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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


1. „Congratulations on getting engaged, Sue,‟ said Harry.

A. Harry congratulates Sue on her engagement.
B. Harry congratulated Sue on her engagement.
C. Harry is being congratulating Sue on her engagement.
D. Harry congratulating Sue on her engagement.

2. I had a difficult time last year with my health. For several months I ------------------ severe
headaches and nausea.
A. am suffering from
B. was suffering on
C. am suffered to
D. was suffering from

3 Which is the correct sentence?

A. I‟ll have your trousers press immediately, sir.
B. I‟ll have your trousers presses immediately, sir.
C. I‟ll have your trousers pressed
immediately, sir.
D. I‟ll have your trousers pressing
immediately, sir.

4. Which is the correct sentence?

A. Taking exercise is known to be good for your
B. Taking exercise are known good for your
C. Taking exercise is knowing good for your
D. Taking exercise can be knowing good for your

5. We are ------------------------ our next-door neighbours.

A. in very good terms with
B. in very good terms for
C. on very good terms with
D. on very good terms for

6. Dr. Gants ----------------------- as a conference speaker.

A. is much in demand
B. is many in demands
C. is much in demands
D. is many in demand

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


7 We would like to ------------------- the failure of our computer ordering system last week and --
------------- you that the system is now fully functional again.
A. apologize for – assured
B. apology for- assured
C. apologize for – assure
D. apologetic for – assure

8. All the missing papers ---------------------------.

A. have been successful accounted for
B. have been successfully accounted for
C. have been successfully account for
D. have been successfully accounting for

9. „You are not allowed to smoke in your room, Dick,‟ said his mother.
A. Dick‟s mother forbade him from smoking.
B. Dick‟s mother is forbidding him to smoking.
C. Dick‟s mother forbids him from smoking
D. Dick‟s mother is forbidden from smoking.

10 „I‟ll call off the football match if you don‟t behave,‟

the teacher said.
A. The teacher threatens to call off the
football match unless the children‟s
behavior improved.
B. The teacher threatened to call off the
football match unless the children‟s
behavior improved.
C. The teacher threatens to call off the
football match if the children‟s behavior
D. The teacher is threatened to call off the football match unless the children‟s behavior

11 It has been -------- that by the year 2050 some capital cities will be almost uninhabitable
because of the effects of air pollution.
A. objected
B. hoped
C. predicted
D. recommended

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


12 The books ______________________________ are very interesting.

A. which we have read them
B. we have read
C. which we read them
D. whose we have read

13 Which sentence is correct?

A. Students who is taking that courses always enjoy it.
B. The liquid is extracting by a compressed-air blast.
C. Students who takes that courses always enjoys it.
D. The liquid is extracted by a compressed-air blast.

14 Which sentence is correct?

A. Science still doesn‟t find a cure for cancer yet.
B. Science still hasn‟t found a cure for cancer yet.
C. Science still haven‟t found a cure for cancer yet.
D. Science still hadn‟t found a cures for cancer

15 --------------------- my hands, I walked to the very

end of the high diving board.
A. To take my life in
B. Taken my life in
C. Taking my life in
D. Taken in my life in

16 Peter always trusts me with his secret. It means:

A. Peter always confides in me.
B. Peter always confided to me.
C. Peter always confident with me.
D. Peter always feel confident with me.

17 Tony panics ----------------- a crisis.

A. when faced with
B. when facing with
C. when face with
D. when faces with

18 I ----------------------------------- collecting stamps.

A. derived a lot of pleasure to
B. derived a lot of pleasure with
C. derive a lot of pleasure from
D. derive a lot of pleasure about

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


19 The storm --------------------------------------.

A. resulted in over fifty people being kill.
B. resulted in over fifty people to be killed.
C. resulted in over fifty people being killed.
D. resulted in over fifty people be killed.

20 All the soldiers ----------------------------------- winter equipment.

A. have been provided with
B. have been providing with
C. have been provided to
D. have been providing of

21 I‟m sure Tom won‟t ----------------------------------- the baby.

A. mind to take care of
B. object to taking care of
C. agree with take care of
D. excited to take care of

22. We -------------- that the goods ordered will ----------

-- by two or three working days.
A. anticipate – be delay
B. anticipate – be delayed
C. estimate – be delaying
D. estimated – be delayed

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


Hotel Work :
One Month Training Course

Suitable young men and women are invited to apply for places on the one month training course
on hotel work organized by the Hong Kong Institute of hotel Management. Tuition is free of change and
students who successfully complete the course will be offered employment in the Colony‟s leading hotels.
The Training Course will take place from Monday 21st July to Friday 22 nd August, from 9 a.m. to
4.30 p.m. daily, except Saturdays and Sundays.
Applications for places on the course are welcome for students now in their third year at
secondary school, who have good knowledge of English, and have interest in hotel work.

Application forms may be obtained from:

The Hong Kong Institute of Management,
Box 948,
The South China Times.

The closing date for applications is April 29th

23. Those who successfully complete the course will be

given …

(A) free tuition

(B) a further training course
(C) jobs in big hotels in the colony
(D) a chance to stay in the colony‟s leading hotels for
one month

24. What requirement is needed by an applicant to

apply for the hotel work training?

(A) Able to speak mandarin.

(B) Secondary school graduate.
(C) Good knowledge of English.
(D) Reputable university graduate.

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


The following text is for question 25 to 27

Animal testing is a deeply divided subject, with a great deal of passion, emotion, and ideas on
both sides regarding the ethic of the practice. Some individuals support animal testing and some others
oppose its use.
The scientific community is strongly in favour in animal testing. The medical breakthroughs that
have occurred as a result of animal testing are considered reason enough to continue the practice, With the
aim of reducing human suffering and saving human lives. Animal testing aids researches in finding drugs
and treatments to improve health and medicine. Many medical treatments have been made possible by
animal testing, including cancer and HIV drugs, insulin, antibiotics, vaccines, and many more.
Animal testing also helps to ensure the safety of drugs and many other substances humans use or are
exposed to regularly. Scientists typically use animals for testing purpose because they are considered
similar to humans.
The contra on the issue of animal testing is that countless animals are experimented on and then
killed after their use. Others are injured and will still live the rest of their lives in captivity. Many of these
animals received tests for substances that will never actually be used for public consumption and use.
Animal testing generally costs an enormous amount of money as the animals must be fed, housed , cared
for and treated with drugs or experimental substances .The price of the animals themselves must also be
factored into equation.
As result of the controversy, regulation and
laws should be enforced. At the very least, Animal
suffering should be minimized and that animals should be
respected during their care. IF animal is to continue, Animals
must be abused.

25. Which of the following is the reason why scientists use

animals for testing?

(A) Animals are the same as humans.

(B) Animals and humans are regarded be a like.
(C) Animals can reduce human suffering.
(D) Medical treatments can be given to animals.

26. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ….

(A) the practice animal testing is intolerable.
(B) animals need to be fed, housed, and cared for.
(C) drugs and experimental substances are useless.
(D) animal testing costs enormous amount of money.

27. From the text above, We can conclude that ….

(A) medical experiments should be limited.
(B) pet lovers are in favor in animal testing
(C) animal testing is against the laws and regulations
(D) vaccines used today have been tested on animals

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


Question 28 to 30: complete the following text with the words provided

Now she came to me and was reluctant to help me when I got in trouble. She would always calm
me when I was angry; she would always come back helping me; she would always get me a glass of water
when I (28) …. In nightmares; she would always cheer me up when I cried helpless; she would never let
me carry (29) …. Than I could hold. But why? Why did she do that? She would always comfort me when
my parents fought.
„Honey, do you want a glass of water?‟‟ Anna asked me, pulling my bed-sheet (30) … to my neck,
with a glass of water in her right hand. I got up and saw her white face in the dim moonlight.

28 (A) lift up
(B) picked up
(C) brought up
(D) woke up

29 (A) opportunities
(B) burden
(C) chances
(D) prospect

30 (A) close
(B) deep
(C) beyond
(D) narrow

31 Arrange these sentences below into a good order.

Here is how to polish shoes to shine.
1. Wipe off dust with a damp cloth. Place some polish
on a rubbing instrument.
2. Apply polish in a small, circular movements to
evenly cover each shoe.
3. When the polish is “gone”, spray each shoe until it is covered with tiny water droplet and then
polish dry.
4. Finally repeat Steps 2 through until you reach the level of shine you want or need.
5. Make sure that polish reaches the inside of the creases of each shoe (if they have any).
6. Let the polish “go off” on each shoe (preferably in the sun or near a warm heater) for 2 to 3

(A) 1-2-6-5-3-4
(B) 1-2-3-4-5-6
(C) 1-2-3-5-4-6
(D) 1-2-5-3-6-4

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


The following text is for questions number 32 to 35.

One summer day, two men were walking. Soon it became too hot to go any further. Then, seeing a
large tree nearby, they threw themselves on the ground to rest in its shade..
Gazing up into the branches one man said to the other. “What a useless three this is. It does not
have fruit or nuts that we can eat and we cannot even use its
wood for anything.”
“Don‟t be so ungrateful,” rustled the tree in
reply. “I am being extremely useful to you at this moment,
shielding you from the hot sun. And you call me a good-
for-nothing!”. Then the gentle winds blew and made the
travelles fall asleep.

32 What was the day like according to the story?

(A) Rather cloudy

(B) Very warm
(C) Cool enough
(D) Very hot

33 The men had to stop under the tree because ….

(A) the tree was so useless

(B) they were ungrateful
(C) it was too hot to go futher
(D) they were fallen asleep

34 “Don‟t be so ungrateful,” (paragraph 3)

What does the word “ungrateful” in the sentence mean?

(A) Very boastful

(B) Too attentive
(C) Really thankful
(D) Not appreciative

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


35 What can you learn from the story?

(A) All of God‟s creations have purposes.

(B) For all travelers, trees are useful for resting.
(C) Being a good for nothing is not very nice.
(D) We may not travel during the summer.

Read the text and answer questions 36 to 39.

Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people, they
have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous system for sensing the world
around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical
reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may
glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types
that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans
and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical
seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles.

36 Which one creates Jellyfish‟s light?

(A) White blood

(B) Nervous system
(C) Chemical reaction
(D) Salt water

37 Based on the text, we know that ….

(A) They belong to invertebrate animals.

(B) They have heads like other animals.
(C) Their brain helps them find the food.
(D) They cannot live in fresh water.

38 What is the text about?

(A) Jellyfish
(B) Kinds of all fish
(C) All invertebrate animals
(D) Some kinds of sea animals

39 “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light”. (paragraph 3)
The word “glow” in the sentences means ….

(A) move

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


(B) produce
(C) appear
(D) shine

The following text is for questions 40 to 40.

Ever wondered who Madame Tussauds was and how our wax figures are actually made?
Here's where we tell you all our secrets in Madam Tussauds Museum. We'll take you on a
journey, 200 years back in time when Marie Tussaud first opened the doors to her Baker Street
bazaar in London.
You'll get to explore her past and uncover the dark beginnings of the attraction. Our
interactive story tells the dramatic, and sometimes dark, story of Madame Tussaud's life and the
legacy she left behind, accompanied by authentic props from the Madame Tussauds archive.
You'll also learn what it takes to create one of our wax figures - explained by a celebrity
who's been made themselves. Every step of the process is explained; how we take the
measurements, our detailed sculpting process, the intricate moulding procedure, and the
painstaking finishing touches required to
complete a Madame Tussauds figure look so
You can feel actual celebrity hand casts and
then test everything that you have learnt in our touch
screen quiz. Before you leave, why not create your
own wax hand cast, for a very special and personal
Madame Tussauds memento? Come and visit

40 What is the purpose of the text?

A. Telling Madam Tussauds personal life.
B. Describing Madam Tussauds career.
C. Retelling Madam Tussauds' background.
D. Promoting Madam Tussauds Museum.

41 What kind of activities that you cannot do there?

A. Creating your own wax figure.
B. Seeing celebrity hand casts.
C. Learning the process to create wax figures.
D. Exploring the legacy of Madam Tussauds.

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


42 How many steps are needed to create a wax figure?

A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.

43 What is the best title for the text?

A. Let's Visit Madam Tussauds Museum.
B. How to Create Wax Figures.
C. Seeing Madam Tussauds.
D. Madam Tussauds' Life.

44 " . . . the painstaking finishing touches required to . . . "

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
A. serious
B. deadly
C. painfull
D. meticulous

The following text is for questions number 45 to 34.

Once a farmer owned a donkey and lapdog. The

donkey worked hard all day, hauling heavy loads. The
lapdog stayed with his master all day, and lived in the house
with him. He did not work, but was allowed to sit on the
master‟s lap. The donkey grew jealous of the lapdog.
Perhaps if I behave like the dog, like wag my tail
and jump on the master, the master will start loving me as
much as he does the dog. So the donkey decided to wait for his chance.
One day, when he was left unattended, the donkey broke his halter and ran into the farmhouse
kitchen. There the farmer sat at table. The donkey rushed up to him and began wagging his tail
vigorously, and knocked off all the china from table. He then started jumping around and frolicking like a
little dog and finally plonked himself down on the farmer‟s lap. The shocked farmer yelled for help. The
farmhands came running in and dragged the donkey off to his stable, and gave him a beating he did not
forget for the rest of his life.

45 What made the donkey jealous of the dog?

(A) The halter that he has to wear.

(B) The beating that he has.
(C) The farmer‟s care to the dog.
(D) The chance to stay inside the house.

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


46 What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

(A) The donkey wanted to be loved by its master.

(B) The way the farmer treated the donkey.
(C) The things done by the donkey to be loved.
(D) The dog‟s habit is liked by the master.

47 The best title for the text is?

(A) The farmer and his dog.

(B) The donkey and the lapdog.
(C) The farmer and the donkey.
(D) The dog and it‟s master.

48 What can we learn from the text?

(A) It is good to share things with others.

(B) It is not good to help others.
(C) It is not good to be envious to others.
(D) It is good to keep your promise.

The following text is for questions 49 to 50

Supply & demand : How market work

The two basic terms used most often by

economists are supply and demand. The amount of
something that is available-the supply-and the amount of
something that people want- the demand-make up a
working market. The market is the way in which an
economic activity is organized between buyers and
sellers through their behaviour and interaction with one
Buyers as a group, determine the overall demand
for a particular product at various prices. The interaction of buyers and sellers in the market helps to
determine the market price, thereby allocating scarce goods and services efficiently. The price is taken
into account when deciding how much of something to consume, and also how much to produce.
The relationship between price and quantity demanded is so universal that is called the law of
demand. This law states that with all else equal, when the price of goods rises, the quantity demanded
falls-and when the price falls, the quantity demanded rises. The supply curve provides the opposite
information: the higher the price, the higher the quantity supplied-and the lower the price, the lower the
quantity supplied.
A key function of the market is to find the equilibrium price when supply and demand are in
balance. At this price, the goods supplied are equal to what is being demanded thereby bringing about the
most efficient allocation of the goods. An efficient allocation of goods in a market is one in which no one
can be made better off unless someone else is made worse off.

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Bidang : Bahasa Inggris


49 According to law of demand, the quantity of consumption and production of goods is determined by

(A) the price

(B) the demand
(C) the supply
(D) the market
(E) the economy

50 Which of the followings statements is TRUE according to the text?

(A) Price and demands are basic terms in economics

(B) Buyers determine the demand for all kinds of product.
(C) Efficient and balanced market is determined only by price
(D) The relationship between price and quantity demanded is unique.
(E) The market price is determined by the interaction of buyers and sellers in the market.

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