Laporan Suwandy Effendy Unit 1 (FINISH)

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Complete report of Physical Chemistry experiment with tittle

“Determination of Calor Reaction” arranged by:
name : Suwandy Effendy
ID : 1813441008
class : ICP of Chemistry Education
group : I (One)
after checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report accept

Makassar, March 2021

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Putri Sarimurti Putri Sarimurti


Known by
Lecture of Responsibility

Diana Eka Pratiwi, S.Si, M.Si

NIP. 19800614 200801 2 016
Determination Of Reaction Calor

Determine the Integral Dissolution Calor Of CuSO 4And CuSO4.5H2O Using a
Simple Calorimeter

The fundamental physical property in thermodynamics is work: work
is motion against an opposing force. Doing work is equivalent to raising a weight
somewhere in the surroundings. An example of doing work is the expansion of a
gas that pushes out a piston and raises a weight. A chemical reaction that drives an
electric current through a resistance also does work, because the same current
could be driven through a motor and used to raise a weight(Atkins and Paula.
2006: 29).
When heat q is put into a system its temperature rises. The change in
temperature is proportional to the amount of heat:
q = C∆T
where C is a proportionality constant. C depends on both the nature of,
say, a chemical substance and the amount taken; it is an extensive property
(Section 1.6). C is really a parameter because it is different for different
substances. It is common experience that metals heat up faster over a flame than
does water. They have different capacities to absorb heat; hence the parameter C
is called the heat capacity(Donald W.2011: 44).
Calorimetry is the study of heat transfer during physical and chemical
processes. A calorimeter is a device for measuring energy transferred as heat. The
most common device for measuring ΔU is an adiabatic bomb calorimeter (Fig.
2.9). The process we wish to study—which may be a chemical reaction—is
initiated inside a constantvolume container, the ‘bomb’. The bomb is immersed in
a stirred water bath, and the whole device is the calorimeter. The calorimeter is
also immersed in an outer water bath. The water in the calorimeter and of the
outer bath are both monitored and adjusted to the same temperature. This
arrangement ensures that there is no net loss of heat from the calorimeter to the

surroundings (the bath) and hence that the calorimeter is adiabatic(Atkins and
Paula. 2006: 38).
(Atkins’ and Paula,2006 : 38).
Enthalpy is the constant pressure analog of energy in processes like
chemical reactions. It can be handled mathematically in the same way that energy
is handled and should be thought of almost as its twin. In many semiquantitative
discussions the distinction between energy and enthalpy is ignored but it should
be borne in mind, because it is important in rigorous treatments like the correction
of quantum mechanical values for the energy of a molecule at 0 K to the enthalpy
at 298 K(Donald W.2011: 45).
An exothermic process is a process that releases energy as heat into its
surroundings. All combustion reactions are exothermic. An endothermic process
is a process in which energy is acquired from its surroundings as heat. An
example of an endothermic process is the vaporization of water. To avoid a lot of
awkward circumlocution, we say that in an exothermic process energy is
transferred ‘as heat’ to the surroundings and in an endothermic process energy is
transferred ‘as heat’ from the surroundings into the system(Atkins and Paula.
2006: 29).
Le Chatelier’s principle states that, in a stressed chemical reaction, the
equilibrium will be displaced in such a way as to relieve the stress. First, we need
to define “stress.” An exothermic reaction:
A ↔B + q
where q is heat given off, will be stressed backward by application of
heat q—that is, by a temperature rise. Application of heat will drive the reaction
backward to give more A and less B. The opposite will be true for an endothermic
reaction. Looking at the integrated van’t Hoff equation:
K ' eq ∆r H ° 1 1
K eq
R T T'

we see that for a temperature rise T > T we have (1/T ) > (1/T ). For r
H◦< 0,ln (Keq/Keq) < 0 and the new equilibrium constant K eq is smaller than the
original one, Keq. The thermal condition r H◦ < 0 is the characteristic of an
exothermic reaction, so Le Chatelier’s principle applied to the heat of reaction
agrees with the van’t Hoff equation. Le Chatelier’s principle is a qualitative
statement giving the sign but not the magnitude of the effect of a temperature
change on the equilibrium constant (Donald W.2011: 99).
To use calculus in working with the heat capacity, it is necessary to
replace the approximate macroscopic observation C = q/∆T with the infinitesimal
C = dq/dT. Furthermore, we chemists carry our ordinary bench reactions under
conditions of constant (atmospheric) pressure, and thermochemists carry out
combustion reactions inside a closed bomb. The heat capacity under constant
volume conditions is not exactly the same as the heat capacity under constant
pressure conditions, so we distinguish between the two heat capacities Cv and Cp

C v= ( ∂T∂q ) ∧C =( ∂T∂ q )

The infinitesimals in the heat capacity equations are partials because each
parameter is defined holding either V or p constant(Donald W.2011: 44).
We can avoid the complication of having to take into account the
work of expansion by introducing a new property that will be at the center of our
attention throughout the rest of the chapter and will recur throughout the book.
The enthalpy, H, of a system is defined as:
H = U + pV
That is, the enthalpy differs from the internal energy by the addition of the
product of the pressure, p, and the volume, V, of the system. This expression
applies to any system or individual substance: don’t be mislead by the pV term
into thinking that eqn 1.11 applies only to a perfect gas. A change in enthalpy (the
only quantity we can measure in practice) arises from a change in the internal
energy and a change in the product pV:
∆H =∆U + ∆ (pV)
where ∆ (pV) = pfVf piVi. If the change takes place at constant pressure p,
thebsecond term on the right simplifies to
∆ (pV) = pVf pVi = p(Vf Vi) = p∆V
and we can write
At constant pressure: ∆H = ∆U + p∆V (Atkins and Paula, 2006: 49).
Thermochemical concepts include (1) distinguishing heat from
temperature, (2) the principle of calorimeters and energy exchange in reactions in
calorimeters, (3) identifying exothermic and endothermic reactions(Ismawati and
Trisnowati. 2019).
The othmer method provides a convenient explicit equation for the
dependence of the net heat of sorption on temperature. The net heat of sorption
calculated by this method for the cereal grains at various moisture contents
decreases slightly with increasing temperature, and therefore a strong dependence
of the heat of sorption of cereal grains on temperature cannot be expected,
contrary to reports for grain sorghum. This is of practical importance because it
excludes the possibility of thermally induced structural changes during water
sorption n grains, at least in the range of temperatures investigated. An
independent confirmation (using calorimetry) of the decrease of isosteric heat
with temperature is now needed to validate the model (Aguerer et al. 2015).
Presented integral and differential equations play a very important role
in heat conduction problems. Some initial boundary problems for certain partial
differential equations in physics are reducible to the above integral equation. The
development of the investigation for dynamics of the complex systems requires
new methods and techniques to be developed. On the other hand many of the
classical methods were generalized within the local fractional calculus
environment but still some hidden behaviors cannot be revealed properly. In this
work, we investigated the fractal initial boundary value problems for local
fractional equations with local fractional operators, which are set up on fractals.
For these reasons, based on the local fractional operators, the local fractional
decomposition method to solve local fractional equations has been applied. The
method focuses especially on the approximation methodology for processing local
fractional equations. The methodology has been exemplified by four illustrative
problems demonstrating the accuracy and the reliabilities of the local fractional
decomposition method(Yang et al. 2015).
In the use of a calorimeter in determining the calorimeter constant, the
temperature stability is maintained between the calorimeter prototype and the
environment. For the calorimeter constant the average is 50.5556 J / K. The
reaction heat of copper sulfate CuSO4.5H2O and copper sulfate anhydrous CuSO4
were 723.318 J and 748.26 J. respectively(Howan, 2015).
Molar enthalpies of physical processes like phase changes
(vaporization and melting), solution of a solute in a solvent, mixing of miscible
solvents, and dilution are treated by slight modifications of the methods shown,
always in accord with the first law of thermodynamics, which has never been
violated in a controlled, reproducible experiment(Donald W.2011: 62).
The energy of a system is its capacity to do work. When work is done
on an otherwise isolated system (for instance, by compressing a gas or winding a
spring), the capacity of the system to do work is increased; in other words, the
energy of the system is increased. When the system does work (when the piston
moves out or the spring unwinds), the energy of the system is reduced and it can
do less work than before(Atkins and Paula. 2006: 29).


1. Apparatus
a. Calorimeter 1 set
b. Thermometer 150oC 1 unit
c. Thermometer 110oC 1 unit
d. Beaker 500 mL 1 unit
e. Beaker 100 mL 1 unit
f. Beaker 50 mL 1 unit
g. Stir bar 2 units
h. Graduated cylinder 100 mL 1 unit
i. Graduated cylinder 50 mL 1 unit
j. Spritus burner 1 unit
k. Three pod 1 unit
l. Gauze 1 unit
m. Mortar 1 unit
n. Pestle 1 unit
o. Eksikator 1 unit
p. Analytical balance 1 unit
q. Spray Bottle 1 unit
r. Spatula 1 unit
s. Stopwatch 1 unit
t. Porcellain crucible 1 unit
u. Rough cloth 1 unit
v. Soft cloth 1 unit
2. Chemicals
a. Aquadest (H2O)
b. Crystal Copper Sulfate Penta Hydrate (CuSO4.5H2O)
c. Copper Sulphate Anhirate Crystals (CuSO4)
d. Tissue
e. Matches

1. Determination of Constant Calorimeter
a. 50 mL of cold water put into calirometer with a graduated cylinder and
recorded temperature.
b. 50 mL of water heated up to the temperature 40°C, then hot water put into the
calorimeter containing cold water right sixth minute.
c. The water temperature in the calorimeter every 1 minute as much as 8 times
the readings are recorded, stirring constantly until a constant temperature is
d. Curve relationship between the time the temperature is made to acquire the
right mix temperature.
2. Determination Dissolution Integral Heat of CuSO4.5H2O
a. 10 grams of crystal CuSO4.5H2O crystals were weighed and then crushed into
b. 5 grams of crystal CuSO4.5H2O weighed carefully.
c. Prepared calorimeter (predetermined tetapannya). Then 100 ml of aquadest
was added to the calorimeter.
d. Temperature is recorded every 1 minute to 5 times the reading.
e. 5 grams CuSO4.5H2O fine powder added to the calorimeter and stirred
f. Temperatures are recorded when the crystals are added, then proceed with the
reading of the temperature every minute for 3 times to obtain temperature
readings are relatively fixed.
3. Determination Heat of the Dissolution Integral of CuSO4CuSO4
a. 5 grams of crystalCuSO4.5H2O heated then stirred gently until all hydrates
evaporate entirely marked with powder color changes from blue to white.
b. The powder is cooled dieksikator.
c. Crystals CuSO4.5H2O weighed carefully and obtained 3.37 grams.
d. Prepared calorimeter (predetermined tetapannya). Then 100 mL of aquadest
was added to the calorimeter.
e. Temperature is recorded every 1 minute to 5 times the reading.
f. 3, 37 grams of finely powdered anhydrous CuSO 4 is added to the calorimeter
and stirred continuously.
g. Temperatures are recorded when the crystals are added, then proceed with the
reading of the temperature every minute for 3 times to obtain temperature
readings are relatively fixed.

1. Determinationof Calorimeter Constant
Volume of hot water = 50 mL
Volume of cool water = 50 mL
Temperature of hot water = 400C
Temperature change
Minute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Temperature (0C) 34 34 33,5 33,5 33 32 32 32

2. Determination Heat of Dissolution Integral of CuSO4.5H2O

Mass of CuSO4.5H2O= 2,5 gram
Volume of water = 50 mL
Temperature change
Minute 1 2 3 4 5

Temperature (0C) 25 25 25 25 25

3. Determination Heat of the Dissolution Integral of CuSO4 anhydrous

Mass of CuSO4 = 2,5 gram
Volume of water = 50 mL
Minute 1 2 3 4 5

Temperature (0C) 23 23,5 24 24 24

1. Penentuan Tetapan Kalorimeter
Dik: Vair dingin = 50 mL
Vair panas = 50 mL
Tair panas = 40 oC = 313 K
Tair dingin = 28 oC = 301 K
Tcampuran = 33 oC = 306 K
Dit : K……?
Peny :
m air panas (m2) = ρ x V
= 1 g/mL x 50 mL
= 50 gram
m air dingin (m1) = ρ x V
= 1 g/mL x 50 mL
= 50 gram
m 2 c ( T 2−Tc )−m1 c ( Tc−T 1 )

50 gramx 4,2 (313−306 ) K−50 gramx 4,2 ( 306−301 ) K
gK gK
306 K−301 K

1470 J −1050 J

420 J

= 84 J/K

2. Penentuan Kalor Pelarutan Integral CuSO4.5H2O

Dik: Tair dingin = 28 oC = 301 K
Tcampuran = 25 oC = 298 K
Vair = 50 mL
ρair = 1 gram/mL
Mr CuSO4.5H2O = 246 gram/mol
m CuSO4.5H2O = 2,5 gram
Dit : DH1 CuSO4.5H2O……?
Peny :
massa 2,5 gram
= =0,01 mol
n CuSO4.5H2O = Mr gram
Kalor yang diserap calorimeter (Q1)
Q1 = K x DT
= 84 J/K x 3 K
= 252 J/K
Kalor yang diserap air (Q2)
Q2 = m c DT
= 50 gram x 4,2 J/g.K (3)
= 630 J
Kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4.5H2O (DH1)
Q 1+Q 2
nCuSO 4.5 H 2O
252+ 630
¿ =88200 kJ /mol
0,01 mol

3. Penentuan Kalor Pelarutan Integral CuSO4 anhidrat

Dik : Tair dingin = 28 oC = 302 K

Tcampuran = 23,7 oC = 296,7 K
Vair = 50 mL
ρair = 1 gram/mL
Mr CuSO4 = 161 gram/mol
m CuSO4.5H2O = 2,5 gram
Dit : DH1 CuSO4 anhidrat……?
Peny :
massa 2,5 gram
= =0,02 mol
n CuSO4 = Mr gram
Kalor yang diserap calorimeter (Q1)
Q1 = K x DT
= 84 J/K x 4,3 K
= 361,2 J
= 0,3612 kJ
Kalor yang diserap air (Q2)
Q2 = m c DT
= 50 gram x 4,2 J/g.K (4,3 K)
= 903 J
= 0,903 kJ
Kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4 anhidrat (DH2)
Q 1+Q2
DH2 =
nCuSO 4
( 0,3612+ 0,903 ) kJ
0,02 mol
¿ 63,21
Grafik penentuan tetapan calorimeter:

0 1 2 3 4 5

Grafik penentuan kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4.5H2O

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

Grafik pelarutan integral CuSO4 anhidrat







0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

1. Penetapan tetapan kalorimeter
Kalor biasanya dilambangkan dengan q atau Q, merupakan salah satu
bentuk energiyang dapat dipertukarkan oleh sistem dan lingkungan karena adanya
perbedaan suhu. Dimana Q bernilai positif apabila sistem menerima kalor dari
lingkungan. Sebaliknya, Q bernilai negative apabila sistem melepaskan kalor ke
lingkungan (Rohman & Sri, 2004 : 41).
Kalorimeter adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah
percobaan kalor dalam suatu reaksi kimia.Tetapan kalorimeter harus diketahui
nilainya karena komponen-komponen alat kalorimeter misalnya termometer,
batang pengaduk atau bahkan kalorimeter itu sendiri dapat menyerap kalor yang
besarnya tidak dapat terukur.Kalor pelarutan integral adalah kalor yang dilepaskan
atau diserap ketika satu mol zat dilarutkan dalam n mol pelarut.Fungsi kalorimeter
adalah sebagai alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah kalor yang terlibat
dalam suatu perubahan atau reaski kimia.
Percobaan penentuan kalor reaksi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kalor
pelarutan integral CuSO4 dan CuSO4.5H2O dengan menggunakan kalorimeter
sederhana. Adapun prinsip dasar dari percobaan ini adalah menentukan kalor yang
dilepas atau diserap dengan sistem terisolasi.Sedangkan prinsip kerjanya yaitu
penimbangan, pengadukan, pemanasan, pencampuran dan pengukuran suhu. Hal
pertama yang dilakukan dalam percobaan ini adalah mengukur suhu air dingin di
dalam kalorimeter. Suhu ini merupakan T1 (suhu awal air dingin) dengan nilai
sebesar 28oC.Sedangkan suhu air panas (T2) sebesar 40oC. Air panas dan air
dingin saling direaksikan di dalam kalorimeter dan diukur suhunya tiap 30 detik
sambil aduk hingga diperoleh 8 kali pembacaan suhu konstan. Suhu konstan perlu
ditentukan untuk memudahkan dalam perhitungan harga kalor yang diserap atau
dilepas karena jika suhunya tidak konstan maka sulit untuk menentukan suhu
mana yang akan digunakan dalam perhitungan. Suhu setelah bercampurnya air
dingin dan air panas dikenal dengan istilah suhu campuran (Tc) dengan nilai
sebesar 33oC.

Suhu campuran ini menandakan adanya serah-terima kalor dalam

kalorimeter yakni air panas melepaskan kalor sedangkan air dingin menerima
kalor. Sehingga suhu campuranya lebih kecil dari suhu air panas dan lebih besar
dari suhu air dingin. Prinsip dasar ini dikenal dengan istilah Azas Black yakni
besarnya kalor yang dilepaskan oleh air panas sama besar dengan kalor yang
diserap oleh air dingin. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh nilai tetapan
calorimeter sebesar 84 J/K. ini menandakan bahwa kalorimeter menerima kalor
sebesar 84 J/K untuk menaikkan suhu sebesar 1oC.
2. Penentuan kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4.5H2O dan CuSO4 anhidrat
Kalor pelarutan integral adalah banyaknya kalor yang dilepaskan atau
diserap ketika 1 mol zat dilarutkan dalam n mol pelarut. Pada percobaan ini
pelarut yang digunakan adalah air sedangkan zat terlarutnya adalah Kristal
CuSO4.5H2O. Kristal CuSO4.5H2O yang telah ditimbang dihaluskan terlebih
dahulu dengan menggunakan mortal dan lumpang. Tujuan penggerusan ini yakni
agar kristal CuSO4.5H2O mudah larut dalam air hanya dengan pengadukan secara
kontinu. Suhu awal air dingin sebelum penambahan kristal CuSO 4.5H2O sebesar
28oC sedangkan setelah penambahan CuSO4.5H2O, selain itu, yang perlu
diperhatikan adalah larutan harus terus diaduk dalam kalorimeter agar semua
Kristal larut dan tidak mengendap. suhu campurannya tetap menjadi 25oC. Hal ini
menandakan kristal CuSO4.5H2O larut dalam air yang mengakibatkan naik atau
turunnya suhu campuran.

Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui besarnya kalor pelarutan integral untuk

CuSO4.5H2O yakni 88,200 kJ/mol,karena larutannya cukup encer untuk
CuSO4.5H2O dan pengadukannya dikalorimeter yang tidak terlalu kuat dan
ukurannya saat penggerusan tidak terlalu halus sehingga CuSO 4.5H2O yang
bereaksi dengan air sedikit sehingga ∆H = 88200 Hal ini berarti reaksi yang
berlangsung menyerap maupun menerima kalor karena kalor yang diperoleh
bernilai positif.
Nilai kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4 anhidrat dapat diketahui melalui
langkah yang sama dalam penentuan kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4.5H2O. Dari
hasil percobaan diperoleh suhu air dingin mula-mula sebesar 28oC sedangkan
setelah penambhan CuSO4 anhidrat, suhu campurannya menjadi 23,7oC.
Perubahan suhu untuk CuSO4 anhidrat lebih besar daripada perubahan
suhu CuSO4.5H2O yakni 3oC untuk CuSO4 anhidrat dan 4,3oC untuk
CuSO4.5H2O.Hasil ini menandakan CuSO4 anhidrat memiliki kelarutan yang
tinggi dalam air karena belum mengikat air sehingga mudah larut. Sedangkan
CuSO4.5H2O agak susah larut dalam air bahkan tidak larut karena molekul-
molekulnya kasar akibat mengikat H2O sehingga perlu digerus terlebih dahulu
unutk memperhalus serbuknya.

Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh kalor pelarutan integral CuSO4

anhidrat sebesar63,21 kJ /mol. Hasil ini lebih besar dari kalor pelarutan integral
CuSO4.5H2O yakni hanya 88,200 kJ/mol. Hal ini disebabkan CuSO4.5H2O telah
mengikat 5 ligan H2O sehingga membutuhkan energi yang lebih sedikit untuk
berikatan dengan air dibandingkan CuSO4 anhidrat.
Adapau reaksi kimia yang terjadi:
CuSO4 + 5H2O CuSO4.5H2O
Dari hasil ∆ H CuSO4, ∆ H air dan ∆ H CuSO4.5H2O diperoleh perubahan entalpi
standar sebesar 63,21kJ/mol. Hasil ini menandakan bahwa terjadi reaksi endoterm
yakni menyerap kalor dari lingkungan sebesar 63,21kJ/mol.
Heat is integral dissolving CuSO 4 is 63,21 KJ / mol and dissolving integral
heat CuSO4. 5H2O is 88,200kJ/mol.

1. For further practicum, when stirring in the calorimeter should be regular
and strong so that the observations are not mistaken.
2. For further practicum, should be more careful and focus on when doing
lab for the results obtained there are mistakes that have an impact on the
observations wrong.

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