Tracy Vlossom C. Miguel Education 114

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 Piaget
The acceptance of individual differences in developmental progress is one the crucial part in
Piaget's theory asserts that children go through all the same developmental stages, however they
do so at different rates specially for the students who have special needs. And because of this,
teachers must make special effort to arrange classroom activities for individuals and groups of
children rather than for the whole class group. The educational implication of Piaget's theory is
the adaptation of instruction to the learner's development level. It is important that the content of
instruction needs to be consistent with the developmental level of the learner.
The teacher’s main role is the facilitation of learning by providing various experiences for the
students. In a classroom, special needs also apply to gifted children, they need adapted teaching
to challenge their abilities and to foster their potential development.
 Vygotsky
Vygotsky’s theories and principle are mostly about how “society makes to individual
development”. It is important for the teachers to sharpen their skill in communicating and
interacting. Because it will increase the social interaction between students with and without
disabilities, empowers students with disabilities to feel efficient and capable, decreases the
individual differences among students with and without disabilities.
Including students with disabilities into the general education classrooms help meet their
academic and social needs; including students with disabilities into general education classrooms
enables them to gain new skills. This will improve a student’s self-esteem, increase confidence to
try new things, and develop the soft skills needed to succeed. Focusing on soft skills will
enhance opportunities for students and young adults with disabilities to improve their cognitive
development, social skills, increase their self-confidence, and lead more productive lives.
 Bandura
In the principles stated, it is shown how a student is observant, students pay attention to some
of these people (models) and they may imitate the behavior they have observed. What modeled
behaviors children will imitate depends partly on what sort of reinforcement those behaviors
receive. They are more likely to imitate a behavior if they get some sort of positive
reinforcement for it. But through the process of modeling, children can learn aggressive
behaviors by observing them. Sometimes this occurs through live models and direct experiences,
but it often happens by watching television and other programming where aggressive behaviors
occur. If these aggressive behaviors are reinforced, children might be likely to imitate them and
execute aggressive acts themselves. That is why appropriate behavior must be observed, we
people that surround the child see us as their model. They are watching and learning from us
each and every day, whether or not we intend to teach them. Show them kindness and love,
model compassion and helpfulness and teach them positive ways of interacting with people and
the world around them.
 Lave

I would describe Situated Learning as a very realistic type of learning since it highlights
social interactions and authentic learning and it involves engaging in tasks which parallel real-
world applications which are both very important. The goal is to improve learning by motivating
students and by providing a rich context for learning.
School is hard, and it’s even worse for children with disabilities, who are too often alienated
from their peers and made easy targets for bullies. But by sticking up for children with
disabilities and fostering inclusive environments in schools, we can dispel the indifference that
shelters bullying. We must invest time and effort to develop and expand support systems and
training programs for students and young adults transitioning out of the education system.
Focusing on soft skills will enhance opportunities for students and young adults with disabilities
to improve their social skills, increase their self-confidence, and lead more productive lives. No
one should feel left out.

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