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• I like that you indicated all your sources in every citation you included in your introduction but
just a suggestion, you can limit those and add make sure you added at least 2 occurrences, 1
local and 1 international. For example, 1 from DOH and 1 from WHO.


• Chief complaint is a statement that describes the symptoms that the patient is having. It could
be that the patient experiences fever and heavy discharge with foul smell.


• Is it because of the patient’s daily activities with no little assistance or the symptoms occurring
during hospitalization that caused the PROM?
• How does stress cause PROM?
- According to Jacobson, one of the causes is “too much stretching of the amniotic sac” so
when the mother does too much physical activities, it causes pressure and may lead to
rupture. Also, if the mother is stressed over a long period of time, the concentration of
stress hormones in the amniotic fluid increases.


• Based on your PE, the patient’s temperature is 37.7 which means that she has slight fever. You
analyze this as an abnormal finding. I checked your reference, but it didn’t show any
interpretation of your analysis, same goes with the pulse rate (105 bpm)

QUESTION: What is the relation of these abnormal vital signs with the mother’s condition?

- PROM is associated with vaginal infection and cultures for N. Gonorrhoeae and
Streptococcus B are usually taken.



QUESTION: What are the 3 parts of nursing diagnosis?

- Problem, etiology, defining characteristics.

Infection related to preterm rupture of membranes? And what are the symptoms that would justify your


Do you think that the patient wouldn’t be experiencing any signs and symptoms of infection? Is it
possible for the lab results to decrease in an hour? Same goes for long term.
QUESTION: According to Jacobson, most cases of PROM were unknown but based on your
further research, what causes PROM to occur in pregnant women?
- Since the fetal membranes consist of the chorion (produces chorionic fluid *located in the
cavity or between the chorion and amnion) and amnion, which protects the embryo when it
is formed *amniotic fluid causes expansion and become the amniotic sac which protects the
fetus in the womb*, when the pregnancy becomes term, these to weakens because the
mother is about to labor. This is when a spontaneous leakage of amniotic fluid from the
amniotic sac occurs.
- From there, now we all know that the amniotic fluid plays a huge role in lung development
because the fluid pushes the air sacs open and stimulates growth. Since there’s already a
leakage, there will be oligohydramnios and pulmonary hypoplasia occurs.

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