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First Impressions are made very fast and are show to be very hard to change.

However, we can
change then in the light of new imformation.

Our first impressions of each other are influenced by number of factor such as: age, race,
culure, language, gender, physical appearance, accent, posture, voice and number of people
We will give you some advices to make a good first impressions:
Show confidence in your body language, for exemple, when you´re nervous, it shows in the
way you´re stanging or what you´re doing with it. The same goes for when you´re confidente.
Standing tal and making eye constact shows confidence.
Be aware of the way you speak, you don´t want to be too loud or too quiet, as you coul come
across as dominating or shy using filler words such as “um “or “so” or filling in gaps whit “like”
or “you know” will make you less confidente.
Dress to impress, It is importante, to know the appropriate way to dress so you won´t be
underdressed or overdressed and as you know you don´t have to spend a lot of Money or go
out and buy na entirelly new wardrobe.
Be on time, Someone you are meeting for the first time wiil not be interested in your “good
excuse” for running late. Being late always equals a bad first impression and is one of the
hardest mistakes to recover from.
Be yourself, Doing this make you look more natural, help you to build trust.

First impressions have a huge impact. However, sometimes they don´t correspond to reality.

For exemple, in this image (1)What is your first impression? (perguntamos para a turma)
(respondemos nos) Yes, In this image we can see a doctor, who specializes in medicine, so our
first impression is to say that he is a good person because he helps others.

In this other image (2):

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