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School of computing and electrical engieering

Departement of computer science

Object oreinted project on online registrare system

Submitted day: 23/10/2006 submitted to: Mr. Asegahagne .E

Tiltle: bahir dar university online registrare system
Group members


1. ANTENEH YIMER.....................................................................0503068
2. ADERAW BELAY..............................................................0601953
3. ALEM AREGA.......................................................................0601959
4. ADISSU MELESE...........................................................0601951
5. ABERHAM FETENE......................................................0601946
6. AEMERE BAYLE...................................................................0601954

Anteneh yimer - facilitator :- usecase 1,2,3 and designer of sequence diagram and also most user
interfaces to the project.
Aderaw belay – scribe :- documentation of usecase 4,5 and designer of activity diagrams and user
interface for grade .
Alem arega – vice scribe :- documenter of usecase 6 and 7.
Addisu melese –editor :-edit the proposal and write the documentation for usecases 8 and 9.
Aberham fetene – leader :- cordinate the team and document usecase 10 and 11.
Aemere bayle – supporter :-supply the materials and documented usecase 12 and 13.
Akcnowledgment ......................................................................................................................................... iii
Vision............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Mission ......................................................................................................................................................... iv
Rules and regulation ..................................................................................................................................... v
Scope of the project ...................................................................................................................................... v
Objectives of the project............................................................................................................................... v
What is use case........................................................................................................................................... vi
use case diagram..................................................................................................................................... vii
Use case documentation ........................................................................................................................... viii
User interface for login ...............................................................................................................................xiv
Class model diagram ................................................................................................................................... xxi
Class collaboration ..................................................................................................................................... xxii
sequence diagram ..................................................................................................................................... xxiv
Sequence diagram.................................................................................................................................. xxv
State chart diagram................................................................................................................................... xxvi
Component diagram ............................................................................................................................... xxviii
Deployment diagram ................................................................................................................................ xxix

We would like to express our respect to our instructor Aegahagne.E for giving us
this chance to work our first project on what we want. The project concerned on
Bahir dar university online registrare system. And also we would like to say thanks
for peda and poly registrare adminsters and employees for giving us detail
information about the rigestrare system espetialy mr awoke. And also for all peoples
who contribute in this project we would like to say thank you.

The vision of the Bahir Dar University is to become one of the

ten premier research universities in Africa in 2025.


The mission of Bahir Dar University is to contribute

substantially for the nation and beyond through high quality
education, research and community service.
Rules and regulation
1. The semester total to be taken must not be less than 25 and greater than 30 ECTS
(CP). Unless special permission is obtained: or prescribed in the course catalog.

2. Any student is required to fill his correct information to a system at the time of

3. A student who want to register for attending a semester course must score above
2.00 GPA and he/ she should be clear from academicals punishment or legal

4. The form must be filled and signed in four copies and two copies should be
submitted to the registrars record office, one for the department and one for the
student him / herself.

5. All student who want to register for attending a semester course commitment
choose the appropriate (available) course, if the course is not available try to select
matching course unless the university is not responsible.

Scope of the project

In our project we include
1. Use case
2. User interface for use cases
3. Activity diagram, class model collaboration, sequence diagram, and also
deployment and component diagram.

Objectives of the project

1. Making registration system comfortable and quick by using computer based
system and reduces many types of wastage such as time and human power.
2. To speed up the process during registration and grading system.
3. To create smooth relationship between student and registration office.
What is use case
A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and
organize system requirements. The use case is made up of a set of possible
sequences of interactions between systems and users in a particular
environment and related to a particular goal. The use case contains all
system activities that have significance to the users and can be thought of
as a collection of possible scenarios related to a particular goal.
 Properties of use cases

Name:-it is the name of the use case.

Actors:- An actor is a type of user that interacts with the system.
Brief Description:-The brief description of the use case should reflect its purpose.
Precondition: - it is the state of the system and its environment that is required
before the use case can be started.
Post-Condition:- it is the states the system can be in after the use case
has ended.
 List of actors we have
registrar Clark
 list of use cases
1. login
2. register
3. update student
4. retrieve student
5. delete student
6. add course
7. drop course
8. approve course
9. view grade graduation
11.supp course
12.registration slip
13.grade report

use case diagram



delete student

add course

approve course

retrive student advisor


register student

update student

drope course

registral clark

view grade

supp course

post graduation

registration slip

grade report
Use case documentation
Use case name: login
Actor: student, advisor, registrar Clark
Description: all the actors must to login first before using the system
Precondition: the person who login must have user name and password
Post condition: actor access the system
Basic course of action:
1. open the browser
2. click on the log in button
3. enter username and password
4. click on login

Use case name: register

Actor: student
Description: student to register for course and other must register first
Precondition: student must login to the system
Post condition: student receive registration slip
Basic course of action:
1. student log in to the system
2. student enter his detail
3. student select available course
4. check availability of course
5. click on submit button
6. student receive registration slip
7. student logout

Use case name: update student

Actor: registrar Clark
Description: in some case student data may be changed so it update student
Precondition: student must be registerd and registrar Clark must login first
Post condition: student data will update
Basic course of action:
1. registrar Clark login to the system
2. check the student is registerd
3. retrieve the student data
4. update necessary detail
5. logout from the system
Use case name: delete student
Actor: registrar Clark
Description: in dismissal of student data may be needed to delete
Precondition: student must be registerd and registrar Clark must login first
Post condition: student data will delete
Basic course of action:
1. registrar Clark login to the system
2. check the student is registerd
3. retrieve the student data
4. delete all the student detail
5. logout from the system

Use case name: retrieve student

Actor: registrar Clark, advisor
Description: student data may be needed so it retrieves from the system
Precondition: student must be registered and registrar Clark must login first
Post condition: student data will retrieve
Basic course of action:
1. registrar Clark login to the system
2. check the student is registered
3. retrieve the student data
4. use the data for the necessary purpose
5. close retrieved data
6. logout from the system

Use case name: add course

Actor: student, advisor
Description: student add course that he want to take that are available
Precondition: student must fulfill prerequisite for each course’s
Post condition: student will add the selected available course to its registration
Basic course of action:
1. browse student page
2. student login to the system
3. student fill his information to the system
4. student select course
5. system check the availability of the course
6. student click on submit
7. system return course form
8. logout from the system

Use case name: drop course

Actor: student, advisor
Description: student drop course that he doesn’t want to take or that are not
Precondition: student first need to add course add the selected
Post condition: student will drop unwanted course from its registration
Basic course of action:
1. browse student page
2. student login to the system
3. student fill his information to the system
4. student select course that he want to drop
5. system check the validity of the course
6. student click on submit
7. system drop the course form the list
8. student logout from the system
Use case name: approve course
Actor: advisor
Description: advisor need to give advice to student when they add/drop course
Precondition: advisor gives advice only to his student that he assigned
Post condition: students get advice hoe to drop/add course
Basic course of action:
1. browse student page
2. student login to the system
3. student fill his information to the system
4. student get advice from the advisor
5. logout from the system

Use case name: view grade

Actor: student
Description: the overall result of the student see other he or she complete the
tasks that given by his or her instructor.
Precondition: student must attend and must get marks from instructor and the
registrar must set student grade.
Post condition: student view his or her grade
Basic course of action:
1. Browse student page
2. Student login to the system
3. Student fill his information to the system
4. Student view grade from the system
5. Student logout from the system
Use case name: supp course
Actor: student
Description: the supportive course that tell students take in addition to the
common course to strength the common course.
Precondition: student must register to take those supp courses.
Post condition: student get supp course and student sign to take those courses.
Basic course of action:
1. Browse student page
2. Student login to the system
3. Student fill his information to the system
4. Student select supp courses
5. System check validity of courses
6. Student click submit
7. Logout to the system

Use case name: post graduation

Actor: student, registrar clerk
Description: the student studying for higher degree
Precondition: the student must report to registrar clerk before teaching learning
process begins.
Post condition: registrar clerk give announcement to the student then student
begin his school.
Basic course of action:
1. Browse student page
2. Student login to the system
3. Student fill his information to the system
4. System check student information
5. Logout to the system
Use case name: registration slip
Actor: registrar clerk
Description: paper which registrar clerk made and give for advisor and student
and registrar itself.
Precondition: registrar must prepare registration slip
Post condition: registrar clerk give registration slip to student
Basic course of action:
1. Browse student page
2. Registrar clerk login to the system
3. Registrar clerk fill his information to the system
4. Registrar clerk cheeks students registered
5. System check information is valid
6. Logout to the system
Use case name: grade report
Actor: registrar clerk
Description: the report that the student receive from the main registrar within a
given period of time
Precondition: registrar clerk must prepare grade report
Post condition: student takes or receives grade report from main registrar
Basic course of action:
1. Browse student page
2. Registrar login to system
3. System check student grade
4. Registrar submit to the system
5. Logout to from the system
User interface for login


Bahir dar unversity online registration


User name


login cancel

 User interface for login error massage


Invalid information
 User interface for student information

Student information

Browse photo
Student information



school Select school

departement Select departement

year Select year

semester Select semester

browse cancel

submit cancel

 User interface for error massage


Student detail can not be accessed

 User interface for course detail

Course detail

Select course
Selected course



Data structure

Technical writing
submit cancel


Check avelliblity

 User interface for error massage


Selected course is not valid

 User interface for registration success

Registration success

 User interface for registration not complete

Not complete

Registration not success

 User interface for seminar registration
Seminar registration

Seminar registration

Full name


departement Select departement

year Select year

Select semeter


Credit type Select credit type

submit cancel

 User interface for error massage


Sorry end of seminar registration

 User interface for view grade

View grade

faculty Select faculty

Select curriculum category Select curriculum category

Student id

Admission year Select year

Your mother’s first name

Your mother father name

Show grade status cancel

 User interface for error massage


Invalid information
 User interface for supp course
Supp course

Supplementary course

Technical writing



submit cancle

 User interface for error message


Invalid course choise

Class model diagram
Class collaboration
sequence diagram

5.1 sequence diagram for enroll in seminar

Sequence diagram
State chart diagram
 State chart for add and drop course
 State chart for grade
Component diagram


seminar management

student administration<<application>> seminar

persiatance <<infarastructure>>



In the figure above presents an example of uml component diagram for the student adminstration
Deployment diagram

app server:sun

* student
cliant browser persistance

student administration
univesity DB


In this figure sterio type indicate that the connection between the browser and the application
server usese the internet standard http protocol and that is java remote method invocation
(RMI) protocol uis used accros the connection betwen the aplication sever and the data server .

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