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You don't "release" the email in the first place.

The wife shouldn't be using work email for personal

reasons. Alternatively, you forward the email to her supervisor with a copy of the company computer
usage policy. Maybe you "accidentally" BCC: her husband too.

1) I would question why a "rather large company" would have such an archaic spam filter system in
place? There are so many other options out there that let the users release spam to them without any
one else having to do so for them.

2) I would also question why you have to read the email if the user requested it to be released. If they
requested it to be released, they probably have a very good reason.

3) If you do have to read all email before it's released and you come across this, then you have to decide
which is more important to you; Your job or your friendship. If your friend finds out you knew and didn't
say anything, you could lose a friend. If you tell and the wife gets upset about it, she can turn you in to
management for revealing it.

You just need to pretend you didn't see the email. It is against the rules for you to reveal the contents. It
would be like if you were her lawyer and she told you this as part of a case you were working for or if
you were her priest and she said it in the confessional. Think of it like that if it helps, because this is
information that you're just not supposed to have. If you end up finding out the information a different
way, then go ahead and tell your friend.

Let's be blunt. What difference does it make if his wife is committing adultery?? Is he happy right now?
Yes? Then ignore it. No? Then he should get a divorce regardless. You revealing this information isn't
going to do anyone any good. If she gets pregnant from her lover her husband will still believe the child
is his - so it makes no difference even in that case. What people believe is often more important than
what is actually true
Wow, what an uncomfortable situation I have been put into the middle of. My friend and I have been
buddies since grad school, and we have a lot of history together. Do I tell my friend that his wife is
having an affair? I have to weigh the downsides to acting on telling him, and not telling him.

If I tell my friend, I risk losing my job. I have worked incredibly hard to get here – I nearly lost my own
wife putting in long hours at the office to get to the position I am. Furthermore, what a blemish that
would be on my job resume. How should I expect to get another job when my reason for getting fired
from my last was violating a strict company policy? I would have more difficulty landing a job than an ex-
con with a tattoo on my forehead.

If I don’t tell my friend, I risk our friendship. I honestly don’t have many friends, so this is a huge
dilemma for me.

Instead of fully committing to either side, I would chose to find a middle ground. Not directly telling my
friend would protect my job, and it would prevent me from an internal moral crises. How exactly would I
tell my friend, you ask? I would drop subtle hints that his wife is having an affair, all while purposefully
tracking the two adulterous lovers and finding out their common meeting spot in hopes of sending my
friend there while they are meeting. Problem solved, job still intact, moral dilemma resolved.

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