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Huge seal sand drawing launches beach clean-up campaign
A huge sand drawing of a seal besieged by plastic has been created to launch a nationwide
beach clean-up campaign.

The 164ft (50m) artwork was created at Cayton Bay

in North Yorkshire in a bid to highlight the impact
of plastic pollution on marine wildlife.
Campaigners Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) said
they hoped it would mobilise people to clean up
their local areas.
The aim was to clear a million miles of the UK's
beaches and other outdoor spaces by the end of
2021, SAS said. SAS said it hoped to inspire
100,000 volunteers to "stop plastic from getting into the sea" when the "million mile beach
clean" gets under way next month.
Jack Middleton, community and events manager at SAS, said: "Plastic pollution has been an
issue for decades, but it's more vital than ever to work on it now.
"We've all been to the beaches, we've all been to parks and seen plastic strewn everywhere.
Every year 100,000 mammals and over a million seabirds die from entanglement in, or ingestion
of, plastic pollution.
"Animals that live off the coast here - seals, porpoises and dolphins - are coming into contact
with plastic every day and it's having detrimental effects."
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: "Our priority is rightly to protect
public health during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but this does not dilute our existing
commitments to tackling single-use plastics and combating litter.
"It's vital we all dispose of our waste - including used items of PPE - in the correct manner."

1. Questions
2. Do you know the similar campaigns aimed to pay attention on environmental
problems? Maybe, you’ve ever taken part in one of them.
3. What do you think about this beach clean-up campaign? Will it work?

2. Match 1-6 to A-F

1 to launch A beaches
2 to clean up B in the correct manner
3 to stop plastic C existing commitments
4 to clear D contact with plastic
5 to come into E local areas
6 to dilute F a campaign
7 to dispose of waste G getting into the sea

3. What are the problems and measures

Impact of plastic pollution on marine wildlife, to clean up local areas, to clear
beaches, plastic strewn everywhere, seabirds die from entanglement in, mammals

die from ingestion of, dolphins are coming into contact with plastic, to combat
litter, to tackle single-use plastic, to dispose of waste in the correct manner
Problems Measures

4. Find the numbers in the text and make a summary then.

the end of 2021
100.000 volunteers
million miles
100.000 mammals
over a million

To start vs. to launch is any difference?

Оба глагола можно перевести как «начинать», однако они имеют разный оттенок

To launch – употребляем, когда хотим подчеркнуть, что речь идет о запуске какого-
то большого важного проекта

The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.
We’re planning to launch a new Internet services company next month.
To start – начинать, начинаться. Глагол вам хорошо знаком. Вспомним только
устойчивые выражения, которые всегда со start

I’ll start the washing machine (в значении запустить машину, механизм)

The engine was started (запустить мотор)
I’ll start my new job tomorrow (приступить к чему-либо)

1. Please ______ the washing machine

2. We’re going to _______ a new project to protect wildlife of the island.
3. My car didn’t ______ yesterday; I had to go by bus.
4. They’ve _________ a campaign to support homeless people.


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