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Activity 2: Current Trends in Elementary Science

Intended Learning Outcomes:
 Discuss the current state of primary science --- the status and provision of science
education in elementary schools
 Identify what recent and relevant research in science education has to say about primary
science (what works and what challenges to consider)

1. Read the article at
science-philippines/ to understand the situation of science education in the Philippines.
2. Watch the YouTube video on to
understand why we are doing it wrong.
3. Read the article at
Elementary-Science-Education.aspx to get more ideas on the recent trends on science
4. Answer the following questions below.
5. Submit your activity sheet as a PDF file.

1. What is the problem with
the instructional materials
as experienced by the
author of the first article?
2. Give one issue from the first
article on how teachers
teach science in Philippine
3. What was PH performance
in international
4. What other issues (that
were discussed in the first
article) affect the quality of
PH science education?
5. What changes on the PH
science education must be
made to improve its quality?
Get suggestions from the
two articles and the
YouTube video.

Copyright © 2021. Saint Mary's University. All rights reserved. No part of this lecture may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information
storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

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