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10 Dead Man's Money Dead Man's Money u The young man (Bring his things 's dead. An accident ) ( to us later today Inthe rain. I's a : dangerous road, Ar The next morning, a police car arrives atthe Blue Lake Cabins. The policemen tel Wilma about Edie. Prive ts cal Doser out cos ae Ez > f | WOK, but it’ ther y went lars 3 eek. That's OK. | got $200 for my story! ‘Wilma goes to Eddie's cabin, She puts his things in his bag 2 \ Money! Lots of it CAS) nD 2 Dead Man's Money Dead Man's Money B Later that day, ima gots readly to take Eddie's things to the police, is some of the bank money in Mr Collins’ cabin? — =a What are ‘Can | come in? fou looking for? | need to look « for something, a | Ls T must fing the money before Me Dexter takes it 4 Dead Man's ‘Wilma cart sleep, She goes for a walk by the ake, has got the money! What's na going | It's the money from the bank robbery. | But how do I get i? Money Three thousand dollars! Do | take it tothe police? (Or toll Wilma Pinch? Dead Man's Money 5 Tn diferent town, Joe and Blanche are Istening to the news, Itis abouta car accident near the Blue Lake Cabins. police are trying to find out about the dead man. His name is Edward Collins. He is about twenty years old, tall with red hair Maybe the 16 Dead Man's Money Dead Man's Money Now is a ‘good time to Took for the That afternoon, Cal goes out onto the lake. = Mr Dexter is going to look for the money ‘when he gets back. | can take it later But wnat do | da about Mr Dexter? near the lake. A irs expensive. Fy ‘a young mat ‘with money! That's interesting “Fe Ye KA eA Spi sa! Is Dead May's Money Dead Man's Money 19 |/—wro is this man Dexter? rat aio ‘wma inc? Haye au, 7 ay: et ‘she has the money. S Ta! |) = LIT im Blanche, eo a PP viasve this is Joe, x | Hr St a 15 OK, come to BA tatkto dexter Je ; { roy cabin fr acing this evening _4 ‘Wilma knows about cars ‘and about car brakes, » Dead Man's Money Ts Gals cab, Oa = atte arabs Hon ‘hemoney al Sion. aoe sng se mong ‘about Eddie's share of a — - the money TP rias ne got? Its time to see. ", a ‘Wh — what money? Who is Eddie? ( ro yy > J) ‘ A uD) Three teusand Ww dota anu cong to ghe tious AW 7 9 Fina SS) Dead Man's Money 4 When Dexter ‘goes into town, there's going to be ‘an accident. Then | can taka the money. ‘We can be in the town by midnight.

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