In The Court

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H.M.O.P.No: /2021

G.Ramkumar ...Petitioner/husband


B.S.Janani ... Respondent/wife

Petition fied under section 13(1)(i-a ) of Hindu marriage Act 1955

1. PETITIONER: G. Ramkumar s/o Gunasekaran residing at No:2 kovalan street,

2. RESPONDENT: B.S.Janani W/O G. Ramkumar
3. A Hindu form of marriage was solemnized between the petitioner, and the
respondent on 07-11-2006 at Raliway society mandapam at trichy as per the Hindu
custom and rites in the presence of relatives and friend of the both parties the
entire marriage expenses to the tune of Rs.15,00,000/- was borne by the
petitioner family.
4. The petitioner is working in the southern railways in golden rock as A/C
mechanic and drawing about a reasonable salary from the railways
5. The Respondent hairy from poor family and her family cold present her with 10
sovereign of gold . In the addition to small article as seervarsai, consider in the
whoever state of the respondent ,the petitioner presence 3 sovereign of gold
necklace and gold rings to his brother and sliver articles for pooja at the marriage
she was residing at venkatesh avenue kulumani main road, trichy in a rent house .
6. On demand from the respondent side by the petitioner family. The petitioner
was double degree holder , after the marriage the petitioner and the respondent
lived in joint family setup in matrimony of the petitioner. The petitioner have to
look after his age and heal parents
7. The respondent manage to living with the petitioner without disclosing her
seriously ailment and the respondent use to became tried and sick quite of them.

8. The petitioner as in font hope that the element was of temporary in nature of an
the used t all mother and speak in your cell phone in a isolated place many time
which attitude of the respondent triggered speculation about her health war
activity . even for mild headache, the respondent mother would be called and she
would come and take care of his home for treatment. The petitioner was
everthing in the course and closely moving with respondent family as a dutiful
husband and dutiful wife

9. The pertitioner and respondent were exchange the matrimonial obligations all
time. The petitioner working in railway office on -------- the respondent and her
mother informed him to came to JANET NURSING HOME for medical test even
without disclosing anything. the petitioner wasrushed to hospital empty stomach
and the doctor SUSILA DEVI compelled to petitioner under go semen test which
was done with heavy heart.and the doctor told him that it was required for test
purposes.till date the test results were not even given to the petitioner to know
the reasons for such test. The respondent had recall his report and kept it without
disclosing and the refused to divulge the results.

10. The petitioner submits that twin babies (male and female babies) were born to
respondent in the Janent Nursing home hospital, after few months respondent the
blood the revealed that the white cells was considerably abnormal as against the
normal limits indicating BLOOD CANCER. As per the report of DDC(Doctor
Diagnostic centre) in woraiyur and her condition was day by day getting
deteriorating .
11. As per the doctor advice the petitioner admitted the respondent in GVN
CANCER HOSPITAL as in patient .after evaluation and physical examination of
respondent with investigation report informed petitioner that respondent was
dangerously ill and she might not survive and only bone morrow treatment at CMC
vellore / ADAYAR CANCER HOSPITAL might give another chance of life and
according to shifted to respondent to Permabur railway hospital at the instance of
petitioner and they it to Adayar cancer.

12. Initially the cancer institude declined to treat with respondent as the cost of
bone marrow treatment or hemothearphy might cost several lakhs and petitioner
readily convinced the doctor to continue the treatment with the fond hope that
the railways would be re-imburse or bear the cost or retreatment for a period of
11months in adayar cancer institude. The railway Department paid Rs.16 lakhs +
Rs.20 lakhs + Rs.18 lakhs + Rs.17 lakhs totalling 71 lakhs as per petitioner consent
and request and thereafter Dr.KARTHIKEYAN of Adayar Hospital informed
petitioner that for futher medical treatment a sum of Rs.50 lakhs was to be paid.
13. The respondent parents were not even interested in arranging further funds
to continue the treatment since the railway informed that no more amount would
be availed for treatment and the celing limit was over for the category of

14. In the respondent parents and brother was insulted and humiliated petitioner
and sent him out of the cancer hospital for not paying paying further money to the
respondent treatment .Half heartedly the petitioner rushed Adayar to Trichy take
care of the twin babies and his aged parents.
15. The petitioner rush to trichy to see his children and informed his parents. But
another shocking incident happended that the female baby became sick and
petitioner parents was admitted her in Golden Rock Railway hospital for treatment
and the Hospital informed that the child also affected with BLOOD CANCER . to the
petitioner forced him to attempt to suicide as he could as he could not bear the
health condition of his new born child.
17. After some time they also discharged the respondent and send them to her
parents and respondent was his living with her parent ever unknown address, for
the discharged from the Adayar Hospital.after the female child, the petitioner and
his parents were looking after the children . in meantime the respondent use to
talk to petitioner and agreed to come to fold of the petitioner and her ambition to
live with petitioner and to take care of the twin childrens

18. But to the shock and surprised 25-06-2020 at about 10.00 AM when petitioner
was with his parents and twin children, the respondent brothers Gurucharan ,
sankar and parmila and 3 rowdy element illegally barged in to petitioner house and
forcibly attempt to kidnap the minor children and in that process when
respondent and his relations had attempted to prevent respondent’s brothers and
hatch men.all of them joined together and violently attacked petitioner’s parents
and his uncle , after abusing them with fiftly language.

19. Immediate the petitioner father gunasekaran aged about 60 years preferred a
Police complaint in Golden Rock Police Station and they issued CSR NO:91/2020 on
1-07-2020 and they agreed to arrest the accused person and investigate
the the instance of the police, one accused sankar had also preferred a counter
complaint incident in detail and the reason for the assault. The Asst commissioner
compromised the matter and instructed petitioner not to take any further step.
Later the petitioner came to understand that respondent contacted the brother –
in law of Ass commissioner of police who was working in Golden Rock Railways
along with petitioner influenced for compromise.

20. The petitioner / police sub inspector that union member in the golden rock
Railway have threatening the petitioner to hand over twin child and to a reg for
funds. The twin child being look after take carefull with all faculties by the
petitioner and his parents till recently .the respondent and her family informed to
the rushed and they are instructed the petitioner to hand to over the further
money .

21. As per could not arrest for amount the police officer threaded him to suspend .
a notice was give to the railway office narrow entire fact to them and requested
them to give any thread and according to the stopped them the petitioner after
following reasonable for the entire episode.

22. Again the respondent insisted golden rock All Women police station police to
threaten the petitioner to pay money and to hand over child to rest. The
respondent preference complaint on 07-10-2020 before the All WOMEN POLICE
STATION(AWPS) and some of the constables and Sub Inspector threaten the
petitioner at about 6.30PM to 9.30 PM. In the police station using fiflty language
some several worn by respondent was also pledged along with fund arranged by
petitioner through railways as well as his friend, the police officers there to return
jewels with continue not done .the coercion exercised by inspector of police AWPS
is being informed to the higher official of the police department for taking
necessary to action.
23. The petitioner and his parents have became most upset and can not bear
mental and physical assult and consider where by the police and ``````` of the
respondent family. In meantime the respondent sent a legal notices to the
petitioner throught her have, misrespement that the respondent was give an door
no: 2 kovalan street, Senthaneerpuram,trichy-20 . demand haning over of the two
child and to pay maintain to the respondent .

24. A reply notice were sent to advocate of respondent by petitioner counsel

denied false allegation and advice respondent to come and live with petitioner to
give Restitution of conjugal rights as dutiful wife and petitioner shall take
necessary measures to maintain his wife as well as children comfortably in his
matrimonial home, forgetting all the past events in the interest and welfare of the

25. The notice sent to the lawyer Shir B. Mathiavanan B.A..,B.L and act were
given by the counsel. Till now the actual resident of the respondent if not noted to
the petitioner.the letter added to the inspector of police AWPS dated on 09-10-
2020 and his also filled along with the inspection . A copy petition was also sent to
the respect constable of police trichy for taking action against inspector of police
on 25-11-2020.

26. Thereafter respondent family keep quite for sometime the petitioner
submitted that on 10-02-2021 when the petitioner and his parents and the twin
child were in the house of petitioner at abot 8.00PM AWPS in ponmalai
(cantonment ) and sub-gracy tamilselvi and 6 constables illegally trespass house of
the petitioner police officials confirmed and tried the petititoner and his parents in
chair and forcibly kidnap 2 minior child for the legal custoday of the petitioner ,
exist the power . many rowdy element were wait time of the outside of the house
some Hyundai ,verano, Toyota innova cars.

27. After see hue and cry of the petitioner and his family the rigid rush to the
house and liberated between the police women leave house there petitioner that
“you can go any judges and can not do anything” and left the child were cry loudly
the police women did not borrow to return the chid to petitioner at instance of the
respondent family .immediately the petitioner inform to the Ass commission of
police golden rock the rig of the kind child and also made emergency call to 100
no police take and action against respondent family of the police till this date .

28. The petitioner and his parents panic and visibly upset the next day the parent
of the petitioner and the petitioner have prefer a complaint to the Hon’ble
Principle District Judge Trichy . against the women police and respondent
immediately district legal service authority send notice to the women police and
enquire was held in the district legal service authority trichy and the recorded
statement and forward complaint to the commission of police to taking action
against the police women as well as respondent . as commission of police golden
Rock Railway is now enquiry the complaint as there directs of the commission of

29. The illegal fact of respondent and his family and filling false against petitioner
have caused great mental cruelty to the petitioner disused physical cruelty . the
indicate action of the respondent and her family has adverse effect and impact of
the character of the petitioner be a railway employee which advisedly effected the
mental ,physical health ,social status and the life style of the petitioner and his
30. The petitioner state the respondent and family humiliated assaulted exercised
mentally and cruelly to the petitioner . by crossing physical violence it offence
under the section of IPC(Indian Penal Code) and respondent has been treat
petitioner with cruelty so as to cause reason apprehension in mind of petitioner
and it no longer possible live with her peacefully .

31. The contact on the part of the respondent and her parents forward the
petitioner and his family endangered the physical and mentally health of the
petitioner .the continuance of marital relation his in tadulent her contact cause
,embarrassment, humiliation, anguish, so as to render the life of the petitioner

32. The petitioner submitted the respondent has been affect by blood cancer
ever before the date of marriage and respondent and her parent siuper infor to
the petitioner and exercise a fraud on the marriage the petitioner as spend several
lakhs from his pocket and unbor and un aliving reinvestment in south railways for
treatment of the respondent since condition of the respondent was so several the
doctor also keep these finger cross. The twin child where carefully meticulously
looked after by petitioner and his parent since dated birth. The female child was
also affected the BLOOD CANCER a best treatment was provider to child by the
petitioner till child was kidnapping by police and respondent .and the respondent
can not give proper replied to the child since her condition is so pathetic for the
notice give her to come time with petitioner mentioned with fact of getting any
police and kidnap forcibly from legal child of the petitioner the earlier physical
assert and injury substained by petitioner family and present of humilication and
continue unsafety of the petitioner complaint him to approach them Hon’ble for
dissolve of the marriage between petitioner and respondent .

33. The cause of action arose petitioner when was prefer 07-11-2016 at Railways
society mall trichy and the after petitioner and respondent live as her/wife at No:2
kovalan street, Senthaneerpuram,trichy-20 . in the petitioner house the after when
respondent delivered twin child at trichy and petitioner and his relative physical
assulat at trichy and when twin child where forcibly kidnap respondent which
couser serioly physical and mentally cruelty to petitioner and his false complaint of
petitioner and his parent and respondent has been consisterly exercise physical
and mentally cruelty to the petitioner to live away for respondent all happened at
No:2 kovalan street, Senthaneerpuram,trichy-20 .which justice of their honble to
try same para............

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