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PDB Installation Manual

PDB Activation Manual

Table of Contents
Pre Activation Steps ............................................................................................................................ 1
Power Activation.................................................................................................................................. 1
DC PSU Activation .............................................................................................................................. 2
48Vdc Power Supply to PDB............................................................................................................... 2
24Vdc Power Supply to Auxiliary Circuits ........................................................................................... 2
PLC Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Reset to Factory Defaults ................................................................................................................ 2
PLC Site System Configuration ....................................................................................................... 3
Modem ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Pylon Lights.................................................................................................................................. 3
Air Conditioner.............................................................................................................................. 4
PSU .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Generator ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Power Analyzer ................................................................................................................................... 4
Phase monitoring relay........................................................................................................................ 5
Rhomberg SP-430 ........................................................................................................................... 6
Carlo Gavassi PPB02 ...................................................................................................................... 6
Confirmation..................................................................................................................................... 6
Aviation Lights (Dusk Switch, Current Monitor)................................................................................... 7
Light Sensor Activation .................................................................................................................... 8
Current Monitor Relay Activation ..................................................................................................... 8
Rhomberg SP-103........................................................................................................................ 8
Carlo Gavassi PIB01 .................................................................................................................... 8
Climate Unit Activation ........................................................................................................................ 9
Compressor Current Monitor Relay ................................................................................................. 9
Rhomberg SP-103........................................................................................................................ 9
Carlo Gavassi PIB01 .................................................................................................................... 9
High/Low Temperature Thermostats.................................................................................................10
Internal lights .....................................................................................................................................10
Motion detector..................................................................................................................................10
External light......................................................................................................................................11
Internal lights switch ..........................................................................................................................11
Power Sockets...................................................................................................................................11
Install SIM Card .................................................................................................................................11
Analogue Readings Confirmation......................................................................................................11

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PDB Activation Manual

Pre Activation Steps

While the Installation procedures have bee completed, remove the protection label from the top of the
PLC System units. The protective labels prevent wire strands and other foreign matter from entering
the units during the wiring procedures.


Leaving the label attached may result in malfunction since it blocks air circulation needed.

Power Activation
Having connected the Mains Input to the PDB Terminals 1X1 you have to adjust the mains distribution
switches according to the type of the Power Supply provided.

The initial status of the switches should be:

Breaker/Switch Status
1SG1 0 (OFF)
1SG2 0 (OFF)
If the Power Supply is provided by Electrica or a CS Generator (1X1: 1-4), the switches status should
Breaker/Switch Status
1F1 ON
1SG1 I (ON)
1SG2 I (ON)
1F2 ON

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PDB Activation Manual

If the Power Supply is provided by the external Plug, the switches state should be:
Breaker/Switch Status
1SG1 0 (OFF)
1SG2 II (ON)
1F2 ON

DC PSU Activation
Turn on the Circuit Breaker 1F7 so as to provide the DC PSU with Power Supply.
Follow the DC PSU Instructions so as to set the unit in operation.

48Vdc Power Supply to PDB

Having set the DC PSU in operation, turn on the Breaker 1F19 so as to provide the PDB with 48 Vdc.


Confirm that the -48V DC wires to the Terminals 1X5.1 and 1X5.2 have the correct polarity:
• 1X5.1: +48 Vdc
• 1X5.2: 0 Vdc

24Vdc Power Supply to Auxiliary Circuits

Having performed the Power Activation as well as the 48Vdc Power Supply to the PDB, the 24Vdc
Auxiliary Circuits can be activated.
• Turn on the Circuit Breaker 1F18 to activate the 1G1 220Vac/24Vdc PSU.
• Turn on the Circuit Breaker 1F19 to activate the 1G2 48Vdc/24Vdc Converter.

PLC Setup

Reset to Factory Defaults

When the PLC is activated, the “Reset to Factory Defaults” settings should be performed.
By the time that the PLC is powered on, await about 30 seconds since the PLC Touch Screen be
operational. After that the “Main Menu” page is loaded on the Screen, follow the path that is presented
below so as to access the “Reset to Factory Defaults” option.

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PDB Activation Manual

Press the “Reset to Factory Defaults” button. On the confirmation screen that appears select “Yes”.
On the “Enter Password” screen, touch the text box: “#####” and type: 2150.

PLC Site System Configuration

From the Main Menu, follow the path presented below so as to access the “Site System Configuration

Follow the instructions described in the next sections so as to configure the PLC Site Menu.

No Modem Installed Initially selected option, one of the following should be selected.
Modem GM29 Installed Select this option in case that the Modem installed is the Sony Ericsson.
Modem BenQ Installed Sselect this option in case that the Modem installed is the BenQ.
Modem Wavecom Installed Select this option in case that the Modem installed is the Wavecom.
Modem ADEM Installed Select this option in case that the Modem installed is the ADEM.
Modem Other Installed Not applicable, available for future use.

Pylon Lights
Pylon Lights
Initially selected option, leave it selected in case of site without Pylon
No Lights Installed
Lights installed.
Select this option in case that one pair of pylon lamps is installed and
1 Set Installed
that is connected to the PDB.
Select this option in case that one pair of pylon lamps is installed and
2 Set installed
that is connected to the PDB.

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PDB Activation Manual

Air Conditioner
Air Conditioner 1
A/C 1 No A/C Select “Has A/C” in case that Air Conditioner is installed with the
Has A/C PLC Command Cable. Otherwise select “No A/C”.
F/C 1 A/C 1 Free Cooling Select “Has A/C1 Free Cooling” if Free Cooling is installed.
No A/C 1 Free Cooling Otherwise select “No A/C1 Free Cooling”
Air Conditioner 2
A/C 1 No A/C Select “No A/C”.
Has A/C
F/C 1 A/C 1 Free Cooling Select “No A/C 1 Free Cooling”.
No A/C 1 Free Cooling

Select this option in case that the PSU does not support serial
No PSU Installed
communication with the PLC or the connection is not implemented.
Select this option in case that of Sunlight DC PSU that is connected to the
Sunlight Installed
PLC via serial cable and communication is error free.
Select this option in case that of Raycap DC PSU that is connected to the
Raycap Installed
PLC via serial cable and communication is error free.
Select this option in case that of Antrice DC PSU that is connected to the
Antrice Installed
PLC via serial cable and communication is error free.
Other Installed Available for potential use
Has Second PSU
Select “No Second PSU”.
No Second PSU

No Generator Select this option in case that there is not Generator installed.
in case that there is Generator but the there is no Controller or the Controller
Generator No Controller
is not connected to the PLC.
Generator Other
available for potential use
Generator with AMF in case that the Generator Controller is AMF 5220 and is connected to the
5220 PLC.

Power Analyzer
Turn on the circuit breaker 1F3 so as to provide the Power Analyzer with power. The Power Analyzer
should be configured so as to communicate with the PLC.

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PDB Activation Manual

To setup of the Lovato DMK-52 Power Analyzer perform the followings steps:
1. Press concurrently the buttons C and D for 5 to 10 seconds, until the display readings
2. Use the A and B buttons to change the parameter value. Use also C and D buttons to select a
3. Select the parameter No. 1 (P.1) and set the value to 20.0.
4. Select the parameter No. 41 (P.41) and set the value to 6.
5. Press concurrently the buttons C and D for 5 to 10 seconds, until the display readings
Having performed the Power Analyzer activation, visit the PLC Touch Screen “Power Parameters”
monitor page so as to confirm that the Power Analyzer operation is normal. Form the PLC Touch
Screen Main page follow the path presented in the figure below at the left side. The right below figure
is presented on the Touch Screen. Confirm that the Voltage and Current Readings are at the normal

Phase monitoring relay

The circuit breaker 1F3 supplies also the Phase Monitor Relay with power. This section provides the
activation procedures for both types of Phase Monitor Relays that are used, the Rhomberg SP430
and the Carlo Gavassi PPB02.

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PDB Activation Manual

Rhomberg SP-430
In order to calibrate the Rhomberg SP430 Phase Monitor Relay set the P1
adjustment switch to 10% that corresponds to the sensitivity of 3-phase
voltage imbalance.
Having turned on the 1F3 Circuit Breaker the LED 1 should lit on. If not,
confirm the followings:
• The PDB Input Voltage level is 400Vac ± 10%.
• Three Phase Voltage is provided with the right sequence.

Carlo Gavassi PPB02

The settings of the Switches are the followings:

• HY: 10% is recommended, defines the sensitivity of 3-phase voltage imbalance.
• Delay: 2 seconds, not critical to the Phase Monitor Relay Operation.
• DIP Switches: all of the four switches should be ON (no intervention needed).



In order to confirm the proper operation of the Phase Monitor Relay (Rhomberg and Carlo
Gavassi) 3 Phase Power Supply is needed.
One Phase Power Supply looped in the circuits of the PDB can not be used for testing.

Having performed the Phase Monitor Activation steps, the “Electric Power Failure Alarm” should be at
normal status. In order to confirm this visit the “Alarm Output” page on the PLC Touch Screen
following the path presented in the left below figure. On the screen that appears, the “KA6 Electric
Power Failure” should be “OK”.

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PDB Activation Manual

Aviation Lights (Dusk Switch, Current Monitor)

The Aviation Lights Activation includes both the Dusk Switch and the Current Monitor Relay
calibration. Also, the “Lights Monitor” page on the PLC Touch Screen provides the monitoring tool
needed so as to confirm the Aviation Lights operation. Follow the path presented in the figure below
left. The “Lights Monitor” screen is presented on the Touch Screen.


The Aviation Lights Activation steps described below require that a pair of Aviation Lights is
installed to the PDB following the Installation Manual. Also, the Primary Lamp should be

In order to activate the Pylon Lights perform the following steps:

• Turn the Circuit Breaker 1F5 on so as to provide the Dusk Switch with power.
• Turn the Circuit Breaker 1F16 on so as to provide the Pylon Lights Transformer and the
Current Monitor relay with power.
• Turn the Circuit Breaker 1F17 on so as to provide the Aviation Lights lamps with 48 Vac.

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PDB Activation Manual

Light Sensor Activation

On the assumption that the Light Sensor activation is performed
during the day time, cover the Light Sensor that is located outside
of the Shelter with a piece of cloth or tape.
The indicating LED should light on. If not, adjust the Light Switch
so that the LED is on. To do this turn the “LUX” switch to the left
(-) as it is presented in the right bottom corner of figure beside.
In case that the LED is on, the “Lights Monitor” screen should
also present the “Dusk Switch” status equals to “Night”.
When you remove the piece of cloth from the Light Sensor, the
“Dusk Switch” status should be “Day”.

Current Monitor Relay Activation

While the Light Sensor is covered with a piece of cloth and the “Dusk Switch” status is “Night” on the
“Lights Monitor” screen. The Primary Lamp should be presented as activated as it shown in the figure
below. If not the Current Monitor Relay should be inspected.

The following paragraphs describe the configuration of both Current Monitor Relays, Rhomberg SP-
103 and Carlo Gavassi XXX, that are used for the Pylon Lights control panel.

Rhomberg SP-103
While the Primary Lamp is activated the LED 1 should light.
If not confirm the following settings:
• S1: 1A
• S2: UL
• P1: 10% is recommended (not critical)
• P2: 20%
• P3: 5 s – half of the scale (not critical)

Carlo Gavassi PIB01

The following figure provides the Switches and the indicating LED of the Carlo Gavassi PIB01CB235A

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PDB Activation Manual

The settings of the Switches are the followings:

• Hyst: 18% is recommended, not critical to the Pylon Lights operation.
• Level: 10 %
• Delay: 3 seconds, not critical to the Pylon Light Operation
• DIP Switches: all of the six switches should be ON.

Climate Unit Activation

In order to activate the Climate Unit, turn the following breaker on:
• 1F8 Air Condition Indoor and Outdoor Unit;
• 1F12 Damper Actuator, if Free Cooling is installed;
• 1F14 Heater, if it is installed.
Set the Climate Unit Controller to the Manual/Cooling Mode, and the Temperature threshold at 18 oC,
following the instructions of the Climate Unit manufacturer.

Compressor Current Monitor Relay

Rhomberg SP-103
While the Compressor works the LED 1 should light.
If not confirm the following settings:
• S1: 1A
• S2: UL
• P1: 10% is recommended (not critical)
• P2: 30%
• P3: 5 s – half of the scale (not critical)

Carlo Gavassi PIB01

The following figure provides the Switches and the indicating LED of the Carlo Gavassi PIB01
CB235A relay.

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PDB Activation Manual

The settings of the Switches are the followings:

• Hyst: 18% is recommended, not critical to the Pylon Lights operation.
• Level: 10 %
• Delay: 3 seconds, not critical to the Pylon Light Operation
• DIP Switches: all of the six switches should be ON.
While the compressor is in operation, the current monitor relay should provide a feedback to the PLC.
Follow the path presented below so as to access the Climate Unit Monitoring page.

While the Compressor is in use, the screen should display

Compressor status “ON”.

If the sign: spins, it demonstrates the compressor

feedback provided by the current monitor relay.

High/Low Temperature Thermostats

Adjust the High and Low Temperature Thermostats that at the following settings:
• High Temperature Thermostat: 30 oC
• Low Temperature Thermostat: 10 oC

Internal lights
Confirm that the Circuit Breaker 1F5 is turned on.
By the time that the Door of the Shelter is opened (Door Switch Contact signal) the Internal Lights
should light on.

Motion detector
Confirm that the Circuit Breaker 1F5 is turned on.

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PDB Activation Manual

Set the Motion Detector mode to “3 min”. By the time that a movement is detected outside of the
shelter the Motion Detector activates the red indicator at the front side of it. Also the PDB relay 1K14
as well as the PLC input 9 on card 1A4 are activated.

External light
Confirm that the Circuit Breaker 1F5 is turned on.
When the Dusk switch detects “Night” and the Motion Detector senses a movement, the External
Lights are activated.

Internal lights switch

The Internal Lights Switch corresponds to the input 10 on the PLC card 1A4. Turn on and off the
switch so as to confirm that the PLC input is turned on and off in correspondence of the switch state.

Power Sockets
Turn the Circuit Breaker 1F15 to activate the PDB Schucko Socket 1XU1.
Turn the Circuit Breaker 1F4 to activate the Shelter Schucko Socket.

Install SIM Card

Confirm that the dedicated to the Base Station SIM card is about to be installed.
Insert the SIM card to a mobile phone so as to deactivate the PIN Code Request.
Having deactivated the PIN request, the SIM is ready to be inserted to the Modem. Use the SIM Card
holder of the Modem to implement this.
Call the Cosmote Scada Control so as to confirm the remote communication of the PLC.

Analogue Readings Confirmation

Follow the path that is presented in the figure below at the left side. The “Analogue Raw Values”
screen that is presented provides the readings of the analogue signals.

Use the following tables in order to confirm that the Indoor and Outdoor Thermometers as well as the
-48Vdc Power Supply to the PDB are properly connected. For example: Regarding the “Temp
External CH2” measurements, if the value presented in the Touch Screen is 1.663 V, according to the
table, the corresponding temperature is 25 oC. Use a thermometer so as to confirm that the PLC

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PDB Activation Manual

reading in correct. Perform also this using a DC Voltage multimeter so as to confirm the “PSU1
48VDC” readings.
PSU 1 48Vdc – CH0
DC Volt Raw Value DC Volt Raw Value DC Volt Raw Value
55.0 7.857 V 51.0 7.286 V 47.0 6.714 V
54.9 7.843 V 50.9 7.271 V 46.9 6.700 V
54.8 7.829 V 50.8 7.257 V 46.8 6.686 V
54.7 7.814 V 50.7 7.243 V 46.7 6.671 V
54.6 7.800 V 50.6 7.229 V 46.6 6.657 V
54.5 7.786 V 50.5 7.214 V 46.5 6.643 V
54.4 7.771 V 50.4 7.200 V 46.4 6.629 V
54.3 7.757 V 50.3 7.186 V 46.3 6.614 V
54.2 7.743 V 50.2 7.171 V 46.2 6.600 V
54.1 7.729 V 50.1 7.157 V 46.1 6.586 V
54.0 7.714 V 50.0 7.143 V 46.0 6.571 V
53.9 7.700 V 49.9 7.129 V 45.9 6.557 V
53.8 7.686 V 49.8 7.114 V 45.8 6.543 V
53.7 7.671 V 49.7 7.100 V 45.7 6.529 V
53.6 7.657 V 49.6 7.086 V 45.6 6.514 V
53.5 7.643 V 49.5 7.071 V 45.5 6.500 V
53.4 7.629 V 49.4 7.057 V 45.4 6.486 V
53.3 7.614 V 49.3 7.043 V 45.3 6.471 V
53.2 7.600 V 49.2 7.029 V 45.2 6.457 V
53.1 7.586 V 49.1 7.014 V 45.1 6.443 V
53.0 7.571 V 49.0 7.000 V 45.0 6.429 V
52.9 7.557 V 48.9 6.986 V 44.9 6.414 V
52.8 7.543 V 48.8 6.971 V 44.8 6.400 V
52.7 7.529 V 48.7 6.957 V 44.7 6.386 V
52.6 7.514 V 48.6 6.943 V 44.6 6.371 V
52.5 7.500 V 48.5 6.929 V 44.5 6.357 V
52.4 7.486 V 48.4 6.914 V 44.4 6.343 V
52.3 7.471 V 48.3 6.900 V 44.3 6.329 V
52.2 7.457 V 48.2 6.886 V 44.2 6.314 V
52.1 7.443 V 48.1 6.871 V 44.1 6.300 V
52.0 7.429 V 48.0 6.857 V 44.0 6.286 V
51.9 7.414 V 47.9 6.843 V 43.9 6.271 V
51.8 7.400 V 47.8 6.829 V 43.8 6.257 V
51.7 7.386 V 47.7 6.814 V 43.7 6.243 V
51.6 7.371 V 47.6 6.800 V 43.6 6.229 V
51.5 7.357 V 47.5 6.786 V 43.5 6.214 V
51.4 7.343 V 47.4 6.771 V 43.4 6.200 V
51.3 7.329 V 47.3 6.757 V 43.3 6.186 V
51.2 7.314 V 47.2 6.743 V 43.2 6.171 V
51.1 7.300 V 47.1 6.729 V 43.1 6.157 V

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PDB Activation Manual

TEMP External – CH3

Temp (oC) Raw Value Temp (oC) Raw Value Temp (oC) Raw Value
50 2.208 V 10 1.336 V -30 0.464 V
49 2.186 V 9 1.314 V -31 0.442 V
48 2.164 V 8 1.292 V -32 0.420 V
47 2.142 V 7 1.270 V -33 0.398 V
46 2.120 V 6 1.248 V -34 0.376 V
45 2.099 V 5 1.227 V -35 0.355 V
44 2.077 V 4 1.205 V -36 0.333 V
43 2.055 V 3 1.183 V -37 0.311 V
42 2.033 V 2 1.161 V -38 0.289 V
41 2.011 V 1 1.139 V -39 0.267 V
40 1.990 V 0 1.118 V -40 0.246 V
39 1.968 V -1 1.096 V -41 0.224 V
38 1.946 V -2 1.074 V -42 0.202 V
37 1.924 V -3 1.052 V -43 0.180 V
36 1.902 V -4 1.030 V -44 0.158 V
35 1.881 V -5 1.009 V -45 0.137 V
34 1.859 V -6 0.987 V -46 0.115 V
33 1.837 V -7 0.965 V -47 0.093 V
32 1.815 V -8 0.943 V -48 0.071 V
31 1.793 V -9 0.921 V -49 0.049 V
30 1.772 V -10 0.900 V -50 0.028 V
29 1.750 V -11 0.878 V
28 1.728 V -12 0.856 V
27 1.706 V -13 0.834 V
26 1.684 V -14 0.812 V
25 1.663 V -15 0.791 V
24 1.641 V -16 0.769 V
23 1.619 V -17 0.747 V
22 1.597 V -18 0.725 V
21 1.575 V -19 0.703 V
20 1.554 V -20 0.682 V
19 1.532 V -21 0.660 V
18 1.510 V -22 0.638 V
17 1.488 V -23 0.616 V
16 1.466 V -24 0.594 V
15 1.445 V -25 0.573 V
14 1.423 V -26 0.551 V
13 1.401 V -27 0.529 V
12 1.379 V -28 0.507 V
11 1.357 V -29 0.485 V

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PDB Activation Manual

TEMP Internal – CH2

Temp ( C) Raw Value Temp (oC) Raw Value
40 1.968 V
39 1.928 V 19 1.128 V
38 1.888 V 18 1.088 V
37 1.848 V 17 1.048 V
36 1.808 V 16 1.008 V
35 1.768 V 15 0.968 V
34 1.728 V 14 0.928 V
33 1.688 V 13 0.888 V
32 1.648 V 12 0.848 V
31 1.608 V 11 0.808 V
30 1.568 V 10 0.768 V
29 1.528 V 9 0.728 V
28 1.488 V 8 0.688 V
27 1.448 V 7 0.648 V
26 1.408 V 6 0.608 V
25 1.368 V 5 0.568 V
24 1.328 V 4 0.528 V
23 1.288 V 3 0.488 V
22 1.248 V 2 0.448 V
21 1.208 V 1 0.408 V
20 1.168 V 0 0.368 V

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