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Assignment on

Cloud Computing Example in Farming



Submitted to:
Tanjea Ane

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural Univrersity, Gazipur-1706

Submitted by:

Name : Shakil Hasan

Reg. No : 5604

Name : Nure Nourin Srrabony

Reg. No : 5608

Name : Fahmida Mustary Bushra

Reg. No : 5616

Name : Md Rifaqat Islam Rihat

Reg. No : 5630
Cloud Computing Example in Farming
The cloud is a remote server or powerful computer that can be accessed from anywhere in the
world via the Internet.Computing is any branch of technology that can be used to compute,
construct, diagnose and solve problems, mathematical or logical analysis.Cloud computing is the
process of receiving certain benefits or services worldwide through the Internet or web
connection.That is, cloud computing is an Internet-based computing system that maintains and
controls data using the Internet and a central server.Cloud computing is a concerted effort to
achieve common goals.In 2010 The Rackspace Cloud and NASA began using the free
application programming interface.

Now a days cloud computing is being used in farming sectors in various countries like
USA,Japan,China,Korea,India and other reign of Africa and Asia. Using cloud computing in
farming is such an wonderful way to develop the agricultural system of a country.There are
several examples of cloud computing in firming. Some of them given here:

Anyone can use agricultural informations for their farming from anywhere of the world through
internet.Farmers can also share their problems and get helps from cloud computing.

Farmers can directly sell their commodities in internet by using cloud computing.By doing so,
they can also save the money which is being taken by the middlemen.

Farmers can easily collect crop related informations, weather informations, soil informations and
cultivation related informations without any cost through cloud computing.

Farmers can use different software for agriculture such as, Forecast and measure profits, Develop
crop plans,Track and measure field activities,Accounting,Crop management,Livestock
management,Labor management,Track and monitor field workers progress etc. from cloud

A farmer can maintain local and global communication with other farmers using cloud
computing. Cloud computing provides an enhance security of the resources as the resources will
be stored in cloud and will maintained centrally.

In recent years, agricultural companies have been harnessing the power of the cloud to create
solutions. For example, farm equipment manufacturer John Deere developed Operations Center,
cloud-based software that tracks and monitors the performance of farm vehicles for faster and
improved troubleshooting. California startup Farmers Business Network created a system that
benchmarks participating farmers' yields against others. The system, built on top of Amazon
Web Services, Amazon's cloud computing platform, also provides insight into market prices for
seeds and chemicals, giving farmers more buying power.

The cloud is taking over in other areas of the world, too. Beneath the Clapham Common tube
station in London are underground tunnels converted into urban farms by Growing Underground,

a British farming startup. They use hydroponics, a method that employs low-energy LED lights
instead of soil to grow plants. Sensors monitor the LEDs, temperatures, humidity, and other
elements within the tunnels and send their data to the cloud, which alerts the Growing
Underground team of any problems.

Meanwhile, farmers themselves are getting hands-on with the cloud. Land O'Lakes, a farming
cooperative based in Minnesota best known for its dairy products, is using Google's cloud
platform because of its integration with Google Maps. Farmers can then visualize their fields on
the map and pinpoint exact areas that need more fertilizer or water. By providing decision
support and automation, these cloud-based solutions help solve agricultural problems and
increase the efficiency and productivity of farms.

In Bangladesh there is a government portal named “Agricultural Information Service” which

provides lots of information to the farmers.Farmers can get information about weather,procedure
of cultivation,irrigation,pesticides,modern farming technology.Moreover they can get help in

If the service providers cannot maintain the security of the data and informations, many private
and sensitive data will be published to other countries. Another concer of using cloud computing
in farming is it demands high bandwith internet connection. Most of our farmers don’t have high
bandwith internet connection. So government should ensure the Internet connection for our
farmers so that the can use the best of cloud computing in farming.

Farmers may also feel difficulty in using these technologies. But if they get proper guidelines,
they can adapt with cloud computing and can learn how to use it.

Despite the long list of helpful applications, cloud adoption in agriculture can run into
bottlenecks because of multiple reasons. Firstly, cloud services are free from political
boundaries, which means that different cyber laws from various countries can cause problems.
Other challenges also exist in the form of security of services and data, though this can be
tackled by choosing a reputed cloud service provider in the market. A prerequisite for making the
best use of cloud computing abilities is the high-speed internet connection. A slow-running
internet or when the cloud servers are backed up for the moment, the instant access to cloud
functionalities might not be possible.

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