take stains easily?
(a) Cotton (b) Nylon (c) Wool (d) Silk
60. Which is the strongest fiber?
(a) Cotton (b) Nylon (c) Rayon (d) Wool
61. Rohini needs to go to Rajasthan in the month of June. Which of the following
options on unscrambling gives the name of a clothing that she should pack in her
292 Olympiad Champs–Science
response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1
1. (a) For cooking and storing.
2. (b) Potter’s wheel
3. (c) People also discovered that they can make the clay pots harder by baking them.
4. (d) the potter’s wheel was invented in Egypt around the year 3000 BC.
5. (a) Porcelain
6. (c) Cotton and linen are made from plants.
7. (c) option c is a type of textile whereas all others are forms of pottery.
8. (a) Lohri
9. (a) Gas stove is extensively used in urban areas.
10. (d) it is the fruit of cotton plant.
11. (c)
12. (c)
13. (b)
14. (a) Striking stones.
15. (a)
Our Changing Life 293
16. (c)
17. (d)
18. (c)
19. (b) Porcelain ware was first made in China
20. (c)
21. (c)
22. (b)
23. (c) Water absorbed by a fabric determines how much time it will take to dry up. Water
absorbed depends upon absorbency of the fiber and surface area of the fabric.
Thus, considering both the factors, cotton handkerchief among the given options
will absorb the least amount of water and thus will take the least time to get dry.
24. (c) If we are going on vacations to a cold place during winters then we should prefer-
ably pack woollen clothes in our luggage.
25. (a) Silk is a natural fibre obtained from the cocoon of silkworm (insect).
26. (a) Dussehra is celebrated about 20 days before Diwali.
27. (d) N
 ylon is synthetic fibre whereas jute, cotton and silk are natural fibres,
obtained from plants and animals.

28. (d) All of these

29. (a) It shows the correct co-relation shirt is made from cotton and we get cotton from
cotton plants.

30. (c) We should not wear nylon clothes while cooking in the kitchen

31. (c)

32. (a) Turban

33. (a) First step- Kneading clay, Second step- Making pots, Third step- Baking the pots
in kiln, Fourth step- decorating Pots.

34. (a) There are 6 things made from clay. Earthen pot, cup & saucer, earthen flower pots,
earthen pitcher, earthen wind chime, earthen flower vase.

35. (b) Polyester is not made from animal skins or plants. It is a man made material.

36. (a)
37. (c) Statement C is not correct

38. (b)

39. (d) Stones → Matchstick → Lighter

294 Olympiad Champs–Science
40. (b) In Rajasthan women wear Ghagra choli not Mundum Neriyathum.

41. (b) Silk worm needs leaves of mulberry.

42. (a) The right order is leather, cotton, polyester.

43. (b) Silk

44. (c)
45. (c)
46. (a) Light colours do not absorb heat and reflect the light rays. Hence they are good
for summers.
47. (d) As the given cloth is not absorbing any water thus, it keeps floating on the
surface of water. Therefore, it is suitable for making raincoat.
48. (b) True False True False
49. (a) First cotton is produced, then we spin it to make threads, then weavers weave it
and it become cloth, then different cloth items are made like T shirt.
50. (d)
51. (c) The festival shown in the given picture is Eid-ul-Fitr. It marks the end of the
month of Ramzan. People give gifts to relatives and younger ones. A special sweet
dish, called ‘sevaiyan’ is also cooked on this occasion.
52. (c) Earthenware and porcelain both are the types of pottery.
53. (d)
54. (c) 55. (d)
56. (b) It is shown in the picture that Ranjit lives in an Igloo. Igloos are houses made up
of blocks of ice in ice-cold places. People living in such area wear clothes made of
fur to keep themselves warm. Sheep andYak are sources of fur for making winter
57. (c) Silk is obtained from silk worm, cotton from cotton plants and wool is obtained
from sheep.
58. (d) ‘X’ can be clothing made up of wool, fur or silk (all natural fibres). ‘Y’ can be clothing
made up of cotton (natural fibre) and nylon or polyester (man-made fibres).
59. (d) 60. (b)
61. (b) Rohini should pack ‘SHORTS’ in her suitcase if she needs to go to Rajasthan
in the month of June. This is because Rajasthan is a hot place which gets even
more hotter in the month of June and clothing like shorts will give her comfort
and relieve her from heat.
Resources and Pollution 295

Directions: Classify the things given below. Write the name of renewable resources
in Column A and the names of non-renewable resources in Column B.




Column A (Renewable Resources) Column B (Non-renewable Resources

296 Olympiad Champs–Science

18 Resources and

This lesson will help you to :–
v know about resources
Amazing Facts
v identify and understand renewable resources
v identify and understand non-renewable resources
v Water covers about 70% of the
earth’s surface. v learn how we can save resources
v The three largest oceans are
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW
Indian Ocean.
You already know about living things and their needs. You
also know that in order to survive, living things need food,
water and air. We need different things in our daily life,
which are made up of different materials, for example
we breathe in air, we cook food with the help of water,
grains, cereals, spices, vegetables and LPG (fuel).
• Resource is defined as a substance or object
required by a living organism for normal growth and
All the things which we use are categorized as Renewable
and Non-renewable Resources.


The resources which have the ability to renew themselves
are called renewable resources. That means they will be
always available to us as they keep on generating. They
can never get used up. Let us discuss them one by one and
see how we use them.
Resources and Pollution 297
We all need water to survive. Apart from drinking water
we use water in many activities like farming, cleaning and
cooking food etc. We cannot survive without water. Even
plants and animals also need water to survive.
Sources of water are lakes, wells rivers and most
importantly rain.
We can get water resource from

Under ground Rivers and Lakes Rain

as from wells

We should not waste water. It is very valuable for all the

living things. While using water we should keep following
things in mind: Did You Know

• Always turn off the tap when not in use. v Only 3% of water available on
earth is fresh water.
• Never throw away water.
v Rest 97% is salt water. Out of this
• Repair a leaking tap or a leaking pipe. 3%, only 0.9% water is surface
As the population is increasing we need more water and we water which is readily available for
need to conserve it. Like other renewable resources we have drinking purposes
it in plenty but we will have to control the wastage so that in
coming years we can meet with our need of water.
With more industrialization we are contaminating our
water resources by throwing waste chemicals in them.
Washing of clothes and bathing of animals in pond should
also be stopped to keep the water resources clean.

Soil or earth is also a renewable resource. We live on
it. It supports the trees and gives us shelter. Below
earth’s surface there are sources of water. The land
also provides us with minerals like copper and iron etc.
We should try not to pollute the soil which is caused by
industrial wastes, agricultural chemicals and improper
disposal of wastes.
298 Olympiad Champs–Science
Air is present all around us. It is a mixture of many gases.
We breathe in air.
How do we know that there is air around us?
When the air blows leaves move and kites also fly in air.
It is because of wind only by which the boat sails. Moving
air is called breeze or wind.
Moving air is also used to generate electricity using wind
The wind is a renewable resource which we are polluting
by smoke from factory chimneys and vehicles. To prevent
this we should keep a check on smoke produced due to
different activities. A lot of people fall ill due to gases
and smoke mixed in air.

Smoke from factory Smoke from vehicles

The energy or power which we get from sun is called solar
energy. This is a renewable resource as we can keep on
getting this energy for millions and millions of years. This
energy has many uses.
• Plants use this energy to prepare their food.
• There are many devices which use solar energy.
• Solar cookers use solar energy to cook food.
• Solar power panels store solar energy for different
• Solar water heaters also heat the water using solar

Solar water heater solar cooker
Resources and Pollution 299
All the renewable resources are very useful for us. But
we should use them with care as they also need time to
v Van Mahotsav is an annual tree
Forests are very important source of plants and plant plants began in 1950.
products. They are home to a vast variety of plants
v Deforestation - Removal of Forest.
and animals. They attract rain and prevent floods. They
conserve soil by replenishing the minerals and give oxygen v Reforestation - Replanting an area
to the atmosphere. They are renewable natural resources. with trees.
v We get plenty of things from
N O N RE N E W A B L E RESO U R C ES nature which are very useful for us.
These are called natural resources.
The second type of resources are non renewable v The energy from renewable
resources. resources is known as green
Non renewable resources are the resources which cannot energy.
be reproduced or grown and are in a limited amount. If
we want to keep on using them we have to use them very
The resources which have taken a lot of years to produce
such as fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural gas) are
non renewable resources. They were formed when the
trees got buried under the earth millions of years ago.
They took many years to become fossil fuels.
Coal is an important non renewable resource.
These resources are limited in quantity and with
continuous use they can get finished in some years. They
will not be readily available that time as they need million
and millions of years to form. So it is very important to
use them very wisely otherwise there will be no way to
get them as they cannot be produced by man.

p o llu t i o n
Pollution is anything that makes the earth dirty and
unhealthy. Land, air, and water are all affected by
Types of Pollution
Land Pollution
Loose garbage takes away from the natural beauty of the
earth. Pollution takes up space on our land. Many of the
things people use every day come in packages, like food,
games, school supplies, and electronics. These packages
end up in large underground dumps called landfills. Landfills
make land unhealthy for animals and people. There are
some of the stuff that we throw away are toxic to our
environment, like plastic. They contain chemicals that
300 Olympiad Champs–Science
can leak into the ground and contaminate the water we
drink. These chemicals can even reach our oceans, rivers
and lakes. This is the reason why you should practice the
3Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We are encouraged to
minimize the waste that ends up in the landfills so we
won’t contaminate our environment.
Air Pollution
Pollution is in the air we breathe. Factories,Trucks, cars,
and school buses leak smoky exhaust in the atmosphere.
These gives off toxic substances that pollute our air.
Not only does air pollution cause smog, it also causes
sickness such as asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Due to the large number of vehicles in the world today, we
Amazing Facts
are adding too much carbon dioxide to our atmosphere,
causing the planet’s temperature to rise. This is the
v The Taj Mahal is turning yellow concept behind global warming.
mainly due to these reasons: Water Pollution
air pollution, discoloration of Water gets polluted with cleaners, paints, and chemicals.
marble, environmental neglect All of the pollution must be removed from our water
and wear and tear caused by before we can drink it.
millions of tourists who visit Humans are the cause of water pollution, directly and
it every year. indirectly. We mindlessly throw our trash in the ocean,
v The Ganga action plan was,
not thinking about what that may cause. Ships that
carry oil can have accidents, spilling all that toxic oil into
launched by Shri Rajeev
the ocean, causing havoc in our marine ecosystem and
Gandhi, the then Prime polluting our waters. Dumping chemicals into the ocean
Minister of India on 14 Jan. can hurt sea creatures. This affects human beings, too.
1986 with the main objective People can get sick when they eat the poisoned fish.
of pollution, to improve the Noise Pollution
water treatment of domestic
It also known as environmental noise, or noise with
sewage and present toxic and
harmful impact on the activity of human or animal life.
industrial chemical wastes The source of outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused
from identified grossly by machines, transport and transportation systems.
polluting units entering in to
the river.
v The Bhopal disaster or Bhopal
gas tragedy was an industrial • With increase in population there is increase in waste
accident. It happened at a products which is polluting our natural resources.
Union Carbide subsidiary • We should keep a check on the activities which are
pesticide plant in the city of polluting these valuable resources.
Bhopal, India. On the night of
2-3 December 1984, the plant
released 42 tonnes of toxic
methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas,.
Resources and Pollution 301

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Out of these what do living things not need to live?
(a) Air (b) Bicycle (c) Water (d) Food
2. The wood to make table comes from __________. [Tricky]
(a) trees (b) well
(c) the table comes as it is (d) none of these
3. Renewable resources are those __________. [2012]
(a) which can be eaten (b) which can be reproduced by nature
(c) both a and b (d) none of these
4. Pick the odd one out [Tricky]
(a) Plants (b) Animals (c) Soil (d) Petrol
5. We get rubber from __________.
(a) air (b) water (c) plants (d) glass
6. What do plants purify? [2013]
(a) Paper (b) Air (c) Wood (d) All of these
7. Out of these which is used for medicinal purposes?
(a) Rubber (b) Steel (c) Tulsi (d) Soil
8. Why are plants kept in garden?
(a) To enhance beauty of garden (b) They attract money
(c) None of these (d) Both a and b
9. Which of these is a renewable resource?
(a) Goat (b) Cow (c) Buffalo (d) All of these
10. Pick the odd one out. [Tricky]
(a) Coal (b) Petroleum (c) Air (d) Natural gas
11. Which natural resource is used in wind mill?
(a) Water (b) Solar energy (c) Air (d) Plants
12. __________ of the factories pollute the air. [2014]
(a) People (b) Smoke from chimneys
(c) Animals (d) All of these
13. Moving air is called __________.
(a) wind (b) wave (c) food (d) none of these
14. Renewable resource are also called __________ resources.

(a) white energy (b) blue energy (c) green energy (d) black energy
302 Olympiad Champs–Science
15. What is the use of solar energy for plants? [Tricky]
(a) They like the sunlight (b) They use it in preparing their food
(c) It gives colour to them (d) All of these
16. A solar cooker uses solar energy to __________.
(a) Heat water (b) Wash the clothes
(c) Cook the food (d) Give water
17. Non renewable resources are made ______ .
(a) from dead animals and plants (b) in factory
(c) at home (d) any where
18. What is this? [2015]

(a) Pressure cooker (b) Wind mill

(c) Mobile (d) Car
What is this [Critical Thinking]

(a) Solar cooker (b) Wind mill

(c) Solar water heater (d) Computer
20. Various materials which are obtained from nature are called natural resources.
Which of the following is not a natural resource?   [2016]
(a) Minerals (b) Water (c) Soil (d) Plastic
21. Which of these are wrongly classified. [2017]
Renewable Non-renewable
source of energy source of energy
(a) Rivers Solar enegy
(b) Wind Coal
(c) Water Petrol
(d) Tides Diesel
Resources and Pollution 303
22. Match the columns

Column A Column B
A. Renewable resources 1. Wool
B. Petroleum 2. can be reproduced
C. Sheep gives us 3. cannot be reproduced
D. Non renewable resources 4. Is a non renewable resource

(a) 4 3 1 2
(b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 3 2 4 1
Directions (Qs. 23 to 29) : Fill in the blanks in the given passage: [Critical Thinking]
ater is an important ___(23)___ resource. ___(24)%___ of the earth’s surface is covered
by water. The sources of water are seas, wells and ___(25)___ etc. We get a lot of water
in the form of ___(26)___ . Water has ___(27)___ states and these are solid, liquid and
___(28)___ . We use water for many purposes out of which ___(29)___ is one of the most
important use of it.

23. (a) renewable (b) non renewable (c) clean (d) None of these

24. (a) 80 (b) 19 (c) 71 (d) 34

25. (a) doors (b) lakes (c) hospitals (d) None of these
26. (a) rain (b) air (c) soil (d) plants
27. (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 5
28. (a) gels (b) emulsions (c) gas (d) carbon
29. (a) drinking (b) wasting (c) cleaning (d) None of these

Directions (Qs. 30) : Look at the picture and tell which resource are they showing:
[2012, Tricky]


(a) Colour (b) Coal (c) Soil (d) Water


(a) Soil (b) Water (c) Petroleum (d) Trees

304 Olympiad Champs–Science


(a) Plants (b) Animals (c) Water (d) Wind
33. Answer in true or false and tell the sequence:
1. We get solar energy from sun
2. We drink air
3. Trees give us wood
4. Soil is a non renewable resource
(a) FFFF (b) FTFT (c) TTFF (d) TFTF
34. We can use non renewable resources in any quantity.
(a) correct (b) incorrect (c) partially true (d) none of these
35. We should use the non renewable resources carefully as: [2013, Tricky]
(a) they are limited in quantity (b) they take time to form
(c) both a and b (d) none of these
36. The petrol which we use in our vehicles is a ___________.
(a) renewable resource (b) non renewable resource
(c) both a and b (d) none of these
Directions (Qs. 37 to Q 41): Read the passage below and answer the questions that
follow:    [Critical Thinking]
The speed with which we are using the non renewable resources, we can fall short of these
in near future. With increase in population the needs are also increasing. There is need of
more buildings,vehicles and transportation. For meeting these needs we make new buildings.
In constructing the buildings trees are cut. Though the trees are renewable but they cannot
be regrown by the nature at the same speed of their cutting. With increase in number of
vehicles, consumption of petrol has also increased which cannot be reproduced. Same is the
case with natural gas. We need to be very careful while using these resources as they were
formed under the earth millions of years ago. And now also they will take same time to form.
37. What will happen if we continue using natural resources without thinking?
(a) Nothing is going to happen
(b) We shall fall short of these
(c) The speed of their production will automatically increase
(d) All of these
38. Why our needs of natural resources have increased?
(a) Because of increase in population (b) We eat more now
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these
Resources and Pollution 305
39. How do we get land for constructing buildings?
(a) We destroy other buildings (b) We cut trees
(c) We make fuel stations (d) None of these
40. Petrol is used for:
(a) Driving vehicle (b) For cooking food
(c) For bathing (d) For drinking
41. How much time coal and petroleum take to form?
(a) 10 years (b) 15 years
(c) Millions of years (d) 30 days
42. Which one of the following is a renewable resource?
(a) Solar power (b) Soil
(c) Trees (d) All of these
43. Biomass fuel is a _______ resource. [Tricky]
(a) Non renewable (b) Renewable
(c) Artificial (d) All of these
44. Which one of the following is a non renewable resource?
(a) Coal (b) Oil
(c) Natural gas (d) All of these
45. Forests give _____ to the atmosphere. [2014, Tricky]
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen
(c) Light (d) All of these
46. Wind is utilised as a ______ source of energy.
(a) Non renewable (b) Renewable
(c) Artificial (d) All of these
47. ______ attract rain and prevent floods.
(a) Soil (b) Forests
(c) Sun (d) None of these
48. While waiting at red light on the traffic signal we should __________.
(a) switch off the car engine. (b) run the car very fast.
(c) listen loud music (d) none of the above.
49. Ram left the tap of the wash basin open. What will you do ? [Critical Thinking]
(a) Close the tap lightly
(b) Explain the importance of water and its conservation.
(c) Shout at Ram & take him to the police station.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
50. The Taj Mahal at Agra is a beautiful historical monument made of pure, white
marble. But, due to some causes, Taj Mahal area is discolouring its white marble
and also corroding it slowly. The monument is being affected by which type of
pollution? [2015, Tricky]
306 Olympiad Champs–Science

(a) Water pollution (b) Air pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) All of these
51. The overuse of plastic articles is not good for us and the environment. We should
take steps to minimize their use.       [Critical Thinking]
What can we do to minimize overuse of plastics?
I. We should use paper bags.
II. We should give away cold plastic toys to others who can use them.
III. We should throw the plastic container.
Choose the correct option.
(a) Only I (b) Only II (c) I and III (d) I and II
52. Which of the following materials can be recycled?
I. Glass II. Paper III. Stone IV. Wood
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) III and IV (d) I and IV
53. Which of the following things should we do to keep our environment clean?
I. Throw garbage only at collection points.
II. Stop using plastic bags.
III. Water should be conserved.
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and III
54. Complete the following web chart. [2016, Tricky]


Gases Dust and A


Oxygen B C
Resources and Pollution 307
Choose the correct option.
(a) A-Flowers, B-Carbon monoxide, C-Hydrogen
(b) A-Leaves, B-Nitrogen, C-Hydrogen
(c) A-Water vapour, B-Nitrogen, C-Carbon dioxide
(d) A-Water vapour, B-Nitrogen, C-Hydrogen
55. Air and water are essential to all living things. Choose the activities you should
do to save water and make air fresh.
I. Do not burn dry leaves and bushes.
II. Wash floor daily with clean drinking water.
III. Burn fire crackers.
IV. Plant more trees.
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II (b) II and IV (c) I and IV (d) III and IV
Directions (Qs. 56 to 57): Read the passage and answer the questions that follows question.
[Critical Thinking]
Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. Over
the last century, global average temperature has increased by more than 1oF. It is primar-
ily a problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Planting more trees will help
to bring down the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
56. Global warming is …….. Of the earth.
(a) an increase in average temperature (b) a decrease in the average
(c) melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers (d) All of them
57. Which of the following is/are mainly responsible for global warming?
(a) Burning of fossil fuels
(b) Cutting down and burning of forests
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
58. Trees help in reducing the pollution of our environment. Lakhs of trees are
planted by people in the month of July every year. This occasion is called
(a) Forest Conservation Day (b) Wild life Week
(c) Plantation Month (d) Van Mahotsav
59. Which of the following waste material present in household garbage are biode-

Polythene bag, Paper bag, Vegetable peels, Aluminium foil,

Broken glass, Tea leaves

(a) Paper bag, Aluminium foil, Broken glass
(b) Vegetable peels, Tea leaves, Broken glass
(c) Paper bag, Broken glass, Tea leaves
(d) Paper bag, Vegetable peels, Tea leaves
308 Olympiad Champs–Science
60. At night plants take in X and animals take in Y, during breathing. Select the option
that correctly identifies X and Y.   [Tricky]
(a) Oxygen Oxygen
(b) Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon dioxide Oxygen
(d) Oxygen Carbon dioxide
61. Match the column I with column II and select the correct option.
Column I Column II
(A) Noise pollution 1. Bathing in rivers with soap
(B) Air pollution 2. Factory chimneys
(C) Water pollution 3. Burning wood
4. Unnecessary blowing horns
5. Throwing untreated waste in
water bodies
(a) (A) - 2, 3; (B) - 5, (C) - 4, 1
(b) (A) – 1, 5; (B) – 2, 3; (C) – 4
(c) (A) – 4; (B) – 2, 3; (C) – 1, 5
(d) (A) – 4; (B) – 1, 5; (C) – 2, 3
62. The given graph provides information about noise level in different situations.
[2017, Tricky]
Noise level in decibles

Busy traffic


Construction site

Talking softly

Which of the following scenarios can create a noise level as indicated on the graph by the
letter X?
(a) A plane taking off (b) A dog barking
(c) Honking of a car (d) Metro train moving on tracks
Resources and Pollution 309
response grid

1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d
6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d
11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d
16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c d
21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d
26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d
31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c d
36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d
41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d
46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d
51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d
56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c d
61. a b c d 62. a b c d

Answers with Explanations

level 1

1. (b) Living things do not need bicycle to live.

2. (a) Trees are cut to make wooden table.

3. (b) Renewable resources are those which can be reproduced by nature.

4. (d) All others are renewable resources but petrol is a non renewable resource.

5. (c) We get rubber from plants.

6. (b) Plants purify air by giving out oxygen.

7. (c) The plant of Tulsi has medicinal use.

8. (a) Plants enhance beauty of gardens.

9 (d) All animals are renewable resources.

10. (c) Only air is renewable all others are non renewable.
310 Olympiad Champs–Science
11. (c) The wind mill uses air to produce electricity.

12. (b) Smoke coming out from the chimneys of factories pollute air.

13. (a) Moving air is called wind.

14. (c) Renewable resource are called green energy resources.

15. (b)

16. (c) Solar cooker cooks the food by using solar energy.

17. (a)

18. (b) Wind mill

19. (c) Solar water heater.

20. (d) Plastic is not a natural resource. It is a man-made resource. Natural resource
is a resource which is provided by nature to the earth. They occur in nature.
Plastic is not a natural resource. It is made in factories for the use of human
21. (a) Solar energy is not a non-renewable source of energy. It is a renewable source
of energy.
Renewable source of energy is defined as the energy which can be renewed
easily but non-renewable source of energy is defined the energy which cannot
be renewed easily. If takes a long period of time to renew itself, e.g., as coal,
petrol, diesel etc.
22. (b)

23. (a)

24. (c)

25. (b)

26. (a)

27. (b)

28. (c) Gas is the third state of water.

29. (a) We need to drink water to live.

30. (d) Water

Resources and Pollution 311
31. (a) Soil

32. (a) Plants

33. (d) TFTF

34. (b) We have to use the non renewable resource carefully as they are limited in amount.

35. (c)

36. (b) Petrol is non renewable resource.

37. (b)

38. (a)

39. (b) For getting land to construct buildings we cut trees.

40. (a)

41. (c)

42. (d) All of these

43. (b) Renewable

44. (d) All of these

45. (b) Oxygen

46. (b) Renewable

47. (b) Forests

48. (a) Switch off the car engine.

49. (d) Close the tap tightly and explain the importance of water conservation.

50. (b) Air pollution around Taj Mahal area is discolouring its white colour. The cause of
this air pollution is the release of harmful chemicals from the factories directly
into the air.
51. (d) I. We should use paper bags.
II. We should give away old plastic toys to others who can use them.
52. (a) Glass and paper are the materials which can be recycled. Recycling is a process
to change waste materials into new products to prevent waste. It reduces the
consumption of fresh raw materials. Wood and stone cannot be recycled easily.
312 Olympiad Champs–Science
53. (d) I. Throw garbage only at collection points.
II. Stop using plastic bags.
III. Water should be conserved.
54. (c) A-Water vapour, B-Nitrogen, C-Carbon dioxide
55. (c) I. Do not burn dry leaves and bushes.
IV. Plant more trees.
These two activities we should do to save water and make air fresh.
56. (a) An increase in average temperature.
57. (c) I. Burning of fossil fuels.
II. Cutting down and burning of forests.
58. (d) Van Mahotsav is the occasion on which lakhs of trees are planted by the people.
It is celebrated on first week of July every year. It was started in 1950 by
Dr. Munshi.
59. (d) Paper bag, vegetable peels, tea leaves.
These three components are biodegradable waste materials.
Biodegradable materials are those materials which are degraded or broken down
by the action of bacteria. After degradation, they get mix with soil and increases
its fertility.
60. (a) At night plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. While at day time, plants
take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Animals on the other hand, always take
in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
61. (c)
62. (a) Letter ‘X’ on the graph shows maximum noise which can be created by a plane taking

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