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1, MARCH 2018

Detection and Isolation of Interturn Faults in

Inductors of LCL Filter for Marine
Electric Propulsion System
Subash Chandar A., Student Member, IEEE, and Sanjib Kumar Panda , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents an online technique to detect

and isolate the interturn fault in the inductors of the LCL filter
integrated with the active front-end rectifier used for electric
propulsion of marine vessels. The proposed online technique is
based on the fundamental component of the core-leakage flux
measured at the yoke center of the inductor. A comparative
study of the grid currents and the core-leakage fluxes under
interturn faults is carried out using the proposed analytical
models which reveal high sensitivity of the core-leakage flux at
the yoke center when compared to the grid currents. The theoret-
ical analysis is validated experimentally on a laboratory-based
11.3-kW marine propulsion system test rig for 1-turn, 2-turn,
and 4-turn faults under various loading and supply voltage
unbalance conditions. An online fault notification and isolation
framework has also been proposed and validated experimentally
with two different techniques to increase the reliability for
1-turn fault detection. The methodology requires just a single,
Fig. 1. Typical power system architecture of a marine vessel with the
low-bandwidth, and inexpensive magnetic flux sensor in addition
AFER-based electric propulsion system.
to the existing current sensors to detect as low as 1-turn fault out
of 63 turns.
Index Terms— Fault diagnosis, fault protection, frequency-
domain analysis, inductors, magnetic flux leakage, power harmonic distortions in offshore drilling/oil rigs and ships are
harmonic filters, propulsion, time-domain analysis. as follows:
1) failure of the explosion proof motors due to excessive
voltage distortion [1];
2) dc bus capacitor and electromagnetic compatibility filter

T HE quality of electric power in marine vessels is of

crucial importance for safe and reliable operation [1]–[4].
A typical power system architecture of a marine vessel with
failures due to repetitive voltage spikes [2];
3) centrifuge VFDs failures due to voltage notches [3];
4) failure of the capacitors in the harmonic filter due to
active front-end rectifier (AFER)-based electric propulsion excessive voltage distortion, transient voltage spikes, and
system is shown in Fig. 1. It can be observed that variable- line notching [4].
frequency drives (VFDs), and AFE converters are the main The AFER integrated with the LCL filters are used in
sources of harmonics in the ship’s power system. Therefore, several offshore drilling/oil rigs and ships to reduce harmonic
any failure in the harmonic filters which are integrated with distortions [1]–[3]. Any accidental failure of the AFER’s
the VFDs/AFE converters causes excessive currents/voltages harmonic filter (LCL) increases voltage distortion and affects
distortions [1]. The harmonic voltage distortion, line notching, safe and reliable operation of marine vessels [1]–[3]. It is,
voltage spikes, and excessive common mode voltage due to the therefore, necessary to identify and isolate the failure at a
VFDs are some of the phenomena which lead to poor power low-severity level before it leads to total blackout of marine
quality in marine vessels, offshore drilling/oil rigs [1]–[4], and vessels or offshore drilling/oil rigs. The inductors in the
the consequences are often viewed as a potential safety of LCL filters are the key elements which reduce the voltage
life at sea issue [1]. Some of the catastrophic failures due to distortion [1]–[3]. The LCL filter consists of a grid-side and
converter-side inductors to effectively reduce the current-THD
Manuscript received August 17, 2017; revised November 6, 2017; accepted
December 11, 2017. Date of publication December 29, 2017; date of current due to the switching frequency components [1]. The converter-
version February 5, 2018. (Corresponding author: Sanjib Kumar Panda.) side inductors of the LCL filter are exposed to high dv/dt.
The authors are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Therefore, the possibilities of interturn insulation degradation
National University of Singapore, Singapore 119077 (e-mail: and eventual turn-to-turn fault is relatively high when com-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTE.2017.2788189 pared to the grid-side inductors [2], [5]. Hence, in this paper,
2332-7782 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.


an early fault detection and isolation technique for converter- fault at the midpoint of the winding and is also influenced
side inductors of the LCL filter using the core-leakage flux is by load and supply voltages. Besides, six SCs are required
presented. for each phase winding to improve the fault detection sen-
Winding faults contribute to 30%–40% of the total fail- sitivity which results in complex interconnections. Gradual
ures of the inductors [6] which incur expensive downtime inductor degradation and winding fault detection using the
and in certain scenario catastrophic consequences. The low- core-leakage fluxes have been discussed in [19] and [20],
severity interturn fault is the predominant winding fault which respectively. The Hall-effect-based magnetic flux sensors are
eventually leads to the disastrous phase-to-phase or phase- used to detect the changes in the core-leakage fluxes at
to-ground fault. The interturn faults at a low-severity the outer limbs [19] and at the yoke center [20] during
level (1–5 turn short circuited) are difficult to detect as degradation and winding fault, respectively. The methodology
the change in voltages and currents encountered are very in [19] can detect the gradual inductance degradation from
small [6]–[8] which demands sensitive fault detection tech- 3% by using the coupled inductor’s core-leakage fluxes at the
niques. A survey of interturn fault detection techniques outer limbs which is not suitable for low-severity interturn
revealed that most of the techniques are for transformers and fault detection [20]. In [20], an online technique to detect
some of the techniques are directly applicable to the inductors. the high-severity interturn fault (29% of the total turns are
The techniques applicable to the inductors, their principles, shorted) using the core-leakage flux at the yoke center is
and disadvantages are listed in Table I. presented. Such a fault condition is critical which leads to
As the proposed methodology is based on the leakage complete winding damage within few seconds and increased
flux, the techniques proposed in [16]–[20] are discussed and downtime [6]–[8].
explained further. The search coils (SCs)-based technique From the literature review, it is evident that the leakage
to identify 1-turn and 5-turn faults have been presented flux-based interturn fault detection techniques for the inductors
in [16]–[18]. The technique can detect as low as 1-turn are proposed and validated under high level of fault severity.
fault. However, the methodology is unable to detect interturn Some of the techniques detect the low-severity interturn faults

at the expense of more number of sensors (18 sensors)

which result in complex interconnections. Besides, an online
isolation technique which can trip the circuit breaker at the
occurrence of a low-severity interturn fault and prevent the
catastrophic phase-to-ground fault has not been explored.
In this paper, the proposed online methodology to detect and
isolate the predominant 1-turn fault in the inductors of the
LCL filter using a single inexpensive flux sensor is presented.
A comparative study of the sensor-less grid currents-based
technique and the proposed technique is also reported which
reveal the superiority of the proposed methodology. This
paper also presents the proposed framework with two different
techniques to detect and isolate the predominant 1-turn fault
reliably. Both fault detection and isolation techniques are
validated on a laboratory-based 11.3-kW marine propulsion
system (MPS) test rig and their experimental results are Fig. 2. Electrical equivalent circuit of the inductor under interturn fault
presented. condition.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses the
proposed analytical models to study the impedance and core-
leakage fluxes variations during interturn fault. The experi- coupling with other windings of the coupled induc-
mental setup is discussed in Section III. Section IV presents tor [16]–[18], [21]–[23]. The interturn fault occurs across
the experimental validation results and the proposed low- 1-turn and progresses gradually to nearby turns due to the
severity interturn fault detection and isolation techniques. The intense heat generated by the shorted turn [21]–[23]. The focus
robustness of the proposed technique for external anomalies of this paper is to detect the low-severity interturn faults before
are discussed in Section V. The comparison of proposed it leads to high-severity turn faults which in turn results in
and existing techniques for inductor abnormality detection catastrophic winding failure. Therefore, the effect of core sat-
is presented in Section VI, and Section VII concludes this uration which is the result of high-severity faults is neglected
paper. in the proposed analytical models [16], [18], [21]–[23].
Although the core saturation effects are neglected in the
models, the change in the winding impedance and the core-
II. A NALYTICAL M ODEL OF I NDUCTOR leakage flux is high for high-severity faults. So, the proposed
W ITH W INDING FAULT methodology is also directly applicable to high-severity faults.
The models and their experimental validations are discussed in
The characteristics of the inductor during interturn fault
this section.
are studied by using the proposed analytical models. Two
different models are compared to understand and find the
best signature for reliable interturn fault detection. One of A. Inductor’s Impedance Variation During Interturn Fault
the models is based on the winding impedance and the other The electrical equivalent circuit of the inductor with inter-
on the core-leakage flux under interturn fault of the inductor. turn fault in one of the phase windings, a-a  , is shown
For low-severity interturn faults (1 to few turns), the mag- in Fig. 2. The impedance of the phase winding under inter-
netic anomaly is localized across the shorted turns which turn fault condition as shown in dotted box of Fig. 2 is
results in the increased radial leakage flux across the shorted computed using the voltage equations as given by the fol-
turns [16]–[18], [21]–[23]. However, high-severity faults lowing equations (1) and (2), as shown at the bottom of
lead to saturation of the core and influences the mutual this page.

Vaa  = Van + Vna  − j ωM ba Ib − j ωMca Ic

= (Ia Ran + j ωL an Ia + j ωkc L an L na  (Ia − I f )) + (Rna  (Ia − I f ) + j ωL na  (Ia − I f ) + j ωkc L an L na  (Ia ))
− j ω(Mba Ib + Mca Ic )
= Ia (Ran + Rna  ) + j ωIa (L an + L na  + 2kc L an L na  ) − I f Rna  − j ωI f (L na  + kc L an L na  ) − j ω(Mba Ib + Mca Ic )

= Ia (Raa  + j ωL aa  ) − I f (Rna  + j ω(L na  + kc L an L na  )) − j ω(Mba Ib + Mca Ic ) (1)

I f Ri = Rna  (Ia − I f ) + j ωL na  (Ia − I f ) + j ωkc L an L na  Ia − j ω(M b f Ib + Mc f Ic )

[Rna  + j ω(kc L an L na  + L na  )]Ia − j ω(M b f Ib + Mc f Ic )
If = (2)
Ri + Rna  + j ωL na 

Vaa  fundamental phasor of the voltage
across the phase winding a-a  ;
Ia , Ib , and Ic fundamental phasors of the terminal
currents of the phase windings a-a  ,
b-b , and c-c , respectively;
Mba and Mca mutual inductances of the phase
winding a-a  with respect to b-b
and c-c , respectively;
Raa  , Rna  , and Ri resistances of the phase winding
a-a  , short-circuited turn n-a  , and
external short-circuit resistor, Fig. 3. Total impedance variation of the inductor during interturn faults.
L aa  , L na  , and L an inductances of the phase winding
a-a  , short-circuited turn n-a  , and Representing L an and L na  of (3) in terms of turns ratio (4)
healthy turns a-n, respectively; gives the following equation:
kc coupling co-efficient between the  
j ωL aa  [1 + kc (a − 1)]
short-circuited turn n-a  and the Z f = Z h − Rna  +
phase winding turns a-a  ; ⎡ ⎤
j ωL aa  [1+kc (a−1)]
If fundamental phasor of interturn fault Rna  + + j ωM )
×⎣ ⎦. (5)
a2 f
current; j ωL aa 
Ri + Rna + a 2 
Mb f and Mc f mutual inductances of the
short-circuited turn n-a  with respect As all the phase windings are on the same core, the coupling
to the healthy phase windings b-b coefficients between the short-circuited turn n-a  and the phase
and c-c , respectively. windings b-b and c-c are the same as the coupling co-efficient
Substituting (2) in (1) gives the following equation: between the short-circuited turn and the phase winding
turns a-a  . Besides, the inductances in all the three windings
Vaa   of the inductor are almost the same. Therefore, the mutual
= Z f = Z h − [Rna  j ω(L na  kc L an L na  )]
Ia inductance M f in (5) can be expressed in terms of phase
 √  inductance L aa  and turns ratio a as given by the following
Rna  + j ω(L na  + kc L an L na  + M f )
× equation:
Ri + Rna  + j ωL na   
(3) j ωL aa  [1 + kc (a − 1)]
Z f = Z h − Rna  +
where ⎡ ⎤
j ωL aa  [1+kc (a−1)] j ωL aa 
Rna  + +
×⎣ a2 ⎦ (6)
Zf impedance of the inductor a
j ωL aa 
under interturn fault; Ri + Rna + a 2 

Z h = (Raa  + j ω(L aa  + M)) impedance under healthy √ √ √

operation of the inductor; where M f = kc L aa  L na  = kc L bb L na  = kc L cc L na  .
M(M = Mba = Mca ) mutual inductance between If there is a bolted 1-turn fault then the value of turns ratio,
the phase windings of the a  ωL aa  and Ri = 0. Therefore, the fault impedance
inductor; Z f during 1-turn fault can be represented by the following
(Ib + Ic ) = −I a for three-phase systems; equation:
M f (M f = Mb f = Mc f ) mutual inductance between
short-circuited turns n-a  Z f = Z h − Rna   Z h . (7)
and phase windings. From (7), the 1-turn fault in the inductor does not change
From Fig. 2, it can be observed that the inductor with or insignificantly change the total impedance of the inductor.
interturn fault acts as an autotransformer. This implies that the This phenomenon can be observed from Fig. 3 which presents
power dissipated in the short-circuit path should be supplied the comparison of measured and estimated values of the total
from the source itself. Hence, the power transfer ratio for the impedance under interturn fault across 1-, 2-, 4-, and 6-turn
inductor with interturn fault is represented by the following out of 63 turns in the phase winding a-a  of the coupled
equation: inductor. The inductor is energized by a three-phase supply
 (415 V and 50 Hz) and the rms values of the terminal current
Vna  Nna  Ia L na  1 and the voltage drop across the inductor’s phase winding
= = = = (4) a-a  are measured. The impedance of healthy inductor is
Vaa  Naa  If L aa  a
calculated using the measured rms values of current and
where a = (Naa  /Nna  ) is the turns ratio of the phase winding voltage. Similarly, the terminal current and the voltage across
turns, a-a  to the short-circuited turns n-a  . the inductor’s phase winding a-a  are measured for different

Fig. 4. Magnetic equivalent circuits of the coupled inductor. (a) Healthy condition. (b) Interturn fault condition.

TABLE II B. Core-Leakage Fluxes During Healthy and Interturn Fault

S PECIFICATIONS OF THE I NDUCTOR TAPS Conditions of the Coupled Inductor

1) Core Flux During Healthy Operation of the Coupled

Inductor: The magnetic equivalent circuit of the coupled
inductor under healthy operating condition is shown
in Fig. 4(a).
In Fig. 4(a), a , b , and c are the reluctances of
limbs a, b, and c, respectively; Na , Nb , and Nc are the total
turn fault conditions and their corresponding impedances are number of winding turns in limbs a, b, and c, respectively;
calculated. The specifications of the inductor used to validate Ia , Ib , and Ic are the fundamental phasors of the terminal
the developed model are given in Table II. currents of the windings in limbs a, b, and c, respectively;
In Fig. 3, the comparison of measured and estimated values ϕaT h , ϕbT h , ϕcT h , and ϕoT h are the fundamental phasors
of the total impedance for Ri = 60 m shows that there is of the total fluxes in limbs a, b, c, and at yoke center
some deviation between the estimated and measured values. under healthy operation of the coupled inductor; ϕah , ϕbh ,
In the analytical model, it is assumed that the self- and mutual and ϕch are the fundamental phasors of the fluxes generated
inductances are the same for each phase winding. However, by the MMFs of the windings in limbs a, b, and c under
in the inductor used for the experimental validation, the self- healthy operation of the coupled inductor; ϕbah or ϕabh is
and mutual inductances are not equal which causes deviation the fundamental phasor of the flux on limb a or b due to
in measured and estimated values. Nonetheless, the trend is the limb b or a MMFs under healthy operation of the coupled
same for measured and estimated values as shown in Fig. 3. inductor; ϕcah or ϕach is the fundamental phasor of the flux
From (6), for a specific value of interturn fault severity, on limb a or c due to limb c or a MMFs under healthy
the impedance variation is a function of external short-circuit operation of the coupled inductor; and ϕcbh or ϕbch is the
resistance Ri . The dependence can be clearly observed from fundamental phasor of the flux on limb b or c due to
Fig. 3, which presents the estimated total impedance for limb c or b MMFs under healthy operation of the coupled
various values of Ri . From Fig. 3, the impedance variation inductor.
for different values of Ri is approximately ≤1% up to 4-turn The core flux generated by the winding MMF of the limb a
fault. However, for 6-turn fault with Ri = 10 m, the total under healthy operating condition of the coupled inductor
impedance reduces by >2%. Hence, 6-turn fault can be (ϕah ) is given by
detected by mild change in the grid currents. But, low-severity
interturn faults (1–4 turns) occur first and lead to more severe Na Ia Na Ia (b + c )
fault (>4-turn) due to excessive heat generated by the short- ϕah =
a + bb+
c T
circuit current. It is, therefore, necessary to detect interturn c
faults at a low-severity level before it develops into more
severe fault. The developed model (6) and the experimental
where RT = a b + b c + c a .
validation results in Fig. 3 reveal that the terminal currents
of the inductor during single/few turns (1–4 turns) fault does The core flux on limb a due to limb b and limb c MMFs
not change or insignificantly change due to the mild change under healthy operating condition of the coupled inductor
in the total impedance. Hence, the terminal currents are not a (ϕbah and ϕcah ) are given by, ϕbah = (Nb Ib c /T ) and
reliable indicator of single/few turns fault. ϕcah = (Nc Ic b /T ), respectively.

The total core flux at the limb a under healthy operating phasor of the fluxes on limb a or c due to limb c or a
condition of the coupled inductor (ϕaT h ) is given by the MMFs under interturn fault condition of the coupled
following equation: inductor.
The total core fluxes at limb a, limb b, and limb c under
ϕaT h = ϕah − ϕbah − ϕcah interturn fault condition of the coupled inductor (ϕaT f , ϕbT f ,
N and ϕcT f ) are given by the following equations:
= (b (Ia − Ic ) + c (Ia − Ib )) (8)
ϕaT f = ϕa f − ϕba f − ϕca f
where Na = Nb = Nc = N.
Similarly, the total core flux at the limb b, ϕbT h and limb c, =
TF (b + c ) + T
ϕcT h under healthy operating condition of the coupled inductor
b (Ia − Ic ) + c (Ia − Ib )
are given by the following equations: × Nna  (12)
− I f (b + c )
ϕbT h = ϕbh − ϕabh − ϕcbh N
ϕbT f = ϕb f − ϕab f − ϕcb f
= (a (Ib − Ic ) + c (Ib − Ia )) (9) N
T =
ϕcT h = ϕch − ϕach − ϕbch TF (b + c ) + T

N a (Ib − Ic ) + c (Ib − Ia )
= (a (Ic − Ib ) + b (Ic − Ia )) . (10) × Nna  (13)
T +TF (Ib − Ic ) − I f c
The total core flux at the yoke center under healthy operating ϕcT f = ϕc f − ϕac f − ϕbc f
condition of the coupled inductor is given by the following N
equation: =
TF (b + c ) + T

ϕoT h = ϕaT h + ϕbT h + ϕcT h = 0. (11) a (Ic − Ib ) + b (Ic − Ia )
× Nna  . (14)
From (8) and (10), the core flux at the outer limbs a and c +TF (Ic − Ib ) − I f b
depend on the terminal currents which is the function of The total core flux at the yoke center under interturn fault
loading and supply voltage unbalance conditions. However, condition of the coupled inductor is given by the following
from (11), the core flux at the yoke center is zero, irrespective equation:
of the supply voltage unbalance and loading conditions. But,
due to the magnetic asymmetry there will be a finite value ϕoT f = ϕaT f + ϕbT f + ϕcT f
of core flux at the yoke center. When there is an interturn N 2Nna 
fault, the magnetic asymmetricity increases which in turn = − I f (b + c ) .
TF (b + c ) + T N
increase the core flux at the yoke center which is discussed (15)
in Section II-B2.
2) Core Flux During Interturn Fault Condition of the To simplify, the asymmetricity due to the reluctances are
Coupled Inductor: Fig. 4(b) presents the magnetic equivalent neglected and all the reluctances values are considered to be
circuit of the coupled inductor under interturn fault in the the same (Ra = Rb = Rc = R). Therefore, (12) and (15) can
limb a winding. The interturn fault leads to drop in the be expressed as follows:
voltage across the shorted turns due to the high turn-fault N 2Nna 
current when compared to the terminal currents. The high turn- ϕaT f = 3Ia  − If
 (2TF + 3) N
fault current in the shorted turns generates MMF such that it  
N 2Nna 
opposes the main MMF generated by the terminal current of = 3Ia − If
(2TF + 3) N
that corresponding winding. Therefore, the reluctances faced
by the core fluxes increase due to the additional reluctance by  (3Ia ) (16)
(2TF + 3)
turn fault [16]–[18], [21]–[23].  
In Fig. 4(b), TF is the additional reluctance due to interturn N 4Nna 
ϕoT f = − If
fault in the limb a winding; Nan and Nna  are the total number  (2TF + 3) N
of healthy and faulty turns in limb a winding; I ∗ = (Ia − I f ) N 4Nna 
= − If (17)
is the fundamental phasor of the current in shorted turn; (2TF + 3) N
ϕaT f , ϕbT f , ϕcT f , and ϕoT f are the fundamental phasors of
where (Ia + Ib + Ic = 0), for a three-phase system.
the total fluxes in limbs a, b, c, and at yoke center under
interturn fault condition of the coupled inductor; ϕa f , ϕb f , From (16), the core flux at the outer limb a is a function of
and ϕc f are the fundamental phasors of the fluxes generated terminal current Ia . Therefore, the magnitude of the core flux
by the MMFs of the windings in limbs a, b, and c under at the outer limb a changes insignificantly under low-severity
interturn fault condition of the coupled inductor; ϕba f or ϕab f interturn fault conditions. However, the core flux at the yoke
is the fundamental phasor of the flux on limb a or b due to center is a function of interturn fault current I f and the number
limb b or a MMFs under interturn fault condition of the of shorted turns Nna  as given by (17). Therefore, it is a robust
coupled inductor; and ϕca f or ϕac f is the fundamental indicator of interturn fault in any of the winding of the coupled

Fig. 5. Normalized core-leakage fluxes at the outer limb and yoke center for various degrees for interturn fault conditions. (a) Core-leakage flux at the outer
limb a. (b) Core-leakage flux at the yoke center.

inductors. It should be noted that (16) and (17) represent the the effect of turn fault is obscured by the terminal currents
core fluxes which are impractical to sense/measure as it flows which flows through the winding at the limb a as given by
inside the core. However, the core-leakage fluxes at the surface (18). Therefore, from (18) and Fig. 5(a), change in the core-
of the core can be easily sensed which reflect the characteristic leakage fluxes at the outer limbs during low-severity interturn
of the core flux. Therefore, the core fluxes (16) and (17) faults are insignificant which validates the developed model
can be represented by the core-leakage fluxes with leakage (18). From (19), it is evident that the core-leakage flux at the
coefficients corresponding to the location where the fluxes are yoke center during interturn fault condition is proportional to
sensed as given by the following equations: the fault current I f and the number of faulty turns Nna  , which
  emulates the core-leakage flux at the yoke center as a direct
ϕaT f −l = ka f 3Ia − I f  ka f (3Ia ) (18) indicator of interturn fault. From Fig. 5(b), the normalized
  core-leakage fluxes at the yoke center increases for various
ϕoT f −l = ko f − If (19) degrees of interturn faults under different loading conditions.
N The proposed technique is based on the abnormal change in the
Nka Nko core-leakage fluxes from healthy to interturn fault conditions.
where ka f = and ko f =
(2TF +3 ) (2TF +3 )
Therefore, the change in the trend of the core-leakage fluxes
where from healthy to interturn fault condition is important rather
ϕaT f −l fundamental phasor of the core-leakage flux than the absolute value. The trend of the experimental results
at the outer limb a under interturn fault agrees with the theoretical analysis carried out using the devel-
condition of the coupled inductor; oped models (18) and (19), thereby validating the developed
ϕoT f −l fundamental phasor of the core-leakage flux models.
at the yoke center under interturn fault
condition of the coupled inductor;
ka f and ko f leakage coefficients at the outer limb a and C. Comparison of the Grid Currents and the Core-Leakage
at the yoke center during interturn fault Flux at the Yoke Center During Interturn Fault Condition of
condition of the coupled inductor; the Coupled Inductor
ka and ko constants representing the leakage Fig. 3 presents the total impedance variation of the inductor
coefficients corresponding to the location under various interturn fault conditions. From Fig. 3, it can be
where the flux sensors are placed at the observed that during 1-turn, 2-turn, and 4-turn fault conditions,
outer limb a and at the yoke center. the total impedance variation is insignificant (<1%). However,
Fig. 5 presents the experimental results of the core-leakage for 6-turn fault the total impedance has reduced consider-
fluxes sensed/measured at the outer limb a and at the yoke ably (>1%). In the LCL filter, the inductors are in series with
center of the converter-side inductor of the MPS test rig. the load. Therefore, during 6-turn fault, input impedance of the
The measured values of core-leakage fluxes for various inter- AFER reduces considerably and leads to mild increase in the
turn fault severities under different loading conditions are grid currents which contribute to the active power consumed
normalized with respect to the core-leakage fluxes of the by short-circuited turn resistance. Hence, 6-turn fault can be
corresponding loading conditions and are presented in Fig. 5. detected using the grid currents. However, 6-turn fault is a
From Fig. 5(a), variations of the normalized core-leakage high-severity fault which is the result of gradual increase in
fluxes at the outer limb a for various degrees of interturn fault the fault severity from 1-turn fault. Therefore, the grid currents
under different loading conditions are minimal. The highest are not a reliable indicator of low-severity interturn fault
change being 8% for 4-turn fault at 34% of full load as shown conditions. However, the core-leakage flux at the yoke center
in Fig. 5(a). The change in the core-leakage fluxes at the outer of an inductor as represented by (19) is a robust indicator of
limb a under 1-turn and 2-turn fault is insignificant because low-severity interturn faults.


and the core-leakage fluxes are measured using the clamp on

current probes and the Hall-effect-based sensors as shown in
the respective blocks 14 and 13 of Fig. 7. The flux sensors
are adhered to the top surface of the inductor’s yoke which
is below the acrylic support for taps as shown in block 16
of Fig. 7. The blocks a, c, and o of block 16 in Fig. 7 depict the
position of the flux sensors at outer limb a, outer limb c, and
at yoke center, respectively. The measured currents and core-
Fig. 6. Schematic of the 11.3-kW MPS test rig. leakage flux signals are amplified and filtered using antialias
filters to reduce the round-off error and to eliminate the
alias signals, respectively. Finally, the signals are captured
To verify the theoretical analysis on the variation of grid using dSPACE1103 controller board at a sampling frequency
currents (6) and core-leakage flux (19) during the low-severity of 20 kHz as shown in block 10 of Fig. 7. The grid cur-
interturn faults, the experimental validation is carried out in rents have switching frequency components up to 3.5 kHz.
an 11.3-kW MPS test rig which is presented in Section III. Therefore, a sampling frequency of 5–6 times the highest
switching frequency component is used to reproduce the signal
III. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP with least round-off error. However, for core-leakage fluxes a
The schematic of the MPS test rig is presented in Fig. 6. sampling frequency of 2 kHz is sufficient as they are filtered
The detailed specifications of different equipments and sensors by a low-pass filter. Since, all the signals are captured by
used in the experimental test rig are given in Table III. The the same data acquisition system, a fixed sampling frequency
AFE drive of power rating 11.3 kW is integrated with an of 20 kHz is used. The proposed technique for interturn
LCL filter. The three-phase coupled inductors and capacitors in fault detection of the inductors is based on the magnitude of
delta topology are used in the LCL filter and their respective the fundamental component. The magnitude extraction, signal
specifications are shown in Fig. 6. The AFE and the motor postprocessing and FFT computation are carried out using
drive systems are electrically connected via the dc link whose MATLAB/dSPACE-control desk. The experimental validation
voltage is maintained at 690 V. The motor drive is used to drive results and the proposed framework for low-severity fault
the three-phase induction motor coupled to the synchronous detection of inductors are discussed in Section IV.
generator and a resistive load bank acts as the load to the
entire test rig. The induction motor emulates the propulsion IV. E XPERIMENTAL VALIDATION
motor of the marine vessel, the AFE, and the motor drive The time-domain signals of grid voltages and grid currents,
unit resembles the electric propulsion drive. Hence, the total capacitor currents, and converter-side inductor’s core-leakage
system mimics the scaled-down MPS. The MPS test rig is fluxes under healthy operation of the converter-side inductors
shown in Fig. 7. are shown in Fig. 8. The grid and dc-link voltages under full-
The interturn fault is induced by connecting an external load condition of the MPS test rig are shown in Fig. 8(a). The
resistor of value 100 m as shown in block 12 of Fig. 7. The AFER uses random PWM technique [24] with a switching
signals such as grid currents, interturn fault current, and the frequency of 3 kHz and is evident from Fig. 8(b) and (c),
converter-side inductor’s core-leakage fluxes at the outer limbs which present the grid currents with superimposed switching
and at the yoke center are captured under various interturn frequency components and capacitor currents, respectively.
faults and loading conditions. The acquisition is carried out The core-leakage flux signals are filtered using a fourth-order
for interturn fault across 1.6% (1 turn), 3% (2 turns), and low-pass Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of 500 Hz
6% (4 turns) of the inductor’s total winding turns at 34%, 73%, and is shown in Fig. 8(d). The proposed methodology for low-
and 100% of the MPS full-load capacity. The grid currents severity interturn fault detection is based on the magnitude of

Fig. 7. Scaled-down MPS test rig. 1—AFE drive, 2—motor drive, 3—grid-side inductor, 4—converter-side inductor, 5—capacitors, 6—induction motor,
7—synchronous generator, 8—8.4-kW resistive load bank, 9—voltage stabilizer, 10—dSPACE1103, 11—amplifiers and fourth-order low-pass filter,
12—external short-circuit resistances, 13—Hall-effect flux sensor, 14—current sensors, 15—antialias filter, and 16—placement of flux sensors.

Fig. 8. Time-domain signal of (a) grid and dc-link voltages, (b) grid currents, (c) capacitor currents, and (d) converter-side inductor’s core-leakage fluxes at
full load (11.3 kW) condition of the AFER. (Core-leakage flux at the yoke center is multiplied by a factor of 10.)

the fundamental component of the core-leakage flux. Hence, that the magnitudes of the fundamental components of the
the magnitude of the fundamental component of a grid current core-leakage fluxes at the yoke center are changing for dif-
and core-leakage flux at the yoke center under 34% and 100% ferent loading conditions as that of the grid currents shown
for full-load capacity of the MPS test rig are presented in Fig. 9(a). Ideally, the magnitude of the core-leakage fluxes
in Fig. 9(a) and (b). From Fig. 9(b), it can be observed at the yoke center should be 0 as given by (11), but due to

Fig. 9. Frequency spectrum of the (a) grid currents and (b) converter-side inductor core-leakage fluxes at 3.8 kW (34%) and 11.3 kW (100%). (Core-leakage
flux at the yoke center is multiplied by a factor of 10.)

magnetic asymmetricity there is a finite value and it increases conditions and is presented in Fig. 10. From Fig. 10, the fol-
with the increase in the terminal currents. Therefore, it is nec- lowing conclusions can be inferred.
essary to conduct a baseline measurement of the core-leakage 1) During 1-turn fault of the converter-side inductor,
fluxes at the yoke center for different loading conditions. the variation in the grid currents for different loading
Under healthy operating conditions of the converter-side conditions is insignificant as shown in Fig. 10(a). This
inductor, the magnitudes of the fundamental components of is mainly due to the very small change in the total
the grid currents and the core-leakage fluxes at the yoke center impedance of the converter-side inductor for 1-turn fault
for various loading conditions are extracted using FFT and condition as given by (6). However, the core-leakage
saved in the FLASH memory of digital signal processor (DSP). fluxes at the yoke center as given by (19) show a sub-
Under online operating conditions, the magnitudes of the fun- stantial increase in its magnitude as shown in Fig. 10(b)
damental components of the captured grid currents are checked and are a reliable indicator of 1-turn fault under different
with the grid current magnitudes saved in the DSP to identify loading conditions.
the loading condition. Then, the magnitude of the reference 2) Like 1-turn fault, 2-turn fault condition also shows
core-leakage flux corresponding to that loading condition is insignificant variation in the grid currents for different
extracted from the baseline measurements and compared with loading conditions as shown in Fig. 10(c). The core-
the magnitude of the core-leakage flux under online operating leakage fluxes at the yoke center show a substantial
condition to detect the interturn fault for that corresponding increase in its magnitude for different loading condi-
loading condition. The detailed discussion about the interturn tions as shown in Fig. 10(d). Besides, the core-leakage
fault detection using the baseline measurements is presented fluxes at the outer limb c show a mild increase in its
in Section IV-B. magnitude under different loading conditions as shown
in Fig. 10(d). However, the magnitude of the core-
A. Comparison of the Grid Currents and the Core-Leakage leakage fluxes at the yoke center is more than that of
Fluxes at the Outer Limbs and at the Yoke-Center During the core-leakage fluxes at the outer limb c.
Interturn Faults 3) During 4-turn fault condition, once again the core-
The AFER integrated with the LCL filter has grid currents leakage fluxes at the yoke center are a reliable and
and grid voltages sensors for closed loop operation. Therefore, robust indicator of turn fault as shown in Fig. 10(f).
any technique which utilizes only the existing sensors of There is a minor increase in the magnitude of the grid
the AFER to detect interturn fault in the inductors of the currents and the core-leakage fluxes at the outer limbs
LCL filter integrated with the AFER can be considered as as shown in Fig. 10(e) and (f), respectively. However,
sensor-less approach. Hence, a comparative study of the grid the substantial increase in the magnitude of the core-
currents and the core-leakage fluxes at the outer limbs of leakage fluxes at the yoke center clearly dominates the
the converter-side inductors are carried out to identify the increase in magnitude of the grid currents and the core-
best indicator of low-severity turn faults which is presented leakage fluxes at the outer limbs. From Fig. 10(e), it is
in this section. Fig. 10 presents the comparison of the grid evident that there is a finite increase in the magnitude of
currents and the core-leakage fluxes at the outer limbs and the fundamental component of the grid current for 4-turn
at the yoke center for 1-turn, 2-turn, and 4-turn faults at fault which is not observed for 1-turn and 2-turn fault
34% (3.8 kW), 73% (8.3 kW), and 100% (11.3 kW) of conditions as shown in Fig. 10(a) and (c), respectively.
the MPS full-load capacity. The grid currents and the core- This is mainly due to the substantial decrease in the total
leakage flux signals are captured at a sampling frequency impedance of the converter-side inductance for 4-turn
of 20 kHz for 0.5 s and FFT computation is carried out fault when compared to 1-turn and 2-turn fault as shown
using MATLAB. The magnitudes of the fundamental compo- in Fig. 3. The turn fault consumes additional active
nents are extracted, normalized with respect to the magnitudes power which is dissipated by the short-circuit resistance
under healthy operating condition for appropriate loading connected across the faulty turns. This increase in active

Fig. 10. Variation of grid currents and converter-side inductor core-leakage fluxes for 1-turn, 2-turn, and 4-turn fault under different load conditions.
(All the values are normalized with respect to healthy values at corresponding load conditions.) (a) Grid currents under 1-turn fault. (b) Core-leakage fluxes
under 1-turn fault. (c) Grid currents under 2-turn fault. (d) Core-leakage fluxes under 2-turn fault. (e) Grid currents under 4-turn fault. (f) Core-leakage fluxes
under 4-turn fault.

power leads to a mild increase in the magnitude of the flux at the yoke center to identify the loading conditions and to
grid currents as observed in Fig. 10(e). detect the interturn fault, respectively. The captured grid cur-
The experimental investigation of grid currents and rents and the core-leakage flux signals are amplified, filtered,
converter-side inductor core-leakage fluxes during the low- and then further processing is carried out. The framework has
severity interturn faults follow the analysis carried out using two different methods for reliable fault detection as shown
the developed analytical models. Both, the analytical model by dotted rectangles in Fig. 11. The primary fault detection
and the experimental results reveal that the core-leakage flux technique is based on the time-domain signal and the auxiliary
at the yoke center is a reliable indicator of as low as 1-turn fault detection technique on the frequency domain as shown
fault. Hence, using the core-leakage flux at the yoke center, in block 2 and block 3 of Fig. 11, respectively. In both the
a low-severity fault detection and isolation framework has been techniques, the grid currents tapped from the current sensors
proposed which is presented in Section IV-B. of the AFER are used to check the transient conditions such as
load switching, grid voltage, and grid frequency fluctuations
B. Proposed Low-Severity Interturn Fault Detection and as shown in block 1 of Fig. 11. The minimum time taken
Isolation Technique by the primary fault detection is 100 ms (five fundamental
The proposed framework for low-severity interturn fault cycles) which is discussed in detail later in this section.
detection and isolation technique is shown in Fig. 11. Therefore, within this time window of 100 ms, the generation
The framework utilizes the grid currents and the core-leakage of spurious trip signal due to momentary fluctuations in the

(fault indicator) is then compared with the tripping threshold

from the baseline measurement. If the magnitude of the fault
indicator exceeds the tripping threshold by 5%, a trip signal
is generated and notified as shown in block 5 of Fig. 11.
Alternatively, the trip signal can be used to actuate the circuit
breaker which isolates the AFER system with interturn fault in
inductor of LCL filter. If the fault indicator is less than 105%
of the tripping threshold, the auxiliary fault detection technique
is used to double check the interturn fault such as 1-turn fault.
Unlike the primary fault detection technique which is based on
the time-domain signal, the auxiliary fault detection technique
is based on the frequency spectrum.
In the auxiliary fault detection technique, the transient
condition is checked using 25 fundamental cycles (500 ms)
of any one of the grid currents as shown in black block 1
of Fig. 11. If the signals are under steady-state condition,
the extracted magnitudes of the fundamental components of
the grid currents are used to identify the load and its corre-
sponding core-leakage flux reference value from the baseline
measurements as shown in block 4 of Fig. 11. The magnitude
of the fundamental component of the core-leakage flux at
the yoke center under online operating condition is then
normalized with the corresponding magnitude under healthy
condition which is retrieved from the baseline measurements.
The increase in the value of the normalized magnitude (>1)
indicates the fault condition as shown in Fig. 10(b) which is
then used to generate the trip signals as shown in block 5
of Fig. 11.
The proposed low-severity interturn fault detection tech-
nique is experimentally validated, and the results are presented
in Fig. 12. The grid currents, interturn fault currents, fault
Fig. 11. Framework for low-severity interturn fault detection and isolation of
inductors in the LCL filter of AFER. 1—transient detection unit, 2—primary
indicators, tripping thresholds, and trip signals for 1-turn,
fault detection method, 3—auxiliary fault detection method, 4—reference 2-turn, and 4-turn fault in the converter-side inductor at 100%
threshold selection unit, and 5—trip signal generation unit. of the MPS full-load capacity are shown in Fig. 12. It should
be noted that due to grid voltages unbalance, the grid currents
grid currents is eliminated by transient detection as shown are unbalanced as shown in Fig. 12. The robustness of the
in red block 1 of Fig. 11. Any momentary change in the proposed technique for two different supply voltage unbalance
magnitude/frequency of the captured signal is reflected as conditions is discussed in detail in Section V. The fault detec-
an increase in the lobe width of the fundamental compo- tion and trip signal generation is carried out in dSPACE-1103
nent due to high-spectral leakage [25]. Therefore, FFT is controller board and the cutoff frequency of the digital filter
carried out on any one of the grid currents and then the is 0.5 Hz.
fundamental lobe-width is checked in the frequency spectrum In Fig. 12, the dotted rectangle represents the interturn fault
to identify the magnitude and frequency variations. If the current at the time instant before and after interturn fault, and
fundamental lobe-width is the same as that of the steady-state the solid rectangle indicates the grid currents at the time instant
condition, the magnitudes of the fundamental components of of interturn fault. From Fig. 12, the following conclusions can
the grid currents captured under online operating conditions be inferred.
are cross-checked with the baseline measurements to identify 1) The low-severity 1-turn fault of the converter-side induc-
the corresponding loading condition as shown in block 4 tor causes interturn fault current to increase drasti-
of Fig. 11. Depending on the loading condition, the corre- cally as marked by block 4 in Fig. 12(a). However,
sponding tripping threshold/reference core-leakage flux values there is no noticeable variation in the grid currents as
is selected from the baseline measurements and passed to the shown by the zoomed-in view of Fig. 12(a). The fault
fault detection techniques as shown in block 4 of Fig. 11. indicator exceeds the tripping threshold value of 0.5
In the time-domain-based primary fault detection technique after 0.49 s which result in the generation of trip signal
as shown in block 2 of Fig. 11, the core-leakage flux signal is as marked by block 1 in Fig. 12(a). It can be observed
rectified using an active rectifier and captured using either a that the value of fault indicator is almost close to the
PC or DSP. The captured signal is then filtered using a digital tripping threshold. This is mainly because of the mild
low-pass filter to remove the ac component of rectified core- variation in the instantaneous value of the core-leakage
leakage flux signal. The output dc signal of the digital filter flux at the yoke center during 1-turn fault. Under such


component’s magnitude for 0.5 s as shown in block 1

of Fig. 11. Hence, the magnitude of the fundamental
component of the core-leakage flux extracted using
FFT shows the clear shift from healthy value under
1-turn fault condition as shown in Fig. 10(b).
2) Unlike 1-turn fault, 2-turn fault result in a noticeable
change in the magnitude of the fault indicator which
is greater than 105% of the tripping threshold values
as shown in Fig. 12(b). Moreover, the trip signal is
generated in 0.34 s. Hence, double-checking with auxil-
iary fault detection technique is not required as it needs
at least 0.5 s of signal to be captured. Like 1-turn
fault, there are no noticeable variations in the instan-
taneous value of the grid currents during 2-turn fault
3) 4-turn fault shows a substantial shift in the magnitude
of the fault indicator, and the trip signal is generated
within 0.14 s as shown in Fig. 12(c). Like 1-turn and
2-turn fault conditions, there are no noticeable variations
in the instantaneous magnitude of the grid currents.
Clearly, 4-turn fault also does not require the auxiliary
fault detection technique.
From Fig. 12, the core-leakage flux at the yoke center is a
good indicator to detect as low as 1-turn fault when compared
to the grid currents and thereby validate the proposed tech-
nique for low-severity interturn fault detection and isolation.
From Fig. 12, the time to detect interturn fault varies from
1-turn (0.49 s) to 4-turn (0.14 s) fault. The delay is mainly
due to the time constant of the digital filter used to eliminate
the ac components in the rectified core-leakage flux signal
(fault indicator). Table IV presents the fault trip time for
different filter’s bandwidths at 34% and 100% of the full-load
capacity of the MPS test rig. From Table IV, the trip signal
generation time is influenced by the loading conditions in the
Fig. 12. Low-severity interturn fault detection and isolation using the core- range of milliseconds. This is due to the mild influence of
leakage flux at yoke center under 100% (11.3 kW) of the MPS full-load the load on the core-leakage flux at the yoke center as shown
capacity. (a) 1-turn fault. (b) 2-turn fault. (c) 4-turn fault. 1: trip signal— in Fig. 9(b). The trip time decreases with the increase in the
logic signal [“high” (1) and “low” (0)], (V); 2: tripping threshold—selected
from the baseline measurement, (V); 3: fault indicator—dc component of the filter’s bandwidth from 0.2 to 0.4 Hz as give in Table IV.
rectified core-leakage flux signal, (V); and 4: turn fault current—divided by Increase in the filter’s bandwidth decreases the filter’s time
a factor of 40, (A). constant which in turn increases the response time as given
by Table IV. However, increasing the filter’s bandwidth
scenarios, the auxiliary fault detection technique is used increases the low-frequency components which lead to spu-
to increase the reliability of fault detection process as rious trip signal generation. This phenomenon can be clearly
shown in block 3 of Fig. 11. The FFT of the core-leakage observed for the filter’s bandwidth of 2 Hz at which only 4-turn
flux signal gives the mean value of the fundamental fault is detectable, and the detection time is just 40 ms as given

Fig. 13. (a) Grid voltages, (b) grid currents, (c) core-leakage fluxes at the outer limbs and yoke center, and (d) normalized core-leakage fluxes at the yoke
center for various loading conditions under stabilized/nonstabilized grid voltages.

in Table IV. Hence, it is better to fix the filter cutoff frequency The LVUR is due to the influence of asymmetrical loading
between 0.4 and 0.5 Hz for reliable fault detection with a on the distribution system of the laboratory and the decrease
reasonable fault trip time as shown by highlighted column in line voltages with respect to various loading conditions are
of Table IV. due to the additional voltage drop across the line impedance.
The recommended duration of the thermal short-circuit From Fig. 13(a), the servo stabilizer reduces the LVUR to
current rating for the dry type, series-connected inductor approximately 50%, the maximum LVUR being 1%. Due
is 1–3 s [26]. The maximum time taken by the proposed to the inherent LVUR, there is a current unbalance and is
technique to identify interturn fault is 0.51 s for 1-turn fault mildly affected by the LVUR conditions with/without servo
at 100% load condition of the MPS test rig as given in the stabilizer as shown in Fig. 13(b). The unbalance in the terminal
highlighted column of the Table IV. This value is 50% below currents of the coupled inductor causes change in the core-
the recommended minimum duration of the thermal short- leakage fluxes at the outer limbs as given by (18). This
circuit current rating (1 s) [26]. Hence, the proposed fault phenomenon is evident from the experimental results as shown
detection and isolation strategy can detect as low as 1-turn in Fig. 13(c), in which the core-leakage flux at the outer limb
fault within the duration as recommended by the IEEE Std c changes due to the change in the limb c terminal current.
C57.16-2011 [26]. Therefore, the core-leakage fluxes at the outer limbs are influ-
enced by the supply voltage unbalance conditions as shown
From (11), it evident that the core flux at the yoke center
A. Supply Voltage Unbalanced Conditions under healthy operating condition of the inductor is zero irre-
The supply voltage unbalance is inevitable in real world spective of loading and supply voltage unbalance conditions.
applications. Hence, the robustness of the proposed technique But, due to magnetic asymmetricities, there will be a small
under grid voltage unbalance is studied by conducting the value of core flux at the yoke center and it varies mildly
experiment with/without servo stabilizer. The servo stabilizer with respect to various loading and supply voltage unbalance
as shown in block 9 of Fig. 7 is used to stabilize the grid conditions as show in Fig. 13(c). Nonetheless, during interturn
voltages and reduce the line voltage unbalance ratio (LVUR). fault, the core flux at the yoke center changes drastically
Fig. 13(a) presents the grid voltage variations for various load- with respect to the healthy condition as shown in Fig. 13(d).
ing conditions with/without servo stabilizer. From Fig. 13(a), From Fig. 13(d), it is evident that the normalized core-leakage
there is a maximum LVUR of 1.8% for nonstabilized grid flux at the yoke center is greater than 30% for as small
voltages and the voltages decreases with respect to the load. as 1-turn fault under both stabilized and nonstabilized volt-

ages. From theoretical analysis using the developed analytical where

models (11) and (19) and the experimental results as shown ϕoT f −l(HS) fundamental phasor of the core-leakage flux
in Fig. 13(d), it can be inferred that the change in the core- at the yoke center under high-severity interturn
leakage flux at the yoke center is relatively high with respect fault condition of the coupled inductor;
to the health operating condition which obscures the effect of ϕsat fundamental phasor of the core flux under
the LVUR conditions. saturated condition of the core;
ko f −sat leakage coefficients at the yoke center during
B. Transient Conditions and External Noises high-severity interturn fault condition.
Any momentary transients due to supply voltage unbalance, The core-leakage flux at the yoke center under high-severity
load switching, grid voltage, and grid frequency fluctuations faults is greater than the core-leakage flux under low-severity
are neglected in the proposed online methodology. Although turn faults (ϕoT f −l(HS)  ϕoT f −l ). Therefore, the relative
such transient conditions are one of the factors which initiate deviation of the core-leakage flux from healthy condition
the interturn fault, fault detection under such conditions leads to high-severity fault condition is still high as that of low-
to spurious trip signal generation [7], [13], [23]. Hence, it is severity turn fault conditions. However, the core-leakage flux
reliable to detect the low-severity interturn faults under steady- ϕoT f −l(HS) remains constant and is no longer directly propor-
state operating conditions of the AFER [7], [13], [16]–[19]. tional to interturn fault severity as given by (19). Moreover,
Therefore, the proposed techniques use time-/frequency- the impedance of the winding under high-severity fault reduces
domain techniques which are best suited for stationary signals. drastically as compared to that of the low-severity interturn
Moreover, both time- and frequency-domain techniques are faults. From (6), the impedance under high-severity fault is
used to increase the confidence level of the fault detection represented by the following equation:
technique. Besides transient conditions, the high-frequency  
switching noise generated by the AFER superimposes on ϕsat
Z f (HS) = Raa  + j ω(Naa  + MS ) (21)
the core-leakage flux signals and must be filtered for robust Ia
interturn fault detection. Hence, fourth-order antialias filter where
of cutoff frequency 500 Hz is used to attenuate the high-
Z f (HS) impedance of the coupled inductor under
frequency signals/noise as shown in Fig. 8(d). In addi-
high-severity interturn fault conditions;
tion to the antialias filter, a digital filter is also used to
L aa  S inductances of the phase winding, a-a  under
increase the sensitivity of the proposed methodology as shown
high-severity interturn fault conditions
in Fig. 11.
(L aa  S = Naa  (ϕsat /Ia ));
Ms mutual inductance between short-circuited
C. Temperature
turn n-a  and phase windings under high-severity
During interturn fault, the high turn-fault current leads to interturn fault conditions.
substantial increase in the core-leakage flux as given by (19)
and as shown in Fig. 13(d). The increased current generates From (7) and (21), the change in the winding impedance
intense heat and eventual increase in the temperature which of the coupled inductor during 1-turn to few turns fault is
is the secondary effect of turn fault current. The proposed insignificant when compared to the change in impedance
technique uses the core-leakage flux at the yoke center which during high-severity fault. This is because of the constant
is directly proportional to the turn fault current as given saturation flux ϕsat which causes the inductance to change
by (19). Therefore, the trip signal is generated at a much with change in the terminal current Ia as given by (21).
earlier time when compared to the change in temperature [29]. Hence, at high-severity faults, the change in the terminal
Moreover, the substantial change in the core-leakage flux at currents is higher when compared to that in the low-severity
the yoke center obscures the influence of the temperature faults as shown in Fig. 10(e) and (a), respectively. Therefore,
on the core-leakage fluxes under low-severity interturn fault the terminal currents can be used to detect the high-severity
conditions. faults [7], [13], [21], [23]. However, high-severity faults are
the consequence of low-severity 1-turn to few turn faults and
D. Inductor Saturation the proposed technique based on the core-leakage flux at the
yoke center is effective in detecting the low-severity interturn
The proposed technique is for the detection of low-severity
faults over a wide operating condition. Moreover, the proposed
interturn faults during which the characteristics of the core
technique is directly applicable to high-severity fault also as
remain unaltered [21]–[23]. The low-severity interturn fault
the change in the core-leakage flux at the yoke center from
results in localized saturation of the core and increased core
healthy to interturn fault condition is also high as that of low-
reluctance as shown in Fig. 4(b). However, for high-severity
severity interturn fault conditions.
interturn fault, the core saturates and the effective inductance
of the coupled inductor reduces with respect to the loading VI. C OMPARISON OF D IFFERENT T ECHNIQUES
conditions [21]–[23]. The core-leakage flux at the yoke center FOR I NDUCTOR A BNORMALITY D ETECTION
under high-severity interturn fault can be represented by the
A brief comparison of the proposed and the existing
following equation:
techniques for inductor interturn fault detection is shown
ϕoT f −l(HS) = ko f −sat ϕsat (20) in Table V. From Table V, the proposed technique utilizes


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[16] M. F. Cabanas et al., “A new online method based on leakage flux Subash Chandar A. (S’15) received the B.Tech.
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power transformers: Application to remote condition monitoring,” IEEE the Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry,
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[17] F. Haghjoo and M. Mostafaei, “Flux-based method to diagnose and control from the Electrical and Computer Engineer-
identify the location of turn-to-turn faults in transformers,” IET Generat., ing Department, National University of Singapore,
Transm. Distrib., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1083–1091, Mar. 2016. Singapore, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
[18] P. A. Venikar, M. S. Ballal, B. S. Umre, and H. M. Suryawanshi, “Search degree with the Electrical Machines and Drives
coil based online diagnostics of transformer internal faults,” IEEE Trans. Laboratory.
Power Del., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 2520–2529, Dec. 2017. His current research interests include the develop-
[19] S. Chandar and S. K. Panda, “Degradation detection and diagnosis ment of condition monitoring and fault detection and
of inductors in LCL filter integrated with active front end rectifier,” diagnosis techniques for electrical machines.
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 1622–1632, Feb. 2018,
doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2017.2685421.
[20] C. A. Subash, S. K. Panda, S. Nadarajan, and A. K. Gupta, “Winding
fault detection in coupled inductors using a single flux sensor,” in Proc.
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pp. 1554–1559.
[21] V. Behjat and A. Vahedi, “Numerical modelling of transformers interturn
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pp. 415–431, May 2011.
[22] L. M. R. Oliveira and A. J. M. Cardoso, “Leakage inductances calcula-
tion for power transformers interturn fault studies,” IEEE Trans. Power Sanjib Kumar Panda (S’86–M’91–SM’01)
Del., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1213–1220, Jun. 2015. received the M.Tech. degree in electrical
[23] B. Kasztenny, M. Thompson, and N. Fischer, “Fundamentals of short- engineering from IIT Banaras Hindu University,
circuit protection for transformers,” in Proc. 63rd Annu. Conf. Protective Varanasi, India, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree
Relay Eng., College Station, TX, USA, Mar./Apr. 2010, pp. 1–13. in electrical engineering from the University of
[24] M. M. Bech, F. Blaabjerg, and J. K. Pedersen, “Random modulation Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., in 1991.
techniques with fixed switching frequency for three-phase power con- Since 1992, he has been holding a faculty
verters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 753–761, position with the Department of Electrical and
Jul. 2000. Computer Engineering, National University of
[25] B. Zeng, Z. Teng, Y. Cai, S. Guo, and B. Qing, “Harmonic phasor Singapore, Singapore, and currently serving as an
analysis based on improved FFT algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Associate Professor and the Director of the power
vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 51–59, Mar. 2011. and energy research area. He has authored over 300 peer-reviewed research
[26] IEEE Standard for Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code for Dry- papers, co-authored one book, and contributed to several book chapters and
Type Air-Core Series-Connected Reactors, IEEE Standard C57.16-2011 six patents.
(Revision of IEEE Std C57.16-1996), Feb. 2012, pp. 1–127. Dr. Panda served as an Associate Editor for several IEEE Transactions and
[27] Y. Jiang, J. Li, S. Pan, X. Zhang, P. Hu, and H. Zhang, “Research the Editor for the Journal of Power Electronics, South Korea. He has served
on the comparison analyses of three-phase discrete and integrated LC in various capacities for the IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems
filters in three-phase PV inverter,” Int. J. Photoenergy, vol. 2013, 2013, Conference and the IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy
Art. no. 217023, doi: 10.1155/2013/217023. Technologies Conference series.

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